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Crowns and Empires

The Forgotten World


a part of Crowns and Empires, by masato22.


masato22 holds sovereignty over The Forgotten World, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

3,456 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

"crowns and empires" is a remake of an roleplay named "crowns and swords" created by gogokeepgoing.


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The Forgotten World is a part of Crowns and Empires.

28 Characters Here

Amelia Stormborn [62] "I am Amelia Stormborn, and I will defend what is mine with fire and blood!"
Khal Jinn [56] "I will fulfill my destiny, and I will break all those who think to stand in my way."
Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai [42] "Welcome to the Country of Anansai, may we bring you good fortune."
Eira Gunvald [35] They won't even see it coming.
Soo-Min Kwon [30] "Glad to be of service, milady!"
Katsura Shiraishi [30] "Masaki, whether I win or lose, live or die, I'll always be by your side."
Himiko Hatsumomo [29] "I know what spirits see, fore it is also in my mind..."
Tyra Leiknir [29] The Leiknir will rule!
Masaki Mizuno Wa [29] "Will our love lead fate to smile upon us or bring us to ruin?"
Ulfar Leiknir [29] For the Glory of Leiknir!

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Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Eddard Snow Character Portrait: Robb Snow
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Lord Snow's legs burned as he pushed himself faster and faster. The brisk walk was in a way, harder on his aging body than a full out sprint would have been. Trying to move as swiftly as possible all the while trying to keep some level of decorum and refrain from running like a fool through the halls of the castle. At his side his wife moved just as fast, struggling even more than he was for she had a flowing night blue gown to contend with. Even in the mad dash Ned could not help but marvel at his wife's beauty. An older woman for sure, not the young flowers dancing around the castle that so many credit as beautiful but hers was a beauty that came with time, history and love between two souls.

Both parents had a child in tow, Eddard rushed with Bran holding the boy by the hand while Catelyn did the same with the couples youngest Rickon. Arya ran ahead, darting from cover to cover playing that she was an assassin on a mission despite her mothers scoldings to come back by their side. The Snow family was incredibly late to the feast thanks in large part due to that same little girl. She and her brother had gotten into a fight resulting in Bran being tossed in the mud. In return Bran threw mud at his sister resulting in both of them needing to be washed and changed last minute. So now they ran, the whole family minus Robb who was already in attendance escorting a princess on his arm.

Arya could not care less about the feast, being late, any of it. She was on assignment, hired by her king to slay an evil wizard. She crept through the darkness, ready to skewer her target with her imaginary dagger. She turned back to see her family rushing after her but her eyes only saw the warlock's zombie guards coming to consume her flesh. She darted forward, ready to break into a mad dash to flee the undead horde when she ran into a wall of muscle.

She bounced back and looked up to see a giant. His dark eyes looking down at her curiously. His body, larger than any man's she'd ever seen. He wore no armor or jerkin which she'd found odd. Instead his shoulders and chest had blue stripes on them that made him kind of look like a tiger. He had long, long hair that was braided down his back. Arya had never seen a man with hair that long before.

"Are you a giant?"

She asked boldly.



Jinn arched an eyebrow at the curious young girl looking up at him.


He asked, as if unsure he'd heard her correctly. The girl put her hand on her hip with sass far beyond her years.

"A giant, you do know what a giant is don't you?"

Jinn could not help but smirk.

"I do."

"So.... are you?"

She asked again, unphased by the mountain of a man before her.

"Not that I know of."

Jinn replied. The little girl just grunted under her breath as she shrugged her shoulders.

"You look like one."

The Khal chuckled as he looked down at the brazen little child just as the child's parents came rushing up. A pale older man and his wife, both pale of skin and lacking the look of the locals. He wore dark colors and had a closely shaved beard that was dotted with white, showing his age. He grabbed hold of the girl and pulled her back, pushing her to her mother who promptly scolded her.

"My apologies Khal Jinn, my daughter can be a bit forward."

He said in breathless apology. Jinn waved the apology away with a smile.

"No need, your young one was just curious whether or not I was a giant."

Lord Snow sighed with a laugh and turned to look back at Arya who just shrugged at him as if to ask 'what?' Eddard turned back around to offer his hand to the Khal in respect.

"Lord Eddard Snow."

Jinn shook the man's hand firmly as the name rung out in his mind with familiarity.

"Snow? I've heard the name before."

"My father was to be king once. Fought a war and everything. Except he lost."

Arya offered smartly. Her mother promptly pinched her elbow silencing her. Eddard sighed and nodded to the Khal confirming his daughters words. Jinn nodded in recollection as the tale of the fabled King of the South began to flood into his mind. The honorable king of the wolves had been the first legitimate chance of a unified South Pacific in centuries yet from the legend the King of the South was defeated not by blade but by pen, he'd lost his kingdom due to the corruption of the nobility. Something Jinn did not allow to happen when he conquered the kingdom years later for honeyed words mean little when the fire rises.

"The King of the South. I know your tale well, do you know they have a song about you?"

Eddard just shook his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sure it's not very good."

The two men shared a short laugh before Eddard beckoned to his wife.

"Apologies, this is my wife Catelyn..."

The woman, red of hair curtsied regally to the Khal who nodded respectfully.

"My youngest Rickon, then Bran.... and you've met Arya."

Arya smirked boldly as her father said her name. Jinn only smiled and gave her a firm nod.

"Three children? You don't make it easy on yourself Lord Snow."

"Four actually, my eldest is around here somewhere. And no I don't."

The adults all shared a short laugh as the sounds and smells from the dinning hall reached them.

"It looks like the feast is beginning husband."

Catelyn said, obvious she still felt ashamed they were so late.

"Walk with me then, I'm sure you're queen will forgive you if you were only entertaining her guests."

Jinn offered. Eddard smiled and nodded.

"I'm sure she would, it would be an honor Khal."

Jinn turned and lead the family into the feasting hall where Dothraki and noble alike had already began pouring in to the delictable feast where every delight imaginable could be found. Roast boar and venison, quail and duck, poached salmon, trout and swordfish were all laid out spectacularly. Wines, ales and mead of every kind were set up in great kegs with mugs nearby for easy access to the swill. Then finally there was what the Snow children had their eye on, the deserts. Sweet cakes and pies, creme delights and sugar coated chilled fruits. Truly this was a feast of special magnificence. The two men continued to talk casually as they walked into the hall, Jinn was fast beginning to take a liking to this older man from his home land.



The first of the Snow children walked now beside the princess from Anansai. The battle still fresh in his mind, he wondered how he'd fare against the beast of a man from the west. Yet the beauty at his side took his mind from the beast. He looked at her and noticed her eyes were out of focus as if she was drifting away. He nudged her gently and gave her a soft smile as the pair slowly made their way towards the feasting hall.

"Is everything well princess? You seem troubled."

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"Is everything well, Princess? You seem troubled." Robb spoke after giving her a gentle nudge. Tenanye smiled. "Not troubled but a little homesick." She admitted. "I only just realised that I am the furtherest away for home as I've ever been." She said. "I've been on countless peace journies yet, this is the furthest I've gone in the effort. I am probably going to miss the Hinamatsuri festival due to the distance." She said softly. She took a breathe and smiled genuinely "But it is not for naught as my people will have what it lacks and I will return soon." she said even though there was a cold chill that ran up her spine. As if something wasn't quite right.

"Come. We have a feast to attend and I am quite famished." She said changing the subject and gesturing toward the feasting hall where music could already be heard.

Soo-Min grinned as Moon called her 'hime' It made a blush redden her face. She was most certainly not a princess but he sure made her feel like one.

She hoped one day she could find someone as sweet as Moon would capture her heart and take her mind away from the Princess. Tenanye was her best friend, but she could not be her lover as well. She understood that now.

As Moon left as did Soo-Min. She made her way toward the feasting hall where she spotted Tenanye with a man. Soo-Min sighed. Tenanye's beauty knew no bounds, it seems she could find a suitor anywhere. She'd found two in the span of a few hours. Soo-Min wondered how many she would find in a day of being here. "Tenanye-sama!" Soo-Min called, trying her best to keep her thoughts from going elsewhere as she saw the torch light give the Princess' bronze skin an orange glow. Tenanye turned and smiled. "Soo-Min, Feeling better?" She asked and Soo-Min nodded. Of course, she could not hide her solemnity from the Princess' keen eyes. It was hard to get anything passed her. "Aye, Milady. I believe I was still feeling the effects of the night on the ship." She said sheepishly. Soo-Min wasn't specific, lying to the Princess was nearly impossible. She'd see right through it. "Ah, Yes, Motion sickness can be tricky, I am glad you are well, We are about to attend the feast, This is Sir Robb Snow. Eldest of the House of Snow." Tenanye said gesturing to Robb. Soo-Min bowed respectively. "Nice to make your acquaintance, Sir Snow." She said. "This is Soo-Min Kwon. My lady-in-waiting." Tenanye said. Lady in Waiting in Anansai culture was different then most, it meant, Soo-Min was her Guardian as well as an attendant. She protected and served the Princess and her alone.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Ulfar couldn’t help but notice the unease his question had caused amongst Katsura and Masaki. Hatsumomo spoke first, breaking the tension “No I have no children. I wonder if I ever will. I’m not sure if a child would tolerate me”. The break in the silence was a great relief, today was going to be a good day and the idea of putting off his allies was not the Hersir’s intentions.

“I was once a husband and a father. However I lost my wife and son during the imperial succession war. They were killed defending our home in an assassination attempt. My son was 10 years old. I miss them dearly.” Katsura replied hesitantly.

Ulfar looked back towards the road as he thought on the general’s story. “I too lost children to war. My two suns were killed by Baldr in talks of peace and my wife was taken from me just two winters ago.” He told them, his eyes glazed slightly betraying little emotion on the matter. Tyra however hung her head low, her bubbly personality seeming all but deflated at the matter. That wound was still fresh in her mind. “The gods can work in strange ways at time.” Ulfar said solemnly. “But we know they all await us in Valhalla probably drinking the great halls of the gods dry.” He added quickly bringing the conversation back to happier tones.

“Well Wa princesses definitely don’t go hunting that’s for sure.”

“N…no hunting? Tyra asked dumbfounded.

“I mean Wa noble women spend a large amount of time composing Haiku or poems about aesthetics and the seasons, or coordinating what kimono they’ll wear that best fits the seasonal aesthetics. It’s a very different world.”

