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Gavin (Now Hawke)

The Forest Speaks, to those who have the ability to listen....

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a character in “Escape to the Outside”, as played by WriteLive


Name: Birth Name- Gavin. In the Lab, he became known as HawkeImage

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Mutation/Abilities: Due to several failed animal experiments, Hawke has the ability to talk with and exert his will over animals (much in the same way an Alpha member of a pack might).

Mutation Appearance: The experiment that took most was the first, an attempt to make him part hawk. If one were to look closely enough, the top layers of his hair are actually composed of feathers instead of strands of hair, a dark auburn/russet in color like a red-tailed hawk's feathers. He has "tattoos" all over his body: his left arm and down that side are all feline patterns, he has scaly patterns at the corners of his eyes, various canine/vulpine patterns going down his right arm and side, more scales and feathers going down his legs.

Description: His auburn hair reaches down to his waist; the feathers that are the top layers only reach his shoulders. The hair he keeps pulled in a tail at the nape of his neck, the uneven self done layers looking more like some mythical bird's tail than human hair. His emerald irises are usually half hidden by his feathered bangs. Despite the first mutation being bird, he's built more like a cat; tall and seemingly lanky, with sleek, deceiving muscles meant mostly for quick attacks to conserve energy.

Personality: Hawke is short tempered, and easily provoked into violence, a frightening combination that has kept him in and out of the Games for ten of his fifteen years in the Lab. He's extremely protective of anyone he considers friend or ally, making him more likely to help someone than harm them (if he likes them). Despite the short temper, once his trust is gained he's quite friendly, which earned him a handful of friends among those in the lab (mostly mutants whom his voice could reach from his room). He doesn't joke often, but so long as he isn't pissed off he does his best to remain cheerful. With his eyes closed, it's easier for him to remain calm and collected; in times of danger or excitement he uses this to override his birdlike instinct to flee (which tends to happen with his eyes open).

Strengths: Hawke is fast for his size, often using the slower builds of his opponents against them. He spends most of his time listening to conversations with his heightened sense of hearing, and uses what he hears to plan ahead.


Weaknesses: Although his hearing is great, his sight and sense of smell are weak in comparison. His temper often gets him into trouble, and his bones are a little less dense than most because of the bit of bird DNA in him. Occasionally the flight instinct is stronger than fight, causing him to get agitated and fidgety when he can't escape. Though he can control animals, he has no power over animal-mutants

Fears: Animal mutants, stemming from his inability to exert his will over them. He is terrified that one day he'll be incapable of keeping himself alive against one of the more ferocious ones. He also isn't fond of cages or crowded areas, but this is something he can more easily control by keeping his eyes shut.

ImageWriting Sample:
Fifteen Years Ago
Gavin dove between the slats of a rotting fence, wincing as his side got caught on a rusted nail. He had to get away from those two men. He didn't know why he felt that way, he just didn't like the way they'd come toward him. Outweighing him by at least a hundred and fifty pounds, the scrawny preteen street rat had no other choice but to run. With a huff he turned sharply into "his" alley, his ankle screaming in protest at the sudden change of direction. His lungs and throat burned, his focus on anything but keeping his breathing even. All he had to do was get inside and flip the switch. Then his booby traps would be in place and he'd be safe--
A foot hooked around his already twisted ankle as he passed a doorway; Gavin was sent flying face first into the gravel, skidding and tumbling painfully. He coiled around himself to protect his head as he continued toward the concrete half step, his shoulders and spine smashing into it so hard he couldn't breathe. Unable to move or get a deep enough breath to cry out, he was hefted over one of the men's shoulder like a sack of flour. Last thing he saw was the other's thick fist coming straight at his face...

When he awoke, he still couldn't move. A light shone directly overhead into his eyes, harsh restraints kept his arms and legs strapped tightly to a steel surface. Faces obscured by the light surrounded him, chattering incomprehensibly through his clouded mind and punch drunk ears. Pain shot through his arms and legs as though someone had pumped liquid fire into his veins. He cried out, thrashed, desperate to get away from whatever they were doing to him, kept fighting until pain shut his senses down once more.

When he came to this time, he was in a small room. He lay on a bed much like those at the orphanage he'd lived in: steel framed, cold, with a thin mattress and little in the way of bedding. He didn't really care about the rest of the room, except for one terrifying problem: there were no windows. No way to tell where he was. He was trapped, starving, and everything hurt from head to toe. Unable to think or do anything else, Gavin coiled into the tiniest ball he could in the corner of the bed, head on his knees, and wept.

In Additions
-I'd place a facility actually in the city, a bad part of town where no one really seems to care about anyone else. Underground, of course, but definitely in the worst part of town possible so I had the largest selection of those who wouldn't be missed.
-shape shifting mutations are my favorites

So begins...

Gavin (Now Hawke)'s Story


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Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Hawke couldn't quite keep up as Dray launched into another attack; he was flung backward into the sickly mutant, both of them hitting the wall. He landed hard against the other with a sickening crunch. With a groan and a wince, he pulled himself out from under the dying creature. The terrified thing wheezed and coughed, crawling weakly along the wall. Hawke got to his feet, overtaking the poor mutant in two strides. Before he had a chance to yell or protest, or otherwise screw with Hawke's conscience, he grabbed the creature's neck and twisted it hard. He shuddered at the limp weight in his hands for a few moments before realizing two things.

