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Fallout: Neo York

Fallout: Neo York


Return to the Wastleland, but this time, travel to the ruins of the fabled city of New York.....dubbed Neo York by its various inhabitants.

1,431 readers have visited Fallout: Neo York since Brock10 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

wiki- actual website-


Stories in the Mojave and the Capital Wasteland had told of the fabled city of New York for years, supposedly, the city was bombed almost as much as DC......but survived....

Traders, Scientists, Mercenary's and Explorers traveled for years searching for the fabled city...hoping to find treasure, riches and a better life somewhere else in the world. But then, in 2285, when the world of Old America began to unite for the first time in centuries.....a radio message was received. A message, sent by a man named "Hollander" claiming that New York was habitable, and had been for years. He was inviting all survivors outside New York to visit his home towns..."Undertown and Skytown".

Hundreds of Explorers and Traders set out for New York, looking for an opportunity to make big caps and establish a connection with this settlement located in the ruins of Old New York. However, out of nearly 300 traders who set out, only one returned, claiming he had found this city, dubbing it "Neo York". He talked of a Brotherhood of Steel group there, located in the Empire State building. He told of numerous gangs tearing apart Staten Island. He told of the Super Mutants who now owned Brooklyn, and Tuare, which was a large settlement in the Times Square. He also told of the segregated society of Skytown and Undertown, and how he had met Hollander, the mayor of this town, and the struggle they had to deal with the "People who live near the Old Green Lady, on the Island."

And then the Trader told his name. Ringo. He also told his offer. "Any who join me, will see Neo York. There's damn good caps to made there. There's a war happening. We could make a profit..."

And the people joined the trader, and set out for Neo York, believing this to be their only good chance at changing their life for good.

Because War, War never changes......

So, this RP will be set in the ruins of New York, dubbed Neo York by its inhabitants. As well as creating a character, I would love it if you could create a mutant enemy to inhabit the area, a settlement or a gang of raiders or something. I will try and work them into the story somehow.

The plot will revolve around exploring this new area, visiting the Settlement, learning of Caesars Legions involvement, NCR's involvement, the Brotherhood of Steels involvement, the Enclave's involvement, and the mysterious faction that lives on Liberty Island....

We will all start in Ringo's caravan, heading to Skytown/Undertown. All your characters should not be saints, but they should not be heartless bastards either. I want characters who are a shade of grey, and the most moral your character can be is dark grey, or light grey. Also, please only play if you know about the Fallout games. I dont want people not knowing who the Brotherhood of Steel are, it could cause huge problems later.

On another note, please enjoy this RP, follow the rules, and use my character sheet!

Character Sheet

Race(Only Ghoul or Human please):
Physical Description:(What your character looks like...scars, hair color etc.)
Personality:(What is your character like? Flirtatious? Lone Wanderer? Crazy, strange nut-job? Tell us!)
History:(Just a basic history, details can be revealed in the RP.)
Equipment:(What your character wears and uses as weaponry.)
Password:(To make sure you read the rules.)

Toggle Rules

The first part of the password is Pip.
I want this roleplay to stay active.
The second part of the password is Boy
Any questions? Tell me in OOC.
Be literate.
Romance is encouraged, but sex should be kept to PMs
No godmodding. Strictly Sci-Fi style Fallout characters please.
Enjoy yourself!
The third part of the password is 3000.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Character Portrait: Ringo
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#, as written by Brock10
Ringo walked into the Lucky 38, the biggest casino in the Mojave, recently reopened by the Courier, a good friend of Ringo. He smiled, smelling the whiskey, the sen, the smoke and the orderly chaos that was the Strip. He grinned to himself, realizing that he now had 2000 Caps to blow in this Casino. He had set 3000 Caps aside for hiring, he had spent 1000 already and the other 4000 out of his expedition fund had gone into to buying supplies, Brahmin and goods for the journey. The destination: The destroyed, but amazing, possibility filled ruins of New York, now dubbed Neo York. All he had to do now was hire a team to get there, and where better to start than the most popular casino in the whole of the Wastes? He grinned to himself as a stripper winked at him. God he loved this place,but he needed to get to work first.

Men and women tried to sell him drugs and sex as he strolled through the Casino, recently populated and opened. The Gambling tables tempted him with big riches, but that would come later. First, he made his way to the stand, to announce his plans, with the permission of the Courier.

"Ladies and Geeeeeeeeeeentlemen!!!! I hope you are all havin' a fantastic night! My good friend, the famous Courier, gave me permission to tell everyone about a big business opportunity, courtesy of the Crimson Caravan Company. My names Ringo, a famous caravaneer. Not too long ago, I set out with a large group of people to find the ruins of Old New York, and a couple of settlements called Skytown and Undertown, due to the famous broadcast by the towns mayor, Hollander. So, I came back. Alone. The ruins of Neo York, as it is called, ate all the other members of our 200 man trek. I realized, I need a smaller team. A stronger team. I came back, got some caps from Crimson Caravan to establish a route, and start a new station in Undertown. So, my offer is this. I am hiring people to come on an expedition, have experience or skills, cause if ya dont, this place will eat you alive, and then snack on your friends for breakfast. This is a new start, people. Come with me to Neo York, I'll be here all night, and all tomorrow night. After that, I set off, to a new world, a new start.....and a very old city. Come and join me people!! Thank you!"

He stepped down to massive applause, and he made his way to the bar, ordering a whiskey, and hoped to god some people would come with him to fabled city....

