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Prothero Ender

"If you ever need a thing ask for me."

0 · 958 views · located in Arcbell Academy

a character in “Arcbell Academy”, as played by CookieCupcake


Prothero Ender

Nick Name:




Blood Type:


Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Dressing Style:
He enjoys wearing baggy dress shirts and loose pants sometimes with a tie. He mixes I don't care with formal and it comes out fairly well. Unlike Gray he wears colors mostly white though as he feels it complements his icy and cool self.

140 pounds



Relaxing, Reading, Not having to worry, His family.

Gray being a fool, Guys around Juliet, Most females, Stress, Work, Video games.

He tends to hum to himself.

N/A He is Bisexual

Out of the three Ender kids Prothero is the cold one. He thinks of himself highly and acknowledges few people this causes girls to think hes that mysterious boy and fawn over him but he honestly hates it preferring to just keep to himself. His cold demeanor makes him scare people away and makes him hate himself. But to the few he's opened up to they will often say he is kind deep down and very compassionate always worrying about others before himself but simply not knowing how to go about most things. Prothero is often stressed really he just needs someone who can make him relax and understand him.


He has ice breath and can freeze things with his touch though he prefers not to he sometimes does it without realizing and hates himself for it.


Mom and Dad - Alive

Gray (Younger Brother) - Alive

Juliet (Adopted Human Sister ) - Alive

The Ender family helped found the school and were among the first demons to attend this legacy has carried on with many of the Ender family working at the school or donating to the school. Prothero being the eldest has been told how in some way he must also carry on this legacy. Because he's been told this from a young age by his father constantly Prothero has always felt burdened and angry jealous of Gray. At a young age they fought allot each wanting what the other had. Though most of the fighting stopped with Juliet. Despite being human she understood everything so well and helped close the rifts between everyone she brought everyone together. Prothero and Gray still have issues but despite them they've managed to get along and care for each other. Prothero hate's most of the time at home and enjoys school he doesn't just have average grades he has great grades and he plans to be a teacher but because of his cold social skills Prothero has troubles with friends and talking to people... He hopes this can change.



So begins...

Prothero Ender's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Prothero Ender

Prothero gave a soft smile. "Then let us go..." He stood and unwrinkled his clothes. A gentlemen must always look there best in public after all especially if he was to be accompanying someone. Smiling he walked over to the door and opened it for Romeo. He followed beside his friend as they walked down the stairs. All the while he acted calm Prothero kept a sharp eye out for his younger brother wary that the brownie loving fool would pop out at any moment and ruin his so far going well day.

When they got outside Prothero felt relatively safe. If they'd made it out of th- "Yo! Prothero! Who's the cuty?" He'd spoken to soon... Curse his horrid luck. Looking away from Romeo Prothero's ice blue eyes met with a pair of golden ones. "Protheroooo~ Tell me who he is so I can introduce myself." Prothero glared annoyed as his brother winked down at Romeo... He would not loose his cool... He would not loose his cool this was just Gray being Gray he would not loose his cool.

"Romeo, please meet my younger brother... Gray." Prothero contained a low growl as his brother kissed Romeo's hand. Gray seemed to notice his annoyance and kissed Romeo's hand again this prompted Prothero to let out a low growl. "Protective of this one aren't we Prothero?" Prothero did nothing to agree or disagree but his eyes grew colder. He could easily use his ice breath and just freeze Gray's head then fly off... But he was pretty sure Juliet would hear about it sooner or later and cry causing both brothers an unnecessary amount of guilt. No he decided that he'd fight fire with fire. Calmly Prothero walked over to a red head... A human he might add who seemed to know Gray and smiled a soft and warm smile.

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray contained a twitch as Prothero casually walked past him and up to Evie. Gray knew Prothero would never stoop so low as to use Gray's own technique... Or anything even similar... If he was that meant he really liked Romeo... Ok so he was cute and small but seriously? Why did his creepy taller then him brother have to go after the human why now Wolf... At least Wolf would probably shoot Prothero down in a pile of flames.

"You must be one of Gray's friends... It's a pleasure to meet you... I am Gray's /older/ brother Prothero Ender..." Gray let a sigh of relief out. Prothero was not going to fight him on the same field he was going to chicken out... Despite Gray enjoying fighting his brother he preferred to not use psychological whatever to fight with him. "I hope my rather hyper younger brother has not frightened or been rude to you... He's oh so brash of a demon never knowing how to be understanding toward a human I suppose he's already scared you off with that stomach... cavity of his?" Gray could tell Prothero was actually being quite caring but it still drove Gray up the wall and... He had not scared little Evie... Had he? Guilt and worry as well as shame and shyness flitted over Gray's features.

Ok... So Prothero was calm... Gray was not. "I DID NOT SCARE HIM!" Prothero looked at him with that stupid arched eye brow. "AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY STOMACH... CAVITY THEN SAY IT TO MY FACE YOU ICE HEAD!" Gray felt like gold when Prothero snapped. "AT LEAST I DON'T GO AROUND BEING AN EXHIBITIONIST!" It had taken two seconds for the two of them to be face to face forehead to forehead. Prothero growling lowly like an annoyed lizard or dragon or something and Gray uttering threats.

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack looked over at Evie. He was going to give simple nod but decided to at least try and be social. "I play sports quite a bit... Though I do not qualify myself for what I am good at or not." He spoke calmly and cooly before he noticed Wolf staring at him from the corner of his eye. Turning his head ever so slightly Jack saw the blonde with his gaze diverted... So he'd imagined it. Jack kept his eye's open for any more flying objects of anything out of the ordinary but the conversation seemed to progress along rather well. That is until 2 new people stepped out onto the patio and Gray sprung up from his seat. Oh dear... He could feel this would not end well.

Jack could feel his annoyance rising as the two feuding brothers dragged others into there conflict... But they were not yet fighting so he'd not interfere... Not yet... The albino watched as tensions rose as his own annoyance did... But what set him off was when the two began to physically attack each other. Ok when I mean fighting I really mean Prothero began making and throwing snow balls at Gray's head while Gray caught a few and sent them back... To be honest Jack thought it was the lamest fighting ever but a few times he heard a particularly hard snow ball hit the pavement... That meant that a few had ice and could possibly hurt... Jack did not like that, one. single. bit.

Jack stood and quick as he could pulled both Everett and Wolf out of the path of the slowly clumsier and clumsier throws. Wolf had been close to getting hit and Jack inspected him for injuries. "Your not hurt?" Jack's voice held the smallest hint of worry as did his eyes. He brushed some snow out of the blonde hair and made extra sure that not a bruise or scar was on either of them... Particularly Wolf who'd been in the highest zone of random flying snowballs. Jack snapped his red eyes going from worried to cold. Jack never really showed much emotion so when he did it was because something really bugged him... Fighting was one of them.

With speed and grace Jack walked over and grabbed Prothero and Gray before picking them up and lifting them off the ground so they dangled in the air. "You will apologize now... For fighting and nearly hitting Everett... Romeo? And Wolf." Both brothers were stunned and squirming there masculinity demanding to be put down lest it be put into question. But Jack did not let go he only grew more annoyed. "Now!" He did not even raise his voice but both immediately began to apologize. It was obvious that Prothero was allot more sorry and he looked at Romeo shamefully. While Gray just pouted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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No doubt Romeo looked about as confused as a horse in a cow field. Was that a saying? Probably not. But it should have been, because it totally made sense. You see, horses don't go in cow fields. Cows go in cow fields, that was sort of obvious. Then again, someone might ride a horse in a cow field. Perhaps it should have been a cow in a horse field. People didn't ride cows, did they? It could make more sense then, because you wouldn't see many people riding cows in a horse field. Just horses in a horse field.

