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Prothero Ender

"If you ever need a thing ask for me."

0 · 957 views · located in Arcbell Academy

a character in “Arcbell Academy”, as played by CookieCupcake


Prothero Ender

Nick Name:




Blood Type:


Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Dressing Style:
He enjoys wearing baggy dress shirts and loose pants sometimes with a tie. He mixes I don't care with formal and it comes out fairly well. Unlike Gray he wears colors mostly white though as he feels it complements his icy and cool self.

140 pounds



Relaxing, Reading, Not having to worry, His family.

Gray being a fool, Guys around Juliet, Most females, Stress, Work, Video games.

He tends to hum to himself.

N/A He is Bisexual

Out of the three Ender kids Prothero is the cold one. He thinks of himself highly and acknowledges few people this causes girls to think hes that mysterious boy and fawn over him but he honestly hates it preferring to just keep to himself. His cold demeanor makes him scare people away and makes him hate himself. But to the few he's opened up to they will often say he is kind deep down and very compassionate always worrying about others before himself but simply not knowing how to go about most things. Prothero is often stressed really he just needs someone who can make him relax and understand him.


He has ice breath and can freeze things with his touch though he prefers not to he sometimes does it without realizing and hates himself for it.


Mom and Dad - Alive

Gray (Younger Brother) - Alive

Juliet (Adopted Human Sister ) - Alive

The Ender family helped found the school and were among the first demons to attend this legacy has carried on with many of the Ender family working at the school or donating to the school. Prothero being the eldest has been told how in some way he must also carry on this legacy. Because he's been told this from a young age by his father constantly Prothero has always felt burdened and angry jealous of Gray. At a young age they fought allot each wanting what the other had. Though most of the fighting stopped with Juliet. Despite being human she understood everything so well and helped close the rifts between everyone she brought everyone together. Prothero and Gray still have issues but despite them they've managed to get along and care for each other. Prothero hate's most of the time at home and enjoys school he doesn't just have average grades he has great grades and he plans to be a teacher but because of his cold social skills Prothero has troubles with friends and talking to people... He hopes this can change.



So begins...

Prothero Ender's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Romeo was definitely curious at the mention of a chest cavity, but he decided it was best not to ask about it. Anyways, it didn't seem like his friend was too thrilled to talk about his brother, so he made it his job to get his mind off of it. That was what friends were for after all, right? Smiling, he released his grip on the older boy, pulling away only slightly. When he felt Prothero run his finger along his horn he blushed, biting his lower lip and ducking his head. "Umm," so it turns out he wasn't very good at this whole "getting your mind off of" thing. "Want to help me figure out who my new roommate is?" The boy looked hopeful, pulling out the puppy eyes and everything. "My old one graduated last year, so they're assigning me a new one." His smile fell slightly, he was going to miss his old friend.

Hey angel! Wolfram's step faltered, and slowly he came to a stop and turned to look at the two he had just been mentally judging. The annoyance must have been clear on his face, but it seemed the demon cared little for it. Being called blondy just made his anger rise, but it vanished when the demon said he had a nice face. He was sure he was blushing. Was it really that obvious that he liked guys? It wasn't his fault! This was going to ruin his life, if anyone else found out about it everything would just be for nothing. People were supposed to be afraid of him! Why else would he carry around a sword?

After a moment, Wolfie stomped over to the two, glaring at the red head as if to warn him to stay quiet. "How did you know?" his voice was very quiet, nearly a hiss as he contained his anger. Really, he was just making a fool of himself. Neither boys knew of his secret, how could they? But he was too blinded by his embarrassment and rage at this point. "Both of you better not say a word to anyone!" Glancing accusingly at both, he took a step backwards and then spun around, quickly retreating in the direction he had come from.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Prothero Ender

Prothero blinked. "If I believe correctly they renovated so it was one person per room." Prothero nodded. "Too many incidents last year..." Prothero blinked his icy eyes before looking back at the shorter demon. "Though some people did end up getting a shared room either way it was random as it always is... My sister did not but I did I believe my younger brother did as well..." Prothero blinked. "I heard my roomate was a demon... If I got stuck with my brother like last year..." Prothero huffed and shook his head. "Il end up having to force him to wear his clothes in the room... Him a his stupid boxers." Prothero blinked realizing what he said out loud. He snickered before laughing lightly. "Your easy to speak with Romeo... I find it relieving... Thank you." Prothero smiled it was a small rare smile but a smile non-the less.


Gray Ender

Gray blinked at the angel confused. But before he could really respond the blonde boy turned and walked off leaving a cowering Everett. Man, this human was indeed terrified. It made Gray feel bad... But he wasn't really accustom to humans being afraid of him. His parents had kept him away from that... And Juliet... Juliet had no idea about the prejudice between species. Gray watched the human walk into the office. How was he suppose to comfort a human anyway? Gray lifted himself into a small space above the office door frame and the ceiling. The space was often use'd for plants but Gray could fit his short lean body in there if he tried. He watched for Everett's head and when he emerged Gray let himself slide and hang down his face in front of the humans. "Hi." Gray grinned until he felt himself slip but it was too late he slid right off.

