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"I must fight to have meaning..."

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a character in “Fears' Strife”, as played by stormwolf321


Name: Sabirah Estina (Claws)

Age: 18

Species or job: Born Shifter. A bit of tamer and Spell Caster.

Element: Mostly wind, but she can shift into all kinds of other elemental creatures.

Powers: Shifting and taming with a little spell casting.

Description: Image
She has long silver hair but her most striking feature are her metal gloves with short(But sharp) claws, hence her nickname by the other warriors. Her eyes are a soft amber, maybe even gold. She wears warrior like clothes almost all the time and she talks in a somewhat intimidating tone. She has a long sword always with her and small dog tag necklaces are around her neck.

Wind creatures:

Fire creatures:

Earth Creatures:

Time and Metal Creatures:

Personality: She is headstrong and daughter of the general. As a result she was born fighting, literally. When her father had died, she promised that she would take his place someday. This all changes when she is replaced and was kicked out of the army. Now she wonders the town and protects those who need her, nothing more. Her attitude is that of a warriors. Emotionless. No love. Only protection. Once she is on a task she will not stop until that task is complete.

Strengths: Pure power and endurance. Her power comes from her shifting and the long sword she wields. Her metal claws are the strongest metal in Nazirah. She is great at close combat, not distance. She is very strong yes but endurance can come in handy when strength becomes an issue. She can take all kinds of blows before she falls.

Weaknesses: She has trust issues to say at the least. Her defense is also on the down low. She is used to giving blows not receiving but that's where her endurance comes in handy. She can also get distracted by her own focus. Sometimes, enemies of the war used to put up a 'bait fight' to try and lure her team in. Her head strong attitude kept her focused on that one enemy and they usually ambush her. Another thing is, sneak attacks and ambushes she is weak against.

Animal Guardian: An all seeing hawk that she can understand because of her shifting abilities. His name is Vayu.

So begins...

Sabirah's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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Sabirah walked through the streets passing the lonesome of the graveyard. The Scythe master walked by as he brushed passed her shoulder but she paid no notice. She continued walking, her eyes trailing the ground until her guardian Vayu squawked out as he rested on her shoulder. Sabirah lifted her head and saw some familiar faces. "Beren..." She says as she approaches the young student. Her eyes then looked over at the other face. "Koiv..." She says. "Just the people I wanted to see..." she spoke in a somewhat monotone voice. "I was heading to the blacksmiths cottage to see if he would sharpen my blade. I would enjoy some company..." She was cut off by Beren speaking up. "well I'm goiong down to the market to get some more potions and spells I could come with you. What about you Koiv." Morana spoke. Sabirah looked over at the older Scythe before speaking as well. "Unless you are busy..." She added to Moranas question.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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Koiv looked up at Sabirah, her eyes as mournful as ever. "Sabirah. Beren.. I have interesting news. Do any of you know of a warrior who wears Nexis clothing? He died recently. I atleast hope he was one of our warriors.." She whispered, Her crows landing on her shoulders. Karasu squawked at Vayu.

"I would come, but i am too busy. I just thought i would inform you. I am off to tend to this corpse. Here, Beren.."

Koiv took out a small black scroll, a ring and a Metal glove. She handed them to the younger Scythe. "A gift. The scroll is for resurrection, the ring for combat, and the glove for combat and defence." She then plucked a feather from Karasu, and handed it to Sabirah. "That's for good luck. Farewell, friends." She muttered, her crows flying around her and creating a black vortex. She disappeared into it.

She reappeared infront of the man in the coffin. "Now, to the crux of the matter....."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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Sabirah accepted the feather. "Thank you." she says with a slight bow of her head. "Hmm...I have seen warriors dressed in Nexis clothing. They are usually spies. Undercover agents to receive information about Nexis's next strike...I have seen many, but there are too many to clarify...She takes a glimpse of the man. Hmm...Like I said too many to clarify." She says calmly as she attached the feather in her hair. Morana quickly took the scroll and bowed her head to the older Scythe. "Oh thank you Koiv!" she says excitedly as she looks at the items given to her.

