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Bennett Atkins

"I could ruin your life in an instant."

0 · 1,553 views · located in Miami, Florida

a character in “Fulton University: Rush Week Begins”, as played by Chandz



{"At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.”}
-Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free
[url=songLink]SongName[/url] || [url=songLink]SongName[/url] || [url=songLink]SongName[/url] (You may add more if you wish)


|{Full Name}|
“The name is Bennett. Make sure you remember it because you’ll be screaming it later.”
Bennett Sebastian Atkins


Ben {Typically called by his parents}; Benny {Used mostly by love interests}; Bas or Sebas {Most commonly used by friends}



45% British | 35% Irish | 15% German | 5% Russian






August 10th, 1995



“Success in my only option and the family business has success written all over it.”

International Business



|{Quirks || Oddities || Habits}|
► Bennett is constantly cracking his knuckles ► Often biting his lower lip ► When sitting, Bennett will almost always be seen shaking his right leg up and down. Even when asked to stop, he’ll pick it back up again without realizing. ► Bennett wears a ring on his finger and when nervous, he has the tendency to twist it around on his finger ► Stares off into space often ► When walking, Bennett always unintentionally puts his left hand into a fist while his index finger and his thumb stay point out (as if making a gun with his fingers) ► Sticks his hands in his pockets a lot ► Is always checking his phone ► Has an English accent ► When bored, Bennett will sometimes play with the little curl that can sometimes happen at the front of his head ► Will often run his fingers through his hair ► When he puts on deodorant or sprays cologne, he does it in either 3’s or 7’s ► Always feels the need to shower at least twice a day. You will never run into Bennett smelling bad, and if you do, he probably just left the gym or lacrosse practice.
❤ Golf ❤ Lacrosse ❤ Dancers ❤ Singers ❤ Swimming ❤ His family yacht ❤ Cupcakes with sprinkles ❤ Fruit; oranges, mangos and grapes more specifically ❤ Sleeping in ❤ Hard liquor ❤ Joggers ❤ Caramel ❤ White chocolate ❤ Parties ❤ Making out ❤ Sex ❤ Horror movies ❤ Alternative music ❤ Photography ❤ Girls who play an instrument or sing ❤ People who can laugh at almost everything ❤ Cute laughs ❤ Cuddling
✘ Uptight people ✘ Most types of caffeinated drinks ✘ Racists ✘ Mornings ✘ Cops ✘ His step mother ✘ Country music ✘ Mismatching ✘ Attention seekers ✘ Small cars that aren’t muscle cars ✘ Documentaries ✘ Hippies ✘ Unhygienic people ✘ Reading ✘ Video games ✘ Rap music
|{Greatest Fears}|
♦ Not being considered good enough by his father ♦ Being seen as a failure by anyone ♦ Ending up homeless ♦ Being rejected ♦ Getting mugged ♦ Getting in a car accident

|{Greatest Joys}|
• If there’s anything that could be considered Bennett’s number one joy in life, it would have to be photography. The way that he can capture the beauties of the world around him is a sort of solitude for him. Losing or breaking his camera would be devastating to him. He tells his own story through the lens of his very own camera and without it, he would be nothing. • Sleeping is perhaps next on the list. With his somewhat dysfunctional family always having something to complain about, sleeping was the only way for him to escape it without actually having to go anywhere. • Driving away from his problems was another thing Bennett liked to do. Not having to stay in one place too long was probably what kept Ben sane. He’d just hop in his car and go until his gas tank gave out. He’d drive with no destination in mind, he’d drive to let his mind go free. • Having that close relationship with one person that would be there by his side no matter what went down. He never cared much about whether it was a girlfriend or just a friend, but that one person that he could connect with and pour his heart out to whether at 3 in the afternoon or 3 in the morning was always something that he cherished.

|{Life Philosophy}|
“To be successful you need friends and to be very successful you need enemies.” –Sidney Sheldon, The Other Side of Midnight
“I’ll get by in the world just fine with friends, and if I lose those friends along the way, I’ll get by even better. I don’t need people that are only going to hold me back. My father always taught me that people that leave your life on your way to success are just envious of all you’ve achieved. I’ll be just fine on my own.”



|{Good Personality Traits}|
◘ Assertive ◘ Charismatic ◘ Successful ◘ Poised ◘ Powerful ◘ Loyal ◘ Creative ◘ Logical ◘ Punctual ◘ Playful

|{Bad Personality Traits}|
○ Bold (in a negative way) ○ Dependent ○ Egotistical ○ Flirt ○ Impish ○ Overambitious ○ Reckless ○ Shallow ○ Spoiled ○ Vain
Anyone who is anyone can see that Bennett has lived the silver spoon life from the day he was born. As a matter of fact, if you didn’t know him, there was a chance you’d hear him boast about it anyway. Bennett likes to make it very clear that his lavish lifestyle was something that he was born into and will most likely inherit many years down the line when his father passes. Until then, he’ll simply bask in the life and let others know just how fortunate he is to not have to worry about whether or not he’ll have a meal to eat every day. His ego is just as large as his bank account is, too; which says more than you think. The guy has never had to work hard for anything that he’s ever had. All he had to do was ask, and he did, often. Although, the possibly says more of his parents then it does of him but regardless his dependency on his father and his money will one day bite him in the ass without him ever realizing it was coming. Living the part of a spoiled brat was something Bennett did very well too. The boy was a talker, in the sense that if something exciting happened on his big yacht last weekend, it wouldn’t be long before the story was all around school. As a matter of fact, Bennett was usually the type to get the story started himself – pretty hypocritical being that he hates attention seeking. But in his own words, “I’m not seeking the attention, the attention is what seeks me.” Either way, the ego on this one is far larger than anything anyone’s ever seen before.

Just because Bennett is vainer than any one person could imagine, it doesn’t mean that he’s all bad. Bennett is actually fairly charming in the way he goes about making friends. He’s very easily approachable but often doesn’t get approached because most are intimated by his stature. He’s not the type of guy to go chasing what won’t chase him though and perhaps that be a flaw of his but Bennett lives strictly by a few rules; 1) Don’t fall in love. It never ends well. The things that you love in life are just going to leave in one way or another. They will leave you behind and their absence will grow heavy on your soul so much that you’ll end up hurting more while they’re gone. Don’t bother falling in love because it’s all just a silly rouse anyway. 2) Don’t chase what won’t chase you. There’s no sense in going after someone that is so willing to walk out of your life without so much of an attempt to stay. Don’t make the effort on someone who make the effort on you. 3) Don’t set yourself up for failure. You know exactly what the outcome of it is going to be so why waste your time? Do what you can and if you can’t do what you want, find a way around it. Don’t be a failure. Don’t. Be. A. Fucking. Failure. 4) Always watch your own back. Don’t trust that other people are going to be there watching it for you because everyone has their own demons to fight off so don’t expect people to be there for you. Similarly don’t promise others that you’ll be there for them when you know very well that you won’t be. Which bring us to Bennett’s final rule; 5) Don’t make promises you can’t keep. As a matter of fact, don’t bother making promises at all because you know that promises are just meant to be broken.

Bennett may be vain, and he may be egotistical but if you take out the exterior shell of the silver spoon life, he’s basically just a boy that’s looking to fit in in a world that makes it hard to find a place. He’s a boy that will sit on a park bench with you at 4 in the morning when the rest of the world is asleep and you can’t figure out what’s wrong in your own life. He’ll tell you how about how the stars can only shine in the dark and sometimes we have to go into the dark to make ourselves shine. Bennett can light up your soul with words he’ll never realize mean so much. So often he puts the needs and wants of his father ahead of his own wants and needs and he’s overshadowed by the demanding man back home. It’s never truly his intention to break down other people but by the way he’s been raised, he sees kindness as a weakness and doesn’t often react well to it. He’ll always refuse being the good guy, the nice guy. He’d rather be seen as a threat because that way people wouldn’t get too close – they wouldn’t get his hopes up with the thought that someone actually cares about him. He’d rather keep a distance because it’s easier to walk away from something that was never there than it is to walk away from something that’s been embedded in your soul.

