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Alexander Rasputin

"lifes a party, so enjoy yourself why don't yah?!"

0 · 774 views · located in Black Lotus Cafe

a character in “Black Lotus Cafe”, originally authored by fate0013, as played by RolePlayGateway


°o0 Alexander Rasputin 0o°
"Wanna play cat and mouse?"


My Basic Info

Alexander is a young man who was a body that most girls would classify as perfect. His hair and fur is a scarlet red with a tint of purple, which makes it fairly easy to pick him out in a crowd. He has functioning cat ears on top of his head as well as a matching tail. The boys eyes are a different story, they are a golden color with slit pupils.
Alex's wardrobe consists of skater, punk, raver, and gothic clothing. Mostly in shades of black, red, purple, pink, silver and gold. He will wear other colors but tends to stick to those mostly. He will wear formal clothing every once in a while. Alex's trade mark is his large, pink and purple striped boa that he always carries around. Alexander also has multiple piercings and tattoos.

Image-| Name |-
Alexander Rasputin
"It's a pleasure to meet you, would you care to dance?"

-| Nickname(s) |-
Sasha, Alex, Cheshire, and Chesh
"Please, call me Sasha."

-| Age |-
"Don't ask, lost track a while ago. I'm about 19 in human years."

-| Gender |-
"Just because I'm wearing pink and purple doesn't make me a girl!"

-| Species |-
Mixed-breed of a air Demon and a rare form of WereCat.
His dual heritage is what's responsible for his outlandish appearance.
"Now you see me, now you don't. now look behind you."

The Interesting Stuff


-| Accent |-
"Why hello. It's good to meet you, your from around here yes?"
He was a slight Russian/english accent, it doesn't effect the way he pronounces words so it's not to thick but obviously noticeable.

-| Occupation |-
Owner of the famous night club called "9-Lives". A unique club that only opens at specific times set by Alex, the place is kind of a secret, you need to know someone's already been to get in. Alex is also an entertainer who performs magic and illusions, he also sings and plays the piano. Owns a bakery part time as his day job.
"Ah welcome to 9-lives, how many do you think you'll loose tonight eh? Hahaha! It's only a joke, don't worry about it. Please, enjoy yourself and prepare to be Amazed."  

-| Relationship Status |-
Single, the guy has a new girlfriend almost every week. Currently single.
"When your part cat, girls never tend to leave you alone. . . . Which tends to be an ordeal for me."

-| Personality |-
"I'm bored, play with me."
This guy is easily the most eccentric and flamboyant person you will ever meet. A noticeable trait seen in him is how much he acts like a cat unintentionally. Being Friendly, Alert, Active, Inquisitive, curious, and very moody. Alex is very affectionate and will return any affection given, he's also a sucker for praise and flattery. A free spirited vagabond, he tends to do whatever he wants when he wants, tending to "go wherever the wind takes him." Alexander loves to toy and mess with others. Absolutly loves being the center of attention and adores the spot light, yet likes to have his privacy and be left alone when he wishes it. one thing that stands out the most is his protectiveness towards those he considers his friends or very close to him. Alex also gets jealous quite easily but gets over it fast. Under all the glamour and craziness, Alexander is a very kind and consideration person that's willing to offer a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen to your problems.

Likes Dislikes
Cats(obviously)  Dogs
Attention  Boredom
pink, purple, and red  Plain people
Games  work (doesn't consider what he dose as work.)
Having fun (he has lots of ideas of what's "fun")  Restraint
napping  unnecessary noise
Music  Alcohol (he gets drunk easily)
Food in general  Bitter foods
praise  Rules
Magic  Feeling Alone
parties and celebrating  getting wet outside the bathroom

