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Echoes of the Past: Astrasis

Echoes of the Past: Astrasis


Freshly graduated from Guardian training, a group of young Mancers decide to enter the forbidden temple they are sworn to protect. When chaos and destruction break loose from their recklessness, it is up to them to go out and undo their mistakes. [FULL]

5,352 readers have visited Echoes of the Past: Astrasis since SolanaNight created it.






Every world has a creation mythos. Some are extravagant. Some are simple. And some, on the unique occasion are like ours. They're sacrifice. Like ours. Like Astrasis.

What we call home was originally a dead rock. Endlessly hurtling through an infinite abyss, a little cosmic clutter for the backdrop of newly forming creation. It was in the center of that nothing, that abyss that strength gave way to form, and form to function. Beings. Deities. Our gods. Those who came first. The names and symbolism is infinite but they are, were, all the same. Strength personified. The first things capable of carving life itself from the void. Consciousness brought to the conscious universe.

How, why, we don't know. Why the universe fractured itself into multiple, divergent persons is a question whose answer is lost to time itself. What we do know however, is that a dead, empty, and hollow cosmos was all they had. All they knew. They were too busy trying to understand themselves to be bothered with the dead rocks around them.

This was how it was for a very, very long time. This was the only way known. Moving but dead. Active but empty. Everything in the heavens revolved around the clashing wills and loves of the only beings strong enough to forge their own consciousnesses, it was to put it bluntly...Bleak. Until the primordial force of curiosity shattered it all.


One era, after a bitter battle between opposing wills, Aztune, the Lady of Tears and Veils, sat upon a careening rock. The battleground where her lover now rested for eternity. She couldn't move, or think, or process the first loss she'd ever felt. She laid there, cradling him, sobbing away her very life in the endless lament of the first Rain. At first this was just the tragic echo of a broken heart, but she watched and watched as she cried. Each tear flooded, and molded to her lost love. At first she found it grotesque, but the tears never stopped.

Eventually however, beauty found a way.

The waters we know as Seas began to pool. Life, in its primitive microbial form began to shape itself in the waters she provided. Those tears etched away and washed across her great love's, Okdos', corpse. Tearing away great masses here and there, little bits elsewhere. Carving out the curves and bi-ways of our world's shape, and giving it something for life to sustain itself with.

This was when she was noticed by another. Jutar, the Windlord, heard her mournful wail and investigated. At first he kept his distance, watching with disinterest but as Life began to form, he came closer, and closer until he sat beside Aztune.

"Isn't it beautiful?" she asked one day. Having never bothered to acknowledge him before, he gasped, and the resulting force bore the first wave. They both watched, astounded as the entire emerging world danced and broke against his breath. Taken by this, he joined Aztune's work, giving his very last breath as she gave her last tear, to ensure the world would always be blessed with movement and chaos.

This was when Sarphy, the Dawn Star noticed. He watched as two strangers gave away the last of their life to ensure their creation. Their memorial to a man he had once killed. This stirred the first passion Astrasis ever saw. Moved by their devotion and sacrifice, he cradled the new world. Tethered himself to it for all eternity. Forfeiting his freedom to ensure it would be an emblazoned beacon for all the cosmos to see.

Before he left us, before he had succumb, he spoke to those who had taken the world for themselves. The young humans. He told them of the loss, and love that had borne them. He taught them their origins, and most importantly gave a great many of them the ability to manipulate the very elements that made their home.

That was when History, and Mancers were born.





"Gone. Faded with time and vanished into the depths of history. "





That's the story, anyway. It's been tens of thousands of years. War, strife, and the loss of Manara has reduced it all to legends except in the Scared City. The little village of Caelfall.

Caelfall has always held the traditions and legacies of mankind in it's ancient temple, Onyrx. All those who are born to the village defend it, mend it, keep its woods. They were the last to be able to tap into Manara, but even the reason for that has been lost.

Now the village operates on nothing but fear, and mostly-forgotten traditions. You are a part of this system. A young adult, barely finished with the training of your Manara Element. Your duty? Become a Guardian like the rest of your family and ancestors before you. Resign yourself to protect something that no one else even seems to know what is. Or, will you forge an entirely new path?


Caelfall is virtually unknown to the rest of the world. Only the most astute of scholars know of its existence. Hidden high above in the crevices of the Caelarthian mountains nestled into a small alcove surrounded by the Shrouded Forest lies the little mountain village.

