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The Saint Kleio Academy

The Saint Kleio Academy


Welcome to St. Kleio Academy! Where the historical figures of the past meet with the high schoolers of the present!

3,231 readers have visited The Saint Kleio Academy since Zenia created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Welcome to St. Kleio the school like no other! Many high schoolers flourish the halls but each one different than the next, yet most of them share a common trait among them.

They are clones.

That is right they are clones of famous or infamous people throughout history. Where you can catch Chopin and Lewis Carroll in math class together, or Jeanne De Arc and Napoleon in a heated discussion about warfare as well as many other clones. We do accept only a few outsiders and the students are rarely permitted to leave the school ground for the reason that there are clone haters that would like to harm our students. We have an onsite barber who is also a student here; his name is Sweeney Todd a master with the razor. All our clones have the names of their originals as to not add confusion on who they are.

Our goal here is to help our students surpass their originals and to better themselves as well as for redemption if they feel they need it. We are one of the best schools in the country and no outsiders are usually allowed in, when they are we do not tell them they are in a school full of clones, for a few reasons.
1. To cause friendship without any undue judgment
2. To not cause hatred
3. Safety on both sides
They will find out they are in a school full of clones during their brief introduction to the school once accepted.

We are currently accepting students, though some have been in the school system all their lives.

Male Clone Student One: Taken by Zenia-Frédéric François Chopin
Female Clone Student one: Taken by- Nowfaleena Anne Bonny
Male clone Student Two:Taken by Zenia-Sweeney Todd
Female Clone Student Two:Taken by CalmPandemonium-Amelia Earhart
Male Clone student Three: Taken by FalloutRomanae-Gaius Caligula
Female Clone Student Three:Taken by OurStars- Margery Lovett
Male Clone Student Four: Taken by LolitaNoir- C.S. Lewis "Jack"
Female Clone Student Four: open
Male Clone Student Five:Taken by FalloutRomanae- Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Female Clone Student Five: open
Male Clone Student Six:taken by Oloouistom- Abraham Lincoln

Non Clone Male Student One(Likes Clones or has no feelings towards them): open
Non Clone Female Student One(Likes Clones or has no feelings towards them):taken by Ourstars- Darcy Hollis
Non Clone Male Student Two (Dislikes/hates the idea of clones and clones themselves):Taken by FalloutRomanae-Samuel K. Ratch
Non Clone Female Student Two ((Dislikes/hates the idea of clones and clones themselves): Taken by CalmPandemonium- Zoe Charbonneau

If the school decides to take on more students over the year that will be posted on the school board.

Here is the Schools Application if you are accepted you will get your uniform and your student handbook. Your uniform will look like this:

Charrie Skeleton for St. Kleio clones

Age(16 to 18):
Description/ Picture:
Originals past:
When your original died and how:
Dreams or goal:
What is your original famous for:
Theme song(Optional):

Charrie Skeleton for St. Kleio non clones

Description/ Picture:
Dreams or goal:
Do you mind clones:
Theme song(Optional):

Toggle Rules

(If you don't want spoilers don't read the Wiki. It is in an alternate dimension anyway.)
0: Rule Zero AKA The GM is always right if there is a conflict of rules I will solve it I will not abuse this, but I will give out three strikes if I feel people are not listening.
1: no god moding
2: be polite
3: I am the ruler
4: no net speak
5: anime to animish pictures only
6: if you wanna do something involving another character ((Prank or something)) ask
7: follow skellys
8: please tell us in ooc if you are signing off.
9: if you are going to abandon a character please inform me.
10: This will mainly be a weekend thing one post per day per character on mon-fri on Saturday and Sunday have at it, but try not to be a post hog.
11: Please be able to write at least 100 words per post. More is of course welcome and I will accept some writers block days (We all have them)
12. (To make this clearer then I did) Clones have to be the same Gender as their original! In the case of Shaky on you will see Jack the Ripper Now since some people think Jack may have been a Jane I will highly consider that.