What was wrong with his brain?

Anyways, back to the point of, well, being confused. One minute he and Prothero were cuddling. Alright, that's fine, totally normal. Or well, normal for him. And then they were walking out of the room, downstairs, and outside. All checks out, nothing out of the ordinary yet. That's where things started getting confusing- where he got lost. Suddenly a new boy appeared, dark hair, pretty eyed. Things got even weirder when he felt his friend go tense at his side, as if he didn't like the new stranger. What had he done to him? Was there problems between them? No, it dawned on him but a moment before Thero introduced him. This was the brother that his friend hadn't wanted to run into. Great, that was great. Really. He had succeeded in not only making Thero feel awkward for the cuddling situation, but now angering him because he forced him to go outside. This was a fantastic friendship. Romeo was a terrible person.

Oh, but things got even weirder then. The younger brother- Gray, he learned -was winking at him. And then kissing his hand! Not once, but twice. Normally this wouldn't bother him, but then his friend left. Just walked right away from him and over to some other kid- which was probably a human from the looks of it. Poor kid, he was probably traumatized. Romeo made a mental note to become friends with him. In a school like this, you probably needed friends. Lots of them. Especially if you were human. Or maybe it would be smartest to stay hidden in your room. Then no one could really bother you. Except for in classes, then you were sort of screwed. Majorly. Like, super majorly screwed over times three times pickle.

It seemed that it was just about then when everything went to hell. Gray and Prothero started fighting. The human and some blonde kid were pulled away by a really, really tall guy. Then said tall guy proceeded to pick both Thero and Gray up and hold them apart, demanding they apologize to everyone. Romeo stared wide eyed before running to where Thero dangled off the ground, wrapping his arms around his friends waist and hopping up and down. "Let go, let go, let go!" He cried, holding tightly to his friend. "Don't hurt him! He didn't do anything wrong!"


Everything seemed to happen in just a moment. One moment he was mulling over the fact that Jack had glanced over at him- after he had caught himself staring, but still -and then the next there were two new people joining their group. It made him grimace a bit, there was already enough people here that he didn't want to be around. Actually, he really just wanted to be back upstairs and in his room. Of course that would never happen, Gray would probably just go up and drag him out. Or send Jack to do it. They all probably knew by now that if they sent Carrot to, Wolf would just pull his sword and threaten to shred him to pieces. Actually, he would threaten to shred them all to pieces. The only difference being that he sort of wanted to cut the red head at the moment. Most moments. Especially with that little smirk on his face, Christ, why did he have to be so annoying?

The newcomers seemed to both be demons, and one of them seemed to know Gray already. Wolf could almost find it amusing when the small demon- Romeo? What sort of name was that anyways? -grew bashful over Gray's comments. So far he had called almost everyone cute, it didn't really seem like a special thing. Actually, it would probably be a bigger deal if he didn't call someone cute. Still, the demon had no way of knowing that and apparently felt special. The blonde would have made a comment- more like a snide remark -about it but he felt the tension growing and decided he would rather wait it out. Watch and see the scene unfold in front of him. Oh, and he had the feeling it was going to be quite pleasing.

That is until the older demon decided to make his way over to Carrot, turning the charm full on. Wolfram almost choked, certainly not expecting it and... Carrot? Really? Who could like such a thing, especially a damn human. He was boring, awkward, weird! Ugh. It annoyed him to no end, and definitely left him confused. Who could like such a thing? It was gross to even think about. Wolf didn't even see many Angels worthy of him.

A few minutes after that and the snow started flying. He only realized it because he was getting hit with them. The Angel gave a sound of protest, about to rise to his feet when he got an elbow in the face- not really sure whom it had belonged to. Before he could pull his sword though, he was being pulled away and towards safety. Of course he didn't realize this and began to struggle, which only led to him falling onto Carrot in the end. "Ugh! Get off of me you god damned imbeciles!" The blonde buy stumbled back, pushing Carrot away from him before standing with his arms crossed. Jack came over eventually and seemed to check him out, brushing the snow out of his hair. The Angel attempted to protest but mostly just let him, mumbling small insults and grumbling whatever he felt the need to grumble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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To say that the two new arrivals an subsequent introduction of Prothero, apparently Gray's brother, and his friend Romeo was a surprise would be an intense understatement. They had just been sitting around enjoying the sunshine(well, Gray and Jack were- Wolfram looked like he wanted to stab someone and Everett was as uncomfortable as ever) when the two had arrived, an almost instantaneous tension filling the air. It was interesting, as an eternal observer and not actor, even within his own life, to see the brotherly competition spark anew as Gray made his way over to the shorter boy in a rather silly attempt to be suave, kissing his hand like one of those old-timey gentlemen in those movies his mother and sister loved to watch. It appeared Gray was always this disturbingly flirtatious and wasn't afraid to use it to harass his brother, if the second kiss and attempt at an innocent "who, me?" look meant anything. Now, what Everett would really like to know is how he got thrown into this sibling rivalry. Wait, no, that answer was simple; he was just plain unlucky.

Honestly, he didn't appreciate being a pawn in their bickering, irritation at that and general discomfort for being thrust into the spot-light so to speak causing him to be even more twitchy than normal.

"It's, uh, nice to meet you. I'm- I'm Everett," He mumbled, eyes searching anywhere besides the taller boy's face. There was Jack with his already trademark impassive look, Gray looking on in annoyance, Wolfram- well, Wolfram looking just as surprised as Everett that anyone was even talking to him, and Romeo casting him a gaze of pity. He wanted to leave now, maybe hide himself away in his sweater like a turtle retreating into his shell.

"No, no- he's, um, been very nice. And helpful," He managed in reply, not willing to just sit around and dish about Gray's amazing ability to freak the human out with the best of intentions. But it was too late. Gray went off like a firecracker, all loud noise and sparks beginning to fly between the two brothers. Everett was left dumbfounded as they launched into the most ridiculous snowball fight that he'd ever witnessed, clumps of snow exploding with each impact, either on one another or in their surroundings. Sadly, he didn't have time to relish the snow piling on Wolfram- a very happy byproduct of the fight- when he was pulled away by Jack, out of the firing range of the now clumsy throws and the angel was almost of top of him. However, that was only for a second as Wolfram hastily pushed him away. He lost his footing on the snow, falling backwards onto the patio floor.

His face was colored red now, partially due to cold and embarrassment, but now mostly in a flood of almost-anger. A fleeting moment of indignation. Really? So this was all his fault now? Apparently he was the only one the angel from Hell was holding accountable for this, and angel who was currently submitting to the careful attentions of the only other human that he'd met. He could see the future spread out before him- a future of embarrassing roommates who got away with whatever they wanted, one due to his own naivety and the other from his pretty, angelic looks. Great. Fan-freaking-tastic.

