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The Winter Wolves

The Winter Wolves


With the heat, their bodies shift into humans. However, when the shiver comes their souls are consumed by the monsters we call wolves.

2,573 readers have visited The Winter Wolves since SugarPlum22 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



The Heat.
Mercy falls: A pleasant little town in Minnesota has an unknown and deadly secret.
The Cold.
Wolves: Canis Lupus, but some aren't as they seem.
The Shiver.
What affect does the cold have on some of the town's residents?
What is the deadly truth that lurks the woods of Mercy Falls?

Welcome to Freeze
Do you feel the Shiver?

"Is it Science, or Magic?"
Why it happens is hard to say. How it happens is easy. The temperate drops and the body has a different reaction to the cold. You become a wolf, and leave everything you know behind until its warm again.

In Mercy Falls, people have different reasons for keeping things secret. Relationships, jobs, sickness, their past...There are plenty of reasons to keep quiet. A cure isn't something that stays quiet for long.

"A Cure for the Cold"
A rumor is about as tangible as the cold. You cannot see it, but you still know its there. Mercy Falls has already been a safe zone for those who have been bitten. After all, the Boundary Wood is home to a large population of wolves, and Minnesota is the only state in the US to have had a continuous wolf population. Seems like a convenient place to disappear for the winter. With whispers circulating that someone, somehow, managed to avoid the cold, wolves are drawn into the area.

For some, it is an excuse to find others of their kind. After all, the best thing they could ask for is to be human. For others, a cure would damage everything they have ever known. Whether a long-time resident of Mercy Falls or a tourist for the Holidays, its going to be a long winter.

"The Town Known as Mercy Falls"
Mercy Falls is a town where rarely anything out of the ordinary happens. There's only one main street, one High School, one Middle School, one Elementary School and one Kinder Garden. There's a small library that always smells like old paper, there's an art shop, a candy shop, some more small shops and a local park which the teens of Mercy Falls High and Middle School use as a meeting point. It is not a big town, but a small one in which everybody knows everything about each other. Do something wrong and in less than an hour all the town will know about it.

But there's a forest, and no one is allowed to enter. Monsters inhabit that hell-hole and nobody that enters has been seen coming out alive, well that's exaggerating it a bit. There has only been a few cases where if somebody entered the woods, they wouldn't come back out. What nobody knows is that there's a pack of wolves. They are not your ordinary wolves, but irregularities which where once humans and are now cursed by the cold, and dragged into their wolf forms by a simple shiver.

Though lately there seems that within the wolf pack there's some sort of "problem" happening. Some wolves can keep their human thoughts, but others cannot. A few of the wolves are barely able to shift into their human bodies anymore when summer rolls in. As some wolves can hardly stay in their wolf forms even when it's cold. Some wolves can even make themselves shift on their own. None of this has ever happened before with the pack. Had some way they all gotten a type of cure in their bodies?

"Where the Pack Stays"
Near the entrance of the Boundary Wood there is a large cabin, about three (four counting the basement) stories high. This cabin belongs to the Mercy Falls pack when the heat comes and the cold goes. It is a refugee for pack members as they all no longer have a home to go to. Everyone in the pack, when they were human, were assumed dead or forever missing. There are rooms for everyone on the third floor. A large living room, a small office and library on the second. On the first floor there is a medium sized kitchen and a garage with only two cars. Also there is a basement, which is where newly bit wolves go to as they keep shifting uncontrollably back and forth until they're stable.

A mile or two from the cabin is a medium sized shack. This contains extra warm clothing for each pack member, some food that'll never go back, and a phone to call the cabin. This shack is for when a pack member has shifted back into their human selves and wants to stay warm. The clothes, of course, are there since the wolf who had just shifted will be butt naked. The food is just to sustain any small bit of hunger they have. And the phone is to call only the cabin to see if any other pack member has shifted.

