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Mijo Kuin

"Hey cutie~" *Winks*

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a character in “Cafe De Milestones”, as played by Mashotu


Mijo Kuin

Name: Mijo Kuin

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Role: Waiter

Sexuality: Bisexual

Image <--- The far left

Personality: Mijo is the epiphany of a flirt. He will try and sweet talk pretty much any woman that walks through the door. For some reason though, most women love and adore him. He just holds a certain charm that demands love and adoration.


~Losing friends
~Being turned down

~Being all alone

~His flirting can get out of hand

History: Mijo has actually had a good life. Nothing tragic has ever really happened and he isn't crazy. He has both of his parents still alive and married and three little siblings. Mijo has grown up a flirt and enjoys seeing the faces the girls, and guys, give him. Though his parents greatly approve, saying he shouldn't mess with peoples hearts, he ignored them and does what he wants.

So begins...

Mijo Kuin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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“Change already!” Cierra demanded, her fingers drumming on the wheel like a nervous twitch. The light changed to green. She steered her way to Milestones, the new restaurant that had just opened. The parking lot was almost filled. “Great. And this was supposed to be my peaceful day off,” She grumbled as she looked around for a parking spot. "No parking spaces? Just my luck," She muttered. Cierra pulled into an empty spot.
"Thank god," She muttered. Cierra felt a bump, and heard a crashing sound. She walked out and looked at the back of her car to see that there was a huge dent in it.
'JERK!" She yelled at the driver who just kept driving. She took a deep, slow breath and walked in. The line was agonizingly long. She took her place in line and grumbled. Cierra could already tell that they had minimal staff. She took a deep sigh and slumped down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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The alarm clock started to buzz. Jordan opened her eyes, her vision slightly blurred as the morning crust greeted her. She rolled over on her side, and spotted the silver painted clock that was making the annoying sound. Grunting, Jordan stretched her hand out, trying to turn it off. She eventually got it to stop, right before she toppled off the bed.

Jordan then got up, and stretched. She walked to the kitchen, and got herself a glass of water, and some bacon. She got on her work uniform, and did her black hair in a high pony tail.
Jordan then left for work, unsatisfied with her luck, as she hit all the red lights, and it didn't help she lived far away from the, her back was still aching from when she fell off the bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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#, as written by Mashotu
Mijo Kuiin

Mijo had woken up to a highly annoyed alarm clock sound. So what does he do? He chucks it across the room of course!
"Guess I'll need to buy a new alarm..." Mijo said once he heard it die. That thing had taken such a beating by him, he was actually surprised it hadn't keeled over a long time ago.

Mijo shower, got dressed, messed with his hair, and headed out to work. He actually didn't live that far away, probably about a half a block. Twirling his apron around his finger (he didn't feel like putting it on yet) he walked over to the cafe.

"Wonder if the others are here yet." He wondered.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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Marcus went for a run this morning around the big city. He loved to get up early to go for runs because he never has time during the day. Today was the day that the restaurant opened, and Marcus was very excited. After a nice shower, Marcus messed his hair up and put on some of his street clothes. He put his work clothes in his backpack and walked out to his car. Marcus skipped breakfast today because he was too excited to work today. "Boy, I hope today turns out great!" Marcus exclaimed as he got out of his driveway. It didn't take him long to get there and found a spot behind the restaurant to park. He got there early so he can start prepping the food.

Soon after, orders started to come in pretty fast. Marcus was a fast cook, so he flew by every order right away, despite having no one else in the kitchen helping him. Few moments later, Marcus heard a crash out front. He peeked through the opening in the wall and saw outside through the front window. It seems that the boss found the late staff we need. They came in after and Marcus was surprised to see that his best guy friend Josh was gonna be working here too. He brushed that delay off, and started to chop the veggies that Josh should have chopped already. "Oh Joshua, you are always late to everything aren't you?" Marcus said to himself as he chopped away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther
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#, as written by RjWaltz
Josh Perkins

Josh rolled over, groggy from his sleepiness. The alarm did him no good, he tried his best to sleep right through it. To no avail, he grabbed the annoying box of shrills and ripped the cord out of the wall. With a swift yawn, he stumbled out of bed and walked into the bathroom three steps away. Josh splashed some water on his face and slipped into his work clothes, all the while half-zombified. When he glanced at the clock, his heart leaped into his throat. He quickly grabbed his coat and helmet, ran outside, and jumped on his bike. The engine roared to life, and he sped down the street. Luckily, he was only a few blocks away from the cafe. Unluckily, he was going to be late that morning, despite his best efforts.

