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My dream college isn't actually for humans!?

My dream college isn't actually for humans!?


Vampire, werewolves, witches, mermaids... they all are fairy tale based creatures right? They can't exist, not at college anyways!

3,663 readers have visited My dream college isn't actually for humans!? since Ever created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



ImageNeverland. A place that should have only existed in story books, in old maid’s tales, in the hearts and dreams of a child. A place in which magic reigns and time stills.. a place so mystical, most would give up their valued Earthly possessions just for a glimpse. And yet, this is precisely where our story begins, on this enchanted island regarding 2 rather unique individuals.

ImageOn the mainland, a section of the island covered in various terrains, there isn’t one dominant race that governs the stretch. In fact, there are 2 major Image'clans’ occupying the different territories; The Children of the Sea residing near the coves and beaches and The Children of the Woods taking residency between the trees. And yet, despite being as dispersed as they were, both of these two tribes were experiencing a phenomenon on the same day….each of the clan leaders had given birth to their heirs. With the Children of the Sea being with a rambunctious baby boy and the Children of the Woods having been bestowed with a giggling girl, it was certainly a time that caused for rejoice and endless banquets… but, those happy times were soon to end. Not long after their arrival into this ethereal world, these 2 heirs were robbed from their cradles by the demons who wished to see Neverland fall to ruin; the Pirates. Transferred by the night’s protective shroud, these scoundrels planted the children into the world of humans, effectively robbing them of their birth given powers and immortality.

Each of the clans were distraught with despair, their precious bundles that were to guide their future seemingly vanished without a trace. With welling anger and overpowering grief, the leaders of each faction paid a visit to their nonofficial king, Peter Pan, demanding that some form of justice was to be ruled out. Pan, wishing to keep his subjects content, doled out the punishment he saw fit by removing the usage of the infamous pirate captain James Hook’s right hand, before sending out his own scouts into the land in search of the children. However, after 5 years of fruitless hunting, Pan ended up calling a retreat of his own party, the Lost Children, closing such a matter as unsolvable. In fear of never having their kin brought back into their world, the leaders of the clans rallied before coming to terms and presenting the bargain to Pan; the Children of the Woods would give their little Heiress’s marriage hand to him if he managed to bring back both alive.


Driven by motivation, Peter Pan managed to hunt down both of the heirs, all of whom have aged quite oddly now that they were placed in the human realm, with astonishing speed. And guess where they were hidden away? You guessed it, Kensington, London. Placed under the same roof with the same name, the Kingsley siblings are brought back to Neverland, unaware of their true blood origins or names. Nestled under Pan’s wing for guidance, the Kingsleys are, seemingly, having the worst time adjusting to the new environment..and it isn’t long before the dreaded Pirates hear of their return. A war is beginning to brew as each of these children are slowly regaining their powers, a struggle of catastrophic portions crawling nearer to the present as the Pirates begin to invade the mainland… And when given a choice, will the children choose to return to their peaceful existence? Or stay and fight alongside their bloodlines?


Image.:.The Children of the Sea.:.
Sea-dwellers who have developed a spiritual connection to the ocean, they are, by no means, even remotely related to the Pirates… in fact, it’s an insult to refer to them as Imagesuch.

Image♗ Creatures that often take the form of a human, they possess a second stage akin to the ideal image of a mermaid; a fishtail extending from below their navel, wispy fins attached to their forearms and gill slits at their throat
♗ Surprisingly the second eldest of the tribe factions, their signature powers are anything having to do with water manipulation. However, in their human form, they are, Imageeasily, the strongest out of all the other clans
Image♗ Typically seen as the mellow and calm ones, they are fiercely loyal to their King [even if he is nonofficial] and his every law

.:.The Children of the Woods.:.
The oldest race among their neighbors, these Faeries make the best allies and the worst enemies… especially if you just so happen to stumble into their home base, the forest.

♗ Much like the aforementioned Sea-dwellers, the Fae have 2 forms they possess; a human and a true. Between the different states of being, there isn’t a major difference in terms of changing eye or hair colors.. but that’s about it. In the latter, most Faeries shrink to be only as tall as a young adult’s thumb, their body glowing in every hue of the rainbow. Commonly, each Fae has a pair of butterfly wings signature to their person that are opaque tones of pastels

♗ The magic they possess is quite unique to say the least. The most varied in ability, the common example would have to be flora manipulation. However, there have been some cases in which Faeries can manipulate others through song, bend light to their will, or even command the weather. Counterparts to the Children of the Sea, these creatures are the most agile and swift in their human transformation

♗ Often tagged as the curious and mischievous ones in Neverland, their alliance to the King is on shaky ground

.:.The Lost Children.:.
The absolute loyalists to Pan, each and everyone of these rambunctious and loud humans view him as a big brother of sorts. Orphans stolen from the human world by the Big Man himself, over time, each of these individuals have gained immortality by staying on the mainland for as long as they have.

