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Gavin (Now Hawke)

The Forest Speaks, to those who have the ability to listen....

0 · 1,803 views · located in Modern Day

a character in “Escape to the Outside”, as played by WriteLive


Name: Birth Name- Gavin. In the Lab, he became known as HawkeImage

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Mutation/Abilities: Due to several failed animal experiments, Hawke has the ability to talk with and exert his will over animals (much in the same way an Alpha member of a pack might).

Mutation Appearance: The experiment that took most was the first, an attempt to make him part hawk. If one were to look closely enough, the top layers of his hair are actually composed of feathers instead of strands of hair, a dark auburn/russet in color like a red-tailed hawk's feathers. He has "tattoos" all over his body: his left arm and down that side are all feline patterns, he has scaly patterns at the corners of his eyes, various canine/vulpine patterns going down his right arm and side, more scales and feathers going down his legs.

Description: His auburn hair reaches down to his waist; the feathers that are the top layers only reach his shoulders. The hair he keeps pulled in a tail at the nape of his neck, the uneven self done layers looking more like some mythical bird's tail than human hair. His emerald irises are usually half hidden by his feathered bangs. Despite the first mutation being bird, he's built more like a cat; tall and seemingly lanky, with sleek, deceiving muscles meant mostly for quick attacks to conserve energy.

Personality: Hawke is short tempered, and easily provoked into violence, a frightening combination that has kept him in and out of the Games for ten of his fifteen years in the Lab. He's extremely protective of anyone he considers friend or ally, making him more likely to help someone than harm them (if he likes them). Despite the short temper, once his trust is gained he's quite friendly, which earned him a handful of friends among those in the lab (mostly mutants whom his voice could reach from his room). He doesn't joke often, but so long as he isn't pissed off he does his best to remain cheerful. With his eyes closed, it's easier for him to remain calm and collected; in times of danger or excitement he uses this to override his birdlike instinct to flee (which tends to happen with his eyes open).

Strengths: Hawke is fast for his size, often using the slower builds of his opponents against them. He spends most of his time listening to conversations with his heightened sense of hearing, and uses what he hears to plan ahead.


Weaknesses: Although his hearing is great, his sight and sense of smell are weak in comparison. His temper often gets him into trouble, and his bones are a little less dense than most because of the bit of bird DNA in him. Occasionally the flight instinct is stronger than fight, causing him to get agitated and fidgety when he can't escape. Though he can control animals, he has no power over animal-mutants

Fears: Animal mutants, stemming from his inability to exert his will over them. He is terrified that one day he'll be incapable of keeping himself alive against one of the more ferocious ones. He also isn't fond of cages or crowded areas, but this is something he can more easily control by keeping his eyes shut.

ImageWriting Sample:
Fifteen Years Ago
Gavin dove between the slats of a rotting fence, wincing as his side got caught on a rusted nail. He had to get away from those two men. He didn't know why he felt that way, he just didn't like the way they'd come toward him. Outweighing him by at least a hundred and fifty pounds, the scrawny preteen street rat had no other choice but to run. With a huff he turned sharply into "his" alley, his ankle screaming in protest at the sudden change of direction. His lungs and throat burned, his focus on anything but keeping his breathing even. All he had to do was get inside and flip the switch. Then his booby traps would be in place and he'd be safe--
A foot hooked around his already twisted ankle as he passed a doorway; Gavin was sent flying face first into the gravel, skidding and tumbling painfully. He coiled around himself to protect his head as he continued toward the concrete half step, his shoulders and spine smashing into it so hard he couldn't breathe. Unable to move or get a deep enough breath to cry out, he was hefted over one of the men's shoulder like a sack of flour. Last thing he saw was the other's thick fist coming straight at his face...

When he awoke, he still couldn't move. A light shone directly overhead into his eyes, harsh restraints kept his arms and legs strapped tightly to a steel surface. Faces obscured by the light surrounded him, chattering incomprehensibly through his clouded mind and punch drunk ears. Pain shot through his arms and legs as though someone had pumped liquid fire into his veins. He cried out, thrashed, desperate to get away from whatever they were doing to him, kept fighting until pain shut his senses down once more.

When he came to this time, he was in a small room. He lay on a bed much like those at the orphanage he'd lived in: steel framed, cold, with a thin mattress and little in the way of bedding. He didn't really care about the rest of the room, except for one terrifying problem: there were no windows. No way to tell where he was. He was trapped, starving, and everything hurt from head to toe. Unable to think or do anything else, Gavin coiled into the tiniest ball he could in the corner of the bed, head on his knees, and wept.

In Additions
-I'd place a facility actually in the city, a bad part of town where no one really seems to care about anyone else. Underground, of course, but definitely in the worst part of town possible so I had the largest selection of those who wouldn't be missed.
-shape shifting mutations are my favorites

So begins...

Gavin (Now Hawke)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Barrow peeled back the chain link like it were a strip of skin from bone, his knife having sliced through it like it would through yielding flesh. Things were chaotic all around them, the battle moving like a whirlwind. Mutants took advantage of their newfound freedom to exact revenge, apparently feeling it was more to their benefit than escaping. Bullets sailed overhead with startling accuracy, the scent of copper hung thickly in the air like a wire blanket, cacophonous roars floated on the breeze from the mouths of children with opalite eyes whose teeth wanted for filing and's edges didn’t quite hold together in light of day. Max would wait no longer. She broke formation and rushed through the opening, hopeful Olek would be behind her shortly thereafter. Her spine twisted with ease allowing her to glide through without snagging any part of herself on the chain link, thanks to the extra vertebrae in her spine that had grown since her genetic alterations. Cats were notoriously flexible and could fit through most any opening.

