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Soren Bowers

"i'm not bitter, i'm just tired."

0 · 659 views · located in Widow's Peak

a character in “Evermore”, as played by partially-stars



camisado- panic! at the disco. hoax - taylor swift. echoes of you - marianas trench. dirty laundry - all time low. linger - the cranberries. the light behind your eyes - my chemical romance. don't mind me - walking on cars. last of the real ones - fall out boy. guiltless - dodie.



NAMEXX soren james bowers


AGEXX deceased at 20, now 27

SEXUALITYXX pansexual, male preference
xxxxxxGENDERXX cis male

NATIONALITYXX all american, as far as he's aware

ROLEX ghost

HEXXX #4d5676


ImageG H O S T

Soren has the abilities of invisibility and telekinesis. His control of both is largely linked to his emotions; when he gets overwhelmed or upset, he completely loses control of them both and finds himself flickering in and out of sight, causing lights to flicker, and resulting in objects hovering and sometimes flying around the room. And considering his total amnesia... well, the two don’t mix very well. When he’s actively trying to move objects, he can usually only move objects weighing under a kilogram and can hold his invisibility for about twenty minutes. But when he’s upset and loses all control, he’s lifted objects that weigh about five kilograms with ease.

Soren can remember bits and pieces from his old life, but for the most part his memories are gone. He can remember his name, where he used to live, a handful of childhood memories... but it ends there. For some reason, though, the name Markus Vasco has been stuck in his head the whole time, and he know he needs to find whoever this Markus is and why he was so important to Soren.



H E I G H TXANDXB U I L D: 6’2”, slim

Soren is the type of person that makes most people do a double take. Between his height, his bright blue hair, and his dress sense, he draws attention to himself, and he likes that. Since he was sixteen, he’s been dying his hair bright colours, but blue is one colour he always came back to. The style now is similar to how he wore it when he was alive, but his hair is longer now and he’s shaved the left side even tighter than it was then. He’s pretty much always found wearing black eyeliner to draw attention to his piercing blue eyes, sometimes accompanying it with eyeshadow if he really wants a dramatic effect. He got his tongue pierced in an act of rebellion the day he moved out of his childhood home, and he’s collected an assortment of piercings and tattoos since. He’s got an industrial piercing and three lobe piercings in his left ear, while having two helix piercings, his tragus, his daith, and three lobe piercings in his right. His first tattoo was a simple one, just simple text on his right wrist. After that, he quickly collected more. A butterfly on the back of his left arm, just above the elbow; an arrow on his left wrist, and a moon on the right side of his ribs. his most distinctive tattoo is the co-ordinates of his first apartment on his neck, one he got to commemorate the first place he'd felt truly safe. He's got a number of scars, most notably a number of small burn scars on his right wrist, an inch or two below his tattoo, and a scar on his eyebrow from having a glass bottle thrown at him.

Soren’s style is undoubtedly influenced by the rock and emo influences of his teenage years, but in the year or two before his death, his style had begun to mature, shift into something a bit different. He embraced color and patterns and even sequins, one of his favourite items of clothing becoming a silver faux leather jacket. He’s one of those people that always seems slightly overdressed and always seems to pull it off, even when they really shouldn’t. He’s also known to prioritise fashion over practicality, and his teenage friends were used to him having to borrow layers or refusing to take off his jacket because it was part of his look.


P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Growing up, Soren was that kid that everyone knew was putting on an act. His home life sucked, and even he couldn’t keep that a secret. But he put on a front to make everyone else try and believe he was fine, and most people pretended to believe that. Even when he got out of his shitty situation, he still always had on the big, slightly over the top showman front. This was probably one of the things that got him noticed, though. He was charismatic and funny and witty, and always seemed to know exactly what to say to get a smile or a reaction out of anyone. His witty, honest, but never cruel commentary, first in his blog and later in YouTube videos was popular and got him noticed.

Music is and always has been an escape for Soren, and god knows, he had plenty to escape at times. There were usually only two people in the whole world that Soren would talk to about what was going on in his head, and frankly, there were plenty of times when he felt he couldn’t even really talk to them either. Fear consumed so much of Soren’s days for so long that he struggled to get out of the mindset where he didn’t have to be afraid. Even after he moved out, he had days where he couldn’t talk to anyone and so would just put on his favourite album as loud as he could and try and get through the day.

But despite all of the shit he was dealing with, Soren always tried to be there for everyone around him. He wanted to be that person that people could rely on- but life just always got in the way for him. He always tried but several times, something would happen or he would crash and he’d let someone down. The constant pattern of making promises he fully intended to keep, and then not being able to keep them wore Soren down, to the point where he just wouldn’t make promises. He would do everything he could to help, but he never made promises.

Anger ran in Soren’s family, along with a litany of other issues, and it was one trait that Soren did inherit from his father. When Soren is hurt, emotionally or physically, he lashes out. He says things he doesn’t mean in the hope that people will just leave him alone to hurt in peace, even if that’s the complete opposite of what he wants. Soren doesn’t get angry often, but when he does, it is a white hot anger that burns and burns and threatens to cut away everything he loves if he doesn’t keep it in check. It was this anger and hurt that led to him lashing out at Markus and saying those things, things that he regretted the minute they left his mouth and for the rest of his short life. Now, he has an urgent feeling that he needs to make something right, but he has no idea what.

he only smokes when acutely stressed, but always says that he's trying to give them up, despite never making any progress. - he always has at least one pair of headphones on his person and frequently more. - the smell of whiskey makes him acutely nauseous and makes him anxious. this has remained even since he's come back, and one of the only memories he has regained is that of having a whiskey bottle thrown at him.

F E A R S:
his deepest fear is becoming either of his parents. he's also terrified of spiders and of enclosed spaces.



Soren’s mother was only sixteen when she found out she was pregnant. Her religious family insisted that she marry the father, and at the time, it didn’t seem like a feasible option for her to stay in school. Soren’s father had already left school at that point to take up a decent job in a local factory. While it wasn’t the most orthodox of beginnings, there wasn’t anything explicitly unhappy about it either. They got by, the three of them. Or, at least, they did for the first five years. Until Soren’s mother met the new love of her life and began the first affair. For the next three years, there were always different men around the house while her husband was at work, and Soren was sworn to secrecy. Soren was eight when his father lost his job abruptly. His mother kept up the affairs, but it was harder to do so, and eventually, he found out. He lashed out at her, and the next day, she had packed her bags and left. She had never even considered taking Soren with her.

For a while, they managed, just the two of them. But his father had developed an alcohol problem, which, when combined with his anger problems, lead to physical and emotional abuse. Soren knew how to hide it, how to cover it up. He knew how to put on the brave face and the sunshine act so nobody would notice. But he could only hide the bruises for so long. The first people to find out were his best friends. It was by accident, his sleeve just slipping up a little too far when they were hanging out and revealing the fingerprint marks and the cigarette burn. He pulled it down, but they had noticed. Soren ended up spending more and more time at their houses, only going back when he absolutely had to. Even as he got older and even taller than his father, he never had the strength to be able to fight back properly. If he mistimed going home, he would get hell from his father, but he also got better at knowing when was safe and when wasn’t. He was working two jobs and stashing away his tips, keeping them in Markus’ house so he knew his father would never find them, and lying to his father that he didn’t get to keep his tips. His father never saw through the lie, and to this day, Soren has no idea how.

The blog started as an escape from his life, something that was just a way of channeling his passions. But it picked up popularity and became more popular than Soren had expected. He even started to earn a little bit of money from it. Enough that, when he graduated, he told his father where to shove it, and began renting a small one-bedroom apartment downtown. He still had to work full time as a barista, but he invested in a decent camera set-up and started doing YouTube videos as well. Eventually, he was able to quit his job and move to blogging and interviewing full time.

Dating had never really been a priority for Soren growing up. He'd known it would be impossible to let anyone into his life like that, so he just never really dated anyone. He'd repressed any feelings towards guys out of fear and told himself he was imagining it or that whatever it was, it wasn't actual attraction. So when he was living by himself and finally able to start to figure things out, it took him a while to realise that not only was he attracted to guys, but he tended to be attracted to guys more than to girls. Even in his new, safe environment, it took him a while to come to terms with it, and so he only officially came out at nineteen. Markus and Erin had known for a little while longer as he'd tried to figure the whole thing out. He also realised he'd been suppressing a crush on Markus for the past few years, but had never been able to acknowledge it and then just had written off the feelings as them being extremely close.

It seemed that they were inseparable, no matter what. Until that fateful night. Everyone had had a little bit too much to drink. If you asked, nobody was even quite sure what the argument started over. It was likely something insignificant, but it was enough for Soren to get really angry. The argument was short, but harsh, with both of them throwing insults. Eventually, Soren stormed out and called a taxi. The minute Soren got into the car, he wanted to go back and apologise. But his pride stopped him.

The drunk driver didn't even see their car. Both drivers survived, but the impact killed Soren almost instantly. His family organised the funeral, but neither of his parents showed up. When he woke up in an empty apartment that he didn't recognise, he couldn't remember much more than his name and the name of his best friend. A handful of memories, mostly of his childhood, have come back since, but most of it is still very hazy.

So begins...

Soren Bowers's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Markus Vasco Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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3.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xxxnever did I think I'd be coming back around
xxxdigging up old memories
xxxalways used to be the one to let it go
xxxkept my fears in a suitcase

A gasp filled the empty apartment, and a formerly still body sat bolt upright. Soren gasped for air, his heart still pounding in his chest.This had happened every single night since he’d first woken up in this apartment. Every time he woke up, he woke up afraid, but the memories of the dream disappeared as soon as he tried to remember them, vanishing like smoke into the abyss of his mind. His phone was hovering a foot off the bedside table, and he snatched it from the air, checking the time. He didn’t know why he could suddenly move things without touching them or why they tended to hover in midair when he was upset about something or why he seemed to flicker in and out of sight at times. He didn’t know why his memory was so blank. He didn’t know where he was, why he was here, or what the hell he was supposed to do about it. He’d hoped he might figure it out with time, but two days later and he still had no idea. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something he needed to do and that something was urgent, and every morning he found himself reaching for his phone as if the answer would be there. It never was.

It was late morning, later than he’d meant to sleep. Groaning to himself, he grabbed the packet of smokes on his bedside table, pulled on a hoodie, took up his usual position, sitting on his window sill with the window open as wide as it would go, and lit up a cigarette. Even if he couldn’t remember what the dreams were about, or why he was here or what the hell was happening to him, he knew that a smoke was one of the only things that could calm the tremors in his hands and the shaking of his breath. It seemed that the things he couldn’t remember outweighed the things he did. His memory was just a gaping void, full of things that he felt he could almost remember, but the minute anything became halfway clear, it would just slip out of reach. Except for a few memories, and almost all of them were ones he would have been fine with forgetting.

And then there was the name. Markus Vasco. It had been his first thought when he’d opened his eyes two days ago, and it was a name that seemed to be constantly whispered in his mind ever since. He’d done a bit of research, and it seemed he was a tattoo artist somewhere in town. Soren had the address written down on a piece of paper, but something was holding him back, stopping him from going and looking just yet. What the hell was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? Hi, two days ago I woke up with total amnesia and for some reason, the only name I could remember besides my own was yours. Do you have any idea about it? Because I sure as hell don’t.

He sighed, blowing out a lungful of smoke out the window into the street and watched as it twisted and curled, before fading into nothing. Somebody had once told him the cigarettes would kill him one day, and he’d just laughed and shrugged. He blinked at the sudden memory, but the faces around it were gone, empty faces he just couldn’t recall no matter how much he tried. He stubbed out the cigarette and closed the window, figuring he needed to get dressed and figure out what the hell he was going to do for the day. There was a leaflet abandoned on the counter, one that had been shoved into his hand by someone on the street yesterday, advertising the town’s Halloween festival. Even if the night itself was just under two weeks away, the town seemed to run events for the whole of October. Soren went over to pick up the leaflet. Something, deep inside him, told him that was where he should go tonight. Well, it wasn’t like he had any better plans.

He spent the rest of the day just in the apartment, doing a little more reading into this Markus Vasco. He’d considered googling his own name more than once, but every time he went to type his name in, a wave of panic and anxiety came over him, telling him not to do it. He figured that reaction meant that he probably wasn’t going to like whatever he found, so he just never looked. But he couldn’t find much on this Markus person either, and he knew that meant he probably just needed to get over himself and go talk to him. He promised himself he’d do it the following day, but first he’d decided to go to this Halloween market for whatever reason.

