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A Nation's Demise : Reboot

Earth 2220


a part of A Nation's Demise : Reboot, by Siryn.


Siryn holds sovereignty over Earth 2220, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth 2220



Earth 2220 is a part of A Nation's Demise : Reboot.

10 Characters Here

Nee Arlan [9] "I'm tired, can we do it later, maybe?"
Edward Roaden [8] ''Yo, better get that uniform on-point..''
Naomi Shironoa [6] "Catch you later~"
Cecil Jiovia [6] "I'm fighting to end all wars."
Kalia Koizumi [6] "Oh yeah? Tell that to my gun barrel, jerk!"
Riley Kalsheed [5] "No! She's mine to hug! Back off!"
Ebenezer Rastin [5] "Ah~, what a wonderful day..... it's always wierd to call it day when I only see stars."
Sebastian Jiovia [4] "Yes, Cecil. It's great to see you too but please give me SOME space!"
Iriyn Koatyn [3] "Pawns are made to be used, wouldn't you agree?"
"Spectre" [0] "Damn, he makes war look good." ~ Unknown Drastonian pilot, 2220

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Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia
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#, as written by Siryn

The door behind her was propped open, just in case. Fingers swept across the glass desk, the illuminated keys flashing as she tapped the touch screen. She was, by no means, a hacker. Yet, there were things she could do if she needed to. Such as what she was doing right then. Opening up files as best she could and downloading the encrypted ones to bring back to the people who could unlock them. Moving quickly was key, though, so she wasted no time in selecting only what she needed. Seven years was a lot of time. Working through the ranks, proving herself to the Kiritine army. There was speculation back when she was younger. Times were rough and a few times she'd been certain her death toll was ringing. Somehow, she made it to the rank of Lieutenant alive. Whether that was an accomplishment or not she truly questioned. Going back to Drastonia, she'd be a mere soldier. A fighter with no rank and no specialization. Perhaps a couple of honorary awards awaited her return, but that didn't mean much to her. Neither did rank in her personal opinion, but that seemed to be what the army revolved around.

The screens overhead flashed with a rapid succession of files and codes that blurred. She didn't pay attention to them, or what they meant either. That would be for Drastonia to decide. A little chip next to her left arm blinked at slow intervals as it downloaded what she sent to it via the computer. As the files grew in size, pictures flooded the screen. Outlines of Kiritine's pride. The first operational mecha suit with Inukaitu technology. Many others were just test subjects that never developed into anything. Either the Inukaitu intelligence snapped and it went haywire, destroying everything in its vicinity, or it just didn't respond. It was the kind of technology that Cecil knew would be devastating if Kiritine ever perfected it. As it was, the Inukaitu were not a race that they knew much about.

Strange metal that could shift and change at will. They had a collective conscious. They were smart and adapted quickly. The colony of Inukaitu had taken over a far off planet that none of the three Nation's had control over, but due to its close proximity to the colonies, things were tense. As things always were with something that the human race knew nothing about. If they did not understand it, it was automatically a threat. Cecil scoffed. If anyone was a threat it was humanity itself. What she was certain of, was that if the Kiritine army and scientists continued their horrendous experiments on the Inukaitu, it wouldn't be just the other two nations they'd have to deal with. The colony would eventually turn hostile. If they haven't already.

As the files continued to download, Cecil watched it with anticipation. She shifted to another screen and opened the command prompt. Shifting through, she found the hangar bay in the list and opened it. Finding the mecha she wanted was easy as it was the only one on lockdown. Opening the commands screen, she worked to unlock it. Shutting down safety protocols and turning off the restraints on the machine. She sent an order for it to open the cockpit upon her arrival and pressed her thumb against the screen when it asked for authentication. Her heart pounded and her throat clenched tightly as she waited. It was a good minute or two of anxiety before the screen flashed green and what she'd input into the computer took effect. Sweat was beginning to bead just under her hairline. The long locks were pulled up in a ponytail, bangs swept off to the side and constantly brushed out of her left eye. Once the file regarding the outline of the Inukaitu mecha finished downloading everything in the computer room went red. Cecil paused, staring at it with wide eyes. The red swiftly turned to a hundred pop up boxes flashing across all of the five screens in the computer room. Warnings went off and a little siren started ringing inside of the room. Cursing under her breath, Cecil yanked the data chip from the console on her left and quickly tucked it into the pocket of her uniform. She stood, throwing the chair back from the abrupt motion. Glaring at the screens one last time, she quickly left the room and closed the door. Taking a quick look around, she made sure no one was coming down the hall to hear the dull sound of a siren going off from inside.

Turning on her heel, Cecil strode down the hall of the science institution. Kiritine pilots were stationed there, guarding their top secret creations. She'd been brought there via the Vigilanti but where the enormous vessel had gone she had no idea. Most likely to patrol the farther reaches of Kitine's small domain. Unless they're in hiding just outside of the science institution’s range.... Waiting. Cecil's thoughts were chilling. She had to believe that they were elsewhere though and that it would take the monstrous ship to reach their air space. Even so, getting out and headed to where the Nightengale and Viper were stationed in Neutral air space would be difficult. After all, the Vigilanti had left behind its prized team of fighters. Though the vessel wasn't something she wished to contend with, Cecil had seen its fighters in action before. They were skilled and terrifying in their own right. Cecil didn't doubt her own abilities, but she was one against a whole team.

The odds weren't in her favor.

During her three month stay at the science lab built within a giant moon that swept one of Kiritine's colonies, she'd made sure to make her appearance in every place possible. The science lab, the hangar bay, the control room, all of the halls that interlaced the huge facility. It had taken a lot of work, but it paid off. The workers were used to seeing her randomly. It made movement much easier, and her title of Lieutenant helped too. She could oversee things that normal grunts wouldn't have even been given clearance to be within ten feet of. Thus, she'd been witness to the experiments on the metal, the building of the test mecha's, their failures, and successes. Cecil bided her time, waiting for the moment to strike. It never came. Seven years of studying the enemy, working to figure out every angle, and the best she could do was steal some information. Her directive was clear though. Gather intel, send it back. And, if at all possible, take what they were working on. Cecil couldn't exactly haul out one of those huge pieces of metal though. Not only did it have the ability to shift and move, but attacking was also something it was good at. Cecil had seen her fair share of scientists skewered by the metal when it lashed out. She had no intention of ending up like that.

The next best thing? Steal the mecha in the hangar bay.

Her steps were full of confidence and surety. It'd taken quite some time to build the mask of a Kiritine official. The intimidation factor was key. Though she was not a cruel woman at heart, she had to be in order to fit in with the generals and commanders. If she was too soft, she'd never have risen in rank. Some of the things she'd done to get where she was.... Cecil cringed inwardly. They were too disgusting to think about. A pair of double doors swept open for her as she walked forward. The hangar bay was colder than the rest of the facility. Cecil measured her steps. If she moved too quickly she'd alert the guards wandering around. Too slow and she'd be suspicious. The heels of her boots hit the grating as she started to cross the catwalk to the humanoid shaped mecha that was positioned at the end of it. The low gravity had the half skirt portion of her uniform hanging in the air as she walked instead of flapping around off her waist. Just a few more feet she thought and a sense of relief began to wash over her. She was almost freed.

Ah, the struggles of game addiction. Although Nee always did enjoy relaxing in her room to Fuwafuwa Rhythm II, she had an itch that simply couldn't be satiated. It burned at her soul in painful, stressful ways. What would happen to her avatar in that game? (Probably would have lots of powerleveling requests to sift through...) How would her party members handle that one really hard event quest? (Probably fine, they were ranked 1st for a reason) How much longer would it take until she finished grinding enough metal slime bits to upgrade her sword? (Fourteen hours, if she has a good farming spot.) And no matter how much Nee was meant to be studying more advanced techniques and skills, her mind kept drifting back to Ultima Fantasia Online. Honestly, it was such a curse. A horrible, horrible curse. As such, Nee decided to stumble her way back to the Hangar Bay to retrieve her one and only true friend - the Negasis Portable V.

In all of Kiritine history, there hasn't been such an irresponsible and irrational pilot. It'd be hard to think this tiny girl with heavily lidded eyes, an almost sleepy unaware frown, and nervously twitching fingers pressing imaginary buttons could possibly be one of Kiritine's aces. She even accidentally bumped into a corner while mildly drifting off. She blinked in mild surprise and absently rubbed at the new mark on her forehead before deciding not to worry about it and continue her tiring marathon. Honestly, this much walking was sooo much unneeded effort. She'd have to put a post-it note in the WASP to remember to bring her Negasis with her next time she smuggled it during training.

Well, that was the original plan, anyways. She didn't expect to see Cecil Jiovia - one of her only friends (Were they at that point yet? Honestly, Nee had trouble gauging 3D relationships sometimes) aboard the Vigilanti, and one of the only that didn't really bother her about her... unsavory habits. The slightly anxious, hurried steps Cecil seemed to take could only really mean one thing. Furthermore, no one else was even supposed to be here at this time - of course Nee memorized the guard patrol patterns. What other reason would there be to have planted a bug into the security cameras that feed directly to her tablet in her room?

Something was wrong. While she still had the element of surprise, the gaming addict drew her concealed electric knife from her sleeve. Cecil was taller and physically stronger than she was - without some kind of advantage, Nee'd never really be able to get the upper hand. Yet as she prepared to attack, she had another hazy thought of Ultima Fantasia Online, and how much grinding she could be getting done. She took a sidelong glance at her beloved WASP before turning her attention back to Cecil. If it was known that she simply let her do whatever she was planning (even if it wasn't bad), her father would definitely have a few... violent words to say about that. So she locked eyes on her target and quickened her pace, catching up to someone who was supposed to be her friend. Finally, with a lunge, she somehow tackled Cecil to the ground and held the knife at her, looking more surprised than Cecil might've that her plan actually worked. Nee blinked lazily for a few moments.

"...What are you doing, Cecil?" She asked in her slightly nasally tone. "You're too careful to forget something in your Mecha... I think.... maybe. Probably..."

Something weird was happening, and Nee wanted to get to the bottom of it somehow. She forced thoughts of Ultima Fantasia Online out of her mind and focused fully on the task at hand. The Super Snail Guild would have to wait a bit longer.

Cecil stared, completely taken off guard and her first reaction was to reach for the weapon under her clothes. As she got a good glimpse at who it was, though, she paused. If she could convince the smaller pilot to leave her alone, things could go smoothly. Nee wasn't a bad person. Unlike the others of the Kiritine army, she and a small handful of others, were not bad people. Cecil would hate to harm her. Even so, letting her handle Cecil like she was would blow her cover in an instant. If it wasn't already with the alarm going off in the control room. Putting a dark frown on her lips, Cecil reached up and grabbed the front of the girl’s uniform. With her other hand, she pushed up so that she wasn't flat on her back anymore.

"Assaulting an officer higher rank than yourself has severe consequences, ensign Arlan." Cecil kept her voice low, just above a whisper as she tightened her grip on the girl’s shirt. "I don't think I have to inform you of that."

Nee blinked again, as if processing what had happened. She then shrugged, figuring it was probably the most like scenario. She could never match up to Cecil in a fight anyways. Still, suddenly more important than responding was dealing with her dry mouth problem. She held up a finger, almost as if wordlessly asking the taller girl for permission, after which she reached into her skirt pocket to retrieve some candy. She unwrapped two, popped one into her mouth (a nice succulent peach flavor) and offered a blueberry-flavored one to Cecil.

"...Want one?" Nee had the smallest of grins as she offered it before blinking again and turning her expression into one more serious by a tiny margin. "....That doesn't really answer my question though. We're friends...! I won't tell if you forgot candy in your mech or something..." Nee widened her eyes as best as those heavy lids would go, staring deep into her friend's own eyes.

Cecil was taken aback. She stared at the candy, then back up at Nee. The girl was an enigma. She'd witnessed her habits. The stumbling around as if she were half asleep all the time. The sounds of music and what Cecil could only describe as war waging in the pilots quarters, and the little game console that the girl carried almost all the time. Cecil could only describe her as lacking in duties, but even then that wasn't right. Once in that mecha of hers, Nee became something else. It was difficult to hide her surprise, the mask slipping just a little. She was going to hate it. Leaving like she had to. If only... If only she could take Nee with her. But she doubted the girl would understand. Cecil bit her lip. It was too late to build up what she'd pretended to be.

Curling her hand around Nee's, the one with the candy, she shook her head. "I'm sorry, Nee. Thank you for the candy though. I have to go. Orders from command." Technically true, but not orders from their command. Taking the candy, Cecil tucked it into her shirt and took a breath. "Wish I could take you with me."

