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Prothero Ender

"If you ever need a thing ask for me."

0 · 959 views · located in Arcbell Academy

a character in “Arcbell Academy”, as played by CookieCupcake


Prothero Ender

Nick Name:




Blood Type:


Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Dressing Style:
He enjoys wearing baggy dress shirts and loose pants sometimes with a tie. He mixes I don't care with formal and it comes out fairly well. Unlike Gray he wears colors mostly white though as he feels it complements his icy and cool self.

140 pounds



Relaxing, Reading, Not having to worry, His family.

Gray being a fool, Guys around Juliet, Most females, Stress, Work, Video games.

He tends to hum to himself.

N/A He is Bisexual

Out of the three Ender kids Prothero is the cold one. He thinks of himself highly and acknowledges few people this causes girls to think hes that mysterious boy and fawn over him but he honestly hates it preferring to just keep to himself. His cold demeanor makes him scare people away and makes him hate himself. But to the few he's opened up to they will often say he is kind deep down and very compassionate always worrying about others before himself but simply not knowing how to go about most things. Prothero is often stressed really he just needs someone who can make him relax and understand him.


He has ice breath and can freeze things with his touch though he prefers not to he sometimes does it without realizing and hates himself for it.


Mom and Dad - Alive

Gray (Younger Brother) - Alive

Juliet (Adopted Human Sister ) - Alive

The Ender family helped found the school and were among the first demons to attend this legacy has carried on with many of the Ender family working at the school or donating to the school. Prothero being the eldest has been told how in some way he must also carry on this legacy. Because he's been told this from a young age by his father constantly Prothero has always felt burdened and angry jealous of Gray. At a young age they fought allot each wanting what the other had. Though most of the fighting stopped with Juliet. Despite being human she understood everything so well and helped close the rifts between everyone she brought everyone together. Prothero and Gray still have issues but despite them they've managed to get along and care for each other. Prothero hate's most of the time at home and enjoys school he doesn't just have average grades he has great grades and he plans to be a teacher but because of his cold social skills Prothero has troubles with friends and talking to people... He hopes this can change.



So begins...

Prothero Ender's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Wolfram was fighting the urge to punch Gray in the face as well as the urge to look back over at Jack. The second might seem a bit silly, but to him it made all the sense in the world. When he looked at Jack, he blushed. And that made people think things... Things that he didn't want people thinking, especially since he just revealed what was his biggest secret. Not to mention that blushing made him weak, and he definitely wasn't weak. He was still very much the mean, bully of an angel that he was at the beginning of the day. Just now he had a bunch of weird friends that were apparently oblivious to his obvious attempts to be rude to them. The only one that was really getting it was the stupid red headed human. Well, at least he could bother him until the others finally figured out that he wasn't just playing around. The human was pretty fun to play with though, it was like he was a time bomb. Eventually, he was going to go off.

When Jack emerged from the locker room and made a comment about not wanting for him to get sick, he ended up blushing again. Somewhat reluctantly he stood, pulling the towel tighter around him. There was no way that he was letting go of it, even if it was warm outside, he was still freezing and sort of half naked. Or at least he felt naked. After grabbing up the rest of his clothes he followed the others out, and found himself walking nearer Jack than anyone else. "I wonder if Carrot'll be back in the room or not."


Romeo was definitely relieved when Prothero tightened his arms around him, and was even more relieved when he confirmed that he didn't mind. It had certainly made him nervous to admit such a thing, even if he and Thero were just friends. They might have only met that day, but Romeo felt something more about Thero. Like they were best friends or something, like he and Thero had been together as long as he and Gray probably had. That probably sounded silly though, and he definitely wasn't going to say it out loud. Wolfram would no doubt laugh and find new ways to make fun of him, and he was worried that Thero would think he was a freak or something. Why was it so hard to have friends?