The first was that the giant had stopped roaring. An odd squeaking, wheezing sound took its place for a few breaths, then all was silent. Well... Almost; the second thing that he realized was that the guards were leaving. He hadn't noticed before, but alarms were going off, and there were cries to get to the high security areas. He ripped the hood off his head as quickly as he could, but there was no change in his vision; the lights had gone out. He whipped around to look at Dray, who had stalked closer but was now watching the electronic doors slide open. "Oh Lord" Heard me? Confused but with no reason to distrust this new event with the guards hurrying elsewhere, he took off running toward it the open doors. This was his chance to see the Sun again, to run in grass and in the wind.

It was important though, somehow, that he not be the only one. That thought made him skid to a stop and look at the dragon. "Come on Dray. We don't have time to kill each other right now. We have a chance to leave this place; I'm taking it, and anyone who'll trust me enough to follow." For the first time since his cell opened, there was emotion in his voice. Hope, excitement, fear, there were too many going through his head for him to process." You can kill me later, if you think you need to. Hell, I'll lay down flat and let you."


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Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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He could only stare at the doors for a moment. There were no guards on the other side, there was no yelling or prodding for him to go through or to stay, and Hawke had stopped his run towards them to look back at him. Come on Dray. We don't have time to kill each other right now. We have a chance to leave this place; I'm taking it, and anyone who'll trust me enough to follow." There were emotions in his voice that he hadn’t heard before. He didn’t know what they were but the only thing he could pick out was a type of excitement and fear along with it. But it wasn’t an excitement like the guards usually express.
" You can kill me later, if you think you need to. Hell, I'll lay down flat and let you." His head tilted slightly at his words. He wants to die…? Then why would he bother trying to run away. He didn’t know what was out there; it could be worse than being in here. But ones from the outside always tried to leave and go back; they ended up the most broken.
He glanced between him, the open doors, the running guards, then nodded his head. His brushed his snout in the dirt to stop the blood from the giant from dripping and leaving a trail. After a moment he rushed forward, dipping his head and scooping up Hawke with his snout. Any spines or horns that would have harmed in the process had been cut and filed down to stumps, allowing him to move and slide into a position that was comfortable.
He ran through the open doors, ducking his head and wings in order to fit somewhat smoothly, only scraping into the sides and his shoulders and hips. He looked around and heard footsteps from nearly every direction though none of the guards were in sight. He had seen a few exit doors before and tried to remember where they were. He wouldn't doubt that guards were going to be guarding them soon. With cells unlocking and chaos everywhere, there was a good chance mutants would make their escape. Just like they were. Eventually they would remember that they left the two of them in the arena and come back for them. Once they found that they were no longer in the area they would start a search.
He glanced briefly at Hawke to make sure he was fine on his back then he bounded down the hallway, hoping that there wasn’t a group of guards around the corner. He already knew he might have to go through several just tog et out the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray Character Portrait: Edur
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Hawke relaxed only slightly as Dray nodded, getting rid of the giant's blood that smeared the dragon's snout.He'd been about to take off running again when he found himself on Dray's back. He pointed out clear pathways as the dragon ran, his own ears catching even the faintest of the guards' voices. As they got closer to the door, he became confused; the guard he had talked to earlier was headed toward them from another hall. He could hear the footsteps, too heavy for any of the mutants this way, but not quite so heavy as the other guards'. With him were at least two others, these mutants. He tapped on one of Dray's scales.

"Someone's coming. I think it's Guard Barrow. He's got others with him, not guards. Think he might be helping?" It seemed stupid to him for one of the guards, one of the two kinds of people here mutants desperately wanted to get away from, to be helping. Perhaps this was that mysterious "Oh Lord's" work once more. Or more likely mere coincidence.... Without waiting for the Dragon to answer, He called out, as quietly as he could while still being heard.

"'Hoy, Barrow!"


"There we go... See? Good as new." Aileen smiled at the little girl she'd stumbled upon. The sweet kid had tripped and scraped her knee, not enough to bleed although a thin layer of skin had been shredded away and her jeans had ripped. That hadn't mattered to the girl though; she'd wailed like it was the end of the world. Aileen had taken her to a bench and gave it a quick "cleaning" with her bottle of water, making quick and easy work of the minor cut. She glanced around and found a woman hurrying toward them: the girl's mother.With a smile, she pointed her out to the girl, who took off running like nothing had happened. As they left, she retied her hair and picked up her bag. She was supposed to help out at a clinic today; if it weren't for her ability, she'd be in school like she'd first planned. But even the safest hospitals and med schools were dangerous. She had to tread carefully, couldn't reveal herself out right. That'd be too great a risk, she'd be too easy to find that way. With a longing sigh, she kept walking. You'll find a way to help soon. Grandmother did, you just have to be patient. She and Grandfather told you everything you needed to know. Why they did it so close to death, I don't know. Maybe to protect me...? If so... From what? She didn't understand what was so dangerous about using her ability, about helping people with it. It was just good she also knew "normal" methods....