-| Hobbies |-Image
"These are my favorite things to do."
+ Dancing
+ Singing
+ clubbing
+ partying
+ playing games
+ Napping
+ Reading
+ watching movies
+ FreeRunning
+ Skating
-| talents |-
"Talents? Oh, I got a few I guess."
+ Acrobatics
+ playing the piano
+ baking
+ Parkour
+ magic tricks and illusions
+ master of hide and seek
+ slight of hand
+ being able to sleep anywhere ant any given time
+ has all the reflexes and senses that any cat would have.
+ great at puzzles and riddles
+ Natural born fighter(fights both logically and instinctively with no proper training)
-| Abilities |-
"Wanna see something cool?"
- possesses the basic attributes and abilities of his both of his breeds.
- due to his air demon heritage, Alex is able to evaporate for short periods of time into thin clouds of red/pink mist for any number of means, but can only hold it for short periods of time. He is also able to teleport short distances, when he dose he leaves behind a puff of red/pink smoke. Can also become invisible for short periods of time.
- His werecat heritage allows Alex to transform between full cat and full humanoid forms or even in between. Alexander is able to change into any form of cat from a Siberian tiger or a tiny little kitten. He always has dark red fur like his hair when he's humanoid by retains patterns such as stripes and spots.

Personal Info

-| Fears|-
". . . . Please don't laugh. . . "
+ swimming (he is physical unable to.)
+ drowning
+ thunder and lightning
+ feeling utterly alone
+ being caged
+ living a boring life
-| Ways of coping |-
". . . .well. . . this is uncomfortable. . . "
When upset, scared, flustered, or nervous. Alex will do one of four things.
1-play with a blue ball of yarn he carries at all times
2-Fiddle with the tip of his tail
3-Starts licking his hand and brushing his hair compulsively
4-Scratches any available surface with his claws

-| Crush |-
"Me? Have a Crush?! That's a good one. Hahahahaha. . . .well, If you must know. . ."
Any girl that makes a good impression on him while catching his interest. . . He tends to have around two to three at a time due to this. All he really wants is someone to genuinely care for him.

-| History |-
"My past?" Sighs and sits down. "Let me tell you a story. . . "
Alexander's story is not a pretty fairy tail. He was born from an arranged marriage between a air demon clan and werecat clan that was stationed in Europe and western Russia. The marriage was a symbol of peace and unity for the once Waring clans. Alex was looked down upon by his peers from both sides due to his dual heritage, aiming his blood was impure and deluded. His naturally unique appearance didn't help in the slightest, causing him to be shunned even more. Alex's childhood was rough, but he adapted well and always kept a positive attitude the best he could. The clan heirs and/or alphas, had taken it soon themselves to be their duty to beat Alex up on a regular basis, much to his parents distress. The elders and chiefs turned a blind eye to Alex, allowing him to be ridiculed.
The clans where old fashioned, stocking to a strict set of laws and moral codes. Alex would frequently break these codes whenever he sought fit. One night, he desired to sneak out of and leave the clan territories, and made a night trip to London. After that one night he began to go every other night afterwords, exploring and enjoying the night life. Then came the night Alex went to his first club. The experience was electrifying and exhilarating for him, for once in his life he felt free, he didn't care if he was dancing with humans or other beings of the night, Alex just felt felt truly happy. Weeks passed until the heirs once again came around to give him what they said was a much needed beating. Without thinking, Alex had lashed out and left a large scratch on the face of the first in line to the werecat clan. For this act he was subjugated to a trial by combat against the alpha, such was their law. To everyone's surprise, Alex easily won against the well trained and raised alpha, using the abilities of his dual heritage to their full advantages. He surprised everyone again when he chose to live in exile, realizing that he would never fit in with people. Alexander felt that he fit better with the rest of the world then being isolated from it. Alex began his new life doing whatever he pleased all the while going wherever the wind would take him.
". . .well there's my past. It was a couple years ago that I wound up here in Tokyo, Japan. I made my own club called 9-lives which is getting lots of popularity know. I've geared of a popular cafe for fellow night beings such as myself, I'm thinking about stopping by soon, might be fun yah?"

-| Theme Song |-
Normal theme-
Let's Kill Tonight by Panic! At The Disco

So begins...