Something Bennett has always struggled with was trusting other people. When his mother walked out on him and his father, he knew then that no one could be trusted – not even his own mother loved him enough to stay so how could anyone else? Bennett struggles with trusting himself as well. He’s often torn between making decisions based on what his father wants and making decisions based on what he wants. Life is about growing up and creating something out of yourself – Bennett fears that he’s being created by someone else for themselves because more times than most, he doesn’t feel like himself.



At young age of 25, Colleen Muster worked a job as a waitress in a small bistro in the middle of the Manhattan. She lived in a small apartment above a smelly restaurant in China Town and worked 12 hour shifts everyday with the exception of Wednesdays. Never in her life did she think that all that work would pay off and be the cause of her meeting who she could have very well assumed to be the love of her life.

James Atkins, at the ripe age of 27, had already inherited a fortune from his grandfather Sebastian Atkins Senior. His father, Sebastian Atkins Jr., was a big shot lawyer that had inherited a fortune from his father and his father before him. James was next in line for the family business. Yet the money in his wallet didn’t cloud his vision when he stepped inside the small bistro on a Saturday night on a business meeting and was waited on by none other than a gorgeous waitress who introduced herself as Colleen. Almost instantly there was a spark; a phone call and a few dates later ended with a pregnant Colleen and a shot gun wedding that was disguised as a secret love affair that no one knew about. Nine months later, young Bennett Sebastian Atkins came into the world.

The thing about a forced shot gun wedding though, is that love may or may not be in the equation once the lust has subsided. The problem with Colleen and James was that love hadn’t stayed around much longer after the birth of their second son, Logan James, who is only 5 years younger than Bennett. Just six years into the marriage and it was already over. With a large custody battle in the works and a lot of fighting between Colleen and James, the family was quickly being torn apart. The couple tried to stay together for as long as they could – they called off the divorce and put up with each other for 4 more years then once again, not so peacefully, divorced for good. The custody battle was probably the ugliest thing out of the entire divorce – James had full custody of Bennett while Colleen had full custody of Logan, neither were permitted for visitation. And just like that, an entire family had been split up – all at the age of 9 for Bennett. Very quickly did he start putting the blame on himself – which resulted in a hatred for his mother. Soon after, James remarried a woman he fell deeply for but who Bennett is convinced only married his father because of his money. He and step mother don’t get along very well and he’s sure it’s because she’s tried to take the place of a mother he never really had.

The hatred for his absent mother set on with his step mother as she tried to persuade Bennett that she was all the mother he’ll ever need. He quickly pulled away from his family and resorted to the seclusion of his emotions. Although, now that he was the only son of James Atkins, he would now be forced to live the lifestyle his father wanted. Being brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth wasn’t enough and James wanted his son, Bennett, to follow in his footsteps without making the same mistakes he made in his early years. That was a lot to pressure to put on the boy but nothing less was expected of Bennett and therefore he was sent away to private school after private school until finally it was time for college – which is where he is now at FU.


|{Thoughts on Greek Life}|
”Thoughts on Greek life? Don’t you mean life in general? You’re living if you’re not reppin’ Beta Gamma. Step your game up.”
It’s really the only place that Bennett has ever felt like he truly belongs and maybe that’s because everyone that’s part of his house and his sister house lives the same life he does. They’re all cookie cutters and for some reason that doesn’t bother him as much as it would bother most. He likes to think that these people have his back even when he doesn’t want to believe that people are helpful to others. Nonetheless, his brotherhood is considered family to him.
|{Plans for After College}|
”I’ve had my life planned out for me since before I was born. I don’t even have to think about it anymore.”
Bennett’s had his name on a desk plaque waiting for him since the day he turned 10. From the very word he spoke being ‘No’ to the very first lie he told, to the very first argument he won against his parents, it’s been settled that he’d be a lawyer. Bennett didn’t really have a choice in the matter when picking out schools though and the only reason he agreed to it was to get his father off his back. After college, Bennett is going to work for his Great-Grandfathers law firm – Atkins & Sons – and will be one day taking over for his father.


6’2 | Athletic and Chiseled

|{Hair & Eye color}|
His hair is a light chestnut color while his eyes can often vary from a sharp green to a soft blue or blueish gray.
|{Distinguishing marks}|
On Bennett’s right leg, he has a medium sized tattoo of a watercolor lion to signify his zodian sign – leo. On the inside of his left forearm, he has a small, all black tree tattoo

If there’s anything that Bennett likes most, it’s matching articles of clothing. And as a matter of fact, it’s a big pet peeve when people don’t match in his presence. And although Bennett comes from a wealthy family, he’s never seen the need to go over the top with his attire. He likes to keep things simple. Bennett can be seen in something as casual as this or this to as dressed down as sweats and t-shirt, or dressed up as if going to a cocktail in this but that would only be on a special occasion. He doesn’t go over the top unless he has to go to some sort of event with his father or for school but will otherwise keep things very casual. He likes to dress nicely but Bennett hates having to put on a suit and tie if he’s just going out to a night on the town.


|{Face Claim}
Daniel Sharman
|{Dialogue Color}|

So begins...

Bennett Atkins's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Marcus Vanderbilt Character Portrait: Zoey Brady
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0.00 INK

The campus was alive with excitement, anxiety, nerves, and anticipation. A new school year had begun the second students began moving back onto campus, but now, it finally seemed to hit them. For some, it was their final year at the beloved Fulton University, one of the top universities in the country. For others, it was their first year. Either way, there was a sort of buzz all around campus, a tingle each and every student felt as they greeted this year of opportunities and adventure. And what better way to start it all off than with the one thing on everybody's mind - Rush Week. Granted, these would only be the preliminary rounds, but who knows what could happen on the very first day...

As the track slowly moved to its conclusion and after receiving a nod from one of her favorite radio partners, Naomi officially turned the dial for the sound down, speaking into her microphone clearly with her ever present and rich British lilt. "That was 2 On by Tinashe, the best song of Summer 2014. You heard it here at Fulton U Hot 103.4." Ronnie, or Ronald when he was in their political science class with Dr. Skarsgaard who truly did not care for pleasantries or students, much less, grinned at her making a face at him for pressing one of the controls, which caused a squelching sound appear just after she finished her sentence. He played too much sometimes and she had half the mind to reach over the table of controls that separated them just to swat him on the head, but opted against it. She had to go soon anyway. She rolled her eyes at him before continuing, "This is your girl Nomi, NomiIzMe, and I'm about to turn everything over to my co-host, RonnieB. Don't get forget to holla at your girl at the beautiful Zeta Nu Delta House stand at the 2014 Fulton University Activities Fair. Hope to see you all there." With a mock salute and her favorite mix of India Arie and a beat from DJ Mustard, Naomi spelled her own exit and turned everything over to Ronnie, nodding to him as she set down her headset before exiting the large recording area.

Once outside in the busy hallway, she hoisted her bag over her shoulder and made her way through the crowd, the gold of her Zeta Nu Delta custom-made bracelet catching a glint from the sun, which peeked in through the barely closed blinds of one of the hallway windows. Smirking to herself as she saw a few noticeable freshmen males whispering to themselves and glancing over at her, she twirled a few strands of hair with her pointer finger, shooting them a sultry grin accompanied by a wink before turning the corner. The move was harmless and judging by an exclamation followed by a quiet roar of excitement from where they had, it had the desired effect. She didn't mess around with freshmen guys and never would, but it definitely was fun toying with them. Not that she would ever lead them on or anything of that nature, but flirting was harmless. Besides, she wouldn't be a true Zeta if she didn't have a bit of a flirt in her. A more genuine smile flitted across her face at the thought of her girls and without hesitation, Naomi whipped out her phone to text them just as she pulled into one of the many bathrooms on the first floor to simply check on her image.