♗ Generally, they do not have “real names” in the sense there is a first and last. Typically, they are given a single word by Pan to indicate their new identities (for example; Sage, Pine, Sky, etc)

♗ They do not possess any true powers… aside from immortality. However, they do possess unusual skills (for example; knife throwing, archery, trap making, etc) that is unique to their person

.:.The Pirates.:.
The ‘villains’ of Neverland, they are merely vagrants who wish to see the fall of Peter Pan so they can retake the throne. In a certain view, the Pirate Captain is like Pan in the sense he takes in the rejects of the human world [and of the Lost Children] and adapts them to become pirates...however, most of the humans he rescues are ones riddled with a shady past and full of regrets. As such, the entirety of the pirate crew are loyal to Hook for giving them a second chance at a life.

♗ Only Hook has a power seeing as he is part of the race Pan annihilated; the Mesmers (A race of beings that were well-known for being rule breakers and tyrants in Neverland, they controlled an ability that manipulated the bodies and actions of living things through sending blasts of their own chi from their hands)




Role | Age (looks to be) | Gender | Race | FC: | Reserved for: |

Peter Pan
Peter Pan | 18 | Male | Unknown | FC: {Karoku Arumerita || Karneval} | Reserved For:
Kingsley Siblings
Sister | 16 | Female | Children of the Woods | FC: Chitoge Kirisaki| Reserved for: Ever

Brother | 14 | Male | Children of the Moon | FC: | Reserved for: Gyrfledgeling
Lost Children
Second-in-Command | 17 | Male | Human | FC: {Heine || DOGS} | Reserved for: Luna Delta

Member 1 | 16 | Female | Human (Twin to Member 2) | FC: {Yui Hirasawa || K-On!} | Reserved for:

Member 2 | 16 | Female | Human (Twin to Member 1) | FC: {Ui Hirasawa || K-On!} | Reserved for:
Captain Hook | 19 | Male | Mesmer | FC: {Rin || Free!} | Reserved for:

Second-in-Command | 18 | Male | Human | FC: {Uroko-Sama || Nagi no Asukara } | Reserved for:

Regular Member | 19 | Female | Human | FC: {Naoto || DOGS} | Reserved for: Luna Delta

Regular Member | 17 | Male | Human | FC: {Lavi || D. Grayman} | Reserved for:


.:. Skeleton .:.
Code: Select all
[center][img]IMAGE OF NAME GOES HERE[/img][/center]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes Here[/img][/center]
[center][font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]Quote Goes Here[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=avenir light][color=first color]✦[u]Theme[/u][/color][/font][/center]
[left][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[/left][right][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url][/right]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Nickname[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Age[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Gender[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Race[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Role[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Face Claim[/i][/b][/color]⌋
[center][font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Hair Color[/i][/b][/color]⌋
hair color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Eye Color[/i][/b][/color]⌋
eye color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Skin Tone[/i][/b][/color]⌋
skin color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Height[/i][/b][/color]⌋
height (preferably in feet and inches)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Weight[/i][/b][/color]⌋
weight (preferably in lbs)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Physical Description[/i][/b][/color]⌋
description (1-2 paragraphs please!)[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Potential Interest[/i][/b][/color]⌋
potential here

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Skills[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining. {you can add more skills}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Power Abilities[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain
✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain
✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain {continue this format for more abilities}[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Other[/i][/b][/color]⌋
Any other important information

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Habits[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain {continue format for more habits}[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Likes[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]♥ [b]like[/b] || explain
♥ [b]like[/b] || explain
♥ [b]like[/b] || explain {continue format for more likes}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Dislikes[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain {continue for more dislikes}[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Strengths[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain
✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain
✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain {continue format for more strengths}[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain {continue format for more weaknesses}[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Personality[/i][/b][/color]⌋
[center][u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u][/center]
1-2 paragraphs explaining the traits.[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes here[/img]
[font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]

  1. {Reservations} || Please reserve characters in the OOC. I won't accept a random submission, no matter how awesome they are. So please, just reserve~ Also, this is not a first come, first serve role-play and you might have to compete for your spot should another person show interest. If you find this tedious and unnecessary, you are free to leave this role-play at any time~

  2. {Two Days} || You only have two {2} days to submit your characters, and four {4} to complete it. If not complete by day four {4}, I will give your position away... unless you contact me beforehand with a good excuse for not being finished, that is.

  3. {Literacy} || Not only will I be looking for details in your character sheet, but proper grammar and spelling as well. This role-play is to be literate, meaning posts are to be kept at a minimum of 150+ words.. Now, I know we are not perfect and we all make mistakes but if you cannot use a proper spell check, it will reflect within your character sheet! So please, be at least semi-literate with the capability to post at minimum one hundred and fifty words {150}.

  4. {Explicit Content & Etc.} || Of course Romance is is the best thing ever! Gore may also pop up in here a few times. Drama is allowed in character >but not in the OOC...unless it is playful< Yes, Swearing can be used, but please don't go overboard..also, that includes "intimate" relationships. Please, take it to the PMs if you wish.. just don't blind us~

  5. {Anime} || Yes, Anime. I will not accept a character if it isn't in anime-style. And please don't use different pictures for a character, I want it to look neat. If you have a problem finding a FC, just ask me for help. Also..while we are on the topic about anime, put down the latest anime you've watched and bold the second {2nd} letter in it's title when reserving to show you have read the rules.