Nee smiled and was all ready to let her go and wish her a good trip. She was always fond of Cecil - it was hard for her to really make friends, after all. When Nee with all of her awkward bluster first approached Cecil, she had no idea it was even going to work out. Cecil always had this... cold look in her eyes around the officials, and she was always kinda intimidating. Yet Nee took that leap of faith and she'd like to consider them as friends. Unfortunately, this also meant that her friend was lying to her. It was as if her fingertips were drenched in ice and she did her best to hide the shivers.

"That doesn't... make sense." Nee's voice took on a whining, petulant tone, almost as if she didn't want to believe it. "I have... things in place. I would... have heard something. You aren't being honest with me, are you?" Almost unintentionally, Nee's hand clenched again on the knife that was almost dangling from her grasp out of laziness. As much as she'd like to avoid reality, that wasn't an option this time. "You're talking like this is final. Did you... really want to leave without saying goodbye?"

Cecil groaned. She was quick. Even if Nee hadn't meant to, or was acting on some high level, she was good. Cecil knew why she was an ace pilot, but that was just the topper right there. Letting go of the pilot, Cecil sat up further, hoping to move the girl in just the right position to get away from her when it was time. She was also considering knocking her out, but she was certain she couldn't bring herself to do it. Cecil was also highly aware of the knife the young pilot had in hand. "Well. I was trying to leave without a fuss. Seems that won't work. Nee. I wish I could explain. You're different. Sweeter than the others. You'd fit in to where I'm going. I'm taking a huge risk with you, just by saying as much as I have. Maybe someday you'll forgive me."

"Lieutenant Jiovia," his voice boomed across the catwalk. Cecil stiffened. She'd wasted too much time with Nee. Gone was the warmth. Replacing it was the ice that she'd become accustomed to. Except that time it wasn't faked. It was true as she moved Nee just enough to see behind her. The man was large. Not fat, but large with muscle. Broad shouldered, a bald head, and a beard. A jagged scar ran down the side of his face. He had his hand on the decorative sword at his waist. The other held a gun. Cecil clicked her tongue in annoyance. Firing in the hangar bay could be bad, ripping apart important cords and power sources, but she wasn't about to put it past the commander not to fire.

"Commander," she answered in kind.

"Seems you're showing your true colors, aren't you. Where do you think you're going? And what did you take from the control room?"

Straight to the point, Cecil thought. She flicked a quick glance to Nee.

Just as the warmth left Cecil, Nee herself narrowed her eyes and clenched her teeth, almost shifting personalities to when she was in her WASP. She grasped at whatever fabric she could of Cecil's uniform, doing yet another tackle. Emotions threatened to bubble to the surface but a quick glance behind her solidified her resolve. Especially since the Commander was here, her father would definitely also be watching. She couldn't risk angering him yet again. And perhaps even moreso, the pain of betrayal was rising. Feeling as if she was dunked in ice cold water, Nee withdrew and put up her thorns. She wasn't going to lose.

With an almost robotic voice, "Jiovia, if you want to leave here, you'll have to kill me." Nee then offered her a deceptively sweet smile full of thorns, thrusting the knife forward. "Can you do it, I wonder? Or will you let me end you instead? Don't mistake me for being sweet again, okaaay?"

Cecil hissed as she hit the grating of the catwalk. Caught off guard, she just barely managed to get the knife directed away from vital points. Only a short cry of pain escaped her as it sliced through the soft flesh between shoulder and collarbone. Gripping the girl’s wrist tightly, she yanked and shoved off the catwalk to roll them over. Droplets of blood fell on the girl as Cecil hovered over her, grinding her teeth in pain and anger. "No," Cecil growled her answer. She wasn't killing Nee. Neither was she letting the pilot kill her either.

"Stop her! the Commander roared and weapons were raised.

Cecil cursed and shoved off of Nee. She couldn't fight all of them, not with the wound she'd received. It wasn't her directive anyway. It wasn't far from the mecha that stood waiting for her. All she had to do was run for it. Hopefully she would be faster than the soldiers. More so than Nee. Cecil had seen her fight in her mecha, but hadn't witnessed it when she wasn't inside the intimidating wasp like machine. She also preferred not to fight the girl if at all possible. Though that was steadily becoming null.

Nee didn't even notice as she was shoved aside. She'd gotten some kills, sure, but she never actually drew blood of anyone she personally knew - even if it was all just an act. The glistening red dripping from the knife mesmerized for a moment, but she snapped her attention back to Cecil's own body. A plan formed almost instantaneously in her mind and she moved to the pursuit yet again - tossing the knife towards Cecil with as much accuracy as she could muster, trying to tell Cecil with her eyes to catch it. Following up, Nee tackled and grabbed Cecil's arm - in such a way that the people behind her couldn't notice - and jabbed her own knife into her gut. Enough to cause pain and blood, but not enough to be critical. She let out a gasp involuntarily -

"...I'll face you on the battlefield, Jiovia." Nee whispered almost inaudibly. "...Let's have a fair fight.

With a faint feeling of satisfaction, Nee allowed herself to fall backwards, reclaiming her knife and landing painfully on her back.

She did that on purpose Cecil was almost too stunned to do anything. The blade she'd just barely caught, having kept an eye behind her to see how far Nee had rushed after her. What she hadn't expected was the girl to shove her own knife into her stomach via Cecil's arm. Grinding her teeth, she whirled around and continued down the catwalk. At least they would think Nee had tried to kill her. They wouldn't question her actions beforehand all too much. The shouts continued, and the Commander was even more furious with the fall of his pilot. Though, Cecil was certain he didn't actually care about the girl. He was probably far more intimidated by Nee's father than anything else. Cecil had heard all about that. The rumors too. It twisted her stomach. If only she could take the girl with her. She doubted it would go over well though. As bullets rang out, wires snapped, tubes broke open as the stray projectiles tore through what was nearby. Cecil flinched as several grazed her. Twisting as she rushed past a crate full of supplies, she launched a kick at it and sent the items inside soaring. The low gravity kept them up in the air much longer than usual and they acted as a good barrier for her.

As she reached the mecha, the cockpit unlocked and hissed as it opened for her. Climbing the stairs to the platform situated next to the opening, Cecil removed her own Kiritine issued gun and unloaded the clip down at them. If she hit any of them, she didn't know. Standing there wasn't going to help and as they broke forward through the barrier of tools, nuts, and bolts, she threw the weapon aside and jumped down onto the hatch. The mecha's metal body writhed and shifted as she climbed onto it. Bullets were knocked aside by its shifting armor. Several stray's ricocheted inside the cockpit and Cecil could only pray that nothing essential was damaged. She stumbled forward as yet another shot hit her. Catching herself on the seat, Cecil twisted to sit down properly and pounded on the controls to get the hatch to close. As it covered up the hole, she took a moment to assess her body. The stab wound was crippling enough to hinder moving her arm. Several cuts bled, leaving droplets of the crimson liquid to float around in the cockpit. The worse was a through and through bullet wound in her side. Pressing her hand over it, she took several breaths to calm herself despite the situation.

As the mecha came online, she punched in a set of coordinates that had been given to her a few weeks ago via encryption. The humming of the engine filled the cockpit and the sound of metal shifting on the outside was a little unnerving. Cecil hovered over the controls. She contemplated destroying the bay, but Nee was still there. It only took a minute to debate her next move. With controls in hand, she yanked back from the catwalk and disconnected everything with an array of snaps and pops. The screen in front of her flickered before showing her the hangar bay in perfect, crystalline picture. It had been a while since she'd been in a mecha, so getting used to its movements were difficult. Especially one such as the machine she was attempting to pilot. Fortunately, the Inukaitu intelligence was picking up on her idea's rather quickly, if not unnervingly. The mecha turned and marched for the double bay doors. A sword slid down off its right arm and in two swings, the bay was opened to the expanse of stars.

"Holy shit..." Cecil gasped as she witnessed the destruction. She was also impressed by the Inukaitu. Materializing next to her face was a little figure dressed in a uniform. It resembled that of the Kiritine army. She leaned forward, putting her pearly white face in Cecil's. Cecil, in return, jerked away. It took her a moment to realize it was the Inukaitu. In AI form.

"Your command?" it asked.

Cecil swallowed. "Head to the coordinates I gave you. Quickly. Don't stop. For anything." she ordered and the figure dissipated from the top down. The mecha stepped out into the darkness and the metal started sliding again. It slowly worked itself into a different form. A faster one. Cecil had seen it only twice before. The sleek black jet like style. It shot off into the pitch black, crushing Cecil against the seat with its incredible speed. They would be there soon, meeting up with her true vessel and Nation. She brought quite the surprise for them too. The next question was if she could stay awake long enough to explain it all to her superiors.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Shironoa Character Portrait: Kalia Koizumi Character Portrait: Iriyn Koatyn
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"God, I miss the ground already..."

Kalia thought as she floated around aimlessly in her room, devoid of any distractions as she waits for further orders. She had just been transferred to the Viper, the Orvanti nation's battleship a few weeks prior and she's already found herself bored out of her mind. At the time, the prospect of traveling to space was like a dream come true for Kalia. Thrilled at the chance, she even went as far as to depart in advance just so she could see what space was like, having spent so many years working in the hot and polluted ground.

However, after adjusting and overcoming an earlier fit of space dementia, Kalia soon realized that the situation in space wasn't too different after all. At least you do have the places and sights to see back at the ground. In space, all you can see are stars and debris. Its light looked prettier when viewed from the ground anyway. There wasn't anything much to do save for doing simulations and moving the occasional debris in the path.

"Well, might as well take another shot at the machine again." Kalia muttered to herself as she headed out of her assigned quarters and into the hangar. As soon as she made her way past the loading corridor, she noticed that a black fighter had just landed and with it, the cargo it was tasked to bring.

"A Wyvern...does that mean--?" Pressing her feet to the railing, she propelled herself with a kick of her leg, down to the platform to see the transported cargo up front. As she passed by, she noticed that the Wyvern's ten missile racks were fully armed. "Can't be too careful huh?"

A woman jumped down from the cockpit. Surprisingly, she wasn't decked in a proper pilot suit but in casual attire instead. Rather hard to believe that she was really military. But then again, so was Kalia and she's been working for them for what, four or five years now? Then again, it's rather hard to tell what those in command are thinking almost half of the time.

"Man, that trip was rather exhausting--thanks to that heavy cargo. Hey! Mind pointing me where I can take the lift to meet the man in charge?" The woman asked around, her words directed at no one in particular though most of the crew members were busy moving the cargo from its transport down to the engineering platform.

"Why don't you figure it out yourself?" Kalia sighed as she left the visitor to her own devices.

"How about you one-eye? Mind showing me the way?" The woman called out to Kalia, prompting her to turn back to "educate the idiot". Without saying a word, she just motioned with her head the elevator that can take her to the place she seeks. "Not the social type now are we? Thanks for the heads up." The woman smirked as she passed Kalia, making her way towards the elevator.

With her gone, Kalia turns her attention to the machine in the loading bay. She had expected the plant to roll it out just, not this soon and not in space of all places. She headed up to it as soon as it was firmly secured by the mechanical arms of its machine cage, stopping as soon as she was at "eye" level with the mecha in front of her.

"So we see each other again-- Sumire." She spoke to the machine which responded to her with a low growl and a flash of its eyes.


"Excuse me." Naomi passed by another group of people heading the opposite direction as she made her way down the ship's corridors. She was headed to report to the Viper's Captain and to confirm her transfer and the delivery at the same time. Not one for stiff formalities, she hated doing this stuff. If only her "friend" wasn't too much of a couch potato, he could call up and speak to the man on her behalf and get all this sorted out. But no, didn't want to. Said he was "too scared."

She finally found her destination and knocked before making her way inside, carrying with her all the required documents. She gave a salute before stating her introduction.

"Naomi Shironoa, hired pilot by Ambassador Kraus' PMC. I've come to report my transfer to this station as well as the successful delivery of Prototype 06 here at the Viper. Naomi spoke as formal as she can muster. She's heard of the Viper's Captain before though this is probably the first time she's met him in person.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Edward Roaden
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Back to work again. Edward was working on the mech he's recently upgraded. He's had this mech since he joined the Kiritne forces, and newly found technology allowed his mech to be fitted with Inkuaitu intelligence. After all, he was the captain of a elite group of forces. Edward picked up his wrench and started to work on the voice box for the Inukuaitu system, he had started to work on a wire when a pipe burst on him thus causing him to drop his wrench below. ''Tsk what a pain..damn it..'' Edward slid down a pole going from his mechs head all the way down to his feet, when he was sliding down the pole he often thought of himself as a hero coming to someones rescue, so much for that now he thought working for the most evil nation around tsk..

