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The Saint Kleio Academy

The Saint Kleio Academy


Welcome to St. Kleio Academy! Where the historical figures of the past meet with the high schoolers of the present!

3,218 readers have visited The Saint Kleio Academy since Zenia created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Welcome to St. Kleio the school like no other! Many high schoolers flourish the halls but each one different than the next, yet most of them share a common trait among them.

They are clones.

That is right they are clones of famous or infamous people throughout history. Where you can catch Chopin and Lewis Carroll in math class together, or Jeanne De Arc and Napoleon in a heated discussion about warfare as well as many other clones. We do accept only a few outsiders and the students are rarely permitted to leave the school ground for the reason that there are clone haters that would like to harm our students. We have an onsite barber who is also a student here; his name is Sweeney Todd a master with the razor. All our clones have the names of their originals as to not add confusion on who they are.

Our goal here is to help our students surpass their originals and to better themselves as well as for redemption if they feel they need it. We are one of the best schools in the country and no outsiders are usually allowed in, when they are we do not tell them they are in a school full of clones, for a few reasons.
1. To cause friendship without any undue judgment
2. To not cause hatred
3. Safety on both sides
They will find out they are in a school full of clones during their brief introduction to the school once accepted.

We are currently accepting students, though some have been in the school system all their lives.

Male Clone Student One: Taken by Zenia-Frédéric François Chopin
Female Clone Student one: Taken by- Nowfaleena Anne Bonny
Male clone Student Two:Taken by Zenia-Sweeney Todd
Female Clone Student Two:Taken by CalmPandemonium-Amelia Earhart
Male Clone student Three: Taken by FalloutRomanae-Gaius Caligula
Female Clone Student Three:Taken by OurStars- Margery Lovett
Male Clone Student Four: Taken by LolitaNoir- C.S. Lewis "Jack"
Female Clone Student Four: open
Male Clone Student Five:Taken by FalloutRomanae- Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Female Clone Student Five: open
Male Clone Student Six:taken by Oloouistom- Abraham Lincoln

Non Clone Male Student One(Likes Clones or has no feelings towards them): open
Non Clone Female Student One(Likes Clones or has no feelings towards them):taken by Ourstars- Darcy Hollis
Non Clone Male Student Two (Dislikes/hates the idea of clones and clones themselves):Taken by FalloutRomanae-Samuel K. Ratch
Non Clone Female Student Two ((Dislikes/hates the idea of clones and clones themselves): Taken by CalmPandemonium- Zoe Charbonneau

If the school decides to take on more students over the year that will be posted on the school board.

Here is the Schools Application if you are accepted you will get your uniform and your student handbook. Your uniform will look like this:

Charrie Skeleton for St. Kleio clones

Age(16 to 18):
Description/ Picture:
Originals past:
When your original died and how:
Dreams or goal:
What is your original famous for:
Theme song(Optional):

Charrie Skeleton for St. Kleio non clones

Description/ Picture:
Dreams or goal:
Do you mind clones:
Theme song(Optional):

Toggle Rules

(If you don't want spoilers don't read the Wiki. It is in an alternate dimension anyway.)
0: Rule Zero AKA The GM is always right if there is a conflict of rules I will solve it I will not abuse this, but I will give out three strikes if I feel people are not listening.
1: no god moding
2: be polite
3: I am the ruler
4: no net speak
5: anime to animish pictures only
6: if you wanna do something involving another character ((Prank or something)) ask
7: follow skellys
8: please tell us in ooc if you are signing off.
9: if you are going to abandon a character please inform me.
10: This will mainly be a weekend thing one post per day per character on mon-fri on Saturday and Sunday have at it, but try not to be a post hog.
11: Please be able to write at least 100 words per post. More is of course welcome and I will accept some writers block days (We all have them)
12. (To make this clearer then I did) Clones have to be the same Gender as their original! In the case of Shaky on you will see Jack the Ripper Now since some people think Jack may have been a Jane I will highly consider that.

Clone examples I will accept: the clones HAVE to be real People as you can see below Sweeney Todd is in. That is because I did a research paper on him and there is evidence to support he is real. You don't need to read this full list. But you do for the next two. The Shaky on and NO WAY one. (I will also LOVE there to be a Margery Lovett!) Also they have to be the same Gender as their original! In the case of Shaky on you will see Jack the Ripper Now since some people think Jack may have been a Jane I will highly consider that.)
Joan of Arc ((Jeanne D'Arc))
Mary Reed
Vlad Tepes
Elisabeth Bathery
Lewis Carrol
Robert S. ((Guy who wrote treasure island))
William the conquer
Ghangis Khan
Marie Antonette
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Charles Darwin
Florence Nightengale
Henry the VIII
Thomas Jefferson
Julius Ceasar
Queen Elizabeth
Issac Newton
Valadamir Lennin

Clones I am shaky on: You'd have to provide me a good reason you are he or she because of lack of evidence they existed or DNA or your weren't caught or it may offend people if you do it wrong. I will accept them though if you convince me.
Jack the Ripper
Socrates((Anyone in this era really but yeah I will accept them.))
Ed Geines
Alexander the Great
King Ramsey
King Tut
Amelia Airheart

anyone recently dead ((Has to be at least 16 years old dead))
Zodiac Killer
Steve Irwin
Anyone that people worship.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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The sharp response Anne gave him as she pushed herself off the ground stopped Jack short. He studied her critically, reading her posture, her expression, listening to her tone of voice as she shook her head. He didn't know exactly what was the matter with her--after all, he hardly knew her. But he could tell there was obviously something that was troubling her. And you called it daydreaming, you idiot....

Finally, Anne inhaled deeply, calming herself down, and said,
Look. I am sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you.

Jack ran a hand through his hair, laughing it off again.
All right. Let's just forget it.

A female voice called out to them, and Anne sighed again, before responding to her with a simple
I'm fine.