  6. {Commitment} || I am aware that we all have lives outside of role-playing and our computer screens. Some of us either attend school or have a full-time job, sometimes both. All I ask is that you post at least twice a week. If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to post for x-amount of time, please notify me. I do not bite, I do not get angry, however; should you fail to notify me of your departure, I will boot you out of the role-play. I am also aware that some of us may be in other role-plays, and I understand those come first. Notification of departure and how much time you'll be gone is all I ask for.

  7. {One Last Thing} || Also add your speaking text colour (both the code and it's appearance in text) alongside the earlier passwords for reserving.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley
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#, as written by Isador

Victor stood still, watching her slowly circle around him. He felt like she was inspecting him, looking him over, almost like a fresh piece of meat still bleeding from the hook. "That's and interesting reaction," he thought, still nervous as all hell. "She's not awkwardly backing off. She's, well interested in me? Could she really be?"

When suddenly, her eyes lit up. Life, fire, personality sparking into those big, startling blue things. They looked warm to him, inviting, friendly even. Victors throat tightened up. "No, I've never done that before," he said back to her, in a kind of quiet monotone. Hopefully it sounded thoughtful and apprehensive. He thought more about the question, "Well actually," he continued on, thinking back to a year or two ago. "There was a time I was just wandering around campus, not really paying attention to where I was going, and I walked in on a girl taking a shower in the locker room." He almost chuckled at the memory, thinking back. She was a younger girl, a first year most likely, fresh out of Highschool. He had seen her a few times beforehand, walking hurriedly from place to place, her straight blonde brown hair flying out behind her, her freckled face bearing an expression of nervousness and "Oh-god-I'm-going-to-be-late." He had never really payed attention to her before. He remembered wandering through the grounds that day, avoiding the sun, just walking from room to room, when he accidentally wandered right into the locker room and right into her shower. She didn't hear anyone, until he had gasped in surprise. She turned around, green eyes wide, soft, round, water covered brea...

Victor snapped out of the memory, and if his grayish skin had the ability to blush, it would of been bright red. "She-she was upset to put it simply," he finished, stuttering slightly. That probably wasn't a good story to share, but at least he had given an honest answer. He thought back to the question, his bare foot slowly dragging across the grass. Wait a minute, did she ask...
"Wait, partner up? Like you and me? Hanging out or something?" He said, a hopeful tone creeping into his voice slowly. This, now this was very unexpected.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Loreleigh Markum Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley Character Portrait: Lucas Character Portrait: Selene Savage
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ever
Lydia eagerly fidgeted on the black leather couch in the back of the limousine, biting her lower lip repeatedly. I'm going to be at one of the most prestigious schools in the only a few minutes! came her excited thoughts, only causing her fidget more at the very prospect. In an attempt to quell this anxiousness bubbling over, Lydia absentmindedly started leaf through the instructional packet, a gift from the Headmaster. However, the petite redhead couldn't bring herself to concentrate on the words as her thoughts began to wander yet again. In the haze of joy that was washing over the human girl's mind, Lydia nearly missed the door being opened. Nearly.

Almost bursting out of the limo, the girl greedily took in the sight of the campus, all breathe fleeing her in amazement. The next several minutes passed in a blur of a mix between shock and an itching happiness as she was led through the nearly deserted campus to the headmaster's office. There, as she was debriefed on college life, the bubbly girl only took away this: keep your nose clean and get good grades. When a four page contract was pushed across the heavy oak desk to stop in front of her, Lydia Winters never gave it much thought on what it was for. She merely signed her name in the designated spots, drowning in her happiness. Perhaps it was the worst mistake this girl could ever have made or perhaps it was the best.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Loreleigh Markum
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0.00 INK

Lora felt something was off the instant she woke up to the first day of school. Her instincts were going off like fireworks. Something was wrong. It was very unsettling. The unicorn felt so tense that she didn't bother going for her morning run. Instead, she decided to meditate. It would do no good for her start the day out of balance and meditation always balanced her out. Taking her i-pod, one of the few technological gadgets that she liked, she connect it to earphones, put them on her ears, and turned on some Enigma. It was just the thing she needed as she meditated for a good 20 minutes.

After meditating, feel calmer, she ate and got ready for the day. Lora couldn't quite get rid of that uneasy feeling, but she wouldn't worry about it sense there was nothing she could presently do about it. Getting her things together, she grabbed her backpack, purse, and pulled a rolling suit case that held her art supplies in it. On first day, rarely did they do anything in her art classes on the first day because all they did was go over the syllabus and what supplies they basically needed and what the first assignment was going to be. One of the perks of this campus was it had it's own art supply store on campus. The nearest town didn't have an art store so it was much more convenient.

Leaving her room, Loreleigh went to the main campus building and the moment she set foot inside, she caught a whiff of a certain smell that made her want to flee right than and there and it took all of her control not to lose it. She recognized the scent immediately and was shocked.