She was so lost in thought, she smacked right into a pole.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Max wound her way up the spiraling stair case with great trepidation, her breath bated. She could hear snippets of chaos reigning from the other side of the closed door, see a red slash of light peaking out from underneath it-winking every so often from a racing pair of feet. It was time to face the music, now or never. She could not wait till someone came for her. Max pushed open the door with the heel of her hand, and stepped out into the madness. The red warning light cast an eerie glow over the whole of the space, appropriately so. It was like something out of a horror film, where the antagonist showed up at the end of the hall with an ax in hand, bathed in the red luminescence of the exit sign like it was blood to let the movie goers know, that dude right there was the villain. Max didn't consider herself the villain of this piece...but some lab workers might have. Suddenly another guard careened around the corner, frantic, and spotted her; his eyes catching hers for a brief moment before recognition settled in. It was assassin Ken, and he could pinpoint a guilty party when he saw one. There went her plan to pretend she was first on the crime scene.

He lurched forward, running at her with an impressive amount of intent. Why he didn't simply raise his gun and pull the trigger she could never have been sure, perhaps it was ego. Perhaps it was just so he could take her down the way most violent offenders did, messily and prolonged. She imagined his inner monologue featured comments such as, "Figures the halfbreed would try and free her own, mix up their DNA and you scramble their priorities. I'm gonna enjoy this." This was the beginning of her soon to be long drawn out battle for freedom, freedom to liberate those whom she had helped oppress. This singular fight was like when you were a kid, and you knew it was going to rain, so you'd sit and watch the pavement for that first dark spatter of water on the blacktop. This was just being able to pinpoint which raindrop hit the ground first before the flood waters fell.

It was so bizarre, how fighting felt now versus how it had felt before her transformation. Her additional DNA gave her the sensation that this was supposed to be a familiar action, as natural and unconscious as breathing and that was how it felt despite her lack of application over the years. Natural, because it was her nature. She was a predator. Assassin Ken, she still did not know his real name, was arrogant and cocksure. The kind of arrogance that came from going up against nothing but weakened and debilitated mutants for so long; disposable baddies-of-the-week easily taken down with a few well-placed punches or a smack from the butt of his riffle.

Slinging her riffled over her shoulder, Max darted forward and met Ken in the middle of the hall. She immediately caught his arm at the wrist and yanked hard, throwing him off balance. He recovered quickly though, turning the fall into a dive, he caught her around the knees and tackled her to the ground. Max went down hard, hitting the floor on her stomach. He attempted to climb on top of her to pin her to the ground, but Max brought her arms up and out, breaking his hold with too much ease. Using her legs for leverage, she flipped him over her head, and made a grab for him but Ken rolled smoothly out of the way and back to his feet. Max arched her back into a bridge and flipped herself upright, her eyes practically burning with white hot thirst. They circled warily, on alert for the smallest opening. Max spotted one and feinted to the left and then lunged. Unfortunately they had both discovered the opening at the same time and collided, grappling with arms and legs as they tussled for dominance. Snagging a fistful of his shirt, Max dropped her weight backwards, and tossed him over her shoulder. He landed flat on his back, wind knocked out of his lungs. She pulled the gun off of her back and slammed the butt into his head with a dizzying amount of force. He was out cold. "Hope you enjoyed the games, lets play again real soon." She told his unconscious figure before turning and advancing down the hall with haste, there was no time to spare, not even really for witty one-liners.

It was there she nearly ran smack into a pair of mutants, two that had been chosen to participate in the games earlier. They had escaped. "You two, with me. We are getting the fuck out of this Hell hole." She ordered, hoping they wouldn't think she was trying to pull the wool over their eyes. "Exit's this way." She gestured with her head, eyes sweeping behind them with a fine toothed comb.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek trudged through the hall with his pistol forward and his rifle slung onto his back. Close quarters with an assault rifle generally wasn't a good idea unless you were approaching a long hall. Corners were perfect for one's sidearm. Once he was pressed up against the turn in the hall, he poked his head around the corner. "Hoy, Barrow!" a voice called to him further down the hall from around the corner. He picked the voice out as Hawke's. He was just about to turn the corner to give them the same speech he had given the three escapees behind himself. Before he could, he heard another very familiar voice. "You two, with me. We are getting the fuck out of this Hell hole. Exit's this way." Bast.

In a weird way, it didn't surprise him that she was pulling this stunt too. Olek tapped his pistol against the side of his head. He had to make the decision to trust her here and now. It was either going to end with all of them walking out, or one less flipped guard walking out. There simply was no scenario where there was an in-between. He cursed under his breath and prepared to leave the safety of his cover.