Edward bent down and picked up his wrench, as he stood up he heard a alarm going off around the building, the alarm was dull nothing like a fire bell but it was good enough to alert most of the people on the vessel. Edward debated on whether he should go or not but in the end he decided to stay, why go when other people have the time to do it. Besides, it can't be something that big like a threat to the nation, could it?

Na forget, it he thought best get back to my mech. He climbed up a set of stairs beside his mech which once again lead him to the head of the mech, he crossed a small metal bridge he made from the stairs to the shoulder of the mech then he put back on his goggles and started to work on the leak which had formed recently. He was starting to put in a screw when he dropped it because he could hear shooting, the screw once again fell into the abyss of the mechs legs he didn't bother with it this time he'd get it another day or something.

''Must be pretty rowdy up there, i wonder what happened...'' He continued to fit the suit with the Inukaitu intelligence, this was a secret project that he and the higher ups had decided to do and he got permission for him to put Inukaitu inside his mech, and if all went well he'd be once of the strongest users in this small universe. If the other nations knew about the 2nd Inukaitu fitted mech there would certainly be chaos. Edward was confident that his Inukaitu would work, unlike the past ones he just had a gut feeling that it would accept his mech and they'd be one together.

Finally he put the finishing touch onto the head and added some spikes between them, it made the robot look more vicious or atleast that's what he thought. ''I'll turn the mech on tomorrow it's been a busy day...''' Edward gave a large yawn, before wiping his salvianatied mouth.

BAM! Edward instantly switched back on, the crash was loud as if something fell over, the next thing he knew there was a mech flying out of the vessel at this time of day. '' There's definitely something going on then..'' He said to himself as he watched the other Inukaitu fitted mech fly away, no way of catching up to it nope.. It's fitted with technology beyond our simple minds.

A soft sound of running, that's what Edward heard as a man ran down the long corridor to his work room the man was panting heavily as if he just ran a marathon, he must be here about that mech then. The man pointed a slow finger at Edward then pointed at him to come closer, Edward obeyed the man even thought he seemed to be a smaller rank then him. The man said heavily ''Sir! the commander wishes to see you upstairs in the main part of the vessel! He's called together all of team kiritine! He's gone to call together all the team!''

''Looks like we have a mystery on our hands gang...''
Edward sniggered to himself before putting his uniform back on, and heading to the main vessel at his own pace. When he finally got there he buttoned up his shirt and lined up in front of the commander, waiting on the other members of his crew to join him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Edward Roaden
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0.00 INK


"Ensign Arlan is down!"

As Jiorvia made her escape in that mech, taking whatever she stole with her, Nee was summarily rushed to the medical bay by one of the greener staff members at the lunar base. Nee didn't make much of a move - she sooner she was taken away, the sooner she could drown herself in video games. Honestly, thinking about Cecil's betrayal hurt her head and it only piled even more stress on her shoulders that she really didn't want to mull over. She knew procedures - eventually Kalsheed and Roaden would be waiting for her for a meeting...

But Nee really really wanted to just hole herself up using her stab wound as an excuse. Plus, Nee was in a bad mood because pretty much her only human friend more or less went off to be an enemy. If Nee ever bothered to look over the data she stole over the months with her bugs and viruses, maybe she could've prevented it somehow. But to what end? Get Cecil captured and interrogated and eventually executed? Was that really what the gamer girl wanted? That wasn't exactly an option either.

After getting a check up and having her wound dealt with, Nee huddled under the covers with her retrieved Negasis Portable V. She clicked on the power button, humming a little tune to herself and logged into Ultima Fantasia immediately, signing into her account, "Hornet".

Almost immediately Nee ignored powerleveling requests, instead switching to Guild Chat, where she once again reconvened with her guild, the almost legendary Super Snail Guild. They were the best of the best and were always high on the leader boards in inter-guild wars as well as completing raids and other missions with extreme efficiency. She started idly farming metal slimes to get the mats needed upgrade her sword when the chat started up.

BlueSphere: Oh, it's you, Hornet! Where were you? you missed the fun!
Hornet: Sorry, overslept. Any good loot?
Rivers: Oh yea, got mu Elfang Armor!
Rivers: *my
Hornet: Grats!
Darin: You just missed Poppy, Hornet, she went off a few secs ago
Hornet: damn, wanted to talk to her about something
BlueSphere: everything OK? You never mess a new event
BlueSphere: *miss. sry, typo
Hornet: I'm fine.
Rivers: Really could've used your DPS, we almost lost
Rivers: Like seriously we were counting on you
Bluesphere: We still won so its OK
Darin: Viper Guild almost stole it from us
Hornet: I'll be here next time.
BlueSphere: Dont sweat it, RL comes first Hornet
BlueSphere whispers you: Sure you're okay? You're not bubbly like usual
You whisper BlueSphere: Don't worry, just upset I missed it ^.^

Those were the regulars of the Super Snail Guild. BlueSphere was the Guild Leader, who pretty much everyone seemed to like. He was always patient with newcomers and made sure no one kept an elitist attitude about being better than everyone else. Nee got along with him quite well.

Rivers was what you could say a strategist type. He has mainly utility based skills and often ordered the party around to make the best use of their skills. He was very good at what he did, and Nee wasn't sure he ever logged off. He was pretty much always on.

Darin's the tank. He's kind of shy and doesn't talk as much as the others, but he's very reliable.

Poppy's the primary cleric of the Guild, and the only other confirmed female (other than Nee and Poppy, no other 'girls' use voice chat, so there's no real way to know, not that Nee really gave much of a shit either way). She and Nee got along really well and were almost always having separate private whisper conversations separate from the boys. The game wouldn't be half as fun without her.

That was when Nee's peace was interrupted by familiar footsteps and the aura she grew to fear. Daddy had tracked her down, and according to the look on his face, he wasn't even almost pleased. Nee felt the safety of the covers rip off of the bed, and Daddy's fist raised into the air. Nee just stared at it passively - she'd already hidden her Negasis under the pillow and bodies healed over time so that was fine.

"You're supposed to be a pilot, Nee." Daddy boomed. "An enemy just escaped with vital information and you're just laying here, playing your stupid games again?! When will you take any of this shit professionally?! You're a shame to the Arlan name!"

Apparently the doctor on board would have none of this. Nee almost applauded him for his bravery if she wasn't busy waiting to be hit.

"Hey, she's injured. She should be resti-"

One look from Daddy was enough to scare the doctor into silence and he hid back in his office without another word. Nee's arm was grabbed roughly and she was dragged out of bed to her feet. He bent her arm back behind her and Nee felt intense pain shoot through her joints. Her eyes glazed over - it was pointless to try resisting, anyways. It was always best to remain silent and wait for it to be over. Pain wasn't a stranger to her. It was nothing she couldn't handle.

"You will go and meet with Roaden." Daddy ordered. "If I hear one complaint out of you-"

"Yes sir." Was Nee's emotionless response, passive and subdued. "Nee won't disappoint you."

Daddy's face bristled with rage. "Don't talk like a child! And don't interrupt me when I'm speaking!"

His grip on her arm grew stronger and he pulled harder until the gamer was forced to the ground to avoid having her arm broken. Satisfied, Daddy left the medical wing. Nee sat on the floor for a few moments before standing herself back up, forcing her arm back into position. It was dislocated, but she learned long ago how to fix it without any help. The doctor was doing his best to simply avoid her gaze, so Nee left without a word to meet with the rest of her team.

The first one there standing in front of the Commander was Roaden, the captain. Hoping the bandages weren't visible bulges in her newly-changed-into uniform, Nee stood at attention as lazily as she usually did.

"Arlan here." The gamer said in a quiet voice, almost yawning. She was sucking on one of her candies again. "...I'm tired."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebenezer Rastin Character Portrait: Sebastian Jiovia
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0.00 INK


Ebenezer was moving at a semi-quickened pace, because he had just been given the order to round up his team and rendezvous with a returning Drastonian agent. According to their orders, there was a good chance that things might get violent, very violent. He wasn't very sure what it was the agent had been doing, all he did know was that it was going to piss of the Kiritine so they were to expect heavy resistance. He hoped things wouldn't get too bad, but regardless he'd be ready for it.

As he made his way through the hangar, heading towards his lovely and mean looking mech, he pulled on the collar of his suit to adjust it so it was sitting on his form correctly. He'd been moving a bit hastily, so he had to make the adjustmeents now so that it wouldn't be horribly uncomfortable while out in the field. He also adjusted the armored vest over his entire torso, making sure it sat on his shoulders comfortably.

He weaved around busy engineers and technicians as they all moved throughout the hangar, Ebenezer stopping when he saw one of the people he was looking for. Rather, he saw the mech of Sebastian. Quickly he began to march towards it, hoping to find the man there as well. With his helmet tucked under his arm, he stopped near it, looking up towards the movement he could barely see that was underneath one of the large railguns sitting atop the mech's shoulders. "Sebastian, you there? We've got orders to meet up with a returning Drastonian agent, and looks like we might have to expect some Kiritine resistance as well."

Ebenezer was glad to see that it was who he had been looking for, watching as Sebastian's head poked out over the mech's shoulder plate, a tool held between his teeth with a pair of protective goggles over his eyes. Ebenezer could see that the man was already dressed in his combat suit, which was just abut the same as his own. The difference was that, rather than the matte orange travelling down the upper arms and over the shoulders, Sebastian's was straight black with light touches of grey where the material was lighter under the arms and at the knees. He looked down at the blonde haired man on the main floor, reaching up to lift the goggles from over his eyes and then removing the tool he had from between his teeth.. "Understood, Sir. I'll get geared up and meet you at the launch pad." he then turned back, vanishing from sight beyond the mech.

The young captain watched for a moment before calling up again, having to raise his voice to make sure he could be heard over all the noise in the hangar. "Have you seen Spectre?"

He was going to continue the question, but Sebastian beat him to it as the older man spoke up from his position on the opposite side of his mech. "Just call out the order over the comms, Honestly I'm sure he's already got the information." Sebastian turned to look at his superior, tool and goggles held in the same hand as he then tossed them down so that they then landed near the workbench to the side of the mech. "Wouldn't surprise me if he gets out there before we do." he said as he began moving himself to enter the cockpit of the machine.

Ebenezer watched Sebastian for a moment before nodding his head. "Got it, see you out there." he said before turning and beginning to hustle more towards his own mech. As he walked, he finally pulled his own helmet onto his head, blinking a few times as his eyes adjusted to the HUD's brightness. He had various things on display, such as an indication to whether or not his and the team's mechs were operational and to their current conditions, it also giving similar information on his team themselves. Likewise, he also had a small radar located towards the bottom, which could help ping and keep track of potential enemies. It also came with a built in compass, though it did not give any indication to direction considering they were currently up in space.

Once his helmet was comfortably set on his head, he then quickly tapped where the helmet covered his right ear to open up communications with the rest of his team. It meant Sebastian would hear him, but he knew the veteran wouldn't pay any mind to it. Ebenezer simply hoped that Sebastian was right and that Spectre would get the mssage. It would be relayed to the other pilot's comm device, as well as to whichever current mech he was using. "Spectre, we've got ourselves a rendezvous to make with a returning agent. Be ready for a possible fight, she's returning from angering some Kiritines. Meet us outside of the launch bay doors. Rastin out." with that, he let the comms shut down as he looked up at his mech, smiling at it as he approached it. "Time to get rolling, my big boy." he said, giving the mech's leg a pat before he began his climb up towards the cockpit of the machine.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Naomi Shironoa Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia Character Portrait: Edward Roaden Character Portrait: Iriyn Koatyn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Siryn

Cecil woke to a blaring alarm. When had she fallen asleep? A shiver coursed up her spine as she opened her eyes. A groggy headache assaulted her and she wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. But the alarm wasn't going to let her. The sound was making the pounding of her skull even worse. Groaning, she reached out and hit several buttons trying to make it stop. When it did, a voice filled the cockpit.

"Ensign Jiovia? Please respond. A team is being sent out to retrieve you and bring you safely aboard the Nightengale. Please respond."

It took Cecil a long while to figure out how to answer their hail. When she found the button, she had uncurled from where she'd pulled her legs up and winced as she felt the pull of several wounds. "This is Jiovia." It was all she could coherently think to respond with. A chaotic mess of noise filled the cockpit and she winced as she rubbed at her head with her good arm. The other was limp across her lap, stiff from the knife wound. Droplets of blood floated around the pilots seat lazily and she herself was even floating a little off of the seat.

As she waited for a response from the ship, warnings popped up all over the screen that showed her a black expanse ahead of her and to the left and right. The A.I of the mecha materialized again in the cockpit and hovered near the screen. A box opened up and showed an image of several machines gathered up in formation. Judging by their colors and insignia's, they were Kiritine's. Cecil cursed softly.