After changing back into his own clothes, he felt a lot better. Immediately he moved back to Prothero's side, who seemed not to be in the mood for flying as he folded his wings and began walking. It hadn't really mattered either way to the teen, so he just started walking beside his roommate. "Was our room close to theirs?" Romeo wasn't even quite sure if they had been in the same building. When he and Thero had come out, they were already sitting on the patio. Hopefully they all lived close though, or at least in the same building. Gray and him could plan some pretty awesome game nights.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Juliet Ender

Juliet blinked. "Oh well yes and no... See I think him having to face my big brothers wrath was enough of a punishment so I never told a teacher or anything." Juliet blinked and watched Everette. "Oh yes~ Big brother would come to my room anyway so I might as well." Juliet walked inside and immediately knew which bed was her brothers. She plopped herself down and hugged her knees happily. She hummed for awhile before she got bored and fluffed Gray's pillow. "Ah yes... Tommorow after classes why don't I continue the door... I can show you the indoor and outdoor pools where you will have gym class for awhile... Then Il tell you about what clubs you will be able to join..." Juliet smiled. "I'm part of the gardening club and so is Gray..." She giggled. "You should see him fussing over the roses... He get's so upset when the students trudge through them." She snickered. "It's kinda silly seeing him so delicate with the flowers yet so brutish with other boys..." She grinned. "Prothero is not part of any clubs but he is head of the student council, he plans all the dances and me and Gray get to help decorate all the time it's super fun~" She smiled. "Prothero often takes care of any decor that goes on the ceiling cause he can fly then Gray use's his gold to make a disco-ball and he polishes everything. I do lots of the baking and setting up the music." Juliet yawned suddenly and rubbed her tired ruby eyes.

Gray Ender

Gray happily marched ahead of everyone. As they passed down the silent halls he felt secretly pleased with how the day had turned out. Ok minus the pool thing but still. As they approached there room Gray quickly swung the door open ready to burst in and exclaim how Everette had missed out when his gold eyes widened and fell on his yawning little sister. "Juliet!" He rushed forward and hugged her. "How did you find out this was our room?" Gray did not crush Juliet with his hug like he often did no he simply enveloped her in his arms for a short sweet amount of time before he pulled away and sat next to her. As she gave her tired reply Gray smiled softly. It was not a boastful fake smile it was a genuine smile very soft and caring. "Thank you Everette." Gray turned to the red head the soft smile on his face staying there. His gold eyes seemed to also dim to something much warmer. "I'm glad Juliet finally has a friend." Gray smiled wildly and hugged Juliet closer she was yawning again which caused Gray to let out a soft chuckle. To say he almost had a split personality would almost not be far from the truth.

Prothero Ender

Prothero smiled at Romeo. "No... Our room is two floors above there's." Prothero was walking closely to his friend and he watched as Gray burst ahead toward his room. Prothero was going to continue on past until his sharp pointed ears caught Gray yelling there sisters name. Prothero's eyes widened and he peeked into the room. Juliet was mumbling tiredly. Prothero smiled and watched Gray interact with there little sister. Prothero could only ever stand Gray when he was like this... Calm and gentle but still happy. "Come on sis... Me and Romeo's room passes your I shall ensure you get there safely." Prothero only chuckled when Juliet rubbed her eyes once more and mumbled a tired. "Big brother?" He smiled and walked into the room picking up Juliet gently as she was already asleep. Prothero smiled and allowed Gray to kiss Juliet's forehead and wish her a goodnight.

Prothero left the room and bid everyone a goodnight. He opened his one wing and wrapped it around Romeo as they headed up a flight of stairs. Stopping briefly Prothero put Juliet to bed and locked her door. The he turned to Romeo and smiled softly. "I believe it is finally our turn to sleep." He moved close to his roommate and protectively wrapped his wing around him as they headed up another flight and finally into there room. Prothero immediately changed into a pair of soft pajamas... Of course it was more like no shirt and a pair of soft pajama pants. Stretching out his wings Prothero crawled into his bed and smiled at Romeo. "Seems it was a rather busy day... Sorry it was so hectic..."