No, you're not 'fine,' are you? He paused, uncertain if he should give her the advice that had suddenly sprang to the tip of his tongue. What's the worst it could do? A little advice couldn't hurt anyone, right?

You know...if something is bothering you, maybe you should talk to someone about it,
he added finally as she turned away from him.
I hear it can help, or so I've read. I wouldn't really say I've done it first hand unless you count raving at St. Augustine's Confessions when they made me rethink my whole life. But you're welcome to yell into any of my books if you think it'll help.

He laughed awkwardly again, hoping she wouldn't think he was making fun of her issues. No, she'll probably either think I'm crazy or the world's biggest nerd. He turned away from Anne, spotting Ami heading over to them to make sure they were okay.
Oh, hey, Amelia
he grinned sheepishly at her.
Yeah, we're okay. Nothing like a little collision to wake you up in the morning, huh? Maybe I should start making this a habit, if I can prove that it actually makes you think better.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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Gaius smirked as he watched everyone bustle about Anne and Jack. They deserved it. "Smooth moves!" He piped up. "Oh, and by the way, Jack, hatred's not destructive. It builds progress!" He said, calling the boy by his nickname just to irritate him. He knew he didn't like it, and he took every opportunity to use it. Gaius frowned when Sweeney asked him if he was okay. He hated when his friend did that. It made him look weak. "I'm fine." he snapped. But then his voice softened. "Thanks."

Samuel answered Todd. "I'm just off to Latin. I... don't suppose you could help me find it? I know you're busy..."

Gaius perked up. "Hey, I have Latin first, too! That means we'll be in the same class..." He thought about what this could mean. Well, it certainly meant that he could have more time to observe this weird kid, this kid who seemed hesitant to even speak. "And yes, my parents loved ancient Rome!" he said, turning to Hollis. "They loved it so much that they named me all those names. Every single one."

Samuel made a face at Gaius's sarcastic remarks. There was no need to be rude. Hollis had just asked a question. He wasn't sure he wanted to be in the same class as this kid.

Gaius shrugged. "Either that, or I'm Emperor Caligula come back from the dead. Or maybe I tiiiime-traveled." Gaius wiggled his fingers in front of the girl's face mock-mysteriously. He loved messing with people. Yeah, it made him look like a jerk, but he didn't care. At least, he pretended not to...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack"
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Jack looked up, hearing that loathsome voice call out to him.

Smooth moves! Oh, and by the way, Jack, hatred's not destructive. It builds progress!

Jack felt a streak of resentment shot through him at the use of his nickname--a particularly bitter streak, espeically since it was Caligula who was using it. He wasn't sure what he had done to make the boy his enemy. All Jack had done was try to socialize with the boy when he found him one day in the library researching his original. Apparently, though, Caligula had not been thrilled at the fact that Jack had known so much about him, and had been almost hostile when Jack had attempted to talk to him about the old Caligula. Ever since then, he had seemed to get more and more bitter towards Jack.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact I keep comparing him to his original, Jack thought for about the thousandth time. But he couldn't help it. Of all the clones Jack had met and interracted with, Caligula was the one that was most like his original, and continued to act more and more like his original. Jack understood that he would be upset by the comparison--he would have felt the same way. But, for some reason, whenever he was around Caligula, it just kind of slipped out. It was just so ironic that he had ended up like his original. He really couldn't help it.

But now, since they had become something like adversaries, Jack didn't really feel the need to stop insulting him when he could, especially when Caligula was merciless and tried to started off Jack's acedemic day on a sour note.

Oh? You're up, Caligula? I thought you'd be in bed, or better yet, visiting the school doctor, you know, especially after last night's escapades in the library. I'm sure there's some medication he can give you that can stall insanity.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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'Oh? You're up, Caligula? I thought you'd be in bed, or better yet, visiting the school doctor, you know, especially after last night's escapades in the library. I'm sure there's some medication he can give you that can stall insanity.

Gaius paled, brought up short by the quick response. I should have known not to engage C.S. Lewis in a battle of insults, he berated himself. He opened his mouth to respond, but found that no words came out. He looked nervously back at Hollis and Sam, praying that they hadn't figured it out already. "Um..." was all he got out at that moment. His face turned an angry shade of red. "I..." He swallowed. Why did this always happen to him? "How did you know about the library?" he squeaked.

He couldn't think of anything but that this was unfair. It wasn't fair that Jack had such an amazing original, known throughout time for being a sane, witty genius. And Gaius had Caligula. The wacko, horse-loving, sexually crazed, seashell-loving emperor of Rome. And now he was paying for it. He was also paying for his own idiocy, but he would never acknowledge that. He just thought the whole situation was unfair, not his fault, no question. He glanced again at Hollis and Sam. Oh, God, please don't let them figure it out. Why does this always happen?


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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"Somewhat, but don't fret, deary," Margery responds with a strange sort of bluntness, using the term of endearment that she tends to adopt when impatient but trying to be polite. Of course, it hardly balances out the impatience, and has occasionally come across to others as a bit annoying- condescending, if you will. Still, habits die hard, and no one has ever expressed annoyance to the young woman's face. She's no Anne Bonny, but does have something of a reputation when provoked. Add this to her original's claim to infamy, and people tend to stay away from her when Margery is anywhere near a kitchen, or even just a knife. They can think as they wish, though, for as long as they don't say anything behind her back whilst she can hear, Margery refuses to give the satisfaction of reacting. Well, she tries to refuse, anyway. It is often a losing battle of sorts, as fighting one's own nature often is. The young woman with the curly hair nods with some measure of sympathy at Chopin's voiced distaste for coughs, knowing how his original passed.

