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Rhapsody I. Vincent

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

0 · 1,183 views · located in Brentwood, California

a character in “Brentwood School”, as played by .euphoria.


[url=songurl]X[/url][url=songurl]X[/url][url=songurl]X[/url] QUOTE. [url=songurl]X[/url][url=songurl]X[/url][url=songurl]X[/url]




      Rhapsody Iman Vincent


      Rap//Raps {By friends : Loves}


      August 15th, 1998 : 18


      25% French and 25% Greek {Mother} : 50% Ivoirian (Ivory Coast, Africa) {Father}




      Artist and unlike most she isn't a performing artist. She an actual artist mostly with sculptures




      Sculptress, Art Gallery Tour Guild for her father gallery Studio 97, Designer her mother's local couture gown shop, Vincent Studio 97, and Pianist for The Upper School Performing Arts Department


      Paris, France {newborn-2} : Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Africa {2-14} but traveled all around : Santorini, Greece {14-15} : Los Angeles, California {15-present}






      5'8 and 136 lbs.






      Light brown


      Bright Brown


      Yes, she has a pair of wide rimmed glasses but also has contacts whenever she doesn't want to wear her glasses.




      She has a few scars on her arms and legs from a marble statue falling on her during her sophomore year of high school lucky she didn't end up paralyzed or anything but it did leave its fair amount of scratches and scars on her esp. on her legs. But, nothing too serious. She does have a huge scar on her right leg where she had to get surgery done during her freshmen year. She doesn't have any piercings other than her spectrum and she doesn't have any tattoos. There against her father's religion and she likes not being cut off and kicked out of her house.




      Resilient : Strong Confident Spitfire : Straightforward Highly Intelligent Idealistic Spontaneous Honest Determined and Dedicated Creative : Artistic Passionate Charismatic Witty : Humorous Hardworking Adventurous Cultured : Well Rounded

      Competitive Blunt Smug Vocal Sarcastic Curious Perfectionist Critical Abrasive Stubborn Somewhat Cocky A Know it All Inept in Romance

      The most obvious part of little Miss. Rhapsody Iman Vincent here is her love of art and everything dealing with it from music to fashion to tattoos to her favorite and her most notable sculpting. She was born into a family of artists so to say it's her life might be a little bit of an understatement because while languages may be different art is universal. It may mean something different to someone else but everyone is able to under stand it in their own way. She goes through life with what she calls an 'artist's perspective'. Meaning Rhapsody likes to see the beauty and everyday things no matter what it is, she as an artist can see it as beautiful in one way or another and can use that for her inspiration. With this way of thinking, she also likes believe that people are better than they are sometimes. That even if they seem like an asshole that under all of that is a good person most times. It's one of her jobs to see the beauty in everyday things and in her eyes, there's beauty in everyone sometimes you just gotta dig a little deeper down to find it and push them a little harder to make them a diamond. Seeing the world through rose colored glasses to an extent. Where all the red flags just look like flags. Now, she isn't blinded by these glasses she does know that there are bad people in the world but, she isn't one just to assume that someone is just going to be out to hurt her. But, it does takes a lot for her to think differently about someone or to think that they really are a bad person and that maybe there isn't any good within them. Something she hates doing but sometimes you just have to face the fact that we don't live in a perfect world with perfect people.

      This girl was never or could never be just one thing, she not just this confident, highly intelligent, stubborn spitfire type girl or this determined, charismatic, and oh so amazing 'hippie flippy girl'. She's those and much more. To some, she comes off as condescending, disputatious, pretentious artist who thinks she better than other people. A girl used to being right and the center of attention because of her skills, showing off the things she has gotten on her travels and all of her pieces of art. And while she doesn't see herself as a showoff or anything and she doesn't really see herself as 'better' than anyone, she does have confidence in herself and knows that she has talent in what she loves doing and to say she doesn't get passionate and excited about her newest pieces or designs or things she has been able to do in her short life would be a lie. She is proud of herself and the things she has been able to do because of her talent, so don't ever thing she will hide it for anything or anyone. But, for those who look past her persona of being that cocky, pretentious artist/designer they get to see the personality that lies beneath. An adventurous, driven and ambitious girl, someone who doesn't take shit from anyone or even gives a shit what people think about her, her life, and esp. her work. The one who will listen to what you have to say about her or her work but will never let it undermine what she believes about herself. The young African-French girl who will never show an ounce of doubt in what she is doing in her life even if it is wrong, you'll never be able to tell with her. She seems like she knows exactly what she wants to do in her life and how she's going to reach it and for the most part she does know how, this part isn't an act. To some instead of seeing the artsy side of her, they get to see the side that her friends have start once she moved to America or at least enhance. They believe that she's this sarcastic, overly opinionated, and overall stubborn know it all who gets off by bicker with other people which... Ok, she is but not as much as people like to believe. While she is opinionated, she will never make someone else shut up if their views don't fit with her own. Sure, she'll shut them down with a little thing called logic but, that's just because she's so intelligent if she could say so herself. And here's why, anyone could say their smart but Rap can tell you exactly why. She grew up traveling the world and getting an education that most have never even thought of as a good idea and while most parents think her parents put her at a disadvantage, they actually helped her become very well rounded in life instead of those who may just be smart in the books. Rhapsody is intelligent in many things sure she bright in classes but she is also street smart and knows how to carry herself as such.

      But while she is street smart, she is far from pessimistic like people might think. You see this girl is a idealist in the most innocent way ever. What can she say?Rhapsody loves to dream. The young woman loves to believe that if she wants to do something and puts in the work towards then she can and will do it. Some people believe that she is a little.... out there and naive because of this but, mama didn't raise a fool. She doesn't just expect life just to drop things in front of her on a silver platter like a Disney movie, she knows she has to work for it but since she knows that then she'll dream as much as she wants. She's built her career on her dreams, on the imagination that if she wants something and goes out to get it then she will. But the way she sees it it's better to feel everything and think everything is possible than to feel nothing at all and that every situation is what it is and you can't flip it around into a good thing. It makes her believe that, there's a light at the end of every tunnel. And everyone and everything has a good side along with a bad side, sometimes you just have to look a bit harder to find it. Because that is a terrible way of going through life. Along with this, she's an idealist who loves and always pursue high hopes, and dreams, and goals. Never shooting down another person's dreams. Unless they're really stupid but, trust me she'll let it be known what her opinion is. Obviously. Again, she is optimistic while also being a bit blunt and honest. Sue her.

      But, with every good thing there are bad things. While she's a attractive and rather charismatic woman, she is rather inept and clueless in any aspect of romance and men and women in general. You see even when people make it so obvious that they want her or that they're flirting. She never realizes that maybe they could be flirting with her only because her mind is always on something more important like ideas for her next piece or new design ideas or... anything really, and when someone does attempt to, she just shrugs it off without a second thought only to think about to it hours or even days down the roads and ask herself, "Where they flirting with me?" Yes, yes they were but, by that time she's thinks it's too late and goes back to normal only to repeat the cycle.