Despite its small area, the population is quite dense at a decent 300. This number consists of many different clans that have existed within the village for thousands of years; their legacies long and tightly woven within the history of the town. The townspeople's homes reflect their own clan's culture and traditions and vary in shape and size and design.

The buildings aren't all on one even plane, but rather vary high and low across the sheer cliffs known as Okdos' Teeth within the valley. Some of the structures are built into the ancient towering trees themselves or cut straight out of the cliffs in interlocking tunnels.

The village is very diverse with Manara being an important part of everyday life. Manara is not just used for fighting. It is used from everything from cooking to farming. From building to demolition.

However, what type of Manara an individual can use depends entirely upon the person and what abilities they inherited.


Down below, past the towering trees of the Shrouded Forest and Caelfall, is a seemingly unending abyss nicknamed "The Eye of Cael". The only way to reach it is to take a treacherous and winding path from Caelfall along the hundred feet tall cliffs. There, at the end of the trail, lies a tunnel that leads to the underground entrance of Onryx Temple.

No one has been inside, so no one knows what it looks like, but the outside is a large imposing gateway of obsidian and crystal. Natural growing minerals capable of absorbing and storing Manara grow in this cavern. However, no one has studied them for fear of being cursed.




Manara was a gift from the Four Deities. As such, it can be broken down into four main divisions:

Wind: Those born under the sign of Jutar are one and the same with mighty winds of his eternal breath. They are capable of calling forth bursts of air that range from a gentle breeze to a raging tornado. They are also capable of blasting their foes with earth-shattering bursts of lightning.

Another defining characteristic of an Aeromancer is their powerful abilities of the mind. These range from telepathy to mind reading, and, in some rare cases, even prophesy and Sight, that is, seeing the unseen.

Water: The children of Aztune are reflective of her vast waters. Aquamancers can send forth mighty waves and piercing geysers, or bring down torrential downpours. They can also turn cold and freeze the moisture around them into deadly sharp razors.

They are also capable of healing many different injuries and sicknesses depending upon the skill and mastery of the Aquamancer. They can also provide protection to their allies and, in some individuals, the power of invisibility.

Earth: The disciples of Okdos are as immovable as the mountains they were birthed from, but as strong as the earthquakes that cause the world to tremble. Powerful Mancers capable of shaking the very foundations of the world with their control of the earth. They can cause mighty tremors and devastating landslides. Eviscerate their foes with sharpened spires and, the most masterful Gaiamancer, can even forge raw metal into massive weapons. In even more rare instances, Gaiamancers can even summon and control plant life.

Besides these powerful forces, they also show control over invisible forces. This mostly encompasses the varying forms of telekinesis. However, some Gaiamancers have been found to even be able to manipulate gravity in a small area, and not just control one singular object.

Fire: Kin to Sarphy can wreak pure havoc and share a deep connection with the mighty blazes they unleash. Being descendants of the Dawn Star, Pyromancers can blast away all in their path with destructive infernos.

They can also temporarily rally more strength in themselves and their allies in combat for a period of time. Some Pyromancers can even burst apart objects much like a bomb.




The Heroes

Zephyr Maelstrom || 21 || Male || Aeromancer || "The Leader" || FC: Kazuma Yagami || Played by: SolanaNight

Cron Vulus || 22 || Male || Pyromancer || "The Sidekick" || FC: Lancer || Played by: RageKage

Pyrrha Solatis || 18 || Female || Pyromancer || "The Jaded" || FC: Elesis || Played by: ElusiveAuthor

Roland Varithmas || 23 || Male || Gaiamancer || "The Champion" || FC: Gazef Stronoff || Played by: Alcidus

Marina Fontaine || 20 || Female || Aquamancer || "The Manic" || FC: Juvia Lockser || Played by: SolanaNight

Leon Dalmascer || 22 || Male || Aquamancer || "The Hunter" || FC: Kagura Demuri || Played by: Nero D Lucifer

Anton Wulfram || 24 || Male || Gaiamancer || "The Blacksmith" || FC: Raven|| Played by: Zetta

Mei Kaska || 20 || Male || Aeromancer || "The Breaker" || FC: Ayato || Played by: Cinto

The Corrupt

Mira Sai || 29 || Female || Aquamancer || "The Cultist" || FC: Rakshata Chawla || Played by: Dae Mec


Code: Select all
[center][font=INSERT FONT CHOICE][color=INSERT COLOR CHOICE][size=400]Name[/size][/color][/font][/center]
[center][color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Themes[/u][/color]

[url=LINK FOR SONG]SONG NAME[/url][/center]


[center][img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img][/center]


[center][color=COLOR CHOICE][size=150][b]The Basics[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[right][img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img][/right][color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Gender[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Mancer Type[/u]:[/color]     

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Title[/u]:[/color] (Main label for the character. For example, mine is "The Leader". Refer to the stats under my face claim on the intro. Why I don't have this under nicknames? Don't worry about that.)

