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Kaiyo Souretsu

The Master of Skikaku

0 · 695 views · located in Kuusou

a character in “Chasing Rin Hayashi”, as played by Snow


Quote: "Oh! You're still here?"

Name: Kaiyo Souretsu

Nickname: Shes commonly referred to as "that beast", but has no set nickname.

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Height: 5'7

Weight: 172lbs (mostly muscle, though she's developing a beer-belly haha)

Sexual Orientation: Whatever looks good.

-Affection towards her.
-Getting in peoples personal space.
-A good joke.
-Getting on ones nerves.
-Making people squirm.
-Soft/fluffy materials.

-When she's low on Sake.
-Being in groups.
-Having to wear clothes all the time.
-People that can heal themselves.
-Seeing men cry.

Group: Master of Skikaku

Partner: Kaiyo works with the other higher-up members of Skikaku, but no one particular partner at this time.

Race: Human

Magic: Kaiyo has developed a magic she calls "Neutral Magic." She can chose to suppress these abilities at anytime so that her use of magic is undetectable. When suppressed her magic can't be used.

1. Neutral Law: Any magic (or inanimate object embedded with magic) that comes in contact with Kaiyos body is nullified and cracks into pieces, which fade away/die off shortly. Even the most powerful magical attacks are rendered useless when contact is made (excluding The Destroyer. Only about 60-85% of her magic can be nullified when in contact with Kaiyo. The more powerful the attack is, the less she can negate.) She can stop the neutralized magic from shattering, but it requires focus and has to be done immediately after contact.
2. Neutral Warning: Can only be used on magic that undergoes Neutral Law and is in its shattered state. Kaiyo can control the neutral magic and either send the sharp shattered magical remains at her opponent(s) or absorb it through her skin and convert it into additional temporary physical strength. The amount of strength gained is dependent on the amount of magic absorbed and will only last for up to two minutes at a time.
3. Neutral Authority: When a persons skin comes in contact with Kaiyos skin, all of said persons magical abilities are completely nullified until seven seconds after contact is broken.

Although Masters can have five magical abilities, Kaiyos' abilities are extremely hard to control due to their power so they're all she can handle at this time.

It should also be noted that she is naturally very strong -proudly beating every man shes ever faced in arm-wrestling- and works hard on keeping up her muscle build (to make up for her lack in offensive-type magic).

Weakness: Kaiyo is highly dependent on sake and starts to go through severe physical and mental withdrawals if she's without it for more than a couple hours. She also has a weakness for soft materials(excluding skin)- seeming to go off in la-la land and become overwhelmed in the softness when in contact. Her offensive capabilities (magic-wise) are completely dependent on the re-use of other peoples magic and are of no help to her against non-magic weapons/attacks.

Equipment - She normally carries a large amount of small throwing knives and at least one flask of sake concealed in her robes. She has always envied demons for their natural strength and is quite fond of wearing an antique demonic mask made of bronze, though it doesn't have any magical properties. She also at times uses the long set of twin blood-red bandages that she wears messily wrapped around multiple parts of her upper body. The bandages contain magical properties that allow them to float in mid air and act upon Kaiyos mental command. She mainly uses them to wrap up opponents or bring her out-of-reach things. Although they are hard to pull apart, they are easily cut with any blade and lose all magical properties once severed.


Personal Description: 5'7, 172lbs, 38DD, size 7. Kaiyo is quite the strange sight. She has dark choppy dyed-blue hair that reaches to her mid-back. Her dark skin- "mocha, heavy on the cream" as she calls it- is marked with multiple faded scars. She is always wearing some kind of dark blue loose-fitting kimono and yellow Obi set. When she isn't wearing her kimono, her muscular build is hard to not notice. Messily wrapped along her forearms is one long blood-red bandage that follows across her back loosely giving both arms full movement. She also has one more long identical bandage wrapped snugly around her lower chest and mid-torso going up around her neck a few times and once snugly across the bridge of her nose. She's usually wearing a large cocky smile on her face which really adds a strange wickedness to her hazel eyes.

Personality: Kaiyo is extremely outgoing and always speaks her mind, not having a shy bone in her body (though that might be from all the sake). Her behavior is far from socially acceptable, and she's overall seen as a brute. She takes pleasure in instigating at every opportunity. She's also a very sexual person and can be a real sadist at times.

