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Xan Cole

Chronically Dead

0 · 764 views · located in Widow's Peak

a character in “Evermore”, as played by leisurelyatwar




NAMEXX Alexandra Marie Cole


AGEXXdeceased at 20, now 24

SEXUALITYXXPan, Femme-leaning
xxxxxxGENDERXX cis-female

NATIONALITYXX African-American - White - Asian Mix


HEXXX #8c8d9c


ImageG H O S T

Xan’s biggest super power in death was her health. She felt better in death than she ever did in life. It should have been her first clue that she was dead. Xan has only shown the ability to go invisible and intangible, though neither happened knowingly. It seems to be a reaction to her emotions, she spent so long getting pity stares it felt nice to have no one notice you.

She doesn’t remember her death, but she can sense it. Long before she passed on Xan had come to terms with her death, accepted that it was her time to move on. Now she just felt wrong, like she wasn’t supposed to be here. A part of her ignored that feeling, shoved it to the corner of her mind like she did with all her darkest parts. A part of her wants to believe this is real but things aren’t adding up. She can remember needing a kidney transplant, but she couldn’t remember getting it – how did she feel better now? And why did she look different when she looked in the mirror? Her features were the same but there were subtle differences that only came with age that made the woman in the mirror nearly unrecognizable.





H E I G H TXANDXB U I L D: 5’10” thin

In life, Xan was always sickly. Some times it was too difficult to eat, getting most of her nourishment from IV’s. Her fingers and arms frequently were dotted with red marks, her healing slowed from poor health. She’d always been underweight, though at times she manages to get close to her ideal weight. It was always cause for celebration, usually a sign that her health was improving.

Her hair and skin were often a reflection of her health, dulled when her body slowly declined. When she was in good health however she would glow. Her hair, usually an ashen brown, shiny and full. It was always pulled back or flattened from bed rest it was easy to forget how much she had until she had the time to style it. She couldn’t stand to spend too much time on it, but a brush and some products did wonders on their own.

Never one to be especially vain or high maintenance, when you spent so much of your life looking like shit your looks took a back seat. Even when she would dress up it was never with heavy makeup or frilly dresses. She would dab some foundation on to help with her complexion, some mascara maybe if she was feeling flirty.

Her clothes were often oversized, she hated when people pointed out how thin she was like it was something she put work in to achieve instead of a symptom of her illness. She’d do anything to be able to fill out her clothes. Most days her style was more like a middle school boy, dickie shorts and converse with a tank top under a short sleeve button down. Layers were always her friend. On the rare occasion she’d dress up she still opted for more masculine styles, though with her own twist. For a dance one year she wore a suit-inspired two piece that was bold colors and patterns, complete with a flirty crop top.

Most of all Xan was known for her smile. It was too big, too toothy, infectious. When she smiled it filled the whole room. It wasn’t that it was an especially exceptional smile. Two lips, teeth – the works. There was a strength behind the mechanics of it that shined from the inside out. It was her secret super power, one she often used to put a smile on the face of others.


P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Xan had been surrounded by dread for so long. Only a couple of her earliest memories were in good health. After that it was worried faces, hushed conversations, tears you could hear but would never see. She always wanted to cheer up others, often taking on the role of performer. She’d put on showcases as a girl, singing and dancing just for her parents – when Nixie was old enough she’d dress them up and they’d write a 10 line play to perform in the living room to an audience of two.

When you are given such an early expiration date, you either let that paralyze you in fear or you made every moment count. Xan would push every bit of darkness into the deepest corner of her mind, easier to deny her reality than dwell in it. The people around her didn’t let her forget she was sick, they didn’t have to say anything she’d see it laced in their concerned glances. She grew to make light of her situation, often cracking jokes about her oncoming death much to her family’s chagrin.

Truth was she always wanted to make other’s smile, even when she was at her weakest. She’d often downplay her pain, something that backfired in later years when her parents realized a pattern after a couple of close calls. Constantly overestimating her own abilities, she outlived her body long before she died. Every time she got better she’d trick herself into thinking it was for good this time, throwing herself into her passion – performing.

She participated in every school play she was able to. There were a few she even scored the lead, like when they did Beauty and the Beast she was casted as Belle and it was one of her greatest performances. Though for as many as she was able to be the star in, she’d end up getting too sick to participate in. Luckily they always had an understudy on stand by.

Though even when she was at her sickest, she had always had the energy to sing. Not always lyrics, mostly just vocal rifts an humming a melody along, harmonizing as Nixie played her piano. A lot of the time when she was at her lowest that was all she could do; lay on the closest soft spot next to Nixie as she played her keyboard, humming a gentle melody.

There were moments when the darkness would spring from it’s trap. All of a sudden it’d pounce, holding her down in place until she was stuck in it’s grip, defeated. It always seem to come out of nowhere, that moment where she folded beneath circumstances no longer to carry herself. It should have been at her lowest moments, but it always led to the most inspiring moments. The moment she’d give up, she’d be lifted by the people around her who loved her. She was surrounded by love, even in her darkest hour – always.

Xan learned early on how to make the most of the situation. As a girl her parents would joke that she could make a game out of a piece of string. She could always distract herself, a talent picked up from many years in sterile hospital waiting rooms. Later years she would be on her phone a lot, something she could always do no matter her health or circumstances. She was rarely seen without her phone in her hand, except when she was rehearsing or singing. There was always a song stuck in her head, often humming the tune under her breath without even realizing. It drove others crazy.