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ringo Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
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Lucas had only been in the Lucky 38 for half an hour before this β€œRingo” made his speech. Neo York, it sounded appealing. An adventure, it had been a long time since Lucas had one of those. He thought the trek south from Capital Wasteland would have been interesting but more than was tedious. But a new place, a new start. That was exactly what he needed. But could he really make this decision so quickly? He had only been in there half an hour. He was so delved in thought that he didn’t even notice he had lost the game of blackjack. Cursing under his breath he rose from the table. He could at least enquire about this new adventure, hell he needed something new. His caps weren’t going to last forever...especially in New Vegas...Gambling and Lucas just didn’t mix.

With a sense of purpose Lucas approached the bar and asked for a whisky. A few of the strippers flashed their β€œgoods” in his direction, but he ignored it. Without turning to the man he was addressing he gulped down his whisky and signalled the bartender for another.

β€œSo you’re heading to this Neo York, huh?”

The bartender came and poured Lucas another.

β€œNeed any particular skills to join your company Mr Ringo?”

He gulped down his second whisky and signalled for yet another

β€œWhat kind of people ya’ lookin’ for?”

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juniper Holland
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Juniper needed a drink she hadn't gotten a job in about a month and she wasn't about to hop in bed with nobody to get some caps. She walked into the Lucky 38 hoping she can use the last of her caps to try to get some money. She went up to the bartender and ordered a drink as she was sitting there she heard the announcement of man calling himself Ringo and something about a trip to Neo York. The working girls came by and and almost said something to her "Take a second look girls, I think your barking up the wrong tree. Especially when you potential client has bigger tits then you, the whore flipped their hair and moved on to another man just down the bar from her.

She threw what was left of the watered down whiskey down her throat and walked over to the man named Ringo. "Listen if you don't have no qualms having a woman, that aint for yer bed then I'd be willing to go. I can put a bullet between a feral's eyes by less the 25 yards you need a good shot I'm your woman as long as I get paid good I'll do just about anything.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Ringo Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Brock10
Ringo turned on his chair and grinned at the two newcomers, and he was honestly suprised people had been eager to go so quickly. Were people really this desperate in the Wasteland?

"Righto, you two, I'm givin' you a map to where we will be staying before the journey. We need a good sleep, and all my stuff to get there is there, so, yeah. Man, I need mechanics, soldiers and traders, you look like a soldier, so your hired. You girl, if you got anythin' to offer, head to my place later. Same for you man. However, before you go, I gotta couple of missions. Girl, I want you to go and recruit others to join us. Man, I gotta list of items for you to collect, they are not hard to fine. Come to my place when your done. Have fun you two, and before you go, can i get your names?"

He lent back in his chair, sipping his whiskey and smiling. A hot red head and a hardened soldier. What more could he ask for?

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Adjusting the pack on his back, Will trudged forward. The sounds of the frenzy in the nearby casino could be heard clearly. It was tempting to go inside, use some of his few caps to buy a drink, but crowds bothered him to a great extent. He was a large guy, heads above most anyone and that drew unwanted stares toward him. Just the thought of eyes on him caused him to impulsively tighten the draw strings on his hooded jacket. The fabric clenched closer around his face comfortingly and eased his tension just a bit. Usually he wouldn't scavenge so close to crowds but lately he'd been completely alone, for weeks it was just him and the dust. He didn't want to be among the noisy crowds so being on the outskirts and watching the commotion was enough for him.

As the time moved on, he found himself gravitating closer and closer to the casino. It seemed to be the hub of all the commotion. The scent of alcohol and smoke were starting to reach him, causing the temptation to creep inside for just a quick drink even stronger. He pretended to sift through the contents of a trashcan while his eyes darted around the entrance of the casino. Maybe it would be alright if he just stuck to the sides of the building when inside. After a few minutes of arguing with himself, the thought of cooling liquid down his throat was too much and he hesitantly made his way inside.

Keeping along the walls, his hood pulled tight over his head, his back hunched to make himself seem smaller and his arm trying to keep his large gun out of plain view, he crept to the bar and murmured his order for a drink. He quickly downed the cold alcohol and enjoyed the burning sensation that followed. Before he could even order himself another glass, an odd man took center stage and announced his want to recruit members for a trip to Neo York. He'd heard of the place before, only murmurs from conversations he'd eavesdropped on but it apparently held great wealth. It was tempting, especially so considering that useful scraps were few and far between nowadays. Work for ghouls wasn't exactly widespread either. Maybe it was the second glass of booze he just downed but the thought of traveling to Neo York for a new start was too tantalizing.

Carefully he made his way down the bar toward the man but another man beside him spoke up, then a woman. The appearance of these two caused Will to freeze and re-think his quick decision about following this strange man. The leader, Ringo was his name, quickly accepted the two and it caused Will to back peddle even more. He hated crowds, hated people bothering him. No, he needed this, a new start and new chances. After Beth's death he had merely been floating from place to place without purpose, he could have that here. So stepping forward, keeping his head ducked, he spoke up in his low, gravelly voice. "I'm interested too."



Cadence's curly brown hair bounced up and down as she skipped through the dust. It was an odd sight and one would assume she were mentally ill too be happily skipping in such a place but there she was, happy as ever. The true reason behind her joy was probably more disturbing than just simple mental instability. It had been a long, hard journey with the two men she'd followed for about three months now. She'd been their medic, always there to help and when they found themselves stranded with few supplies she helped them one final time. They didn't feel any pain, she'd used some of her pain killers to drug their food so they were passed out when she'd bled them out. It was for their best interest, they all would have starved but now they were in a better place and she could go on to help heal others.

The casino came into her eyesight soon and she smiled brightly at it. Ah, a quick rest just what she needed. Skipping her way inside, her green eyes danced around the sights inside. Despite all her time traveling she'd never been in a place like this! Her attention was drawn to a man who announced his need for members to travel to Neo York. That was it! She needed a new group to travel with and this was the perfect opportunity. Usually it took a bit longer between her traveling companions so such a great opportunity just heightened her good mood even more.