He fell off of the space and landed somehow on his back looking up at the boy. Gray laughed and grinned a little. "I wasn't meaning to drop in but... Hey!" Gray grinned and sat up rubbing his now hurting head. "So did you get one of the personal rooms or did you end up getting a dorm... They renovated so half the rooms are for one person the other half are dorms... The selection is random so is the amount of person I think it can be 3... I got a shared room." Gray grinned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Romeo had somehow got them moving towards one of the library's reading areas while they were talking, and was now sitting comfortably on one side of the couch and watching as Prothero spoke at the other. At first he had been worried, hearing him say that they changed it to only one person a room. Being alone wasn't something he liked, which is why he hadn't had one, but two roommates the previous year. Just like being in the dark wasn't very pleasant for him either. It was a good thing that he had been able to become friends with his old roommates, because he tended to have to cuddle with them in the middle of the night just because he was scared. A demon, scared? Romeo definitely was the biggest scaredy-cat anyone could ever meet. He found himself laughing when Thero spoke about his brother running around in boxers, but when wasn't Romeo laughing? Everything amused the boy, he was so innocent and joyful, on the exterior. "No need to thank me, what are friends for?" He grinned, chewing on his bottom lip a moment before hopping up and taking his friends hand. "Come on, let's go find out who our roommates are! Wait, can we do that?"

When Wolfie got back to his room, everything was packed up. It rather annoyed him to find that they did it all by themselves, not even asking him about anything. How was he supposed to find his things? What if they stole something? Grumbling, he took his sword first, slinging it around his shoulder before grabbing the two other bags. The note on his door instructed him towards building B, third floor, room 26. With a heavy sigh, he hauled all of his things outside- thank god he was on the first floor -and then over to the other building. At least they had elevators, even if it would have been pretty easy for him to carry his things, he was rather lazy(and spoiled). Pushing open the door to his room revealed three beds, and immediately he frowned. "I have to room with two other people?" he grumbled to himself, throwing his things onto the bed near the corner. "Great," his voice was laced with sarcasm, even if no one was around to hear him. Throwing his things to the floor, he laid back on the bed and closed his eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Prothero Ender

Prothero blinked. "I have no idea... I don't believe so..." Prothero thought for a moment. "Well... What room do you have any... I was assigned one roommate and it's on the second floor room 201." Prothero returned to his matter of fact way of speaking temporarily as he went over the details he had earlier memorized. "I know I only have one room mate as there were only two beds." Prothero smiled, though a silent part of him hoped he had a roommate like Romeo. The smaller demon was kind and gentle... And while he did use a little more physical contact then Prothero was use to he did not mind.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray grinned. "Cool! And... Yeah course I'm fine..." Gray stood and dusted himself off quickly. "Let's go fin this dorm of yours ok?" He shoved his hands in his pockets and allowed the human to take the lead. "I'm sharing my own room with 2 people... I just hope there chill... I don't want to have to act like I'm at a super important social convention... I mean it's a bedroom I should be allowed to go shirtless if I so desire!" Gray huffed determined. Yes it was true there was the chest mouth... But hey that thing ate most of the time for Gray he hated forcing it under annoying cloth. Besides it wasn't all that scary... Was it? Gray frowned without realizing. He hated scaring people... People were never afraid of Prothero... Gray wasn't scary not he just had two mouths... And one was slightly bigger then the other... and on his chest... That wasn't scary it was just unique. Yeah, unique...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Romeo blinked, seemingly shocked for a moment. Hardly even listening to the rest of the Prothero said, he had begun searching himself, going through his hoodie pockets and his jean pockets until he finally found what he was looking for. Looking over his schedule, he found the room assignment at the bottom of the page. "Thero!" he yelled, as quietly as he could so he wouldn't disturb the librarian- that guy was scary. "Look, look," he crawled over to the other, showing his paper to the other but wiggling it around so much that it was probably impossible for him to actually see. "We're roomies! Oh, it's just destiny! We'll be together forever!" Romeo giggled quietly, falling backwards onto the couch and just lying there, on his back, staring up at the ceiling. "This is going to be the best. I hope you don't mind being cuddled with, I hate the dark."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Prothero Ender