Mercy Falls Pack
Morgan Alistair || Alpha || Librarian || Male || 19 || TAKEN by Naga's Shadow

Samuel Cyral Dalton || Hunter || Candy Store Clerk || Male || 27 || TAKEN by ISpeakTheTruth

Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg || Scout || Female || 11 || TAKEN by ShatteredWings22

Jennifer Reed || Veterinarian || Female || 26 || TAKEN by Darkdiva_14

Chloe Williams || Waitress || Female || 17 || TAKEN by SugarPlum22

Jason Michaels || Clock Tower Tinker || Male || 12 || TAKEN by SugarPlum22

Residents Character Sheet
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[b]Theme song:[/b]
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Wolf Character Sheet
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[center][img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/center]

[b]Pack Position:[/b]
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[right][b]Wolf Appearance:[/b]
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[b]How They Got Turned:
[b]Theme song:[/b]
[img]IMAGE HERE[/img][/center]

Toggle Rules

General Rules
01. Members are expected to be active a minimum of twice a week unless a notification is posted announcing their absence.

02. Keep OOC and IC Separate. Do not use OOC excuses to avoid IC repercussions of your character's actions. Conversely, do not take IC action against somebody for something that was OOC, or vice versa. That evil villain who wants to kill your character is not also an evil player who hates you as a player. Don't hold grudges in the OOC for things that happen in RP. If you are unhappy or unsure, then tell them to clarify things.

03. If you are going to be gone for a long while please PM me AND post in the OOC thread that you are. Also, make sure you are not it a spot that will keep another roleplayer stuck until you get back. It's not nice for you to maybe post a few times then suddenly disappear without a word or leave while you are interacting with another character. So, if you don't post within a week without telling me, I WILL take your character out of the roleplay and find someone else to fill the spot.

04. Be Courteous To Each Other. We are all here for the same reason: to have fun RPing. Respect your fellow players, and respect their right to have fun. Always remember that there is a human being on the other side of the character post, and treat them with dignity.

Character Rules
05. One character per roleplayer.

06. The Character sheet is pretty long, fill it all out please! Make your character interesting, don't make them seem all goody-two-shoes and whatever. Use real pictures please.

07. Remember, if you're making a wolf, they were human once. For their bio, make sure you put how they got bitten. Any resons behind it?

08. I have the right to decline or accept you, but I'm really not that harsh. Unless you strike a huge pet peeve. Then it's on! Come at me! Just joking, I'm seriously not that mean.

Roleplay Rules
09. Be at least SEMI-LITERATE! Correct spelling and punctuation. Also as LEAST two paragraph (that's TEN sentences) per post! I'll let you off with seven. However, if you intend to give me only seven sentences, at least give me good ones. I refuse to accept "Blank did this. He danced everywhere. He did that. Meh. Double meh." Please add a picture in your post, if you don't want to/know how to, at least add your character's name.

10. No "God-modding". This means dictating another character’s actions to them, or not leaving room for them to respond to a situation. An example would be an emote such as “Jake backstabs Kyle and pierces his heart.” The correct way of doing this would be phrasing it as “Jake attempts to backstab Kyle, trying to pierce his heart” or something similar which leaves room for the other player to react and respond how they choose. A couple of words can make all the difference. Power-emoting also includes actions which are totally unrealistic or unfeasible for your character to perform, such as parrying and dodging the blows of half a dozen swords from people attacking you simultaneously from every angle. Also, don't control other people's characters.

11. No “Metagaming” is using knowledge of IC things you have as a player, but which your character does not, in roleplaying. The simplest example is your character referring to somebody by their name without having been told it previously. You as a player can see the name above their heads, but your character does not. Decide what your character does know, and more importantly, what not.

12. The killing of another player's character without permission is strictly forbidden.

The Consequences
13. First offense will result in a warning.

14. Second offense will result in immediate ban.

15. My decision is final.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: The Carnival, Mercy Falls || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


"Oh! I'm Jace by the way."
Elenore looked at the boy, Jace. He seemed the tiniest bit familiar...Eh, It was probably her mind playing tricks. She stuck out her hand,
"I'm Ellie,"
She smiled.
"Nice to meet ya."
With her other hand, she held the bag of cotton candy up to her face, taking a bite.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || “It was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


"I'm Ellie. Nice too meet ya." The girl, Ellie, introduced herself, holding out her hand for him ti shake it.

