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Ig Montgomery


0 · 495 views · located in The City

a character in “A Little Mayhem”, originally authored by CharlotteV, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Ig Montgomery's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Zoe glanced up at the branch above her, trying to decide if she was going for it or not. It was within her reach, but barely, and if she fell from this height, she'd draw attention to them. But it would also provide a much better viewpoint, and besides, the branch she was on appeared to be sturdy enough. She wrapped her hands around the branch and pulled herself up, using a nearby branch to give her a boost.

Settling herself on the branch, she pressed a thumb to the communication unit in her ear. "This is Hecate. I'm in position and have a perfect view of the office. It's currently empty... and whoever uses that office is messy as hell. I can count at least three- no, four- coffee mugs on his desk."

They were currently on a low-risk mission, attempting to get some information about how the attack had been orchestrated. It had been decided that getting as much information about their tactics was their first priority- and then finding the location. The heroes had rushed headfirst into it, and it had ended badly for them. Zoe had always preferred playing the long game anyway.

She kinda wished that she was actually in there, trying to get the info- but when they were half-expecting an ambush, she'd agreed to stay on surveillance. That, and she'd been promised that she'd been inside next time, as long as she didn't royally screw up.

"I'd be careful before you enter the office, though, I can still see sheets and everything all over the desk. There's probably some kind of security system in place."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Sam sat against an alley wall, far enough away that she could contribute but far enough that she wouldn't risk the others spotting her. Hey, just because she's on the team doesn't mean she needed to break her mysterious facade, right? Anyway, she had her knees up, a new sketchpad resting against them and a sharpened pencil balancing on her upper lip.

"This is Hecate," said the small pod in her ear. "I'm in position and have a perfect view of the office. It's currently empty... and whoever uses that office is messy as hell. I can count at least three- no, four- coffee mugs on his desk."

[clor=#612185]"They should cut back,"[/color] Sam replied sagely, catching the pencil as it fell off her face. "Might end up like Mr. Gonzalez. Could you imagine having to deal with two of that guy?"

Jokes at the resident speedster's expense aside, Hecate's update meant it was now Sam's turn. She flipped open her sketch pad, bouncing her pencil's eraser on her cheek as she considered which construct to go with. Obviously something small and fast, with an eye so she could see. An eye-bat? she was feeling kind of "eye-bat".


This... was not an eyebat. What was this thing? Some kind of eyeball dragonfly sperm gremlin? Regardless, it served her purposes.

She let her breath out slowly, and the color drained from her surroundings. She heard the familiar burbling sound and a quick glance downward revealed a rapidly growing pool of ink next to her. A slow inhale, and the paint formed into a three-dimensional photo-realistic duplicate of what she'd drawn. The world returned to full color, and she pressed her finger to the communicator.

"This is Chiaroscuro," she said,waving the small creature off in the direction of the office. "Edd-Es-Gee inbound. Now taking bets on that ambush situation."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Molly had positioned herself across the street on the far left side across from the entrance. From here she could not only see the main door to the building but also a stairwell that lead down to a sort of underground, basement, level. She was crouched under a small tree, or large bush, to which it was she didn't know, and wearing all black. Her hood was up and she was trying to be as stealth as she possibly could. The little ear piece she'd been given earlier that day had been continuously falling out and she reached her finger up to her ear once more to adjust it.

As she pressed it back into place the voices of each villian got a little louder and clearer. Each voice was unique and easy to identify, and everytime someone new made a joke or attempt to lighten the mood Molly felt more and more uncomfortable. Maybe it was because it was her first recon mission ever, or maybe it was because all she could think about was her sister, but weren't these types of things supposed to be taken seriously?

Quinn would know what to say...what to do...

Molly watched as Surge opened the door and entered the building. She then noticed two small green lights go off on the top corners of the buildings, the security cameras.

"Can you please..." Molly tryed to get in inbetween E's incessant speaking "Check the papers for names, lists, addresses..." Though she wished deeply that the villains she was now very much involved with would just focus on the task, she kept quiet. Now wasn't a good time to argue with them...maybe later. This wasn't a good idea, maybe bargaining with the kidnappers could have worked...or we could have tried harder together just the it to late to back out... Molly felt sick to her stomach, much like she had the last couple weeks. With a deep sigh she shifted her crouched position to sitting and continued on listening to the people who had been labeled "evil" to her her whole life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Ig was so freaking late it wasn't even funny.