She pushed her way through the crowds and could see there was already a small group crowded around this man named Ringo. Oh, she hoped all the positions weren't taken yet! Clutching her satchel, she hurried up to Ringo as he leaned back in his chair and looked down on him with a smile before setting off into a rapid fire of speech. "Hello! Is there still a position for a medic open? I've got loads of experience and a bunch of medical supplies with me so I can be a lot of help!" She grinned after her ramble was through and waited for his answer.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Ringo Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
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0.00 INK

Lucas downed his third whisky before taking the list from Ringo. He hadn’t had orders in a while, something about it made him feel calm and rested. He had a job to do, he had superior, there was something comforting about that, nostalgia from the old days no doubt.

β€œNames Redheart sir, Lucas Redheart. And I may look like a soldier...”

Lucas hadn’t been called that in some time, he giggled at the thought of looking like a warrior, all the other brothers always told him he always looked to skinny to be intimidating.

β€œBut I’m not too bad with a spanner either, did some mechanic work in my youth. Reckon I can still do the odd job here and there for ya’.”

Lucas tucked the list into a pocket before turning from Ringo to the Red headed girl that arrived after him. He considered making some half assed sarcastic comment to her, but decided against it. His intuition was telling him she was one of those women that didn’t take much crap, and he really didn’t want to find out if he was right. Instead he just smiled at her.

β€œSo you’re a crack shot ay’? I can imagine you being good...with a rifle I mean, but if we were allowed guns in here I’d ask you to prove it. Maybe we can compare shots on the road?”

It was a friendly tone Lucas used, as if he was genuinely trying to be approachable. But he really just wanted to gage her reaction, if she was aggressive Lucas would know to keep an eye on the crazy girl with a rifle. He knew he shouldn’t really care, she seemed genuine, but it was built into him. He had been examining people with weapons since he was sixteen.

Before long others began to approach Ringo, he decided it would be time to leave his superior to his business.

β€œI’ll to a quick run with your list, I’ll meet ya’ back at yours then...which is where exactly?”

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#, as written by Brock10
"Lucas, theres a map on the back of the list. Its near Goodsprings, a nice little town. Be careful with the Brahmin, they may think your thief. Good Luck, Lucas."

He turned away from the two people he had just hired to the two new prospective members. A man, hunched, with a quiet voice and a hood to hide his face. Ringo suspected he was a Ghoul. The other newcomer was a super excited girl asking if he had room for a medic. He was slightly taken aback by her eagerness, but soon he noticed how pretty she was and relaxed. Women, he thought, were his specialty.

He spoke in a lazy tone, relaxed, laid back and friendly.

"Medic Girl, your on the team. You go with Red here to recruit more members, and then go to my place when your done. Here's the map" he handed a small piece of parchment, before addressing the suspected Ghoul.

"Hoody, your staying with me to have a good time, get drunk, laid, and blown out of caps as my guard. You seem like a capable fellow, I wanna see how capable you are. Welcome to the Trek, you two".

He relaxed back in his chair, amazed by his success, grinning. He was gonna enjoy tonight.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Ringo Character Portrait: Cadence Young Character Portrait: Iris Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
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0.00 INK


The bright shiny town scared Iris a little but she had to find something to eat, she found that most everyone was busy and ignored the small ghoul. She knew she was at one time a petite young woman but any resemblance of that was long gone. But that was okay cause she didn't like talking much anyway, she was digging around in an alley behind a tall building that was a little loud and had a big sign that said 38 on it. Iris could read numbers rather well but it was words that confused her. She noticed a man in a hood slip into a door not to far away her, she shrugged and continued digging through the trash.
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"My names Juniper Holland" she said then she turned to the man who called himself Lucas when he challenged her to a shooting contest. "Actually Im very good at handling a "rifle". Im just particular about whose rifle I use is all, so if you think you have a chance Mr. Redheart. I'll take you up on that offer fer a bit of a contest, and if I win when we make it to Neo York you'll oh me a stiff shot of whiskey" she said with a wink and a smirk.

Juniper had never been the type to turn down a bit of friendly competition, and it would be nice to have a little more people to talk to other then open wastes. This trip would be a good opportunity for her. A chance to make a new life for herself, and maybe feel like she's accomplished something a little more in life the surviving on this dust ball of a planet.

When Ringo asked her to recruit along side the spunky little girl with the curls, she was slightly offended but not surprised, "Well if I'm gonna catch some attention Im gonna have to rely on other assets then my good shooting skills" she said with a chuckle. She took the map from Ringo, "Come on Curly Sue lets go hook us some travelers" she said motioning for her to follow.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Ringo Character Portrait: Cadence Young Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
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0.00 INK

The only thing Atlas could focus on right now was his hangover that would make anyone else's head spin, and the voice booming over on the other side of the casino. How he wished he could order some drinks to calm his nerves, but those hookers stole all of his money, literally. If he ever caught up to those two-timing sluts, he would wring their scrawny necks.

Just as he was considering mugging some random goofball for caps to fund his needs, he tuned into what the announcer was saying, which he liked every word of. The parts he was able to pick out of the noise in the busy and bustling casino was something about Neo York, a smaller and stronger team, expeditions, and a new start. Oh, how he needed a new start. A new start to let go of the previous years of his life.

He simply observed as the merchant (at least he looked like a merchant) step down from the stage and take a seat next to the bar. While he debated with himself to talk to the trader or not, he saw several different people approach him including a tough guy with long brown hair, some ginger dame, a VERY big guy shrouded in a hood, and a ecstatic ditz.