      “It's in the click of my heels, the bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, the need of my care, 'cause I'm a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that's me. ” ― Maya Angelou, Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women


      ✦ Singing by herself in secret ✧ Playing piano ✦ Designing ✧ Art esp. sculpting ✦ Speaking French and Greece to confuse people ✧ Finding a muse ✦ Her family ✧ The beach ✦ Watching fashion shows and movies about fashion esp. Devil Wears Prada ✧ Her natural hair ✦ Her accent ✧ Wine ✦ Adventures and Freedom ✧ Traveling ✦ Coffee ✧ Writing and Poetry {esp. spoken word} ✦ Being left alone when she in 'the zone' ✧ Her heritage ✦ Being right ✧ Passion and passionate people ✦ Cheese fries with bacon ✧ Sarcasm ✦ Doing accents ✧ Adrenaline rushes ✦ Her art studio at home and at school ✧ Cooking with her mom ✦ Rock n' Roll esp. Queen and The Who ✧ Wearing little to no makeup ✦ Her collection of headbands and scarves (She never goes anywhere without one of them)


      ✦ People antagonizing her ✧ Drugs ✦ People making fun of her accent ✧ Singing in front of people ✦ Large crowds ✧ When she has writer's block ✦ Social media ✧ Cigarettes ✦ Cheaters, liars, and players ✧ Ignorant SJWs ✦ When people can't take a hint ✧ Unnecessary Drama ✦ Tall jokes and jokes about the French ✧ Low expectations ✦ Going in the ocean ✧ When she messes up on the piano ✦ Spoiled rotten people ✧ Driving in the city ✦ Reality television


      Classic Rock and Roll ✦ R&B ✧ Beyonce ✦ Soft Pop {Hoizer, Sia, Ellie Goulding, the 1975, and Lana Del Rey ✧ Childish Gambino and Eminem ✦ Herself singing even though she refuses to sing in front of anyone but she does have a disc and a album of her songs on her computer ✧ Andra Day ✦ Jazz


      ✧Coq au Vin ✦ Cheese Fries ✧ Macarons ✦ Bouillabaisse ✧ Loukoumades ✦ Lamb made by her Nona aka grandmother or her mom


      ✦ Piano ✧ And she can sing... kind of... [X]✦ Piano... somewhat


      Unlike most people at Brentwood, her family isn't made of money she only got in because of her academic talents and the fact that she is a 'gifted' pianist plus it doesn't hurt that she boosts the school diversity. So with that said, she doesn't have money just to blow. She works four jobs just in order to get herself nice things. Not to say her and her family is broke, they're easily well off middle class but she doesn't have enough money to spend thousands of dollars in just on trip to the mall.


      A golden locket with real emeralds around it the contains a photo of her, her mama, and her dad along with their grandparents back when they were living in Greece ✦ Her piano with her father's name on it ✧ Her art supplies esp. her designing pencils that cost her four months salary




      She loved it. It wasn't perfect, she wasn't rich or spoiled but she loved it. She was raised by two artist crazy in love with each and their daughter. They would have done anything for her, hell they moved to America for her to have a better education for college and Brentwood will open doors that any other school couldn't. She resented them at first but, they have always being closer than any other family she knew and she wouldn't change it for all the money in the world.


      Coco Channel, Frieda Khalo, Picasso, Aboudia Abdoulaye Diarrassouba, Peju Alatise, Maya Angelou, and more than anyone the one, the only Amelia Marie Vincent


      She wants to be a scupltress and have her pieces in the most famous galleries in the world while also being a couture fashion designer whose gowns and outfits are worn by the greatest icons of our times. She knows that most want her to follow through with music but that's what they want her to do with her life not her.


      She had an education that many may never get the chance to get experience, she was able to travel all over the world and learn different culture, languages, and religions all taught by her family and with so many teachers in her family she is quite bring for being homeschooled until high school.


      Frédéric Vincent | 40 | Father | Owner of a local art gallery and Art Dealer | Living in L.A with his family

      Amelia Vincent nee Jasper | 37 | Mother | Fashion designer of her own haute couture brand, Vincent and Former Director at Chanel | Living in L.A with her family



      Like she has said before she isn't one of those girls who can just go out and spend thousands of dollars on one outfit in one day at the mall. She has to work for what she wants, just how her parents taught her not to say they're poor. They're easily middle class and very well off for that matter but none of them can just afford to go on a shopping spree with a no limit credit card.

      The House, Highland Park, Los Angeles, California


      Rhapsody Iman Vincent has never had what you could call a 'normal' life. She wasn't raised in some suburban town surrounded by the same people her whole life going to the same school everyday while passing the exact same street signs and businesses day in and day out. You see Rhapsody was born in the city of Paris, France to a young couple who hadn't even knowing each other a year before getting married and wanting to start a family with one another. She was born to a young and beautiful French model and chef and a handsome African immigrant who was visiting Paris during his business trip to find new and emerging artist for his gallery and while also trying to find a new person to be his muse for his own art but, he never expected to not just find the perfect muse but also the woman he would want to spend the rest of his life with. With months they were married because not only did Amelia not want to have her love force to leave France because his business visa almost expired but she was ready to start her new, exciting life instead of living the sheltered life she was used to living. He showed her the beautiful side of life and took her all over the world to over 50 countries to open her eyes of everything that was out there in the world and just like him, the young French girl found herself getting bit with the wanderlust bug. But, you see not everyone was so happy for the madly in love couple from the beginning, they never had the approval of their loved ones around them and when they found out they were having a child only made the division between the couple and their families wider. You see the two of the them were from two completely different lifestyles; Amelia was from a very wealthy, prestigious, Roman Catholic family who wanted her to end up with someone like them. Rich, French, Catholic and Francois was obviously the compete opposite from what they want for their daughter esp. with the family being such a famous family in the country. And the Vincent family was no different; her father was raised in the Ivory Coast of Africa, which was French but it wasn't enough. He was black and lived on an artist's salary, but more than anything, the one thing that was a deal breaker for the Jasper family was the fact that Amelia's husband was Muslim instead of Catholic. They believed that his views were too different from their own and could only imagine the headlines and the stories that were told about them in papers and behind closed doors. They wanted the two annul their marriage when they first got married but, when Amelia ended up pregnant they were furious and her mother's side ending up cutting her off to take care of their newborn, Rhapsody on their own. A name that they both fell in love with, it meant beautiful and came from the French and meant an ecstatic expression of feeling or enthusiasm. Plus it was an ode to the song Francois introduced to Amelia when they had their first date, Bohemian Rhapsody. It was rough the first two years of the young Rap's life, the couple didn't have the much money and because he had decided to live in Paris. Her father was had to move his entire gallery to Paris where there are literally hundreds of competitors. But, when she was almost three, the family decided to pack up and move to Francois home of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) of Africa where things soon began to fall into place. Francois' family while first stubborn soon began to fall in love with their daughter and became very accepting of the couple's relationship. While there Amelia retired from modeling for good and opened up her own couture gowns boutique near there home while Francois was able to beginning having a thriving gallery.

      The pay from the two of their careers while it wasn't amazing was enough to allow the family to travel all over the world with their child and give her an education that most children could only dream of. She was taught English in England, learned about diplomacy in Greece, and everything else all from her parents who made her education interesting so that Rhapsody would never forget. But, something that was never taught to her but, instead was some what in her blood was her artistic ability and the fire she had for art even at a young age. She loved everything about art but found her niche in sculpting and even found out she had a musical ability that her parents wanted her continue to use because while they could teach her a lot. They wanted their daughter to go to college in America where some of the best art schools where. And they soon found themselves moving once more for good to America. California to be more specific all in order to get their daughter into one of the best high schools in the state in order to open doors for college. She found herself feeling like a fish out of water at first in a new country with a completely different language than she is used to speaking constantly and of course having to start all over with friends and having to get used to having a 'clique' filled with people just like her, artists who lived and bled the arts just like her which made her transition even easier and now she has been here for almost four years and the rest you could say was history.






