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Riley Kalsheed

"No! She's mine to hug! Back off!"

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a character in “A Nation's Demise : Reboot”, as played by Siryn




|| 25 | Kiritine | Homosexual ||

Riley is of average stature. With long brown hair, gray eyes that can look either blue or hard like steel depending on her moods. She likes to wear loose fitting clothes as it's more comfortable in her opinion. However, she will wear her uniform when called to important meetings and if she knows she'll be in the presence of commanders and higher ups. Her mecha suit is much like any other. Clinging to her skin, thick and heavy, but warm. It is black in color with red striping down either side of it. Gloves that reach up past her elbows with a black strip down its center and covering only her middle fingers. She likes to leave her hair down, doing nothing to it usually and letting the loose curls fray in every direction possible. She only ties it up when she's called to sortie so that her helmet doesn't get stuffy with the long, thick strands.

Riley's mecha is an imposing machine. Standing on two legs like the rare humanoid ones, the figure resembles that of a human, but it becomes clear that it is not. The head is in the shape of a jackal. The brown colors immediately strike a canny resemblance to something Egyptian from the old world. In fact, it might have been created to represent Egypt at one time. The name adds even more speculation to it's designer and where it came from. Anubis. Riley adores her mecha, and is very keen on its upkeep. Presented to her before she joined the Kiritine army, it has been her one and only.

The machine's main weapon is a long spear. The heavy metal is strong enough to withstand being hit several times over and the razor sharp edges on the thirteen foot long spear head has been known to cut through just about anything. The jagged edges along the spear head tear and rip apart whatever Riley has shoved it through, creating maximum damage. The mecha is nimble and one of the fastest. The six detachable wings are powered by magnets. They have one use. Shield the Anubis and any other mecha she needs to protect.

Outside of her machine, Riley is a trained fighter. Like many soldiers, hand to hand combat is well within her league. She's a little different in her fighting style than what she was taught in the army though. Since her statue doesn't allow for powerful strikes, she goes for vitals immediately. Climbing up on her opponent once they offer the opening, she'll find her perch on their shoulders and end the fight instantly with a quick twist of her hands. Strikes to soft area's such as the throat, groin, and joints are where she aims to disable.

She's not too bad a shot either. Ironically, she prefers to be behind the scope of a sniper rifle than be up close and personal. She's calmer and far more efficient that way. The heat of battle is far away while she is tucked up safely in some high point where she's hard to find. She's often used for scouting and gathering intel because of her uncanny ability to hide. Riley's good with computer's too, though nothing comparable to her comrade, Nee Arlan.

In the Mecha : The Anubis is a close quarters combat machine. The spear has only so much range. Because of its older model, the machine carries only one other weapon other than the spear. A hand gun that doesn't add too much range capabilities. The supposed idea behind the design was to create a skillful pilot that was graceful, beautiful, and deadly in battle. With the newer upgrades as the years flew by, the design many flaws. Being up close and personal may seem to give Riley the advantage because of her high ability in piloting the machine into fluid, quick motions, but she is only able to take on one enemy at a time.

The shield barrier, though strong and capable of defending her against missiles, beam weapons, and even sword strikes, has it's flaws as well. It's magnetic. With a strong enough strike in-between the plates, the shield can be separated, broken apart. It is also susceptible to electro magnetic pulses, rending the whole design useless if struck by it. If she chooses to direct the shield pieces to an ally, it leaves her vulnerable to attack from multiple targets.

Outside the Mecha : Riley doesn't have the strength to take on a stronger opponent. Much like in her mecha, she's limited to one attacker at a time. Though she's normally quick to kill whoever she's fighting, if she has to defend more than one attack, she'll be overwhelmed quickly. She can get frustrated easily when in close combat outside of her mecha, which leads to mistakes. Angering her is a sure way to win a fight, both in and outside of her mecha.

With her sniper rifle, she doesn't tend to miss a shot. However that doesn't mean it hasn't happened before. If she misses for whatever reason, or is unsettled by something and misses, Riley will not engage a second time. She will change positions before she fires again, most times this means moving to an entirely different building or area depending on where she's set up. It gives time for her target to run. Usually, she will give up after the first shot and will try again at a later date. Unless ordered otherwise, though this tends to make her far more nervous as she's given away her position and lingering will undoubtedly end up in her being caught.