He didn't even know what part of The City he was in - which happened, at times, when he tumbled out of an apartment building he'd never been in before; leaving some guy in bed and trying not to wake him up when he untangled himself from the sheets and ran out the front door. Ironically enough, waking up like this, with the sun already down, was nothing new.

Usually he at least didn't have anywhere he was supposed to be. Like a recon mission that he was pissed he had to be a part of to begin with. Fucking heroes couldn't keep their shit together and somehow that was his responsibility? Honestly. He was a villain. He wasn't supposed to have any responsibilities! That was the whole point.

Ig cursed as he slowed down rounding the comer, lifting his foot and trying to jam his combat boot on without stopping in his mid-run. It wasn't working, and if it wasn't for his ability to pull at shadows, he definitely would have toppled over. But he saved himself, barely. He didn't bother tying his boots as he kept up his pace, pulling his shirt free from where it hung over his shoulders and jerking it on. He ran into a few people still out late, but didn't bother to apologize.

Finally, finally, he made it to his destination. When the office building came into view he slowed, not wanting to draw attention to himself...not that he would anyway, dressed in all black, pulling at the shadows he already blended into. Ig sighed and dug through his pockets until he finally came up with his ear piece, and pushed it into place, searching the trees because he knew Zoe would be up there somewhere. He was probably late enough at this point that he'd only really be useful as backup. Which was fine by him.

"Sorry I'm late guys," he muttered when he heard the activation click. "But I didn't want to come."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Surge eyed Nora as she claimed to know where they had to go next. It seemed bringing the prophet along had payed off after all. He nodded at E's suggestion."Sounds like a decent enough plan. In that case I'll stay down here with Omen, while you and Chiaroscuro go on ahead. Wouldn't want to leave our prophet here defenseless after all." Despite the apparent payoff, Surge wasn't too excited about Omen being here in the field. She wasn't suited for combat after all, and Surge despite all appearances grew fond enough of this little villain team that he'd rather they not meet the same fate as the heroes.

He listened to the others, as Hecate began her perilous climb, and Chiaroscuro started to repositon her creature. All the while he couldn't help but notice the absence of a certain shadow manipulator. It seemed he was late, very late, and Surge was beginning to wonder if Ig had forgotten about this little operation. Or chose not to come, no one on the team was exactly excited about working to fix the heroes' problem. Surge himself was none to happy to be on the same side of the self-righteous do-gooders again.

It seemed Ig finally managed to drag himself down, as the boy's voice sprang to life in his ear. "Good of you to finally show up Shadow. You didn't miss much, its been quiet so far. Hopefully it stays that way." It was good at least to know there was another villain here in case things went south. More back up was always appreciated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Encke Aryes
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#, as written by violeta

Ig's unexpected drop in was quite normal, this was the second time he had done this. She could sense him the second he popped in, she honestly still wasn't used to that. She often tried painting a picture, of what his abilities looked like in her head. She had never had a vision about them, so she often found herself quite curious about what exactly it looked like.

Nora listened to the others talk about Ig and leaving her in the safe area while they did all the work. She cleared her throat quietly, but there was no denying the presence of an annoyed tone . She appreciated the others, everyones, but E's worry for her well being, but sometimes it just made her even more frustrated. ""The Blind Prophet is going to go to the third floor and actually help. I have no use just standing here, like a kindergartner that has to be watched. I can handle it, at least let me make myself useful" She finished.

She walked past Surge, E, and the others towards the stairs. She used the beating wings from Chiaroscuro's monster to lead her to and up the stairs, and hopefully to the third floor. She could sense the vision the closer she got, as her hand started to twitch uncontrollably. This happened some of the time, but others it was totally unexpected. At least this time she'll know when she's about to get sucked into a vision, which to her feels like getting hit by a semi truck, twice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery
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#, as written by Taunbon

"Learning, you are, Young Jedi, fight the Sith Lord E, you must not." E said sagely to Hecate who, apparently, decided that discretion was the better part of valor. Still, she was lucky he decided not to make a comment on her climbing all that hard wood and to be careful to not grip too hard with her hands. He truly was on his best behavior today. Still, this was slow progress, unreasonably slow for just searching an office building.