Shaking her hand, Jace smiled lightly. "Um yeah. Nice too meet you too." He was quite shy when it came to girls. As he never knew what to talk about with them. "Being at a carnival alone isn't as fun as being with someone else. So would you, um, care to join me? As it seems like, has left." Yup, he definitely wasn't good with talking to girls.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: Seven Years || Fate: 7.4


Morgan watched as Chloe tried -and failed- to play the bottle pyramid game. He smiled slightly. Her friend was right, the game was rigged. The bottom bottles had weights in them. Only good pitchers could knock them over, unless you knew how to play the game. He walked up next to the girls and threw a bill down. The guy handed him the softballs. He looked over at the girls and nodded once.

"You're throwing it wrong. You have to aim at the bottom three, just between the middle one and one of the ones on the end. They're weighted, so you have to have enough force to knock them down. The ones on top will fall because they don't have any support left." Morgan picked up the ball, cocked it back, and threw it. He had a good arm, as attributed to his years on the highschool softball team. They entire pyramid fell over, and the guy begrudgingly gave him his pick of prizes. Morgan nodded to the wolf.

He had to laugh slightly. It was an all white snowy wolf, that looked uncanilly like himself, the only difference was the eyes. The stuffed animal had plastic blue ones. Morgan's were a deep, blood red. He glanced over at Chloe, watching her eye the toy with envy and desire. He gave her a slight half-smile, and then handed it to her. "Here. You wanted him, right?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: Eastice Park, The Carnival || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


Elenore nodded,
She smiled, she could notice he was a bit nervous. It amused her a little... Yet for some reason... She was a little nervous too. It was weird, for her, at least.
"So...What do you want to go on? Or should we play some games?"
She asked, sticking her hand in the cotton candy bag, to take the last piece and eat it. Ellie stopped, and looked at Jace.
"...Do you want it?"
She asked.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


Chloe stopped playing after her third try. "I know the game is most likely rigged. But I really want that wolf!" She was pouting again. Stupid game. Suddenly there was a bill on the table. She looked over to see that Morgan was standing next to them. Which he nodded to them.

"You're throwing it wrong. You have to aim at the bottom three, just between the middle one and one of the ones on the end. They're weighted, so you have to have enough force to knock them down. The ones on top will fall because they don't have any support left." He told them, taking the ball into his hand and throwing it. The pyramid instantly knocked over. As he received the white wolf she wanted.

"Well I'm not good at sports. And I'm not coordinated. That's why I kept missing." Chloe said, glancing at the stuffed animal every now and then. She was jealous that he had the wolf and not her.

It seemed like Morgan noticed her staring, as he offered the wolf to her. "Here. You wanted him, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks.." She took the wolf from him, holding it close to her so it hid her blushing cheeks. When guys did this cheesy stuff, it always made her blush.

Beca, on the other hand, took advantage of this. "Ah. Well I see you're all better now. And Oh! Look at the time. I got to go. See ya girly." With that, she waved and ran off.

"Beca! Wait!" Chloe called after her friend, but it was too late, she had disappeared into the crowd of people.

Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || “It was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


Jace was thinking of what to do, when Ellie offered her last piece of cotton candy to him. "...Do you want it?"

He felt that he couldn't decline the girl's offer so he accepted it. "Um..Sure. Thanks." He took the last piece and ate it as he looked around. "Well, what kind of rides do you like? I'm down for anything really."He told her, then remembered Fritz was sitting patiently next to him.

He picked up the Finnish Spitz, holding him with one are while the stuffed duck was in his other hand. "By the way, this is Fritz." The puppy muffled a bark as his stuff bear was still in him mouth.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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0.00 INK

Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: Seven Years || Fate: 7.4


Morgan smiled slightly. She wasn't very good at hiding, either it seemed. Though he had to admit to himself, she was pretty cute when she blushed. He glanced up and down the row of games. It was then he noticed her friend basically run away from them. He arched an eyebrow. "Does she usually run away like that?" He smiled again, and then extended a hand.

"I'm Morgan, by the way. Morgan Alistair. I'm the librarian in town. I think I've seen you in there a few times, but I don't believe I've ever caught your name?"