"Well, a bit of tea or something else warm is usually good for that, right?" she says with a reasonably light demeanor, managing to come off as not malicious as Chopin begins to speak again. "Right, better get going as we-" she is cut off by his mention of Sweeney and, rather amusingly, the comment -or rather the laugh that follows- makes her face turn a scarlet shade. Most people know, or can guess, how she feels for Mr. T -with the exception of the idiot himself- but the young woman does tend to pretend as though she doesn't know this- or try to not know this. "Oi!" she shouts after him, but the musician has already disappeared into the doctor's building, leaving her standing there with a furious type of blush. It soon fades, however, and her skin returns to its ghostly pale hue; the hue that makes her look as though she doesn't go outside. She does, of course, but that only ever results in fairly nasty burns.

Within a few seconds, Margery is back on her way towards Mr. T's barber shop, and notices a couple of people around it as she nears the tidy establishment. I wish they'd let me have a restaurant or canteen or somethin', she thinks wistfully to herself, as is her habit when she visits the barber shop. The group is a fair mix of irritating, tolerable, decent, and unknown. She had heard rumors of new kids, non-clones, and immediately puts two and two together to assume that these two students fit that rather unorthodox bill. Of course, her attention is immediately snagged away from them by Sweeney, who stands before them in his uniform- probably showing them around or something. Margery lifts a hand slightly to get his attention, and then begins to walk over to the motley crew of people. Of course, this school is the very definition of motley. You don't become famous enough to have a clone of yourself made by being exactly like the rest of the world, after all.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau Character Portrait: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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#, as written by Zenia
Frédéric walked down the campus leaning a bit on the wall with a sigh, he did not like what Doctor Louis had told him…nor what Florence had…but for different reasons. “George is back?” he thought to himself with a frown…he really did not know how to act around her now….after all she had left him, but what infuriated him even more was that novelette she had published in the school maganize. He knew, as well as a few others, that the model of the weak, sickly and practically useless Prince in it was based on himself…something so similar that her original had done to his…and had destroyed their friendship. He was a bit afraid it would ruin theirs as well.

He shook that thought out of his head as he heard a commonition near the front of the school gate, with a blink he saw…someone…new? “Is that….a Non-clone?” he thought to himself as he spied the light brown haired girl and heard her shout. He calmly walked up, school bag tucked under his arm.

“Ma’am? Do you require assistance?” he asked her with a tilt of his head, “From…what I over heard you are looking for t headmaster?” he asked as he saw Claudis, “Ah good day Claudis, how are you?” he asked with a smile as he waved to a fellow student, though younger than him.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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#, as written by Zenia
Sweeney Todd heard and Lewis bickering, soon joined by Gaius as he sighed, “Would…everyone please not bicker in front of my shop? It makes me…anxious.” He muttered as he sighed, “And for those of you who are not bickering I thank you kindly.” He commented as he took a small breath. “Now then I believe I was asked some question of why I am called Todd yes? Well the Sweeney Todd comment is clever and I do love the music as you can see…er hear…” he muttered, “My last name is actually Todd…so it is a coincidence my first name is….”

Oh bloody hell should have thought of a fake first name….Wait maybe….” he quickly thought of one. “Benjamin…Benjamin Todd.” He said with a smile. Now then Samuel and Hollis we should go on to the office to get you set up…and calculus is with Einstien I think. No relation to the real Einstien.” He explained quickly as he started to move to lead them when he saw a welcomed face. A smile touched his lips as he walked on over to Margery.

“Marge! There you are, I was going to head on to find you but…” he glanced at the group. “…well they stopped me.” He muttered, “Not that I do not mind the people…but…um I am not used to this many at once…” he explained as he rubbed the back of his head. “How have you been? Cooked up anything new?” he asked with a tilt of his head. He had a surprise for her…but that could wait. “Ah…um do you want to accompany me on…taking the two new people to the Headmaster? And hope we don’t run into Richard?” he asked her nodding at the non-clones.

Ah yes Richard…Richard Blunt to be exact, the clone of one of the men that helped capture his and Marges’ Orginal, it was a well-known fact that Blunt did not like the two…or Anne for that matter, he was all about upholding school rules, and he thought the more… ‘infamous’ clones were always up to no good, in fact he made it a point to try to catch them doing something wrong or provoking them.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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Hollis turns her attention towards Gaius as he shoots a bit of sarcasm towards the scene of the crash, crying out something about the benefits of hatred or some nonsense like that. Even Hollis, nonconfrontational as she is, has to bite back a response to such a grim proclamation. Tell that to those who have died fighting grudge wars, she thinks briefly, but soon the thought is waved away and a smile lights up her face once more, giving no sign of her thoughts on what the strange boy with the twiggy limbs has said. Over all, he doesn't seem the pleasant sort, but Hollis does like to give people the benefit of the doubt and, as previously mentioned, does have experience with various personalities. If movies were to be believed, his sharpness hides some secret soft spot or cowardice, but even a movie-fanatic such as Hollis isn't going to believe such a thing. She does, however, believe that there are things beyond first impressions. Thus, she continues to smile, likely seeming like an idiot for doing so, but apathetic to that fact.

When the bespectacled boy, Sam, speaks once more, it is to inform Todd of his next class. "Latin? I take that, as well. Too bad we won't have the same class together," she comments amicably. Any other things she might have said are cut short as Gaius turns and responds to her previous question, no longer bothering to hide his sharp, mocking tone. She raises an eyebrow at his japes, and notices that Sam is making a face at Gaius as well. Does he have some sort of complex about it? Hollis wonders, looking at Gaius with a spark of slight curiosity. His next remark is outright ridiculous, and doesn't make him look like the most sensible, nor decent, of people. The way he wiggles his fingers in front of his face reminds Hollis vaguely of a child. She merely grins at him, "Once the impossible has been ruled out, what remains, no matter how improbable, must be true. Did you just hop out of the TARDIS, then?"