"Oh, yeah, Shadow is here guys, oh.. did... did none of us care if he showed up or not? Well that is rude, I, for one, totally noticed he wasn't here and was waiting with baited breath." E said as.. really, if he was that late, why show up at all? E wouldn't have. Now that he thought about it, why was he even here? He could take off right now and there was nothing the others could do to stop him from just leaving... this. Letting out an annoyed huff, that made a lock of his hair bounce, he moved to the stairs only to be cut off by.. Nora.

"Oh, E, you had a really good idea about going first and scouting with the sperm monster, but no, I can do it! I can help cause I am a big girl with a big girl bra on!" E said following behind her, "Although, someone has to make the blind leading the morons joke or this is going to be a rather dull search mission."

Coming to the second floor, E separated from the group, digging in and taking off, leaving a small gush of air in his wake. It was... an odd thing to describe, running at the speeds he did, to him, the world didn't look all that different from before, he still 'moved' in the same ratio, but the world around him had slowed. If he tossed a pen into the air, he could circle the room a dozen times before it touched back down. Catch water droplets on the tip of his finger... the feeling was indescribable, but right now, he had a job, so in a flurry of activity, he looked through the various desk and cabinets of the second floor leaving, opening, searching, cleaning, closing in machine precision earned over a lifetime of experience.

Gone but for a moment, he was back in his spot on the stairs, "Second floor is clear. Nothing of note," E said a tiny bit annoyed as he had hoped Nora was wrong, a fool's hope, but it would have been fun, and he didn't want to leave an unsearched room to their backs and their only escape route. Well, their escape route, he could go out the window and run down.

Popping some M&M's into his mouth he 'borrowed' from one of the desk, "Third floor it is," he said around crunching candy and chocolate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery
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She grinned as she heard her best friend's voice in her earpiece, cautiously getting to her feet and starting to pick her way over to where he'd be able to see her. She allowed herself to drop down a few branches, trusting that she'd be able to get back up. "Shame that baited breath didn't stop you from talking," she replied to E as she moved. She ignored his next comment as she caught Ig in her sights.

"Late and you didn't even bring coffee," she called from where she stood, having found a somewhat sturdy branch that was wide enough for her to stand on. "Simply appalling," she teased. The two of them had enough history behind them to get away with it. "C'mon, get your ass up here, I'm lonely as hell up here," she added, leaning down to hold out a hand to pull him up. Moments after she did so, however, a gunshot rang out, and a branch shattered above her head. She ducked, losing her balance and slipping. Only her reflexes stopped her from hitting the ground as she grabbed the branch she'd previously been standing on.

"They're fucking shooting at us," she yelled into her headset, glancing at the ground below. "At me, specifically," she added, trying to gauge the distance. She couldn't tell if it was far enough for her power to kick in and soften the blow. But as a bullet embedded itself about three inches from one of her hands, she knew that she didn't have an option. She glanced down at the ground again, braced herself, then let go of the branch, starting her drop to the ground.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery
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It's the piercing crack of a gunshot through the night air that drags Encke out of his reverie and back into the present, with his cramping legs and splinter-dotted hands. The rounds sounded as if they were coming from behind him and to his left, and definitely not too far away. He whirled around, seemingly without thought, and began slipping down branch by branch, as quickly and quietly as his bare feet would allow. His mind, on the other hand, was racing, and not entirely with fear. He wasn't sure with how to deal with the villains, but with a shooter? With someone who was almost definitely connected with whatever was going on? That he could most definitely manage.

Encke's finally reached the last bough of the tree, and he couldn't help his lips twitching into a smile as he dropped straight into an ankle-deep puddle on the ground with a small splash. It had rained recently, and the ground was littered with small pools that glittered brightly in the moonlight. He could feel each and every one, simply there and present in his mind. It would have been quite peaceful, if not for the screaming girl stuck in the tree. Encke glanced back in the direction of her voice, considering for half a second to go help her, but deciding that his abilities served a better purpose in tracking the gunman.

He peered around the thick trunk of the tree he was crouched behind, looking for the silvery glint of a barrel in the darkness. Discerning nothing, he carried himself with silent footsteps to a tree a little further back, hoping to maybe get a better view from behind whoever had fired the shots. It briefly crossed his mind that anyone from the little reconnaissance party who found him would have a hard time judging him friend or enemy, but he pushed the thought out of his head and hunkered down behind the new tree, which was a great deal skinnier than the last. He would deal with them if the time came.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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The moment the gun went off Molly's hands shot up to cover her own mouth and her heart quickly picked up speed. She sat frozen under the green brush and could only move her kneck to scan the street that seperated her from the building. The longer she had been sitting there the colder she had grown, but hearing Hecate's panicked voice in her ear now had her sweating. She began to calm herself down and begin to think logically.