F E A R S:
So much of Xan’s life was dictated by her illness, her biggest fear is that the same would happen to her sister. Her entire life she was given little to no input on her body and it’s treatment and as much as Nixie believed she wanted to do this, Xan didn’t want Nixie to grow up and realize it wasn’t what she wanted and resent Xan for just accepting it.


Born yellow-skinned and underweight, Xan spent the first couple days of her life mostly underneath the therapy lights. She was jaundice, nothing too uncommon in newborns – though usually not to this extent. The light therapy helped but one issue led to another which led to another. They were supposed to be celebrating their new bundle of joy but they were in and out of hospitals.

She had a rare blood type, less than 200,000 people had it. It rejected any blood type except for its own. Her parents had money and connections that allowed them access to what was available, which wasn’t much. They had no diagnosis and no end in sight, all they knew was there were no options that didn’t involve questionable ethics. They conceived Phoenix in a petri dish, picking and choosing which genes she inherited so that she would be genetically compatible with Xan.

It wasn’t for another couple years that they had an official diagnosis, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Whether she was born with it or developed it after a string of event deteriorating her health and putting stress on her organs created the issue. Blood transfusions helped, which is where Nixie came in. The family was in the hospital so much, everyone knew them on a first name basis. Everyone was rooting for them, it was like a little family while they were there.

Her dad was the one who stayed behind most of the time. After Xan’s diagnosis he decided to quit his job and become a stay at home dad, taking on the role of primary caregiver for the girls. Their mother made enough to cover medical bills and their comfortable lifestyle so finances never prevented their parents from making a decision in their children’s best interest. There were long stretches where Xan would need to be homeschooled, which her dad would take on. Naturally they grew close, though that came with it’s own thorn of him being the one to have to be the target of Xan’s anger when she reached her limit. It did feel nice to always have him with her when she was at the hospital, no matter how cranky she’d become.

It wasn’t always hospital visits for the Cole’s. They celebrated the moments in between. Most of the time they spent evaluating circumstances day to day, but every so often there was a stretch of good health. Xan would always throw herself into too many extracurriculars, determined to make up for loss time. Her favorite was theatre, especially when they did musicals. Some of her closest friends, like Soren, she met through theatre (though he was always a techie rather than an actor, despite her trying to convince him to switch over). She was casted as the lead in quite a few times, though half the time the role ended up going to her understudy after her health would deteriorate again.

The truth was that Xan’s body would always be slowly destroying itself, no matter how many treatments she got. Not even a new kidney could save her. Their parents would talk about the day that Nixie would give Xan her kidney, something they decided a long time ago. They always talked about it like it would be a fresh start for all of them, but Xan knew it was just delaying the inevitable.

She had asked before if there was a way she could get donations through a traditional route other than through Nixie. Her parents explained that her blood type was difficult to get ahold of and wasn’t sustainable for her level of treatment. Nixie always insisted she wanted to donate, that this was what sisters were for. It just never sat right with Xan, no matter how much people around her insisted otherwise – like Nixie was forced into being her lifelong blood bag.

Nixie was always a bright spot in Xan’s life. They were tied at the hip as soon as Nixie was old enough to walk. When they’d lay in Xan’s bed looking up at the fan as it rotated hypnotically, talking about how they’d be a famous sister music duo one day and how Xan was going to be in movies and Nixie would be composing music. For Xan it was fantasy, but it could be real for Nixie. She had her whole life ahead of her. Xan wasn’t going to let anyone inhibit Nixie in anyway, especially herself. When Xan was 18 she made the decision to no longer accept donations from Nixie, insisting they pursue traditional methods of sourcing blood for her transfusion treatments. Her parents fought her but she was unwavering in her decision. Nixie deserved to live her life for herself, not waiting on stand by to be her sister’s medicine.

When Nixie and Erin started dating, Xan was skeptical. Erin was in the class above Xan and while she knew that Nixie was mature for her age it was still enough to make her protective. She would complain about Erin loudly, nothing too cruel but her venom still apparent. Once when ranting to Soren, they forgot that Erin was one of Soren’s closest friends, spinning the two out into an argument. Soren died before they ever made up, something Xan could have never predicted – that one of her friends would die before her.

Soren’s death pushed Erin and Nixie closer, cementing their bond. Xan saw how happy Erin made her so her contention faded, though never completely. She still made sure Nixie applied to colleges out of State when the time came, though that might have been her living vicariously through Nixie more so. It was fates poor way of saying be careful what you wish for when Erin died. Xan would have never wished such a grim outcome but she’d be lying if she said she never wished Erin would just leave Nixie to live her own life.

Xan wanted to be there for Nixie but her health was deteriorating. She tried hiding it but her parents knew the signs. So began the debates, her parents staying up late into the night with her trying to convince her to take Nixie’s kidney. Xan was ready to go, it wasn’t worth the gamble. When you accepted your death you were washed over with a certain calm. Xan wouldn’t offer any explanations, resolute in her decision.

Her father eventually accepted her choice, realizing it was one of the few choices she ever got to make for herself in her life – the irony that her choice was death was not lost on her. Her mother wasn’t as understanding, growing angry with Xan overtime. She couldn’t let her daughter die without kicking and screaming the whole time, but Xan expected as much. With Nixie it was harder. To hear her cry, to know the weight of the loss of Erin still weighed on her. It didn’t matter the risk to her, that she was guaranteed to lose years off of her life – to her it was worth it.

