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Snippet #2093074

located in United States, 2012, a part of Damn These Wild Young Hearts, one of the many universes on RPG.

United States, 2012



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cleo Milson Character Portrait: Greyson Walker Character Portrait: Alexandra Hunt Character Portrait: Charlotte Arden
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Greyson just ignored Cleo's exclamations, pulling her into his embrace anyway. He held onto her tightly as she wriggled in his arms, like a fish who had just been pulled out of water, groaning sleepily at her fast and jagged movements. "Stop itttt..." He groaned, burying his head into her hair, trying to drift back off to sleep. Grey was one of those people who could fall asleep in just about any position, and this was one of his favourites, curled up against his best friend, preferably naked. Soon, she was beginning to relax into his arms, stopping her wriggling, melting into his embrace. That, he was happy about, as he began to get comfortable once again. With no speech between the two of them, Grey slowly began to drift back off to sleep once again, his eyes sliding closed.

However, his peacefulness didn't last long, and soon, Cleo was joking about him not wearing his own clothes, causing him to smile against the soft skin of her shoulder. His eyes stayed closed as he lay there, grinning at her statement. It was true, of course. He hated wearing clothes, especially when it was so warm outside. He sometimes didn't even wear clothes in the winter, despite how cold it was - being naked and walking around with no clothes on was just something he loved doing. Oh, and it teased the fuck out of Cleo. Slowly, she then turned around in his arms, and Greyson decided to open his eyes, looking into her beautiful eyes, bright blues looking into her chocolate browns. His expression changed from cocky and amused to cocky and playfully irritated when she looked underneath the bed-covers at his manhood, before shaking her head. His mouth fell open as she spoke, shocking him with her deceleration that his physiology wasn't good enough.

The male's expression didn't change as Cleo undressed herself beside him, wriggling out of the clothes that she had been wearing, before throwing them in his direction, the clothing landing on his bare chest. Being still wrapped in his arms, her change must have been awkward, but he hadn't let go. He was slightly afraid that if he did let go, that she would escape from his embrace and run back out into the kitchen again. Usually, if she did that, he would just climb out of the bed and chase her, but he barely had any energy this morning. He was too tired, too worn out, and still slightly tense from the night before, seeing that she wasn't home when he arrived back. That then brought him back to the next question that he had asked her, asking why she hadn't been in.

Grey knew Cleo too well, to not be able to see through her lie. In fact, he was a little hurt that she would lie to him in the first place, and his expression dropped the playfulness, and turned slightly more serious. "Working, huh?" He repeated, his tone seething skepticism. He made it obvious to the blonde girl in his arms that he was seeing through her lie; that he obviously knew she wasn't telling him the truth. However, before he could call her up on it, and force her to tell him when she had truly been, there was a knock at the door. His own head snapped up, confusion taking over his face. He was mirroring the thoughts of his best friend - no-one knocked at their door, unless it was something serious. Like a rent collector, or someone like the police. He groaned as Cleo barked at him, telling him to get up and answer the door. "Loving your manners this morning, baby. You're always so happy when you wake up." Grey's tone was drenched in sarcasm as he slowly pulled himself out of bed, dragging his body slowly, like a zombie beginning to move for the first time.

Maybe naked isn't the best idea if it's someone knocking... The male thought to himself as he looked around his "room", finding the pair of jeans that he had been wearing the night before. He pulled on the first pair of clean boxers that he had seen, before then putting his jeans on over the top. Before he left the closet, Greyson pointed at the clothing that his best friend had been wearing five seconds ago, a playfully stern expression taking over his face. "You, put them on before you come out. Only I'm allowed to see your sexy undies." He winked, before then exiting.

Alex had gotten there first, and Greyson walked up on the scene, his other female friend staring blankly at the female on the other side of the door, almost as if she was looking right through her. He caught the last sentence or two of the conversation, and he walked straight up to the door, ignoring the smoking boy on the sofa - he'd get to him later. "Well hello, beautiful." Greyson's cooed as he came upon the other side of Alex, leaning his topless frame against the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm Greyson, but please, call me Grey. Charlotte, isn't it? What a stunning name, for such a stunning young lady. You want rent, huh?" He asked her, before then pulling out half of the notes from his pocket. "Do you think this is enough? If not, you can always come back to my room, and I'll see if I can find some more." He smiled in her direction, his sultry, crooked smile plastered over his face. If it was the right amount of money to pay, he'd collect the other halves from his companions later. He just wanted to get this woman out of the way, so he could get back to his bed, and his Cleo.