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Dragons of Terra Firma

Dragons of Terra Firma


"We are not at war, but we are not at peace. We are alive, buy do not truly live. A time of great strife is upon us. Champions will rise, a Tyrant will fall and a Hero will be born in a time of Dragons." -Maximilian-Great Sage of Elysium

1,979 readers have visited Dragons of Terra Firma since Dalmar created it.


500 cycles ago a girl with extraordinary power was born within the kingdom of Volstack. Her birth was seen as the dawning of a new age in a war torn world. The Battle of the Gods had ripped the land asunder; it's mark left for all to see in the form of the abyss that was once the Ninth and neutral kingdom of Elysium. Two hundred thousand voices instantly silenced within the gaping maw. The child was given the name Lynova, she was loved and cherished; but humanity is often cruel. Five cycles passed and the little girl's life changed in a profound and terrifying way. Violet eyes, fair skin and raven black hair gave rise to rumors that she was the Goddess Selene made flesh. Perhaps the greatest compliment one could receive, but for her it was the prelude to ruin. The zealots attacked without warning and an innocent child saw her family murdered before her eyes.

Stripped from the world she knew and made into a symbol of war and conquest, the child was forced to be something she couldn't possibly understand. The mere mention of her name brought fear to peoples hearts and many died in her name. When she came of age she was the envy of all the women around her and had the eye of every man; she grew to despise the term goddess. Trained in the use the blade, she proved a gifted warrior, no longer a mere symbol, she reveled in her conquests on the battle field. With each battle, her view of the world grew increasingly cold and distant. The Age of the Warrior Goddess had begun.

According to legend Lynova has never known defeat. While this may be true from a battle standpoint, it is not entirely accurate. One might say her greatest defeat was at the hands of a young girl. During a battle in an outlaying village, she stood over the bodies of a handsome man and a woman of comely beauty. The couple had been fleeing when they were cut down in the heat of battle. Innocents died in war all the time, but there was something about these two she could not simply pass off as mere casualties. It is said, that as she stood over their bodies a young girl with Raven Black hair and Violet eyes appeared before her. The child, eyes filled with tears cried out for her parents. Dropping her sword, she fell to her knees, her lips echoing the words of the child. Memories flashed before her eyes. In an instant she was the young child now stricken with grief and fear. With an anguished cry she called out to them, but there came o answer. As the tears streamed down her face, the battle around her ceased and the Earth trembled. Fire began to erupt from the ground and strong wind spiraled the flames around her. The woman that emerged from the flames, was not the same woman, gone were the violet eyes that marked her as the goddess, the cold distant look had been replaced with pure, unfiltered, rage. Liquid pools of gold stared across the silent battlefield, none would escape her wrath.

With each battle her power grew, and with it the desire for more. With the fall of the King, she eliminated the royal blood line then declared herself Queen; no one opposed her. As Queen she amassed a great army and set about conquering the remaining seven. Within five cycles the land was united under one rule as the Kingdom of Etriny. Whether through magick or some other force, the Queen hasn't aged a day since she took the throne, she rules with an iron fist and has made certain no one will ever defy her.

The Child of Winter

25 cycles ago during the Winter Solstice an orphan child was found within a moonlit forest on the outskirts of Volstack, close to the Maw. During a leisurely hunting trip, Lynova, came upon the child and immediately set out to find the child's parents. All she confronted knew nothing of the boy or where his parents might be. Sensing no lies among them, the Queen decided to take the child in. The child was intriguing and she was certain he was quite gifted given his unique traits. Never before had she seen a child marked with the symbols of power. In many ways the child reminded her of the child she used to be many, many cycles ago. The beautiful boy's eyes and hair were as Silver as the moon, but when the Master Arcanist tested the child, she found him to be quite normal. There was no traceable ability; not even the slightest hint. Not wanting the child to be abandoned she decided to raise the child as her own, or at least she wanted to. Within two days she learned she was not fit to be a mother. Having no patience for the child, she had raised by a suitable woman within the royal court. Before handing the child over however, she bestowed a name upon him, a name of power and strength. His name would be Dalmar.

Dalmar grew up well in the royal court and displayed remarkable aptitude in all his studies. Despite his youth, he knew his way around the court and was proving quite the charmer. Outside the court was a different story. Often made fun of and sometimes avoided outright for his unusual looks, he felt like an outsider. To blend in, he tried covering up his features, but it only worked some of the time. Those that did not know him seemed to have an unnatural fear of him. The Child of Winter is an Ill Omen, was popular saying among the common folk.

In his tenth year he was taught the way of the sword, by the Master at Arms, Xantham. In many ways this man was like a father to the young lad and it is believed that Xantham saw him as a son as well. The Queen was also a big part of his life, often visiting him to check on his progress. Dalmar liked the Queen almost as much as his own mother Vanessa, she may even have been his first crush, but that's a secret of course. Another friend, one more his age, was the servant girl in training, Mirra. They often played together and were quite close, but time would teach them that different stations could only be friends and nothing more.

Vanessa, was a gentle, loving woman, but her time in this world was sadly a short one. It is unclear how she passed, but it was believed to be peaceful. Dalmar had just become an Apprentice Squire and was excited to tell his mother the news; the loss was a painful one. The Queen felt this loss as well. Vanessa had become a close friend, to honor her, she took Dalmar under her wing. Lynova raised him till he came of age. Dalmar was old enough not to try her patience... most of the time. When he came of age, he was sent to the Academy to continue his training and to learn the rules of war. His instructors found him a remarkable student and often times intimidating; they saw a bright future for him in the Queen's army.

Time at the Academy had turned him into very image of a warrior. No longer a youth, he'd been forged into a handsome young man. Dalmar was not the only one who had changed. Mirra, now the Queen's Aide, blossomed, a full rose in bloom. The young warrior could scarcely take his eyes off her, and she him. When he entered the royal court she was standing beside the Queen, sitting upon the throne with a beaming look of pride. The Queen hadn't aged a day and was as beautiful as ever. Before his thoughts became too muddled the ceremony began and he was knighted.

After the ceremony he greeted Commander Ivagio the man he'd be serving under as well as catch up on the news around the castle. The most shocking was Xantham's departure. Apparently he and the Queen didn't see eye to eye on many policies. His departure was sudden, the Queen receiving notification by courier; he has been labeled a traitor to the kingdom. The news did not sit well with him and he vowed to find his former master. Then there was Mirra. Both of their duties would push them further apart as would their stations. Their private meeting in the court yard garden, did not go well. Suffice it to say, it ended with harsh words from both parties with one never wanting to see the other ever again. Redheads can have such fiery tempers.

Under the command of the Commander of the Guard, Dalmar proved a valuable asset to the army. While his swordsmanship wasn't as strong as the Commander would have liked, his strategy was extraordinary. Strategy proved more valuable to the Queen then battle prowess resulting in his expedient rise through the ranks, surpassing his Commander, much to Ivagio's ire. The rumors of favoritism were whispered among the other knights, but none dare spoke up. With his rank, he was given command of a small group of knights; an experimental group of Arcanists trained to wield a blade, dubbed Shadow Knights.

As Captain of the Shadow Knights, Dalmar acts as the Queen's enforcer. Over the years the people of Etriny have forgotten Lynova's might, forgotten that their ancestors called her The Dark Queen. Under his command, the Shadow Knights would make the people remember. Taxes had been short, some lands not delivering any at all and there rumors of dissidents and rebellion. With each province they visited the will of the people was crushed. To the people of Etriny, Dalmar was no mere captain, each province was affected in a profound way and could not be attributed to coincidence. The Dark Lord, they called him; his infamy may even be greater than the Queen.

Not everyone sees him as The Dark Lord. There are some who see him as a man of justice and a liberator. One of the Queen's laws has forbidden slavery, in fact she despises it. One such incident happened in the capital city of Velmon. A young man had been gifted to a spoiled brat of a child. An up and coming apprentice of the arcane she treated the poor lad as a pet, a guinea pig for her magical studies. The young man suffered terribly under the little shrew. Dalmar's, punishment was to have the Shadow Knights perform their own experiments. The illusion was so powerful, the girl believed herself to be dog and was thoroughly humiliated. The affect was temporary, a mercy considering the state of the slave. Still it's said she hasn't shown her face to anyone since the incident. As for the slave traders, they were hunted down then publicly executed to serve as an example.

Over the years the Queen has been fairly lax, but her desire for power and conquest has not waned. With her new champion, a new age is coming. Destiny's call awaits the worthy. A tyrant will fall and a hero will rise; in the time of Dragons.

The Provinces (Each tied to an Element)

Volstack: The seat of the Queen's empire. Volstack is a mountainous, volcanic region most known for The Imperial City and it's Fire Falls. It is a lush land with lite forests, beautiful meadows and crystal clear lakes.

Alzeran: Situated between Volstack and Tonule, Alzeran is both a fertile land with sweeping meadows and murky marshlands and the home province of Lord Ivagio. The Kingdom City, is the only one still standing after the Queen's conquest and it is the only province that retains its ruler, though at a reduced capacity. So long as his talents prove useful to The Queen, the province will remain unmolested. The citizens of Alzeran are scholars, scribes and astronomers. It is said that the stars shine brightest on Alzeran. (Created by Makokam: Claimed by EikouNekoChan)

Tonule: Rolling hills, rocky crags and marshlands are home to not only the people of Tonule, but the reptilian Drakks as well. The Drakks rule the marshlands and are known to be quite hostile to invaders. The the people of Tonule live in a great city surrounded by a wall of remarkable make. Even the mighty Morvan with his titanic strength is unable to breach the walls. Secure in their safety, the people of Tonule seldom venture outside the city's walls. They've built a self sufficient society and have become quite confident: enough to defy the rule of The Dark Queen. (Claimed by NobodiesHiiro)

Tyr: A high mountainous region with impressive architecture and scenic vistas. The cities of Tyr are all connected through a network of tunnels built into the mountains and cliff faces. Much of Tyr is interior and is home to a people gifted with the voice of song. Said to soothe the savage beast and calm restless hearts the songs of the Bards and Songstresses are often seen as an Arcane ability. The people will tell you otherwise. According to them, their power comes from the Song of Tyr, a soothing melody that can be heard throughout the mountain. Unlike other provinces, the people of Tyr requested an envoy of The Queen visit them to help with a rather greedy Burgomaster. The Dark Lord made an example of the greedy meister then collected the tax. When he left however, the Song soon followed. (Claimed by unseenshadow2)

Jotun: A land of frozen Tundra and Glaciers, Jotun's people are a hardy lot known for their resilience to cold and great strength. Sometimes referred to as Barbarians by the more "civilized" citizens of the southern lands, the people of Jotun wear the title as a badge of honor. They are hunters and warriors with a strong sense of community and have great respect for The Queen and by extension, The Dark Lord. Since his visit however things have begun to change. The beasts of the Wilds have become more aggressive and a creature thought extinct has appeared in great numbers; a vile creature known as The Wyvern.