Riley has a warm personality toward her comrades and considers them akin to family. They irritate her, make her laugh, cry, all the things that come with family. But she wouldn't have it any other way. She's not an emotional person, at least she doesn't like to think she is. Crying is for babies in her opinion and she would never let her comrades see it. She doesn't mind talking about things that irritate her, and in fact she encourages her fellow companions to confide in her if they need to. Riley has the strong belief of venting. It makes you feel better. Or so she says.

On the other hand, though she's got a fairly bubbly personality, she can get angry. Friends being killed will toss her into a rage. Friends being threatened will piss her off. Betrayal is by far the worst thing to do to her, even more so if it's done to someone else she cares about. She'll swear vengeance and she won't stop till she gets it. Riley can hold a grudge. For a very long time. She hates traitors, and she especially despises mercenaries. She believes they have no honor if they can easily switch sides depending on who's winning and how much money they'll make.

With her bubbly attitude, she can sometimes come off childish and perhaps a little possessive. She can't help but adore cute things. Such as her comrade Nee Arlan. Riley is utterly in love with the girl and takes every chance she can get to pounce on her. It's almost uncontrollable. Her need to hug the poor woman. She claims it's because Nee looks like she needs a hug. But deep down, it's much more than just that. Riley is trying to crack the girls shell, to be welcomed in, and she'll do just about anything for it. Even feeding into Nee's gaming addiction, usually to the disapproval of her seniors. Riley doesn't care though. She's on a mission.
Riley's past is filled with memory lapses. She knows she has no family left. How, though, remains a mystery. Whether by disease, war, or old age, she's never tried to find out. Riley doesn't want to dwell on it. It would ruin her if she were to go looking and found something awful. So she prefers not to. The majority of her memories become clear after she'd joined the Kiritine army. Whatever her life was like before that, it's long gone. It doesn't bother Riley in the least though. She prefers her life with the Kiritine army over whatever was left for her down on the colonized planet that resides under the Kiritine Nation. She has what she needs and that's more than enough for her.


So begins...

Riley Kalsheed's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Edward Roaden
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Back to work again. Edward was working on the mech he's recently upgraded. He's had this mech since he joined the Kiritne forces, and newly found technology allowed his mech to be fitted with Inkuaitu intelligence. After all, he was the captain of a elite group of forces. Edward picked up his wrench and started to work on the voice box for the Inukuaitu system, he had started to work on a wire when a pipe burst on him thus causing him to drop his wrench below. ''Tsk what a pain..damn it..'' Edward slid down a pole going from his mechs head all the way down to his feet, when he was sliding down the pole he often thought of himself as a hero coming to someones rescue, so much for that now he thought working for the most evil nation around tsk..

Edward bent down and picked up his wrench, as he stood up he heard a alarm going off around the building, the alarm was dull nothing like a fire bell but it was good enough to alert most of the people on the vessel. Edward debated on whether he should go or not but in the end he decided to stay, why go when other people have the time to do it. Besides, it can't be something that big like a threat to the nation, could it?

Na forget, it he thought best get back to my mech. He climbed up a set of stairs beside his mech which once again lead him to the head of the mech, he crossed a small metal bridge he made from the stairs to the shoulder of the mech then he put back on his goggles and started to work on the leak which had formed recently. He was starting to put in a screw when he dropped it because he could hear shooting, the screw once again fell into the abyss of the mechs legs he didn't bother with it this time he'd get it another day or something.

''Must be pretty rowdy up there, i wonder what happened...'' He continued to fit the suit with the Inukaitu intelligence, this was a secret project that he and the higher ups had decided to do and he got permission for him to put Inukaitu inside his mech, and if all went well he'd be once of the strongest users in this small universe. If the other nations knew about the 2nd Inukaitu fitted mech there would certainly be chaos. Edward was confident that his Inukaitu would work, unlike the past ones he just had a gut feeling that it would accept his mech and they'd be one together.

Finally he put the finishing touch onto the head and added some spikes between them, it made the robot look more vicious or atleast that's what he thought. ''I'll turn the mech on tomorrow it's been a busy day...''' Edward gave a large yawn, before wiping his salvianatied mouth.

BAM! Edward instantly switched back on, the crash was loud as if something fell over, the next thing he knew there was a mech flying out of the vessel at this time of day. '' There's definitely something going on then..'' He said to himself as he watched the other Inukaitu fitted mech fly away, no way of catching up to it nope.. It's fitted with technology beyond our simple minds.