~A human? Here? That's impossible!?~ she thought.

However, as much as her mind and heart wanted to deny it, her instincts told her otherwise. Dread filling her, she headed to her first class.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland
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Zero was beginning to think that it might have been a better idea to just stay in Australia. Oh, yes, that was where he had run away to after he developed his genes. It was less cliche than running away to Europe or something, they would have found him too easily there. After all, as a young boy he hardly spoke of anything but Europe. Constant claiming he would backpack across the land when he graduated high school- then he would go to college. So of course when he dropped out and disappeared, they would probably go looking for him there first. Jokes on them, once he turned vamp he ran off to the middle of nowhere and backpacked across that land. Alright, that was probably a part that he didn't want to share with anyone. It wouldn't help the whole, "strong, heartless vampire" thing if they knew he had run away just to backpack... rather than running away to cause chaos.

In mere seconds his thoughts went from Europe and Australia and backpacking to the scent of a human. It couldn't just be a human walking by, the driveway to the school was much too long for them to disturb the vampires, and he highly doubted anyone was stupid enough to be roaming in these woods. His lip curled and he dropped down from the tree, quickly checking around him just to see if, by the off chance, a human had wandered too far. Nothing. Then where was this human coming from? Still, he hadn't any idea. Perhaps if he actually sat and thought about it for a few moments, he could have figured out that he should have probably headed towards the front gate to see if the scent was coming from there. Or maybe if he didn't ignore random little notes that appeared on his dresser. But he was already- quickly -moving towards his first class, unsure how he would react around a human considering he hadn't been around any for quite some time.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley
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Lilly laughed and rolled her eyes. "Yes what do you think I meant?" She gave a happy toothy grin. "Sense we will be hanging out I ought to give you the nickname only friends are allowed to call me." She grinned and made a sign that it was top secret. "You get to call me Lil." She grinned again happy to have made her technically first official friend. She had always had few but they had always called her Lil so it became a habit of sorts to give the nickname as an alternative whenever she did befriend someone.

Lilly's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car pulling up. She did not turn around to look... No instead she simply blinked her bright blue eyes loosing some of there brightness as they seemed to darken while she silently and without even looking around studied the new comer... They were a human? Yes the scent was undeniably that of a human... So the rumors that a human would be accepted to the school were true? That would cause some problems...

Lilly waited until the human was gone... Her eyes went back to there normal color... They only ever went a darker shade of blue when she was concentrating hard on something and for some reason the arrival of the car had been enough to trouble her. "So it seems the human rumor are true..." Lilly blinked. "I would say let's scare her but..." A grin broke onto Lilly's face. "But I'm not that mischievous... Or not yet." She giggled. "So what are you in the mood to do now Victor?" Lilly blinked and stared the taller boy right in the eyes.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Isador

"Lil," Victor repeated, the nickname rolling off his tongue quietly. It was a cute nickname. Very fitting for her. It almost seemed to hold all of her charm in one small syllable. He liked it, he liked it a lot. He kept his eyes trained on her, mulling over where this could be going inside of his head. She was so... energetic, effervescent, and bubbly in a subtly endearing way. The polar opposite of himself. Victor, with his grey skin and dead eyes. Victor, freezing cold to be around and monotone in word and action. He was only able to appear friendly to her in the first place because of the seal placed on him so long ago. It put the more human side of him back where it used to be. Strong magic indeed. He slid his tongue along the inside of his lip, a more common habit of his.

Victor, with his still human hearing, did not notice the car pulling up to the front of the school, but what he did notice was the change in Lils expression. Her eyes seemed to... darken a bit, becoming not so shockingly blue for a moment. She looked, thoughtful, maybe a bit startled as well. But, as he watched her, her face returned back to how it was before, a cute mix of innocence and mischef. Victors tongue slid again.

Then, it came. That word. "...Human," Lil said to him, smiling slightly. Victor screamed on the inside. "Human?! Here!? What!" it came, reverberating on the inside of his skull. "Human," echoing over and over again. Humans were never here. Since he had stumbled upon the campus and then bound here, there had not been one single human within a large radius of this place. A human, a human meant the possibility of feeding, and feeding meant strength. Strength meant being able to feed on the lesser of the supernatural beings here, and moving up the food chain. Gaining power, more and more until he could break the seal, and escape, re-released into the world. This whole thought process evoked an old inner fire within him. Burning, wicked, hot and red. Things were about to get interesting around here very quickly.