Alexander Rasputin's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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0.00 INK

Alexander had been exploring tokyo today. His favorite past time during day hours had been running around on roof tops when he wasn't tending to the club or bakery. Alex was currently in the form of an ordinary domestic cat, that just happened to have scarlet red fur. the young demon had gotten bored and was know hungry, not realizing how long he had been out and about. Gracefully Jumping of the roof top, he turned into his mist form in mid air, then becoming his humanoid form just before landing without making so much as a sound. Alex grinned ear to ear. cats always land on their feet after all. Tail flicking from side to side, he stretched out in the sun, arched his back, and yawned. getting back up and cracking his neck, the boy dug into one of his pockets and pulled out an address he had been given a week ago. realizing he was in the right area, Alex took a stroll down the ally he had landed in and made his way to a cafe he had been recommended.

a minute later he found himself in front of the Black lotus Cafe. a hang out spot if you will for the any and all beings of the night. he shrugged his boa of his shoulders so it rested in his elbows.well, lets go then. he pushed open the door and walked in. almost instantly catching they eyes of multiple people. Alex smirked a little and kept his cool composure. He was accustom to this after having it happen everywhere he want for the past few years having spent in cities other then the remote areas he was born in.

Alex found an open booth and flopped down on it. The cat eyed the other patrons as he reclined.Quite a variety of species. by the looks of it I'm most likely the most outlandish in appearance. Alex chuckled softly to himself, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. He let out a sigh of relief. he has a clean slate know, lets se what will happen know that there where no family ties in this city. . . one thing was for sure was that he was a LONG way from home, actually. . scratch that. home was wherever he chose it to be. Alex's ears twitched as he let what little worries ha had drift away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Inno

She was late.

Her cheeks flushed a soft crimson as she wound her way around the loitering passer-byers in the warm sun. Her order was to head out, buy the needed ingredients and items that had run out, and then return before customers started floating through. Her slender arms latched firmly around the large paper bag; crushing it to her chest as she struggled to keep up right and hurry to work.

She was late!

Her shoulders ached, from her being so tense and rigid, her shoulders burned. She slowed her rushed steps, and avoiding being bumped by others, rested her back against the shaded side of a brick building. If she could just reach the map in her pocket, she would know just where she was. A frown creased her eyebrows, her delicate features showing obvious unhappiness, as she lifted a knee up, and bumped the brown sack up from slouching in her hurting arms. Her clear gaze scanned the occupants about her, before she lifted her eyes to the sky.

I just need a sign...

It literally fell from the sky. No, not an it; a he. He jumped from the building top, and gracefully landed in the alley. A demon! She let out the breath she held, and quickly rushed across the busy street.
The beauty about her job, she was one of the very few humans living that could see other creatures. At first, it terrified her, and she remembered rushing –arms in front of her- out of the café and not once looking back until she was blocks away. She had returned though, much to others amazement, and had asked for a job. Surprisingly, she was hired, and now, months later, new beings and creatures only made her blush; especially the pretty ones…

Keeping a safe distance away, she let out a relieved chuckle, once the café came into view. She allowed the unfamiliar creature to enter first, and then, with her backside, Ellie pushed the door open and stepped inside with a triumphant grin.

“I got the groceries!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Mokoto Zenia Wright Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Kaleidoscope
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0.00 INK


“I got the groceries!”

looking up she saw Ellie enter the café a large paper bag in her arms. "in the back Ellie" shaking her head Ace pointed over towards the entrance to the kitchen to indicate where Ellie should put the bag. Ace was feeling rather sociable today more so than usual and that was saying something as she was known as the Silent Bartender of Black Lotus Café. a male werecat came inside all prettied up with red and purple colors but what really caught her attention was the large fluffy boa he had around his elbows 'haven't seen those for a while' shaking her head once more.