Xan couldn’t live with the idea of stealing those years from the people who would love Nixie in her last years, and she knew there would be many. Nixie was just that kind of person, the one that was easy to love. She never explained herself to Nixie as many times as she tried. She could never quite get the words out. Xan died with the words on her lips, in a hospital with a failed kidney and holding the hands of her family.

So begins...

Xan Cole's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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Leo had woken up before all the rest, careful not to stir Elle as he grabbed a change of clothes and slipped into the bathroom to shower. Usually his dads would have left for work already so he was surprised to see them in the kitchen still in their pajamas when he came down. The look of panic in their eyes immediately unsettled Leo, pausing mid step down the staircase to look over at them like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Leo,” Ray said, running a hand through his hair. “Why is Xan Cole passed out in our den?”

Even though he’d just woken up to find Elle beside him, Leo still had a sinking feeling that this was all in his imagination. Hearing his parents just confirm it all just made it all seem real for the first time. Leo slumped down where he stood, sitting on the last few steps of the staircase and resting his head on the bannister.

Immediately his fathers came to his side, Ray wrapping his arms around Leo as Michael sat beside him. For a moment he thought he might cry, his head heavy as he rested it against his father’s shoulder. Even in their moment of panic when they saw their son needed them they were there without a question.

“Thank you,” He whispered to them.

After a few moment they relocated him to the table. Usually Ray would have been asking Leo what he wanted to eat and fixing him a plate he’d watch him eat, but instead they just sat and listened. He wasn’t sure they believed him, even with the dead girl in their den. When he mentioned Elle they gave each other a look of concern. They thought he didn’t notice but Michael excused himself for a moment, pretending he was getting a call - but Leo knew by his expression and the nod he gave Ray when he came back that he’d gone to see if Elle was in fact asleep in Leo’s bed. Not that he blamed them for checking - in fact he felt better that they did.

“So . . . now what?” Michael eventually asked, huffing under his breath as he put an arm around Ray.

Leo shrugged. That was the question they had been trying to figure out. He knew that they were to go to Gramma Blooms, but he was worried that all of them traveling together might make them more prone to triggering one another. Though a part of him felt like there was more to this than any one person could help them understand. The sheriff had seem so calm about it all, didn’t even miss a beat when she mentioned demon possession. There had to be more to it all.

“I think we’re going to have to look into it. Sheriff said to visit gramma Bloom. I want to look into the history of the town a little more though . . . we might split up so some of us can go to the library to look at the archives.” He tapped his fingers nervously across the table, staring ahead blankly as he sorted again through the day prior. So many things happened it was getting hard to keep count. “They said something about 49 years ago so maybe we can figure out whatever it is that they’re referencing.”

Ray reached out to grab Leo’s fidgeting hand, squeezing it reassuringly. Michael had already gotten up to grab his and Ray’s car keys, sliding them across the table to Leo. “Your dad and I will stay home today. You kids take the cars so you can get around town okay.”

“Here,” Ray was already nodding along, handing Leo his entire wallet. “There’s cash and distribute the cards, I don’t want anyone in a position where they don’t have cash for something to eat or gas - okay.”

Michael gave him a look, already sensing that Ray was about to go overboard. He stood up, walking back towards the kitchen and pulling out things from the fridge. “I can make everyone breakfast, we have eggs and bacon and pancakes and fruit . . .”

“Ray,” Michael said softly, crossing over towards the counter. “I think the kids might be a little overwhelmed if they come in and we’re hovering trying to serve them a feast.”

Leo did his best not to convey his relief. Ray seemed a bit injured for a moment, looking between Michael and Leo before sighing and putting the ingredients back in the fridge. As much as Leo loved and appreciated his parents, his dad Ray loved too hard sometimes it could be suffocating. While his friends might appreciate a big breakfast, he doubted that his dad would be able to allow them the chance to breathe let alone eat without peppering them with questions.

“Alright, well - I’m at least leaving this fruit out. Please eat some.” Ray said with maternal concern, the two grabbing their coffee and disappearing up the stairs to their master suite presumably.

After setting up some easy cereal options for anyone who came down, Leo grabbed himself a banana. He served himself a quick bowl of instant oats and sliced the bananas over it. His dad’s had a proper espresso maker but Leo was too impatient, often opting for instant coffee instead. People often maligned instant coffee as schlop, and most were - but Leo had found a brand while they were in South America that tasted just like a vanilla latte and he never looked back. He took his coffee and oats onto the patio, the large windows and sliding glass doors allowing anyone who walked into the kitchen or dining room to see him.

Xan woke up to her hand buried in a box of captain crunch and a back ache. It took her a few moments to remember where she was, the day before rushing to her all at once. The tv had been turned off and a blanket draped over her which meant someone found her - but also meant that Erin and Nixie had spent the night alone.

She shook her hair loose as she pushed herself upright, cursing herself under her breath. It wasn’t a good look that she left Nixie on her own their first night reunited. Sleeping had been difficult for her since coming back and she hadn’t eaten much at the diner the night before. While rummaging for snacks she came across a vape pen and dug into a box of cereal as she watched cartoons on netflix.

Wandering up the stairs, she tip toed down the hall peering into the kitchen. There was already an assortment of breads, fruits and cereals for them set out. Leo was out on the patio by himself, he didn’t seem to notice that she walked in. She looked around to see if Elle was anywhere around, but it seemed like the two of them were the first one’s up.