A soft sound of running, that's what Edward heard as a man ran down the long corridor to his work room the man was panting heavily as if he just ran a marathon, he must be here about that mech then. The man pointed a slow finger at Edward then pointed at him to come closer, Edward obeyed the man even thought he seemed to be a smaller rank then him. The man said heavily ''Sir! the commander wishes to see you upstairs in the main part of the vessel! He's called together all of team kiritine! He's gone to call together all the team!''

''Looks like we have a mystery on our hands gang...''
Edward sniggered to himself before putting his uniform back on, and heading to the main vessel at his own pace. When he finally got there he buttoned up his shirt and lined up in front of the commander, waiting on the other members of his crew to join him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Naomi Shironoa Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia Character Portrait: Edward Roaden Character Portrait: Iriyn Koatyn
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#, as written by Siryn

Cecil woke to a blaring alarm. When had she fallen asleep? A shiver coursed up her spine as she opened her eyes. A groggy headache assaulted her and she wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. But the alarm wasn't going to let her. The sound was making the pounding of her skull even worse. Groaning, she reached out and hit several buttons trying to make it stop. When it did, a voice filled the cockpit.

"Ensign Jiovia? Please respond. A team is being sent out to retrieve you and bring you safely aboard the Nightengale. Please respond."

It took Cecil a long while to figure out how to answer their hail. When she found the button, she had uncurled from where she'd pulled her legs up and winced as she felt the pull of several wounds. "This is Jiovia." It was all she could coherently think to respond with. A chaotic mess of noise filled the cockpit and she winced as she rubbed at her head with her good arm. The other was limp across her lap, stiff from the knife wound. Droplets of blood floated around the pilots seat lazily and she herself was even floating a little off of the seat.

As she waited for a response from the ship, warnings popped up all over the screen that showed her a black expanse ahead of her and to the left and right. The A.I of the mecha materialized again in the cockpit and hovered near the screen. A box opened up and showed an image of several machines gathered up in formation. Judging by their colors and insignia's, they were Kiritine's. Cecil cursed softly.

Pushing the button again, she interrupted the one who hailed her. "I suggest you hurry their deployment, Captain," she said weakly, speaking directly to the man she knew would be in charge. "Kiritine's army from the science station has mobilized."

Silence answered her for a moment until the com's cracked and the Captain's voice came over the link instead of the ensign who had addressed her first. "Can you hold out until they reach you?"

Cecil considered the question for a moment. She didn't know how exactly to operate the mecha she'd stolen, but she was certain she could learn rather quickly if she needed to. The problem was her wounds. She doubted very much she'd be able to stand against the army as they chased after her and stay awake long enough to fend them off until the team reached her. Cecil shook her head. She'd have to run and hope that she was faster. After all, she'd gotten a head start.

"No, Captain. I was attacked before I could leave. I doubt I could handle fighting for long. But I can see just how fast this mecha is."

"Understood, ensign Jiovia. You're almost home.

Almost she thought as she cut off the com and set to work on figuring out how to go faster. She hoped that she could stay awake longer this round to actually succeed in flying the mecha. Despite having the A.I technology, the mecha still required a human touch to keep it going. And drifting off wasn't helping her. As her consciousness came and went, the mecha sped up and slowed down in bursts.


Iriyn lounged against the wall of the Captain's quarters. He'd been summoned to meet with the new pilot that had transferred over. Apparently it was a last minute deal and she was just now arriving. Iriyn tried hard to keep the scoff off his face. After all, they had been deployed out into the middle of a neutral zone with no substantial reasons as to why, and had to deal with a newbie coming on in the middle of what was already chaotic. In short, it pissed Iriyn off to no end.

Which put him in a very sour mood when she finally showed up to the Captain's quarters. He leveled her with a cold, hard stare that was close enough to glaring, but wasn't so obvious as to be outright rude. As she introduced herself, Iriyn clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Good, ensign Shironoa. This is your team captain, Captain Iriyn Koatyn. He will be taking you under his wing while we get your mecha settled in. Koatyn, show her to her quarters, if you would."