As he pulled into the parking lot, he heard someone call out after a loud crash sound. One of the car involved kept speeding away, right towards Josh. He slammed on his brakes, narrowly avoiding the car himself. The driver slammed on their breaks, colliding with an adjacent pole. Steamed, Josh threw off his helmet and stormed up to the car, pounding heavily on the door.
"Hey, get out of the car!" he yelled. The man behind the wheel fervently tried to lock the door, but Josh wrenched the door open and pulled the man from his vehicle.
"You mind telling me what the hell you're doing?" Josh yelled. The guy covered his face in fear. He shoved the guy hard against the pavement in anger.
"Next time, I'll kick your ass! You're lucky I'm late for work," Josh stomped off and retrieved his helmet from the ground. He picked up his bike off its side, cursing the man under his breath as the man sped away. He drove the bike to a nearby parking lot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK


"Deep breaths Brenda," Brenda said "Today will turn out just fine." She reassured herself as she let her self in at her new restaurant/cafe place. She walked in and took everything in. This place was just like she wanted, and she was happy about it. Not a single thing was out of place, and she planned to keep it that way. "I hope today gets really busy," She hoped as she entered the break room to put her purse in her locker, "Today will be the day that 'Cafe De Milestones' is going to impact everyone's lives." She turned on all the house lights, all the kitchen and bathroom lights, and the window signs. She was now ready to open this place up. "I wonder were the rest of the staff is going to get here." She spoke as she heard the front door open. "Hello, welcome to Cafe De Milestones. Have a seat this way." She greeted the customer nicely.

After a few moments, the restaurant started to fill in fast. With nearly every table full, Brenda was not sure she could handle all these tables by herself. "Damn it, where is everyone?" She cursed as she heard a loud crash outside the front window. Anger filling her head, "There better not be any damage outside!" She mumbled to herself as she stormed out the door. Outside she found who she was looking for, her staff. "Hey! You two are late! Now get inside and do your jobs!" She screamed at the two who stood there. "Come on, before I fire you both on your first day!" She exclaimed louder, making the girl flinch a bit as both went inside. "Gosh, one can't get good help these days." She sighed as she headed inside to attend tables herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Mijo Kuin

Mijo entered the restaurant with a grin placed on his face. He passed a few girls, giving them a wink, before he went into the back. He tied his apron around him and put his hair in a short ponytail. For some reason, women loved the ponytail. Mijo grabbed his silver platter that he carried around, his notepad and a pen that had about 10 different colors.

He ran into Brenda, huffing and puffing. "Someone get up on the wrong side of the bed?" He asked, aimlessly flipping a piece of hair. He knew he wasn't late, and Brenda knew it too. So she couldn't exactly yell at him. But she could, if she felt the need to, fins something else he'd somehow done wrong within the two minutes he's been here. Like, breathing maybe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK


Jordan hurried in, with a neutral face.
"Sorry I'm late..."
She mumbled, adjusting her pony tail, as she walked by Brenda, trying to be swift as she entered the kitchen. She sighed silently to herself, thinking of how bad her day had started....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by RjWaltz
Josh Perkins