The massive deciduous trees threw out their primitive limbs to cover the broad and untended forest floor ahead, like silent sentinels that meant to guard and protect them in tactile silence if they could but make it underneath the safety of their branches. Max allowed herself a moment, just one, to glance back over her shoulder at her prison break compatriots. She had fooled herself into believing when she threw the switches that the majority of the mutants imprisoned at the Lab would make it out alive. It was a folly on her part, but she couldn't force herself to feel a pang of regret as freedom stretched it's limitless fingers before her, more of a future that her job had even been. She was so naïve to have thought the shackles that this place had named employment would ever benefit her more than her free will ever could. Max believed the transgenic captives might have felt that too, most obviously willing to risk death for the opportunity to truly live.

"COME ON!" She wailed, making it to shelter behind a particularly thick tree trunk whose base would require at least three of Max to wrap her arms completely around it. She knew she should have kept going--following her baser instincts, heedless of those who had aided her escape indoors but her nagging conscious wouldn't allow for it.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek counted every single person the came through the break in the fence. Names blurred together, at this point he was just counting bodies. He stumbled ever so slightly as a bullet impacted his vest once more. Olek's body jerked back, he gritted his teeth as the bullet cracked one of his ribs on impact. He gasped and staggered back into his normal position. He squeezed the trigger attached to his pistol at the guard tower that zeroed in on him. Olek was out of effective pistol range, but he hoped it would scare a few of the guards enough to push them back in a more passive position behind the safety that their cover provided. As Bast hurtled through the break in the fence with grace that he hadn't thought her capable of, Olek continued to lay down rudimentary cover fire. He went through two clips of pistol ammo until he heard Bast call from the other side of the fence. Time to go.

Olek squeezed through the break, his large frame causing parts if his uniform to get caught on the fence. Sharper parts of the fence cut into his left arm, carving the flesh with deep scratches as Olek forced his way through the break in the fence. Blood trickled down his forearm unbeknownst to Olek. He quickly wormed free after another hail of bullets rained down on his position, leaving small pieces of fabric in the fence. He grasped his chest, the left part of his ribcage was coursing with pain. He quickly got to his feet and started sprinting into the woods. His pace was slowed by a small amount, but he continued his dash through the trees. Bullets impacted the trees, but ultimately Olek made it to safe cover within the woods.

He continued to follow the group, grasping his left side as he stumbled from behind. "Keep going them going, I'll catch up." Olek spoke through his radio to Bast just before he passed the tree she was taking cover behind. Once he caught sight of her out of the corner of his eye, he skidded to a halt and took cover next to her. He felt around on the left side of his ribcage whilst leaning against the massive tree for support. The tree seemed big enough to house them both easily. Most of the other trees were too small for Olek to safely hide behind. The pain was subsiding, he pulled the bullet off of his vest. He felt confident that his ribs were bruised rather than cracked at this moment in time. He breathed a slightly pained sigh of relief and glanced over at Bast. "It's going to be a long day..." Olek spoke to himself more so than Bast. It hurt to breathe still, but Olek's resolve stood fast, he continued to grasp his side whilst allowing his legs to carry him ahead. He continued running with the group, further surrounding himself with the temporary safety that the wooded area provided.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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The woman guard had slipped through the hole while Edur was distracted by the wolves surrounding Hawke. She turned back in time to see her move with cat like ease that made her own tail twitch in jealousy. Pushing the strange feeling aside she released Chris and moved through the spiked hole, with only her tail catching on a sharp spike, tearing a good chunk of fur.

But Edur didn't have enough time to worry about that now. She sped past the trees, and ended up hiding behind one just ten feet from the woman guard. After a few moments Edur let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and looked around the trees. It was breathtaking despite the gun shoots and mangled screaming coming from the lab before them. She was expecially in awe of the tree the woman, and now the interesting man was behind. It was large, and Edur couldn't make out the top. But soon enough Edur's attention was brought to the man, who's breath wad labored in pain. She whimpered in sympathy although it was slim they would hear it.

Now Edur wondered what would happen. Once their group made it to the trees, and she refused to think they wouldn't, what would happen? She couldn't help but think that maybe the guards would split off without them. Then maybe Hawke and Dray would relize they could do better on their own. And Edur was sure Kisa would want to leave. That left her and Chris, whom she thought wouldn't leave her by herself. The thought scared her to the bone, and she gripped the bark while continuing to gaze at the guards.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Hawke kept himself behind everyone but Dray, only allowing himself to sit, breathe, and assess his injuries once he knew they'd all gotten through the fence. They weren't out of the woods yet, but out of that barrier was a good step further. He watched the young catgirl--Edur, he believed that was the name she responded to-- who clung tight to the young dog mutant. He gave himself a moment to find that funny, vaguely remembering old cartoons where cats and dogs would chase each other with enormous weapons, and then glanced past her, at what she was staring at so worriedly. it wasn't only himself that was wounded badly. He, Dray, and Barrow were all bleeding. He kept a tight grip on his right side; he was lucky the bullet had both gone through and had missed his lung. His thigh was another close call, and he shredded a sleeve to bind it. The gut shot hurt the worst, right behind that the tiny nick in his ear. Why do tiny wounds hurt so much...? They either hurt, or itch... He thought to himself. The wolves were doing a good job keeping the guards inside their fence, but they had to keep moving or risk being surrounded.

He groaned, limping toward Barrow and Bast, staying low enough to avoid being hit a fifth time. The alpha who had saved him was right behind, his muzzle pale with age, and eyes as bright with experience. He stared between Hawke and the guards, calculating. Trying to decide if the two-legs with guns were trustworthy.

