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Alastor Helstrum

"Everything I do, I do for my friends, and family."

0 · 1,509 views · located in Tilt

a character in “Caelum Fatales”, as played by CutUp


Arsonist's Lullaby || World On Fire || My Name(Wearing Me Out) || Burn It Down || Some Nights || Light 'Em Up
"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."
-Khalil Gibran

Full Name:
Alastor Blake Helstrum
Nicknames and Aliases:
Al, Hellstorm, Pinky
Blessed or Ordinary:
Blessed Child 2
Sexual Orientation:

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln


.:Fire Magic:.

  • Pyrokinesis- Alastor is able to manipulate fire with great skill, and finesse. He is able to generate fire from almost any part if his body, but generally uses his hands, feet, and mouth. He is also able to manipulate already existing flame. He can shape the flames as well.
  • Thermal Resistance- Alastor is completely immune to fire, an extreme heat, as well as being highly resistant to the cold. So he can remain comfortable with little clothing in any climate.
  • Minor Flame Solidification- Alastor has some minor skill in making his fire solid. He hasn't totally mastered this, and at most he can create a blowtorch-like sword.
  • Fire Absorption- Alastor is able to absorb flames that he did not create by simply eating them. By absorbing fire he gains strength, and becomes more powerful.
  • Flight- By creating a solid stream of fire directed to the ground Alastor is able to achieve flight. But he isn't the most stable of flyers so he often uses this ability to extend his jumps, or move faster.
  • Explosive Fire- Alastor is able to fire off lightning fast bolts of fire that explode upon impact. This technique is dangerous to both himself, and others as it takes complete concentration, even the smallest distraction can cause it to quite literally blow up in his face. Rarely used.
  • Minor Smoke Manipulation- Alastor isn't just limited to controlling fire, he also has some control over smoke. He is still learning to control this power, as he just recently learned about it. It's mostly used for smokescreens, and at most air blasts. For Alastor it is extremely difficult to control, as smoke isn't a solid, it has no 'weight' to it so to speak.

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."
-Muhammad Ali


Hair Color:

Eye Color:
Light Brown

6 feet   

175 pounds

He has the name of his Mistress tattooed on his chest right above his heart to show his servitude. It's something he'd rather hide, as it's a reminder that he is nothing more than a slave.


Alastor has many scars on his back. Most are from lash marks, or knife wounds.  

He often goes shirtless, wearing nothing but a simple open vest. He also has a scarf that he never lets out of his sight.

"Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it."
-Mark Twain


{Angry, Protective, Sarcastic, Rebellious, Secretive}

Alastor is a fairly angry, and ill tempered young man with a rather large chip on his shoulder. But who wouldn't be in his position? He's been ripped from his home, and forced to be a glorified slave under threat of the deaths of his family. All because he is a human lighter. So he does have a right to be a angry guy. Though it doesn't take much to set him off, he has learned how to bury his feelings deep. He didn't get those lashes on his back for nothing after all. So he's had to learn to bite his tongue or else he would get more scars.

He is also fairly sarcastic, and always has a clever quip up his non-existent sleeves. His smart mouth has in the past also gotten him in trouble, and earned him quite a few scars over the years. So he usually makes quips to himself when around the royal types, but when around the commoners or his fellow blessed children he'll let his hair down, and the jokes fly.

He is extremely protective of his fellow blessed children, and the innocent in general. He's easily willing to both kill, or die for them. He could have just met them, and he would be willing to die for them. This protective nature, however doesn't apply to most government officials. Though he'll lay his life on the line for his mistress in a heartbeat, that's as far as his loyalty goes to any royal. He has a particular soft spot for children and women, as he can't stand seeing them in danger, no matter who they are. This undying sense of honor makes him seem more than he appears.

Though he is quite rebellious, he hides it well. Because he can't outright rebel for fear of what could happen to his family, he often does it in more secretive ways. Pulling his punches, setting 'uncontrolled' fires that hinders both the royal army, and the rebels, and overall misdirecting his level of power to his fire magic. As very few know the true extent of his skills. Such as him being able to absorb fire to become stronger, and his smoke manipulation. These aren't the only secrets he holds. He has a strong sense of justice, and though his moral compass isn't the straightest, everything he does he does because he honestly thinks he's doing the right thing. No matter where this takes him, the ends justify the means.