The bullet had clearly been fired a ways down to her left on the same of the street Molly was on. Whoever it was must be sitting diagonal with the left corner of the building while she sat diagonal with the right corner. All the villians were on the side with the building while Encke, the gunman, and Molly herself were across the street looking at the building. With this information she knew not what to do execept something across the street suddenly caught her attention.

"There's someone coming out of the building, from a underground basement level..." Molly whispered quickly watching the man climb the stairs to reach the ground level. "He's on the opposite side of the building where Hecate was in the tree." She squinted her eyes and ducked down lower in the leaves. "And I can't tell if he's armed or not..." She added and ducked down even further making herself as camouflaged as possibly. No one had ever gone over what would happen if they were shot at and for all Molly knew it was every man for themselves. She quickly decided to remain still until told otherwise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Encke Aryes
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Samantha was almost snapped back to her physical body by the sound of the gunshot. She took a deep breath to steady herself, and her vision of the office came back into focus.

"Well, that's kitchen duty for Wally West," she said, her construct hovering over Nora's head. "Pity, I hear paint's a bitch to get out of dishware." True, the construct she kept in their little base as a representation of her presence didn't require food or water, but tonight she'd make an exception.

Speaking of constructs... She considered sending one to help the others, but that would mean pulling away from Edd-Es-Gee, who was currently operating as Delphi's seeing-eye monster. If there was as ambush waiting on the third floor, she'd be the last to know about it, barring precognitive intervention.

Well. The three outside were big kids, and Volts was still downstairs if they needed back-up. They'd be fiiiiiiiine.

Dragonfly wings carried her construct up the stairs to floor number three, close enough for Nora to feel the air move but far enough ahead that she could put Edd-Es-Gee's utter lack of mortality to use. The hall at the top of the stairs was empty, at least. She took herself down one end, past a trio of empty offices toward the ones at the front of the building. Speedy Gonzalez would no doubt have the floor checked in an exceptionally short span of time, but it still felt wise to ensure no one was waiting around the corner for the earliest sign of-

Ah. Yeah. "Well, Edd's down. Anyone mind telling me what just hit me?" she sighed and bumped her head against the wall a couple times. Maybe they'd get lucky and it was just a startled janitor wielding the broom of plus one paint slaying. "Careful not to slip in the puddle."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Spencer paced back and forth on the rooftop of the building across the street. Her friends were on the ground and she could easily see them from where she was, the few times she peeked over the edge that is. Her hood was down and she was trying to calm the urge of punching something in the face all while the villains spoke to each other in the ear piece. She really wasn't paying attention to their banter and only trained her ears onto the information she needed. As time went on she peeked over the edge a few more times to make sure her team mates were okay especially on Molly's side. If anything happened to her especially Spencer would surely lose it.

Red sat down only for a few minutes observing the villain that was in the tree spider monkeying her way up when another one of them showed up. Again she watched for what seemed to be a couple of seconds before a gun shot made her instantly whip her head around towards where the sound came from with bow in hand. She loaded a red tipped arrow as her eyes scanned the ground across the street and when Molly quipped up about the mans location Spencer's eyes quickly locked onto him. "I got him in my sights, she went quiet for a second while Red shot an arrow through the mans hand that held the gun causing him to drop it on the ground. "well he's got no gun in his hand now, that won't hold him for long though." she commented through the ear piece.

As the guy dropped to his knees grabbing his hand in pain Spencer took this time to slide down the pipe that was attached to the side of the building and hit the ground with a light thump. She jogged over to Molly while keeping her head down and crouched beside her. "I bought them some time to make a move but they better make it quick because I don't know if righty over there knows how to shoot with his left."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery Character Portrait: Spencer Borden
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Upon hearing footsteps coming toward her, Molly lifted her head to see a familiar face approaching. It was Spencer, or Red, Molly's best friend. Being closer to her only brought more comfort and listening to her voice did the same. When Red finished speaking and Hecate began Molly frowned. "We need to get over to Hecate, or at least I do." Molly told Red. "She's clearly hurt." Up until this point the young healer had been sitting in a bush like dead weight, waiting for something to happen, hoping that someone would shout coordinates into the ear piece of her sisters location, or names of the people involved with the kidnapping. Now, she could actually help. Even if it was just fixing a sprained ankle. Molly sat up straight and leaned forward looking over at the building across the street. "Red can you finish off the gunman?" The smaller girl asked, beginning to stand up. She readjusted her jacket, brushing off dirt from her pants. She was not made for the outdoors and wasn't particularly fond of hiding in a bush.