He finally concluded that without caps he would be on the street corner in less than a day, and this would probably be the chance of a lifetime (How many times has he said that before?). He got up from his seat, shoved his way through the crowd, and took a seat near the merchant.

"How much does it pay?"Atlas said cutting strait to the chase.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Ringo Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
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0.00 INK

Lucas gave a playful laugh
β€œSounds good Mrs Holland. Look forward to it.”
He nodded at her as she moved away with another girl. He smiled to himself before he turned back to Ringo.
β€œI like her. I’d put caps on her actually being as good as she says she is.”
With that he decided he had better go and get started with his new β€œmission.” That made him chuckle, he was on a β€œmission” again, it felt good to have orders. But he knew this wasn’t going to be like the old days, somehow doing the boss’s shopping didn’t quite compare with incursions into super mutant territory. But at least he had some direction now, something to work for.
With that thought he left the Lucky 38 casino, not before retrieving his weapons of course. Once outside he lit up a cigarette before taking a long drag of the toxic fumes. He stood outside for a while, watched as the men were led inside by the strippers and whores. One came up to him, but he knew looking all mean and distant usually got rid of them pretty easily. After awhile his cigarette burnt down to the filter and he flicked it into the rubbish heap close by.
β€œWell better get started...this Goodspring’s better have a comfy bed.”

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He was taken aback by the appearance of the overly bubbly woman and stared blankly at her until she happily followed along behind the red-headed woman, who called herself Juniper, hm, pretty name. You generally didn't run into genuinely happy people anymore, unless they were trying to sell you something or trick you that is. Only when Ringo addressed him did his eyes return back to him. Did he just call him hoody? Before he had anytime to dwell on being stamped with such an odd label, the man mentioned getting him laid which caused Will to fidget uncomfortably a bit. He might be grumpy and standoffish with most people, but when it came to most women and kids he had a soft spot. Will knew good and well no woman would want to get close to him and even if they were paid, he didn't want one of them being forced to be with him. "Hrm, no thanks. I'll just stand here, keep an eye out for ya." Ringo wanted him to keep guard to prove himself then he'd do just that.

The moment he sat down, a ghoul appeared which honestly surprised him. This man just waltzed right up, seemingly unashamed and uncaring instead of trying to blend. Will's hood was still up, covering most of his face which is how he liked it for now. He didn't want to hide completely but being so straight forward about what he was just wasn't something he was capable of. So he watched the newcomer carefully from under his hood, making sure he made no ill moves towards his new employer.



Cadence smiled from ear to ear when she heard she was accepted into the group. "Well thank you very much!" He gave her orders to recruit others along with the red-headed woman named Juniper. "You got it boss." She grinned once more, then giggled when Juniper called her curly sue and bounced along behind her. It didn't take long at all before Cadence hopped right into her fast paced speech again, after all she had to introduce herself to her new team member. "So! Your Juniper? I really like that name. My name is Cadence! Where do you think we should look for more recruits? I've never had to recruit anyone before. Oh, you said you would have to use other assets to catch people's attention so what did you mean by that? Maybe we should wait outside the club! Yea, we could stand in the door way and catch people as they go by! Yea, I'll go wait outside." Quickly scampering off, thinking Juniper would follow suit, Cadence made her way outside the club and took a quick look around. Immediately a small shape caught her eye but not as a recruit really, more because it seemed to be a child in search of something, possibly food. The sight tugged at her heart and she quickly approached but stopped a small distance away. The apparent child was a ghoul but that didn't bother Cadence any, the thing she was most concerned with was the poor thing's tiny size. "Hey there. Are you looking for food? I'm actually working now but if you want I can give you some caps to buy yourself something to eat inside."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Cadence Young Character Portrait: Iris
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0.00 INK


Juniper laughed at the enthusiastic girl "Alright Cadence you don't mind if I call you Candy do yah, and when I said other assets..." she took of her thick jacket and revealing a tight thin white tank top underneath. "I meant these assets dear, men can pass up red hair and nice rack" she laughed just then Candy ran off towards what looked to be a sickly child.

Juniper shook her head and jogged over to where Cadence had run off to "Good God girl you must be one of those hyperactive ADD types" at close range Juniper realized that was no sick little girl it was a Ghoul. It was picking through the trash "Hey there. Are you looking for food? I'm actually working now but if you want I can give you some caps to buy yourself something to eat inside."

Juniper got a confused look "What the hell are you thinking... she's a Ghoul and a puny one at that...", but maybe she might be of some use she thought. "Hey whats your name and do you know how to do anything other the dig through trash?" she asked.

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Iris jumped when a young human woman came up to her, she even flinched and covered her head "Please don't hurt me" she squeaked out.

"Hey there. Are you looking for food? I'm actually working now but if you want I can give you some caps to buy yourself something to eat inside."

Iris sheepishly turned to the girl with the dark curly hair, "I am hungry would you really give me caps for food..." she said in her usual mousy tone of voice. Her voice usually took humans by surprise, especially since she was a Ghoul and they typically had a gravely tone, but hers was soft and quiet.

Another woman with red hair came running up making Iris jump again and almost hid behind the trash can. The problem was the red haired woman had a gun, "Hey whats your name and do you know how to do anything other the dig through trash?" the woman asked.

Iris peeped up from her hiding spot realizing that the woman with the bright red hair had not come to shoot her "My name is Iris and yes, I can cook, sew, and clean. I learned it from Ms. Nesbitt" she said looking down at the ground.