He pulled on his trusted silver jacket, put on some eyeliner to make him feel a little more like himself (another thing he instinctively knew and couldn’t explain), and headed out. It was cold, but it had at least stopped raining. His breath came out in a swirl of fog as he walked, pulling his jacket a little tighter around him. Torches lined the streets, giving everything an eerie and atmospheric look. Stalls lined Main Street, with local businesses all running stalls of all and every kind. There were people selling handmade masks and costumes, local artists selling art, and so much wonderful looking and smelling food. He bought a cup of hot apple cider and wandered down the street, looking at the stalls and wondering what it was exactly that had drawn him here, or if it had just been curiosity and something to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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0.50 INK

song xxxxxoutfitxxxxxdialogue hex #584b29
The smell of warm spices and crisp autumn air filled the market, Leo taking in the scenery as his dads futzed over the arrangement of their tools for the pumpkin carving contest. Their family had won blue ribbon for pumpkin carving every year, his dads always eager to return to defend their title. The prize money would be donated to charity in their company’s name and they’d take a picture for the local paper. It had grown tedious over the years to participate in one event after the other presenting themselves as the beautiful little family behind Mather’s Construction. But it was good for business, and his parents genuinely enjoyed spending the time with him and creating traditions so he played along.

He’d picked the design, tracing it onto the pumpkin for his parents to take turns carving over the next hour. Some years he’d go with a pop culture reference, Stranger Things was a fun couple of years of designs. Leo had tried convincing his parents to do a Tiger King themed pumpkin, but they didn’t want to associate the show with their image. Instead Leo had opted for a harvest theme with an ornate designs of foliage to be carved at different depths to play with the light. It was a classic country design that the judges just ate up. Leo free handed most of it, he’d always had superior spatial reasoning.

“Alright, I think that’s it.” Leo said after some time, using the pumpkin to counterbalance his weight as he stood and leaned back to crack his back. His shoulders were stiff from leaning over for so long, he rotated his neck until he heard his joints click from the motion. His dad took the pumpkin, the other still arranging their tools.

“Stop fussing over the station, Michael. We have forty-five minutes.” His dad said. Leo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, already the competitiveness was surfacing. He scratched the back of his neck, his already mussed hair ruffled askew. His dad set down he pumpkin, Michael taking it and beginning to carve stale-faced without another word.

“You wanna hang around kid?” His dad asked him, reaching to smooth the back of Leo’s hair.

“Yeah, I was going to check out some of the vendors but I’ll be back before the judges come around.” Leo assured him, knowing his dads would want him around for pictures.

“You don’t want something to eat?” His dad asked.

“Nah, I’m not hungry.”

“You sure? There’s a place that has a whole turkey leg, or maybe a pumpkin pie?”

“That sound’s good. Maybe we can get one all together later?” Leo was expert in dodging the subtle manipulation to eat. His medicine gave him a low appetite, something that his dad thought gave him reason enough to monitor Leo’s eating.

Michael looked up from the pumpkin he was carving, sensing the tension. “Ray will you take over? I need to find my rubber tipped gloves.”

Leo gave his dad, Michael, an expression of gratitude – taking the distraction and ducking out the moment Ray had his back turned and disappearing into the crowd. It’d been years since he had been to a Harvest Fest with Elle, but still it was hard to walk through it without thinking of her. Memories of celebrating her birthday came in with the Autumn breeze. There were always reasons to remember her. She was in the touch of fresh fallen snow, the smell of fresh Spring rain, the warmth of Summer sun. There was no part of his life she hadn’t touched.

Leo tensed, his body’s rhythm sensing the oncoming alarm. His watch beeped, his hand already reaching to silence it. He pulled a small pill box from his pocket. His dad Ray would arrange his medicine every Sunday night. They had a set of seven small pill boxes that each had two compartments, one for morning one for night for each day of the week. It was small enough to fit into his pocket, he’d grab a new one every day. It had all become so apart of his daily life he barely registered when he was doing it now. He didn’t even need water to get down the pills, just swallowed them dry.

He’d been walking around for nearly half an hour and barely took in any of his surroundings. That’s how he spent a lot of his time, on auto-pilot. It seemed to be better than whatever he was before, or at least that’s what the people around him said. He could see people grouping around a hot apple cider stand, deciding he’d grab some for him and his dads before he headed back to the pumpkin carving. A flash of silver caught his eye, Leo doing a double take for a moment certain that he saw someone he hadn’t – couldn’t. He furrowed his brow, wondering when was the last time Soren had ran through his mind.

“Here’s your ciders!” Said the peppy worker, handing him a drink tray with three cups of cider.

“Thanks.” He said, shoving a few stray dollars into the tip jar as he took the ciders and headed back towards pumpkin carving area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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2.25 INK

Markus Vasco
Location: Fall-Market Square | Outfitx|x#800000
xxxThey say I may be making a mistake
xxxI would've followed all the way, no matter how far
xxxI know when you go down all your darkest roads
xxxI would've followed all the way to the graveyard

The soft chirping of birds, the sound of the engine of a car that occasionally passed by on the busy street, and the sound of the wind softly hitting against the large pine trees that encircled the area were the only sounds that filled the air, in the otherwise entirely silent graveyard. A soft sigh escaped Markus' mouth as he remained crouched down in-front of one of the graves. It was somewhat worn and weathered, due to the constant onslaught of a vicious winds and harsh winters in the small town. Markus lifted his hand to wipe away the thick layer of dirt that had gathered over the front of the grave marking, his eyes seemingly life-less as the name Soren Bowers was now visible again. "I...I'm so sorry..." Markus choked out, the words came out as barely above a whisper. He could feel his eyes begin to burn once more as tears slowly began to creep into his vision. Markus sniffled as he wiped his nose, slowly getting to his feet as his hands shook by his side. "I'll...I'll be back sometime later this week..." he said softly, the words falling from his lips as his eyes glanced back towards the headstone and then to his feet. It didn't matter how many times he came to visit the two graves for his friends, the pain never left. Almost like he could never fully accept the fact that it had been seven years since Soren's accident, and five since-He shook his head of those thoughts. Doing his best to disgard them as best he could. He'd be back later, that was all that mattered.

Markus looked over the small headstone once more, before he began making his way back a few rows to the front of the graveyard, before stopping. Turning his head to look in the direction to his right, resided another grave. Somewhat newer than Soren's, but still somewhat old and weathered. His eyes glanced at the name, quickly averting it just as quickly as his eyes landed on those etched in letters. It was still too soon, still hurt too much to think about. Hell, shortly after the accident, Phoenix left for college, even though Markus couldn't blame her. The town took everything from her. First her girlfriend, and then her sister. It was only fair she left too but, it still didn't change anything that he had lost his last remaining friend from heighschool. But he couldn't hang onto those feelings and thoughts anymore. She was off in New York, making something for herself while he resided in this small little god forsaken town. He couldn't continue to be bitter, it wasn't healthy. He was just hurt, even if he didn't want to focus on it anymore.

He sighed once more, and turned and left the graveyard. He could come back anytime. He just needed to get his mind off things. And today he was in luck as the local Halloween Festival was taking place this week, and if he wanted anything to help cheer him up, this usually did the trick. But it was usually with his friends, but...Markus needed to grow up and accept what had happened and move on. Shaking his head to himself as he walked down the old worn pathway back to town.

Markus arrived in the market-place a few short minutes later, and the town-square was already buzzing with life. The pumpkin patch was busy as ever, with locals and visitors busily carving them for the small little competion they held every year. Leo and his parents must have been here somewhere, Markus thought to himself. They'd never miss out on this. A faint smile crept across his face for but a moment, as he could have sworn he saw the quickest flash of blonde main of hair flitter by in the corner of his eye. Markus took a double-take, as it would have been impossible. But by the time he looked off in the direction he thought he saw her, the person was gone. Markus blinked, his mind was playing tricks on him. That was all. As Markus looked back around, he could have sworn that a familiar face caught his eye among the pumpkin patch. The brown wavy hair, darker skin and eyes. It had been a few years but, there was no mistaking it. It was Phoenix. A small smile appeared on his lips, seeing her once again after all this time. But a somber feeling hit his chest, it couldn't have been easy for her to be here. For whatever reason-Oh. He blinked again as he saw a red-haired woman talking with her. Slowly he nodded as another smile appeared on his face. He was happy she was doing well for herself. She deserved it after all she'd been through.

Markus began to turn and walk away in the opposite direction of the two women, he wasn't ready to talk to her just yet and found himself practically walking into someone. "Oh shit, I am so fucking sorry. I didn't mean to-" Markus stopped as his eyes found themselves bounding over the person that stood before him. A flashy and shiny jacket, dark blue dyed hair. Maybe it was just an coincidence, but the moment the two locked eyes, Markus froze.

It wasn't possible, was it? It had been seven years. But those eyes and his face. However aged it may have been. But it couldn't be, right? Markus had been to the hospital. He went to the funeral for god's sake. This couldn't, there was no logical or realistic reason for it to be him, right? Markus found himself with mouth ajar as he tried to say something, anything at all other than staring at this man who simply could have just looked like him, right? After what felt like forever, which in reality was no more than a minute or two, Markus shook his head. Snapping himself out of his dazed stupor. "I am so sorry. I just...I was clumsy and didn't watch where I was going...And...I accidentally spilled your drink." Markus said numbly as he saw the freshly spilled beverage on the ground. "Uhm...How about I...How About I pay for a new one, huh? And whatever else you may want. Only fair, right?" he chuckled awkwardly, outstretching his hand to the man. "I know this is going to sound weird but...You don't happen to be from around here, do you? Sorry if that's a weird question just...I don't know. Sorry." Markus fumbled for something to say, anything to help get rid of the awkwardness he was feeling. "But what do you say...Let me buy you another drink?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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1.50 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xxxnever did I think I'd be coming back around
xxxdigging up old memories
xxxalways used to be the one to let it go
xxxkept my fears in a suitcase

A display of ornate masks had caught Soren’s attention, just for long enough that he also didn’t see the man about to walk straight into him. The collision was hard enough that Soren’s still full cup of apple cider went flying from his hand and landed somewhere behind him. But Soren’s attention was fixed on this man. For a brief, fleeting moment of a second, there was a rush of emotion, and Soren wasn’t even sure how to put them into words. He had so much to say, so much to apologise for, so much to-

And then just like that, the moment was gone, and Soren found himself staring at the man’s face, scrambling for memories that weren’t there. But he knew that he knew this man somehow, that there had been something there once upon a time, but he couldn’t remember what. Frustration grew inside him, so much that he almost missed the man’s words. He forced a smile, shrugging a little.

“It’s fine, these
 these things happen,” he said. At the offer of being bought another drink though, he raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Sure, if you’re offering.” He reached out and grasped the man’s hand for just a moment, and again, there was that rush of emotion, the beginnings of memory, and then it was gone again, and Soren shoved his hands back into the pockets of his jacket. His skin tingled at the memory of the touch, but the question of whether or not he was from around here quickly distracted him as they stepped back into the queue for the apple cider.

 yeah, I grew up here,” he said. Even that was a guess, he was working entirely off the basis that he seemed to be able to find his way around without having to think about it and knew the streets intuitively. “Or
 I mean, I think I did. I, um
” He wasn’t even sure if he should be saying this, but those flashes of emotion and the ghosts of memories
 he had known this man, and the longer he stared at him, the more certain he was of that fact. And he was just so tired of not remembering anything, not remembering anyone. That flash of a subconscious reaction was the first reaction he’d had to anything since he’d opened his eyes, and it was the closest thing he had to any sort of hope right now. Hope that things might actually get back to some semblance of normality. If there was any chance this man had known who Soren was, who he had been, then Soren was going to take that chance.

 actually have pretty bad amnesia at the moment, so
 if it looks like I’m blanking anyone, it isn’t me being rude, I just
 can’t remember who they are,” he admitted with a nervous laugh, tucking his hair behind his ear. He stepped up to the counter and gave the order for two apple ciders and a toffee apple, stepping aside to let the man pay and handing him one of the cups. “I’m
 I’m really sorry about this but
 I feel like I know you or
 knew you. Did
 did we know each other?” He asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco Character Portrait: Erin Mohaghan
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1.50 INK



One of Xan's eyes had crinkled in confoundment, like her mind was malfunctioning for a moment trying to process the impossible. The story felt eerily familiar, when Erin showed her the phone Xan's hand went to her own in her pocket. They were the same model.