      She loves where she stands, she loves her friends and the awesome people in her group and frankly she couldn't see herself in any other clique,



      Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Lianne La Havas

      Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ BleedingLover


      character basic form © aurei
      modified form ઽ૮૨Α
      modified form for this roleplay : BleedingLover

So begins...

Rhapsody I. Vincent's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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#, as written by Flighty
Image Image
Although school had officially begun two days before, on Wednesday, September 7th, even today on Friday, the 9th, things still felt new. Students were only just beginning to pick up their new routines for the year, and adjust to having to wake up early every morning, rather than being permitted to sleep until noon like they could do on those summer days that they would reminisce about for the next eight or nine months. Although Elijah had been through this ritual for many years now, given that he had gone to Brentwood since kindergarten, and had started a new year on this specific Brentwood campus since sixth grade, he was no different from the majority students regarding that. It still felt wrong for him to be waking up at seven in the morning, rather than one in the afternoon, and to be pulling into the school's student parking lot, rather than the parking lot for the beach. For many obvious reasons, starting school again sucked, but it wasn't all bad in Eli's eyes. He had a lot of friends, and socializing was always an enjoyable thing for him. Plus, he was one of those students who never struggled in school, so he wasn't all that worried about the advanced courses he was taking this semester. He was only just beginning his third day of senior year, and he was already convinced that it was going to be a year that he could just cruise through, like he had done for the past three years of high school.

With Alessia in the passenger seat, Eli pulled into the student parking lot around 8:15 and hopped out of his BMW X5 M. "Listen, Ali. You heard Mom. Don't be getting your ass into any trouble today, all right? It's Friday and I know you and your little sophomore friends think you're gonna be able to party and shit this year, but that's not how it works. Only one of us can get away with that, and we both know that person is going to be me." He was half kidding, and purposely being obnoxious to get under her skin, really, though. Being obnoxious was one of Elijah's most well known talents, and if anyone had been subjected to it to know it proficiently, it was the girl who had lived in the same house as him for her entire life. As they approached the school's quad, that was already highly populated with students, Eli continued. "And you know what, if you keep yourself out of trouble, maybe, just maybe, I'll snag an invite for you and your weird little friends for Tim's party tomorrow," he offered, still purposely being annoying, as if he was doing her a huge favor. Though he knew that Alessia could just show up and get in, if she really wanted to, given that Timothy would never be an ass and reject her, he was sure that Ali was wanting, if not planning, on going. Timothy had a history of using his house as the unofficial "first party of the year" site, and this year, he was planning a "stoplight party". It was a party that was meant to physically demonstrate your relationship status, hence "breaking the ice" without actually having to do anything. If you wore green, it meant that you were available. Yellow symbolized something in between taken and available, as if it were a label for "it's complicated" (though Eli always took yellow as being equivalent to green), and red meant that you were unavailable. Although he knew that no matter what the theme was, things were always fun when Timothy was hosting, he was especially excited for this year's party, and as he and his sister entered the quad, he texted his fellow blonde friend saying, "On campus yet? Everything set for tm?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Zara Sai Character Portrait: Tristan-Castiel Castellan
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#, as written by la.lune

Image Image Image Image

{ Location : Home - Samuel's House | Outfit : x | Dialogue Colour : #BF5656 | Feeling : Tired / Cranky }

Zara's alarm had woken her at precisely 7:00 am, but Zara - being Zara - had promptly switched it off and gone back to her cocoon of blankets and was now, running very late. She only awoke again when she heard the front door slam, signally her mother had gone to work and Zara should be following her shortly. Cursing her laziness, Zara bounds out of bed and runs to the bathroom, attempting to brush her hair, teeth and wash simultaneously. Once finished, Zara then grabs an easy-to-wear outfit from her wardrobe and chucks it on, paying little mind to her appearance in the mirror, only glancing at it to slick on a coat of mascara.

Already imagining the nagging she was about to get from Sam for being late, Zara rolls her eyes at the thought as she storms downstairs and into the kitchen, rifling through the fridge to find the breakfast her mother had made for her the day before (knowing that Zara would undoubtedly be late) and pulls out the fruit pot, knocking over the eggs during her retrieval. "Of course." She breathes out heavily, grabbing the eggs and placing them back in the fridge. Her mother will definitely be more than confused to find a full box of broken eggs in the fridge when she returns but Zara had little time to worry about that now. Heading through the hallway that lead to the garage, the walls laden with photographs of Zara as a newborn ranging all the way to her now, at seventeen years old. Zara's mother, Divya, being the former photographer for Indian Vogue and now the American version, often tested out new techniques and effects on her daughter; if they ended up working well, she'd often display them around the house. Upon reaching the garage, Zara jumps into her car (a gift from her absent father) and quickly starts up the engine. Pressing the button on her keychain to open the garage door, Zara is soon speeding down her road, headed to Sam's home.

The contrasts between Zara's neighbourhood and Sam's were striking. While her family were wealthy and therefore able to live in a luxurious, gated community along with many other attendees of Brentwood, Sam's home was in the heart of a lower class town within LA. Surrounded by shady Off Licenses and rundown shops. Sam's home was distinctive because he essentially lives in a garage. Or well, above a garage. As Zara arrives outside the simply named 'Sean And Sons Garage' she beeps her horn loudly, waiting for her best friend to come down and join her so they could head off to school together.

"Talk about cutting it fine." Is the first thing to come out of Sam's mouth as he joins Zara in her car, waving to his little sister as she peers out of the window at the pair. Zara beams at the younger girl, wiggling her fingers and sticking out her tongue before turning her attention to the boy sat in her passenger side. "You know I like to live on the wild side." The girl teases, sending her friend of three years a wink as she starts up the car again.

The pair arrive at Brentwood swiftly enough that they aren't late, but merely on time. Looking over at Sam, Zara smirks, "See I told you we'd get here on time." Sam's face is still vaguely frozen in fear as he turns his head to face Zara, "Only because you broke at least three speeding laws getting here." He grimaces, faint nausea creeping up on him as he does. Glancing around for any sign of Rhapsody or Tristian-Castiel, Sam decides to send off a few texts while Zara checks applies a coat of lipgloss in the rearview mirror.

To : Cas
You at school yet? I'm w/ Zara, come find us.

To : Rhaps
Looking forward to art today, I have a new piece I wanna get your opinion on :-)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent
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0.00 INK


In collaboration with Chandz


It would probably surprise the handful of classmates who had issues with waking up early in the morning to be on time for school, but Natalia had never been much of a late-riser to begin with. As much as she loved lazy days where she could lounge about, particularly after a long week of exercise and cheer practice, the simple truth was that other than a possible cat-nap in between movies or shows, Natalia rarely slept in late. She just couldn't. So, it really wasn't any surprise that by the time her babushka had made sure Sebastian was awake and breakfast was being made, Natalia was just coming back from a run with Shuri, who acted more like a dog than a cat, but Nat couldn't really complain about that. The active feline was her best companion on running and was motivation enough to keep going. They had eaten breakfast, Nat had her second cup of YSWARA's Thousand Hills Majesty Tea, and then two were off on their own ways in the estate to get ready for the day. Knowing the cat, she was either going to see if the kitten was up for some fun since Bucky was energetic first thing in the morning, or was going out on the grounds to run around with whatever toys that were out and about.

