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Prince Raphael Jefferson

"You have nothing to fear...."

0 · 476 views · located in Purgatory

a character in “Fated Wings”, as played by S1mon




(means "the shining one who heals")

"You have nothing to fear...."

Age:19 Gender:Male

Race:Angel Title:Prince (Eldest)

Status:Single Role:Male 1


His clothes, his wings and his hair are all white which is common for angels, and even more so to live up to such standards when you were born into the royal family and holding up the line of angels unlike his brother who carried on the line of the demons. Angels and Demons may now be accustomed to living with each other, but angels remained proud creatures especially by the way they look. Raph stands tall at a height of just over 6 foot, standing with elegance and pride, such that is expected for a Prince. He is slim and slender and has a heart-shaped face, though such cannot be seen with his long white hair where one part covers one of his eyes. Ever heard the saying "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil", well clearly by this demograph, he seems to be keeping an eye-open, revealing his cool blue eyes, as if a window to his soul.


He possesses healing capabilities, just like his name-sake as angels bring comfort to lost souls, yet Raphael has the additional ability to be able to heal wounds and of course with this ability, he would be able to prolong life of what would of been lost. Using this abilities does require his use of emotion as healing with an angry heart would not work, so he must ensure that his caring and loving nature is mixed with this effect. As for the "shining one", he has a certain aura about him, that of light, such what appears in the healing process aswell as emitting light himself when in darkness so he could potentially manipulate light itself, where light is said to travel pretty fast. Such abilities being given to him through his mother, the deceased Queen of Angel Central and with him inheriting her legacy as both her eldest son as well as an angel as she was.



Now how to describe Raphael.....such would probably be best to acknowledge his position as the eldest prince and heir to the bed-ridden King. Growing up in the royal palace of Purgatory and being the supposed heir to rule after his mother and father, he is polite and has a respectable aura about him. If someone is speaking, then he has no intention to interrupt and would wait for his turn to speak. Another attribute of his by growing up with the court is of course patience which is like a second nature to an angel, or rather Raph's middle name. He shows courtesy where it is due and keeps a calm manner, concealing his thoughts and learning not to judge as such is not his duty, though does not hurt to have an opinion. Having these "second thoughts" is probably due to his fathers' side as King of the Shadowlands. However, now it seems his supposed title as the rightful heir potentially could go to his younger brother or his cousins which he felt was extremely unfair after all the work and duty he has given to the court to fulfill his role, so has every intention to hold onto his title. Pleasing ladies was not so hard anyway for a humble angel afterall, so he felt he was in for the win already, so he only hoped his judgement before the outcome would not reflect badly on his part.

Seeing smilesSeeing frowns not deserved
Having funBullying


Raphael was born to the Queen of Angel Central and the King of the Shadowlands. He was the first-born and therefore the legitimate heir to continue rulership once his parents time had come to a close and their reign no more. Raphael took after his mothers' side by the fact he was born an angel but this did not mean that he was always an angel by how he acted as he did misbehave in his younger days, especially with his demon brother Luce, but as he grew older and his responsibilities came clear and not to mention the death of his mother at a young age, he knew that his playing around had to stop and he had to work hard to prepare himself for the future, even more so when his father became bed-ridden so that he assisted his father in his duties to prepare himself for when his time could come. It seemed however that despite the work he had put in, the advisors to his father decided a competition would decide who would become heir when six girls from Gaia (Earth) which completely came to a surprise, where the victor would be the one who would have one of the girls' hand in marriage. It seemed simple enough but also unfair, especially so when his cousins also became part of the picture. Opposing his brother seemed to be do-able since he didn't mind competing with Luce and knowing he had the upper hand with his angel side rather than the scary demon side which the human girls would see, as well as the fact that his brother was a Prince like him so the royal line would continue, but felt his cousins participation was absurd, but seeing as he could not dispute it, he decided he'd give his all and ensure the girls were treated appropriately and that they were tended to. Whatever happens in the outcome, he was the Prince now so he would continue to act like one regardless and use the influence he had at his disposal to ensure a victory on his part. However, unlike the demon side of the family, or at least what he felt they would do to ensure a demon was the head like the current King was which may cause them to rush things, Raph would be as per usual, taking the calm route and just hoping that his humility would touch the hearts of these young ladies and if they desired to return home, then he would ensure that their wish is granted.

Character Theme Song : Translation Here

So begins...

