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Adenovirus 423

Adenovirus 423


After WW3 happened, a virus was born. This virus kills people in their 20's. No one is older. There is no cure... But there is a prophecy...

5,086 readers have visited Adenovirus 423 since CriminalMinds created it.

NotAFlyingToy are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


Throughout time, man has been at war and each time, man has survived, though many died. But, everyone knew that it would not always go that way. In medicine, doctors and scientists strived to create cures to everything, but how far would that go? Viruses adapted and gained resistance after a while, and man strived to find a new cure/vaccine. Again, that had a downfall, just like war did. Man continued to fight, using bigger, better machines and getting more advanced in technology before finally it just went too far.

Between 2080-2100, a third World War crippled humanity, bringing them to the verge of extinction along with many animals and plants. Man practically destroyed the planet. Despite having vaccines and cures for a lot of diseases and viruses. With the outbreak of the third World War, and the advance in nuclear weapons, radiation caused mutations and mutations caused new variants of old viruses.

Today, in the year 2200, with adults dying out at the age of 25 from this new virus called ADV423 (Adenovirus) which attacks the respiratory system, homosapiens are struggling to survive. It is unknown what causes the virus to activate but people up until 21 aren't affected. The life expectancy of people in this day and age is now between 23-25. The people around today are trying to find a cure, but its a race against time for some. Cure's take time, and time is something a lot of people don't have.

Since the war, many cities have been destroyed, and yet to be rebuilt, but with limited resources, people and knowledge around, it's hard. Not to mention, with the virus killing people from 23 onwards, it's harder. But there is hope. Passed down through the generations of survivors was what most would call a prophecy, or a legend others would call it. Either way, it's given a lot of people hope. Hope that one day things can return to normal and mankind can pull through this dark time. The prophecy speaks of a key that will solve many of the problems. But with the many people that believe, many also think it's just a story. And with the good people out to find the key, to cure the deadly virus, there are also people out there to exploit it's power, or even destroy it.

The Prophecy

Long ago, towards the end of the 21st Century, a third world war finally broke out. Man fought day and night against each other, killing only because of greed. It wasn't until man was on the verge of extinction, having completely destroyed most continents, leaving little. It was at the beginning of the 22nd century that they were forced to stop simply because no one could do anything any more. The virus had already mutated and people had started dying...

...There is one thing left to save mankind though. A Key. This Key can cure 1000 problems and also cause 1000 more, yet it doesn't fit in, nor open any locks or lead to any rooms. The tender love, and beauty crafted into making this Key, flows from top to bottom, to be seen by all. When staring at 'The Key' no one is any wiser, and neither is 'The Key' itself.

The Virus

ADV423 means Adenovirus - 423 is a flue like virus that affects the respiratory system. The adenovirus was around before but of course, with medical advancements a vaccine was made. It starts off as a simple cold at the age of 21 Image which slowly develops into a chest infection before it just takes over your body by 23, causing breathing problems and other sorts of things, also listed below.

The worse been Respiratory Disease which is the term for diseases of the respiratory system. These include diseases of the lung, pleural cavity, bronchial tubes, trachea, upper respiratory tract and of the nerves and muscles of breathing. Respiratory diseases range from mild and self-limiting such as the common cold to life-threatening such as bacterial pneumonia or pulmonary embolism. [Yes, from Wikipedia] Also chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma are problems caused through this virus, eventually leading to death at an age between 23-25. What makes this different to before. This adenovirus has mutated to work a lot faster. A hell of a lot faster then most and developing at a rapid rate over two years before finally killing its host.

Another thing that makes this virus unique, is that everyone has it. Not from birth, but from a young age. It just stays dormant waiting until that person hits a certain age before it's activated. And then, the victims just have to await death.

The Histories

The North - Known as The Disciples. Their goal was to find 'The Key', then use and manipulate it towards their own needs. By exploiting 'The Key' they could cure themselves, and only who they wanted to cure and then use it to gain power over the area and become the one true ruler.

The South - Known as Loki's Kin, after the Norse God, Loki the trickster, their purpose with 'The Key' is to destroy it. Like the North, they are competing in the race to be the first to gain ultimate power so they can rule over everything and everybody. The fact that 'The Key' can cure everyone doesn't matter. They just want to destroy it and have complete control.

The East - Known as Obsidian Knights, the East, unlike the North and South, is out to protect 'The Key'. It is their purpose to find and protect it from the North and South so they can eventually find a cure to ADV-423. The East are allies with the West.

The West - Known as Thanatos Instinct after the Norse God of Death. Despite this gang been named after the Norse God of death, it is fighting to survive and searching for 'The Key' in hopes of curing the disease and prolonging life. The irony is they're in a gang known as Death, but doing everything in its hands to find a cure, with or without 'The Key'.

The Underground - Motto: ab hinc ab aeterno (From here on from the eternal) These have control of the old subway and sewer systems underground in No Man's Land. They want the whole of Humanity to become extinct. They want to kill everyone including this 'Key'. They don't want it to gain anything from it. If they find 'The Key' they will kill it - if it's a living thing.

The Players

As for characters, you can have as many characters as you feel suitable to play. Though there will only be 3 main players in each gang, you can have secondary characters that are more NPC's or background characters within the gang to fill them up more :)

North - The Disciples- Want to Exploit 'The Key'

Gang Leader - Evelyn Roan played by Kris0the0girl
Gang Member 1 - Elioenai "Eli" Carmody played by GK061490 (MIA) - Disappeared from site
Gang Member 2 - Preston and Wyatt Daniels played by Discipline
Gang Member 3 - Areli Lovell played by Lupine

East - Obsidian Knights - Want to Protect 'The Key'

Gang Leader - Andrew Concepcion played by smrtazz13
Gang Member 1 - Trys played by CriminalMinds
Gang Member 2 - Holly Mitchell played by Smokescreen

South - Loki's Kin - Want to Destroy 'The Key'

Gang Leader - Thatcher Rivet played by NotAFlyingToy
Gang Member 1 - Vladir played by Run (MIA) - Disappeared from site
Gang Member 2 - Maria played by Mid

West - Thanatos Instinct - Want to use 'The Key' as a vaccine/for the cure.

Gang Leader - Twitch played by Gasmask
Gang Member 1 - Sarpedos Kingsman played by Andaho
Gang Member 2 - Nicole Kingsman played by Saken
Gang Member 3 - Adem (Autumn) Norvik played by CriminalMinds (prisoner of war at the South)

Rogues/Non-gang Members

Adelaide Norman played by CriminalMinds
Charisse Norman played by kjrated
Jessie Roan played by Kris0the0girl
Matthias played by NotAFlyingToy
Sen played by Moonscar
Peter Gregory played by dig17
Cosmos played by Mid
Paul Julius played by Erik
Evan Bridger played by dig17

Underground Cult

Sara Delaware played by CriminalMinds
Derek McAvoy played by CriminalMinds
played by NotAFlyingToy


East and the West working together


North with the East, South and West
East with the South and North
South with the West, North and East
West with the North and South.
Underground against everyone - want humanity to be extinct.

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[b]Age:[/b] [From kid to 25]
[b]Personality:[/b] [1-3 paragraphs if possible]
[b]Biography:[/b] [2-3 paragraphs if possible]
[b]Picture:[/b] [Real or Anime; Optional][/center]

Important Information

Map courtesy of Kaedai Mikailo and TheWalrus

One last thing, have fun ^^


Toggle Rules

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  • No god-modding. I am the GM and what I say goes. This includes no Mary-Sues or Gary-Stu characters. No one is perfect so don't make your character perfect please.
  • OOC talk stays in the OOC. Simple as. Please read and use the OOC as well. Do not use the OOC in the IC thread.
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Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in


Obsidian Knights

Obsidian Knights by Architect

The Keep- A large wall made of of metal and concrete salvaged from destroyed buildings, Planes, Train cars and Vehicles. Along the top of the wall are guards and weapon emplacements that over see the perimeter surrounding them. Under the surface of the earth lies a minefield that serves as the primary line of defense. Within the Walls is the Knights Compound, the centerofwhich holds The Archives, a large building that served asadata storage facility before the war, now it is the Knight's HQ.

No Man's Land

No Man's Land by CriminalMinds

A vast amount of desert like area with dialect buildings, vast wastelands, and rogues (people that aren't in a gang). Violence is high here. Wild animals also roam the area.

The Disciples

The Disciples by FizzGig

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

Thanatos Instinct

Thanatos Instinct by Gasmask

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

The Underground

The Underground by RolePlayGateway

The old subway/sewer systems.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 17 authors


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Life as we knew it in the 21st century is over. World War Three broke out in the late 2070's and it wasn't long before things turned nuclear. Most of the human population was wiped out and not to mention the leaked radiation that effected, plants, animals, the air... it wasn't long before it started effecting everything and with the human population already weak it seemed that they weren't going to survive. But who could they blame? Only themselves.

After years, it seemed that some of the population was starting to make an increase. Places became populated with new life and there was hope - hope that the human being would live on through near extinction; hope that they could build up their lives to what it once was and learn from their mistakes. All of that soon came crashing down though. Hope was soon lost. Life soon followed. A deadly virus that targeted people in their 20's seemed to hit everyone. It would make people in their 20's older and weaker than what they should be. They'd be dead by 25.

It killed off all the older generations. Now no human seems to be older than 25. And with this virus came the hopes of a cure. Stories were past on and new hope was give. People split into gangs - each with a different motivation for finding the cure. Some want it for themselves, for power; others want it to help as an overall cure. War could be on the horizon again over 'The Key'.

Is a potential war over a cure worth it? Is the cure even real, or is it just another made up story to give children hope that one day they may lead normal, healthy lives once more.

Adelaide Norman - Somewhere in the City Ruins of No Man's Land - East

Some time after dark. Year 2204 (BWW3 - Before World War Three) Year 104 (AWW3 - After World War Three)

They'd walked for hours. That's what they did every day to find water, food and then protection. It was the same thing day in and day out. Adelaide knew that it would be different being part of a gang. She was sixteen and here she was, dragging her five-year-old sister around with her. It was wrong. They should have done what their father had insisted on doing - finding a gang that would offer security, food and medical care should they need it. It was his passion for his family to head to the West or the East and try to bargain a place within their compounds. Both wanted to find the Key and get the cure to this awful virus that had taken over, killing everyone that survived to their mid-twenties. She knew 'The Prophecy' by heart. Her father had recited it to her and her mother every morning, afternoon and evening. He'd lived to find 'The Key' and also died trying to find it. His last words to her had been 'The Prophecy':

Long ago, towards the end of the 21st Century, a third world war finally broke out. Man fought day and night against each other, killing only because of greed. It wasn't until man was on the verge of extinction, having completely destroyed most continents, leaving little. It was at the beginning of the 22nd century that they were forced to stop simply because no one could do anything any more. The virus had already mutated and people had started dying...

...There is one thing left to save mankind though. A Key. This Key can cure 1000 problems and also cause 1000 more, yet it doesn't fit in, nor open any locks or lead to any rooms. The tender love, and beauty crafted into making this Key, flows from top to bottom, to be seen by all. When staring at 'The Key' no one is any wiser, and neither is 'The Key' itself.

The virus had claimed her father's life first, then a few short months later it had taken her mother's life. Adelaide had been eleven and she'd been left with her baby sister, Charisse to care for. It wasn't easy. It never was. Adelaide was more like a mother to the girl than a sister, but she coped. She had to. Adelaide would never let anything happen to her sister. And that is why, at night, she always found someplace for shelter. It would be a death sentence for the pair to be out of a night.

"We'll stop here for the night. It's secure." Adelaide spoke, her tone hard and cold as she started to check the windows and doors of the ruined building - an old apartment complex in the middle of the city she'd come across that they were now inside. They were in a ground floor room, with two windows, a couple of rooms off to the side. Luckily the main door was still in tact though it didn't lock and just about closed. There were a few uncovered windows on each wall.

She needed to find a way of boarding up the windows. Wolves and all kinds of wild animals roamed the ruins looking for food. And worse, rogues like themselves were around. Adelaide and Charisse weren't dangerous. They weren't attackers, but there were a lot of rogues that killed and looted others. It was, after all, survival of the fittest. Attack or be attacked.

Adelaide and Charisse were just lucky.

"I have some meat we can eat. We'll have to start a fire though to cook it. But I don't want to attract attention. Are you hungry. Maybe we could wait until morning. It'll be safer to eat then." She explained to her sister. Unfortunately there was nothing to board the windows up. She would have to stay awake tonight and keep a watch. Charisse needed to get some sleep. "I'll stay watch tonight. Get some sleep." She glanced over at the girl to make sure she was listening before looking out of the window to see if anything could be seen.

Nothing. It was totally darkness. And totally silence. To her, that meant they were safe. For now. Adelaide wanted to tell herself that they'd be okay for now, that she too could sleep with her sister, but she didn't trust out here. They were still in the open. They still had no protection.

No, she wasn't going to sleep. Not tonight, anyway.

The setting changes from No Man's Land to Obsidian Knights

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#, as written by Raize
Charisse Norman - Somewhere in the City Ruins of No Man's Land - East

”We’ll stop here for the night. It’s secure. She registered that the voice was her sister’s, but she didn’t feel like trying to absorb what her sister was saying. She was going to faint if they didn’t settle down right here. She understood what her sister was saying anyway, and nodded to almost to herself instead of her sister. She yawned, and didn’t bother to cover her mouth. She was so tired that it felt like she was going to sleep for a million years. A small part of her mind wondered whether this was what a bear felt like when winter came. Shaking her head, she rubbed her eyes for a moment.

She had already tuned her sister’s voice out. She wasn’t very hungry anyway. But she didn’t want to go to sleep right away. Every time she slept dreams of intense color and a violent nature paraded and painted themselves on the inside of her eyelids. She was afraid of them. This was the one secret that she kept away from her sister, hidden in the darkest corner of her mind. It was locked tight with a chain that kept her lips sealed. She was frightened that her sister would abandon her if she found out.

But she was exhausted at the same time of keeping it away from Addie. She trusted Adelaide whole heartedly. She loved her sister like a mother, even though Charisse knew that Addie was simply her sister. Addie was the one that had raised her. Lowering her head, she felt her chin hit her chest. She moved away from her sister, and slumped against a wall, her chest moving lightly as she began to breath softer than she had before. Her knees slipped beneath her, and the torn hoodie she wore bunched around her. She wasn't at all cold, she could always count on her sister when it came to finding a place to stay at night. But she could feel the visions buzz in the back of her head. She didn't want to go to sleep.

"Addie. You go to sleep and I'll keep watch. You never get any sleep, why don't you just close your eyes and go to a happy place?" Her diction and pronunciation of words themselves was nearly perfect. Her clear soprano voice hit Addie's ears with a sharp edge. She didn't want to go to sleep. She expected that Addie would get angry. When it came to their relationship, they loved each other, but there were times when even they fought, despite their agreement that there was already enough fighting in this world.

Shifting herself into a more comfortable position, she clamped her jaws together, preventing anymore painfully sharp words to come out. Biting the phrase "tyrant to the young" in half on her tongue, she shrugged. To Addie, Charisse was just a little girl that needed to be watched every single moment. She was the trouble maker, always getting them into situations they really didn't want to be in.

It had gotten worse and worse as time went on. They had been happy, cooperating together for a long four years. But when Charisse turned five, everything seemed to change. Charisse wanted to go her own way, and Addie simply dragged her along her own path. Charisse would struggle, scream, and protest but it never did any good. So Charisse went along with Addie's way of life.

But she was growing more and more frustrated. Charisse could barely make out Addie's huddled form, looking out one of the cracked windows. She bit her tongue again to ensure that she wouldn't say anything else that might irritate Addie further. Despite her stubborn attitude, Charisse could see that her sister was under a lot of pressure. Charisse was tagging along for the ride while Addie was weaving and dodging through wave after wave of traffic.

But Addie didn't have Charisse's problems either. Charisse was slowly starting to understand the visions, and it scared the heck out of her. She could see that Addie was woven deep with the future. Every single thread held a possibility for Addie's death, and destruction. Charisse wanted to scream in terror every time she had one of those nightmares.

They all terrified her. There were soldiers coming to get Charisse and Addie. Addie dying by a gunshot wound, Addie drowning. There were terrible, disgusting, gruesome deaths she didn't want Addie to ever have. She did not always get along with her sister, but she loved her anyway, she was all that Charisse had left. And vice versus, all Addie had was Charisse.

"Please, get some sleep Addie." The tone of her voice was different this time. There was just the slightest hint of remorse, or rather, regret and the undertone that meant she really meant it. She wanted Addie to sleep. They both hadn’t eaten in a while, but Addie was the one that Charisse felt should feel more comfort. She was the one under the most pressure; it was her that should sleep tonight. She had made sure her voice was firm, and yet had a sincere quality to it. She really meant for her sister to sleep, but she knew that if she took too much of an authoritative tone, her sister would anger and respond to her with a snide, or nasty comment instantly.

The buzzing in the back of her head grew more intense, she had been holding off on the visions too long. A gasp and sparkles splashed their way across her vision. She crawled towards the general direction of Addie, and curled up against her side. She couldn’t help it. This would make Addie wonder what had happened. Just a minute ago Charisse had been furious with her, and all of a sudden she had begun to act like a five year old again, like she was cold and scared to death. She closed her eyes for a moment, and regained her composure. But it was triggered as soon as she had the shine of her eyes hidden by lash fringed lids. She moved away from Addie, just a bit. She was trying to distance herself again. It was too hard; she had been caught by surprise with this vision.