The pang returned, Xan wincing and reaching to apply pressure to her temples to suppress the pain. Erin was dead, that much was certain. A sense of some sort of dread, some aberration, had been following Xan since she woke up on that church bench all those days ago.

"You uh...Don't happen to someone know someone with the name Nixie. - "

Xan was struggling to much to keep herself relatively composed to perk up at the name, but every drop of doubt drained from her in that moment. She'd spend days of these fleeting thoughts, always chased off by sporadic migraines - but here was the truth staring her in the face. Xan shook her head slowly, burying herself into her hands to block the light in an attempt to curb the pain. She sighed heavily, peeking out from behind her fingers. Cycling through the millions of impossibilities that could lead to this, struggling with where to start. She inhaled deeply, preparing to speak - interrupted by the shuffles of Harold as he carried over her cheeseburger and milkshake.

"Here you are," He said after what seemed like an eternity, the two patrons watching him with a tense silence as he approached. Xan gave a weak smile of thanks. When he remained at the table, Xan looked back to Erin then back to Harold. She opened her mouth to speak, Harold cutting in before she could. "Anything else I can get you? Ketchup, hot sauce?"

"No - no thank you," Xan's lips pressed into a fine line, giving Harold a nod. He seemed to be frozen for a moment, searching her face. Xan looked back to Erin, eyes widened.

"Alright then, just let me know if you need anything!" He finally said, giving them both a smile and a nod and returning behind the counter.

"Okay," Xan waited until he was out of earshot, turning back to Erin. Her vision had adjusted, her head still aching but now a dull throb instead of a sharp pang. She had pulled out her keys and phone out of her pocket, slapping them onto the table next to Erin's.

"Your name is Erin Monaghan. We are in Widow's Peak, the town where we grew up...." Xan could feel this block in her mind giving way, weakening to give way to a stream of consciousness. “Your best friends are Soren and Markus. My name is Xan Cole. My sister's name is Phoenix Cole....Nixie, who you dated."

She could see the light of recognition in Erin’s eyes.Suddenly rushed with a sense of clarity, the dull throb in her temples lifted. Xan had been trying so hard to connect the dots but they were already connected, she had just been unable to see it. Her hands had developed a strange tingling sensation, Xan looking down at them for a moment before continuing.

"You don't date anymore though, died - and I'm pretty sure I did too." Xan stretched her arms across the table, reaching for Erin's hands - her fingers passing right through them. “I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I know it is not possible.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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3.25 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xxxnever did I think I'd be coming back around
xxxdigging up old memories
xxxalways used to be the one to let it go
xxxkept my fears in a suitcase

outfit: herex|xhex: #800000
xxxThey say I may be making a mistake
xxxI would've followed all the way, no matter how far
xxxI know when you go down all your darkest roads
xxxI would've followed all the way to the graveyard

Markus found himself staring blankly at the man as he began to speak. Trying to convince himself that he was just imagining things. That there was no way that this was him. There was just no way. It was seven years now, he had seen the body, been to the funeral, everything. So, there was no way, he was just seeing things he so desperately wanted to see. But then, the other man spoke and Markus could have sworn his heart stopped in his chest. His voice. That voice. It was his. And suddenly, Markus didn’t know what to believe. Was he truly losing his mind? Was this the day he finally just lost all of his remaining senses? Probably. But, even if he was just seeing things that weren’t really happening, Markus didn’t want it to end just yet. He shook his head, taking him out of his thoughts as he finally felt strength return back to his legs to help pull him along as the other man got back in line. Markus didn’t know if he was staring or not, but he must have been as his eyes scanned over the man that stood before him as he spoke. Nodding ever so slightly as he said that he was from around here. That he grew up here. Or, that he thought he did. Markus didn’t understand what he meant, but kept silent as the man continued to talk. Not like he had much of a choice, seeing as his voice caught itself in his throat and wouldn’t come out as hard as he tried.

He found himself continuing to scan over the man that stood next to him trying to understand what the fuck was going on. Hell, he was close to asking what kind of sick joke was this, until the man finally said that he was sorry about his memory, and how he had bad amnesia. And that if he seemed to come across as rude, that he wasn’t doing it on purpose. Markus took the cup the man handed to him, and took a sip. The drink helped clear his throat a bit, but not much. Markus finally found himself regain that strength he needed to speak, and he couldn’t help it as his voice came out in a shaky tone, try as he might to not have his voice break, “It...It’s okay.” he began, clearing his throat and took a deep breath as the two began to walk once more. Markus took another moment to gather his thoughts, he didn’t know what was going on but, if Soren was really fucking here, somehow...Well, he wasn’t going to waste it. He didn’t care. All he wanted was to be able to talk to his best friend again-no, the person he cared for more than a friend, but that was so long ago. As if it was almost a life time ago. But, however many years may have passed by, and however older he may have looked...This was Soren. His Soren. His best friend. Markus bit his lip for a moment and began to finally speak again, “Yeah...I guess you could say we used to know each other.” Markus said with a small chuckle, however forced it was.

This felt so unreal, but he wasn’t going to waste time with this. Markus sighed as he looked down at the ground before looking back at Soren. “We...We used to be best friends, Soren. Me, you...and one of our other friends.” he paused for a moment, finally for the first time his memory went back to how things used to be. Back when they were kids, the three of then. He shook his head once more as he continued, “But, that was a long time ago. A really long time ago...But, that doesn’t matter. You’re back and...That’s all that matters.” he smiled slightly, a rather genuine for the first time in a long time. He looked back at Soren, “I won’t ask what happened but...If there’s anything I can clear up for you...I’ll be more than happy to, if I can.”

Soren could have guessed from the man’s reaction that they had somehow known each other, but being told that they had been best friends just broke Soren’s heart. He watched the man, desperately hoping for something to be familiar, for something to just trigger the memories and they’d come flooding back. But besides that lingering feeling that they had known each other, there was nothing. Soren studied the man’s face for a second or two, before things fell into place.

“You’re Markus, right? Markus Vasco?” He said, his face lighting up in a smile at the realisation that the name finally had a face to match. Even though he asked it as a question, his gut told him he was right. Markus Vasco, his best friend
 well, before. For a moment, there was that burst of emotion, just lingering for a second, but this time, echoes of the emotions remained. Not enough that he could remember why he felt them, but it was something.

 I mean, even if you did ask what had happened, I don’t think I could answer. I
 just woke up two days ago and
 poof. No memories, no
 nothing. All I could remember was my own name.” He decided against mentioning that his first thought had been Markus’ name for some reason. Now he knew who he was, he swore that the man’s face was familiar. But there was a bittersweet undertone. He knew who Markus was, but he couldn’t remember any of their history, any of the things that defined their friendship. All of the things he could remember were things he’d rather forget, but the good memories were completely out of reach.

 have no idea what happened. Just
 nothing. Do
 do you know?” He asked, turning slightly to look at Markus. There was a wave of that same anxiety he felt whenever he went to type his own name into google, except this time it didn’t go away, settling into his chest and wrapping around his lungs. Soren cleared his throat in an attempt to ease the building pressure, but it didn’t budge. He felt in his pocket for his cigarettes, but he’d left them on the window of his apartment. He took a sip of his cider, trying desperately to ignore the growing pressure in his chest.

Markus nodded slowly as he could tell Soren was trying to piece things together, and the moment he heard Soren say his name, a smile appeared on his face. But for just a moment. “Yeah. That, that’s me.” a tone of excitement rang through his voice, quickly clearing his throat as he recomposed himself. Taking a deep breath as he listened to what Soren said. Not exactly fully understanding but, for as far as Markus was concerned, why would Soren be lying about this? It didn’t make sense. Hell, none of this made sense. Markus took a deep breath, before taking a sip of his drink, “Uhm...I think it’d be best if we...Sat down first..?” he motioned with his head to a few benches that were off to the side of the main square, far enough away from most crowds. Once they both sat down, Markus put the drink down next to him on the bench, and clasped his hands infront of him before he began to talk, “Soren..” Markus began, “....Seven years ago...There was an accident...We got into an argument and
.We both stormed off...I don’t know what happened exactly but...You got into a car accident, and...Sor... You didn’t make it.” his voice dipped at the end, as tears began to fill his eyes. He let out a long held breath in a small gasp, rubbing his head. “...You wouldn’t know this cuz...Well...You were gone after this but...Our other friend...Erin she...She died not too long after you
” he shook his head, his knuckles turning white as he gripped his knees as he looked away. This was the first time in years he talked about either of them. And now, he was somehow talking to Soren again? Whether he was really here, or Markus was just imagining it, he didn’t know. But, if this was really Soren, however he may have been here, he deserved to know.

Soren’s chest tightened even more as Markus suggested they should sit down, but he just nodded numbly. It felt like every nerve in his body was screaming at him to run away, to leave, that he wouldn’t like what he was about to hear, but he needed to know. He needed to know what the hell had happened to him.

But he never would have guessed what Markus was about to say. He had died. Seven years ago. It felt like there was a weight pressing on his chest now, enough that it hurt to breathe. He wanted to accuse Markus of lying, wanted to say it had to be some type of sick joke. But
 deep down, it felt like he knew. When he desperately tried to call up some memory of the incident, all that came up were all the bad memories he’d tried not to think about. The shattering of glass less than an inch away from his face, the burning of cuts, and the sickening smell of whiskey. The fear of creeping through an empty house as silently as possible in case it wasn’t as empty as he thought.

 this can’t be happening,” he managed to force out, searching Markus’ face for some type of answer. “I can’t
 how did I-“ The weight on his chest now was unbearable, and Soren realised that the light above their head had begun to flicker and both his and Markus’ cups of cider were now floating in mid air. His hands were flickering in and out of sight. “I need to go.” He bolted to his feet, looking at Markus for just a second longer. “I’m sorry.” He managed to get out, before turning and walking away.

He didn’t know where he was going or why, but all he knew was that he needed to get out of there before something bad happened. Back to the apartment, back to where he was safe, away from everyone else. The quickest way home was through the crowds, and his intense discomfort won out over his desire to be away from people.

It was when he was in the crowd, surrounded by people, that it happened. His vision suddenly went black, and it felt like he’d been pushed into a freezing lake, gasping for air that wasn’t coming and the cold practically painful against his skin, even through his clothes. And then there was a voice. Low and dark and sinister. “I’ll take things from here.” It sounded smug, as if this was a game. And Soren couldn’t do anything to stop it.

And suddenly it seemed like he was watching his body from somewhere else. Something else was wearing his skin. Soren had never stood that tall in his life, had never worn an expression like that, one that was somewhere between idle boredom and intense hatred. It took him a moment to identify what was wrong. The iris of his eyes was pitch black, darker than dark, chilling when you looked at them for even a millisecond too long.

A demon was wearing his skin and using it to wreak destruction. Soren wasn’t sure if the limitations of his strange new abilities were just gone or if the demon just knew how to use it better. Because handmade stalls, impeccably made stalls, were shattered to smithereens with just a lazy toss of it’s- his- hand. In only a few short moments, it had destroyed half of the carefully made stalls without a second thought. And it smiled, an awful, twisted smile that looked all wrong on Soren’s face. It caught two people staring at him in terror and that horrible smile widened.

“Haven’t you ever seen a ghost before?” It asked, in a voice that was both his and not his, reverberating all wrong for such an open area. “Consider this your first warning. Restore what was mine to me or I will use these vessels to bring more destruction than you can ever imagine,” it called. It turned its cold, harsh gaze on a figure that Soren swore he knew, and Soren panicked. He didn’t know how he did it or even that he could, but he flung his consciousness towards his body. And it worked, because there was that same feeling of being temporarily submerged in water, of breathlessness and not being able to breathe.