Pushing the button again, she interrupted the one who hailed her. "I suggest you hurry their deployment, Captain," she said weakly, speaking directly to the man she knew would be in charge. "Kiritine's army from the science station has mobilized."

Silence answered her for a moment until the com's cracked and the Captain's voice came over the link instead of the ensign who had addressed her first. "Can you hold out until they reach you?"

Cecil considered the question for a moment. She didn't know how exactly to operate the mecha she'd stolen, but she was certain she could learn rather quickly if she needed to. The problem was her wounds. She doubted very much she'd be able to stand against the army as they chased after her and stay awake long enough to fend them off until the team reached her. Cecil shook her head. She'd have to run and hope that she was faster. After all, she'd gotten a head start.

"No, Captain. I was attacked before I could leave. I doubt I could handle fighting for long. But I can see just how fast this mecha is."

"Understood, ensign Jiovia. You're almost home.

Almost she thought as she cut off the com and set to work on figuring out how to go faster. She hoped that she could stay awake longer this round to actually succeed in flying the mecha. Despite having the A.I technology, the mecha still required a human touch to keep it going. And drifting off wasn't helping her. As her consciousness came and went, the mecha sped up and slowed down in bursts.


Iriyn lounged against the wall of the Captain's quarters. He'd been summoned to meet with the new pilot that had transferred over. Apparently it was a last minute deal and she was just now arriving. Iriyn tried hard to keep the scoff off his face. After all, they had been deployed out into the middle of a neutral zone with no substantial reasons as to why, and had to deal with a newbie coming on in the middle of what was already chaotic. In short, it pissed Iriyn off to no end.

Which put him in a very sour mood when she finally showed up to the Captain's quarters. He leveled her with a cold, hard stare that was close enough to glaring, but wasn't so obvious as to be outright rude. As she introduced herself, Iriyn clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Good, ensign Shironoa. This is your team captain, Captain Iriyn Koatyn. He will be taking you under his wing while we get your mecha settled in. Koatyn, show her to her quarters, if you would."

Iriyn had half a mind to ignore the order. It wouldn't have been a first, and certainly not a last time either. Shoving off the wall, he brushed past her and into the hall where he waited for her to join him. Once she joined him, he set off at a brisk pace. "Once you're settled, Shironoa, come directly to the docking bay. I want to see this mech of yours, its grandeur has been blown out of perspective. I'll be the judge of how great it is." He told her coldly, though the pitch of his tone never changed.

He stopped at the beginning of one of the intersecting halls on the Viper and motioned to his right. "Your room is 15. I don't think I need to show you how to work the system. You have fifteen minutes." Iriyn turned on his heel and left her to her own devices. He had taken approximately five steps before red lights flashed and sirens rang. The coms crackled as they turned on and a voice hollered over the speakers.

"All teams to sortie! All teams to sortie! Launching counter attack!"

Iriyn ground his teeth. Figures Looking over his shoulder he frowned at her. "Now you have five to put your stuff down and get your ass moving." He didn't say anything else, nor did he wait for her response and simply quickened his pace to the mecha bay.

A grin slowly replaced his frown. Finally, something to ease his growing agitation.


"Nee!" As soon as the doors opened to the command bridge. She flung herself forward and pulled the girl into a hug with her arms loosely around Nee's shoulders, holding her against Riley's chest. Her smiling was bright and bubbly, at least until the Captain leveled her with a dark glare. Riley felt her heart squeeze and she quickly released her comrade to stand at attention. She hadn't noticed the Captain to be on deck. A dark flush rushed over her face as she saluted the man in the hopes that he would be sated with it as a kind of apology.

"You're all present. I have special orders for the three of you," he said coldly. He was a large man, in muscle and height. The uniform did little to hide his threatening presence on the deck of the vessel they were on. The Vigilanti had detached itself from the hangar bay on the opposite end of the science space station. Only a few knew of the bay or even that the Vigilanti had been stationed there the whole time.

"As we suspected, there was a traitor in our midst. A spy. She took the bait. And fled the station with our latest design. You are to capture her with the mecha and bring them both back. Her for detainment, and the mecha to reclaim as our own. If you fail in capture. Kill her and destroy that machine. They cannot have it."

Riley lifted her hand slowly, eyeing the Captain as he turned his glare on her. "Captain. Who was it?" she asked. She was trying to think of anyone who had shown signs of betrayal, but nothing was coming to mind.

The Captain tapped a few keys on the controls next to his chair, and a screen opened up in front of the four of them. "You would know her as Lieutenant Cecil Jiovia. She is a Drastonian pilot. We had our suspicions, but nothing ever came of it. Until now. Seven years..." he trailed off as he glared at her picture, the woman with long brown hair dressed up in the uniform of a Kiritine army official. "She's good. But not quite enough. You have your orders. I expect it to be done in a timely fashion."

The Captain waved his hand at them in a dismissive manner. Riley saluted him again, though he wasn't looking. She left the bridge with her team and once in the hall, was looking to Edward for more precise orders. "How do we go about destroying that bitch?" Riley asked, all semblance of her bubbly nature long gone after receiving the disgusting news from their Captain.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Shironoa Character Portrait: Kalia Koizumi Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia Character Portrait: Iriyn Koatyn
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0.00 INK


"Once you're settled, Shironoa, come directly to the docking bay. I want to see this mech of yours, its grandeur has been blown out of perspective. I'll be the judge of how great it is."

"First few seconds in and already, I can tell we're going to be best of friends. Best. Of. Friends." Naomi simply let out a small sigh as she followed her "new boss" to wherever he wants to go to. He personally showed her around though it's not as if she hadn't passed by some of these places already.

"Heh, I'm just as much in the dark as you all are. The machine down in the hangar's not mine. The assigned pilot is some young lad named Koizumi or something. Transferred here earlier than I did." Naomi clears up the misconception as they walked, paying no regards to her own way of speaking. Hell, if one of them is going to be adjusting, it sure as hell won't be her. "Folks at the workshop claims to have developed a new weapon for it. Don't know the details though. I'm just the transporter after all."

"Your room is 15. I don't think I need to show you how to work the system. You have fifteen minutes."

As soon as he pointed it out, he immediately began walking. "Everyone in this place seems so tense... Well, be back in three--" Before she can even begin walking towards her quarters, sirens started blazing around the ship. Everyone was being called to their stations as a battle was expected to take place soon.

"Now you have five to put your stuff down and get your ass moving."

Well, Naomi wasn't really carrying anything as she left the suitcase back at the office. She headed on to the loading bay and hopped inside the Wyvern's cockpit, exactly as is. Flicking a few buttons and a key are all it took to get the machine started and the entire console was filled with lights in just a few seconds. As the fighter was being transferred to the secondary launch pad, Naomi opted to have small talk with their operator as she asked about their incoming bogeys.

"The Kiritine army? Does this mean that "that mission" was a success? Hehe, so... I guess things are bound to get interesting sooner or later." She had managed to dig up info that Drastania planned to steal an enemy machine but she didn't really expect them to pull it off. "No matter... I doubt this nation wants to feel left behind either." She chuckled as she glanced at their own prototype weapon.

"Ensign Naomi Shironoa. Will deploy in the Wyvern as soon as the shots are fired. Switching over from CFS to CBS configuration. Loading anti-personnel automaton packs." Naomi informed the rest of the crew about the adjustments. As fighter crafts like hers aren't suitable for remaining stationary in zero gravity, her Wyvern will deploy once the fighting starts. She's loaded automatons aboard for more attack capability."Hey, I can be serious too if I need to."


Fifteen minutes earlier...

"Dead again..." Kalia furiously shakes her hair as she finishes in simulating within 06's cockpit. She was given prior instructions to install the combat data herself, along with a simulation exercise she's supposed to clear within three minutes. Fortunately, the installation was quick enough, given Sumire's high processing power. The exercise on the other hand--

"The damn window's too small! I doubt that those idiots down at the labs factored in everything in their analysis."

It was a training exercise which revolves around the usage of the Convergent Particle Cannon. An improved version of an existing technology also used to power their mass produced beam weapons, the theory behind mounting such a weapon on a machine was sound enough: If the weapon could be fired at a concentrated rate on a single target, then there would be no practical way to defend against the attack. The accelerated particles would cause the target to sustain catastrophic overheating, rendering it unoperational if it hasn't vaporized it already.

Kalia's biggest frustration was the long cooldown in-between shots and the stationary position she would have to take in order to fire. Besides, it's not like her targets would just stand around, waiting to be shot. Given the parameters of the exercise, it would have been more practical to just focus on using the Laser Blades to fight though any attempts to do so will entail an automatic game over for her.

"Damn!" Kalia kicks the bottom of the computer in frustration. Suddenly, warning signs started flashing across the screen, indicating their cue to action. Shoving the simulator aside, she fired up 06's main interface as the machine was loaded onto the main launch platform.

"Sumire's maiden battle huh? Let's not disappoint them then." As she was waiting, she received a transmission coming from the Wyvern that brought 06 in.

"Huh? It's one-eye. Guess we'll be working with each other for now Miss-- huh? No rank? Tough luck being an expendable tool. The man in charge has big expectations for that rust bucket so be sure to perform well out there."

Kalia didn't even respond to that remark. The last thing she needed were those slave-drivers breathing down her neck. "So, they're sending out this newest prototype in order to rescue a stolen enemy craft whose capabilities we're not even aware of. Oh well, at least we're about to get our hands on some superior technology--if we live."

"IFF codes updated, weapon systems normal, systems all green. Kalia Koizumi, Unit 06 heading out!" In that moment, Sumire gives out a roar as it was catapulted out from the Viper and into the black vacuum ahead, maintaining its normal operating speed.

"At this rate, it will take the Drastanian recovery team a few more minutes before they reach their catch..." Mobilizing the sub verniers, Kalia brings 06 up to speeds nearing 400 km/h as she accelerated ahead until she caught sight of a green mech in her monitors.

"You alive?" Kalia radioed the pilot as she rendezvoused with the stolen craft.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Edward Roaden
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Nee flinched visibly as she saw Kalsheed. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could've done to avoid the massive hug aimed her way. If that wasn't bad enough, the Captain leveled a dark glare in both their directions. If Daddy were to hear of this, he'd only be angry again. But still, the gamer was way too tired to bother fighting Kalsheed off or explaining that she was innocent. Surely everyone could see that she hadn't asked for the hug nor participated in it, right? Nee stared at Roaden with silent, begging eyes, for him to understand. It was probably hopeless, anyways.

Most of what the Captain had to say was old news, to say the least. Nee was at the scene of the crime as it happened - and the wound in her belly burned, as if in affirmation of her role. Guilt churned inside her - if Kiritine were to lose in the coming war, Nee would almost definitely be culpable. But is something like a nation worth protecting over a friend, though? Other than her old and gone friend, Bell, there weren't many people in Kiritine Nee really felt much of an obligation to. Abusive daddies, overly-hugging girls, and not to mention the cold looking Roaden who always seemed to intimidate the gaming addict. It was a nation of cowards who were unable to stand up to her father, so did she really have a need for them at all?

...Still, it did nothing to help assuage her burning guilt. She was, after all, a member of Kiritine. So, Nee gave the Captain a silent but polite stare, nodding slightly. Most likely, Drastonian and Orvanti reinforcements were incoming to help protect Jiorvia. Luckily, the little hacker had a little device that might help out - it was one of the only reasons she was allowed to play with her hacks within the Vigilanti, anyways. As Roaden and Kalsheed began to head to their mechs, Nee made a beeline for her room to gather her new favorite invention, and shoved it carefully into her pocket. It was small and pink, just like her, but it'd suit the purpose quite well. She also made a quick detour at the medical bay to retrieve her Negasis Portable V and typed in a quick apology for leaving to BlueSphere before shutting it off. With that, the gamer was ready for a battle.

The WASP seemed to be whispering to her as she approached it. Honestly, the insect-like mech felt less like a war machine and more like an extension of her own body when she was piloting it. Nee hopped in, the smallest of grins on her face, and revved it up, enjoying the low hum as it started up. The WASP was the first mech to rise in the Hangar, ready for ejection. She ran a quick diagnostic of its systems - all weapons were ready for use. Nee then removed the radio and attached the pink version with a monitor on it. Luckily, ages ago, she memorized the Addresses of the Drastonian and Orvanti radio comm channels years ago. First, Nee shut down her connection to Kiritine radio chatter, tuning in directly to where she calculated Cecil was based on when she left and knowing the fact that she was headed to the Nightingale. It was a private connection that bypassed the stage where Cecil had to accept it, directly connecting in - one for only Cecil and Nee.