Popping a bagel into the toaster, she poured herself a glass of orange juice when she heard footsteps from above. She looked over to the stairs to see Soren bounding down them, still wearing that same dazed expression. Her lips pulled back in a tight smile, attempting to mask her concern.

“Hey - good morning, sunshine.” Xan took a sip from her juice, gesturing towards their breakfast options. “Looks like we can just help ourselves to whatever. You hungry?”

Her bagel popped behind her, Xan glancing behind her before gesturing over her shoulder. “You want a bagel? I just made one, you can have it. I’ll pop in another.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers
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outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xi wonder if you feel kinda like i feel, temporary
xfixed on a moment, just out of focus
xand we can't quite see
xbeing us ain't good for us

He was half hoping that he might have the kitchen alone to himself, to give himself a little while to think and to get everything straight in his head. But there was no such luck. Somebody was already in the kitchen. Xan, he remembered her name was. He forced a smile to match hers and nodded as she said that they were free to help themselves. Awkwardly, he scanned the table, feeling like he should take something but being unsure of what exactly he should take. "Uh, kinda," he said as she asked if he was hungry. Truth be told, he hadn't even thought about whether or not he was hungry at that point.

When she offered him the bagel, his stomach rumbled. "Are you sure?" He said. "Thanks." He gratefully took the bagel and searched the table for cream cheese. He glanced up to ask Xan something; and was hit by another memory, almost more vivid and definitely longer than any of the others. It wasn't anything significant; the two of them, so much younger, sitting in an empty auditorium. Xan was telling him that he needed to audition for their musical; it was We Will Rock You, and according to her, it was right up his street.

He blinked, and was suddenly back in the present; and then he looked back up at her, grinning despite himself. "We Will Rock You. I was a senior, you were... a sophomore?" He asked. "You told me I needed to audition for the main role, and I was like 'nope i'm just gonna be microphone tech again.'" He glanced down at the table and his bagel, now sufficiently spread with cream cheese, but was still grinning to himself. He looked back at Xan, his smile slipping ever so slightly. "I can't remember much, but... I just remember that," he said, shrugging slightly. Then he remembered that Xan was like him, and a part of him relaxed a bit more. "Is it... is it like this for you two?" He asked. "Not being able to properly remember anything?" He asked. The realisation that he wasn't alone in this, that he wasn't the only ghost back from the dead, was a relief so strong it was almost heavy. He just needed someone else who understood, and maybe everything else would come easier then.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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Erin Monaghan
Ghost | Outfit | #8BA3A6
You keep on saying that I've changed
I know that I don't seem quite the same
Don't know where
Don't know where I went no
Don't know where I went wrong
But I keep singing

Erin didn't even remember how long she was lying on her back, just mindlessly staring up at the ceiling as she hoped sleep would come for her at some point. But, eventually it did and she was washed in an ocean of darkness. While Erin didn't remember much of well, anything, she did know that the feeling that washed over her when she slept wasn't normal. After sleep came, all Erin experienced was a sensation of cold and empty. Dreams never really came. At least not what she remembered dreams being like. No. These dreams were just a void. It seemed like no matter what, they were always the same. A repeating cycle. She'd wake up in the same place. The feeling of cold and went cement beneath her. The sound of rain. Her fingers digging into the ground beneath her until her fingertips split and bled. Forcing her way up to her feet. Then silence mixed with the soft echo of rain..before a bright light and a sharp pain in her back...And she'd wake up again. So, Erin expected the same this time. But that wasn't the case.

This dream wasn't like the others, at least not fully. When Erin found herself in The Dream World as she came to call it, she was always laying down. Crumpled over herself in a heap on her stomach. Having to push herself to her side and then eventually up to her feet. But not this time. Erin found herself sitting upright this time. She looked around, inky darkness was all around once more. But that familiar, distant sound of rain could be heard.

Normally, Erin would have been annoyed by the constant amount of times she heard rain by this point..Everytime she felt asleep. It was all she heard and she didn't know why. A part of Erin knew what this was, but every other part of her wanted to ignore it. Pretend like this wasn't exactly what it was. A repeat cycle of her last moments. Erin sighed as she tried to think. Just anything at this point to come back to her. Anything at all. But nothing. Erin couldn't really remember names or faces. Other than the ones of the people she met since coming back. Soren. Markus. Leo. Elle. Xan. And Nixie. Nixie. Why was there a part of Erin that felt hollow? Missing even when she thought about that other woman?

Erin knew she should have felt something, seeing as Can said they had dated at one point but, none of that made sense. If that was the case, why couldn't she feel anything? Anything at all? It was only then that the sound of rain began to grow louder and louder. Entirely drenching Erin as it splattered across her face. She looked up where the sky would have been, letting the rain trickle across her skin. She just wanted to feel something. Anything at all other than this feeling of numbness and dread.

Erin opened her eyes and found herself suspended in space, water slowly filling up more and more. At every passing second it slowly began to encase her, as if she was in some invisible container that would eventually fill up and drown her..Erin tried to free herself, but any attempt felt heavy and weighted. Like she was tied down and unable to move. Chained by the confines of her mind. Like a barrier that she herself created to protect herself. But it all felt wrong.

You're drowning. she told herself. You're fucking drowning and no one is going to save you. You need to wake up. Wake up! her mind screamed at her. There was a large inhale as Erin forced herself awake. In those first few moments, she could have sworn she was submerged under icy cold water. Her lungs began to close and her chest was weighted. She felt claustrophobic. Yet here she was. Erin forced herself to sit up. Blinking as she tried to gain her bearings.