Iriyn had half a mind to ignore the order. It wouldn't have been a first, and certainly not a last time either. Shoving off the wall, he brushed past her and into the hall where he waited for her to join him. Once she joined him, he set off at a brisk pace. "Once you're settled, Shironoa, come directly to the docking bay. I want to see this mech of yours, its grandeur has been blown out of perspective. I'll be the judge of how great it is." He told her coldly, though the pitch of his tone never changed.

He stopped at the beginning of one of the intersecting halls on the Viper and motioned to his right. "Your room is 15. I don't think I need to show you how to work the system. You have fifteen minutes." Iriyn turned on his heel and left her to her own devices. He had taken approximately five steps before red lights flashed and sirens rang. The coms crackled as they turned on and a voice hollered over the speakers.

"All teams to sortie! All teams to sortie! Launching counter attack!"

Iriyn ground his teeth. Figures Looking over his shoulder he frowned at her. "Now you have five to put your stuff down and get your ass moving." He didn't say anything else, nor did he wait for her response and simply quickened his pace to the mecha bay.

A grin slowly replaced his frown. Finally, something to ease his growing agitation.


"Nee!" As soon as the doors opened to the command bridge. She flung herself forward and pulled the girl into a hug with her arms loosely around Nee's shoulders, holding her against Riley's chest. Her smiling was bright and bubbly, at least until the Captain leveled her with a dark glare. Riley felt her heart squeeze and she quickly released her comrade to stand at attention. She hadn't noticed the Captain to be on deck. A dark flush rushed over her face as she saluted the man in the hopes that he would be sated with it as a kind of apology.

"You're all present. I have special orders for the three of you," he said coldly. He was a large man, in muscle and height. The uniform did little to hide his threatening presence on the deck of the vessel they were on. The Vigilanti had detached itself from the hangar bay on the opposite end of the science space station. Only a few knew of the bay or even that the Vigilanti had been stationed there the whole time.

"As we suspected, there was a traitor in our midst. A spy. She took the bait. And fled the station with our latest design. You are to capture her with the mecha and bring them both back. Her for detainment, and the mecha to reclaim as our own. If you fail in capture. Kill her and destroy that machine. They cannot have it."

Riley lifted her hand slowly, eyeing the Captain as he turned his glare on her. "Captain. Who was it?" she asked. She was trying to think of anyone who had shown signs of betrayal, but nothing was coming to mind.

The Captain tapped a few keys on the controls next to his chair, and a screen opened up in front of the four of them. "You would know her as Lieutenant Cecil Jiovia. She is a Drastonian pilot. We had our suspicions, but nothing ever came of it. Until now. Seven years..." he trailed off as he glared at her picture, the woman with long brown hair dressed up in the uniform of a Kiritine army official. "She's good. But not quite enough. You have your orders. I expect it to be done in a timely fashion."

The Captain waved his hand at them in a dismissive manner. Riley saluted him again, though he wasn't looking. She left the bridge with her team and once in the hall, was looking to Edward for more precise orders. "How do we go about destroying that bitch?" Riley asked, all semblance of her bubbly nature long gone after receiving the disgusting news from their Captain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Edward Roaden
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Nee flinched visibly as she saw Kalsheed. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could've done to avoid the massive hug aimed her way. If that wasn't bad enough, the Captain leveled a dark glare in both their directions. If Daddy were to hear of this, he'd only be angry again. But still, the gamer was way too tired to bother fighting Kalsheed off or explaining that she was innocent. Surely everyone could see that she hadn't asked for the hug nor participated in it, right? Nee stared at Roaden with silent, begging eyes, for him to understand. It was probably hopeless, anyways.

Most of what the Captain had to say was old news, to say the least. Nee was at the scene of the crime as it happened - and the wound in her belly burned, as if in affirmation of her role. Guilt churned inside her - if Kiritine were to lose in the coming war, Nee would almost definitely be culpable. But is something like a nation worth protecting over a friend, though? Other than her old and gone friend, Bell, there weren't many people in Kiritine Nee really felt much of an obligation to. Abusive daddies, overly-hugging girls, and not to mention the cold looking Roaden who always seemed to intimidate the gaming addict. It was a nation of cowards who were unable to stand up to her father, so did she really have a need for them at all?