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Juniper nodded as she listened to the "little Ghoul" talk, she was surprised how clear her voice was even though she spoke very quietly. Juniper had to concentrate hard to hear her talk, but from her reaction and way of speaking it was obvious that Iris had not always been treated nicely. Now that was common with most people and Ghouls, Juniper really didn't care as long as they weren't feral and trying to kill her she was fine with them. "Well come on in I think we could use someone on a special trip that can do those sorts of things, and from what I seen Ringo don't care if your a Ghoul or not. Lets get you somthin other then trash to eat" she said.

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#, as written by Brock10
Ringo grinned as another potential employee approached and sat down next to him. He was even happier when Hoody tensed visibly at the new arrival.

"You get 2000 at my home, which we will head back to tonight. You get 2000 at Neo York, and, depending on how well you did, a 3000 cap bonus."

Ringo was lying out of his teeth here, as he was desperately hoping he could pay his employees that much money, but he somehow. Doubted it. But, if it got him workers, it got him workers.

"If you wanna work for me, Ghoul, you better come and gamble, drink and get laid with me while Hoody keeps guard. You'll technically be a guard, too, of course."

He smiled to himself as he got up from the bar and walked up to a hooker. He pointed at the new Ghoul, and passed her a bunch of caps, while he allowed himself to be led off by another blonde hooker into a rather nice room.

"HOODY!" He shouted. "Keep guard outside the door fella. If anyone wanna be recruited, tell them to look for Juniper and Cadence! Thanks fella!"

And then, Ringo enjoyed his company.........

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Will listened intently when Ringo told the newly arrived ghoul how much the trip would be paying. While he was joining more for the new start and promises of scraps, the potential for eight thousand caps certainly wasn't unwelcome. He couldn't even begin to think what he could do with that kind of money! Well, maybe buy a house somewhere? As he pondered these thoughts the nickname of hoody snapped him back and he growled under his breath as Ringo walked away with a blonde woman. He followed obediently and stood by the door, mumbling to himself as the door closed. "Damn name isn't hoody, it's Will. Stupid smoothskin." It certainly seemed his shyness had faded and his usual grumpy, growling, grumbling self was back.



A large smile cracked her face when the petite ghoul spoke, her clear voice surprising but delighting Cadence at the same time. "Of course I'd give you caps for food you silly." She continued to smile as Juniper piped in as well, getting the ghoul's name and specialties while she was at it. "Oh, Iris is a very nice name. I love it! Juniper here is right, I bet Ringo won't mind you coming along. No one else that I saw join looks like they could cook and I know all I do is catch things on fire so you'll be perfect! Come on now." She gently grabbed Iris' arm and tugged at it to lead her inside as she continued to babble on. "Oh, and my name is Cadence and yes Juniper you can call me Candy. I like that because I like candy!" She giggled and contined to lead on. Although she hadn't responded earlier Cadence had obviously paid attention to Juniper's responses, especially when she explained what assests were. She'd definitely have to ask more about that later and exactly how one used something like a nice rack.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Cadence Young Character Portrait: Iris
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Juniper smiled as the young Ghoul woman's eyes went wide inside the Lucky 38 they went up to the bar where they were before with Ringo and the others. It was obvious that he was busy in the back room so Juniper just went ahead and ordered a small meal with one of the waitresses. She noticed the the one that Ringo had hired before as a bodyguard standing outside the draped off back room area.

She remembered that Ringo had offered him a chance to enjoy the "pleasantries" with him he must have refused, but he seemed aggravated. As the waitress came back and set the food on the bar, Juniper motioned to Iris to dig in. She walked over to Ringo's bodyguard "So whats your real name bodyguard I doubt it's Hoody" she asked.

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Iris looked around the casino in wonder she had never seen so many fantastic sights in her life. They sat down at the bar and the red haired woman named Juniper said something to another women and she went off. "Miss Juniper it's awfully nice of you and Miss Cadence to do this for me, if I could cry I would", said Iris quietly. When the waitress came back and set down the food, Iris could hear her stomach growl with anticipation, the waitress eyed the ghoul and raised an eyebrow. But she shrugged as long as she got paid she didn't care who was eating the food. Everything looked so good Iris was speechless, "Everything looks so wonderful" she said then she looked back to Juniper who nodded that she could eat. Iris went to work on the plate trying to savor each bite. It wasn't much by normal standards but to Iris it was a gourmet meal.

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#, as written by Brock10
Ringo swaggered out of the room he had just been occupying, a spring in his step. He was surprised to see Juniper and Will chatting outside the room, and was intrigued to find out who Juniper and Cadence had hired. They had been mighty quick, after all. He nodded to them, and walked over to where Cadence and a little girl were sitting. Scratch that, a little ghoul. He took a seat at the table, and smiled as the Ghoul devoured a plate of food. He told the waitress to get some more and then bought each of them Nuka Cola each to drink. The then looked at Cadence, smiling. For someone so cheerful, she sure was beautiful.

"Good Job Candy, here's a finders fee for you and Juniper to share." He threw a bag of 200 caps towards her, and turned towards the little Ghoul. "So you little one, wanna go to Neo York? Why don't you tell me your name, your skills, and why you wanna go? My names Ringo by the way." He smiled at the Ghoul reassuringly, waiting for an answer....

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Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
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Lucas found his way to Goodsprings easily enough. The road was mostly safe as well, which was a welcome surprise for him. He had acquired everything on the list easily enough, just as Ringo predicted, but the map he had been given proved harder to follow than he thought. Twice he had to stop ask directions from merchants. But an hour later he had arrived, but as he approached the house, it soon became apparent that Lucas was the only one who had returned. He sat outside on the floor and lit up another cigarette.

β€œProbably busy banging the strippers” Lucas commented to himself.