She wasn't in any place she recognized right away. Upon further inspection, Erin was lying in an empty empty bathtub. How she go there, she didn't know. Maybe she sleepwalked? She didn't know. Erin looked down at herself and saw she had apparently undressed herself for the most part as well. The bare minimum was keeping her clothed. Now she was begining to sleep walk? After a weird dream? Well, weirder? Lovely..

Erin forced herself out of the bath and dressed herself in the clothes from the previous day. If she could go back to her apartment, she'd get some clean clothes. Looking around, Erin splashed some water on her face. Looking herself in the mirror for a moment, fixing her hair as she combed her fingers through the mane of blonde hair. Erin took a deep breath and exited the bathroom. She could hear some faint talking from the kitchen down the stairs, or well, what she remembered? Erin contimpated going back to the room and check on Nixie but, she figured she'd want her space and instead chose to go to the kitchen.

Upon entering, she gave the two occupants a small, awkward nod and wave of greeting. Just then, there was a sharp pain in her head, and a flash of white light shot through her head. The faintest glimpse of a memory shot through her mind. It took her a moment as she grimaced. Holding her head. Erin walked over to one of the cabinets and as if it was routine, she retrieved a bottle of pain killers, and walked to another cabinet and retrieved a glass. Filling it with water as she took to pills, hoping to ease the pain.

Erin finally turned to look at the other two. Blinking for a moment as she looked over at Can, eyebrows furrowed. "It...It rained that night, didn't it? When...When I
" she cut herself short. Not dating to finish that train of thought. Her dreams should have been enough of a clue for her all but gone memories for her to gleene from. She didn't need to bring it up now. Looking over at Soren for a moment, she blinked. "You...You
" she started, pausing for a moment as so very hazy memories sparked across her mind. Trying to piece together whatever fragments she had. "You..You did music." she looked away feeling her cheeks grow a bit warm as the feeling of embarrassment creeped over her. "I'm sorry. My memories are...Really fuzzy right now. Things come back in bursts and...Fragmented. I'm sorry." she excused herself, reaching into her pocket as she retrieved a packet of cigarettes as she made her way to the back patio and into the cold outdoors.

The feeling of cold air brushing against her skin helped, but just barely. Erin retrieved a single cigarette, placing it between her teeth as she retrieved her lighter. Once it was alight, she took the deepest inhale and held it, before exhaling. A small cough escaped her lips as she leaned against the railing. Her eyes flickering about as she tried to wrap her mind around the random fragments of what she could only assume was her life before this one. If she was being honest, Erin was absolutely terrified. And if her constant bouncing of her leg wasn't any indication, she didn't know what was. But for now, she was trying to compose herself before she made her way back into the kitchen with the others. So, she for a few more minutes longer, she'd remain outside. To whatever scrambled of thoughts she had.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Erin Mohaghan
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ImageXan had already toasted and plated her bagel when Soren spoke up again. She looked up at him, a familiar smile scrawled across his face. Though her memories weren't fragmented like the others, it still wasn't a moment she had thought of for a while. She remembered that day, demanding that he audition. He'd always belt along right alongside her when they were goofing around, she knew he had the pipes for it.

"I can't remember much, but... I just remember that," he said, shrugging slightly. "Is it... is it like this for you two? Not being able to properly remember anything?"

Xan gave a vague expression, shaking her head in a way that provided no clarity. She didn't want the other's to feel more out of control just because she had more of her memories than they did, but she also wanted to give a bit of hope that they might be able to recover their own in time. She reached over for the cream cheese, slathering her bagel as she spoke.

"You know - I don't know." She answered honestly, laughing a bit at the irony before looking back up to Soren. As many times as she had already seen glimpses of her old friend, she could still tell he was lost.

"I think it's different for each of us . . . I mean - I think I remember things but to be honest I barely remembered things when I was alive." Xan didn't bother putting the cream cheese on the other half of her bagel, taking too-large bite out of the one she had prepared.

Erin walked in while Xan was chewing, Xan giving her a faint nod as she walked past to get herself a glass of water. She noticed Erin take pills, unable to mask her suspicion but quickly turning her back to Erin to hide her face. How had Erin gotten her hands on a script already?

"It...It rained that night, didn't it? When...When I
" Xan stared blankly as Erin's sentence trailed off, looking between her and Soren debating if she swallowed her food right now if they'd be able to hear it.

" she started again, looking at Soren before pausing for a moment. Xan wanted Erin to grasp that memory, just standing by hoping the silence would help. "You..You did music . . .I'm sorry. My memories are...Really fuzzy right now. Things come back in bursts and...Fragmented. I'm sorry."

Just like that Erin excused herself and let herself out onto the patio. Xan took another bite of her bagel, looking at Soren carefully trying to assess how that interaction affected him.

"Well - that was well timed." Xan said after a moment with a laugh, indicating Erin's sudden appearance and exit spoonfeeding them the very answer Soren was asking. "Don't worry about her by the way - that's just Erin being Erin. Give it time, I'm sure you'll be best friends in no time."

Xan gave him an all too knowing smirk.They had been so close for so long it was strange to see them treat each other as strangers. She couldn't imagine what it would be like if she couldn't remember Nixie.