For a moment, he stood exactly as the demon had stood. And then his legs gave out at the same time as a wave of dizziness and exhaustion hit him, and he hit the ground, dazed and trying to piece things back together.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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4.00 INK

Erin Monaghan
Location: Widow's Peak Diner | Outfitx|x#8BA3A6
xxxI would sell my soul for a bit more time
xxxYou stain all on my body like you're red wine
xxxYou're the fuckin' acid to my alkaline
xxxYou run your middle finger up and down my spine
xxxI'm sorry there was no one to apologize

After Erin had asked that final question, a bit of dread began to fill her entire body. She didn't know why, but the small pause of silence that filled the air between the two woman was suffcatingly thick. Erin could have sworn she couldn't breathe, like all of the oxygen in her lungs had been snuffed out, and she was left gasping for air. But she was taken out of her thoughts when another voice spoke up, seeing it was only Harold that had brought the woman's food over to them. The tension that suddenly filled the room was palpable, and it was only making her current state of nerves worse by the second. Thankfully, he asked Xan if she'd need anything else and he soon shuffled back behind the counter. Erin let out an audible exhale as she felt her entire body finally relax into the booth again, finally being able to breathe once more. That was until the woman finally spoke up, which caught Erin off guard for a moment. Somehow, she had entirely forgotten what she was doing there for a moment. Blinking out of her confused state as the woman talked once more, putting two items onto the table, next to Erin's own phone and keys. It took the blonde woman a moment to piece it together, but they were the exact same items. Erin reached out for a moment, but immediately retracted her hand, she couldn't bring herself to touch the items.

Her green eyes trailed over back to the woman as she continued, finally telling Erin her last name, which was apparently Monaghan, that they were in her own home town of Widow's Peak, and that she has two best friends. But sadly, none of that was ringing any bells right off the bat for her. It took her mind a few moments to register what was being told to her. As she sat there, it finally sunk in. Her name was Erin Monaghan, she was born and raised in Widow's Peak...Her mom and dad, well, her brain didn't let her ponder on that for too long. Her birthday was...March...fifteenth? Yes. March fifteenth. All of that was allowed to come back to her, but why? It didn't make sense to her. But the two names she was given, Markus and Soren? As hard as she tried, the faces didn't come to mind. She recognized the names after a moment, but just barely. But the faces, who the names belonged to; well, that wa bogged down by cloudy vision and distorted images in her mind. Why couldn't she remember them? What was keeping her from remembering them? And why? Those thoughts kept coming back to her and it terrified her, as a sinking feeling began to fill her. And she didn't know why. Why couldn't she remember?

Erin blinked as the woman introduced herself finally. Xan. Xan Cole. Her brows furrowed together tightly across her forehead as she tried to make the connection there. But her mind was blanking entirely. Sure, the name was familiar, but she didn't know why. The feeling the name brought to her was filled with anxiety and a bit of unease, but as Erin looked the girl over, the feelings went away. Why would thinking about the name cause those feelings, when she looked at her, Erin didn't feel anything negative? Something just wasn't adding up to her. Then again, none of this was, so what did she expect? Erin sat back in the booth, until the next few words left Xan's mouth. Phoenix Cole. Nixie.. That was when the dots began to connect. But she didn't know how or why she remembered that name-who she dated. Erin blinked for a moment. That name, and connection there caused a small pull in Erin's chest. It was a tightening feeling that made it harder to breathe. That never ending feeling of severe anxiety and uncertainty returning once more, as she was more or less frozen in place, hands on the table in front of her as they were clasped tightly together in front of her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make the connection to a face. Her mind just, wouldn't allow it. It was blocking something out, not letting her remember. But why? All she wanted to know was why.

The blonde thought that she had heard it all. That everything Xan had to tell her was said and done with. She would have been able to have stopped there. It was enough for her then, her brain was already having a hard time register it all. But then Xan spoke once more, and Erin could have sworn her heart stopped. She didn't realize just how heavy and hard her heart had been pounding in her chest, but the moment it stopped, Erin's whole body froze in place. She...She died? Erin shook her head, no. There. There was no way. Right? There couldn't have been a way that she died. She was sitting right here. She was alive. This whole thing was some sick joke. It had to have been. There was just no way. Erin wanted to get up and just walk out of there. She needed to get some fresh air, something to calm her nerves. Just, none of this could be real, right? Erin's eyes found themselves trailing Xan's hands down to her own, and was prepared to feel the sensation was skin on her own hands. But she didn't. There was nothing. In fact, Xan's hands phased through Erin's own. No contact was made. What in the hell was going on? Was she losing it? Was this the moment that she finally lost it? Erin simply froze in place as Xan said she didn't know what was happening, and that it should have been impossible. Well no shit, Erin thought to herself. Her body still not letting herself talk. She just couldn't find the strength to force herself to talk. Her body entirely locking up on itself as she sat there.

Erin didn't know what it was, but something finally shocked her out of her damn dazed stupor as she blinked, seeing the phone on the table going off as it began ringing. Someone was calling Xan's phone. Erin froze once more in place, her heart racing in her chest once more. Something in her gut told her to get up right then and there and leave. Just go. Just get up and run you stupid idiot. Now. The voice in her head echoing, but she was frozen in that damn booth. Like a deer trapped in headlights of a car, Erin couldn't move. It was only when another voice finally broke Erin out of her panicked state. She didn't know why or how, but it happened. Erin tore herself out of the booth and into the middle aisle of the diner. Standing across from the woman, who Erin hadn't looked at yet. Erin finally and slowly looked the woman over, from her feet and then finally landing on the woman's face. Everything stopped in time for Erin, as her green eyes landed on the woman's dark brown eyes. She didn't know why. But she could feel that same damn feeling in her chest. "Nixie...?" Erin finally broke her long and overdue silence. She didn't know why, but somehow, she was able to make that connection then and there. But she did. And it was in that moment that something clicked. The fog that clouded her mind for so long since waking up, there was a small burst of clarity for Erin.

A sharp, deep pain hit Erin in the side of her head as visions suddenly rushed into her head. It was like a jackhammer entering the side of her head that caused her to fall to the ground, grasping her head in both of her hands as she gasped out as the pain only grew more and more as the seconds passed. Erin held her head tightly in her hands as flashes of faces and people flooded her memory. It was like waves crashing over her. Some things didn't make sense, or were completely random. Locations and people, some with clear faces that she could see, but others remained faceless. Just the faded outline of a form was all that her mind let her see. Unknown to Erin as the visions flooded her mind, things had begun to float in the air around the diner. It started out small enough. A fork or salt shaker rattled on their own, before lifting off a few inches from their placement, before clattering back down onto the table beneath them. As the visions only continued to happen, and the pain continued to dig through her skull, the worse things became. The chairs and tables began to vibrate on their own, slowly and in small bursts, but it was enough to recognize from anyone standing around. Erin just wanted this to end. The feeling of fear flooded her entire body, and finally the visions came to an end, but not before flashes of something flooded in rapid succession. It was like scenes from a movie playing out in head. Erin smelt the scent of rain. Heard the sound of dull, echoing footsteps on wet pavement as a dark and empty road laid out in front of her as she walked down the lonesome road. It was eery and desolate, and she didn't know why she was seeing this, but suddenly there was a bright light, the feeling of a burning pain shot across the entirety of her back, and then she felt her body crashing onto something hard, cold, and wet beneath her body and everything turned black.

Erin's heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest as she was finally shot back to reality. Gasping for breath as tears rolled down her face. Her entire body was shaking as she fumbled for words. All she could feel was fear, confusion, sadness, and anger. All at once it filled her entire being as she tried to find the words. Anything to say. But all Erin could get out was a soft, "I'm so sorry...I...I didn't mean to...I'm sorry." the rambled and fumbled words repeated countless times over and over as she rocked back and forth as she pushed herself up against the wall. Erin didn't know why, but she was petrified to move. If it was true that she died, and she was somehow back...the last vision she had was glimpses of her last moments, and if that was the case, it was horrible. To know she died alone and scared on an empty road as the car didn't even stop. Her hands shook and trembled as she tried to looked around the diner, but she couldn't bring herself to look at anyone. Panic and fear continued to spread throughout her body as the sound of things crashing sounded around her. A plate smashing against the wall mere inches from Erin's face caused another flash of visions to play out in her mind. Memories she wanted to keep deep, deep down in her memory. So far down that she could never find them again. All she wanted was for this to end, but she didn't know how, and she felt like something bad was about to happen as the sensation of a numbing cold began to creep over her body. As if she was being slowly lowered into a frozen lake...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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4.00 INK


A demon just smiled to himself as he let the man take back control of his own body. He was done playing games with that body, the townspeople in the market were frightened enough. But he certainly wasn’t done playing games. He could feel two more souls in a small diner, their fear and confusion and panic making them vulnerable and so, so easy to control. And oh, the destruction he could cause there
 Finally, he was making the town pay for everything they had done, everything that had been taken from him. One of the souls put up more of a fight than the other, but he still took control easily and smiled that wretched smile. Only one of them had gotten the abilities of telekinesis. Never mind. There was plenty he could do with just the other's bare hands.

In the small diner, people were already hiding and running, the strange blonde woman having already disturbed them enough. The two women sitting opposite each other got to their feet in sync, their eyes both having turned a pitch, bottomless black. They paid no heed to the third woman who stood beside them. The glass in the windows near them shattered, one by one, closely followed by the lights hanging over their table. The blonde woman pushed past Nixie, not even acknowledging her. As she walked, glass kept shattering, lights and windows turning into mere shards without her even having to look at them.

The brunette smiled that awful, twisted smile and sauntered up to the counter. With strength that seemed to exceed what her frame should have been capable of, she picked up one of the stools and hurled it over the counter with enough force to break both the stool itself and shatter the tiles on the wall where it hit. She sent the items on the counter flying with a swing of her arm.

The two of them wreaked havoc on the diner, never touching anyone there but instead choosing to simply cause as much destruction as possible. The blonde had picked up a few cuts from the broken glass but hadn’t as much as flinched at any of them, and hardly seemed to notice them. When they got bored with the diner, they stepped out onto the street to find cops waiting for them outside. They laughed, their actions mirrored.

The demon briefly considered leaving the two souls to deal with things there and then. But no. He wasn’t done yet, and besides, he thought, the town needed to know what they’d done. They needed to know why they were suffering and that they could do nothing to stop it. They needed to know exactly what they’re dealing with. So when he spoke, he spoke through both of them.

“You took my love from me forty-nine years ago. Forty nine years, I have waited and waited for this moment. And now, I will make your precious town suffer. I will see it burn if I must. You will pay for all of the pain and the suffering you have brought seven-fold.”

Finally satisfied with the chaos he had caused and beginning to feel the drain of having possessed two bodies at once, the demon withdrew and let the souls regain control of their own bodies, smiling with satisfaction as their bodies crumpled with exhaustion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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0.00 INK


0000Soren0Bowers 00000000000000000|0000000000000|Markus0 Vasco

Ghost | Attirex|xhex: #4d5676 0000000000000000000000000000000000 Human | Attire | xhex: #800000



Markus didn’t know what to expect to come from Soren, but the look of pure confusion and even fear were clear as day on the other man’s face. Markus felt his heart sink, his chest tightening as his stomach seemed to plummet into a nonexistent pit as he watched Soren get to his feet and excuse himself as he walked away. He could have sworn he was seeing things when the cups started to float out of his hands, but Markus didn’t really know what to do, other than instinctively get up and follow after his friend. It was like he was on autopilot. His feet carrying him all the way until it happened. He didn’t know what happened first, whether it was the strange energy that seemed to shift over his friend, the look that overcame Soren’s face or the shattering of the carnival stalls. As some unseen force ripped through them like paper.

He watched on in horror, his feet firmly planted into the ground beneath him as he watched Soren-or well, more so whatever was using his body, to tear through the fairgrounds. The voice that came out from Soren’s voice...That wasn’t his voice. But at the same time, it was. It was haunting and Markus wasn’t sure what was going on, but he’d be damned if he didn’t try to do something to help his friend. It lasted only a few moments longer as the figure spoke, before Soren collapsed to the ground in a heap. Markus blinked for a moment and in an instant he felt the strength, or just pure adrenaline rush through his veins and he was running up next to Soren, kneeling down next to him as he hovered his hand over his friend for just a moment before speaking softly as he gently placed a hand on his shoulder, “Soren? Soren! Are you okay?” he asked in a panicked tone, not really knowing what he was meant to believe just yet. “What the hell was that?” he questioned, but part of him already knew the answer to that, it didn’t matter. All that did matter, was that he got Soren out of there now, they could figure out what to do at some other time. He carefully helped his friend to his feet, gently holding him by the arms for a moment longer, his eyes lingered on Soren for maybe a moment too long. Before a smile appeared on his face and he embraced Soren in a tight hug. A hug he had wanted to feel for such a long time. In that moment, so many things went through his mind.