Ace had been living for an incredibly long time to the point where she didn't even now how much time had passed since she last stopped ageing, she was most likely older than Mokoto and that was saying something. looking over at Mokoto who would take puff on her pipe every now and then in between sips of her sake, her gaze slowly going up towards the ceiling that now had a permanent stain from the smoke always going to that one spot no matter how many times ace tried to clean it, it never went away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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0.00 INK

Alexander opened his eyes when the goat boy sat a menu in front of him. He smiled warmly. "I'ed love some, thank you. Nothing to strong please with two sugars." He put an elbow on the table and rested his chin in his hand as he began to scan through the menu. When a girl came in the store talking about groceries Alex flicked his tail in amusement.A human that sees, well that's interesting. The demon looked back at his fawn waiter. "Do you happen to have any strawberry vanilla cake? If you do I would like a slice please." He put money up front on the table and returned his gaze to the crowd. let's see. . . Lots of interesting people here, I could guess there all full of surprises Alex's gaze fell back on the human girl, he made a mental note to keep an eye on that one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Inno

Her blue eyes found the typically silent ‘tender, and with a smile and nod at her directions, Ellie moved around the tables in the café and made toward the kitchen. She pushed the swinging door open, and with a surprised gasp, watched as a bag filled with teabags toppled from her paper sack and dropped to the floor. Her cheeks turned a deep crimson; gaze lowered to the ground, as she slowly crouched down and picked up the unopened bag.

“I got it… heh.”

She slowly pushed into the kitchen, and quickly dumped the brown bag contents on the counter, before placing them neatly in their rightful places. Moments later, with the groceries packed and stored away for later use, Ellie rushed back up to the top floor and quickly changed into her preferred uniform, before coming back down to the kitchen. She grabbed her apron, quickly tied it around her petite waist, and picked up a black tray before stepping out into the café.

“Everything’s stacked up, Ace…..”

Her words drifted off as her blue eyes immediately landed the demon that had dropped from the building; the same demon she had followed to find her way back to the tea shop. How pretty…

With a soft sigh, Ellie watched as Nwella returned back from taking the colorful demon’s order. She quickly stepped towards the young looking creature with hoves, and with a smile plastered on her face, leaned over the edge of the bar.

"Nwella, has everyone been served? And who's the person in the pink and purples?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Mokoto Zenia Wright Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Kaleidoscope
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0.00 INK


"good" nodding in the general direction of where Ellie was standing. she looked up at the mention of a person in pink and purples and assumed Ellie must have been talking about he werecat. Ace shook her head when Nwella gave the tray to the girl to serve to the newcomer, almost smiling. 'ive been shaking my head to much that's no good' a slight frown on her face as she watched the others do there business.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Mokoto Zenia Wright Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Kaleidoscope
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0.00 INK

Kaleidoscope had been off in her own mind when a very kind seeming woman set down a cup of tea right in front of her. Opening her mouth to protest she realized it was too late. As fast and cooly as she'd walked over she'd walked away. Blinking slowly she looked at the tea. It smelt... Nice and it was warm not cold. She stared at the cup awhile not sure if she should if she was allowed. After thinking about it for awhile she let go of her arms revealing the darker of her bruises and grabbed the cup.

She sniffed it curiously... It smelt different. She lowered it to her lips and took a sip letting the warmth and taste fill her mouth. She practically purred at the taste and her eyes widened. Taking a large gulp she turned to peek at the dark haired girl who'd given it to her and smiled thankfully.

Kaleidoscope sipped her tea slowly and watched as people walked it. Each as colorful or intriguing as the last... But none like her.... Well the was someone with deer legs and antlers but he had no horns or ears like her own... There was another person with cat ears... And an array of others...A girl who came in a smelled like a human... She'd only ever been near one human in her life time but either way... Blinking and diverting her eyes back to the table she sipped the tea shyly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Inno

“No, wait I-I, Nwell—“

Her fingers clutched at the tray. She glanced down nervously at its contents, then back up as the creature made his way towards the kitchen. Eyes wide with surprise, Ellie looked over at the bartender with a shocked expression.