Velmon: A verdant forest region and home of the ancient religious order of Druids, Velmon, is a fertile land with many hidden villages within its dense foliage. Within the center of the forest is an open meadow and Central City. Home to Hunters, Artisans and the aforementioned Druids, Central City serves as a hub for the hidden villages. The people often keep to themselves, but they know better than to defy The Dark Queen. During The Dark Lord's visit, it was learned that the Slave trade was rather prosperous within the deep forest, but thanks to his visit it is no more. However, since the visit there has been a change in the forest. Strange plants have begun to appear and are sapping the life of trees around them. (Claimed by EikouNekoChan)

Krestmere: Most known for its glass like rice fields and the only way out to sea, Krestmere has a booming fishing industry and is famous for their seafood delicacies. The people are gruff, but peaceful and often take the job of farmer or fisherman. Three cycles ago they had trouble with pirates from a foreign land. When The Dark Lord investigated he found a formidable challenge, but was soon able to route the invaders. It is said that the defeat of the pirates was so complete that no one would dare try another invasion. Indeed it is impossible not just for other lands to invade, but for the people of Krestmere to leave the inner sea. A strange fog has rolled in and all attempts to navigate it lead back to port. This phenomena along with The Maw, have effectively imprisoned the people of Etriny.

Mystril: Known for its windmills, suspension bridges and a singular mountain peak, Mystril is built upon multiple plateaus, with scenic valleys and silver rivers below. Wind is everything to the people and they have harnessed its power to aide in their daily chores and routines. Wind powers the mills, wells and even the brewery in the ale house. Mystril is famous for it's ale and the people are quite friendly and welcoming of all who visit. Some have said they are the happiest people in all of Etriny; at least they were. When rumors of dissidents reached The Queen, she sent her enforcer to investigate. Indeed there was a small group planning a rebellion, but it was more the alcohol speaking rather than any real desire to act, laws are laws however, so they were dealt with; each received fifteen lashes. The people were happy that there wouldn't be a loss in their community, but the loss was greater than they could have imagined. Like The Dark Lord, the Wind is no longer present.

Additional Info
Arcanists: Able to wield Arcane (Magic) power. Arcane Power is the expression of ones will over the elements. This is done through concentration, knowledge, and for most, the spoken word. No one can be taught this power, only how to use it. One must have the gift and this age it is a rare gift indeed. There are three stages of growth; Apprentice, Master Apprentice and Master Arcanist. One can be found in the main city of each province. This is often the only way to receive true healing. For the more well off adventurer there are potions which grant a temporary fix; usually good enough until proper healing can be done.

Drakks: A Reptilian race incapable of speaking human tongue lead by a powerful leader name Morvan. Their tough scaly hide make it difficult for a blade to pierce their flesh, but it can be done with the right angle. They are strong and quite agile, but their leader is gifted with unnatural strengths and defenses.

As new things are revealed they will be added to this space.

Toggle Rules

One player per province for now.
Standard forum Role Play rules apply.
Please turn off signatures for IC posts.
Original Characters Only
Players will take on the role of Champions called by the Voice of Destiny. (The GM)
This Role Play will feature a GM based quest system. Gm Text will be in blue.
Succession System: One of the most disheartening things about Role Plays is watching them die due to inactivity. With the Succession System the aim is to prevent that from happening. If for whatever reason a player has to leave or players cease posting, new champions can take their place.
Puzzles: No adventure is complete without puzzles, from the simple to the complex, to those diabolical tear your hair out conundrums. There will be a variety of puzzles and riddles, especially in certain dungeons.
Character Development: An important part of any Role Play, character development improves the world in wonderful ways. The more we get to know our characters the more we'll want them to grow. May the journey with your character be a fruitful one.
Help Shape the World: In the sign-ups you will see a brief description of the eight provinces. Stake your claim then feel free to add to it. Does your character worship a certain deity? Perhaps there is a guild within the city or maybe it has a unique political system. Are there fantastic caves to explore with their own dangers? Have an idea for a minor enemy or perhaps you have your own puzzles in mind? Let the borders of your province be your canvas.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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The two spent the rest of the night observing the comet and taking notes- shape and size guesses as well as noting any changes in position. Mister Yamin was so caught up in the discovery of an unpredicted comet that shared the telescope with Hadyn for the rest of the night, provided he could help take notes. They discussed not only the technical aspects but what Hadyn thought it could mean astrologically. The older astronomer even encouraged her to include her interpretations as a small section of her report, for when the morning came, something so important would be reported directly to the director of astronomy.

As the sky began to show signs of lightening, the brunette stood and stared down at the sheets of paper on the desk covered in the fevered scribbles of discovery, some of which were in the older manโ€™s far more careful handwriting. She sifted through the sheets, making sure all of the information was there, that they hadnโ€™t left anything out.

โ€œIโ€™m sure you covered everything,โ€ The older man stood from where heโ€™d been sitting in the chair positioned at the viewing lens. He moved to her and started sorting through the books and papers on the desk as well, pulling out his own books and journal to put away.

โ€œThank you so much. I might have missed this if you hadnโ€™t allowed me the use of your scope,โ€ Hadyn thanked him as she compiled her papers into stacks according to relevancy.

โ€œAnd you wouldnโ€™t have shown up if it werenโ€™t for some phantom noise,โ€ He teased lightly. Both of them chuckled a bit at the joke, but Hadyn knew sheโ€™d heard something. She was thankful she had, because Mister Yamin had a good point. After all had been sorted out, Yamin walked her down the hall to the directorโ€™s office. He offered to see the director with her, as a witness to her discovery, though Hadyn insisted it was unnecessary.

Finally they reached the door; Hadyn took a breath and knocked firmly but politely upon the door. Luckily, they had not beaten the director there, as his voice called from behind the door for them to enter. Papers in hand, Hadyn peeked into the room for but a moment before holding the door open for her aged colleague.

โ€œGreetings, Miss Everett, Elder Yamin,โ€ The director greeted them from where he had small stove set up, the teapot atop it indicating he was preparing tea. The director looked a little younger than Mister Yamin(Elder was a formal term only the Director ever seemed to use), but his demeanor suggested greater age. Though she may have wondered how many cycles were under the directorโ€™s belt, she darenโ€™t ask.

โ€œGood morning, Director Janesca,โ€ She bowed slightly. Yamin bowed as well.

โ€œWhat can I do for you?โ€ Janesca crossed to his desk.

โ€œSir, young Everett has made a discovery!โ€ Yamin bragged with a smile on his face. Hadynโ€™s face stiffened a bit; the man was simply too kind.

โ€œOh?โ€ The director looked at Hadyn.

โ€œDirector, sir, Iโ€™ve spotted an unpredicted comet,โ€ She revealed.

โ€œAn unpredicted one? You found no mention of this comet in the archives?โ€

โ€œNot a one, sir. No mention of the comet, at least,โ€ She thought of the sign in the nebula. She then proceeded to answer all of the directorโ€™s questions regarding how she found the comet, where it was, and about the shape in the nebula. He seemed particularly intrigued by the journal sheโ€™d found the patternโ€™s mention in.

โ€œWith as little evidence as this, few would have continued to observe the cloud,โ€

โ€œI just felt drawn to it, I suppose,โ€ Hadyn admitted. โ€œIt has interesting astrological implications, too,โ€

โ€œYou do have a certain track record with astrological interpretationโ€ฆโ€ The director stated, his eyes on Hadynโ€™s report, which he was currently flipping through.

โ€œI suggested she include her interpretations in the report,โ€ Yamin pointed out.

โ€œI see it here, but perhaps Miss Everett would like to tell me herself,โ€ Hadyn stiffened a bit at Janescaโ€™s suggestion. But she swallowed her nerves and proceeded.

โ€œThe first, most obvious thing to point out is the comet itself; comets are usually interpreted as signs of immense change. Most documented comets are followed by events that trigger widespread change,โ€ Hadyn started.

โ€œThat is one of the more widely believed superstitions, yes,โ€ The director observed.

โ€œBut its position may give some clues as to the nature of this change. Itโ€™s positioned in the nebula that rests directly over the border between the Chasm and Volstack- directly between the constellations of Peregrinan and Psarus. This puts it between the domains of the Traveler and the Author. The Author is known to write not only its own history but to direct the life around it, and Peregrin is a cardinal sign. Both point to change as well.

The cometโ€™s location also tells us that the change will either pertain to the region itโ€™s over, or the change will occur within the region it is flying over. โ€œ Hadyn took in a breath then added, โ€œI was perplexed over it until the comet appeared, so Iโ€™m still mulling over it myself. The report is probably a bit more eloquent at the moment,โ€

โ€œOf course, youโ€™re probably tired. You two have been working through the night, after all. I had the luxury of arriving later that you two tonight,โ€ He gave a businesslike smile and continued, โ€œIโ€™ll have this to the Director of Research as soon as I can, whoโ€™ll pass it to Lord Ivagio when he returns from his business within the next couple of days,โ€

Hadynโ€™s eyes widened a bit with shock. She knew higher positions like the Director of Research reported directly to him, butโ€ฆ โ€œI didnโ€™t think this would be important enough to be passed so far up,โ€

โ€œA summary of all our research reaches his desk inevitably, but when we make a discovery usually the whole report is sent as well.โ€ He repeated his smile, โ€œYouโ€™ve done well, Miss. Everett. If you continue to do so, Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll be a true asset to this department and to Alzeran,โ€


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#, as written by Dalmar
Mirra left the Queen to rest as she herself pondered what had taken place. To see her so weak and aged was troubling, but not just for her friend's well being, but the kingdom as well. The Queen was often viewed as a goddess, an immortal being with limitless power, but if the people knew of her current state, it would breed doubt and with it the seeds of rebellion. Reaching her chambers she took at a seat on the edge of her four post bed. Closing her eyes she took in the scent of lilacs a flower she had in every corner of her tranquil domain. The scent and the sea of blue that surrounded her brought peace of mind and clarity of thought. Sitting with her legs crossed, hands resting upon her knees she began to use her greatest talent.