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Nickname(s)/Alias(es)[/u]:[/color]   

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Age[/u]:[/color] (Between 18-24)   

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Face Claim[/u]:[/color]     

[center][color=COLOR CHOICE][size=150][b]The Visuals[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[left][img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img]
[img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img][/left][color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Height[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Weight[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Build[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Hair Color[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Eye Color[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Scars/Tattoos/Piercings[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Description[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Preferred Clothing[/u]:[/color]

[center][color=COLOR CHOICE][size=150][b]The Outer Workings[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[right][img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img]
[/right][color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Equipment[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Skills/Mancer Abilities[/u]:[/color] (Refer to the Manara section in regard to this. List five specific Mancer abilities they can do. As the journey progresses, they can learn more, but for now start with five. Feel free to add one of the rarer abilities, but keep in mind that they are just that: rare. As far as non-mancer abilities go, list as many as you like within reason.)

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Strengths[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Weaknesses[/u]:[/color]

[center][color=COLOR CHOICE][size=150][b]The Inner Workings[/b][/size][/color][/center]
[left][img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img]
[img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img][/left]
[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Oddities[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Likes[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Dislikes[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Hobbies[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Phobia(s)[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Sexuality[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Personality[/u]:[/color]


[center][color=COLOR CHOICE][size=150][b]The Past[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[right][img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img]
[img]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/img][/right]
[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Family Status[/u]:[/color]

[color=COLOR CHOICE][u]Personal History[/u]:[/color]

[center][color=COLOR CHOICE][size=150][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/size][/color][/center]

Toggle Rules

First off, I'd like to thank you for showing interest in this project of mine. However, before you run off to the OOC, there are some things you MUST understand.

1) This is going to be a fast-paced roleplay. FAST-PACED. What do I mean by that? Well, to put it simply, I plan to be posting EVERYDAY. As a result, I expect our group will be rather small. But if you become one of the adventurers, I will expect a post everyday, and, if we get enough momentum behind this, maybe even more than one post a day. From personal experience, I am under the firm belief that the most enjoyable roleplays are the ones that move quickly. If you cannot do that, either because of too much on your plate or you're one of the more casual roleplayers who only post when the GM bugs them, this is not for you! Don't waste my time, the other players time, or your time! In fact, I'm going to need you to show some enthusiasm for this. Convince me that you can commit.

*Note: And yes, I understand that life can get busy. See rule 8. But keep in mind, I'm a full-time college student studying computer engineering, I have a job, and not to mention the other regular day-to-day activities that I have to do. It's not like I sit around and don't have anything to do, but I can still set aside 15-30 minutes for a quick post despite all that.

**Another Note: If you can't post everyday, but you're still interested in this roleplay, PM me and we'll talk. I have some antagonistic roles that you can still be a part of but don't require daily posting. There's more conditions to that, but I'll explain that in detail to you should you be interested in that.

2) Because this is going to be a fast-paced roleplay, you are not required to write super long or super elaborate posts. However, I do expect some effort. Basic grammar and proof-reading rules apply. Put some description in there! You don't have to write a novel, but at least show you put some thought into your post. I'm also going to require a heading for each post. How fancy you get is up to you, but at the very least you'll need to put your character's name at the top so it'll be easy to tell who is interacting with who. Also, please use the character tags.

3) When creating your character, use the character sheet. I've put in everything you need to fill out in there with coding to make it look nice. All you have to do is fill in the inserts. If you have your own character sheet, you may use it as long as it is equal to, or better than mine. It also must cover all the fields I have in mine.

4) When creating your character, keep in mind what other people are going for and try to add variety. Don't feel obligated to do this. Do what you're comfortable with.
You are also welcome to make multiple characters if you so choose. I don't have a character limit, so that's fine by me just know your own limits and don't overwhelm yourself. We will be posting daily after all.

5) I really shouldn't have to say this, but you would be surprised that people do it anyway. No godmodding. What does that mean? Well, it's when you either take control of someone's character and have them do something without permission, or do something with your own character that exceeds the limits of what they are capable of. For example, dodging every single attack and then landing every single hit in a fair fight. Be practical here.