This wasn’t like the other ones. The future was undecided. It was like a mirage, when you were out in the sun too long. Everything wavered, and even the blink of an eye or the bat of a butterfly’s wing could change it. It was so unstable, that Charisse faltered for a moment. She opened her eyes, but she could see nothing but the future.

Her heart thudded in her chest, and she backed against the wall, wrapping her arms around her knees as she began to rock back and forth for a moment. She shouldn’t have held off the vision for so long. An ache began to numb her skull, she could not think, she could not hear, and she could not see. A soldier, in the ruins. Addie and herself. That was it. Something so painful for her had lasted but a few seconds. She had cracked after a vision that lasted only a few moments long.

The pain stayed with her, though. She couldn’t help but think that she would rather be dead instead of being alive and feeling that mind-numbing pain that pounded through her skull and slowly made its way down her body. But that soon faded again.

β€œI just got cold.” She said to Addie. She was desperately trying to cover it up. She knew that Addie would be too tired to actually think about it rationally. She would probably take Charisse’s suggestion. At least that’s what Charisse would guess, anyway.

But as she looked out the same window Addie was, she wondered whether Addie was cold, whether Addie was scared, or if Addie was tired of Charisse. She felt a pang of guilt as she realized how badly she had treated her sister. Closing her eyes, she tried to sleep. Soon falling into a half sleep, with glazed eyes half open, still watching Addie. She wouldn’t sleep... Not yet. She didn’t want to.

But she ended up falling asleep anyway, falling into the dark abyss filled with blood, gore, and Keys of the future.

The setting changes from Obsidian Knights to No Man's Land


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Andrew Concepcion - Somewhere in the City Ruins of No Man's Land - East

In the dark of the night the city ruins seemed to cast shadows everywhere. Without the lights form streetlamps and buildings, one could only hope for a full moon if you had any intention of being able to see ten feet in front of you. Most people had the common sense to take shelter when the sun went down, the dark was a signal for the more dangerous wildlife to roam. And tonight was no different, as a large wolf stalked along one of the narrow streets through the ruins. It's lanky frame slowly creeping through the shadows until suddenly it stopped. It's head rose, ears perked up, pointed straight at the sky. It stood motionless for a moment, and sniffed the air. After what seemed to be a few seconds it turned around and darted quickly down the street into a small alley. As it slowed to a trot the wolf looked up to see a gloved hand come down at it's face.

"looks like Fang here smelled something." A voice came from one of the shadows in the alley and the wolf panted quietly as a man in dark grey and black armor pet his head.

"Jacobs check it out." Another voice emerged from the rear of the alley and the man who was petting the the wolf stepped to the edge of the alleyway's wall, peeking around it with a pair of binoculars.

"I got movement in a ruined apartment complex about five blocks down." Jacobs whispered as he clicked a switch on the binoculars. "Thermal picks up only two bodies."

"Armed?" Came the voice from the rear.

"Not that I can see." Jacobs answered. Fang trotted towards the rear passing several armored soldiers that hid in the shadows, weapons raised.

"Alright then, Jacobs, Keith, Robert, take point and make contact. Liza and Mike, set up the mortar in second level of that blown out store down the street to the south. Davids, your with me on over watch." The voice spoke sharply and fluidly. As Fang nosed his leg Andrew patted him on the head. "you go with Liza and mike." The wolf then spun around and followed after the others as they rose up and began moving to their positions.

Andrew was approached by a boy who wore armor similar to him, he looked about 15 with brown eyes and a small grin. He carried a M249, commonly referred to as the SAW, a light machine gun issued to Knight patrolmen.
"Where to sir?" He asked Andrew in a whisper.

Andrew looked at him, his silver eyes seemed tired, as the always did. "Up." He answered as he jerked a thumb at the ladder to a fire escape. With a good jump he grabbed hold of one of the rungs and pulled himself up. As he climbed his SVD jostled quietly at his side.

Soon they were both on the roof of a small apartment building and Andrew had his rifle scanning the streets below. He received hand signals from the other Knights that said they were ready. He then motioned to Jacobs and his team to move in and make contact. As they started to move, silent and slowly Andrew and Davids watched over them. It had been two years since Andrew had been made Knight Captain, the head of the Obsidian Knights, his men knew they could trust him.

Jacobs had his ACR raised and ready, he was 16, making him one of the older and more experienced Knights. As they walked past cars and alleys he swung his rifle around to check them. As the walked noiselessly along the side of the buildings towards the apartment complex, he checked the windows for any enemy that might ambush them. Soon, he was within ten feet of the door to the apartment, he pressed his back against the wall and slowly sidestepped over to the open door.

Keith's rifle was aimed up towards the roofs and windows, and Robert had his aimed behind them. As Jacob's hand closed on the door knob he took a deep breath and counted to five in his head before swinging it open and rushing in weapon raised followed closely by Roberts and Keith.


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#, as written by FizzGig
Jessie Roan--Somewhere in the City Ruins of No Man's Land--North

The landscape was nothing more than a hollow shell, a shadow of what used to be. Desolate, cold, and riddled with rubble, No Man's Land was exemplary of the power of destruction humankind was capable of. Shelled-out buildings formed a steel and concrete maze, hardly enough left of them to form shelters for what few animals managed to survive in a place like this. There was nothing green left. Dead trunks of trees stood up in random plots for miles around, but there were no leaves, no birds to nest, nothing but the hollow wind to give the branches some fake kind of animation.

Jessie Roan was running. Not a new concept for her. With nothing but a bowie knife clasped in her calloused, bleeding palm, the woman was running down an old block, her arms pumping at her sides, constantly glancing over her shoulder for her pursuers. A dirty, black patch obscurred one of her eyes, the other flickering about wildly as she searched for avenues of escape, for anywhere she could hide. Nothing. Everything was too open, the land too flat. As she returned her gaze to the land in front of her, her skewed depth perception prevented her from accurately judging the distance of a particularly troublesome piece of stone, and she tripped. Throwing her hands out to catch her self, the knife skidded away from her, and she scrambled after it on all fours in spite of her freshly bleeding hands.

Shaking, she wrapped her fingers around the blade handle, she rolled to her backside, hearing the footsteps, the shouts, knowing that it was far too late. They'd seen her. It wouldn't be long know. Looking down at the knife, she wondered if she should just slice at the carotid, bleed out right in front of them, soil the boots of the fuckers who had been chasing her for two days.

Chest heaving, she stumbled to her feet, only to cry out and fall back to one knee again. Her right leg was numb, preceding the sudden, sharp pain of an injured ligament. Great. Fucking awesome.

After forcing herself to her feet and limping back a few steps, she brandished the weapon, her jean jacket flapping around her hips as the wind picked up, tossing sand and grit into the air.

"I refuse," she hissed under her breath, "To go down quietly."


The cassette tapes were a blessing, especially in the wasteland that they called "No Man's Land". Matthias steered the truck along the dirt path, tapping his steering wheel to the infectious beat.

"Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done." He sang, at full volume. His voice was far too high, but he could carry a tune, something that the tapes had really helped with. With all four of his truck windows down, the wind in his dark, long, shaggy hair, and the medical supplies and bibles tucked safely in the back, Matthias was a happy man. Even when the truck that could go for miles lurched and wobbled on the uneven terrain. He felt free, he smelled the wild, he heard nothing but the power chords blaring in his ears.

He saw a girl running, pursued by people - looked like southerners, judging by the dirt on their face and the rainboots they wore. His fists tightened on the wheel as he changed course, humming to himself. "Lay your weary head to rest..."

He opened his driver door and sped past one of them, a straggler looking to surround the female. With a satisfying thump, the man was toppled over. Matthias swerved, the truck's tires gripping the loose sand and grime as it swung around, his Thompson Machine Gun already pointed out his window as the sounds of Kansas blared through his speakers, and the chorus started yet again.

"Don't you cry no more!" He shouted, firing over their heads. The southerners scattered, leaving only a few bullet holes in his truck. He kicked his door open and followed them a few paces, his big forearms rattling from outside of the white collared shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. After they had ran a sufficient amount, he walked towards the girl.

"Milady!" He said, cheerfully. "Perhaps you would fancy a ride in my chariot? It's far better than walking to your destination!"

Limping backwards, a challenging feat for someone with only one good eye, Jessie stared at the approaching figure with a slack jaw, glancing between him and the retreating Southerners. He'd just....did he really...yeah. He did. But who was he?

"I," she croaked. It had been so long since she'd had plenty of water to drink. "Just...hang on one second," she licked her lips, grimacing when her ankle twinged, and slowly lowered herself to the ground, resting her forehead on her knee. She was still panting, clearly exhuasted. She'd been running for a long time.

After another moment, she pulled back, squinting up at her rescuer. "Who are you? Uh..what..side are you on?"

"Side?" He asked, rolling his neck. One of the Southerners peeked over a nearby ridge. Matthias rewarded his bravado with another short burst from the Chicago Typewriter. "My dear, I'm on the Lord's side, and nobody else's. North, South, they all have their uses, and they all deserve to be saved, yes?" He laughed a belly laugh, his lanky six-four frame shaking in bony mirth.

"You look like you've had a hard ride. My truck has air conditioning, heating, and medical supplies. And these fine gentlemen," He said, turning to where the Southerners were lying in wait, "seem quite impatient to get their grubby little lady-lovers all over you. So would you like to take a ride?"

She stared at him, lips parted, her eyes glancing from his face to the Southerners lying in wait for her. They were like wolves sent out on an errand, and she was the lame sheep, the one that got away, the one that couldn't be left alone. She couldn't tell if this man was crazy or perfectly serious. He talked about God. Anyone who referred to a higher power that wasn't currently in charge of one of the four quadrants that divided this country was obviously out of their mind...

But she'd be crazy to turn down his offer too.

"Please." she said finally, getting her good leg up underneath her before reaching her hand for his. She wasn't going to be able to walk to the truck by herself, after all.

"Nooooo problemo!" He said, cheerily. He grabbed hold of her hand with his left, his good old Thompson still held in his right hand. With very little trouble, he maneuvered her towards the high-cab truck, opening the passenger door and helping her into it. He then hopped onto the bed of the black monster, digging around for a minute before he found a bolt-action rifle, a Kar98 that he had retrieved from one of the rare traders that wandered these unclaimed wastelands. He hummed a few more bars of Kansas before hopping back down, finally closing his driver's side door and restarting the engine.

"We're headed east, if you don't mind." He said, still very chipper, absurdly so for a man who had just shot at a group of killers. As he shifted down and began headed in his original direction, the stereo began booming to another classic rock song. He sighed deeply, grinning over at her, his shaggy black hair twisting. "I love this song. Highway run..."

The music was unfamiliar, but it didn't confuse her nearly as much as the man himself. She was on his right side, within view of her one good eye, so she was able to watch him as he drove, that same, strange...even manic smile painted on his face. Yet, in spite of her discomfort, she allowed herself to relax. She hadn't been in a car in years, and it was so much better than walking to wherever the hell she'd planned to walk. "East." she said softly, closing her eye and resting her head back against the headrest.

Without opening her eyes, she swallowed, licking her dry lips before speaking again. "What's your name?"

The man cocked an eyebrow, one side of his mouth flickering upwards at her question. He bobbed his head, singing under his breath for a moment, letting her sentence hang in the air as he bopped. "They say that the road is no place to start a family... right down the line, it's been you and me."

He made a sharp turn to avoid a pothole, nearly giggling at the swerve. "My name, you asked? I'm Matthias. Matthias Ritger. Traveling minstrel, lover of music, historian of this land. It's an honor to meet you. This is yours, by the way. If you don't know how to use it, you'll learn."

He laid the bolt-action rifle across her legs, tapping the steering wheel maniacally while belting out the tune. "Faithfully!"


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Adelaide Norman - Somewhere in No Man's Land - East

"Char, don't argue with me. I'm not sleeping. Just go to sleep." She told the young girl who was grating on her nerves. She thought that she could keep watch. A five-year-old keep watch? They'd be dead in moments. She ignored her sister now as she looked out the window, trying to figure out what they were going to do. She was fast running out of options. She could only drag Char around with her for so long. But Addie was adamant that she wouldn't go to a gang. Maybe though, maybe it was best to leave Char with a gang. West perhaps? Or even East? They'd look after her. They were hunting for a cure.

Adelaide was shaken from her thoughts as she felt Char curl up against her for a moment. That was so unlike her that it through her off course. They normally fought and kept their distance from each other. Mainly - in Adelaide's case - it was because if she kept her distance from her sister then if something happened to her, or to them, then maybe it wouldn't affect Char too much. She was only five. Maybe it would be okay then. Maybe she could get Char to hate her enough in case something bad happened.

"I know it's cold. I'm sorry." Addie felt incompetent to look after her younger sister suddenly. It was a horrible feeling to feel, but that's how she felt. Char didn't seem to comment any more though because she went to sleep. Thankfully. Addie was exhausted but she was adamant about staying awake as long as she possibly could. If she slept they could be killed.

It wasn't long later that her body finally caved though. Within minutes, Adelaide was asleep with her sister.

The time didn't matter. All Adelaide knew was that it was still dark when something moved into the darkness. "Don't move." Addie might have been asleep at first, but she was now fully alert. Someone was in the apartment and Adelaide froze. Char was a few paces away. Immediately Adelaide went into protective mode and moved for Char. She had to protect her sister at all costs.

"We're unarmed. We've got no food or anything valuable. We're just here for shelter." She told whoever she was staring at. There were more than one person there. "Just leave us alone." She told them, making sure to keep Char behind her so that her sister wouldn't be shot at if they did chose to shoot. Her body was probably little protection but it was worth a shot. And she'd moved and they hadn't shot her then.

Maybe there was hope they wouldn't kill her and Char. That's all they had right now, hope.

The setting changes from No Man's Land to Obsidian Knights

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#, as written by Raize
Charisse Norman - Somewhere in No Man's Land - East

She didn't wake up until she heard her sister's voice. She felt Addie was closer, and her eyes opened wide as she heard another voice in the apartment answer. She was scared, and stricken. Her eyes squeezed shut as she wrapped her arms around her big sister's waist. She didn't breathe, or move. All of a sudden she was jarred with another vision. Her body trembled. There were two paths, on these two paths she saw that both her sister and she were caught, on the other one they were alive. That's all that mattered.

"Addie what's happening?" She whispered, she was on the verge of tears. She had been trying to keep her childish personality inside her, but it was busting out because she couldn't keep it in anymore. Her eyes opened again and peered into the darkness. She couldn't see anything at all. She could just barely make out Addie's shape, because she was close to Charisse. Charisse hoped and prayed that the path that would be chosen for her sister would be the path of life instead of death.

And all of a sudden, her stout, and stable personality collapsed around Charisse. She began to play a frightened child. Her eyes went even wider, and her hands quivered as she tightened her skinny little arms around Addie's waist. She was terrified, on the outside. On the inside she was morbidly thinking about whether she and Addie would be shot. What was the percentage of the chance that they would both live instead of die? Not very good, but there was always that small sliver of a chance.

She didn't speak, and her whole body trembled violently as she continued to play her role. The small child role. But deep down inside her she was truly alarmed. Her stomach growled, all of a sudden. She wondered whether that would cause them to attack, or shoot, or whatever. She ignored this thought and looked up at the back of her sister's hair grimly. She was definitely uneasy. Something told her that Charisse should have payed more attention tot he vision she had had before she fell asleep. She had missed something. She had missed something oh, so important.

This was the reason they were caught in this sticky situation. Charisse shuddered lightly. It wasn't from the cold, or from the fright. She was angry at herself. If she had warned her sister they would not be in this predicament. They would be fine in another building. She wouldn't have put her sister in danger. The one person in the world that was the most important to Charisse, and many other people. Her thoughts began to wander, she was trying to push out the reality of things to drop into her own fantasy world. Where everything was perfect, and she wasn't running for her life all the time.

It was dangerous, being so young a rogue. But there were thousands out there like her. Well, not exactly like her.. You never knew, though.

The setting changes from Obsidian Knights to No Man's Land


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Andrew Concepcion - Somewhere in the City Ruins of No Man's Land - East

The Apartment

Jacobs stood very still as he looked down the sights of his rifle at Adelaide and her sister. Keith was at his side, his rifle aimed at Charisse, while Roberts scanned the corners and covered them. Jacobs lowered his gun's barrel toward the ground and stepped closer to the sisters. Jacobs was sixteen,old enough to have been in the knights for three years now, leaving him very experinced. It wasn't even close to the first time he had happened upon a group of wanderers and he knew it would not be the last. But he could not help but have a sharp pain in his chest as he looked at them, at the shape they were in.

"Relax." He spoke softly to the older blonde. He did not want to frighten the little one anymore then they already had. "We aren't here to hurt you or take your stuff, we just want t-" His sentence was cut off by the small walkie talkie like radio on his waist blaring static as it came to life.

"Jacobs." Came Andrew's voice in a whisper through the Radio. "Jacobs respond."

Jacobs pulled the radio off his waist and tossed it to Roberts. Before looking back to the sisters.

"You don't need to be afraid, we're the good guys." Jacobs smiled.

While Jacobs talked with the girls Roberts responded over the radio.

"Um Captain, this is Roberts," He said quietly into the radio.

"Roberts? Where is Jacobs? What's the situation?" Came Andrew's voice once more.