To: Zoey, Amelia, Sierra
Omw 2 the booth. 1 of u better b there

Naomi wasn't particularly worried about any of the girls showing up late, she decided, as the text was sent. She had already specified that one of the other sophomores would set up with some of the baked goods Naomi had made the night before. She slid her phone into her back pocket before primping her hair. She had chosen one of her more fun outfits for the day. It was eye-catching enough to remind everyone that she was a fashionable woman, but simple enough to not do too much in. Naomi could be a lot of things, but she wasn't that much of a show-off. Besides, that tomboyish edge was her thing and she always had to make sure it was on point. After reapplying the natural-looking shade of pink lip gloss on her lips and that her hair was still on point, she gave herself one more appraisal before leaving the bathroom and heading out to one of the larger grassy areas of Fulton University, where the Activities Fair was to take place. Every year, the location changed and she actually preferred the area they chose for this year. It was spacious and open, and left room for some of the campus' more physically active organizations to show off. It was like a tame Zeta/Sigma party, except without the booze and heavy grinding. Just a paid DJ and everyone weaning out their favorites.

Once outside, it didn't take her long to get to her booth, which was closer to the Sigma table. She frowned a bit when she didn't see Miles yet and decided to find her favorite Sigma, setting her bag down beside her chosen chair and taking a seat. Folding one smooth leg over the other, she grinned at the Zeta who had watched the table in her absence before pulling out her phone to text Miles and her other best friend.

To: Miles
Slacking on your pres duties?

To: Sam
U better not b sleep


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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0.00 INK


The Beta members were filing out of the fraternity house like a moving crew. Instead of carrying their luggage into the house, as they had done days earlier, today they were hauling out their Activities Fair equipment. Along with the expected items with information on the fraternity, the boys were carrying grills and coolers filled with steaks, burgers and hot dogs. The Beta Gamma Omega name spoke for itself, but the extra incentive of some good food couldn't hurt their prospective of nabbing the most promising freshman guys. Besides, anyone who knew Jack knew that he'd never pass up an opportunity for some good barbecuing.

Jack stood outside the front door of the Beta house, clipboard in hand, as he made sure everything was in order for the event. The clipboard was more for the show than it was for any real organizational reason, but he did check off every section of his "needed supplies" list as he watched them being carried out by Betas. "Phillips, there better not be any alcoholic shit in that cooler," he commented as one of the sophomores stepped past him. The slight frown and sudden about-face made Jack shake his head. "Let's keep it classy today, men. We're looking to attract Beta material - not the trash we leave for the Sigmas." He gave a mock salute to a few more passing guys who were lugging out tables and grills, and then glanced down at his list. Everything seemed to be taken care of. Today was guaranteed to be a success.

"Disney, make sure those get set up next to the Zetas. We don't want the smoke blowing on our Alpha ladies," he said with a smirk as Antonio and a couple of others began to carry out some of the grills. He hadn't seen Naomi yet this week and what better way to welcome her back than by reminding her that his fraternity topped her sorority any day? Of course, he also expected, and admittedly enjoyed getting a reaction from her. Their public relationship wasn't nearly as intimate as it was in the bedroom, but it was almost equally as passionate. Just in a different, less-than-friendly way.

Jack grabbed a water bottle from a passing box and emptied it in a matter of seconds. "Don't let any of these rookies burn that before I get down there, Atkins," Jack said light-heartedly as Bennett moved by with a cooler filled with meat. Just as he had with Antonio, Jack saw a lot of his own qualities in Bennett and had developed a stronger bond with him than some of the other younger Betas. As President, he knew that he had to essentially be a "Big Brother" to all of the younger guys, but some of them were easier to connect with than others. "And you make sure Elysia knows that's top-of-the-line organic steak too. Mom and Pop Reynolds don't skimp when it comes to funding Beta events."

When the last of the Betas had exited the house, Jack followed the group towards the center of campus where the event was being set up. He was pleased with how everything was looking. As he hoped and expected, the Betas were going to dominate the fraternity scene. It wasn't like there could be much competition anyway. The Kappas were just as exciting as watching paint dry and while Jack had respect for Miles, the Sigmas weren't even comparable to the Betas. Sorority wise, Jack planned on heading to the Alpha stand, but first, he needed to make sure that he could get a rise out of the Zetas.

"Looks good, guys," he commented as he toured the area that the Betas had set up their booth and grills in. As directed, it was stationed nearly on top of the Zetas. With a satisfied smile, he stepped towards the stand that Naomi, Zoey and one or two of the other Zetas sat behind. "For someone who's supposed to be a decent cook, I'm disappointed to see that this is all you could come up with, Malone," he said, shaking his head as he helped himself to a cookie from their table. There was no question that Naomi could cook, and Jack knew it first hand. Although their relationship was usually only sexual, they did occasionally hang out on the down low. Some time last year, there had been a larger-than-normal Sigma party that left the Beta house empty for a few hours. The two definitely spent some time in the bedroom but was probably even more memorable was the food she had whipped up after. He was still convinced that he was more savvy in the kitchen, but the night certainly solidified the attraction he sometimes hated having for her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins
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0.00 INK


Jack smirked as Naomi fired back a few insults of her own. He tried to pinpoint what it was about her that turned him on. Could it have been the accent? The attitude, maybe? He did appreciate anyone with confidence. However, it wasn't like Elysia turned him on this way, or even Grace. Something had to be different about this girl to have such an impact on him and it was getting to a point where he needed to figure out what his feelings for her really were, and where they came from. "You're telling me that isn't what this is?" he questioned, returning to reality as he tossed the bitten cookie back onto the plate as she referenced icing covered cardboard.

He straightened up as she stepped around the table and in front of him, and he didn't do a good job at hiding his look-over of her as well. It was brazen, but as far as his Beta brothers knew, Jack was just over here to remind Naomi of her place and stir the pot a bit. That was all they needed to know, too. At her request for him to move, he put his hands up in a surrendering motion and took a few steps back towards the Betas. "Alright, alright. But hey, if you ladies want any Beta meat, just shout my name," he smirked. He was going to leave them with the innuendo, but couldn't help himself but to add in one more comment. "Or better yet, scream it. Zoey, you'll show 'em how to do it, right?" He hadn't acknowledged his fellow senior before, but gave her a cheeky grin and wink before making his exit.

The Activities Fair welcomed organizations from all across campus but judging by the stands set up, it might as well have just been a Greek fair. None of the other booths were comparable to the over-done displays that the fraternities and sororities sat behind. Not like Jack was complaining though, because between the Betas superb grilling skills and the picture-perfect look the Alphas had going on, the brother-sister houses were destined to dominate again this year. Any rusher that they wanted would be theirs by the end of the week. That was something that he was sure of, and something he knew Elysia was sure of too. He spotted the blonde seated in front of the Alpha table looking nothing short as perfect as she instructed her girls to complete the finishing touches to their area.

What surprised him wasn't the massive cake set beside her, or the matching outfits the girls wore. He was more shocked to see that neither Grace nor Emerson were seated at the table yet too. Emerson's absensce was peculiar for the obvious reason of her being a senior Alpha and more so, Elysia's current girlfriend. Grace could very well have been still at the house finishing some task Elysia had set for her. It wouldn't have been too surprising, considering that the president tended to be harsh on the junior, but he would have expected Elysia to want the whole gang to be there by the time the fair started. If nothing else, Grace was unarguably a good representation of the Alphas aesthetically speaking.

He knew that he should properly greet Elysia but decided to wait a while. Even if she looked calm and collected, the perfectionist inside of her was probably stressing about making sure that everything was on-point, and he didn't want to get in the way. Plus, he kind of wanted to wait for Grace to show up. Maybe he'd get lucky and would start the year off with her with the same connection he felt for Naomi. That would make things a lot easier, to say the least.