“Tyr, hlifa mik!” Tyra prayed in the Fyrkat tongue, almost distressed. “Father, please don’t make me become a Skald, I… I’ll bring you all the mead you could drink, I promise!” she added.

Ulfar gave a might laugh, his voice booming across the mountains. “I was going to say that I had no intentions of forcing you to stop you being anything you want but now I’m more inclined to agree with the Wa custom.”

Tyra gave a half smile, sinking happily into her saddle as Masaki continued. “I mean, I as the crown prince was only formally taught self-defence. However it was not until I pledged my service to Lord Katsura that I became a warrior to be taken more than seriously. Because of this, my husband is considered quite the trouble maker from the perspective of the nobility for taking my focus away from my imperial duties. Hilarious right?”

Tyra raised an eyebrow at this strange notion. “Really? All Fyrkat children are taught to fight, even those who go on to be blacksmiths and foresters. And for Hersirs, Jarls and even Huskarls it is really important to be able to fight. The Hersir families were chosen by Odin himself after all.”

The group continued in small conversation as they ascended the mountain, eventually the great city of the Northern Kings finally came into view. It was massive, far greater than the holds that Ulfar and taken the Wa too and obviously far better armed. As the group grew closer to the great gates of the fortress the snow seemed to actually subside as though this spot was protected from the weather. The climate even seemed to improve slightly, though it only more towards the weather customary in the Leiknir lands.

Ten great flags adorned atop the walls, though the Leiknir only paid attention to one in particular, like it’s nine counterparts it was easily twice the size of a horse, a great wolf head on a dark green back ground. All of the soldiers in the party saluted their leader’s standard, a sound like the crack of mountains echoing across the mountainous path. The only one who made little acknowledgement of the flag was Ulfar whom instead raised his fist high in the air in salute to his soldiers.

Tyra leant across towards the Wa leaders once this small ceremony was complete, “The flags are the standards of each of the Hersirs, every one of them a depiction of their names. Ulfar, means Wolf Army in the common tongue.” She explained as they passed under the great gate, a throng of people welcoming the party into the city, it seemed hundreds had thronged to the great fortress in anticipation of the Hersirs arrival, such a meeting was a rare occasion of course.

Children ran to the soldiers offering flowers and rune stones all bearing the jagged lines of the Fyrkat writing, each intended on bringing luck, protection and honour. The people seemed less distrustful then Tyra had been at first of the Wa and no one shied away from bring the Samurai or the mages of Mildorian.

The procession continued through the city all warriors forming into ranks as the carts passed through to a different destination, the Hersir was headed straight for the great palace of Nordanverdr. Today the Hersirs would finally be disbanded at the war could be put to rest.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Katsura Shiraishi, Himiko Hatsumomo, Faramir Elendil

Faramir found the other’s conversation about family quite interesting. Hearing what he did about Katsura, Ulfar, and Tyra’s loses helped him appreciate their strength of character even further. Faramir was well acquainted with what it feels like to lose people around him, having lived for so long. Faramir has two sons and a daughter, however most are unaware that he has children. He simply remained quiet and thought about his sons and daughter for a moment. After hearing of Katsura and Ulfar’s loss of children Faramir felt quite grateful.

The procession led the group to a rather majestic place. The Wa leaders were quite impressed and awe struck with surrounding area. Faramir and the magicians of the magician’s tower looked upon the great hall impressed. “There is a great energy here.” Faramir said with a calm smile. He enjoyed the sacred energies that this place was filled with. “The stones here tell quite the story. It’s simply amazing. You are rightfully a proud people.” Faramir by this point had taken a liking to the culture and history of Fykat. Although, for him the weather left a lot to be desired heat wise.

Tyra leant across towards the Wa leaders once this small ceremony was complete, “The flags are the standards of each of the Hersirs, every one of them a depiction of their names. Ulfar, means Wolf Army in the common tongue.” She explained as they passed under the great gate, a throng of people welcoming the party into the city, it seemed hundreds had thronged to the great fortress in anticipation of the Hersirs arrival, such a meeting was a rare occasion of course.

Children ran to the soldiers offering flowers and rune stones all bearing the jagged lines of the Fyrkat writing, each intended on bringing luck, protection and honour. The people seemed less distrustful then Tyra had been at first of the Wa and no one shied away from bring the Samurai or the mages of Mildorian.

Faramir dismounted from his horse and smiled at the joyful children that gave him their gifts. He likes children, they were pure and not yet swayed by the vices of the world. Faramir picked up a pebble from the ground and clasped it in his hands. The children stood around wondering what the mage was about to conjure up. When Faramir opened his hands up, about 20 tiny sparkling pixies flew into the air. The children were thrilled by the magic trick. Masaki smiled at the mage. There was more to him that he had initially thought.

Hatsumomo found the land of Fyrkat to be very interesting. The climate, the culture and customs, even that history were all very different. It was a very interesting experience being with the Leiknir. Katsura took in all the sights of the moment. He was proud to be amongst the warriors who helped to bring Fyrkat to its destined place. He turned toward Masaki with a proud smile. “I’m so glad that you fought the Wa imperial council so that you could accompany me here. I couldn’t imagine this experience without you.” Katsura said proudly.

Masaki placed a hand on Katsura’s shoulder, “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. I know we helped fight a war but it somewhat feels like a vacation don’t you think?”

“I agree. It has been quite the adventure.” Katsura replied. Life amongst the Wa nobility was so demanding and stuffy the spouses felt great to be in Fyrkat. It was a breath of fresh air.

Faramir could feel the 108 stars of destiny shining brightly. He knew Ulfar, Tyra, Masaki, Katsura as well as Hatsumomo were all appointed stars of the 108. They were destined to play an important role in the historical events to pass in the future. Faramir walked up to Tyra with a friendly smile. “Lady Tyra, I hope you are ready for your future. I’m sure not only Fyrkat, but other nations as well, will need your strong spirit to overcome future hurdles.”

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Eddard Snow Character Portrait: Robb Snow
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Amelia now stood within the large dining hall as she and the knights of the Queensguard helped to seat people as quickly as possible so that the food could be brought out. The Silver Queen hadn't eaten anything all day and was famished so she was more than ready to get the feasting underway. She assumed that most of her guests had been seated seeing as the seats were really filling up in the hall. She instructed the knights of the Queensguard to go take their seats as it was always time for the food to be served.

She was starting to think that none of the Snow family members would be in attendance when she spotted Robb with the Princess that had come with Khal Jinn linked together. There was a unusual look plastered on Robb's face that told her that something was going on there but she didn't have to the time to figure that out now. Both the Khal and the other foreigners that had come with him would be leaving the day after the feast so she was not concerned about it. Amelia was fine with the knight associating the royal just as long as Robb did nothing to upset the Princess or anything of that nature. With the Khal resigning his support to the Drake King she didn't want any other nations having a reason to fill the now vacant slot.

When Khal Jinn entered the dining hall she was surprised and yet happy to see the other members of the Snow family walking along with him. "Aunt Catelyn!" Amelia said happy when she came into arms reach and she could embrace her aunt who she hadn't seen in far to long. While her uncle Ned did keep her informed and up to date on the family and the shenanigans of the kids it did not compare to actually being with them. As the embrace fell she smiled "It has been far to long since the last time I've seen you all." Shifting her gaze to look at Lord Eddard, "Better late than never." she said with a lighthearted head shake and eye roll of disapproval. The Snow family was a pretty large family and she understood especially giving the rowdiness of the Snow children how it could take a while for them to get ready.

"We should all get to our seats as am sure people are more than ready for the feast to commence." Amelia herself was more than ready to eat for she feared if she didn't eat something soon people would be able to hear the rumbling coming from her empty stomach. She lead the way to the table reserved for the Khal and Queen, members of the Dothraki such as Qotho and there was room for the Snow family at the table. Taking her seat at the center of the table she ordered for the food to be served and the servants came out and started carving the meat and doing other such task.

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Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Eddard Snow Character Portrait: Robb Snow
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Robb nodded slowly with an understanding that only came from experience. He knew all too well the stinging bite of longing for home. Robb had only been a boy when he left the cold south of the South Pacific. Fleeing for their lives and seeking a better future across the sea the entire Snow family had been uprooted and moved. Yet it was Robb who remembered, the only Snow child who did remember.

"Ah yes... I feel for you princess. I know the pain well. I left home when I was very young and came to this place. My siblings grew up here so they don't know anything else but me?..Oh I remember home just fine. I miss it."

Then he turned to Tenanye and gave her a reassuring smile as the two entered the dining hall.

"But you, you shall see home again. Fret not my lady."

As the pair entered the feast delicacies of every kind were being brought out to the hungry patrons that were now filling the hall. Attendants quickly collected Robb and Tenanye and brought them to the long head table where the Snow family was seated along with one or two of the Dothraki, their Khal and the Queen whom were seated next to each other. Robb greeted his mother, kissed his sisters and tousled the hair of his younger brothers before taking his seat.



Eddard and the family began to bow as the Queen approached but quickly stopped as Amelia embraced Catelyn. Eddard could not help but chuckle warmly, she was not one for formalities when it came to the family. It did make him happy to see her so relaxed, the worries of rule seemed to be lifted, even if it was just for a night. Eddard's eyes flicked to the massive Khal Jinn standing beside him who seemed uncharacteristically tired. He had not had a chance to ask him how the conversation between him and his Queen had gone but if Amelia was in this good of a mood he assumed it went well.

Dare he give into hope and think that Jinn had changed his mind? The fearsome ruler of the west, brought to mercy by the Silver Queen? This Jinn was unlike any ruler Eddard had ever met. Truly a mystery, a man of many natures. Savage yet kind, fearsome yet noble. If Eddard's guess was right then Khal Jinn had earned Eddard Snow's respect for certain.

The family was led to their seats as the food was brought out and it was there they were reunited with their eldest son, Robb who came in with the princess from Anansai on his arm. Eddard smiled and greeted his son before taking his seat. The feast was about to begin.



Jinn watched as the moon Queen approached, a smile that could shine out the sun on her face. She truly was a beautiful creature. She hugged Lord Snow's wife before taking a moment to playfully chide the Lord himself. Jinn caught himself staring at her and had to blink and turn away to collect himself. He growled under his breath as he rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. To anyone watching it would have appeared as nothing more than tiredness plaguing the Khal.