"Targets were two civilians, female, unarmed and without supplies." Roberts answered. "Jacobs is keeping them calm I think. Jeez Captain, one looks no older then five." Roberts was 15, and was known to be a good shot with his Su-16. He'd served 2 years as a guard on The Wall before being folded into the Captain's Scout Platoon. While he showed to be a good soldier in hairy situations,he lacked the stomach for the heart wrenching reality of No Man's Land.

"Alright Roberts. Tell Jacobs to get them calm and secure. I'll radio Keep for a pick up, hang tight."

Rooftop Overwatch posistion

Andrew sighed as he shut off his short range radio. this had been the third pickup in three weeks. The hell was the world coming too? It was hard to imagine life getting any worse then it was,yet for some unknown reason he was seeing more and more refugees out in the ruins. It annoyed him, it was what drove him.

"Davids, hand me the Long Range." He muttered calmly. After a moment he held the brick sized radio in his hand and pressed the transmitter. "Sierra Actual this is Wolf 1 acknowledge."

"Wolf 1, Authenticate." Came a harsh response after moments of static.

"Sierra Actual, Wolf 1 Authenticates with: Fang, 3, 2, 0, Zulu, how copy?"

"Roger that Wolf 1, Code authenticates. What do you need?"

"I need a civilian pickup at grid," He paused for a moment to look at the map Davids held out for him "4-1-7. How copy?"

"Civilian Pickup at Grid 4-1-7 good copy Wolf 1."

"Wolf 1 will mark pick up with smoke. Inform Pickup to radio in when they are in the vicinity. Send one fastback." Andrew turned the Radio off and handed it back to Davids. He then pulled up the smaller radio once again. "Jacobs get the Civilians packaged and ready to move, we move out in less then one mike."

"Liza," Andrew said with a sigh. "Break down the 224 and have Fang keep his ears open. Davids and I aremoving to street level."

"Copy that Captain." Came Liza's proffesional response.

Andrew sighed and began to slowly rise to his feet. "Come on Davids. We better get down there." He said with a nod to his companion before heading down the fire escape he used to get up to the roof in the first place.

The Apartment

"Jacobs get the Civilans packaged and ready to move, we move out in less then one mike."

Jacobs heard the order and nodded. It was standard procedure, he faced the two girls and smiled. "Listen, we arent going to hurt you but we want you to come with us. We're going to take you some place safe, warm, and alot better then this ruined building. We're going to give you some food and ask you some questions thats all I promise."

He let go of his rifle and let it hang off his shoulder, raising his hands to show he meant no harm. "Just come with us, and don't make any sudden movements ok, for your own safety." As he stared calmly at Adelaide another soldier entered the apartment and placed a hand on his shoulder.

This one carried a long rifle, and sighed before speaking. "Alright Jacobs, lets get them out of here."

The setting changes from No Man's Land to The Disciples


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Elionai Carmody - The Food House/Barracks 2 - North

"You should really take it easy, Eli. Your cold hasn't gone down just yet." uttered a young woman, probably in her early teens, as she soaked a small towel into a basin of cold water before wringing it dry. She then placed the moist fabric over the forehead of a blond male, laying on a worn sleeping bag beside her.

"I am *cough* getting better, Lea. I haven't had the chills since yesterday so I can safely say that my condition is improving." smiled Eli weakly but his body quickly betrayed his words as several coughs wracked his body.

Eli might have put a brave front but in truth, he was deeply bothered by his illness. He had reached the age when the blasted plague known as the Adenovirus started to show itself on one's body. He had always expected that he would be spared from the effect of the holocaust for his service to the Almighty one. But perhaps his service wasn't enough to have earned his keep in the holy one's pearly gates. He wasn't a perfect man after all and before going to the light, he had done some things that were unacceptable to the eyes of the Lord. It was truly a mortifying thought and it was that idea that made him refuse to lay about. No one will earn him his salvation but himself.

"I cannot stay here any longer, Lea." sighed the male, removing the towel from his forehead and placing it back on the basin. "I am needed."

"Are you sure Eli?" asked the girl, a look of genuine concern in her features.

"Of course, sister. The Lord will provide me strength to overcome this" assured Eli, moving away the stack of blankets over his body and then sitting up.

"Alright then, but don't push yourself."

The man reached for his coat which was neatly folded on one of the shelves. For the most part, The Food House was a mass sleeping quarters for The Disciples and despite its name, there was no foodstuff stored in the store. It was chosen for this purpose because it was one of the more spacious buildings in the compound as well as the least damaged. Evelyn and the other important figures of the Northern Disciples stayed in a more loftier building but such luxuries weren't for Eli. He belonged with the humble and the lowly. The blond man pushed past the musty glass door of the building, immediately being blasted by a wave of dry arid wind which invoked a round of coughs from the man.

It still amazed Eli how much the Lord has scourged the once green Earth though he believed that it was justified. Mankind has strayed away from the sacred laws he has imposed and basked in a life of sinfulness and ignorance. They refused to bend to the will of God and taken his creations for granted and now, they were paying the ultimate price. Though many have given up the ghost and deemed that humanity was beyond salvation, Eli refused to grasp that ideology. They can be saved and the only way to do that was to come back to the Lord and cleanse it from filthy sinners. Only then will he provide a new world to those who were faithful to him.

"I shall not fail you, my Lord. Just give me more time." he muttered before walking off into the main area of the compound.

The setting changes from The Disciples to Obsidian Knights

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Trys - Obsidian Knights - Workshop

It was the middle of the night and instead of sleeping like any normal person, Trys was down in the workshop trying to fix up a couple of Cav's that were in need of repair. There was a lot of work to be done on them, and while Andrew was out scouting with a team, and Trys couldn't sleep he figured that he'd get some work done. He was by no means a brilliant engineer, but he was learning fast. Since been placed into the Knight's care at a young age, he'd not known his birth parents, instead been brought up by a man that was interested in how things worked like machinery and vehicles. And Trys had picked that up while learning about other things - like shooting a gun and trying to find more out about the cure.

His father had been obsessed about finding the cure and Trys had picked that up from his father despite only being with the male until he was four. He wanted to finish what his birth father had started. Unfortunately he had limited resources. So, until he got a lead he figured that he'd work on vehicles in the mean time. So now, he was trying to figure out what the damage was to one of the Cav's so that hopefully they'd have access to another if need be. Well, if they could use it. They had limited fuel resources so only used the vehicles when absolutely necessary.

Like now.

"Trys, report has come in that Wolf 1 needs a Civilian Pickup Truck to Grid 4-1-7 immediately. Smoke will indicate where they are. When you're in the vicinity, you need to radio."

Trys glanced up at the female relaying the message to him. Tilly Parker. She was 14 years old. He'd known her for a while now. She was a great kid. Precisely, a kid yet here she was up in the middle of the night as it was her shift for being messenger. What was the world coming to?

"Sure, I'll get going now." He rolled out from under the Cav where he'd previously been getting his hands greasy and wiped them on a cloth. "Civilian pick-up?"

"Probably. Got no more details though." She replied, smiling up at him, as if waiting for something else to be said which wasn't on the topic of the pick-up. Unfortunately, Tilly may have a crush on him, but Trys didn't feel like procreating with someone who was 14. Yes, he was supposed to have done all that by now, he was, after all 21, but he didn't want to make a kid that would be sick when they couldn't even find the cure.

"Tell whoever is on the radio talk tonight that I'll radio in once I'm at grid 4-1-7."

Tilly nodded, a slight disappointment on her face as she turned and went back to the base so that she could give Trys message back. She'd hoped for more and she hadn't got it. Trys almost felt bad. But then he reminded himself of the outcome and what happened. They had enough children currently. The population didn't need him adding to the count. Sighing, he got into the Cav and made his way to grid 4-1-7. On arrival he radioed that he was in the vacinity.

"Copy that. We'll radio Wolf 1 now and let them know." The voice on the radio replied.

And so Trys sat and waited, a glock 17 in hand - in case of any trouble - and waited for news from either Wolf 1 or the base as to what to do next.

The setting changes from Obsidian Knights to No Man's Land


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Adelaide Norman - Somewhere in No Man's Land - East

She didn't want to cooperate with them and follow them. She didn't want to trust them. She certainly didn't want to be questioned by them. Everything had gone by fast. It seemed that they were preparing to move them somewhere at the speed of light. Everything in Adelaide screamed for her to rebel, to grab Char and find a way to escape, to get out of there and flee. Unfortunately, they had guns, she had nothing.

Adelaide wasn't stupid. She knew that trying to escape would either get them both shot or killed. She wasn't prepared to do that. No, she'd have to be more calculating. Plus, maybe going to their compound would be good at least for Char - food, rest, shelter... It sounded good. First though, she needed to know exactly where they were heading.

"Which gang are you from?" She asked just as another male arrived and announced that it was time to get them out of here. Adelaide would follow for Charisse's sake than her own. "It's okay. Trust them." She told the girl quietly. "Just keep a hold of me and we'll be fine."

Sighing, she looked back that the men. She would go with them, but she wasn't going to answer their questions. It didn't matter what they were about, she wasn't going to answer them. It was none of their business. And Adelaide was sure that if they really were the good guys, then they weren't going to be imprisoned or killed for her not cooperating with them. Her father had been obsessed with bringing them to a gang - to finding a cure. She wasn't going to continue that obsession. Adelaide didn't believe their was a cure.

"We'll come." She told them eventually. "But you are not to hurt my sister at all." Adelaide wanted to make that crystal clear that they weren't to mess with her sister. If they did, then they'd get her back up and she wouldn't cooperate at all with them.


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#, as written by Raize
Charisse Norman - Somewhere in No Man's Land - East

"Which gang are you from?" She heard Addie questioning the people with the big guns. She found it funny. She had expected this to happen, but she hadn't expected it to happen so soon. So irritating when it caught her by surprise. But it hadn't really caught her by surprise. It was more like she had been anticipating it, but she hadn't been concentrating hard enough to realize the message hidden between the lines. These thoughts were far too complicated for a normal five year old, but Charisse wasn't exactly the equivalent of a normal child.

"It's okay. Trust them." Addie had said to her in a soft voice. Charisse nodded her head in an absent minded way. She wouldn't really trust them. Because she trusted no one besides her sister. She focused on her sister, and she saw that Addie's lips were still moving. She didn't even try to register what Addie was saying as she turned back to the men, and began to study them. An intense look of concentration came over her childish features. Her nose scrunched, and she crossed her arms over her chest, shivering lightly.

She hated this. She didn't like these men already. Despite their "polite" suggestion for Addie and Charisse to go with them, Charisse felt immediate discomfort when they entered the apartment. It was this sinking feeling that was pulling her down. Lower, and lower, and lower. Closing her eyes for a moment, she unfolded her arms, and wrapped one around Addie's arm. She clung to Addie, adding onto the attitude of a confused child. "Sissy, where are the men taking us?" She whispered to Addie. A vision hadn't come to her yet. Whether that was because she was subconsciously keeping the vision out, or whether the soldiers from the gang hadn't made a decision was not clear to Charisse. She shrank, making herself seem smaller than she was as she heard more words come out of her sister's mouth.

"But you are not to hurt my sister at all." Charisse felt just the slightest bit of warmth as she heard Adelaide -- Addie vouch for her. She really did care about Charisse. They had been together from the very beginning. Addie had been through so much for Charisse. But she still felt that indifference at times. That cold, detached feeling that you had to have in order to survive in No Man's Land. But Charisse pushed that feeling aside and tightened her grip on Addie's arm, it would probably even hurt Addie.

"I don' like them." She said. Her toddler's speech was something she had down perfectly. She could speak like an adult, but when situations like this arose, she would pull out a weapon of her own: a child's personality. Her eyes had widened, they looked like a frightened deer's. Sparkling, and dark with fear. Her bone thin fingers clutched at Addie's arm with a desperate urge, and she shook all over... It was very convincing.

Then again, Charisse had always been a pretty good actor. For a five year old.

The setting changes from No Man's Land to The Disciples


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#, as written by FizzGig
Eve Roan and Sen -- North Compound -- North

The room was dark, with all of the lights intentionally switched off according to protocol. Energy needed to be preserved, with electricity and the power that fueled it in such high demand. That, and turning out the lights during the evening hours provided the Compound with more protection. Darkness concealed the buildings that made up the headquarters for the Disciples. Darkness provided security.

Within the darkness, a single pinpoint of light became apparent, the dull, red glow of a burning cigarette butt. In that brief moment, the shadowed features of a woman were illuminated, her eyes closed as she pulled in the noxious fumes, nicotine calming the tremor in her fingertips, slowing her heart rate, making everything calm.

She held it until her lungs couldn’t handle it any longer, exhaling in a cloud that surrounded her face. Slowly, she rose from her seat, holding the cigarette between her index and middle finger as she strode over to the double-doors that lead to her private office, and threw them open. Light briefly flooded the room before she managed to pull the doors shut, the window-less hallways allowing for more internal lighting without risk of giving away the building’s position.

Clad in a pair of jeans, a tank-top, and lace-up combat boots, Evelyn Roan didn’t look much like the ruthless leader her subsidiaries had painted her to be in the eyes of the general public. She looked like a normal twenty-something year old female, with a haircut from the twenties, and a face meant for fame. She looked ahead of her, her chin tilted so she was looking through her lashes, and occasionally glanced down towards the ground to make sure she didn’t trip over something, a piece of rubble or a machine gun casing.

β€œEvelyn,” came a man’s voice from up ahead of her. She straightened, setting the cigarette in the corner of her mouth a moment, lazily drawing in a breath.

β€œWhat is it, Davis?” she asked, seeming a bit bored. β€œIf you don’t have any news on the whereabouts of Jessie..”

There was a hesitant pause. The young, sandy-blonde male looked at the floor. Eve went rigid, plucking the cigarette from her mouth and marching up to him, never hesitating to gather his shirt with her fist in order to push him up against the wall. β€œSpeak quickly, and plainly.” Eve hissed, releasing him and dusting her hand off on her jeans. β€œI don’t have time to waste.”

β€œWe were close, at least, the team was close.” The man replied. β€œWe were racing the South, and ready to overtake them, but there was…someone else.”

Eve felt an uncomfortable knot forming in the pit of her stomach. β€œWhat someone else?”

β€œMust have been a rogue.” Davis began quickly. β€œHe had a truck, and plenty of bullets. He picked Jessie up and went off with her….they were heading East.”

A silence.

β€œHow…fucking…wonderful.” Eve finally hissed. The man was lucky she didn’t have a gun on her. β€œGet out of my face, Davis. Don’t come back until you have some kind of good news for me.”

β€œBut Evelyn, there’s something else!” Davis rushed, straightening as he attempted to gather whatever was left of his dignity. Eve watched him, her eyes narrowed to slits, pretty face screwed up in an expression of barely-contained malice.

β€œSen is here…”

Like a switch had been pulled, Eve’s face relaxed. She smiled pleasantly, reaching out to pat the man’s shoulder and gently push him ahead of her. β€œExcellent. Finally some good news. Take me to it, Davis. I’m excited to hear what Sen has to say.”

They took the stairs to the ground level, making a stop in the armory so Eve could pick up a pistol and sling it into her hip-holster. Pointing toward two of the guards standing on duty, she twitched a finger at them, indicating that they should follow.

Then, the three of them exited the compound, walking towards the center of the lawn in anticipation of meeting Sen.

In the distance, there was a small figure that walked across toward Eve, taking slow steps. As they came closer to one another, Eve would be able to make out the heavily coated figure, a UMP45 clutched tightly in their hands. Brown hair was slicked back in spikes, and easy brown eyes darted around the establishment. Welcome, but unwelcome. That's how it always felt with the switch of establishments. There was always a risk of being mistaken and shot. One had to be cautious, and even could never shoot back. Not with Sen's job.

As the agent came up to Eve, their eyes settled onto hers with a cautious respect. No smile or otherwise was delivered, not with the large gasmask clasped over their mouth. The soft sound of air running through the filter could easily be heard. Then, a robotic voice came through, shifting from a male and female tone of an old, outdated software:

"Commander. I am glad to see you," they began, the voice raising and dropping at odd intervals, "There has been new news about the East and South. I would like to speak to you in private, if we may."

Eve glanced back at her guard, offering a mild shrug and waving them away. "Can we walk as we talk? The tower guards are too far away to be heard, but they'll provide us with adequate protection." The woman wasn't really asking. She started moving before Sen had a chance to respond.

"Very well," said Sen, still clutching the gun tightly. Even unable to shoot at any of the soldiers here, it was a reassurance. A faulty one, but one all the same. "It seems the East has an operating chopper, however, it is in need of repairs. I am not sure when it will be able to work again. The South..." Sen paused, not at all for dramatic effect, but to gather the information carefully. "I visited the South and blended in carefully with them. It seems there is odd activity in the sewers. Construction, it seems to be of some type of wall, is under constant work. I was not able to stay long or gather much more information for fear of detection, but I have been able to observe this much."

Finishing, the soldier seemed to take a sigh, signaled only by the heavy breath blowing through the gasmask. "What has been happening here? It has been two weeks since my last visit."

"It appears my sister has been taken into custody by Eastern forces." Eve said quietly, crossing her arms casually over her chest. "It's imperative that we get her back. She knows far too much. I'd almost consider sending you in to extract her for me, but I need someone of a higher calliber, and less noticeable." she looked at Sen's face-mask with a slight wrinkle to her nose. "We've been pressing against Western borders, setting traps in case they decide to send in a few search parties. I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve, but that certainly should be enough information to sate your curiosity." She glanced upward, her lips pursed thoughtfully.