"Dan, how's the food looking?" he called out to the junior Beta who he hoped was monitoring the younger guys manning the grills. As he waited for a response, he took a seat in front of the Beta table and examined a stack of pamphlets that one of the guys had set down on the end of it. He had to admit, they looked pretty good. It outlined all of the recognition that the Betas had received for their service work, the many notable Beta alumni who had gone on to become majorly successful, and many of the other boast-worthy points of being a Beta.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
{|| o u t f i t || h a i r s t y l e || }

Antonio was not an early riser. In fact, he preferred to sleep in, basking in the comfort of his blanket. However, it wasn't even ten before the sound of fists beating on doors, feet running up and down stairs, and a flurry of swears filled the halls of the Beta Gamma Omega fraternity house. Antonio sighed and dragged himself out of bed before his roommate had, reaching the shower first. Always the polite one, he didn't spend any more than twenty minutes with his bathing. He didn't even bother styling his hair that much, just running his fingers through it and using some gel to keep the spikes in place. He had shaved the night before so he wouldn't have to worry about it today, exiting the shared bathroom quickly for his roommate.

“S'all you, man!” He gave the other sophomore a pat on the back and waited until the door had been closed before he dropped his towel and began to work his way into his clothes. He was normally seen around campus looking dressy, a fan of button downs, vests, and a good pair of non pleated dress pants. However, he stuck with a pair of straight fit jeans, a blank tank top, and a black and red plaid button down over that. Just because he was looking to recruit dudes today didn't mean that he couldn't talk to some ladies. He slipped his beanie onto his head, letting some of his spikes peek out from under the front, and sprayed some of his favorite Antonio Banderas brand of cologne on before heading out.

He was downstairs and in the kitchen in an instant, needing only his phone, snatching a muffin out of Jason Phillips' hand and quickly dodged a punch aimed for his ribs. “Oh! Gotta be faster than that!” His Hispanic accent was thick as he laughed his way to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of coconut milk, gulping it down as though it were the elixir of everlasting life. Everyone in his fraternity knew that he had a serious problem, never going any longer than an hour without having at least a sip of the stuff. He couldn't help it though; His mother was always introducing him to new foods and coconut milk had been his favorite drink since he was five years old.

He finished his drink quickly before putting himself to work helping the others get ready to put together their booth. He was excited for his first Rush Week as an actual member rather than a pledge.

He was tasked by Jack to help carry out the grills and make sure that they were set up near the Zetas. He smirked and gave a light nod. “You got it, jefe!” He turned towards the others and motioned for them to follow him as they began filing out. “You heard the man! Let's go see how long it takes Naomi to pop a vein.” He laughed with his fellow brothers as they continued on, spotting their site eventually. Just as Jack had asked, he guided the grill-bearers right next to the Zeta booth. He glanced over to see a number of Alpha girls fixing their hair and setting up their goods. As he was not one of the guys tasked to barbecuing, he gave Jack a wave while his President bickered with Naomi, taking himself over to the Alpha booth. He basked in the immediate smiles and waves but took to standing in front of Elysia. “You said you had something for me...?”

He had gotten a text on the way there, Elysia telling him to come and see her. He watched curiously as she reached under the Alpha's table and pulled out a gift box wrapped in their colors. His brow shot up as he took it, quite gingerly, and inspected it. “Calm down, Disney. It's not a prank. Just open it,” she huffed. Antonio gave her a long stare before opening it, balking at what was within. “Is this the new Canon?!” It was a rhetorical question, as he knew that it was. “These aren't supposed to hit the shelves until next year! How did you...?” He gave her an incredulous look as he dropped the box but held onto the camera. Elysia was clearly irritated by him simply dropping the box, shown in her eyes rolling as she picked it back up and put it back under the table. “My uncle got it from his photographer who has it because... He's Marc Jasal. ”

Okay. That sort of explained things. “Okay... So, why give it to me?”

Elysia gave a light smirk and nodded towards Naomi, her voice lifting in an obvious move so that the Zeta President would hear her. “Because I want the pictures to look absolutely perfect while you document Naomi's disappointment as we – again – rock the Rush Week.” Antonio gave a laugh at this, with Elysia not at her, and gave a nod. “Alright, I can do that.” He checked to make sure that an SD card was already in place and Elysia tapped his shoulder as he stood.

“Also, don't forget to get shots of us,” she said as she motioned to her and the other lovely ladies behind her. Antonio gave a nod of affirmation before taking a few steps back. “Alright, let's break it in! Get together, ladies! Big smiles!” He waited until the had all gathered, forming two lines on either side of their booth, all of them striking comically outrageous poses. Once he'd taken the picture, they all dissolved into laughter. “We'll catch a serious photo later, when every Alpha is here. But... For now.”

Antonio watched as Elysia motioned for two more tables to be brought in and he couldn't help but to balk some. When Elysia and Naomi competed, they really competed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins
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0.00 INK


Naomi had to roll her eyes as Jack left because, as usual, he just had to have the last word. "Prick," she found herself grumbling as she found herself much too focused on the back of his head, but it was loud enough for Zoey to hear. A few of the other Zetas told her they were going back to the house to get other things and Naomi smiled them off, twirling a few curls in her fingers. She had just reached over to snatch up the half-eaten cookie Jack had placed back down on their table when her phone pinged at receiving a text. Tossing the soiled food away, she pulled her phone out and smirked at the text from Miles, rolling her eyes. "I'm beginning to think it's a Sigma thing, being late and all," she told Zoey just as two girls who were obviously freshmen came over.

"Hi, I'm Danielle. And that's Katy. You're from the radio, right?" The redhead said and her blonde friend waved, taking in the assortment of foods, which had actually warranted them getting an extra table. "Yep, NomiIzMe, but you can call me Naomi. I'm the president of the beautiful Zetas of Zeta Nu Delta." The girls beamed down at Naomi's warm smile, which was definitely brighter than the earlier reserved smirk of contempt she had reserved for Jack when they were in public. It was brighter and friendly, a mix of sweetness concealing devilish intent and a bit of the Zeta signature. 'Cool, my sister was a Zeta. Class of 2008." Danielle exclaimed and Naomi nodded with a brighter smile. "Then that already makes you an honorary little sister. Before you eat anything, you both have to do one Jell-O-shot and post a pic of yourselves with at least one Zeta on all of your social media sites." Naomi had purposefully chosen their entrees as items to party in. This wasn't a tea party, this was an Activities Fair. There would be something from every sorority and there was also a big party afterwards. She wasn't trying to be unfair and disallow the freshmen from experiencing the wholeness of their Rush Week. The two girls gave each other an excited look before each taking a shot, which Naomi was quick to replace, and downing it at the same time. The Zeta booth roared with excitement and to her surprise, Danielle had been the first to whip out her phone and posed somewhat over the booth with Naomi and her friend. Grinning, Naomi smooched the redhead's cheek, already liking her. "Don't forget to check out all the other booths. And don't forget about us for Saturday night." While there was a rivalry between all of the Greek organizations, Naomi made it a point for every freshman to check out all of the booths. Not because she was trying to win brownie points or a good Samaritan award, but because it was fair. A guy might find he likes partying just as much as every other Sigma, but felt more at home with people who were as studious him, like with the Kappas. Why should anyone force their sorority on someone without giving them a chance to look at all their options?

She still needed to work out the logistics with Miles, but she had plans for Saturday for both the Sigmas and the Zetas and it was to be off campus. No huge dinner party or spa date like the Alphas typically threw, or some guys' night like the Betas, but definitely something fun. She was in the middle of texting one of her girls when she heard a familiar voice. ”Want to kill me now or would you like to wait for after the fair?” Her smile was wide and toothy and Naomi rushed from her side of the booth to throw herself at the Sigma president, arms wrapped tightly around him despite seeing him just a few days ago and her feet leaving the ground for only a few seconds. She giggled a bit before pulling away, grinning up at Miles as she replied, "If I kill you, who else is gonna give me piggy back rides, love?" She added a wink for good measure before seeing her second favorite sorority booth being set up, and glanced back at Zoey and Miles. "Be right back."