Mirra was blessed with the ability to breakdown information while in a meditative state. Everything she heard, saw and experienced were readily recalled, allowing her to assess the situation. This technique was a trait of the people of Jotun, who believe in mastering the mind and body. While she had never been properly trained in Jotun techniques, she was remarkably adept. As she went over the events in her mind, she also recalled childhood memories; things she both heard and saw. One of the memories brought a forgotten truth. The Queen was not Dalmar's mother. This might explain her lustful, perhaps even romantic feelings towards him. In truth Mirra could hardly blame her, Dalmar caught the eye of many women, why should her majesty be any different?

Despite her gift, Mirra was still at a loss. There were pieces of information missing. Why was Dalmar called The Child of Winter? Was it because of where he was born; and where was that exactly. The silver hair and eyes are traits not found among the citizens of The Etrinian Empire. An enigma is what came to mind when she thought of him, how could she love a man she didn't really know? Shaking her head she dismissed the thought. Someone had to know more, but in whom would The Queen have total confidence?

When she opened her eyes, the answer came to her. "Artimican."


Sitting in his study surrounded by tomes, the Great Sage put quill to ink, ink to page as he recorded all the latest reports that had come in, both by messenger and by scribe. History was his life's work and his true calling; and he knew it well. There were no questions beyond his ability to answer and if he didn't know the facts, he always had a thought as to why, when, where and how. Ask him how the world came to be and he'll spin you a tale of cosmic forces governed by greater forces, governed by a force greater then the sum of the lesser forces. The origin of man lies within the stars or more accurately the dust from stars. Such tales may seem flights of fancy, but who can say he is wrong and know it to be true? How does he know this, you may ask; to which he would reply, "The mind seeks answers. Through observation and thought, the mind reaches understanding and from that a fundamental truth."

When the sound of light rapping reached his ears, he set the quill down and granted entrance. "Come in Mirra, I've been expecting you."


While the people decided the governor's fate, Dalmar, took in the sights. His guide was a very eager arcanist named Vivian. The woman was full of questions, every little detail about him was on her mind. How he brought the walls down, why his eyes and hair were so unique, did he find her attractive, what was the queen like in person and on and on. The Dark Lord simply smiled and answered the questions he could. When those questions were answered; more would follow. Despite the eagerness of the woman, she was a good guide and showed many things that made Tonule unique, and with a keen sense, she knew when her questions began to wear on him. To give the man a breather she suggested a bite to eat at a local bakery.

It was in the bakery that he met a young man around his age; he recognized him as the one who was on the wall with a young lady before it fell. The man looked at him with fire in his eyes. Dalmar regarded him with a nod then approached. "The way you protected her, was knightly; the hatred in your eyes is not. I do however understand how you feel, but you must understand as well. What I do, I do for the good of the people."

Vivian tapped his shoulder. When he turned to see what she wanted this time, he was presented with a chunk of oddly smelling bread. "It's called Sour Dough."

"You sour your dough before baking it?" It was not an appealing thought, but if the people of Tonule ate it, then who was he to deny the gesture. Taking a bite, he slowly chewed the warm bread letting the flavor fill his senses. The taste was not at all what he expected. "It's... Good. It's very good; my compliments."

Vivian smiled. "Come sit with me." She led him outside to a cobblestone square with several table and chairs. Taking a seat she gestured to the seat across from her. Dalmar was happy to oblige. He could see it in her eyes; she had another question. "So, is it true what they say about soldiers and women of the provinces; that you have one in each?"

"Your are very forward."

"I prefer to think of my self as progressive."

"It's true; for some, but not for me. I am flattered, truly I am, but I will be sleeping alone tonight."

Vivian looked crest fallen, "She must be a remarkable woman."


"What's going on over there?"

Dalmar turned to see a crowd gathering, there appeared to be an argument in progress and if he wasn't mistaken the two involved were his former mentor and The Commander of the Queen's Knights. "I have to go take care of this." He said before taking his leave. "Everything was going so well."


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Descending to the center of the under took Adion a long time. He had only had a few fights with the denizens, most of them keeping their distance from the loud stepping down the halls.

Adion could stop thinking of the first fight, which was about halfway to where he was currently. The little, green creature charged him with what seemed to be a sword made of stone. It was far from sharp, and the little creature could barely hold it up, which made Adion all the more nervous. He wasn't threatened at all by the creature, which he had simply picked up and smashed against the wall. No, what caused the strange way that the creature came at him, eyes nearly lifeless and a mouth that seemed like all it wanted to do what eat flesh with a rabid hunger. And even more nerve racking was the constant sound of dripping water that never got closer or farther away. No matter how far along his path he was, it continued at the same volume.

Drip... Drip... Drip

After nearly an hour, Adion found his way to the source of the noise. It was water alright, but it glowed blue in the dark cave. And it dripped at a constant rate from the rock walls, almost like blood from a wound. Adion then reached out to touch the water's source. As soon as he could feel the stone through his fur, it seemed to heal at his touch. Adion then recoiled, falling back on his hind.

Rubbing his hind as he stood back up, Adion looked around. The dripping still rang through the caves, but the puddle near him was no longer there. Almost like the stone took it back. As Adion went to look back at where the stone once had a wound, he heard some small footsteps near him.

What Adion turned around to see was another of the creatures that attacked him. However, this one's eyes seemed to be full of life. As Adion stood back to prepare to defend himself, he noted that the stone where the water had been was now glowing blue. To that spot the creature ran, screaming "Noc sul das totie sol. Noc sul das totie sol!"

As the creature stood over the glowing stone, it kept repeating its sentence, "Noc sul das totie sol.", with tears shed at the end of its every repeat. Adion couldn't help but feel pity for the little green creature, as he feared that he may have taken something of import away from it. That was when its eyes suddenly shifted to the lifeless look, and its body took a feral pose as it charged him with its small stone sword being held up only by the creature's speed. With a swift kick to the face, Adion killed the creature.

Now only the sound of dripping water, its rhythm and volume never changing, remained to be heard. Adion stood there for maybe five minutes taking in the events that just unfolded. Now with his mind clear again, Adion decided that it would be best to forge onward.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos
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It was so dark and cold. So dark that not even the shining moon above could hope to penetrate the blanket of darkness from his vision. So cold that one cannot even feel their own bodies move. Cool smoke escapes from every breath, crystallizing into flakes of ice. The very ground he was standing on was covered with snow and ice while his surrounding were shrouded in shadow that soon played tricks with his mind's eye. Suddenly he was caught in the center of a raging inferno. Purple flames emerged and surrounded him; encasing him in a cage of fire. But strangely enough, there was no heat coming the flames only light. In fact it was cool as the gentle streams found in the forests; it never melted the ice and snow under his feet. It was so bright that the darkness surrounding him vanished, the moon turning into a bright sun and the shadows have crept back into their hiding places. From within the flames he could see a myriad of images; multiple visions of the future. A future of death, war, strife, deception, anguish, hope, triumph, sacrifice, and many more. He could not understand them and yet he felt something from these visions that he could not explain. He wondered what all this meant and then he heard a soft gentle melodious voice coming from everywhere around him. "It seems the schemes of the world herself have finally begun, Little Flame. You and a great many others are destined for greatness. Fated to lead the world into a new era of peace or to a time of cataclysmic madness. We...they...I have witnessed the power manifest into this world today after eons of waiting, of praying for the time of change to arrive. Little Flame, my sweet Little Flame, you are given the choice to choose a side in the conflicts to come. Will you fight for the Light, the idealists, the optimists, those of gentle souls and those of righteousness? Will you fight for the Dark, the pessimists, the deceivers, those of tainted hearts and those who blackened their spirits? Will you fight for the Gray, the pragmatists, the boundary, those who dirtied their hands for another and those who are not afraid to commit evil for good? Will you follow your own path, carved from your own bare hands and drenched in sacrifice? My Little Flame you are lucky to behold for destiny herself could not fathom the path you may take." The world slowly began to shift and soon slowly disappeared from his sight. The flames around him were slowly dying down. "It appears you are about to awaken. Make your choice carefully, my Little Flame. Follow your path, no matter what. We...they...I will be watching!" His vision blurs. Both light and darkness overtake his vision.


Hadrian abruptly sits up from his bed gasping for air. Sweat slowly trickled down his body as he took deep shuddering breaths to calm his beating heart. It was a dream but deep in his mind he knew it was no dream but a message. A message for him from an unknown. This slightly worried him for a mysterious being took an interest to things to come and he was a part of it. He shook his head and got out of bed. He noticed that his sister was no longer sleeping at his side but noticed a small piece of parchment with a Rose seal at her place instead. He took it showing him a short message written in his sister's elegant handwriting.

"Brother, forgive me for leaving you abruptly but a matter of grave importance has been called to my attention; thus, I must report to the palace. Nala wishes to speak with you, brother. I sent her to your private library where you can speak with her away from prying ears."

He nodded before using a minor manipulation of his power to burn the parchment to ash. Hadrian knew that whenever it involved Nala it always led to serious discussions. He quickly wore his armor and strapped his blade before walking out of his room. He made his way to his private library while his mind wandered about his subordinate. He remembered Nala when she was a young girl. An orphan who looked up to him as a role model of sorts. He remembered teaching her the basics of the sword and integrating her into his family and organization years later. It was a rough start at first but soon she rose through the ranks and obtained the honor of being a member of his personal guard. He came to care for her as time passed since he consider her as a trusted friend and soon he almost knew her inside and out; he didn't know, however, about Nala's love and admiration for him since she was young grew into so much more--Hadrian was clueless about this but the rest of the organization knew Nala's love for him but kept quiet about it.

His musing ended when he reached the entrance to his private library. Standing beside the silhouette of a door was a woman wearing a set of full plate armor with a similar design to Hadrian's armor. The only difference was the armor was a bit slimmer to fit her size and the roses were black and silver in color unlike Hadrian's. At her side strapped to a leather belt, very own claymore. She was a foot shorter than Hadrian, she has purple colored eyes that was rare within the estate, she has long silvery white hair that reaches her lower back, she has fair skin marred with numerous scars and the notable aspect about her was her right eye was covered by a black eye patch that resembles the rose symbol of the Obscura Rosa in full bloom.

Nala stood in attention as Hadrian approached her. He nodded to her in greeting which was returned with a small smile. He stood in front of the silhouette before he placed his palm on the center and channeled his power through the silhouette. The sound of locks clicking were heard from the other side and the door opened. Hadrian entered his private library which prompted Nala to follow close behind. Upon entering, the door closed behind her. She inspected the door which now bore the characteristics of a real door unlike the silhouette outside.