Jack was holding up both of the brothers now, Prothero with a look of genuine shame of his face and Gray with a childish pout on his. Romeo was demanding Prothero be let down and- and. Everett's lips pressed together into a thin line, for a moment his usual look of indecision and nerves vanishing.

"Ridiculous," He hissed under his breath as he scrambled to his feet, wiping the excess snow from his rather sore backside. The moment of true annoyance vanished as soon as it had come as he kept wiping off the snow, wondering if he could find his way back to the room or if there would be a place to hide away in- like a library- so that he wouldn't have to interact with anyone on this already overwhelming day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Prothero Ender

Prothero was grateful when he saw the sting of slight guilt in the tall humans eye at Romeo's cling. Slowly and shockingly gently he was set down. "I am truly sorry Wolf and Everett... Me and Gray have never gotten along really..." Prothero unfolded his hidden wings and wrapped one around Romeo to comfort the shorter boy. "And I do hope that Gray has not frightened you... Despite being a rather annoying air head... He does mean well and he's not as much of self confident person as he might seem." Prothero smiled gently and chuckled when he saw Gray squirm and contradict him with an even bigger pout. Prothero smiled and bowed his head. "Now that we are under the watchful eyes of Jack... I shall introduce myself in a much polite manner." Prothero smiled. "I am Prothero Ender, older brother to Gray and the one who will inherit the family duty of helping care for the school... If you need a thing you are to find and ask me... Gray is knowledgeable on many things as well... Not that he'd care to admit it." Prothero was pleased to once again be back to his polite and gentlemen like self... He was also pleased to have Romeo wrapped under one of his dragon like blue wings. He felt that he could better protect the demon like this... But also keep him out of his very flirtatious brothers hands...

~ . ~

Gray Ender

Gray blinked. Did his brother have to say so much about him that he really wanted no one to know about it ever! Gray squirmed until Jack gently deposited him to the ground. The human was shockingly strong but also gentle. It kinda confused Gray. Huffing Gray pouted and stood next to Evie. To say he felt guilty would be... An understatement. The poor red head had been tossed around. Gently he brushed off Everette. "I... I am sorry for scaring you." Gray's voice was low... He only wanted Evie to hear that and to see it was real... To be honest if his brother knew he'd never leave down a moment of it.

When Gray was sure that Evie had heard him and understood how he truly was sorry the old Gray returned. He tossed an arm around the red head and stuck his tongue out at Prothero. "Yeah well your not perfect either Theo." He watched his brother's cheeks brighten at the nickname. "I mean I might be a big softy but your a crazy protective person... Like some sort of dragon with his horde of gold... Hope you don't made him jealous little Romeo." Gray grinned a toothy grin but it soon died when Jack gave him a sideways look that said to not even start another argument. "You know even though you bug the crap out of Theo... Why don't you and Romeo hang out with us sometimes... I mean I got a pretty good group... Two awesomely amazing humans and a confusing but pretty cute angel." Gray could not help but feel a little happy to see the shock but slight happy look on his brothers face... Maybe they could get along... Sometimes.

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack was a little hesitant setting Prothero done... Even more so when he decided to set Gray down. But he was pleased when the both returned to a state of calm. He himself went quiet but kept his piercing red eyes ever watchful. When they started talking on slightly peaceful terms Jack nodded and made a mix between a grunt and and hmp. "Good... Your being nice... If you two fight again... And harm Wolf or Everett or Romeo... I shall be more forceful..." Jack had no idea how that might sound scary but in Jack's mind all he imagined by being more forceful was forcing the brothers to hug... Or write formal apology letters... Ah why did people have to fight? It would be so much better if they didn't... Ok Jack would admit that despite his hate for fighting he would probably punch someone in the face if they dared hurt anyone else for no good reason... But only maybe...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Romeo cowered next to his friend, nearly hidden beneath the blue wing. He was embarrassed by his outburst. But he had been scared! It wasn't like Romeo knew the strange human who had picked up Prothero, and he had already been terrified before that because he didn't like seeing Gray and Thero fight. Honestly, he didn't like seeing anyone fight. But this had been especially scary considering it concerned his best friend and his best friends brother. And a bunch of other people that he really did not know anything about. Oh yeah, definitely scary. Scary enough for the usually cheery and excited boy to be cowering under a demon's wing.

He was still listening to their conversation though, and felt his cheeks get hot when Gray referred to him as Prothero's horde of gold and instructed him not to make Thero jealous. The first thought that came to mind was to ask what exactly there was to be jealous of, but common sense made him hold his tongue. Perhaps Thero would tell him later, but now was not the time to ask about the certain subject. He did move to wrap his arms around the older demons abdomen though, face pressed against the taller boys side as he continued trying to stay unnoticed.

The only other time in his life he could remember acting so bashful was when he had to attend a wedding- yes, they did hold weddings in the demon world. Ten years old and he was forced to dance with a girl a year older than him. Everyone teased them and said one day it would be the two of them getting married, so Romeo had done what all boys his age would have done; threw cake at her and ran away. It was rather awkward afterwards.


Wolfram's gaze flicked quickly towards the red head and he fixed him with a glare. "Shut it Carrot," he told him before moving back towards his chair. He threw himself down and crossed his arms, attempting annoyed and angry. It was sort of difficult, considering he just felt really confused about- sort of about everything. Carrot was annoying, as per usual. Gray was taking care of the human, or apologizing, which he didn't understand. Why apologize to the stupid human? The two new boys were standing a bit away, and he could see the younger demon cowering under a wing- which actually amused him a lot.

Jack, well he was the source of most of his current confusion. He couldn't quite understand what it was about the human that made Wolf nervous. Perhaps it was just the fact that Jack really didn't act much like a human, he seemed like a freak just like he and Gray did. That was a good enough excuse, right? It was probably the cause of Wolf being to flustered around him too, since he was so strange. But then, he didn't act like that around Gray, which just left him curious again. Oh well, he could just occupy himself with thinking of new insulting nicknames for Carrot. Did he even remember the humans real name? Something like Evan... or Elven- No, that didn't make sense. Definitely had to be Evan.

"So, what?" Wolf suddenly spoke up, eying each and every person around him. "Are we all just going to sit here and chat like a bunch of girls," he glanced at Carrot, clearly indicating that he was referring to him as a female. "Or are we actually going to go do something?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Shut it, Carrot? Shut it, Carrot? Everett's earlier irritation returned ten-fold as the really just uncalled for rudeness, heat rushing to his face despite the chilly weather. What on Earth had he done to earn Wolfram's ire? Clearly it wasn't just the human thing because he clearly was getting on with Jack just fine. And why was he the only one noticing it? Was it because the stupid angel was so darn pretty? The thought left him incensed because this was absolutely ridiculous. The rational part of his mind was gently assuring him that they just got off on the wrong foot, but the other half which was paranoid and right more often than not, insisted that it was going to get worse at the school year went on. Much worse.

He was dragged forcefully from his own anger by Prothero's apology as he unfolded- he unfolded his wings. Well, all right then. He had wings. If Everett had been prone to outbursts, he probably would have let out a disbelieving laugh because, clearly, he was the weirdo of this little group with his lack of abilities and normal, human looks. Still, it was kind of Gray's brother to offer up some help to people he'd just met. Maybe the two weren't that different after all.

