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Carla Delgado

"i learn things easy, but apparently not fast enough."

0 · 419 views · located in Cascadia College, Washington State

a character in “ad infinitum”, as played by rubytuesday





NAMEXX Carla Marina Luciani Delgado

NICKNAMESXX if applicable


SEXUALITYXXbisexual ; biromantic
xxxxxxGENDERXX (cis)woman


ROLEX arcane

HEXXX #aebce3



Carla's arcane was a tricky one for faculty to categorize, although they eventually settled on placing her into the category of 'magick'. Her abilities revolve around mimicry and adoptive memory, with her abilities leaning on the side of physicality. She possesses an adoptive muscle memory, able to replicate the physical actions of others after witnessing them, and able to keep these memories with her permanently, much like the ability to ride a bike seldom leaves once acquired. As a result of this adoptive memory, she has learned a number of martial arts, instruments, and choreographies. In order to obtain mastery over a martial art, for example, she needs to engage in a lot of content, as she only learns what she sees. Furthermore, this ability is limited to her own dexterity, strength and speed; she can watch all the wrestling videos she wants, but she's not going to choke-slam anyone anytime soon.

Another element of her mimicry magick is one she uses far less often, is vocal mimicry. Much like a mockingbird, Carla is able to replicate a person's voice upon hearing it. Unlike a mockingbird, this ability can even extend to words the speaker themselves has not said once she has obtained enough audial information from them. This ability lingers with significantly less permanence than that of her muscle memory, and tends to fade relatively quickly without access to more materials. Unlike her muscle memory, which seems to reject fading at all, her spoken mimicry tends to last a couple days at the very most without exposure to the source.



H E I G H TXANDXB U I L D: 5'7", slim build

Describe their appearance here. Include how they like to dress, any identifying features such as birthmarks, scars, tattoos, and piercings.


P E R S O N A L I T Y:
beaten down but never broken, she bounces back and returns every blow. Her skin is thick, and does not pierce easily, even with life's penchant for firing arrows and throwing daggers. the projectiles rebound and ricochet, and occasionally catch in her teeth. She likes moments like that best of all; the steel brushing her tongue, the way her grin tightens around the steel. She likes feeling invulnerable, and even more so, she likes others to perceive her as such. It aids her pride, and discourages attempts at pity, one thing she relies on, and the other she cannot stand.

melancholy is a purposeful kind of woe, not so much sadness as somber pensiveness, and even in her brightest moments, it touches her. It has long since settled under her surface, its roots outstretched and invading every crevice of her earth. she hides it as well as she could possibly hope to, with cherry blossom smiles and a vivacious wit, and yet it lingers like a winter chill, like the phantom pain of a limb lost, or a wound healed. With this apparently inherent pensiveness comes a proneness to rumination, and she often falls into deep thought when left to her own devices. She tends to overthink things, troubling over passing comments, cringing weeks later from brief embarrassments everyone else has forgotten, harshly critiquing herself for mistakes no one else recalls her making.

for all her darker predilections, and the grimmer nature of her past, she is strangely summery. her smile is bright, and her humour near-constant; she eases tensions and lights up rooms, softening the hearts of harder folk as she ignores the ragged edges of her own. That all said, no heart is whole, and her own mars and scars have far from affected her knack for empathy and compassion. She is a warm presence, and even in her bouts of jadedness never forgets the importance of hope and idealism.

cynicism does not dictate her the way it should, given her circumstances. Try as she might to resist it, hope engages her in a way that pessimism (or is it realism?) does not. it is not so much a naivety, or refusal to acknowledge reality, but rather a desperation to change it. she digs her own grave with her lack of fear, her willingness to approach, to protect, to demand. even when softened by her runaway emotions, which she often keeps hidden and unexposed, there is a strength to her. every impossible situation turns to unstoppable force meeting immovable object, such is her will. her passion bleeds out, even when she tries to distill it, and somewhere along the line, she somewhat succumbed to the reality that her convictions control her, and not the other way around. her pride often wishes she were colder, less easy to incite emotion from, but alas, she is far too caught in contemplation to obtain the necessary chill.