We can trust them more than the ones behind us, Elder, He barked softly, keeping his head low. Not quite submissive, like the Pack would, but with deep respect. He got a low, questioning growl in response. He noted vaguely that he probably sounded like an idiot, barking and growling instead of using proper speech, but it was easier to keep himself understood when he did. He glanced at Olek. "They can help get us a better head start. If we follow, the Alpha will help guide us; he knows these woods better than the Lab, I believe. He isn't sure--frankly, I don't think any of us are-- just how much we can trust you. You allowed us to see the sun, and you have gotten us out of the building. Big points. But guards have misled us before. The Alpha wishes to know for certain you won't try to steal or kill any of his Pack without provocation." He watched both guards, that threatening plea in his eyes again. Would they leave the mutants to fend for themselves from here? Would they laugh, take them back, or worse, kill them here? While all of those options were accurate of other guards, he was unsure of these two. He blinked as the Alpha's head turned toward Dray also, and chuckled. No, Elder. He is friend to us. At least for now. I will make sure he will not harm the Pack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Their group was slowing coming to a stop near some large trees and taking cover. He wanted to keep going because he knew the guards would be after them soon. With a quick glance back he could tell that the gunmen were being held inside their fence by the wolves that had come to help. But it was only a matter of time before the canines were all shot down and the guards would come after them in earnest, guns firing.
His scales could protect him only so long and his hands and feet were still bleeding from the sharp wire and metal from the guard towers. Pain was throbbing through the wounds though it was still manageable. Once he shifted back to his normal form he knew both would be mostly shredded skin and the pain wouldn’t be as bearable as it was now. They would need a place to rest and recoup, out here there were no healers that could make them well again in a few minutes. They would have to just wait and heal on their own.
The large wolf next to Hawke turned his head in his direction and he stared back at it. It was obviously the one in charge because it was the largest of the pack that had come, but not the largest he had seen in his life time. It seemed to be questioning him and guards. He bared his teeth slightly; he didn’t want to be grouped up with the ones who tortured them every day. However, he knew the wolf was trying to help them as Hawke said he could lead them to safety. Instead of quarreling with the wolf he turned his head away and watched the fence.
He started to fidget despite the pain it brought to his limbs. They needed to move quickly, they couldn’t stay where they were now, and they needed to move soon; otherwise they would be shot and killed in a few minutes. After that they would need supplies such as food and clothing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke)
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Olek, whilst still clutching his side nonchalantly, had his left hand rested on his holstered side arm. His good eye glanced at the wolves surrounding Hawke in a protective manner. His eye glanced at Bast making sure that she was ready for anything. Olek hoped that this wouldn't escalate to blood shed, as they had just shed blood against the same enemy only moments ago, but he was still prepared for combat. Hawke appeared to have some control over the wolves that suddenly started to hover around the group. The feeling of ever present danger loomed in the back of Olek's mind like storm clouds as he listened to Hawke speak.

"They can help get us a better head start. If we follow, the Alpha will help guide us; he knows these woods better than the Lab, I believe. He isn't sure--frankly, I don't think any of us are-- just how much we can trust you. You allowed us to see the sun, and you have gotten us out of the building. Big points. But guards have misled us before. The Alpha wishes to know for certain you won't try to steal or kill any of his Pack without provocation." Hawke finished.

Olek glanced around at everyone. Chris, Edur, Kisa, Bast, Dray, and then slowly back to Hawke. "We don't have time for this, we need to keep moving. You don't have to trust us right now, appoint two of your strongest fighters to keep on eye on us. We'll address matters of trust when we're out of immediate danger." Olek spoke calmly and motioned to Bast when he used the term 'us.' He craned his head around the tree to scan for movement for a few moments before he spoke once more. His eyes assessed everyone's wounds, Edur's tail received a nasty cut, Dray's limbs were cut up quite badly, Kisa's arm was bleeding, everyone seemed to be in okay condition with the exception of Hawke. He took a few hits that looked particularly nasty. Olek's demeanor wasn't readable, he acted strictly in a professional manner. The only thing that made Olek even slightly nervous was the growling that came from Kisa, the woman could easily rip most of them apart. Dray could easily do so too, but he seemed to be cooperative in general.

"I'll take the rear, anyone with a destination in mind, feel free to take point." Olek's voice rumbled outward once more. He holstered his pistol whilst looking at Hawke, and Bast in particular. The only person that appeared to be taking the initiative was Hawke; however, Olek only felt comfortable with Bast taking point mainly because she was armed to the teeth. Olek had nowhere safe to hide out. Once his employers were aware of his betrayal, his house would likely be under heavy surveillance. He'd make this one up as he went along if no one else would though.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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The second they made it to safety, the mutants began to turn on them one by one. Their suspicions aroused due to the canyons of the past that lied between the two groups despite all the signs to the contrary of betrayal, from the guards obvious cooperation to their very lives being placed on the line to ensure their escape. Max had to snort, she didn't blame them, it was par for the course, but it was awfully expressed of them to already have doubts. It would be ridiculous to set up this entire prison break just to kill some nuisances, they could have done so without all of this elaborate chaos.

The wolves presence erected the short hairs on the back of her neck, hackles raised. Perhaps it was an unfair bias against anything canine because of her newfound cat-like nature, but she didn't trust them. Her and Olek were vastly outnumbered, their advantage of firearms growing more and more obsolete with every new genetically altered escapee that joined their renegade team. She also didn't like that they were trying to take the lead. Had she not ignited this whole ordeal, had she not more knowledge of the outside world and where would be safest to ride out the storm?

Olek addressed the problem in a straight forward fashion as per usual, and quelled the sense of distrust gathering speed in their hearts and minds, but she could tell this wouldn't be the end of it. She had a few choice words of her own to iterate when the time came....mostly toward Hawke. Max soundlessly took the lead with one of the large wolves, challenging the dogs to insist she linger near the back with Barrow. She spared her comrade and exasperated look before she took off into a lopping jog. "Let's move out then, the Hell if I'm going to die here, fertilizer for the trees." She needed to be sure the rest of the group could stay on her heels, keep up, and not get separated so she tried to maintain a steady pace.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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As the group stopped to rest and take cover behind the trees Chris sat underneath a tree not far from the others and took the time to asses everyone's injuries. Somehow he had managed to get this far with nary a scratch. While most of the others with the exception of Bast had taken some sort of injury. While almost everyone was injured they seemed to be in decent enough condition with the exception of Hawke who took the majority of the damage during the escape. Though there wasn't really time to worry about that at the moment, soon the guards would deal with the rest of the wolves and would be out searching for them.