On her way, she had glanced back over at Elysia to see the Alphas adding more tables to their side and had to smile, a giggle bursting past her lips. Elysia didn't really think this was a banquet, right? It was nearly 94 degrees outside, she had her girls out in blazers and ridiculously high heels, and they were set up like they were having a luncheon with the first lady of Fulton U? Who the hell did the Alpha president think she needed to impress? Obama? She shook her head and when she met Elysia's gaze, she offered the Alpha president a mock salute. For a second, she paused by the Betas tent before reaching over the booth and pulling a water bottle out of one of the coolers. A sophomore Beta was quick to complain, but she shot him a look before glancing at Phillips and Jack and said sweetly, "Thanks, boys. Hi, Benny," with the last part being directed at Bennett. Not sparing Jack another glance, Naomi waltzed over to the Theta booth, hips swaying in their naturally entrancing way as if on a rhythm that only she could feel. She glanced at her phone again when it alerted her to another text and hurried to send a quick response just as she reached the Thetas.

To: Karma
Np :D Ur perfect n ur gonna do fine. Just check out evry 1. They're gonna luv u

"Well, if it isn't my second favorite group of ladies," she exclaimed upon her arrival, making sure to smile especially brightly for Poppy. A fellow Junior, Lianne, gave her a mock look of contempt. Lianne and Naomi had connected freshman year and while they weren't besties, like with Poppy, the two were still extremely close and seemed to always joke with each other. Lianne had been perfect from day one; she was the current student body president, captain of the volleyball team Naomi played on, and a political science major with dreams of someday joining the UN. And with the same amount of sass that defined Naomi. "You're still a traitor." Naomi only preened. "And you still love me, traitor and all," she replied smartly and though the brunette rolled her eyes, she hugged the Zeta anyway and the others, particularly Giselle who also offered a wink, waved and greeted her. Finally, Naomi's gaze specifically on Poppy, whom she was quick to hug. "I couldn't go the day without hugging my favorite Theta, now could I?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz

{Outfit || Hair}

Behind him the courtyard started to fill up with more former students and even more new students. The alumni have all started taking their places at their proper booths. The Alphas were setting up their booth, as well as the Betas and the Kappas. The houses were one by one lining their tables up and decorating their station to capture the attention of those they hoped seemed fit enough to be introduced to the world of Greek life. Miles one second had a girl around his neck and then the second after she was gone. That was Naomi for you though – thought Miles – the girl was a difficult one to hold onto and not many people did. It’s amazing that Miles and Naomi are such good friends in the first place. The two, at first glance, wouldn’t seem like the type of people to be friends, but in reality Naomi and Miles were the closest of friends one could imagine. As Naomi excused herself, Miles leaned over on the Zeta booth and dropped his face into his hands and groaned loudly, brushing his hands into his air and then looking back up and the girls at the booth. The girl that had been wrapped around his neck was saying hi to some sophomore who waved and smiled at her, as she continued to the Alphas table. Miles smiled at Zoey, who seconds after asked for anything to spike her virgin Jello-O shot. Miles chuckled to himself and stood straight up. “To be entirely honest, I might.” Miles pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a missed text from Kyle, who was now on his way to the booth. Miles rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back in his pocket. “I swear one of these days, I’m going to strangle him,” he said, more to himself rather than to anyone in particular, in reference to Kyle and his tardiness.

The Sigma booth was already set up and that’s probably because of the sophomores that always tried so hard to kiss ass to the seniors in the house. Miles nodded over to Zoey to follow him over to his booth. The Sigma President pulled his flyers out of his bag and set them down on the table in front of him. He had blue flyers with information about the Sigmas and what the fraternity was all about, the yellow flyers were advertisements in hopes to get some new freshman to sign up. He lined them up at the corners of the table to also hold down the tablecloth just in case a beach breeze blew by. In the middle of the table were a few clipboards with signup sheets. The booth was set up as a table, with a wooden stand above the table. Painted in blue and yellow across the painted white wooden plaque were the Greek letters for Sigma Chi Delta, ΣΧΔ, with the words Sigma Chi Delta underneath each letter, painted in blue, outlined in yellow. Against the two poles that held up the wooden slate above the table, was a black poster with pictures of events from the past and accomplishments of the house.

The table was nicely presented, it wasn’t anything exaggerated or over the top but it was nicely set up enough to grab someone’s attention. Along the side of the table were coolers with drinks in it, whether or not the drinks were alcoholic was nothing something that Miles would readily admit to but they didn’t hold the appearance of alcoholic drinks, and that’s all he would say on the matter. Miles also had a few of the bottles and cans spread across the table. One would be very well aware of which house this was when they walked by.

Miles propped his bag on his leg and pulled out a small bottle, he dropped his bag to the floor and tossed the bottle into Zoey’s hands. “Go wild girl.” Miles let his eyes wander around and he could see Kyle jogging in his direction. Miles was just about ready to rip him a new one but figured it’d be best for publicity if he did that else where, but he’d make sure that Kyle heard what Miles had to say. “Nice of you to join us, pal.” Miles sarcastically spit towards Kyle as he approached the table. “I’m going to go ahead and take it that you didn’t put any of this together? Looks fine but we could’ve done better, don’t you think?” Miles stepped around to the front of the table and looked at the table that was supposed to represent his fraternity. He had two hands on his hips and he simply sighed when looking at the booth. He shook his head, as if to say whatever and turned around to look back out at the courtyard. With his hands crossed now in front of his chest, he saw his ex girlfriend making her entrance to the courtyard and he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He rolled his eyes and she made her way to her new girlfriend, Elysia. Miles was visibly upset about the two being together, and would rarely crack a smile when the girls were together.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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The amount of guys that stopped at the Beta table stressed Jack's belief that their house had no competition when it came to rushing interest. Every guy wanted to be a Beta, but since only some could actually make the cut, the rest were left to choose between the second-choice options of Sigma and Kappa. The thing about the Beta Gamma Omega house, as Jack believed, was that you could get the best of both worlds in it. Most of the guys were smart enough to pass their classes, and could definitely have a good time at parties. Maybe they weren't all valedictorians like the Kappas or drink until you pass out party animals like the Sigmas, but they could enter both realms when they wanted to. Jack was convinced, at least from his own experience, that Beta was the house that every guy wanted to join.

He spoke to as many of the rushers as he could, although only a few of them struck his attention as being potential Betas. He liked to think that he wasn't nearly as judgmental or critical as Elysia could be, but as he conversed with the freshman, he had his own list of criticism piling up.

You think we want someone like you representing our house? Buy some Proactiv and then come talk to me.

Lose the Bieber haircut, dude. This isn't 2009.

Weak handshake.

Too timid.

What the fuck kind of name is Ulysses?

The first definite no came after Naomi stole a water bottle out of one of their coolers and strutted past them. "Hey, someone should let her know that it's water and not vodka in there!" Jack called out after her. She didn't turn around or offer a response, but his eyes lingered on her moving form until she disappeared into the crowd. His attention was only directed back at three of the boys standing in front of him when the tallest of the three spoke to the other two.

"You hear that accent? Banging a foreign girl is on my college bucket list." Had it been said about anyone other than Naomi, Jack probably would have chuckled and thought well of the boy. He made an effort to act unaffected by the remark, but he had already decided this kid had zero chance of becoming a Beta.

Pretending not to have heard the comment, he continued his conversation with the three about the Beta house and charity work they did, before offering each of them a handshake again. Before they departed, he addressed the tall one. "What was your name again?"

He seemed to interpret the question in a positive way, as if he had maybe stuck out as being a likely candidate for the house and beamed with pride. "Kevin Sawyer."

"Alright, cool. Thanks for stopping by, guys. Make sure you grab some food, too."

After making a mental note to personally reject Kevin Sawyer later that week, he switched places with one of the other senior Betas who had been working a grill. Jack enjoyed cooking a lot, and grilling was his specialty. No matter how small the occasion was, he would fire up the grill outside the Beta house and cook steaks. It was a ritual for him to do it every night before a big exam and although he sometimes got slack for some of the fancier things he would cook inside, no one seemed to complain about his borderline obsession with barbecuing.