6) No fighting or rudeness in the OOC. If you have a disagreement, don't make a mess of it in the OOC or chat. Take it to a PM. If it is in regards to the roleplay, take it to me and I'll sort it out.

7) No excessive mature content. In other words, don't be having detailed sex scenes or overly graphic situations. It's fine to say those things occurred, just make sure you adhere to RPG's rules.

8) If you're going to be gone for a certain period of time, let me know. Look, I know life happens and there's stuff you got to do that's more important than a roleplay. I understand. Just be sure to give me a quick note saying you'll be away for X amount of time. You don't even have to give me details. This way, I know you haven't vanished, and also so I can direct the posting so that your character is in the background. As soon as you're back, you can jump back in.

9) (Optional) This isn't required, but I strongly encourage these two things: One being talkative. The most successful roleplays I've seen are the ones where the players chat on a regular basis. Which is pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. I have put a chat in the OOC for those who are interested. I assure you I make a great conversationalist. The second being character relations. I would strongly encourage all to scheme your hearts out and create shared histories between your characters. Caelfall is a small town, people, so at the very least, they're going to know each other on a basic level just from training together. Might as well get creative with it.

10) Enjoy yourself.

**If you've thoroughly read through the rules, I would like you to tell me a song in the OOC you feel represents you as a person as well as why I should believe you'd be committed to this roleplay. Also, face claim. Give me a face claim.

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in


Caelfall by SolanaNight

A small mountain village hidden within the folds of the Caelarthian Mountains.

The Lethal Spoon

The Lethal Spoon by SolanaNight

The infamous, and beloved, gambling house of Caelfall.

Onryx Temple

Onryx Temple by SolanaNight

The forbidden temple that has been guarded by Caelfall for thousands of years.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram Character Portrait: Pyrrha Solatis
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0.00 INK

Leon Dalmascer

Hearing Pyrrha give orders to everybody else Leon scowled. "Hate to break it to you Fire Pit but the only one who would be fighting those rats up there would be me. Asking Rain Drop to try is like asking her to commit suicide." He said with a more of a collected tone before continuing. "Also it would be a suicide mission either way we don't know how many there, we also have to consider that they're small and fast, and from experience unless you know their movement pattern anything that is hard to hit means just wasting time." He added watching Pyrrha grab Zephyr before taking off saying something about him being easier to carry then Cron 'I'd says she's wrong there but that'll just get me burnt again and not by flaming rats.'

Looking around Leon watched as the two Gaiamancers began doing their work only to remember the wall he suspected need some kind of key, he had found not but a few minutes ago. Upon this realization Leon ran to the chamber Zephyr had passed out in. "I wish Air Head wouldn't play with stuff he has no clue about." He sighed grabbing the bag Zephyr had dropped when he fell unconscious before going back and making a beeline to the strange wall.

'Let me see will any of these work.' Leon thought rummaging through the bag pulling one item out after the other and tossing them aside before pulling the eyeball pendant from the bag and staring at it. "That not creepy at all but let's see if it works." He said to himself ripping the eye off the chain it was attached to and setting it into the small indent.

Kicking up dirt, dust, along with a few cob webs the wall began to slide open revealing a small passage leading to an upward angle. "Well it may be eerie but at least that accessory got the job done." Leon said waving away the dust cloud that the secret door kicked up when it opened. "Hey I found something! Not sure if it leads out of this place but it does look like a tunnel that goes up!" He called out walking over to the center where Roland to the others were with a slightly raised incline and slinging Mei's arm around his neck while lightly pulling him from Roland's grip and carrying him back to the entrance of the tunnel he had just found. "You guys can do that if you'd like I'll take the mad scientist and meet you out!" He called out stepping into the tunnel keeping a keen eye out for any trap.

Keeping up a good pace Leon was able to get out of the tunnel dragging an unconscious Mei along with him where he was greeted by guardians running around. "There's two survivors here!" the one closest to him called out. 'Guess we're really in trouble this time." He said pointing to the tunnel he just emerged from with his free hand. "There are some more down there one is barely able to stand let alone walk." Leon pointed out carrying Mei along with him to the entrance. "We'll explain everything once we're all safe and had time to recover." He added turning back shortly and continuing on his way.