Hadrian's private library was filled with numerous bookshelves with books ranging from the basic knowledge people could gain access at the local libraries to forbidden tomes of lost and ancient arts. At the far end of the room stood a black wooden desk, two simple cushioned chairs for the guests and behind it a cushioned chair which resembles a padded velvet throne for his use. Behind these things was a large stained glass window, depicting the Angelos siblings, overlooking the forests surrounding the Angelos Estate. A fireplace could be seen at the center of the room and above it a hole for the fumes to escape whenever the pit was lit. Currently the fireplace isn't lit in order to cool the room with the air coming in the hole above it. Hadrian approached his chair and sat on it before gesturing Nala to take a seat. She took a seat before staring at Hadrian.

Silence permeated the entire room for a whole minute before it was broken by Nala's voice. "Lord Hadrian, I bring news. The city of Tonule has finally fallen under the might of Dalmar and Ivagio." Hadrian nodded, his facial expression unreadable and his eyes narrowed darkly. Many thought that Tonule would not fall. But Hadrian and his Lyalee knew that the old city would fall due to the people's arrogance. It was just a matter of time. "I did you come across this information?"

"My lord, members of the Obscura Rosa that fled the city through the tunnels minutes after the walls collapsed sent a falcon detailing the events as best they could." Hadrian nodded before he closed his eyes and sighed. At his men were successful in escaping that damnable city. "M-My Lord?"

Hadrian was puzzled by the hesitation and fear in her voice. His eyes were still closed with a frown was forming on his face as he internally asked what made her nervous and frightened all of a sudden. "Yes? What is it, Nala?" He heard an audible gulp which was a very bad sign for him. He opened his eyes and saw that she was shaking like a leaf with beads of sweat forming at her brow. This does not bode well indeed. "L-Lord H-Hadrian, t-they...t-they've left it. I-In t-their e-escape, t-the t-treasure r-re-remains i-in T-Tonule." He stood up abruptly, eyes bulging out in shock. They left it? This truly did not bode well for them all. He noticed his actions caused Nala to yelp in fright and shield her face from a possible attack. It broke a piece of his heart that someone he considers a sister in all but blood fear him to this extent. He quietly walked towards her and knelt down beside her. He place a hand on her thigh while the other gently caressed her exposed cheek. He made shushing noises as he tried to calm her down. He knew he was ruthless and unforgiving to most of his subordinates, he would never be heartless to the few he considers as his brothers and sisters, like Nala. "Hush, my dear. Please you have no need to fear. I won't hurt you for the idiocy of another." Slowly she calmed down before making eye contact with him. She nods and before continuing, "According to those that arrived here, the treasure still lies hidden inside the Town Hall. They assured me that no one can find it..."

Hadrian sighs audible before clicking his tongue. This is a disaster. The Book of Roses is indeed a treasure that would worth more than the Queen and her lands combined. The names of every member, retired or active members, were on that book. The hierarchy or the names of key officials working with and for the Obscura Rosa from past to present Grand Masters were all written in that book. The names of every safe house, every supply cache, every tunnel entrance and exit, and every other facility owned by the Obscura Rosa were written in that book. Every spy, every collaborator, every sleeper agent and every supplier known to the Obscura Rosa were all written in the book. Basically it is a book filled to the brim from cover to cover with the names of everything associated with the Obscura Rosa. His forefathers were complete fools to leave such a valuable treasure behind. They foolishly trusted the spiel that the Millennial Fortress could keep anything safe. He remembered that his grandfather and his father argued that it must be moved to the estate instead but those old, now dead, fossils are too narrow minded to heed the words of a Grand Master. Now it all comes back to bite them in their proverbial backsides. They have to retrieve it as soon as possible before Dalmar or Ivagio can find it. He was pretty sure those two would notice something amiss within the Town Hall if they would inspect the building. It was only a matter of time before they discover it. He shook his head before addressing Nala in a cold voice. "Nala, I want you to prepare your men. We're leaving for Tonule as soon as possible. Do not, under any circumstances, reveal that the Book of Roses is our primary objective."

Nala nods her head. When she heard his cold voice she knew he was mad. Just barely restraining his temper by sounding cold and apathetic. She would prepare her regiment for the march for Tonule. "As you command, my lord."

"Also, I want you to choose ten of your best men to prepare for a mission in Tyr. They are to locate and assist a veer named Adion Veris in his quest to restore the Song of Tyr. They are to provide support in his endeavor to their fullest potential. He most likely to be inside the tunnels of Tyr. Tell them to consider this as their test for captaincy." Hadrian ordered as he stood up and look at her waiting for her confirmation.

"As you wish, Lord Hadrian. I will do as you ask of me." She stood up facing him in attention. She bowed with her right hand closed into a fist above her left breast before leaving the library, ready to carry out her Lord's command.

Upon feeling that Nala's presence is no more, Hadrian turned to the corner of the room before moving close to the door. "You can come out now...sister." There revealed Lyalee Seraphina Angelos clad in a gorgeous red and black dress. Her face was frozen in a grim expression mirrored that of her brother's earlier expression. "I heard everything, Hadrian."

"I know. What news have you brought me during this...dangerous time?" Lyalee walked closer to her brother. She wrapped him in a firm embrace as she buried her face on his chest. Hadrian returned the embrace with the same firmness as his sister's. "According to my spies in the servants quarters of the Royal Palace, there are rumors that the Queen seems to be...a bit off as of late."


"According to the servants, the Queen was not acting like her usual self and Mirra, the handmaid of the Queen, seems to be adamant at keeping people from finding out the exact condition of the Queen. I also acquired a dirty little secret about Her Majesty that would surely cause a panic. But...I'm not telling until the right time." Lyalee's melodious voice was heard as she laughed at what she had said. Hadrian could only nod. He wanted to know what she knew; but, he knew his sister well enough that she won't share such information until the opportune moment would present itself. But he had to wonder, what could possible be this secret that she had uncovered? Her laughter soon died down which was replaced with silence.

Lyalee releases her embrace as did Hadrian. She held both his hands on her own while looking intently at his eyes. "Brother, I wish the Spirits, the Voices and the Gods to protect you on your quest."

"Thank you, little sister. I trust that you will keep everything under control while I'm absent?"

Lyalee nods her head. "I will brother. Just, please, return to me in one piece." Hadrian nodded while he gave her a smile. "Promise me brother. Promise me that you will come back."

He leaned closer to her cheek and gave her a chaste kiss before he ruffled her hair. "I will, little one. I promise you." Hadrian then left his private library. His sister still inside with a hand on her cheek, a somber expression on her face as tears trickled down her eyes. "Good luck brother. May our ancestors guide you to victory." Her words soon fell to the whispers of the wind.


Nala was running towards the barracks located outside the Angelos estate. The words of her Lord still echoes from the depths of her mind. The Book of Roses is near enemy hands. They needed to move fast for time is their enemy now.

Upon reaching the barracks, the soldiers noticed her and shouted for the others to stand in attention for her arrival. They lined up in front of the barracks awaiting their commanders orders. Nala surveyed her troops. Most of them have their armor and weapons at the ready while only a few are in the process of putting on their armor and arming themselves. No one was completely caught without a piece of clothing on their backs. She has to relay the orders but she must keep silent about the true nature of said orders.

"Charlus, Elena, come forth!"

Two people came forwards. One was a man who is 5'9" in height, with short messy black hair, chocolate brown eyes, and the most notable feature about him was a scar that run across his right cheek and neck. He was wearing the standard issue Full Plate armor worn by most knights complete with a war hammer strapped at his side and a kite shield strapped at his back. The other was a woman who was an inch taller than the man, with short spiky red hair, forest green eyes, and the most notable feature about her was the splotch of white skin across her neck and arms that signifies that they were burnt. She too was wearing the standard issue Full Plate armor although it was a bit slimmer for her size and mobility complete with two short swords strapped at her sides. These two are Charlus Vaharian-Angelos and Elena Fairwind-Angelos, two members of the Angelos branch families.

"Charlus, Elena, you and your squad are assigned a mission at Tyr. You are to locate and assist a veer named Adion Veris and you are to provide support, in his quest in restoring the Song of Tyr, to the best of your abilities. Failure is not an option. This will be your trial for captaincy. You are to leave immediately, now move!"

"Yes, Commander Nala!" Both Charlus and Elena bowed and proceeded to assemble their squad for their mission.

"Now for the rest of you. You are to prepare for a journey to Tonule, men. We have been given the honor of escorting Lord Hadrian to the city of Tonule for a matter that needs his attention. His safety is will be our top priority! Failure is NOT an option! Understood?"

"Aye, Commander Nala!" Roared the entire regiment.

Nala nods in satisfaction. Things will be going according to plan. "Good. Prepare for our departure! We'll be leaving immediately!" Her men soon scrambled around the barracks preparing horses, provisions and the like. She had a feeling that something's going to happen when they reach Tonule. Whether it would be good or bad, she wasn't entirely sure.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos Character Portrait: Adion Veris
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The halls, they seemed endless. Maybe it was just that fact that there were no trees in the Under. Adion had spent so long in the city, and so long in the Under, at least to him, that he was beginning to miss the trees of the forests above. To him, there was no feeling like prowling through the trees, tracking a deer before making a feast of it. This thought only made Adion miss the forests more.

The stone in the under was cold and grey, with blue glowing crystals and fluids. The forests that Adion was used to were warm and lush greens and browns, filled with peaceful life, and beast's calls. All the sound here was that endless dripping. That was it. His feet and the dripping. Nothing else. It only made Adion more anxious.

Then he heard the sound, the distinct sound, of running humans, armor and all. It was getting closer and quick. It was not like Adion had been going faster than a slow walk, but he had still had time to make it quite a distance. These humans must have been tracking him, or hunting him. The armor was what really set the veer off.

Now noting how close they were, Adion whipped around to catch one of the humans, the leading female, in his grasp. In one clawed hand, he held her against the wall in such a way that her hands were trapped at her sides. The most she would be able to do is squirm.

Adion was not stupid. He knew from the sound, and its continuation, that more humans were coming. He would keep his hold on the female tight, and the moment he saw another human, likely clad in the same style armor, he would begin to snarl. Not that kind of 'I will feast on your bones snarl,' but the 'step back' kind of snarl.


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Character Portrait: Lord Ivagio
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#, as written by Makokam
When the Queen had tasked him with hunting down and killing his traitor of a father, he'd expected it to take quite awhile. Years. Possibly decades. Especially since it was actually her first order after he became her military commander and he would have many things to keep him busy. He also knew that if he had turned traitor and ran he wouldn't be easy to find either.

So to say that not even ten years after being given the order, and having only been able to spend a month or two each year actively searching, stumbling across his father in the streets of newly conquered city was a surprise would be an understatement.