He was in his zone as he examined each piece of meat on his grill, occasionally calling over a sophomore to take the plates of finished foods over to the table they had set up. When he spotted Antonio returning to their booth, he waved him over. "Disney, would you do me a favor? We need some Alpha girls over here to, you know, brighten things up," he grinned. "Tell Elysia we want Grace, Natalie, that blonde sophomore chick... I think her name is Julie... and you take your pick on one more." He had seen Grace passing by moments before and was glad that she had finally arrived. He wasn't really partial to the Alpha girls that Elysia sent over since they were all attractive, but he wanted to actually talk to Grace. In return, he would have to send some Beta boys her way. It was something that the brother-sister houses did every year to make a point that as a member of either house, you were guaranteed to associate with the most attractive members of the opposite sex. An extra incentive, as if all of the perks of being an Alpha or Beta weren't already enough.

"Hunter, Bas, Dan, Charlie, any of you want to go hang out at the Alpha booth?" he asked. He was sure that the answer for most of them would be yes. It seemed hard for anyone to pass up an opportunity to socialize with those girls, especially with the feast-worthy amount of food he knew Elysia had brought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Miles Ganas Character Portrait: Sam Shepherd
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0.00 INK


Leave it to Zoey to suddenly turn responsible when she received a request for alcohol. Not that Naomi wasn't appreciative for it since it did remind her that she was supposed to be behaving, and not being reckless. She sighed as Amelia returned her hug, sticking her tongue out at Zoey before exclaiming petulantly, "Thanks, mom. You suck." Naomi then turned her attention to Amelia fully.

She had fallen madly in love with Amelia's energy from day one and they've been close ever since. The fact that they connected that easily and they both were performers really solidified Naomi's love for her, which was why Naomi had been so happy when Amelia became her little sister. They spent a lot of time goofing off and choreographing routines at the Zeta house - too much time, really, but it was always fun. Naomi hadn't realized it until Amelia had gotten there, but the Zetas needed another person like that and if willing, she could definitely see Amelia as her vice-president next year and the possible president once Naomi graduated, but she wasn't going to tell the dance major that. Not yet, anyway. "You're the best." She said as Amelia set her IPod up. Suddenly, their music overpowered the Betas and Naomi could feel the familiar tingle of excitement in her soul once the music filled the space.

Naomi fell into the rhythm only a second after Amelia, beckoning a few Zetas who had seen Amelia and Naomi messing around with the song too many times to not pick up on a few moves. She moved seamlessly - free and unbothered by the obvious attention she was getting. That's what performing did for her; it brought Naomi to another realm where the outside world didn't matter and all she needed to do was feel the music as it thrummed in her veins. Jack could have very well been watching and she wouldn't have given one single fuck. She laughed when they came to the patty cake section of the dance, the sound bubbling from her mouth uncontained and carefree, before falling back into the routine with a pop, grinning at the sight of interested freshmen who were getting in the groove. Ending on a slight pose, Naomi quirked an eyebrow at Amelia's words, not knowing where she was going but obviously trusting her.

When the song changed and Amelia began fooling around, Naomi clutched her belly, her laugh loud and thoroughly amused before she too got involved. It didn't matter if there was a routine to this; it was just to have fun and be free. She pointed over to where Miles and Sam were, beckoning them and even pointed to Bennett to see if he would come over. She pulled in a few freshmen who, at first, were wary on joining, but Naomi wasn't taking no for an answer and yanked them on over anyway. They danced and grooved beneath the Florida sun. Naomi slowly winded her body and even twerked on a few fellow Zetas. All too soon, the music stopped and the crowd that gathered applaued, and someone had wrapped their arms around her waist from behind, causing a surprised squeak to blurt past her lips before Naomi recognized them. Grinning, the crowd dispersed, with a good number of the girls coming over to talk to the Zetas and Naomi more than willing to talk them, swiping at the sweat that had gathered on her brow. As she came back to their side of the booth, she swiped a Jell-O-shot and downed it, only to be surprised by the bite of alcohol. She immediately glanced at Zoey. "Why am I not surprised!" She exclaimed, not really mad but with a playful and chastising tone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins
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0.00 INK

Karma was pleased with Kyle's response. "Spot on gorgeous. ". It was pretty damn accurate if she was honest with herself. She usually liked having a little mystery. She didn't do it to be coy or anything like that. More like she always felt that you should leave them wanting more. Especially guys like Kyle. Even though she didn't have much practice with guys, she leaned from some of the hottest women in the world how to intrigue a man without tricking him. However for some strange reason she felt no need to be wary of him.

She bit her lip when he mentioned he didn't want to risk missing an opportunity to show her around. " You wouldn't have. I go for runs every morning at six am and at eight pm. Your house is on my route too so I'd estimate that if your a early riser you'd see me twice a day if not you'd see me once and it you hadn't made a move I would have sweetheart. " She said with a cheeky grin.

She laughed lightly at his assessment that she would fit in with the Zetas better. " Oh please you have to say that, they're your sister house." She grinned up at him and winked. As soon as they arrived at his booth, Miles, who she had already met was on him. She couldn't help the little shot of pleasure she got when Kyle took her hand. When Kyle introduced her to Miles she sent Miles a wink, " We've actually already met" She said lightly kissing miles on his cheek European style, "Freshman orientation. Tiny dress, big blonde curls. " she added helpfully. She loved that dress, it was a baby doll dress that rested way high up on her thigh. She paired it with over the knee socks, a pair of light blue doc martens and a tiny backpack. Super adorable, it made her feel like a baby doll. She nodded at Sam and sent him a small smile before smiling at Zoey.

When she felt Kyle squeeze her hand she gently squeezed his back and snuggled deeper into his side. She didn't miss Kyle saying that he was going to miss managing the booth to stay with her. Lightly, she bit her lip to hold back a grin. She turned to look for Naomi or Elysia and spotted a familiar pair of hooded sharp green eyes. Bennett, one of the freshmen said his name was Bennett. When his eyes met hers and she realized she had gotten caught looking she simply smiled widely and grinned. She spotted Jack too and smiled. She met Jack when he and Elysia had gone to school together but she doubted he remembered her much.

Finally she found Naomi and grinned when she saw them dancing. " Well want to brave the Alpha's or risk getting dragged into dancing?" She said quirking an eyebrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Miles Ganas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz




Miles stood close by to his booth, with his back turned to it as he noticed Emerson inching her way closer to her new girlfriend, Elysia. There was a bittersweet sense in seeing Emerson but Miles knew that it was perhaps best he didn’t talk to her. Although, there was a riveting pain in his throat that urged him on to say the crudest things that formulated in his mind. You have to be fucking kidding me? You left me for that bitch?! What the hell can she give you that I never did? It’s bullshit and you fucking know it. There were multitudes of names that rattled his skull as he contemplated actually walking over to them and spitting out his hate. He decided against it though. He turned his attention back to Kyle who had a girl glued to his hip. “What? Miles, it looks great. If it were done any better than I couldn’t take credit for any of it.” Kyle jokingly patted Miles on the back but Miles certainly wasn’t amused. Miles noted the girl hanging just behind Kyle and smiled softly at her. “By the way, I want you to meet my lovely new friend, Karma. “ Miles looked the girl from head to toe. She was really cute, Miles couldn’t deny that. They had actually already met that previous week. He hadn’t caught her name but he definitely remembered her. “Freshman orientation. Tiny dress, big blond curls.” Kyle leaned in closer to Miles and softly spoke into his ear to keep the girl from hearing, “and if you don’t mind, she’ll be the reason I’m not managing the booth.” Kyle continued. Immediately, almost as if it was an instinct when it came to Kyle, Miles rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. He leaned away from Kyle and looked around the courtyard. The crowd wasn’t ridiculous, it was definitely something Miles could handle on his own but that wasn’t the point. The point was that this was a group effort to gain new freshman pledge potentials and he needed his right hand man there to help out with the decision making. “Yeah, fine Kyle. But you owe me.” Miles knew that if Kyle and this girl were to end up together, he’d get side tracked with house work. He looked the girl up and down again and smiled. “You like older guys huh? Well careful with this one.” Miles joked – partially. Miles excused himself from the two and nodded back to Sam to sign that he was going over to the Beta table to grab food.