then again, she's been burned by hope before, and it shows. it shows in her reluctance to put her heart on the line, to get too excited for the unknown, and to lean away from risky decisions. she is a survivor, and as much as she yearns for adventure and thrills, any approach of such an opportunity leads her to flinch and shield herself. she doubts her luck, and any fortuitous situations as too-good-to-be-true scenarios. Her eagerness to please others and provide comfort sometimes (oftentimes) bleeds from a lack of faith in her presence on its own. She projects the warmth unto others that she fails to provide herself. she plays the part of an oasis, yet remains convinced that the water she offers is as illusory as the freedom she claims to possess now she is an adult.

loves when people ask her for recommendations of movies or music, yet tends to ramble once the request has been made, leading to trepidation amongst some to do just that, rambling also extends to when she is nervous, and she is also prone to runs of expletives when she feels anxious, though she swears a lot anyway, so some people don't even notice can move her eyebrows independently from each other, and she's weirdly proud of it can't stand her hair being long enough to touch her shoulders; the second it reaches that point, she becomes hyperaware of it, and wants it cut asap

F E A R S:
above all, she fears never seeing her mother again; it is the dream she has spent her lifetime pursuing, and now that she's old enough to separate herself from her father's iron grip, she has the independence to seek the woman out, and make the dream a reality. Or, at least, that is what she hopes. However, with every day that goes by, the hope of finding her mother seems to dim ever so slightly, as the likelihood of success seems to decrease. She hasn't given up yet, but the notion of failure certainly keeps her up some nights.



Carla's mother met her father in less than ideal circumstances; he was the son of one of the Arcane community's most prestigious families, and she was one of his family's many housemaids. The power dynamic was hardly even, and although there was mutual affection, in retrospect, it was far from love, and Gaspare, Carla's father, was well aware throughout the 'fling' that he was constantly holding all the cards. It is why he was so easily able to send Carla's mother, Adela, on her way when she told him about her pregnancy. It was a dismissal, a discarding of an object he no longer had any use for. He gave her money for an abortion, and funding to restart her life elsewhere; then he cut off all contact. Adela moved back in with her parents, and during a period of uncertainty, coupled with a degree of pressure from her christian parents, decided against having an abortion. Instead, around nine months following being discarded, she had Carla.

Carla spent the first six years of her life happy; the financial support of their grandparents helped Adela get back on her feet and find a new job as a cleaner at the local hospital, and for whatever wealth they lacked, they made up for in love. However, this reality shook when, at five years old, Carla first began to reveal their arcane. They became the sporting ace of their first grade sports team, and then hit the local news as a musical prodigy following watching a couple of professional piano videos on Youtube.

Adela had thought she had seen the last of Gaspare Luciano, but not long following Carla's burst on fame, her reentered her life. He was still married, just as he had been when they first began their affair, but he was not looking to rekindle their relationship. He wanted Carla. Adela refused, and a battle for full custody ensued that, by all logic, Adela should have won. She was a good mother, and she had managed to provide all that Carla had needed throughout her life thus far. But where Adela had compassion, Gaspare had wealth and power. The legal proceedings have since seemingly vanished from archives and records, and after being separated from her mother, Carla's memories of the woman began to fade over time, leaving behind just brief flickerings, a sense of loss, and a persistent yearning to find the woman she was stolen from.

Growing up with her father and his family, Carla found it to be complicated. Her father was cold, her step-mother was subdued, and her half-sibling... well, her half-sibling was pretty alright. As resentment and rage began to burn in Carla, Lucia helped keep it from consuming her. Despite a rocky beginning, and some lingering concerns that still have yet to be spoken, the two became close, and remain so, as Carla began to attend Arcane Academy, and properly begin searching for her mother.