Botn watched as Koiv disappeared in a matter of seconds. "well I guess its just you and me then!" Morana chirped. Her two skull wolves barked and rattles their jaws. She smiled slightly. "I guess so..." She says with a hint of happiness. Out of all the people in the small town of Jerim, Morana happened to be her favorite. The first time they met was when Morana had driven through the town mud sledding getting almost everyone's clothes stained brown with the watery dirt. By now though, everyone had gotten used to her doings, well...Almost everyone. The bakers son happened to be the most soaked in mud, and all over his new silk robe as well. He was so angry at her that he chased her all the way down the street. Of course Morana was the faster one but sooner or later she would have to face the consequences.

At that time, Sabirah had just arrived and was taking a stroll around the town when all of a sudden a girl comes out of no where screaming and yelling in fear. The girl quickly grabbed hold of Sabirah and dragged her down to her eye level. With pleading eyes she squeaked, "Ya gotta help me!" Astonished a bit she tilted her head but realization hit her like a bomb when she heard a guy screaming in anger. "Where is she! Where is that little brat!" Sabirah nodded and quickly shifted into her gryphon form. A common animal used for riding. Her clothes turning into the reins and saddle. She then pushed the girl under her wing gently concealing the girl from the right side view. Just in the nick of time. Allen came running down the street, wand in hand buzzing with anger completely disregarding the white gryphon entirely. Once he had passed the girl came out of hiding and Sabirah shifted back into her human form. Reins and saddle turning back into clothes. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!" She squeals to Sabirah. Keeping a level head she gently pushes the girl away from her saying. "Go. Hurry. Before he comes back." There was a slight hint of happiness in her voice as she said those words. The girl understood and quickly dashed off towards her home.

It was a quick memory, but it was something you can't just forget. After this event, Sabirah was welcomed in the town just as quickly she had arrived. Accept by Allen, of course.

Sabirah looked at Morana and gestured her to follow in which she did as they both headed for the town market.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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The two walked for a couple of minutes, but stopped when Morana felt a tugging on her robe. By now she had tried on the glove and ring. The spell was in her pocket. Morana turned around to see not two Skull dogs but only one. Lucifer, who was tugging on her robe. Morana could feel the worry radiating off the dog, worrying for his friend who was no where to be seen. "Uh, Sabirah? Can we get Socrates real quickly?" She pleaded. The half armored girl raised and eyebrow before she sighed, "Alright..." Vayu chattered out before he flew off her shoulder and towards the graveyard. "Hmm...That's odd. Vayu never leaves unless..." Sabirah's eyebrows furrowed before she quickly dashed toward the graveyard. "H-hey wait up! It's only my dog!" Morana shouts out whilst trying to keep up. "Vayu! Fly ahead!" The hawk screamed down at her before he shot down towards the burial ground.

Meanwhile, Socrates was walking towards the conflict between the Nexis and Koiv. Course skull dogs couldn't see, but they could pick up the slightest vibrations in the earth making him aware of the Nexinians movements. Course, this didn't stop him from running into a few stones. For being trained in the war camps, Socrates was quite clumsy. The dogs with orange glowing markings looked out at Koiv next to the coffin. Somehow the dog sensed that something dangerous was going to happen to her which it did. The moment that Koiv got hit, he could hear a gasp then something colliding with something else, then a rustling. He could sense that Koiv was now up and so was the boy so he got up as well. The skull dog growled as he sensed the magic aura coming from Koiv and a high amounts of energy coming from the boy, and only rising when the boy crouched down. Before you knew it a scream of a hawk could be heard as the dog bounded towards the boy growling and chattering.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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Koiv's eyes turned black, and she started to chant in a Demonic scythe language. She suddenly spoke in English. "Look, kid.. Normally people in coffins don't look like they're from Nexis, and normally they're Dead!" She shouted, her skin developing a Skeleton Motif.

The dagger turned into a longsword, and she pointed it at the boy. Karasu and the Murder of Crows flew in behind Socrates and Vayu. "Leave, spy. Or we will kill you."

She waited for a moment, before cracking her neck bones, and throwing a bone needle at Novus' hand. If anything, it would have scratched. A strange ring appeared around Koiv, and the sword turned into a spike. "Make one wrong move. I DARE you.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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"You have a point, and yet you make no sense." Novus says his gloves giving off pulses of energy enlarging the ball in his hands. Sidestepping the bone fragment Novus wills the balls into the shape of two daggers one slimmer and more elegant the other looking thick and as if it had a slightly serrated edge.