The memories of that night. Yelling at Soren when he was drunk. The accusations that Markus threw his way. But more than anything, all the regret he felt after that and up until now. He spent so much time being angry at himself for everything he did-no, all the things he didn’t do. He should have stopped Soren from getting into that car that night. He should have walked Soren home that night, instead of storming off like he had done. There were just so many things he regretted that night. But now...Maybe somehow, this was the universe giving him a second chance at fixing things. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to walk away now. Not again.

The world had gone black for a few seconds, and when Soren reopened his eyes Markus was there, shaking his shoulder and making sure he was okay. Soren nodded a little as he sat up, but his head was spinning. There was a pounding in one temple, and when he put his hand to it, it came away a little bloody from where he’d landed on some shattered wood. His whole body ached, but as he looked at his hands, he could see the tiny scratches from where his body had instinctively tried and failed to catch itself. “I
 I don’t know,” he said as Markus asked what had happened. He had an idea, but how was that possible? How was any of this possible? How was he even supposed to try and explain it? He accepted the hand to get to his feet, but the world tilted as he stood upright, exhaustion nearly making his legs buckle. He could see the remains of the destruction around him, the shattered stalls and the terrified faces, all of the fear directed right at him. “That wasn’t me,” he forced out, clutching Markus’ arms. “It wasn’t me, I promise,” he said again, returning his focus to Markus and searching his friend’s face to try and make sense of his expression. Markus wasn’t afraid, or if he was, he was afraid for Soren, not of him. The wave of relief that Markus wasn’t going anywhere was nearly enough to make his knees buckle again. When Markus pulled him in for a hug, Soren clung to him tightly, pressing his face into Markus’ shoulder for a moment, to give him a second to try and compose himself and stay calm, before releasing the hug and nodding, not sure if it was for himself or for Markus as if to confirm he was okay.

Gently, Markus kept his arm looped around Soren, helping to support his friend’s weight as they began to walk to-anywhere but here. “C’mon, Sor...Let’s get you outta here..” he said softly, walking off in the direction of the diner. They had only been walking for a few short minutes before they arrived at the diner-or well, what would have been the diner, if there wasn’t broken glass and crowds of people surrounding the area. Markus would have ignored it all together and walked around the crowds of people. But something was pulling him to look. Against his better judgement, he peered through a part in the crowd, and his heart sank. What laid before him were a few more figures that...It would have been impossible. There was no way. Markus had seen two of the other figures die-But..Here they were. Xan Cole, who was laying on the ground, and then Erin-No. It was impossible-But here she was. Markus blinked as he tried to find something to say, anything at all. It was only when his eyes landed on Nixie Cole, Xan’s sister that he felt his stomach tie in knots. He hadn’t really talked to her since Erin’s
.The accident. He didn’t really find himself involved after Xan had passed either. Yet, here they all were. Markus nervously bit his lip for a moment, looking between the three girls before finally finding himself speaking, “Phoenix-? I mean...Nixie? Is...Is it really
.” he stammered for a moment, before looking down at Xan, giving her the faintest of a smile, before looking at the blonde who laid unconscious on the ground, unmoving. “...Is...Is she..?” he questioned them, before looking back at Soren, pure confusion was on Markus’ face. He didn’t know what was going on. Everyone he had known at some point, or those that had at one point or another was here, and he didn’t know what to think.

Soren just wanted to go home at that point in time. Not back to the empty apartment that his keys opened. He wanted to go home, but he wasn’t quite sure where that was any more. He trusted Markus to bring him wherever his friend thought he needed to be. When he saw the diner ahead of them, he was actually relieved, realising that he was starving as well as exhausted. But then he saw the destruction and the bodies laying outside the diner. He stared at the two girls for a second. “I knew them.” He said, looking at Markus for verification. Markus was talking to another girl too now, and Soren realised that he knew her too. The name Nixie rang a bell, but the memories of how they knew each other were as distant as ever. “Are they okay?” He managed to get out.

Markus exchanged a quick glance towards Soren when he heard the male speak, nodding slightly. A shadow of a smile appeared on his face for a moment. He wasn't going to explain things just yet to Soren, there were just so many things that he didn’t even know. Nevermind knowing how to explain it to someone else. Markus looked over the crowd, to try to gain some semblance on what happened, hearing a few people mumble amongst themselves about what they saw. His eyes widened before he took a step forward, before stopping, ”I don’t know, Soren
.Are they
.” he started, before looking back at Nixie, “...Did they cause this?” he questioned, eyeing the remains of the establishment behind them. He managed to give Xan a dodgy look before taking a step backward and looking back at Soren, he didn’t realize it just yet, but Markus had been shaking the entire time, his hands trembling by his sides. He didn’t know what was going on, and now seeing three people he had seen die and attended their funerals well...This were beginning to show themselves for just how much this was all becoming.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xxxnever did I think I'd be coming back around
xxxdigging up old memories
xxxalways used to be the one to let it go
xxxkept my fears in a suitcase

The Sheriff took a few moments to talk to them. Nobody could have blamed her for not believing their stories. Soren barely believed it himself, except it had happened to him. But instead, on hearing their story, her mouth just pressed into a hard line, as if it confirmed her suspicions. “Alright. Well, none of you seem to be in any state to answer too many questions. We’ll do what we can to keep things as calm for you guys as possible, but if anyone gives you any trouble, you call me, you hear?” She instructed. She had a stern, but not unfriendly expression, the type of person you could believe was doing the right thing. “Now get yourselves out of here. If you remember anything that could be useful, you tell me right away. And don’t you worry. The supernatural and this town are well acquainted,” she said, before turning and walking back to her officers. Soren noticed an elderly woman waiting to talk to the sheriff. The woman’s eyes were bright with observation, and for a moment, she turned her attention to look at the group. And then she nodded to herself, ever so slightly, as if a point had just been proven. When the sheriff spoke to her, she spoke to the old woman with a tone of respect. They spoke for a few seconds, before the old woman nodded and approached the group.

“You kids need to get yourselves something to eat. You all look like you’re about to pass out, especially you.” She poked Soren in the ribs, and he just stared at her with confusion. “Don’t worry about your friend. Demonic possession is exhausting. She’ll be just fine, just give her a while to wake up. Now, like I said, you kids need a good meal and an even better sleep. But tomorrow or whenever y’all are feeling better, you come see me, you hear? My house is that old witchy looking house on the south side of town, you’ll know it when you see it. And I’ll make sure to have a pot of Gramma Bloom’s special tea on. Now go on, scram.”

When the old lady spoke, people listened, and they were no different. Soren stuck close to Markus as they made their way to the nearest restaurant that was still open. Instinctively, they stuck together as a group, but Soren almost wished that they could just
 slip away, just him and the only soul that seemed any way familiar. He knew that he had known most of the others, but he didn’t know how, and he hated that. He hated not knowing. But Markus was helping to carry the unconscious woman, so they just stuck with the rest of the group. The server gave them an odd look, but evidently decided against asking too many questions as she seated them at the largest booth. Even still, it was a bit tight. At first, the physical contact of being so close to someone else was comforting. But then Soren’s knee brushed against Markus’ and his heart jumped in his chest, a reflex reaction Soren didn’t quite understand.

He couldn’t quite meet anyone else’s eyes, couldn’t quite deal with the fact that they all seemed to have some memory of him while his memories were ghosts themselves. Honestly, he just wanted to go home, but that wasn’t an option. And besides, as overwhelming as everything seemed, he did want answers, and he felt like this was his best chance at getting them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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0.00 INK


0000Erin0Monaghan 000000000000000000000|00000000000|Markus0 Vasco

Ghost | Attirex|xhex: #8BA3A6 0000000000000000000000000000000000 Human | Attire | xhex: #800000



Everything seem to happen in a weird mix of slow-motion and impossible speed for Markus. One moment they were asking their friends if they were all okay, as well as the oncoming presence of police officers. Something that Markus felt was welcomed enough, but not any less concerning. But it didn't matter if he had lived in Widow's Peak his entire life or not, he had never experienced anything as otherworldly as to what was happening now. Countless people he remembered attending their funerals, or at least hearing about their deaths, were here now. Somehow in the flesh-er well, whatever they were now. It was only when one of the officers walked over to speak with them that he recognized her as one of the officers who was there at the hospital on the night that Soren-Markus shook his head. He didn't want to focus on that. Not now. All he cared about was heeding her words, to get out of here and to let them know if anything comes up. "Yes ma'am. We'll be sure to update you if anything comes to mind." he blurted out, but by the time he said it, the officer was already far enough way from them. Markus simply shook his head, looking back at Soren for a moment. As an old woman approached them, Markus had walked over to Erin's unconcious form and slung one of her arms over his shoulder gently, allowing her weight to entirely fall on him as he supported her, "You're gonna be okay, 'Rin. I got you.." he mumbled softly, as if she would have heard him, but it was more so to himself. He didn't know what was more confusing, the fact that somehow his two best friends were well alive, or at least back from the dead and that's oddly all he cared about. He didn't know exactly why or even how, but if this was just a dream, he was going to let it last for as long as it could. He didn't want to say goodbye just yet.

Markus had managed to walk back over just in time to see an elderly woman saying something about stopping by her home sometime, and something about tea. He had only gotten such a small amount of the conversation that, he didn't really know what was happening. Simply looked at the others for some semblance of context. But, the group clearly decided that it'd be best to get some food and hopefully speed up getting Erin to wake up. Maybe if she smelt some food, it'd do the trick. Markus thought, and the group was off to one of the local places.

Everything around her was a dark, murky color. As if it was just a large abyss of ink that she was suspended in. But, somehow still laying down on her stomach, as Erin finally found the strength return to her arms, enough to prop her up to a sitting position. Rubbing her eyes for a moment, as if trying to adjust to light, but, it was just endless darkness. After a few short moments of looking around, Erin noticed that there wasn't total silence. If she focused hard enough, she could have sworn that she could hear the ever so slight sound of soft rain, splattering onto what she could only assume would have been pavement. Suddenly, a deep, cutting fear dug its way into her stomach. Her fingers clenching the surface below her as she sat frozen in place. But instead of feeling nothing like she had just moments prior, she felt that hot, yet cold sensation one gets when scraping their skin against stone before that sharp pain of broken skin set in. Her fingers continued pressing into what felt like asphalt below. Digging further, and further in until she could have sworn she tasted blood in her mouth as she licked her lips. A habit she always had when she was scared. Further, and further, her fingers continued to press into the ground below, to the point of where it felt like she had made impressions in the cold ground. Skin dragging across cold, wet concrete.

And then there was a sheering pain that shot out across her back. Spreading from the back of her hip, all the way up to one of her shoulders, that caused her to let out a pained cry and a blinding light appeared across her eyes before she found herself bolting straight up in an unfamiliar place...

It had only been a few short minutes after they had gotten to the food joint when Erin began stirring in her sleep. At first, Markus had let her keep her head propped on his shoulder, as Soren sat on the opposite side of him. But after constantly having to pull her head back, he decided to just let Erin keep her head resting against the tabletop. Markus was all too busy in his own thoughts, when he finally looked back down at Erin's sleeping form, to see her eyelids flittering rapidly. As if she was suffering from some sort of terrible nightmare. Which, he honestly couldn't blame her for. She had well, rather literally been through hell itself and back. What her dreams were like when she was still alive, before the accident well, she had already had clear signs of copious amounts of nightmares. From the nights when she'd stay at his home for the night, he'd lie awake to hearing her mumble and whimper in her sleep. Which, often times ended with Erin crawling into bed with Markus, finding comfort in a familiar presence. Which, was oddly something they both found solace in. So, seeing Erin asleep once more, right next to him, still in evident enough stress caused his chest to tighten. He wanted to wake her up, but he knew that usually resulted in someone being punched in the face, usually him. So, he decided to just let her ride it out until she woke up on her own.