He ointed in the general direction of the other booths. "So, any other rigged games I need to teach you how to beat?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: Eastice Park, The Carnival || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


Elenore smiled,
"He's cute,"
She ruffled the Finnish Spitz's head. She flinched a bit, realizing she hadn't answered Jace's question.
"I love rides that spin, but, uh, I can see if you don't like them.."
Ellie awkwardly stood still for a second or two, before quickly adding on,
"I like roller coasters, too."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


"Does she usually run away like that?" Morgan asked, he was smiling and had his hand out to her.

Chloe scanned the crowd again. "Only when she wants to be a nuisance..." She sighed, taking his hand and shaking it.

"I'm Morgan, by the way. Morgan Alistair. I'm the librarian in town. I think I've seen you in there a few times, but I don't believe I've ever caught your name?".

"Yeah, I know who your are...That sounded much more creepier than I intended." She placed her hand over her face and looked down after she said that. "What I meant was that I know you're the librarian here. As you mentioned, I got to the library a few time, so I've see you around and behind the counter." She smiled, mentally slapping herself for sounding like a weirdo.

"Anyways, my name's Chloe Williams. It's nice to officially meet you." Chloe said, then followed to where he was pointing.

"So, any other rigged games I need to teach you how to beat?" He inquired, having a slight smirk on his face.

She looked at the rows of games booths, thinking to herself for a moment. "I don't know. Is there any game you had in mind?" She asked, really only wanting to play the one game for the wolf and go on more rides.

Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || “It was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


"He's cute." Ellie said, smiling, as she patted Fritz head.

Placing Fritz down, Jace bent down and whispered. "Hey, why don't you go home, kay? Watch Nala for me and make sure she doesn't ruin the house." He told the pup, who whimpered, but ran off towards the clock tower.

He looked at Ellie as she told him that she loved spinning rides and roller coasters. "I love rides that spin, but, uh, I can see if you don't like them..I like roller coasters, too."

"Ah. I'm fine with anything. So, I'll let you choose the ride." He sheepishly smiled.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: Eastice Park, The Carnival || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


Elenore watched as Jace whispered for Fritz to go home.
"Ah. I'm fine with anything. So, I'll let you choose the ride."
Elenore looked around,
"...I don't know...Do you like the Zipper?"
She smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: Seven Years || Fate: 7.4


Morgan shrugged. "Not in particular. I'm simply here because they won't allow me to open the library. I'm not the most sociable person around." He did grin at her comment about being creepy. "Creepy, now, is it? My, my, but someone doesn't hide their tracks very well. Just kidding. Odd comments generally come my way." He wiggled his bare toes. "Especially with the not wearing of the shoes."

He watched her face for a second before crossing his arms with a smile. "And here's my turn to be creepy. You look like a girl fixin' to go on a few more of them steel death traps. So, what's your poison? There, now we're even in the creepiness factor."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || “It was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


Jace looked to the Zipper, it was three rides down from where they were. A smirk appeared on the boys face. "Race ya there!" With that, he ran off towards the ride. He was quite fast, being small and light weight, plus he's on a junior track team. Lot's of running practice.

It was quite unusual for Jace to be so social. He would typically bury himself in a good book rather than talk to people. Maybe it was because it was soon to be the start of a new school year. He probably decided to try and stand out a bit more as it's his last year in Middle School.

ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


Chloe blinked a few times. "Ehhh?! What do you mean 'someone doesn't hide their tracks very well'??" She was slightly confused. Did he mean when she blushed? Did he see that?! She shook her head, then looked down. Wow. He really isn't wearing any shoes. Does he do that often?

Morgan was staring at her again, then he crossed his arms with a smile. "And here's my turn to be creepy. You look like a girl fixin' to go on a few more of them steel death traps. So, what's your poison? There, now we're even in the creepiness factor."

She looked around for a bit, trying to spot a ride. Steel death traps, huh? Someone's not a fan of roller coasters. She cracked her knuckles, something out of habbit. "Let's see..How about..That one!" She suggested, pointing to Evolution.