...Still, it did nothing to help assuage her burning guilt. She was, after all, a member of Kiritine. So, Nee gave the Captain a silent but polite stare, nodding slightly. Most likely, Drastonian and Orvanti reinforcements were incoming to help protect Jiorvia. Luckily, the little hacker had a little device that might help out - it was one of the only reasons she was allowed to play with her hacks within the Vigilanti, anyways. As Roaden and Kalsheed began to head to their mechs, Nee made a beeline for her room to gather her new favorite invention, and shoved it carefully into her pocket. It was small and pink, just like her, but it'd suit the purpose quite well. She also made a quick detour at the medical bay to retrieve her Negasis Portable V and typed in a quick apology for leaving to BlueSphere before shutting it off. With that, the gamer was ready for a battle.

The WASP seemed to be whispering to her as she approached it. Honestly, the insect-like mech felt less like a war machine and more like an extension of her own body when she was piloting it. Nee hopped in, the smallest of grins on her face, and revved it up, enjoying the low hum as it started up. The WASP was the first mech to rise in the Hangar, ready for ejection. She ran a quick diagnostic of its systems - all weapons were ready for use. Nee then removed the radio and attached the pink version with a monitor on it. Luckily, ages ago, she memorized the Addresses of the Drastonian and Orvanti radio comm channels years ago. First, Nee shut down her connection to Kiritine radio chatter, tuning in directly to where she calculated Cecil was based on when she left and knowing the fact that she was headed to the Nightingale. It was a private connection that bypassed the stage where Cecil had to accept it, directly connecting in - one for only Cecil and Nee.

"...We might see each other soon." Nee's voice was friendly, but also focused and serious. "I won't go easy on you this time, Cecil, so I hope you're prepared."

Nee then disconnected from the private comm, then input Orvanti's in particular, before turning on "undetectable" mode. The hacker's eyes shone as she saw it went through. Nee then pressed a button to stream the Orvanti radio chatter directly to Roaden and Kalsheed's mechs to make sure they heard.

"IFF codes updated, weapon systems normal, systems all green. Kalia Koizumi, Unit 06 heading out!"

"Orvanti Radio hacked." Nee declared in a self satisfied voice. "Triangulating Orvanti Pilot locations now, please hang on a moment."

A few more moments, and Nee added the new bips to Roaden, Kalsheed, and of course, her own monitors, showing the exact location of the Orvanti mechs. Nee also saw where Cecil was, then checked the coordinates. She input a proposed flight path and sent it to Roaden and Kalsheed. "The Orvani pilots are... there, so if we fly like this, we should be able to separate Jiovia... from the Orvanti allies. We can enclose upon Jiovia and the Drastonian pilots, and if I disrupt the engines of the Orvanti ships, they'll... be unable to attack us from the rear, making it a more even fight. Of course, if... one of you has a better idea..."

Nee then looked over the security systems in place to protect the Kiritine radio. She dug into it, adding a few lines of code here and there to buff it, as well as show Nee the location of anyone attempting to hack in. Sure, she was a great pilot, but everyone knew that cyberwarfare and intelligence were Nee's strongest suits. Eyes full of anticipation, she flew out the Hangar Bay doors in her WASP, excited to enter the fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia Character Portrait: Ebenezer Rastin Character Portrait: Edward Roaden Character Portrait: Sebastian Jiovia
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Nee nodded at the instructions given to her by Roaden, deciding not to say anything. Instead she turned her WASP on to top speed, maximizing engine output. She considered changing her IFF codes to match those of Drastonia, but her hacked copy was most likely out of date. It'd also be difficult pretending to be a friendly with the Kiritine fleet all about her. Then the Captain mentioned her father and the girl shivered a little in her mech.

"I don't... need a promotion." Nee insisted, staring at the map and listening in on Orvanti radio chatter as they moved to rendezvous with Jiovia. They'd have to move quickly if they wanted to separate the two enemy fleets. The Kiritine Aces were mostly hard hitting melee mechs, so getting in close range safely was key to their plan. Once in close range, they were nigh unstoppable. "Please don't tell Dad- father anything, Captain."

She checked her radar as she sped ahead of Kalsheed and Roaden, forcing emotion out of her mind. The gamer was nearing the battle now - the Second Platoon was already in combat, though were being slowly beaten back by the Drastonian Aces. Of course the small fries were being eliminated - they were cannon fodder. Expendable lives - but on any chess board, good pawn maneuvering was key to a good victory. Sure, the idea of capturing Jiovia was troublesome... but her loyalty was primarily to Kiritine. Friendships were secondary to her goal, who cares about the hollow feeling in her chest? Glory to Kiritine and all that. She could mourn her friend after all was said and done, though perhaps killing Jiovia would be a better fate. She felt the prongs of her father's influence snaking into her mind, forcing her to speed up her little WASP yet again, positioning herself in the direction Orvanti was set to approach from, pressing forward to force more distance between Orvanti and Drastonia.