The town seemed dead, it was late now and most of them would have turned in for bed. But there was some noise which disrupted the cool night air, it came from the local tavern. Goes without saying that place would be busy at night. Lucas flicked his burnt out cigarette into the air,

β€œHmmm might as well.”

He stood up from the earth and entered the tavern, who knows when they’ll be back. Might as well have some fun whilst waiting.

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Will crossed his arms and grumpily stood guard for his new leader. Whether he was any good of a leader though was yet to be seen. The only thing that drew his thoughts away from the stewing they were currently doing was the sight of Juniper, the curly headed girl and what looked like a child but after a few more minutes of staring he finally came to the conclusion that the new addition was indeed a female ghoul. He was curious what the two women were doing with the ghoul then was surprised, taken aback even, as they ordered the girl a meal. Were they just being kind or trying to hustle her into something? No, it just appeared to be a kindness they were doing, nothing more. Instantly he felt a small swell of fondness for the two women but when he noticed Juniper approaching, his eyes quickly diverted to the ground.

As large and intimidating as Will was, a woman could always leave him fumbling and clueless for words. His muscles tightened as she stood near him as if he were afraid of her, which wasn't too far from the truth. When she asked him a question, he stayed silent for a few moments as if he hadn't heard her before answering. "Hrm, Will. Names Will." No matter who it was he was always short when talking but once again, women always had an effect on him. "What's with the little ghoul?" His eyes darted to her face for a moment so he could ask the question but quickly went back to the ground. Maybe she wouldn't notice he was a ghoul if he kept his head down. Pfft, if there was ever false hope then that right there was it.


Iris seemed so in awe of the place that Cadence couldn't help but giggle at her owl eyed expressions. When she spoke, almost in a whisper, she leaned in just a bit to hear and smiled at what she heard. "Oh goodness, there's no need to cry. I don't mind doing this for you at all and I'm sure Juniper doesn't either." She patted Iris' hand gently with a grin then motioned to the food when it was brought out. "Eat as much as you want!"

It wasn't long before Ringo came out from behind the curtain, seeming very pleased with himself about something but what it was Cadence didn't have the first clue. He ordered her and Iris a coke then threw a bag of caps at her which clumsily caught. "Wow! Thanks so much Ringo!" She looked up towards where Juniper and the giant man were at then waggled the bag of caps in the air happily, trying to show Juniper what they'd earned.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Ringo Character Portrait: Cadence Young Character Portrait: Iris
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0.00 INK

Atlas simply watched as his now employer got up and walked up to a hooker before motioning to atlas and handing her a pouch full of caps. He was soon led of by a different dame to be.... entertained.

He couldn't believe his luck. 7000 caps? It seemed too good to be true, maybe it was. Something about this trader didn't seem right. His smooth voice, the way he walked, it just had a different vibe than usual. Atlas gut feeling told him so, and his gut feeling was rarely wrong. And besides, it didn't look like he had a very great team either. But for even the promise of 7000 caps he would jump into a pit full of starving deathclaws.

Just then he became aware of the tense feeling radiating off the big guy with the hood. He could tell the guy didn't like or trust him, and wanted nothing to do with him. Taking a closer look, atlas could see that the big guy didn't want to be seen or have any attraction drawn to him. Usually what someone that's in hiding avoids.

Just then he became aware of the other hooker that was beckoning him to a more private room for a good time.


Atlas lay motionless, exhausted by the past half hours events.True, He wasn't as quite healthy as he once was, but he could still get the job done, and do it right (especially to a woman). He could also hear that what's-his-name had finished up and had wandered out to the ensuing chaos in the lobby.

After getting dressed and saying thanks for the good time, he sauntered out into the lobby. After scanning the lobby for his so called team, he noticed them crowded around some little boy. Scratch that, little girl. Scratch that, midget women. After examining the group for quite some, he noticed one slight detail-she was a ghoul.

He really wondered what that bozo was thinking,thinking of bringing someone like that along. It wasn't like she was going to be worth the caps to pay her, not to mention having to feed, clothe, and drag her sorry ass to and fro. He was sick of helping people, taking care of people, just to have it blow up in his face. He promised him self a long time ago that he would stop doing that whatever the cost. And that was a promise he intended to keep.

"Some team I have." He muttered to himself before he slipped outside to have a smoke and get some fresh air.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Will Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Ringo Character Portrait: Cadence Young Character Portrait: Iris
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0.00 INK

She smiled Cadence "Your both so kind", she was so overwhelmed by it all and then a man came up and started talking to them.

Iris looked down at the bar top when Ringo spoke to her "Iris...mmmy name iis Iris, I can cook annnnd clean and sew" she said. She smiled slightly when the man called Ringo ordered her some more food, this had to be her lucky day. Never had she been around so many kind humans before.
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Juniper was a little concerned about his reaction when she asked his name, and after a moment he finally spoke.

"Hrm, Will. Names Will... "What's with the little ghoul?""

She smiled "Well nice to meet you Will" she looked back over at Cadence and Iris "As for the little one, her names Iris we found her out in the alley eating out of a garbage can. So we brought her in to give her a proper meal, probably will have her come along on the trip she says she can cook, clean and sew. We might just need someone who can do that sort of thing for us. Would have brought her any way though even if I had to give up part of my own for her, I can't stand to see someone in such a state, ghoul or not. Ghouls aint as bad as so many other people make them out to be. The only reason the ones go feral cause they just go plum crazy from not hav'n no body to talk to. Hell anybody would go crazy if they are cut off from people too long even a smooth skin, but some people just get scared and stupid cause they don't know no better. I can't say I've never shot a feral... cause I have but when you know someone's about to kill ya you don't think about it you just act" she said looking back at Will.