The Queen then led them all to the head table that overlooked the entire feast. Here the entire Snow family had seats along with some of Jinn's top riders. Qotho was there enjoying the fine honeyed wine as the food was brought to him. Jinn passed by and was brought to the seat directly beside the Queen and the two were seated. Jinn grunted as he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. He would have much rather preferred eating alone at the moment, in the darkness of a quiet room where he could think in peace. A trait he'd picked up from prison and never been able to shake. He felt the most comfortable in the dark, in his domain. For the shadows belonged to him.

Now he sat in all the brightness and light of a land not his own, with people not his own and all the while a vision of beauty sat beside him whose emerald eyes seemed to entrance him so. Jinn turned his head to look upon her. The one that fire did not touch was seated beside him, the key to his destiny. The one person he'd spent his life searching for and here she was. Yet now that he'd found her he had not the slightest notion of what to do. The whole business was beginning to wear on Jinn's nerves. Simply returning home tomorrow did not feel like the correct course of action, it felt like abandoning what he'd found yet warring with her was not the option either.

Jinn sighed and put his elbow on the table as he rubbed his temples middle finger and thumb in frustration. He was so lost yet he saw not the path to travel to find the light again. So wrapped up in his minds turning Jinn did not even notice the food that was placed before him.

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Eira Gunvald

“On the contrary it hasn’t been long enough. I managed to elude the giant Khal Jinn, the silver tongued witch Amelia, the Anansai princess, and the Snow family. What a fool I was to think I’d slip into the South Atlantic Kingdom and pull the wool over your ever awake eyes!” Liloon retorted. “Shall we handle this civilly? I’d hate to impose on you any further. I needed to be on my way anyhow. Another time, Eira dear?”

Eira’s grip remained unwavering as Liloon attempted to break free. “Unfortunately I can’t let you go so easily, Liloon. You see it is my job to stop people such as yourself successfully spying on the South Atlantic Kingdom and for such a comment on our queen I really can’t let you go without punishment.”

“I’m not alone. I really don’t want either of us to have to take part in a rumble. You know how ghastly us merfolk can be in groups. So let’s at least have a chat and call it even. I give you a little information and you share something interesting with me, since we’re both in the information gathering business.” Liloon pleaded, she was evidently desperate to escape. Eira knew how much trouble her discovery could cause for the Drake kingdom especially with the amount of foreign ambassadors currently feasting in the palace.

“You forget your trickery won’t work on me, Liloon. I am a vampire, I am well aware of your ‘friends’ presence but I am also aware they are mermen, who care little for the welfare of mermaids until breeding season. Besides…” Eira’s free hand rose to the woman’s face, gently cupping it and stroking her cheek. “You’re not really in the position to make demands of me.” Eira’s smile had turned predatory but her eyes remained their unusual green. She had no intention of spilling blood. Yet. “So how about you join me in returning to the palace and explain to me what exactly it is that you intended on gaining from this little venture and perhaps I will allow you to return to your king.”

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Dismounting from their horses Ulfar and Tyra began the climb up the steps to the ancient fortress that would house the council of clans in their deciding moment. “Today, daughter our battles are made worthy.” Ulfar said simply as the great wooden doors parted to allow them entry.

The Hersir, his daughter and the leaders of Wa and Mildorian were led through the great hall until they reached what was obviously to be the location of the council. In the middle of the room was a great table littered with runes, to those who understood them it was a patchwork of the names of kings, tales of their deeds and the many great things they did in the name of the gods.

The Leiknir were obviously the last to arrive as around the table the other nine Hersirs already sat in patiently awaiting what was most likely to be the next king of Fyrkat. Across the table sat an incredibly old man, who seemed as though it was magic alone that stopped him from keeling over there and then. With a thud of his chest Ulfar saluted his rivals, whom all echoed his greetings. “Under the gaze of Odin, we gather here today to decide the fate of our great nation.” The old man began raising his head to reveal his wrinkled face and more distinguishing his lack of one eye.

“May you all answer truthfully with Fyrkat’s interests at heart.” He added as he cast his eyes across the nine leaders. Everyone at that table knew what the conclusion would be, it was an impossibility for Ulfar to lose. With the Ulfheimr now admitting the Leiknir claim the Seidhr were likely to follow suit and it would incur the wrath of the gods to decide against them.

“Ulfheimr?” The old man’s raspy voice called across the room, his eye crossing the table. “None.” He continued. “Leiknir?” As one the nine Hersirs raised their hands all eyes on the great leader of the Seidhr for their two votes. “Eleven.”

Ulfar had been fighting his entire life for this moment. Countless warriors had been sent to Valhalla in search of reunification and now almost three hundred years since the last king died, Fyrkat was once again a Kingdom.

“I, Alvis Odinmunnr declare that by unanimous vote that Ulfar Leiknir is the new king of Fyrkat. Long live the King.” The old man declared, saluting the new king.

Tyra proudly saluted her father a smile that ran from ear to ear across her face. “Long live the King!” she echoed along with the other occupants of the room.

Shortly following the council, everyone was led towards the great throne room that was now to be finally filled. Ulfar stood in front of the throne, with the many whom had come to see the happenings stood in front of his throne, which was now a collection of Wa Samurai, Mildorian Mages and Fyrkat Warriors. Their respective leaders all stood at the front, the perfect view of the proceedings.

Alvis was stood beside the King, the crown of Fyrkat held in his frail hands. “Under the watchful eyes of the gods I present you with King Ulfar Leiknir!” his voice carried across the hall, as he lowered the crown atop Ulfar’s head. A sound like thunder echoed across the room as the entire collection of people saluted their king as one, the noise almost deafening as it reverberated across the building.

The evening was celebrated in the traditional Fyrkat way, endless amounts of food and ever flowing mead. By this point the night was in full swing as the King now sat at the head of a feasting hall, accompanied by his Hersirs and by the Men and Women whom had aided his rise to power. “King Ulfar Leiknir.” Tyra said again, this having been the fifth or sixth time she had repeated it to the group. “No, this still seems like a dream.” She smiled happily to Katsura, whom she had been talking with for a good portion of the evening. “Maybe if you pinch me?” she asked with a grin.

“So, Hatsumomo, Faramir. What do you think of the Fyrkat mages?” Ulfar asked curiously as he chewed absent mindedly on a slice of beef. “I suppose the magic’s that you all use must be very different to one another?”

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Tenanye smiled softly at Robb. She gave him in return a gentle squeeze of the hand. "You are right, Sir Snow, I will return, Perhaps you will too one day." She said softly just before they entered the feasting hall.
She watched Robb greet his family. She smiled at the childern, she's always wanted childern of her own one day. But that came with love of another, something she wasn't all the familiar with and something she was slightly afraid of. She didn't want to surrender her heart like that. She felt too exposed and vulnerable.

It was why she was so distant, so closed off, most of the time.

It was then her eyes fell to Jinn. She could feel his presence even from across the room, and the memories rose chills on her bronze skin. She then noticed his eyes were on the Silver Queen,who was sat beside him. Tenanye felt a twinge of jealousy but as usual kept her emotions from her face and so she looked away. She hadn't the greatest impression of the Queen, given the way she sidestepped her, didn't bother for a proper welcoming like Tenanye would have given her.

Tenanye swallowed it down and looked over at Robb. "You have a lovely family." She said with an easy smile and a softness in her voice. She hadn't any siblings of her own. The closest she had was Soo-Min and Masaki but it wasn't nearly then same.

"Can you introduce me?"

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Moloch Markus

“Tears For Kallias”


Eirene, Moloch’s Captain of the Guard, came in to check up on Moloch. He was still hidden away in the Drake City castle, shut up into his room. She knocked on his door and heard no reply. After a few attempts and moments without an answer she invited herself in. There was Moloch sprawled out across his bed clothe only in his black night trousers, a bottle of Drake’s most potent wine fastened to his hand. Moloch wept quietly. Eirene couldn’t easily look upon her king in this state. She cleared her throat aloud after gathering herself.


“Ahem, My lord. Are you alright? I have asked for you yet no one had heard from you all day. I still have not received any report from Lady Liloon.” Eirene spoke hesitantly.

Moloch did not sit up, tears fell from his eyes. “Has Kallias not awakened from death’s slumber? If your answer is neigh then peace be as far from me as the Kingdom of Wa and weeping doth cradle my heart tonight.” Moloch slowly rolled over in his bed so that he was facing the canopy of his bed, only to guzzle more of the potent wine.

“Leave me Eirene… I long not to live but desire to die!!! Even if only to see his face alive and warm again… my brother….” Moloch cried intensely.

“When they killed my father and mother they stabbed out my heart… Kallias was love, warmth, compassion and all things truly blessed by the nature of our holy Lila, goddess of love, desire, friendship, and bonds.” Moloch struggled to continue as he sobbed.

“He was half my heart… and that demon saw fit to take him too? Now I have found myself fool enough to have sent the other half of my grief filled heart to the South Atlantic… Pray thee Eirene tell me please Liloon is not in the hands of death but walks in life and good fortune!! Please…” Moloch begged Eirene hysterically.

Eirene did not know what to do. She rushed toward her majesty and sat on the edge of his bed. She had never seen him so destroyed before. He was always so strong and fortified but now vulnerable was an understatement. Most people never saw him in such a state. Eirene had once heard of a common belief in Wa that when people are consumed with such a powerful negative emotion like grief, jealousy, hatred, and or anger, they risk transforming into a demon. Eirene never really believed in such tales but Moloch was starting to make her a bit of a believer. She sat him up in his bed as he looked at her with tear filled red eyes. “As I regretfully reported, Lady Liloon has yet to send word.”

Moloch felt as if all hope had abandoned him. His eyes lowered in defeat and rested upon the sight of Eirene’s dagger affixed to her waist belt. He quickly pulled the dagger from her belt and pushed her off off of the bed. Moloch swiftly brought the dagger to his throat and paused. “I shall take back my heart in death. I shall now diminish and commend myself to the four Fates of death and judgement… Kalias… wait for me…” Just as Moloch was about to slit his throat a large fist swiftly connected with Moloch’s stomach causing the Drake King to double over in pain.


Eirene watched in shock as Captain Cassus leader of the mercenary pirates, the Sea Vultures, pushed the doubled over king onto his back and easily pried the dagger from Moloch’s hand. Cassus now sat himself on top of the Drake King and placed the dagger point over Moloch’s heart. He began to apply minimal pressure. “Please tell me I serve not a weak hearted king. For if your reply is yea I shall serve this fool’s king a death most dishonorable. Death in this manner shall not only guarantee that you shall not see Lord Kallias in the after realm but suffer miserably by judgment of the Fates. I’d hate to have to bestow such an end to a king I respect. Answer me with a renewed vigor of the heart, for the man before me is not in the image of my king.” Cassus seldom showed respect to leadership but he respected Moloch and hated to see him any less than his best. He awaited the reply of his king.