"Oh you have really done it now." Novus declares spinning both of his daggers so the blades were pointed away from the girl and the sharp side was away from his body. Trying one last effort to talk this girl out of a fight he says "If I was a spy why would I look like I am obviously a spy?" Then hearing a hawk cry from above Novus has the sad thought of why did they send me to a cemetery if I was just going to get caught right off the bat anyway?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Anna Talise Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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Anna wandered down the worn cobblestone pathway, taking in the sights. The market was vibrant and alive, people bustling around like they all had somewhere else to be. If they'd taken the time to notice, just slow down for a moment and really look, they'd have seen a very strange girl standing in the middle of the square, intrigue set deep within her face. While she'd much rather be away from what they called civilization, she did enjoy observing the everyday life of a small village. Her hair blew lightly in the gentle wind, the brilliant white dulled slightly by the mild pollutants in the air.

A small girl brushed past her hurriedly, and Anna turned, calling after her. When she'd gotten close enough, Anna kneeled upon the dusty cobblestone, staining her dress (not that she cared, she would've torn the damned thing off if it didn't mean spending the night in a cell). The girl, a nervous face set upon a thin, messy frame, stared down at her shoes. Anna didn't understand the way humans chose to display respect, their classes and social protocols. Why did this lovely girl feel the need to lower her eyes, just because she was speaking with someone who owned dresses which were seemingly more expensive than her own? In what way did this make her less of a person? Smiling welcomingly, she took the girl by the chin and lifted her head until their eyes met. "Here," she said simply, holding out her hand, which contained several silver coins (currency, another thing that she didnt quite see the need for). The girl smiled up at her before grabbing the money and running off. Anna was satisfied. The young girl would rush to the small semblance of a home in which she resided, proudly showing off her earnings to her older brother, who'd been taking care of them since their parents had died several years earlier. She'd want to spend it on food for their dog, the last gift their Mother had given to them before her death, but he'd have the sense to save it. When their house burned down the next month, it'd be all they had to help them rebuild the life they'd lost. Anna had no idea how she knew these things, she'd never stopped to ask herself why. It was just how she lived, and she wouldn't have it another way.

The girl long gone, she turned her attention the ever-beautiful malabar which called her attention to the East. It make curious short sounds, perching atop a dull, solitary building. Something was off. Running towards the building, Anna stopped at the door and peeked inside. "A... morgue?" She'd heard of them before, a place of safe keeping for those who've passed on, but had never actually been inside of one. Opening the door a crack, her curious smile gave way to a little 'o'; there were several people inside, and it didn't look as if it was going to well. Anna sensed something different about the young man, something foreign, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it. The feeling left a lingering taste in her mouth, sort of like she'd been sucking on metal. She gagged slightly and looked up at her bird, willing it to be silent. "Now, who could that be?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana
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Reaching the cemetery Morana screamed. Sabirah turned to look behind only to see a water looking monster had grabbed her leg and was holding her in a headlock. Sabirah growled. She knew this was no elemental. She was trained to spot Nexis's weapons. Before she knew it the monster had wrapped around her body as well. She struggled to break free but to no avail. "Grr, Morana! Be still!" She commanded for the girl who was writhing around looking almost like a flailing fish. Sabirah took a deep breath before she began to shift into a moderately sized winged red fox. The fox growled at the creature before it opened its maw and fire burst out. (Get it! Fire fox! Ha!)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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She was about to shift into something a bit more stronger since this water like creature was unafected by fire. She began shifting but stopped suddenly before she shifted into her human form. "What the!" Someone had disabled her magic, and everyone elses as well. The girl showed herself and Sabirah immediately spat out. "Are you mad!" Before gripping the shaft of her sword. She writhed her arm and eventually it was free from the inventions grip. She grunted before swinging her blade down on the arm of the Nexis beast.