Olek put his sidearm into his holster, and proceeded to pull out his rifle. "If for whatever reason bullets start flying in these halls, get to the ground." Olek growled as he turned the corner with his rifle ready. "I'll cover your retreat. Head to Bast, and the other two people with her. I'll be right behind the three of you." Now on the other side of the corner, and within eyesight of Bast. He switched his radio to close proximity frequency, opening up a private channel with Bast's ear piece. "Not much time to explain, get the others out of the perimeter. You cover the front, I'll cover the back." He spoke quickly yet strangely in a calm tone at the same time.

The guard should be entering cell block A right about now. They'd be aware of the doors that were opened and would put two and two together rather quickly. He had his rifle ready, the first guard that showed up behind the group was going to have a bad day. Olek occasionally glanced back whilst back peddling behind the group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Excitement coursed through Edur, although she couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear in the thought of escape. She was glad Chris and the guard were here, as she knew she would never attempt this herself. Bouncing on the balls of her feet she heard another voice, Hawke's she realized. The guard look ready to order them to join their little escapee group when another voice rang out. After a few seconds of pondering she recognized it as the woman guard.

The guard turned the corner, his larger weapon out. "If for whatever reason bullets start flying in these halls, get to the ground. I'll cover your retreat. Head to Bast, and the other two people with her. I'll be right behind the three of you." At those words all aspects of excitement flew from Edur and the fear grew. Her heart beating fast she grabbed Chris's arm, leaning into him.

"Chris..." She said in a tiny voice, taking small steps towards what could be freedom. "Are we gonna make it out?" Every few seconds she glance back at the guard, wondering if he'd have to shoot the other guys. And more importantly, why was he doing this. And did the woman guard wanna help them? It seemed so the way she took charge of Hawke and Dray. But it still didn't calm the fear in Edur's chest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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As they sped down the halls Chris couldn't hide his excitement! He had a large grin plastered on his face and his tail refused to stay still as it wagged from side to side, he just couldn't wait to leave. Though underneath his excitement stood a level of alertness. As much as he wanted to leave they were in a dangerous situation and despite all appearances Chris was ready just in case. He'd have to be if any of the other guards found them. He'd have to be if he wanted to protect Edur. Though the guard and Kisa seemed like they could handle themselves in danger Edur seemed to be more timid, and he wasn't sure how she'd handle any fights they might run into. As he ran he heard Hawk's voice and realized that he must have escaped hopefully with Dray. A wave of relief washed over him especially when the guard seemed to be ready to bring them into their little breakout attempt, until another voice spoke out. It must be the female guard.

As the guard turned the corner he had his larger weapon out and spoke."If for whatever reason bullets start flying in these halls, get to the ground. I'll cover your retreat. Head to Bast, and the other two people with her. I'll be right behind the three of you." When he spoke these words only served to make Chris even more alert but Edur started grabbing his arm and leaned into him as she began to speak. "Chris...Are we gonna make it out?" He looked back at her a little surprised
and slightly embarrassed. She hadn't spoken much and he wasn't really expecting to hear a word from her much less directed towards him."Um make it out? Y-yeah of course." He was rather nervous but he didn't want her mistaking it for uncertainty or doubt ,so he tried to speak confidently and assuredly."We have to make it out, but we need to keep moving. We've made it this far, we just need to go a little further. We're going to make it out, just stay close to me and move quickly and you'll be fine I promise." He started moving towards Bast as quickly as he could, all the while guiding Edur beside him as gently as possible, while still moving quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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"Not much time to explain, get the others out of the perimeter. You cover the front, I'll cover the back." Olek's voice resounded in her ear, calmly delving out commands, causing her blood to run cold--to turn into a thick syrupy slow molasses in her veins. It wasn't until she realized he was giving orders solely to her through private line of communication, and that he was aiding their escape, that she dared to breathe. A cat’s heart beat nearly twice as fast as a human's heart, at 110 to 140 beats a minute. Hers must have been doing double that.

"Affirmative, moving out." She replied with a voice steady enough to rival his own, veiling her consternation. Max feared the worst being told to take the lead where a mutant could opt to gnaw on her shoulder if it felt so inclined, or Olek could place a well-meant bullet right in the back of her head, and she'd of been powerless to stop him...but she had to trust they were all on the same side. In truth, it was probably for the best she was the head to the spear, leading them toward the exit. She could hear high-frequency sounds up to two octaves higher than most of her counterparts, and that came in handy when it was time to pick the safest route, go for the hall with the least howling mutants and screaming guards.

She felt totally encapsulated in the miserable deluges of a feral mindset. Escape escape escape--she repeated the mantra in her head until it turned rhythmic. Outwardly though, she slinked with movement's that were elegant, swift, simple, and purposeful--those of a predator. Her lean, seemingly fragile body was deceptively strong, like a reed that could not be broken. A pliant pillar that did not rattle with fright.