History: Her constant recklessness and awful behavior got her kicked out at a young age. Turns out that only helped her fulfill her childhood goal to be the master of something nobody else could- whatever that may be. She slowly worked her way to the top, making connections and doing whatever she needed to do to get what she wanted. She was a fighter, and the streets brought her up strong. After years of hard physical training and crushing all that opposed her she finally became Master of Skikaku at age 23.

So begins...

Kaiyo Souretsu's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evangeline Valentine Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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#, as written by Linky95
Evangeline was begining to take her daily stroll around the Shikaku base when she happened upon the body of her recent Shikaku leader. After carefully examining the instructions and headed off to the coordinates shown in the instructions .

Evangeline walked at a less than productive pace. She wasn't exactly know for arriving "on time". Once she reached the selected spot she immediately located the new leader and took a seat in a nearby tree. She knew the new leader would obviously sense her presence, so she felt no need in going up and announcing that she was there. Evangeline didnt say one word to her new leader. If there was something she needed to know then this new person would probably tell her . And if they didn't then she would just find out herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Florence Batingflay Character Portrait: Chidori Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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As he began making his way to Florence, Razeluxe's blade began to glow blue with an energy that only meant one thing. A clothed blue-haired young woman appeared before him, sporting a playful pose and sticking her tongue out at him. "Ya know it's not nice to lock a girl up! I'm going to do something else! See ya later!" before Razeluxe could even respond, she made her way back to the base. He sighed and could only hope she didn't cause trouble, but he couldn't really go back without worrying about meeting Rin, who was anything but happy.

Razeluxe eventually found Florence talking to someone he didn't know, but he could tell she knew him just by her body language and tone. He walked up and stopped just before them, offering a smile and not noticing his face was partially swollen due to a certain punch from a certain woman. He wasn't really sure what Florence was talking about though. "You did what....?" he asked quietly.


Chidori had made her way back into the base, bored as ever. Pacing the halls of this place wasn't exactly the most fun thing for a girl to do, ya know? Was it possible she was going to die here? Die of boredom?! She frowned at the thought and continued walking aimlessly around the halls until the moment when she was passing the front door, which was then knocked on. She raised an eyebrow. "A visitor?" she walked over to the door and forced it open with a heave before laying her eyes down on a depressing sight of a seemingly injured and hurt woman. "Oh my! Are you okay?" she asked with worry in her voice and the inability to see through such a trick....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Florence Batingflay Character Portrait: Chidori Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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Razeluxe had to admit: that was a pretty good prank. He could only think of the roars of rage that had to occur during such an event. He couldn't help but surpress a chuckle, and temporarily forgot about the arm around his shoulder.

"Wha....?" Razeluxe stared at the green substance she had pulled out of her bag in curiousity. Immediately, she flicked it towards an unfortunate pedestrian and in a few seconds, he was now one with the slime. Raze smiled and turned his head, laughing just a bit due to the hilarity of the man's face. He was obviously surprised and confused as to what just happened, and was trying to flick it off to no avail


"A vampire?" she questioned, scratching her head. "...Couldn't be Raze or Len...." she mumbled before snapping back to attention. "Oh, come in, come in!" she insisted, noticing the shivering that was happening. She went behind Kaiyo and pushed her in enthusiastically, shutting the door behind her. "Name's Chidori, do you mind if I get yours," he smiled, a hand out to shake.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Chidori Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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#, as written by Rari
Len got tired of being alone in the cave so he headed out. he found his was to the entrance and climbed out. len followed the familiar path back to the base and opened the door. Upon entering he noticed Chidori and a woman he didnt recognize.
"Chidori.. who's this?" Len said in his usual voice. After carefully examining the stranger, he noticed the injury on her leg. Len took a rather large step away from the woman, as he suddenly felt uncomfortable around her and her bloody leg. Truth was, Len wasnt sure he could trust himself anywhere near the blood.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Evangeline Valentine Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin
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((Hows this for my awesome recap? xD ))