Jack Red

Jack was secretly pleased that Wolf walked close to him. "I'm sure he's fine." Jack spoke quietly and very short as he gave his answer. As they walked Jack allowed everyone else to go ahead he was in no mood to rush. But he did keep in pace with Wolf. Jack was silent as they walked. When ahead of them a commotion erupted with Gray and the Prothero entering the room Jack halted. He did not want to get involved with who knows what other sibling insanity. He turned to Wolf and stared at him with his red eyes for a short while. "Hmp... If Gray get's to loud..." Jack shifted his gaze. "You can always spend the night in my room..." Jack was painfully aware of the painful blush staining his cheeks. He looked at Wolf and gave him an awkward little smile. "I just don't want you hurtin him..." Jack looked away again and then finished in a mumble. "Cause... You'd get into trouble... And might be forced to leave." Jack looked at Wolf again and stared at him for a little while longer before Prothero carrying out a girl got his attention. "Good-night." He finished the encounter with that before he turned and slipped silently into his room and closed the door after him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Wolfram was growing increasingly more frustrated by the moment, to the point where he ended up crossing his arms underneath the towel and huffing every so often just to draw attention to himself. It was beginning to bother him even more now, the fact that he could have a crush on a stupid human. Not to mention that human was a boy, but that was a road he could cross later on. Right now he had to figure out what it was that attracted him to the strange, white haired human and then he had to figure out how to destroy it. There was absolutely no way that he could allow this to happen. There was no way that he would allow himself to like a stupid, boring human! Humans were so, so far below them. It was pathetic, and he was terrible for even thinking of one as any more than a common servant.

Unfortunately, a few minutes later he found himself blushing because of what the human was saying. Jack apparently figured Wolf was going to try and hurt Gray in the middle of the night, which wasn't really that far-fetched of an idea. If the demon didn't let the angel get some sleep, it was likely that there would be some fighting. But it was more Carrot that he felt like strangling while he slept, though he was going to keep that one to himself. Didn't need everyone gathering in there room for a damn intervention or something. The human would make it through the night, if he was lucky.

After saying his thanks to Jack, he made his way into their room just as the girl was being carried out. Quirking an eyebrow, he removed the towel and threw it over a chair before stepping towards his bag and stripping his shirt off. He took a moment to glance over at the human, still shirtless as he asked "Miss us, Carrot? I'm sure all of our hearts were just aching every moment we were away from you." He replaced his previous shirt by another white one, a v-neck now. Stripping off damp pants left him in blue boxers, which were once again covered by black and white pajama pants right before he slipped into bed. "Want to come sleep with me dear? I'll protect you from the nightmares," he said with a playful wink.


Romeo was truly half asleep by the time they got to Gray and Wolf's dorm, and didn't say much of anything as he heard Gray's excited shrieks about some person named Juliet or something. What did catch his attention was when Thero left his side, but he luckily returned only a moment later. The demon decided just not to question the fact that he was carrying a girl, she appeared to be human though which confused him slightly. Oh well, he would likely forget about it by the time morning came, and he was much too tired to ask now. He returned to his half-asleep state as they walked towards their room, and he slumped against the wall while he waited for Thero to come back out of the humans room. As soon as they got upstairs, it was likely he would just fall into bed and fall asleep.

Back inside their room, Romeo felt safe. While his friend changed, so did he, into a long black shirt that didn't stop until it was halfway down his thighs and a pair of blue pajama pants. He barely caught Thero's apology, but he mumbled a quick "It doesn't matter," anyways as he stared at his bed and then back at his friends. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked cautiously, still sounding half asleep because, well, he was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Gray Ender

Gray's smile faded when the door to there room closed. It seemed that Wolf was antagonizing Everette again. Sighing Gray rolled his eyes. "Hey blondy? Do me a favor and leave Evie alone for the night." Gray did not sound rude or cocky just tired but oddly patient. "I'm really not in the mood for you two sassy pants arguing all night and I will not hesitate to drag one of you guys across the hall to Jack's room so I can get a goodnight sleep." Gray pulled off his shirt and pants before laying on his bed. "That and you should be nice to Evie... He's... A good person... Just like your... A good person... Sassy but good." Gray yawned obviously tired as he curled up in his covers and fell asleep before he could hear a single complaint.