"...We might see each other soon." Nee's voice was friendly, but also focused and serious. "I won't go easy on you this time, Cecil, so I hope you're prepared."

Nee then disconnected from the private comm, then input Orvanti's in particular, before turning on "undetectable" mode. The hacker's eyes shone as she saw it went through. Nee then pressed a button to stream the Orvanti radio chatter directly to Roaden and Kalsheed's mechs to make sure they heard.

"IFF codes updated, weapon systems normal, systems all green. Kalia Koizumi, Unit 06 heading out!"

"Orvanti Radio hacked." Nee declared in a self satisfied voice. "Triangulating Orvanti Pilot locations now, please hang on a moment."

A few more moments, and Nee added the new bips to Roaden, Kalsheed, and of course, her own monitors, showing the exact location of the Orvanti mechs. Nee also saw where Cecil was, then checked the coordinates. She input a proposed flight path and sent it to Roaden and Kalsheed. "The Orvani pilots are... there, so if we fly like this, we should be able to separate Jiovia... from the Orvanti allies. We can enclose upon Jiovia and the Drastonian pilots, and if I disrupt the engines of the Orvanti ships, they'll... be unable to attack us from the rear, making it a more even fight. Of course, if... one of you has a better idea..."

Nee then looked over the security systems in place to protect the Kiritine radio. She dug into it, adding a few lines of code here and there to buff it, as well as show Nee the location of anyone attempting to hack in. Sure, she was a great pilot, but everyone knew that cyberwarfare and intelligence were Nee's strongest suits. Eyes full of anticipation, she flew out the Hangar Bay doors in her WASP, excited to enter the fight.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalia Koizumi Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Edward Roaden
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0.00 INK


Edward put his hands in his pocket, waiting for his team. ''Dammit why can't they be punctual.'' Edward mumbled to himself, was he cursed to have 2 such lazy comrades. Moments later, a door slid open and Nee came through. Looks like she had a run in with her father again, judging from her bruises that damn captain. Edward threw a small wave at her and then continued to wait. He put some gum in his mouth, thinking it was the appropriate time to get hungry after-all no one was doing anything were they. He looked at the time, and all of a sudden a Young Riley appeared out of no where she went to hug Nee which was later dismissed by the Captain. Edward let out a small sigh, as Nee looked to him for support he pretended he couldn't see it, after all it would only increase his talks with The Captain.

After a while, Edward tuned off from the talk the Captain had with them. He's mind started to dart around like a ping pong ball, place to place side to side. On the outside he was nodding pretending to listen to the Chief but on the inside he was thinking about a deeper subject. The other Squadron Leaders. Both nasty bastards, hopefully he didn't go against one of them although the chances were high since they really want this Inukuaitu fitted mech. Word is that they were allied together, but that was fine because The Kiritine had already sent down a squadron to stop the Inu-Mech in it's tracks. It would buy them enough time to get to the Mech and hopefully take it back.

After hearing all the main bits the commander had to said, Edward summorised it in his head ''Get the Mech, or destroy the mech Simple.'' But he doubted it would be that easy on the ''Battlefield.'' To be truthful, Edward didn't really want to destroy the mech, he'd much rather take it back from the women even if he suffered abit of damage. Any other mech, he'd have blown to bits, but since the Kiritine had worked on this for 7 years and he's been there from day one he had a small attachment to the big girl. After the Captain had dismissed them, they went into a small metal hall where the door slid when they came into contact with it. Riley, being the feisty pepper she is makes a statement

''How do we go about destroying this bitch?''

Edward touched his chin, and thought for a moment. Then came up with a way to explain it to his fellow-comrades
''Listen up kids, i don't plan on blowing the can to pieces i think it's not worth it we've worked on this mech for so long and it'd be a shame to end the project around this time. What we'll do instead is get her out of the mech, most likely kill her and bring the Mech back to HQ. Inflicting some damage onto it is not a problem, she can handle it she's a Inkuaitu type of women after all. BUT! this doesn't mean if all goes to shit you shouldn't load her up. If it does come down to it, and you can't see another way out we can't let the other nations get there hands on it so my bet would be KABOOMY! Understood? Great!''

Edward then walked off to his sector, leaving his comrades behind. He sped walked this time, eager to get into his mech and test out his Inkuaitu one. After all this would be her first time outside of testing perimeters. Edward wasn't sure he'd get this Captains backing on letting her loose this time, but it was a code red i'm sure if he had to explain himself he could put it all into a good context. ''TURN HER UP BOYS!'' Edward shouted down the halls, as he ran down the corridor. There she was the glorious X-15.''Ah, i love the smell of a fresh mech!'' He went down to the feet off the mech and climbed up the ladder. He was taking his type on it, making sure his grip onto every step was tight. It was his first time in a Inukaitu machine on the outside, he felt like a newly wed. Edward rushed to the Cockpit of the mech, hopping into it and turning her on. The steam came off the mech like a large cloud, she was a big girl after all. Edward fired up his engines, and started to walk around inside his sector.

The doors cleared open for him, and he fired up the thrusters and made lift off. ''Welcome Captain Roaden, where are our co-ordinates?'' Claire told him, in a very creaky voice. Damnit he forgot to fix the voicebox earlier, oh well this would have to do...

Moments later, A co-ordinate appeared on Roadens screen showing the exact location of the Mech, ''This must be from Nee then, i guess all those video games are good for something.'' Nee then explained her plan to the team, which Edward agreed with. Edward turned on his earpiece and said to Nee ''That's pretty good, you've got it all the co-ordinates the plan hell i might tell your dad to give you a promotion.'' He laughed shortly after making the statement, then waited outside in empty space for his fellow mechs.
''Co-ordinates uploaded Captain Roaden, on your mark sir.'' ''Hang on there Clare, we'll be waiting for our comrades first.''
Damn he was so excited to break the news to his allies, he also had Inukaitu intelligence he'd say it later to them. Keep it a surprise.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebenezer Rastin Character Portrait: Sebastian Jiovia
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Positioning himself beside a Drastonian pilot, the area fell silent as Relic loudly slammed a knife into the table he was at, the blade mere inches away from the pilot's hand as two other occupants of the Nightengale's messhall held the poor man in place. Relic positioned his left hand over the pilot's, slowly spreading his fingers to match the position of the hand underneath. "Trust me," he murmured, the helmet's external speakers cracked as he pulled the knife from the table. As he started slowly stabbing the areas between each adjacent finger, he hummed the once familiar tune that veterans had once enjoyed as a favorite pasttime, before speaking those daring words after a few beginning rounds as he gradually picked up speed...

"Oh, I have all my fingers,
The knife goes chop, chop, chop.
If I miss the spaces in between,
My fingers will come off.
And if I hit my fingers,
Blood will soon come out.
But all the same I play this game,
'Cause that's what it's all about..."

The pilot's eyes widened with both anticipation and terror, that single wish that this "Spectre" wasn't going to miss and stab them both in the hand. By this time, Relic was accurately hitting each area at nearly lightning speed, evoking a fearful scream from the pilot, each knife strike staying within the tempo of each word.

"Oh, chop, chop, chop,
Chop, chop, chop, chop.
I'm picking up the speed,
And if I hit my fingers,
Then my hand will start to bleed!"

With that final word, Relic slammed the knife down to finish up, moving his hand away from the table as the pilot quickly withdrew his hand as he was released. The air was still quiet, the few murmurs being the only few sounds other than the passive hum of the ship's systems piercing the unnatural silence. "You can keep the dagger, cadet. Think of it as a momento, you've earned it," The legendary pilot commented as sights were cast upon this nearly unbecoming behavior.


Minutes later, after Relic had excused himself from the ship's messhall, word about this little "event" had quickly spread throughout the Nightengale, and that certain high-ranking officers weren't exactly thrilled about this kind of activity happening on "their" ship... But Relic held little regard for their opinions. While the Drastonian military could be considered his employer, he didn't care much for those that had inaccurately declared themselves his superiors, as to date he had only bothered to listen to the orders from two distinct individuals: the Nightengale's (actual) commanding officer and "Commander" Rastin.

As he strolled through the corridors, his movements almost holding a graceful slinking definition to them, his personal commlink hummed to life with a message from Rastin himself, alerting him that they have orders to rendezvous with a returning undercover pilot. While he acknowledged the call, he didn't bother to respond, instead sprinting towards the direction of the hangar, dodging and weaving past technicians and officers alike, approaching the stairwell that separated the the messhall from the hangar bay two levels down.

Ignoring the various threats of punishment from pushing aside officers (and calling them ingrates while calling to make way for him) as he reached the stairwell, Relic vaulted himself over the railing down the stairs, dashing through a maintenence shaft to reach the hangar's catwalks instead of entering through the main doors. He had located his personal mech, the Goblin, without much difficulty, stored with other GMNE frames, as other pilots and their associated mecha were being queued for launch.

Quickly approaching his mech from above, he grabbed the guard-rails and launched himself over the railing before reaching his mech, soaring over the opening cockpit of a familiar frame before catching a grip on the upper ledge and repositioning himself for a precise and soft landing into the seat and the cockpit sealing itself shortly afterwards.

"Identification Spectre. Initiate command sequence."

The Goblin roared to life, the HUD within Relic's helmet streaming the necessary information through an overly encrypted signal between man and machine, synchronizing the two together into one. The small mech sprung upwards from its previous position, no longer crouching with its arm and hand servos around its legs. Despite being roughly half the size of the other Drastonian mecha and its inability to hold similar payloads as its bigger cousins, Relic's personal mech was more agile and manueverable than them, due to it being equipped with lighter armor, capable of being able to move around the Nightengale's hangar bays without much assistance. The technicians outfitted the small mech with a standard autocannon and a 10-count missile pod, before Relic headed out towards the launching bay to join up with the two others that would most likely be waiting for him. "Rastin, Jiovia, Spectre here. Reconfigure and update IFF codes before heading out to rendezvous point. We don't want to accidentally turn our returning agent into a pin cushion, do we now?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia Character Portrait: Ebenezer Rastin Character Portrait: Sebastian Jiovia
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The Commander stared at the screen with a scowl painted on his face. The com link had been cut five minutes ago and he still hadn't moved. The bridge of his vessel was quiet as everyone waited for orders. Anger was present on his face as he glared. To the rest of the Drastonian army, Cecil Jiovia was just another soldier. Expendable. But to him, she was an asset. Just as everyone else aboard his ship was. He prized every single soldier like they should be. With the possiblity of losing her after having her so close.... It had him shaking. Not to mention that if he had to break something like that to her brother. The man was a seasoned veteran. Well into his years and service. But he knew family was important, and losing something important like that.... The Commander hated to think what Sebastian might do. Even if he was stoic and had the calmest attitude among the ranks. Everyone had something that could break them down. Everyone.

Leaning over the young soldier's shoulder who had first hailed ensign Cecil Jiovia, the Commander punched a few keys and connected to the hanger bay. "All teams to deploy immediately," he ordered, then let go of the button. It wasn't usual for the Commander himself to issue orders over the coms. He had a chain of command and he used it, normally. "Give me the pilots cockpits. Ensign Sebastian Jiovia and Captain Ebenezer Rastin." The young man nodded and set to work on doing what he was told. It only took him a few moments, then he was looking up at the intimidating man who commanded the Nightengale and nodded. Handing him a headset, the Commander took it and put it on. "Ensign Jiovia, Captain Rastin. Your team has special orders."

Ebenezer was currently going through some of the dioagnostics of his mech, which currently was out floating in the cold depths of space, just outside of the Nightengale. It was small things, mostly to make sure that the radar and other sensors were working. His helmet's display had linked up with that of the mech, so he had the information presented to him via the HUD. It wasn't needed, but he generally preferred it if he could make use of it. It was simply nice to have the information right there for easy and quick reading. Currently his helmet was displaying Sebastian's mech and its condition, which showed everything as positive. Finishing up with the last of the tests, he then situated himself more comfortably in pseudo-chair that was for his mech. He reached down to the sides, slipping his fingers into the metallic like glove that functioned as the controls for his mech. Each of the metallic gloves had three slots, one for the thumb and the other two for two of his fingers to fit in to mimic the claws of his mech. Along his arm, he could feel various metal peices attach themselves to the outside of his suit's arms, so that as he moved his arm the many jointed metal peices could move along with him with no restrictions. As he finished, looking to make sure his hands were secured nicely, and so where the metal sensors that attached to his arms, he then absent mindly reached up to scratch at his chin. To those outside, they could see his mech's arms mimc the action, reaching up to scratch at it's own chin.