Clone examples I will accept: the clones HAVE to be real People as you can see below Sweeney Todd is in. That is because I did a research paper on him and there is evidence to support he is real. You don't need to read this full list. But you do for the next two. The Shaky on and NO WAY one. (I will also LOVE there to be a Margery Lovett!) Also they have to be the same Gender as their original! In the case of Shaky on you will see Jack the Ripper Now since some people think Jack may have been a Jane I will highly consider that.)
Joan of Arc ((Jeanne D'Arc))
Mary Reed
Vlad Tepes
Elisabeth Bathery
Lewis Carrol
Robert S. ((Guy who wrote treasure island))
William the conquer
Ghangis Khan
Marie Antonette
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Charles Darwin
Florence Nightengale
Henry the VIII
Thomas Jefferson
Julius Ceasar
Queen Elizabeth
Issac Newton
Valadamir Lennin

Clones I am shaky on: You'd have to provide me a good reason you are he or she because of lack of evidence they existed or DNA or your weren't caught or it may offend people if you do it wrong. I will accept them though if you convince me.
Jack the Ripper
Socrates((Anyone in this era really but yeah I will accept them.))
Ed Geines
Alexander the Great
King Ramsey
King Tut
Amelia Airheart

anyone recently dead ((Has to be at least 16 years old dead))
Zodiac Killer
Steve Irwin
Anyone that people worship.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln Character Portrait: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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Margery is still glaring vehemently at Sam, clearly peeved at the manner in which he has been addressing Mr. T, as she is really quite protective of him. Normally she only feels the need to slice that vile Richard Blunt and his lot to bits, but this kid is grating on her nerves with his overreactions and snap judgements. Growing up in this place, she knows very well how it can be to have one's self subjected to the whims of bad first impressions. It is rather inevitable here, given that every person draws their life from someone who has already set their mark on the world, that mark greatly affecting their respective clone. She and Sweeney have never exactly been admired for their original's, given that the first Missus Lovett and Sweeney Todd were infamous murderers who used the meat of victims to run a rather popular meat pie store. That sort of gruesome foundation isn't exactly attracting a large amount of potential friends, which may be part of the reason why the two of them have grown so close over the years. Margery easily considers him to be her best friend, all romantic feelings set aside.

It is also the reason why, when Sweeney asks that she not bicker with Sam, Margery sighs, but reluctantly pulls her glaring eyes away from the fellow and places them back on her surroundings. After Gaius has been led away by the doctor, Sweeney makes a second introduction, this time giving the identity of his original as well. When he names insulting her as one of his triggers, Margery does her best not to look sort of pleased by the fact, and prays that she isn't turning pinkish.

Soon, Hollis is kind of towed off by Ami and Abe, while the dreadfully irritating Samuel is left behind with she and Sweeney, standing there like the useless, limp thing that he is. Now inclined to harbor resentment towards him, Margery has trouble seeing anything but flaws in the bespectacled young man; something likely evident by the critical look in her brown eyes. As though the day simply hadn't had its fill of foul people, she notices as a tall blond boy walking towards the group, a smug look on his face as he shouts at them about being late to class. Margery cannot help but roll her eyes, too caught up in her dislike of Richard to properly notice the way that Sweeney steps beside her protectively. At Sweeney's cold threat, Margery smirks, raising one eyebrow at Richard, who seems to pause with fright for a moment.

"I think that sounds like a lovely idea. I'd even give you a free meatpie- on the house, for a friend. I see that Ottoman's missing- how curious," she taunts him, though of course it is merely a bluff. Still, Richard is so intent on the idea of them being mirror images of their originals that he seems even more disturbed by this, the haughty look in his eye diminished slightly by fear.

Almost immediately upon entering the classroom, Ami is pulled out by a somewhat small boy who appears to have a slight stutter, from the snatches of speech that Hollis hears as she walks over to the teacher. Without her even needing to say anything, Einstein smiles and nods, "You are our new student, correct? You do not have to take the test, but it is review, so you may if you so desire."