Markus began to sit back in the booth, when suddenly Erin jolted awake, seemingly out of breath as she looked around. The expression she wore on her face could only be explained as a deer caught in headlights. Which, Markus mused on for a moment before realizing just how morbid that comment was. All things considered. "Hey hey, 'Rin. 'Rin." Markus said softly, gently placing one of his hands to Erin's cheek, stabling her back to reality. His dark brown eyes staring into her hazel eyes. "You're safe. It's okay. Just breathe, okay...?" Markus said calmly, gently brushing one of his thumbs against her cheek. Just like he always had whenever she woke up from one of her nightmares. Erin stared back at him as her breathing finally began to settle itself, her heart still racing a mile a minute within her chest. Erin looked at the man who somehow knew who she was, and his touch...It was oddly calming. As if she recognized it. No no, she did recognize it. But why? Who was he? It was only when she finally glanced around her surroundings that she saw they were in some establishment, that also felt oddly familiar. And then her eyes finally landed on a few other individuals that sat across the table from her. Two she immediately recognized, somewhat. Xan and Nixie? Right? That was their names. It just took her a moment to remember things. But the others, she didn't exactly recall, then again, there were a lot of things she didn't remember. And the fact that everything was slowly coming back to her, the fact she didn't remember much began to tie her stomach in knots again.

"Uhm..." Erin started, still not fully awake from the hellish nightmares she had endured. "Where...Where am I?" she questioned, dark eyebrows knitted tightly across her forehead. Markus gave her a sympathetic smile, as he gently placed his hand on one of her's. "You're safe, and with friends..." he started. Giving her a small smile. Erin slowly nodded, she still wasn't fully able to comprehend what happened after she had interacted with Nixie and Xan at the diner but, whatever happened must have been bad enough that they went to someplace else to talk. Least that's all she gathered. Erin gave a small, silent nod before looking back at the others, not directly looking any of them in the eyes as she spoke, "Can...Can anyone tell me what the fuck happened back at the diner..? Cuz I sure as shit don't remember anything after...Blacking out?" she questioned. "I..I remember this cold sensation creeping over me and then...Just...Nothing. Like an endless abyss." the blonde shuddered for a moment, as if even just recalling the events sent a shiver down her spine. "I...I didn't hurt anyone, did I...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Caille
#DE8245 | Outfit | Getting Food w/ Gang

The Sheriff had let them go and honestly that was a relief for Nixie. She did not want to have to explain something she didn’t understand and she didn’t want to seem like the town’s crazy person, but there was no denying the things she had seen from people she never expected to see again.

The brunette had stayed silent for once in her life as the thoughts and emotions stormed inside. There was so much to unpack, but who even had the time for that? She struggled to fall into line with the old friend group and how they all used to be. More than half of them were supposed to be dead, and she hadn’t seen Leo in years nor had she seen Markus. Not to mention Cas’s douchebag doctor was here.

Nixie just felt a sense of being overwhelmed and uncomfortable around everyone. When they got to the diner she slid in so she was against the wall and her sister beside her. How often does your dead sister come up from the grave? she pondered and honestly she just wanted to scream into the abyss and pretend nothing happened.

Of course, she was excited to have Xan back in her life, but how long was she staying? Or how long before she would be going again?

She heard Erin asking about what happened in the Diner and if anyone got hurt. Her heart began to swell as she could feel her muscles getting tense, so naturally, she needed to fidget with something and the salt shaker was the closest thing to her.

The salt was poured into her hand and pushed around with her fingers as she began to speak and inform Erin of what happened.

“You and Xan got into this state of being possessed. Black eyes, creepy-ass voices, and the two of you began to destroy the diner and scare a bunch of citizens. From what I noticed and overhead, no one was injured.” She concluded as she let the salt particles fall from her hand.

“Oh, there was something interesting about forty-nine years, waiting so long blah blah make the town suffer and a lost loved one? I have no idea
 You better have ordered potato skins, or I’m sulking the next 24 hours.” She said as she crossed her arms over her chest looking at the others. How was it even possible that at least four people who had died came back to life? Was this some shitty dream, because Nixie wants none of it.

#D4A9D6 | Outfit | Getting Food w/ Gang

Things had moved fast for Elle and it wasn’t long before they were joined by everyone or so she assumed everyone. Elle had a slight inclination for who some of these people were, but she really had no idea. She was lucky to have found the person that matched the name she had stuck in her head all this time.

The blonde took her seat in the final booth spot, she felt uneasy and unsure of what to say until she could feel Leo come in beside her on the chair. It was comforting and she knew that no matter what happened if she had Leo, she would be fine until she could figure things out.

She listened to what the brunette girl playing with salt had said about what happened in the diner and she had summed up what had been said. Elle coughed a bit and spoke up, she remembered what had been said almost word for word. It had caught her off guard in the first place, but the words were in her mind still, “Forty-nine years, I have waited and waited for this moment
. Uh, I will make your precious town suffer. I will see it burn if I must. Then something about pain and seven-fold.” She said hoping that it would trigger someone to talk about it.

She girl looked around the table, but the words ‘being that ghost’ echoed in her head. Was she really a ghost? Her eyes flitted down to look at her hands while she felt the sadness creeping in. Is that all she ever could be? She could see her hands fade a little bit, but instead, she just clenched her fist.

“Town must have pissed some dude off a long time ago. Some dude with magic abilities or maybe it's a woman, we have no idea. I’m not going to judge.” Elle kind of rambled a bit in an attempt to distract herself from the impending thoughts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xxxnever did I think I'd be coming back around
xxxdigging up old memories
xxxalways used to be the one to let it go
xxxkept my fears in a suitcase

When Erin finally woke up, she awoke with a panic that Soren recognised. It was the same panic that he woke up with every morning. Markus reassured her, telling her that she was fine. He was as kind to her as he had been to Soren, something which resulted in a variety of emotions in Soren, something which he decided against dwelling on. She asked about what had happened in the diner, and Soren glanced at the others, wondering exactly what had happened.

When one of the girls- the one Markus had called Nixie, he thought- explained what had happened, a shiver ran down Soren’s spine. It was exactly the same thing that happened to him. He kept his eyes firmly on the table in front of him, idly tracing patterns in an attempt to occupy his mind. But apparently, through Xan and Erin, they had given one message, something about suffering and burning.

“Consider this your first warning. Restore what was mine to me or I will use these vessels to bring more destruction than you can ever imagine.” He said, without glancing up. “That’s
 that’s what it said when it
 possessed me,” he admitted. “The old woman said something about coming to see her. If it was forty-nine years ago, she might remember what happened. And she seemed to be unsurprised by the whole thing so
 I dunno, she seems like she could be a good place to start to ask questions. I don’t know about you guys, but I’d prefer not to be a vessel for ‘more destruction than you could ever imagine.’” He managed to force something like a smile as he finally managed to look up at the rest of the group.

Some of their faces were familiar, some more familiar than others. But more than he’d ever experienced before, or perhaps more than he’d just noticed, the hollowness he’d been feeling felt like an absence. And it just made it feel all the worse, made it feel all the more noticeable. Everyone else seemed to recognise each other or to at least have somebody that they knew. But the best he had was Markus’ word that they’d known each other and vague feelings of familiarity. He glanced down again, the realisation that it seemed they’d all known and could remember him making him feel more like an impostor than ever. Maybe this was some huge mistake and he wasn’t the person they’d known at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Markus Vasco
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0.00 INK

outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xxxnever did I think I'd be coming back around
xxxdigging up old memories
xxxalways used to be the one to let it go
xxxkept my fears in a suitcase

outfit: herex|xhex: #800000
xxxThey say I may be making a mistake
xxxI would've followed all the way, no matter how far
xxxI know when you go down all your darkest roads
xxxI would've followed all the way to the graveyard

Once the food arrived, the conversation halted for a few minutes as everyone seemed to realise in sync how hungry they were. For a few minutes, they just seemed like a bunch of normal twenty-somethings, enjoying the festival and teasing each other. In fact, they’d paid up and had left the restaurant as a group before they seemed to collectively realise why they were there. And then they stood, huddled in the cold, nobody knowing what to do or say, and nobody seeming to want to leave. When Leo suggested they went back to his, everyone seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Leo’s family had enough rooms that they didn’t all have to sleep in the same room, but they did have to share a room. Asking Markus if he wanted to share was a far too nerve wracking moment for Soren, and the relief when he agreed was significant. At that moment in time, having to deal with any of the others when he still could remember absolutely nothing about them just seemed too awkward and too uncomfortable for him. He couldn’t remember much about Markus either, but the feeling of familiarity was a start, and it was something he was desperately going to cling to.

He pulled off his jacket and sat down hard on the bed as they got to the small bedroom, exhaling heavily and running a hand through his hair to brush it out of his face. He wasn’t sure if he should say something, if he should acknowledge everything that had happened, but the words didn’t seem to come. The best he could come up with seemed to be, “Jesus Christ, what a night.”

Everything after the diner had felt like some weird lucid dream for Markus. Having followed the group wherever they went, when they all sat down and ate together, and eventually when they all decided to go back to Leo’s. Something they probably would have done when they were younger. This all felt so unreal to Markus, if he was being honest. But, just in case this truly was a dream, he stuck closely by Erin and Sor. He wanted to be next to them as long as he could.

It was only when they arrived back at Leo’s, and were given rooms to pair off into, Markus had originally wanted to stay with someone who hadn’t come back from the dead, but after brief reconsideration, he agreed to the arrangements. It was only when they got into the room, that he realized something. The exact detail of the arrangements. But, without hesitation, Markus grabbed a pillow and blanket and plopped down on the floor and laid down, staring up at the ceiling in silence. The silence went on for what felt like forever, as he debated on whether or not to say anything. It was only when Soren broke the silence, that he let out a sigh of relief.

Markus turned his head a bit in Soren’s direction, pausing for a moment as he thought. None of this felt real. It was almost like a dream. Feeling like it was all how it used to be when they were kids. Sleeping over each other’s houses. It was just so odd to him. Yet here they were, and Soren was none the wiser. Markus chuckled to himself for a moment, “Yeah...You could say that.” he muttered out a reply.

Markus’ reply worked half a smile out of Soren as he kicked off his boots, before sitting cross-legged on the bed. He wanted to talk, wanted to ask some of the questions that had been buzzing around his head, but he didn’t know where to start. And then, suddenly, there was a crashing feeling of guilt. He’d been focused so much on his own feelings, he hadn’t even thought about how Markus had to be feeling. He sighed, lying back on the bed so he was staring at the ceiling and didn’t have to look at Markus.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “For
 all of this, for everything. I wish I could remember
 something.” He managed to shoot a glance over at Markus, where he was lying on the floor, and instinctively laughed a little. “I would have taken the floor if you’d asked,” he added, almost reflexively, without thinking.

Markus simply blinked and shrugged as his initial response, his mind still trying to think of something to say. There were a few brief moments of silence that filled the room after Soren spoke, before there was a soft chuckle from Markus. He turned onto his side, propping his head up with his arm. Glancing up where Soren was, before looking back down at the floor. “You don’t need to be sorry, you know. It’s not your fault, I-” he paused, taking a deep breath as he had to stop himself from saying anything he didn’t want to. “It’s not your fault. The things that happened before, it was my fault. I can’t be upset at you...Not anymore.” Markus slowly sat up as he spoke.

“For as long as I’ve known you, Soren?” he started, glancing up at him for a moment, “I can’t be upset if you forget anything. All things considered, none of us know what’s really going on but, I’m just...Glad to have you back. I’m glad to have my friend back again, however long it may be for..” he said with a faint smile, his eyes becoming a bit glossy before he shook his head and cleared his throat. “But, it’ll be fine. We’ll be fine
.” Markus said with a nod, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

Markus’ words managed to work a proper smile out of Soren for what felt like the first time since he’d woken up in that empty apartment. Something deep inside him was so inexplicably happy to have Markus around, which left Soren wondering about the exact nature of their relationship before. But it wasn’t something he could ask Markus, that much he did seem to know. And then there was the mention of “what happened before”, the feeling that
 something had happened. Something bad. But even thinking too much about it made his chest tighten again, and he didn’t want to push it again. Not after what happened last time.

He glanced away as well, as Markus said something about “however long he was there for.” That was the thing; if they’d come back so inexplicably, they didn’t know how long they’d be around for. The demon or whatever it was that had possessed them earlier seemed to have plans for them, but how long did they have? Soren cleared his throat and shrugged a little, smiling as he glanced back up at Markus.

“For what it’s worth, I’m not planning on going anywhere just yet. We’ve got some demon-busting to do first,” he said.