Walking to the ride, Chloe thought for a moment. Not sociable. Huh? Like that little clock tower boy. She gave it another minute or two before she spoke. "Well, why don't you try and be sociable?" She asked him, with a questionable look. "I mean, I've only seen you work at the Library mostly during Summer and Spring. And you're there from opening til closing, right? So what do you do when you're not working at the Library?" She paused, her eyes widened a bit. "Ah, that might be a bit too personal. We've only just meant. You don't have to answer that." She quickly added.

After thinking for a bit, girl couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "I'm sorry, but you're like the wolves that live behind my house. But the opposite. They're only around during the Fall and Winter. You're only around during Summer and Spring..." She went quiet and looked down. "Ah! I'm sorry for saying something weird. Most people around here don't like it when someone talks about the wolves..." Her smile slightly faded. Was he one of those people? I'm saying sorry too much... She sighed.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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0.00 INK

Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: Seven Years || Fate: 7.4


Morgan smiled. "I'm just...not much of a people person, I suppose. Communication never really did come very easily, and now that it's just me, it's gotten even harder." He smiled as she began to stutter over her own words.

"There's nothing wrong with being curious. Knowledge makes the world go round, and it's why we discover new things. When I'm not working, I'm usually lurking somewhere that has animals, or holed up reading." He left out the part about hanging around the cemetary. That would just be weird to mention. Wolves are one of nature's most misunderstood creatures. We're lucky to have them around. They're apart of this community, even if people don't actually realize it." He told her after some thought. He looked at her as the ride started. "Do they hang around your house often? The wolves, I mean. I would think that meant you're quite close to the woods then?"

He almost said "we" instead of "they". That would have been really akward. He'd need to watch his words. But to find someone who didn't seem terrified of the Mercy Falls Wolf Pack that wasn't actually apart of the pack was interesting. He certianly hadn't expected it. He also thought she was adorable when she blushed. That was another odd thought for him. Being around Chloe made him feel strange, and he couldn't figure out if it was in a good way or bad yet. Then, with some abruptness, he asked, "You don't seem as afraid of the wolves as most people. Why is that?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


Chloe nodded subconsciously. "Ah, I have to admit I'm not a people person either. So I find it a bit funny at how easy it is to talk to you!" She smiled, as they neared the ride. If he called these steel death traps. I wonder if he's scared to go on them. I don't want to force him too. She pondered, but they were already seated and getting buckled in before she could say anything. Too late now.

"That's true, knowledge is important...But that's all you do? Hang around animals and read? What about when you're gone all Winter? What do you do then?" She asked, knowing the librarian who takes over his work when he's not there says that he leave town all Winter and most of Autumn. I wonder where he goes all that time. Hearing wolves being mentioned brought her attention back. "I agree. The wolves here especially are misunderstood, everyone thinks that ever since a few kids went missing a couple years back, it was the wolves fault. Everyone in town believes that when the kids went into Boundary Woods, they were killed by the wolves. I don't...." She mumbled, not knowing if Morgan even heard her or not.

At first the ride was pretty calm, as the spinning and swinging wasn't that fast. So it was easy to hear and understand Morgan. When he asked if the wolves hung around her house, she blinked. "Yeah, the Boundary Woods is at the edge of my backyard. So I see the wolves a whole lot during winter." The ride then picked up. Spinning, swaying, and going around faster now. Chloe couldn't help but scream, "Wooo Hooo!!!" with her arms up and laughing too.

The ride had finally stopped just as Morgan asked, "You don't seem as afraid of the wolves as most people. Why is that?"

This made the girl think some. "I guess it's because I was bitten by a wolf when I was ten. But that was just it. A bite on the shoulder and then it ran away. At first I thought it was going to eat me, I thought I was going to die that day. But I didn't." Getting off the ride, she stopped, having her back to Morgan. "See. I still have the scar from the bite." She told him, moving her hair out of the way and showing the faint scar on her right shoulder. She was wearing a black cami top, so it wasn't hidden.

She turned on her heels to face Morgan again. "It was strange though. I didn't cry at all. The bite hurt like hell, but the tears wouldn't come out." She shrugged, placing her hands behind her back and started walking. "So that's why I'm not afraid of them. That wolf didn't kill me. It might of just been scared and attacked me thinking I was a threat. But realized I wasn't and ran off. I don't know. I have no idea what wolves think of."