“You serve a strong hearted king indeed.” Moloch replied stoically. He was gripped by the powerful eyes of Cassus which locked onto Moloch’s eyes for dear life. It was as if Cassus was pouring his own spirit and strength into the Drake king. “I shall not give up. For Kallias’ sake, for my Father and mother, for Drake City.” Moloch breathed heavily.

“You forgot one person your majesty, yourself.” Cassus said sternly. He ceased to apply pressure to Moloch’s heart with the dagger and tossed it into one of the room’s corners. He rose from sitting on the Drake King and helped him off of the bed and to his feet. “As the cat is said to have nine lives, so doth the spirit of the mercenary pirate. I have given you one, do not waste it Drake King.” Cassus looked upon Moloch sternly. “Avenge Lord Kallias properly. If he has favor with the Fates he will find a second chance on this earth in the life of another. You have to finish the task before you.” Cassus managed to smile minutely at Moloch. “Now to why I initially sought your counsel. The mercenaries have a reply to your summons. We have decided to exhaust every effort to see to it that Drake City conquers the South Atlantic in the war to come, given the proper compensation pending our victory.”

Moloch was beginning to pull himself together. He let out a deep sigh. “Thank you Captain. For your support and for the extra life. I assure you I will not waste such a rare and precious gift. Such is the reason I must persevere. I want you to work more closely to me, in a more official capacity, even if only for the duration of the war. My knights could use training under you to fine tune their skill set. What say you?”

Moloch was beginning to seem more himself. He had never had such an encounter with Cassus before. He now respected Cassus to a much higher degree than before almost too much for Moloch’s own comfort. Moloch was always trying to remain strong in the face of overwhelming adversity. It was not often that he was around someone that made him feel not as strong and that he needed to push himself harder. Khal Jinn also gave Moloch a similar filling. This wasn’t just a matter of strength but of heart and character.

Cassus smirked, “You can count me in. However, this shall not be without price. I am at your command for the duration of the war your majesty. If you excuse me.” Cassus turned toward the door and placed a hand on Eirene’s shoulder before he exited.

“Don’t you ever pull a stunt like that again Lord Moloch or so help me!!” Eirene threatened angrily.

Moloch sat down on the edge of his bed. “My apologies Eirene. I promise you’ll never witness me in such a state again.” Moloch began to ponder in his usual fashion. “Perhaps I’ve shut myself away in mourning for too long. It’s time I journey. First we meet Liloon. We leave tonight. Summon Cassus, I want him to accompany me as well. You man things here.”

“You’re going to waltz into the South Atlantic?! Have you lost it?” Eirene was one of the few who could address Moloch in such a manner.

“You know my affinity for disguise. Liloon taught me remember. I shall not go as the Drake King, but as a travelling Bard accompanying a weapons merchant, Cassus. Only few know my face to be that of the Drake King. I’ll be fine. Beside Cassus is more than capable, we’d make a armada of a team if confronted.” As Moloch explained his plot Eirene looked angrier. “Relax… We’re only going to find Liloon and bring her home. I’m not risking the other half of my heart, not after the loss of Kallias.”

Eirene sighed, “Alright, I agree. If losing a so called half of your heart causes you to act out in such a way then I’ll do anything to ensure that you don’t. Just be careful and Don’t act in surprise if you find you’re being followed by a few of my men.”

“Great, we agree then. Send for Cassus at once. He set sail for the South Atlantic as soon as possible.” Moloch said with a confident smile.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soo-Min Kwon Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Oropher Rovain Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald Character Portrait: Rumil Arato
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Liloon Aquata, Moon Jae Shin, Rumil Arato, Oropher Rovain

“You forget your trickery won’t work on me, Liloon. I am a vampire, I am well aware of your ‘friends’ presence but I am also aware they are mermen, who care little for the welfare of mermaids until breeding season. Besides…” Eira’s free hand rose to the woman’s face, gently cupping it and stroking her cheek. “You’re not really in the position to make demands of me.” Eira’s smile had turned predatory but her eyes remained their unusual green. “So how about you join me in returning to the palace and explain to me what exactly it is that you intended on gaining from this little venture and perhaps I will allow you to return to your king.” Eira replied.

Liloon glared at the tricky vampire. She looked back in the direction Moon crouched hidden, Her sense of sound was very acute. “We have a third excellent spy among us. He’s been watching us the whole time. If I must go back into that horrible place I’ll walk there, without you putting bruises on my wrist.” Liloon said in a subliminally angry tone. I honestly could share the details here but I’m sure you’d do anything to get me alone wouldn’t you?” Liloon mocked. “Well lead the way Eira dear.” Liloon said with a false smile.

Moon stood to his feet knowing that he had been discovered. “Ladies if you’ll excuse me. I must meet with someone.” Moon said as he approached Rumil and Oropher who remained quiet just below the water’s surface.

Liloon only smiled at Moon. As he went about his way and the two ladies headed inside the castle Liloon commented to Eira, “That man feels like the ocean itself. There is something about him that draws me to him like fish to water. It’s most unusual. He’s more than he seems.”

Meanwhile, Moon Jae Shin called for Rumil. Rumil surfaced and then climbed onto the land from the waters below. The two sat and talked for a moment. Oropher wanted to leave but he couldn’t quite bring himself to do so. “I’m headed into the feast. If you two take human form, you can come and join me as well.” Moon offered.

Rumil blushed and was excited. “Of course I’d love to go! It’s not often I eat land food! Come on Oropher!”

Oropher looked appalled, “Are you kidding me?! Us WALK?! On Human LEGS??? I’d rather drop dead!” Oropher replied angrily.

“You’ll learn a lot~~” Rumil sang playfully. He knew that Oropher couldn’t resist gathering information on the humans.

“Fine… I’ll go. But if on eof you humans so much as looks at me the wrong way I’ll shatter their ear drums!” Oropher threatened.

The two mermen magically converted their tails and fins to human legs and stood on the ground. They materialized clothes that fit the style of olden day Mildorian kingdom attire. It was the form of human clothing they knew best to materialize upon transformation. Moon smirked at their clothing, “It’s a little dated but it’ll do. Perhaps only a few people will realize that you two are dressed in the attire of a long fallen country.” Moon chuckled a bit.

Rumil hadn’t realized that his clothing was considered old fashioned and dated. This meant that he needed to learn how to materialize more current and a larger variety of clothing soon. Moon noticed Rumil’s worry and sought to relieve it with a peck on the cheek. Rumil’s worry melted instantaneously yet Oropher’s jealousy flared.

“ALRIGHT LET’S HURRY THIS ALONG!” Oropher fussed actually shoving Moon forward.

The group arrived at the feast. There was so much food and so many people. Rumil was a bit afraid, he’d rarely been around so many humans. He was afraid that he’d lose concentration and revert his legs back to fins. Oropher scanned the room and took in all there was to see. He made mental note after note as he scanned for anything deemed useful intel. Moon spotted Soo-Min. He took Rumil’s hand and ushered him over.

“Lady Soo-min, this is Rumil Arato the merman I told you about. And his friend, Oropher Rovain.” Moon introduced the two to Soo-Min.

Rumil smiled, “He-hello Soo-Min… Gosh you’re pretty for a human girl.”

Oropher’s frown began to decrease a bit. Soo-Min was very different than the human women he’d lain eyes on so far. “I gotta admit that we look waay better than any of these human men.” Oropher taunted as he sized up the other males in the room. Many of the women took immediate notive of the two mermen. They were unaware that they were fawning over mermen but they could help being drwn to them. Even some of the men felt uneasy as they couldn’t resist giving the merfolk the attention of their eyes.

Moon Muttered to Soo-Min. “They seemed to draw more attention by just being here than I thought they would. Why do people get so entranced by merpeople…?”

Oropher decided to have a little fun. He began to use his charm to attract several hansom men over to his person. The guys loaded Oropher with questions. “Where are you from?” one man asked in as if her were in heaven. “What’s you name handsome sir?” another asked gabbing hold of Oropher’s hand. “Why don’t we go someplace more quite and enjoy dinner under the stars.” Another man offered actually shoving two others out of the way. The three men began to bicker and cause a scene. Oropher simply laughed at the trouble he’d caused.

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Soo-Min had been standing silently behind the Princess, as protocol stated. Tenanye typically forced her to sit as dinner arrived so Soo-Min didn't worry too much.

Soon, she approached by Moon and two other very attractive men. Soo-Min, while she was in love with Tenanye, she was never oppose to men. Honestly, she only ever fancied the one woman.

Soo-Min smiled as Moon dragged the poor bloke over.

He introduced them as the Mer people that he'd mentioned before. Soo-Min bowed. "Nice to meet you." She said raising herself. She was complaiment oddly by the merman and she giggled. "Thank you...?" She said with a question. Were humans not beautiful to them? Granted, Merfolk were supernaturally attractive but that was just it. They were supernatural.

"They seemed to draw more attention by just being here than I thought they would. Why do people get so entranced by merpeople...?" Moon asked Soo-Min grinned as she watched Oropher was flirted with by three different men. Soo-Min wished she had that ability. One woman she knew could do that.

Her eyes feel on the princess briefly. "It is said that some supernatural creatures have a natural allure. Ones humans can not resist. Merfolk, Faefolk. Vampires as just a few." She said and she wondered if that Tenanye wasn't human, her beauty was almost unnatural.

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Eira Gunvald

Eira’s gaze followed Liloon’s towards where Moon had been hiding, her eyes flashing to their fearsome blue. Sure enough the mermaid was right; their accompaniment appeared to be a man of Wa, someone Eira recognised from her missions over there but didn’t know by name so as far as she was concerned he couldn’t be of much importance.

Slowly her eyes returned to Liloon, not losing their vampiric colouring. “If I must go back into that horrible place I’ll walk there, without you putting bruises on my wrist.” Liloon said in a subliminally angry tone. “I honestly could share the details here but I’m sure you’d do anything to get me alone wouldn’t you?”

“What can I say; I would just hate to have to share your beauty with anyone. Now play nice or I may have to gift you to the Khal’s warriors, they are quite animalistic you know.” Eira smirked. “And people always say that Fyrkat is uncivilised.”