“I don’t… I mean, I was just curious…”

Seeing her attempts as futile, Ellie turned nervously towards the awaiting customer. She held the tray close, and reached one hand out to smooth back her ruffled bangs.
It was just curiosity. Since she had never seen him before, she had just been wondering who the pretty male was, and nothing more. Yet her blush made it seem as though there was more too it, and Nwella making her serve the unknown were-feline didn’t help the situation.

With a strained whine, Ellie professionally moved over to the awaiting table, and with a small smile, carefully placed his tea order on the table.

“Your pie should be right out, Sir. Is there anything else you would like?”

With the tray clutched in her arms, Ellie, waited patiently for the customer’s decision, her eyes focuses on his ears.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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0.00 INK

Alexander had been watching the scene between his waiter and the human. Interested in the fact that he had made her bring him his tea as he went to fetch the cake he had ordered.well this should be fun. Face breaking into a pleased smile, the cat thanked the waitress for bringing his tea. Alex brought the cup to his nose, closing his eyes and breathed in the herbal sent. He then addressed the girl. "Its usually the cat that follows the human, not the other way around." He takes a sip and replaces the cup on its saucer. The cat once again rests his head in his palm and looks at the human with curious eyes. Realizing she was staring at his ears, Alex mad them flick and twitch to show that they where indeed real. He chuckled playfully. "Its rude to stare you know?" He blinked his golden eyes at her and gave a warm smile. This was probably the first time she ever saw a creature like himself. . . Then again, Alexander was one of a kind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Kaleidoscope
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Inno

At his first comment, Ellie colored a dark red, her eyes wide as she finally focused her gaze on the male’s eyes instead of his ears. What exactly did he mean by that, she wondered, as she struggled for the correct words to say to him. But that was all short lived as his ears flicked. The gasp of delight parted her lips before she had a chance to stop it.

They are real!

She had never met a creature like him. Vampires, she’d met and hid from, wolves, she’d met and avoided –especially those with a short temper- but a werecat had never crossed her path until now. She found him interesting; not only because he was prettier than most females she had associated with, but because of his choice to go about it. With his bright color clothing, and friendly manner.

“It’s rude to stare you know.”

Smiling to herself, Ellie blinked out of her daydream, and focused confused eyes on the male for a moment. Her cheeks flushed a dark pink once realizing he was directing the comment towards her.

“Me? Oh- right me. Sorry. I didn’t mean to stare.” She glanced back at his ears with a chuckle. “That’s a first for me that’s all. I’ve had a lot of firsts here, actually... But I'll just go make sure your pie is ready.”

Offering the customer a friendly grin, Ellie turned on her heels and practically bounced back over to Ace, setting the tray on the countertop. Her smile never faltered as she turned her attention from the bartender to the kitchen door.

"Nwella isn't back with that pie yet?"

Ellie frowned slightly before shaking the confusion off, and settling down on the empty barstool.

"Should I ask the girl with the horns if she wants anything else, Ace?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent A'thena Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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0.00 INK


“Hello, Vincent, I’ll be right back to take your order.”

Vince didn't have time to reply before the rushed female, a pretty woman named Ellie, hurried towards the next customer. He nodded and watched the man she was serving, a human by the looks. Occasionally when he came in he saw few humans, most were too scared to come back Well I don't blame them he thought as his eyes shifted to a man wearing bright pinks and purples. A cat-like demon, he assumed, and sighed exhaustively. Cats seemed to be following him today, not particularly a great thing but at least if there weren't any black cats...but Vince didn't believe in superstitions, er well, sort of. Werewolves were a superstitions in themselves and if he existed...he didn't want to take the chance that perhaps a black cat may cross his path one day and give him bad luck. He had enough of that already.

He remembered his wallet already conveniently placed in his pants pocket and searched it out. Expecting to have more money than he thought, a sigh let from his lips. Enough for a coffee...but no meat.
Back to noodles again, he guessed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent A'thena Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Devan Matthews
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Inno

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Ellie.”