Markus chuckled a little at the comment, glancing over towards Soren for a moment, “I guess so
” he paused for a moment, thinking about it for a moment before nodding. “We should probably try to get some sleep then...Seeing as we have work to do tomorrow
” Markus laid back down, letting out a heavy sigh as he stared back up at the ceiling, “Goodnight, Sor.”

“Night, Markus.”

Soren found himself staring at the ceiling for a while, both unwilling and unable to sleep. The events of the night kept flashing through his mind, remembering what his body had done and everything that had happened. Would it happen again? What could they do if it did? Would he hurt somebody this time?

Eventually, he fell asleep, almost against his will. The nightmares came. They always did. Shadowy figures screaming abuse, shattering glass and the smell of whiskey, and the screeching of twisting metal. But that night, something cut through the rest. It was still yelling, but it was a different voice. It was his voice, but the words weren’t clear. And then he saw the face of the person he was yelling at. He was yelling at Markus.

When he woke up, everywhere was bright. The panic didn’t seem quite as strong as it usually did, even if it was still there. And for the first time, the dreams didn’t fade the minute he woke up. He could still see them, still remember them. Except the dream where he was yelling at Markus seemed less like a dream and more like a memory. He didn’t look to see if Markus was still there or not, just headed downstairs in the direction of where he thought the kitchen would be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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0.00 INK




Leo had woken up before all the rest, careful not to stir Elle as he grabbed a change of clothes and slipped into the bathroom to shower. Usually his dads would have left for work already so he was surprised to see them in the kitchen still in their pajamas when he came down. The look of panic in their eyes immediately unsettled Leo, pausing mid step down the staircase to look over at them like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Leo,” Ray said, running a hand through his hair. “Why is Xan Cole passed out in our den?”

Even though he’d just woken up to find Elle beside him, Leo still had a sinking feeling that this was all in his imagination. Hearing his parents just confirm it all just made it all seem real for the first time. Leo slumped down where he stood, sitting on the last few steps of the staircase and resting his head on the bannister.

Immediately his fathers came to his side, Ray wrapping his arms around Leo as Michael sat beside him. For a moment he thought he might cry, his head heavy as he rested it against his father’s shoulder. Even in their moment of panic when they saw their son needed them they were there without a question.

“Thank you,” He whispered to them.

After a few moment they relocated him to the table. Usually Ray would have been asking Leo what he wanted to eat and fixing him a plate he’d watch him eat, but instead they just sat and listened. He wasn’t sure they believed him, even with the dead girl in their den. When he mentioned Elle they gave each other a look of concern. They thought he didn’t notice but Michael excused himself for a moment, pretending he was getting a call - but Leo knew by his expression and the nod he gave Ray when he came back that he’d gone to see if Elle was in fact asleep in Leo’s bed. Not that he blamed them for checking - in fact he felt better that they did.

“So . . . now what?” Michael eventually asked, huffing under his breath as he put an arm around Ray.

Leo shrugged. That was the question they had been trying to figure out. He knew that they were to go to Gramma Blooms, but he was worried that all of them traveling together might make them more prone to triggering one another. Though a part of him felt like there was more to this than any one person could help them understand. The sheriff had seem so calm about it all, didn’t even miss a beat when she mentioned demon possession. There had to be more to it all.

“I think we’re going to have to look into it. Sheriff said to visit gramma Bloom. I want to look into the history of the town a little more though . . . we might split up so some of us can go to the library to look at the archives.” He tapped his fingers nervously across the table, staring ahead blankly as he sorted again through the day prior. So many things happened it was getting hard to keep count. “They said something about 49 years ago so maybe we can figure out whatever it is that they’re referencing.”

Ray reached out to grab Leo’s fidgeting hand, squeezing it reassuringly. Michael had already gotten up to grab his and Ray’s car keys, sliding them across the table to Leo. “Your dad and I will stay home today. You kids take the cars so you can get around town okay.”

“Here,” Ray was already nodding along, handing Leo his entire wallet. “There’s cash and distribute the cards, I don’t want anyone in a position where they don’t have cash for something to eat or gas - okay.”

Michael gave him a look, already sensing that Ray was about to go overboard. He stood up, walking back towards the kitchen and pulling out things from the fridge. “I can make everyone breakfast, we have eggs and bacon and pancakes and fruit . . .”

“Ray,” Michael said softly, crossing over towards the counter. “I think the kids might be a little overwhelmed if they come in and we’re hovering trying to serve them a feast.”

Leo did his best not to convey his relief. Ray seemed a bit injured for a moment, looking between Michael and Leo before sighing and putting the ingredients back in the fridge. As much as Leo loved and appreciated his parents, his dad Ray loved too hard sometimes it could be suffocating. While his friends might appreciate a big breakfast, he doubted that his dad would be able to allow them the chance to breathe let alone eat without peppering them with questions.

“Alright, well - I’m at least leaving this fruit out. Please eat some.” Ray said with maternal concern, the two grabbing their coffee and disappearing up the stairs to their master suite presumably.

After setting up some easy cereal options for anyone who came down, Leo grabbed himself a banana. He served himself a quick bowl of instant oats and sliced the bananas over it. His dad’s had a proper espresso maker but Leo was too impatient, often opting for instant coffee instead. People often maligned instant coffee as schlop, and most were - but Leo had found a brand while they were in South America that tasted just like a vanilla latte and he never looked back. He took his coffee and oats onto the patio, the large windows and sliding glass doors allowing anyone who walked into the kitchen or dining room to see him.

Xan woke up to her hand buried in a box of captain crunch and a back ache. It took her a few moments to remember where she was, the day before rushing to her all at once. The tv had been turned off and a blanket draped over her which meant someone found her - but also meant that Erin and Nixie had spent the night alone.

She shook her hair loose as she pushed herself upright, cursing herself under her breath. It wasn’t a good look that she left Nixie on her own their first night reunited. Sleeping had been difficult for her since coming back and she hadn’t eaten much at the diner the night before. While rummaging for snacks she came across a vape pen and dug into a box of cereal as she watched cartoons on netflix.

Wandering up the stairs, she tip toed down the hall peering into the kitchen. There was already an assortment of breads, fruits and cereals for them set out. Leo was out on the patio by himself, he didn’t seem to notice that she walked in. She looked around to see if Elle was anywhere around, but it seemed like the two of them were the first one’s up.

Popping a bagel into the toaster, she poured herself a glass of orange juice when she heard footsteps from above. She looked over to the stairs to see Soren bounding down them, still wearing that same dazed expression. Her lips pulled back in a tight smile, attempting to mask her concern.

“Hey - good morning, sunshine.” Xan took a sip from her juice, gesturing towards their breakfast options. “Looks like we can just help ourselves to whatever. You hungry?”

Her bagel popped behind her, Xan glancing behind her before gesturing over her shoulder. “You want a bagel? I just made one, you can have it. I’ll pop in another.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers
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outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xi wonder if you feel kinda like i feel, temporary
xfixed on a moment, just out of focus
xand we can't quite see
xbeing us ain't good for us

He was half hoping that he might have the kitchen alone to himself, to give himself a little while to think and to get everything straight in his head. But there was no such luck. Somebody was already in the kitchen. Xan, he remembered her name was. He forced a smile to match hers and nodded as she said that they were free to help themselves. Awkwardly, he scanned the table, feeling like he should take something but being unsure of what exactly he should take. "Uh, kinda," he said as she asked if he was hungry. Truth be told, he hadn't even thought about whether or not he was hungry at that point.

When she offered him the bagel, his stomach rumbled. "Are you sure?" He said. "Thanks." He gratefully took the bagel and searched the table for cream cheese. He glanced up to ask Xan something; and was hit by another memory, almost more vivid and definitely longer than any of the others. It wasn't anything significant; the two of them, so much younger, sitting in an empty auditorium. Xan was telling him that he needed to audition for their musical; it was We Will Rock You, and according to her, it was right up his street.

He blinked, and was suddenly back in the present; and then he looked back up at her, grinning despite himself. "We Will Rock You. I was a senior, you were... a sophomore?" He asked. "You told me I needed to audition for the main role, and I was like 'nope i'm just gonna be microphone tech again.'" He glanced down at the table and his bagel, now sufficiently spread with cream cheese, but was still grinning to himself. He looked back at Xan, his smile slipping ever so slightly. "I can't remember much, but... I just remember that," he said, shrugging slightly. Then he remembered that Xan was like him, and a part of him relaxed a bit more. "Is it... is it like this for you two?" He asked. "Not being able to properly remember anything?" He asked. The realisation that he wasn't alone in this, that he wasn't the only ghost back from the dead, was a relief so strong it was almost heavy. He just needed someone else who understood, and maybe everything else would come easier then.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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Erin Monaghan
Ghost | Outfit | #8BA3A6
You keep on saying that I've changed
I know that I don't seem quite the same
Don't know where
Don't know where I went no
Don't know where I went wrong
But I keep singing

Erin didn't even remember how long she was lying on her back, just mindlessly staring up at the ceiling as she hoped sleep would come for her at some point. But, eventually it did and she was washed in an ocean of darkness. While Erin didn't remember much of well, anything, she did know that the feeling that washed over her when she slept wasn't normal. After sleep came, all Erin experienced was a sensation of cold and empty. Dreams never really came. At least not what she remembered dreams being like. No. These dreams were just a void. It seemed like no matter what, they were always the same. A repeating cycle. She'd wake up in the same place. The feeling of cold and went cement beneath her. The sound of rain. Her fingers digging into the ground beneath her until her fingertips split and bled. Forcing her way up to her feet. Then silence mixed with the soft echo of rain..before a bright light and a sharp pain in her back...And she'd wake up again. So, Erin expected the same this time. But that wasn't the case.

This dream wasn't like the others, at least not fully. When Erin found herself in The Dream World as she came to call it, she was always laying down. Crumpled over herself in a heap on her stomach. Having to push herself to her side and then eventually up to her feet. But not this time. Erin found herself sitting upright this time. She looked around, inky darkness was all around once more. But that familiar, distant sound of rain could be heard.

Normally, Erin would have been annoyed by the constant amount of times she heard rain by this point..Everytime she felt asleep. It was all she heard and she didn't know why. A part of Erin knew what this was, but every other part of her wanted to ignore it. Pretend like this wasn't exactly what it was. A repeat cycle of her last moments. Erin sighed as she tried to think. Just anything at this point to come back to her. Anything at all. But nothing. Erin couldn't really remember names or faces. Other than the ones of the people she met since coming back. Soren. Markus. Leo. Elle. Xan. And Nixie. Nixie. Why was there a part of Erin that felt hollow? Missing even when she thought about that other woman?

Erin knew she should have felt something, seeing as Can said they had dated at one point but, none of that made sense. If that was the case, why couldn't she feel anything? Anything at all? It was only then that the sound of rain began to grow louder and louder. Entirely drenching Erin as it splattered across her face. She looked up where the sky would have been, letting the rain trickle across her skin. She just wanted to feel something. Anything at all other than this feeling of numbness and dread.

Erin opened her eyes and found herself suspended in space, water slowly filling up more and more. At every passing second it slowly began to encase her, as if she was in some invisible container that would eventually fill up and drown her..Erin tried to free herself, but any attempt felt heavy and weighted. Like she was tied down and unable to move. Chained by the confines of her mind. Like a barrier that she herself created to protect herself. But it all felt wrong.

You're drowning. she told herself. You're fucking drowning and no one is going to save you. You need to wake up. Wake up! her mind screamed at her. There was a large inhale as Erin forced herself awake. In those first few moments, she could have sworn she was submerged under icy cold water. Her lungs began to close and her chest was weighted. She felt claustrophobic. Yet here she was. Erin forced herself to sit up. Blinking as she tried to gain her bearings.

She wasn't in any place she recognized right away. Upon further inspection, Erin was lying in an empty empty bathtub. How she go there, she didn't know. Maybe she sleepwalked? She didn't know. Erin looked down at herself and saw she had apparently undressed herself for the most part as well. The bare minimum was keeping her clothed. Now she was begining to sleep walk? After a weird dream? Well, weirder? Lovely..

Erin forced herself out of the bath and dressed herself in the clothes from the previous day. If she could go back to her apartment, she'd get some clean clothes. Looking around, Erin splashed some water on her face. Looking herself in the mirror for a moment, fixing her hair as she combed her fingers through the mane of blonde hair. Erin took a deep breath and exited the bathroom. She could hear some faint talking from the kitchen down the stairs, or well, what she remembered? Erin contimpated going back to the room and check on Nixie but, she figured she'd want her space and instead chose to go to the kitchen.