He set his eyes on Hawke as the larger wolf approached and Hawke began to speak. "They can help get us a better head start. If we follow, the Alpha will help guide us; he knows these woods better than the Lab, I believe. He isn't sure--frankly, I don't think any of us are-- just how much we can trust you. You allowed us to see the sun, and you have gotten us out of the building. Big points. But guards have misled us before.The Alpha wishes to know for certain you won't try to steal or kill any of his Pack without provocation." At these words Chris couldn't help but turn a confused expression towards Hawke. He absolutely refused to believe that the guards were anything but trustworthy. He wouldn't be out here if it weren't for them after all.

As they group began to move out again Chris felt slightly uneasy. It was the first time since the escape that anything other han excitment. He hadn't put much thought into it until now but now that he was finally free he couldn't help but wonder what happens next, and where they could possibly go from here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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It seemed that they were slowly coming up with a solution for getting out of the woods. They would need someone who knew the outside world to take the lead and navigate the group out of danger. With silent strides the guard Bast took the lead and started walking with a comment of not becoming fertilizer. He agreed in his own mind; they had gotten this far and he wasn’t about to become food for the plants just waiting for the guards to come rushing out of the gates at them.
He watched the female guard walk past him and two wolves take up positions on either side about a meter away from her. With that he figured Hawke would follow after her and help find a safe way out of the green forest. Both of them had lived out here sometime and would know best where to go for safety.
He waited for the others to start moving after them before he moved towards the rear of the group. The feline and canine mutant that had stuck with each other didn’t seem too much trouble, though the only one he was weary about was Kisa. She was notorious for being more animal than human and he thought she may cause problems along the way. It was better to keep an eye on her from the back.
He glanced at the male guard Olek and started walking beside him and one of the wolves. He still didn’t completely trust him, but at the same time he had been taking the rear and protecting them since the electricity had gone out. He even shot down several of his colleagues along the way in order to protect them. He figured he was alright and most likely wouldn’t betray them after everything that had happened so far.
He watched the trees that they passed, they were all so very different than the constructed pillars in some of the larger rooms of the Lab. The outer edges were brown and there was green objects hanging down from them, leaves he believed they were called. Glancing at the ground he was somewhat amazed at how easily his claws dug into the dirt. He knew that on his human feet it would be soft, and despite getting his wounds dirty he enjoyed the feeling of the yielding ground beneath him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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As the two guards took their places at the front and back of the group, Hawke sighed. I will ensure they leave you be, Elder. It seems Guard Bast, the Female, wishes to lead. If you will allow, we will go right behind her. He smiled slightly as two wolves helped him hurry along behind Bast. He trusted Olek more, between the two. His no-nonsense attitude, no bias toward the mutants' hesitation, however brief, was more than admirable. The fact was, they didn't have the time to argue about which way to go. So he left his normal place at the rear, and limped to the front, leaving Olek watch their backs.

Several wolves darted ahead of Bast, low to the ground to keep from being seen by any potential enemies, at a soft growl from the Alpha. The silver-muzzled wolf agreed; he had sent scouts to check the paths. Other Pack members took off in other directions with shrill howls of farewell. These were setting false trails. "They're buying us time," He thought aloud to himself, rubbing one of the soft, furry ears of the wolf to his left. Both were pressed tight against his sides to keep him from swaying. If he blacked out, though... He'd be in trouble. There were no healers out here, and he'd lost quite a bit of blood already. Blacking out with no assistance really in sight was nearly as bad as blacking out during the Games. So he gripped tight to the fur for strength, and stuck as close to Bast as he could.

He was still annoyed with her, though. He wasn't sure if it was a cat-versus-dog thing, or a Guard thing, or, hell, a female thing, but she felt she needed to be in the lead. If some part of it was his fault, he was only a little sorry for it. "So where exactly are we headed, oh Fearless Leader?" He kept his voice low, but smirked as he said it. The younger guards often said things like that to each other to piss each other off. The term "Fearless Leader" was usually used when the person in question either forced himself into a lead role or blundered badly as a leader. This wasn't exactly forced, but he wanted to let some of his annoyance at coming in third or fourth in the chain of command show. Although, even as the words left his mouth he was glad someone other than himself was doing the thinking for a while. He was getting dizzy again.... Bast's image fuzzed out more than usual from his eyes, and he stumbled a step or two before the wolves pressed closer to help him keep his balance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek calmly kept a silent vigil over the traveling group of misfits. He let his guard down for any close range attackers, he couldn't worry about the mutants turning on him. He had to trust that they would understand his intentions. He focused his good eye behind them as they moved through the forest at an acceptable pace. Whilst Bast moved to the front of the group to take point she shot Olek an exasperated look. He understood her frustrations. They unleashed a hurricane of death to break this group out. Countless guards and mutants died. Olek trained a great many of the guards that lost their lives only moments ago. He would mourn over the loss, guards and mutants alike. Having just killed a few of his trainees only moments ago, it hurt not to be immediately trusted considering what he had just done to protect the group, but he ultimately understood where the former prisoners were coming from. Trust wasn't something that would just happen, especially seeing as how Olek had been the man previously standing in between the mutants and freedom. He shook his head and cleared his mind. He had to be vigilant. If anyone took a bullet from the rear that would be on him.

Dray eventually fell back to Olek's side. He glanced over at the red haired boy for a few moments. "You did good back there." Olek stated in a slightly impressed done with a little bit of gratitude mixed in. He glanced down at the boy's bloodied feet, Olek cleared his throat with thoughts spinning quickly towards Dray possibly getting some sort of infection. "We need to clean those wounds on your feet once we get to safety, other wi-" Olek stopped mid sentence hearing the harsh metallic 'clack' going off followed by Kisa yowling in pain. His head cocked towards the noise whilst leaping towards the noise. He only had a few moments to process what was going on. He almost began to panic as he realized he was leaping towards a massive jaguar thrashing about with its leg locked in a bear trap. He had no time to think. He slid across the forest floor reaching Kisa and trap with outstretched hands. He stayed low to the ground to avoid the flesh rending claws on Kisa's free hind leg. His hands slipped into the gap of the trap, with his rough and calloused palms on either side of the trap Olek's muscles began rippling underneath his uniform. He began to pry it open ever so slightly, blood started to trickle down his palms. He immediately regretted not getting something in between his hands and the trap before he sprung into action.