"Have you discovered why the East is scouring No Man's Land?" she asked finally, lifting a brow as she looked to Sen.

The soldier's head shook disappointingly. "I am afraid not. However, that was going to be the purpose of this next trip. I will be staying here only for a night to rest and restock." Sen shuffled, then looked out into the distance. "I would find a hard time releasing your sister and keeping the trust with the East at the same time. I can, however, find where her imprisonment is, and give reports of patrolling patterns from time to time. It should not be too difficult." Indeed, not. At times, even Sen had become a nessesary soldier in battle. Patrolling was a favor done at times. These were all good coverups for close observation and getting information from "pals" made on shift. That was also the difficult thing about this job, wasn't it, Sen?

"I suspect you still have my stock of nutrition?"

Eve nodded. "It's been prepped for your arrival. You'll have the same quarters as before, though, as always, I would caution against roaming the grounds during the evening hours. With me there is no problem, but there are some who would question your presence in even the common areas." She shrugged again. "In short, just keep your head down."

This was good. It wasn't what she'd necessarily hoped for, but at the very least the news about the chopper would be enough to sate her rabid defense coordinators, give them something to chew on until Sen could bring them back more information.

Eve lifted a hand, and three more guards came from hidden, shadowed places around the compound. One stood with Eve, and two with Sen. "Carlos and Jared will escort you back to your normal quarters." Eve said, her smile strangely cool. Everything about her, in fact, was cool.

"Have a good evening Sen."

With that, Eve left the other with the guard.

Sen nearly stiffened. Guards? Why guards? What was this? Sen knew where the quarters were. There was no reason...

...ah. Well. There were plenty of reasons, weren't there? The soldier dropped the machine gun to the side, holding it only in one hand, boots thumping heavily. Time to go to bed and, most importantly, for food, which Sen had run out of three fourths of the way here. Two days without proper nutrition. There had been animals and plants, but no way to liquify it for what Sen needed it for. At least water did not exhaust as fast.

Sourly, the soldier peered at the guards. Saying nothing, they simply kept going until they reached their quarters, locking themselves inside in secrecy.

The setting changes from The Disciples to No Man's Land


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Adelaide Norman - Andrew Concepcion - Charisse Norman- Somewhere in No Man's Land - East

"Gang? Is that what we're called by you rogues?" Jacobs responded quizzically to Adelaide's first question. "I wouldn't call us that we're more of a-" His sentence cut off as he felt a hand placed on his shoulder.

"Alright Jacobs, lets get them out of here." came Andrew's order as Jacobs turned to face him. "Get outside, take Keith with you, make sure no one is lurking around to follow us."

"Yes sir." Jacobs said with and and exited with Keith to secure the perimeter. Andrew looked to Adelaide and Charisse questioningly, as he sized up their condition. After gettting a picture of their situation he looked to the older of the sisters.

"We aren't a gang, we are Knights, The Obsidian Knights of the East." He spoke calmly. "I can assure you of your safety while you are under our protection. Neither you or your sister will be harmed."

Adelaide frowned slightly, "You're still a gang." She pointed out just for the sake of being stubborn. That was Adelaide. "As long as you are not going to hurt my sister, we will come with you. My father spoke about the Knights. You're apparently the good guys trying to find this cure. He spoke highly about you. Not that it mattered, he died before he got us to you."

She turned and looked at her sister. Despite not wanting to be a part of any gang, or any battle that seemed to be brewing between the nations that were around now, she knew it was safer to be within one of the groups rather than scavenge in No Man's Land. "Father talked about the Knights. They're safe, okay?" She hoped that Charisse didn't feel annoyed at her for making another decision. They seemed to spend more time arguing nowadays over which way to go and what to do. And she didn't want her sister feeling bad because she'd never had a chance to know either parent.

Charisse returned Addie's gaze with little to no expression on her face. Her eyes were dark, and her nostrils flared for a moment. She didn't have a choice in the matter, and she knew it. But that didn't mean she had to feel safe, and that also didn't mean that she couldn't run away. But the idea of actually leaving her sister meant something different to Charisse. She felt like she would be leaving her sister to the hands of death if she left her. Her eyes flickered shut for a moment, and she turned her head away, she didn't respond to Addie's question. She hadn't known her father, or her mother. She didn't particularly care about knowing them anyway. But she didn't like when Addie did this to her. Addie would talk about things she had never heard of. She would talk about the past, where Charisse's memories were hazy, like a mirage in the distance.

She felt the urge to refuse going with the Knights. She knew what would happen if Addie and she went with these people. They would be interrogated. But this thought fought for victory with another. If they went with them, they wouldn't have to scavenge for food, and they wouldn't have to sleep on a cold, hard floor. They would be at the mercy of the gang, but they would also be "safer" than they were now, in a different way. Her eyes snapped open again, and her lower lip jutted out. She nodded in agreement with Addie, but on the inside she was boiling with fury. She bit the word "NO" in half on her tongue. She imagined that her lips were locked with chains, and that she couldn't talk, even if she wanted to. If she opened her mouth, everything she knew, that they didn't know would come tumbling out.

"Okay." She said. She sighed, and then she grew silent once more. The fun of using a child's personality was dying on her, she longed to be herself again. But she'd just have to wait.. Until the right moment. Whenever that would be.

Andrew watched as Adelaide spoke with Charisse and said nothing. He knew not of the feeling of having a sibling to take care of, he had always been an only child. Perhaps it was a blessing, that he was the only one who had to watch his parents die. That when the time came for a new Knight Captain, he was the one whose shoulders the burden was placed on. He dismissed the troublesome thoughts as useless and turned to Roberts. Roberts gave him only a slight nod, his rifle still pointed at the sisters.

"Put the gun down Roberts." Andrew sighed before turning back to Adelaide. He took a step towards them and extended his left hand. "Your father sounds like a good man. I am sorry for your loss. At least his goal of getting you to us was accomplished in the end. Forgive my partner here, he is not a bad man, just a good soldier whose seen too much bad in this world." Andrew then kneeled in front of Charisse and smiled. "You know I think you'll like it with us, we have cake."

Charisse shied away from Andrew. He was too close for her liking. But she hesitated, and slowly slipped back into her manipulated personality. Her eyes were still wider than possible, the size of saucers. Her hands shook ever so lightly, she was no longer shaking quite so vigorously as before. But her eyes were half glazed, as though she were here, and yet somewhere else at the same time. "C-.. Cake?" She whispered. She returned his smile with one of her own. It lit up her face, it made her seem like a different person. Instead of the gaunt, malnourished child, there was a brightness in her hazy eyes, and she seemed.. More like a child instead of a small adult. She didn't have anything else to say to him. She didn't know what to say to him. She relied on Addie during these times. Looking up at her sister, she looked back at Andrew, and nodded.

Adelaide watched Charisse shy away from Andrew. Him and the others that currently were part of ... well, whatever it was, gang, Obsidian Knights, whatever they wanted to call themselves - well it was the first time that Charisse had really interacted with another person. Yes, they'd seen others, but for the last five years they'd stayed away from interacting with people. You never knew what was going on in people's minds. You never knew who was who or what they wanted.

Part of her couldn't trust that these were Knights. Anyone could say they were. But it was the uniforms, or amour, that really told you who they were Knights. Everyone knew that the Knights were the most built up weapons and technology wise. It spread like wildfire throughout No Man's Land and through other gangs. You didn't mess with the Knights or you most likely ended up a dead man.

Finally, Adelaide took Andrew's hand to shake. "You may think that my father is a good man, but I don't believe in this cure. I think he was foolish for trying to follow it - for trying to unlock the riddle that everyone talks about. That's why we didn't find you sooner. But saying that, we can't stay in No Man's Land. You guys seem like the best place to be currently." She stated. "Plus, Charisse loves cake. You have cake and you've won her over." Adelaide let a brief yet small smile appear on her features before letting it disappear again and glancing back at Andrew. "I trust that you are telling the truth with everything, so we'll follow you. But just so you know, don't expect us to answer every question you may have." She warned.

Adelaide wanted to make it clear that even though they were cooperating, she didn't exactly like that her only option really was to go there, not because they were being forced, but because she knew that she needed to join a gang. They were getting into more and more trouble out in No Man's Land and Adelaide was not able to offer the protection they both needed. Adelaide couldn't even fight and she had no weapons either. They had no choice. But still she was letting them know that she didn't want to be grilled with questions. That was the last thing her and Charisse needed.

The setting changes from No Man's Land to Obsidian Knights

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Adelaide and Charisse Norman, Wyatt and Preston Daniels, Andrew Concepcion, Trys and Wolf 1 - Somewhere in No Man's Land - East

Charisse raised her eyebrows at Addie for a moment, she had grown extremely annoyed in about two seconds. Charisse didn't like the way Addie was behaving towards her. She tilted her head to the left, debating on the inside whether to tell her the sensitive information she had. On the outside it just looked like Charisse was making Addie look very, very foolish. "I want cake!" She said indignantly. She had decided not to give her the information, rather, she played the card of a very innocent and naive child, maybe even a bit of a stupid child.

Adelaide couldn't have looked more annoyed at how Charisse was behaving than she did at that moment. When did Charisse decide to act like a five-year-old suddenly? She stood and turned to Andrew. "I guess we should start heading back. Charisse wants this cake you promised."

Andrew smirked returned to his feet with a nod. "Yes, it's going to get darker. so make sure you stick close, and don't wander off." Andrew's short range radio crackled to life and he pulled it off his belt.

"Captain, Jacobs here, perimeter secured, ready to move when you are." Came the message.

"Copy that Jacobs, coming out now. Liza, Mike, watch our six, but send Fang up, I have a passenger for him." Andrew said back into the radio before returning it to his waist. He then turned to Roberts with a nod who exited through the door and joined up with Keith and Jacobs. Andrew was left alone with Adelaide and her sister for a moment. He motioned for them to follow him with a jerk of his head, and turned to leave. As he set foot outside, his leg was poked by Fang's nose as the wolf looked up at him. Andrew patted him on the head and turned to see Jacobs and Keith watching the road east while Roberts kept his rifle trained on the surrounding buildings.

As the dark set in he sighed. Adelaide had made it clear that she wouldn't take well to being interrogated by the council advisors. Perhaps he would have to speak with her privately when they arrived. He hoped that the pickup dispatched didn't run into any trouble.

She trotted behind Andrew, keeping up quite well for her small, short legs. Blinking for a moment, she nearly smashed into his legs. She was startled to see a rather big dog sniffing at Andrew, before Andrew gave the dog an affectionate pat on the head. Biting her lip, she grew quite pale as she studied the dog. Lowering her head, her chin brushed against against her chest, and she spoke a bit louder than she had before. "What.. What's it's name?" She asked, it was still quite quiet, but she was becoming just a bit braver.

Andrew looked down as Charisse looked at Fang and smiled. "Oh him? This here is Fang, he's a big fella but he's a pushover when it comes to kids. You must be tired, Fang here is going to give you a ride so you don't have to walk." The wolf looked up at Andrew for a moment as if to confirm what he had heard, Andrew gave him a stern look and nodded. Fang looked down to Charisse before conceding and lowering his frame for the child to climb onto his back.

Adelaide frowned at the beast that entered. She had gone to grab Charisse but her sister had let go of her hand and was now following Andrew! Adelaide almost felt betrayed by that little gesture. It was stupid, really but it was the truth of how she felt as she watched her sister follow a man she'd known for only minutes instead of being glued to her sister's side.

And then Andrew suggested that her sister get on the beast's back. "Are you crazy? She can't get on his back. He's a beast and she's a child. He's dangerous. He'd kill her in a heartbeat!" Adelaide exclaimed, the protectiveness coming out in her immediately. Charisse didn't seem to care though. She'd trusted Andrew and the wolf, Fang, without a second glance so far at Adelaide. And that just made her all the more angrier.

Obviously the wolf wasn't dangerous. Charisse was firmly planted on his back. "Let's get going then." Adelaide grumbled quietly before moving to stand by Andrew's side.

Andrew turned to Adelaide with a smirk. "Fang here is popular with the little ones, no need to worry. Now then, don't get lost." Andrew turned to face Jacobs who had walked up to him.

"We're ready to move, 4-1-7's only about two click's east, shouldn't take us too long." Jacobs said, a curious glance went to Adelaide, it was odd for the Captain to show such a soft side to anyone they encountered outside the Keep. Perhaps he was just tired.

"Lead the way then Paladin." Andrew nodded to him. Jacobs responded with a nod of his own before turning and walking briskly away. A pat on Keith and Robert's back and they all got moving.

As they walked Fang trotted ahead of Andrew who walked at Adelaide's side, not too far but a few feet of space was between them. "You know, The Key, you said you didn't think it existed. I won't tell you you're wrong, because you could very well be right. But you see, the cure, it represents alot more then a solution to the disease. It is our hope, it's waht drives us. It gives us a sense of purpose. Without that, everyone, not only the Knights, would go insane. You tell the world there is no hope, that this is it, and I assure you, chaos will ensue." Andrew sighed and looked ahead as they walked. "I believe it exists. It has to exist, I can't let this disease kill anymore. You know my staff back at the compound, they all nag me to stop going on patrols and instead look around and find a nice girl to bed." Andrew grinned and chuckled a bit.

"They say it's important for the morale of the compound that I create the next heir. I always find that funny, that they consider that important. Why would I bring a kid into this world? Knowing fully well the kind of nightmares that go on here. I can't do it, it's not right. Don't get me wrong, I do want a kid, hell, who doesn't? I mean when the world settles down, I've always wanted both a girl and a boy. A son to teach stupid things to like football and cars. And a daughter to drive crazy, and scare her boyfriends." Andrew laughed a bit more. "I'm probably creeping you out by talking like this all of a sudden, I'm sorry, I just wanted to give you aclue as to what to what drives me, what drives all of us."

Adelaide laughed, but it was anything but humorous as Andrew went on. "Yeah well, I don't believe it's out there. If it was we'd have found it by now. My father went crazy over finding it and all he found was a few papers and documents with references to this Key and cure. It's a depressing though, but we're doomed. We might as well face it." She told him. "I definitely won't be having any kids though. No point, like you said with the would been doomed and all." Adelaide looked up to check on Charisse who was loving every minute on Fang.

"So, when we get to your base, or whatever it's called, what happens then?" Adelaide wanted to be prepared for everything that happened when they arrived. She didn't want to be in for any surprises. It was while she asked this question that the men up front had come to a standstill but she hadn't really noticed until she bumped into Fang who happened to have stopped too. Adelaide took a moment to look up but she couldn't see what was going on up ahead. "What's going on? Why have we stopped. Adelaide looked pretty worried and moved to Fang's side - to be with Charisse and make sure that her sister was protected at all costs.

"Over there, Prest, go and see if you can find something useful for a change," a male voice muttered, over the sound of the cold wind blowing through the empty buildings and branches of what trees were left. Wyatt gestured to a dilapidated building, clearly in danger of collapsing within the next few years, and shooed off the younger boy. Preston gave him a curt nod and dashed quietly over towards it. No matter how much he hated his half-brother, he did have to admit - the boy was one of the quietest people he knew. He'd be dangerous someday...

There were an inordinate amount of windows for such a small building, Preston noticed. As soon as he had walked in, that had struck him. He'd have to be extra-careful about making noise inside here.
Immediately as he walked in, he caught sight of what appeared to be a satchel of some sort. He took it off the hook it was on, swung it around one shoulder, and continued inside, taking in his surroundings carefully. He appeared to be in what used to be a residential area of some sort, one of those "apartments" that he had read about in some book or another. Exploring the building, Preston deftly took things off the shelves or furniture that might be useful... an object filled with liquid labelled "BiC" (perhaps some type of chemical?), a half-melted blue candle, a book with the title "Spring Awakening: In The Flesh" on it...
His gathering was suddenly interrupted by the sound of footsteps - in one swift movement, Preston pulled out his knife and whipped the sack around the other arm. Taking a defensive posture, he squinted, piercing the dim light that the moon cast through the many windows until he made out the figure approaching him, and slowly relaxed.

"Just me," Wyatt whispered in the silence, and made his way back outside, Preston close behind him. On the way out, he took the sack off the other boy's back and slung it around an arm. It was light, he noticed - he'd better had not found much stuff worth taking in that building...
Slowly the pair made their way through the ruins of what used to be a great city, until they heard a penetrating, rhythmic noise and immediately stopped. They looked around, then at each other, then back to where they'd heard the noise.

It was the sound of someone else - someone with a truck; and, from the looks of it, belonging to the Obsidian Knights.
"Dammit," Preston muttered, as Wyatt grinned.

Trys glanced up at the sky. It was still dark so he hadn't been here long. He sighed. It felt like he'd been sitting and waiting for fucking forever. What was taking the guys so long? Surely they had to be close by, right? He guessed they weren't. Now it was a waiting game. He could be out here all night. He could radio back to the base and see what was going on, but the guy on the end normally got worked up if you kept pointlessly messaging him when he said that he was working on it. It was better to just sit and wait.

Looking out into the darkness, Trys saw nothing. He was out in No Man's Land by himself. It was normally a stupid thing to do. No Man's Land was a dangerous place to be but Trys was cocky and confident enough to be out on his own. He didn't need this so called back-up that people were required to have when coming out from the Knights and into No Man's Land. The problem was, despite Trys being cocky and confident in his abilities, he couldn't fight for shit. Looking out again he still saw nothing.