Morana on the other hand was being as still as she could be, minus the uncontrollable shaking and chattering of her teeth. She looked over at Koiv and saw her using her magic but everything began to fade. "Wha-What's going on?" She cried out. "Wait! Lucifer!" Of course. Her skull dog had been hiding, in wait for his owner to call him to attack. Lucifer immediately bolted. Magic or no magic, Sabirah looked as if she was going to kill the beast holding her captive. Whereas, Morana just wanted to go home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon Character Portrait: Novus Sil Maokai
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Koiv hissed in anger, as her Zombies disappeared, and she returned to her normal form.

She stumbled into the courtyard where everyone was gathered. "What... Just happened?" She whispered, herself again. She rubbed the wound on her head the Nexis boy had given her, which was now turning her pale hand and skin into a crimson figure. Koiv stared at Sabirah and Morana, before falling.

The ground rushed to meet her, and with a thump, she smacked the Cobble. The last thing she saw was the strange beast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Com Guardia Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Anna Talise Character Portrait: Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon
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Zombies suddenly grab Novus from all side's then fade away. Growling Novus declares "I've had it" The light from his glove encompassing his body. He walks out into the square and notices Chaos. Novus fed up with this lousy assignment decides I'm leaving and I don't care anymore I'm going back and going to relax. The energy in his body accumulates and he says "I'm done Chaos I want to talk with your master." then the energy accumulation releases in a blinding flash in that moment of time Novus takes the opportunity to hastily leave his body strained to its utmost without its limiters on as he sprints out of town collapsing with blood running down from his legs against a large oak tree someways away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Koiv Ogama Character Portrait: Misty Flanders and Genkishi Drakathon
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Sabirah had eventually fled from the battle. Morana following close by, and Koiv in the ex-warriors arms. Sabirah abruptly stops and looked behind her panting a bit from the long run. Morana made it with her two skull dogs following behind her along with Vayu and Karasu. Once she had stopped, immediately her limbs gave way and the girl had fallen on her knees panting like a dog. Lucifer and Socrates both walked over towards her to comfort her before looking over at Sabirah. "I-I think we are safe now..." Sabirah says. Her voice was unsure though.

"Perhaps now we can use our powers." She growls before shifting her gaze to a small pile of leaves. Reciting a small harmless spell in her head, the leaves began to pick up off the ground by ones, then twos, then threes. "Good." She states before carefully setting Koiv down on the ground. Morana spoke up. "Do you think that girl followed?" Sabirah looked in the direction of the small skirmish. "Don't know. If she did good for her." She growls once again. "All she did was cut off the magic..." Morana whimpers. "Yes, but Nexinian experiments and troops don't use magic. With that small little spell of hers, she could have gotten us all killed." Sabirah says calmly but with a bit of anger. She sighs. "Lets just be thankful that we are all alive..."

Morana looks over at the fallen Scythe. "I wonder when Koiv will wake up..." She says innocently. Vayu had climbed onto the girls shoulder and had studied the Scythe as well. A second later a noise could faintly be heard throughout the jungle. "...I think we should keep moving for now..." Sabirah say blandly before lifting koiv up once again and heading out through the brush. Morana groans but follows close behind.


Crow was about to take another handful of his delicious cheese when an ear splitting scream echoes throughout the jungle. Crow immediately hops up onto his feet, eyes darting every which way before resting on the shooting star. His eye brows furrow when he recognized the scream was coming from Kara. He growls and flies off towards the wreckage. When he was inside, it took a moment for him to calculate the sight before him.

Kara resting on the floor, a big whole in her chest and a pool of blood under her. His eyes look around to see another girl unfamiliar to him. She had blood on her hand and instinct told him she was the one who did this. Instinct also told him, she was way to powerful for him to defeat her. He frantically searched around the helicopter. Shadows! Yes Shadows! Maybe he couldn't dive into battle at the start. Maybe he could come up with a few surprise attacks of his own. With out a moment to spare he bolts towards a corner, disapearing in the shadows.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle
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Pandora paced back and forwards angrily, occaisonally slapping the Nexis woman. She eventually came to the conclusion she could just.. Let her go.

She put her hand on Kara's back, and she sort of... Disappeared.