Her phone buzzed. It was her alarm going off. She took out her phone from her skirt pocket and turned off the alarm. It was now five thirty. An hour and a half before she needed to go back to work. "Hey. You wanna get something to eat? I mean, I have to go in a bit, so..."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Reed Character Portrait: Samuel Cyral Dalton
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Jennifer Reed

Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park|| "Nice to meet you."

Jennifer was fascinated.

This man was a very interesting individual. For a brief second after she introduced herself, she got the opportunity just to watch him. Did that make her sound crazy? Maybe, but he definitely put on a good show. So many emotions danced across his eyes that she could hardly decipher which was which. The only thing that was evident was the smile on his face that had her smiling in return. She wondered what could have possibly entered his mind for the period of time in which he didn't say anything and a serious expression appeared on his face. But then he smiled again, a sheepish one almost.

"I'm Samuel... Sam works just fine, though." Jennifer smiled brightly at him. Sam. She liked the sound of that.

"Okay, Sam. Nice to meet you," she replied and they continued to walk along the path leading to the carnival. Jennifer wasn't a chatterbox. Sure, she was warm and all that jazz. And yes, she tended to greet people and be nice. But she wasn't a chatterbox. However, she did know a thing about greeting people yet for some odd reason, every time she glanced at Sam, she could not come up with one sentence. She faintly wondered if he was going through the same awkward phase.

When did her game die?

"So... what do you do for a living? A waitress? Barista? Working for the mayor?" He asked and Jennifer giggled at the insinuation.

"Oh, if only," she remarked, trying to get her laughter down. "My mom would've loved that! I'm actually a veterinarian. Not as grand as working for the mayor, but..." A small, reminiscent smile flashed upon her face as she remembered the puppy from earlier. She had the right mind to gather the little baby and take her home. She back to Sam bright eyes. "I love it. I don't see myself doing anything else." She asked after a beat, "What about you?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennifer Reed Character Portrait: Samuel Cyral Dalton
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Sam Dalton
Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: 8½ years || Fate: 8


Jennifer didn't seem to talk a lot, she appeared to be more of a... thinking type of person. Using her brain instead of jumping off a cliff, probably liked reading, the perfect example of what would come to mind if one was asked to imagine a relatively nice and normal woman. She was probably one of those people who were super slow when driving in the rain, too. Sam chuckled at the thought.
Did she appear to be completely different than the guy walking beside her who would jump off a bridge if everyone else was doing so? Yeah, that was what Sam thought.

Jennifer giggled when Sam had asked what her job was. Taking that, he assumed that she wasn't working as a waitress or a barista or buying coffee's for the mayor.
"Oh, if only, my mom would've loved that!" Jennifer exclaimed, "I'm actually a veterinarian. Not as grand as working for the mayor, but..." her words trailed off and a small smile made it's way across her face, "I love it. I don't see myself doing anything else."
She was a vet? Loved her job? Got to spend the day happy? Sam shrugged off the part about the job not being as grand as working for the mayor,
"If you do what you like and you like what you do, then that's the way to go." Sam said cheerfully.
"What about you?" Jennifer asked, saying the words Sam had hoped she would ignore.
"Oh, I'm just a grown man working at a candy store. I sure have a whole lot going for me, huh?" Was that what he was supposed to say? Throw the 'do what you like and like what you do' stuff out the window, being twenty-seven and going nowhere wasn't impressive at all.
He should have just gotten a job at the library like Morgan, at least that way he'd look smart.
Sam shrugged, "Well... it's certainly not being a vet, but I work at that little candy shop down the street." he said, pointing behind them, "Not very impressive, I know. But on the bright side, I do get something at the end of the day besides a paycheck," Sam grinned as he pulled out a small plastic bag that held a few pieces of candy corn that had been in his pocket, "It won't make me rich, but I manage."