Josh looked over at Brenda as he was walking in from the parking lot. He gave her a little wave, showing his scrapped up hand with a little blood on it from when he skidded across the parking lot.
"Oh, hi there. I'm alright, you know. I narrowly avoided becoming a Jackson Pollock in the parking lot a few minutes ago, but let's focus on me being late." He smirked a little, then walked through the back door and through the kitchen to the first aid kit, where he bandaged his hand up and grabbed some latex gloves. After he got the grime off, he went to his locker, where he stashed his helmet and retrieved his apron. Then he weaved his way through the crowd of cooks and waiters getting ready for work and found himself at the prep table. A fellow prep cook haphazardly tossed him a potato.
"Morning. Oh boy, potatoes. My favorite," he mumbled, pulling out his peeler.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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As Marcus continued to chop the veggies, a job that Josh was assigned to do, he noticed that Josh was standing right behind him. "You're late dude," Marcus said casually. "Here, take this potato and chop it good. We have three orders of potato pancakes to dish out." He said sternly as he tossed the potato at Josh. As he tossed it, he noticed that his hand was all bandaged up. "Hey man, are you okay? What up with your hand?" He asked Josh as he came closer to him to look at his palm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK

Cierra looked around. The line was moving, but not very fast. She saw someone that looked familiar,, but brushed it off. She noticed a bright orange waiters and waitress wanted sign. She shrugged. Maybe she'd apply, after all, she didn't want to teach gymnastics to 6 year snot faced kids her whole life. She finally got to the front of the line.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK


Brenda looked over to Mijo who looked way too happy to start working. She gave him a scowl showing the irritation that she was having the the tardiness around here. Marcus was the only one who was really early, while Mijo was barely here on time. Brenda always favored Marcus and his punctuality to everything. He was the only one besides her that would arrive places super early, but not too early. She admired that in him, probably why she had a crush on him. She realized then what she was thinking and brushed it off and continued to scowl. Brenda then scowled at Mijo again and she motioned him to go start work. She never really liked how he flirted with all women, and men on occasion. The morning rush died down to the point where only one person remained in the restaurant. A girl that looked too familiar. A girl that looked just like Jordan, one of her old friends. She went into the kitchen and asked both Joshua and Marcus about the girl. "You guys, you see that girl sitting by herself at the corner?," they both nodded "Doesn't she look like Jordan?" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Mijo Kuin

Mijo gave Brenda a wink before heading off to do his job. He'd flirted through the morning busyness until things slowed down quite dramatically.
All that was left was a sole girl. He could see Brenda chatting up Josh and Marcus. Why was no one paying attention to the girl? She did look a lot like Jordan though... Weird.

Of course, being the ladies man that Mijo is, he walked up to the girl. "May I help you?" He asked, giving her a quick wink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK

(OCC: Cierra hasn't applied for a job yet...)
Cierra rolled her eyes and played with the ring on her finger. It was a birthday gift from her old five friends.
"A table. Leaving me alone would be even better," She crossed her arms.
"Or do you only flirt with girls, and don't do any work?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Mijo Kuin

"Oh. You make my heart hurt." He said as he grabbed a menu using his finger to motion her to follow him. "I do plenty of work. I just like making pretty girls know that they are beautiful~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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"If you don't mind, I'm going to throw up," Cierra rolled her eyes again. She moved her ring around. It fell on the ground, making the locket on it fall open to reveal a picture of the six friends. Cierra picked it up and closed the locket.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Mijo Kuin

This was odd. Usually women loved him...
He saw he locket fall to the ground and inside was a picture. before he could pic it up for her though, she did herself.

"Alright, alright. My name is Mijo and I'm going to be your waiter. Can I start you off with something to drink?" He asked, getting that she was not liking his flirty behavior.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin Character Portrait: Brenda Pedersen Character Portrait: Marcus Hoyle Character Portrait: Jordan McAurther Character Portrait: Joshua Perkins
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Cierra opened the locket once again and stared at it.
"Y'know, you remind me of someone. He was one of my childhood friends, there were six of us, a group of mismatched misfits,"
Cierra closed the locket.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin
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#, as written by Mashotu
Mijo Kuin

"Funny. 'cause I was in a group of mismatched misfits." Mijo said with a sideways smirk, still waiting on her answer, "And trust me. You remind me a lot of one of those girls. Except... Maybe a tad more cruel."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cierra Jenkins Character Portrait: Mijo Kuin
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Cierra shrugged and offered up a small smile.
"There was Jordan, Brenda, JoshMarcus, Mijo and I. I'll have some water, thanks," She said, scratching at her neck. She poked her small scar from when the six were having lunch, and some glass broke and fell on her neck.
"Ow," She winced.