Kara landed with a thump next to Morana. She was still slightly uneasy around the Serakin, and as such, yelped slightly and crawled up against the wall. She stared at the girl and her dogs before looking at everyone frantically. "I'm... Really.." She whispered, her eyes fluttering slightly. She crawled over to Damien, and shook him frantically. She placed her hands on his cheeks, and stared at him. "He... H-He.. Isn't dead.. Is he?" She whispered, looking at Jinny, Astrad, Morana and Crow. "Well? Is he?!" She shouted, worried for him.

Koiv coughed slightly, her eyes fluttering. "S-Sabirah...?" She wheezed. "S-Sabirah.. Listen to me... I'm not... G-Going to make it.. S-So... T-Take care of... M-Morana.. Please.. For me?" She quietly muttered, blood trickling out of her mouth, and her head lolling to the side. Not waiting for whether or not she replied, she spoke her final words. "T-Thank you.. S-Sabirah.."

(( Yo. I'm back, and I'm gonna leave Pandora for a bit. So now I can return to being Kara. ))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Maza Chante Character Portrait: Juniper
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Maza watched as another girl had somehow caught the scent of the plant. This girl was probably a friend of the camp and she would probably guard them until they woke. Maza also noticed that shortly after, she was able to breathe normally. He looked at the girl, he figured that she was a Serakinian since she'd somehow managed to breathe in that air. He was uncertain of her strength, but he was confident enough in his ability that he'd be able to take her.

He turned to Juniper. "Okay, would you like that distraction now. I promise I won't hurt the girl, just get her far enough from the camp for you to scavenge through their things." Maza suggested to Juniper as he continued to crouch down. He unraveled both of his whips from his body and now held one in each hand. He waited for Juniper's approval before turning on the whips.

He had been waiting for a moment like this and although he wouldn't admit it, he was happy that there was at least one person who withstood the scent of Juniper's plants. "So what'll be Miss Juniper?" he asked her with a determined look on his face. Maza was ready to jump back into battle like the mercenary he was. It was in his blood to fight, he awaited Juniper's answer anxiously.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle
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Astrad was taken a bit off guard when Maza appeared waving his whips about in a flashy manner.

"You should stay away from those, they're dangerous" Maza said with no sincerity at all. The ground Maza whipped was burned from the intense heat of the electricity.

"So your the one who is behind this!?" Astrad bellowed at the man menacingly. He didn't like the way he spoke. Sounded crazy and bloodthirsty, definitely not the kind of person Astrad would take a liking too. Also he was pretty brash for arriving in such a theatrical manner. Whoever this man was he was bad news and he would need to be stopped before he hurts anyone. However Astrad wasn't about to snap until he talked about hurting the ones unconscious. Attacking those that can't defend themselves? This guy is a lowlife! Astrad resented, but before he could speak another voice appeared.

"If you want to get to them, you have to go through me first!!!" She shouts out just before she bolts at top speed sword ready to strike the mans flesh.

He couldn't see who it belonged to but obviously they weren't a friend of this man's. Although Astrad is confused of another outsiders' sudden aggression towards Maza he could understand why. Attacking others when they cannot fend for themselves is deplorable. Heh, and this coming from a monster. Astrad thought to himself still glaring at the man. He wasn't sure how far the other person was but he couldn't take any chances. Astrad drew his gun, Nex Mucro, from the holster slung across his back as he rested it on his arm, barrel pointed at Maza. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM YOU BASTARD!" Astrad shouted at the man with the whips.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Maza Chante Character Portrait: Juniper
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Maza had scouted this woman earlier, so he wasn't surprised by her arrival. Maza began to move the battlefield subtly taking steps, so that everyone's back would be turned to Juniper, so she could make her move without being detected.

Maza knew this woman was a Serkanian based on her actions earlier. If he wanted to he could use his other whip to drain some her energy to power up his other whip, however both were currently at full charge since it hadn't been used in a while. Maza had hit a dry spell in the mercenary business, so there wasn't much use for his weapons.

"Back you filthy animal" Maza said as he aimed his first whip at the hand she held the sword with, he discretely turned down the juice, so it wouldn't harm her, it would be just enough sting to loosen her grip on the sword at least if he made it right. He still held the other whip that drains power in his other hand. In order for it to work it'd have to be wrapped around the target. Maza had a good aim from years of experience, but with the girl charging him suddenly he wouldn't have much time to take that shot just yet.