By this point in their taunting Moon had surfaced from his hiding and made towards the women. “Ladies if you’ll excuse me. I must meet with someone.” He spoke quickly, not making much eye-contact with the either of the two as they passed. Eira couldn’t have cared less either way; it was none of her concern why commoners were on the docks.

As the two walked through the dark streets, Liloon began to speak. “That man feels like the ocean itself. There is something about him that draws me to him like fish to water. It’s most unusual. He’s more than he seems.”

“I believe mortals call that lust, Liloon.” Eira taunted, her gaze wandering down the woman’s form. “He had the scent of a mortal and he wasn’t a mage. Maybe you’re just beginning to lose your faith towards Moloch.” She continued.

It didn’t take long to return to the palace and Eira led Liloon quickly towards her own tower, pushing her away from the door to her own chambers and instead pressing her towards Eira’s secondary quarters. The place the… dirtier side of her work was committed, away from prying eyes and secured behind several locks.

The room was almost barren of furniture, except for one solitary table with two chairs sat in the middle with multiple drawers built in, each filled with the smaller implements of torture that Eira favoured, the rest sat decoratively atop a stone shelf built into the side of the room. The room itself was perfectly circular and perhaps every four foot a new set of manacles dangled from the wall, each dotted with the blood of their previous occupants. There were no windows in the room at all, instead torches dotted in sequence with the manacles giving the room a flickering glow and allowing Eira to conduct her work whenever she felt necessary.

Eira locked the door after them as they entered, smiling darkly to herself as she noticed Liloon’s horror that had befallen her at the sight of the Eira’s personal dungeon. “The palace’s dungeons are not fitted for my needs.” She explained simply, walking round behind one of the chairs. “Sit.” She ordered, gesturing towards the remaining chair.

“Now, tell me; what exactly has Moloch decide to suddenly begin redoubling his efforts against the South Atlantic? Since I’m assuming that was his plan in recruiting the self-obsessed Khal. And I can’t imagine he was told very nice things about our Queen to join Moloch.” The vampires eyes were locked on Liloon’s, searching for any sign of deception.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Katsura Shiraishi, Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Himiko Hatsumom, Faramir Elendil, Thorin Elendil

Katsura, Masaki and Faramir were very proud of Ulfar and Tyra. It was as if Fyrkat was their own country. It was quite the scene. Katsura and Masaki cheered loudly as the crowd roared on homage to the newly crowned king. Hatsumomo looked around the area where they stood. The energy about was radiant. The spirits sang in joy and happiness. “This place, this land is truly in celebration with its future.” Hatsumomo said as she witnessed history in the making.

“No, this still seems like a dream.” She smiled happily to Katsura, whom she had been talking with for a good portion of the evening. “Maybe if you pinch me?” she asked with a grin.

Katsura chuckled loudly. Tyra could have very well had been his little sister. He patted her on the shoulder endearingly. “It’s reality my dear princess. A sweet and just reality indeed!” Katsura replied.

Masaki drank another glass of mead. He was trying to remain poised as a prince of Wa should but his pale face began to turn a bit red. Masaki stood up from his seat and approached Tyra, giving her a big hug. Katsura was shocked to see his husband behave so liberally. It was only in the most intimate of settings that Katsura witnessed Masaki give anyone including himself. “Congratulations Tyra!! I can’t wait to bring you home to Wa with us! My parents will love you.” Masaki said as he hugged Tyra tightly.

Katsura informed, “He usually doesn’t feel comfortable enough to hug most anyone outside of me. This is quite the honor. He really is happy for you Tyra.”

“So, Hatsumomo, Faramir. What do you think of the Fyrkat mages?” Ulfar asked curiously as he chewed absent mindedly on a slice of beef. “I suppose the magic’s that you all use must be very different to one another?”

Hatsumomo smiled at Faramir. She, so far, had not had many opportunities to speak with the mage. She replied to Ulfar, “I really find the mages here quite interesting. Their magic is quite different. I can feel that there is a direct link between their power and the spirits of the land itself.” Hatsumomo commented on the Mages of Fyrkat. “As for my magic, it is large spiritual based. My spells work in accordance with Amaterasu and the spirits around me.” Hatsumomo added. She was quite excited and impressed with Ulfar. He didn’t seem the type to largely take interest in magic but his curiosity of her and Faramir’s opinions moved Hatsumomo.

Faramir added as he smiled, “I agree regarding the mages here. I find them fascinating. Also the runes I’ve seen today are indeed special. They seem quite distant from the 27 true runes but they are actually descendant runes. They are quite a rare case indeed.” Faramir’s face brightened considerably. “I specialize in rune magic. However I and skilled in black, white and miracle magic as well.” Faramir was quite enjoying their conversation. He was glad to feel welcomed amongst the people of Fyrkat. He hoped that Tyra would as well forgive him for harming the leiknir soldiers on their first meeting.

Just then officials from the Fyrkat nation introduced the arrival of yet another guest. “King Ulfar and Princess Tyra. From the Lands of Mildorian’s Magician’s Tower is Lord Thorin Elendil!!” The announcer’s voice bellowed for all to hear.


Thorin Elendil, youngest son of Faramir, walked confidently into the hall scanning the crowd for his father. There he spotted him seated with the newly crowned King of Fyrkat himself. A proud smile beamed on Thorin’s face and he quickly approached them. Hatsumono could immediately feel the magical power emanating from Thorin. ‘He must be the bearer of a True Rune, like his father is.’ She thought to herself. Thorin knelt down on one knee and gave his respects to King Ulfar, “Greeting from the Magicuan’s Tower King Ulfar. My most heartfelt congratulations on your achievement today.”

Faramir turned cheerfully to the others and introduced Thorin. “King Ulfar, Princess Tyra, Prince Masaki, Lord Katsura, and Lady Himiko, allow me to introduce you to my youngest son Thorin.”

Katsura introduced himself, Himiko, and Masaki. “I’m and Shiraishi Katsura, and this is imperial Prince Masaki-Mizuno-Wa of the Wa Kingdom. This is Himiko Hatsumomo, the High Preistess of Wa. It’s a pleasure to meet you Thorin.” Masaki and Himiko bowed in greeting to the handsome son of the powerful Rune mage. They were surprised at the knowledge that Faramir had children of his own. Hatsumomo wonder why he had not mentioned them during the earlier conversation. Then she remembered that Faramir was never directly asked the question. To hatsumomo, Faramir was a very interesting man.

Faramir was so surprised to see his son here on the polar opposite end of the globe. “Thorin, My son. What brings you here? Give word please, tell me everything is alright.” Faramir said with a worried tone of voice.

Thorin gave Faramir a hug and upon their release of one another Thorin explained. “Well, I had completed the scheduled astrology reading a few days ago and there is a disturbing pattern. The globe runs the edge of hell in a short time period to come. There is a large gathering of the 108 stars of destiny in the South Atlantic and here. I wanted to warn you and to make sure that things were alright. We will be quite busy soon.” Thorin replied.

“I see…” Faramir replied with great concern. It seemed that while Fyrkat celebrated a wonderful victory the rest of the world was on the brink of war sharpening their swords. Faramir didn’t want to dampen the mood of this joyous celebration with talks of trouble. So he thought to divert to a more light hearted subject. “Lord Ulfar, you asked of magic earlier. I will have Thorin show you all something interesting.” Faramir said then turned to Thorin. “Why don’t you give Prince Masaki and Lady Tyra a magical aptitude test? I think it would be quite interesting.”

Thorin smiled angelically. He knew that his father was trying to refrain from dampening the mood of the celebration. Thorin could have kicked himself for not thinking of that first. If his father was goin through such trouble to keep these people happy, Thorin knew that Faramir cared for the people of Fyrkat. Thorin turned toward Masaki offering his hand to the prince. “Your highness, please allow me.” Thorin said and he gently took Masaki’s hand into his own.

Masaki was quite nervous. Thorin was indeed having an odd effect on the Wa prince. Masaki felt fluttery and excited. Katsura was the only person to make Masaki feel that way. Masaki’s face looked confused and flustered. Katsura immediately noticed the prince’s disposition and smirked. He could tell that Faramir’s son made his husband nervous but Katsura was nowhere near worried. It was clearer than the purest of waters that Masaki’s heart was with Katsura.

As Thorin held Masaki’s hand his smile grew. He looked up into the Prince’s eyes as said, “You are more of a fighter than a magician. But your magical aptitude is not bad. The general scale of measurement from the worst to the best is ; E meaning one has no chance as casting spells, D meaning one is barely able to perform a certain type of magic, C meaning utterly average, B meaning one is pretty good with magic, A meaning one is excellent in magical usage, and Finally S meaning one is exceptionally talented above most others. You your highness have the potential to be a B rank magician if you worked hard enough. But it also depends on the type of magic you’re attempting to learn as well.”

Masaki’s hand was released and Masaki bowed, “Thank you for the test. It was most interesting.” Masaki smiled.

Thorin turned toward Tyra, “How about you Princess Tyra? Would you like me to test your magical aptitude?” Thorin smiled angelically again. He was a jovial presence.

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#, as written by phnx
Viserya paced around the furniture in her room. One moment she was sitting on the golden-white Ottoman and the next she was leaning over the window. Finally she sat down into her oversized armchair and picked up the unfinished Jessamine embroidery that was resting on the nearby desk. After several attempts to get the thread into the needle with her clearly too shaky hands she dropped everything to the ground and groaned in frustration. She knew it was a bad idea, who in their right mind would steal a messenger dove (although it isn't really stealing if you own it) and secretly send a letter to Faramir Elendil?
Another groan followed as Viserya's mind was coming up with the worst outcomes possible. It has been almost 3 days since the said letter was sent and still no response came. Has her dove gotten lost? If it has in fact wandered away was it before it even reached Faramir or on the way back? Or worse, has someone from the Great Council intersected it? Viserya was now biting her lover lip and picking at the embellished hem of her robe. The Council had expressly forbidden her to try improving her magic. Asking one of the greatest magicians in the world to teach her was most definitely breaking that rule. The Great Council was not to be messed with, she had learned that years ago but that stubborn part of her and the thrill of finally doing something she actually wants won this round.
Viserya was lost in her thoughts and it took her some time to finally notice the cooing coming from the window frame. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she laid her eyes on the snow white dove that has a massage tied to it's leg. She hurried to get it slightly tripping over the carpet in the most ungraceful way possible. Quickly unpinning the letter from the bird's leg she unwrapped the parchment. Before she could begin reading she heard knocking. She quickly shooed the bird away and hid the message in her sleeve as she responded with a ˝Come in.˝

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Theoden Elendil


Theoden Elendil, eldest son of Faramir Elendil, stood in the middle of a rounded room surrounded by his pupils. They were learning the art of determining rune compatibility. For those interested in rune magic, it is a most essential skill to have. It was common for any town regardless of nation to have rune shops about in the common areas. Runes on a smaller scale were plentiful in the world. However they are most all derivatives of the 27 True Runes. Rune shops needed magicians that knew how to affix runes, test aptitude and to remove them as well. It was a relatively simple manner of employment for any magician if they wanted to earn a living in a town.