More words came from Lil, and Victor slowly returned back to earth. Back to his weakened human-like self. She was asking him something. "I'm sorry, what?" He said quietly, realizing she had stopped, now staring at him. "Uhm, yes. What to do," a montone creeping into his voice. "Well, I guess we could go on a... walk? Or something? Maybe get to know each other a little better," he finished, his eyes meeting hers. "Who knows, maybe we'll run into the human on the way and still get a chance to scare her."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley
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Lilly grinned. "Sure... But let's avoid the vampire side of campus... Pretty sure that they would not appreciate a werewolf and a ghost walking around like they own the place... And on my side people understand what a well placed growl means." Smiling Lilly closed her book remembering her page number and set off toward her side of campus. Of course it did not take them to long to reach her side and before long they were weaving about exploring everything there was to be explored. After a little while of silence Lilly turned to look at Victor. "So got any questions for me? Ask away~ It can be anything from whats your favorite color to what do you think about being a werewolf anyway?" Lilly grinned noticing a few people staring she stuck her tongue out at them until they blinked confused and stopped looking her way. Smirking victoriously Lilly gave a small skip before kicking a rock. Today was certainly turning out to be an interesting day.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Selene Savage
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#, as written by Ever
Lydia allows a small sigh to escape her as she sits in the darkened head office, rubbing her hands together in an absentminded manner. Tic. Tic. Tic. Each small sharp sound emanated from the worn grandfather clock rang in her mind, constantly reminding the human girl of how long she had been waiting alone in the dimly-lit room, how long she had been forced to occupy the centuries old wooden arm rest, how long she was waiting for her new life to begin. No thoughts or activities could quell the clawing of excitement in her being, the very thought of attending U.f.S.G was enough to make Lydia unleash screams of happiness.

After 10 minutes of being stranded in the rather depressing office, Lydia couldn't take it anymore. Leaping out of the solid chair, a small huff escapes the petite redhead as she hastily complains "I refuse to let this-this-this place, ruin my happy mood." Giving a shake of her head, the two long scarlet twin tails pick up the wind briefly, flying on the air before dropping down to gravity once more before crossing her way over to look at the bookshelf. A small frown tugs at the girl's lips as she realizes most of the worn book had titles that were faded or in a different language.
On the other side of campus, a rather stoic-looking man was walking at a brisk pace. Behind the black sunglasses, the rather burly man could see everything but on the other side? Well no one could see diddl squat. Giving an amused chortle, the rather well-toned man kept at his brisk pace, the suit he was wearing not even slowing him down in the slightest. In a few minutes, he was at the Vampire Dorm, his hand rapping rather powerfully on the tall oaken door.

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Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters
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[justify][font=calibri light]Kaoron was in his bed in that time. Yes, he was awake for a long time before. To be honest, he didn’t quite sleep that night. Something or someone just kept him out of the dreams realm – not that he needs it anyways. The vampire know he could pass some times without sleep, but he took such account of sleeping that it seems the cycle had got the grip of him. None less, since the sun was already up, and birds seems to sing all along for a good day, he loosen the grip on his guitar, which he felt the burnt of playing too much.

Yes, he had played guitar all night, since he couldn’t find anything to do much, and he saw that the rooms that he was in – because he didn’t know about the others – makes his noise less loud, and even nullify the fact that he was practising. He thought that he might awakened one or two people during night, but for that, they had to do on their own. As he putted the guitar down, he heard quite a loud bang on the vampire’s dorm. Feeling that the reaction of the others would be quite chaotic, he was the one answering to it.

As he was about to open the door until he felt another’s energy. No, it wasn’t one of those dogs, but it felt rather… Strange. He remember, there was something on the door of the dorm room. A notice about a human arriving and some rules. He didn’t know about the rules, but knew that it should follow along the lines: “Don’t do anything bad or we’ll screw you up.” He laughed softly, saying to himself:

”It would be weird if this one was going to tell us about that. Taking guess that I’m not inclined to do anything wrong with her, I should maybe welcome her myself.” And he sighed, turning the knob.

“Why hello there." he said with a smile, looking at the stranger. He wasn't sure who he was, but he continued with. "So, what brings you here?"

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Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley
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#, as written by Isador

Victor was silent for the duration of the walk between the courtyard and the Werewolf dorms. It was nice having a small spot of quiet to dwell in for a few minutes. It gave him time to think. He still wasn't sure what he thought about this girl, and was still shocked even from the encounter. In all of his time on the campus, no werewolf or vampire alike had warmed up to him this quickly. Yet then again, this girl really didn't seem like an average Werewolf. She seemed so, light and friendly rather than territorial and over aggressive. This girl was different, in a very good way.

Her question came suddenly, breaking the silence like a pebble in a still pond. He turned to her, making sure to keep in the shade of the cobble path they had come to walk on. It was easier for him to think and talk without the constant burn of the sun on his skin. "Yes actually," he said, after a bit of a pause "I do have a question or two for you. But, to keep it fair and interesting, let's take turns shall we?" he finished. He gave a small smile as she stuck her tongue out at a random passerby, who looked rather startled at the gesture. "I guess I'll start though. How long have you been a Werewolf and how long have you been on this campus?" He asked, his eyes looking for hers. This was a good start, a good way to gather some basic information about her. Who knew, maybe she'd even go off on a large tangent and he'd get even more out of it than he intended. She did seem like quite the conversationalist after all.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Selene Savage
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#, as written by Ever
Behind the tinted sunglasses, this stranger was obviously sizing up the young vampire with great interest. Slowly a wide smirk appears on his sharp features, a thought suddenly crossing his mind "This is the powerful Pureblood? Hmph.. he's a mere kid!". The bulking man slowly unfolds his arms, his words coming out in a clipped and monotone voice "All vampires currently residing in this dorm are requested by Mistress Bathory to come with me to the head office." .