"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it."
-Malcolm X

-Training in secret-| "Huh, so there's a bunch of scorched trees out in the forest? How'd that happen?"
-Working Out-| "A body like mine needs to be taken care of!"
-Tending to plants-| "Can't a guy who breaths fire take care of a orchid without getting weird looks?"
-Eating-| "I burn a lot calories. Heh, bad joke."
-Rubbing his scarf-| "Got a problem with my scarf?"
-Being secretive-| "Unless you want a different skin color, I'd back off."
-Eating-| "I burn a lot calories. Sorry, couldn't resist."     
  • Food| "I'm not picky."
  • A good fight| "I'm too hot to handle!"
  • The Blessed Children| "Everything I do is to ensure our freedom. And I won't fail."
  • Plants| "You got a problem with a guy liking plants?"
  • Animals| "They aren't complicated. You know they don't think you're any less of them."
  • His scarf| "It's the only thing they let me have of my........nevermind."
  • The government| "They're time will come. They'll pay for everything they've done, ten fold."
  • Being a slave| "Sooner or later, when you mess with fire, you'll get burned."
  • Water| "Duh."
  • The Blessed Children being disrespected| "We're no less human than you asshole!"
  • Being told what to do| "Your will, my hand....for now."
  • Combat- Alastor is a good combatant. Though he is nowhere near the best out there. But combine his physical prowess with his fire abilities he is skilled enough to pose a danger to even the most skilled foe. He often downplays his overall prowess.
  • Manipulative- Though far from being some mastermind, Alastor is adept at reading people like a book, and knows how to manipulate people's perception of him. Most see Alastor as a loose cannon with some skill. A blunt instrument if anything, but he's smarter and more skilled then appears to be.
  • Strategy- Alastor has a good grasp on strategy, and tactics. More so than people realize.
  • Using his magic- Alastor has great skill in using his magic, something he keeps closely guarded.
  • Water- If Alastor is wet his magic is extremely weakened, and in a large enough body of water he can't use them at all. Though this takes quite a bit of water, usually he's fine in something like the rain.
  • Tight Spaces- His fire, while magical, is still fire. It needs oxygen to work like any normal flame. And when it tight spaces without a whole lot of air, well it makes things hard to breath.
  • Temper- Alastor's temper can be his undoing, especially when his family is brought up. Though he has gotten better at keeping his cool.
  • Honor- While some wouldn't see this as a weakness, his sense of honor can be a hindrance, as all you need to do is dangle an innocent if front of him, and he's basically powerless. Women, and children tend to work best.
  • Concentration- Alastor needs concentration in order to use his powers right. As he describes it, fire is like a living thing. It grows, and eats just like anything else, and it's equally unpredictable. If he is distracted things will go wrong.

"Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged."
-Samuel Johnson

The Helstrum family was of very little notice before Alastor was declared one of the Blessed Children. He, and his family was born in a small farming village of little importance. Alastor was the youngest of three, two boys, and one girl. He was to be sixth generation farmer. They were well liked, and well known within the small rural community of the village. It was a very small village, the kind of place where everyone knows everyone. When Alastor was young he learned that he could speak with the fabled Fae.

When Alastor told his family about how he could see, and communicate with the light spirits, they didn't think much of it. He was a kid no older than seven after all, and kids makes things like this up all the time after all. No one believed him until he was eight years old. That was when his magic developed, and he accidently lite the rug on fire with nothing more than a mere touch. Needless to say they no longer thought he was making it up. Word got out about Alastor's abilities, and soon it reached the royals.

Several troops were sent to collect Alastor. At first they came peacefully with orders that they were to take Alastor for training to control his abilities. His father didn't believe them, and was weary of them. So he politely declined, and said they'd take of Alastor instead. As one would imagine this did not go over well. The soldiers drew their weapons, and things went down hill from there. The soldiers ended up killing his father, and injuring his older brother. And from there things got even worse.

Even as small child, Alastor held an untapped amount of power. In a fit of pure unadulterated, vengeance fueled rage Alastor unleashed a torrent of fire upon these soldiers. The lucky few that managed to get out of the way saw their buddies turn to ash right before their eyes. Once the fire died down Alastor collapsed from exhaustion. While he was out they grabbed him, and brought him in. Once they got Alastor to the royals, and he regained consciousness, they informed him that he was to serve the kingdom for eternity.

Alastor refused as anyone would. The higher ups didn't not like this answer, so they gave him an ultimatum. Either he swears his life to them, or they kill his family. To get their point across they dragged in his brother. They slit his throat, and forced Alastor to watch him choke on his own blood. And Alastor was powerless to stop them, as he was still too weak from before. They told him that he still had his sister, mother, and everyone from his village left. They could bring in everyone he's ever talked to, and kill them right in front of him.