So begins...

Carla Delgado's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Vayne Character Portrait: Beauregard Taliesin Character Portrait: Harmony Cunningham Character Portrait: Ariza Jackson Character Portrait: Lisa Chu Character Portrait: Monet Grey
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outfit : herex|xhex: #082a27
xxxit always seems to slip away
xxxi’m taking back what’s mine
xxxwhat is left stays here
xxxto haunt you
Honestly, Hatch was surprised it had taken her housemates a full two weeks to throw a party. She’d been in desperate need of a release, and she’d been around for a week longer than most of them. But then again, she reminded herself, her housemates seemed to have a slightly better relationship with their families than Hatch did. Classes had only been back a week, and that was probably the most stressful thing most of them wanted to escape.

Hatch had left it until the last minute to leave to go home, and she’d come back as soon as possible. And even then, the few weeks she’d been home had been insufferable. Her oldest brother had announced his engagement, which had just resulted in more boring parties with her parents, where she was expected to drink wine and make polite conversation and wear a dress that made her look like every other businessman’s trophy daughter. Her father’s latest attempt at setting her up with some nice businessman’s son had backfired, even if the conversation had lasted a full ten minutes longer than usual. Her parents had spent the time they weren’t gushing about her brother and how wonderful this was for the family making strained conversation with Hatch about college. Her mother had brought her shopping, which had been an ill-fated attempt at converting Hatch to a more “appropriate” style of dressing. Hatch had, at least, gotten some new shirts out of it.

So when her housemates had suggested a party, Hatch had nearly fainted with relief. She’d gotten the word out among her friends and had even helped decorate a bit. They’d told everyone to bring their own drinks, but still had a ready stash of spirits and mixers, just in case, and had plenty of food to go around. They knew nobody was coming for the food, but also knew that it would be appreciated. Especially by whatever dumb freshmen would probably show up on an empty stomach. It always happened.

But It almost seemed like everybody had forgotten the events that had gone down shortly before Christmas. It seemed to just be another one of those events that was hot on everybody’s lips for a few weeks before fading into legend. Of course, a student being found dead on campus seemed to deserve a slightly more prominent place in everyone’s mind. Especially when it was clear they were murdered. The police were still around, asking questions, and there was a much tighter security presence on campus after dark. But if they hadn’t gotten the answers they needed before Christmas, they more than likely weren’t going to get the answers they wanted now, and the event had turned into a source of gossip.

“I heard he was in trouble with a gang,” one of Hatch’s roommates declared from where she lay on Hatch’s bed. Hatch raised an eyebrow, glancing at Lotta. “Drugs, guns, the whole thing.”
“I heard it was a cult.” Francis appeared from nowhere at Hatch’s door.
“A cult, Francie? Really?” Hatch laughed, leaning in to finish applying her lipstick.
“Yeah. Satanists.”
“Pretty sure his death wasn’t ritualistic enough for it to be a cult,” Lottie remarked.
“He pissed them off and they snapped. James says a senior approached him and tried to talk him into going to some service and then when he refused, the guy got really pissed off. He definitely seemed capable of murder.”
“Or, you know, it was just a mugging,” Hatch remarked, raising an eyebrow and turning around to face them and taking a sip from her Jack and Coke. “Sometimes things are just painfully ordinary and boring.”

Ordinary and boring. Two things Hatch was determined to never be. Her dress was another present from her mother. It had been pointedly laid out for her before one of the many parties she’d been forced to attend, and was one of very few outfits that her mother picked out for her that Hatch actually liked. However, Hatch took comfort in the fact that she was pretty sure her mother wouldn’t have liked her shoes or her makeup, and relished that.