He didn’t seem to exactly know what he wanted to say. His words, much like his actions, seemed hesitant and new; as though learning them in his mind’s eye for the first time. The thought made Ellie smile, and as she waited patiently for him properly express which seating arrangement he better preferred, Ellie allowed her eyes to scan his figure without seeming obvious about it. He was tall; taller than her petite self but then again almost everyone surpassed her in the heights category. And he was built; a fighter maybe, she wasn’t too sure. But with his pronunciations, she immediately knew he was American. The realization caused her smile to widen.

When he was through speaking, she offered a short nod and turned on her heels.

“Great! Well, if you’ll just follow me, I can get you to a lovely booth.” As she spoke, she curved around tables and moved toward the booth area, before stopping at an empty seat. “Here we go. Now, would you like to start off with something to drink or do you need a moment?”

Whichever he chose, Ellie was completely happy with, as long as she was able to move around to her other customers and help them as well. The unfamiliar girl with horns –A pixie, an elf?- seemed content with simply sitting back and sipping at her tea, so that meant Ellie would circle around and take Vincent’s order, hand it back in the kitchen to Nwella or the bar to Ace, before moving over to the were-feline, then the human male, and finally the silent girl.

Yup, that sounds about right, she mused with an inward chuckle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Devan Matthews
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0.00 INK

Alexander had been drinking his tea with a blissful look on his face. He blinked when he felt something odd. He sniffed the air and found what it was. well well well . . . . Yet another human, this place won't cease to amaze me will it? the were-cat/demon finished his tea and generally moved the culprit of the way. He was beginning to have the urge to show of a bit. easy Alex, you don't want to freak the guy out. Just see what happens and leave it at that. Alex glanced around to make sure nobody was watching him, which be knew was hard at times due to his Sense of fashion.

Alex reclined and grinned ear to ear. As he did this, faint red and purple smoke curled around his body. When he was completely covered, the smoke shrank and so did he. When the smoke dissolved to nothing a Scarlet house cat stood in Alex's place. The process had only taken seconds. Inspecting himself to make sure nothing was out of place, Alex snickered to himself. Oh this is going to be a riot. he keeps down from his seat and made hos way through the cafe. Other patrons who could tell what he was gave him glances as he advanced towards the boy. Some rolled their eyes, others chuckled. One demon whispered to him. "Don't give him a heart attack, just let the human know where he is." Alex looked up at the demon and gave a playful smirk. The Scarlet cat was finally in front of the human boy. Time to work my magic. Alex looked up at the boy, gave him his best "kitten eyes" and meowed. Some of the other beings near by where trying their best to keep their composure.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Kaleidoscope
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0.00 INK

Kaleidoscope was overwhelmed and shell shocked when a girl came and asked her if she wanted anything. Kalei was too shocked to truly answer and it was too late to change her mind because she left. Sitting confused she looked at her tea. She would probably need something to exchange for anything... And well she had nothing... Nothing but clothes and experience as a singer and servant.

Kaleidoscope waited until the waitress came around again and carefully lifted her eyes to look at her. "I know you will ask if I want anything... My answer is no... I can't afford anything... But thank you it's nice to sit here." She smiled gently and lowered her head submissively sipping the tea. "Oh... If I need to pay for the tea in anyway... Il gladly work..."

She blinked and looked over at the other customers. Most were silent but there was one... It was the one with bright colors and ears who seemed to be about ready to frighten a young cafe guest. Kaleidoscope frowned, a joke was funny but she did hope the guest would not be too startled he seemed already be-withered enough without a transforming... cat man popping up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent A'thena Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Nwella Zamzunia Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Devan Matthews
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Inno

“If you serve sweet tea, I would like that. And I will think about the rest of the order as I look at the menu. Thank you very much.”

Ellie smiled at the customer’s slowly spaced words. The poor guy was obviously struggling to remain in proper conversation with her, and that made her smile. Her first arrival from home had been much the same; with struggling to understand what was said and reply back with respect. Eventually however, thank goodness, she had gotten and her job at the cafe, and slowly but surely she learned to communicated with others around her. She nodded her understanding and quickly placed a rectangular shaped menu in front of the man.