Her remark is lost as Gaius turns his attention towards the young man, Jack, whom he had called out earlier. The young man shoots back some remark about insanity and a library. Even an idiot could sense the tension between the two, as well as the fact that the other young man probably tends to be the winner in these exchanges, as Gaius pales and glances nervously towards Hollis and Sam before trying, and ultimately failing, to respond cleverly. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish a few times, before squeaking out about how the other boy knows about the library. Luckily for Gaius, Hollis has never been one for history, and therefore has little knowledge on Caligula. She can vaguely recall learning about him being kind of wacko in Latin, the language she took because she doesn't have to speak it, but otherwise is ignorant. Still, that was enough for her to wonder if everyone here has nicknames related to people oft he past. Do the nicknames correlate to behavior, or are they used as insults for some? Well, she hardly knows, having been here no more than an hour.

Hollis is gratefully distracted by Todd, who asks the people to stop their bickering, gives them his first name, and then tells her the name of her teacher. "He must be rather good, to go by Einstein, eh?" she comments lightly, before Todd makes his way through the crowd to a girl in a strange uniform with wild looking pigtails.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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Sam watched what followed with wonder. These people were so weird. He cocked his head to the side when Jack called Gaius "Caligula." That was weird. Sam knew all about Caligula, because he loved history. And the name seemed to fit. I mean, he had the brown hair, brown bulging eyes, lanky arms and legs, creepy personality, and... weird Roman names. In fact, he had said that Hollis could call him Julius or Gus or Cal. Gaius Julius Augustus Caligula. The only names that were missing were Caesar and Germanicus. Sam started to get a little freaked out by the resemblance. But what was even stranger was the kid's response to Jack. He didn't laugh, as one might at a fun nick-name, but he paled. He stammered, and then asked Jack a question. He kept on looking back at Sam and Hollis. What was going on? Then Sam looked back at Todd. That was weird, too. Who were these people, history nuts? Then Todd seemed to blank on what his first name was. He quickly recovered though and called himself Benjamin. Then he greeted a messy looking girl who had walked up behind them. And her name was... Marge, apparently. Marge? Like Margery? This was getting a little too weird.

He was distracted out of his thoughts by Hollis, who said that she also had Latin. But apparently they weren't in the same class. "Yes." Samuel said. "I suspect that would be because I am in a higher level of Latin than you." Then it occurred to him that Gaius, who's nickname was apparently "Caligula," took that same level of Latin. This is too creepy. Something was telling him that something was very wrong here. Then Benjamin mentioned that the math teacher's name was "Einstein." Samuel blinked. That was the last straw. His breath seemed to run short as he looked at all the faces. Amelia, Caligula, Todd, Margery, Jack, Einstein. And Todd was a barber, no less. And "Jack" was writing books and theses about souls. And "Caligula" was acting like some weirdo. And Margery seemed to have some sort of connection with Todd. And Einstein was the math teacher. Amelia wasn't really creeping him out, but her name was. He took a step back, grabbing Hollis's arm. "Hollis..." said, his voice shaky. "I think your comment about the TARDIS was not misplaced." He swallowed. "Now, I am a little bit crazy, I'll grant you that, but I think this school has... time-travel."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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Gaius watched as Sam began to look horrified by something. Oh, God, no...

'Hollis...' Sam said, his voice shaky. 'I think your comment about the TARDIS was not misplaced." He swallowed. "Now, I am a little bit crazy, I'll grant you that, but I think this school has... time-travel.'

Gaius burst out laughing, his high-pitched, strident laugh getting on his own nerves. This caused a chill to run down Sam's spine. "Time-travel??" He laughed again, getting more and more nervous. This couldn't be happening. Whose idea was it to bring non-clones to this school?? Whoever it was, Gaius wanted to murder him slowly. "That is so ridiculous!" Gaius tried to calm down, but found himself becoming hysterical quite quickly. His breathing became accelerated. "I mean, I just can't believe you would think that! Claudius wouldn't even think that, and he's an idiot!" He gasped, choking on his own words. Now you've done it!

Sam looked worried. "Claudius?" he asked, "Is an idiot?"

Gaius's eyes widened. Why did this twerp have to know so much about history??? "Well, that's just what we call him, he's not actually..." He looked at Sweeney, the words 'save me!' written all over his face.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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The smile on Todd's face prompts one on Margery's, as it always tends to do without her even realizing it. The young woman is rather hopeless when it comes to the boy with the shock of white hair through his dark locks, and has been from before he learned about his actual original, lending weight to the idea that she didn't fool herself into it for the sake of mimicking her original. Not that Margery has ever held any desires to be like the first Mrs. Lovett, other than the dream of owning her own restaurant -or at least cafe- in the future. She isn't sure why else they would have cloned her, or Mr. Todd for that matter. There doesn't seem much sense in recreating people for the sake of repeating a legacy of murder, does there? When she was younger, Margery feared that they cloned her for the sake of some sort of experimentation, but as of yet, if it is the case, there haven't been any clear inconveniences for her. Well, with the exception of the existence of Richard Blunt, who hates she, Todd, and all of the other clones with negative initials, with some infuriating passion.

When Sweeney expressed happiness at seeing her, Margery's face seemed to melt immediately, losing her typically sharp expression in favor of one far more agreeable. "Who are 'they', anyway? I heard rumors of. . .unusual students. Are they them?" Instinctively, Margery does not address them as non-clones, immediately assuming that it would be unwise to depart any information on them that they may not already know. Though she would never admit it, the concept of people who don't know about her original thrills Margery quite a bit. Even though the school preaches that the clones with less savory originals are not to be treated poorly on account of it, the prejudice is still quite existent, and the oblivious may have a good deal bigger chance of being decent. She may not realize it, but Margery is similar to Gaius in the fact that, despite the hope that they won't learn about her, she would never admit being unhappy or anything of that sort. Not that this is grounds for her getting along with the string bean, considered insufferable by even the most tolerant of people.