She could tell he was a ghoul but she wasn't gonna make a big deal about it, "Well Will nice talk'n with ya maybe we can do it again some time during the trip iff'n you aint hav'n to cover Ringo's ass the whole time. She smiled and winked at Will then walked back over to Candy who was all a dither about the caps that Ringo had just tossed to her. "I'll be damned I haven't seen that many caps at once in a long time" she said to Candy.

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As Juniper spoke to him, he kept his eyes locked on her but did note that Ringo had now left the room and strutted his way back to the table where Cadence and the small ghoul sat. The other ghoul that Ringo had just hired wasn't too far behind their leader and left the casino quickly. Despite keeping a tab on his surroundings he heard every word that came from Juniper's mouth.

The small ghoul might be part of their team? Hm, that just seemed a bit of dead weight and something they would need to protect often but it wasn't as if he could leave the poor thing here in good conscience. His old friend Beth never was much of a fighter and always needed her ass to be saved, he would always complain about it but never truly did mind. This wouldn't be any different he assumed.

As Juniper went on she briefly covered her feelings about ghouls and Will could only guess she was doing so because she realized he was one as well. Although he felt a bit foolish at trying to hide something that was apparently so obvious, he did take comfort that at least most of his new team didn't have a problem with ghouls or were ghouls themselves. Her ending comment about him covering Ringo's ass pulled a smirk and a small huff of a laugh from him but when she winked before walking off, he could swear he was blushing under the hood. "Yea, nice talkin to you too." He grumbled this out, keeping his head dipped to hide the silly school kid embarrassment at the wink then ambled over to stand near Ringo.



Cadence nodded her head excitedly when Juniper examined the bag of caps. "I know! and he said we can halve it so we each get a hundred! We haven't even stepped foot off on the expedition and already we're getting paid. I'd say joining was a good choice." She smiled then looked up at the giant man when he trudged over to stand behind Ringo. Popping out of her seat she went to introduce herself as well as poke and prod at him."Hey! I haven't met you yet. I'm Cadence! What's your name? That's an awfully big gun you have on your back. Is it heavy? And why in the world are you wearing that jacket, it's hot in here!" She giggled as the man squirmed under her touch, growling in his throat in what sounded like annoyance before finally speaking up. "Name's Will. It's heavy. I'm cold." Cadence laughed at the short answers to all of her rambling, quite amazed he'd caught everything she'd said. "Well I like you Will." Giving him a last poke in the ribs she trotted back and plopped back down into her seat to split the caps with Juniper.

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Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
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Lucas sat quietly at the bar, drinking a reasonably priced beer. He kept an eye on the window, Ringo’s house could quite easily be seen and he hoped he would notice the rest of this new team finally arrived. He carried on sipping his beer but could hear a commotion at the other end of the bar. Some poor old fellow was being hassled by some youths, apparently he was in their spot. Lucas sighed to himself before signalling the bartender.

β€œBarkeep, those kids, could I get away with it?”

She raised an eyebrow at him.

β€œGet away with what hunny?”

Lucas took a long a swig of his beer. β€œYou know...putting them in their place.”

At this she leant across the bar. β€œHunny, you do that and you got drinks on the house for the rest of the night.”

Lucas smiled and turned to the youths...he counted five in total. Couldn’t have been much older than seventeen, eighteen. He stood from the bar carrying his beer.

β€œAnd here I thought waiting was going to be boring...”

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Character Portrait: Atlas
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"HHHUUHHHCOFFCOFFCOFFHACKHACKCLINK". Atlas doubled over on the sidewalk in a violent coughing fit followed by a bout of dizzyness. As he hurtled toward the ground his revolver fell from his holster to the ground beside him. Scanning the environment, he was glad no one noticed him huddled on the pavement.

This was becoming more and more common - the coughing fits that was. His health was deteriorated from the booze, or cigarettes, or drugs, or a combination of all three. He couldn't run as fast, or lift as much, or remember that well as he used to. At this point, he couldn't even recall his age. He wasn't sure the average death age of ghouls, but he met some wrinkle skins that were alive since the great war.

As he reached down for his pistol, something caught his eye. A rather stocky build of a man stood right across the street watching him like a hawk and leaning against a light post. He wasn't there when he checked a minute ago? Could he really move that fast? Atlas took a double take and noticed two more men on each side inching their way toward him.

Somewhat knowing his surrounding, he realized they were forcing him toward and into the Lucky Forty-Eight. That wasn't good. It was easy to sneak a knife into the casino, stick someone like like a pig, and lurk out before anyone even got your name. He knew security would do nothing about it unless they made their move.

What really shocked him was how they dressed. More specificity the insignia that was branded all over them. He knew that sign anywhere. He always hoped he would never see it again.

He knew the only chance he had was to reenter the casino and get out of there with his so called "team". As he slipped through the door, he prayed to what ever god their was that this wasn't his last day on earth.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivan Red Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Ringo
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Ivan had recently finished clearing out a group of doped out fiends from a cave. The two men who had hired him for the job and agreed to assist him were both dead. One caught by a fiend with a flamer that ambushed him as he walked around a sharp corner. His other associate had taken four rounds to the legs before taking a fire axe to the side of his head.

'Lucky for me' he had mused 'they payed me half up front and the guy with the axe in his head had the rest on him'. He had dragged his loot for what felt like half the Mojave before he reached it. New Vegas, in all its glory.

After removing his gas mask and breathing in the smells of cigarettes and garbage, his first stop was Mick and Ralph's where he dropped off a bunch of weapons, ammunition and supplies. He also restocked his own. In total he made around 150 caps. It would have been more if he had the time and parts to fix up some of the weapons. But when there's alcohol to be drunk and hookers that needed fucking, fixing up some two bit smg was the last thing on his mind.