It'd been a bit of a pain for the enginners to produce, but Ebenezer had done a lot of begging to have his mech rigged so that he could directly control it simply through the motions of his own body, or atleast as much as he could. Things such as the thrusters and the weapons had to still be rigged to triggers for the obvious reason of him having no other way to activate them. The legs were somewhat attuned to his own leg movements, though it was still a bit of an auto-mated process by the onboard operating system, given that his mech's legs were not exactly a match for a human. Ebenezer was glad they had given in to his request, though he was certain that had he shown any less promise as a pilot, they would have flat out told him to shut his mouth.

A voice in his ear had him tilting his head, a reflexive movement to try and better hear the noise despite it being projected straight into his ear from his helmet's earpiece. It was the commander of the Nightengale. Ebenezer frowning slightly as to what it was the man needed to say. "Scrouge here, reading you commander."

Sebastian, who was sitting in the much more simplistic seat of his mech's cockpit, was watching out the front viewscreen of his mech as he listened as well. His mech's interior was simply a chair for him to sit comfortably in, with straps to help hold him in place and two joysticks on both arms to control the weapons of his mech. A couple of pedals near his feet served as the controls for his mech's movement. They hardly made it easy to rapidly control his mech's movement, but that's why it was desgined to absorb blows rather than simply avoid them, though granted he did still prefer to not take a shot if he didn't need to. When the captain called in, Sebastian quickly followed. "Archer hearing you. Go ahead sir." he said in return, eyes still watching out front as he remained relaxed in his seat.

"This information isn't common knowledge. The mecha you're about to retrieve is high valued. At least, to the higher ups. My concern rests with who's piloting it. I know the rumors that have spread. Those rumors are true. Your orders are to retrieve that mecha at all costs. More importantly, the pilot. Do not let her fall in their hands. the Commander's voice was silent for a while. It was quiet for so long that it might have been the end of his orders, until he spoke again and the tone was different. "And Sebastian. She's not in good shape."

The short addition was quickly clipped, as if to cover the strain of worry in his tone. "Her injuries will keep her from fighting at her best. She's being tailed by the Kiritine army. No doubt we'll see the Vigilanti soon. Captain Rastin, you and your team are to go ahead first. Get her to the safety net as quickly as possible. She is your priority and nothing else. Understood?"

Sebastian let out a quiet sigh, his only sign of any anxiety or nerves about what was said to him regarding the pilot they were to rescue. So that's where Cecil had ended up afterall. In a way, his brotherly instincts were crying out about how irritating and aggravating it was to have heard that his sister would be thrown into the lion's den like that. Such a task of infiltrating the Kiritine military was extremly dangerous, and now to hear that she was in bad shape only made him more angry. However, that same brotherly feeling was also congradulating his little sister for the work she had managed to carry out, and that she was even going to possibly make it back in the first place. He wanted to brag about the little brat he'd put up with so much had done something so awesome. Hell, he even wanted to joke that it was totally himself that taught her how to do everything. None of these emotions showed though, as he simply sat up in his seat and gripped the controls of his mech. Right now it was time to be serious, and if they were going to go straight into an angered nest of hornets, then he needed to be one-hundred percent focused for the fight.

Ebenezer was a bit more confused, as honestly he wasn't sure what rumors the commander was referring too. Also, why the commander had directly referred to Sebastian about the condition of the pilot. Clearly he was missing something, but it wasn't mission important, so he simply shrugged it off. "Understood sir. We'll get her back home." he said with a calm voice. Of course it also betrayed the slight edge he was feeling. He and his two team members were expected to escort a wounded pilot away from a bunch of Kiritine troops, and not to mention possibly the Vigilant itself. If that ship also showed up, that also meant they'd possibly find themselves coming face to face with the Kiritine Aces. That was not a fight he wanted while being so close to both their flagship and reinforcements. Orders were orders though, and if his team was quick, Ebenezer was certain they could get her out of there before things got to lively. "We'll have to make this quick team, we do not want to be out there if and when the Vigilant shows itself." With that, he pressed down on one of the buttons located within the "glove" of his controls, activating the travel thrusters to send his mech forwards. He kept things low so as not to outpace Sebastian, but also to not drain his mech of too much energy on their way there. He could only hope that "Spectre" had picked up on the message and would show up as well.

Dizzy, headache, hot, Cecil was pushing hard to keep from falling asleep. The mecha's A.I was hovering around her, humming in what sounded like concern. Cecil was pretty sure the A.I could talk, but she wasn't sure how to fix the controls to have her do so. After all, the mecha wasn't fully completed, at least with the technical stuff. And for Cecil to have disengaged it on short notice, she was sure she'd done a few things to screw it up. Hell, she was lucky it flew at all. Or deployed weapons. Which she was desperately trying to get to engage. Dodging out of the way of several beam rifles and bullets, it was all Cecil could do to keep the mecha going. If she fought, she'd waste energy. Dodging was a pain in the ass, but it was better than falling behind.

Come on, Cecil thought as she pushed the engines to their max. The humming was loud in the cockpit, but not enough to drown out the blaring warnings that flashed all across her screen. Her trembling hands worked to keep out of the weapons that fired at her. She'd taken a few hits, but thanks to the Inukaitu metal helping to reduce the damage, nothing was too severe. Although, Cecil was pretty sure they weren't trying to shoot her down just yet. Kiritine prized their newest creation too much to destroy it right off the bat. They would try to capture her first, take the machine back. When that failed, though, they would most definitely destroy her. Cecil wasn't about to let that happen, but the situation wasn't looking any better.

Another hit to the mecha jostled it to the right. Cecil straightened the machine, but the way it was tossed aggrivated the wounds. For a moment, the acceleration decreased as she lost hold of the touch pad that controlled the thrusters. She couldn't count how many times that had happened and each time had them getting closer to her. Cecil ground her teeth and powered it up again, a soft groan leaving her lips at the force of the engines. Being tossed around was not her idea of a great get away plan, nor ideal for a wounded soldier. A loud warning filled the cockpit and Cecil attempted to dodge whatever it was. The mecha was yanked back and Cecil flew forward from the machine being stopped so suddenly. Cursing herself for not thinking to buckle into the seat, she caught herself against the screen of the pilot box. Shoving off, she went back to the seat and tried everything she could to get free. Everything just short of changing the mecha back into the humaniod shape. She was pressing buttons, tapping all sorts of keys to try to do something. She heard a few things go off, and she was pretty sure she'd just fired some missiles, but couldn't confirm it in her slight panic.

"Shit!" she said under her breath as she tried frantically to free herself.

Ebenezer had increased the power of his mech's thrusters, just to try and close the distance they needed to soon. Sebastian was not far behind him, though he was forced to push his mech a bit more given it's weaker thrusters. Regardless, he defintely felt that they were making good time, and it was his radar suddenly coming to life with several blips. Watching it from the corner of his eye, he then watched as his HUD also began to rapidly highlight the various mechs not far from them. The only thing that had him frowning was that he didn't know as of yet which one he was aiming to not kill. He wanted to immediately engage, but until he culd exactly figure out which was which, he had to withhold the missles of his mech. He quickly zoomed in on the main cluster, eyes darting over each and everyone one of them to see which he was looking for. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he observed, finally seeing amongst the mess one machine in particular that seemed to be the main cause of the fuss. He cocked his head to the side slightly, noting that the stilled machine did not appear to be a mech at all, but rather a jet. Regardless though, considering that most of the other mechs, clearly marked to be the Kiritines, were moving towards it, he had to take a guess.

"Weapons Free." he said, pressing the main thrusters of his mech and launtching it full speed towards the nearest mech to the jet. Rotating himself into a spin, he allowed himself to barely skim over top of the jet, using the rotation to bring a claw around to slash at the hook that held onto the jet while still moving forwards. The enemy had quickly begun to fire at him, having very quickly figured out he wasn't one of them, but he kept his mech leveled in a way so that it's head pointed towards them to lower his profile. As the distance quickly came to a close, he ceased the spin of his mech, reaching out towards the Kiritine as he slammed straight into the target. The hit had his claws sinking deep into the shoulders of the other mech, and the momentum carried the both of them into several other mechs, slamming into one as they went. Quickly, Ebenezer tore the claws free and slammed it right where the cockpit sohulder be, driving the claws deep to get to the pilot within.

As the captain slammed his way straight into the enemy, those that turned to try and shoot the captain paid dearly when a powerful slug of dense metal tore straight through one mech and tore through the arm of another. They had made the mistake of turning their attention away from Sebastian, who had slowed his mech down to line up a shot with one of the railguns. He did not fire the other, in case he'd need the other slug before the first gun was recharged, so instead he switched to high-power on his main guns. With the enemy currently caught off guard, he didn't need volume of fire to catch them. Instead he could slam them with concentrated blasts of energy, which he quickly. All the while, his mech continued to drift towards the jet, Sebastian casting a very quick glance to it before going back to focus on keeping the enemy his Captain wasn't engaged with off of his CO.

Cecil was shocked at the sudden intervention. She hadn't expected anyone to be in range for quite a while longer. She couldn't get a good look at the one that had streaked by and freed the mech from whatever had it trapped, the other she could probably see if she could figure out how to catch a closer look at it with the systems. But instead of wasting time with that, she'd rather use what they'd given her and power forward. It would be a waste if they had to fight even more just for her sake. Cecil powered the engines again and the machine lurched forward to get out of the thickest part of the Kiritine army. She shot forward and then sucked in a sharp breath as a mecha got in her path. She directed the machine up and over that one only to slam into another. Explosions were going off all around and the chaos of the fighting was making it harder to concentrate. Grinding her teeth, Cecil was slamming buttons again. Somehow, she got the machine to change from the jet style, to humaniod.

Blades rang free along the arms and in two twists, she had torn apart the Kiritine pilot who had tried to grapple her into submission. Leaning forward, doubled over slightly in the seat, Cecil panted and tried to keep herself from dropping into sleep. Shaking fingers tapped a button on the arm of the chair. She hoped she'd open a link to the pilots who were assisting her, but it might have gone to Kiritine too. Not that she really cared all too much anymore. [color=#80480]"Thanks for the assistance,"[/color] she started, forcing the words out on short bursts of air. "I will attempt to change back again to go faster. But piloting this is.... Difficult, at best." she wasn't sure what she was trying to inform them, but it would have to do. She was too scrambled to think straight. The best she could do was keep going forward and return to the Nightengale. That was her mission. The only part of it that was coherent anyway.

"Thank us when you make it home. Until then, try not to get wrecked you nut." Sebastian responded when he heard Cecil's voice over the radio. He was glad he was sitting alone in his mech, because it meant nobody would catch his normally stoic apperance breaking into a smile at hearing his sister's voice. It'd been quite a long time since he'd heard her or even spoken to her, and just hearing her voice was enjoyable.

Amongst the Kiritine mechs, Ebenezer had dislodged his mech's claws form another dead enemy, quickly hitting the thrusters to pull himself out from amongst them before he was surrounded. He sneered when he felt a shot hit his mech, shaking it. fortunately, the armor held together, but quickly he released a flurry of missles towards the mechs to try and give himself a quick breather. He also returned fire with the machine guns on his arms, having raised up both and firirng at the nearest mechs to him. They wer enough to dissuade any mechs from trying to take a still shot at him, but what hitsl anded only served to annoy the other mechs. He was quick to thrust to the side to avoid another beam shot, though two mechs closing in towards him with their own blades ready had him immediately changing direction. The amount of G's he was feeling was fairly intense, as he went from moving to the side to immediately charging head long towards both. Clearly both had been planning to try and catch him while he was back peddling, so they failed to land hits on him as the claws of his mech, slashed across the two of them as he dashed between them.

When he had heard the woman's voice, noting the strain from the injuries she must have suffered, Ebenezer smiled a little himself. His smile turned to a look of surprise when he heard Sebastian return remark. "Sister?! Really?!"[color] he exclaimed, dashing to the side of one of the two mechs that tried to slash at him, he quickly maneuvered himself so as to keep one mech between him and the other opponent at all times to limit the amount of attacks coming his way. This allowed ihm to better handle the fight, and a quick dodge of a sword swipe followed by a quick thrust forward had the claw of his mech sticking itself into the torso of the enemy. Quickly hee used his thrusters to turn the two of them around, bringing the mech implaed on his arm around to take the hit from it's ally. When the blade stuck into its ally's mech, Ebenezer then reached up with his free claw to grab the back of the blade. Once he had a firm grip, he then riped his other claw free and thrusted up over the enemy mech he had been holding onto. This ripped the blade free as it came with him, and once he had cleared over the dead mech, he then shot forwards to slam his claw through the other mech, all while keeping hold of the blade to keep it out of the way of his attack. Once cleared of them, he quickly backed away once more, firing his machine guns at other enemies to try and keep them from getting easy shots back on him.