Setsugie looked as Rin jumped out of no where and hugged Dimitri tightly, he only shrugged at it then he smelled blood close by someone was injured "Setsugie I sense a unfamiliar presence inside the base." Belldandy's words echoed from the blade; the first thing that passed through Setsugie's mind was that the Zero guy had followed them. Setsugie stood up "Be on guard I smell blood." Setsugie said. Then took out a pocky and place it on his mouth pushing a few strands of his white hair of his face and placed his hand on the hilt of his katana. "Len and Chidori are close to the unfamiliar presence it doesn't seem their fighting but one of them is injured. And Dahlia is farther away in one of the corridors." Belldandy said, ' Old trick damsel in distress I see, I hope Len or Chidori can figure that much... And Dahlia seems as clueless as ever I need to train her better and scold the others.' Setsugie thought taking a bite from his pocky and fixed his tuxedo a bit, "Rin and party stay close I will protect you if anything happens." Setsugie said.

Zero ignored Lance's earlier statement looking at a woman in a mid-night blue kimono appear and go inside the Chikyuu no Mirai base, 'So that's the new leader eh?' Zero though as he remembered seeing the dead body of the previous leader when he got back to the base. He read the instructions but decided to do things his own way, one for sure he still wasn't sure if the new leader would be stronger then the weak previous one but considering she could kill the previous one the new leader had some skill at least. "Let's see how this turns out..." Zero mumbles and then spotted Evangeline 'So she met the leader I see.' Zero thought.

Zero stood up and jumped down the building falling to a gentle tap and moved a bit closer to base letting himself be seen by Evangeline so she could know he was here, but kept a low profile so no one in the base would see him.

The setting changes from Chikyuu no Mirai Base to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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#, as written by Rari
Len didnt trust this woman, who was now identified as kaiyo. Nor did he buy her little act. he could tell there was something funny about her from the minute he saw her. People dont just randomly show up injured at the base.
"so, miss did you get that injury?". He said in a monotone voice. He could tell that setsugie and the others were going to arrive shortly so he thought he'd ask a question, just to pass the time until they got there.

The setting changes from Kuusou to Chikyuu no Mirai Base

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow
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With a nod Setsugie walked out of the infirmary and directed himself to the scent of blood walking easily but slowly through the corridors so Rin and the others don't get lost. Soon finding the source there he saw an unfamiliar woman in a dark blue kimono, Setsugie gave the Rin and the others a signal to stop and stay here; then looked back the woman first thing he noticed on the dark blue haired woman was her wound on her leg, he only grunted before making his presence known but repressed all his magic energy to seem like a normal human and on a mental note Setsugie told Belldandy to repress her power as well. He walked up to Len "Hey boss what happened here?" Setsugie said in serious and empty tone hoping that Len would play along with it, Setsugie didn't want to reveal his status to her just yet just to be sure, Len being second in command, God's Hand, and closest to being the leader would be a perfect lie. Then looked at the woman "I was wondering why I smelled blood." Setsugie said looking at her with his empty and sad blue and yellow eyes.

Zero staid close by the entrance of the Chikyuu no Mirai base in case something broke out already sensing the majority of the member all there, he only grinned slightly getting anxious to kill but calmed himself down. Zero wanted to know just how long the new leader would play her game.

The setting changes from Chikyuu no Mirai Base to Kuusou


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Chidori Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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#, as written by Rari
Len immediately picked up on setsugies plan. Quickly realizing that he'd have to lie pretty well in this situation...
" we will chidori.." len said. " well, Miss Kaiyo. If you woud kindly follow us to the infirmary, we can get you patched up." Len said in a friendly tone. Len only used the nicer tone to hopefull make the woman believe that he didnt already know that she was threat. Len glanced to both setsugie and chidori, signaling them to follow.
Len took a few steps towards the infirmary then said. "So, tell me about how you managed to escape the vampire that attaked you."
Len wasnt a very good actor, so he that his prayed that his little act was working at least a little bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Chidori Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin glanced from Setsugie, to Len, to Chidori, and then to the mystery woman. She then glanced back to Len and followed him. She knew that everyone was suppressing their powers, but Rin didn't really know how to do that. All she knew was that she was trying really hard (Which didn't matter because it didn't work either way.). She stayed close to Setsugie the whole time like he said while also keeping the same distance to Len. She had to keep the same distance. If this lady somehow figured out that she was the destroyer, then she would know she'd be keeping close to the leader, which in this case, was Len.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Chidori Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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#, as written by Snow
Kaiyo's eyes narrowed at seeing how Chidori, who was now backing away, even realized something wasn't quite right in the atmosphere. She turned to Len and began to follow him. Despite his friendly words, Kaiyo couldn't help but ponder if he was leading her into a trap. That's when he asked her about the vampire, and she grinned lightly. Ahh, so he is suspicious.