“One sweet tea, coming right up.”

With a smile, Ellie turned away from the customer and started towards Vincent—only to stop short at the soft spoken quiet girl began talking to her. Blue eyes widened in surprise, and with a slight head tilt, Ellie moved to sand beside the girl to hear her better.

”But, thank you, it’s nice to sit here. If I need to pay for the tea in any way, I’ll gladly work.”

With that oath spoken, Ellie carefully looked the shy girl over, her lips pursed in a thin line as she ran through the possibility of the girl walking out of the cafe without paying her bill.

Slim to none...

“Well that's great to know. I could use an extra set of hands around here anyway. I hope you have some steady arms, because you'll be lifting a few times today.”

Glancing back over at the bar, Ellie nodded towards Nwella and Ace before focusing her attention back on the girl still seated.

“Now, I want you to go over to the lovely woman behind the bar, that’s Ace, and I want you to tell her you’re looking for a little job to do around here. Either she or the beautiful Nwella should be able to help get you set, if they agree to hiring you. I see no issue with trying you out.”

She nodded, and then smiled warmly at the girl before finally stepping away, only to stumble over a scarlet coloured cat that sauntered past.

“Oh! I’m so sorry.... what is a cat... I don’t want to know.”

Shaking her head, Ellie moved over to Vincent’s table with her tray under her arm and her pad at hand.

“Sorry about that Vincent. Now, what would you like to start with?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Devan Matthews
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Alex should have seen it coming. He had almost been blind sided by the human waitress on his way to the boys table. He had to contain the urge to snap a remark about her watching where she was going. know know, no need to let the fun spoil. he sat patiently with his eyes trained on the boy, his tail sweeping back and fourth. The one thing he was worried about was if someone, or more specifically some girl decided to scoop him up. Boy, how many times had that happened already? Alex shook his head trying to forget about it. . . It was a little embarrassing for him.

The cat meowed again to get the humans attention. He was trying not to speak, it would ruin it terribly and take out all the fun in the boys reaction. don't make me come up there. he tilted his head and made his eyes widen. If this doesn't work then that guy must have nerves of Steel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Mokoto Zenia Wright Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Kaleidoscope
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the young demon girl walked up to the bar asking if she could get a job but the way she spoke, so submissivly Ace didnt like it much. her eyes did a quick look over and she noticed that she had even more bruises that she had been covering before. her eyes narrowed slightly at the thought someone had been abusing a possible customer but she pushed that thought away as it was none of her business.

"i am her" Ace reached out and lifted the girls head so she was actually looking at her "girl, i cant hear a word your saying if you want a job here you need more confidence and not be so submissive, if someone gives you a problem i will deal with it so theres no need to act all shy" it was the longest sentence Ace had ever said in a while and she never liked talking to much. letting go of her chin Ace stepped back and folded her arms across her large chest looking the girl over again. 'she looks strong but those brusies wont do her good here' thinking of all the possible outcomes of her working at the Black Lotus Cafe.

looking over at Mokoto who ahd taken the scarlette cat onto her alo with a mini tornado she shook her head just thinking kf what the wonan might do to were cat. but she was glad Mokot had dealt with it Ace didnt approve of the night creatures viving for human attention and makin them run

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mokoto Zenia Wright Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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Wait, what th-! that's all that came to mind when wind started to whip around Alexander's feline body.why's the wind doing this? I'm not controlling it?! he tried to focus on the wind and air but it didn't stop. Even though he was only half air demon, he still had considerable influence over the wind. This only made the situation even more disorienting for him. Why isn't it listening to me?! the only thing that could do this was either someone or something with a stronger influence then his, or had powerful magic. The young half breed was dumbstruck as he was invaded in a wind dome and whisked away. The sensation was that of being in a wind tunnel.Hell's bells! What's going on?!?