[color=#e02828] "So, is every member of your family in the military?!"
again he moved to the side, as well as moved backwards to create more distance for now. "I hope she isn't as deadpan as you are, crabby."

Cecil was shocked to hear her brother's voice over the transmission. Of all people, he was the last one she'd expected to hear. It made her heart jump to her throat. Desires flooded her, she wanted to see her brother, not just hear his voice. She hadn't seen him in so long, it was nearly torture to just hear his deep rumble but not see him. Almost as if she were hallucinating it. For a moment, she believed she was. Until a second voice joined in, asking about a sister and then talking about the family and hoping that she wasn't a deadpan like Sebastian. It made her laugh, though the sound was choked with tears. "Ainiki," she called with a bit of a hitch to her voice. It was her 'nickname' for him, using the old term for brother in a different language. She'd always found that language beautiful to begin with, and had incorporated it into how she spoke to her brother.

She whimpered softly as she leaned back in the seat and pressed the back of her hand to her mouth. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried hard not to cry even more. The tears didn't really stream, but floated around her face in little droplets that mixed with the blood. Her heart pounded hard and she might have lost her composure entirely, until a familiar voice filled the cockpit and she gasped in shock. Nee's voice filled the small box, a haunting kind of ring to her words as she announced her preparations for battle with Cecil. Cecil's chest tightened and she spoke to both men who had joined the fight to help her. "Ainiki! We have to retreat! They're sending their Ace's! If they--" Cecil was cut off as warnings blasted through and in the next instant, something slammed into the mecha. Cecil barely caught herself, but slammed into the side of the cockpit with the injured shoulder. The cry of pain was quickly supressed, but perhaps not quick enough. Dizzy yet again, it was harder than ever to try to drag herself to the seat and fight back with the mecha that had slammed into her and blocked out everything on the screen except for it's ridiculously large size. Only a small fry of a pilot, but Cecil knew she wasn't in any shape to fight, let alone take on the Kiritine's ace's.

Sebastian rolled his eyes when he heard her nickname for him. He wasn't sure why she had decided on it, but then again they were a strange family. Only made sense for them to throw around odd nicknames. He did catch the lump in her throat when she spoke to him, and though he'd like to return the love, he quickly shifted himself back to fighting mode. "Get teary and sentimental when we make it back to the Nightengale. The enemy is not going to go easy just because we haven't seen one another in a while." it sounded a little harsh and callous, but they needed to remain focused. This many mechs was a problem, and they could only fend them off for so long.

" I second that Idea!." Ebenezer called out, grunting when his mech shook as it took a solid hit to the side. Gritting his teeth, Cecil's calling out about the arrival of the aces soon was old news. "Yes, very aware of the encroaching enemy, miss! We need to get out of here regardless of whether or not they show up before we get swamped." he fired another flurry of missles before quickly dashing out of the way of another beam shot. "Miss, need you to update you IFF codes before we reach the saftey net. As our other compatriot put it, don't want to have you turn to multch after all of this." As he said it, he quickly took the chance to relay said codes towards Cecil's mech, hoping that she could retrieve them without having to send them openly over the radio.

Their attention was drawn to the sound of Cecil's quick cry of pain, Sebastian turning his head to see another mech had gotten into the face of her once more. Sebastian was quickly maneuvering his mech to line up a shot with the second railgun. Ebenezer on the other hand, was already moving his mech to try and intercept any others that were trying to attack her. He had slammed into another mech that made an attempt to reach Cecil, but he could only do so much while trying to protect a weak pilot. Sebastian though was ready to help, and he hovered his finger over the trigger as his mech slowly drifted into the correct position. As his crosshair slowly moved, he immediately pressed the trigger as it drifted over the mech that was harrassing his sister. The slug went sailing through the vacumm, slamming into one shoulder of the Kiritine mech, tearing it's way all the way through to the other side before continuing onwards into the void of space. He was then shifting to fire on the mechs his captain was not attacking, having switched his arms to rapid fire mode to lay down a heavy volume of fire. "Cecil, you need to move it. Or do you really want to be the reason our reuinion is cut so short?" he said over the radio.

"Ainiki...." what might have once sounded petulant and childish when dealing with her brother, came out strained and shortened of breath. Cecil ground her teeth as she hauled herself back in the seat and forced her body to cooperate. The A.I materialized again and hovered next to her, looking worried and fearful. Cecil forced a smile. She punched in the coordinates for the Nightengale and then tried to figure out how to change the IFF codes that the second pilot had ordered her to do. Her fingers felt stiff and every inch of her body was like lead. Frowning, Cecil narrowed her eyes as she tried to concentrate on what she'd been told to do. "I have the coordinates for the Nightengale, I'll go ahead," she announced, trying to sound stronger than she felt, and probably trying to impress her brother. It was usually like that, at least that much hadn't changed even in the seven years they'd been apart.

"I'll try to change the codes, it will take a while though. And.... Ainiki, you better be right behind me, or I'll have to kick your ass," she threatened though threats from her to a sibling didn't sound all too frightening. Mother had once described it as a kitten pawing at a dog and nothing more. Cecil listened to the hum of the engines as she powered the mecha and felt it shifting into the jet form again. As it shot off toward the Nightengale she could only hope that she'd make it out of the reach of the Ace's. Most especially from Nee. The last thing she wanted was a fight with that woman.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia Character Portrait: Ebenezer Rastin Character Portrait: Edward Roaden Character Portrait: Sebastian Jiovia
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0.00 INK


Nee nodded at the instructions given to her by Roaden, deciding not to say anything. Instead she turned her WASP on to top speed, maximizing engine output. She considered changing her IFF codes to match those of Drastonia, but her hacked copy was most likely out of date. It'd also be difficult pretending to be a friendly with the Kiritine fleet all about her. Then the Captain mentioned her father and the girl shivered a little in her mech.

"I don't... need a promotion." Nee insisted, staring at the map and listening in on Orvanti radio chatter as they moved to rendezvous with Jiovia. They'd have to move quickly if they wanted to separate the two enemy fleets. The Kiritine Aces were mostly hard hitting melee mechs, so getting in close range safely was key to their plan. Once in close range, they were nigh unstoppable. "Please don't tell Dad- father anything, Captain."

She checked her radar as she sped ahead of Kalsheed and Roaden, forcing emotion out of her mind. The gamer was nearing the battle now - the Second Platoon was already in combat, though were being slowly beaten back by the Drastonian Aces. Of course the small fries were being eliminated - they were cannon fodder. Expendable lives - but on any chess board, good pawn maneuvering was key to a good victory. Sure, the idea of capturing Jiovia was troublesome... but her loyalty was primarily to Kiritine. Friendships were secondary to her goal, who cares about the hollow feeling in her chest? Glory to Kiritine and all that. She could mourn her friend after all was said and done, though perhaps killing Jiovia would be a better fate. She felt the prongs of her father's influence snaking into her mind, forcing her to speed up her little WASP yet again, positioning herself in the direction Orvanti was set to approach from, pressing forward to force more distance between Orvanti and Drastonia.

"Arlan ready to... engage." She said into the radio, voice a low monotone. Her eyes were wide and staring and her mind was already shifting from reality to a video game mindset. Blood pumped to her fingers in anticipation. Every movement tingled and crackled, her insect-like reflexes ready to serve. No one could beat her in a game. "Kalsheed, can you back me up?"

Nee went to her pink device, inputting a series of codes to hijack the Drastonian fleet's lock-on statistics. It was a low level hack to be sure, and it was ineffective against Aces such as the Drastonian Captain, pilot of the animalistic beast-like mech. So with a small girn, the hacker reset the lock on to target Rastin's mech, drawing fire away from her own allies to give them time to fall back if needed, and press their advantage. She tuned her pink device to a global channel, so everyone could hear her.

"No one touches... my pawns." She declared with a laugh. She switched the pink device back to the Kiritine comm channel. "Fall back if need be, but if at all possible, go on an all out attack." With the girl's declaration, several enemies aimed at her, according to the pink device. This, of course, was exactly the situation she wanted. Her specialty beyond cyberwarfare was, after all, speed and agility. She flitted here, there, above and finally dove straight into the bulk of the Drastonian mechs, sending their homing missiles aimed directly at themselves, clearing out what seemed to be a vanguard squad with little effort. Lasers and beams were also fired at her but she weaved and dodged through them with minimal effort. She's played many bullet hell games before, where the enemy projectiles literally swarmed the screen and never once lost. An attack of this scale was almost a mockery of her skills.

Now came the more difficult part. Nee used the pink device to put her engines into overdrive. Cecil had gone into jet form and was quickly fleeing the battle, but she couldn't let that happen. Who knows what Daddy would do if she were to allow her to simply flee? But of course Nee's pursuit was blocked by two mechas: the primal beast owned by Rastin, and the low mobility space fortress piloted by the elder Jiovia.

Nee shot the WASP forward towards the tiny gap between Rastin and elder Jiovia, activating her disruptors at the last second before doing a swift up turn to avoid them and charged directly towards Cecil Jiovia's fleeing mech. A wave of energy blasted out in short range around her, hopefully hitting the two Mechas and disabling their engines, shields, and weapons systems for a few minutes, which was more than enough time for Kalsheed and Roaden to catch up and hopefully force them to retreat, or even more optimally, kill them altogether. However, they were aces as well and weren't to be underestimated. Unfortunately she didn't have time to confirm that she hit them - she had to focus on the upcoming reunion with her old friend. The WASP was quickly gaining on the jet-formed mecha piloted by Cecil Jiovia.

"Arlan in... pursuit of the target." Nee said with a hint of pride in her voice, keeping careful eyes about her in case the fourth Drastonian Ace - Spectre - were to ambush her. "Captain, Kalsheed, take care of anyone at my rear, please. But be careful. Orvanti is incoming. I'll send... you their current positions, so re-position yourselves for them."

She wouldn't let Jiovia make it back to the Nightingale. Once she was in range, she could use her disruptors yet again - a perfect tool to force Jiovia into submission without risk of lethal damage, or dealing any lasting damage to the mech whatsoever. Nee opened the private channel between her and Cecil again, keeping an eye on the radar as Cecil's position was confirmed - still out of reach but not impossible to catch up to.

"...No words for... an old friend?" Nee said, this time in a much more friendly tone, ignoring the sucking sounds her voice made as she unwrapped and popped another sweet candy into her mouth. "Whether I catch you or you escape... I'm going to... miss you, after all."

Hopefully this could be quick. Nee really wanted to curl up back at her bunker and dig into Ultima Fantasia, and hopefully see Poppy again. Too bad she didn't have a third arm so she could play and pilot at the same time. Life truly was terrible.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Shironoa Character Portrait: Kalia Koizumi Character Portrait: Nee Arlan
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0.00 INK


"This is strange..." Naomi thought as she observed the combat situation. The way the enemy moved and positioned themselves--it was as if they had started anticipating where they were about to position themselves. 06 seemed to be holding out well enough although it lost the opportunity to rendezvous with the stolen enemy craft. "Don't tell me--our opponent's psychic?"

Flashing alarms suddenly went off near her right radar side, prompting her to check up on the situation. By some odd turn of events, Drastania's ranged weapons suddenly turned against them, with the targeting of the homing missiles changing to lock on to their own allies.

"Cyber-electronic warfare huh? If that's the case, then I can assume that both our communications are being monitored--" Naomi analyzed the interiors of her machine. "Wyvern's an outdated model so this system's codes are entirely different along with its method of communication. In that case--" Naomi immediately booted up the old mailing system used before the advent of online real-time communication. Immediately, she messaged 06 about her intentions.

"One eye, patch me a direct link to the ship through 06's S.U.M.I.R.E OS. Your craft is equipped with powerful hacking defenses and processing power--pave me a way to communicate with our forces without being tapped.

A few moments later, Kalia Koizumi's voice spoke out on the other end. "Done. As long as all lines pass through Sumire before transmitting, Orvanti communications should be safe. Unfortunately, I was unable to acquire clearance to include Drastania in the process.

"Never mind. Are you sure the annihilator is sufficient enough?"

"If that's not enough, the OS programs our communications to change frequencies every .004 seconds."

"Advantages of non-humans huh? Alright, I'm cutting off for now. I need to address our fleet. With no news or change of orders from our Captain, I'm going to settle this matter with my own hands." Cutting communications off, Naomi turns to address her forces currently fighting in the front lines.