Everyone else seems to be occupied, so Hollis opts to take the test purely out of any decent alternatives. With a bright smile, she thanks the teacher, andth en takes the sheet to an empty desk, at which she gets to work on the test. It is as easy as he had suggested that it would be, and Hollis flies through it rather quickly. She is thankful that Math is her first class- if it had been history or English, she'd have fallen asleep already, and that is hardly a smart idea for starting a new school, regardless of the school's somewhat outlandish quirks. There had to be some sort of normality, after all, even if found only in the typical school rules.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
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#, as written by Zenia
Frédéric looked at her kindly seeing the violin case as he saw the tears, but he felt it best not to mention them. He walked on over gently reaching for her bags to try and help. When she started to cry he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder for a brief moment of comfort, “There now…everything will be all right…” he whispered. “Here…I know a place that is empty if you wish to hide out there. Only one who may be is Amadeus…” he whispered softly as he offered her his hand. “I understand not wanting people to see you when you are…less than at your best.” He explained, oh yes he knew that all too well.”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
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0.00 INK

Abe came running down the stairs after calculus class. Mary Todd close behind him. Abe was especially excited about lunchtime on this particular day. He turned the corner and he almost ran smack into Jack who seemed to be coming toward the office.

"Jack, I need to talk to you at lunch so hurry up!" Abe said sounding very excited

Then he ran off to the cafeteria and lunch. Mary so you know the plan right?

"Yes, yes, of course I do. We need to tell Jack. Gaius already knows." Mary said

"Wait What how does Gaius already know? I haven't told him yet." Abe said very incredulously

"Gaius knows because I sent him a note with the plan" Mary explained proudly

Abe responded "Genius!! I will tell Jack at lunch; and then it begins..."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln Character Portrait: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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0.00 INK

Jack stumbled back, recovering quickly from his near collision with Claudius and Ami.

L-L-Lewis! What's up w-w-with you?
Claudius asked, pulling Ami out of the way.

Oh, what isn't up with me?
Jack said sarcastically.
First, I don't hear about the fact that non clones were supposed to come to the school and suddenly let slip that we're all clones and freak them out! Second, I'm pretty sure my words triggered Gaius's panic attack which was followed by a seizure. And thirdly, someone has stolen the thesis that I've been working on for months!
Jack stopped ranting, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. There was no need to get angry at Claudius and Ami. It wasn't their fault that everything was going badly today.
Now, I'm just on my way to the principal's office to try to straighten everything out. Sorry I interrupted your...whatever you were doing.....

He moved around them, heading off down the hall again. He had only walked a little ways, when he almost had his third collision of the day, this time with Mary Todd and Abe.

Whoa. Abe...what's u--

Jack, I need to talk to you at lunch so hurry up! Abe was positively brimming over with excitement. Before Jack could question him, he and Mary headed off in the direction of the cafeteria. Jack stared after them, suddenly curious. What on earth could have Abe so excited? he wondered, scratching the back of his head. After a moment he sighed again, and then continued on to the principals office.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
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Abe and Mary Todd found seats in their own corner of the cafeteria. They saved a seat for Jack.

"What is taking him so long we need to talk about this, now? This is our chance! If we don't get to do this now we might never get another chance for a long time." said Abe angrily

"He is probably trying to find his missing thesis; I think I heard him mention that he lost it.” Mary responded

"Well he better hurry up we have to do this today!! If he doesn't come soon should we do it without him?" Abe asked still stressed

"No, we must wait for him. He will come and when he does we will have the most epic--” Mary started to say but Abe interrupted her.

"No Wait don't say anything about it out loud, not yet. We don't want anyone to over hear us."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
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Jack walked back from the principal's office, feeling even more frustrated. The man had practically blown off his dilemma, saying that the paper would show up somewhere, probably misplaced.

If worst comes to worst, you can just write it again,
he had said. Jack had just about flipped out about that. The man didn't get it at all. For one thing the paper was due that very day. And for another, it wasn't a simple task to just rewrite a paper that he had originally spent about six months on. And he had opened his mouth to say so, managing to say
One just doesn't simply rewrite a six-month-long paper...
before one of the other teachers had burst in, dragging with them some clones who were, quite obviously in trouble. Jack had had to leave after that, leaving him a foul mood.

Suddenly, his stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten at all that morning.

Oh hush up....
he snapped at it, but, nevertheless, he automatically began to turn towards the cafeteria. Might as well eat something while I try to figure out what to do....