Prince Raphael Jefferson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane Character Portrait: Lucifer Jefferson Character Portrait: Izumi Aki Character Portrait: Prince Raphael Jefferson Character Portrait: Nell Ohanzee
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#, as written by S1mon

Prince Raphael Jefferson

It was clear that Raphael was opposed to all this as he stood behind the other competitors for the throne, all vying for control which was rightfully his. He had dedicated the last few years to aide his father to prepare himself for the future when control would be passed to him, instead the fate of them all hung on the balance of this contest. It was wrong, but should he not put his own foot forwards, then the right to rule which rightfully was his, would even more likely not come into being. It seemed that after the death of his mother, the Queen of Angel Central, that things had started to get out of his hand while his father, King of the Shadowlands, remained supreme. Clearly he thought this was a good idea, though perhaps secretly he wished for another demon to take the role as King rather than an angel like himself.

Sure Angels and Demons lived together and there was peace, somewhat, though clearly there was some resentment and some distinctions between the two that continue to shine. Raph only hoped that this whole fiasco would not get out of hand as he listened to the advisor, "Thank you all for coming here today. I hope you all have heard the news about the six human girls. We will be starting a contest today! The six of you will try to win the heart of an assigned human girl, and might I add that the throne will be the prize! The first person who gets their girl to willingly marry wins. You start today", before the advisors divided to each one to tell them who they were assigned to. He simply closed his eyes to catch the names of those already assigned so as soon as his advisor came, he merely responded, "I am aware".

Usually Raph would be standing at the front proudly, but how could he be proud of this venture where his brother and his cousins are all in this to compete against him as rightful heir, fighting over it like vultures. That was not the only problem Raph felt, but the fact they were all 'assigned' a girl, meant that they themselves could not divert from who they had been assigned to, so he feared that if things didn't work out with those they were given, things may get out of hand. Raphael stood still in the chamber as his brother and cousins all left one by one to meet their assigned girl while his advisors kept hassling him to do the same but each time he told him no, before ordering his silence. No longer being hassled, he then raised his voice so that his fellow competitors could hear before they left, "No violence will be tolerated. No doubt your eyes are on the prize, but if your assigned girl refuses or wishes to return home, accept it and not dispute it".

It was certainly a serious matter and one that Raph was concerned about, so after warning his now-competitors, he approached the advisor who had spoken before, "I do hope you will keep this in mind. I find your lack of foresight disturbing, so I highly suggest guards at report stations. I will not have my parents' work destroyed by your games", before turning around and storming out the chamber. It was only when he was out that he dropped his guard a little and sighed, before turning to the advisor who remained with him, "Right, you can lead me to the girl now...". The walk thereafter certainly helped cool Raph down, but it certainly did not make the situation any better. Raph wasn't sure how he should proceed competition-wise, so he simply would be taking part and not playing, solely not wishing to mislead the girl, nor decieve them which is what this whole competition was doing, as he arrived outside the doors of one Izumi Aki, knocked upon it and then waited, being courteous and not wishing to be rude and barge in.


Kimberley Lane

It had happened all too quickly. The last thing that she remembered, last real thing she remembered, was the old man infront of her as she ran away from her brothers' flat to see Yoh in the hospital, but instead she ran round the old man, only to find herself tripping over and slipping over. As you stood on the ground, you had the evidence clearly infront of you that if you sat down, you'd be sitting on the same ground you were standing on. The same expectation was what Kimberley had, as she expects to fall onto the ground in no time at all, but instead she felt like she was falling in a bottomless pit until she suddenly appeared in what looked like a mystical lands from a story book.

Not knowing where exactly where she was or if she was alive, she checked her pulse and noticed that it was still going so death hadn't knocked on her door, but now she found herself trapped with no way back, no way out to see how Yoh was doing, but at the same time she was worried for him, worried what exactly her brother had done to him and if he would come out okay. Now she was truly alone and even more so in this strange place. The only comfort she had held onto was five other girls who appeared out of no-where like her, girls who too had a strange experience and hadn't the foggiest where they was before they were led to this palace and told about this world being full of angels and demons. Wasn't they supposed to enemies or something.

Personally, Kimberley could care less but as long as she knew where she was and that the ground she was standing on wasn't going to fall through, a luxury she had taken for granted, she felt she'd be okay as they were led to their rooms and it was they that she rested until waking up and finding clothes prepared for her on the side. Fat chance she was going to wear those, so it was a good job she was leaving home when all this happened since she had her bag of belongings with her and therefore had the luxury of wearing what she liked, holding onto who she really was. Her experience so far had been that the trust she had in others was misplaced with her father beating her and her mother, her mother doing nothing and then her brothers' advance on her. How can she trust these guys?!