Prothero blinked it shock when Romeo wiggled over. The shock soon left and a smile replaced it. He watched as Romeo flopped and spoke wistfully... While Romeo was happy Prothero had to admit he was nervous. He had never spent time being cuddled let alone in the dark. But he hoped that he would be able to succeed at being good comforter. "I-I have never been cuddled... But I hope I will be good at it." Prothero looked over at Romeo and watched him.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray clapped his hands together. "Seriously! Were in the same room!" He wrapped his arms around the taller human and picked him up though the just resulted in his feet a few inches off the ground. "Let's go get you un-packed!" Gray grinned and grabbed the humans arm before tugging him along. "I wonder who else will be our roommate... Maybe there not even there yet when I un-packed earlier I was all alone so... I'm kinda relief I figured out one of my roommates." Gray looked back at the human. "And someone so kind too I'm lucky~" Gray let out a little sing song tune play out at the end of his sentence. He was too happy to care about a single thing. He only hopped his other roommate would be as unique and fun as Evie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Romeo smiled, sitting slightly up and crossing his legs beneath him. "Well, it isn't really something that you have to practice," he teased lightly. "It's sort of a... natural thing, I guess. Don't worry, we'll both probably be half asleep and I'll end up crawling in bed with you or something," the boy broke out in laughter again, leaning back once more. "You'll just wake up and I'll be there, and you'll wonder what the heck happened the night before." It had happened before, him and his old roommates had had some awkward mornings. "Want to go check out our room?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Prothero Ender

Prothero blushed his cheeks lighting up to a bright pink. "I-I see..." He looked over at the boy. "Our room?" The word sounded off on his lips but he managed to sound vague about it. "Alright... I did not have time to unpack I simply set my things aside so they would not cause a problem." He thought about it. "So we should probably get to work on setting up the room in a comfortable fashion." He smiled gently but cooly at the younger boy.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray was happy when they reached the room. He peeked in only to have the door shut on his face. Gray blinked and looked back at the human confused. Was there roommate a stripper? Because in a way that was HIS job. But right as Gray was about to ask the red head let out a despaired sigh. Gray arched an eye brow and opened the door his golden eyes landing on the angel from before. "Woah seriously! We get the cute angel???" Gray did a victory dance. "I scored this year! No annoying brother and two cuties! High Scoreeee~" Gray walked in and wrapped an arm around the blonde boy pulling him close. "Guess who your awesome roommates are?" He stuck his tongue out and winked at the same time. When he was sure he'd thoroughly complimented his two adorable hopefully soon to be friends he allowed himself to jump onto the bed he'd claimed earlier that day. Buried himself part way within the soft confines of his bed and peeked out grinning childishly at his two roommates.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Romeo grinned, throwing his legs over the side of the couch and back onto the floor so he could stand. Quickly he took hold of Prothero's hand, making an effort to start dragging him in the direction of their room. "Someone at the office said they would move my stuff for me, so it should already be in our room." He really was excited about this, who knew that his new friend was going to be his roommate too? It really had to be destiny, why else would it have happened?

Wolfram was still lounging on the bed when he heard the door open. The only thing he caught was a flash of red before the door closed again, causing him to pause. There was a boy from earlier with hair like that, the human. When the door opened again the reveal the demon, he took a sharp breath, glaring as the boy made his way closer. Having the others arm around him literally made him shudder, flinching along with every syllable uttered. Was he really calling him cute again? You would have though they'd have gotten the memo earlier- he wasn't into guys. Or, he wasn't publicly into guys.

Fixing his glare on the human now, he gave a rather disgusted sigh. "Nice to see you again, Carrot." While he watched the demon get comfortable on his bed, he carefully crossed his arms over his chest and stayed standing, not quite sure what to make of the situation. He didn't want a single room, but at the same time he didn't want to be stuck with these two. Might as well try and make the best out of a terrible situation, or he could at least try, maybe. "I'm Wolfram Grace, if either of you were wondering." The angel stated drily, eying his sword.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Prothero Ender

Prothero allowed himself to be dragged by Romeo and smiled a little to himself as he followed his cheerful friend. It was odd... Prothero always found Gray's optimism to be annoying... And Juliet always was happy as well but Prothero was use to hers as she was his sister... In fact Prothero found most people bursting with enthusiasm to either be annoying or distracting... His siblings he was use to be aside that he'd never stranded other people much... Yet Romeo had popped out of the blue bursting with thoughts and ideas, remarks and enthusiasm and Prothero found himself enjoying it. The blue haired boy continued to follow along not even noticing that the rather bothersome girls that found Prothero attractive for his 'mystery' were observing the pair.

~ . ~

Ender Gray

Gray could sense the hostility coming off the blonde and he frowned. But he was soon distracted as they began the exchange of names. Gray sat up. "My name is Gray Ender! You better remember it well angel." Gray gave one of his evil winks before he promptly and without thought pulled off his shirt and lay back on the bed. His stomach 'cavity' as Prothero refereed to it was closed at the moment, so really Gray just looked like a shirtless boy with a rather toned abdomen. Of course this would not last long as his stomach gave a slight grow.. Blinking Gray sat up mumbled something about how eating was troublesome before riffling through his bag. He pulled out a container which held several oddly large cut pieces of brownie. Gray grabbed a piece and lifted the chocolate delight to his upper abdomen where his mouth opened slowly. Gray happily ate the brownie.