Jack Red

Across the hall Jack left his door unlocked and also got ready for bed. He crawled in and grabbed his book but before long he'd fallen asleep with the book on his face his nose keeping his page while his body was sprawled out like a star fish soaking in the feeling of rest and relaxation from a long day of awkward conversations and stiff muscles in order to stay looking like a moving wall.

Prothero Ender

Prothero was a tad caught off guard by his friends request but smiled gently and nodded. He was already under the covers with his wings stretched out comfortably. He used one wing to lift the blankets where Romeo could come slide in. To be honest Prothero would normally deny such a request but after seeing the troubled look on his dear friends face during there earlier conversation, the fighting he'd witnessed between him and gray, and finally the fact he looked so tired all made Prothero feel a certain obligation to comfort and protect the smaller demon during the night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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A week had passed and Wolf was still hating on Carrot. No big surprise there. Actually, the only thing that had changed really was that the teasing had turned into flirting, while they were alone at least. It wasn't like they were alone a lot, or at least not so often that people were noticing anything. To be honest, the angel found himself around the human maybe more than he would care to admit. Was he actually beginning to enjoy his company? Surely not, the only human he could even bear to tolerate was Jack. Actually, Jack had turned out to be quite the sweetheart when he wanted to be. Not that anything monumental had happened over the past few days, but he had shown Wolf that the day at the pool.

The first few days of Wolf's flirting with Carrot, the angel hadn't even known he was doing it. As soon as he realized it though, the flirting has stopped. It was almost shocking how quickly he stepped back into that horrible jerk he was the first time, except for worse possibly. Not only that but he was avoiding avoiding the red head like the plague. Even last night, instead of sleeping in his own room he had begged Jack to let him sleep with him. That had definitely been awkward, but better than having to see Carrot. He couldn't quite explain why he was so scared of having to talk to him, he didn't even know if the human wanted to talk to him. God, he probably thought he was crazy.

...most people thought he was crazy.

Now it was the first day of classes though, something he was certainly dreading. The angel was sitting with his little group of misfits that he'd collected his first day here, looking antsy as ever. His legs were bouncing up and down like he was an ADD kid that forgot to take his pills, and he couldn't stop tapping the end of his fork against the table. Eventually he just pushed himself back, making a loud thump that caused a few people to look up towards him. Throwing his bag around his shoulders, he made an excuse of forgetting something up in the room and started off towards their building.


Ever since that first night sleeping in the dorm, he hadn't asked Prothero if he could sleep with him again. It wasn't like he hadn't wanted to, not in a creepy way of course, but he felt like just asking that one night was pushing it too far. Every night since then he had woken up from a nightmare, but he made sure to keep quiet and not disturb the older demon. Though it sort of bothered him, he chose not to say anything. Not like he could get mad at Thero for not being comfortable with stuff like that, the other demon wasn't his old roommate. Thero was a lot better though, in some ways. Always so smart and just cool to be around, at least that was how Romeo saw him. Perhaps he idolized the other a bit too much.

They were at breakfast now, Wolf had just walked away looking troubled. Romeo felt a bit bad for the angel, but he also thought that perhaps it was a good thing. Maybe he was feeling bad for how horribly he treated everyone recently, it seemed that he was getting better but.. Then it turned around and he was worse than before- especially to Everett. He was seated next to Thero, and even though there was enough room on the other side of him, he happened to lean closer to his friend just because he felt safer there. "S- so, does anyone have Biology first class?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz
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Let it never be said that Everett Harper didn't give people second chances. Throughout the next week, keeping in mind the tidbits of information Juliet had offered up on that traumatic first day, Everett had tried to be open-minded about his new roommates and associated neighbors and acquaintances. It hadn't been too terribly hard at first, a good night's sleep having settled his nerves at least a little bit making him slightly more patient and less likely to hide under his duvet when things went south. For the most part, it had worked. Even if he still avoided being within hugging distance of Gray(not that that actually worked, mind, but he did try), even if there were still notable pauses in the way that he spoke, hesitation clawing at his words, even if he had yet to speak to anyone outside of the little group that amassed around the Ender children, he tried and was mildly happy with the results. Juliet was a wonderful safe haven of a friend, sweet and understanding in a way Everett thought was only possible in books. Really, everyone seemed to be growing on him... Except for in one case; Wolfram.