Taking matters into her own hands as she did last night when she insisted to wear her own pyjamas, regardless of how rich and nice the ones offered were, so when she woke, she sat up and saw clothes offered once again, but still stubborn she rejected them and merely just sat up in bed and laying her head on the pillow behind it to merely gather her thoughts together as she closed her eyes and took some silent breathers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Aki Character Portrait: Prince Raphael Jefferson
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#, as written by Iezobel
Izumi sat looking out the window. She hated it here. Why did they bring her?

She remembered walking to work then... Falling? No, she couldn't describe it as falling. More... Well it was falling, but like endless falling. When it stopped she was somewhere unfamiliar. Somewhere that wasn't earth. Then these... People? Took her away. They licked her in a room. She hoped she was a guest an not a prisoner.

Now here she was looking out the window. Trying to piece the events together. She obviously fell through a portal ore something. It didn't take a genius to work that out. Why did they want her. Did they want to hurt her? Did they and to kill her? She walked to the door.
"Let me out!" she yelled," Please."
When there was no reply she walked back to the window and wrapped her arms around herself. She heard a knock at the door. She picked up a strange shaped ornament about the size of a candle stick. It was heavy but she could lift it.
"What do you want?" she said as the door opened.
She hurdled the ornament towards the person that entered. Izumi had never been scared in her life. Now se knew what fear meant. She wasn't scared of anything. Was she? Then she managed to grasp how stupid she was being. She hurriedly grabbed another ornament. This one was far heavier. She just about managed to lift it. It was about half the size of the other. What was this made of. Led? She seriously doubted she could throw it. She slid in between the bed and the wall clutching the ornament tightly.
"Stay where you are," she said calmly.
She wasn't going to panic. Not now. She looked over the side f the bed. There was a guy about her age standing at the door. She found it hard to believe that he was going to harm her in any way but she kept the ornament any way. She stood slowly.
"Who are you? What do you want with me?" she asked him, not wanting to meet his gaze. For the first time she wandered if she was dead. He looked like an angel. You didn't get many people with white hair.
The ornament slid from her grasp. She yelp as it almost landed on her foot. She immediately picked it up again. Struggling to get it of the ground. She didn't take her eyes of the angel or whatever it was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dax Mitell Character Portrait: Kimberley Lane Character Portrait: Izumi Aki Character Portrait: Prince Raphael Jefferson
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#, as written by S1mon

Prince Raphael Jefferson

Raphael was concerned, not only for his own future and the state of their Kingdom which encouraged deception to flow through its veins, but mostly concerned for the human girls that now dwelt in Purgatory. His brother and his cousins all were competing to get their hands on the throne when they were all so incompetant. Did they not realise the huge task that would entail, for ruling a Kingdom did have its disadvantages as well as its advantages, for Raphael himself has had a taster as he aided his father. It was through the love of his mother with the King of the Shadowlands that brought Angels and Demons together, but now without his mother, it seemed that all she had done was falling apart, much like Raphael's case. There was no reason at all as to how the court could not pick between himself and his brother when he was the eldest and took his duties seriously unlike his brother and his cousins.

He couldn't help but sigh. He had no aspirations to become King as he grew up, but he understood his responsibilities and separated himself from his life of freedom to one of servitude, for it was the royals that lived to serve their people, or at least that was Raphael's viewpoint. Nevertheless, despite his opposition, there was little he could do to end the competition if it had his father and his advisors' backing, so if Raphael succeeded as he should, then clearly changes would need to be made. For now, he would have no choice but to go through it, while his mind thought about his brothers and his cousins and what they were doing, to get close to such vulnerable girls so that they fall in love in order to become King and then the girl would no longer be on their priority list.

As Raphael stood by the door, a guard informed him of how she had been screaming to get out before Raphael knocked again and heard a voice at the other side, "What do you want?". Having been recognised, Raphael opened the door slowly, only to close it once again for it to act as a shield as the girl threw an ornament towards him. Raphael could understand what she was going through, sadly she did not know even half of it, that this whole process was torturing him, which made him wonder what Alaire thought with him being an angel too, or was it merely him with his convictions that was driving him in such a way.