"Let's just say, they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.. Know what I mean?", Kaiyo said happily, tapping her head with her index finger. That's when she couldn't take it anymore. She had to look back, had to see whom it was that held such a deep, magical aura. It was hard pin-pointing if it was all Rin's, or Setsugie's and Rin's combined. She merely flashed a smile towards Rin and looked back at Len.

"Actually, forget the medical attention. All I really need is some rest and I'll be on my way.", she said, stretching her arms forward.

"You seem to be the leader.", she said to Len. "Would it be too much of a trouble for me to simply spend the night?", she asked coyly. Either way you looked at it, people were never likely to throw out a young injured female into the cold, raining night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Zero Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
(OOC: Hey guys! School got me for a while, but I finally made some time to post! Yay! Expect some future posts!!!)

Dimitri nearly leaped out of his skin as his name was cried out and a random person began to hug him. He relaxed as he recognized Rin being extremely worried in the angry sort of way that reminded him of his mom...or possibly any mom. He chuckled as he embraced the hug. A feeling of warmth crept over him. He stared at Rin, smiling. She looked beautiful, heavenly...
I am so in love with you...
He had to bite his tongue to stop that remark from slipping out. It would practically be embarrasing. His face turned a deep crimson.
The hugging stopped.
He looked up and saw Rin backing away in what appeared to be embarrasment.
"C'mon, Rin. I don't bite. It's okay!" he tried to sound cool, but his bravado ended when his voice cracked at the end. Once again, his face turned crimson and he had to swallow his pride.


Willow's eyes shifted to where she saw a blurred movement in the corner of her eye, breaking away from the paralyzing trance she was in with her tail. A girl was hugging Dimitri. Immediately, an aura filled the air, a warm, lush aura. Willow instantly recognized it...the aura of love. Willow watched in fascination as the girl back off and Dimitri's face turn red. Her eyes lit up. Unpronounced love, she thought. It was the kind of love usually found in teens and young adults. It was a thing of beauty in her own eyes. It was nature.
He heard a high-pitched crackin Dimitri's voice and had to put a...paw in her mouth to keep herself from laughing. Oh, this was TRUE unpronounced love, she thought.
Suddenly, her predator senses were tingling and her Guardian senses reeked of evil presences. Willow immediately got up. "Well, I'll leave you two alone to...catch up," she muttered before bounding out the door to the presence. It appeared to lead her just outside of the Chikyuu no Mirai base...


Lance chuckled inside as Zero ignored him, apparently annoyed...or at least that's what he thought was the emotion Zero was relaying to him. Another person could be sensed and he turned to find Kaiyo Souretsu. So this was our infamous new leader, he thought. I guess the plans changed...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Setsugie Roentel Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Chidori Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
((OOC: No problem XD ))

Rin took awhile to notice she was holding Dimitri's hand and when she sensed someone else in the base, her grip tightened. She didn't like the thought of someone that Setsugie was cautious of. She hated to admit it, but she was slightly afraid. Upon noticing they were getting close, she quickly let go of his hand. It was nice to be close to a friend for support but she knew someone would take it the wrong way.

"Hey boss what happened here?" Setsugie said in serious and empty tone as he looked at Len. "I was wondering why I smelled blood." Setsugie said looking at the new girl with his empty and sad blue and yellow eyes.

"In the middle of trying to escape the clutches of a vampire I stumbled and got a bit messed up.", she said calmly back as she reached to the back of her kimono and pulled the half empty bottle of sake out of her Obi to take a swig. "Don't get me wrong. I wasn't expecting a welcoming party or anything, but is there at least a medic here?", she asked with a smile.

"Uwahh.....we should help her..." the Chidori insisted lightly, looking towards Len since he was the superior at the moment.