"Right, time to get out and stretch the legs." He spoke to himself. He quickly removed himself from the vehicle and closed the door. The keys now in his pocket and the gun left carelessly on the truck seat, he moved around to the back of the truck just stretching his legs. He couldn't see or hear anything. Another mistake, he hadn't really brought any of the equipment - except for the gun which was conveniently in the truck - that was necessary for protection. They had all the access to it, being a Knight. And the number one rule coming out was to take it and use it. It was what decided between life and death if you were attacked. And Trys had forgotten it all.

So that left him in a lot of danger.

Going on this foraging assignment - one that was usually assigned to the younger and frailer ones like Preston - had been something of a lark for Wyatt. He didn't want to speak to his half-sibling (if you could even call him that) at all, if possible. He'd only done it because no one else was available.
He hadn't expected this turn of events.
Wyatt had just taken a step forward when Preston stopped him, and murmured in his sophorific voice, "Let's not..."
The older boy gave him a solid look, then nudged him over to behind a bent, rusty pole, behind which they attempted to hide themselves as best they could, huddling together. "I know you're kind of an idiot, but seriously, Prest, are you insane? Whoever's there's got something we can drive! That'd be something we could use!"
Still, the younger boy shook his head. "We've enough here," he stated softly, pointing to the pack. "Worth our while already."
In response, Wyatt leapt to his feet, grabbed Preston by the collar, and threw him down to the asphalt, glancing off to the side to make sure the being by the vehicle hadn't heard. "Then I'm going without you, you piece of shit," he hissed, dropping the sack on his half-brother's chest, and starting to walk over to the person. Thankfully, the man or woman - he wasn't too good at remembering faces, let alone judging genders at a glance - had turned his or her back to him, and he would be nigh-undetectable.

Preston soon recovered from the fall and subsequent dropping of items upon his body. Although he was winded for a few seconds, he rose to his feet unsteadily, then made off to follow Wyatt, slinging the pack over his shoulders. He caught up quickly, and they made their way over to the man until the older boy suddenly stopped, turned around, and put a finger over his lips.
Preston rolled his eyes.
They continued for a few seconds more, and then Wyatt turned around again and mouthed, 'Grab the vehicle while I hold 'em down.' Preston nodded, and faster than he could blink, Wyatt had ran up to the man and punched - the boy turned away before he saw the aftermath. Preston lunged for the truck door, only to find that he had gone in through the side passenger seat. He moved over to the driver's seat, picking up the gun on it and, after admiring it for a moment, stuffed it in the satchel, then attempted to work the vehicle.
He soon found out that the keys were nowhere to be found.
Preston burst out of the truck with a hiss of, "Keys!" only to see Wyatt apparently in the process of getting the man into a headlock, and, as he looked up from his work, the man got in a lucky punch. Wyatt stumbled back, feeling his jaw, and nailing Preston with an angry glare.

Trys didn't even hear them coming until it was too late. He was too focused on himself and not on his surroundings. Another rule he was failing to notice tonight. By the time he heard a footstep and a whisper, a male, a little younger than himself had jumped him. Trys struggled and fought with the guy as he heard another one move for the truck. At least he had his keys.

Then he felt himself pale as he struggled. His gun was in there. He hadn't brought out the gun and it was loaded.

"Keys!" Someone, another male shouted. The boy holding him was momentarily distracted and Trys managed to twist himself and throw a punch so that he could get out of the headlock the male had gotten him in in the first place. Trys was cursing himself for not following Knights procedure. He took a couple of steps back from Wyatt.

"I've got Knights meeting me here soon. Don't think you want to do anything stupid now, do you, guys?" He asked, looking at Wyatt for an answer. It seemed that he was the more dominant of the two.

"Stupid, eh?" Wyatt muttered under his breath as the man put some distance between them. He pinned him with a steely glare, thinking of a way to get the keys... judging from the jangle in his pockets, the man had them in one of them. When he'd walked back, which side had the noise been coming from?
It was a gamble, either way. There was no certainty that him overpowering the older man was because of anything but the element of surprise.
Still, he had the advantage of numbers.

Wyatt whipped his head around towards Preston and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Now!" At the same time, he lunged again at the man, hoping he'd caught his attention with the yell, and they both fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs. In a couple of seconds, he'd located the keys from the consistent ring, and had just pried them out of his pocket when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps.
He span out of the rumble and barrelled towards the truck, crashing into Preston and knocking the younger boy to the ground. Ignoring him, he wrenched the vehicle's driver seat door open and smashed the key into the receptacle, and with a turn, the truck gave a start, then accelerated away.

The setting changes from Obsidian Knights to No Man's Land


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"Shit!" Andrew heard Jacobs yell and break out into a full out sprint. Keith and Roberts followed. As they neared the pickup point they noticed that something was happening. Andrew pulled his rifle up to his shoulder and looked through the scope for a better view. It seemed like their pickup had been ambushed by two men. One of them had been by the front of the vehicle while another wrestled with what he assumed was the driver. As Jacobs and the others neared however, the man involved in the brawl stood up and got into the truck.

"Oh hell no..." Andrew muttered before the sound of an engine turning over could be heard. "Jacobs stop that truck!" Andrew yelled and broke out into a run, skidding to a stop as he remembered Adelaide and her sister. Someone had to watch them and make sure they were safe, in case there were others around.

Jacobs breathed furiously as he sprinted towards the truck. It had started and he only had a few seconds before it would be gone. "Keith, Roberts! Open fire!" He yelled and the two men behind him slid to a stop, raised their weapons and began firing at the truck only to watch it speed away.

Pissed Jacobs cursed and turned to run at the man who had been abandoned by his partner. As he struggled to his feet Jacobs, without breaking stride, tackled him back down to the ground, throwing his shoulder into the man putting his speed and weight behind the blow.

Trys was surprised when the guy in front of him yelled. He was taken completely off guard as suddenly the younger lad in front of him took charge, taking him off of his feet and knocking the air out of him as they hit the ground. They struggled for a good few minutes and Trys tried to stop him from grabbing the keys, he nearly did a few times, but in the end Trys hadn't had the advantage and the male had gotten the keys from his pocket.

He gave up the fight then, only to find that the Knights were now here as the guy took off in the truck. They tried to intervene and take the truck back but it was too late. He was going to be in a lot of shit. Knee deep in shit. All Trys could do was lie there and close his eyes. Why did this have to happen to him of all people? He was screwed.

He heard someone or something hit the ground not far from him and looked over to see Jacobs on top of one of his attackers. Well, at least they had one guy, maybe that would lighten the blow for losing the truck. He could only hope otherwise he was about he in some serious trouble when Andrew got a hold of him.

Honestly, Preston hadn't been entirely surprised by this turn of events.
That didn't mean he wasn't utterly pissed by all of it.

As he made sudden contact with the ground the first time, he bit back a scream, if only because he didn't want to admit that it was seriously annoying that Wyatt could still do that after all this time. As he got up, he heard the sound of the truck starting up and speeding away, but before he could register that, someone crashed into him again.
He muffled his groan of displeasure by biting his lip, but instantly regretted it - the force behind the tackle caused him to rather painfully sink into his lip and draw blood. Rather obviously, the boy couldn't buck the weight off his back if he'd been paid to, but Preston still made a show of flailing his limbs under Jacobs. He turned his head sideways to take what was around him, which wasn't particularly interesting - grey ruins and dirty boots. He'd have to wait until this obnoxious person - which, he had to remind himself, was probably only a couple years older than him - decided he or she had gotten their fill of sitting on teenage boys. Really, he thought he'd gotten used to it, but seriously, torso bruises and being sat on was pretty damn painful.

Jacobs put his knee against the base of Preston's neck as he drew his sidearm and pushed the barrel against the back of his skull. "Where is the truck going? Who are you? How many more of you are there?" He spat out the question's angrily and quickly. "You have four seconds to start talking before I put a 9mm bullet in your damn head."

As screwed as Preston was, Trys was even more fucked.

Andrew walked over to where Trys lay and stood over him. Adelaide and Charisse stood with Liza, one of the team's mortarmen. "You hurt pretty bad?" he asked calmly, extending a hand to help the boy up.

"Hope you enjoyed the little slice of soft you got from the Captain." Liza muttered to Adelaide quietly. "Cause he's gone now."

Trys groaned when he saw Andrew standing over him. He was ready to take what was coming to him. So, it surprised him when Andrew extended a hand and asked if he was okay instead of shouting at him. Trys took his hand and managed to get himself up, nodding slightly as he got his breath back. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit winded. They caught me by surprise." He decided to leave out being unprepared, alone and out of the truck for now. What Andrew didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

Too bad he'd probably have to file a report of what exactly was lost with the truck. Unfortunately for him, and more fortunately for them, all that he'd be writing in it was the truck. Either way, he'd be screwed.

"Can't believe they took me by surprise, they were stronger than they looked," he mumbled, hoping to keep himself out of trouble. Maybe Andrew would be okay with losing a truck. He wasn't shouting at him... yet.

"Where's the rest of your unit?" Andrew asked as he watched Trys recover. His expression was plain and indifferent and his tone was calm. He didn't seem like he was going to let Trys have it over the loss, but looks could be decieving.

"Five bucks says I'm going to have to carry the poor screw up back to base." Keith grinned as he walked over to Liza, ignoring Adelaide and Charisse.

"No way," Liza grinned. "He's going to finish him off right here. What you think, Mike?" Liza shouted over to Mike, Wolf 1's other mortarman.

"Hmm," Mike shrugged, "I think he'll break a rib or two."

Trys looked at Andrew and frowned. "About that... I didn't really come with a unit. I figured it was just a simple pick-up, ya know? They caught me by surprise. It's just a couple of kids. No big deal." He frowned, shuffling on the spot uncomfortably now. It didn't look like Andrew was going to kill him, but Trys knew that you could never tell someone from their expressions.

Adelaide was listening to the bets that were suddenly going on and how violent they seemed to suggest Andrew getting. Would he really do that to one of his men? Adelaide didn't want to know. "Char, don't look at this," she told her sister, "play with Fang," she told the girl who seemed to do as she said for once. Adelaide had no doubt though that Char was secretly watching what was going on.

She then turned to the people by her. "He wouldn't hurt the man, would he? It wasn't his fault he was ambushed, right?" She frowned, watching to see how the scene would unfold.

"You left without backup...."Andrew concluded calmly. "A simple pickup eh? Didn't turn out so simple now did it?"

"heh listen Rogue, the last Knight Captain had a record for dealing out harsh punishments to anyone who broke regulations." Liza grinned. "Andrew there has to follow that example, not only that, but that screw up lost a truck, we don't have too many of those, and they're invaluable. That's why I say he's dead."

"Not likely." Keith responded. "We don't have enough operators trained for vehicles, he'll just break his leg."

"Not the Leg." Mike chimed in. "Too valuable, a rib, so he can still move."

Trys thought about everything for a moment, a hand running over the back of his neck as he tried to figure out the best way to answer Andrew so that the least amount of damage was done. "Well, we got the kid, right?" was all he could reply as he glanced at the boy that Jacobs was still on top of.

Adelaide frowned even deeper at the thought of violence. "But... hurting one of his own people..." she started, unsure of what else to say. "Surely he wouldn't. Can't he just be punished by doing more work or something?" she suggested.

Glancing at Charisse once more, she looked back at the men who seemed to be enjoying making the bets between themselves before her attention focused back to Trys, who looked really uncomfortable, and Andrew, who looked strangely calm still.

"Yeah, we got one, thanks to Jacobs." Andrew looked over to see Jacobs still interrogating the captured enemy. He looked quite pissed. Jacobs was one to keep his cool, this worried Andrew. Andrew looked back to Trys, expression still indifferent."You cost us a truck soldier, because you didn't follow regulations...."Andrew paused for a moment then sighed. "Lieutenant!" He called to Liza.

"Yes sir?" She responded.

"Sidearm." Came Andrew's cold response.

"Heh heh" Liza chuckled quietly. "Just you watch rogue, he's going to do him right here." she pulled the Glock 17 off her hip and then tossed it to Andrew who caught it, and checked it over a bit right in front of Trys.

"Damn..." Keith muttered as he fished out a couple bills to hand to Liza. "Just had to go and lose a truck, didn't you screw up."

Trys had been expecting a shouting, a yelling... anything but what happened next. He paled as the male shouted for one of his platoon's sidearms. No. It was a truck, they had more, he could fix up more... Surely Andrew wouldn't shoot him. "I- I-" Trys stuttered unsure what to say as he glanced towards where Liza and Keith were handing money - obviously having some form of bet going if Keith's words were anything to go by. "I can fix up other trucks..." He stated, hoping that that would help his case.

Adelaide had decided that she couldn't stand and watch a man die. It was going too far. She took a step forward towards the pair. "Don't kill him! You can't just kill him!" She shouted at Andrew. "It was just a truck."

Andrew sighed as Trys made his case, seeming to be ignoring his words, he continued a lengthy inspection of the weapon.his finger slid over the slide. Andrew Looked up to Trys, before bringing the gun up, and pointing the muzzle inches away from the soldier's face. "You cost us a truck, which is now in enemy hands." He started,not listening to Adelaide's plea. "Now how can we make sure it doesn't happen again?" Andrew's finger squeezed the trigger.

A loud click was heard. While he had pretended to inspect it, Andrew had flipped the safety on the weapon and made sure the chamber was empty. "Follow Regulations," He said as he brought the weapon down and made it ready to fire. "And you'll be pulling night shifts to fix the trucks in the motorpool." He finished reading out the punishment he had planned and handed him the gun. "We have to walk back now. Keep your eyes up."

"Damn." Keith sighed but smiled at Liza's expression of disbelief. "Well Liza go on, rogue won the bet."

Roberts walked over and sighed. "You idiots, he never intended to harm him."

"Jacobs," Andrew called. "how's the capture?"

Trys was standing there with a gun pointing him straight in the face. Never had he had a gun pointed at his face before and here he was with his Captain right in front of him pointing the gun at him. He even ignored the civilian's plea for his life and if he ignored that then there was no way that he was going to listen to anything Trys had to say.

He could have sworn his heart stopped as he saw the trigger been pulled. His eyes closed as a reaction and he waited for pain to hit him - or for him to see the light and their maker - if their was such a person. At least he wouldn't succumb to the virus. All he heard though was a click.

No pain.

Or maybe that was what getting shot felt like. It was so instantaneous that you didn't feel pain. Slowly he opened his eyes only to see the gun still pointing in his face as Andrew spoke once more before bringing the weapon down and Trys let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. "Yes sir." Was all he could answer.

Adelaide had also sighed in relief as she watched the showdown. She'd even closed her own eyes when she thought he'd been shot and was glad to see that they weren't as cruel as she had thought they might be after that. "I didn't win a bet because I weren't betting in the first place." She snapped at Keith. "That isn't the kinda thing you make bets on." She scolded all of them for placing bets on Trys' life.

Preston hadn't expected to be so easily forgotten in the midst of what was going on. After whoever had decided to sit on him had placed a gun to the back of his neck (granted, that was quite intimidating at first, but after, well, not dying within the first five seconds he had pretty much gone over that) and attempted to interrogate him, the focus of the conversation had quickly shifted to the punishment for the man whose truck Wyatt had managed to make an escape with. Judging from what had just happened, the East was pretty soft in terms of that...

Suddenly, one of the men that had joined them called out towards the man that was still on him, and Preston attempted to remember what he'd been asked, with no success. He gave the man an incalculable expression and responded with a, "What?"

Jacobs cursed and got off of Preston, yanking him up by the collar of his shirt. "Make a funny move, and I shoot you." He hissed as Andrew walked over to them. Andrew stood in front of Preston and looked at him, observing the man's face. Andrew examined his features and his build. "Hmm...throw flexcuffs on him and we'll bring him back for questioning, no use interrogating him out here,everyone is tired, and if they send more to look for him, we could be out numbered."

Andrew nodded to Jacobs who proceeded to try and bind Preston's hands in flexcuffs, a hard plastic band that when it was pulled around someone's wrist, functioned quite well as improvised hand cuffs. Andrew returned to Adelaide's side and sighed. "I'm sorry about all this, but it seems we have to walk."

He bowed his head apologetically and turned to Davids. "Lead the way,and keep an eye on Jacobs." he said to him.

"Yes sir." Davids answered and walked ahead to lead Wolf 1, Adelaide and Charisse, Trys, and now Preston, back East, to the Keep.


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Edited out due to double post.

The setting changes from No Man's Land to Obsidian Knights

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Elioenai Carmody - The Disciples Compound: Decrepit Park - North

Shortly after departing from his quarters in The Food House, Eli met up with his brothers and sisters in faith. It didn't take much effort to round them all up as they were eagerly anticipating his return and were soon following him around and awaiting his every word with baited breath. Most of them had expressed their worry of their spiritual leader's condition but Eli was quick to assure them that he was quite fine in every way. The group eventually settled in a rundown park where Eli began his sermon and working up the crowd.

"It is now the time to take our faith to the next level, my brothers and sisters." started Eli as his gaze tried to capture everyone in the crowd. "We are clearly being tested by the Almighty One to see if we are worthy of his paradise. Do not be disheartened by these hardships we experience. We must all strand strong and cement out resolve for those who turn away from him are only met with greater misfortune and tragedy, just as Jonah had in the good book."