Even though the party was in her own apartment, Hatch waited until it sounded like there were plenty of people there before making her appearance. Looking like she’d been waiting for everyone else would just make her look desperate, so she waltzed out of her bedroom and scanned the party with a raised eyebrow. It seemed that everyone else had been as excited for the party as they had been. She made her way over to the kitchen to pour herself another Jack and Coke (heavy on the whiskey, of course), where she positioned herself to continue scanning the room and either find a familiar face or someone who at least looked interesting.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Vayne Character Portrait: Monet Grey Character Portrait: Lucia Luciano Character Portrait: Isaac Fox Character Portrait: Carla Delgado
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0.00 INK


CARLA; XXattire: xXXhex: #aebce3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXLUCIA; XXattire: xXX hex: #f19b4c

Despite being siblings, Carla and Lucia had spent a significant amount of the break apart from one another. Back home, Carla's bedroom had spent the months unfilled, much to her father's chagrin, and her step-mother's silent contentment. Instead, she had spent the time hopping from apartment to airbnb. A week couch-surfing here, a few nights in a motel there; she had moved across the city as necessary. It had been expensive, and the numerous jobs she had worked had not taken kindly to her erratically changing addresses, but even at her bank account's most strained, she had never considered returning home. Not even Lucia, with all their words of reassurance, could convince Carla to remain anything but firmly distanced from her father, who she had no intentions of making amends with. Especially now, with all the nights she had spent rattled by the possibility that he was intentionally hiding her mother away, or, at the very least, that he knew more than he let on. He had insisted many times that he had not seen her since their battle in court, that she had gone on her way, perhaps even left the States. The last suggestion hurt and worried Carla especially so, though it was remedied by her firm refusal to take everything her father said with a dash of cynicism. The man was a notorious liar, after all, especially when he had such a heavy incentive.

Suffice to say, she felt happy to be back.

Furthermore, she was happy to see Lucia again, especially now that there was no quiet concern present beneath the surface of each interaction. Their environment had stabilised, and the worry ceased in favour of their typical enthusiasm. Now, Lucia sat in front of Carla's mirror, brows furrowed as they altered their hairstyle a fourth and final time. The teardrop jewels beneath their eyes winked in the lamplight as they deftly knotted the second of their two hair puffs. Carla, meanwhile, was on her second drink, preferring to get a buzz going before entering the fray. Lucia's own can of citrus-something sat still waiting on the dressing table, untouched for an hour since being opened.

"Just about ready to go."

"You said that an hour ago."

"My bad."

Carla shrugged, leaning over her sibling to inspect her face in the mirror. It too was touched by gems and glitter, and sent sparks flying across the glass. Satisfied, she pointedly shifted Lucia's can towards them. "You good? Drink up and let's go." One last lookover, and Lucia snatched the can, attempting to down it, then thinking better of it midway.

"I'll drink it on the way- let's go!"

By the time the two arrived, the buzz was kicking in for both of them, and they were all smiles as they walked into the house, greeting people left and right. The two of them were well known, well-liked despite their (or rather, despite Carla's) scandalous reputation. Lucia exchanged glance-overs with a passing handsome stranger as they hooked their finger around the ring of another can, catching the fizz on their lips.

"Damn, there's a lot of people h-" They and Carla spotted her at the same time, and Lucia's spirits immediately dampened. Isabella stood across the room, dressed as glamorous as ever. She looked stunning. Lucia felt sick.

"Come on." Catching their arm, Carla tugged them in the opposite direction. Lucia's head was bowed, but Carla threw back a frown at Isabella. The frown lingered as she noted the person Isabella was talking to. Are they friends, or what? It was going to be a problem, but as her gaze returned to her sibling, she noted it as one for another day. She spoke, tone hushed, as they walked towards where Monet and Isaac stood chatting. "Ignore her; she's not your problem tonight, okay?" Resisting glancing back, Lucia's response was as resolute as they could muster, "Okay." Carla gave their arm a reassuring squeeze, and by the time they reached Monet and Isaac, Lucia was bright once more, giving each of them a hug.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Monet Grey Character Portrait: Lucia Luciano Character Portrait: Booker Price Character Portrait: Isaac Fox Character Portrait: Carla Delgado Character Portrait: Darcy Jones
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0.00 INK