"We will Chidori.." Len reassured Chidori. "Well, Miss. Kaiyo. If you would kindly follow us to the infirmary, we can get you patched up." Len said in a friendly tone.
He turned around and started walking while signalling for them to follow. "So, tell me about how you managed to escape the vampire that attacked you."

Rin glanced from Setsugie, to Len, to Chidori, and then to the mystery woman. She then glanced back to Len and followed him. She knew that everyone was suppressing their powers, but Rin didn't really know how to do that. All she knew was that she was trying really hard (Which didn't matter because it didn't work either way.). She stayed close to Setsugie the whole time like he said while also keeping the same distance to Len and Raze. She had to keep the same distance. If this lady somehow figured out that she was the destroyer, then she would know she'd be keeping close to the leader, which in this case, was Len.

"Let's just say, they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.. Know what I mean?", Kaiyo said happily, tapping her head with her index finger. Suddenly, she turned her head and flashed a smile at Rin. "Actually, forget the medical attention. All I really need is some rest and I'll be on my way.", she said, stretching her arms forward. "You seem to be the leader.", she said to Len. "Would it be too much of a trouble for me to simply spend the night?", she asked coyly.

Rin smiled back as best as she could but she knew she was freaking out inside. A voice in her mind was making the situation worse by giving horrible ideas like 'What if she's the leader of the Shikaku', which she immediately dismissed for the reason of being obvious bull shit. She also just specified the voice as her freaking out instead of her power's sense of people, which it seemed, to her, that she would never master it.

((OOC: Sorry for all the copying and pasting guys. Trying to sum it up with many big points))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
Dimitri watched as words were exchanged between Len and Kaiyo. He kept his hat down and tried to remain as a background character. He didn't know who this person was and for all he knew, she could be with the Shikaku. Although it was highly unlikely, he didn't take chances. Fortunately, he was also the best at being unnoticed. While she stood there, bleeding, he tried to sense any magical being inside of her and came up with nothing. She was probably a simple human who just ended up here, hurt. Things like that happen. he thought, trying to rationalize everything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
"Let's just say, they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.. Know what I mean?", Kaiyo said happily, tapping her head with her index finger.

"Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, eh?" Len said, hoping that he could play the angry card long enough that she'd either get discouraged or he'd think of what to do.
"In case you didn't know," He started before looking back at Kaiyo straight in the eyes as his narrowed. "I'm also a Vampire. Got anything else to say about my kind while your at it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Snow
Oh, man. Nice job Kaiyo, insulting the leader like that. She sighed, she just knew she blew all chances of being liked enough to be trusted.

"I hope your kind is fast.", Kaiyo said as she threw her body weight to the side, lifting her left leg in an attempt to tornado kick him in the side of his face. As she did so, she slid her right in between her kimono, grasping a miniature throwing knife between each finger in case anyone else made a sudden move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Willow Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Guest
Dimitri hopped into action immediately. The moment the mysterious girl said her little quip, he knew it was going to be an attack. Dimitri jumped forward, blocking the kick with his wrist. As he did so, his other hand had grabbed a throwing knife and tossed it at Kaiyo, grabbing another one with his other hand, ready to throw it as she saw the woman with six knives between her fingers. Now where do I go to learn that?

Willow was laying down, trying to distinguish this new person and the extremely powerful one that was SOMEWHERE around her, when the woman went on the offensive. Honestly, she wasn't expecting this and her sudden tornado kick caught her off guard. Luckily, it didn't phase Lance as he was able to block it with his fist. He caught the gleam of steel as Lance and the girl drew knives. Willow watched in fascination, waiting for a chance for her to enter the fight.

Lance watched as her accidental insult led her into going onto the attack. She nearly tornado kicked Len and Lance was about to celebrate in his head when Lance approached the scene and blocked the kick. Oh the little twerp...

Part of him wanted to join the fray and kick a few teeth in. And yet...

A part of him wanted to see this fight rather than watch it. He could step in if she needed it, but he wanted to see how great of a fighter their new leader was and if she was worthy of the position. He had a little envy that he didn't become the new Shikaku leader. He wanted to see the competition and how much better was her fighting compared to his.