He grunted in pain as he felt the trap give to the point where he could slip his gun into the gap. Olek hugged the ground to avoid the first involuntary swipe from Kisa's direction. He gave a huge breath and reached for the rifle on his back whilst displacing one of his hands with one of his feet to keep the trap open for his plan. If he could reach his gun he could lever the trap open with it. As he exposed himself for a few moments in his awkward position one of Kisa's paws connected with his chest. The claws tore right through his vest, cutting into the flesh underneath.

He growled in pain, and instead of reaching for the rifle on his back he dropped to the ground next to the bear trap, still latched onto the painful device whilst trying to avoid Kisa's involuntary wrath by constantly staying behind her. He waited for a few seconds for an opening before he quickly transitioned into a crouching position. He placed a boot onto one side of the trap whilst he reached for his combat knife on his belt. After he retrieved his blade, he slipped his trusty knife into the trap. With his feet pressing into the trap, he wrapped his left hand around the hilt of his knife, and his right over the flat end of the blade. Now that he had a proper hold on the trap, he pushed forward with his legs and yanked back with his upper body. He could feel the metal of the trap grinding on his knife, and he could feel the serrated trap slowly cutting into his feet. Once Kisa's mangled leg was free Olek slid the trap away from the tangled pair allowing it to snap shut on thin air. From there Olek only had enough time to bring up his arms to protect his head and chest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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0.00 INK

Edur knew that she should be paying attention to the conversation around them, but now that they had less of a threat she couldn't help but gaze at the world around them. The tall trees and blue sky that poked through the branches was most amazing to Edur. She would of stood and stared all day if the woman guard didn't take off, leading them to what she hoped was freedom and prehaps a good night's rest.

As they trekked along Edur continued to eye the large wolves surrounding Hawke warily. While they had the similar features to Chris she still worried they'd see her small body as a snack. She scooted to the other side of Chris to get away from then when Kisa caught her attention. "Maybe we should have a Leader, a Peace Keeper, and we need rules if we're to go any farther together... I mean, suppose I find myself hungry. Shouldn't there be a rule not to eat the cur dog?" Edur let out a tiny hiss at this but the larger feline didn't seem to notice. "No offense, but I don't like do-" She was cut off by the sickening snap of medal before a loud roar escaped her lips.

Edur sunk into Chris's side as she changed into her animal form, and her ears pressed to her head at the noise of cracking bones. The woman was flailing as the male guard skidded to her, taking a hold of the trap. Edur buried her face in Chris's shoulder, unable to watch whatever would happen next. Many painful growls, grunts and the creaking of metal came from the pained woman and guard. Finally there was a large snap and Edur raised her head to see the trap close safely away from any of them and the guard throw his hands up to protect himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Max's eyes scanned the foliage for hostile movement, anything that could mean the rest of her old squadron had caught up to them. ImageShe was markedly surprised to note that not only did she not catch tail of any enemy advancement, but that there were no other escaping mutants crossing paths with their group. Had no one else made it out? Had she underestimated the Labs response team? Or were the transgenic prisoners simply too afraid to run? She tried to shake off those negative thoughts that threatened to swallow her alive, spinning black cobwebs in the corners of her conscience. "So where exactly are we headed, oh Fearless Leader?" Hawke snarked at her side. She knew he meant to give her no compliments, so she didn't bother stifling her resulting eye roll or the following glare. Why did everyone not like her? Did they object to a woman in charge over their precious Olek? Or was just that much of a bitch? Probably the latter.

She huffed out a sigh. "I don't have a plan beyond find a dark abandoned place to stash you all until the heat dies down enough to make a proper escape...this was all very impromptu." She paused, gaze flicking to her left where she thought she had heard some rustling in the dry brush. "It might be good to head toward water. The docks....plenty of warehouses in that district that go untended for days and if we're extremely lucky, I could sneak you all onto a barge eventually so you could stowaway to...somewhere...somewhere you aren't being hunted. I heard Japan is real furry friendly. Whole anime scene where people dress up like animal people hybrids too." She joked, trying to make light of their circumstances. She let her eyes slide over to him for only a brief moment. "Look, I know you don't like me, and I don't much like you but we're both in the same boat here, fugitives. I'm mutated myself, so just cut me some slack. I'm doing the best I can-".

"Don't any of you think having a Mutant Guard be our so-called 'Fearless Leader' might not be a good idea? Especially a cat that isn't even fixed..." Max's head snapped back at that statement. Kisa. Perhaps it was a cat thing, a fight for dominant feline or some other stupid shit, but she wasn't having it. She shouldn't have let it crawl under her skin and build a nest there like a chigger but it managed to anyway. Image"What? And you are spayed? Thank the population for that. What am I going to run off and start humping a tree? Have you lost your ever loving mind?" What was compelling her to do this, why would Kisa be so against a mutant of her own species? It made no logical sense unless it wasn't the animal in her, but the jealous girl. Max had stopped walking completely, facing her accuser. She knew she was letting the group down by losing focus and dissolving into petty argument, but she was a creature of ego. Maybe we should have a Leader, a Peace Keeper, and we need rules if we're to go any farther together... I mean, suppose I find myself hungry. Shouldn't there be a rule not to eat the cur dog?" Max wished she'd try. The rest of that pack would probably have torn her apart in seconds. Image"No rule, go for it if you feel speciesism is wiser than focusing on freedom. I doubt the unfortunate wolf to end up on the wrong side of your teeth would have much time to object, but his pack might if you suddenly feel peckish and in the mood for a light snack of wolf al la fur." She barked out a harsh laugh. They could formulate rules once they were out of the red zone, this was no time to hash out things like that when you weren't yet even sure you would survive to implement them. At that point in the future, she didn't care if they wanted to disband into a democracy, she'd gladly let them if her hide remained relatively unscathed.