His words were met by solemn nods from the crowd as well as chants of "amen" from the more devoted individuals. Eli's words were nothing short of charismatic and powerful especially for those who are looking for something to cling on during these dark days, just like Eli.

"And let us not forget the divine task given to us by our Lord Father, to cleanse those who have befouled his creation. His son's sacrifice in the cross could only account for so much sin and it is up to us now to grant the expiation that the Lord is asking for." stated Eli in a forceful tone. "The blood of these sinners is what would even the scales of good and evil in this dying world. Do not lose sight of this goal, everyone." he added.

Rowdy cheering erupted from the crowd as they chanted the word "expiation" repeatedly. It was the central principle that guided Eli's twisted faith so he never fails to put emphasis on it. Many have branded his belief as barbaric and insane but he paid no heed to those who refuse to embrace the truth. The doomed never really realize their errors until the end. Eli smiled at the crowd and nodded in approval. As he did this, his eyes suddenly caught something in the distance, an unfamiliar character walking about in the compound. His eyes had come upon the stranger just as he was finished conversing with Evelyn, the North's well reputed gang leader. Eli was quite curious as the the identity of this shady individual.

Eli politely excused himself from the crowd who were now conversing and discussing his sermon just a while ago before making his way to the person who had piqued his interest. Shady was perhaps an understatement in describing this individual as his face was obscured by a gas mask while the rest of his body was covered by thick layers of cloth and body armor draped with guns and armaments of all sorts.

"Good day to you." greeted Eli to the stranger as he extended a handshake. "I don't believe we've met before but I couldn't help but notice that you were conversing with Evelyn earlier." he mused. "Any friend of Evelyn's is a friend of mine." he smirked.

The setting changes from Obsidian Knights to Loki's Kin


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#, as written by Mid
Warning: The following post contains Mature Content. Read at own risk.

Cosmos and Thatcher, Loki's Kin Compound
A month before present time

β€œAre you absolutely positive on this information?” The female traced the Android’s jawline almost affectionately, while gray eyes burned holes into the machine’s blank face. She waited.

β€œA-affirmative.” The IDK Model 2200 replied with a slight glitch in his voice. The Android was a slim figure with straw hair, nearly white, and blank red eyes. He was considered a prototype considering his age, well over a hundred years old at that. The android remained in near perfect condition.

They were in a small room which had a dim light that flickered on and off as flies danced around it. There were missing floorboards and the remaining ones creaked or groaned oddly depending on the weight placed on it. There were no windows and a strong odor of mildew and mold floated about the room. A single chair which was preoccupied by the Android and a small wooden table holding cups and various papers that looked like maps of sorts took the center of the room. The only exit was the only entrance and even that couldn’t be considered a real door. This was the only amount of privacy she was able to afford considering this was the sewers.

The woman smiled, β€œI can’t believe after all these years…” Turning her back to it, the woman placed a hand over her stomach and looked down at the most important thing in her life. Her unborn child. It was here that she would find the answers she needed and she would kill anyone who got in her way. β€œWe will set things rolling tonight.” Yes. Tonight…would be the night.

Her name was Cosmos and she came from nowhere. The woman was never right. Some people said she had crazy eyes while others tried to stay out of her way. Cosmos had a lover who died; tragically. He left her the thing she was touching at this moment and for that, she treasured it all the more. Smiling to herself, Cosmos rocked back and forth humming a tune as she pulled together her plan.

Cosmos turned fully towards the Android as her finger played lightly with the string holding her robe together with her head cocked to the side. β€œI wonder…” She whispered, β€œIf the toy likes to play…” and pulled the string loose, dropping her robe to the ground. With gentle steps, Cosmos placed a hand beneath the machine’s chin and lifted his face to hers before leaning forward until their lips met. When she was finished, Cosmos sat on his lap and whispered in his ear as her hands found their place in his hair, β€œLet us see if you can do more then tell secrets…”

Later that night…

The plan was simple. She’d dress up in her nicest of clothes in an attempt to blend. After an introduction with soap and water, Cosmos was ready to leave. She kissed the android good night and left him lying in bed like a babe. Her contact was supposed to meet her near the Hanger. He went by Jimbo and had a patch over his left eye due to being shot in the face by his brother over a piece of candy. A lot of people felt he was rather shady however Cosmos felt he had…character.

It wasn’t long before she found him standing near the Hanger with some strange men. They had what looked like AK-47s slung over their shoulders and seemed to disperse within seconds. Jimbo looked around before stuffing a bag with what looked like white powder in his jacket. Leaning back, he tapped his foot lightly and continued to look back and forth. Stepping into the light, Cosmos grinned as the man jumped, obviously spooked by her sudden appearance. β€œH-hey, I didn’t see you there…” He sounded nervous.

β€œObviously,” She replied in a snarky manner before stepping closer, β€œIs everything in order?”

β€œY-yes, everything’s good to go…” Jimbo looked around them and lowered his voice, β€œYou’ve got the money…right?”

β€œOf course.” She pulled out a ward of cash from within her jacket and waved it beneath his nose, β€œYou better not fuck up.” Cosmos threatened before shoving the money into the greedy man’s hands. She didn’t give a damn about the money, all she wanted was him…and she had a knife with his name on it.

Quickly he counted the money and smiled, pleased with his catch before bowing, β€œRight this way, Mi’lady…”

β€œHow do you plan to sneak me in…?” She inquired as they walked quickly through the night.

β€œWith these…” He said before pulling out a set of keys from his jacket. β€œStole this off one of the guards I was speaking to. Didn’t see it coming.”

Without another word, Cosmos followed the man who led her through various doors. It was eerily quiet as they walked and maybe this should have been her warning sign yet the woman paid no heed. She needed to find the answer…soon.

The last door creaked open…

Silence permeated the room as the girl - Cosmos, his guards had told him. He didn't care - entered, the coward standing behind her, leaving her to effectively act as his shield against the southern leader's wrath. He was disgusted. At least the girl - pregnant, no less. A pity - had bothered to stand up straight and tall, going as far as to attempt a betrayal. He had found her attitude since arriving to his compound most... curious, to say the least. He had her shadowed during her stay here, almost eleven months of careful reports. He had had a very bad feeling, and you didn't control the south for any amount of time without trusting your instincts.

He was facing away from her, in the small Manager's office where that particular outside door led. He was rubbing his wrist, absently watching the darkness of the hangar. Around him, his men breathed heavily. The brief shaft of moonlight that had shone in the open doorway was suddenly eliminated; he knew that two of his men had closed the door, shoving Jimbo and the woman forwards.

The lightbulb snapped on, and he relished the moment.

"So." He said, voice raspy, light glinting off of his shock of salt and pepper hair. "It appears that you've been a very busy woman."

Without a doubt, Cosmos was surprised by the sudden light and the guns pointed in her face. The junkie behind her cowered at the sound of his voice while a crooked grin crossed her face, β€œI should’ve known better than to rely on this piece of shit...” A throaty laugh escaped her as she looked up, β€œHave I kept you waiting long? I do apologize for that however I was never any good with time.” Tilting her head, Cosmos stared hard at the back of his chair. Her fingers twitched slightly in anticipation.

"But good at fucking machinery, I suppose?" He said, his tone quivering. He had always been quick to anger, despite all of his carefully measured out plans. He had taken the South from such meagre means, built it and shaped it into something that somewhat resembled a society. He couldn't allow this harlot, who seemed all to eager for a roll in the hay with inanimate objects to undo everything he'd carefully done. He couldn't allow ANYONE to undo it.

Cosmos could only chuckle at that, "I do hope you enjoyed the show..." she shrugged, "I'm sorry I find your place so...boring. Sometimes a girl needs a bit of entertainment." A jab here and there was well deserved, she felt.

He turrned to face her, his face serious. He never smiled these days, not since he had claimed that he was the Prophet of the South. Smiling was bad for PR. "You understand, of course, my predicament now. You came in here and took technology, that was understandable. We've had enemies steal from us before. But then you chose to live with us, uncovered sensitive information, and are planning to do who knows what in my hangar. What's more, you appear to be with child. A child who could grow up knowing this sensitive information." He paused, placing both his hands on the desk that separated the two. The guards, who lined all four corners of the room, tensed, brandishing blunt weapons. No use for loud noises, now. "What do you expect we do about this?"

"Well, I would could just let me go?" Cosmos took one step forward, "But we both know that won't happen...because I know the truth about you..." Her face turned to anger, "But if you ever threaten my child agai--"

He moved in a flash, snatching a screwdriver off of the desk as his momentum carried him towards her. Within moments, he was in front of her, the sharp point sticking into her slightly swollen belly, a sneer on his lips. He turned towards the side of her face, breathing against her cheek. "Do you, mistake me, for, a fool?" He hissed, with each pause, the screwdriver plunged into her belly again, and again. "I am Thatcher Rivet. I am the lord of the South. I will not be threatened by some petty woman carrying a babe."

He released the blood soaked screwdriver, wiping his hands on his dirty jeans as he did so. "Take her to the western parapet. Throw her over the wall." He turned to face her, his facial features smoothing into serenity. "Make sure she lands on her stomach."

The setting changes from Loki's Kin to Obsidian Knights

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#, as written by FizzGig
Warning: The following post contains Mature Content. Read at own risk.

Jessie pushed the door to her father’s private room open, poking her head inside and looking around before sliding in. She closed it behind her with a soft click, her bare feet making no noise on the aged, worn carpet as she walked over to his study desk. Father was out for the day, touring or something. She figured that Eve had gone with him since that was usually the way she spent her time. Jessie was left back at the Compound, forced to entertain herself, and warned to stay out of trouble.

Well, it would seem that the young woman was looking to break a few rules. Clenched in her hand was a small brass key, one that was meant to unlock each and every cabinet of her father’s ancient desk. Sneaking up to the structure, she glanced at the smooth, organized surface, noting the absence of any and all family pictures, trinkets, anything that would give the work space some sense of personality. It was her father’s domain, and he always left his family life and his work life separated. Well, with the exception of Eve’s involvement of course.

She stood behind the desk, sitting in the swivel-chair and studying the drawers curiously, trying to remember where she’d seen Jack shove the papers she’d caught him looking over a few days ago. It was on the right side…best to check all of them perhaps.

The first drawer held nothing but a few letters, unaddressed. Death threats from adversaries and coalition groups that were scattered throughout the unpatrolled countryside. Jessie pushed those to the side, as well as a few postit notes, some paper clips….ugh.

The next drawer down held not much more than the standard fair. There were maps of the underground, a grid that held all of the information on the traps her father had laid towards the borders. All of these things she’d looked over, memorized, categorizing for future use if necessary. She knew her father’s territory almost better than he did, and especially Eve. Eve barely knew about the stock they had in the armory downstairs…

The third drawer held a long, rolled up blue-print, and as Jessie’s fingers reached to touch it, she could feel her heart racing. This was what she had been looking for. Grasping the edge of it, she pulled the paper up and laid it out across her father’s desk, eyes glancing over the mechanical map, taking in the equations, the formulas, the statistical analyses and the programming detail. Her pictographic memory filed it all away, and she found herself lost in the simple task of memorization.

But not for long.

β€œWhat the hell do you think you’re doing?” A familiar, and terrifying voice demanded. Jessie straightened, blue eyes wide as she stumbled back away from the desk, well aware of the incriminating evidence that was lying on the desk, with the key still clasped in her hand. Eve stood at the doorway, a wicked, dark look on her face as she strode up to their father’s office area. Jessie shifted, making sure to keep the desk between the pair of them.

β€œI was looking for something…” Jessie stammered.

β€œLooks like you found it.” Eve growled. β€œYou aren’t allowed in here. You know that. Who the fuck do you think you are, Jessie?”

β€œI’m his daughter too!” Jessie shouted angrily, pointing a finger at her taller, more beautiful, and far more volatile older sister. β€œJust because I’m younger doesn’t mean I’m not any less a part of this family than you are!”

Eve suddenly smiled, her dark eyes going cold. β€œYou think so, sissy? Daddy seems to think otherwise. See, you’re lucky that he doesn’t kick you out to the streets. I had to beg him to let you stay after Mom died.”

Jessie went rigid, nearly tripping over her own feet. β€œDon’t…don’t talk about Mom…”

Eve shrugged, her lips pursing as she trailed her fingertips over the blueprint. β€œFrom what I remember, Mommy simply humored you. Kept you out of Daddy’s hair. We all knew you weren’t fit to be a leader like the rest of us. Believe me when I say that this is all for your own good!”

Jessie was frozen, staring at her sister, unaware that the woman had turned to grasp something, removing it from the kindling fire. Eve always moved really fast.

The heated fire-poker came at Jessie’s face before she knew how to react, and with a pained shriek, her face twisted to the side from the impact of the super-heated metal. She stumbled back, falling onto her side as she clutched at her eye, forever losing her sight for that side. Eve stood over her as she silently wept, her knees curled towards her chest, white-hot, nauseating pain ripping through her gut.

Eve smiled, tapping the tip of the iron on the table to remove the bits of charred flesh that had stuck to it. β€œSnoops always lose an eye, sissy.”

She jabbed the iron hard into Jessie’s side, eliciting another long, agonized scream from her unfortunate sister…

Jessie startled, her eyes flying open as she jerked to an upright position. Breathing hard, she reached a shaking, clammy hand up to touch at the eye-patch that covered her injured, permanently damaged eye. A dream…rather, a memory. A nasty one. She must have dozed off in the truck.

Looking sideways to Matthias, and wondering if he’d seen anything (no doubt. The man was sitting right next to her), she quickly glanced away, drawing her knees up and settling more comfortably against the door. Rough. The nightmares were always rough, and no matter what, she always woke up with her old scars twinging.

Gazing out across the landscape, she idly wondered what would happen to her when the East discovered just who she was. After all, there was a reason as to why she hadn’t told Matthias her last name.

She was Jessie Roan. North by blood, and pretty much a dead woman walking now.

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#, as written by Gasmask
The West was fortified for their own defense with patrols, barbed wire and grinning guards. The Thanatos Instinct weren't known for their seriousness at all, but they weren't beyond it either, but Thanatos Instinct territory wasn't the focus, Twitch knew this and had mobilized himself and three other members to help out their allies in the East, they got into a newly repaired hummer with their symbol lazily spraypainted onto the side, somebody had also gone though the hassle of scavenging No Man's Land and pulling a tank's anti-infantry machinegun from the top and welding it to the top, cutting a hole in the roof for somebody to pop up and return fire if needed.

The hummer tore across a road, passing by the wreckage of a supermarket which had greenery already intruding though the cracks and windows, Twitch was sitting next to the driver, arm out the window and other hand holding a map, in-between his lips was a cigarette. "I got all this attention on me, how do I get away from it, It's good to be on the front again, I really was getting abysmally bored in that hunk of junk they call HQ, heck, most of us are just looking to survive but how can we when we've got some random assholes all going for the key?" Twitch said in his smooth like suede voice, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and tapping it against the hummer's door.

"I know what you mean, man." the driver said, grinning as she concentrated on the road, she could bet that there could be an ambush in wait, but doubted it since they had entered the East a few seconds ago, as evident by the large Obsidian Knight's sign spray-painted over an advertisment sign which by her guess could have said "Come grab a Slurpee, at Burpee's." "We trust you, Twitch, you're our leader because we all agree that you can really handle yourself."

"Yeah, yeah, I dig what your saying, soul sister." Twitch said distantly, taking another drag and then fixing his seat, and I trust the only person left to trust."

Twitch grinned.


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Jessie Roan (Rogue) and Matthias (Rogue); No Man's Land, headed East.

The sounds of AC/DC were fading into another piano solo by Journey, the soft music a stark contrast to the roaring screech-vocals. Still, Matthias bopped away, tapping his hands on the steering wheel idly, humming to the music. The truck swerved and bounced, handling the uneven terrain with surprising ease. It was a long time before he spoke about Jess' strange outburst.

"Nightmares, huh? It's a miracle to see someone who doesn't have any in this time." He managed to pull onto some semblance of a road, heading East, ever east through the barren landscape of No Man's Land. "You hungry at all?"

"It's why I didn't say anything." Jessie replied with a wan smile. Whenever she had the opportunity to rest, she often had nightmares. But sometimes she dreamed too, about her mother, about what flowers looked like when they weren't trampled underfoot. At his querry about food, she merely shrugged.

"A little." Lie. She hadn't had a decent meal in almost three days. But she wasn't about to complain, or even remotely hint at this fact. "Do you have nightmares, Matthias?" She wondered if a man who spoke of God and carried Bibles in the back of his truck had to deal with the same kind of mental torment as other people.

Matthias reached into his back seat, rummaging in some cardboard boxes there for any shape or form of food. He pointed his chin towards the rifle he gave her, his grin matching her own wan smile. "A singer in a smoky room... the smell of wine and cheeeeeap perfume. For a smile they can share the night, it goes onandonandonandon!"

He produced a granola bar, triumphantly. In his hand was also a package of wheat thins, dry crackers that tasted awful but were excellent when he was trapped in his truck for the night. "Here ya are. Water's in the cupholder, there, if you don't mind a man's germs." He thumped his wheel to the beat for a moment, before sobering at her question. "Nightmares? My dear, I have them aplenty." He said, uncharacteristically softly. "Most involve my time here, finding the key, my questions regarding other gangs."

He shrugged. "It interrupts any sleep I may get. What do you dream of?"