Finally he reached the cafeteria and grabbed his food, looking down at it moodily. Ick...

Jack! Over here!
Jack looked up, seeing Mary Todd waving at him, motioning for him to come sit by her and Abe. With a sigh, he walked over to their table, taking a seat beside Abe.

No luck,
he said glumly.
The principal just blew me off.
He took a bit of his food, silent for a moment. Then he remembered what Abe had said earlier in the hallway.
Oh, right. Hey, Abe. Now what did you want to talk about that was so important?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
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"Hey Jack", Abe said as Jack sat down with them

"So, if you remember when we tried to escape when we were 13; it didn't go so well but I have another and much better plan to try to escape this time. Mary Todd and Gaius are in on it with us. Now I know you don't like Gaius but he is smart and even though he is a bit crazy can help us once we get out of here. The plan is to start a giant food fight and making sure to involve the sports star clones and then in the chaos we can sneak out. Am I forgetting anything Mary?"

Abe said still extremely excited "Yes, you forgot to tell him how we are going to get Gaius. He is still in the hospital so we have to go get him." Mary said reminding him of that part of the plan.

"Right, from what I know, Mary tell me if this is right but we are going to go up to the hospital and have Mary distract the nurse and doctor by any means necessary. While she is doing that we will sneak Gaius out of the hospital. Is that right honey?" Abe said less excited and now all romantic

"Yeah, I think you got it sweetie." Mary and Abe seem to be falling for each other yet again. This is their plan to escape again.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
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Jack grimaced at the mention of Gaius. The last thing I need is to work with him, especially after what had happened. But, then again, when he really thought about it, he realized that Abe was right: they did need Gaius. As much as Jack hated to admit it, the boy was pretty smart. And he probably could prove useful outside of here too, Jack thought reluctantly.

Right, from what I know, Mary tell me if this is right but we are going to go up to the hospital and have Mary distract the nurse and doctor by any means necessary. While she is doing that we will sneak Gaius out of the hospital. Is that right honey?

Abe's voice had suddenly took on one of those low romantic tones. Jack almost groaned. He hated it when people went all lovey-dovey on each other and left him there on the side like a cold piece of meat.

Yeah, I think you got it sweetie.
Now Mary was acting all lovey-dovey.

Jack ran a hand through his hair uncomfortably. He didn't want to be there at the moment. No, the atmosphere was getting far too romantic for his taste.
You know what? Why don't you two start to prepare everything for the fight--load up on food and stuff--and I'll go get Gaius myself?
He hoped Abe would agree, hoped that his friend would see how uncomfortable he was at the moment.

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Saint Kleio

Saint Kleio by Zenia


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Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
34 sightings Samuel K. Ratch played by FalloutRomanae

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis
Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"
Character Portrait: Ami Hart
Character Portrait: Margery Lovett
Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack"
Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln


Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
Zoe Charbonneau

"Please why would I even want to talk to... you"

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett
Margery Lovett

I swear to god, it's just beef.

Character Portrait: Ami Hart
Ami Hart

"This is so boring"

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"
Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"

"I couldn't sleep last night. I tried talking to the moon, but she wasn't very talkative..."

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis
Darcy Hollis

"Futures and pasts don't matter. I only care about what's going on right now."

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.


Character Portrait: Ami Hart
Ami Hart

"This is so boring"

Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
Zoe Charbonneau

"Please why would I even want to talk to... you"

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis
Darcy Hollis

"Futures and pasts don't matter. I only care about what's going on right now."

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"
Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"

"I couldn't sleep last night. I tried talking to the moon, but she wasn't very talkative..."

Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett
Margery Lovett

I swear to god, it's just beef.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett
Margery Lovett

I swear to god, it's just beef.

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.

Character Portrait: Ami Hart
Ami Hart

"This is so boring"

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"
Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"

"I couldn't sleep last night. I tried talking to the moon, but she wasn't very talkative..."

Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis
Darcy Hollis

"Futures and pasts don't matter. I only care about what's going on right now."

Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
Zoe Charbonneau

"Please why would I even want to talk to... you"

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

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