Kisa tried to air out an exception for Edur's pet Chris from her threats, but before she could bite off the end of a sentence, a bear trap concealed by dead leaves snapped it's jaws closed around her foot. Kisa panicked, doing more damage to the already shredded meat of her limb that had suddenly, grotesquely transformed into a large paw. Changing her body structure while encased in a set of steel teeth was beyond stupid but Max understood the instinct. Olek snapped into action and freed her at expense to himself. He looked worse for wear by the time he freed her, clawed to Hell and back--vest shredded, and Max wasn't totally sure either of them would be able to go on. She ran to his side, irresponsibly leaving her point at the front of the group. A survivalist would have left them behind and kept going, but she had compassion--hence why she was in this mess of a situation to begin with. "Olek! Are you alright?! Kisa can you walk on that?" Her voice held a mounting hysteria. She should have better scanned her surroundings, noticed the hidden trap. Now two of them were injured, one being the only person there she trusted. "Who can I carry? I'll take one if one of you all can support the other." She frantically looked to the rest of the group, eyeing the bigger predators warily. Would they go in for the kill now that Olek was down and he and Max were vulnerable?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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0.00 INK

As they moved Chris kept his eyes on the wolves surrounding Hawke in a protective stance. He eyed them with an almost child like fascination, he hadn't seen many non mutated canines during his time at the Lab, at least not any friendly ones. It made the wolves seem very interesting in his eyes and despite their fearsome appearances he felt rather comfortable in their presence. He chuckled slightly as Edur retreated to the other side of him to avoid the same creatures he was admiring and flashed her a small, reassuring smile.

He turned his attention away from Edur and the wolves when Kisa spoke."Maybe we should have a Leader, a Peace Keeper, and we need rules if we're to go any farther together... I mean, suppose I find myself hungry. Shouldn't there be a rule not to eat the cur dog?" When Kisa glanced at him with fangs proudly on display he stared right back at her with a fearless gaze.It's exactly how he'd respond to the threatening guards back in the Lab, he had learned never to show fear to those who opposed you."No offense, but I don't like do-" He was getting ready to speak out against the animalistic woman, daring her to even try and make either him or one of the wolves a snack, when the trap caught Kisa's leg and she began involuntarily transforming. Soon after the male guard rushed to her side to free her, continually getting swiped with Kisa's claws for his trouble. It was a gruesome and rather sudden sight and before Chris could intervene Kisa was already freed from the trap with the guard throwing it away from the rest of the group.

When it was all said and done both Olek and Kisa were hurt pretty badly, where one or both of them would be unable to keep going without help. Soon the female guard ran towards frantically, and hurriedly ran towards Kisa and Olek fully ready to help the inured group members."Who can I carry? I'll take one if one of you all can support the other."Chris immediately stepped forward eager to help. "If you can carry Olek, I can take care of Kisa." He walked towards Kisa confidently though somewhat unwisely. Just moments ago the woman was threatening to eat him but now he was offering her his assistance.It may not be the smartest idea but he had to show that despite all her threats he wasn't afraid of Kisa."I'm gonna try and help you up but,don't even think about trying anything. You're hurt and I'm a lot stronger than I look, you wouldn't like the outcome." He moved cautiously,he didn't think she'd attack him but he had to be ready just in case.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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0.00 INK


Pain coursed throughout his chest, the cuts were deep enough to cause blood to trickle out at a moderate rate, but Olek wasn't too concerned. He wouldn't bleed out due to a few scratches. With his chest and arm now bleeding, Olek was steadily adding visible wounds to his body. Small cuts lined his feet, and slightly deeper curved cuts lined his palms. He rested for a few moments on his back, quickly controlling his breathing. His hand instinctively on his holstered side arm once he let his arms down. He gasped in pain as he shifted his weight, his bruised ribs giving him trouble. Whilst he was trying to get up, he glanced up at the group. Everyone was either in the process of acting and or reacting. "Olek! Are you alright?! Kisa can you walk on that?" Bast spoke with concern in her voice.

Olek was in the process of getting up, trying to find the least painful way. He curled his left hand into a fist causing blood to drip in between his fingers. He planted his fist onto the ground and started to push himself to his feet. "Who can I carry? I'll take one if one of you all can support the other." Olek gave Bast a crooked smile at that. Olek wasn't going to allow himself to slow the group down, not in a million years. Chris and Max consulted with one another for a few moments to determine who was carrying who. "It's not as bad as it looks, don't worry guys." Olek reassured Chris and Bast.

The front part of his vest wasn't going to be effective any more, but the back would still work, so Olek opted to keep it on for now. He grasped his chest for a few moments still remaining in a sitting position. He sat for a moment trying to catch his breath. He wouldn't argue if Bast tried to help him up though. He winced and suppressed another coughing fit. Maybe leaning on Bast was a good idea.

Commotion filled the air as Kisa let out a startling hiss. Olek tried to get to his feet to once again intervene, but he stopped half way up in a crouched position clearly too late. Kisa had already knocked Bast down, and was in the process of yowling at Chris. Kisa even set off another bear trap with a small piece of wood, signaling to the other that sudden movements weren't safe. Olek remained crouched, rigid, and ready to leap into action. It almost seemed like suicide to do so, mainly because their group consisted of a pack of wolves and a group of killing machines. If a fight broke out, Olek wouldn't last long if he threw himself into the center of it.

After this confrontation was done, Kisa turned to Olek. She towered over him in her bulky jaguar form. Olek had no reason suspect hostility, but he was still rigid and ready to roll away from potential attacks. Much to his surprise she rested her body on the ground before him, and stared up at him with large intelligent eyes. Her ears perked up, no longer flattened against her head. Olek was slightly weary, but he slowly let his guard down. His eyes darted towards her injured leg. The damage was beyond Olek's power to fix. Shoddy field suturing only went so far. If she didn't want to risk causing permanent damage to the leg, she would have to be carried to safety. "Kisa, try to keep weight off of your injured leg. It's your decision if you want to be carried or not." Olek said quickly in an informative manner.

