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Boogiemans Orphanage

Boogiemans Orphanage


After moving into an orphanage with a headmistress who has a loose screw, a group of teens are becoming afraid since the place seems to be haunted. Something is watching them. Btw, there is a circus next door.

1,280 readers have visited Boogiemans Orphanage since Aniihya created it.


A group of orphans, all with different stories, end up in an orphanage run by a young woman named Mademoiselle de Maitrissier. She appears to be friendly but has a loose screw and can be a bit creepy at times. Her wording comes out sometimes as a riddle. The Mademoiselles special talent is magic. She can simple make desserts appear on a table out of nothing and other fantastic things. On the brochure given to the orphans, the place gives them a warm feeling and seems to have a nice atmosphere. But that is how it is at daytime. Otherwise they will have many sleepless nights since the house seems to be haunted. Something is watching them and it often hides under their beds. When they look, there is nothing there but they still have the feeling that it is still there. In the evening, the Mademoiselle is the presenter at the next door circus or rather it is a freak show. What first seemed to be a great place reveals itself to have a bad atmosphere for a teen to grow up in. It might lead them to the brink of insanity just like the Mademoiselle. Even a slaughterhouse might feel safer for some reason. The orphanage gives the orphans a bad feeling and makes them want to leave.

Glenshire Orphanage: The orphanage is a large villa with many rooms. The orphans have the choice to have their own room or share one with another orphan. The dining room looks royal with a brilliant chandelier. The recreation room has many books, a billiard table, an old radio and a brand new television. A tea room with porcelain dishes and tea cups as well as a wide variety of tea and pastries neighbors the recreation room. A private classroom neighbors the dining room. The toilets are decorated with golden walls and faucets. The marble stairs like the three floors of the villa. Outside there is a soccer (brit.: football) field, a tennis court, a garden, a swimming pool and a shed with equipment for outdoor activities. Even though the villa seems old, the furnishings in it are brand new.

Basic routine: Wake up at 8:30, get showered and dressed, breakfast at 9:30, class starts at 10:30 and goes until 12:30, then lunch time, then another hour of class, then free time. The Mademoiselle watches out for people who eat too much and dooms them to outdoor activities to work off the food. The orphans dont need to clean since some kind of force keeps the villa clean.

Freak show: In the evenings at the circus next door, the Mademoiselle presents the freak show. The clowns there are scary and the freaks even more such as the amazon (a woman with many large muscles), the tigerman, the woman with the living severed head and body and so on. If the orphans are not in bed by that time, then the Mademoiselle has the orphans dress up somewhat decently and takes them with her.

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I the GM, play the Mademoiselle
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Have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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Sammy smiled up at the man who Madmemoiselle had introduced. He had a quite a set of teeth on him, but Sammy wasn't one to judge.
"Pleasure to meet you, sir," Sammy said softly, "What is this about fortune and how did you come to live here, sir?" She heard the doorbell ring, and made a motion to get up and get it, but Thomas beat her to it. She turned her attention back to Juan. She was excited to meet the rest Of the performers. She wondered what kind of cool things they could do. Her parents had never taken her to a circus. They were corporate scams that abused animals. She kept smiling, but internally she missed her parents. She wanted to be home. Her parents ran a horse adoption farm. She missed Belle, the gentle mare that she had since the horse was a calf. She sighed softly.

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#, as written by Aniihya
"Did Aurore not tell you yet? He family was rich and she was the sole heir of over a billion euros and a large company. But she would rather not bath in that wealth any only handles her company when it comes to important decisions. She is an honest person who doesnt look down on the poor. Aurore is still a bit odd though." Juan explained. "I think if you have no problem with her then you shouldnt have a problem with the circus. Some of the people at the circus even think that the Mademoiselle is creepy. It is like she doesnt have the need to sleep."

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Excusing himself Thomas headed back to the dinning room. He arrived just in time to hear the end of a sentence, " -doesn't have the need to sleep." Thomas gave a small wave to Juan and Sammy before sitting down. He figured that they would probably want to know who had been at the door and so explained, "It was one of us, another orphan." he elaborated, "He said his name is Len." Thomas paused for a moment then said, "He had a parasol." The boy said that last thing as though it carried some significance, which he was sure it did, he just couldn't figure out exactly how. "I"m very sorry if I just interrupted you."

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Len was glad when he saw the owner. "Welcome to your new 'ome. I am Mademoiselle Aurore de Maitrissier, the owner and 'eadmaster of the Glenshire Orphanage. Like I told the others already. You can call me Mademoiselle, Mademoiselle de Maitrissier or mother. Your luggage can be left down 'ere. They will appear in your room. By the way, may I know your name?" Mademoiselle said. "Oh my name is Len nice to meet you, and you have a beautiful home." Len said while putting his luggage down in a neat way.

