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Snippet #2825135

located in Akita, a part of Akita's Seasons Return, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Velonix Orako Character Portrait: Kazumi Orako Character Portrait: Kazuyuki Orako Character Portrait: Natsuo Orako
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Kazumi got a great night rest and like clockwork, she rose up before dawn to do her morning routine, which included dancing outside as the sun rises. It was always her way to honor her father for he was the best man she ever knew. Of course she loved her mother too and it was from her she learned how to heal through plants, but she was definitely a daddy's girl. She was done when she saw her brother come outside to do his morning kendo practice. Both siblings knew to let each other be when doing these things. Kazumi would go about checking on the animals that settled around their property before getting ready for school.

By the time Vel woke up, Natsuo was about done with breakfast and Kazumi had gone about setting the table, which include putting fresh flowers in a vase. Kazumi also made sure to have the healing balm she made.

When she spotted her sister, she smiled and said, "Good morning sunshine. Hope you slept well."

Natsuo also made sure to greet Vel, only he intentionally pulled her into a hug. Natsuo was rarely affectionate, so when it did happen, his family would know he meant it.

It wasn't long that Yuki showed up and the siblings ate their breakfast before Vel delved right in and told them everything from what happened after yesterday's morning incidents with those punks to last afternoon's incident. Both Kazumi and Natsuo stayed silent. Natsuo remained poker face, but his eyes would darken with how some of the humans acted towards his sister. Kazumi frowned hearing those parts, but smiled hearing about this Reiya, who seemed nice.

When Vel insisted that Kazutora wasn't bad, both older seasons nodded.

"Well, I am just glad you have each other to rely on. It's a darn shame your new friend doesn't get a break. Oh, here's that healing balm I said I'd make, Nixie." Kazumi said before taking the balm from her pocket and giving it to her sister.

Vel insisted once again she could things and would call if she needed them. She also asked they contact her next time.

"I'll try my best Harmonix. I trust you, I just don't trust humans and I doubt I ever will, not completely at least.
I will promise to keep working on things. I know I can do better. And I'll definitely call you first next time. I am ashamed I almost blew our cover." Natsuo replied.

"Well, Halcyon, do you have anything to add on this matter?"

After he was finished both Kazumi and Natsuo felt it was only fair to talk about their first day, which included meeting Iphi and Mafuyu. Kazumi mentioned how Iphi was a friend of Kazutora's and how both knew about this Kenji too.

"I am going to warn you both that I plan on having birds and any other animals to keep a lookout for this boy, Kenji." Kazumi said to her youngest siblings.

"You read my mind, Aurora, only I plan to extend it to the city itself. This human is clearly a problem and can be dangerous."

What neither sibling mentioned was they would find out where this Kenji lived.

"Let's end this conversation on a happy note. I am glad you are making friends, Nixie and Hal. Hopefully I'll get to meet this Reiya. Oh, you might run into my co-worker Emiko at some point, but she's a freshman so it might be hard. But if you do run into her, tell her hi for she likes both of you. Just to remind you, both Natsuo and I work today."

Soon, all siblings finished breakfast and the two youngest left soon after. When it was just the two of them, both Natsuo and Kazumi had their own quick talk.

"I am just going to say this. If I ever meet this Kenji, I am going to enjoy squishing him like the bug he is. It certainly wouldn't be the first time."

"Just be careful. I am finding I am feelings things I didn't expect to feel. I personally though would love to squash him too. I'll be sending Gust out to spread the word now that we got a name. I did talk to Shadow and he did give me a physical description."

"I might as well tell you, I plan on finding out where this boy lives. Besides the animals, I wonder if Mafuyu knows where he lives."

"Good luck getting a direct answer out of him if he does know. He hardly knows you after all. Of course, I want to know where this Kenji lives too."

"True. The animals are probably our best bet anyway. I'll still try if we don't get an answer by the end of the week, I'll start working my magic on Mafuyu."

Natsuo chuckled and said, "Try to not make the man fall for you too quickly."

Kazumi giggled before shifting topics, "How long do you think we have until they find us?"

Natsuo didn't need to ask who she was talking about.

"If mother and father sent Pavo and Astraea, not very long. I personally would prefer to go home before Summer and Winter arrive because both Halcyon and I have our season duties to perform. I think we'll be found before that happens though."

Kazumi nodded. This ended their conversation and soon the pair left for college in their own vehicles since they would be going to work later that day and both were in different areas of town. Natsuo made sure he had the flowers his sister gave him. He also made sure to get Gust to spread the word about Kenji and decided to have the birds that lived in their main home watch over the house. When Kazumi dropped off Eos and Dawn at their posts outside the campus, she would have them 'communicate' with other dogs that might pass buy about Kenji. It would be similar to the 'twilight bark' from an animated movie that came out in America in 'recent years'. By human standards it be well over 60s years, but for a goddess like Kazumi, it was hardly any time.
For now, the two older seasons would focus on their classes. For Natsuo, his first class was Spanish. For Kazumi, it was Japanese.