He considered his options, he opened his mouth but no words came out. Instead he wiped his hands off on sections of his torn vest. Once most of the blood was off, Olek nodded to Kisa as he stared into his eyes. "We're square, it was no trouble." With that Olek got to his feet and glanced around. Tensions were high, with Kisa and Bast at each others throats he was afraid fighting would soon break out. He put his hands up and positioned himself slightly between Bast and Kisa. "We'll hash this out when we get to safety, but for now we need to keep our cool." Olek spoke quickly, mainly to Bast, Chris, and Kisa. He didn't care who was at fault. That was a score they could settle later. He did his best to make sure he wasn't accusing any party involved in the conflict.

"We're not going to make it very far if we're at each-others throats. I don't care who's at fault, or what was said before. We need to stick together and keep moving." He was more inclined to side with Bast on the issue, but Kisa had a good heart. She said hurtful and scary things from time to time, but Olek was confident that it was all a ruse of some sort. Kisa appeared to knock Bast down in a protective territorial manner rather than a malevolent one. Bast and Kisa were both assets and fierce fighters. Having them both at each-others throats would be bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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0.00 INK

Edur watched the whole confrontation go on warily. Kisa had seemingly snapped, knocking the woman guard down then towering over the male. She bit her bottom lip, but let out a large sigh of relief when she gave into a submitive position. Yet, Edur still glanced at the guards wounds and winced. "Kisa, try to keep weight off of your injured leg. It's your decision if you want to be carried or not." He said, seemingly unfazed by the blood the poured steadily.

He wiped the blood off his hands, telling Kisa everything was good before standing. She continued to eye him as he spoke, worried he'd collasp at any moment. "We're not going to make it very far if we're at each-others throats. I don't care who's at fault, or what was said before. We need to stick together and keep moving." It was clear this was directed at the woman and Kisa. Edur could see how the two seemed to fight eachother for power. It was cat-like, and Edur was relived she didn't feel the same drive in her. Prehaps once she grew as old as them she would.

After a few moments Edur took a step forward, grabbing the male guards arm and leaning in to see the wounds closer. The vest that all the guards wore was mangled and bloody, and it reeked with the metallic sent of his blood. "You...okay?" If Edur was being honest she was most worried about the guard. She had seen him take many hit, and now the vest that protected guards looked broken.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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0.00 INK

Hawke kept back, watching the events unfold. He focused on Bast and Kisa--The cat he was unsure of and the one he was afraid of. In that order. If Kisa's animal were to decide they were all enemies or food, Hawke would be incapable of calming her. It would come to blood if she became hostile. He trusted Bast more now, however. Any other guard, save Olek, he thought, would have kept going and left her to shriek and thrash until her foot had been torn apart. Or stopped to watch. Bast and Olek, however, had risked their lives to save a wounded, scared, pissed off Lab-Cat.

He watched as Olek got to his feet, a deep gash down his front. With a sigh, he peeled off his shirt and tore strips from it, limping over to the male guard. He handed a couple to Dray, glancing at the boy's hands and feet pointedly. The bulk of it he split in half, shoving one section into Olek's arms. "Not the greatest, but better than nothing. We've left enough of a trail as is..."

He glanced warily at Kisa. "Will you let me wrap it up, or are you gonna go into battle mode again...?" He kept his free hand loose, open, and his eyes closed most of the way. It was the only way he knew to keep fear from taking over. And right now, it was barely working. He made himself smile, just enough to help himself relax--and hopefully, relieve some of the tension in the group. "We've made it this far. It'd be a pity to be caught because of a blood trail, or one of us to die of bloodloss." He looked over at Bast. "The water's a good idea. We could wash off the lab scent, blend in better. I don't know about you guys, but I am sick of smelling like blood, rot, and those tables." While he waited for Kisa's answer, he watched the trees above and ahead of them, admiring the vibrant greens.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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0.00 INK


Before Bast had time to help Olek to his feet, Kisa had swiped a massive paw at her, sending her back down to the ground with a hard thud--her forehead stinging having been nicked by a stray claw. She knew Kisa was in pain, she knew she must've felt vulnerable and afraid, but was that how you treated someone trying to help you? She feared for Olek next, seeing as he had been first to lend aid to the injured big cat, but instead of reacting similarly to him as Kisa did to Max, she rolled over at his feet like some love sick kitten. Max almost choked on her indignation. Typical girl. She bit her tongue however, now was not the time for argument, they'd have to flee and fast if they could manage it at all. Max did think back to Kisa's earlier comment though about Max being in heat herself. Kisa was probably just projecting her own issues onto others, the last thing Max would've guessed they'd have to deal with was a jaguar on her estrous cycle.

Max rose off the ground with a labored sigh, and offered an appreciative smile to Chris for helping Kisa up and to Hawke for providing bandaging with his shirt to those in desperate need. "We'll hash this out when we get to safety, but for now we need to keep our cool. We're not going to make it very far if we're at each-others throats. I don't care who's at fault, or what was said before. We need to stick together and keep moving." Olek commanded. Max had to agree, but she wasn't letting him forget himself, "Yeah, and we won't get very far with you bleeding out either. Hold still and let me wrap you up." She knew they needed to be on there way, standing around and playing nurse wasn't going to get them to safety, but she couldn't stomach the idea of leaving him behind. She tentatively took the strips of torn fabric from his hands and began wrapping them around Olek at the worst points of injury. Kisa had really done a number on him, he looked like he had been pushed over a cheese grater. The torn bits of Hawke's tee-shirt were less than ideal being sweaty, blood stained, and covered in dirt; but it was a better bet than not trying to staunch the bleeding at all. Running would only increase Olek's heart rate and therefore blood flow. Max glanced over to Hawke who, bless his heart, was trying his best to offer the ornery jungle feline assistance. Who knew if she'd accept it, but seeing as Hawke was of the male persuasion, Max was willing to bet she would. She shook her head and went back to her menstruations.