Lydia's puzzlement grew larger and larger every second , the cause? A book. As the petite girl stared down at the rather ancient novel, mulling over the odd symbols, she could feel the building annoyance within her."What is this...?" came her quiet murmur to herself, slightly agitated that she, an honor roll student, was perplexed by a simple book! With a small tsk to convey her anger at the bound pieces of paper, Lydia slammed the book shut with quite the force. Instantly regretting the harsh behavior towards the inanimate object, she carefully returns the rather precious piece of literature to the rightful shelf. Glancing at the clock once more, she gives a small sigh before Lydia's emerald green orbs begin to wander about. In the midst of casually glancing at the many other foreign titles, an amused and rather feminine voice rings out. "I don't take too kindly to people snooping around my treasures, Miss Winters."

In a flash, the human girl spun around to pinpoint the owner of this lyrical female voice, eager to find the offender that had shattered the peaceful yet dreary silence. All intents to scold the person was drained from her, however, the second Lydia's gaze fell onto the woman. The breath was stolen from her very lungs at the sight of the ethereal beauty. Topped onto that, the sheer power and aura radiating from this woman was enough to put the naive human in reverence. Image
She was everything a woman was suppose to be; beautiful, elegant and very well-endowed.. almost inhumanely perfect. Quickly moving away from the bookcase, Lydia finally finds her words and manages to stutter out "O-o-oh I'm s-s-sorry!". In an attempt of trying to get her words to be as understandable as she possible, Lydia thought curiously "Who is she?!". Tracing every moment this woman made with her eyes, the young girl set her mind to figure out the identity of this new stranger. "Hmph. My, aren't you a polite one? I'm the headmistress of this academy, Headmaster Bathory.. and if I'm not mistaken, you are the new student?" Lydia's eyes widen briefly at the introduction, surprise, undoubtedly, flitting across her delicate features SHE's the Headmaster!? I thought Bathory was a man!"

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Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley
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Lilly nodded at Victor and agreed to there question game. "Hmmm well... I don't know how long I've been one... I guess sense I was born... But I never knew not until I got older... At about 13 I was adopted by a werewolf couple... They knew what I was long before I did... They weren't part of a pack so I was raised as a lone wolf." Lilly continued to walk there was a bounce in her step and her long hair bounced and swayed with each of her bounces or sways. "This is my first year here... Needless to say I'm not use or really approving of the pack mentality most werewolves have... A few have offered to take me in but..." Lilly just chuckled. "Well needless to say once a lone wolf always a lone wolf." A proud grin came over her features. As they continued to walk Lilly decided it was her turn to ask questions. "Alright so... How long have you been here?"

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Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley
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#, as written by Isador

Victor listened to Lil's answer quietly, keeping his eyes trained on her the entire time. "A lone wolf." He thought to himself, "She might be more like me than I thought."
He continued walking, his long hair staying put despite the small warm breeze that had slowly crept up. A wandering leaf drifted through the lower part of his left shin, vanishing for a second, then continuing on its way undisturbed.

He smiled at her question, a faint and thoughtful look slowly sweeping over his face.
"I've been here since the mid 18th century. Perhaps the late 17th. I can't remember the exact year anymore. It's been far too long." He trailed off slowly, his sentence joining with the breeze. "I haven't left the campus grounds since drifting onto it in the first place."
It had been a very long time since he had thought about his first day here. The skies were dark that day, heavy with clouds that were pregnant with rain. They seemed heavy, about to collapse even. He had been walking through a forest, his feet stepping onto damp leaves and undergrowth. The canopy of the trees had added to the darkness, making it the perfect place for Victor. He had blended into the shadow of the trees almost, appearing indiscernable to any sort of passerby, had there been any.

Then, the rain had started. Heavy, fat drops, falling from the sky by the millions. It started slow at first, but after the booming sound of thunder and the sudden and brilliant flash of lightning brought the full force of the downpour down. Victor hated rain. Not because of the impossible danger of being soaked, quite the opposite really.
Each individual raindrop coming down, falling through his body and onto the ground. Each blasted raindrop, passing through him again and again. It caused his appearance to shimmer. Appear slightly transparent, then not. Victor remembered stopping to look down at his own hands, and watch them quiver and vibrate. He stood there for a very long time, as the rain picked up, falling at a more unforgiving pace.
Each drop. Each vibration of his hand, would remind him of how unreal he was. Of every single sensation he couldn't have anymore. The taste of water or good food. The touch of another object, or someone else. He realized something that day, something that continued to torture him through every night of his sleepless existence.
He remembered seeing the towers of the University campus above the trees. He remembered walking onto the lawn and seeing the mossy cobblestone paths and high arches. He remembered the Headmistress coming out, looking unconcerned, but interested.