Speaking of Gray, the demon was currently invading Everett's personal space bubble, brushing off any remnants of snow that clung to him from his little angel-caused tumble only moments before.

"Y-You're, um, fine. It's okay," He mumbled in return, awkwardly avoiding looking straight at Gray's face. And it was fine- well, fine enough. He wasn't going to be upset with Gray for doing his own little demon thing any more than he would be upset with himself for not having wings. And he really was sorry, Everett supposed, if the sincerity in his voice had any credence. What was less okay was Gray throwing his arm around Everett's shoulders, quite the feat given that Everett had a good few inches on him height wise, inviting Prothero and Romeo to come along on their little excursion like one of those feel-good after school specials. But that was okay. He could deal with it for the moment.

Wolfram, on the other hand, he couldn't deal with. His nerves were already frayed from the journey, the introduction, and all of the insanity that had happened since and now he had to put up with the angel's not so subtle jabs. Nope. Everett didn't have to stand around and take this crap.

"Actually," He mumbled, sliding carefully out of Gray's grasp, taking a few steps from the group. "I'm not feeling, um, very well. I think I'm, uh, going to head back. You guys have fun." He gave a pathetic excuse of a reassuring smile and began to walk off when his confidence sparked for just a moment. He turned around, eyes meeting Wolfram's for just a second.

"See you... Blondie." And with that, he disappeared indoors, the door swinging shut behind him. And maybe, just maybe, there was a little swagger in his step as he vanished from sight. Maybe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Gray Ender

Gray watched Evie leave slightly remorseful... Had he really scared him? Well... There goes the hope of having a human friend... Ok well there was Jack but Gray would admit the tall and lean human was freaky... FREAKY! I mean he was ridiculously tall and everything that came out of his mouth sounded like a threat or something... But hey, whats a demon who apparently scares people to do?

Gray looked over at Wolf. "Your right we should do something... TRUTH OR DARE!" Gray grinned and looked at Prothero several evil ideas popping into his head. "No way... Last time we played that together you ended up in Juliet's clothes and I ended up fainting from too much blood rushing to my head..." Gray glared at Prothero. Did he always have to make reference to moments of his life he'd really rather forget. He'd get him back for that... When Jack wasn't watching...

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero listened as his brother rattled off more ideas. Each one he deflected by pointing out how it had gone horribly wrong. Gray even went so far as to suggest a flying competition to which Prothero pointed out that only two of them could fly and how he did not fly with people unless they met certain requirements. This nearly escalated into an all out argument but Jack only had to grunt his disappointment before the two of them stopped. Prothero wrapped his wing gently tighter around Romeo and waited for Gray to suggest something actually plausible.

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack was silently listening to Gray and Prothero but he was worried that Wolf's patience would wear thin and he'd end up pulling out his sword. "Hmp..." The noise caught everyone's attention. "How bout we go swimming?" It was a fairly warm day and Jack was sweating not that he'd show it. So the thought of a pool or something was pretty refreshing. Though he ws only trying to suggest something more useful then... Well whatever Gray was yelling out. "Hm... It's up to Wolf though." Jack turned to look at the angel for approval.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet was wandering about looking for her family or something to do, when her bright oddly warm red eyes spotted a red headed boy. Juliet had seen enough demons to know he wasn't one... He wasn't a ghost... Certainly no vampire... Angel? No no... He was... A human? Juliet hopped over gleefully. "Hey~ Mister?" She stopped her skipping when she reached the boy. "Your a human right?" She did not bother to wait for an answer. "YAY! Finally another human it's been a year sense I've seen one... There are so few in the school it seems but yay~" Juliet clapped. "My name is Juliet Ender~ It's really nice to see another human~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Wolfram watched Carrot leave and was left staring at the stop he had recently occupied. How was it that the stupid human had found a way to get out before he had? He truly felt, well, ashamed of himself. If only he had done that, just walked away in the first place. But the way Gray was acting, he hadn't thought he would have been able to get away with just walking off. But there was Carrot, just turning and leaving. No one even went after him! Not that he would normally expect someone to go after him- he was still just a boring human after all -but in this group of freaks? Well, they weren't your normal human-hating demons.

He didn't quite know why it bothered him so much when Jack left the decision on what they were to do up to him. Honestly, he should have been happy about it. Being an Angel, he liked being in charge, and he liked making decisions. But it still bothered him; why was it that his thoughts on the matter were so important? Perhaps they thought he was going to pull his sword or something- come on, he wasn't that immature. Wolf shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't care," he muttered at first, careful not to stare at the human boy. "I guess swimming sounds... Not completely terrible."


Romeo felt the wing grow tighter against him, and he smiled. This is what friends are for, he thought. They were there to keep you safe, and comfort you when you needed comfort. It was pretty strange though, considering less than ten minutes ago he was trying to get Thero to cuddle with him and he wasn't comfortable with it, but now here they were pressed together in public and his friend seemed completely fine. He wasn't going to complain though. It was probably his protective streak or something, since the older demon seemed to have some sort of gentleman-complex. Felt the need to take care of and be responsible for those in his care. It gave him a fluttery feeling in his stomach, somewhat thrilled to know that his best friend was taking care of him.

The mentioning of going swimming made Romeo perk up. Keeping his grip around Thero, he peeked out from his hiding spot and grinned shyly, glancing around. Apparently the red haired boy had taken off, which made Romeo a little bit sad. Oh well, they would just have to meet and be best friends later. At one point or another they were bound to run into each other again. The small demon looked back up at Thero, tugging at his shirt to get his attention. "Swimming would be fun," he whispered, though it was probably loud enough for anyone listening to hear. With a smile back in it's place on his lips, he glanced around at the others again, trying to figure out how to become friends with all of them with the time he had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Everett was well and truly lost. He admitted it reluctantly as he stood in yet another unfamiliar hallway, only the sounds of his own footsteps echoing through the empty space. As was his rather poor habit, Everett bit his bottom lip, hands tugging incessantly at his sleeves as he finally stopped, glancing around. What was he supposed to do now? Returning to the group was not an option, not just because he was pretty certain that he couldn't find his way back but also because his pride was insisting that he not admit defeat. He could see it now, going back, being met by raised eyebrows from Jack and Prothero, a well-meaning laugh from Gray, and probably a smirk on Wolfram's stupid face-

No. Going back was not an option, but he couldn't just keep wandering around like an idiot. For all he knew he'd been in his hallway before. Really, they all looked the same to him right now. For the umpteenth time he wished that he was still at home, snuggled into his nice, familiar bed where he didn't have to room with a possibly psychotic angel and a naive demon. Then, for perhaps the tenth time, he wished that he'd at least brought his map along with him to aid in his retreat.

So caught up in his own thoughts and regrets, Everett almost didn't notice the other person making their way towards him until they spoke. He jumped, whirling around, eyes blown wide like a deer in the headlights. It was a girl. A rather pretty, petite girl with long dark hair and- and red eyes. And maybe that said something about his day that the red eyes were just a note about her appearance instead of something to cause fear.

It didn't take him long to realize who he was talking to. Juliet Ender- sister of Gray and Prothero, human being raised by demons. That didn't explain the red eyes, but after everyone he'd dealt with today, this sweet, little girl was like a breath of fresh air.