Suddenly thirsty, Xan turned to get herself a glass of water when she noticed a speaker in the corner of the counter. Inching close she could see it was an iHome. Filling her water and taking a drink, she sideyed the unfamiliar speaker.

"Hey, Siri. . ." The top of the speaker lit up as she spoke those words, listening for her command. "Play Killer Queen by Queen."

There was a beat of silence before the speaker answered, "Okay, playing Killer Queen by Queen."

As soon as she heard the song begin she began snapping along, setting down her drink as she stepped forward. Her hand reached out as she began to sing along, as if she were trying to place the words out in front of Soren for him to sing along.

"She keeps her Moet et Chandon
In her pretty cabinet
Let them eat cake, she says
Just like Marie Antoinette
A built-in remedy
For Khrushchev and Kennedy
At anytime an invitation
You can't decline."

Xan reached over to the speaker to turn it up at full volume, only breaking eye contact with Soren to look back to make sure she turned it up all the way. She had always wished she could have been the Killer Queen, which is why it had always been her favorite out of the songs they performed. It sounded like such a freeing life to live. Dancing as she circled around the counter to come beside Soren, leaning her back against his as she belted the following lines.

"Caviar and cigarettes
Well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice - "

She knew he knew what came next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole
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#, as written by Caille

#D4A9D6 | Outfit | Singing in the kitchen

#DE8245 | Outfit | Spoon singing
[font=verdana] Elle had taken a long time to fall asleep that night. She wasn’t restless physically, but she was mental. Her brain kept trying to put puzzle pieces together that just seemed to refuse each other. Her dad was alive, she was right about that. Elle had small snippets of a man’s voice that played in her head, it was words about how she was being stupid and she should come home.

The blonde didn’t know what exactly it meant, but it sounded parental. Elle hated feeling like she was missing most of her life and that things weren’t as they should be. Eventually, sleep overtook her and she fell into a deep slumber.

She didn’t even wake when Leo had gotten out of bed, but her eyes flew open when she heard the door open. Luckily she was facing the wall and not the door, but a big wave of anxiety rushed through her veins along with her blood. She did her best to stay still and not make any movements, she didn’t know who was looking in at her. When the door shut, the blue-eyed woman turned onto her back to stare up at the ceiling.

Elle felt off, she felt way more introverted than how she could vaguely remind herself. She was worried about all the people that were probably waking up and would be downstairs. Instead, she just started to count her fingers over and over again until she could let the calm wash over her.

A light hum of music could be heard from downstairs, as she lifted her back up from the mattress and looked around for her clothes. She put her dress back on that she was wearing yesterday. Elle made the bed before she left the bedroom and neatly placed the pajamas in his laundry hamper before she exited the bedroom quietly and made her way down the stairs.

The music was on full blast at this point, and the nerves were slowly creeping in again. Taking a deep breath, she just came into the kitchen. There were no thoughts on where to go, Elle seemed to remember the layout of this house like the back of her hand, and it was instinct-based. Elle grabbed a glass from the cupboard and instantly went for the water dispenser that was on the fridge, getting cold water. After that, she picked up a small plate and put a variety of fruit on it before also grabbing a cherry danish. If there was anything she adored it was sweet things.

Elle didn’t really let herself hang out with all the singing, but she did sit at the table to not be rude and to be around others because despite being nervous about it, it felt better than being alone. It was weirdly comfortable like they had all done things before.

It was then that she could hear some loud footsteps coming through the house. Elle stifled a laugh already knowing what was coming next.

Phoenix was one of the deepest sleepers she knew. Growing up she slept like the dead to the point it used to concern their poor father and thinking that she may have died. This was not ideal given the fact they already had one sick kid, but alas, Nixie was always as healthy as she could be.

There was one time in New York that Nixie had been sleeping in her apartment when the fire alarm went off and she heard nothing of it. Luckily it was just someone burning food in their unit and not an actual fire, but from that day she just settled and agreed that she would have to be one of those dependent bitches.

That being said, Erin getting up didn’t wake her up and the music almost didn’t wake her up, but she was already kind of coming around when she heard it. Part of her was annoyed, she knew exactly who this was, it had to be Xan. Immediately the covers came off of her and she began to make her way to the source of the music, her footsteps loud and echoing the halls.

As she entered the kitchen area she could see Xan there singing. Before she went too into her annoyed state though, it did remind her of the good old days when they would put on shows for their parents and have a little audience. So naturally Nixie began to snap her fingers in beat with the song.

Her hips did a slow yet slightly upbeat tempo sway as she moved through the kitchen to grab herself a bowl of cereal and then sat at the table next to Elle. She began to eat some bites of her cereal before she pulled her spoon out and had her fingers wrapped around it.

Soren had already joined in by this point so Nixie gave in with her own part singing and doing dramatic facial expressions.

“To avoid complications
She never kept the same address
In conversation
She spoke just like a baroness
Met a man from China
Went down to Geisha Minah
Then again incidentally
If you're that way inclined”

Then she passed the spoon off to Elle who just blushed but immediately grabbed it. Elle was going to try and fit more of who she was so with the spoon in her hand she grinned and came in with the next part.