Maza looked to see that a gun was pointed at him. He smiled at the man who yelled at him, almost urging him to take the shot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Maza Chante Character Portrait: Juniper
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"Looks like this one is going to be a challenge" Maza thought to himself as the girl changed from into a blue gryphon. Maza switched his stance to put his left side forward, he then threw back his arm to send the absorption whip sideways, hoping to wrap it around the gryphon's leg. If it attached he could possibly drain the energy from the girl. His whips would be overcharged afterwards, so he'd have to release the energy quickly or his whips would overheat. Maza quickly thought of a plan b if he missed, he would more than likely have to dodge somehow, which wasn't his strong suit, being a big guy. Maza was still aware of the man who held the gun towards him. He kept an eye on him with his peripheral vision.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Maza Chante
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Although Astrad would have liked to blow the man's head off it would be too risky. He has seen what this gun can do as he was forced on how to use it. The effectively told him what it is capable of but he hasn't see it for himself. He remembers however that one shot from down the barrel was enough to obliterate an entire structure. So shooting at a single man would not only obliterate him but probably the others around him. He really didn't want to accidentaly hit the other person who decided to attack Maza. Before he could make another action a gryphon appeared as it shrieked. It is a fearsome creature but he wondered where it came from? Judging by the armor it has upon it, it is obviously somebodies maybe the other warrior's? When stepped towards the right to see past Maza there was no one there. Perhaps the warrior is on the creature? Astrad looked up to see it coming diving towards them but he saw no one guiding it. If he had doubts before about shooting the lengthy gun he certainly couldn't fire it now with the gryphon flying in too close. Astrad tehn turned his attention back to the woods and saw the remaining flowers. Seeing how the man is distracted Astrad holstered Nex Mucro and went to tear away the rest of the flowers. There were a quite a few left but nothing that won't take a lot of time. Astrad began to rip the rest of the flowers out of the ground as one by one there were fewer and fewer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Juniper
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Maza who missed his first strike was now pulling the whip back when the Gryphon came flying down to attack him. He looked to the guy who held the gun to him to see that he was back to removing the plants, so he knew it would be soon when the others would wake up. Maza was a strong mercenary, but he was not a platoon, so he knew he had to act fast. A little bit further in vision he saw Juniper who was now engaged in her own fight.

Maza had two options in his head. The first being use a full powered shot on the gryphon who more than likely couldn't change direction in time since she was coming at full speed. The second was take a long range shot at the guy who Juniper was fighting, hope that the guy she was waking would go along with her, and somehow survive the Gryphon's attack. One day ago Maza would have definitely picked the first option, but he was dedicated to protecting Juniper.

Maza turned his attention away from the Gryphon and turned his striking whip on full charge. A bright blinding light emitted from the whip, so much that it appeared to be made of nothing, but electricity. Maza swung his whip and aimed it at the guy who Juniper was fighting. A bright surge of lightning shot out of the whip and headed towards him. Maza hoped that his shot would not miss as his eyes turned to the Gryphon just in time to see its final seconds in it's charge to attack him. Maza closed his eyes in acceptance of his fate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabirah Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Maza Chante Character Portrait: Juniper
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Astrad finished removing the plants when he turned around he noticed that the man was not killed by the Gryphon instead he was by the cave. Then a shadowy woman seemed to leap from the cave and disappeared overhead. Whoever that was she seemed to be bad news. He could hear Jinny has awoken as she yelled for her gun and another woman saying she didn't know where it was. There seemed to be quite a bit of confusion inside the cave as people were dazed and confused from the flowers as well as the people that attacked them. Still Astrad wasn't sure what to make of all of this. He decided to head back towards the cave when the man with he whips created a bright flash of light. Astrad closed his eyes as he could not see. Astrad growled in frustration. He hated blinding lights, not because they pain his eyes but because his vision is more low-light than others. So when big flashes of light appear it makes it more easier to blind him.

"Jinny!" "Crow!" "Kara!" Astrad shouted towards them hoping to hear they alright.

"Just stay where you are!" Astrad yelled as he tried to move in the direction of the cave.

"Are any of you alright!?" "Yell if you can hear me!" Astrad shouted as he stumbled about.