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#, as written by Aniihya
"Not a problem." Juan said to Thomas. "As I was saying, it seems that the Mademoiselle is always awake. She comes in the morning and knocks at the door, she goes to a cafe with me around midday, in the evening she presents the circus, she even takes walks at midnight. I have to admit that she is sort of..." Juan then blushed. "...cute. I doubt she is 28 because she hasnt aged since the first time I met her. I was 12 at the time. She hasnt changed since then. Who knows, maybe she is 28. It only has been 13 years since the first time I met her." Juan wouldnt think that the orphans would buy the story or the fact that the Mademoiselle definitely doesnt look like a fifteen year old.

Meanwhile, Aurore had greeted the new orphan and was impressed by his fine manners. "Such a pleasant boy. Come with me to the dining room. You have to meet the others." She said and grabbed the boys hand. Suddenly everything started to move past them as if they were on a moving walkway, up the stair and down the hall to the door frame of the dining room. "Please have a seat." Aurore said.

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Thomas was about to ask why Juan might think that it was strange that the Mademoiselle didn't age or sleep, after all when magic was taken into consideration the laws of nature suddenly became allot less like laws and a lot more like guidelines, when he realized that she might not have told Juan about her powers. Well if the Mademoiselle hadn't told him Thomas was not going to. The boy could just imagine how that would play out. "Sorry I told your friend about what could easily be the most important secret in the world but in my defense I didn't know that you didn't want him to know." he pictured himself telling the Mademoiselle. No, he decided, he would not reveal magic to the world at large and thereby cause people to start to panic and maybe even go out on mass witch-hunts. Thomas decided it would be best if he didn't verbally respond to what Juan had said and settled instead for nodding his head in a manner which he hoped looked as though he were just as confused as Juan seemed to be.

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Sammy's mind had been wandering the whole time Juan had been speaking. She barely noticed that Thomas and Juan were carrying out the conversation she had started. She was thinking about the Christmas her father had given her the guitar that was perched against her chair. Her father had always tried to teach her to go with the flow, but she couldn't help but be a little bit angry about what happened. When the new orphan came in, Sammy snapped out of her thoughts. She flashed a friendly smile at the new orphan and held out her hand.
"I'm Sammy Scott, what's your name?" she said delicately. She poured herself a cup of tea and added some honey. She stirred it gently before taking a sip. It was just the right temperature.

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#, as written by Aniihya
Aurore stood there smiling. Her stillness and statue like motionlessness surely creeped out Juan. Suddenly she said: "Juan, doesnt the show start in like two hours? You should get ready for it." The sudden action made Juan jump. "Aurore. Dont please dont do the cane thing again. It makes me throw up. It might be normal for you but for me its nauseating." Juan said. Then a smirk quickly rose on Aurores face and she said: "Too late." She then tapped her cane twice on the ground making Juan disappear in a white cloud. "Dont worry. I only sent 'im 'ome." Aurore said. "I recommend you guys get ready for this evenings show after you 'ave made acquaintances. We are leaving at quarter to six. That gives you a bit more than one and a 'alf hours to get ready."

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Alright scratch that, it seemed Juan did know about magic. "You've used magic to instantaneously transport him and yet he finds it strange that you don't age?" Thomas asked. "I wonder if she can fly using an umbrella." he thought half-seriously. Somehow the Mademoiselle seemed like a strange combination of a slightly twisted version of Marry Poppins and Nanny McPhee. "Well I don't really have anything to unpack so I'm willing to help anyone who does, if not... um... I'm sure I can figure out something else to do." Thomas offered. This was his awkward attempt at "making acquaintances" as the Mademoiselle had put it. He was never very good at talking to people close to his age. Doctors, nurses, parents, no problem. However he found he didn't know what to say to anyone who wasn't an adult, and Len was the only other orphan who, barely, met that qualification.

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"Well, I don't particularly have a lot to unpack, but feel free to come hang out while I unpack," Sammy said with a smile turned at Thomas. She finished her tea and excused herself from the table. She picked up her guitar, before she turned and headed to her room. She stood in the doorway, studying the room. She set to unpacking her clothes. At home she had a system if how her clothes were organized in the bureau. It went unmentionables in the top drawer, tops in the second, bottoms in the third, and pajamas in the fourth. Once she was satisfied her clothes were organized to her liking, Sammy flopped down on the bed. It was the perfect mixture of firm and soft. She studied the ceiling for a moment. She wondered if the mademoiselle would allow her to paint it.
(I'm soooo sorry that I haven't posted. I just had to put my cat down and haven't been feeling very good)

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Thomas beamed. He was delighted that Sammy had invited him to come along with her. "Okay." He waited until she'd finished her tea and picked up her guitar before following her upstairs. Once again he wondered what it was about that guitar. Sammy clearly had an emotional connection to it, and Thomas wondered if asking would be a good conversation starter. Then again, people didn't always like talking about such things. Deciding that he didn't really have another plan he said; "I was just wondering, why did you want to keep your guitar with you rather than having it sent up here earlier?"