"I'm Everett Harper," He said, relief almost erasing the stutter from his voice. "I, ah, I've met your brothers- Prothero and Gray. Um, I'm one of Prothero's roommates." Well, not quite erasing the stammer, but he could actually carry a coherent conversation now which was a lovely surprise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Gray Ender

Gray was needless to say not pleased about the thought of swimming. But he held his tongue. No way he'd admit to his phobia in front of his own brother... Besides he would enjoy being a spectator. "Well if were going to be swimming following me... As for swimsuits the school provides them so in the change rooms there are lockers with peoples names on it... Of course using there optional." Gray realized how much of a tour guide he sounded like when he saw Prothero holding back a snicker. Gray's cheeks lit up a little but he forced it away and instead began leading the way.

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero kept his wing wrapped around Romeo in a comforting a very much protective manner as he followed in his brothers footsteps. Jack seemed the most eager to swim by far but still made sure to grab his sweater and follow behind but there was that particular bounce in his step. He guessed he was one of those athletic people... Prothero was a bit more a book worm but he did enjoy the occasional sport so long as he would not risk getting attacked... Needless to say he hated football. When they got to the pool Prothero watched Gray take a seat. A yes he had the water phobia... The whole family knew about it and why it was there but Prothero knew Gray would never admit it out loud even more so with him around. Oh well. Smiling down at Romeo Prothero folded his wing back and smiled. "Care for a swim?"

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack was the first one to jump ahead when he caught sight of the pool. He immediately found his way into the change-rooms found his locker and got changed into the swim-trunks provided. He left his clothes in the locker and walked out of the change-room. He was right when he'd said it was a good day for swimming as the sun warmed his skin... He had to be wary though as he could very easily burn. Being an albino certainly had it's disadvantages. But all that meant to avoid burning was he had to jump into the water. Which is what he did. Walking around the pool to the deep end Jack immediately went into the pool with a dive. Once inside the cool water he simply swam about his long-ish hair trailing behind him in the water while he silently observed Prothero gently leading Romeo and Wolf. "Hmp... Care to join Wolf." Jack tilted his head slightly as he swam closer to where the angel was...

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet's eyes went wider then before. He knew her big brothers? "Your staying with big brother Gray?~" She clapped her hands. "That's great~ He has so few friends really I hope you two get along." She smiled happily. "Oh... Have you seen his... Ermm... Mouth?" Juliet was careful with her words and her cheeks went pink. "I-IF YOU HAVEN'T T-THEN PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY!" She shook her head wildly from side to side as she held her red and warm cheeks. She looked down a little. "I-it might be a little freaky at first... To be honest... When I was really small and I first saw it... I cried and ran away cause it scared me... Gray felt so bad he tried to stop eating from his big mouth and use his normal one... But." Juliet giggled. " he can't use the other one for that so he kept chocking and then Prothero would get mad at him for being reckless and nearly getting hurt..." Realizing she got out of topic Juliet blushed. "Ah... My point is... Gray seems really scary but you can always talk to me if it gets bad..." Juliet smiled warmly. "Ah we should change topics... You seem a little lost so maybe I can show you around? Last year I was the first and only human here... It was scary and I kept getting lost but this year I figured it out... They added new stuff though like the pool was move and the gardens for a club..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Romeo had long since unwrapped his arms from Prothero and now was instead holding onto his arm as they walked. He could see the building and the pool in the distance and grew slightly bouncy again, excited to be doing something and even more excited to have made friends. Or well, he sort of just assumed they were his friends now. After all, they did invite them to go swimming. Or perhaps they had invited themselves. Either way, none of them were complaining about Thero and him being around. Except for the angel, but he was starting to get the idea that the angel always looked angry.

The demon's shoulders fell slightly when his friend retracted his wing, but it didn't last for long because he noticed they were now at the pool. He immediately went towards the lockers, finding his easily and changing before pushing his other clothes where the suit had been. "Come on Thero, Gray! Let's swim!", he was bouncing again, hands curled into fists from excitement. There was a slight glow to his horns that only happened when he was really excited- or really, really angry -about something. He looked back towards Jack just in time to see the angel slip, and he had to put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing or screaming.


It was silly for them to have expected Wolfram to actually wear one of the school issued suits. To him, it was unsanitary and just plain gross. Apparently they didn't think the same though, because he watched Jack and Romeo come out of the locker rooms with suits on, ready to go swimming. Gray was sitting by the pool looking rather dejected, and Wolf was about to go over and sit near him when he heard Jack speak to him.

He honestly wasn't quite sure how it happened. One minute he was standing and the next he was in the air, quickly falling back towards the water. Suppose it was the expensive shoes, they had little traction and he turned too quickly to address the white haired boy. One leg went up and when he tried to put himself back up straight, he flipped himself towards the pool. When he broke surface he was sputtering, both curses and water from the unexpected swim. Without realizing it he managed to pull himself to Jack and had been holding onto him, but as soon as he felt the flesh against his cheek he pushed himself back roughly. That was two boys now, today, that he had gotten much too close to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Juliet Ender, as Everett was now learning, was just as excitable as her older brother Gray if not without his accompanying flirtations and the general talent to make Everett feel incredibly awkward. Her sincerity, however, obvious adoration of her family, and warm smile did more to calm him than any of Gray's numerous compliments ever could. He could feel himself shedding some of his nervousness just by being in her presence. Finally, someone, and a human at that, who was, well, normal. Well, normal enough. Really, his standards for accepted normality had drastically decreased the moment he appeared on Arcbell's campus.

"Ah... My point is... Gray seems really scary but you can always talk to me if it gets bad..."

"Thank you." And, he found that he really meant it because here was someone who had just admitted to being freaked out by Gray's chest mouth at one point and that reminded him that he was still sane and not being irrational. "I, um, really appreciate that." He even tried for a tiny smile of his own.

With the change of topics, he wasn't quite sure what to say. 'Oh, no, I was just wandering to get away from your insane brothers, my other ass of a roommate, another human who doesn't seem to realize that this is all insane, and an actually quite nice demon'. That just wouldn't do, even if it was the truth in this little scenario.

"Well, I didn't really, uh, have anywhere to go. But if you don't have anything else to, um, do, then that would be... nice." He tried for another little smile, reluctant to let go of the first normal person that he'd met since arriving here. Besides, if he even found his way back to his room, all he could do would be to wait for Gray and Wolfram to come back and he couldn't really deal with that sort of anxiety, thanks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Gray Ender

Gray watched everyone amused all the while keeping himself as far away from the water as possible. If he could hiss at it he would... yes, his fear was slightly irrational but he could always pass it off for less then it was by simply feigning something. And at least this way he could watch Wolf embarrass himself from a safe and amusing distance... Currently the boy was getting himself saved by Jack... Again and he did not seem pleased about it.

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero was last to leave the change rooms he left in time to see Wolf go... erm... Flying? And Romeo trying not to yell or laugh. Prothero blinked and walked around the pool toward the diving board. He got onto the board and jumped a few times before doing a flip and graceful dive into the water. He touched the bottom and then swam up to the surface. He smiled at Romeo and use'd his wings to propel himself over to his friend before getting out of the water. "While you were busy watching Wolf I beat you to the pool." He smirked and ran a hand through his wet hair.