Once they got out Leon handed Mei over to another guardian before looking them square in the eyes. "Mind if I ask there were two others who went a head of every one else in our group one would be unconscious and the other is a red haired girl fairly short have you seen them where would they be now?" He asked sitting himself on the grass breathing somewhat heavily letting the adrenaline rush leave his system before continuing. "As I told the one's I passed earlier we'll tell you everything when we're all out of danger and have had a chance to recover from this whole event." He said before laying back into the grass and looking at the stars waiting to hear that every one was able to get out safely.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram Character Portrait: Pyrrha Solatis
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Zephyr Maelstrom


Marina Fontaine

Marina struggled to maintain her balance as the temple shook. She nodded at Pyrrha as she picked up Zephyr and soared on ahead. She stood back doing her best to keep Cron upright as Anton and Roland worked to clear a path out of the temple. She saw Leon use one of the objects that Zephyr had pilfered to unlock a passageway which he used to take Mei through. She nodded at him as he took off.

"If you find anyone, be sure to tell them where we are!" she called after him not even caring that they'd get in trouble. She didn't follow after him mostly because she was intimidated by an unknown temple that could very easily collapse on them. Mari didn't care that there were two Gaiamancers with her. A thousand tons of rock and ground seemed a bit too much for them to handle. She looked at the ground and saw the artifacts that Leon had haphazardly tossed around when searching for one to open the tunnel. She picked them up and sighed. She really wanted to leave them, but they came this far so there was no point. Plus, Zephyr would whine to no end if they got left so she shoved them back into their bags and pulled them over her shoulder.

Marina pulled Cron along going as fast as she could chasing after the two Gaiamancers who were creating a path forward dodging debris, and trying not to think about how the path behind them was collapsing preventing them from turning back. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, their makeshift path opened up to what looked like one of the main passageways. She almost cried in relief when she saw one of the Guardians. It wasn't just any Guardian, however, but her eldest brother Maxian.

"Maxi! Over here!" she choked out. He heard her and called for some other Guardians to follow after him to tend to Marina and the others.

"Mari! Oh thank the gods! When the Temple started collapsing and we heard you were in here, we were scared to death!" Maxian pulled her tightly to his chest ignoring the falling debris and fleeing monsters around him.

"There's no time for this! Did you find the others? Pyrrha and Zephyr? Leon and Mei?" she pulled back frantic.

"Yeah, we got word through telepathy not too long ago that the other squads picked them up. Speaking of which..." Maxian closed his eyes for a moment to send out the word that everyone has been found and to retreat immediately.

"We have no time to waste. Let's get out of here!" Maxian took Marina while the other Guardians helped Roland, Anton, and Cron, and quickly fled from the Temple through a makeshift tunnel made by the Gaiamancers. As soon as they were out, another earth-shattering earthquake shook the ground causing what was left of the Temple to completely disappear underground. They would find out later that five Guardians had lost their lives in their efforts to rescue them.

Later that day........

Zephyr woke up abruptly shouting and in a cold sweat only to be met by a vicious migraine. He moaned and collapsed back onto the bed. He felt as if he had lived a horrific nightmare. He wished it was only a nightmare... But the memories slowly came flooding back. From infiltrating the Temple all the way till the moment he touched the ethereal orb. It had happened. All of it.

"Zeph! You're awake! Thank Aztune!" Marina cried. Zeph glanced over to see the blue-haired girl with bags under her eyes and quite a bit shaken, but relatively unharmed. He grimaced at her still not quite ready to give his voice yet. He cast his eyes downward; guilt flooding his expression. This was too big of a screw up for Zephyr to take all the blame this time. His friends were surely going to suffer just as much as he was... Then he noticed the mark on his arm.Long spiraling black marks twisted up and down his forearm. He hadn't noticed it in the Temple, so where did it come from?

"We got those marks as soon as the orb shattered. We didn't notice till we were out of the temple, but all eight of us have them. The scholars are trying to decipher them, but they have nothing to go off of. No one knows what they are..." Zephyr nodded in understanding still not trusting his voice. Marina shifted uncomfortably before clearing her throat.

"So... As soon as you woke up I was told to take you to the Council room.... The others are already there." she offered a weak smile. She didn't want to deal with this either, and although she could cast all the blame on Zephyr, she didn't. She chose to follow him like she always has and for that she held no grudge.

"Oh joy..." he whispered voice cracking. Zephyr cleared his throat and stood up. Someone had taken it upon themselves to replace his previous clothes with a fresh set. Without further ado, he followed Marina to the Council.

The Council room was a large room with a large half circle table positioned in the back for all the clan heads to sit at. Zephyr spotted the rest of his friends already waiting in the center looking uncomfortable. Not that he could blame them. Almost everyone here had a family member on the Council. Marina took her place with the others and winced when she saw the exasperated expression on her father's face. Zephyr gave his friends an insincere grin and a wink before coming to a halt right before his grandfather, the High Elder.