Having no other option, Alastor agreed to do as they wished. After that things only got harder. His mother was forced from their home, and was moved to a safehouse so the royals could have easy access to their leverage if need be. And Alastor, well he did kill quite a few soldiers when they brought him in, and the survivors were none to pleased with watching their buddies turn to nothing more than ash. Every night the survivors would sneak into Alastor's cell, and have 'chats' with him. Most of these chats involved knives, and whips, and such stuff.

They were smart about it too. They made sure to only leave marks on his back, and other such places where nobody would see them. They threatened Alastor as well, if he told anyone about their chats, the same thing would happen to his mother. These late night chats gradually began to whine down when he was assigned his current mistress, as they thought he was thoroughly broken at that point, but Alastor soon learned how to be a convincing actor.

Over the course of the next several years Alastor put on a false front, acted like he was a team player. But Alastor was more cunning than any of the royals expected. While he did this little song and dance, he was bidding his time. He would spend hours, creating maps of the capital. Noting key locations when he and his mistress would go out. He eventually began figuring out how to sneak in, and out of the castle. From there his maps became more accurate. He started training, and improving on abilities in secret. As the smart man plays the fool.

Now with the rebellion rising up Alastor saw this as the perfect opportunity to sneak him, and his mother out with the monarchy on edge. He was already for it too, he found reliable information on her whereabouts, he knew the patrol roots by heart, and had a plan on how to escape the city undetected. Just as all his ducks were in a row, something unexpected happened. He received a message, from his older sister. After the royals took his mother from home, his sister left home as well, and moved to Mavil, where she is now a proud member of the growing resistance.

After it was learned who he was, the rebels had his sister send Alastor a message. They wanted him to feed them Intel from the capital, and they'd in return help free his mother, and bring down the current regime. And they had him at rebel. He sent them all the information he had gathered over the years in trying to find his mother, including patrol schedules, how he's gotten in and out of the castle over the years, and whatever information he has on his fellow Blessed Children, and their masters.

With him, and his mistress now on the frontline things have become dicey at best. Not only will he be forced to fight other rebels, but he also can't hurt them too bad. It'll be a difficult balance to be sure. Not only that, he also has to worry about the others finding out, while acting like he's not worried. But the real problem is can he live with himself after betraying his comrades, his fellow Blessed Children?

"Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance."
-Sun Tzu

Face Claim:
Natsu Dragneel
HEX Color:
Protrayed By:
Future God-Emperor CutUp

So begins...

Alastor Helstrum's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucretia Narrow Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Athena Fausta Character Portrait: Matiz Vandenboom Character Portrait: Ryelan Maricon Character Portrait: Fable N. Saffron
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Errond Station|Drafting Selection|8:43 AM
The air was stifling and uncomfortably warm. The scent of sweat and general odors hung in the air like a cloud, choking Lucretia's other senses. She pulled her collar over her nose, breathing in her own scent of flour and strawberries, mixed with that undeniable twinge of iron that came with blood. It comforted her, if only a little bit.

Lucretia dropped the fabric, but her smell lingered in her nose. A man bumped into her and she shifted uncomfortably. There were too many people jammed into the small station, each hand clinging to a ticket and another piece of paper with the word SUMMONS printed in large red letters. Soldiers would have been more fitting... she thought absently as she tucked back a piece of her short violet hair. In the dark light of the underground station, it looked black and almost shadow like. "Western Combat Unit Six." Lucretia's ears perked up and she turned towards the burly man that had said the number. "Car 14."

He began rattling off names, but Lucretia already knew what Unit she was in and now, she knew where she was supposed to go. She turned to the taller boy next to her. Only a year older in age. "My Lord, I believe that is us," she said in a curt and quiet tone. The announcer had already moved on to the next Combat unit and she could see a few people filtering towards Car 14. If they missed their train, they would be put on the front lines without training. Thus was the law of Tilt. "Shall we go?" she offered him a small, but tentative smile. To most, it would be considered "polite".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucretia Narrow Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Athena Fausta Character Portrait: Matiz Vandenboom Character Portrait: Ryelan Maricon Character Portrait: Fable N. Saffron
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"Allow me to pave the way. . ."