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack was shocked when he found Wolf in his arms. But he wrapped them around to cushion the angels fall... Not that it lasted long as Wolf quickly pushed away. "Hm...Be more careful..." He moved over to the angel and looked over him. "Did you hurt yourself?" Jack tilted his head to the side his long wet hair moving with him while he stared at Jack with worried eyes but a blank expression.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet smiled. "Alright! I shall show you around... And you can ask me anything you want about Gray or the school." She smiled and turned leading the way. She headed toward the cafeteria and smiled. "This is the cafeteria you can order food here from the menu and it's payed for by the school but there only open for a little while at very specific times. They also let me cook stuff sometimes... Just today I made Gray some brownies cause he was still upset about yesterday when someone nearly pushed him into the pool... I just hope he doesn't get any nightmares from it..." Juliet sighed and shook her head. "Ah but anyway... Wanna eat something?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Wolf frowned, fists clenched as if he was going to punch Jack, but after a moment he softened. His arms went limp and sunk into the water, and his shoulders dropped. The only thing keeping him up now were his legs, which were going back and forth like crazy under the water to keep him from sinking. He had never been so humiliated, not in his whole entire life. This school year was going to be horrible, and so were his roommates and friends it seemed. They all just made him... different. Carrot annoyed him, but whenever he tried to be mean to the human, they just thought it was cute. Gray apparently didn't care that he was unhappy, and was glad to call him cute and drag him along wherever he was going. Romeo and Prothero... Well he didn't really care much for the two. And the other stupid human, Jack, kept having to save him. And it didn't help that he was constantly finding himself blushing around the tall, nice-looking boy.

He was pathetic.

"I'm fine," he sputtered, sniffling. His hand came up to wipe pathetically at his nose, which was also red like his cheeks from the embarrassment. "My clothes are soaked now, great." For a moment he was silent, gaze focused at the water. "Thank you... again." It was said quiet enough that no one else would hear. After that he moved off and pulled himself back onto hard ground, much more comfortable not in the water. He still had the soaked-clothing problem though.


Romeo blushed, eying the taller demon while he pulled himself out of the water. "Well, I betcha I'll beat you back in now!" The laughter that followed was somewhat like a child giggling as he ran past Prothero and jumped, landing in a messy heap of limbs as he crashed into the water. He let himself sink, having taken a large breath before jumping in. Not to mention, he was fairly sure a demon would be okay without air a bit longer than a human would. Who knew? That was definitely something he did not want to try though. Besides, Jack had already saved Wolfram enough for one day, he didn't need to have to be saving him too. Or well, he supposed that Prothero might save him... they were best friends after all.

When he broke surface again, he was back to normal. All smiles and giggles and overall happiness, trying to make everyone as happy as he was. So far, he hadn't had a breakdown in front of these guys. If everything went as planned, he never would. Breakdowns only happened sometimes, usually at night or if someone said something that struck a nerve. It looked like it wasn't going to happen, which he was grateful for. He didn't need them hating him for being, well, depressed. Except maybe Thero, his best friend might be able to know about his problems. Besides, if Romeo wanted to ask Thero to cuddle with him sometimes at night, he was going to have to give a reason better than being scared of the dark(though he was terrified of the dark).

Glancing around, he noticed Wolf getting out of the water, but he didn't see Thero for a moment. Rubbing at his eyes he called, "Thero! Where are youuuu?", and giggled again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Gray Ender

Gray smiled as he watched his brother interact with his smaller companion. It was nice to see his normally serious face with such pure emotions that for once had no falsity or need to be forced because he was meeting with one of dad or the family's business associates or a member of the school or there own father... Well the list could go on but Gray decided to cut off his own thoughts and look over at the blue pool water. Just watching the little ripples of the water made him feel sick. Why did people like the pool anyway... It was wet and cold and... Just not all that fun right? Gray debated this with himself his thoughts fighting one another trying to weigh the truth of the matter. Finally he let out a sigh. Maybe he'd just go find Juliet... She was always so level headed when Gray needed her to be...

~ . ~

Prothero Ender

Prothero watched Romeo and smirked amused. His new friend was so lively... I mean... Gray was lively as well but in a much different fashion then Romeo. Watching the smaller demon sink Prothero took the opportunity to gracefully dive into the water. He went shooting down to the bottom where he forced his blue eyes to open and his wings to propel him past Romeo. He planned on surprising the smaller demon. Waiting until he surface Prothero soon followed soon as he rushed out from the water he flung his wings around Romeo and in a rare act of goofiness also wrapped his arms around the smaller demon. "Boo."

~ . ~

Jack Red

Jack looked Wolf and nodded gently. The blonde was strange... Spiteful and wild at certain times and then shy at others... Perhaps he had a split personality... While the idea was somewhat plausible Jack simply shook the thought away. It did not even matter if he had one or not. It would not really change the blonde much. Besides even if he was snappy he was interesting to be around and seemed to need Jack's protection which he was happy to give out... It gave him a purpose something to keep his mind occupied from the general thoughts of why he was here and if his family missed him... His classmates would bot miss the albino but his parents... Well they had to right? "Hey Wolf!" Jack blinked and looked over at Gray who had seemed to snap out of his earlier gloom. "Earlier today when we met you freaked out at me and Evie for knowing something... But... I don't really know anything so what was that all about dude? Someone chasing you or something." Jack could sense that Wolf would be uncomfortable with that topic already. Great right when the blonde seemed to calm down and start warming up Gray had to do something to shut it down. Slipping out of the pool Jack disappeared for a moment before reappearing with a large fluffy dry towel which he wrapped around Wolf. "Dun, catch a cold m'kay." Jack spoke in his normal emotionless tone his worlds short and awkward but oddly caring... For a statue.

~ . ~

Juliet Ender

Juliet smiled a relieved look crossing her features. "I'm so glad~" She smiled gently. "Last year his first day really meeting people he got into an awful fight... He ended up in the infirmary." She puffed out her cheeks clearly annoyed with the burden or having to worry about her brother so much. "Ah... I should also warn... His stomach mouth... He's really sensitive about anyone touching around that area... So if you hug him and he squirms it might be because you tickled him un-intentionally... Also that's good information in case he ever gets to huggy and worried just tickle his abdomen and he will be on the floor or leaping away at the speed of light... Just don't try it when the mouth is open..." Juliet shuddered. "I did and my hand went inside his mouth... I was happy to find out I was not very tasty..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Wolf's eyes widened as he heard Gray suddenly call his name, and he visibly stiffened. Though his lips parted as if he was attempting to say something, nothing actually came out. Instead he shifted his gaze towards Jack, who was no longer in the water but instead disappeared back into the locker rooms. He gave a confused look, but realization dawned on him when Jack emerged with a towel. Just drying off then, probably didn't want to swim by himself since Wolf definitely wasn't getting back in the water and it didn't look like Gray would take a step closer unless someone literally was carrying him.

His gaze had just left Jack when he felt the towel go around his shoulders. To his dismay, his cheeks reddened almost immediately. But instead of shrugging the towel off and throwing it to the side like he probably would have if it was anyone else, he just lifted shaky hands and pulled it a little tighter against him, drawing his legs up towards his chest. A moment later he removed his shoes and socks, since they were soaked and the most uncomfortable thing on him at the moment. Next he took his over shirt off, only removing the towel for a moment before pulling it back around him, feeling uncomfortable in just the white tee.