the world is full of beautiful places.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzlet your heart be one of them.
Honestly, this was a good party. Good music, the atmosphere was great, everyone around seemed to be enjoying themselves, as far as Monet could tell. They were happy with it all, but they knew they’d likely grow tired of it if they didn’t eventually cross paths with someone they could really engage with. Monet supposed they could have been paying closer attention, because they very quickly found themself running into someone. Shit, they thought, but realized who it was before any sort of apology could slip past their lips. Monet laughed and squeezed Isaac as tightly as they could. Monet grinned when he complimented their hat, but very quickly adopted a more stern expression, “You, sir,” They pointed an accusatory finger in his direction, “Should have popped by when you got back. I missed you entirely too much.” They were just kidding, mostly. Monet had missed Isaac; they’d missed all their friends. A bright smile spread back across their face, “You look great! If you weren’t so much taller than me I might threaten to steal your jacket.”

Isaac said he was hungry, and Monet raised an eyebrow, “You didn’t eat before you came?” There was a gentle sort of concern in their voice: Isaac needed something to eat, or else he would be absolutely miserable when he started drinking. Of course, he probably just hadn’t had the time. The theatre program could be pretty demanding, so it wasn’t a shock. They grabbed onto Isaac’s hand so they wouldn’t get seperated, and set out to where they assumed some food could be found, “How was your break?” They were, of course, curious, but they also just wanted something to talk about. “It was boring as hell here with everyone gone for the holidays.” Monet looked over the food options, but they weren’t really all that hungry. Still, some chips or something never hurt anyone.

Then Monet heard a familiar voice say, “Hey!” And that, combined with the warm hug, brought a grin right to their face.

“Lucy!” Monet practically squealed as they hugged their friend, “Look at you! You look incredible! I love your top.” Then they turned to Carla, and gave an exaggerated gasp, “My god. You look fantastic, too. Very sexy.”

Now, with their friends around, Monet’s heart felt a little fuller. There was something about the certainty of being among the people you care about. Monet was such a social individual, and being here among their friends felt like exactly what they’d needed.

the two most powerful warriors
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzare patience and time.
Booker didn’t mind his family, but he preferred to see them in smaller doses. All he heard about was how well his sister was doing in med school, his cousin was getting married, his mother’s best friend’s sister’s kid just had a baby, and anything about him was an afterthought. He was happy for his sister, and his cousin, (and he guessed he was happy enough for his mother’s obscure acquaintance he’d never met), but if he were being honest it was grating. He didn’t need to hear about his sister’s gpa for a tenth time, he had it memorized after the third.

He didn’t talk about school much, though. Certainly not about the student that had been murdered. Booker was a little worried about it, obviously, but he had to hope that it was an isolated event. He didn’t need his parents insisting he try to transfer in the middle of the school year. Booker liked Cascadia; he had friends there, he liked the area, the professors. If things got worse, he’d consider it, but as it was he didn’t want to even really consider leaving.

As it was, he was glad to be back. Having some space from his family, he felt like he could breathe again. He always forgot how smothering his mother could be until he was back in her presence. He’d arrived back on campus really last minute, just a few days before classes started back up, and adjusting back to classes was never the easiest thing to do. Booker wasn’t complaining, though, he really thrived at Cascadia, and he enjoyed most of his classes. Maybe he was a nerd, or maybe all the studying was something to focus on so he didn’t have to face his own issues.

Either way, when Booker heard about the party, he figured it could be good for him. The compounding stresses of everything that had been going on meant that even Booker could use a breather. He didn’t tend to go to parties, and everyone that had ever invited him to one knew that he was more likely to say he needed to study than agree to show up, so the times he did show up people acted like it was an act of God or something. “You came!” or “You made it!” or “Wow, I never thought I’d see you outside the library!” Comedic genius, really.