His second and final stop being the strip. He always let out a deep breath when he got in. He was always afraid the bots would notice his pass was a forgery that he acquired for a few hundred caps from Mick. Luck was once again on his side as he walked right past the bots. Breathing a deep sigh he headed towards the Lucky 38. He had met the owner once or twice. Went by 'The Courier', god knows why. Ivan had heard rumors that he had been shot in the head. If he hadn't seen the scar he would've called the rumors complete bullshit.

He had entered the Lucky 38, just to hear some guy who was finishing talking about a place called 'Neo York'. Ivan had more important things on his mind. His gas mask dangling about his neck he sat at the bar and ordered a beer. Some blonde bombshell wearing a nice skimpy skirt was showing off around Ivan. Then Ivan noticed that the man who had been talking on stage had sat a few stools down.

A bunch of people began talking to him. He was to busy checking out the blondes ass and drinking beer to really listen in. Although the the red head with the big tits caught his attention. While they were busy chatting up the man Ivan began talking to the blonde in the skimpy skirt. She gave him her fee which he gladly accepted. Taking her to his hotel room where they fucked for hours.

Ivan had put only on the essentials. That being everything. He had a habit of always wearing his armor, one never knows when someone could go postal inside Freeside or even The Strip. His gas mask always dangled around his neck, just in case something was to happen. His gas mask hooked up to his bag where his Chinese assault rifle was hooked to the side. His other various weapons were on different parts of his armor. Seeing the hooker out he went to seek out the man he saw earlier. He managed to find him and decided it was the best time. He thought he heard the man mention him only staying here for a day or so.

Upon spotting the man Ivan walked up to him with a smile, showing off his perfectly white teeth. Which always seemed out of place to people, what with his rough face, slightly crooked nose and large scar running along from behind his left ear down along his neck.

"Hello, name's Ivan," Ivan announced cheerfully to the man knows as Ringo, in his Russian accent, "I heard you talking about someplace called 'Neo York' early. Care to explain where it is and how do I get there? I know I'd love to be in DC rather than this dust bin. Because if it's any better than here, I'm heading straight for it," Ivan finished while scratching his scar.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivan Red Character Portrait: Will Character Portrait: Juniper Holland Character Portrait: Iris
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Juniper smiled after the caps were split between she and Candy "Hey that was some easy money wasn't it" she said with a slight chuckle. She looked back at Will wondering if he had eaten recently, when a man came up sporting a gas mask and a Russian accent. It was an odd thing to hear for Juniper she'd heard accents before but Russian was a little scary.

When your taught as a child, that all of this happened because of the Cold War and the communists it was a little unnerving for her. She decided she would feel safer by Will and Ringo, so she slid her caps into one of the pockets of her pants near her boot and walked over to Will once again. Keeping an eye on the new guy she was sure Ringo would take the guy in the caravan. She leaned and whispered at Will "Have you eaten anything recently?" she asked with genuine concern for him.

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Was busily eating her meal when another man came up and talked to Ringo, she didn't think much of him other then he was armed with a gun. But that was common among everyone around her right now. She had a gun in the ragged sack she had with her, but she didn't have any ammo never the less it always made her feel safer.

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Character Portrait: Ringo
10 sightings Ringo played by Brock10
"I'm a trader for the Crimson Caravan Company, and if you come with me, I promise you will see Neo York"
Character Portrait: Lucas Redheart
8 sightings Lucas Redheart played by c.allen2.11
"You got to laugh, otherwise you cry"
Character Portrait: Brock Anderson
0 sightings Brock Anderson played by Brock10
"Neo York eh....I need a new start. I'm in."
Character Portrait: Cadence Young
6 sightings Cadence Young played by CortezHorse

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
Character Portrait: Juniper Holland
Character Portrait: Atlas
Character Portrait: Will
Character Portrait: Iris
Character Portrait: Dallas Mounro
Character Portrait: Ivan Red


Character Portrait: Ivan Red
Ivan Red

Drinking, fucking, killing and breathing, what more can you ask for in life?

Character Portrait: Dallas Mounro
Dallas Mounro

'' I was wanna the lucky once.''

Character Portrait: Iris

"Please don't shoot at me"

Character Portrait: Atlas

"If that's not a bottle of whisky in your hand, I don't wanna hear it."

Character Portrait: Juniper Holland
Juniper Holland

"I really don't have the time or the patience"

Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
Xander Coltman

"Distance: 500 hundred meters, wind: negligible, One shot one kill: Confirmed."


Character Portrait: Juniper Holland
Juniper Holland

"I really don't have the time or the patience"

Character Portrait: Iris

"Please don't shoot at me"

Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
Xander Coltman

"Distance: 500 hundred meters, wind: negligible, One shot one kill: Confirmed."

Character Portrait: Atlas

"If that's not a bottle of whisky in your hand, I don't wanna hear it."

Character Portrait: Ivan Red
Ivan Red

Drinking, fucking, killing and breathing, what more can you ask for in life?

Character Portrait: Dallas Mounro
Dallas Mounro

'' I was wanna the lucky once.''

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Atlas

"If that's not a bottle of whisky in your hand, I don't wanna hear it."

Character Portrait: Ivan Red
Ivan Red

Drinking, fucking, killing and breathing, what more can you ask for in life?

Character Portrait: Juniper Holland
Juniper Holland

"I really don't have the time or the patience"

Character Portrait: Iris

"Please don't shoot at me"

Character Portrait: Dallas Mounro
Dallas Mounro

'' I was wanna the lucky once.''

Character Portrait: Xander Coltman
Xander Coltman

"Distance: 500 hundred meters, wind: negligible, One shot one kill: Confirmed."

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