"Why'd you do that anyway? Throw yourself in the line of danger like that to help her?" She asked, the usual cherry sweet staccato of her voice cracking under strain like the spitting embers of a dwindling fire. Max knew she'd of done the same despite not really liking Kisa all that much, but it was curious to her that Olek might feel similarly. It was noble to be sure, but highly unlikely that those trained as guards would have such compassion...and yet here they both were. She met his eyes with her own feral green ones. Blonde hairs had plastered themselves to her brow with a sheen layer of sweat, and she was sporting a thin scratch that bloomed from her hairline and stretched outward to her temple from Kisa's claws, but beyond that she had managed to get by relatively unscathed for which she was fortunate. Oleks skin was peppered in slashes of angry red, wounds decorating his body like a rash. The jaguar's claws had sliced through his vest as though it were tissue paper, rending the flesh beneath. She could feel the pounding of her heart in her throat like the fluttering of the wings of an insect trapped beneath her skin. She tied off the last bit of fabric and gave his shoulder a pat. "Need to lean on me?" Edur piped up then, asking Olek if he was alright. Max smiled at her, she seemed so gentle compared to the rest of the group. "The water's a good idea. We could wash off the lab scent, blend in better. I don't know about you guys, but I am sick of smelling like blood, rot, and those tables." Hawke offered, finally conceding to Max's plan. "Thank God someone agrees with me, at last!" She laughed before suddenly a quail was flushed from cover, flying off upward over the trees. Max jerked her head to the right at the sound of voices in the distance, the approaching noise that had startled the bird. They had company. "Oh shit, we gotta move!" She moved to support Olek upright, it was time to haul ass.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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0.00 INK

Soon after Chris started to approach her Kisa began snarling at him and wildly swinging her tail around in an aggressive manner.He backed up slowly at this. If a fight between the two of them broke out he was confident he could take her, especially with her injury,though he didn't much like the idea of slowing the group down any further. She clearly wasn't receptive to the idea of getting any help from him. He wasn't sure if it was out of pride or because of Kisa harboring a dislike for canines, either way he let out an exhausted sigh.

By this point Chris was beginning to get a little irritated, they had to keep moving and it would be a lot faster if Kisa would just accept a little help."Listen I'm just trying to help here! You don't have to be so aggressive." He spoke with a slight hint of irritation in his voice. He soon directed his attention back over to Olek, telling Kisa that it was her decision if she wanted to be carried or not. Chris kept his focus on Olek as he got between the two feuding felines, Bast and Kisa and started to speak."We'll hash this out when we get to safety, but for now we need to keep our cool.We're not going to make it very far if we're at each-others throats. I don't care who's at fault, or what was said before. We need to stick together and keep moving." Olek was absolutely right, they had to keep moving, they could argue once they made it to safety.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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0.00 INK

Olek wiped beads of sweat off of his feverish forehead. He coughed lightly which in turn sent a massive amount of pain across his body. Between a few of his bruised ribs, and the slash marks in his chest, breathing was growing quite difficult. He forced himself to block out the pain for as long as he possibly could. Not good, can't get this dinged up this early. I'll have to take things slow.

After a few fleeting moments of deep thought Hawke approached Olek and handed him some tourniquets made out of his own shirt. Olek nodded and uttered a simple 'thank you' to Hawke as he did so. Shortly after this Bast approached, the grace in her walk was undamaged from when she was knocked down moments ago. "Yeah, and we won't get very far with you bleeding out either. Hold still and let me wrap you up." She spoke in what Olek deemed a level headed manner. He nodded and unclipped his vest so she could wrap the home made bandages around his torso. He let out a small sigh of relief as Bast did her best to Keep Olek in the fight for as long as possible. Olek felt a slight sense of security knowing that Bast had his back.

"Why'd you do that anyway? Throw yourself in the line of danger like that to help her?" Bast spoke up whilst tending to his wounds. Olek calmly glanced over at Kisa, her grievous wound was harsh enough to make even Olek wince. "I have a lot of things to do right, it may have only taken a few months for you to make the right decision. It took me seven years and a ter-" Olek stopped, his body grew rigid. After a split second his body went back to it's normal state. "Seven years and a power outage...." He paused once more appearing as if he was going to say more. He looked into Bast's fierce green eyes with his singular hazel eye. for a few moments before he looked away, constantly scanning the woods as they stood still. Bast soon finished and asked Olek if he needed to lean on her. He picked up his shredded vest and slid it back on, wincing as he did so. He gave her a conflicted nod and threw an arm over her shoulder, displacing some of his weight onto Bast.

Olek heavily considered staying behind to give the others more time. His train of thought was interrupted by a gentle hand on his arm, his head slowly turned, still clutching his chest with one arm. Edur stood at his side, peering closely at his wounds. "You...okay?" She spoke in a concerned voice. Olek gazed at her for a few moments. His demeanor softened ever so slightly. Instead of a cold harsh eye, he looked at her with a warm and inviting one. "This?" Olek said as he gestured to his chest. "This is nothing, should've been there when I lost righty." Olek said with a slight smirk as he tapped on his eye patch with his right hand. On closer inspection now that Olek's sleeves were rolled up, one could easily see the extensive burn scars covering his right forearm. Olek tried to keep the situation light around Edur. Olek felt no need to be commanding or stern with her, as there was no point to keep her combat ready.

At that moment Bast's head turned, listening to something that Olek couldn't hear. Instinctively, Olek's right hand jumped to his sidearm. He quickly unholstered it and was ready for anything. "Oh shit, we gotta move!" Bast spoke with the utmost urgency. Olek started stumbling forward whilst Bast supported him. He looked over at her, his demeanor once again fierce and alert. He picked up his pace, for now that he was supported by Bast he was capable of an awkward run. He glanced over at Bast for only a few seconds. You'll have to leave me behind sooner or later. Like it or not Olek was slowly becoming dead weight.