"My mother." Jessie replied quietly, taking a moment to open the granola bar. She stuffed the wrapper into her pocket, drawing her knees a little more closely to her chest, and tore off a piece before putting it into her mouth. Her jaw ached, eyes closing as she forced herself to slowly chew and swallow. She looked like an animal at the moment, but she certainly didn't need to act like one. "And my I lost my eye. That's a recurring nightmare actually."

She hesitated, thinking hard about it. "Mostly my sister."

He nodded, debating whether or not to bring up the subject of her sister. She lost her eye. So it wasn't just a gambit, a clever ploy to make the enemy think that she was far more scarred and jaded than the first appearance would lead her to be. He had known several people like this, who gave themselves scars to make themselves look just that amount of tougher. Matthias himself didn't have times for these games; for some reason, people took him deadly seriously when he arrived.

Probably had to do with the gun he toted around.

He turned down the music, recognizing a somber moment, and put is right hand on the space between them, his pinky finger gently brushing her pant leg. An unobtrusive, innocent touch. "We all have scars, Jess." He said, his voice low, rich. "You need not tell me about this one, if it pains you. Just trust in God to help you see the right thing, and move on. I'll be here if you need me."

Trust in God, she thought to herself. God was an element she couldn't see or feel or hear. How could she trust in anything that essentially didn't exist? Besides that, what would God want to do with a half-blind reject like her, one who had no home, no family, life to speak of?

"Not talking about it," she began softly, "Simply means I'm afraid to talk of it...and I don't want to be afraid." She wasn't looking at him. She didn't move to touch him, but she didn't move away either. " sister did this to me." She glanced his way. "She hit me with a heated branding iron when she caught me snooping in my dad's office...I, Matthias..." Her throat closed a little. She had to swallow in order to continue.

"Why should I trust in God when he couldn't even protect me from my own family?"

His hand reached over and placed itself, warm and heavy, on her shoulder. He smiled a kind smile, tilting his head towards her, smiling widely. "Look around you, dear. Look at the life that has survived, lived on after we tried to charr it out with our weapons, murder it with our chokehold. Look at us, how we struggle to continue living in a world where no life should exist, nor perservere. And yet we soldier on. We move forwards, upwards, and towards our goals in life."

He paused, the soft smile still on his lips. "I do not believe that we could be sitting here in this fine truck on this fine day without God's love, Jess. Life is hard, and problems are thrown our direction. Sometimes the people we thought we trusted turn against us. But God can alleviate those fears, and he can most certainly help you find peace and move forwards without being consumed with vengeance."

His spiel was a little disjointed today, distracted by the road in front of him and the fact that the tape seemed to have run out. His lips twitched idly. He supposed he could let the silence hang a little longer.

She didn't withdraw from his hand, but there was an element of wariness when he mentioned fear. She was gazing at him now, gripping her hands together tightly between her abdomen and the tops of her legs. "Will he protect me from the East?" she whispered quietly, her face paling just a little.

His smile dissappeared somewhat. "He'll protect you through me, my dear." He said, removing his hand and clutching the steering wheel again, removing the tape from the player and replacing it with a new one. "With me, you'll have nothing to fear from these gangs."

The tape began playing some Queen song. He didn't know the words, and was delighted by it. "Aha! Even in this wasteland, I can find some new music. Do you like music?"

He could change subjects faster than she could blink her eyes, but there was something he'd said that stuck with her. Actually, it was a couple of somethings. This man knew nothing about her, nothing about what she'd done, and yet here he was, having rescued her once, and was promising to keep her safe in the future. That was...marvelous.

It took her a minute to realize that he'd asked her a question, also that she was staring. She blinked, a tiny smile forming at the corners of her mouth.

Then she shamelessly began to sing along with the Queens tune.

The setting changes from Obsidian Knights to No Man's Land


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Warning: The following post contains Mature Content. Read at own risk.

Thatcher Rivet (Southern Leader) and Adem Norvik (West Scout) - Somewhere in a Forested Area of No Man's Land

One week prior to Current Day:

It had been a hard night but it would be the first of many. Adem was out scouting for the West. It involved covering masses of area scouting for food or basically any resources that may provide useful for the compound. Yes, they were allies with the East, and the East were, well, simply put it, loaded with stuff, they still needed their own fair share of things. Adem had trained as a scout at the age of 6. His father had been a scout and taught him everything he knew now at the age of 20. He was one of the best.

So, once again he'd been sent out to No Man's Land to see what could be found a long with a number of other men. They each had different areas to cover and would come back when they had covered their area or had as much as they could carry. It was dangerous, but it had to be done. Most scouts were fine. One or two got killed - but that was a very rare occurence.

Adem had lost track of what time it was. All he knew was that he was on a hard, cold floor and it was sometime in the middle of the second night out here. So far he'd picked up a few ammo cases he'd found hidden in the abandoned building he was currently in, but other than that it had been an uneventful and fruitless search. He wasn't going to find much in this area, he could already tell. But Adem would continue on. Maybe he'd find something valueable, like information towards finding 'The Key' and the cure to the virus that was killing people like flies in their twenties.

Who knew.

Eventually he gave up on sleep and pulled a small torch out of his backpack and some papers that he'd found discarded in one of the rooms in an earlier search. They were papers about the Key. Knowing it was a risk to have the touch on at night, he decided against all safety regulations for keeping it off, switched it on and started to read through what he had found.

In the darkness, a boot crunched, shifting on dusty soil.

Three young men, all burly and muscular, Doc-Ops soldiers of the Southern Compound, stood in a nearby thicket of spindly trees, knees bent and one hand touching the dusty, cracked earth. Any motion they would take would force the dust to rise up around them in little swirling puffs. Their eyes had long adjusted to the darkness that covered No Man's Land like a thick blanket, smothering those trapped in the large open landscapes that had made more than one man circle in the dust, lost for eternity. These three men in particular knew the land like the back of their hands, and were well accustomed to the nature of their current mission.

They had tracked the scout to his current location, followed his meagre tracks. The going hadn't been easy, and they had almost used up their entire supply of water before finally managing to corner him. Across the way, below a sand dune, lay another two Southerners, proned low on the dust, their faces nearly hidden beyond mounds of ash from a burned out cluster of houses. The five of them had moved in like a pack, and had surrounded their prey.

All they were waiting on was a word.

The man in the center of the cluster of three slowly stood, making no noise. The moonlight streaks that rained down upon them, barely piercing the thick clouds and blanket of night, showed off his salt-and-pepper hair, moving stiffly in the slight but bitter chill of the open landscape. His eyes were narrowed into angry slits as he examined the glow through red plastic that he had molded into glasses, designed to allow him to keep his nightvision while looking at lights. All of his men had it. He didn't smile, but bared his teeth slightly, a piece of grass stuck between his pearly whites.

The scout seemed to be looking through documents, and for this fact he was intrigued. He noted any weaponry that would be hiding, and growled a single statement.

"Take him."

As one, the two soldiers broke into a sprint, closing the shallow distance to their prey. On the other side, the other two men leaped to their feet, drawing pistols in case the situation became unwinnable.

Behind it all, Thatcher Rivet started sauntering, closer towards his goal.

Adem heard them before he saw them. Damn his stupidity for turning on the torch! Nowhere out here was safe. He should have known better! Immediately Adem was up on his feet, looking to see where the men were. He knew there were more than one from the footsteps and soon they were within his sight. Anyone else would have thought of fleeing, there was an exit easily enough behind him. But that wasn't in Adem's nature. He was a fighter, not a man who runs away!

The men looked physically bigger than him, and older. He himself was just under 6 foot in height and though he had muscle, he wasn't built like a brick. Immediately he picked up a old hunting knife out of his pocket and drew it in his right hand. It would have been holding a gun right now, but the gun was in his backpack and even Adem knew there was no time to grab it. At least he had a knife, some form of protection and he knew how to use it.

"Who the Hell are you and what do you want?" Growled Adem.

He wasn't going to be intimidated by these men or thefact there was two against one, it seemed. He was going to stand his ground - which may have been stupid - but Adem was no coward. His father had accused him of been a coward in the two years leading up to his death when he was only ten - his father only 25 and eventually succumbing to the virus. That had taught Adem a lesson. He was never going to be the coward his father thought he was.

"I demand to know what you are doing here." He told them when he immediately had no answer, drawing his blade up to make sure the men could see it. He had no protection currently against bullets though.

Inside, Adem was mentally kicking himself for thinking that he'd been safe. No matter how well he'd checked the area, made sure he wasn't seen or followed, some people had seen him. And they were now in front of him. But Adem was ready to fight and in the commotion of being found, the papers and torch he'd had were still scattered on the ground around his backpack.

The men ignored the knife, as they were trained to do. They were bigger and stronger, and double in number. Still, Thatcher was cautious, waving the men with the guns forwards as he approached the small clearing that the scout was situated in.

One of the two burly men would attempt a tackle at Adem's feet, while the other one would wind up for a punch, straight at the smaller man's jaw.

Adem wasn't surprised as one man came in for a punch. And he's anticipated the other man doing something - like a tackle. He had been trained to fight for both attack and defense. You weren't allowed out if you couldn't at least hold your own in a fight. And Adem could very well hold his own in a battle. He'd often come out of the 'fights' they had in training. So it surprised him that while he just managed to duck out of the way of the punch, he'd misjudged the distance he had to move to avoid the tackle.

The body crashed and caught one of his legs, knocking it out from under him and causing him to fall to the ground. Dust rose and the papers flew in all directions. He was on his back by his back pack and one hand, once he'd gotten over the initial winding, dived into the pack to try and reach his gun. His hand was at an awkward angle inside though making it difficult to pull his pistol out.

Meanwhile, Adem swung the blade in his left hand wildly, attempting to stab the guy that had tackled him to the ground.

Hunter, the brute who had tackled the scout, winced heavily as the knife bit hard into his shoulder blade, twice in rapid succession. Naturally, he let go of his quarry and rolled away before another knife struck him. Lewis, the youngest of the group, suddenly surged forwards, his gun pointed at the scout's head, his footsteps loud and anxious. Beside the scout, Jared swung another meaty fist, aimed at the Scout's gun hand as it whirled towards his head, looking to get a quick shot, he assumed.

Thatcher himself began to saunter towards the fight, his own revolver drawn and glinting off of the weakening strands of moonlight. In his belt was a silver hatchet, dulled just enough to make what he planned drawn out, and painful. Sending a message.

Adem couldn't help but smirk as he got in a couple of gashes with his knife into one of the attackers. His glory didn't last long though as in quick succession - as he was trying to shoot the man that had tried to punch him before, who now hit the gun from his hand - a gun was put to his head by yet another attacker. Three now. This was an ambush now. He knew he'd been followed.

He'd lost. That was certain now. He was on the ground, a gun to his head. The knife dropped to the ground with a clatter as did the gun. He knew it was time to give in now. Especially when he saw a fourth man with a what looked like an axe attached to his belt and a revolver in his hand.

Thatcher stepped in front of the man's nose, turning his face with the toe of his boot to meet his eyes. His face was hard and stoic, a mask of utter seriousness that permeated every pore of the air around him. His men had the scout wrapped up; one on his back, one on his legs, and one pinning his arms. The leader of the south leaned down, holding the Westerner's head at the correct angle. "I see that you've stabbed my man," he said, through clenched teeth. "We can't have that, I'm afraid."

He dropped the young man's face into the dirt, and turned towards Hunter. "Patch yourself up, and then grab the documents." He said, in as kind a voice as the figurehead could manage. He walked a short distance, towards a thick log that had fallen in the clearing. He stepped on it, putting weight on it in small incriments, testing how durable it was as his soldier pulled out a bottle of whiskey and dumped it on his wound. When Thatcher was satisfied, he turned towards the three men, slowly pulling his hatchet from his belt, rubbing his thumb against it absently. "Over the log."

The soldiers began dragging the scout towards the log, as Thatcher waited, tapping a brown, dusty boot against the earth.

Adem clenched his teeth as the person who seemed to be the leader of this ambush forced him to look him in the eyes as he commented about stabbing his man. From the man's tone, he was pretty sure he was about to be executed on the spot. There was so much he had to tell his leader about what he'd found... The documents. The man had told his men to collect them. If they killed him now then he wouldn't get back West to tell Twitch and give them an advantage to finding this 'Key'.

His attention was soon called back to what was going on around him and panic soon set in as he watched the leader pull the axe from the belt and ordered his men to haul him over the log. This was going to be painful and messy and Adem was pretty sure he was going to be fighting a losing battle as the men dragged him towards the log and Adem struggled, trying with all his might to break free from their grip. It didn't work though. They had him in a tight hold and now, as they got over to the leader, all Adem could imagine happening was a long painful beheading ensuing.

"You won't get away with this!" He called out, not that it mattered what he said or did as he struggled. "The West will find me, and serve out punishment to you all!" He threatened, despite knowing that such men wouldn't care about an empty threat. The West might find him, but they'd have no way of finding his killers.

Adem was screwed.

The men paused when Adem yelled out his threat, threats of the West, the most elusive of the four gangs on the map. Everyone, including Thatcher, was silent.

Then Hunter began to laugh. Suddenly, all four men were howling with laughter as they brought their captive towards the log, as if he had told them the most hilarious joke they had ever heard. As they laughed, Jared grabbed the man's right wrist, hauled it over the log, and stepped on his hand with all his weight, pinning it in place. Hunter, having collected all of the stray pieces of paper, took over holding the gun to the back of the now-kneeling scout's head. The other two southerners stood back, one of them holding the man's other arm tight behind him, and Lewis watched passively, marveling at the sweat that dripped down Adem's neck.

Thatcher came into the scout's view, then, unhurried and unruffled, as if this entire thing was taking place over a calm walk in the woods. Putting his hands on his knees, he leaned forwards, his eyes meeting Adem's with darkness in them. His eyebrows, from this close up, were bushy; the deep crow's feet around the corners of the leader's eyes were filled with grime and dust, from a lifetime of little water and even less time to bathe. The serious, unchanging, stony expression still surrounded him.

"You stabbed one of my men." He said, flatly, slowly revealing his hatchet. "And we can't have that."

In a flash, and with a nimbleness that few knew he posessed, Thatcher leapt over the log, having it situated between his legs as he aimed carefully with his eyes. The axe came down, biting deep into the man's flesh and bone, severing the skin in a jagged, dusty gash.

"It's cute, how you think your west will protect you." Another axe fall, biting deep into bone, the crunch sickening, satisfying. Jared and Hunter looked away, the smile on their lips becoming bigger as they watched the mutilation. Lewis still watched, fascinated, his eyes boring into the back of the scout's skull.

"It's cute, how you think that they'll avenge you." The axe came down again. Again, the sound of rending flesh and snapping bone met the ears of the assailants, dealing out the punishment for the one true crime in their fearless and bloody leader's mind; hurting anyone in the south.

"It's cute, how you think they care about you." His arm was a blur with each statement, and this one cut through bone. Only a patch, one small strip of skin, remained on the scout's hand, the scout who so bravely stood against his attackers, the scout who had done nothing but been born on the wrong side of their little world. This thought was heavy on Thatcher's mind, but he didn't listen. Not today. Today, he had an example to keep.

"It's cute. But naive." With one final swing, the hand was severed, dropping to the forest floor with a wet thump. Thatcher stooped, picking up the hand, and facing the barely-conscious soldier, his expression still stony, still unflinching.

With a quick, jarring action, he slapped the man with the severed limb, before tossing it into the woods behind him. "Cauterize the wound. We'll take him with us."

Lewis moved forwards, a blowtorch in his grasp. Thatcher slipped the blood soaked instrument back into his belt, examining the gore on his hands and face with disinterest. "I'm going to find a stream. Keep him awake, until I get back."

He turned, and headed into the forest, as the sounds of sizzling wood and the smell of burning flesh traveled into the night sky.


They were laughing at him, mocking him for his idle threats. It had been worth a shot and he'd renewed his attempts to break free in a hope that he'd catch them at a weak moment and offguard. It wasn't to happen though.The firmly got him to their leader and ready to position him.

It was only with his hand being pinned by the foot of a soldier, did Adem truly realise that he wasn't going to be dying. Not now, and not execution style. He wasn't going to be spared with a quick and painless death. He was going to be tortured. Adem hadn't given in with his struggles until someone was behind him, holding his hand firmly behind his back and the man he had stabbed was pointing a firearm at his head.

Adem returned Thatcher's look with one of pure determination and strength. Something within his eyes telling them that they wouldn't crush him with whatever they had planned. He'd be strong and get through it.

That was until the first bite of the axe had hit his wrist. Adem's whole body spasmed as he let out an ear-piercing scream. Agony rippled up his arm as blood spurted out from the wound. Adem felt nauseous and with the second cut into the bone, Adem had been sick through the scream. Whatever Thatcher was saying, Adem wasn't listening, his body in too much pain as the axe drove to cut through his bone, severing his hand.

His body was going into shock with the fourth cut through the bone and his hand hanging off. He was barely conscious and the previous screams had turned into painful grunts as his body spasmed and struggled against the pain. There was no point in trying to fight back. Finally, his hand fell to the ground. Adem wasn't upright anymore, only managing it because of the position the soldier behind him had forced him into as his hand was severed.

He barely registered the hand slapping his sweat covered face before being thrown away for the ravenous wildlife to maul. He just wanted to collapse to the ground and be swallowed up by the darkness threatening to consume him. He wasn't even granted that though. His eyes opening wide as searing heat burned the wound that had been created only seconds ago. Another set of screams escaped his mouth as he struggled against the captors in a bid to end the pain and suffering.