“Perfume came naturally from Paris
For cars, she couldn't care less
Fastidious and precise”

With Elle singing the lead-up line to the chorus Nixie chimed in with her fist in the air “Everybody!” Hoping they’d all join in for the chorus. Before she knew it though she was grabbing her spoon back from Elle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Nixie Cole
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outfit : herex|xhex: #4d5676
xi wonder if you feel kinda like i feel, temporary
xfixed on a moment, just out of focus
xand we can't quite see
xbeing us ain't good for us

Xan's answer wasn't exactly the one he'd wanted. In a lot of ways, he'd been hoping that everyone felt exactly the same as him, unable to remember even who he was. But then she said that she'd hardly been able to remember things when she was alive; and he found himself wondering if having things to forget was one of the reasons he'd lost so many of his memories. He wanted to ask Xan more; but then they were interrupted by somebody else coming in. It was Erin. He wanted to talk to Erin as well, he realised; but not here, not like this. Having heart to hearts about what the hell had happened in their previous lives seemed like the type of thing that should happen one on one, not in a random kitchen with an audience.

However, she didn't seem to have much of a memory either, which was something of a comfort. Maybe he wasn't entirely alone in this either. Her declaration that he'd done music was a strange feeling. Because when she said it, his feeling was "yeah that's right", something that he instinctively knew without realising that that knowledge had been there all along. And now he remembered it, it felt like a puzzle piece had been slotted into a part of him that had been a gaping void only moments before. But of course music was his thing. He just nodded and smiled a little at her, his stomach sinking at the realisation that he couldn't remember anything similar about her. But he'd known her. He knew that much.

He gave Xan an awkward, but genuine, smile as Erin left. "Trust me, I think I know exactly what's going on in her head," he admitted with an awkward laugh. He frowned as Xan asked the smart speaker to play a song, wondering what she was doing. At first, there was a blank there; the words not ringing any bells. And then, it was like somebody flicked a switch. It wasn't just that he could remember the words; he could see the sheet music, could see the piano keys. His face broke into a huge grin without even realising, and as Xan put her back against his, he knew exactly what to do.

"She's a killer Queeeeeeeeen," he sang, hitting the high notes effortlessly. The words came without him having to think about them. In that moment, it felt like nothing had changed; like they were still dumb teenagers goofing around in the auditorium and like time hadn't changed at all. "Gunpowder, gelatine, dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind!

He'd somehow missed them being joined by two others in the kitchen until Nixie joined in with singing the next verse. He laughed at her facial expressions, shooting Xan a look and starting some improvised choreography as the two girls sang, hoping that she'd join in as well. He was no dancer, he never had been, but he could somehow remember some of the choreography from the rehearsals he'd been in. And then they hit the chorus again and it seemed like they were all singing now. The memories of the night before were long gone, banished from everyone's minds, as they just goofed around and sang their hearts out. When he was singing, he swore all of the memories were clearer and didn't disappear the minute he tried to grasp them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elle Aldrich Character Portrait: Erin Monaghan Character Portrait: Xan Cole Character Portrait: Soren Bowers Character Portrait: Leo Mathers
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Leo Mathers
Human | Attire | hex: #584b29
Erin Monaghan
Ghost | Attire | hex:#8BA3A6

Leo supposed he should have waited inside for the others but he wasn’t sure how long it’d be until the other’s woke up. He was scrolling through the local news on his phone seeing if there were any stories about the diner. Much to his surprise it was buried beneath other headlines about the festival. There was mention that an altercation at the diner let to some property damage but otherwise nothing. They had all witnessed Erin and Xan levitating with their eyes pure black, speaking in some demonic voice. Yet not a single word about it anywhere, not even on social media. He wasn’t sure how but he had a feeling the Sheriff had a hand in managing the exposure.

His watch beeped and like a pavlovian response Leo took his pills from his pocket and swallowed them dry. The idea occurred to him that he should call his doctor and see if he would need to adjust his medication with all these new stressors, but realized even attempting to explain the situation would probably end with him institutionalized. As weird as it sounded despite the pure insanity of the situation he was in, Leo felt better than he had for a long time.

The sound of the door opening on the patio caught his attention. Seeing movement from inside the kitchen, Leo realized that a few of his guests had woken up and began eating breakfast. Grabbing his things to go inside, he turned back to notice Erin leaning against the railing seemingly distracted. He glanced down, noticing the bouncing of her leg, all too familiar with the motion. Leo had spent a lot of time trapped in his own inner monologue doing the same thing.

“Hey, Erin. You sleep okay?” Leo asked softly, careful not to startle her.

Erin had barely been outside for two minutes by the time someone had walked over to her, she barely noticed them approaching before they spoke. Erin flinched ever so slightly at first, before an awkward chuckle escaped her lips. Realizing just how jumpy she was by someone talking to her. Shaking her head as she looked out, taking another drag of the cigarette, but made sure to exhale away from Leo. Part of her subconscious acted on its own, somehow remembering Leo didn’t exactly like smoking. She looked back at him with a small, nervous smile, and a shrug of her shoulders. “All things considered, yeah? I think so anyway.” she began, clearing her throat, “I think I ended up sleep-walking at some point last night, cuz I woke up in the bathroom’s bath-tub and...Yeah
” her voice trailed off, realizing just how insane she sounded.

“-All things considered, it was probably the best night of sleep I had since...All this shit started, I guess. I dunno
” she looked back over at him, “How are you managing with
all this? It’s crazy, right?” she asked with a small chuckle.

Almost on cue the sound of Queen came blaring from the kitchen. The wall was lined with large pane windows, allowing them to look in. He could see that Xan had begun singing, shortly followed by Nixie and Elle. Leo stuffed his hands in his pockets, watching his friends inside for a moment before looking back at Erin with a crooked smile.