His question about cooking is what gets Margery excited, because it is the thing that she is passionate about. She may not pay attention in class and refuse to take many tests because she finds them meaningless, but the young woman excels in Home Ec because she takes pride in her work, and wouldn't cook poorly even for the sake of spiting the institution. "Yes! I'm working on this dessert, it's kind of like a nut pie, I guess, but I'm experimenting with some seasonings that I nicked from the Home Ec kitchen, and-" the words are rather fast, as she tends to speak quickly when excited, but the young woman skids to a halt, realizing that he probably doesn't really care, or rather won't really understand. He hasn't memorized the tastes and scents of various herbs and seasonings, and can't list the recipes of various dishes by heart. Sweeney is a barber, not a chef.

"Is that even a question?" Margery retorts with a playful smile, "Of course I'll go. If we see Blunt, that self-righteous git, I'll tell him that the lunch ladies let me prepare yesterday's meatloaf or something. He'll be straight to the bathroom to puke out his stomach acids." She is distracted, then, by catching the last bit of Sam's dialogue, the piece containing his theory on the school.

"You've figured us out, love. Our principal is actually Doc Brown, see," she responds sarcastically, though it comes off as more amused than mocking, to be fair. What amuses her more, though, is the look of desperation that Gaius, who really stepped right into that one, sends Todd. She glances towards the other new student, the girl with the auburn hair, who is looking on with smile which is half laughing and half bemused.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Ami Hart
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Ami couldn't believe the circus this all turned into, the collision was a catalyst for grudges that had been brewing for sometime. The only one that seemed to not be calling names was Ami herself and the new kids. She sighed as sarcasm and name calling flew around like the ball in tennis game.

"Come on guys we all got classes to get to no reason to sit around in the hallway bickering among ourselves." she said with a sigh.

Ami was glad that Jack and Anne were alright, but when Jack and Gaius started going back and forth she decided she had, had enough. She decided to go ahead and make her way to her calculus class, she remembered the new girl saying something about calculus so she figured she'd show her the way.

She walked up to Darcy "Well miss Darcy I don't know about you but I'm about ready to get away from the mad house that is this situation, I'm heading to Calculus if you'd like some company to class?".


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau Character Portrait: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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Zoé felt like breaking things when this student in the school limped up to her and started stuttering. She glared at the guy with detest. What kind of school did her father send her too that let creeps like this in, she thought he must some inbred little freak to be limping around like that.

"H - h - h - hello." he said quietly. "I c - c - c - could help you find him, if you want. What's your name?"

She rolled her eyes and flipped her hair "I don't know how you could help me", she noticed the jerk of his head and she knew that something wasn't right with this kid.

“Ma’am? Do you require assistance?” he asked her with a tilt of his head, “From…what I over heard you are looking for t headmaster?”.

That was when another young man walked up, Zoé couldn't help but smile at this guy he looked a little pale but other than that he was easy on the eyes.

She smiled at him "Well if you could help me, I would like to speak with him so I can get out of here. I need to contact my father and make him take me back." she continued smiling and started to twirl a piece of hair around her finger.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau Character Portrait: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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The girl shot a contemptuous look at Claudius. 'I don't know how you could help me,'

Claudius just smiled. "I b-b-b-bet I could b-b-be useful."

Then Frederick walked up. 'Ma'am? Do you require assistance?' he asked the young lady, 'From… what I overheard you are looking for the headmaster?' Claudius liked Frederick. He was a bit old-fashioned, but so was Claudius, and he was so nice and polite to everyone he met. Even the supposedly "evil" clones. 'Ah good day Claudius, how are you?'

Claudius smiled at him. "I'm f-f-f-f-fine, Frederick, how are you?"

Zoe smiled at Frederick, and Claudius sighed. This person obviously had already dismissed him as an idiot because of his stutter. That happened a lot, though, so Claudius was used to it.

'Well if you could help me, I would like to speak with him so I can get out of here. I need to contact my father and make him take me back.' She started twirling her hair. Was she really flirting with Frederick? Claudius felt sick. And maybe a little jealous, too. Wait. Hold on a second. What did she just say?

"Wait." Claudius said, his voice quiet. "Did you just s-say 'speak with your f-f-fa-f-f-fa-f-f-f-'" He couldn't get it out. How stupid he was! How had he not realized that this girl was a non-clone? He stopped, taking a deep breath. "F-father?" He finished with a very violent jerk of his head, his voice hardly above a whisper.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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Jack hadn't really noticed the boy next to Caligula--too focused on Caligula himself--until the boy spoke up.
Jack stared at him, suddenly feeling his stomach drop away. He didn't recognize this boy. That's impossible! I know pretty much everybody worth knowing in history. There's no way I wouldn't know a clone by their looks or at least from rumors of them going by the library. But I don't know this kid. No. This is not happening. Surely I know him, don't I? I just don't remember his name, that's all. Yeah, that has to be it.

Now, the sad thing about spending most of his time in the library and knowing books better than people meant that Jack hardly ever heard about current events until about six months after the fact, or until they were put into hard backs. Sure, he should have heard the rumor about clones coming to school, but, recently, his thesis had been the only thing he had been able to focus on. He hadn't heard or paid attention to anything else. So the idea of this boy being a non-clone didn't even occur to him. No, he felt more embarrassed--no, humiliated was the right word--about not being able to think of who this boy might be.

It was the boy's last comment though that brought him up short, making Jack momentarily forget that he didn't know who the boy was.
...Now, I am a little bit crazy, I'll grant you that, but I think this school has... time-travel.

Jack laughed at the idea. Time travel? That was absurd. Beside him, Gaius spluttered something about Claudius being crazy and not even considering that idea.

Time Travel?
Jack repeated, shaking his head with a grin.
Didn't they ever tell you that you were cloned?
Then he suddenly remembered that he didn't know who the boy's original was, and added casually, hoping the boy wouldn't be offended by his ignorance.
By the way, who was your original again?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau Character Portrait: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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Zoé's concentration on the cute guy was disturbed by the creepy guy that stuttered from before.