Victors gaze slowly went downward. "I guess you could say I've been here longer than most." he finished.
Now it was his turn once again to ask again. "So, Lil. What's it like being a Werewolf? Are you in control of your abilities? How does that work exactly?" he thought for a second, deciding to add on a second question, despite the rules of the game. "And, most importantly, do you like being a Werewolf?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Selene Savage
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A smile grew on his face as he heard the thought that came across the being. Of course, that was invasion of privacy, but he couldn’t help himself but laugh in his own head. Kaoron felt pretty safe about himself; even though that he was only 18, the thought of being defeated wasn’t a thing in his mind. He only made a “tsk” before looked back towards the dorm, sending a mental message to everyone within the dorm.

“The human arrived… get yourself along and get out of your rooms, you lazy people.” He chuckled softly, looking back towards to the being.

“They should arrive soon. If anything, they might have been gone the whole night.” He shrugged. To be honest with himself, he could have felt people’s aura, but even himself, he felt lazy to care about who is and not inside of the dorm. Besides, he didn’t think that it was his job to direct the others in their lives, even if he is somewhat of the leader of the group of vampires. Longer he thought about it, more he thought that he might have to do it.

There was a human going to reside near bloodsuckers. He doesn’t look forward to when one of his companions got all frenzy on the girl. He doesn’t like violence, nor does he like the girl for the moment. Humans sound fun to hang around; he never experienced it, since he was so closed on his family and the importance of it. Although, it never really bothered him. There was a nifty place called the Internet. Of course, he had to disguise himself, since vampires are either being of a totally rejected because of some book he never read, being called fake because humans mostly think vampires doesn’t exist, which is ironic, and ultimately praised. He did get asked to be married at some point.

Any ways, enough his life, and he preferred to concentrate more on who will be there or not. For now, he only counted that human and himself. The others are somewhere. He only sighed softly, thinking maybe one or two have gone during the night, which wouldn’t be surprising. What is surprising is that this year, it would be the first time there will be a human. He didn’t know why is that, maybe getting a lesson out of it, or just keep warm blood if anyone needs, though it is said that they can’t draw blood from her unless him and the human accepts it. ‘More leadership to come…yay.’ He though sarcastically.

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Lai snapped awake when he heard Karon's voice in his head. Had he fallen asleep? Hell he couldn't remember. Then the words registered with him. A human . He'd heard rumors of one being on campus, but it had finally arrived? He shook his head, he was human once. Why did this suprise him? Was it a vampire thing, where you just yearned to see a human again? Be around them? Lai didn't know, he remembered hating his human life. Lea was able to become a wolf, the lucky loved one the one who was always in the spotlight... Lai just stayed in the shadows.

Grumbling about his brother, he'd leave the dorm and stand against the wall of the building, watching the goings on.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten Character Portrait: Lydia Winters Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest Character Portrait: Loreleigh Markum Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley Character Portrait: Lucas Character Portrait: Maria Takawa
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"Kylie Galen looked up from the slice of pepperoni pizza on the fine china plate and tried to ignore the ghost swinging the bloody sword right behind her grandfather and great-aunt. Her new found family members were … good people, but a tad on the proper side. And proper people probably wouldn't appreciate an uninvited ghost getting their dining room walls bloody.
The spirit, a female, dark flowing hair, in her early thirties, stopped in mid-swing and stared directly at Kylie. You kill or be killed. It’s really rather simple. The words reverberated in Kylie’s head. They were communicating telepathically, and considering the topic being discussed, that was probably for the best.
That’s not simple, Kylie shot back. And I’m trying to eat, so would you mind leaving?
That’s rude, the ghost said. You’re supposed to help spirits. You need to abide by your guidelines.
Kylie twisted the cloth napkin she’d placed in her lap. Okay, was there something written in the rule books about a ghost whisperer having to be polite to obnoxious spirits?
Oh, wait, she didn't have a freaking rule book, or guidelines. She was winging it. Winging everything, in fact: ghost whispering, being a supernatural, being someone’s girlfriend.
Being someone’s ex-girlfriend!
Lately it felt like she was winging her whole damned life, and making a fine mess of things, too. Like her decision to leave Shadow Falls, the camp/recently turned boarding school for paranormal teens. It had felt like the right thing to do at the time.

Losing concentration, Maria stopped her reading and proceeded to look out the window. She had arrived at the University, the prior night. Not having any time to explore, she went directly to the office and then to her new assigned dorm. Apparently, she was in "luck" yesterday because she got to her dorm room but nobody was around to greet her. Though, this made her goal of meeting new people, much more difficult. Being a shy girl was something Maria wasn't proud of; due to the fact that she couldn't go and talk to some stranger right out of the bat like other girls.