So he hung back, watching as Kaiyo drew knives as well as Lance. He'd also step in and stop the fight if Lance was near death. He didn't want to watch Kaiyo kill him. He wanted to kill him and laugh while he gutted him. That fight was going to be between brothers and no one else is to lay a finger on him...and not even the leader of the Shikaku was going to stop him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin's eyes widened as she got ready to fight. She didn't want to give away that she was the destroyer so she slid out her twin swords that she spent the beginning half of her life mastering... and if anything went wrong, she could always use her powers as a back up. She quickly slashed at Kaiyo while keeping her guard up. She was not going to be surprised and if she was, she already had gotten a blast of power ready if needed. She was not going to let everyone else fight without her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Snow
(sorry should've made that clear only her right hand is holding knives. Her left is still holding her half empty bottle of sake haha)

Kaiyo pushed her leg off from his wrist and spun around fully, waving her left arm whilst letting a small throwing knife in between her thumb and index finger go and collide mid-air with the knife Dimitri threw. The knife wasn't the only thing that left her quickly waving arm. The rain water that collected at the bottom of her kimono sleeve was forced out by the momentum, and would likely splash both Dimitri and Len in the face. Kaiyo hoped it would put them into a temporary state of blindness/confusion and buy her a moments time as she saw another person make their move.

She stopped her spin to face Rin, who was now aiming to slash at her with one of her swords. The same hand that threw the knife stopped, palm facing Rin, to intercept the blow of the sword. She merely loosened the grip between her fingers so that the top of the three remaining knives could slid down the palm of her hand. Metal on metal clashed as her sword made contact with the metal knife handles against Kaiyo's palm.

Now it was Kaiyo's turn. Her eyes narrowed as she stopped suppressing her magical energy. The aura was powerful and despite Kaiyo's appearance, didn't give off a dark or evil presence. Even though her magic was available to use, she went with a more physical approach.

Kaiyo grasped the sword's blade with her hand, the handles of the knives protecting her hand from the sharp side of the blade. Being naturally very strong, Kaiyo went to pull the sword down to the side in an attempt to twist it out of Rin's hand. It would force Rin's arm back until she'd have to either let go, or let her arm itself snap at the elbow. Most likely Rin would be forced to let go, and once that would happen Kaiyo would aim to smash the handle of the sword straight into Rin's stomach. If the hit connected with her stomach or was blocked by Rin's other sword, she'd merely retaliate by tossing the sword in her hand towards the opposite end of the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu
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#, as written by Kaire23
Rin gasped in pain as her arm twisted and she quickly slashed with her other sword. She didn't want to lose the sword just then and give this girl any advantage by having a sword in use. Not being able to hold on any longer without her arm breaking, she let go and continued her attack with her other sword. Her other hand grabbed for the sheath to use as something to block attacks and once in hand, she pulled it out of it's tie and held it semi close. This way, she had another back up plane before letting her powers out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Dimitri Godwin Character Portrait: Kaiyo Souretsu Character Portrait: Lance Godwin
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#, as written by Guest
((OOC: Sorry for my delay. I had to run 3 miles in the Mountain West Classic X-C Race. 19:53 was my time, my best yet!!!))

Dimitri only saw the clash of steel as his knife collided with hers and both went spinning in another direction. Then, a gush of water splashed onto his face and he stepped back, wiping the water off with his sleeve. He saw Rin go on the offensive and the mystery girl countered effectively. A powerful aura emitted through the air that could've only came from the girl. It sent a shudder down his spine. It neither had an evil precense nor a good one. What kind of magic was she hiding?

He stepped forward now, taking the opportunity of the girl being distracted by Rin to let loose two throwing knives, then unsheathed his short sword, a loud hiss emerging as the metal slid along the leather sheath. He twirled it around his head, then brought the blade down, aiming at the shoulder of their attacker. He didn't want to kill her or really anyone. His main goal was to get intel and he was usually pretty good at getting that, passively or aggressively.


Lance watched in almost perplexed fascination as he saw Kaiyo's tactics. She was as fast as Dimitri, if not faster. Then The Destroyer stepped forward and now it was a fight between the two. While Rin went on the offensive, an aura went through the air, a very powerful and yet unknown aura. It had no hint of darkness or light. It was...neutral. So that's how she did it, Lance thought. It was a unique form of magic that Kaiyo had aquired that not only had a physical effect on her opponents, but a mental one as well. Very impressive...