โ€œWell...this is...unexpected,โ€ his father said.

โ€œUnexpected but not unsought.โ€

โ€œYou've been looking for me I take it.โ€

โ€œFor the last eight cycles.โ€

โ€œAt the queens command I presume.โ€

โ€œOf course.โ€

โ€œI don't suppose you'd consider just letting me go, would you?โ€


โ€œStill...bitter then?โ€

โ€œWhat in the world would I have to be bitter about.โ€

โ€œSo, nothing personal about this then?โ€

โ€œOh, I didn't say that.โ€

โ€œSo you ARE bitter.โ€

โ€œAnd I said you've done nothing to me to be bitter about.โ€

โ€œAh. Sarcasm. But I'm sure you understand it wasn't intentional. You know how busy the position is. Inspections, patrols, training, promotions, briefings, missions, and of course you have to keep your own self in top condition.โ€

โ€œYou made time for Dalmar.โ€

Xanthom visibly winced, โ€œAbout that-โ€

He was cut off as all the surrounding shadows struck at him, wrapping around his arms, legs, torso and neck. โ€œXanthom, you have betrayed your Queen, your Country, your Province, you people, and you have betrayed me. Prepare to die,โ€ and Ivagio drew his sword.

The shadow bindings shattered and Xanthom spoke again, โ€œYou don't have to do this,โ€ he said, palms held outward.

โ€œYes, yes I do. And I am GRATEFUL for the opportunity!โ€ he said and slashed his sword through the air. โ€œYou forgot what was at stake! You yourself should be grateful that this is your punishment! She could have wiped out our city! She could have chosen to have ME killed for your crimes!โ€

โ€œSon, you don't really understand what's going on here, you need to let me expl-urk!โ€

โ€œNO!โ€ he screamed at Xanthom, who was now being suspended in the air, arms held out to his sides, feet bound together, and this head pulled back, โ€œYou don't get to explain!โ€ And then in a flash Ivagio had crossed the intervening distance and struck his sword straight through Xanthom's heart, โ€œYou get to die.โ€


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Character Portrait: Maxilith Toma
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His heartbeat finally slowing, Maxilith brought his hands up to his forehead, looking up as he did so. He now had so much to weigh upon his mind, and it was as if it had ambushed him.

โ€˜A freed slave with inner and outer scars taking refuge in the forest town of Hensma. You will know him when you see himโ€™ โ€˜Destiny calls you, champion of the forest. The last stronghold of Man must be defended; for if it falls...We fall.โ€™ โ€˜The message spoke of you as champion, and champions do great things. Your destiny is not to hide out here in the forestโ€ฆ perhaps, your destiny might be to save it,โ€™

Finally he was moving on from his own problems and how new mysteries were cropping up! He thought heโ€™d left his old identity behind, thought heโ€™d managed to make a new Maxilith defined by only himself. Yet, his identifier was still that he used to be a slave; now he was being given the title of champion as well. Maxilith Toma had never thought himself the champion of anything; heโ€™d never asked to be a champion. At best, he might be considered champion of injured animals. They were really the only beings heโ€™d helped by any means.

โ€œMaxilith? Are you okay?โ€ โ€˜Maxilith, come home!โ€™ With a start, he realized heโ€™d been staring down at his clenching and unclenching fingers in the middle of the town square. Luckily, when the blonde turned, he found that the owner of the voice was a thoroughly confused Ashyl. Of more debatable luck, he realized then that tears had begun to sneak down his cheeks without permission. He turned quickly away to wipe the moisture from his face, but the tears kept coming. Maxilith couldnโ€™t even register why he was crying; all this was doing was causing the scrapes on his hands to sting.

He felt a touch on his shoulder and turned defensively on instinct. Ashyl just stood there, one are clutching the bag sheโ€™d been carrying tightly, the other arm extended. Sheโ€™d been trying to comfort him.

โ€œMaxilithโ€ฆ do you want to sit down? Letโ€™s go inside,โ€

After following Ashyl to her home in the same building as the bakery her family ran, she sat him down in the kitchen where he proceeded to suggest that he should leave every five minutes while she made him some tea. The tears came on and off as he battled the stress that had been laid upon him so suddenly. Eventually, Ashyl led him to her room where she left him alone for a little while so she could finish some tea, figuring that being alone- being back in a comfort zone- might calm him down some. It didnโ€™t work so much; when she arrived with the pot of tea, she found him sitting on the floor with his back against her bed and his head in his hands. She put a cup of tea in his shaking hands and returned with an oily liquid she put into a lamp that gave off a calming scent as it burned.

โ€œThere, this should help,โ€ She muttered as she set the lamp down and turned to pour a cup of tea for herself.

โ€œAshylโ€ฆ Iโ€ฆโ€ Maxilith attempted to apologize and found speaking difficult.

โ€œMaxilith, itโ€™s fine. Really,โ€ The girl assured him. Still, he felt terrible. Heโ€™d broken down and she was taking care of him once again. The strong image heโ€™d built was shattered.

โ€œNo, it isnโ€™t, I-โ€œ

โ€œStop it, Maxilithโ€ฆโ€ She interrupted. She looked perplexed, staring down into her tea. โ€œButโ€ฆ I really wish you would tell me what happened,โ€

The blonde heaved a shaky sigh. He owed her an explanation at this point, though a part of him screamed to keep it secret. If he fessed up, if he spoke of what he could remember, it would be like owning who that girl had made him, like owning that heโ€™d been a slave. Yes, part of him wanted very much to deny that the past had any bearing on who heโ€™d tried so hard to beโ€ฆ

โ€œIโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll try,โ€

So, slowly, he tried to explain. He started with that dayโ€™s events. The dream with Kianna, and how she was practicing magic on a younger version of himself, the stone hall and hill overlooking the army, the unhealthy rodent that led him to an over grown and abandoned Hensma. The messenger in the town square who spoke of destiny calling a freed slave to become a champion. At first, Ashyl thought heโ€™d just dreamt of being a slave, though the look of deep concern on her face made it evident by the time he mentioned who the pilgrim had been looking for, that she knew it was the past he had been hiding from her. The whole story took awhile, as Maxilith found forcing sound from his mouth difficult during parts of the recounting. But slowly, the shaking in his body faded. And he only cried once his story got to where Ashyl had found him.

โ€œSo thatโ€™s what you meantโ€ฆ why you donโ€™t like peopleโ€ฆโ€ She spoke quietly, followed by a slight sniff. He was shocked to find that his story had brought tears to her eyes.

โ€œAshyl, I didnโ€™t meant to make you-โ€œ

โ€œStop apologizing!โ€ She interjected sharply, but in a hushed manner, โ€œYou apologize too much... youโ€™re the one who deserves apologyโ€ฆโ€

โ€œNot from you,โ€ He replied, sniffling a little himself. โ€œAnd, to correct-โ€œ

โ€œYou donโ€™t dislike people, they just make you uncomfortable?โ€ An older, male voice spoke this time. Maxilith froze as the partially door opened completely to reveal Ashylโ€™s father. The tall and tanned baker stepped slowly into the room and closed the door behind him.

โ€œDAD! What are you doing!? This is personal!โ€ The dark-haired young woman stood and exclaimed indignantly.

โ€œI know, precious. But I noticed you bring him home earlier in such a stateโ€ฆ I was worried,โ€ He admitted, though his tone was more grave than apologetic. However, for some reason, Maxilith was no longer frozen. Nor was he scared. Perhaps a little worried, but not scared.

โ€œGreat heavens! You donโ€™t have to worry about me so much!โ€

โ€œAshyl,โ€ Maxilith tried to stop her tirade.

โ€œMaxilith isnโ€™t going to do anything! He just needed a little comforting!โ€

โ€œAshyl!โ€ She finally stopped and looked at him apologetically. He shook his head as if to say it was fine, and she seemed to understand. The blonde then addressed the baker.

โ€œHow much did you hear?โ€ He asked somewhat calmly. Ashylโ€™s father looked a little guilty, but more guilty than he probably should be.

โ€œA fair amount,โ€ He admitted. Ashyl let out an audible sigh of exasperation before he continued, โ€œMay I ask, where did you live before?โ€
โ€œWhy does it matter?โ€
โ€œThe girl with the red hair, Kianna. She sounds like the one the Shadow Knights punished in the capital a few years ago,โ€ Maxilith was a little shocked that someone out here in Hensma heard of the event. Ashyl looked a little confused herself. Confused and slightly scared. The young man looked down and remained silent.

โ€œYou were the boy they freed from her, werenโ€™t you?โ€

โ€œWhat are you talking about, dad?โ€

โ€œI heard about it from one of the merchants who came to town afterwards. It was big news in the capital when it happened because the Dark Lord was directly involved and they made a big spectacle of punishing a slave-owning young woman for using her slave as a test subject for her arcane studies,โ€ Ashylโ€™s father explained with a serious tone. Maxilith didnโ€™t look up, but he could imagine the horrified look on Ashylโ€™s face.

โ€œYoung man, you were the one they freed, werenโ€™t you?โ€ The baker asked. Maxilith hesitated to answer, as the same part of him who rebelled against speaking honestly to Ashyl piped up again. That same feeling of wanting to deny the past rose up and seized his throat, causing him to swallow the one word he was trying to say. But heโ€™d already resolved to be honestโ€ฆ

โ€œโ€ฆyes,โ€ His voice was quiet, but speaking it did not hurt as heโ€™d expected it to. Rather, it was as if a bit of pent up stress had been released and he relaxed ever so slightly.

Ashyl let out a slight gasp, but made an effort to stifle it. Maxilith looked up at her and his heart dropped a little to see the look of pity on her face. He vaguely remembered a doctor in the capital giving him that look after he was freed, and he was fairly sure that many others had done the same. He then looked to her father again.

โ€œWhat does it matter?โ€ Maxilithโ€™s voice now sounded slightly dead. It was an unexpected tone, but at least he could speak without that rebellious part of him threatening to constrict his throat. The older man stepped closer to the two younger people and knelt down to address Maxilith directly.

โ€œMy daughter has spent a lot of time with you. Sheโ€™s come home and told me how your lonely ways worry and confused her on more than one occasion. When you two werenโ€™t on speaking terms she worried more than ever,โ€ He started, โ€œIt is significant now that she knows who you really are. She deserves this understanding,โ€

โ€œPardon my backtalk, but that past is not who I am,โ€ Maxilith responded. โ€œIt was a life of her making,โ€

โ€œAnd a life you are freed from,โ€ the father added.