As the class concluded Theoden dismissed his students. “Tomorrow be prepared for a test of your newly acquired skill from today. Practice at home.” Theoden said with a smile. He loved teaching, it was a joyous task to see others excited to learn a new skill.

Theoden began to clear away things left in the instruction room. He stopped to ponder on his brother’s whereabouts. Thorin had set out a few days earlier to go to the lands of Fyrkat. Their father was their and there was urgent news that needed to be delivered. It seemed that the world was bound for more turmoil, Faramir’s worst fear. Theoden looked out of the large window to view the beautiful horizon. Toward the tower flew a white dove carrying a message.

Theoden allowed the dove to nest in his hands. After removing the message he cradled the dove in one arm while holding the letter in the other. It was from the Empress of Espoir, Viserya Luisant-Leger. It had been some time since the Magician’s Tower had received salutations from The Empire of Espoir. Theoden read the letter, it was for his father Faramir. It seemed that the Empress of Espoir was in need of a teacher so that she could hone her magical abilities however given the nature of her situation, secrecy was mandatory. Since she wasn’t allowed an actual magic instructor Faramir would have to go on a different premise.

Theoden pondered for a moment. “Hmm… my father is busy in the north. He would most definitely want to see to it that the Empress is taken care of and taught properly.” Theoden decided that he would have to go. He was excited, he was always happy at the opportunity to help another in their study of magic and even combat training. “Now what should be my official reason for being there…? Perhaps I shall offer my services as an advisor to the empress. Considering the impending danger the world is in it would not be wise for a nation to turn a wise sorcerer away with a prophecy regarding the fate of nations.” Theoden immediately wrote a letter in reply and sent it to the Empire of Espoir via the dove sent by the empress. He set out immediately for the Empire.

After a long but swift journey he arrived in the island nation. It was truly a beautiful place. The population seemed so diverse. There were people of Wa decent, Fykat decent, even some that descended from the Mediterranean Lineage. This place made him fell less like a foreigner but just one of many different faces all intermingled on the island. As he crossed the waters he could see merpeople leaping freely in and out of the waters. It must have been understood that both land and sea dwellers respected each other’s space here. Theoden was beyond impressed at the magnificent empire.

He was led to the castle after explaining his plight to the many guardsmen and royal barricades that questioned Theoden. However he had little trouble once he told them of who he was and why he was there. They immediately granted him audience with the empress. A maid led him toward the Empress’ chambers, the young woman was shy and smiled as she took occasional glances at the mage. Theoden smiled as well. They reached the door and the maid knocked.

˝Come in.˝ a voice answered through the door. Theoden and the maid entered.

The maid introduced Theoden. “Your majesty, may I present to you Lord Theoden Elendil of the Magician’s Tower.“

Theoden took a few steps forward and bowed to the Empress. “Your highness, I bring greetings from the Magician’s Tower in Mildorian. On behalf of my farther The great Wizard Faramir Elendil I come to offer my personal assistance to the Empress. In Mildorian, we are known for predicting the events to come by careful reading of the stars. The star profess that every nation shall know great trouble. I came to ensure that Espoir’s ethers remain balanced thus steering it in a more positive ethereal balance. You require a magical energy of great magnitude from a southern ether. My being near the Empress will ward away disaster during this time. I shall serve her in whatever way I can, if you’ll allow it.”

Theoden smiled at the Empress. She was younger than he thought she would be. He was impressed that such a young woman was willing to push her skills as far as they could go. She must have great determination, Theoden thought. He was hoping his excuse for being there was good enough.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Stormborn Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Princess Tenanye Ananse of Anansai Character Portrait: Khal Jinn Character Portrait: Oropher Rovain Character Portrait: Rumil Arato Character Portrait: Robb Snow
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Amelia watched intensively as Robb along with the Princess of Anansai approached their table. As Robb acknowledged his family that sat with her and her honored guest she couldn't help but smile when he interacted with his younger siblings. Her mother had tried to have children after her in hopes of giving her father the heir that every King hopes for. All of her mother's pregnancies after her had been the boy she prayed for but in the end all attempts had been futile as they each had ended in either a miscarriage or stillborn. Growing up alongside the Snow children had always made Amelia wish for younger siblings but of course with both of her parents now being deceased that was never going to happen. While she would never experience what it was like to have a younger sibling she did have her "cousins" and that was good enough for her.

As the knight and princess sat down Amelia noticed Tenanye dark brown eyes fixed on the man sitting at her side. She hadn't held her gaze on the great Khal for long before letting her eyes fall. Amelia knew that she hadn't given the Princess of Anansai the welcome that someone of her position deserved and for that Amelia did feel a tinge of guilty as she didn't want the royal foreigner to have the wrong impression of her. While it was by no means a pardon on her part prior to the young woman's arrival Amelia had been under a lot of stress and pressure. The walls had been closing in on her from every side and angle possible and she was truly overwhelmed when her guests had first arrived despite the facade she had put on . Her only concern then was Khal Jinn, however with things settled between the Khal and Queen Amelia would at some point before the princess left pull her aside to talk about the possibility of trade between the two kingdoms.

Tenanye turned her attention to Robb and Amelia attention was drawn to the man at her side. Khal Jinn's elbow sat on the table as he rubbed his temples with a look of frustration on his face as he sighed. The man was obviously troubled and that greatly worried the Silver Queen. The man hadn't touched yet alone even acknowledge the food that had been placed in front of him. Her first thought was that he was not fond of the cuisine of her kingdom but when the looked at the other Dothraki eating around the table none seemed to have complaints. Which meant that there was something far deeper and more complex going on the Khal. She wanted to say something or do something to set him at ease but what could she do?

Placing her dainty hand on top of the Khal's massive one she looked at him with an intense look of worry. "Are you alright? You seem troubled and your food is untouched." she commented looking at the untouched food. Amelia could not even begin to explain why it was that she felt this sort of bond to the Khal. It somewhat reminded her of the irresistible bond she had to her children long before she had birthed them into the world. Like that she couldn't describe how or why she felt the way that she did she just felt the way she did. Her mind went back to when it was just herself, the Khal and her children upstairs alone in the Khal's room. He had told her the story of his upbringing in the prison that had become his kingdom, his realm. In that prison he had been told his destiny and his destiny was in some way connected to "One that fire does not touch......the one that births dragons into the world."

That was her. She was the Unburnt Mother of Dragons. "You are the key Amelia Stormborn, the key to my fate. I do not know if you believe in destiny or fate, but I do. I will not destroy the key to my fate. You do not need to believe in my destiny Queen of the Moon, you only need to believe that I do." As she looked at the man before her his words replayed over and over in her head. He believed her to be the key to his fate and what exactly that meant she had no clue, but she could not deny that sense the man had arrived she felt a strong connection to him. Maybe it was because he was right. Maybe she was truly was the key to unlocking Khal Jinn's destiny.

As more foreigners appeared before her Amelia couldn't help but wonder if there was anyone guarding the castle at the moment. The Dothraki and three that had come with them where the only foreigners that were suppose to be attending this feast. No one had informed her of more newcomers and it was for this reason that tomorrow morning she and the guards and knights of the kingdom would be having a long drawn out conversation about the current security levels being held. They kingdom was on the brink of war and the castle in which she laid her head every night seemed to be just opened to all. By this time she had already withdrew her hand from the Khal's and her eyes were now fixated on the newest nonnatives that seemed to be drawing a lot of attention to themselves. She couldn't tell where they held from as their clothes were ones that she had never seen before. A small group of three huddled around one of the man as they began to bicker like children fighting over a toy. The knights of the Queensguard had noticed the starting commotion and for the first time of the night she was happy to see them taking action as they got up and approached the group. Amelia gave a light sigh as she turned her attention back to the people at the table.

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Character Portrait: Viserya Luisant-Leger
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#, as written by phnx
Viserya relaxed a bit when she saw the person entering her room was her handmaiden Maria, but her face adopted a look of confusion when the petite blonde maid was joined by an unknown figure. The stranger looked vaguely familiar and yet Viserya was sure she hasn't met him before. It was after the maid introduced him as Lord Theoden Elendil that she realized he must be one of Faramir Elendil sons.
Viserya returned the bow and a light smile played on her lips as Theoden explained the reasons of his presence. ˝Your greeting's are well accepted. It is a pleasure to have you here Lord Elendil. I must apologize for I have not been aware of your arrival and therefore I am at a loss of words to express the honour it presents. I will be a privilege to have your advisory.“ Viserya sat down in the heavily cushioned armchair, she did it carefully covering the discarded embroidery on the floor with the skirt of her Bisque coloured dress. With a gentle swift of her hand she motioned Theoden to sit on the chair opposite from her. ˝Maria, you may go.“ The maid made no movement as she was staring at Theoden obviously enticed by him. ˝Maria.“ The Empress repeated but this time her voice took on a sharper tone. The girl blushed in embarrassment and left the room muttering a string of apologies.
As soon as the door closed and the maid was gone Viserya's posture clearly changed. She leaned into the armchair and let her hands rest on the supports of it instead of neatly in her lap. ˝Do not think of me as cruel for sending her off like that, it's just...“ She sighed. ˝I have this reputation of being emotionless and untouchable to keep.“ Her voice was much calmer and less meticulous now. In these minutes she made a transition from the Empress of Light to a (relatively) normal seventeen year old girl. ˝You're quite a fast traveller.“ She took the message from the pocket in her sleeve and set it down on the. ˝I haven't had time to read it, it came mere moments before you. I must say once again how honoured I am for you to be here. Although I must admit I think I'm a lost cause when it comes to magic, I haven't practised in almost two years since the only magic book I had time to hide before my room was searched was a potions one. I can create create and control a flame without any runes, which I have been told is rare, but any magic here is rare so I didn't pay it much mind. I could demonstrate but I warn you, if you laugh, I have the authority to behead you.“ Viserly took a few deep breaths, at first they were a bit shaky but after she convinced herself that she can't be that much worse from the kids Theoden teaches back in Magician’s Tower she regained her composure. She brushed her hands against each other and right before she stilled them she hummed Incendere. Image As she broke the grasp sparks flew from her fingers and created a flame enveloping her palms, from her wrists to the tips of her nails. The blaze of fire danced shortly between her spread hands but disappeared just as quickly as it had come to be.
To say Viserya was proud of herself would be an understatement, the fire lasted longer and shone brighter than she has ever made it before, it seems the need to prove herself has given her more power. She tried not to let her excitement show since it was still nothing compared to what the magician in front of her could do so she cleared her throat and spoke.˝ And? Am I truly a lost cause or do I have something you'd manage to work with?