The ball then bounced and dissolved as it landed. Alexander could vaguely notice that he was know in someone's lap. Before he could get his bearings, the were-cat was grabbed by the scruff of his neck and lifted like he was a kitten. He blinked in surprise, the last time he remembered someone picking him up like this was his were-cat mother. The feeling that he was getting was a submissive one, which Alex did not care for at all. He was suddenly flooded with fluxuating from cold and warm. Alex felt calmed and relaxed by it, being reminded of his father's home in Russia.

When Alexander opened his golden eyes they locked with one's like sunsets. H-holy mother of Bast. . . know Alex knew he was pretty old, even though he couldn't compare with anyone, him being one of a kind. But this being was older and far more powerful then he was. . . On top of that, he had to emit she was probably the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. ''Alex, what are you doing mmm?'' Alex's ears flicked and his eyes, back up. How in the Hell dose she know my name? He knew for certain that he had never seen her before, it would be hard to forget someone like her.''You shouldn't force people to give you attention because you might get the wrong kind.'' The woman then whispered in his ear.''Like mine.'' his ears lowers and a look of confusion speed across the young demons face.ex-excuse me? the whole ordeal had left him practically speechless,until know. He tilted his head and replied in a confused manner. "Meow?" The woman then cradled Alex in her arms, tightly but not uncomfortably. He sighed in frustration and curled up in the woman's lap.guess I'm stuck. . . She better not try anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent A'thena Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Ellie McIntyre Character Portrait: Mokoto Zenia Wright Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin Character Portrait: Kaleidoscope
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#, as written by Inno

....I’ll just have a coffee thanks.”

While he spoke, Ellie neatly and efficiently wrote down his order next to the previously odered lemon tea.

“One coffee, got it—“

But she was cut off when he suddenly remembered something.

”This may be a strange question but, do you like cats?”


Ellie frowned down at the wolf, mind deep in thought as she reconsidered his question. She had never thought about animals before. Sure she loved dogs, and was capable of keeping a fish alive, but cats?

The overfluffed ones are always so prissy... Emily thought with a frown. She glanced over at the bar, studying the coloured cat seated on lady Mokoto’s lap, and she shrugged.

”I guess I do. I prefer when they’re kittens though...” Ellie stuffed her pen and pad back in her apron pocket, before glancing back up at Vincent with a smile. “That way they aren’t sassy with me from the beginning, ha. But I’ll be back with your order ok? We can talk more about cats.” She giggled and turned away from Vincent, smiling as she made her way back to the bar.

Blue eyes focused intently on the two females behind the bar as Ellie dropped down on a stool. She sighed, and placed her tray on the countertop before reaching into her pocket and pulling out her pad for Ace.

”One lemon tea, and one coffee please.”

After giving her two orders, Ellie turned her attention towards the red horned girl with a smile as she leaned forward in interest.

”So...” she started, ”Are you hired?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mokoto Zenia Wright Character Portrait: Alexander Rasputin
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''So, Alex, are you going to leave the hume children alone now mmm? If not you might want to learn how to swim quite fast before I turn you into a fish for a day.'' Alex shuddered when she threatens to turn him into a fish for a day. know that's just cruel. his eyes seemed to grow in size as he gave her a pleading look. Her voice seemed to ring and echo in his head. Then she laughed and something clicked.wait. Why dose that sound familiar? The cat blinked up at her and found the woman looking him in the eyes.''Hmmm...I've seen those golden eyes before....lovely man.'' Alex's ears dropped in shock. wait, she knows dad?! An image of the golden eyed air demon ran through Alex's mind. Then it dawned on him. I have seen her before!? the young were-cat had been younger back then, it was when he was still with the clan. A memory came rushing in to Alexander's head like a train. He blinked in recognition as the woman let go of him. He doesn't move but looked up at her again, recalling a witch that had visited the clan many years ago. "Mokoto?" The Scarlet cats ears perked up as the name came out of his mouth.