The narrow corridors were luridly illuminated by the intermittently placed caged red emergency lights, the shadows that shrouded every corner crept up on them like prowling wolves, threatening to swallow them whole with wicked and malicious grins upon their large maw's. For all Max knew, the Shadows really did hold wolves, well wolf mutant hybrids anyway. She shook off the errant thought with a flood of relief as their exit came into view. "Okay guys, we're-" She started before out of no where, a reptilian mutant dropped down on her from the ceiling where it was lying in wait for it's next hapless victim. They were no more than ten feet shy of the exit.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Dray stayed in place as things were going on around them. Hawke had called out to Barrow. He didn't know if that was a good idea or not considering he was a guard known to put his job first despite being kind to mutants when he wanted. Although from the smell and sound, he had a few of the mutants with him that were in their hallway when they had left. They came around the corner and he counted four. There was Barrow, and the three mutants. They were headed towards them when the female showed up behind he and Hawke.
In a matter of moments and a few quick words their little group was herded along between the two guards. It made him uncomfortable since either of them could turn and shoot them all down. There was no telling what the guards planned. He had heard a few times when guards pretended to be nice and then got an entire group of mutants sent to harsh experiments when they got caught breaking rules. The new female seemed nicer than others he had met, but the male he was unsure about. He took the back and had easy access to taking them out one by one.
Despite those cautions running through his mind he followed Bast down the hallways. The red light was almost a foreshadowing of what was to come, like the perfect environment for anything, something, to go wrong. No sooner than when the exit door was in sight did a free mutant jump out and attack Bast. The reptile landed on her, flying out from the shadows. It could have come from one of the high secured cells or been let out by a guard in order to attack those in the area.
No matter the reason, in his current form, the animal part of Dray's mind took precedent. The sudden movement caught his attention and immediately he let out a loud growl. His muscles bunched up and he leaped towards the mutant that came from the shadows. It forced Bast to the ground before he got there. However, in a few quick moments he crashed his head into the other mutant's side, sending it crashing into the nearest wall. Without thinking about possible approaching guards he let out a roar at the reptile, body positioned over Bast protectively.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek continued to back pedal, staying a good distance away from the group. After a while he gave up on the idea of facing the rear constantly. He had to turn and run after the group to keep up due to their rapid pace. Bast was making good time, she circumnavigated many guard patrols in the process. Olek was heavily impressed, he would've commended her if their lives weren't involved in impending danger.

Soon enough they reached a t-intersection, with the exit in sight. Olek took position at the intersection. He'd wait for Bast to clear the exit before he followed. His eyes vigilantly scanned the hall that ran to his left and right. Olek heard commotion behind him, he quickly glanced over his shoulder to see Dray ripping a mutant off of Bast. He gave a quick nod, and turned back as a loud roar echoed from behind him presumably from Dray.

Almost as if in response to the fierce roar, three guards toting assault rifles came sprinting around the right corner of the right most hall way. Olek cursed under his breath and waited for them to reach a point of no return midway through the hall. "We've got company." Olek's voice rumbled to Bast via his radio. He switched his rifle to single fire, and poked half of his body around the corner in a standing firing position.

The kick from his gun was welcomed as the stock from his gun jumped ever so slightly into his left shoulder. He squeezed off two rounds that connected with the first guard. The first impacted his collar bone just above his bullet proof vest, and the second grazed his cheek. With guard number one dispatched the other two began raising their guns with lightning like reflexes. Olek set his sights on the second guard in almost a fraction of a second. He fired two more bullets, tearing into the guards throat. Olek swiveled his barrel towards guard number three. The guard managed to spray Olek's location with a few bullets. The most of the bullets went screaming over Olek's left shoulder. Loud snapping filled Olek's ears as each bullet hurtled past his position. One bullet made its way into Olek's vest, knocking the wind out of him, almost at the same time Olek fired a bullet that made its way through the enemy guard's helmet. Olek immediately grasped where the bullet made its mark.

Olek returned to the safety his original position and felt around on his chest for blood. Weezing ever so slightly, Olek pinpointed where the round had hit. It was located on the lower left part of his abdomen. Pain lanced across his side when he put slight pressure on the vest. Luckily for Olek, the bullet was still embedded in his vest without any signs of entry. The bullet burnt Olek's right thumb and pointer finger as he pried it off of his vest. He went through the motions, straining his ears to hear footsteps over the roaring and gunfire in the distance. The adrenaline blocked out the pain coursing through his abdomen, his vision tunneled on two guards that rounded the corner of the left hall way. Immediately, Olek raised his gun and once more poked half of his body into the line of fire. He squeezed off two more bullets for each guard. They fell quickly, and without so much as a peep. Olek let out a deep breath he had been holding in for a handful of moments. They were clear for now. They weren't out of the woods though. Not by a long shot.

With his ears still ringing and his head pounding, Olek leaned against the wall lightly coughing for a few moments. His good eye continued to scan the halls. The group was ten feet from the door. They'd be outside in a few moments. Olek figured he took out the group that was tasked with locking down the front entrance. He began to fall back with his gun still trained on the t-intersection. They would be out before any guards could reach his previous position.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When the woman guard had gone down, Edur let out a panicked squeak and clung tighter to Chris. The reptile mutant looked ready to rip her apart, and probably would of it Dray didn't tackle it, sending it across the room. He roared impressively loud and Edur had no time to be in awe of him before three guards came after them.