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Character Portrait: Liloon Aquata Character Portrait: Eira Gunvald
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Liloon Aquata

Liloon rolled her eyes at Eira’s taunt regarding Liloon having eyes for Moon Jae Shin. He was indeed a handsome human man but he was no match for the way Moloch made her feel. Perhaps Eira wouldn’t have been able to understand what Liloon meant because she was not a merperson and thus had no connection to the sea. Either way, Liloon would have to figure the situation out later. Eira had plans and that was never a good thing.

They eventually reached a tall tower that Liloon was uncomfortable with going so high up. She was being taken further away from a water source, which meant, controlling water would be substantially harder. However Liloon was not yet defenseless. Eira’s personal dungeon was just as dark as she was personality wise. Liloon was growing far less pleased about her friendly chat with Eira as it seemed to be far less friendly.

Eira locked the door after them as they entered, smiling darkly to herself as she noticed Liloon’s horror that had befallen her at the sight of the Eira’s personal dungeon. “The palace’s dungeons are not fitted for my needs.” She explained simply, walking round behind one of the chairs. “Sit.” She ordered, gesturing towards the remaining chair.

Liloon looked at the chair and was compliant. She sat down gracefully as she fluffed her dress a bit. Her eyes seldom left Eira. Vampires were swift and highly snaky. Liloon knew to always keep a look out when dealing with one.

“Now, tell me; what exactly has Moloch decide to suddenly begin redoubling his efforts against the South Atlantic? Since I’m assuming that was his plan in recruiting the self-obsessed Khal. And I can’t imagine he was told very nice things about our Queen to join Moloch.” The vampires eyes were locked on Liloon’s.

Liloon cocked her head to the side. Her expression was quite serious. “My look has nothing nice to say about the South Atlantic as you should know. But He has spoken the truth. He told that treacherous giant the truth about the Late King and Queen of Drake’s murder via poison. That is beside the point now. Khal Jinn has agree not to harm Queen Amelia and the South Atlantic Kingdom. I’m to return to my lord to deliver the dreadful news to him. He was quite distraught after you murdered Kallias, his brother. I personally liked Kallias a lot. He was a sweet soul. It’s an outrage that the likes of you drank such purity from his blood.” Liloon looked sharply at the vampire. Her mission today only would serve to hurt the Drake king even further so it would be to Eira’s advantage to let Liloon go.

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Character Portrait: Viserya Luisant-Leger
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Theodin Elendil


Viserya returned the bow and a light smile played on her lips as Theoden explained the reasons of his presence. ˝Your greetings are well accepted. It is a pleasure to have you here Lord Elendil. I must apologize for I have not been aware of your arrival and therefore I am at a loss of words to express the honour it presents. I will be a privilege to have your advisory.“ Viserya sat down in the heavily cushioned armchair, she did it carefully covering the discarded embroidery on the floor with the skirt of her Bisque coloured dress. With a gentle swift of her hand she motioned Theoden to sit on the chair opposite from her. ˝Maria, you may go.“ The maid made no movement as she was staring at Theoden obviously enticed by him. ˝Maria.“ The Empress repeated but this time her voice took on a sharper tone. The girl blushed in embarrassment and left the room muttering a string of apologies.

Theoden nodded to the maid in a kind farewell gesture. He was a tiny bit tickled by the young woman’s reaction to him. He wasn’t sure if she was sensing his magical energy or simply admiring his looks. If the young woman was reacting to his energy then she must have had some minor magic potential. The thought excited Theoden. If the handmaiden possibly had magical potential then the Empress must have great abilities and potential herself. He was anticipating a great teaching experience.

As soon as the door closed and the maid was gone Viserya's posture clearly changed. She leaned into the armchair and let her hands rest on the supports of it instead of neatly in her lap. ˝Do not think of me as cruel for sending her off like that, it's just...“ She sighed. ˝I have this reputation of being emotionless and untouchable to keep.“ Her voice was much calmer and less meticulous now.

“That’s understandable your highness.” Theoden replied calmly, his face still retained his earlier smile. He sat down in the nicely cushioned chair.

The empress seemed to change in disposition greatly. She was so regal and composed it was as if Theoden was talking to someone as old as he. This sort of feeling was very rare for Theoden being very old, in fact older than seven times the empress’ age. However she was beginning to act and carry herself more in the manner of a seventeen year old.

˝You're quite a fast traveller.“ She took the message from the pocket in her sleeve and set it down on the. ˝I haven't had time to read it, it came mere moments before you. I must say once again how honoured I am for you to be here. Although I must admit I think I'm a lost cause when it comes to magic, I haven't practiced in almost two years since the only magic book I had time to hide before my room was searched was a potions one. I can create and control a flame without any runes, which I have been told is rare, but any magic here is rare so I didn't pay it much mind. I could demonstrate but I warn you, if you laugh, I have the authority to behead you.”

Viserly took a few deep breaths, she regained her composure. She brushed her hands against each other and right before she stilled them she hummed Incendiary. As she broke the grasp sparks flew from her fingers and created a flame enveloping her palms, from her wrists to the tips of her nails. The blaze of fire danced shortly between her spread hands but disappeared just as quickly as it had come to be. She cleared her throat and spoke. “And? Am I truly a lost cause or do I have something you'd manage to work with?“

Theoden’s smile broadened. He was excited. To see her create fire from her hands without the use of a rune, or and actual spell was amazing. The potential the empress held was enormous but under the current conditions she would never achieve even a fraction of the success that she could if she was allowed to formally train. Theoden leaned forward in his chair a bit and spoke to the empress.

“I am most impressed. Whoever told you that the creation of fire without a rune is impressive was indeed correct. It is a rare and amazing feat to have achieved. You didn’t even use a formal spell, meaning that you have a heaven granted ability. Such a skill would fall under the category of Miracle magic. This would place you in the bracket of potential as an A or S Rank magician. I would be honored to help your Highness.” Theoden’s smile faded a little. “However one thing does concern me. Your kingdom’s rule for not allowing you to be taught magic by an outsider still could prove a hindrance to your training. The kind of exercises that you will eventually engage in to train will need you to be in an area where you can push your power to its limits without fear of being seen of hurting another. I imagine it is not easy for you to have a moment without eyes being fixed on you is there? It would be beneficial for you to train in Mildorian but I fear that may not be an option for an Empess such as yourself.” Theoden could tell that Viserya was capable of large feats of magical mayhem given what he witnessed today. However Viserya could not practice such magic in such closed quarters. That would be like asking two swordsmen to hold a duel in a tiny closet.

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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Tyra happily nodded in agreement as Katsura patted her shoulder. “It just seemed so… unreal!” she said, her messy hair swaying slightly in her enthusiasm.

“Congratulations Tyra!! I can’t wait to bring you home to Wa with us! My parents will love you.” Masaki slurred as he hugged Tyra tightly, the strong mead of Fyrkat obviously beginning to take to him.

Tyra returned the hug with the same enthusiasm. “I’m really looking forward to it too! I hope they do like me, I’ll be a long way from home to go back on a whim!” She laughed, as they released one another.

“He usually doesn’t feel comfortable enough to hug most anyone outside of me. This is quite the honour. He really is happy for you Tyra.” Katsura informed.

Tyra giggled slightly, her own tolerance for mead being greatly less than her fathers. “Then I shall savour the moment.” She once more drew him into a squeeze, though it was only just short of a bear hug from the surprisingly strong girl.

Ulfar had remained sober for the evening though he had already partaken in a vast quantity of the honey tasting drink, his remarkable tolerance holding much stronger than her daughter’s. He listened intently to Hatsumomo as she explained her nation’s magic; something which although he could not actually perform himself was always a prominent feature in politics and so would bear use in learning, knowledge of others could always lead to ways to better oneself. Self-righteous arrogance is rarely a trait of a good leader.

“I really find the mages here quite interesting. Their magic is quite different. I can feel that there is a direct link between their power and the spirits of the land itself.” Hatsumomo explained.

“The Seidhr’s power is granted by Odin at birth, it is not something that everyone can learn and it is entirely random in its choosing. Take Tyra for example, she is a Seith and is possibly capable of magic worthy to challenge you both. However she might lack the ability to control it, or it was so entirely inert that it is impossible for her to even start a small fire.” The bearded king took a swig of his tankard. “Although as you saw with Baldr; it would be unlike Tyra to ever be incapable of casting powerful magic.” He explained. “Then look at her mother and I and neither of us had the Seidhr gifts nor did our parents before us nor as I know it for any Leiknir for several generations.”

Turning to Faramir Ulfar began to soak in the information again, his wise eyes never breaking attention.

“I agree regarding the mages here. I find them fascinating. Also the runes I’ve seen today are indeed special. They seem quite distant from the 27 true runes but they are actually descendant runes. They are quite a rare case indeed.” Faramir added to their conversation.

Ulfar gave a small chuckle to himself as he summoned for refills of their drinks. “The runes are our way of writing.” He explained drawing a small dagger from his belt. “Take this for example; it reads Frostbál” He said running his finger down the blade to show the jagged script of the Fyrkat runes. “They were again granted to us by Odin. He sacrificed his eye to drink from the well of wisdom and whilst he drank he drew the runes from its depths.” Ulfar appeared to think on how to explain the unusual way the Fyrkat runes worked.

“They are both inert and entirely magical at the same time; they are often used in the foretelling of the future as they after all came from the well of wisdom but they are also entirely inert and a form of writing.” He explained eventually. “I hope that makes sense.”