The blonde Angel cleared his throat, looking nervous. "Well, you see," it wasn't like him to stutter or try and dance around subjects. "Eeeeer, I guess you could say," Putting his face in his hands for a moment, he sighed, letting his shoulders drop. "I guess I'm sort of...-" Shit! Shitshitshit. Why did he look at Jack? "-bi-sexual. Don't tell Carrot, ever."


Romeo was definitely not one to be surprised. He was usually the one doing the surprising, actually. But when Thero suddenly swam past him he was startled, causing his mouth to pop open and all the air in his lungs to escape. Immediately he snapped his mouth closed, trying not to giggle underwater because it would surely just make him swallow more water. Instead he pushed himself off the bottom of the pool, quickly making his way to the surface. The first thing he did then was take a big gulp of air that ended up being released moments later in a big burst as he began giggling. Suddenly the water shifted under him though and his eyes widened, but before he had time to move away from what was no doubt another attempt of Thero's to surprise him, he found himself enveloped in a pair of wings. Not only were his friends wings around him though, but his arms were too.

"Boo." Romeo found himself giggling and blushing at the same time, but the giggling only lasted a moment longer for he seemed much too loud for such close quarters. Instead his took his bottom lip between his teeth, looking nervously up at the other male. Taking a deep breath, he managed a smile, eyes traveling up from Thero's face and instead focusing on his wings. A hand reached out hesitantly, fingertips trailing against the blue wings and a heavy, almost relieved sigh escaped him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Juliet Ender

Juliet blinked at Everette with her large round eyes. "Well... How can I not be?" She smiled. "When I was only 6 I woke up in the snow and all I could remember was red and pain and hurt shot through her mind but she was not injured..." She closed her eyes remembering the day well. "I blacked out and when I woke up again Gray and Prothero were looking over me worried..." She took a breath remembering how she first awoke... Not a single memory left and two complete strangers looking over her. "I was so scared I cried... I could not remember a thing..." She opened her eyes slowly and tilted her head as she looked at Everette. "They allowed me to stay as they tried to find out where I belonged... Gray helped me learn how to walk again as I somehow seemed to forget even that... Prothero read to me and despite the fact I was a human which to them should be just some strange useless meat sack... They kept me... Raised me... Sent me to the best schools and have been only kind..." She smiled. "They still kinda scare me sometimes but they have never hurt me..."

Juliet giggled. "Ah listen to me ranting away... I ought to be saying good luck instead." She smiled. "I know how Gray can get attached to people easily and he's very touchy feelly." She giggled. "But he does tone it down after awhile... He just needs time to get to know you then he will know what level of emotion your fine with displaying..." She smiled gently. "The only time he might not care about whether your comfortable or not is the mornings where Prothero gets to brush my hair." She gestured to her long wild wavy hair. "When I was small I had lots of nightmares so they would take turns brushing or braiding my hair to calm me down... It became a tradition so when one of them beats the other to it... The other get's upset and sometimes resorts to brushing other peoples hair." Juliet smirked. "Though I'm sure you would look very nice with small braids that's probably the most you have to worry about."

Gray Ender

Gray blinked at Wolf. "Seriously? That's what had you freaking out?" Gray chuckled then laughed. "That's nothing to worry about! Most demons and angels are arent they?" Gray grinned and pointed toward himself with his thumb. "I am and so is Prothero right bro?" Gray looked over to his brothero who looked away from Romeo confused. Gray could tell his brother had not been listening. "Your bi correct?" Prothero blinked before nodding and stating with a little less then embarrassed tone that he preferred males over females a little but he still considered himself to be bi. Gray grinned. "See nothing to worry about... Heck I would not be surprised if Evie was bi as well but alright I won't tell anyone." Gray smiled and leaned back in his chair before looking over at Jack who was silent. "Hey, Jack what about you?"

Jack Red

Jack had slid back into the water and was now on his back floating looking at Gray and Wolf upside down. His silver white hair was being gently played with by the movements of the water. He listened in silence at Gray and Wolf's conversation not bothering to really add anything. But when a question was finally directed at him Jack rolled over going under for a few short seconds before coming up and looking over at Gray with his head tilted to the side his long-ish hair sticking to his back. "I am not bi." The words echoed blankly for a second. "I am gay..." Jack did not say it with pride or self disgust it was a plain old fashion statement. Jack watched as Gray gave him a questioning look his eyes pleading for more information. "I use to be in many sports." Jack looked over at Wolf for a second before looking away his red eyes revealing his embarrassment his cheeks taking on the faintest blush. "Many girls liked me... But I never found any of them..." Jack frowned looking for the right word but he simply could not and decided to leave it there. He did not like talking it was... Difficult. Finding the right words just made him angry. Jack dared to look back at the two boys. He was relieved to see no-judgement in Gray's eyes just a stupid smile on his face... What about Wolf... Jack tilted his head and took a peek at Wolf. Hoping his red eyes would not see any judgement or hate in Wolf's blue ones.

Prothero Ender

Prothero watched as Romeo touched his wings and he tensed just a little before he visibly relaxed and allowed Romeo to continue. It was strange feeling warm fingers on his wings. No one had ever touched his wings aside himself. Not even Juliet or there mom. He'd always had a no touch policy and preferred to keep it that way... So the fact that he was allowing Romeo such a thing was a sign to himself that he trusted to smaller demon. Smiling gently Prothero kept Romeo securely in his arms while he rested his chin on Romeo's head. Leaning back into the water Prothero kicked his legs so they went around in slow arching circles. Everything was blissful until Gray's obnoxious voice caught his attention. Looking at his brother questioningly Prothero was somewhat surprised by the question but nodded in confirmation. There was a quick second of silence before Prothero spoke. "I prefer males over females a little I suppose... But yes I am still Bi." Prothero had not the faintest idea where Gray's question came from let alone what made him nod and admit his own secret which was his preference. But Romeo seemed so accepting of everything from his wings to his awkward demeanor that he felt no fear as he shyly and with slightly pink cheeks looked down at the smaller boy still in his arms as they floated lazily on there side of the pool.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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He wasn't quite sure why he found it worse that they accepted his sexuality so easily, rather than them being upset or disgusted. Perhaps because he never really knew how to handle kindness, didn't understand people so open-minded and not constantly on the defense. That was just how he had been raised, it was how his family was. Always ready to start a fight, always wanting to be the one on top. It was just something he was used to. And his family definitely wasn't very open to personal conversations, so telling them that he just wasn't interested in girls would probably never happen. It wasn't like he spoke to them very often, so he didn't have to worry about it anyways. Whenever he had to attend one of the family meetings he could just find some girl to go with him, be his date and then he could ditch her the next day. That sort of things happened to girls all the time, right?

As it turned out though, these people weren't like his family. Actually, most of them were like him- which admittedly freaked him out a bit. Gray and Prothero were exactly like him, bi-sexual, even though Prothero admitted to preferring men. Though the other demon, Romeo, had apparently decided not to share. And Jack was, uh, homosexual. Gray's suggestion of Carrot being bi actually earned a laugh from Wolf, which was terribly hypocritical of him but he didn't care. When he glanced back at Jack he realized that the human was watching him, causing the blonde boy to blush slightly. "I- I know what you mean, Jack. Girls just... are too much work."