"Did you just s-say 'speak with your f-f-fa-f-f-fa-f-f-f-'"

She rose her eyebrow at him waiting for him to finally spit it out.


"Yes my father" she spat out "Don't you know what that is or are you not familiar with parents" she wasn't sure maybe he was a rich orphan or something. She shrugged "Unfortunately my father shipped me off to this God forsaken place, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get out" she looked him straight in the eyes.

She was here only a few minutes she had already decided that she was going to hate it here, if she wasn't gonna be able to "persuade" her father to take her back. It was going to be a loooong school year.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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#, as written by Zenia
Sweeney saw Ami help him in dismissing the fighting as he heard their guess about the school, he was very relieved that they thought it was time travel. “We call Mr. Enistien that…as I said he has no relation to the real one, his real name is professor William.” He explained, “It is a pet name, you could say.” He explained as he walked on over to Marge, “Yes…they are the new students.” He told her with a slight nod.

Sweeney listened to her talk of food, seeing how she seemed to brighten up as she did so, when she stopped. “what seasoning are you experimenting with?” he asked with a tilt of his head, he may not understand cooking…but he loved how Marge talked about it. “And I am sure it will be great Marge.” He told her warmly. He laughed at her comment, “And I will invite him to my chair at the salon.” He teased.

He could not help but let out a crooked grin at her Doc Brown comment, “Indeed time travelers we are…from the infamous to the famous and everything in between!” he commented, “But in all seriousness…we are just regular school kids…who just happen to go here.” He explained, hoping to dispel the situation. “Now then if you two will please follow us.” He said with a slight bow almost walking away as he heard Lewis comment, “Oh no…” he thought as his face paled, well so much for keeping it a secret. He rubbed the back of his head as he looked perplexed. This…would not end well.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau Character Portrait: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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#, as written by Zenia
Frédéric smiled at the woman, “Certainly, me and my good friend Claudius will be happy to assist you Ma’am.” He commented as he looked at Claudius, “It is good to see you are well. I am…the same.” He said with a shrug, “So fine as well.” He commented with a smile, no need to scare the new girl off right away…speaking of she did not look like anyone of this school…it started to confirm the rumors he had heard.

He seemed, oblivious to the flirting or just ignoring it. In fact notes were swirling in his head at the moment, some he liked some he dismissed. His eyes widened slightly at the mention of father. That confirmed the rumor then. He glanced at her then Claudius, “we both don’t know much about that…both are orphans.” He explained. “while it is not the truth it is also not a lie.” he thought to himself, deciding to keep the fact they were clones a secret. “Aw yes excuse my manners… I am Frédéric…” he said with a slight bow.

“Well then you two shall we be on our way?” he asked with a warm smile on his face. “I am sure the headmaster will straighten things out…though I must say you may grow to like Saint Kleio…it is a rather nice place. Even if god is Russian...” He explained to her, a slight smile on his face at his own private joke about God.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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Sam whipped around when he heard Marge's sarcastic comment. 'You've figured us out, love. Our principal is actually Doc Brown, see,' Sam's brows furrowed. This seemed no time for joking. Something seriously wrong was going on, and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

'But in all seriousness…we are just regular school kids…who just happen to go here.' Todd explained, 'Now then if you two will please follow us-'

'Time Travel?' Jack repeated, shaking his head with a grin. 'Didn't they ever tell you that you were cloned? By the way, who was your original again?'

Sam's eyes widened. "C-cloned?" he asked, his voice faint. "Original? What?"

Gaius watched as this all transpired, his heart's pace accelerating faster and faster. And then Jack just had to open his big mouth. "JAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!" he screeched. Sam whipped his head around at the screech. The kid who was apparently... the clone of Caligula was very upset. "I mean, um..." Gaius laughed nervously, trying to recover. "Good joke, Jack..." he giggled uncontrollably - it was something he did when he was nervous. "Very funny..."

Sam looked around him at all the faces. Caligula seemed to be going insane on the spot, and Sweeney seemed nervous. Maybe it's true. "No... this has to be a dream." He closed his eyes tight, and then opened them again. But it was all still there. "Stay away!" he hissed. The idea of clones was just revolting for some reason. Dead people brought back to life with science? That was just too creepy. He let go of Hollis's arm, backing up. "Especially you!" He said, pointing to Sweeney, Margery, and Gaius. "You're all insane! Get away from me!"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau Character Portrait: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
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'Yes my father.' the girl spat, 'Don't you know what that is or are you not familiar with parents?'

Claudius recovered himself. "Yes, I know what those are." He said uncomfortably.

The girl continued. 'Unfortunately my father shipped me off to this God forsaken place, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get out.'

'Certainly, me and my good friend Claudius will be happy to assist you Ma’am.' Frederick said, 'It is good to see you are well. I am…the same. So fine as well.'

Claudius's mouth moved up and down, trying to offer an excuse for why he was so shocked about her talking about her father. But Frederick covered him. 'We both don’t know much about that…both are orphans.' He explained. 'Ah, yes excuse my manners… I am Frédéric…' he bowed.

Claudius sighed in relief. Where would he be without his friends?

'Well then you two shall we be on our way? I am sure the headmaster will straighten things out…though I must say you may grow to like Saint Kleio…it is a rather nice place. Even if god is Russian...'

Claudius nodded. "Y-y-y-y-yes, I have C-c-c-c-c-c-calculus f-first. I really m-m-must be g-going." And with that he turned and limped as fast as he could down the hall, looking forward to seeing Ami in Calculus. She was so kind, and would be like a breath of fresh air after that jerk. When he arrived in class, he sat down, looking for Ami. She wasn't here yet. He sighed. Maybe she would sit down next to him! His heart fluttered, and he fought to control himself. Stop being ridiculous! he thought. She's much too good for you! But a kid could dream, couldn't he?


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
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'You're all insane! Get away from me!'