By the time the large clock in the foyer read 7:25, Nat was making her way down the front staircase, sliding a headscarf she had stolen from Rhapsody into her hair, the heels of her Francesco Russo ankle boots click-clacking against the pietra-dura mosaic of the floor. "Bas, are you ready?" She called, sending out a quick text to both Katherine and Rhapsody before sliding the newly purchased Diamond Rose edition of her Iphone 7 Plus into the back pocket of her skinny jeans.

To: Rhaps
Stole a headscarf

To: Kit Kat
Omw 2 skool

In contrast to Nat, the mornings were hard for Sebastian. Not because he slept in a lot, but because of Jamie. Sebastian had spent so many sleepless nights consoling Jamie during an episode that it seems that he’s never quite caught up on sleep. Lately, however, he’s been spending a few more nights at Nat’s and it seems as though his sleep is slowly getting better. This morning was one of those mornings where Sebastian can’t help but bury his face deep into a pillow and continue counting his sheep through heavy eye lids. Bas laid belly down on Natalia’s bed and nuzzled his head into a collection of pillows surrounding him. He stretched his arms out and reached for Natalia but she wasn’t there. He pulled his head away from the massive mountain of pillows Nat insisted on having on her bed and peered his eyes open to see an empty bedside. Bas pouted and rolled onto his back. He peeled away the crust from his eye lids and opened his eyes to see Nat’s grandmother walking into the room. She had probably been asked by Natalia to wake the boy up because otherwise, he would’ve just slept through the day. He smiled politely as she turned herself around and left. Sebastian jumped into the shower and quickly showered as he waited for Natalia’s return from wherever she had run off to so early in the morning. He had gotten ready quickly in a casual outfit and made his way downstairs. Natalia was waiting in the foyer, calling out for him. “Yeah, I’m coming. I’m coming.” He called back, as he trotted down the staircase, fastening his watch to his wrist.

Nat glanced at the nearest mirror, inspecting her own outfit minutely when she heard Bas arriving from behind her. Grabbing the keys and Dolce & Gabbana backpack she had left under the table closest to the front door, Nat turned at hearing his voice, lips slowly forming into a small smirk at the slightly tousled appearance of Sebastian's hair. It was enough that in these last few weeks, Nat was beginning to enjoy the appearance of a just waking up Sebastian a bit too much for a person who was supposed to be just a friend, but the temptation to touch his hair was a bit too much for her, particularly since she was in the comfort of her own home and had no real reason to stop herself from reaching over and at least attempting to tame the short spikes of soft brown hair. "We should probably get going. I'll actually feel just a touch insulted if Kat gets to school before me," she said lowly with a small smile, pulling away but not too far to head towards the door. "We taking your jeep?"

The smirk that spread across Natalia’s lips stimulated the same across Bas’s face. Sebastian loved the innocent parts of Natalia – the smiles that spread across her cheek when she’s thinking about him or the way she so innocently wants to touch him, feel him, just to know that he’s really right there. It puts butterflies in his stomach but he wouldn’t admit it. After all, they are just friends. As she turned from him, he frowned. There were parts of him that were okay with being just friends, but then there were parts of him that wake up in her bed in the morning and want nothing other than to snuggle into her and feel her warmth against his bare chest. There were parts of him, like now, that wanted to just kiss her and hold her. As she turned away from him, he grabbed onto her arm and pulled her back into his chest. He craned his neck to look down at her as she fit perfectly underneath him. “How about, we stay here and just spend the day in bed instead?” His lips pursed into a smile, and as her warm brown eyes looked back at him, he felt himself melting into her. Sure, they were just friends but there were moments like these where just friends didn’t do their label justice. Sebastian wrapped his arms around Natalia and held her tightly to him. “Kat’s only going to pull you away from me anyway. Might as well stay here where you can stay with me as long as you’d like.” Sebastian’s grin grew across his still sleepy face.

Nat wasn't shocked, per say, to feel the hand that wrapped itself around her wrist, but she wasn't exactly able to stop the barely discernible and surprised hitch of her breath when she was pulled back against Sebastian. The second their eyes met, though, she was doing something she rarely did - giggling and so much so that the laughter made tiny wrinkles form on her nose. Nat was used to chuckling, letting out a loose variant of laughing, or just flat-out laughing at her friends' antics or jokes. However, one of her newest capabilities in the last two years has become giggling and it's been mainly caused by Sebastian, a fact that steadily makes her want to duck away and hide. Regardless of how much she had cared about her exes, these feelings Sebastian was able to drudge up from within her - the fluttering in the pit of her stomach, an unnecessary desire to smile like an idiot just like she would tease Kat for, the entirely strange insurgence of random joy - were all still new, foreign. And absolutely terrifying.

"I'd love that," she admitted, biting her lower lip softly and reached up with her free hand to mess with the buttons of his Henley top, sighing. It was a tempting thought. Natalia could catch up pretty quickly in any class that she wanted to, always had been able to. She wouldn't be able to say she was perfect at everything since that was unrealistic, but she wasn't new to wanting to miss school and doing so. At the same time, it was still technically early (they literally had only started two days ago, after all) for her to be skipping. And then she'd have to do some explaining...which was the main and only reason she was convinced that she needed to sit through several hours of school when she was being given the chance to take all of these clothes back off, specifically when she was pretty sure she could get Bas to do the same. "However, Baba's not letting that happen any time soon and I'm a big girl, but even I'm not bold enough to face that stare down this early in the game." Or the sparring match Tatiana would more than likely propose since, if Nat could take the time to not go to school, she could surely entertain a sparring match to see what Tatiana's money had paid for. Which was

Sebastian groaned, rolling his neck dramatically. “Fine, I guess we can go.” He jokingly whined and Nat chuckled. Bas peered over both his shoulders, and then looked back at Nat. “Have to make sure your babu isn’t around before I do this,” Bas craned his neck further and leaned down, pressing his lips against hers and kissing her softly. Nat didn't even pretend to not sigh into it and almost took back her desire to leave the house, but refrained, pressing back gently but not fully deepening it like she wanted to. Eventually, Seb pulled away and smiled. “Not trying to get hit or anything,” He chuckled, making her roll her eyes, and pulled away to make his way towards the door. Sebastian opened the door to Nat’s house and waited for her to walk by and then followed her to his car, where he opened the passenger side door for her to get in. He followed her into the car and made their way to school.

By the time the two of them were parked in Sebastian's usual parking spot, Nat was only halfway regretting not choosing to brave Tatiana's abrasive yet motherly tendencies in favor of spending the day in bed with Sebastian. Even the fact that it wouldn't be long until she saw a few of her friends wasn't enough to dispel the lingering sense of longing for her pillows and the sounds of the ocean she can hear if all of the windows of her bedroom were open. The thought enough made her roll her eyes in displeasure at the sight of Brentwood, but a second later her usual blank expression had returned in lieu of the classmates who walked by or glanced at Sebastian's jeep.