Wishing to help her calm down, he entered the room and closed the door behind him and began to walk twards her as he saw her slide between the bed and the wall, as she told him, "Stay where you are" as Raphael obeyed. "Who are you? What do you want with me?", she asked before he heard her yelp when she dropped something heavy, no doubt something else to throw at him as she attempted to pick it up again. Having been told to stay, Raphael held out his right hand towards her and lowered his head as a sign of humilty as he spoke, "I understand how you feel, but you are in no danger here and I shall not harm you", which was the least that his 'competitors' would do if they lost and no longer wanted their 'assigned girl'. Such still sickened him.

Nevertheless, Izumi was a guest in Purgatory and will be treated as such. He may be a Prince and be the one usually to give orders, but he had no problems taking orders, which is why he remained in his position and not took another step. "I understand how you must feel right now, that I do not even have the words to accurately express my feelings towards your predicament. I do not know if you have been told anything by anyone, as surely all this is overwhelming to you as such is the way I would feel if I was in your place and afraid of what was to come, but I assure you that you need not fear and need not harm yourself...", as his eyes glanced to the heavy object, concerned that she may do herself injury.

Having made his concern clear, his right arm folded in so that it was across his chest as he offered a bow to introduce himself, "My name is Raphael", before straightening his back and casting his eyes back to Izumi, "No doubt you have questions and I shall do my best to answer them, for I am here to accomodate you, so if there is something you need, please do not hesitate to let me know. You are our guest here", wishing to help her feel better, but at the same time, he did not wish to overwhelm her at once. It was one thing to be in a strange place and have a strange guy before you, but even more so to learn that he is a Prince, hence why he refrained from mentioning too much.


Kimberley Lane

It was all too overwhelming and all too strange as Kimberley tried to make sense of it. Portals that had essentially kidnapped six young girls, who now found themselves in a life of luxury and each having a Prince to attend them. It made no sense unless the whole thing was a setup which is what Kimberley was thinking, how they convienantly all girls with all princes at their beck and call. Living the dream was always a dream that was clouded over by reality, but here it seemed everything was in a whole new plain, a whole new reality, yet the constant has always been that things should not be taken for granted, that there is always a price. What was the price for all this royal treatment?

It was her hope that with Dax's open brutal honest that he'd just come out and prove her right, though such a truth was not one she liked but Kimberley valued honesty and truth all the same, which is why she is open with how she feels. If it is not by her words that she acts, it would of course be her actions, wasting no time in her decision making as she evaluated the pro's and con's. So far this place offered a rather different lifestyle to the one she was used to and she was away from those who do her harm, but the con's was that she hardly knew anyone here, nor to what their motivations were, which is where the phrase 'better the enemy you know' comes in. Home was certainly on her mind, but she knew she could do nothing about it right now.

"I'm only here 'cause I have nothing better to do. I may be a prince, But I'm not allowed any of the princely duties usually assigned nor am I pampered", before he adjusted a tiara that was sinking in his hair before adding, "And plus. Mink likes you". Kimberley sighed. She had asked Dax if the other girls had a charge too but there was no response so she assumed that was true since he had not attempted to change her mind with a response. What she also recieved a non-response to was about them going back, which suggested and conveyed the idea that going back was either not allowed, impossible or a challenge. All he decided to tell her was how he don't have any other duties as he's not allowed and how he has not been pampered which suggests a independant self-sufficient life which explains alot.

Kimberely couldn't really blame Dax, but how having him to attend her was going to make her feel any better about the situation was beyond ridiculous. Why his hair was even more bushy with a higher maintenance than her own. "And I like Minx too", as she decided to put her worries aside and picked him up gently as she would to a cat back in the 'real world', as she used her right hand to pull her hair over her left shoulder so that as she leaned her side of her face slightly on him to give him a hug, no hair would get in the way, other than Minx's own of course.