"Hey uh Hecate I'm coming over there." She spoke softly looking at Spencer. Then after squeezing her friends hand gently she pulled her hood up and ran across the street to the tree were Hecate and Ig stood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery Character Portrait: Spencer Borden
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"We need to get over to Hecate, or at least I do." said Molly and Spencer couldn't help but to glance over towards Hecate's direction before nodding. Spencer was going to tell Molly to be careful but she ran off before she could so Spencer also pulled up her hood with this fiery glint in her eyes. She stood up from the bush and jogged out onto the street just in time to see the gunman up from the ground with gun in hand, his left that is and trained on Molly. Right then Surge's comment came through the earpiece making Spencer smirk as she pulled back on her bow and released. Red wasn't fast enough though because the gun went off. Luckily for her the arrow hit the man's shoulder with such force that it made his arm jerk back in that split second casing the bullet to completely miss Molly but instead graze her left shoulder.

Red winced slightly at the sudden stinging pain but it was no where in hell near enough to stop her from aiming her next arrow at Mr.Righty's head. "Next one goes right through your eye, bastard." she said to herself before letting the last arrow fly. The man fell to the ground with a heavy thump and Spencer lowered her bow. "Aw, thank's for the compliment." said Spencer through the earpiece with that hint of sarcasm she is known to have as she walked up to the man pulling her arrow form his right eye with a twist and loud crack. I think I deserve a drink.

With that thought in place Red made her way back to Molly who was safely with Hecate's little group by the tree. As she was walking the little pyromaniac swiftly swung her arrow towards the left and the gore came flying off, splattering the concrete with a small blotch of red before putting it back in it's holster on her back. Red approached the group right when Surge was speaking and when he finished Red only pulled out her bow once more before waving it a bit. "Well? Whatcha waiting for let's go check it out. If I learned anything from watching batman it's that the joker never had just one henchmen to do his dirty work for him so I'm sure there has to be another one around here." She paused for a second to hand Molly one of her knives just in case and glanced over towards Hecate for a second before bringing her attention back towards Surge."Let's go have some fun."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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Encke stiffened considerably as he heard an arrow whistle through the air and land on its mark with a dull thunk, accompanied shortly after by a terse hiss of pain somewhere in front of him and to his left. His eyes widened, and he adjusted his position behind the tree to he would still be concealed from the gunman. He tried to glance over his shoulder to get a view of where the arrow had come from, but it was simply too dark to make out anything besides vague shapes and shadows. He knew pursuing a target when surrounded by uncertain company, whom he was fairly sure had not spotted him just yet, wasn't the brightest of ideas, but the gunman was getting away, and along with him Encke's best chance for finding the heroes.

He glanced around the tree again, feeling the damp, rough bark press into his cheek uncomfortably. A dark figure stalked off in the direction of the road, clutching his hand to his chest, and Encke started after him, taking less care to conceal himself as the man broke into a jog in the direction of the street. It was now or never.

The man ran out into the street, and Encke was but a few paces behind him, already feeling the water rise from puddles on the ground to swirl and writhe at his fingertips. He had almost reached the streetlight and reared his arm back to strike when another sharp thunk of an arrow pierced the air, freezing him in his place. A gunshot, and another arrow on its heels. Encke watched with shocked eyes as the bolt landed squarely in the man's face, protruding grotesquely amidst a small spray of blood before he crumpled noiselessly to the ground. It took a moment for his mind to kick into gear.