"Oh, hey look," she exclaimed, though the actual serious excitement in her voice was lacking as she nodded in the direction of Eli's vehicle. Leave it to him to actually be on campus early this time in the semester. Nat gave him another three weeks or so, and he'd be running late due to the hangover he was bound to have from the night before or simply not feeling like getting out of bed. She turned back to Sebastian, knowing full on well his true feelings for the blonde, to add teasingly, "It's your boy, Eli. Need me to give you two a moment for your budding romance or nah?" The inquiry was spoken with a sly grin as Natalia scooped up her bag and phone so that she could avoid the shove that would, no doubt, come her way from Sebastian. Still with the grin on her face, Nat closed the passenger door and met Bas at the front of the jeep, chuckling at the expression on his face. "But seriously though, you're not allowed to skip tomorrow's party. It's your last first party of the year and I, for one, am not gonna be there laughing at everyone else getting drunk off their asses without you," she told him, wrapping an arm around his waist so that she could fit back under his arm like before.

Sebastian thought about all the nights spent with Natalia over the summer. His mind often goes back to the night when they first had sex, they solidified more than a friendship between the two of them. They’ve been pretty much living that part in secret but it hasn’t stopped the fire between them. It was never intentional but after a few drinks, everything seemed possible between the two. Their close friendship could’ve been in jeopardy had either of them been sober but for some reason, the alcohol helped soften the blow of the acts. Though how they came to be something a little more than friends isn’t exactly how either of them would’ve wanted, the very fact that they are an item – whether in secret or not – makes him happy. Sebastian would love to make something more of their relationship but he’s not too sure how Nat feels about it and he’s never been good at expressing these types of emotions so she has no clue how he really feels. They never really talk about it.

Now, Sebastian pulled into his usual parking spot and playfully rolled his eyes with Natalia’s comment about Eli. She knew very well how she felt about him but she loved taking soft jabs at her best friend. He smirked and got out of the car and met Nat in front of his jeep. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she fit herself against his chest, under his chin again. Sebastian pulled his hands from his pockets and wrapped them around the girl. Sebastian groaned – this time for real, and rolled his eyes before looking at the girl. “Fine, but I’m only going because you’ll be there to kill me if need be.” Nat didn't even bother to exclaim how dramatic he was being; just rolled her eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, Bas say Eli walking by and remembered the theme of the party. “Which reminds me…” Unsure of how to bring up the topic of color they should wear – considering the theme of the party was a ‘breaking the ice’ party where the attendee would wear, green, yellow, or red to signify their relationship status – he figured it’d be best to just not bother. “Are we carpooling to that or should I meet you there?” Sebastian thought that perhaps it's better to not stir the pot right now. The bell rang shortly after his question. Seb started to lean in for a kiss but realized where they were. His action made her tense, though Nat wasn't particularly moving to get away, Bas broke away and smiled at her innocently and apologetically. Leaving Nat to quell the disappointment that she kept from her face. “I’ll see you for lunch?” He asked her as he began making his way towards his class.

Nat watched him go with a frown, but not before seeing Kat walking with Tim and Kayleen. It made her pull her phone out to see the brunette's text, shake her head, before briskly walking to catch up. "Hey, Tim! Hey, kotenok!" She called and when she caught up, Nat gave Katherine a small smirk before turning to Kayleen, nodding gently, "Morning, Kayleen," she greeted before smirking at Tim. "Just missed Bas. Someone decided he wanted to be a good little student and get to class on time." And no, there was no trace of a pout on her face at all, if Nat had any control or say on it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Zara Sai Character Portrait: Tristan-Castiel Castellan
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xxxlocation: brentwood academy xxxoutfit: here


xxx"clipped wings, i was a broken thing
xxxhad a voice, had a voice, but i could not sing.
xxxyou would wind me down.
xxxi struggled on the ground."

Beep, Beep, Beep

The noise filled the air of the youngest Castellan boy's room, as he heard his elder brother shout for him. "HEY CASSIE GET YER ASS UP," his elder brother Gabriel called. The male silently groaned as he got up, and would look at the time. It was barely time for him to get up, but relentlessly the male woke up. The sophomore would move towards the edge of his bed and sit over the edge. He wasn't very keen on school, well the idea. He liked to learn, but his experiences were unfavorable.

Tristan-Castiel walked towards the dresser, and would get dressed. He decided on an all Captain America type of outfit. Why not? It's not like he could get anymore popular? Sure the kid was a prep, but that was solely due to the fact his siblings, parents, and his grandparents had all been A-listers. The black haired male, would move downstairs, as he could hear his elder brother, Gabriel shout out again. "C'MON CASSIE I'M DROPPING YOU OFF," the equally black haired, college freshman spoke. "G-Gabe, I'm-m here. S-Stop f-fuck-king yelling," the sophomore responded in a quiet and light tone. His brother scoffed, and grabbed his hand. "C'mon, we're taking Baby," Gabriel pronounced, as Tristan-Castiel gleamed with happiness. One of the few cars he enjoyed that his family had owned, he could never remember the make of the car. But he just loved the feeling of it, he could drive. But he'd probably have a panic attack and crash.

The raven haired male moved, following his brother, running towards the navy blue car he had chosen to drive. The two Castellan boys got in. After Gabriel singing several off tune, on purpose, songs by Taylor Swift. The car came to a parking motion, as Tristan-Castiel's phone went off.

From: Sam
You at school yet? I'm w/ Zara, come find us.

The male would stare at his phone, and not reply until he left the car. He opened the door, then took a step out. That was when his, loving....loving brother decided to yell "GOODBYE CASSIE BABY I HOPE YOU HAVE A FUNDERFUL DAY AT SCHOOL,"yep if he wasn't socially dead then. After he slowly flipped his brother the bird, the musician spun out of the parking lot laughing like a madman. He was now. His face red with embarassment, he would simply text back.

To: Sam
Um...yeah....just got here. Gabriel decided to embarass me....where are you so I don't panic?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Rhys Griffith Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Ripley McClain Character Portrait: Giovanni De Luca
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"Angel! Rhapsody, darling! Il est temps pour vous de se rendre à l'école!" (It's time for you to go to school!)Rhapsody's mother was yelling from down the stairs of her art studio and bedroom, trying to get her daughter attention over the music blasting from the other side of the door but, the young artist was to focused to hear anything outside of her own personal bubble. She was too focused on the humongous marble sculpture in front of her and the jazz music playing around her to hear her mother or to see her phone going off. She had been working on her piece for months and now she was just finishing up cleaning off the excess dust from the marble. It wasn't until she heard a loud knock on the door that she snapped out of it to answer. "Huh? What?" Her eyes were still locked on her art, her baby, as the voice spoke again. "Excuse me? Ne pas ce que moi, Rhapsody Iman Vincent. Je suis ta mère et je peux vous enfermer là-dedans." (Do not what me, Rhapsody Iman Vincent. I am your mother and I can lock you in there.) Her mother yelled from the other side of the door so she could be heard over the music. "Shit." The young girl said under her breath as she tossed her brush down to the wooden floor and walked quickly down the metal stairs on the ladder to let her mom in. She jumped off the last step and rushed to the door to unlock it. She opened the door to see her mother with a smug smile on her face. "Désolé maman. Je viens, tu sais dans la zone." (Sorry mom. I just, you know in the zone.) Her mother nodded as she picked some marble pieces out of her daughter curly locks. "Je connais. Je connais. Vous avez été dans la zone depuis quatre heures du matin. Vous avez dit que vous alliez arrêter de faire ça.." (I know. I know. You have been in the zone since four in the morning. You said you were going to stop doing that.)