Really the only use for the extra mouth was eating with it and perhaps various other un-mentionable activities... Well he could also eat people as it was traditional greed demons to eat those who were too greedy but Gray did not do such things. Smiling to himself Gray picked up another brownie before he realized the effect the extra opening might have on his roommates. Looking up Gray smiled sheepishly. "Sorry... I always eat this way... I can eat from my normal mouth as well but... It's really only for talking aside that I've used it for sense I was a kid...B-Best we just get it out of the way now." Gray smiled sheepishly his cheeks lighting up for the first time sense he'd met either of the boys. It was rare to see Gray blushing... But as Juliet often claimed the sight was cute as well as funny.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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The first thing he had done when they'd got into the room, was emit a happy squeal and nearly jump onto Prothero, clinging tightly to him as he looked around the room. It was just perfect, in every sense of the word! Quickly letting go of the other boy, he hopped around the room happily. "Which bed do you want?" he asked, unable to keep the excitement out of his posture or words. After he had gotten his answer, he plopped down on the other bed, rolling around for a moment before sitting back up, clinging to the pillow and shifting so he was crosslegged. Staring- almost in awe -at Thero, he blushed. Seems he finally realized how embarrassing his actions had been, but he promised himself not to mention it or apologize unless his friend said something about it. Maybe Thero just didn't mind too much. "Isn't it just perfect?" he breathed, tearing his gaze away from Thero and glancing around again.

Wolfram grimaced slightly, watching the demon eat with the mouth on his chest. It didn't bother him as much as it had apparently bothered Carrot, but it was still quite disgusting. You would assume he would be used to this, considering just how much and how many of the other species he had seen in just his short lifetime. That was fairly normal though, at least in his opinion. Angels tended to be the unofficial caretakers of everyone. It didn't make them better- no, it was just everything else they did that made them better -than the others though. Perhaps you could say it made them a bit more mature, but even that was false. He knew quite a few Angels in the "cleaning up" profession that he was far more mature than- but he was also more mature than most people.

But none of that really mattered at the present moment, most of his mind was occupied by the amusement of seeing Carrot topple backwards off his bed- pulling nearly everything with him -, and then mild disgust as he watched the demon feed his.. chest. Though the Angel's lips turned up in a slight smirk as an idea came to him, and he chuckled lowly before standing up and making his way nearer Gray, attempting to appear as... sorrowful? as he could. "That looks difficult," he said first, taking a seat at the edge of Gray's bed- only barely able to hold back a grimace. "I'm sure that if you wanted, Carrot and I could help with that." It was an awkward question, but from what he had seen of his new roommate so far, it wasn't something he would really think was stange. Seemed like he would actually be more happy about it then anything. "Right Carrot?" he threw over his shoulder, leaning back a bit so he could twist his torso around enough to see the red haired boy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Prothero Ender

Prothero blinked and just watched Romeo. He was so happy. He sat on his bed and smiled to himself as he peeked out of the window. The view was decent which pleased Romeo. Prothero looked back at the younger demon and nodded in agreement before opening his wings and laying down. "It is nice..." Prothero smiled to himself it was a faint smile but it was genuine, though he still hopped that Romeo would not see fearing that he would be teased by the younger demon.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray rarely had moments where he was clueless... Those moments were reserved for his sister not for him! But the rare times that such a moment did strike Gray the demon was a bit of an air head. He blinked and threw the brownie into his stomach mouth savoring the taste. "No, No, I can feed myself... Sure it's a little tough cause the angle but I was raised like it so..." Gray blinked. He arched an eye brow at the blob that was Everett. "Umm... Evie? Your not feeling ill are you?" Gray was genuinely concerned and also confused. Gray's chest mouth closed and sealed shut like a door leaving only the thinnest crease where it was once open. He smiled at Wolfram and Everett and decided to try and amused his roommate hopping to take his mind off of whatever was plaguing it. Closing his hand Gray re-opened it a gold ball having appeared. He smirked and closed his hand around the gold again, opening it this time to reveal a nicely golden carved bird. Gray only hopped his odd ability would help change the mood that he did not quite understand.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet was still beaming happy as ever when she noticed a boy walk past. He seemed rather lost but acted like he knew the way. Juliet blinked and watched as the boy froze. She walked over and gently tapped the boy on the shoulder. When she was sure she got his attention she beamed a happy smile. "Are you lost?" Juliet smiled, she could tell he was not a human so she wondered what he was. Unlike the other races here Juliet had no way of sensing what race who belonged to, and even some of the people at the school no matter there race could grow confused, Juliet herself had been mistaken for a vampire once because of her large orb like ruby eyes. Juliet gave a gently smile. "Cause if you are I can help~ I'm helping out everyone I can today~ Lot's of new people!" She smiled and clapped her hands together.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Still smiling, Romeo glanced at his friend to see him smiling, which just made him all the more happy. Sometimes he wasn't quite sure if he was truly happy, or if he was just pretending to be happy. This wasn't one of those times though, he could tell. He was honestly happy that he was sharing a room with his new friend, who didn't seem to mind much either. Dropping down on his bed, he pulled his legs up towards his chest and rested his chin on his knees, growing calmer as he finally took in his surroundings without hopping back and forth and bouncing off the walls. "We'll always be best friends, right Thero?"