[ Trisha's Lullaby |FMA:Brotherhood OST ]

Dialouge Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #291096
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #c9ab02

Bellamy glanced about the station he was in. The smell alone was positively revolting. Too many unwashed bodies pressed together in a small area, well anyone would be able to divine that. Bell looked over to his shorter companion, his right-hand, Lucretia. She was also suffering from the stench. The mention of WCU6 drew Bell's attention right away, even before Lucretia mentioned it.

"Let's go." Bell stated as he took Lucretia's hand in his and made his way towards Car 14. As he walked, dragging her with him, Bellamy's mind wandered off. He felt a pain in his eye bringing him back, his free hand instinctively went up to cover it. His grip tightened on Lucretia. It didn't matter how much this "gift" of his hurt, it only drove him further towards his goals.

Once they arrived at Car 14 Bellamy helped Lucretia inside and sat beside her, making sure she was near him at all times. He felt assured whenever she was beside him. A calm presence letting him know he was supported. Her hand still in his, Bell looked over to her, observing her with judging eyes. No matter how many times he observed her, it always bore the same results. She was totally content and devoted. Nodding to himself Bell spoke.

"Well Lucy, what do you expect to find upon arrival? More incompetence? Or perhaps something of interest for once in a great while?" Bellamy chuckled a bit, he always liked hearing her opinions, she was the only person besides himself that he listened to. After all, on his chess-board she was the Queen to his King. His loyal servant, friend, and executioner. Out of all the people in his life, Lucretia was the only one he could ever truly trust. Making her his strength, but also his Achilles heel. If anything were to happen to Lucretia, Bellamy knew he would lose himself. It was as if at times she was the only thing holding him together. The small violet haired girl had a special place within him, and he hated to admit it but he truly cared for her.

The throbbing in his eye became more intense. "My curse is acting up. . .We must be getting close to something great. Don't you think Lucy?" Bellamy asked looking to her, his cursed eye flickering red. Only Lucretia knew about his curse, only she knew of the burden he carried.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucretia Narrow Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Athena Fausta Character Portrait: Matiz Vandenboom Character Portrait: Ryelan Maricon Character Portrait: Fable N. Saffron
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The station was just about as unglamorous as they came, royalty and commoner treated the same. Loathe as she was to admit it, Mei had gotten used to life behind the high walls. She forgot that a good portion of the population didn't have access to proper amenities, and a large number of them were within the confines with her. She kept a hand on her charge's back, body blocking for her as the brunette paved a way for them both. Now where were they supposed to go?

"Hold our papers for a bit, Miss Athena, since I'll be handling our things." Since this was a summon to war, they were only asked to bring basic items hence the manageable amount of baggage. A bag hung over her shoulder, another on the hand that was near Athena. When she heard someone call out the details of their unit, Mei immediately started herding the much younger girl towards the correct car. She heard both their names, almost calling out an instinctive "here!" before realizing they didn't care either way. If you didn't make the train, you'd still get sent to war. Might as well get some survival tips if the result was still going to be the same.

The brunette made sure Athena was properly seated before she figured out anything else, finding an empty booth. "Save the seat beside you for me, alright?" She gave the girl a pat on the head, then grabbed their luggage off the seat. She could hear others settling down, conversing amongst themselves. No one she recognized. Unfortunate, but expected. Athena wasn't very social to begin with, so Mei's own social circle never expanded beyond the estate walls. When she'd managed to stow both their bags, she returned to Athena, taking the seat beside her.

"Do you recognize anyone, Miss? I'm afraid everyone's a stranger so far." Mei fixed the bun in her hair, the style coming loose during the crowd on the station. She used a short strip of ribbon to keep it in place, using her power briefly to create a tight knot. Not that anyone would see; her hand was blocking the view and to others it would simply appear that the brunette used her hands to tie her hair. If one decided to take extreme notice, they'd realize she had a large number of ribbons on her person. One in her hair, another bound around her hands, and then another acting as a belt around her waist. Even the laces around her shoes, if one counted those. It's unlikely Mei will ever use those though. She's not that desperate. "I could hold the seats across us if there's anyone you know."