Booker had never really cared for punctuality at these types of parties- it didn’t matter much, and he wasn’t going at all if he didn’t finish everything he needed to do. But here he was, with an offering of some craft beer he’d brought back from Wisconsin. There were quite a few people at this party. He spotted some he’d rather avoid, others he didn’t mind. He figured he’d start with dropping his drinks off; he was willing to share.

He offered a smile to anyone he knew as he went, and he almost went right up to talk to Darcy when he spotted her (she looked really pretty. Well, she was always pretty, but her dress was very nice.), but she seemed to have made herself part of a small group, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to interrupt. Still, he tried to catch her attention by waving at her. He didn’t want to pull her away from her conversation, but if he were being completely honest, he’d missed her over the break. They hadn’t had an abundance of time to catch up since classes had started back up, and he hoped that they'd have a little time to talk, at least.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Vayne Character Portrait: Harmony Cunningham Character Portrait: Monet Grey Character Portrait: Lucia Luciano Character Portrait: Isaac Fox Character Portrait: Carla Delgado
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #082a27
xxxit always seems to slip away
xxxi’m taking back what’s mine
xxxwhat is left stays here
xxxto haunt you
Hatch just raised an eyebrow as Isabella mentioned her family's gala. Hatch knew full well that her family didn't tend to be invited to these things. A lot of older Arcane families viewed her bloodline with vague disdain due to the fact that the gift wasn't present in every generation and was only ever present in women. And to be honest, she was totally fine with that. Isabella's family's galas just sounded like her own family events but so much worse.

Isabella's comment about her outfit just made Hatch chuckle. Really, if she was having to resort to comments like that, Hatch had basically already won. Being called Harmony really just concreted that for her. She scanned the room as Isabella walked away, looking for people she hadn't already greeted that she actually wanted to talk to. That was a notoriously small group of people. So when she spotted Lucy and Carla talking to Monet and some guy she only recognised in passing, she decided that was better than nothing.

"Well, look who we have here!" She called as she reached the small group. "Monet, my dear, you look as adorable as ever, that look is just too sweet!" She said. "Carla, you are rocking that look. And Lucia, bringing some sparkle to all of our lives," she said with a grin, and wrapping an arm around her friend's shoulders as she turned to look at the man. After examining him for a minute, she thought she'd seen him hanging out with Monet a few times, but she didn't think she'd ever really crossed paths with him, but his outfit was different enough to what every other guy seemed to be wearing that he intrigued her. "Hatch Cunningham. A pleasure."

outfit : herex|xhex: #7b78b4
xxxwe start with stars in our eyes
xxxwe start believing that we belong
xxxbut every sun doesn't rise
xxxand no one tells you where you went wrong
Isaac pouted as Monet gave him a stern look, telling him off for not having been around sooner, before laughing as they admitted to missing him and complimenting him on his jacket. "I don't know, you could probably get away with it as a dress," he teased. "You'd rock it, but not as much as you're rocking that cute ass hat," he said. He rolled his eyes as they asked him about not eating. "I totally meant to, I just didn't have time, mom," he teased as they made their way over towards the food. He was impressed by the selection, it was better than the pizza and chips that most parties just offered.

"Oh, I can only imagine. My holidays were... nice. Quiet, really, I kinda missed the chaos of college life," he admitted as he piled some chicken fingers onto his paper plate. [color#7b78b4]"Even if I'm now running between class and workshops and auditions, I wouldn't change it for the world."[/color]

He grinned as Lucia and Carla appeared, both of them looking absolutely fabulous. He returned the hug enthusiastically, before popping a chicken finger in his mouth. However, the presence of a new person almost had Isaac feeling on edge. She gave off an intimidating aura, even if she was a little shorter than him. She greeted the others before turning to assess Isaac, and he had to resist the temptation to shrink back under her gaze. But apparently, she deemed him worth her attention as she nodded and introduced herself as Hatch Cunningham. Hatch was such an unusual name that he was about to ask her about it, but another look at her and he decided against it.