Wolfram would never even think about admitting it, but he was a tad bit frightened by the chest mouth. Sure, he had read about it, and sure, he knew it was real. But, you know, stuff like this doesn't really sink in until you see if yourself. Once you see it yourself, you sort of feel like grabbing your stuff and getting the hell out as fast as you could- well, he would at least grab his sword, the rest of the stuff would be easily replaced. Either way, he couldn't stifle the small sigh of relief that came from him when the mouth closed. Pushing himself off of Gray's bed, he ignored the little gold trick and returned to his bed.

Unpacking, for him, consisted of opening two suitcases and sliding them in front of his bed. Almost every year he had been here, he had made due living out of his suitcases. It just seemed stupid to actually unpack, it wasn't like a drawer could keep his clothes cleaner ot straighter than his bag could. Honestly, you would never see Wolfie outside looking anything less than perfect, clothes, hair, and all. Even when he woke up he looked surprisingly angelic. And why was that? Probably because he didn't put his damn clothes in drawers where other peoples dirty things had been.

He reached for his sword and connected it to his belt, deciding that he shouldn't have to comply with such school rules any longer. If he wanted to carry around a sword, he should very well be allowed to. "Hey lovebirds," he called, trying to direct each of their attention to him. "Either of you know when classes actually start?" Even if it was him asking them a question, his tone didn't make it seem that way at all. It was quite demanding, he expected an answer, nothing else. And even though he was the one lacking information they had, he still managed to make himself sound smarter than them, clearly talking down to the pair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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What was an angel. It was a good question, perhaps not one that he was asked often but, still important. Most didn't really care, pinning the name angel right up along with stuck up goody-two-shoes. Well, in most cases, it was actually pretty right. Angels were popular among the humans, followed by vampires and werewolves. Then came the ghosts and demons, as many people refused to believe in the negative supernatural- which really came off as something amusing to him. If you believed that angels existed, why not believe that demons existed? Quite silly if you ask him- still, no one had asked and he wasn't going to voice his opinions on such a topic. The least popular species seemed to be D'hampires, not that he had anything against them, people just didn't seem to know much about them.

Then there were angels like him. Well, not exactly like him. Just ones that weren't goody-two-shoes and seemed to find more pleasure in rebelling rather than sucking up to whoever it was they were supposed to be running around fixing things for. He just happened to be one of those, being the worst an angel could be. Rude, stuck up, greedy, and rebellious. Really, it was more fun for him than anything. It wasn't like his only goal in life was to screw everything up, let someone else do that. He just liked making things hard for others, it was enjoyable to watch and see if they would crash and burn or somehow make it through. And honestly, he didn't make it easy. Only those who somehow learned to manage the young prince's attitude could earn his respect.

And then there were demons, usually seen as scary and mean. Until you met someone like Gray, who really just made you want to smash your own face it- and he would have, if his face wasn't so pretty. The demon had apparently suggested they go take a tour of the area, and Wolfie really wasn't crazy about such an idea. "Um, I think I'll stay be-" his head snapped towards the human boy who'd just interrupted him, and he kept a steady glare on him as his hand instinctively flitted to his sword.

Romeo grinned when his friend messed up his hair, but he didn't make a move to fix it. His hair never bothered him, it sort of had this way of just fixing itself back into place. It was his horns that bothered him mostly, they were always getting in the way. Sometimes if he could concentrate hard enough, they would disappear. Of course not permanately, just for as long as he could keep concentrated. This was one of those times, ironically, and the jagged horns disappeared without a trace of where they went. Honestly, he didn't even know what happened half the time, only that they were gone. The young boy blushed bright when Thero called him Master, but the excited smile stayed where it was. Carefully the boy moved himself and crawled up next to Thero, placing his hand on his chest gently. "We could always practice that cuddling thing," he said teasingly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Gray Ender

Gray stared up at the human before circling him. "Tall~" Gray stopped. "It's not fair everyone's taller then me... except for Wolfie..." Gray smirked and walked up to the angel. He wasn't much taller then the blonde haired beauty but he was still taller. That was all that mattered. Gray smirked. "You can leave the sword you know... If anyone messes with you or Evie I can give them a good scare..." A mysterious smirk passed over Gray's lips while his dark eyes traveled back to the albino human who was standing there un-amused and confused he also had his red eyes trained on Wolfie in a rather cold manner... Perhaps he did not appreciate the sword the golden haired boy was brandishing... But either way Gray did not like him looking over Wolfie... Or Evie for that matter... But he had to make the best of the situation so he shook of his natural protectiveness desires and walked over to the tall boy staring up.

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack blinked when a red headed boy came into view. All of them were taller then him but they all seemed rather tough except for Evie who came off a bit more delicate... Well the only reason the golden haired boy looked tough was because he had a sword Jack guessed that without it he'd not be so big and tough... In fact he might even be delicate. Jack's eyes trailed over each person but they paused on the sword Wolf had. He glared before looking up and giving a grunt as a hello before turning to leave.

