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Tei Haruki

"I'm sorry..."

0 · 687 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Fukushima High 2.0”, originally authored by FF_Forever, as played by RolePlayGateway


This class is for second years that are in class C.


Image Image

Role: Twin
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: November 23rd
Measurements: Height - 5' 5" Weight - 126 lbs. Breast size - C-32 Hip size - 33 inches
Year and class: 2-C
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Image Appearance Description: Tei has short black hair that she died purple because her sister did the same to match her eyes. Tei's eyes, however, are a dark blue, kind of like the ocean. Her skin is slightly tanned and her face is shaped like an oval.
Personality: Tei hates it when people fight. She also hates it when people fight for her, but as her sister is overprotective of her, it's kind of unstoppable. She is also known to cry very easily.
Story: Tei comes from a perfectly normal family. Well, except her mom ditched her dad when she was pregnant with her and her twin to go live with her new girlfriend. Yes, her mother is a lesbian. Her older brother decided he wasn't okay with this. He raped Tei's twin and ran away when he was 10 and his sisters were still only 8. He went back to dads house and dad got custody over him. She grew up with her twin protecting her at all costs from bullies, boys or anyone who comes across them.

Crush(es): No one. Image
Club(s): Nothing yet.
- Her older brother raped her twin before he ran away because he had a friend who raped his sister so, her brother did it to be 'cool'.
- She's actually a few minutes older than her twin.
Pets: Tei has a white baby bunny rabbit named Ichigo with a long tail.

So begins...

Tei Haruki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Haruki Character Portrait: Tei Haruki
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Rei woke up to her sister shaking her, desperately muttering "Rei, wake up, we're going to be late for school! Rei, please wake up! Oh, I should never have let her sleep so late..."

Rei's eyes fluttered open to see Tei looking at her with what was at first a worried look but was now a look of relief. "Oh, thank goodness, Rei! We're running quite late! I've been trying to wake you up for a while now."

Rei took one lazy look at her clock. "Oh, come on, Tei, it's not that late, it's only 9:04..." She was just about to roll over and shut her eyes again when she really realized what she said.

She sat up straight. "Wait a sec, 9:04?! Holy crap, we are so dead!" Rei glared at her twin sibling. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!"

Tei opened her mouth, but then shut it again. There was a long silence.

Rei sighed. "Okay, never mind that, we're going to be worse than dead if we stay around here arguing, anyway!"

Rei didn't even do her hair or anything, she just brushed her teeth real quick and threw on her uniform and dashed out the door, Tei just a few steps in front of her; She had gotten ready while Rei was snoozing.

Rei ran ahead of her sister, grabbing her hand on the way. "Come on, if we're any more late than we are now, our teacher's going to eat us alive!"

They ran almost half way none stop until Tei collapsed.

"I can't run for much longer," Tei said in between pants.

Rei sighed. "Okay, look, sis. I know you're not the most athletic person out there and running your butt of for just two seconds can make you puff in huge breaths, but right now we need to get to school or we're dead." She yanked Tei to her feet and began to run. "Come on!"

"You've said that at least three times," Tei muttered under her breath.

Once they finally made it to school, Rei said goodbye to her sister (Who, by this point, was clutching her stomach and taking in huge gulps of air while muttering something about needing water) and left for class. Rei speed walked through the halls, ignoring the people who said hello to her. Normally she would say hello back, but now was no time to be doing that. Not that I particularly enjoy talking to people, anyway,

She finally found her way to her classroom. She took a deep breath, and entered, entirely expecting another long, boring day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rei Haruki Character Portrait: Tei Haruki
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Tei awoke to the sound of her alarm clock ringing. She got up, stretched, and looked at the time. 8:17. Oh my, that's not a lot of time to get ready at all!

She looked at her sister sleeping peacefully beside her. I really don't want to wake her up. She looks so cute when she's sleeping! Tei giggled to herself as she imagined the look on Rei's face if she'd heard her say that out loud. I suppose I'll let her sleep in just a little while longer...

Tei brushed her hair and her teeth carefully as to not miss any spots. She put on her uniform and put a small little bow in her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror. Oh, I know I really shouldn't be thinking this, but I love how my hair looks today! She smiled and looked at the time. 8:24. I should probably wake up Rei now so she can have some breakfast!

Tei walked in her and her twin siblings room. She began to shake her lightly. "Rei, it's time to get up! You have some times for breakfast!" Rei didn't do so much as snore lightly and turn in the opposite direction. Oh, I suppose I could let her sleep in just a little longer,

Tei went downstairs and poured some cereal and milk and ate it quickly. She looked at her watch. 8:28... I should really wake up Rei now! She ran back upstairs to her and Rei's room. Alright, this time, I'm going to wake her up!