"Arlan ready to... engage." She said into the radio, voice a low monotone. Her eyes were wide and staring and her mind was already shifting from reality to a video game mindset. Blood pumped to her fingers in anticipation. Every movement tingled and crackled, her insect-like reflexes ready to serve. No one could beat her in a game. "Kalsheed, can you back me up?"

Nee went to her pink device, inputting a series of codes to hijack the Drastonian fleet's lock-on statistics. It was a low level hack to be sure, and it was ineffective against Aces such as the Drastonian Captain, pilot of the animalistic beast-like mech. So with a small girn, the hacker reset the lock on to target Rastin's mech, drawing fire away from her own allies to give them time to fall back if needed, and press their advantage. She tuned her pink device to a global channel, so everyone could hear her.

"No one touches... my pawns." She declared with a laugh. She switched the pink device back to the Kiritine comm channel. "Fall back if need be, but if at all possible, go on an all out attack." With the girl's declaration, several enemies aimed at her, according to the pink device. This, of course, was exactly the situation she wanted. Her specialty beyond cyberwarfare was, after all, speed and agility. She flitted here, there, above and finally dove straight into the bulk of the Drastonian mechs, sending their homing missiles aimed directly at themselves, clearing out what seemed to be a vanguard squad with little effort. Lasers and beams were also fired at her but she weaved and dodged through them with minimal effort. She's played many bullet hell games before, where the enemy projectiles literally swarmed the screen and never once lost. An attack of this scale was almost a mockery of her skills.

Now came the more difficult part. Nee used the pink device to put her engines into overdrive. Cecil had gone into jet form and was quickly fleeing the battle, but she couldn't let that happen. Who knows what Daddy would do if she were to allow her to simply flee? But of course Nee's pursuit was blocked by two mechas: the primal beast owned by Rastin, and the low mobility space fortress piloted by the elder Jiovia.

Nee shot the WASP forward towards the tiny gap between Rastin and elder Jiovia, activating her disruptors at the last second before doing a swift up turn to avoid them and charged directly towards Cecil Jiovia's fleeing mech. A wave of energy blasted out in short range around her, hopefully hitting the two Mechas and disabling their engines, shields, and weapons systems for a few minutes, which was more than enough time for Kalsheed and Roaden to catch up and hopefully force them to retreat, or even more optimally, kill them altogether. However, they were aces as well and weren't to be underestimated. Unfortunately she didn't have time to confirm that she hit them - she had to focus on the upcoming reunion with her old friend. The WASP was quickly gaining on the jet-formed mecha piloted by Cecil Jiovia.

"Arlan in... pursuit of the target." Nee said with a hint of pride in her voice, keeping careful eyes about her in case the fourth Drastonian Ace - Spectre - were to ambush her. "Captain, Kalsheed, take care of anyone at my rear, please. But be careful. Orvanti is incoming. I'll send... you their current positions, so re-position yourselves for them."

She wouldn't let Jiovia make it back to the Nightingale. Once she was in range, she could use her disruptors yet again - a perfect tool to force Jiovia into submission without risk of lethal damage, or dealing any lasting damage to the mech whatsoever. Nee opened the private channel between her and Cecil again, keeping an eye on the radar as Cecil's position was confirmed - still out of reach but not impossible to catch up to.

"...No words for... an old friend?" Nee said, this time in a much more friendly tone, ignoring the sucking sounds her voice made as she unwrapped and popped another sweet candy into her mouth. "Whether I catch you or you escape... I'm going to... miss you, after all."