"Isaac Fox. A pleasure to meet you," he said. "Is this your party?" He asked, and she nodded, those steely eyes unreadable. "It's pretty great. The food is really good," he said, and she nodded again in what he presumed was thanks.

"So how was your holidays?" She asked, but Isaac got the impression that the question wasn't particularly directed at him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Vayne Character Portrait: Harmony Cunningham Character Portrait: Lisa Chu Character Portrait: Monet Grey Character Portrait: Lucia Luciano Character Portrait: Isaac Fox
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Material girl, you can't afford me
This conversation got boring
You're so 2000 before me
You're in the past, you're yesterday morning


Arcane ║ Outfit ║ Hex: #C24E00

Image Image Image

Isabella giggled to herself watching Lisa’s reaction and response to her bringing up the recent death on campus. She knew the girl’s major and assumed an event like this would peak her interest. “Cascadia is a college from a time long ago, you never know with places like this.” She quickly spoke in between listening to her current drinking companion and sipping the wine. Though she wasn’t expecting Lisa to ask to ask her if she knew anything about it. Obviously Bella wasn’t here when the death happened, so she wouldn’t be suspected, but she knew it wasn’t a question of Lisa interrogating her as a suspect. But her question was more so if she knew anything about it.

“Well hun, you know I come from a legacy of people coming to Cascadia, Vayne isn’t a shy name around the halls...” Bella said, swirling the glass of wine in her hand. “How about this little one, I’ll do a little bit of family digging, and if I find anything, you’ll be the first I tell.” She said with a smirk. Once again, not expecting herself to actually follow through with telling a mundane about the secrets of Cascadia and her own family, but it was fun to play around. Isabella quickly slowly sipped the rest of her drink and set the glass down next to the sink. “Anyways little Lisa, you know I need to make more face around the party. Go enjoy yourself, and thank you for the wine and the words.” She gave the woman a smile before leaving the room.

Bella saw many other friends and acquaintances as she walked through the next room. As she scanned the room, her eyes landed on a group of friends from before the break that she also saw at her families recent gala. A wicked smile came across Isabella’s face as she began making her way over towards them, ready to indulge in some recent gossip, and maybe even hear a bit more of the recent tragedy that struck Cascadia. But as she passed by a group of people in a circle minding her own business, Isabella quickly felt a fluid splash against her face and over her outfit.

 the fuck
.” Words slowly left Isabella’s lips as she looked down at her now drenched dress. While it would come off easily with a spell from one of her friends, right now it looked ruined and stained. Her head turned to see where the drink came from and her eyes settled on a man with a now empty cup. Isaac Fox. Isabella usually didn’t like people making mistakes as it was a small pet peeve of hers and she would normally have some words with said person, but since it was Isaac Fox out of all people, the man who took it upon himself to be on a Vayne’s good side, Isabella wasn’t going to have any of it. A few moments of silence passed before she reacted.

Isabella wasn’t sure if it was the look in her eyes, or someone’s gut feeling came into play, but as she stepped forward, someone stepped in front of her starting to hold her back. “Really? Going to throw a drink on me and just stand there?” She asked rhetorically trying to push past whoever was holding her back, quickly seeing it was Hatch. “Let me go right now Hatch, this sexist mundane pig needs to be taught a lesson.” She said out loud, glaring back at Isaac.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Vayne Character Portrait: Harmony Cunningham Character Portrait: Monet Grey Character Portrait: Lucia Luciano Character Portrait: Isaac Fox Character Portrait: Carla Delgado
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the world is full of beautiful places.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzlet your heart be one of them.
Monet couldn’t help but grin as Isaac teased them. They didn’t mean to be pushy and practically parent him, but they didn’t always know how else to express that they cared. They were also projecting their worries about their younger sister onto him. Monet couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty for being so far away from her this year. The Grey family had their first Christmas without their mother the year before, and now Petra had gone through her first holiday season without her only sibling. There had been a lot of firsts for their family in the past few years.