“Crazy is one word for it,” He laughed. “Honestly, the last few years have been a haze and today I woke up for the first time in a while with some purpose so . . . could be worse.”

Leo waited a beat, unsure what to say next realizing he didn’t know what Erin did or did not remember. He didn’t want to trigger any episodes or make Erin feel any worse about not remembering things. All he wanted was answers and he was afraid of causing damage by asking them, but it was the only way to understand the extent of things.

“Do you remember coming over here at all?” Leo gestured around vaguely. “Like to my place? We’d all hang out here a lot in high school.”

Erin couldn’t help but grin when he said he woke up with a sense of purpose. She could only assume she used to know what her’s was. Now? Now everything was just a big and muddled blob of random images and flashes across her mind whenever she dreamed, or would be put into a state of severe anxiety. Least from what she could surmise anyway. Erin noticed the small break of silence after that, wishing she could think of something to say. But with her mind as scrambled as it currently was? Probably best to not even attempt small talk.

So when Leo spoke up again, a wave of relief washed over her, but only for a moment until what he asked finally settled in. What she did seem to remember, was more so out of muscle memory alone, like parts of her subconscious that remembered things did, but not Erin. Or least not the part of her that was in control when she was awake. God she wished that part did.

At first, Erin just gave a small shrug of her shoulders, and shook her head. Taking another drag of the cigarette before looking out into the backyard. She wanted to be able to say she remembered something at the very least. Even if it was just something to help ease Leo’s concern, if she could assume, they must have hung out often enough for him to have asked. She remained silent as her hazel eyes scanned the backyard, hoping that maybe just something would cause a memory to come back to her.

It was only when her eyes locked onto a large tree that she paused. Found herself staring at it for a few moments. There was a sudden sharp pain in her temple, causing her to flinch for a moment, placing her fingers to her head, and just as quickly as it came, the pain was gone. Erin blinked a few times, “Sorry....” she muttered, looking back out ahead of them. “I...I sometimes get these weird sharp pains in my head...But..” her voice dipped for a moment, looking back out at the tree. Erin outstretched her right hand, index finger pointing out as she leaned towards Leo, “That tree out there? The...The big one?” she started, side-eyeing him for a moment, before a small chuckle escaped her lips, “-I fell out of it one summer. Didn’t I?” she turned to look at him. Leo gave her a wide smile, nodding as the memory surfaced for him.

“I can’t remember everything but, I remember climbing it, for whatever reason, losing my grip and then falling. And
” she struggled for a moment, before looking down at her left arm, “-I broke my left arm and we had to go to the hospital. Right?” her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at Leo for confirmation, hoping that whenever her mind showed her was correct. For all she knew, she could be getting flashes of dreams, rather than actual memories. “...I get weird, fragmented memories every so often but...I think that’s a starting point?” Erin shrugged, not so sure of how helpful of an answer it may have been to his question, but it was all she knew.

“That’s totally a starting point!” Leo cheered, playfully clamping his hand over Erin’s arm. It was so instinctual, like two old friends. Then he remembered again he was still a stranger to her, giving a sheepish expression and scratching behind his head.

Erin couldn’t help but smile a bit, her face turning a light shade of pink as she was praised for having remembered it correctly. It was an odd feeling of embarrassment and contentment that she could at least remember something about a shared past. However small it was.

“I’m going to go inside, sounds like there’s a concert in there. Make sure you eat breakfast before we go out, we got a big day.” Leo gestured behind him, looking back to see Elle singing into a spoon smiling and laughing. His shoulders relaxed in a way they hadn’t for years. Maybe this was all unnatural but it all fell right to him.

Erin gave hima small nod of her head, she’d go back inside once she was done calming her remaining nerves, as well as this cigarette. She had gone back to looking back out at the tree-line that laid out behind the house, before turning her head over her shoulder to look back at Leo as she heard him speak again.

“Oh, also -” He paused, turning back to Erin. “Your fall, your slip - it was because of Soren. He was in the tree with you and he was the one who slipped first but you grabbed him. Then you lost your balance and fell.”

Erin just blinked and shook her head. She didn’t know why, but there was just that part of her brain that went Of course it was. She just couldn’t explain it. But part of her, somewhere still remembered, even if she couldn’t at that moment. Erin looked at Leo and gave him a knowing smile and nod, “Oddly makes sense.” she chuckled, and looked back out. Maybe she could remember as time went on, but what if there were things she didn’t want to remember? And what if those came back? That’s what scared her the most.

She waited a few more minutes to pass as she cleared her head, as well as finished most of the cigarette she had. Looking around, she spotted an old polished, ceramic ashtray by a seating area. Her eyebrows knitted together, as far as she could tell, neither of Leo’s fathers smoked. So...Why was that here? Did she really used to come here that often? Did she even smoke before all of this, that much that they had this for company? She wanted so badly to be able to recall something so simple like that, but she couldn’t even remember.

With a sigh, she crushed the remainder of the cigarette butt in the ashtray, straightened her clothing and made her way back inside the kitchen. Closing the sliding glass door behind her. There was a different song playing now, somehow she managed to know the lyrics

“Don't bother me, my misery
It's holding me
Won't let me speak-”

Erin softly sang the lyrics to herself as she made her way to the fridge, grabbing a carton of milk, a bowl from one of the cabinets, and poured herself a bowl of cereal, hopping up onto the counter, she silently went about eating her breakfast as the others talked and danced amongst themselves to the music.

this little bit of joy.