He was granted no mercy.

All his strength and determination had left him and he was now a wounded mess, unable to take the severe punishment that was being given out to him by the men.

And as his body continued to go into shock, but refused to let him slip into an unconscious state, he heard the sizzling of the wood and the smelt his flesh burning.

The setting changes from No Man's Land to Obsidian Knights

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#, as written by Mid

The arrow flew smoothly into her target’s neck. He grunted violently and fell to his knees as blood spurted thickly from the wound his hands attempted to seal in vain. As he continued on his path towards the ground, the man looked at Cosmos with fear in his eyes.

She had changed drastically in the last month both physically and mentally. Insomnia took over her nights, giving her a withdrawn look as dark circles framed her eyes. The weight lost made her skin look leather like while her hair took on an untamed look. She would occasionally cough or spit her own blood out which sometimes left her teeth stained red, not that she cared. There was only one thing on her mind…


Dropping her arm, Cosmos cocked her head slightly as the man struggled to breathe. Breathing quickly, he attempted to crawl a way which made her smile. She walked as if she had all the time in the world, taking in the scenery. They were in a small camping ground in the middle of nowhere; surrounded by a few broken buildings and a lot of dirt in all directions.

The man was attempting to crawl towards the tent where his family laid dead. She had taken care of them first while he was out hunting. It was almost relieving to see the light dimmer from his wife’s eyes as she died. The naive woman had begged for mercy in regards to her child’s life, which Cosmos granted. A simple blow to the head using a rock did the job. Simple as in five to six times.

She waited for him to open the makeshift door of their tent and closed her eyes as the sound of his mangled scream filled the air. It was time.

With a few simple steps, she was over him and forced him on his back. β€œNow…now you know that feeling….”Lightly, her fingers danced around his cheek but her eyes remained on his, β€œI will never forgive you for what you’ve done.” Her voice sounded almost inhuman, like a growl.

His face, she remembered it well. Before tossing her over, he told her, β€œI hope you find mercy in hell, bitch!” and spat in her face. Cosmos replayed it every time her eyes closed and she sat on his chest, threw her head back and laughed. It was almost unnerving.

β€œIt sure is a beautiful night..” Looking down, Cosmos looked distant. β€œI’m going to kill him, you know?” She leaned forward, β€œI’m going to get that cocksucker, I promise you…” and jammed the arrow deeper into his throat which caused him to struggle in vain. β€œI hope you find mercy in hell…no, not really.” Repeatedly she stabbed him in the throat with the arrow. Blood flew freely across her chest and arms as the man faded away yet she didn’t care. It felt amazing to take a life, almost orgasmic.

β€œI think he’s dead already.” Ike stood behind her in more modern clothes. A dear friend, well a person who feared her, had been nice enough to update his programming, which gave him a more human like personality. He even wore glasses.

. It was because of this robot that Cosmos had survived on that night. He found her, broken and nearly dead, and dragged her towards safety. The A.I. had developed a form of loyalty towards her despite his disagreement with her methods Ike was unable to disobey her. It was most unfortunate for that nurse to have met her that day. She would never be able to use her hands again.

β€œOh Ike…you know I can get carried away, just a bit.” She smiled at him in an innocent manner, despite the obvious.

β€œPlease try to remember our goal, Mistress.” With a sigh, Ike made a smile that seemed almost human.

β€œHow could I forget?” She wiped the arrow on her prey’s clothes and stood up, β€œYou remind me every five minutes. We’re headed East in some attempt to gain info and allies but mostly, we want the info.”

β€œDoes this displease you?” The Android looked puzzled.

β€œYou’re just so cute, you know that?” Cosmos walked around the camp, looking at their supplies.

β€œThank you?”

The setting changes from Obsidian Knights to The Disciples


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#, as written by FizzGig
Warning: The following post contains mature content. Read at own risk.

Evelyn Roan -- North Compound -- North

Eve’s hand smoothed over the blueprint she had spread out across her father’s desk, her brow furrowed in thought as she straightened out the corners, tracing her fingertips over the complex equations that were encrypted into the blueprint. Slowly, but surely, she was beginning to understand what her father’s vision was for this project. He’d been a smart, but secretive man. While he had worked for the majority of Eve’s life to prepare her for being the future leader of the Disciples, he’d kept some of the vital information away from her, like how to understand the complex algorithms that he’d incorporated into this blueprint.

Jessie understood it. Of course, she was gallivanting in the middle of No Man’s land with a fucking rogue.

That reminded her.

She picked up a short-range radio, depressing the call button before speaking into the mic. β€œThis is Commander. Are the cadets ready?”

There was a moment of brief static, then a voice came back over the com. β€œReady, Commander.”

Eve smiled. She went to the top desk drawer, withdrawing a standard pistol, with a six-bullet chamber, a single bullet, and a small vial of a clear, syrupy fluid. She pocketed the vial and the bullet, kept the gun held loosely in her hand, and exited the office.

She walked toward a central staircase, located nearer to the back of the building, and quietly made her way down to the lower level. The doorway opened to a long, bland hallway, with a few doors branching off to the left and right. She took the second door on the right, opening on what looked like a cell block, and went to room 2B.

She adjusted her blouse as she lifted her hand and knocked on the steel doorway, waiting until the door was opened before she entered, a placid smile twisting her features. Lined up along the opposite wall were three man, beaten and bruised. Their eyes were on the ground. Two guards stood on either side of her, their guns pointed at the prisoners.

It was the search party that had returned a few days previously, empty handed.

β€œEvening, gentlemen.” She said, her high, lilting voice almost like nails on a chalkboard. The men lifted their faces to her, white-faced, anxious, but silent.

β€œI suppose Markus has informed you about the status of your imprisonment?” she asked, not surprised to see that they didn’t respond, once again. She smiled at them. β€œAnd I suppose you lot think I’m going to have the three of you executed.”

Their chins fell to their chests in unison. β€œWell, I’m not.”

Immediately the three of them perked, hope lighting in their bruised, bleeding faces. Disgusting, worthless failures, all of them. She stepped up to the first gentleman, peering up into his face with a scrutinizing gaze. β€œSoldiers are hard to come by. They take time, training, and they’re oftentimes worth their weight in gold. But the reality is that the three of you, together, have failed me. No one is to blame, but someone has to be punished. I have to set an example.”

She withdrew the pistol, the chamber sitting open, waiting to receive a bullet. β€œSo I’ll leave it to chance.” She was grinning wide now. Her index finger twitched the chamber, sending it into a rapid spin that filled the room with the racket. She paraded in front of the three, pulling out the bullet and holding it out for them to see. The nine millimeter looked like it was going to do quite a bit of damage.

She then withdrew the vial. β€œCan anyone tell me what this is?”

They studied it, but their confusion and their fear prevented them from answering. β€œHemlock.” She finally said. β€œAnd Belladonna. A concoction my sister invented.” She dripped the fluid over the bullet, replacing the vial, and loading the bullet into the chamber.

β€œSo you can thank her as the poison sinks into your veins.” She spun the chamber, holding up the gun with a winning smile before she slapped the chamber into the weapon, removing the safety, and cocking the gun.

β€œWho first?” she chirped. β€œHow about you.” The first man she’d approached she decided to start with, walking up and ramming the barrel of the gun against his gut, just under his ribcage. Descending abdominal aorta. Bleeds out the slowest, takes the longest to die.

She pulled the trigger, frowning in mild disappointment as the barrel clicked on an empty round. The man nearly sunk to his knees in relief.

She walked to the second man, humming lightly to herself as she pressed the gun to his gut in much the same fashion. β€œInteresting how I get to use my statistical analyses in such a morbid situation mm? Your chances of surviving are that much lower.” She smiled at him, and pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened.

Huffing, Eve looked down at the gun, as if to scold it, then walked to the third and final man. He was trembling, his eyes pressed closed, whispering something under his breath. She suddenly started to laugh.

β€œAre you praying?” she asked in disbelief. The man hesitated, looking at her.

β€œYes.” He said softly.

β€œGood. Tell God that I’ll be coming for Him soon enough.” She said with a sick looking smile. Without hesitating, she pulled the trigger.

The weapon went off, the recoil pinching her hand and bruising her wrist. Her victim buckled, blood spewing and spattering Eve across her cheek and shoulder. He fell to the ground, twitching, gasping for air, and vomiting blood.

She took a step back, looking down at him and shrugging a little before turning to look at the other two men. They stared down at their comrade in horror, lifting their eyes hesitantly to her as she holstered the pistol and crossed her arms over her chest.

β€œSince you two were so unhelpfully quiet, allow me to help you be rid of that pesky organ you obviously don’t use that much.” She glanced back to the guards, nodding her chin briefly, then moved to exit the room.

The sounds of the men howling in agony as their tongues were cut from their mouth was the last thing she heard, and she was humming the whole time.

The setting changes from The Disciples to Obsidian Knights

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It had been a long day. Sen wanted nothing more than to be locked in that guest room with nothing more than a food pack and a bottle of water. It had been a long journey, for Sen did nothing but walk, and walk, and walk. All the time. It was actually a blessing, coming to a compound after exhausting both yourself and your supplies. There was no fear of being torn up by vicious animals, either. Other than Evelyn, of course, but she did not bite…not too hard. Not yet.

It seemed someone else had some idea about blessing, too. Just as Sen went to head to their quarters, there was a call in their direction. Sen looked up, eyes locking onto the blue of a lanky figure coming by, exiting a crowd as if he were born from it. The soldier looked around. Was the man mistaken? Sen did not get people who wanted to talk, no. Usually only people who wanted to stare. That was one thing about compounds that one did not get while traveling alone.

Those stares.

The soldier shuffled uncomfortably, at first unsure of what to say. Speaking of anything but the most important of information to the leaders was rare. β€œGood day to you, as well,” came the robotic Microsoft Sam voice, the sound drawing directly from the front of the gasmask.

β€œIndeed. I am an ally to Evelyn and the North. I have been a Northern member for a while, however, I do not come by often,” said the soldier, fingers coming up only to scratch the back of their head. Speaking so casually was so strange, however, this man did not seem so disgusted or terrified of the solider. When the man stretched out his hand, the soldier reached out hesitantly, grabbing it.

β€œI am Sen.”

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Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

Add Quest » Quests

You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 6 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Obsidian Knights

Obsidian Knights by Architect

The Keep- A large wall made of of metal and concrete salvaged from destroyed buildings, Planes, Train cars and Vehicles. Along the top of the wall are guards and weapon emplacements that over see the perimeter surrounding them. Under the surface of the earth lies a minefield that serves as the primary line of defense. Within the Walls is the Knights Compound, the centerofwhich holds The Archives, a large building that served asadata storage facility before the war, now it is the Knight's HQ.

No Man's Land

No Man's Land by CriminalMinds

A vast amount of desert like area with dialect buildings, vast wastelands, and rogues (people that aren't in a gang). Violence is high here. Wild animals also roam the area.

The Disciples

The Disciples by FizzGig

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

Thanatos Instinct

Thanatos Instinct by Gasmask

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

The Underground

The Underground by RolePlayGateway

The old subway/sewer systems.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Evelyn Roan
0 sightings Evelyn Roan played by FizzGig
The Rose with Poisoned Thorns
Character Portrait: Jessie Roan
0 sightings Jessie Roan played by FizzGig
The Underdog
Character Portrait: Sen
0 sightings Sen played by Moonscar
The unknown is what keeps us powerful.
Character Portrait: Vladis Lilija
0 sightings Vladis Lilija played by Run
"The Princess of Dead Lilies" -- At long last. you may no longer distinguish what binds you from what is you.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Adenovirus 423. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 37 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Adelaide
Character Portrait: Andrew Concepcion
Character Portrait: Trys
Character Portrait: Thatcher Rivet
Character Portrait: Elioenai "Eli" Carmody
Character Portrait: Sara Delaware
Character Portrait: Derek McAvoy
Character Portrait: Peter Gregory
Character Portrait: Nicole Kingsman
Character Portrait: Preston and Wyatt Daniels
Character Portrait: Cosmos
Character Portrait: Maria
Character Portrait: Holly Mitchell
Character Portrait: Paul Julius Holmes
Character Portrait: Evan Bridger
Character Portrait: Areli Lovell
Character Portrait: Charisse Norman


Character Portrait: Charisse Norman
Charisse Norman

"I see a war on the horizon. Splatters of blood on the ground, a river of crimson weaving around the world twice over. I see the cure with my own eyes, and I hear everything in my own way. Don't see me with your eyes, seem me with your faith."

Character Portrait: Areli Lovell
Areli Lovell

Give me a foot, I will take a yard. Give me an inch, I will take a mile. Give me nothing... Well I might just take everything.

Character Portrait: Evan Bridger
Evan Bridger

My name is Peter Gregory; let me tell you about my buddy, Evan.

Character Portrait: Paul Julius Holmes
Paul Julius Holmes

The Bipartite Kid

Character Portrait: Holly Mitchell
Holly Mitchell

You shut the fuck up, we'll protect the Key.

Character Portrait: Cosmos

Please don't hurt my baby...

Character Portrait: Preston and Wyatt Daniels
Preston and Wyatt Daniels

"There's a part I can't tell... about the dark I know well."

Character Portrait: Nicole Kingsman
Nicole Kingsman

Well, you see.. We've got to protect it, otherwise? We're all going to die.

Character Portrait: Peter Gregory
Peter Gregory

"Man named Shakespeare said, 'The course of true love never did run smooth.' I say back, 'Yes'."


Character Portrait: Nicole Kingsman
Nicole Kingsman

Well, you see.. We've got to protect it, otherwise? We're all going to die.

Character Portrait: Preston and Wyatt Daniels
Preston and Wyatt Daniels

"There's a part I can't tell... about the dark I know well."

Character Portrait: Elioenai "Eli" Carmody
Elioenai "Eli" Carmody

"Why do you doubt? You saw it with your very own eyes. Felt its icy grip with your own skin. The end of times is upon us and it is time to take sides."

Character Portrait: Thatcher Rivet
Thatcher Rivet

"All I see when I look out at the world is land for the conquering. The South will swarm like sewer rats, and we will eat like kings when we're through gnawing our way around the foundation of all who oppose us."

Character Portrait: Adelaide

Mother, Sister, Daughter...

Character Portrait: Peter Gregory
Peter Gregory

"Man named Shakespeare said, 'The course of true love never did run smooth.' I say back, 'Yes'."

Character Portrait: Trys

ADV Character

Character Portrait: Areli Lovell
Areli Lovell

Give me a foot, I will take a yard. Give me an inch, I will take a mile. Give me nothing... Well I might just take everything.

Character Portrait: Evan Bridger
Evan Bridger

My name is Peter Gregory; let me tell you about my buddy, Evan.

Character Portrait: Sara Delaware
Sara Delaware

A life is a life.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Holly Mitchell
Holly Mitchell

You shut the fuck up, we'll protect the Key.

Character Portrait: Sara Delaware
Sara Delaware

A life is a life.

Character Portrait: Andrew Concepcion
Andrew Concepcion

"I don't understand how people would want to prevent progress, but that won't stop me from killing anyone who stands in my way."

Character Portrait: Trys

ADV Character

Character Portrait: Adelaide

Mother, Sister, Daughter...

Character Portrait: Areli Lovell
Areli Lovell

Give me a foot, I will take a yard. Give me an inch, I will take a mile. Give me nothing... Well I might just take everything.

Character Portrait: Thatcher Rivet
Thatcher Rivet

"All I see when I look out at the world is land for the conquering. The South will swarm like sewer rats, and we will eat like kings when we're through gnawing our way around the foundation of all who oppose us."

Character Portrait: Peter Gregory
Peter Gregory

"Man named Shakespeare said, 'The course of true love never did run smooth.' I say back, 'Yes'."

Character Portrait: Derek McAvoy
Derek McAvoy

Kill all that is life

View All » Places

Obsidian Knights

Obsidian Knights by Architect

The Keep- A large wall made of of metal and concrete salvaged from destroyed buildings, Planes, Train cars and Vehicles. Along the top of the wall are guards and weapon emplacements that over see the perimeter surrounding them. Under the surface of the earth lies a minefield that serves as the primary line of defense. Within the Walls is the Knights Compound, the centerofwhich holds The Archives, a large building that served asadata storage facility before the war, now it is the Knight's HQ.

No Man's Land

No Man's Land by CriminalMinds

A vast amount of desert like area with dialect buildings, vast wastelands, and rogues (people that aren't in a gang). Violence is high here. Wild animals also roam the area.

The Disciples

The Disciples by FizzGig

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

Thanatos Instinct

Thanatos Instinct by Gasmask

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

The Underground

The Underground by RolePlayGateway

The old subway/sewer systems.

Obsidian Knights

The Keep- A large wall made of of metal and concrete salvaged from destroyed buildings, Planes, Train cars and Vehicles. Along the top of the wall are guards and weapon emplacements that over see the perimeter surrounding them. Under the surface of the earth lies a minefield that serves as the primary line of defense. Within the Walls is the Knights Compound, the centerofwhich holds The Archives, a large building that served asadata storage facility before the war, now it is the Knight's HQ.

No Man's Land

A vast amount of desert like area with dialect buildings, vast wastelands, and rogues (people that aren't in a gang). Violence is high here. Wild animals also roam the area.

The Disciples

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

The Underground

No Man's Land The Underground Owner: RolePlayGateway

The old subway/sewer systems.

Thanatos Instinct

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

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