"Hey Gramps, fancy meeting you here huh-"

"Cut the crap Zephyr. This is not a time or place for your antics." Ouch. Harsh.

"We need you to explain, in GREAT detail, what happened in the Temple. Go." So explain he did. Zephyr told the whole story giving all the details he could remember with the others chipping in here and there, and ended with his taking of the artifacts and his experience with the glowing orb. The Council was silent as they absorbed everything they were just told. Including the part about others entering the Temple before. Zeph braced himself fully expecting to get banished or lynched, but was shocked instead by what his grandpa said.

"It seems that this incident was going to happen one way or another. My only regret is that I couldn't have more clearly foreseen it. In any case, there is no turning back now. Allow me to explain the gravity of your mistake. Although many of the legends have been lost, the Council does know what was sealed within the Temple: Manara. Tens of thousands of years ago, our ancestors sealed away the whole of Manara from Astrasis because of the evil certain Mancers were committing. But now, you have unleashed it once again on a world that has long since forgotten its origins.."

"Whoa, back up. So, the rest of the world can't harness Manara? Why can we then in Caelfall?"

"Is it not obvious? To protect the Temple. Keep people from doing what you have done today. Although, to be fair, I don't believe our forefathers ever anticipated one of our own to unleash the seal... In any case, you have undoubtedly caused what may very well be the destruction of the world. It is up to you to fix it. There are four sealing grounds across the world. I believe those artifacts you pilfered from the Temple hold the keys to those seals. It is now your duty to go out and reseal what you have unleashed. You must go forth, leave the village, and not return till you have restrengthened the seal on Manara. The Council went into an uproar with many frantic parents voicing their opinions. They died down when Tehrest Maelstrom began speaking.

"Fath-High Elder. You can't be serious. These are children! OUR children! What they have done is unforgivable, but do you honestly believe they can fix this catastrophe?" Zephyr had never seen his father act with such emotion before. Not since mom died. For a rare moment, he was speechless. The other Council members were agreeing with Tehrest and were also shouting their outrage before Mavrik Maelstrom projected his voice.

"SILENCE! Enough! What choice do we have? We have no other options! They're Guardians! They can take care of themselves and each other. No more discussion. You have till tomorrow to pack up and prepare any necessary supplies. The young Guardians leave at dawn." Everyone was stunned silent. Mavrik never raised his voice.

"The meeting is dismissed. I suggest you use your time wisely." With a prolonged look at Zephyr, Mavrik left the room and slowly but surely, everyone dispersed to begin preparations.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram Character Portrait: Pyrrha Solatis
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While Pyrrha wasn't proud to admit it, she had fainted from Manara-exhaustion only seconds after she had called out to the other party. Even now, hours later, the world still seemed to be spinning slightly around her. It was due to this that her reaction to the verdict was muted.

Either that, or shock. She didn't really know what to blame.

She separated from the group without a word, and went to her home. A place she wasn't likely to see again for a long time.

Finally an emotion managed to make it through her dazed mind. Her face twisting in anger and self-loathing.

The plaster on the wall that she hit cratered.

She hadn't wanted to go in the first place, why had she gone along with it? why hadn't she protested harder?

Why? Why? Why?, the word reverberated through her mind endlessly. Tears started to run down her face. Nevertheless, she ignored them, knowing that it was their own fault everything had gone to hell. Nothing to blame but their own stupidity.

She laid everything she thought she would need out on her bed, and started to pick out the things she truly wouldn't be able to do without according to her guardian training. But that was based on having a base to return to. Ofcourse she wouldn't be able to take all of it with her on her journey.

In the end, dawn came, and with one last look at the empty house behind her, she left everything that she knew behind.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram Character Portrait: Pyrrha Solatis
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It didn't feel good. None of it, nothing did. The whole meeting was just a blur, one full of crap he didn't listen to or even really register. It didn't make sense, any of it. Start to finish. A seal on Manara? All the other crap. It just..Didn't add up. It didn't penetrate into his thoughts either, not really. He was far too busy being blaming himself. He was older. He was supposed to be wiser. It was only because of him that anyone bothered to follow Zeph in the first place. If he had just known better, or kept his mouth shut, or..Or...