His path was instead cut off by a dark haired boy who stared up at him. There was a silence and finally Gray picked up the demon before setting him out of his way and going to leave once more. Only to be stopped again by the same person. What did the dark haired boy want? A hello? "You should come with us." Jack blinked confused at the dark haired boy. He did not know him yet he offered him acceptance into his group. Jack looked over once more at the terrified red head and the scowling sword bearing blonde. He looked back and nodded silently his silent watchful gaze never changing even when the dark haired boy whooped for joy and tackled his blonde roommate before dragging them out of the room. They were an interesting group that was for sure...

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero's cheeks went rather red as he looked away shyly. "If you would like... Then yes." He remained perfectly still. He'd only ever hugged Juliet and that was because he'd been forced to for fear she'd cry... He'd fought with Gray as well but he'd never cuddled. To say he was awkward would be an understatement. He was stiff as a board looking away as if his very gentlemanly conduct would be doubted if he dared to look upon his roommate. In other words he was waiting for Romeo to take the lead and guide him through this... cuddling thing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Romeo smiled softly, glad that his horns had chosen now to disappear. "Loosen up," he said, voice as gentle as it could be considering how nervous he was. It wasn't like they were going to make out or anything, but he didn't want his best friend to hate him. For a moment he chewed on his lower lip, debating his options. Pull away and curse him and Thero to forever be non-cuddling-friends. Or make Thero possibly hate him for being forced to cuddle. With a short sigh, he pulled away, deciding he would rather keep his friend and not push him past his comfort zone. "It's okay, you don't have to." He grinned, pulling that I'm-not-really-happy-but-I'll-pretend-to-be thing that he always did.

Serious Wolfram Grace? Really? What was so serious about him? They were probably mistaking the annoyance for seriousness, which was just plain idiotic. But he was too busy staring daggers at Carrot, aleady planning ways to get back at the little arse for getting him stuck in this situation. If there was one thing that Wolfram ever wanted to be, it was probably frightening. People weren't supposed to like him. They weren't supposed to find comfort in him, or happiness. But, people could definitely be afraid of him. That's why he carried around a sword after all, right? So it really didn't help that he was the shortest here, or that he had extremely feminine features and- gorgeous -blonde hair. Nope, genetics were not helping him right then.

And now Gray was pretty much manhandling him, throwing his arm around his shoulder and practically dragging him out of the room. For a moment he debated pulling the sword out and stabbing himself. It wouldn't kill him, of course. But perhaps it would convince them to let him stay behind. Then again, knowing Gray, he'd probably just carry him instead. Or stay by his bedside until the wound healed, which would be worse than a little tour. Still, he wasn't happy about it. Would have been perfectly fine if they had just went alone, let him have some time to himself in the dorm. He had pretty much already decided that this was going to be the worst school year ever.

Finally he tore his gaze from Carrot to glance over at the white haired boy, who seemed to be saying hello- though he never actually said anything. "You can call me Wolf, if it's easier." The way he said it was almost... in a sense, mocking. As if he didn't think the boy was smart enough to figure out how to say his name correctly. But at the same time, if you dug deep enough, it was meant in a sort of... kinder way too. Had he offered a nickname to either of the other boys? Then there was something different about this one, huh. "Oh, and I'd like to see you try big boy." His words now weren't as harsh as they were playful, a challenge perhaps. Wolfram stepped away from Gray to sling his arm around Carrot's shoulders, standing on his toes to place a playful peck on his cheek and bat his eyelashes at them all. "Besides, Carrot here wouldn't let you hurt me, now would you?" The last part was clearly directed towards the red head, and he was smirking all the while.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Prothero Ender

When Romeo pulled away Prothero felt a twinge of disappointment. He was awful at this friendship thing wasn't he? With a large leap of faith Prothero awkwardly pulled Romeo into a hug. "I apologize Romeo, my father did not approve of hugs... So I may not be any good." He released the younger demon and looked away. "I am the oldest of my household... So I have to be responsible... I have been trained sense very young and my father disapproved of me hugging and such things... Only ever has my sister Juliet hugged me... And that is seldom because I do not wish her trouble... I sometimes fought with my brother also but... That's no where near hugging." He looked up his cheeks red and his blue eyes darting away. "I enjoy hugs but... I'm simply no good... If I was then I'd hug you so long as you so wished." Feeling shy Prothero had resorted to talking in his most proper fashion. He was shy when it came to admitting things and really he preferred to look like the cool mysterious older mature demon guy and here he was admitting things he never had in front of a living non-related person. Curse his weakness at times!

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray was more then amused with Everett's reddening cheeks due to Wolfies teasing. He smirked and poked Evie's cheeks. "I had no idea someone could even become that color. He snickered. "It's pretty cute but then again all humans seem to be, even you Jack." He turned to look at the much taller teen and grew disappointed when all he got from the taller boy was an arched questioning eye brow and then a silent shrug. He poked the taller teen and stared him down trying to get a reaction from him but Jack on stared down on him with a silent look of confusion. "I have yet to decide if your boring or serious." Gray huffed when he got a shrug. "Your boring... But that will soon change because the awesome me is here! Now then onward!" Gray pointed to the area down the hall and rushed off ahead of everyone his take charge attitude coming into full effect.