โ€œBut itโ€™s still following me.โ€ Maxilith sighed and leaned his head against the bed, โ€œI donโ€™t want to be known as the โ€˜ex-slaveโ€™. I want to be who I say I amโ€ฆโ€

โ€œWell, then, who are you?โ€ Ashylโ€™s father asked. Maxilith opened his mouth to answer, but found that he didnโ€™t know what to say. Heโ€™d just adopted the role of animal caretaker here because it was comforting; heโ€™d lived alone because it was easy; heโ€™d lived outside of town so he could only see people when he wanted to. Was it really that he was trying to define himself, or was it that he was trying to live life on his own terms.

โ€œCanโ€™t I just be me?โ€ He asked, halfway as an answer to Ashylโ€™s father, but also as an answer to himself.

โ€œDadโ€ฆโ€ the young woman piped up, putting a hand on her fatherโ€™s shoulder as an indication to let her speak. She then turned to her friend with a look of sincerity. โ€œMaxilith, didnโ€™t you tell me โ€˜Iโ€™m a different person now and that canโ€™t be changedโ€™?โ€

Maxilith couldnโ€™t bring himself to respond. He had used that as an excuse not to be honest with her earlier. Heโ€™d said it purely as an evasion tactic, but now he regretted it because if that was true, then the pastโ€™s hold on his identity couldnโ€™t be removed.

โ€œYouโ€™ll never be you if you keep denying it happened. Like you said, it canโ€™t be changed. But the past is in the past,โ€

โ€œThen let it stay there!โ€ Maxilith protested quietly.

โ€œIf you want to define yourself, young man, then shouldnโ€™t the messengerโ€™s words be seen as an opportunity?โ€ Ashylโ€™s father spoke again. The blonde shot him a confused look.

โ€œโ€ฆI never asked to be a champion,โ€ his reply came slowly.

โ€œDad, has a point, Maxilith,โ€ Ashyl hopped onto her fatherโ€™s idea.

โ€œI heard what you said about the messenger. He sounded like a pilgrim of the old religion, and I would not take his message lightly,โ€ The baker elaborated, โ€œPerhaps the heavens mean to use your past misfortune for a greater purpose,โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t give me that,โ€ A defensive reaction rose within him. It felt like heโ€™d heard that before. โ€œDonโ€™t tell me it was all for a reason; donโ€™t make it sound like Iโ€™m special for having gone through hell. Donโ€™t even suggest that I am only special because of what Iโ€™ve been through!โ€ His voice got louder and louder as he spoke.

โ€œWhat are we but the results of our experiences?โ€ Ashylโ€™s father spoke firmly, a little defensive himself. Maxilithโ€™s almost tirade came to a halt. The words- his and Ashylโ€™s fatherโ€™s- rang in his ears and his anger shifted; from what to what, he couldnโ€™t identify. But it was different and perhaps milder. He looked defeated.

โ€œMaxilith,โ€ Ashyl moved forward, but was stopped by her father. โ€œItโ€™s not your fault-โ€œ

โ€œBoy, you need to accept that your past happened and move on,โ€ He spoke sternly. Ashyl gave him a disapproving look, โ€œNothing is going to change if you hide in your little cabin for the rest of your life,โ€

Her look changed from disapproval to a somewhat confused realization. Maxilith was pretty sure he knew what the man was getting at, too.

โ€œYou think I should pursue the pilgrimโ€™s message?โ€ Maxilith replied, โ€œHow do you know it will change anything?โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t. I only know that it is likely to change you,โ€ The baker said, โ€œif you want to be a man of your own definition, itโ€™s time you start actually doing something to define yourself,


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos Character Portrait: Adion Veris Character Portrait: Dalmar Character Portrait: Lord Ivagio
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Charlus and Elena were ecstatic upon receiving their marching orders from the legendary Commander Nala, a member of Lord Hadrian's retinue of specialists that acts as his personal guard. They were to assist a veer in the restoration of the Song of Tyr. A noble undertaking fraught with countless dangers. A mission from the Grand Master himself.

They listened to their commander's orders and soon they quickly prepared their equipment and provisions for the journey. In their minds it would take them a short while to reach Tyr via the tunnel networks created by the Obscura Rosa.

"This is the day, isn't it? We're going to rise through the ranks as Captains." Charlus asked while he and Elena, along with their squads move towards the tunnel entrance, which was disguised as a tree, located within the estate. Elena nodded with a toothy grin. "Hey! Don't grin like that , love. I know we're going on another adventure; but please, don't do anything stupid again." The grin on Elena's face dropped into a pout which made Charlus chuckle as they entered the tunnel network.

"'Do something stupid' he says. As if I did something stupid while on an important mission. Name one time I did something like that!" Elena's voice echoed throughout the well lit tunnel.

"The time you stabbed a minor nobleman of Tyr inside his own home which caused the local guards to chase us out."
"The arrogant swine deserved it."
"The time you woke a sleeping wyvern in Jotun when we rested inside a cave that you said was safe."
"Okay maybe I should have checked first. But--"
"The time you slapped a farmer and insulted a fisherman in Krestmere."
"I was tired and I had a bad day, but--"
"You burned down a section of the Velmon forest which--"
"Okay fine! I get it! Just stop, please!" Charlus nodded without looking at her.

They continued on their journey in utter silence. The sound of their steps echoed throughout the tunnel. "Hey, Elena."
"You know I was just poking fun, right?" He looked at her with a tinge of worry in his eyes. She looked at him and nodded while flashing a soft smile on her face. "I know for a fact that if something strange didn't happen while you're around, then you aren't the woman I came to care and respect."
"Thanks Charlus. Now, let's hurry and get our heads back in the mission. We got to reach Tyr as soon as possible!"

The group ran as fast as they could, determined to complete the mission handed to them. It took them a couple of hours to reach the exit which led to Tyr. After emerging from the exit, they inquired about the whereabouts of Tyr's underground caverns. It took a little bit of effort on their part and a few gold coins to loosen the tongues of the populace until one of the guards gave them extensive information about about the tunnels, known as the Under and agreed to lead them to one of the entrances of the cavern. They entered the cavern; bearing as well the warnings of the guard to keep a vigilant watch within the deep tunnels.

It was cold and silent. The only sound that could be heard was the clicking of metal and the dripping of water along the cavern walls and ceiling. Crystals, embedded along the walls of the cavern, bathes the entire tunnel in a soft eerie blue glow. They were ready. They were marching with a purpose. Their hands near their weapons and senses sharp. Elena was leading the group, with Charlus at the rear. This was their moment. Their moment to prove themselves worthy of being a member of the organization. In their minds they are worried and excited. Worried that they might not find the veer in time and fail. Excited that they are a part of the few that ventured down these tunnels after a long time.

At first, there was nothing but the silence. But their was a sharp whistling sound that startled Elena. She had little time to react when she was pinned down on the wall by a large clawed hand. She couldn't move her arms to swing her weapon and defend herself. Her eyes widened in panic as she gazed at the being the held her. It was the veer! A large black wolf-like being that towered over her helpless form. Her comrades, who just arrived and witnessed her current state, brandished their weapons ready to free her from the veer's grasp. "Elena!" Charlus yelled as he drew his sword and readied his shield. Elena heard the veer snarl. A warning for them at least.

"Stop! Don't you dare approach! This is our target! Stay your hands and let me speak!" She called out to them. "Adion. Adion we're here to help. We are members of the Obscura Rosa. Our lord, Hadrian, commanded us to assist you in restoring the Song of Tyr. A thousand pardons if we startled you; we were forced to come here in a hurry. Please, Adion. What was said was the truth. We seek nothing from you in providing our services to your quest. Our lord, ordered us to assist. We swear on our marks that what we speak is the truth." The men around her slowly dropped their stances but still had their weapons on hand. Charlus was reluctant to do so in fear for Elena. Everyone hoped that Adion would understand that they truly meant no harm. That what they have said was true.


While Charlus and Elena were deep within the Under of Tyr, Hadrian and Nala were on their way to Tonule. They, along with a thousand knights bearing the marks of the Obscura Rosa, rode on horseback towards the Millennium Fortress. It took them half of the entire day to reach the outskirts of Tonule by passing through plain lands and the forest routes. Along the journey, he had the time to contemplate. If they reached Tonule, what would happen? Did those fools discovered it already? Can the book be retrieved at all? He shook his head and growled. He hated it when something felt wrong with the entire situation.

"My lord, are you alright?" A muffled voice said to his right. He looked at his right and saw Nala's look of concern. She looked different; everything's the same, but there was a silver mask that covers the lower half of her face. The mask resembled the snout of a snarling wolf. Her hair billowed slightly from the breeze and her posture was alert. She reined her horse closer to his until they rode side by side. "My lord?"

"I am fine, Nala. Do not concern yourself about me." She nodded before looking back on the road. It was a quiet journey. None of them spoke after her inquiry. The men on the other hand whispered with one another about what they'll face. They remembered the reports that Tonule is under the control of the Dark Lord and the Lord of Alzeran. But titles mean nothing to Hadrian's men. To them they are but two men with too much fame and infamy on their names. Two men that are mortal as any other man; that can bleed and die as any other man. Thus they themselves are prepared and alert. Prepared to test the whether these two Lords are what the tales made by the people true; and alert to any surprises that may come upon them.

The sun was near the horizon when Hadrian and Nala knew they were nearing the Millennium Fortress. The reports were true. The walls have crumbled and the ground was covered in ice. The work of a powerful arcanist or the work of a brilliant strategist? In Hadrian and Nala's mind, it was the strategist that deserves the applause. Any man that thought of using Arcane Power in the destruction of an object as large as the walls of the fortress deserves recognition.

"Nala, be on your guard. I have a bad feeling about the entire situation, since our journey across the forest. We must be prepared for anything." Hadrian said as they approached the gates of Tonule.

"Yes, Lord Hadrian." Nala whispered and slowly nodded her head. She steeled herself from the coming storm. She knew, deep down inside, that everything would go down hill in a moment's notice.


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Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos Character Portrait: Adion Veris
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"At least your lord has some knowledge of the past to know what dangers your kin will soon face should my kind go without rest. These forests will become the source of terror for this entire world. The solution to this is deep within the core. I am not sure if it has been corrupted or drained of its energy. All that I know is that some high human in his empire caused this, putting the whole world at risk, and placing Tyr on the brink of starvation." Adion stated dropping the woman before slowly walking forward.

"Prepare your people. The creatures that you will face down here are hardly a threat, the real threat is the dripping of the water. It never changes. Not rhythm, not volume, not distance. It can easily cause the unprepared mind much pain and many problems." Adion stated, turning his head around just to speak to the humans, before resuming his slow walk towards the core of the Under.