"If only I could kiss you and turn you into a handsome prince like in the fairytales Minx, you'd be more of a Prince than Dax here", before pulling away slightly to look at Dax, "Where I come from, if you are a Prince, you have a duty in one form or another, so I don't believe you haven't got any unless you refrain from doing such or you simply can't do it, but I guess it hardly matters now even if you did, seeing as we've all been taken against our will and that we're stuck here, yet somehow you make it sound like it's all easy when it's not after leaving everything and everyone we know behind".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Aki Character Portrait: Prince Raphael Jefferson
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#, as written by Iezobel
Izumi stood, the ornament back in her grasp. She she didn't take we eyes of him. She couldn't understand why he wanted her here. Izumi bit her lip. For a second she looked down at the ornament she was holding. Her arms had started to hurt and she didn't want to drop it again. It surprised her when the... Whatever, started speaking to her.
"I understand how you feel, but you are in no danger here and I shall not harm you," he continued, "I understand how you must feel right now, that I do not even have the words to accurately express my feelings towards your predicament. I do not know if you have been told anything by anyone, as surely all this is overwhelming to you as such is the way I would feel if I was in your place and afraid of what was to come, but I assure you that you need not fear and need not harm yourself..." he bowed which Izumi had to try not to find funny. Why would someone bow to her. She wasn't anything special. Plus, it was a, what, Victorian gesture? Did they live in the Middle Ages or something. "My name is Raphael", he said as he straightened himself again, "No doubt you have questions and I shall do my best to answer them, for I am here to accomodate you, so if there is something you need, please do not hesitate to let me know. You are our guest here"
Izumi sure had a load of questions. Who was he? Where was she? She asked the most important first. "Wh-why am I here?" she asked in a small voice. She realised she was still holding on to the ornament. She set it down warily but she still didn't trust this Raphael. She took a few steps closer. She had to keep her guard up at all times. It could be a trick. It might not be... But all the same. She met Raphael's gaze for just a second then quickly looked away.
"What are you?" she asked nervously,"And all those other people. I know you aren't humans. And where the hell am I?" she said this last question a little angrily. Izumi looked at Raphael. She moved over to the bed and sat down on it and buried her head in her hands. This was bizarre. Never in her life had anything like this happened to her. Was she going crazy? She sat like this for a while then she remembered Raphael. She ran her hand through her long glossy black hair and closed her eyes.
"What's happened to me?" she whispered to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izumi Aki Character Portrait: Prince Raphael Jefferson
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#, as written by S1mon

Prince Raphael Jefferson

Raphael was all too aware of how the situation may look as she was took to a room and no doubt felt like a prisoner. If he had been in her shoes, he likely would be very concerned about his position as well as being concerned for his own safety. As he had told her truthfully and sincerely, he did not have the words to express how he felt about this whole situation, for what words could ease her minds and what words could make him better for this whole ordeal. Surely it would of all been better to keep the girls together since they'd all have that bond as well as a safety net that there was others like them out there. The rooms were no cells but despite the comfort and luxury inside, it mightswell be one with no contact to the outside world.

"Wh-why am I here?" was her first question as she put down the ornament which gave some peace of mind to Raph that she would do no injury to herself, as well as security for him that he would not have another ornament thrown at him. There was many questions she could of asked with the most obvious being where she was and how she got here, but instead, she had asked the most difficult question to answer as to why she was here. Raphael was aware that the humans came by a portal, but was confused him was why these portals opened up in the first place. Afterall, a portal, like a door, could be entered from either side so why would a portal be active to go to Gaia which was believed to no longer exist, or at least that is what they were told.

"What are you...And all those other people. I know you aren't humans. And where the hell am I?", her tone clearly showing how she felt as she sat on the bed and buried her head to try and make sense of it all no doubt. Raphael personally did not want to give her too much information, at least until she was able to settle. However, it seemed he was only delaying the inevitable by doing so. "I honestly wish that I could provide a reason to why you are here, but I cannot and it is with regret that I say that, for you do have a right to know why, but what I believe it to be is a fault in the portal that brought you here, as such portals are believed to be inactive, hence why none of us expected your arrival. Believe it or not, we are as stunned by your arrival as you are to arrive here", and such was true, though telling her that humans are believed to not exist anymore and that she and the girls seem like artifacts was something he preferred not to raise.

Afterall, despite not knowing of their continued existance, they were here before them in the flesh. "To answer your question, you are in a place called Purgatory, in a world where angels and demons dwell together, a different reality to where you come from, so I understand if it is alot to take in. I assure you that this is real and once again re-assure you that you have nothing to worry about, as that is why I have come. It is for your own safety as well as to give you time to rest from your travel here, that you were brought to this room, for just as we may look strange to you, people like me and 'those other people' are curious about you and the five others that came with you, but rest assured they are safe too and have someone to look out for them too".

The Princes were all aware of what has occurred and due to the competition they were willing to open up to accept them, though in Raphael's case, he would open up anyway since right now they were lost from all they had known to come to what seemed like a strange place. There was of course a reason why Raphael was obedient, since he never liked to cross the line and go too far unless he really had to, which is why he kept his distance. If he was allowed to come closer then he could see how much trust he would of gained by taking account of the distance rather than throwing himself in her face as his 'competitors' may just well do. Nevertheless, he would not refrain to such methods in this race for the throne when they were playing with others' feelings, even if it meant losing his right to the throne.