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack was oddly happy that no one out of the strange little group he found himself in, seemed frightened or annoyed with him. Though his happiness was in no way showing on his face someone might detect the slightest bit of joy in his eyes. But they could not be expecting a smile out of him any time soon. Jack watched as Wolf teased Everett and Gray joined in. He could tell already the red head was not one for such things and he debated for awhile picking up the smaller boy... Or umm... One of them as they were all smaller then him... Though the shortest one was Wolf... Oddly enough the blonde despite his stature definitely had the most stand offish personality. But it was oddly refreshing.

Jack had his concentration torn away by the one called Gray. He was poking him and Jack was hardly paying attention though once and awhile he would shrug or nod if he caught whatever the fast talking man was saying. He just wanted him to stop poking him, luckily after the dark haired demon seemed satisfied with his own curiosity he finally stopped and ran off ahead of them. The albino amused with the energy of the group he found himself in allowed a small not even an actual smile to cross his neutral face for maybe 1.2 seconds, before he followed. He turned to look at Everett and Wolf and gestured for them to come as well. Though by this time the 1.2 second heart melting half barely even smile/smirk was long gone once again replaced by a neutral expression, though as before if one would pay any attention they might actually notice a happy look hidden in his piercing ruby eyes.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet was happy she'd been able to help Elijah. And feeling satisfied with her victory she felt it was now ok for herself to wander. Perhaps she'd go check up on her brothers but she felt more in the mood to head down to the gardens. A choices. Either way it seemed that the best place to start off on her expedition would be down in the main lobby area right in the entrance of the school. Feeling optimistic she set off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Romeo quirked his head to the side a bit, which was actually quite difficult since he was still being held against Prothero's chest in the messy and awkward hug he had been pulled into. Honestly, it wasn't that bad though. He couldn't even complain. It was nice being next to his friend, and hugging him, and even cuddling if he got scared at night. The older demon gave him a sense of... safety. Obviously he was more mature and calmer, he was probably much stronger too. While Romeo was rather skinny and awkward and he enjoyed being silly rather than serious. He wasn't very good at taking care of things either. Perhaps making a friend so quickly was a good thing, especially since said friend was his roommate.

"It's okay Thero," he managed to get out, slightly squished by the hug. The young demon patted his friends back awkwardly, voice returning to its' usual cheerfulness. "Everyone has things they aren't so good at." Pulling back just enough that he could see his friend, he offered a big smile. "But it doesn't mean they can't try and improve on those things!" With that said, he pulled Prothero back into the hug and squeezed tight, wiggling back and forth before pushing himself back and crawling up towards the top of his friends bed, curling up with the pillow. "What'cha wanna do then?"


Wolfram sort of frowned. It was one of those expressions that his nanny used to tell him would get stuck on his face if the wind shifted while he was pulling it. Funny story, yeah, his face never got stuck in any way. Well, not including the time he had felt it necessary to lick the ice in the ice box and got his tongue stuck. Perhaps one of the only times that being a Angel had come in handy, since his tongue grew back after his father sliced it off. Took a day or two, and while it was regenerating it was really quite awkward for everyone. Oh well, they said he could wait for it to melt, get water dumped on him, or it could be cut off. Being the impatient person he was, he went with the quickest option. Hell, it hurt, but it was worth it. Even if to this day his brother wouldn't let up on him for it.

Back to being impatient though, he was actually quite glad to see Gray dash off- it meant they were actually getting out of the slightly cramped hallway. He wasn't so thrilled that Carrot had slid away from him so quickly, and was even disappointed in himself for letting the human get away. Even if he was- quite -taller, Wolf could stretch a bit. It was a bit awkward trying to "casually" wrap his arm around a taller person though, when he had to almost be on his toes and still stretch his arm. Oh well, he had achieved what he had wanted to; making Carrot feel awkward. It was just so fun, to him, maybe not to the victim though. Gray had seemed to be amused by it to though, even if he still insisted on calling the humans cute. Sure, they were, uh, attractive. In a lab-rat sort of way.