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Character Portrait: Jack Stockton
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Knightly! What do I care about knightly!? My home has been invaded, and the one that propagated it is standing in my favorite bakery as if they're were nothing more natural in this world! His fist clenched involuntarily, smashing the bread he carried.

His thoughts raged, he could barely control himself. He wanted nothing more than to lash out. To kill any and all of the invaders that he could, but he knew it was a fools errand. He would be taken down before he fell his second, maybe even before his first. He nodded harshly turning away on shaky legs, arms trembling in barely restrained rage. He made his way slowly back towards Alice's, his own home was in the shadow of the wall.

He remembered going there to see what he could salvage, and finding it ruined beyond repair, everything buried beneath tons of wall, his fields salted by the metal shards of the framework. Ruined, it would never take root again. He managed to salvage a few things. The rest would be safe, they needed to be dug out, everything of import he now carried on his person.

He shook the thoughts from his mind as he walked into Alice home. "I'm back.' He muttered. Walking further in he found Alice where he'd left her, laying in bed, for paler than usual. Shock the healer had called it, she hadn't been able to take it all, so she's retreated into her own mind. He sighed, shoulders folding forward in defeat. There was nothing he could do. He was no healer. She was in good care though. The healer came every few hours to check on her, and she would persist even if he were to disappear.

"What should I do?' He asked nothing in particular, his hand fisting in his hair as he sat next to her bed, the sun playing across her sleeping form making her appear like a sleeping angel. He dozed that day with a smile on his face. And he dreamed.

Everything was shrouded in mist. He was running, always running, He was unsure if he'd ever not been running, the swamps swept by him, he could hear unknown creatures lurking just out of sight. Run, run, he heard, keep running, you must, he stumbled, and tore himself on trees, things in the shadows bit at him, and he bled, but he kept running. He had to get there first. Where there was he wasn't sure, but he was being led there. Just a little further, a clearing ahead, sun coming through the trees, he could almost see-

He woke with a start, someone yelling in the distance. He could hear it through the open window. The dream fleeing from his mind as he cracked his sore back. Teach me to sleep in a chair that will. He thought wryly. Eyeing Alice, and touching his mothers pendant, where he was calm restlesness made itself known, as if he was needed somewhere, but he could think of nothing that he needed to do, but be here.

"What an oddity.' He muttered, before getting on with his day.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos Character Portrait: Adion Veris Character Portrait: Dalmar Character Portrait: Lord Ivagio
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Elena stood up as she rubbed her arms to relieve the aches she received from Adion's strong grip. She was glad that the results of their confrontation with Adion did not result to bloodshed. Though now it seems distrust and weariness dominates the air around them. She heard footsteps to her left, she turned and soon she came face to face with Charlus. His face bore a worried expression. "Elena. Elena are you alright?" He reached out and held her in his arms. He inspected her trying to find anything that is wrong with her.

"I'm fine Charlus." She said as she inspected her arms. Bruises were slowly forming from where Adion had gripped her. She quickly hid it from him but she knew he saw it. "Don't worry yourself about trivial matters, Charlus." She gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm a grown woman and a warrior. I can take care of myself."

Charlus looked at her with a stern look. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. He knew he could trust Elena but seeing her get hurt every time worries him to no end. He sighed and shook his head before giving her a weary smile. "Only you, Elena. I...I trust you. I trust your decisions and I will support you. But if something seriously wrong is about to happen then I will step in."

She smiled at him and ran up to Adion's side. She was then followed by Charlus and their men who followed with their weapons at the ready.

"Hey, Adion. I think we all got off the wrong foot or paw and I, uh, want all of us to begin anew, so to speak. So, hi, my name is Elena, Elena Fairwind-Angelos and this lovable guy is Charlus Vaharian-Angelos." She said while pointing at Charlus. "We're both members of the Obscura Rosa."


The destruction of the wall, seen near or far, was such as sight. It was a glorious sight from afar. But it was a harrowing and sorrowful sight when close by. Victory in exchange for the lives and homes of many innocents. It was, for Hadrian, a tasteless victory. To shed the blood of the innocent in pursuit of success was a deplorable act. But he couldn't fault the invaders much with regards to the tactics used in taking Tonule. All that he could do was reflect and learn the mistakes and actions done in what the history books would call, "The Battle for Tonule".

Hadrian and his entourage approached the ice encrusted gates in a neat line; with Hadrian and Nala at the front followed by the thousands of knights behind them. Surprisingly, there were no guards guarding the gates at the moment. Hadrian shook his head in dismay. It appears that the men under Dalmar and Ivagio were too complacent. "My Lord, there are no guards at the gate."

Hadrian looked at Nala then back at the gate. "It appears so, Nala. The soldiers here seem to rely on the reputation of their generals alone." Nala nods her head as they continued into the city. They passed by many buildings, some were in relatively good condition while others were destroyed by the debris from the crumbling walls. "Alright, Nala, we are to proceed to the Town Hall as soon as we can. Pray that we reach there without incident."

"Yes, Lord Hadrian. Men, maintain defensive formation." The men behind them quickly rode to formation, ten men surrounding them in a defensive box while the rest stayed in formation with their hands hovering above their blades. The rode through the main streets while garnering some glances and whispers from passers by; though, the majority were focused on living their lives as if nothing has changed.

After a considerable amount of time, they passed by a crowd surrounding two people who are in an argument. Hadrian and his entourage paid no mind to the squabble and continued on. They were so close to their objective. So very close.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos Character Portrait: Adion Veris
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"Elena is it? I am Adion Veris and my only care in this world is to return the Song of Tyr. Do not stand in my way, or threaten the singers, and you will be fine. I will give you a warning about the Under. It drives those who are not prepared insane, and gnaws at the sanity of the prepared." Adion stated with a wave of his hand further down the tunnels.

"Another tip would be not to believe yourself to ever be safe down here. Nothing is safe down here, for that which threatens you can always find a way. No amount of armor or prior training that the surface can offer will aid you against some of the more specific threats that hide down here." Spoke the veer as he began to walk towards the the center of the under, ever further down the stone walls that emanated the blue light.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos Character Portrait: Adion Veris
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"Elena is it? I am Adion Veris and my only care in this world is to return the Song of Tyr. Do not stand in my way, or threaten the singers, and you will be fine. I will give you a warning about the Under. It drives those who are not prepared insane, and gnaws at the sanity of the prepared." Adion stated with a wave of his hand further down the tunnels.

"Another tip would be not to believe yourself to ever be safe down here. Nothing is safe down here, for that which threatens you can always find a way. No amount of armor or prior training that the surface can offer will aid you against some of the more specific threats that hide down here." Spoke the veer as he began to walk towards the the center of the under, ever further down the stone walls that emanated the blue light.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dalmar Character Portrait: Lord Ivagio
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#, as written by Dalmar
It is often said that time slows down for those in desperate situations. Warriors have claimed to have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat during such a phenomena; others are not so lucky and some can only stare helpless ... powerless to do anything but watch tragedy unfold in excruciating detail. For the Dark Lord, the latter was all too true.

By the time Dalmar reached his mentor and father figure it was over. Without remorse the son had cut down the father. The old man lay lifeless upon the ground and all he could do was stare in disbelief. He knew the punishment given to traitors, but this, this was wrong. Xanthom was given no reprieve, no time to explain; he had served The Queen faithfully for many cycles, surely he deserved more than this; to be unceremoniously cut down in an isolated land, by his own flesh and blood? As he stared at the lifeless Xanthom, all emotion drained from his face. The sadness in his eyes slowly faded only to be replaced an quenchable rage. In silence he stood and walked over to the commander and tapped his shoulder.

An explosion of blood erupted from the Master Arcanist as the mailed fist of The Dark Lord smashed into his face; knocking him to the ground. Not giving his former superior a moment to wonder what had happened Dalmar fell upon the fallen knight and seized him by the top of his breastplate shaking him with increasing intensity; slamming his head upon the ground. "Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!"

Acting quickly, Ivagio responded by sending out an unseen force; the pressure so great it sent the silver haired knight flying back a good distance. Getting to his feet, he wiped the blood from his eyes and beheld an unpleasant sight. Dalmar had called his Shadow Knights. Alone, the Captain was no match for him. Even in a test of Arms, Ivagio was the better, but with his knights at his side, The Dark Lord would be a formidable foe. Why the Queen gave him those... abominations was beyond him. Dalmar was a great strategist, but a laughable Captain. On the battlefield, he was no better than a common soldier. Average warrior or not, those damn knights gave him an edge.

Wasting no time, Ivagio decided to level the playing field, by destroying one of the knights; he didn't care which one so long as it was no longer a threat. The first one that moved received a Fireball to the chest.

Dalmar stood facing the Commander, his knights before him. He'd done it now, Ivagio wasn't going to let an attack like that slide. What was he thinking; attacking him like that? He wasn't thinking, that was the problem; now a fight was inevitable. Knowing his chances were slim he decided to focus on defenses. With a single word he could weather the fight with little damage; they'd be even... Before he could speak the word one his knights exploded into dust. ...Unless of course Ivagio was mad enough to destroy the very Shadow Knight he was about to employ.

Ivagio, surprised by the ease at which the Shadow Knight was destroyed, saw the momentary confusion on the Captain's face; who appeared to be himself again. He was about to ready himself for a continued assault when he noticed a change in the environment; Dalmar seem to notice as well.

Like the professionals they were, their attention turned from their fight, to the arrival of the newcomers. The academy taught soldiers to always be aware of their surroundings, the slightest change could mean the difference between death and survival. Dalmar's eyes looked toward the direction of the passing strangers as the crowd began to disperse. With a nod to Ivagio he moved to greet the newcomers, knowing the commander would back him up should things get out of hand.

When he reached the newcomers he greeted them in usual, polite manner. "Greetings, welcome to Tonule. Odd that a city that receives little in the way of visitation would receive so many visitors; and today of all days. Might I ask what your..." A sharp pain racked his body, nearly doubling him over. His body starting to tremble, he fell to his knees. Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong.

While The Dark Lord was staring at the cobbled stoned ground that lay before him. The people of Tonule were staring up at sky that had become ominously dark. Churning clouds illuminated by flashes of light immediately followed by peals of thunder sent many of them fleeing for shelter. With each convulsion from the silver haired captain, the sky became more and more violent. A storm was coming.


Artimican wasn't as forthcoming as Mirra would have liked, but he did give her enough information to know that Dalmar was not all he appeared. If the elder spoke the truth, not even the Queen knew everything about him. He was dangerous. Despite his charisma and charm there was always an underlying feeling of dis-ease, but she would have never guessed he had such a caustic nature. A chill ran down her spine as she sat back in the cushioned seat. At first she thought it was due to the information, but what was this feeling of dread?