"In any case, we'll have to share with at least two other people." She briefly peered out to the walkway, where she saw others still climbing in from the entrance. "Let's try not to make enemies of anyone on the way to there, alright?" The statement sounded rather cheeky, but considering how Athena acted sometimes... not exaggerated. And Mei really did want some peace before she got forced into fighting. "While there will be some people in WCU6 we won't agree with, it won't do us any good to start fighting before we even get off the train."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucretia Narrow Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Bellamy Noihaus Character Portrait: Sylvaria Matthas
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#, as written by CutUp

The life of a double agent isn't for the faint of heart. You have to both keep people at arms length, not allow yourself to get attached, all while making it seem you're not. The odd man out is always the first to be looked at if it's learned there's a spy. So you have to make friends. After all, who would accuse their best friend of treason? But then, unless you're a complete, and utter sociopath, you'd find yourself getting attached to certain people. That's the real trick. Having to betray your friends. People who've place their lives, and trust in your hands, and people you've done the same for. That's when you hav to remember what you fight for. For Alastor, it's his family, his freedom, and his country.

The hustle, and bustle of the station was rather unnerving for Alastor as he walked through the crowd a little ahead of his mistress. He's already nervous as it is with being soon forced on the frontlines, but he also has to figure out a way to safely relay messages to the rebels, and worry about protecting his mistress Sylvia, whose combat experience is little more than a fluffy white bunny. He didn't understand why these young lords and ladies were being drafted. They were born with silver spoons in their mouths, they aren't warriors. Just glorified rich kids that know nothing of true struggle.

The smell of the station was rather strong, but Alastor didn't mind it, and barely noticed it. He was after all raised on farm, this is rather tamed compared to home. In fact he rather enjoyed the smell of sweat like this. As it smells like honest hard work, it's something he's missed. It may seem a tad strange, but he rather dislikes the smell of the castles. Always smelling so good, and so fake. But this was real. He wondered how Sylvia was handing all this. If anyone knows what it's like be uprooted from your home, and forced to do something you don't want to do, it's Alastor.

He stopped in his tracks, and turned to his mistress. "Are you ok Mistress?" Al asked with genuine concern, as his eyes darting around the station, as if expecting trouble, which he always does. He hated having to address someone so properly, though he supposes that he could do worse than having to serve Sylvia. He could have been assigned to one of her bastard of a brother. Al clinched his scarf, and began lightly rubbing it.

When Al heard the announcement for the WCU6 from the burly man he instantly turned towards the direction of the man. His eyes narrowed on the man. "This way, apparently, Mistress." He stated as he lead the way towards the car. Al cleared the path through the crowd for Sylvia by pushing people, rather rudely, out of the way. Once they reached the car Al helped Sylvia in before he got in. Inside two were already waiting. From their looks they were Bellamy, and his slave Lucretia. Al's eyes narrowed at Bellamy, with a look of equal disgust, and contempt. He quickly stopped as soon as he realized it. He turned his attention towards his slave, and looked her up and down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucretia Narrow Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Athena Fausta Character Portrait: Matiz Vandenboom Character Portrait: Ryelan Maricon Character Portrait: Fable N. Saffron
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#, as written by Kirsche

Caterina pushed her way through the throngs of people ambling about the train station. She'd be given the wrong directions twice now, and she still hadn't found the train she was supposed to get on. Some of the draftees around her were complaining about the smell, but Caterina rolled her eyes at this; the prisons and hovels she'd visited to carry out the King's Justice had made the station seem like a breath of fresh air.

After several minutes of struggling through the crowd, Caterina considered pulling down her hood to bank on the fact she was the Headman's Pride to part the sea of people. Then again, it was doubtful that all of these peasants would know what the Headman's Pride looked like. More likely than not, the peasants only knew of the Headman's Pride as a name to scare children. She sighed with this realization; it would be nice if she was more well known as the one who carried out justice and upheld the laws of the land.

As she continued through the station, Caterina thought back to the events that brought her here. Shortly after the death of the late King, the Lords of Tilt began squabbling over who would now rule the Kingdom. She had never particularly cared about supporting any one claimant, but she'd removed those she deemed unworthy to succeed the King. In the end, her pruning had drawn the ire of many lords , and enough of them had banded together to kill her along with many of the former advisers of the King. Only the intervention of powerful lords who either wanted to protect her for a variety of reasons, or have leverage in the future, managed to nail out a compromise to have Caterina go rebel hunting and likely die in the process. Now, the corruption of the Kingdom would have to be dealt by others who still believed in justice and the Royal Family.