"Je sais que je dis que j'arrêter, mais je viens de recevoir une idée et je vais le perdre. Et--.." (I know I said I would stop, but I just got an idea and I was going to lose it. And--..) Her mother just put a hand up to stop her daughter from rambling. "Vous êtes la fille de ton père. Maintenant, préparez-vous." (You are the daughter of your father. Now, get ready.) Rhaps furrowed her brows before looking at the time on her clock in the corner. She has an hour and half not only to get ready but to also get to Brentwood that was thirty minutes away. "Crap!" She scurried into her studio to move her metal stairs into the corner of the large room before turning off her blasting jazz music. She tossed off her goggles and reached for her thick rimmed glasses and slide them on. She didn't worry about closing her skylight seeing that she would need the lighting when she got back home. As she rushed to move past her mother and scurry down the wooden stairs into her room which was connected to her studio, she almost tripped down the last step. She was always clumsy and she as much as she tried to become more elegant it was no use. She could her mother chuckle as she walked down the stairs and left her daughter's room without another word. Thank god she already had her outfit picked out so it allowed her to rush and take a shower and pray that all of the dust and chunks of marble would get out of her hair. But, of course that didn't happen seeing that her hair was so curly that it held on to things like Rhapsody held on to art brushes.

After around thirty minutes, Rhaps was out of the shower and was back in her room responding to Natalia who had one of her scarves. Not that she cared seeing that she had dozens of them to chose from. She text her best friend back before tossing her phone on her bed where her outfit was before she up on the black shorts that hugged her curves along with black tights to cover her legs and am acid wash jean jacket to top off the look.

To: Nat
Fine, but you owe me. <3

"Chéri, tu devrais y aller!" (Darling, you should get going!) Rhaps' father said from down the stairs. Rhapsody groaned as she looked over towards the door from where she was sitting at her vanity to fix her hair. "Ne me précipitez pas. Je pars." (Do not rush me. I'm leaving.) She turned back towards her reflection to wrap her headband tightly around her hair. When it was perfectly she rushed for her bag filled with her books and supplies that she saw as necessities. As she rushed down the stairs of the Vincent house and out the door before her mom and dad could stop her to try and get her to sit down to have breakfast. "Au revoir maman. Bye papa. Je t'aime!" (Bye mom. Bye papa. Love you!) She tossed her bag into her passenger seat before she slid into the driver's seat but, before she could start the car her dad was at her window with a Lilly Pulitzer lunch bag. Which she would have laughed at seeing that her father was a 6'7 muscular man holding a small pink flowery bag is she wasn't annoyed. Rhaps sighed deeply before lowering the window but before she could say anything her father's deep booming voice interrupted her. "Votre mère veut juste que vous mangez quelque chose." (Your mother just wants you to eat something.) She sighed again. "Je n'ai pas faim." (I am not hungry.)

"Ensuite, donner à Natalia ou petit ami de la vôtre, Giovanni ou est-ce Samuel" (Then give it to Natalia or that boyfriend of yours, Giovanni or is it Samuel.) Rhapsody nearly chocked on air. "What?! Neither! They're friends, papa that is it. That is all they are." Her father held his hands up defense. "Okay, okay. Amis, ils ne sont que des amis." (Friends, they are only friends.) Rhapsody nodded as she put the bag of food in her backpack. "Thank you." She rubbed her face before her father gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Have a great day. And say hello to your boyfriends, they are very nice." Francois said to his daughter as he walked back into the house only to hear her groan before starting her music. Before driving to school she sent a few text in order to find out where her friends were meeting at Brentwood before class. She tossed her phone back down as she started her 30 minute drive.

To: Riptide, Sammy, Rhys, Gio
Where are we meeting, I have food.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Ripley McClain Character Portrait: Laylah Gibson Character Portrait: Zara Sai
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#, as written by la.lune

Image Image Image Image

{ Location : Brentwood | Outfit : x |Dialogue Colour : #638C85 | Feeling : Nonchalant }

Tristan had quickly responded to Sam's text, and so he was just about to reply telling the boy he was still seated in Zara's car, that was until he heard a very familiar voice shouting - Smirking slightly, Sam recognises it as Tristan's brothers voice and as Sam glances over to the source of the sound, sure enough, he sees Tristan exiting a car. Sliding his phone back into his pocket, Sam leans over to Zara who is busy on her phone, and pokes her cheek "I'm gonna go pick up Tristan - see you inside?" Looking at him with her brown doe-eyes, Zara nods "Ok cool, tell the little weirdo I say hey." Zara responds, not meaning to be rude with her comment, just teasing.

As Sam heads toward Tristan, he glances at the school entrance, noticing Laylah heading up the steps and into the building. Shaking his head, Sam tries to push away the strange feeling in his stomach as he focuses his attention back onto Tristan, trying to block his ex from his mind. Nearing the steps himself, Sam rolls his eyes as he hears Alessia teasing his friend, Sam nudges Tristan raising an eyebrow at him, "Ignore her," He says, just loud enough for the girls to hear, "She's just a little girl."

While the jeering tone of Sam's voice was evident, the guy found himself actually relieved to have someone else with whom he could take his mind off Laylah - even if it was Alessia, the spoilt little A-lister girl who thought that her social standing meant she could walk all over those lower than her on the social hierarchy. What she didn't realise, was that Sam couldn't care less about whether she was an A-lister or a C-lister, he was elder than her and felt that deemed him a little more respect than she deigned to give him. Plus her brother was Eli and while personally, Sam had no problem with the guy, he knew Zara's feelings toward him all too well and if that didn't send up warning flags, nothing else would.

Checking his phone after it beeps with an incoming text, Sam smiles at Rhapsody's message, he looks over to Tristan, "Wanna hang with Rhaps?" Sam asks, he wasn't entirely sure where the pair stood with each other, all Sam knew was that they weren't enemies or anything, so he figured it was safe to invite Tristan along.

To: Rhaps
You had me at food. I'll come to you, where you @?

Switching his thoughts away from the people in front of him, Sam adjusts his backpack, which inside held a new piece that Sam had recently finished over the summer - something he wanted to show Rhapsody, and hopefully, get her approval - Sam cared about her opinion most. Not because he favoured her the best (although she was one of his closest friends) but because she was an artist just like him, and so Rhapsody possessed that same keen eye as Sam, and the ability to fully appreciate art in all of it's forms.

It's not until he feels someone jump on his back that Sam is jogged out of his thoughtful haze, "I got bored." Zara giggled into his ear, as Sam lets out a deep breath, grabbing the girls legs so he could hold onto her easier, "Jesus Zar - you're really trying to kill me today aren't you?" Poking the older guys cheek, as revenge for before, Zara merely bats her long lashes, feigning innocence. "Me? Why I'm a sweet little girl," Looking toward Alessia, Zara laughs a little having overheard Sam's comments about her just before Zara had come over, "Just like Alessia, isn't that right Sammy?" Before either Alessia or Sam have a chance to comment, Zara whips out her phone, her inability to focus on one thing at a time and energetic personality colliding, she shoots a quick text off to one of her best friends, Ripley.