The meeting was pretty much over and Mavrik was nearly out of the room but Cron called out anyway. His voice wobbling and raspy."It should be me!" He paused without realizing it, taking his eyes off his feet for the first time in days. He looked around the room, catching the stares of everyone and clenched his fists hard enough his non-existent nails dug in. "It should be me," he shouted again, this time without the wobble, "It should be me that's exiled. Me that has to fix things, not the rest of them." He couldn't bring himself to call them friends. How could they be friends after what he did to them all..It was my idea to go in the first place, I just talked Zeph into it..And it was my fire that broke the statue. If it wasn't for me..Nothing bad would've happened.."

He sighed and looked back down, blood dripping from his palms. "You don't have to punish anyone else, Elder. Just me.."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram Character Portrait: Pyrrha Solatis
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#, as written by Alcidus
Roland Varithmas

Roland walks over to here Cron is making a scene and slaps him hard of the back of the head, almost falling onto the ground, only staying upright from Roland holding his arm. "You can barely stand, let alone talk. We all knew what would of happened if something went wrong. It's not solely on you. We're friends, we lean on and help each other. So for once. Keep your talkative mouth shut until you feel better." Letting go of Crons arm Rolands makes his way to the door and leaves with his uncle.

On the walk home home, Roland and his uncle said no words, the two stoic men needing no words to pass between them to exchange their words. Olaf knowing that if this was meant to be his nephews path, then this is what it is, and he won't stand in his way.

Reaching their house, Roland braced himself for the oncoming onslaught as he opened the door and was immediately tackled into the ground by the twins, Rivus angrily yelling at him while Amnis just cries heavily, all he can manage to do his hug the two tightly until the eventually go quiet after wearing themselves out. Olaf smiling to himself walks inside and continues with his metalwork.

Awaking a few hours earlier just after dusk, Roland looks around his room as it occurs to him that he won't be back for a long while, Carefully getting out of his bed as two not wake the twins, who after persistently complaining to stay with him until he left. He walks through the house taking in every sight and smell, hoping to remember it all when he's gone.

After spending hours quietly to himself, and managing to get all of the supplies he'd think he'd need, he finally goes back to bed, to await the oncoming dawn, and his final easy day. With a smile on his face, he falls asleep not long after midnight, knowing that he might finally find the answer to his question.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Pyrrha Solatis
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Leon Dalmascer

Entering his room that he saw more as a glorified prison cell Leon went around grabbing his clothes and tossing them into a small bag. "No need to leave anything here I doubt we'll have a chance to return." He said closing his bag and exiting slamming his door shut before running to the end of the hall and leaping out the window and grabing an out stretched branch that allowed him to swing down landing safely on the grass below. 'That trainer would have a fit if he saw me do that not that it matters now he won't be seeing me for afew years.' Adjusting his clothes Leon made his way to where every one would meet.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine Character Portrait: Mei Kaska Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas Character Portrait: Cron Vulus Character Portrait: Pyrrha Solatis
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Zephyr Maelstrom


Marina Fontaine

Marina's father after the meeting immediately had pulled her into a bear hug that could bend metal. She was expecting him to be furious, but was rather met with tears and relief over her safety. She was met by similar displays from the rest of her family. Even her mother and older sister were choked up from the prospect of her departure. This made packing very difficult because the twins were firmly attached to her legs and her older brother had his arms wrapped around her shoulders. Fortunately, her mother had already done all of her packing, and with dawn approaching on the horizon, she was handed a pack with standard traveling gear and a fully stocked medical kit equipped with even surgical supplies. With one last tear filled goodbye, she headed off to the village gate.

Zephyr had dragged his feet as much as possible when heading back to his home even to the point of hesitantly waiting outside the front door of his house. He really didn't want to do this. Maybe he could sneak into his room and get out before-

"Stop delaying the inevitable and just get in here Zephyr." came the tired sigh of his father. Zephyr flinched and sheepishly opened the door. Inside the main living room sat Granny, Gramps, and his dad. All had quiet solemn expressions on their faces, but Granny looked a bit more disgruntled like she had just lost an argument. Zephyr stood and stopped before them and shifted from foot to foot before breaking the unbearable silence.

"Uh, hate to cut this family reunion short, but I gotta go pack so..."

"Already done. Your bag is by the door including the artifacts you picked up. I put in some money, a change of clothes, some traveling rations, flint, water, and a bottle of Maelstrom sake. I also threw in your current tome you were reading as well as a journal if you wanted to write in it. You'll notice a brand new short sword and a set of fresh leather armor as well as a new cloak. That was your Guardian present that we had intended to give to you before... this." His father stated. Zephyr was speechless.