Gaius was terrified. So this kid knew. He knew about their originals, and he didn't like it. It was freaking Gaius out. He didn't know if he could take it... He felt a migraine coming on. Pre-ictal migraines, the doctors called them. And he knew from long experience that they came right before a seizure. The light suddenly became too bright for his eyes, and he squinted. The sound of Sam's shouting was pounding in his ears. "Be quiet, please..." He muttered. He covered his ears with both hands. But then, not wanting anyone to see his weakness, he forced himself through strength of will to open his eyes and force his hands down to his sides. The pain was excruciating. "I... have to go..." Gaius mumbled faintly, but to him it sounded louder than a trumpet blare. "I'll be... late to class." It didn't make sense in context, but he was quickly becoming delirious. He felt his legs grow weak, and a jittery feeling crept into his bones. NO! This can't happen, not now! None of his friends knew that he had started having seizures - at least that's what he thought - and he had hidden it successfully from the doctors at school. He just couldn't let this happen to him now. He turned, took a step - and fell. His knees just gave out from under him, and that terrible feeling of losing all control grabbed hold of his brain. His hands curled up uncontrollably, and then his whole body convulsed, shaking and contorting as if some unseen hand was ringing him out like a wet doll. He heard screaming, so much screaming. The thought occurred to him that it was his own screaming. His eyes were wide open, but his sight was gone. He struggled to regain consciousness, but it was like he was underwater, swimming up, up, up... and never reaching the top. He was drowning! He couldn't breathe! Would it never end?

To all the outside observers, it appeared that Gaius was convulsing, sometimes excruciatingly slowly, sometimes disturbingly quickly. Every now and then a cry escaped his lips. He slammed his head into the ground when he fell, and didn't seem to have any control over his movements. There was nothing he could do.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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Darcy's expression of playfulness falters slightly when Sam grabs onto her arm, gripping it just tight enough for her to wince slightly at the squeeze. Her first reaction, when he begins to say that her belief was correct, is happiness that he knows what the TARDIS is- she is nearly about to launch into the fangirling that she is prone to when someone has an apparent mutual liking for something. However, the urgency in the young man's tone makes her stop short of that, and she can only stare at him, bemused, as the young man states his belief that the school is somehow in possession of time travel. Her smile has become smaller at this point, but still remains as a vague, flickering thing. "Erm, are you okay? I think maybe the sun is getting to you? Do you need some water?" Hollis begins to ask, her voice careful as though she is trying to avoid stepping on a landmine.

Of course, the sound of a landmine may as well be replicated when twig-boy releases a sharp burst of laughter, the sound slightly unpleasant to her ears. This, combined with the tight grip on her arm, is beginning to make Hollis just a little bit nervous. Still, she keeps her expression and posture somewhat relaxed, refusing to be taken in by this sudden whirlwind. It's like a weird confrontation scene in some movie that never made it to theaters. All in all, she figures that this seemingly surreal situation is just the product of bad timing and several jumpy people. But Sam doesn't think that this is the case, and latches on to yet another statement from Gaius, something about a person named Claudius. And, once more, Hollis only knows the name because of the occasional culture classes in Latin. Claudius? Like the Emperor? Maybe he and Gaius are related? Too many historical references. This is why maths are better, she thinks watching the chaos unfold before her eyes, still wearing that hesitant smile, as though its presence can keep her from being drawn into the madness. Still, Gaius's nervous reaction to the scenario is making Hollis skeptical as well.

Somehow, the movie reference of a sarcastic girl in the altered uniform does calm her down slightly, giving Hollis some sense of familiarity, at the least. She even grins at the comment, her cautious smile from before widening slightly with amusement at the retort. The sense of normalcy is increased, in fact, as the sane-looking young woman with the bob cut comes over with a smile, offering to go with her to the Calculus class. "Actually, that would be fantas-" her sentence falls short when she hears what Jack has said, and her attention is ripped away from Ami and focused on him. Sweeney's face, she observes in the back of her mind, pales even further at the comment. That hardly helps in making it seem less true. Hollis clears her throat and smiles towards Ami once more.

"Maybe we should get out of here before-" anything she was saying is then drowned out by Gaius's frantic screech before bursting into nervous giggles and calling it all a joke. His reaction hardly makes everything seem like just a joke, though. Hollis feels Sam finally let go of her arm as he backs away and begins to call people insane, not really making himself seem like the most sound-minded of people. The only person who doesn't seem kind of panicked is the girl in the pigtails, who looks one part amused and two parts tired. Hollis isn't sure whether to admire or be confused by this.

There isn't much time to think about it, though, because the next step in this chaotic escalation of this situation is centered around Gaius, who begins to mumble something before suddenly dropping to the ground, the sight of his head crashing against the cement making Hollis flinch. He begins convulsing in what looks like a seizure, crying out and shaking violently. On pure instinct, Hollis jumps forward towards him, her mind going mostly blank as she tries to hold down his limbs to minimize the damage he does to himself by hitting himself against the ground. She pins down his arms with her hands, but then hops off again when she remembers a health class on seizures. Don't pin them down. Putt something soft under their head, she recites, ripping off her jacket and bunching it to make a little padding, which she places under his head at the next opportunity.

"Someone-someone call a doctor!" she shouts out to anyone who will listen, doubting that the ambulance would arrive in time. By this point, her smile has disappeared completely, replaced with a thin line of concentration.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd Character Portrait: Ami Hart Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
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C-cloned? Original? What?
the boy stammered, eyes widening, horrified. Now that's an odd reaction. Jack had never heard of anyone responding like that when they had discovered they were a clone of someone else--no, most people were usually able to figure out that they were something out of the ordinary, realizing that they weren't normal at some point or another in their life here. Then it struck Jack, that perhaps the reason he didn't know who the boy was, why the boy didn't know anything about clones or what an original was, was because he wasn't a clone at all but a real human. He felt a slight surge of pleasure from the realization that there wasn't a single clone he didn't know. Of course you didn't forget, Jack. How stupid of you to think that you had.