To: Ripster
Come save me, I'm bored already and school hasn't even started :-(

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill Character Portrait: Rhys Griffith
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#, as written by Chandz



It's not that Sebastian didn't enjoy hanging around with the other A-listers of Brentwood, much less that he didn't enjoy being one. It's more so the fact that Sebastian is sometimes, simply, exhausted of keeping up with the facade that he does. Truly, the only person that knows all of Sebastian for who he is, is Natalia. It is much less fortunate that aside from all the secrets he's either forced or feels the need to keep, his relationship with Natalia is among them. He struggled with keeping his secrets in the first place. For Sebastian, being something he wasn't took a toll on him. He wanted nothing more to share the truth about his home life, or the lack thereof. However, he knew that had the truth come out about his stint with homelessness, his brother's deteriorating mental health, his barely put together one-bedroom apartment, he'd promptly be cast out of the A-listers - shunned even - and be declared a fake, a poser. Not that he cared much about whether or not he was considered 'a royal' but more so the fact that some of these people are soulless individuals, angry enough to ruin one's life simply because they want to and can. Sebastian's life had been ruined enough and the last thing he needed was to be driven out of the very little he had left. So, he kept quiet about his relationship with Natalia. Although, he still questioned himself on what his relationship with Natalia truly was. It started as nothing more than sex every now and again and developed into something more. The truth is, he'd want more. But he's unsure of what she'd like and how to go about asking for such. Instead, he accepted what he had as is and left it at that. He kept quiet about it all, about every secret he held onto. Rather than exposing himself, he simply escaped the false he lived. He preferred being by himself most of the time anyway, so for him, it wasn't hard to walk from the other A-listers. And Natalia understood that.

This was one of those moments when Bas felt the need to step away. The night before, he had spent the night with Natalia but not before he had to take care of his brother who had a massive schizophrenic episode. Jamie's disease has been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia; the boy often has auditory delusions and can sometimes experience vivid hallucinations. Most days, he's able to control his reactions towards the disease but this night, JT wasn't able to. He was scared and began lashing out aggressively. In the process, he attempted to run out of the apartment on the fourth floor of the building, and rather than come back into the apartment like Sebastian pleaded with him, he ran down the stairs, causing him to trip and break his leg and fracture his elbow. Jt was taken to the hospital and after spending hours with him, Sebastian finally decided to get some sleep at Natalia's. And now, standing just outside his classroom door alone, just the thought of the last couple of days have exhausted him. He wondered when everything would fall back to normal. When everything would no longer be a fight to survive but rather, an enjoyment of life. As he waited for more students to crowd the halls and fill the classrooms, he messed around on his phone. Wishing, praying, that somehow it'd give him all the answers for his troubles. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long, though he wouldn't know it until later. The phone buzzed in his hands, a text from Greg. I've got a surprise for you. Meet me at the restaurant after school. Bas responded with a simple 'ok' and went into the classroom, sat down, and sent a quick text to Nat before putting his phone away and pulling out his books:

To: Nat♥
I want to see you. I need you.

Tim broke off from the group of boys and Lennox was left with Eli. Two boys so similar, it's surprising they never attempted to rip each other apart from the throat. Both boys have a playful personality, only some may consider one more heinous than the other in their form of humor. Lennox watched as Tim went then turned his attention back to Eli, "Come man, fuck off with that. You only thought of Kayleen because I brought it up." Lennox knew that no matter what he said to Eli, it wouldn't matter. The girl was fair game and normally Kayleen would be off limits being that she's Tim's sister. This situation was a little different and Lennox wanted to take advantage of that. The minute he laid eyes on her, his heart fluttered a little. Something it hadn't done in so long, Knox thought he was having heart palpitations. He rolled his eyes as he knew fighting the matter would only make it worse. "Whatever man, she'll never go for you anyway. She wants a real man, not just some pretty boy with mush for brains." Lennox said smirking, as he tapped Eli's chest, just to fuck around with him. "Don't worry man, I'll let her you know you make a great best friend." Lennox teased as he slowly started walking away from Eli. He walked along the girls and Tim now. He interrupted their conversation quickly before trotting off to find Rhys. "Kat, when you're done pussy whipping Timmy boy here, come find me. I need you for something."As he walked away, he joking blew a kiss to Natalia, knowing it'd annoy her. He lightly jogged through the halls now to find Rhys; who happened to be at her locker texting back Rhapsody.

To: Rhap
I like food.. where are you? I'll find you

As Rhys waited for Rhapsody to respond, she looked up to see Lennox coming towards her. "Just the girl I needed to see," Lennox smiled as he approached her. "What do you need now, Knox?" Lennox leaned against the wall, facing Rhys. He put his hands up in a defensive manner, "What makes you think I need anything from you? Can't a guy just want to see one of his beautiful best friends?" Rhys raised a brow at him and Lennox gave in. "Okay, fine. I need you to help me with Kayleen." Rhys took a second to figure out who Kayleen was. The name was still so new to her that she struggled to put a face to the name. "Kayleen? As in, Kayleen Cargill?" Lennox nodded and Rhys continued, "As in, Timothy Cargill's sister? Your close friend, Tim?" Lennox nodded again, this time with a shy smile on his face. Rhys stood momentarily confused. "And what could you possibly need my help with that for? Can't you get girls all on your own? You are the infamous Lennox Atwood, afterall." Lennox pulled away from the wall and stood up straight, he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "This girl is different, Rhys. She's not like these other girls who would kill to be at the top of the totem pole for a day. She's already there and she doesn't care about you if you're not. She'll never notice me unless I give her reason to." Rhys looked into Lennox's pleading face, "So? Then give her reason to." Lennox groaned what sounded like a soft growl. "You know what I mean Rhys." Rhys rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and sighed. She leaned back against the wall and give the boys plead a thought. She reluctantly nodded, "Fine, I'll help you. But how?" Lennox immediately smiled and wrapped his arms around her, gave her a kiss on the cheek "Ugh, I love you. Thank you! You're the best. And I don't know, you're smart. You'll think of something." Lennox ran off while yelling back at her, "Tomorrow. At the party!" Rhys smiled to herself, thinking: What a loser. Lennox finally met his match, a girl who couldn't care less about getting in his pants.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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#, as written by Flighty
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Today's physical education class had taken place on the athletics field, rather than inside of the school's gymnasium, because this week's gym topic was kickball. Being pretty competitive meant that Elijah was really up for any sport that they played in class, but he did enjoy this one more than some of the others. The class was divided into two teams of thirteen each, with Team A including Eli, Ari, Rhapsody, Kya, Rhys, Samuel, Sebastian, Katherine, Laylah, two other sophomores, another junior, and another senior, and Team B including Timothy, Natalia, Tristan, Zara, Alessia, Gabrielle, Giovanni, Lennox, Kayleen, three other seniors, and a junior. Because it would take five minutes for the students to jog back to the main campus from the fields, and they needed time to change out of their gym clothes in the locker rooms, their gym teacher, Mr. Lessig, yelled out onto the field that the next student up would be the last kicker for the day. With a tied score, Elijah grew tense with that call, considering that his team was currently playing the field, and that meant that their fate was in the hands of either how poorly the kicker on the other team was, or how well they could play the field.