Monet couldn’t be there with their sister, but it was easy to take that worry and guilt and use it to fret over their friends. It would fade quickly, just as it had before. Even in that moment, as Monet greeted friends and complemented outfits, the sense of worry and guilt seemed to melt away. Everyone was having a good time, and so would Monet.

Hatch’s arrival was a welcome one, in Monet’s book. They grinned at the compliment, and quickly fired back with, “You look fantastic, and I feel underdressed!” It was mostly in jest; Monet was comfortable enough in their own skin not to be too bothered by the way other people were dressed at a house party (even if they still couldn’t quite wrap their head around wearing heels to an event like this). They were glad to see that Hatch and Isaac seemed to be getting on well enough, and when Hatch asked about the holidays, Monet shrugged.

“I was here. It was
 Nice and calm, mostly. Kind of nice, really.” That was a total lie; Monet had hated being alone. It was too quiet, boring, and slightly depressing. They were due a little excitement.

However, an upset Isabella Vayne was not what Monet had in mind. Silently, Monet said a thankful prayer to no-one-in-particularly that Hatch had been there to hold Bella back. They weren’t sure there were many others at the party that Isabella would have allowed to restrain her. “Really? Come on, Isabella; I know it’s upsetting, but this is a fucking party. Shit happens.” And this is why you don’t wear your fancy new furs to a college party. Monet was fairly sure Isaac wouldn’t dump his drink on someone on purpose, but even if he did, not many people would really blame him for targeting Isabella Vayne.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabella Vayne Character Portrait: Harmony Cunningham Character Portrait: Monet Grey Character Portrait: Lucia Luciano Character Portrait: Isaac Fox Character Portrait: Carla Delgado
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“Lucy! Look at you! You look incredible! I love your top.”

“My god. You look fantastic, too. Very sexy.”

"Carla, you are rocking that look. And Lucia, bringing some sparkle to all of our lives,"

They were no strangers to compliments, and they returned the niceties will matching sincerity. Already, the tenseness that had tightened about Lucia had begun to loosen, replaced with the comfort of friendly faces and Hatch's arm around their shoulders. Carla too, was at ease, very much in her element with a buzz of friends about her, and a drink in her hand.

She brought the can back to her lips, smirking against the metal as she watched Hatch and Isaac's tentative introduction. She didn't blame Isaac for his tremors; Hatch was certainly an intimidating presence, even with several shots of vodka in her system. She didn't think it would take them long to bond, though. Alcohol, for all its unappealing inducements, tended to prompt many friendships through its reduction of inhibitions. Perhaps by the night's end, the two would be cackling together over a game of beer pong, or kissing in a shadowy corner. The possibilities were all apart of the fun, and Carla buzzed with anticipation of the night ahead. She wouldn't be opposed to her own shadowy corner, in fact, given the right buzz and the right partner.

She hadn't been entirely sure how to respond to Hatch regarding the circumstances of her summer- they had hardly felt like a holiday, after all, but thankfully she found she did not have to, for any dismissive comment she might have uttered was quickly cut off by a particularly drenched and fuming redhead.

 the fuck

Carla and Lucia's reactions were near opposites; whilst Lucia was all shock and concern, Carla's surprise quickly turned to amusement.

“Really? Going to throw a drink on me and just stand there?”

Carla's smile faded into bemusement as she followed Isabella's accusatory gaze, which was aimed directly at an especially bewildered Isaac. Isaac?... Is she serious? That guy couldn't throw an insult, let alone a drink.

“Let me go right now Hatch, this sexist mundane pig needs to be taught a lesson.”

Stepping between Isabella and the source of her ire, Carla addressed her with lazy derision. "Jesus, chill the fuck out, Isabella. He didn't do anything."