This idiot had just killed his only source of information. Assuming he was right about her connections to the group of villains who were supposedly working to free the heroes, this idiot had just killed her only source of information. He stood there, half livid and half in utter disbelief, instinctively reaching around his shoulder to grab the hilt of one of the long knives that were slung across his back. A well of anger he hadn't even know he'd had in him was bubbling to the surface, making his knuckles turn white as he gripped the handle of the blade. A tight coil wrapped around his chest. Every inch of his being commanded him to shake her, dig his fingertips into her shoulders and scream at her for her stupidity. He settled for unsheathing his knife and holding it out at his side, pointed slightly downward in a gesture of peace, but easy enough to flick up if he needed to defend himself. If this group of villains was going to go around killing his only connections to the heroes, then maybe it was time they finally talked. So instead of slinking back into the bushes before he was spotted, he stood in full illumination of the streetlight, glaring at the archer with hard, pale eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Encke Aryes Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery Character Portrait: Spencer Borden
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As Molly crossed the street, she heard another gun shot. Cringing slightly at the sound she continued on, unsure of where it had landed. Hecate, Surge, and Ig came into focus quickly as she neared the tree. Hecate was leaning against the trunk, putting pressure on her other foot. She didn't appear to be in any major pain. However, it was in no way safe for her to rely on a hurt ankle, especially if they had to make a run for it.

Molly approached Hecate slowly "Could you sit down? It's easier that way." She asked. The young healer had been doing this for years and after many sprains, twists, and breaks, she knew the fastest way to get this done. Once Hecate had done as asked Molly knelt down beside her ankle. She began to reach her hand out to roll back Hecate's pant leg, but there was a bit of hesistation. She'd never touched a villain before and she could only push away uncomfortable thoughts of what her parents would think if they saw her doing this. However, now was not the time to think of them. There were greater things at stake.

The healer rolled up the bottom of Hecate's pant leg about an inch and she pushed her sock down. Then she pressed her hand onto the girl's cold skin. When healing sprains and anything to do with the muscle, it was alway necessary to touch the hurt area. If the wound lay on the skin then hovering over it would do the job, but of course this was currently not the case. As her hand lay on Hecate's skin, a warm blue glow began to tranfer from Molly's fingers and palm, into Hecate's ankle. Both girls were able to feel the warmth and Molly kept her eyes on her hand, watching the blue glow. As the strengh in Hecate's ankle was restored the light began to fade away, until no light was visible to see.

""You should be good now." Molly avoided eye contact with Hecate and just out of luck Spencer came running up to join their now growing group of people. And so she slide over to stand next to Spencer. Due to the dim lighting Molly was completely unable to see the cut on Spencer's shoulder and only grimaced when her friend handed her a knife. ""Red I'm not going to go stab anyone..." She mumbled attaching the knife to her belt and looked over her friends shoulder to see Encke standing in the street. ""Uh what's Trap doing?" Blue asked nodding her head in his direction.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery Character Portrait: Spencer Borden
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Zoe just rolled her eyes and followed all of Blue's requests, knowing that arguing wouldn't be worth the trouble. One eyebrow arched at the healer's hesitation towards touching her, so she just yanked up the fabric of her pants herself. She was a little taken aback by the warmth- she'd been expecting coldness for some reason. As the glow faded, she rolled her ankle a little and raised an eyebrow again, but this time impressed. There was no pain whatsoever as she scrambled to her feet, brushing herself down.

"Yeah, no thanks to you, asshole," she teased, swatting his arm. It was only then that she spotted Spencer's injury. "Blue, you're not finished yet. Is the bullet lodged?" She asked, striding over to take a look at it. She didn't touch the hero, simply examined the wound. "Just a graze. You got lucky, Red," she said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport
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He watched with seeming boredom as Red and Blue made there way over to help with Zoe's injured ankle. Though truth be told he was actually curious and watched Red as she casually murdered someone before their very eyes. Granted it was someone all to willing to kill everyone present, and Surge really couldn't bring himself to care. It was simply surprising to watch a hero do an enemy in, and as far as he was concerned it simply highlighted how self-righteous they could be. Of course it was okay when a hero took a life. "Guess they just don't make heroes like they used to." He spoke in response to Hecate, and really the tone of his voice made the intentions behind his words somewhat muddy. It could have been an insult, an indication of surprise, or even a compliment. When Red spoke to him he didn't really respond, offering only a small nod. Of course he wouldn't actually leave until Blue finished with Zoe's ankle.