"Special Operations Officer Naomi Shironoa speaking. For now, I'm going to use the license received from the Ambassador to take command of our forces. For starters, we'll turn this Wyvern coupled with that T-rex thing outside as our main communications center. Patch all communications with each other through her before transmitting. Our enemy seems to be equipped with cyber-warfare devices. We need to establish at least four radar-dead zones as we make our retreat. Change all ammo configurations to manual. Disable homing and auto-targeting devices. The enemy may be able to hack those. In a minute, I want the Viper to fire radar jamming rounds at the coordinates I'll be sending while calling all our allies back. I'll launch and make a quick pass around the enemy flanks and hit the enemy ship with all I have--"

"Isn't that too crazy?"

"Well, we're not going to get much by just blindly shooting at things. Our objective is the retrieval of that green machine. Seeing as they're now on the retreat--there's also no reason for us to stay in combat with the Kiritine army either. However, we'll need to secure our escape route by crippling our pursuing enemy forces. This Wyvern has the specifications to do just that. Oh, One-eye? Retreat and anchor yourself on the Viper's catapult. In a few minutes, fire the Convergent Particle Cannon directly at the enemy's front."

"I don't like the sound of this damn idea. But, seeing as how I'm not receiving any further commands--fine..." Checking on the radar, Naomi saw Kalia moving back.

"Well then--" Disconnecting from the platform arms, keeping her in place, Naomi accelerated to reach Mach 4.0 immediately, activating the stealth system as she does so. "If you're going to be a cheap bastard, then I'm going to be a cheap bastard too..."

Along the way, she saw Orvanti finally heading into retreat maneuvers, indicating that the Viper's about to fire soon. Continuing her path, she avoided the enemy forces pursuing by staying off the perimeter until a red warship came into view. "The enemy mothership? I've heard they called it the Vigilanti. Haha...well, you don't quite live up to your name don't you?" Without going too near, she fired off her anti-armor napalm set to corrode the ship's hull. As she acknowledged the rounds making contact, she immediately made a quick pass, tipping over her Wyvern over the hole she made before retreating.

"Catch you later~" As soon as she was within considerable distance, she booted up an alternate control for the automatons she dropped inside the ship. Prompted with the configuration panel, Naomi selected "Kill Mode" before cutting off all remote access to the small machines. "Start killing everyone on board for starters. Not even allies with similar IFF codes are safe from this assault. This is what you get for playing cheaply with me." Naomi laughs maniacally within her cockpit as she shot at two approaching Kiritine craft, delaying their advance and moving them out of the way. Suddenly, a message from Kalia popped up.

"What have you done?"

"I just left them a little present. That should force all machines to retreat and deal with their "internal" problem." Naomi answered back while still listening in to the sounds of slaughter transpiring within. Automatons, being the machines they are--do not make any distinctions once set to "Kill Mode". Only its programmer has the kill switch and unless activated, the machines will only continue to ravage and shoot at any living creature it sees. Granted it can be destroyed by your regular army infantry weapons but unlike a human soldier, these do not go down in a couple of shots. And with remote access gone, there really is no other way to stop them, save for destroying the damn things. "By now, those machines should've spread like wildfire to various sections of the ship, piling up corpses along the way--"

"Using anti-personnel automatons are--!"

"And do you have a better idea? Our Captain--for all his toughness doesn't seem to grasp the situation well enough based on the lack of proper orders we're receiving. Anyway, the fact that you're contacting me means you're now in position to fire?"

"---Yeah-- I'm in position."

"Good. I'll be there in a few seconds. Fire as I give the signal." Continuing to fly while remaining vigilant, the sight of their gray dreadnought was a relief. "Now!"

"Don't be so cocky just cause you have a license!!!" From Kalia's side, she had already taken up position as she kept 06 anchored to the Viper. Sumire's mouth-mounted cannon had already started accumulating energy, in critical condition. "Eat this you sons of b*tches!!!" With that, Kalia fired straight ahead annihilating anything that stood in the beam's path.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Naomi Shironoa Character Portrait: Kalia Koizumi Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia Character Portrait: Ebenezer Rastin Character Portrait: Edward Roaden
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0.00 INK


Edward was flying in front of the Vigilanti ofcourse being able to here his allies being torn apart infront of him. Who couldn't the racket they were making missiles plasma rays or what not.''Tsk nuances, well they brought their aces, so were about to bring our Elites.'' Edward said the phrase with a slight grin on his face, before putting his hand on the wheel controlled mech. Edward turned his thrusters up to full power but he's heavy mech was still not enough to keep up with the girls. Speaking of the girls, Nee reminded Edward not to say anything, unfortunately Edward would be unable to not tell anything to the Commander if anything critical happen. Instead of replying, Edward just left his speech box untouched pretending as if though he never heard the plead.

Edward saw the aces up ahead, and they certainly lived up to their name. Naturally they were tearing through Kiritine machine like it was made of junk, slash bash clash. Though Edward wasn't to disturbed by this, after all they were pawns but their name will be remembered for defending him so bravely, of course not by him. The girls had already come up with a plan, and it seemed like it wasn't to bad at all Edward just added one finishing touch to it just so it could make his life easier.

''This is Edward, To Nee if you have the time i'd like you to disrupt enemy communication systems they seem to be very organized in what there doing. ''

What Edward was mostly focusing on was The enemy Captain. ''Captain Ebenezer Rastin'' He was, looks like it was up to Roaden to immobilize his mech, big and heavy machinery perfect target for Edward's type of mech. Edward wasn't spending another second letting this bastard tear through another heap of hard made mechs, besides if all did go to shit Edward has the Vigilanti right on his tail. But then he stopped his mech in it's path, oh boy is that energy gathering at the Viper shit he was gonna have to take one for the team this time.

Edward looked at the shot incoming, it was a pretty big one definitely bigger then Edward's mech.
''Clare, fire up defensive protocols to 100 were gonna need everything we have to block this bad boy.'' The X-15 defenses kicked in a matter of seconds, his shields came up the mechs body covered in Inukaitu armor energy shields on the sides and fronts. ''There's no way this bitch's getting through.'' The beam came into contact with Edward mech, immediately destroying his energy shields and any of his average armor. Though the shot was blocked, anything that came into contact before it was blocked was immediately annihilated. The heat in Edward mech cracked up to 50C in no time. He's windows cracked but the beam still wouldn't fade, no time before it got into his mech.

''Clare, cover the body with Inukaitu Armor.'' This was a risky move, as it gave Inukaitu most of the control to the mech, but at least this way he would be able to live. The beam gradually showed signs of fade, as it started to turn into particles floating around. Eventually it burned out, and left one nasty looking mech behind. The shot was powerful enough to take out most of the body infront, except from the Inukaitu armor which wasn't itself looking to clean. Though in very bad condition, Edward was sure he would be able to aid this battle.

''This is Captain Roaden to Command Center, fire Beam Cannon in retaliation to the Viper full power gentlemen.''
''Yes Captain Roaden.''
''See how they like this one.''

So far the Inukaitu showed no signs of rebellion, certainly was a machine to be reckoned with. Edward got news that there were machines inside the ship, tearing up the place. Some form of robotic machine they were suppose to be, most likely not permitted amongst nations. ''Cheap Bastards, well see how you like this, this is Roaden send out Fire Squadron 1, please equip them with plasminatined weapons. Good luck punks.'''

Over time, the Inukaitu Clare had managed to fix most of the most fatal wounds caused to the mech, making it able to join the fight once again. ''This is the best woman in my life.'' Edward flied over to the heat of the battle, finally able to do abit of damage. There he saw Captain Rastin, the Kirtine troops split aside, when Captain Roadens mech had arrived. Ofcourse they knew only one thing could happen, The Captain's having a battle. Edward sent a communication request to the enemy Captain. Hoping to hear his voice, before decimating it. Ofcourse he's mech was not in perfect shape, but it was covered in Inukaitu which is just as good as a perfectly good mech. Although this was partly to distract their Captain while the girls cached the traitor, it was also for his own personal gain after all, it's not everyday you get to fight Ebenezer Rastin.

''Hello Captain, how about we link up?'' Edward sent a message to Rastin, hopefully he would receive it before the communications were shut off.

Edward received confirmation that the Plasma Canon was ready to fire, it was all on his command. Naturally as soon as he got confirmation he gave the order to fire. The Canon didn't need to gather up any more energy, as it fired a bright red beam the Vipers Way. Burning anything in the way.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Shironoa Character Portrait: Kalia Koizumi Character Portrait: Edward Roaden
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Immediately after the first shot made impact, Naomi scanned the area, checking to see if her ingenious plan had worked. Most of the opponent's front line forces were annihilated, as expected while some machines near the Vigilanti itself were badly damaged. "Not too shabby, considering they have the technological advantage. One-eye, when can you fire the next shot?"

"I'll need another five minutes before I can fire again." Kalia responded as Unit 06 closed its mouth to recharge.

"That's too long, I'll need another shot soon."

"Hey! This isn't like your useless Vulcans that can fire anytime you like!" Kalia protested. "Besides, if we use up all our shots now, you'll be rendering this unit unoperable."

"Relax." Naomi urges Kalia to calm down. "Concentrate on the recharge and defenses. In the meantime, we'll use the Viper's long-ranged weapons to compensate. This is Naomi Shironoa speaking. I'm also taking command of the Viper's firing instructions. In order to take full advantage of the automatons, we'll need to distract the people inside with repeated attacks. Load all launchers with hi-speed rounds."

"Oi! Something's heading our way!" Naomi looked up at what Kalia meant and realized that their enemy ship fired their own Plasma Cannon at their direction.

"All hands brace for impact! Kalia, put up your E-shield around the bridge!" Immediately upon giving the order, Naomi fired both of her smokescreens at the incoming beam. The graphite within the screen caused interference to the beam's trajectory and composition, reducing it to several isolated shots that rained down on the ship, causing fragments to fall off. "Status?"

"Armor of the ship seems to have been compromised by 30%. No damage to our weapon's firing mechanism. Combat is still possible. Oh, and 06's fine as well--thanks to you. However, some of our retreating forces were destroyed."

"That was close though. Have the Viper steer 35 degrees to port and aim all hi-speed launchers and right mounted missile tubes at the Vigilanti. Fire off graphite shots first before switching to hi-speed solid rounds. Fire it through our primary weapon turrets. Anti-air, prepare for interception. Naomi made a quick circle around their maneuvering battleship, to check if there are anomalies brought by the dispersed plasma damage. "After all this--I think I might demand a promotion. Set graphite shot timers to detonate after 30 seconds. Fire!"

The Viper's missile launchers blared, sending out graphite shots as planned. The shots that had been intercepted blew up early but most were able to detonate on-schedule, covering a large portion of the sector into a radar-dead, smoky field that can interfere with plasma and beam weapons. "We'll need to compensate... Naomi thought as their solid shots came after, firing projectiles traveling faster than the speed of sound. "Use a higher caliber round on our primary turret. Target is the Vigilanti's primary engine gear." After the Viper had fired on her command, Naomi issues another order. "Viper will ascend 200 meters. Adjust our weapon angles accordingly. 06, status of the Convergent Particle Cannon?"

"Three more minutes. But, something's headed right at the Drastanian fleet." Kalia sent her visuals showing a beaten up machine headed to the Nightengale, its Inukaitu armor almost covering the entire machine.

"Well we can't let him have that now, can we?" Naomi conjures up another maneuver. "All battle-worthy forces are to re-position themselves at our two flanks relative to the Viper. Right-hand flank, take up a wedge formation and arm yourselves with solid heat rounds. Fire at that damaged machine in intervals of 10 seconds. If it gets too close, push it away with a missile set to detonate after 30 seconds.

"Regular weapons don't have much of an effect remember? Send 06 in. My Laser Blades might be able to--!"

"No. 06 is to remain anchored to its position. Prepare to fire the Convergent Particle Cannon again. As you still have sufficient energy, a sweep should be possible."

"Theoretically. But that maneuver's never been tested in real combat--!"

"Well now's our chance. Anyway--" Once her allies are in position, Naomi ascends higher, keeping the stealth system on as she tilted her machine at an angle facing the damaged Kiritine machine (Edward's). "All weapons fire!" The right flank, coupled with Naomi's Howitzer Cannons fired off in intervals, maintaining a constant volley towards the Inukaitu machine (Edward's).

"Inukaitu, being the metallic-based organisms they are, serve as a great conductor of heat. Sure, its armor can take it but, it's going to be one scorching inferno inside that cockpit. Though, I suppose you could try dispersing the heat to your other body parts but--with that state, I wonder how long will it be before your components overheat and explode? Also, you chose a very bad time to leave your ship's side..."

As Naomi's established formation continued their barrage, the Viper continued with its volley, pinning down both the enemy ship and its captain. Kalia watched the scene from inside her own cockpit. "This woman--just, who the hell is she?"