Artimican leapt to his feet with a start; his eyes focused on the window. "By the gods!"

Mirra's eyes widened in shock when she beheld the sky. "Artimican, what is happening?"

The old man stood trembling as he stared out the window; his lips quivering, stumbling over the words, "It's too soon. It's too soon."

Mirra stood up, rushed over to the old man, grabbed his shoulders and spun him around. "Snap out of it! What is happening? What do you mean, it's too soon. Artimican?!"

The old man stared at her before stammering out, "The Queen.. You must inform her majesty immediately! He must be stopped before it is too late!"

Mirra wasted no time as rushed down the hall to the Queen's chamber. Her path was clear of any obstacles; the ominous looking sky holding their undivided attention. When she reached the queen's chambers, she burst through the door and found dark haired woman awake, alert and dressed for battle. Her armor was almost identical to Dalmar's, but where his was black and silver, hers was Ivory White and Gold. Unlike the Dark Lord, she wore a helm that bore silver wings. "You're Majesty!"

"I'm well aware of what is happening Mirra. Five days. It was supposed to have been five days from now. How could I have been so far off?"

"You're Majesty?"

"No I wasn't wrong. ...Somebody fucked up." The Queen hardly paid attention to Mirra as she spoke. The next words were completely alien to the crimson haired aide. "Esthra, Vagu, Mordra, Tonule." With words spoken an image of the Kingdom City appeared before them. Through the portal they could see Lord Ivagio, a woman in green standing close to him and The Dark Lord; no longer a moniker, but a terrifying reality. "While I'm gone, you are in charge." With her last words, The Queen stepped through the portal and the scene vanished.


Father Lucius, stood outside in full regalia as he ushered in citizens seeking shelter. "Come children. Come inside, all are welcome. Come and pray for safety and guidance."
No longer a mere curator, the church no longer a museum; he hoped he could bring these people peace in these clear times of trouble, but the feeling in the air that permeated the entire kingdom was an overwhelming one. It weighed heavily upon him and those he saw entering the cathedral; a terrible feeling of loss, despair and hopelessness.


Lynova stepped on the coble stone streets of Tonule, the wind whipping through her hair. It appeared to be coming from all directions, both cold and warm. The clouds boiled above as lighting streaked and forked across the sky. Looking around she saw people fleeing for shelter, others could only stare, to paralyzed to move. With sternness and determination she marched toward her no doubt puzzled, possibly terrified commander. "Lord Ivagio!" She called over the howling wind. "What in the Abyss happened here?!"


All things come to pass, what is written can not be undone. Darkness fell upon the Kingdom of Etriny. Through that darkness shined a light of hope. The Chosen were urged to act as visions took shape within.

To the Noble Veer who had heeded the call with steadfastness and expediency, an image of an Onyx Archway formed within his mind. His companions he could take with him, but here he must stand alone.

A Man in Volstack, a man outside the law beheld the visage of Falls of Molten Fire. Beyond he would find his destiny, but the purifying fires held many obstacles.

A young man lost within himself and the dying forest around him saw the visage of a magnificent stag. Fleet of foot with agility and grace. Perhaps it will lead him to a sacred place.

For the acting Queen, it was a home long forgotten. A place to reconnect with past and present, where destiny awaits within a Prison of Ice.

A scholar bearing witness to the signs of catastrophe, saw an ancient library beneath an observatory, but the halls of knowledge are not all they appear, perhaps looking within will make the way clear.

A man filled with anger in a crumbling city saw the image of a stone king. Through stealth the ancient king would grant him entrance, but to seek the light within he must travel through darkness, where madness awaits.


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Character Portrait: Laela Hadyn Everett
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Clutching her bag tightly, Hadyn left the great library and stepped out into the morning light. She was assured that she had no need to return for she shift sheโ€™d been scheduled for in the coming evening, as sheโ€™d managed so skillfully to take it during a night sheโ€™d not been assigned to. Between that and being praised for her discovery by Director Janesca, she should feel very accomplished. The young woman had discovered something to be marked in history books for years to come; something every astronomer hopes to do in the course of their studies. So why did she feel so uneasy?

Her mind kept thinking about the astrological implications of the comet: that big change of an unknown nature was on its way. And perhaps it was the fact that she didnโ€™t know what sort of change could be coming. She could have just seen the harbinger of a great catastrophe! Hadyn blinked her tired eyes and shook her head. Thoughts like that were probably just the sleep deprivation talkingโ€ฆ
And there, in the periphery of her senses, began the same noise from the previous night. She froze in place, waiting to see if she could detect the source of the echoing crinkly sounds. No one else seemed to be able to detect the sounds, and the source was ambiguous. The astronomer shook her head a bit, hoping the noise would fade, but it refused to wane. She strained to try and detect the source of the sounds, but to no avail. Just then she detected a movement out of the corner of her eye, but when she turned to figure out what it was, she saw nothing out of the ordinary. By this point, Hadyn was completely sure that there was something wrong with her. She continued towards home, hoping sleep would remedy her hallucinations.

The sounds did not cease as she moved forward. Nor did the movement. Hadynโ€™s grew uneasy; it felt like something was starting to chase her. Not only that, but the moving shadows in her peripheral vision had started to look like the winged creature formation from the nebula. They crawled away before she could get a good solid look at them, but she swore she could hear their tiny snarls among the subtle, echoing cacophony only she could detect. By the time she drew close to home, sheโ€™d broken into a full on run.

She pulled open the door and thrust herself inside, slamming the door behind her. Still, the sounds and winged shadows did not cease. Hadyn found herself in the middle of her den, turning, desperately trying to follow the shadow creatures she was no longer sure were hallucinations. Hadynโ€™s vision grew blurry on the edges, as if the crinkling static was overtaking her vision. She clamped her eyes just and gripped her head, hoping to stop the advancement, but instead she grew lightheaded. Breathing heavily, dizziness overtook her and, unbidden, her legs gave out. Hadyn fell to the floor with a slight gasp, and lost consciousness.

When the white static and winged shadow creatures left her mindโ€™s eye, darkness took over. Shapes began to burn into her field of vision, subtle, blocky shapes. She had the feeling of being underground- a hallway dark and cold. It smelled of dust and old paper, familiar smells but more powerful and aged. The blocky shapes turned into shelves and shelves of antique books, many of which seemed as old, if not older than the journal sheโ€™d found mention of the nebulaic formation in. A portion of her unease was overtaken by wonder at the sight of all the ancient literature. Hadyn wanted very much to explore, but as quickly as the vision took shape, it faded away to a blank silence.

Her breathing slowed, and she felt the wood flooring of her home beneath her. Opening her eyes, she escaped the darkness left behind by the aged library for the realm of consciousness. For a minute, she lay there, staring up at her ceiling, processing what just happened. She no longer felt odd, or even all that uneasy. Just tired. Rather than wrack her tired mind to explain what just happen, she followed her bodyโ€™s only command at that time to her bedroom, flopped down on her bed, and fell asleep.

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Etriny by Dalmar



Velmon by Dalmar



Volstack by Dalmar


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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Maxilith Toma
Character Portrait: Adion Veris
Character Portrait: Lord Ivagio
Character Portrait: Jack Stockton
Character Portrait: Tytus Peregrino Efficaxis.
Character Portrait: Laela Hadyn Everett
Character Portrait: Dalmar
Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos


Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos
Hadrian Estel Angelos

Twin brother of Lyalee Seraphina Angelos. Leader of the Obscura Rosa and known for being cold and ruthless to all but his beloved sister.

Character Portrait: Dalmar

Known as the Dark Lord by many, he is the Captain of small but elite group of knights.

Character Portrait: Laela Hadyn Everett
Laela Hadyn Everett

A young woman who goes by her middle name, Hadyn. She studies the stars, and finds the stories they tell fascinating.

Character Portrait: Tytus Peregrino Efficaxis.
Tytus Peregrino Efficaxis.

Of the proud and reclusive Aeronan clans of Mystril's singular, massive mountain, Tytus is a jaded and aloof being of strident moral fiber, for his race.

Character Portrait: Jack Stockton
Jack Stockton

A simple man, who loves his home, just trying to earn a living.

Character Portrait: Lord Ivagio
Lord Ivagio

Comander of the Queens army and Lord of Alzeran

Character Portrait: Maxilith Toma
Maxilith Toma

A freed slave finding solace within a forest home


Character Portrait: Tytus Peregrino Efficaxis.
Tytus Peregrino Efficaxis.

Of the proud and reclusive Aeronan clans of Mystril's singular, massive mountain, Tytus is a jaded and aloof being of strident moral fiber, for his race.

Character Portrait: Laela Hadyn Everett
Laela Hadyn Everett

A young woman who goes by her middle name, Hadyn. She studies the stars, and finds the stories they tell fascinating.

Character Portrait: Dalmar

Known as the Dark Lord by many, he is the Captain of small but elite group of knights.

Character Portrait: Maxilith Toma
Maxilith Toma

A freed slave finding solace within a forest home

Character Portrait: Lord Ivagio
Lord Ivagio

Comander of the Queens army and Lord of Alzeran

Character Portrait: Jack Stockton
Jack Stockton

A simple man, who loves his home, just trying to earn a living.

Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos
Hadrian Estel Angelos

Twin brother of Lyalee Seraphina Angelos. Leader of the Obscura Rosa and known for being cold and ruthless to all but his beloved sister.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jack Stockton
Jack Stockton

A simple man, who loves his home, just trying to earn a living.

Character Portrait: Maxilith Toma
Maxilith Toma

A freed slave finding solace within a forest home

Character Portrait: Lord Ivagio
Lord Ivagio

Comander of the Queens army and Lord of Alzeran

Character Portrait: Laela Hadyn Everett
Laela Hadyn Everett

A young woman who goes by her middle name, Hadyn. She studies the stars, and finds the stories they tell fascinating.

Character Portrait: Dalmar

Known as the Dark Lord by many, he is the Captain of small but elite group of knights.

Character Portrait: Hadrian Estel Angelos
Hadrian Estel Angelos

Twin brother of Lyalee Seraphina Angelos. Leader of the Obscura Rosa and known for being cold and ruthless to all but his beloved sister.

Character Portrait: Tytus Peregrino Efficaxis.
Tytus Peregrino Efficaxis.

Of the proud and reclusive Aeronan clans of Mystril's singular, massive mountain, Tytus is a jaded and aloof being of strident moral fiber, for his race.

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