The two walked for a little while more until they were at the entrance to the park. Here, the music was a whole lot louder and Sam could literally smell all the food waiting for him. Ah, the carnival. Sam would live there 24/7 if he was allowed... which he wasn't. Last year he had been kicked out for trying to do just exactly that.
Sam turned to the lady beside him, "So, Miss, uh, Jennifer. Would you like to tour the carnival with me? There's always pickpockets up and around and I doubt they'll try anything with me walking beside you." He asked, wondering if that came off was weird.
Well it only seems fair. You were the one who invited her to go to the carnival with you in the first place. Ditching her now would be rude. One side of his brain reasoned.
But on the other hand, she's know you for what, ten minutes? Less? You're probably scaring the hell out of her, asking her to tag along with you to all these places. Give the lady some space! And who in Mercy Falls is a known pickpocket? No one, that's who. The other side argued.
Sam wished both sides would just shut up.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: Seven Years || Fate: 7.4


Morgan smiled, but inside his head was working overtime. She'd been bitten as a child? Yet she didn't smell like a werewolf. That meant the one who bit her must have been one of the normal wolves. But it was odd for them to attack people. He pushed it out of his mind, he figured now wasn't the time to be worrying about it.

"Sure, do you have some place in mind?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


As the two were walking, Chloe looked around for a place to eat. They could eat at the Carnival, but food was expensive. The only places to eat in town were a pizzeria, a Mexican restaurant, a sushi bar, and a Chinese buffet. Of course there was also Meg's Café, but she didn't feel like eating a her work place, plus it was really suited for mornings. Pizza and Italian food sounded the best to her right now.

"Um, how about Vivito's Pizzeria. I feel like Italian, so..I mean, if you want to go somewhere else, we came." She said, begin considerate of what Morgan thought too.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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0.00 INK

Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: Seven Years || Fate: 7.4


Morgan couldn't help but smile. She was always speaking her mind and then taking it back, like she was afraid he wouldn't approve. It was charming. "I have no preferences, Italian sounds delicious." He told her. Being the gentleman he was, Morgan offered her his arm as the walked through the carnival. Sure, maybe it was weird, and she didn't have to take it if she didn't want to.

Despite all the scents around him, there was one that continually stuck out to him. Strawberries mixed with hay. There was also a hint of something that made him think of a fresh spring rain. It made him smile even while it unnerved him how intoxicating Chloe's scent was.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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0.00 INK

ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Vivito's Pizzeria ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


Seeing Morgan offer his arm to her, Chloe let out a small laugh. "Ah. Quite the gentleman, I see." She gladly took his arm and the two continued walking around the carnival. At least until they can across the exit and left.

They walked down the street to Vivito's; it was a quiet walk. Chloe had absolutely no idea of what to talk about. Which always had made her a bit uncomfortable. With her two best friends, she was a chatter box, almost never shutting up. But around other people, especially ones she didn't know well, she tended to be awkwardly silent.

Upon entering the pizzeria, Chloe looked around for a table. The restaurant was self-seated, so they didn't have to wait for a table. Unless the tables were all filled and luckily there was a table near the window. "Hey. I see a table over there."She pointed to it, while releasing her arm from Morgan's. She went to the table and sat down, picking up one of the menus that were already on the table.

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Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair
29 sightings Morgan Alistair played by Naga's Shadow
"We're not a pack. We're a family."
Character Portrait: Aaron Danner
0 sightings Aaron Danner played by Delcrux
"Drive safe, drink responsibly... and watch out for the wolves."

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Character Portrait: Jason Michaels


Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
Jason Michaels

WIP "Because teachers, no matter how kind, no matter how friendly, are sadistic and evil to the core."

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg

"The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf."

Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
Chloe Williams

"The Bitterest Truth Is Better Than The Sweetest Lie"


Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
Chloe Williams

"The Bitterest Truth Is Better Than The Sweetest Lie"

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg

"The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf."

Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
Jason Michaels

WIP "Because teachers, no matter how kind, no matter how friendly, are sadistic and evil to the core."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg

"The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf."

Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
Jason Michaels

WIP "Because teachers, no matter how kind, no matter how friendly, are sadistic and evil to the core."

Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
Chloe Williams

"The Bitterest Truth Is Better Than The Sweetest Lie"

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