Tei shook her sister again. "Rei, school's going to start soon, you should get up now," She tried. It didn't work. Tei sighed and turned the light on and off. "Rei, you'll get in huge trouble if you don't wake up now!" Rei didn't budge.

Oh well, I suppose I could at least get out her uniform. Tei went through their closet and couldn't find it. Oh no, where did she put it? Tei looked all around in her closet and found nothing. Maybe she decided to wash it last night! Tei ran downstairs in to the laundry room. She went through every basket there was, but couldn't find it. Oh no, what is she going to do? She can't leave without her school uniform! She started to panic but realized that it had been sitting in the dryer the whole time. Oh, how silly of me not to realize where it was! Tei giggled but gasped sharply as soon as she realized the time. 8:47! Oh no, we're going to be so late!

Quickly, Tei ran into her and her sister's bedroom and began shaking Rei desperately.

"Rei, wake up, it's really late! I understand you're probably in the middle of a fantastic dream, but you need to wake up!" She cried, her voice getting shakier with every word.

She stood there for a few more minutes, shaking her sister, until finally she woke up. Rei stared at her sleepily.

"Oh, thank goodness, Rei! We're running quite late! I've been trying to wake you up for a while now."

Rei took a quick glance at her clock. "Oh, come on, Tei, it's not that late, it's only 9:04..." Rei looked as though she was about to roll over, but then she suddenly sat up.

"Wait a sec, 9:04?! Holy crap, we are so dead!" Rei glared at Tei. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!"

Tei opened her mouth, but then shut it again. She thought that Rei would think she was lying if she told her about the uniform and how she wouldn't get up. There was a long silence.

Rei sighed. "Okay, never mind that, we're going to be worse than dead if we stay around here arguing, anyway!"

While Rei was desperately trying to get ready, Tei took a step outside and got a head start of walking.

Rei ran ahead of her sister, grabbing her hand on the way. "Come on, if we're any more late than we are now, our teacher's going to eat us alive!"

Tei gasped. But I can't run too far for too long, otherwise I start to feel sick!

They ran almost half way none stop until Tei collapsed.

"I can't run for much longer," Tei said in between pants.

Rei sighed. "Okay, look, sis. I know you're not the most athletic person out there and running your butt of for just two seconds can make you puff in huge breaths, but right now we need to get to school or we're dead." She yanked Tei to her feet and began to run. "Come on!"

"You've said that at least three times," Tei muttered under her breath, hoping her sister didn't hear her.

Once they finally made it to school, Tei said goodbye to her sister, clutching her stomach and taking in huge gulps of air while muttering "I should've brought a water bottle. I hope there's a fountain somewhere around here," She walked around and finally found a water fountain. She took small, delicate sips of the water.

"Aah..." she said quietly to herself. "I'm feeling a little better now!"

She walked to class and opened the door. She entered and said as politely as possible "I'm so sorry I'm late." She bowed. "It won't happen again," She took a seat and prepared for another amazing day at Fukushima High.

OOC: I'm sorry, the twins are supposed to be in the same... uh... type-box thing, but I didn't know that, so I accidentally separated them so... yeah... It won't happen again!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyoya Nakazuki Character Portrait: Yuki Hayashi Character Portrait: Kaiko Ishigawa Character Portrait: Taura Tsukino Character Portrait: Kanade Aya Character Portrait: Kiku Satomi
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Yuki Hayashi

Yuki sat alone and began to write down plans for the clubs she was in. Okay. I have to be a good sport and help out. Yuki started off by writing down
Martial Arts Club
at the top of her page and listed some things below it.

~Put up a stand in the next fair with a bunch of facts on Martials Arts
~Have a free teaching session on the weekend with a Martial Arts Master (payed for by us) for fundraising and improving interest in Martial Arts

Yuki suddenly got writer's block for Martial Arts ideas. Her mood was brightening up a little bit. Next thing she wrote was
Swim Team
and listed things below it.

~Do races for fun, and for stamina improvement
~Use swim toys!

Yuki sighed. I can't let Tsukino-san know how childish I can be... Yuki brushed it off and wrote down
Music Club
and listed things below it.

~Music Videos
~Perform a mini-concert at the next fair
~Raise money for improved instruments
~Pay a professional to help with amateurs people who... Need help?

