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Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon

"One cannot be a master if they do not truely understand how magic works."

0 · 400 views · located in Nazirah Dimension

a character in “Fears' Strife”, originally authored by Lloyd999, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Misty Exburna
Age: 17
Species or job: Maiden of the Exburna Shrine
Element: Most Light, Sky and Flame
Powers: She knows a lot of holy magic and spells, like protection spells, protection charms, sealing curses, trapping curses, cleansing spells, and a bunch of other things. She's also mastered the power of the Exburna Rings. She's also able to fly.
Description: Image
Personality: Well, she is a very bored one, that's for sure. Misty is the maiden of the Exburna Shrine, which worships gods. It's also the training grounds of many Exburna Ring users. She barely has much that happens to her in her life that's really fun. Oh sure, she's sometimes called to stop some monster, but that get's boring. She's also near poverty, so, she can get a little greedy, and which of course leads to her being in a cranky mood. She's not vey good at taking a joke, and often takes magic quite seriously, as for a human to fully master it, to cast it at the ease of anything else, it takes a lot of practice, and the results may be very little. She's got some sort of love-hate thing with Genkishi.
Strengths: She knows a lot of things about magic and spirits and gods. She's very powerful compared to most, the best in her area really. Of course, she knows never to use magic unnessesarily.
Weaknesses: She sometimes forgets to use her manors. Also, she's quite against using souless technology.
Animal Guardian: Her familiar is a Turtle, but she also has a Pygmi Wyvern that helps her with other requests a Turtle can't do.

Name: Genkishi Drakathon
Age: 20
Species or job: Black Mage/Trainer at the Exburna Shrine
Element: Darkness and Mist
Powers: He is trained in using Exburna Rings, yes, but most of his powers root from his right eye. He has unnaturally high Od for a human. His eye is the sorce of all his powers. Each represents a path of a type of Species in death, those being Demon, Ghost, Youkai, Undead, Human and Heaven. Demon is his illusionry skill, which is so powerful, it makes people think it's real. Ghost is his possesion skill, letting him posses a person's body. Youkai is his summoning skill, letting him summon monsters or spirits. Undead is his basic combat skill, basically a fighting upgrade. Human is his most powerful and most dangerous skill to use, because apparently humans are the darkest of all, or something like that. Heaven is his neutral state.
Description: Image
Personality: Genkishi is a bit more carefree than Misty. He is more like a magician and teases like one. He is extremely mysterious, and weird among most of his qualities. He is extremely strong, though it's unknown who is stronger, Misty or Genkishi. You could say Genkishi is Misty's oppisite. He still takes magic seriously. Though he knows many black magic skills, he only teaches about Curses, Exburna Rings, and sometimes some first class Illusionry. He gives off a weird vibe.
Strengths: His magic is top class, including his illusionry, which seems so real people can feel it.
Weaknesses: As long as his enemy doesn't have disabling magic, he should be fine. Illusionry magic's no use against him, however, Familiars (animal guardians) that can see past illusions may become a strong point. They say most of his magical energy comes from his weapon or head. Attacking his head with a magical attack can hurt his abilities. His weapon starts to crumble depending on how weak he is.
Animal Guardian: He has an owl for a partner.

So begins...

Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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She was about to shift into something a bit more stronger since this water like creature was unafected by fire. She began shifting but stopped suddenly before she shifted into her human form. "What the!" Someone had disabled her magic, and everyone elses as well. The girl showed herself and Sabirah immediately spat out. "Are you mad!" Before gripping the shaft of her sword. She writhed her arm and eventually it was free from the inventions grip. She grunted before swinging her blade down on the arm of the Nexis beast.

Morana on the other hand was being as still as she could be, minus the uncontrollable shaking and chattering of her teeth. She looked over at Koiv and saw her using her magic but everything began to fade. "Wha-What's going on?" She cried out. "Wait! Lucifer!" Of course. Her skull dog had been hiding, in wait for his owner to call him to attack. Lucifer immediately bolted. Magic or no magic, Sabirah looked as if she was going to kill the beast holding her captive. Whereas, Morana just wanted to go home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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Koiv hissed in anger, as her Zombies disappeared, and she returned to her normal form.

She stumbled into the courtyard where everyone was gathered. "What... Just happened?" She whispered, herself again. She rubbed the wound on her head the Nexis boy had given her, which was now turning her pale hand and skin into a crimson figure. Koiv stared at Sabirah and Morana, before falling.

The ground rushed to meet her, and with a thump, she smacked the Cobble. The last thing she saw was the strange beast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Com Guardia Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Anna Talise Character Portrait: Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon
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Zombies suddenly grab Novus from all side's then fade away. Growling Novus declares "I've had it" The light from his glove encompassing his body. He walks out into the square and notices Chaos. Novus fed up with this lousy assignment decides I'm leaving and I don't care anymore I'm going back and going to relax. The energy in his body accumulates and he says "I'm done Chaos I want to talk with your master." then the energy accumulation releases in a blinding flash in that moment of time Novus takes the opportunity to hastily leave his body strained to its utmost without its limiters on as he sprints out of town collapsing with blood running down from his legs against a large oak tree someways away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon
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Sabirah had eventually fled from the battle. Morana following close by, and Koiv in the ex-warriors arms. Sabirah abruptly stops and looked behind her panting a bit from the long run. Morana made it with her two skull dogs following behind her along with Vayu and Karasu. Once she had stopped, immediately her limbs gave way and the girl had fallen on her knees panting like a dog. Lucifer and Socrates both walked over towards her to comfort her before looking over at Sabirah. "I-I think we are safe now..." Sabirah says. Her voice was unsure though.

"Perhaps now we can use our powers." She growls before shifting her gaze to a small pile of leaves. Reciting a small harmless spell in her head, the leaves began to pick up off the ground by ones, then twos, then threes. "Good." She states before carefully setting Koiv down on the ground. Morana spoke up. "Do you think that girl followed?" Sabirah looked in the direction of the small skirmish. "Don't know. If she did good for her." She growls once again. "All she did was cut off the magic..." Morana whimpers. "Yes, but Nexinian experiments and troops don't use magic. With that small little spell of hers, she could have gotten us all killed." Sabirah says calmly but with a bit of anger. She sighs. "Lets just be thankful that we are all alive..."

Morana looks over at the fallen Scythe. "I wonder when Koiv will wake up..." She says innocently. Vayu had climbed onto the girls shoulder and had studied the Scythe as well. A second later a noise could faintly be heard throughout the jungle. "...I think we should keep moving for now..." Sabirah say blandly before lifting koiv up once again and heading out through the brush. Morana groans but follows close behind.


Crow was about to take another handful of his delicious cheese when an ear splitting scream echoes throughout the jungle. Crow immediately hops up onto his feet, eyes darting every which way before resting on the shooting star. His eye brows furrow when he recognized the scream was coming from Kara. He growls and flies off towards the wreckage. When he was inside, it took a moment for him to calculate the sight before him.

Kara resting on the floor, a big whole in her chest and a pool of blood under her. His eyes look around to see another girl unfamiliar to him. She had blood on her hand and instinct told him she was the one who did this. Instinct also told him, she was way to powerful for him to defeat her. He frantically searched around the helicopter. Shadows! Yes Shadows! Maybe he couldn't dive into battle at the start. Maybe he could come up with a few surprise attacks of his own. With out a moment to spare he bolts towards a corner, disapearing in the shadows.