Suddenly, from beside him, Caligula screeched his name, enraged. Jack scowled at him. Why was Caligula mad? What was the big deal? In a school comprised almost completely of clones, there's no way everyone could have kept that a secret. The kid would have figured it out eventaully.

Suddenly the boy seemed to explode, having some sort of panic attack.
Stay away!
he rambled on maddeningly.
Especially you! You're all insane! Get away from me!

Jack frowned at him reproachfully. This kid's a big baby, freaking out like this. It's really not a big deal. Hell, he's not even a clone himself. He has no right to freak out like this, and say harsh things about the rest of us. And insane were they? Hardly.

Someone has obviously never read Orthodoxy.
Jack observed, folding his arms over his chest.

Suddenly, Caligula collapsed on the ground next to him. Jack turned and stared, watching his enemy twitch and convulse on the ground, moaning and crying every now and again. Good lord in heaven, he's having a seizure! Again, he felt a brief splash of irony, recalling how the original Caligula had had something of that nature as well. But then the irony disappeared as a girl he didn't recognize rushed to Caligula's side--perhaps another non-clone? putting her jacket underneath his head.

Someone-someone call a doctor,
she cried to the lot of them.

Doctor? Now, Jack knew perfectly well that a doctor was the last thing Caligula would want to see--if anything the boy had been avoiding them purposefully, trying to keep his state a secret from them. Of course this is what happens when you don't tell anybody, you ass. To get the doctor would be something that would make Caligula want to murder Jack. However, what choice did Caligula have at this point? Now Jack may have not liked Caligula, but that hardly meant that he wanted him to endure this pain. No, the doctor was the best thing for him, whether he liked it or not. It's your own fault for not telling anyone. Oh, you'll just have to suck it up and get over it.

I'll do it!
he said to the girl. Then he turned to Caligula's twitching form and snapped.
You owe me big time! So don't you dare die on us or anything, or else I'll dig up your grave and make you pay me back some other way.

And, with that, he turned on his heels and ran off to fetch the doctor.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula" Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack" Character Portrait: Ami Hart
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Just as she was about to head in the direction of her class Gaius worried about the statement made by Jack about them all being clones must frightened him tremendously cause it sent him right in to a shacking fit on the floor.

"Gaius!" she cried out and darted for him almost as quickly as Darcy did, kneeling down next to him and brushing the hair out of his face. "Oh Gaius just calm down" she said almost starting to cry, she watched as Darcy took off her jacket and set it under Gaius's head.

She was glad that Darcy was so kind, but this whole morning hand turned into a complete mess, and Ami like always tended to make everything her fault.

"Maybe this all wouldn't have happened if I hadn't stopped by Todd's this morning" she mumbled under her breath.

She made a slight sniffling noise as she continued gently brushing Gaius's hair with her hand Jack must have felt horrible for having sent Gaius into the fit and went to get the school doctor. Ami new Gaius well and that he probably wouldn't be too found of the doctor taking a look at him.

"Please Gaius be alright... just hold on and the doctor will be here soon" she cooed at him.


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Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
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Abraham Lincoln has been known as "Honest Abe."

Abraham Lincoln's clone had tried to live up to that honesty. He was working the school store one day and someone tried to cheat him out of money for the school. He told this person off, pointing out,

"Hey, this item is $3 more than you gave me. You can't take that yet." The kid tried to run off with it so Abe tried to stop him. He succeeded but got his arm broken in the process. This is why we find him now in the doctor's office getting his cast on. He also didn't want to be late for his next class, calculus, but the doctor assured him it would be fine.

'Stay here and rest for a while; we will write you a note to your next class.'

Abe responded, saying, "But I am fine now; I don't need to rest; I need to go take my calculus test."

The doctor again assured him to stay and rest. Abe went back to his roots, saying, "'all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State', or this hospital 'the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.'" The doctor rolled his eyes and walked off, telling Abe that he still needed rest. Abe sighed, resigning himself to the oppressive slavery of the doctor's office.

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Saint Kleio

Saint Kleio by Zenia


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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Samuel K. Ratch
34 sightings Samuel K. Ratch played by FalloutRomanae

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in The Saint Kleio Academy. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

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The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis
Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"
Character Portrait: Ami Hart
Character Portrait: Margery Lovett
Character Portrait: C.S. Lewis "Jack"
Character Portrait: Anne Bonny
Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln


Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
Zoe Charbonneau

"Please why would I even want to talk to... you"

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett
Margery Lovett

I swear to god, it's just beef.

Character Portrait: Ami Hart
Ami Hart

"This is so boring"

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"
Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"

"I couldn't sleep last night. I tried talking to the moon, but she wasn't very talkative..."

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis
Darcy Hollis

"Futures and pasts don't matter. I only care about what's going on right now."

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.


Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.

Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
Zoe Charbonneau

"Please why would I even want to talk to... you"

Character Portrait: Ami Hart
Ami Hart

"This is so boring"

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett
Margery Lovett

I swear to god, it's just beef.

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"
Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"

"I couldn't sleep last night. I tried talking to the moon, but she wasn't very talkative..."

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis
Darcy Hollis

"Futures and pasts don't matter. I only care about what's going on right now."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"
Gaius J.C.A.G. "Caligula"

"I couldn't sleep last night. I tried talking to the moon, but she wasn't very talkative..."

Character Portrait: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Character Portrait: Darcy Hollis
Darcy Hollis

"Futures and pasts don't matter. I only care about what's going on right now."

Character Portrait: Frédéric François Chopin
Frédéric François Chopin

Death is a reality that is far too real.

Character Portrait: Margery Lovett
Margery Lovett

I swear to god, it's just beef.

Character Portrait: Zoe Charbonneau
Zoe Charbonneau

"Please why would I even want to talk to... you"

Character Portrait: Ami Hart
Ami Hart

"This is so boring"

Character Portrait: Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd

How 'bout a shave?

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