The angel seemed Hell-bent(or Heaven-bent, possibly) on making Everett's life at Arcbell Academy miserable. There was the occasional death threat, pushing and shoving cleverly disguised as an accident due to cramped quarters, hidden insults... Normally that shouldn't be a problem. Everett had dealt with bullies before, surprise surprise, and all it took was figuring out their schedules and adjusting yours to the complete opposite. Except that wasn't possible because, well, roommates and the same social group pretty much ensured that neither boy was separated for long. The worst of it came when the two were alone, when Wolfram didn't have to worry about being chided or admonished(not that he ever really had to worry about it- he got away with just about everything without anyone seeming to even bat an eye).

It had been more mild at first, albeit excessively weird. If Everett hadn't known better, he could have sworn that in those first few days the pestering was more flirtatious than anything. Which was, of course, absolutely ridiculous, but he much preferred it to later in the week when Wolfram seemed to have randomly snapped and ramped up the torment to a, on a scale of one to ten, twelve. That was, when they actually interacted. When the (most likely not)flirtations had stopped, Wolfram had started vanishing, avoiding Everett altogether if at all possible. He hadn't even returned to their room the night before, apparently opting to stay with Jack(Everett always found it better not to ask about such things because, you know, it was personal).

It was the first day now, and they were all seated together for breakfast with more than enough time before the first class was to start. With Wolfram leaving in a huff, it left Everett in more of a cloud of anxiety than before. He really couldn't take it, anymore. The avoidance, the harsh insults, the absolute insanity of his roommate. It was like a breaking point because he had enough shit to deal with without adding a melodramatic jerk of an angel to the list.

"S- so, does anyone have Biology first class?"

Everett cast his schedule a cursory glance, not having been that involved in the conversation, but was pleasantly surprised to see the words "Biology" printed on the paper for his first period. Which made sense, of course. He and Romeo were in the same grade, after all, and some classes were shared among the species.

"I, um, I do. I guess we share first period. That- I'm glad." But, relief over knowing someone in his first class of his first year at a new school was swept away quickly by a single glance of Wolfram disappearing into their building. It didn't make sense, really, how irritated Everett right now. Wolfram had been avoiding him, after all. Isn't that what he had wanted? Well, yes, but not at the cost of Wolfram packing all of his insults into a harsh blow every time that they were around each other. It wasn't fair. He deserved an explanation, a reason for why the angel hated him so much. He'd dealt with it for a week, but not any longer.

"I- I need to get something. See you guys later." Before he could talk himself out of it, Everett was making his way towards their dorm building, posture decisive if not confident.

It didn't take long to catch up to Wolfram, or to find him really. The dorm was happily empty, everyone having left already for breakfast or to meet up with friends. It was now or never, and Everett wasn't quite sure how long his self-righteous rage would last.

"Wolfram," His voice almost echoed in the empty hall, or maybe that was just his imagination. "We need to talk. Now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gray Ender Character Portrait: Everett Harper Character Portrait: Wolfram Grace Character Portrait: Prothero Ender Character Portrait: Romeo Araz Character Portrait: Jack Red
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Juliet Ender

To say that Juliet was not a morning person would be a ridiculous understatement... Juliet could beat a zombie with how very dead she was most mornings. And in fact that particular morning more so then usual. While her siblings and new friends chatted Juliet had her head on the table taking a nap while Gray brushed her hair and mumbled something about needing to part it equally to make a decent braid.