"Dad... I...-"

"What you did was extremely stupid. You will be remembered as the biggest idiot our village has ever known. But... at the same time we feel this was destined to be your path from the beginning. So go. Go and make us proud Zeph. Become the master Aeromancer that saves the world." For the first in what felt like years, Tehrest smiled at his son. A wave of emotion tore through Zephyr and he clenched his teeth in order to bite back the tears. With goodbyes from his grandparents, and an extra knock upside the head from Granny, he left his family and headed to the gate. He found the others waiting with their own bags and weapons. With a nod, he led the way though the gate into the awaiting Shrouded Forest.

The group traveled quietly for several hours before the trees began to thin and they came out into the rolling foothills at the base of the mountains. Zephyr stopped for a moment taking in the scenery of the plains around him not having seen anything except sheer cliffs and tall trees.

"Well, this is different. Why don't we take a break and eat lunch yeah? Anyone pack anything tasty? I got sake!"

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Caelfall by SolanaNight

A small mountain village hidden within the folds of the Caelarthian Mountains.

The Lethal Spoon

The Lethal Spoon by SolanaNight

The infamous, and beloved, gambling house of Caelfall.

Onryx Temple

Onryx Temple by SolanaNight

The forbidden temple that has been guarded by Caelfall for thousands of years.

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Character Portrait: Pyrrha Solatis
46 sightings Pyrrha Solatis played by ElusiveAuthor
TERRIBLY unlucky

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom
Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas
Character Portrait: Mira Sai
Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer
Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram
Character Portrait: Mei Kaska
Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine


Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine
Marina Fontaine

"I didn't do it! Wha- erm. I mean... What are you talking about~?"

Character Portrait: Mei Kaska
Mei Kaska

"Although he isn't a pyromancer, he still finds ways to blow things up. He's actually really creative in that regard."

Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram
Anton Wulfram

A pretty normal guy!

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer
Leon Dalmascer

"Look I don't care what you think just don't make me angry."

Character Portrait: Mira Sai
Mira Sai

"And you think I care about the consequences?"

Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas
Roland Varithmas

"You know nothing of passion, when your rage can sunder mountains, you may speak to me of passion"

Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
Cron Vulus

"If the thread count is under six-hundred I'm not sleeping under it."

Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom
Zephyr MaelStrom

"No one tries to tell the wind what to do. Why am I any different?"


Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram
Anton Wulfram

A pretty normal guy!

Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
Cron Vulus

"If the thread count is under six-hundred I'm not sleeping under it."

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer
Leon Dalmascer

"Look I don't care what you think just don't make me angry."

Character Portrait: Mira Sai
Mira Sai

"And you think I care about the consequences?"

Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas
Roland Varithmas

"You know nothing of passion, when your rage can sunder mountains, you may speak to me of passion"

Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine
Marina Fontaine

"I didn't do it! Wha- erm. I mean... What are you talking about~?"

Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom
Zephyr MaelStrom

"No one tries to tell the wind what to do. Why am I any different?"

Character Portrait: Mei Kaska
Mei Kaska

"Although he isn't a pyromancer, he still finds ways to blow things up. He's actually really creative in that regard."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cron Vulus
Cron Vulus

"If the thread count is under six-hundred I'm not sleeping under it."

Character Portrait: Leon Dalmascer
Leon Dalmascer

"Look I don't care what you think just don't make me angry."

Character Portrait: Anton Wulfram
Anton Wulfram

A pretty normal guy!

Character Portrait: Mira Sai
Mira Sai

"And you think I care about the consequences?"

Character Portrait: Roland Varithmas
Roland Varithmas

"You know nothing of passion, when your rage can sunder mountains, you may speak to me of passion"

Character Portrait: Zephyr MaelStrom
Zephyr MaelStrom

"No one tries to tell the wind what to do. Why am I any different?"

Character Portrait: Marina Fontaine
Marina Fontaine

"I didn't do it! Wha- erm. I mean... What are you talking about~?"

Character Portrait: Mei Kaska
Mei Kaska

"Although he isn't a pyromancer, he still finds ways to blow things up. He's actually really creative in that regard."

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Caelfall by SolanaNight

A small mountain village hidden within the folds of the Caelarthian Mountains.

The Lethal Spoon

The Lethal Spoon by SolanaNight

The infamous, and beloved, gambling house of Caelfall.

Onryx Temple

Onryx Temple by SolanaNight

The forbidden temple that has been guarded by Caelfall for thousands of years.

Onryx Temple

The forbidden temple that has been guarded by Caelfall for thousands of years.

The Lethal Spoon

The infamous, and beloved, gambling house of Caelfall.


A small mountain village hidden within the folds of the Caelarthian Mountains.

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