The blonde followed behind the pack, strolling along in a way that made it very clear that he was happy to be left behind. Maybe he could even make an escape and run back to the room when they weren't looking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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((OOC: *waves* ok sense we seem to have some good interactions going on I might get classes started soon after a time skip so keep a look out for that maybe soon depending! ))

Prothero Ender

Prothero smiled down at his roommate. "Perhaps he ought to go for a walk? I do hope we don't run into Gray but there's always the chance we go across my little sister instead of my brother... Or course if you'd prefer to stay here I will stay as well... I have no obligation to go or stay so I could care little..." Well that was lie... Prothero did care a little... On the off chance he ran into his brother he knew what would ensue. The dark haired boy would latch onto Romeo and teasing amongst who knows what else would lead to some sort of argument that would end in physically attacking each other only to have someone... Probably Juliet... Interfere and make us apologize... It wasn't a bad thing they fought in a way that was how they showed some form a caring... But would become annoying if Gray befriended Romeo because then the two might have to learn to get along for the smaller demons sake... But hopefully nothing like that would happen and if it did Prothero would handle it as he always did he was Prothero Ender after all.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray was happily talking when he heard Everett's question. "Hmmm... How about the padio... It's outside the cafeteria and most students go there to study and play sports some classes are also conducted there so you guys should all get familiar with it now!" Gray grinned and smirked at Wolf. "And don't even try sneaking out of this... I got eyes in the back of my head trailed on you." He noticed Jack looked at him quizzically and eying him curiously for the extra eyes. He laughed at the albino's confusion. "Dude it's a metaphor... And here i though I never left the house." The albino's cool composure broke for maybe a second but it soon fixed itself and he nodded. Man... How was Gray suppose to hang around these people? They needed a major energy pick up or they'd remind him of his annoying older brother. There were already enough Prothero's in the word with 1 thank you!

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack followed Gray without complaint after the dark haired shorter boy had made him break for a second. So he had no idea it was a metaphor! It wasn't a big deal right? Either way the albino was grateful when they got to the patio. It was indeed right outside the cafeteria it was so close that there was a cafeteria kitchen window facing the outside where one could knock and order snacks... He contemplated getting something to eat but decided against it. The outside was nice and for now he was feeling in the mood to enjoy it. He pulled off his large black sweater and draped it lazily over a chair at a table Gray had claimed. He sure was an excitable personage... Though Jack had yet to decide if he liked or disliked the quality in Gray.

Stretching now that he was free from the somewhat heavy cloth Jack allowed himself to relax and feel the sun hit and warm up his lean muscled back. The sun's warmth was relieving him of several aches he often got from trying to take a nap earlier on the mattress he was not use to. Running a hand through his shoulder length white hair he watched silently as teenagers of who knows what species played soccer nearby. One of them kicked a particularly strong but not well directed ball toward Gray's head and Jack acted in an instant. Moving with surprising speed for what might first seem a slow moving quiet person he caught the soccer ball before it made contact with the much shorter boy's head. He turned his head making sure Gray was not injured and when he was sure he set the soccer ball down kicking it gently at first before following until he picked up speed and kicked shooting the soccer ball over the field and into a goal. The boys who were playing gaped and thanked him but he only shrugged before taking a seat and once again contemplating the idea of a snack, while Gray just stared at the albino both confused and impressed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Romeo watched his roommate, curious. It wasn't like he was very social himself, not very outgoing and he really didn't like being a leader or having to make decisions. But he was quite the extrovert, at least most people saw him that way. Now when he looked at Thero, he didn't really see an extrovert. He seemed to like to live more inside himself, and he didn't seem to like to make decisions to give his own opinions or thoughts on things. Of course he looked like a tall, scary, older demon at first glance but- well he wasn't.

After a moment he sat up, smiling as he felt his horns grow back. "A walk sounds nice," he said, stretching slightly before standing to slip his shoes back on. "We can go find a big-" he held out the word, stretching his arms to the side and grinning. "Tree and you could fly us to the top of it." Or they could just go for a walk around the school. He didn't really care much for what they did, he just liked spending time with his new best friend.


His plan to escape was foiled by Gray, who apparently knew him well enough already to tell what the Angel had been thinking. Really, it wasn't a big surprise. Everyone in the group could probably see that he wasn't thrilled to be there, and his escape plan hadn't exactly been the best. Perhaps he should have made a run for the room right then, but that idea didn't get to him until it was too late. They were already around the corner, the room was too far. One of them would catch him, especially since pretty much all of them were larger than him and it took three of his steps to match even one of theirs. Oh well, short was adorable, and they were just tall freaks. Especially Jack, he was the tallest. And then Carrot, well of course Carrot was tall. he was a human, they were all awkward and lanky and gross.

Alright, well, perhaps he had a thing for tall guys. But that was besides the point. No way he was ever going to date a guy- wouldn't ever even admit to liking one. The Angels would never let it go, it'd be Hell for him since they would no doubt get a kick out of it. They already had enough things to tease him about, like his height for example. And then the fact that he looked like a damn girl. At least he was good-looking, more than you could say for half of them. Most Angels were pretty gorgeous though, males and females. It wasn't his fault that he didn't like having his face hurt, and it really wasn't his fault that the rest of them were idiots that didn't care about their appearance. He probably didn't have to wear the old clothes, or the sword for that matter, but he liked them.

Wolf was distracted then by the sound of something hitting flesh, and looked up to see Jack holding a soccer ball. The sight of the human actually made his heart skip a beat, and he was glad there was no vampires around to actually hear it. For a human he was, uh, not terrible looking. Realizing he had been staring, the blonde quickly dropped his eyes to his lap, occupying himself with looking annoyed at nothing really in particular.