Now, thanks to both her previous occupation and her "friends" in the capital, Caterina was the leader of one of the new units drafted up for war. She'd received the dossiers and photographs of the a few nights ago to peruse at her leisure. This motley collection of lords, peasants, and the oh so blessed children were supposed to be here by now, but then again it was a very crowded station. It took her a while to finally reach the train, but she was inwardly relieved to see that some of the members of her unit were starting to arrive. If there were no shows, Western Combat Unit 6 would be under strength and unable to carry out any orders. After getting on the train, she attempted to find the cart or carts that were supposed to hold her unit.

" Cart 14..." she breathed as she looked into each one, looking for just about anyone from her unit. It occurred to her that perhaps she didn't want to sit next to some of them based off of what she had read in the dossier's she'd been given. Shuffling through the stack of papers as she walked, Caterina decided to find the daughter of Lord Fausta; he'd been one of the lords kind of enough to help her get far away from the mess of politics in the capital, so his daughter couldn't be all that bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucretia Narrow Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Fable N. Saffron Character Portrait: Bellamy Noihaus Character Portrait: Sylvaria Matthas
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Out of everything in her life, Fable never expected to be forced into this... stupidity. What a plot twist. In this war, Nova wished nothing more than to dissolve into thin air, and there was no amount of Archer's 'comfort' that could aid such a desperate wish. Her mother and master were now her enemies, and her father? Well... That was a relatively difficult topic. Obviously, it was in favor of the late king, much like---

"--y! Hey!" Archer's voice boomed next to Fable's ear, waiting outside the door of the empty blacksmith house. There wouldn't be anyone inside it for quite awhile besides the neighbor. Her eyes grew cold as she glanced back to it, simply snapping her head back to Archer as they began to walk to Errond Station. "You know, you're going to be fine, Fay..."

What a bunch of--

"Sighh. I know, Archer. You can stop babying me." Sword secured around her body, her pace had picked up as she refused to leave it behind. The white haired adult could only laugh and sprout some nonsense about her dearest possession-- she wasn't exactly the happiest camper.

It sounded like she had made it just in time, as the moment she stepped inside the station, "Western Combat Unit Six, Car 14." rang out. Waving a good bye to her friend shyly, almost, Fable jogged to that of the car, watching as a group of nobles had already entered it. Ahh...

Forcing that of a small smile, the woman took the farthest seat away, her sword right next to her as she pulled it off her back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Athena Fausta Character Portrait: Caterina Straetos Character Portrait: Mieke Furmont
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Athena was despondent at this turn of events, She was drafted into a war that she wasn't even concerned about, And was treated the same as the peasants she observes walking and sleeping on the streets, Everyone was managed the same, And it wasn't very nicely at that.

"Hold our papers for a bit, Miss Athena, since I'll be handling our things.", pointed out Mei. Athena looked up at the brunette girl, and replied "Okay then", Before taking the bag from her arms, She immediately regretted her decision, As she barely managed to keep the bag off the ground. Before she was able to get the bag in a comfortable position, Athena was whisked away by Mei, as she frantically motioned Athena to their assigned position.

As Athena sat down, she let out a sigh of relief, "Save the seat beside you for me, alright?". Athena briefly nodded, as she received a pat on her head as a reward. Athena treated Mei as a sister and Mei treated Athena likewise. As she sat down in silence she remembered the rocky relationship Mieke and Athena had at first, Though blooming into a beautiful friendship, Strong enough to be called a sistership, They had their disagreements in the past, As Mei had a lack of drive, No ambition, Athena couldn't stand people that didn't know what to do with their life, As being driven by something is important, Even people with strong talents can find themselves on streets because they didn't know what they were going to accomplish with their abilities, And Mieke was no exception, But as time past, She found herself being rescued from the depths of loneliness from her, Eventually forming into a friendship that can't be broken, And Athena wanted it to stay that way.

But this was war, People come and go all the time, Dead bodies line the battlefield, As the blood forms into a red carpet, Welcoming the next batch of victims to their doom, War is chaos, The strong survive as the weak go into enemy fire and fall, The strong get to stay behind and watch as their aliies drop to the ground. Keeping ties is dangerous, As one death can lead to your own, but that didn't seem to stop Athena from clinging on to what she had left.

Athena would have gone deeper in thought, If Mei didn't return. "Do you recognize anyone, Miss? I'm afraid everyone's a stranger so far." Mei asked as she returned, Athena remembered faces, but didn't remember names, She likes to observe not converse, "Well, not really, You know me, I rather not partake in social activities" Athena replied, Though she did know some people, The pink haired man known as Alastor Helstrum was present, The man who seems to get out of his way, just to anger Athena, Athena admired his strength, But they just didn't seem to get along, She also knew Caterina Straetus, The scythe wielding leader of WCU6, Athena didn't catch her in the cart, but she knew Caterina was present somewhere, As such, Athena also admired her strength, And they were on good terms, She also owes Athena. Athena hopes to use the solid as payment for better treatment.