* Ironic, since Wolf is probably more work than a girl is.


Romeo's cheeks were a bright red color throughout the whole entire conversation pertaining everyone's sexuality. He was glad that Gray hadn't asked him, because he wouldn't really have been sure how to answer. Of course he knew he was gay, but no one else did. And while he could have lied and said he was straight, well, what he was doing with Prothero at the moment would look awfully weird. Not to mention the fact that he didn't want Thero to think of him differently because of that, or treat him different. Because.. he liked Thero. In a weird, crush-y way. Another thing he never wanted to admit, because everyone would probably just laugh right in his face. That wasn't something he ever wanted to happen again- it had definitely happened enough in middle school... and just about everywhere else he went. Arcbell was one of the only places where he could be *himself*- or as close to it as he dared -and not be bullied or teased for it.

With Thero's chin resting on his head, Romeo gently leaned his head against the larger males chest, his blush finally fading. "I'm like Jack, you know." His words were hesitant, completely unsure and maybe even frightened. "I like... guys." The one arm that he had around Thero tightened, and the hand that was ghosting over his friends wings visibly shook.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Juliet Ender
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Everett had no choice but to listen quietly as Juliet unveiled her life story, her words almost pained as she spoke. It wasn't something he expected to hear, both because it was an achingly sad story and because, you know, they'd just met a few moments ago. But Juliet seemed like a trusting sort of person, a friendly one, so maybe this wasn't some deep, dark secret. Maybe she told her past to all of her older brothers' potentials friends and/or roommates. Still, the story tugged harshly at his heart strings, the image of Juliet as a little girl lost and alone in the freezing snow was painful to imagine, even if they had just met. Sadly enough, he was rather sure that she was the person he was closest to in this entire school so far and it was hard to imagine his... his new friend in such a state.

He didn't know what to say when she was done. Should he say that he was sorry that had happened? No, that would definitely come out as disingenuous, a knee-jerk reaction that didn't really mean anything. Should he agree with her about her brothers, compliment them? Ask if she ever figured any more out about her past apart from that broken, pain-soaked memory?

Luckily he didn't actually have to say anything as she went off track, returning to, of all things, wishing him luck. He gulped not so subtly. If even the doting baby sister acknowledged that her brother had a habit of getting handsy, he was definitely in trouble. Toning it down 'after a while' didn't seem soon enough for the red-head who was more worried about surviving the present than the future. He could imagine it now; being tackled awake every morning, hugs and hair ruffles between classes, good-night bear hugs before they settled in for the night- and then, on top of that, would be Wolf either grinning smugly at him or continuing to be the jerk that Everett knew him to be with no one stopping him because he was such a pretty angel. Oh, Hell. Or Heaven. Or whatever he was supposed to be cursing and/or praying to for help and guidance.

The little note about him getting his hair brushed involuntarily when Gray was upset made his hands travel up to his red mess of hair and pull a face. Maybe if he got it cut then everything would be all right...? It was rather long right now... His eyes traveled back to Juliet and saw the slowly sinking sun from the window behind her head. Oh. It was getting close to nighttime. When was curfew...?

"Thanks for the warning... So, um, what now?" He asked after a moment, not quite sure what to do next. "Do you, uh, want to see if your brothers are back at the dorm...?" It was a stretch but no one could reasonably expect him to carry on small talk with someone, however nice and however much he liked them, after the kind of day that he'd had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Juliet Ender

Juliet smiled. "Yeah curfew will hit soon... It's not really lights out but we all have to be in our rooms. They don't watch the halls much so you should not worry." Standing Juliet led the way out of the room and back toward the dorms. She explained quietly about where her room was located and how if he ever needed anything he could go talk to her as she knew allot about how the school functioned, and what to do if he found himself awoken by Gray who had a nightmare. "If he does get a nightmare he might wake you just to be reminded he's not alone... If what happens you can just send him to me unless he's really to frantic in that case all you have to do is repeatedly shush him while looking him in the eyes and reminding him your there... Unless it's a bad dream about drowning in that case he won't wake up just whimper silently... If he does wake you then I don't know... He never does for drowning dreams... Only ever for the weird nightmares he never talks about... Something about being abandoned or something... He never told me and when I ask now he just gives a weird smile and doesn't talk to anyone for a good day."

She then continued informing Everette about school functions and to avoid being alone at least for the first month. "During the first month werewolves form there packs and vampires analyze who is an easy target... If you show them your being guarded by demons or another human they will leave you alone... Gray told me this because last year I wandered off before everyone knew I was there sister and a very scary vampire pinned me to the ground... He never bit me because Prothero and Gray showed up..." Juliet explained she would gladly hang pick up and drop Everette off from place to place and they would have most classes together anyway because they were humans and received a different education then demons or angel.

Gray Ender

Gray looked at Wolf and smirked. "Dude... I think your more work then a girl... But no worries there Jack seems patient he can handle you besides he'd probably destroy anyone who bugs you bout your sexuality right big guy?" Without really waiting for his response Gray looked over at the slowly sinking sun. "Hey guys we should head back... Curfew should be soon." Gray stood and stretched cracking his back. He was more then grateful to know that soon he would be far from the pool. And he would no longer be subjugated to watching Prothero going all ice dragon protective mode over his little friend Romeo. Though he was pleased to know that there was now an easy teasing tool at his disposal. Though he never figured Prothero to be attracted to someone who seemed to be so outgoing as well as shy... Oh well, just more material for him to use as a teasing tool.

Jack Red

Jack blinked and watched Wolf's face heat up. It was... Cute? Compared to the scowl he seemed to wear. A small skitter of amusement passed over Jack's face. But his thoughts were cut short by Gray's words. "Hmp." Jack looked over at Gray. "I do not like violence..." He made a small hm noise before he spoke again. "But if anyone went after Wolf... I would protect him..." Jack got out of the water and passed by a somewhat scared Gray into the change rooms... No duh Gray was kinda scared he had just called Wolf harder to handle then a girl? Wolf was no girl! He was strong but fragile... Jack... Jack liked that. Within a minute he'd taken a quick rinse and changed back into his clothes. Prothero and Romeo right behind him. He walked out and helped Wolf to stand whether the blonde agreed to his help or not. He looked the angel up and down. "Let's go... Don't want ya sick." He turned to Gray gesturing him to lead as he always did.

Prothero Ender

Prothero smiled at Romeo and tightened his wings around them to show the younger demon he was not going anywhere. "I don't mind... I myself just admitted my own preference... If it does not bother you it does not bother me." Prothero spoke in hushed tones so only his friend could here. He was going to speak once more when Gray interrupted... As usual. Flipping then upright Prothero opened his wings and used them to propel himself and Romeo out of the water and onto the edge of the pool. He set Romeo down and they followed Jack into the change room. Of course Prothero took awhile longer making sure his friend had sufficiently gotten the chlorine off and then that he was dry. When he was satisfied they too left the change rooms. Prothero folded his wings to his back and opted to just walk back to the dorms with his annoying brother... A walk would be nice besides if Gray found out Prothero had flown Romeo around he'd become huffy exclaiming about how he never got to fly and it was totally 'un-cool' that Romeo got to.