The interesting guard looked ready for them, selecting his gun and taking aim the moment the three guards came round. He took one down easily, although Edur couldn't help but wrinkle her nose at the blood which came from the dead man. The remaning guards raised their guns, shooting out before one was dead on the ground. The interesting guard fired again, hitting the remaining man whilst letting out a pained gasp.

He returned round the corner and Edur could see him pry a bullet from his vest. He was clearly hurt but it didn't stop him from shooting two more unlucky guards that came by. After a few seconds Edur knew no more guards would come, at least for a little while. She released Chris's arm, wanting to step towards the guard but halted knowing no wasn't the time. Instead she turned back towards the door which was teasingly close. Out that door was freedom, was the outside.

Suddenly Edur felt very small. She had never seen the outside before as she was born here. All her knowledge of it came from listening in on chatty guards, or other mutant who had come from there. She wondered what it would be like. Would the people except them? Or would her fur scare them away. Edur didn't wanna scare people away. Nor did she want to be left alone. She honestly had no idea what to do once they got outside. Once again Edur stepped to Chris, wrapping around his arm for comfort.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Hawke glanced back briefly during Barrow's gunfight, moving backward toward the door. He looked up at Dray, then over at the door with a smile. He grabbed Bast's arm to help her up, cautious hope in his eyes. Some fear, and a warning as well. Don't give me reason to hurt you. The same warning was almost a plea as he watched the other mutants.

"If we don't move now we'll all get caught." He spoke to the mutants more than to Barrow, who kept his weapon toward the way they'd come. If Hawke could get to the door first, he could call up some of the forest locals with his gift. But he had to be in range; this far in all they'd get was confused. So instead he took a place between Barrow and the others. "Dray, keep up front with Guard Bast. We don't know if there's anyone waiting outside to force us back in." That was his one fear regarding this event: that they'd be captured before he could see the world again."If there are surprises, you being out first will be our best bet to tip things in our favor..." He hated that thought, but it was truth. They were probably expecting mostly the terrified and sneaky, not a giant dragon coming at them, outweighing them quite heavily.

Hoping the others could hold their own also, he backed up at Barrow's pace, keeping a few steps between them so he wasn't run over.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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"If there are surprises, you being out first will be our best bet to tip things in our favor..." Kisa had stayed silent and did not take part in any of the violence going on around her. Restraining the urge to shift into her Jaguar form was awfully stifling, discomforting, difficult, especially when she wanted to be in her strongest form. Despite that, she did her best to stay in her human form knowing that it would be a challenge to restrain herself once she went into a battle frenzy. It wouldn't be so hard to turn on her fellow mutants and forget Freedom was only a few feet away..

Kisa concentrated, and for the first in her life, fought back the red threatening to overtake her vision. Her hands started began to shake, and the red invaded, took her sight. Made her see red. Made her see prey and not people. She let out a tiny growl and grabbed her left forearm with her right hand, holding them to her stomach. Her own claws dug into her forearm, cutting into her flesh. Blood spilled, and she ignored the pain, a snarl ready to rip itself and the Jaguar in her, out. Control. Control. Control. Control. The mantra slipped into her head, as she felt the red subside a little.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Max hadn't a moment to react before the mutant was torn off of her and slung backward into a wall. The red haired boy, Dray, she believed he called himself, hovered over her protectively--the most terrifying sound Max had ever heard--erupting from in between his sharpened teeth. She laid there, still as a statue, momentarily forgetting her surroundings or to even breathe. This was not out of fear, but shock. She hadn't even time to vex herself over the fact she had failed to sense her attacker coming. Dray, who day in and day out had remained locked in a cell largely in part because of her had just selflessly fought to protect her instead of climbing over her still warm corpse to freedom. She wouldn't have blamed him if he had.

Coming to her senses, her head snapped over to Barrow, hoping he had just witnessed what she had; but he was preoccupied with his own battle, remorselessly emptying a round into their coworkers with no caveat. That harsh report echoed cacophonously within the confines of the hall way, nearly deafening her sensitive ears. Flickering fluorescent lights, red bulbs broken and shattered by gunfire, created a strobe effect that only added to the bizarre, nightmarish ambience of the hellish drama playing out.

Gavin-or was it Hawke now?-hauled her to her feet, already trying to assume a leadership role by giving out a new set of orders. She jerked her arm back away from him, feeling suddenly weak for having been taken down with such ease, needing the 'men folk' to come to her rescue. "I'm fine, I don't need your help." She spat like an ornery house cat in protest. "Lets get the fuck out of here." She didn't wait for Dray to take the lead of the line with her or for Barrow to rejoin the group, she was not letting herself be demoted or paired with a partner. She had too much pride.

She pulled the riffle off of her back and trained it forward, she didn't want any more surprises until they hit the tree line and her military issue M-16 had a scope that was preferred if they were going to be outside in the open. She kicked open the door, and lead the way, All around them a blistering hail of automatic weapons fire echoed, the relentless fusillade paired with mangled screams of those trying to escape. Max bared a set of fangs, exposing a mouthful of serrated canines and incisors, an atavistic hiss escaping her lips. Mutated bodies littered the lawn, surrounded by pools of clotting blood. Many of the human soldiers still clutched their formidable-looking guns in their lifeless hands. Chipped brick, bullet shells, and shattered glass added to all the clutter. It was that broken glass that crunched beneath the soles of Max's combat boots with a sound like the breaking of bones as she advanced onward.