(It's alright. It would seem you had very good reasons, to not post I mean. My condolences by the way.)

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#, as written by Aniihya
Aurore had gone to her room. It was full of antiques out of Victorian times. There was even an old painting of her a dress of the time. "I will protect you my new children." Aurore said to herself with a grin suddenly noticed how her hands started to change to a metallic color. "Stop. Stop. Stop." Her hands turned back to normal again. She then left her room again and said out loud: "Children are you ready yet? The show will begin soon and I cant be late." She then tapped with her cane on the ground and a clock out of light particles appeared showing the time. "We have an hour time!"

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"Sorry," Thomas told Sammy apologetically, "it's none of my business, I shouldn't have asked." He then heard the Mademoiselle calling them asking if they were ready yet. Thomas walked over to her and said "I'm ready, Mademoiselle. Is it an hour until we need to be there or an hour until the show starts?" He then looked down at the magical clock that was made out of light particles. 'Well there's something you don't see everyday.' Thomas thought absently. "Is there more than one kind of magic?" he asked "Or is it all basically the same no matter how it's used?"

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#, as written by Aniihya
Aurore smiled. "You cannot really define by as different types. You could say there are good kinds of magic and bad types of magic. Using magic also has its cost. I cannot say what it did to me but if you learn how to use magic, you need to be willing to take a sacrifice." She said. "It is an hour until the show starts. I recommend we be there 15 minutes before. I have many friends there. You have already met Juan but there are people there such as a woman with a detachable head, an animal whisperer, a real live goblin and... well the rest you will see there." The Mademoiselle didnt want to go on further to scare the children. It wasnt a normal circus, it was more of a terrifying freakshow that people only visited to get some thrills. It was as if the circus had scooped up some of its attractions from the darkest parts of hell.

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Thomas was baffled at the idea of someone with a detachable head. Could she still move the rest of her body while it was detached? If so how? Then again, a world with magic was a world where the way you used to think things worked was almost laughably incorrect. Nodding to the Mademoiselle he said "I'm ready to go whenever the others are." after a pause during which he considered the issue of magic further he asked "I know that this question might seem like a silly question, it even seems a little silly to me and I'm asking it, but are there such things as the undead?"

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sammy Scott
Character Portrait: Mademoiselle Aurore de Maitrissier
Character Portrait: Haleigh Dawn Nyalease
Character Portrait: Thomas Edward Bell
Character Portrait: Len Sortese


Character Portrait: Len Sortese
Len Sortese

"I shall never go outside, for my illness, and the blood red snow."

Character Portrait: Mademoiselle Aurore de Maitrissier
Mademoiselle Aurore de Maitrissier

I always keep an eye on the kids as if they were my own

Character Portrait: Sammy Scott
Sammy Scott

"Life goes on, there's nothing we can do to stop it."


Character Portrait: Mademoiselle Aurore de Maitrissier
Mademoiselle Aurore de Maitrissier

I always keep an eye on the kids as if they were my own

Character Portrait: Sammy Scott
Sammy Scott

"Life goes on, there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Character Portrait: Len Sortese
Len Sortese

"I shall never go outside, for my illness, and the blood red snow."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Len Sortese
Len Sortese

"I shall never go outside, for my illness, and the blood red snow."

Character Portrait: Sammy Scott
Sammy Scott

"Life goes on, there's nothing we can do to stop it."

Character Portrait: Mademoiselle Aurore de Maitrissier
Mademoiselle Aurore de Maitrissier

I always keep an eye on the kids as if they were my own

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Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

I hope I didn't upset MotherDragons. Now that I'm reading it over again, what I responded to the lateness apology could have been misinterpreted as an insult. I was thinking that that might be the reason for the lateness this time. If that is the case I'm very sorry.

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

Have you tried PMing NovaleeTehNinja or peachyme?

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

dont let this diiiieeee waaaaahhhhh

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

yep. Pretty much like an introduction

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

Alright, so we need to make our chaaracters just arriving?

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

I did the first post.

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

Are you going to do a first post or can we just post?

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

We can start now and inara can jump in as soon as she has a character up which is then approved.

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

Yeah sure. Its possible.

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

is it possible if i can join

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

Just need at least one more orphan.

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

Allright she can be that :D I'll her up soon!

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

a tightrope walker dont sound back

Re: [OOC] Boogiemans Orphanage

Alright well I was planning on her being like a living doll/tightrope walker, would either of those work?