Yuki was afraid that the last part made her sound stuck up. She brushed it off and got a great idea. She wrote,
All groups

~A trip!

Yuki closed her notebook, and checked her watch. The bell will ring in a few minutes. Yuki checked her schedule. Special Gym Event? For... The whole schoole?! Yuki quickly finished eating and made her way inside. She dumped her garbage out and walked around for the remaining minutes she had left when she heard on the announcements,

Good afternoon students! After the bell rings, everyone make their way to the back field. The change rooms may be crowded, so if you want to get a head start before others start piling in, you are free to do so now!

The announcements went off and Yuki decided she should go early. She ran up to her classroom and got a neatly folded gym uniform that was stuffed in there, and made her way out to the back, and into the change room.

Akane Yamada

Akane noticed that a girl, seemingly younger than her, walked towards the edge of the roof and sighed. I don't blame her for not wanting to come near me. Maybe I should just leave her alone... Akane gathered her things and started walking away, and said one last thing before closing the door to the roof. "Sorry for taking your spot." She then shut the door and began walking back down to her own level, and head towards her classroom.

Akane walked in, not caring if anyone was inside or not, headed towards her desk and began eating. When she was done, she pulled out a notebook from her school bag, hanging from the side of her desk and began to doodle using a mechanical pencil from her bag.

Akane was busy doodling, and didn't even notice the time fly by. She heard the announcements,

Good afternoon students! After the bell rings, everyone make their way to the back field. The change rooms may be crowded, so if you want to get a head start before others start piling in, you are free to do so now!

and she packed her things up, pulling out a gym uniform, and started walking outside towards the girls change room. "It would be a good idea to get a head start. Why not?" Akane said to herself as she seen the change room, and came closer to it.

OOC: Hey guys! I'm tagging everyone because some of you seem a little inactive lately... You aren't required to read this post, if you don't want to. But I mentioned Kiku Satomi in this one. Soo, yep. Please keep posting everyone!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Hayashi Character Portrait: Rei Haruki Character Portrait: Tei Haruki
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Rei entered her classroom to find it empty. Where the heck did everyone go? A shiver went down her spine Wait... Did the zombie apocalypse finally happen?!

Rei sprinted through the building until she found a swarm of students all heading in the same direction. Well, almost the same direction. Some were heading towards where the girls change room was and some where heading to where the boys changing room was and some were going to the gym, dressed in their gym outfits.

She tapped on some random girl's shoulder.

"Excuse me, but what is going on?" Fear found it's way into Rei's voice as she added "Are we evacuating from a wave of zombies or something?"

The girl laughed. "No, there's a sport event happening. We were told to change and go to the field." Rei sighed in relief. I really need to stop watching zombie movies... "Why would we be dressing in our gym outfits if we're escaping, anyway?" The girl laughed.

Rei opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. She stormed away, an angry look displayed on her face. Hmph. And what does she know about zombies?

Then again... She did have a point... Rei ignored this thought and ran to the change room.

She entered the change room and found it filled with a bunch of other girls. She looked for Tei to see if the news reached her ears, but couldn't find her.

She quickly got changed and left for the field. Once she got there, Rei desperately tried to find Tei.

"Tei! Tei! TEI!!"

She wasn't paying attention and almost tripped over a girl who had fallen on the bleachers.

Rei gasped and managed to catch herself on yet another girl before she fell. Once Rei had regained her balance, the girl looked at her awkwardly and walked away, muttering something about being disrespectful under her breath.

"Are you okay?" She said to the girl she had tripped on, not sounding the least bit sorry at all.


Tei poked her head in her classroom and found no one there. She gasped. Huh? Where did everyone go? Was today actually a Saturday and I didn't realize it?

Tei walked around the school. She stopped dead once she got to the field. Bunches of people were all sitting around in their gym uniforms, talking.

Tei, too shy to ask what had happened, ran into the change room and got in her gym outfit and ran back to the field. She walked around, confused.

I suppose maybe Rei knows what's going on,

Tei began to search for Rei. Knowing Rei, Tei thought she would think something far out there was happening, like an alien invasion. The thought of Rei having a mini freak out made Tei giggle a little.

She bumped into several people while trying to find her, each time saying "I am so sorry! Are you hurt?" Once she hit the bleachers with her foot and accidentally apologized.

She looked and looked but couldn't find Rei.

Oh well, I might as well sit and wait...

OOC: I'm really sorry, this isn't one of my best posts... Bear with me though, it's late and I'm not thinking straight. >.< Oh, that wasn't meant to be rude!