Finally the motion of the brush seemed to wake up and Juliet lifted her head allowing Gray to part her hair. Had someone been asking a question or something? Really she just needed some food in her before all engines would be running at full capacity... How was it that both Prothero and Gray were morning people especially Gray??? He was the definition of laziness and yet every-morning he woke up at 6 like clockwork and began to actively do stuff.

"I believe that Juliet is also in Biology with you Romeo... She is in your class after all."

She had biology first? Oh, well then... Good to know... But what would be better to know is when this french toast had found its way in front of her. Looking around sleepily she spotted Jack nodding toward the food slowly. Ah, yes. The ever silent giant. Juliet had actually become very good friend with Jack as well... He never spoke much apparently because he was embarrassed about an accent he devoted his time to hiding but they managed to communicate quite well. Jack looked after her like an older brother and in return she was attempting to help him with his English.

Gray Ender

Unlike his younger sister Gray was a morning person. And sense it was the first day of class her was needless to say excited so much so he woke up and 5 and left his dorm room to go and double check his schedule and peek in on his classes. He knew for a fact he would be having class with Jack and Wolf which he looked forward too... Well sort of. Jack was fairly easy to get on with as the man was a statue and seemed to handle, hugs, talking, punching, arguing, insults ANYTHING! But Wolf... Wolf was weird... Gray could never tell what was going through that mans head! Yet, they all seemed to be good friends... In some sort of strange way...

Gray smiled to himself as he paused from doing Juliet hair to take a bite from his scrambled eggs on toast. He wanted Juliet to be the most adorable student today and that meant he would perfect her braid! Blinking Gray watched Wolfram get up in a huff and he frowned for a moment... He would never understand that angel! Running his fingers through Juliet's hair Gray watched with concern as Everette chased after their roommate... Ah, well if anyone could talk some sense into Wolf it would probably be Evie he seemed the most level headed despite being the youngest.

Prothero Ender

Prothero sat at the table book in one hand and a toast in the other. He was un-aware of most everything going on at the table around him except for what was going on around Romeo. He bit into his toast as his cool blue eyes read over each word with mild interest. He had finished language and biology over the summer and was being permitted to take extra courses to fill up his time. In biology he had decided to volunteer as a teachers aid and in English he decided to take a few old languages the one he was currently reading in his book was old dragon an ancient type of writing reserved for only dragon like demons which Prothero happened to be an allowed himself to throw himself into its depths. Hearing his friends question Prothero closed his book and set it on the table as he finished his toast.

"I believe that Juliet is also in Biology with you Romeo... She is in your class after all."

Prothero cast a glance at his half asleep sister. Watching as she barely registered the world around her a tired look in her eyes and dark bags, she had probably been to excited to sleep the previous night being a morning person did not help either.

"I will also be in your biology class... I finished my biology course over the summer and volunteered to help teach the younger classes biology that happens to be you guys..."

Prothero flashed a rare warm smile to his friend and set his chin gently on his intertwined hands.

"I shall be helping answer questions, marking, all that I hope you good at biology Romeo... But if you aren't I can always pay special attention to you that's the benefit of having a friend who's a teachers assistant."

Jack Red

Unlike most of the people at the table Jack felt he was the only one actually eating. Juliet was basically asleep and poking at the french toast he got her, Gray was fussing over Juliet's hair, Prothero was being academic, Romeo was asking questions, and Evie and Wolf had run off to see the wizard. Shaking his head to himself Jack bit into his pancake and finished it quickly and quietly before returning the tray and plate to where they should go for cleaning and handling. Then he returned all the while muddling through his past few days. Nothing particularly interesting had occurred aside for the fact that he was actually being social and that Wolf had slept in his room the previous night...

Jack had offered before so it wasn't all that awkward more as surprising and rather baffling but judging by his observations Jack would guess Evie had something to do with the blondes odd behavior... Perhaps he would ask him later... Perhaps... But probably not... Juliet was the motherly one who asked questions... Jack was the lonely one who people went to when they ran out of options... Looking back at the table of people he'd recently become acquainted with Jack walked over mumbled a quick 'going to class early.' and departed.