ImageAround the compound was a high razor wire fence, more portentous than anything you'd see wrapping around a human prison. It was at that point that most of the mutants were being mowed down. They simply couldn't escape the bullets raining down from the guard towers long enough to clear the barrier. It was a reminder that in that hour, she could have found the tenacious dream of freedom smashed to pieces. "Shit. Dray, You can fly right? You think you could clear out a guard tower?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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As if on cue, right after his roar there were gun shots behind him. He should have known better but his vision was tinged scarlet. All of a sudden bits of the red were starting to flicker out and he turned quickly to see that bullets were taking out the emergency lights around them. Barrow was firing back at the guards around the corner and Dray wondered why he would do such a thing for them.
Hawke reached around him as he stepped aside and he helped up Bast, giving out orders to the others in hopes that they would survive going out the doors. Unsurprisingly she pulled away from Hawke and went towards the doors. He growled and narrowed his eyes. He figured as soon as she opened the doors she would get shot down. It was almost a waste of him saving her. She was a guard and ultimately he wouldn’t care if she did; but no one deserved to get taken out a sneak attack.
She pushed open the doors and miraculously she wasn’t shot down instantly. He moved up closer and looked outside, the bright light blinding him for a few moments until he blinked the glare away and stared at the outside world. He almost didn’t see the numerous dead mutants and guards that littered the area, or the tall fence and a few tall structures; instead he was in awe of the amount of green and blue that he saw.
Bast’s voice brought him out of his gawking with mention of him flying and taking out towers. He gave her a confused look that was nearly a glare. Even mutants that could shift small enough in their own cells could barely fly; they never let any of them learn because going out the front doors would mean escape for them. He was rarely allowed to shift in a room that could fit his wing span. The only time he could spread them out fully was in the Games arena and even then then only time he used them was to propel him forward.
He glanced around to try and come up with a plan. The fence was about fifteen or twenty meters away and he rushed towards it. He used his wings to propel him upwards nearly the full length of the vertical wiring and almost instantly started feeling pinpricks over his scales. The guards were firing at him; the sounds of the bullets going through the air enabled him to target the nearest tower. Hopefully he was distracting the shooters from the others and they could get to the fence.
Once reaching the top the sharp razor wire cut into his hands and feet as he spring boarded up almost to the top of the tower, letting out a roar and catching the guards’ attention as he attempted to claw and bite the ones inside. His leap buckled the fence, nearly bending it in half and his attack got the attention of the other tower. The pinpricks began feeling like needle stabs and he growled, crawling out of the top of the tower and spreading his wings to glide over to the next. He nearly missed, his wings flapping clumsily, but managed to grab on half way down on the structure. He climbed his way up to the top, leaving dripping smudges of blood from his hands and mouth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Olek glanced back and noticed Hawke near his immediate location. He continued to back pedal until everyone was out into the fields. He glanced over at Hawke again with an uncertain eye. He continued to backpedal towards the exit, wary of being betrayed. With the shake of his head he dispelled the foul thoughts of betrayal. If he was worried about watching his own back, people were going to die. His eyes remained locked on the hall before him until he felt fresh air on the back of his neck. His combat boots rubbed against the dirt and debris beneathe his feet as he took position against the side of the building.

He quickly surveyed the battlefield. Bodies were strewn everywhere, mutants generally at the perimeter, and guards littered the ground everywhere in between. He took a deep breath and glanced down at his special ops utility knife. There was no way of all of them making it over the fence. He could make a run for the garage, but one bullet in the engine block would stop the plan and the car before it could ever get close to the gate. "Get the others ready to move." Olek spoke quickly, locking his one good eye with Hawke's eyes.

Both of the gate house checkpoints were manned by guards, and were within the line of sight of the guard towers. Bast and the rest of the group appeared to be safe for the moment. Dray was busy dispatching guards in one of the guard towers, drawing the fire when Olek decided to act. He sprinted towards the fence-line, making sure to use the now empty guard tower as cover from some of the other occupied ones. He came to a skidding halt once he reached the fence, kicking up dirt in his wake. With one swift motion he moved his M4A1 to his back and began cutting away at the fence with his utility knife. The snapping of gunfire filled the air, and make Olek tense up ever so slightly every time a shot came close. With a satisfying snip, the razor sharp blade began to cut through each link in the fence. After about ten links were severed, Olek pulled one corner of the fence up and shouted to the others over the gunfire. "Over here, let's go!" The guards would catch on eventually. Dray would cover their escape quite nicely, but all it took was one guard to call attention to Olek's position before they showered him with bullets.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When the door opened and Edur stepped out she couldn't help but let out a little awed gasp. Bloodied bodies going unnoticedshe gazed in amazement at the blue of the sky, and the green of the yet bloody grass. Her wide eyed staring would of gone longer if the guard didn't speak to Hawke, telling him to get them ready to move.