“Jack, my dear boy, don’t think you guys look pretentious enough with this booth. Why don’t you try a little harder next time?” Miles smirked toward Jack and his boys as he moved closer to them. “Hey princess, make me a few burgers there, will ya?” He called out to the kid at the grill whose name he never cared to learn. Why learn names of the ones that are irrelevant? Miles never wasted his time with the people he met; he was resourceful like that. Miles never believed in a wasted friendship. Everyone walked into someone else’s life for a reason and if Miles can’t find that reason to begin with, he either gives them reason or opens the door on their way out. That could be said of his friendship with Jack. The two weren’t the best of friends but it’d be a lie to call them enemies – more like a friendly rivalry. The two helped each other when they needed it but had the courtesy to stay out of each other’s way otherwise. Before the two Presidents could delve deeper into any actual conversation, music was loudly surrounding the courtyard.

With the drop of the beat, Miles attention moved from his ex-girlfriend to his best friend and some of her girls. An iPod had been plugged in and now he was being summed to dance with Naomi. She was pointing out random people with the hopes to grab someone, as if it were some type of show. Miles laughed and hopped over to Naomi and started dancing alongside her. A crowd formed around everyone dancing. Miles had no shame in breaking out into dance or song for that matter. He didn’t care if he looked awful or if anyone loved him – it was all about the fun in that moment. When the dancing had all stopped, Miles took a deep breath and smiled as he jokingly bowed to his audience. As the crowd dispersed, several of the students made their ways to the booths. A couple had stopped at the Sigma booth and Miles sparked up a conversation with a few them. He gave flyers out with details of the events of the rest of the week. “Make sure you look into Sigmas. We’ll make it worth your time.” He said as they started to look around at the other booths. “Let’s pick up the fucking slack here boys, I’ll be damned if these Beta shits take my men away!” Miles called out to the boys at his booth.




There was always something happening around Bennett and rarely anything happening to Bennett, unless of course he placed himself in the situation. He learned from a young age never to meddle in someone’s business that wasn’t relevant to oneself. Therefore, he usually stayed to his own unless he felt the need to meddle. Although that wasn’t often. The boy was leaned up against his booth now, watching as different houses mingled while others ignored everyone else. Bennett was big on observing people. He noticed the look of disgust in Miles’ eyes when his vision was directed in Emerson’s direction, he noticed the look of pure hatred in Naomi’s eyes as she was forced through sit through some bullshit spewing out of Alexandri’s mouth.

The only thing that snapped Bennett out of his observational trance was the sound of his name being called by Jack, “Hunter, Bas, Dan, Charlie, any of you want to go hang out at the Alpha booth?” Of course Bennett was going to say yes to that. Why anyone would want to stir away from girls that beautiful and poise was beyond him. Perhaps it was because of their stature though – Bennett felt comfortable being with other people who came from similar backgrounds and therefore was always more comfortable with the Betas than he was with anyone else, despite his friendship with Naomi. That was a little different. They often butt heads but somehow they still managed to work well together. Bennett was just about to head over to the Alpha booth when Miles came over to their booth and started, what seemed to be, joking with Jack. Bennett could pick up on Miles calling the Beta boys pretentious and Bennett wanted to laugh at the thought. Miles wouldn’t know high class if it bite him in the goddamn ass. Bennett let his mind wander with thoughts, often receding to the thought of how simply better he was than most of the other chumps in the other houses – failures, is what Bennett often referred them to.

Suddenly, within a quick second, music resonated in his own head as much as it did the large courtyard. He peeked over to where the music was coming from and saw Naomi calling to him, pointing to him, trying to get him to join in the dancing. Bennett was all for dancing in the club but he’d rather not make a fool of himself out in a crowd of people. He smiled at Naomi while playfully rejecting the invite to dance. But while he looked in her direction, Bennett’s eyes fell upon what he could have sworn was a goddess. She clung to the arms of a blond boy, Kyle. Their eyes connected and something in Bennett jumped, he smiled at her and nervously put his hand in his pocket. When the girl smiled back, Bennett fluttered a little. He suddenly wanted to rush over to the dancing – really he just wanted a reason to talk to her. Bennett straightened out his shirt and started heading over to Naomi’s booth. As he walked by, he brushed shoulders with Karma just slightly, “Hey,” he gently smirked and raised an eye brow as he made his way past her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger
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0.00 INK


Naomi grinned back at Zoey, shaking her head with amusement. While anyone else would have been upset since the Jell-O-shots were supposed to be minor-friendly for the sake of the school, leave it to Zoey to just say, "fuck it." And Naomi, despite how moral or how much of a good girl she could be, just loved being bad and could only be grateful. "Have I told you much I love you lately?" She exclaimed, waving to a few freshmen from orientation week. Her eyes fell on Karma and Kyle, who weren't that far away and Naomi quirked an eyebrow. She glanced from Karma to Kyle, and then back to Karma again with a questioning smirk. She even almost missed Zoey's questions with her curiosity, but glanced back to her best friend once it clicked in her head.

"Actually, that sounds like a great idea. We have an hour before the jamboree and no one's doing anything. I'll put it in a mass text," she said and pulled out her phone before considering. As much as she knew that some of her friends hung out with people she didn't really talk to, why not invite everyone she liked? Everyone could chill out and if they didn't like each other, they could always just not show up. It wasn't going to kill her. Besides, it was hot and she wanted the col water of the ocean on her skin. Not to mention to wear the new bikini she had bought with her mother's new boytoy's money. "Emery? Hmm...I think he was at the Alpha table, not really sure." The placement this year definitely put certain houses by people they normally wouldn't be associated with. Maybe it was the school's new way of creating relationships, she surmised while typing out her message, hoping she didn't forget anyone.

To: Bennett, Sam, Miles, Sierra, Amy, Poppy, Giselle, Daniel, Emery
Idk what y'all plan 2 do, but Zetas r hittin up da beach b4 da jamboree. Any1's invited.

Biting her lower lip softly, Naomi glanced over at the Beta table before shaking her head. She really needed to stop doing this. She was making herself obvious the more she looked in his direction. However, she also couldn't help it and decided to interact with people as a distraction, but not before sending one more text.

To: Jack
Didn't think I'd invite ur guys 2 da beach w/out u. Didn't want u 2 be lonely, Reynolds. Don't ever say I didn't do anything 4 u

Her first target was Karma, who hadn't drifted off yet and who Naomi was more than happy to greet. Side-stepping a few people who were in line for either Beta or Zeta foods, Naomi made her way to the blonde, smiling widely. "Hey, gorgeous. You look great!" She exclaimed and nodded to Kyle with the smile still present. "Hey, Kyle." Naomi turned back to Karma then. "See any booths you liked yet? Ooh, and what are you both doing after this? The Zetas and a few other people are hitting up the beach before the jamboree." She stated, including Kyle in the end. After all, who the hell didn't like the beach?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Paige Jones Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Kellin D'amato
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0.00 INK



Paige was overwhelmed, to say the least. She had woken up way too late, for starters. She had completely forgot to set her alarm the previous night. She only arrived on campus the day before, and wasn't yet adjusted to life back at school. Her clothes were still all packed away in suitcases, and she couldn't even find her bathroom stuff. Paige knew that Poppy would be at the Activities Fair early, and she also knew that she would be in major trouble if she didn't show up. She quickly threw on some jeans and a white and gold striped tank top after spraying some leave-in conditioner in her hair. She quickly gathered her purse and wallet and headed out the door.

Paige's walk to the Activities Fair was uneventful at best. About half way there, she got a text from Bennett:
Hey you. You gonna be in the courtyard at any point today? I figured we could chill

She texted him back right away;
For sure, let's hang out sometime today.