"Let's try not to make enemies of anyone on the way to there, alright?" , Athena smiled, They both knew full well that Athena believes that rivals are key to improvement of ones skill and status.

"If someone decides to provoke me, I will have no choice, but to strike back"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucretia Narrow Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Athena Fausta Character Portrait: Matiz Vandenboom Character Portrait: Ryelan Maricon Character Portrait: Fable N. Saffron
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Amidst the chaos that was the train station, an air of nervousness and sweat was almost asphyxiating to the little noble named Sylvaria. Of course she was anxious, as to the fact that both she and Alastor are going into combat, though she was calm since she'd hopefully be away from her brothers and instead with Alastor, her servant. Yet there was another problem which Sylvia put to the back of her mind, only to let it nag at her is how she had the combat abilities of a fluffy bunny, a white fluffy bunny that cannot do any harm to people, but she had one thing setting her aside from other nobles and even blessed children, she could be a medic to those whom would need it.

Though something had drawn her from her thoughts, Alastor had turned and asked her a question,

"Are you ok Mistress?" his voice cut through the mayhem that was caused by the other nobles, she wasn't fond of them, though brushed the thought aside, and replied with her usual kind tone,

"Yes, Alastor. Thank you for asking." she smiled, it wasn't like smiling was rare for her, but her smile was because of her interaction with Alastor. Though her mind had blanked as she heard her name announced, and then heard the unit she was in, "Western Combat Unit 6" was it's name, and she only had one true thought, I-I'm actually going into combat? It wasn't like she was a coward, but more scared of the fact, it caused the anxiety to well up in her chest and almost choked her as it welled in her throat, she followed Alastor as he said something, though she didn't quite hear him.

Soon she and Alastor reached the train they were to get on, she thanked him as she got on, and looked at the others, some whom she recognized, One being Bellamy and his servant Lucretia, another whom Sylvia knew as Athena and her servant, whom was unnamed to Sylvia, though there were others, two whom she didn't know of, though with a gentle smile, she bowed a bit and spoke to those in the car with her, since she doubted that she was well known, even if she was the second daughter of a Duke, "Hello, I'm Sylvaria Matthas. You can just call me Sylvia, and this is Alastor, my..." even so much as saying the word "Servant" was difficult for her, since it suggested that he was under her. Though she continued none the less; "My servant. It's a pleasure to meet you all" she had taken a breath knowing the word had tasted like vinegar, though it was the best word for the time in sylvia's mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucretia Narrow Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Athena Fausta Character Portrait: Matiz Vandenboom Character Portrait: Ryelan Maricon Character Portrait: Fable N. Saffron
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#, as written by CutUp

Alastor folded his arms, and visibly became uncomfortable at the mention of him being Sylvia's servent. Sure, he is, but still even now it's a bitter pill for him to swallow. 'Why intoduce me as a servent? In makes me sound like a maid. Why not call me a bodyguard if you don't want to use the word slave?' Al thought to himself as he made sure everything that Sylvia, and he brought onboard was put away. "Call me Al if you wish. I've also been called Hellstorm as well." Alastor rather half heartedly added to Sylvia's introduction. Hellstorm was a little nickname that Al got when he was first brought in for being a Blessed Child. It was something meant to remind Alastor that he's a monster. But honestly he's taken a shine to it. He wasn't sure if any of them had heard of his nickname before or not.

Al took a seat next to a window, and watched as they pulled out of the station. Once they left Al looked up, and around at all his new 'comrades'. He knew of them all from dossier that have been provided to him by his rebel contacts. He only had the most basic of information of them. Mostly just psychological profiles, things that could provide him with a edge when deceiving them. Al then glanced over at Sylvia. He felt so guilty for deceiving her, as she's the closest thing to a friend he's had for a long time. And yet when she needed him the most he wasn't there. When she was forced into this unit he was out meeting with a contact. And by the time he found out he was too afraid to do something. He feared of what would happen to his family if tried to do anything. No, the only solution he could think of was to allow her be drafted, and protect her in battle. Not to mention the added benefit of being on the frontline for the rebels.