She to turned her head, seeing Dray clinging to the guard tower. Her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes caught the red liquid of blood dripping from his hands.

Once again her attention was brought to the guard, who was busy cutting a whole in the spiked fence which would of other wise caught large tuffs of her fur. Soon enough he had cut away enough links so the lot of them could get out. "Over here, let's go!" He called urgently. Knowing this moment could mean life or death Edur lurched forward, tugging Chris with her. She wanted out before the other, mean guards noticed them and did something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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Hawke growled softly as Bast snapped at him and stalked off with Dray behind, hurrying along with Barrow. He paused for only a second to let his body realize he was finally outside--and that was all it took. As the male guard ripped open a hole within the fence, he called to the others. What he said exactly, he couldn't quite remember. It was most likely an echo of Barrow's own words. What he did remember was pain. It shot through his side and his shoulder, a split second later through his thigh. With a cry, he fell to kneel, watching the treeline and the other mutants. Once he saw they were headed through, he turned, both hands digging like claws into the dirt, his lips curled back in a feral snarl. His eyes, the deep green orbs were nearly pupil-less when the next sound ripped through his throat: The high wail of a howl that came from wounded wolves.

Help me, my friends. The day has come. You and I have spoken. Do now as I ask. Ensure the others are not killed. Give me the strength of the Pack, so I may rise and be free among you. Came the wordless plea, as another shot snapped past his ear. He was answered in the next breath, a series of menacing howls from one of the large packs nearby:

We come for you, Brother Two-Legs. Your "pack" will not be harmed. We come. We fight. Though the words were simple in his head, the fury behind them was strong enough to taste, to cut. So many of their pups had been taken. Now, they would have their revenge, as discussed. The largest natural born wolf Hawke had ever seen leapt over his head and onto his attacker, a slightly smaller female following right behind. Two more helped Hawke to his feet as the pack attacked--only enough to gain vengeance and fulfill their promise to their two-legged "brother". Bleeding badly, he limped between them, drawing strength from them. He murmured apologies and goodbyes to those in the Pack who were shot down as he and the others continued to hurry through the forest. As they retreated, they howled to their spirits. As did he.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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When Bast kicked open the door and led the mutants out Chris held a wides eyed expression of pure glee on his face. It had been so long since he had last saw the outside what had once been mundane and familiar now seemed new and awe inspiring after years trapped down in the Lab. Though the sun stun his eyes from the lack of sunlight he was amazed at how bright and glorious it seemed after going ten years without its light. He had forgotten just how vibrant and beautiful the sky and the grass was, with the scent of blood in the air and the scattered corpse along the grass doing nothing to lessen the beauty he felt at the sight of it.

As they made thier way down Chris watched as Dray leapt towards the tower creating a sufficient distraction for the rest of them. As Dray made his way towards the tower barely wincing, and taking the towers by siege Chris couldn't help but feel in awe of this impressive display. He found himself feeling admiration for the strength and power the dragon possessed. It wasn't long after Dray began targeting the towers when Barrow decided to act. He cut away at the fence until it was large enough for then to make thier escape. Chris barely had time to register Barrow speaking,calling the others to the fence when he felt Edur pull him toward Barrow, and toward freedom. He grinned slightly as she pulled him and he started running at an an even pace with Edur.

When he and Edur finally reached the fence after what felt like an enter nifty of running though it was likely only a few moments he gave a sigh of relief and passed a small smile towards Edur. His relief suddenly turned to worry when he saw Hawke go down. His muscles tensed as he prepared to run towards him and bring him to safety. Just as he was about to rub towards him he heard a loud howling and soon a large pack of wolves descended upon the guards. Relief soon returned to his face when He knew Hawke was safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Max Bast Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Chris Baxter Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke) Character Portrait: Dray
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By the time he clawed and chomped his way through the guards in the second tower his vision was red. Blood was dripping out of his mouth and down his snout, the rest of his scales were splattered with it. The animal part of his mind was taking over and so when the howling started his head swung around to the new movement coming from down below. He growled and watched the four legged figures dash from the tree line and attack the guards that were coming after the small group climbing through a hole in the fence. He automatically saw prey and let out a deep growl.
Dray shook his head slightly and refocused, his vision clearing slightly. He dropped to the ground heavily, focusing enough to realize that the animals were wolves and remembering that attacking the guards is what they wanted. Going against his animal mind he didn’t attack the creatures and instead made sure that their little group was heading for cover in the woods. He clenched his claws and let the pain from the razor wire keep him focused as he ran after them.
He stayed at the back of the group to hopefully take any bullets on his scales instead of letting one of the others get hit. He followed closely and weaved his way in between trees quickly. Looking up once in a while he stared towards the tops of the trees; they were taller than any ceiling besides the arena and he was sure some of them were taller than that. There was so much color he nearly ran into several bushes and crashed through many of them.
Sounds of gun shots, splintering wood a few yards behind him, and heavy footfalls let him know they were being followed. No doubt he was leaving a trail and would have to change to his normal form soon in order for them to get lost. Then they would have to deal with the blood that both he and Hawke were dripping behind them as a telltale sign.