“King Ulfar and Princess Tyra.” A voice called out into the room in the common tongue. “From the Lands of Mildorian’s Magician’s Tower is Lord Thorin Elendil!!”

The royal pair looked up as one from their conversations as a young man whom was easily recognisable as Faramir’s son walked confidently towards their table. “Greeting from the Magician’s Tower, King Ulfar. My most heartfelt congratulations on your achievement today.” Thorin spoke.

“King Ulfar, Princess Tyra, Prince Masaki, Lord Katsura, and Lady Himiko, allow me to introduce you to my youngest son Thorin.”

Ulfar nodded in agreement a smile on his face. “Thank you and welcome to Fyrkat, Thorin son of Faramir.” He answered before gesturing to a spare seat at their table. “Please, join us.”

Tyra smiled towards the new arrival but she herself remained silent, her qualms were with the coward Faramir. His family had so far done nought do disprove themselves in her eyes. She listened to their conversation, weighing up the mage’s son in her mind. Although he bore his father’s face he was certainly less of a coward then his father; to seek him out this far from home to warn him of a prediction of war he must have some honour to him.

“Well, I had completed the scheduled astrology reading a few days ago and there is a disturbing pattern. The globe runs the edge of hell in a short time period to come.”

Ulfar once again had his pondering look befall his face as he chose his words. “Then perhaps I should go to this South Atlantic Kingdom, I’ll be damned if I fought for a kingdom to only die in my bed.” He added with good humour. “Valhalla had best be waiting for me when I go.” Although Fyrkat was incredibly liberal in its views of most subjects their ideals of war and a good life were vastly different to most nations. In Fyrkat to die of old age was far worse than being cut down in glorious battle.

“Lord Ulfar, you asked of magic earlier. I will have Thorin show you all something interesting.” Faramir said then turned to Thorin. “Why don’t you give Prince Masaki and Lady Tyra a magical aptitude test? I think it would be quite interesting.”

Tyra felt her heart sink at Faramir’s words and she quickly turned shy, lowering her head and trying her hardest to blend into the background as Thorin touched Masaki’s hand and described his capability of magic.

Thorin turned toward Tyra, “How about you Princess Tyra? Would you like me to test your magical aptitude?” Thorin smiled angelically again. He was a jovial presence.

Tyra shook her head vigorously, “No it’s ok. I can’t cast magic.” She lied. “The gods never blessed with that ability.” She added, a lump forming in her throat. Ulfar remained silent throughout but his daughter’s discomfort was not unknown to him; like so many of the Seith, Tyra was ashamed of not being taught by the Seith, even more so since her training would have kept her from her brothers and thus saved their lives. To her it meant not being good enough, a great pain to the honourable Fyrkat people.

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Eira Gunvald

Eira remained standing as Liloon, took her seat. She had taken a stance of authority and it was important to maintain in such circumstances, especially since she had no intention of opening her torture implements today, such unsanctioned violence upon the Duchess of Drake would probably only cause more strife. No, a simple talk would suffice for now.

“My look has nothing nice to say about the South Atlantic as you should know. But He has spoken the truth. He told that treacherous giant the truth about the Late King and Queen of Drake’s murder via poison.” Liloon began, obviously without intention of holding back. At least this meant it would be quick.

“That attack had nothing to do with Amelia and you know it. You and I are both old enough to know what really happened in that encounter. Both sides took losses from quieter means but neither nation’s rulers were involved in either of them.” Eira retorted, her hands still firmly clasping the back of the spare chair.

“That is beside the point now. Khal Jinn has agreed not to harm Queen Amelia and the South Atlantic Kingdom. I’m to return to my lord to deliver the dreadful news to him.”

“You know for a peace loving Mermaid you are quite the warmonger, Liloon.” Eira smiled coldly.

“Moloch was quite distraught after you murdered Kallias, his brother. I personally liked Kallias a lot. He was a sweet soul. It’s an outrage that the likes of you drank such purity from his blood.” Liloon looked sharply at the vampire.

Eira laughed, putting her fangs in full view. “Unfortunately you are incorrect there. I have never drunk royal blood, my Queen has never permitted me to do so; support of the treaty and all. If Kallias is dead then I can assure you it was not by my hand.” Eira leant in until she was mere inches from the Duchess’ face, her voice as cold as ice and filled with more than just Malice. “And I would remember where you are, Liloon. You are even less of a place to make threats of me then at the docks. I could chain you up in here and leave you here for the rest of time.”

Eira stood back up eyeing the woman predatorily, as much as she wished too she couldn’t keep her here for long. Liloon was still a noble of the Drake and if Kallias really was dead then there was a good chance that Moloch would have sent a search party to find her, he always had been of the family type.

“But, I suppose that if I kill you now or leave you here to rot then we will never have another of our chats again and I do so wish we could do this more often.” Eira taunted again, her sinister eyes boring into Liloon. “So on this occasion I shall permit you to leave, though please make capturing you more difficult next time please.” Eira added unlocking and opening the door to her tower for Liloon to leave. “Duchess.” She said with a slight bow.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Moon Jae Shin Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Thorin Elendil, Faramire Elendil, Masaki Mizuno-Wa, Katsura Shiraishi

Thorin turned toward Tyra, “How about you Princess Tyra? Would you like me to test your magical aptitude?” Thorin smiled angelically again. He was a jovial presence.

Tyra shook her head vigorously, “No it’s ok. I can’t cast magic.” She lied. “The gods never blessed with that ability.” She added. Ulfar remained silent.

Thorin remained smiling. He could feel Tyra’s potential without even having had to touch her hand. She was capable of great magic it seemed but she lacked considerable control and training. Thorin simply smiled at Tyra gently. He wanted to respect the young woman and not push her in a situation that wasn’t the most comfortable for her. “I understand. We are all a part of the stars of destiny. Sometimes a star will drift in a way we don’t quite understand, but it’s no mystery to the universe.” Thorin’s response most likely would have seemed cryptic and strange but his words usually somehow managed to hit home with listeners.

Hatsumomo sighed, “It seems that our time here in Fyrkat runs thin. We must return soon. Our official leave of absence is about to expire.” She had grown to find the cold kingdom of Clans quite interesting during her stay there.

“I am most sure Emperor Katsuhito and Impress Suiko are eager for the Masaki’s return. I must admit as well I want to ensure that all is well in Taketani.” Katsura added. Katsura turned to Ulfar with an excited smile, “King Ulfar, will allow Princess Tyra to accompany us back to Wa will you not?”

Masaki smiled brightly, “She’s make a most honored guest. Lord Faramir and Lord Thorin you are most welcome to join us as well. Wa is in need of collaboration and renewed diplomatic ties with Former Mildorian Kingdom. It’s doors have been closed for far too long to much of the world.”

Faramir looked as if he was reminded of something very important that he had forgotten about. “I would indeed like to go. In fact I must go. I would like to check up on a very important acquaintance of mine. Tell me Prince Masaki, Have you ever heard of a man named Moon Jae Shin?”

Masaki gave a curious smile, “Why yes I do.” Then it suddenly hit him, “Oh… right! He’s a true Rune bearer! So it was from you that he came upon his True Water Rune! It was left to myth and legend the mage that blessed a man of Wa immortality.” This piece of news was very interesting to Masaki.

Faramir looked a little embarrassed. “Oh dear… So I’m old enough to have gained legendary and mythical status when recalled by today’s generation… How dreadful.” he smirked. “Well is Moon still in Wa?” Faranir inquired.

“He should be. He doesn’t leave the kingdom very often. The imperial Advisory and council as well as the Nobles see to that. He’s been safe guarded for quite some time, much to his discontent.” Masaki replied.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Himiko Hatsumomo Character Portrait: Katsura Shiraishi Character Portrait: Faramir Elendil Character Portrait: Masaki Mizuno Wa Character Portrait: Ulfar Leiknir Character Portrait: Tyra Leiknir
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Ulfar & Tyra Leiknir

Tyra shifted awkwardly in her seat as Thorin accepted her excuse. “The Norns have a purpose for us all.” She added, trying to shift his attention. Hatsumomo sigh came almost perfectly in time successfully turning the group’s attention towards the Wa’s departure.

“King Ulfar, will allow Princess Tyra to accompany us back to Wa will you not?”

Ulfar stroked his beard ponderously, an expression of great thought across the little of his face not covered by beard and hair. “To send my daughter thousands of miles away when Fyrkat is finally unified.” He thought out loud, not breaking his guise.

Tyra looked pleadingly at her father, her usual impish grin back. “Please, father.” She begged, her hands clasped together in front of her. “I’ll swear on Tyr himself that I’ll behave!” she added, it was a promise she had made much in her childhood. Her name being of Tyr’s own gave her special treatment with the god of Justice, although it did mean that any oath she swore on him would return to haunt her if it was made falsely.

“Hmm.” Ulfar continued, a small smile creeping across his lips. “Of course, my dear.” He finally added as his daughter lightly punched his shoulder. “Just be respectful of the Wa ways. You must show our guests the same respect that they’ve shown us.”

Tyra gave a small jump of joy at her father’s permission, “Thank you father!” Although her original demeanour towards the Wa had been untrusting and for a Fyrk quite disrespectful, Tyra had warmed greatly to the Wa people and their totally alien culture fascinated her.

Ulfar’s mighty beard turned towards Katsura as his daughter busied herself with pestering Hatsumomo for questions. “I must advice you however, Katsura. Tyra has a fierce temper and from what you have told me of your Wa politics it could be best to try to keep her at a distance from them. She has a penchant for causing trouble as all children do, especially daughters.” The wise leader sat back in his throne as he thought over his next words. “Though of course she may be the total opposite and stay as a model citizen.” He looked over towards where his daughter was currently trying to empty a horn of mead faster than one of the Dogrlund heirs. “Then again…”

Slamming her horn on the table in victory Tyra was praised with hearty cheers as the Dogrlund boy, slapped Tyra’s shoulder in hearty appraisal. “Thorin, would you join us?” She asked holding a fresh horn for the new comer. “Hatsumomo, you can check for cheating!” she smiled, the sweet drink already going to her head. She definitely had her mother’s tolerance.

Ulfar shook his head with a smile, “Forgive me Katsura, I don’t mean to fill you with dread of my daughter.” His hand reached up to stroke his thick beard. “I am sure she will be as fine an ambassador of Fyrkat as anyone else I could send.”