"Mistress...I'm sorry." Al whispered to Sylvia. "I....should have done something to protect you. I was just...afraid. Al added. "Just...stay in my sights, and I promise no harm will come to you Mistress. I will do everything in my power to make up for failing you." Al ordered with a look of determination that made every word even more sincere. While he did mean his words, the intention of them is more than just a mere apology. While he normally wouldn't speak like this to anyone 'above his station', but when it comes to Sylvia's safety he doesn't do this song and dance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Matiz Vandenboom Character Portrait: Ryelan Maricon Character Portrait: Sylvaria Matthas
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#, as written by Fetch

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sunk down slightly into his seat. He had been mostly ignoring Matiz until the other glanced over at him and he sighed softly. The other was rather composed, but Ryelan doubted he realized the severity of what was to happen to them. They were being shoved into a bloody war, after all, and here was his friend thinking more about food than anything else.

”Hey, now. Whatever happens we’ll tough it out together and we’ll show ‘em all who’s the best guys here in this bunch, huh? Which is us, by the way. As his friend spoke up, Ryelan chuckled softly, the ghost of a grin slipped on his lips, though it was fleeting. “You never fail to improve one’s mood, Matiz.” As he spoke to his friend, his voice didn’t really reach the sincerity of the praise and it fell a bit flat. He was worried of the outcome of this war. The idea of death didn’t really suit him. His attention was shifted elsewhere though as some Duke’s daughter announced herself and her Blessed Child as her servant. Technically they were, but Ryelan had always made a point to introduce Matiz by his name and nothing more. Little details like their standing were rather useless, in his opinion.

The boy with her introduced himself as Al, or Hellstorm, which got a snort out of Ryelan. He shook his head to himself, finding the nickname rather laughable. Just what we need, some pink-haired punk with an edgy nickname. The girl with him didn’t look like she’d be able to hold her weight. He knew of her, at least he knew her father. Ryelan’s father was influential and while Ryelan himself never dealt much with the other families, his parents friends were constantly over.
Turning back to face in front of him, he rested his chin onto the palm of his hand, closing his eyes and sighing softly.

“Say, Matiz?” He tilted his head slightly, looking over at his friend and letting a smile tug at his lips. “How are you feeling? I can’t have you breaking down on me.” His tone was uninterested but his gaze flickered over back at his friend, genuinely concerned with his wellbeing. While the other was daft, Ryelan felt that the other might be more level-headed about their situation. He seemed pretty unfazed about it all, lazily laying in his seat. Ryelan turned his attention to in front of him once more, closing his eyes and smirking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alastor Helstrum Character Portrait: Athena Fausta Character Portrait: Ryelan Maricon Character Portrait: Bellamy Noihaus Character Portrait: Caterina Straetos Character Portrait: Sylvaria Matthas
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0.00 INK


There seemed to be some action going on in the train, Like Athena said, Keeping ties is dangerous, But it seemed the people in the train, COMPLETELY!, disregarded everything in that very sentence. Or at least one person, Sylvaria Matthas, The master of Alastor, Since Fire-man was completely devoted to Sylvaria, She was at least well, known to Athena, Although it is understandable if she is unrecognized by most. Her medical skills were impressive, But they weren't something that people in the kingdom usually talked about, They would either talk about, Sword-Man or Skinny-Man, For lack of a better nickname.

Ryelan Maricon, Also known as Sword-Man, or was pointy objects-man better? Apparently, One of the Best Swordsmen in the kingdom, His family is well-known, So Athena is well-informed about him, But she has never met him in person, for obvious reasons that will remain un-mentioned. His father is a legendary swordsmen, And he should be no exception.

Bellamy Noihaus, Though skinny-man would work just fine, As that is his body type. He might suppress Athena in terms of intelligence, So he kind of bothers Athena, Keeping her distance seems to be the only way to still be able to maintain her dominance, Which left a bitter taste in Athena's mouth.

The rest of the people residing on the train didn't come close to interesting, Athena was always fond of big names, And seeing of the owners could live up to them.

She was still waiting for Ms. Straetos to rescue her from this disgusting, poor-excuse of a train, She knew full well that if she became a foot-solider, She would get killed before the battle even started, She liked it better behind the action, Not in front of it, Calculations were the only thing that Athena had pride in, Not fighting.

For lack of a better word

She was scared

It was a emotion she kept well, Even now, But it seemed one person would always find a way to empathize with her, "Are you hungry?, Athena promptly asked Mei, As a poor attempt to cover what she was feeling.