When he saw that Tristan Castiel-Castellan was the next kicker in line, Eli's fears seemed to disappear as his signature smirk appeared on his face. "Bring it in, boys!" he said, acting as the self-appointed team captain that no one else had really agreed on, as he looked back towards the two sophomore boys, and a junior boy, who were playing the outfield. He knew that it wasn't nice, but in his mind, all he could say was "come on, there's no way in hell that this kid can kick". If he could, it would be one of those underdog moments from out of a movie, but Eli wasn't even considering that that was a possibility. Tristan was a meek, harmless boy who seemed like he would be the type to run away from the ball, if anything, so Eli was already content with thinking up teasing remarks that he could send in Timothy and Knox's direction once they hit the locker rooms.

The bases weren't fully loaded, but the opposing team had runners on first base and second base, so Elijah knew that unless Tristan's kick was caught in the air, all he needed to do was to make a kick that gave the runner on second enough time to make it home. Again, Eli was certain that that wasn't a possibility and that his team had this win in the bag, but he was comforted, at least, knowing that while he pitched the ball out, he had some of his more trusted teammates manning the bases. Just in case, he thought, as he took a breath and then with great speed, rolled the ball in Tristan's direction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kya Gonzalez Character Portrait: Ari Rollings Character Portrait: Samuel Youngblood Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent
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"Kat! Wake up!" Ari yelled to the girl who was farther out in the field. She had tried her best to keep a safe distance between herself and Kat during the class. She wasn't actively avoiding the brunette, because even in her stressed out state over their friendship, she knew that the idea of ignoring Katherine was simply unrealistic. She didn't want to ignore her anyway, because as conflicted as she was about the unwarranted feelings that she had developed for Kat, what she was certain of, was that she loved the friendship she had with Katherine. While the girl's quirks got on her nerves from time to time, there was nothing that she could do that her jovial and exuberant personality couldn't act as a remedy for. So, when they were placed on the same team, Ari was good about chatting with Kat throughout most of the time while their team was on the kicking end, since they were just waiting in line for their turn. However, to maintain that distance she needed, she had elected to man third base while Katherine had taken the less involved route of being one of the people playing the outfield... which in her book, essentially meant standing as far away from the action as possible so that she could spend the period texting without Mr. Lessig noticing. Ari was athletic, and even though volleyball was her preferred sport, it wasn't hard for her to get into the right mindset for other games like kickball. She wasn't incredibly competitive about it, but she could keep up with those who did want to win dramatically, and had done her part by catching a pop up ball earlier in the game and tagging out two runners who had tried to make it to third base.

It was the final kick of the day, and with only runners on first and second base, Ari doubted that the other team would score, especially with Tristan kicking. He would have to kick it far enough to allow the runner on second to get to third and then home base in one kick, and though Ari was far nicer to Tristan than a lot of people, she was also realistic. And realistically speaking, Tristan just didn't seem like an athletic kid. If he could make a kick that would get the second base runner to third, Ari would be impressed at just that. Needless to say, part of her wanted to smile when Tristan managed to kick the ball and send it soaring right between first and second base, just so that it was out of reach for the two infielders who dove for it. The idea of smiling vanished quickly when she remembered that her team's win was on the line, and even more quickly when she realized that the ball was rolling right towards the part of the field that Kat was "supposed" to be guarding. A game that looked like it was a surefire win at that point, quickly grew to appear like it would be a hopeless loss. It was all the more frustrating knowing that there were athletic people on their team, like Laylah and Bas and even Eli, though he didn't need any more credit than he already gave himself, and while Ari was hopeful that another teammate was close enough to step in and save them, she wasn't in a position where she could do much, and only bit her lip in anxiety, ready to catch the ball if it was thrown her way.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Lawless Character Portrait: Natalia dos Santos Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Kayleen Cargill Character Portrait: Alessia Lawless Character Portrait: Timothy Cargill
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#, as written by Flighty
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Eli hadn't expected Tristan to be able to kick the ball at all, nonetheless kick it into a perfect spot that gave him, and Gabrielle and Timothy enough time to start running. Eli had automatically spun around to watch the ball head towards Katherine, and had started stepping backwards while doing it, while yelling for her to throw it to home, where he was heading. She was oblivious, and though it took only a few seconds, the amount of time that it took for Bas to step in and grab the ball felt like eons to Elijah. Beads of sweat were running down his forehead, partly due to the heat, but mostly out of stress, as the kickball sailed through the air towards, him but not quick enough. A foot on home base, he caught it just after Timothy had reached him, and Mr. Lessig was quick to shout, "Safe!" to declare a win for the opposing team. "Safe? Are you kidding me? I had at least three solid seconds over him, and you're gonna say that he's safe?!" Elijah was lucky enough that even in the heat of the moment, he was wise enough to refrain from throwing some expletives into his objection, since they were definitely on the tip of his tongue. In reality, Mr. Lessig's call was probably accurate, even though it undeniably was a close call. Timothy's foot had hit home base just a second before Elijah had caught the ball that Sebastian had hurled his way, so at the very least, Eli's claim of him having caught the ball three full seconds before Timothy had even reached the base was dramatic, at best. "Sore loser" was probably the best way to describe Eli at times like this. Given his competitive nature, coupled with his upbringing where he always got his way, losing wasn't something that he knew how to work with, even at seventeen years old. He would never admit that he lost fairly, and somehow, it was always a bad call, or cheating, that had allowed the other team to win, if you asked him.

In this case, he had already proclaimed that Mr. Lessig's call was garbage, but as he turned back to examine his teammates, who were making their way in from the outfield now that the teacher had proclaimed that the game was over, and they could all head back to the locker rooms, Eli also decided that the teams had been separated unfairly. Suddenly, he decided that the other team had ten times as many athletic players as his team did, and he automatically wanted to dispel any talent that his teammates who actually were jocks, had. Even though Laylah had made countless good plays throughout the day, he wanted to blame her for every play that she had missed, even if she hadn't been positioned anywhere near the ball at that point. In his head, had Bas gotten to the ball sooner on this play, or thrown it a little faster, they would have won by a long shot. Lennox was being as useless as ever, and God forbid he even comment on the other players, like Katherine, who he could blame for costing them an entire's game worth of effort. It was amusing, really, how worked up he could get over losing a stupid little game, that literally counted for nothing, but it just went back to how badly he hated losing. Rather than being a good sport and congratulating Tim and that team on their win, or even just being a semi-normal person and actually annoyed, but not actually angry, it was very clear with Eli that he was pissed. He headed off of the field without even bothering to wait for any of his friends, but as he passed Tim and the home plate area, he said, "Save the comments for a day when you fairly beat me. If my team wasn't absolute shit, you wouldn't have even made it to first base to begin with. I'll sit out the next game and take an absence for the class before I get stuck on a team with your girlfriend again. I'd take the mute over her, and that's saying something," he said callously, as if thinking Tristan was superior to Kat was a real insult. He continued walking after he spoke, knowing that he was red in th face for more reasons than just being physically overheated.