He watched as Blue went to work on Zoe. Fortunately it didn't take long, and as she got back u she raised a good point as she spoke into the communication device. E had been unusually quiet. Did something happen? Was E hurt? What about Nora? He let out a sigh. he shouldn't have left them. He was about to speak up when E's voice rather shakily came through the comms device. It was easy to see why, and Surge's face went uncharacteristically white. He was well aware of how unpleasant Nora's visions could be. he eased slightly when Nora said she was fine but concern still lingered in his mind. H e simply waited patiently to find out her vision and consequently what their next move should be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zoe James Character Portrait: Donald Smith Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Encke Aryes Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery Character Portrait: Spencer Borden
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"What happened to heroes being about preserving life and all that bull?" teased Zoe but in that moment Spencer took in the full realization of what she just did. She gave a nervous smirk before her eyes traveled down to Hecate's ankle where Molly worked. While it looked as if Spencer was just observing Molly's work quietly in reality she was trying to wrap her head around what she just did. She just killed a man in cold blood and . . . she didn't regret it. She just thought about the people that killed her sister and didn't feel guilty whatsoever. Red can remember the distinctive clothing that the men were wearing that night when she found her sister. They were dressed identical, looked like a uniform of sorts but this man she just killed wore street clothes. He had to be a hired killer, there couldn't be no other explanation.

Her mind pondered these questions before she was finally snapped out of it by her best friends little mumbles. "Y-you don't have to kill anyone." Spencer said as her voice faintly cracked in a distraught manner. "A knife isn't just used for killing . . ." she mumbled with eyes on the ground before turning around and facing Encke. She met cold eyes with her own challenging stormy grey ones as they stared each other down for what seemed like hours which in reality were only a few seconds at most before Zoe commented on Spencer's wound. Red was first to break eye contact as she quietly glanced down at her own wound that she totally forgot about. She looked up at Zoe meeting her eyes. "It's nothing," her lips curved upward ever so slightly forming a very faint smirk before turning her attention to Molly. "It's nothing to worry about just a little scratch. Save that energy of yours in case someone actually gets seriously hurt."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nora Kingsberry Character Portrait: Samantha Ma Character Portrait: Eitan Havouvi Character Portrait: Molly Davenport Character Portrait: Ig Montgomery Character Portrait: Spencer Borden
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Yeah, Sam was getting just a little tired of the surprises and hero-murders for one night. She moved back out of the park, sticking to the shade to keep from being seen and hoping Edgelord the Edgehog couldn't pull some weird shadow-based spidey sense. When she felt she was a good enough distance away, she pressed her finger to the button on the comm.

"Hard to believe this is coming out of my mouth, but I agree with Flash and the white mage. See you guys back at the safe house or whatever," she cast a look behind her as she headed down the sidewalk. "And Delphi, make sure you have protection before speed freak over there lets you ride him."

She made her way through the city streets, discarding her mask down a sewer drain somewhere between the park and her destination. She took unnecessary turns and waded through the most crowded streets, a precaution to prevent from being followed, before coming out in her own familiar, shady neighborhood.

She opened the door to a shop with "PAWN" hanging above the entrance in large neon letters. A small sign in the window read "Bernini and Sesshū Consultation Services, Second Floor", her own small advertisement to prospective clients. A man sitting behind a counter with a steel cage separating him from customers grunted in acknowledgement of her presence, the grand extent of their usual interaction. He pressed a button under his counter to unlock a door in the back which boasted the same sign as the window. Samantha ascended the staircase waiting through it, then went through a second door at the top.

The second floor was split in two; the door she had come from led into her business space, a small office with a single chair and an uncluttered desk. A locked room to the left led into her living space, which also served as her hiding spot when controlling the constructs who interacted with her clients. She went through this door now, revealing a cramped space with a tiny kitchen and bathroom just off the combined living room, bedroom, and whatever-else-she-needed-it-for room. Not the most extravagant place she could afford, perhaps, but it discouraged prying eyes.

It was also right across the street from her favorite adviser. Should she have informed Delphi that she'd been living right across from her place of business all this time? Yes. Was it creepy that she took advantage of the position of her living room window to spy on the psychic's front door? Maybe. She justified it to herself with the knowledge that she'd been living there since before she ever met the seer, and being so close meant she could just swoop in to save the day if anyone ever showed up who had a beef with Nora. Also it was kind of funny to throw pebbles at Nora's shopfront when she went to open the door and watch her jump.

Samantha moved to the kitchen, grabbing herself a big bag of funyuns and a bottle of orange soda before settling down on her futon to play the new Digimon game and wait for the others to get to their little hiding place.