Resting her head on the palm of her hand, she returned her gaze to the instruments on the room. She could see a few guitar cases, a piano and other instruments she hasn't got time to try and play. Maria looked back at the words on the book, now resting on her lap. A small sigh could be heard coming out of her mouth. "Why did I have to come here? I don't see the difference between this school and a normal one..." Another sigh could be heard coming from her; closing the book on her lap she went back to look out the window. The day was beautiful, the blue sky had almost no clouds and the birds could be seen flying around. If she weren't so timid, she would have been outside trying to meet new "friends" or talk with some of the other vampires around. Though, she doesn't judge much on species; to her friends came in different varieties. She also heard about the news of a human being accepted to the school. Many of her fellow peers were very shocked about it, but not her. It was bound to happen, besides that is why they were being educated; to become part of human society. She looked at the clock in the room and became thoughtful. "My first class should be starting soon.... Shaking her head, a sad smile appeared on her face. Deciding to skip her first class, she snapped out of her thoughts. She knew she was braking school rules by not going to lass, but it was her first day. She'll come up with some excuse later; besides it wasn't like she was going to skip all of her classes on her first day. That would surely draw negative attention to her persona and she wasn't looking for any type of attention. Standing up from her spot, she walked to the guitar cases and picked one up. Taking the guitar, she placed it on her lap and started to tune it. After completing this task, she proceeded to play one of her favorite melodies. Playing this, she started to sing the lyrics to the song. Although, she mixed it up by inserting some spanish into the song.

“When the night has come and the land is dark. Y la luna es la luz que brilla ante mí. Miedo no, no tendré, oh I won’t, no me asustare. Just as long as you stand, stand by me. And darling, darling stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí.

Y aunque las montañas o el cielo caiga. No voy a preocuparme porque se, que tu estas, junto a mí. No llorare, no llorare oh, I won’t shed a tear. Porque se, que tu estas junto a mi. And darling, darling stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, stand by me, stand by me.

And darling, darling stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí. And darling, darling stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, junto a mí, junto a mí.”

Maria had a great singing voice, but she was extremely shy. This prevent her from performing in front of anyone. Though at the moment she was so into the song that, if anyone were to come in she wouldn't be able to notice.[/center]

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Character Portrait: Loreleigh Markum
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Lora entered her first class and immediately got down to work. Besides her own class assignments, she also did her own pieces and she wanted to finish one she'd be working on for the last 3 weeks. She tried finishing it back home with her adopted family, but things happened and she wasn't able to do so. Forgetting about the human she felt earlier, she lost herself in the painting she was working on. The few who were there didn't dare interrupt her because they knew she hated that. Several new faces followed their suit. The professor though, who was a French vampire, looked at what Lora was painting and smiled with pride. Lora was the first unicorn she met in long time and was proud of her shy student. She honestly hope the girl wouldn't clam up when the human arrived. All the professors were aware that a human was going to the school and since she was an art specialist who did water color paintings, Professor Genevieve Lambourgh, would be seeing her a lot. She already knew that Lora did not like humans at all and who could blame the unicorn? Unicorns became nearly extinct thanks to humanity and unlike vampires, who were able to blend in with human society better, unicorns had a harder time adapting.

When Lora stopped to look at her painting, Professor Lambourgh spoke up, "I see you've been working on your artwork over the summer Miss Markum. This one is tres belle."

Lora smiled at her professor. She was painting on a canvas and it was an image of the Irish landscape. The past summer she visited friends in southeastern Ireland in Waterford county. Lora specialized in acrylic painting, even though she knew how to use oil and water color. Turning back to the painting, she continued on.

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alexander "Zero" Roland
Character Portrait: Loreleigh Markum
Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten
Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai
Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest
Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai
Character Portrait: Victor Lowsley
Character Portrait: Maria Takawa


Character Portrait: Maria Takawa
Maria Takawa

"Just because I am considered a monster, doesn't mean I have to act like one"

Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai
Lai J. Kashenkai

"I'm more of the badass of the family...the better half."

Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest
Lilly Cellest

"Oh... you were talking to me?"

Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai
Lea E. Kashenkai

"Don't be fooled, I was raised by wolves.."

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten
Kaoron Ligsten

"We all know what I am, but I don't know about yourself."

Character Portrait: Loreleigh Markum
Loreleigh Markum

I just want to stay free


Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai
Lea E. Kashenkai

"Don't be fooled, I was raised by wolves.."

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten
Kaoron Ligsten

"We all know what I am, but I don't know about yourself."

Character Portrait: Maria Takawa
Maria Takawa

"Just because I am considered a monster, doesn't mean I have to act like one"

Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai
Lai J. Kashenkai

"I'm more of the badass of the family...the better half."

Character Portrait: Loreleigh Markum
Loreleigh Markum

I just want to stay free

Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest
Lilly Cellest

"Oh... you were talking to me?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lea E. Kashenkai
Lea E. Kashenkai

"Don't be fooled, I was raised by wolves.."

Character Portrait: Lilly Cellest
Lilly Cellest

"Oh... you were talking to me?"

Character Portrait: Kaoron Ligsten
Kaoron Ligsten

"We all know what I am, but I don't know about yourself."

Character Portrait: Lai J. Kashenkai
Lai J. Kashenkai

"I'm more of the badass of the family...the better half."

Character Portrait: Maria Takawa
Maria Takawa

"Just because I am considered a monster, doesn't mean I have to act like one"

Character Portrait: Loreleigh Markum
Loreleigh Markum

I just want to stay free

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