Upon entering, she gave the two occupants a small, awkward nod and wave of greeting. Just then, there was a sharp pain in her head, and a flash of white light shot through her head. The faintest glimpse of a memory shot through her mind. It took her a moment as she grimaced. Holding her head. Erin walked over to one of the cabinets and as if it was routine, she retrieved a bottle of pain killers, and walked to another cabinet and retrieved a glass. Filling it with water as she took to pills, hoping to ease the pain.

Erin finally turned to look at the other two. Blinking for a moment as she looked over at Can, eyebrows furrowed. "It...It rained that night, didn't it? When...When I
" she cut herself short. Not dating to finish that train of thought. Her dreams should have been enough of a clue for her all but gone memories for her to gleene from. She didn't need to bring it up now. Looking over at Soren for a moment, she blinked. "You...You
" she started, pausing for a moment as so very hazy memories sparked across her mind. Trying to piece together whatever fragments she had. "You..You did music." she looked away feeling her cheeks grow a bit warm as the feeling of embarrassment creeped over her. "I'm sorry. My memories are...Really fuzzy right now. Things come back in bursts and...Fragmented. I'm sorry." she excused herself, reaching into her pocket as she retrieved a packet of cigarettes as she made her way to the back patio and into the cold outdoors.

The feeling of cold air brushing against her skin helped, but just barely. Erin retrieved a single cigarette, placing it between her teeth as she retrieved her lighter. Once it was alight, she took the deepest inhale and held it, before exhaling. A small cough escaped her lips as she leaned against the railing. Her eyes flickering about as she tried to wrap her mind around the random fragments of what she could only assume was her life before this one. If she was being honest, Erin was absolutely terrified. And if her constant bouncing of her leg wasn't any indication, she didn't know what was. But for now, she was trying to compose herself before she made her way back into the kitchen with the others. So, she for a few more minutes longer, she'd remain outside. To whatever scrambled of thoughts she had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Mohaghan
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ImageXan had already toasted and plated her bagel when Soren spoke up again. She looked up at him, a familiar smile scrawled across his face. Though her memories weren't fragmented like the others, it still wasn't a moment she had thought of for a while. She remembered that day, demanding that he audition. He'd always belt along right alongside her when they were goofing around, she knew he had the pipes for it.

"I can't remember much, but... I just remember that," he said, shrugging slightly. "Is it... is it like this for you two? Not being able to properly remember anything?"

Xan gave a vague expression, shaking her head in a way that provided no clarity. She didn't want the other's to feel more out of control just because she had more of her memories than they did, but she also wanted to give a bit of hope that they might be able to recover their own in time. She reached over for the cream cheese, slathering her bagel as she spoke.

"You know - I don't know." She answered honestly, laughing a bit at the irony before looking back up to Soren. As many times as she had already seen glimpses of her old friend, she could still tell he was lost.

"I think it's different for each of us . . . I mean - I think I remember things but to be honest I barely remembered things when I was alive." Xan didn't bother putting the cream cheese on the other half of her bagel, taking too-large bite out of the one she had prepared.

Erin walked in while Xan was chewing, Xan giving her a faint nod as she walked past to get herself a glass of water. She noticed Erin take pills, unable to mask her suspicion but quickly turning her back to Erin to hide her face. How had Erin gotten her hands on a script already?

"It...It rained that night, didn't it? When...When I
" Xan stared blankly as Erin's sentence trailed off, looking between her and Soren debating if she swallowed her food right now if they'd be able to hear it.

" she started again, looking at Soren before pausing for a moment. Xan wanted Erin to grasp that memory, just standing by hoping the silence would help. "You..You did music . . .I'm sorry. My memories are...Really fuzzy right now. Things come back in bursts and...Fragmented. I'm sorry."

Just like that Erin excused herself and let herself out onto the patio. Xan took another bite of her bagel, looking at Soren carefully trying to assess how that interaction affected him.

"Well - that was well timed." Xan said after a moment with a laugh, indicating Erin's sudden appearance and exit spoonfeeding them the very answer Soren was asking. "Don't worry about her by the way - that's just Erin being Erin. Give it time, I'm sure you'll be best friends in no time."

Xan gave him an all too knowing smirk.They had been so close for so long it was strange to see them treat each other as strangers. She couldn't imagine what it would be like if she couldn't remember Nixie.

Suddenly thirsty, Xan turned to get herself a glass of water when she noticed a speaker in the corner of the counter. Inching close she could see it was an iHome. Filling her water and taking a drink, she sideyed the unfamiliar speaker.

"Hey, Siri. . ." The top of the speaker lit up as she spoke those words, listening for her command. "Play Killer Queen by Queen."

There was a beat of silence before the speaker answered, "Okay, playing Killer Queen by Queen."

As soon as she heard the song begin she began snapping along, setting down her drink as she stepped forward. Her hand reached out as she began to sing along, as if she were trying to place the words out in front of Soren for him to sing along.

"She keeps her Moet et Chandon
In her pretty cabinet
Let them eat cake, she says
Just like Marie Antoinette
A built-in remedy
For Khrushchev and Kennedy
At anytime an invitation
You can't decline."

Xan reached over to the speaker to turn it up at full volume, only breaking eye contact with Soren to look back to make sure she turned it up all the way. She had always wished she could have been the Killer Queen, which is why it had always been her favorite out of the songs they performed. It sounded like such a freeing life to live. Dancing as she circled around the counter to come beside Soren, leaning her back against his as she belted the following lines.

"Caviar and cigarettes
Well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice - "

She knew he knew what came next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole
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#, as written by Caille

#D4A9D6 | Outfit | Singing in the kitchen

#DE8245 | Outfit | Spoon singing
[font=verdana] Elle had taken a long time to fall asleep that night. She wasn’t restless physically, but she was mental. Her brain kept trying to put puzzle pieces together that just seemed to refuse each other. Her dad was alive, she was right about that. Elle had small snippets of a man’s voice that played in her head, it was words about how she was being stupid and she should come home.

The blonde didn’t know what exactly it meant, but it sounded parental. Elle hated feeling like she was missing most of her life and that things weren’t as they should be. Eventually, sleep overtook her and she fell into a deep slumber.

She didn’t even wake when Leo had gotten out of bed, but her eyes flew open when she heard the door open. Luckily she was facing the wall and not the door, but a big wave of anxiety rushed through her veins along with her blood. She did her best to stay still and not make any movements, she didn’t know who was looking in at her. When the door shut, the blue-eyed woman turned onto her back to stare up at the ceiling.

Elle felt off, she felt way more introverted than how she could vaguely remind herself. She was worried about all the people that were probably waking up and would be downstairs. Instead, she just started to count her fingers over and over again until she could let the calm wash over her.

A light hum of music could be heard from downstairs, as she lifted her back up from the mattress and looked around for her clothes. She put her dress back on that she was wearing yesterday. Elle made the bed before she left the bedroom and neatly placed the pajamas in his laundry hamper before she exited the bedroom quietly and made her way down the stairs.

The music was on full blast at this point, and the nerves were slowly creeping in again. Taking a deep breath, she just came into the kitchen. There were no thoughts on where to go, Elle seemed to remember the layout of this house like the back of her hand, and it was instinct-based. Elle grabbed a glass from the cupboard and instantly went for the water dispenser that was on the fridge, getting cold water. After that, she picked up a small plate and put a variety of fruit on it before also grabbing a cherry danish. If there was anything she adored it was sweet things.

Elle didn’t really let herself hang out with all the singing, but she did sit at the table to not be rude and to be around others because despite being nervous about it, it felt better than being alone. It was weirdly comfortable like they had all done things before.

It was then that she could hear some loud footsteps coming through the house. Elle stifled a laugh already knowing what was coming next.

Phoenix was one of the deepest sleepers she knew. Growing up she slept like the dead to the point it used to concern their poor father and thinking that she may have died. This was not ideal given the fact they already had one sick kid, but alas, Nixie was always as healthy as she could be.

There was one time in New York that Nixie had been sleeping in her apartment when the fire alarm went off and she heard nothing of it. Luckily it was just someone burning food in their unit and not an actual fire, but from that day she just settled and agreed that she would have to be one of those dependent bitches.

That being said, Erin getting up didn’t wake her up and the music almost didn’t wake her up, but she was already kind of coming around when she heard it. Part of her was annoyed, she knew exactly who this was, it had to be Xan. Immediately the covers came off of her and she began to make her way to the source of the music, her footsteps loud and echoing the halls.

As she entered the kitchen area she could see Xan there singing. Before she went too into her annoyed state though, it did remind her of the good old days when they would put on shows for their parents and have a little audience. So naturally Nixie began to snap her fingers in beat with the song.

Her hips did a slow yet slightly upbeat tempo sway as she moved through the kitchen to grab herself a bowl of cereal and then sat at the table next to Elle. She began to eat some bites of her cereal before she pulled her spoon out and had her fingers wrapped around it.

Soren had already joined in by this point so Nixie gave in with her own part singing and doing dramatic facial expressions.

“To avoid complications
She never kept the same address
In conversation
She spoke just like a baroness
Met a man from China
Went down to Geisha Minah
Then again incidentally
If you're that way inclined”

Then she passed the spoon off to Elle who just blushed but immediately grabbed it. Elle was going to try and fit more of who she was so with the spoon in her hand she grinned and came in with the next part.

“Perfume came naturally from Paris
For cars, she couldn't care less
Fastidious and precise”

With Elle singing the lead-up line to the chorus Nixie chimed in with her fist in the air “Everybody!” Hoping they’d all join in for the chorus. Before she knew it though she was grabbing her spoon back from Elle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole
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outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xi wonder if you feel kinda like i feel, temporary
xfixed on a moment, just out of focus
xand we can't quite see
xbeing us ain't good for us

Xan's answer wasn't exactly the one he'd wanted. In a lot of ways, he'd been hoping that everyone felt exactly the same as him, unable to remember even who he was. But then she said that she'd hardly been able to remember things when she was alive; and he found himself wondering if having things to forget was one of the reasons he'd lost so many of his memories. He wanted to ask Xan more; but then they were interrupted by somebody else coming in. It was Erin. He wanted to talk to Erin as well, he realised; but not here, not like this. Having heart to hearts about what the hell had happened in their previous lives seemed like the type of thing that should happen one on one, not in a random kitchen with an audience.

However, she didn't seem to have much of a memory either, which was something of a comfort. Maybe he wasn't entirely alone in this either. Her declaration that he'd done music was a strange feeling. Because when she said it, his feeling was "yeah that's right", something that he instinctively knew without realising that that knowledge had been there all along. And now he remembered it, it felt like a puzzle piece had been slotted into a part of him that had been a gaping void only moments before. But of course music was his thing. He just nodded and smiled a little at her, his stomach sinking at the realisation that he couldn't remember anything similar about her. But he'd known her. He knew that much.

He gave Xan an awkward, but genuine, smile as Erin left. "Trust me, I think I know exactly what's going on in her head," he admitted with an awkward laugh. He frowned as Xan asked the smart speaker to play a song, wondering what she was doing. At first, there was a blank there; the words not ringing any bells. And then, it was like somebody flicked a switch. It wasn't just that he could remember the words; he could see the sheet music, could see the piano keys. His face broke into a huge grin without even realising, and as Xan put her back against his, he knew exactly what to do.

"She's a killer Queeeeeeeeen," he sang, hitting the high notes effortlessly. The words came without him having to think about them. In that moment, it felt like nothing had changed; like they were still dumb teenagers goofing around in the auditorium and like time hadn't changed at all. "Gunpowder, gelatine, dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind!

He'd somehow missed them being joined by two others in the kitchen until Nixie joined in with singing the next verse. He laughed at her facial expressions, shooting Xan a look and starting some improvised choreography as the two girls sang, hoping that she'd join in as well. He was no dancer, he never had been, but he could somehow remember some of the choreography from the rehearsals he'd been in. And then they hit the chorus again and it seemed like they were all singing now. The memories of the night before were long gone, banished from everyone's minds, as they just goofed around and sang their hearts out. When he was singing, he swore all of the memories were clearer and didn't disappear the minute he tried to grasp them.