Hopefully this could be quick. Nee really wanted to curl up back at her bunker and dig into Ultima Fantasia, and hopefully see Poppy again. Too bad she didn't have a third arm so she could play and pilot at the same time. Life truly was terrible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Riley Kalsheed Character Portrait: Naomi Shironoa Character Portrait: Kalia Koizumi Character Portrait: Nee Arlan Character Portrait: Cecil Jiovia Character Portrait: Ebenezer Rastin
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Edward was flying in front of the Vigilanti ofcourse being able to here his allies being torn apart infront of him. Who couldn't the racket they were making missiles plasma rays or what not.''Tsk nuances, well they brought their aces, so were about to bring our Elites.'' Edward said the phrase with a slight grin on his face, before putting his hand on the wheel controlled mech. Edward turned his thrusters up to full power but he's heavy mech was still not enough to keep up with the girls. Speaking of the girls, Nee reminded Edward not to say anything, unfortunately Edward would be unable to not tell anything to the Commander if anything critical happen. Instead of replying, Edward just left his speech box untouched pretending as if though he never heard the plead.

Edward saw the aces up ahead, and they certainly lived up to their name. Naturally they were tearing through Kiritine machine like it was made of junk, slash bash clash. Though Edward wasn't to disturbed by this, after all they were pawns but their name will be remembered for defending him so bravely, of course not by him. The girls had already come up with a plan, and it seemed like it wasn't to bad at all Edward just added one finishing touch to it just so it could make his life easier.

''This is Edward, To Nee if you have the time i'd like you to disrupt enemy communication systems they seem to be very organized in what there doing. ''

What Edward was mostly focusing on was The enemy Captain. ''Captain Ebenezer Rastin'' He was, looks like it was up to Roaden to immobilize his mech, big and heavy machinery perfect target for Edward's type of mech. Edward wasn't spending another second letting this bastard tear through another heap of hard made mechs, besides if all did go to shit Edward has the Vigilanti right on his tail. But then he stopped his mech in it's path, oh boy is that energy gathering at the Viper shit he was gonna have to take one for the team this time.

Edward looked at the shot incoming, it was a pretty big one definitely bigger then Edward's mech.
''Clare, fire up defensive protocols to 100 were gonna need everything we have to block this bad boy.'' The X-15 defenses kicked in a matter of seconds, his shields came up the mechs body covered in Inukaitu armor energy shields on the sides and fronts. ''There's no way this bitch's getting through.'' The beam came into contact with Edward mech, immediately destroying his energy shields and any of his average armor. Though the shot was blocked, anything that came into contact before it was blocked was immediately annihilated. The heat in Edward mech cracked up to 50C in no time. He's windows cracked but the beam still wouldn't fade, no time before it got into his mech.

''Clare, cover the body with Inukaitu Armor.'' This was a risky move, as it gave Inukaitu most of the control to the mech, but at least this way he would be able to live. The beam gradually showed signs of fade, as it started to turn into particles floating around. Eventually it burned out, and left one nasty looking mech behind. The shot was powerful enough to take out most of the body infront, except from the Inukaitu armor which wasn't itself looking to clean. Though in very bad condition, Edward was sure he would be able to aid this battle.

''This is Captain Roaden to Command Center, fire Beam Cannon in retaliation to the Viper full power gentlemen.''
''Yes Captain Roaden.''
''See how they like this one.''

So far the Inukaitu showed no signs of rebellion, certainly was a machine to be reckoned with. Edward got news that there were machines inside the ship, tearing up the place. Some form of robotic machine they were suppose to be, most likely not permitted amongst nations. ''Cheap Bastards, well see how you like this, this is Roaden send out Fire Squadron 1, please equip them with plasminatined weapons. Good luck punks.'''

Over time, the Inukaitu Clare had managed to fix most of the most fatal wounds caused to the mech, making it able to join the fight once again. ''This is the best woman in my life.'' Edward flied over to the heat of the battle, finally able to do abit of damage. There he saw Captain Rastin, the Kirtine troops split aside, when Captain Roadens mech had arrived. Ofcourse they knew only one thing could happen, The Captain's having a battle. Edward sent a communication request to the enemy Captain. Hoping to hear his voice, before decimating it. Ofcourse he's mech was not in perfect shape, but it was covered in Inukaitu which is just as good as a perfectly good mech. Although this was partly to distract their Captain while the girls cached the traitor, it was also for his own personal gain after all, it's not everyday you get to fight Ebenezer Rastin.

''Hello Captain, how about we link up?'' Edward sent a message to Rastin, hopefully he would receive it before the communications were shut off.

Edward received confirmation that the Plasma Canon was ready to fire, it was all on his command. Naturally as soon as he got confirmation he gave the order to fire. The Canon didn't need to gather up any more energy, as it fired a bright red beam the Vipers Way. Burning anything in the way.