She continued her voyage to the Fair, smiling at a few sophomores and juniors she recognized from past classes. Paige was generally outgoing, but she was quite tired this morning. She would usually say hello and stop to talk to some of her passersby, but she was already half an hour late. Kellin had even texted her, asking for cover. She texted her back, saying that she was late, too, and that they could be in trouble together. When Paige finally made it her sorority's table, Poppy was nowhere to be found, but Kellin and Giselle looked to have a handle on everything. She sat down in a chair next to her best friend and grabbed a cookie decorated with a Theta sticker from a basket. "Pops is going to kill me if she finds out how late I was. But I totally slept in, I swear. How are things going?" she asked Kellin. Things seemed to be running smoothly around the square where the Activities Fair was held. All the tables looked absolutely amazing. Paige was impressed; they definitely didn't look this good when she was rushing.

"I'm going to go look for Tony. If Poppy asks where I am, tell her I'm talking to the freshies," Paige said to her friend. She winked to the girl discretely and stood, grabbing another cookie. She didn't need to search long or hard to find Antonio. He was standing around the Alpha booth, holding a fancy, expensive-looking camera, excited about something. Paige snuck up behind him and covered his eyes with her hands. "Guess who?" she said, laughing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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" "

Karma's eyebrow shot up when Miles made the remark about older guys. She was well attend at dealing with assholes and even comments like that but that didn't stop them from disgusting her. She hated guys who assumed girls dated certain types of a guys for gain. She wasn't specifically hanging out with Kyle for his age or his status. That meant nothing to her.Miles left with a parting comment about being careful and Karma rolled her eyes, "Guess I should be careful with you grandpa ", She joked lightly.

Karma couldn't help but bite her lip and blush when smiled back at her. For a moment as he approached she began to worry about him approaching her while she was with Kyle. But he didn't. She knew she shouldn't have been disappointed when Bennett walked by but she was a bit. Though as he passed he brushed her shoulder and she faintly heard him say hi before smirking and walking away. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before refocusing on the small group before her. She shook her head lightly. Karma didn't want to be one of those girls who had love triangles or who messed with multiple guys at the same time. She always thought that was a bit trashy and insensitive. However, she was currently just a single rusher and it's not like she was on an actual date. At least she didn't think she was, was she?!

Karma was simply enjoying the festivities and, if she were being completely honest, occasionally glancing at Bennett, when Naomi suddenly appeared in front of her. "Hey gorgeous. You look great!. The curly haired girl had exclaimed before greeting Kyle. " Thanks you look amazing too, everything looks amazing. " She added supportively. When Naomi inquired about the other booths she shrugged, "I really haven't seen any. I just got here and he had to sort some things with his frat. I did see you dancing though. It looked wicked fun. "

When Naomi mentioned the beach a grin lit up the blonde's face. " I love the beach. Are we getting in the water though? I didn't bring a swimsuit and skinny dipping is for the dark..." She paused when Bennett walked over. He hugged Naomi and mentioned the beach as well before smiling at Karma. "Karma, Karma Cohen " She said stepping a way from Kyle, as was necessary to shake the boys hand. " I'm a freshman." She added. People always tended to assume Karma was older than she was and occasionally got upset when they realized her real age. She made it a point to avoid misconceptions. She noted that Bennett had beautiful eyes. Mainly because he was looking deeply in hers. Though when a shrill whistle filled the air she glanced away to find the source. She turned to see Elysia motioning towards her and bit her lip, "Be right back, swear " She said before heading in the direction of her oldest friend.

She paused in front of the charming enthusiastic and notably hot guy wielding a camera and sent him a grin before running into her friend literally. She hugged her fiercely before managing to gush. "I missed you so effin' much. " She turned back to the small group she ditched and frowned. " I wish I could stay but I kinda ditched Kyle and that's not cool because he was sweet enough to walk around with me today. Plus Naomi wants me to go to the beach soon. Are you coming I heard a whole bunch of people are going. We could def' get ready for the jamboree together though? I could come to the Alpha house if that's ok? " She glanced back at the group before clasping her friends hands and making a pretty pout, " Text me the details ok?" She said before heading back to the group.

She turned to Naomi and grinned, " I'm totally up for the beach, I need a ride though..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins
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0.00 INK


Naomi nodded at Karma as the blonde rusher spoke, taking in the closeness of the two blondes she stood before. Kyle was an associate of hers, maybe not a friend but someone she spoke to a lot. After all, they were brother and sister; they saw each other a lot. That also meant that she knew his reputation and while she wasn't going to hold that over his head, it didn't stop her from being just a bit wary of whatever was going on between him and Karma. Granted, she wasn't spouting some unnecessary threat or anything. Yet.

"Well, don't forget to check everything out, even the non-Greek ones," she told her newest friend. Just as Karma seemed to get excited at the idea of hitting up the beach, a very familiar voice dragged out her name and Naomi glanced over their shoulders with a knowing smile, shaking her head amusedly at Bennett who held out open arms for her. Giggling, she bound to the Beta and hugged him, turning to still include Karma and Kyle since Bennett mentioned coming to the beach with them. "No problem, love. My mum's boyfriend helped put in for my truck, so I'm more than willing to give a ride." Luckily, Bennett seemed to remember that he was not really familiar with Karma and introduced himself, which left Naomi the chance to pull out her phone to see the response from Jack. Typical asshole. Smirking, she turned her attention to her device, not even noticing that Karma had walked off.

To: Jack
Haha, funny. And here I was thinking that I could try this new bikini. But if your schedule is too busy, I guess I'll just have to trust the Sigmas' opinions. Have fun being a dick!

With a satisfied smirk, Naomi sent her text and chuckled to herself before remembering the company she was currently keeping. While Kyle wasn't the type to just randomly read her text messages since they weren't particularly close, Bennett was a Beta and much closer to Naomi. She and Jack had been good at not being obvious with their activities. However, it still benefited both presidents to not be obvious and instead of lingering on her phone, Naomi returned her attention to the males, specifically staring at Kyle with a light smirk. "Nice taste, Jagger," Naomi commented, nodding to the direction she thought Karma went in but wasn't too sure. Still, Karma was definitely gorgeous and Kyle had great taste from what Naomi saw from afar. She just felt that needed to be said because Karma was definitely a catch for a freshman. And if he was trying anything with her, he needed to make a claim now before anyone else did. She hadn't caught Bennett's lingering stare on her blonde friend yet, having been distracted with texting Jack.

Finally, Karma returned and Naomi's bigger smile returned and she waved off Karma's need for a ride. "No problem. I've got you. Um, anyone hungry? We still have some food left." She said, gesturing to the Zetas tables.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Miles Ganas Character Portrait: Sam Shepherd
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz


As the boys that were interested in the Sigma’s booth dispersed and took to look at the other houses booths, Miles’ eyes focused again on his ex-girlfriend, whose sight always either infuriated him or infatuated him. There was rarely ever n in between with Emerson and the way Miles felt for her. He was either head over heels for her or he was fed up with her entirely, and perhaps that’s why their relationship suffered every time that it did. Both were very head strong in everything that they did and both felt everything and did everything intensely. When Emerson and Miles fought, it was always a fight to bring down the walls of a house or bad enough to have the neighbors peek out their windows in the middle of the night. But when they loved, they loved enough to give color to a world in black and white. At the moment Miles resented Emerson and Elysia for their relationship; he didn’t know who he hated more though, Elysia for attempting to break them up or Emerson for allowing it to happen. He likes to think he hates them both equally but everyone knows that Miles can’t truly hate Emerson – no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t.

Miles was caught off guard when Thatcher approached him asking if there was something he could do to help. The boy still had sleep lines across face and his hair was very slightly disheveled. Miles looked around the booth and scratched his head in thought. “Uhmm, yeah Thatcher…” Miles looked back at Naomi and remember the invite to the beach. “Help me clean this up,” Miles continued, “A few of us are hitting the beach. Help me put the cooler in my car and put the table and shit back.”
Miles tried to call out to Sam and Kyle to get help putting things away so they can get a head start to the beach to set up some coolers and speakers for music.

As Miles and Thatcher started to pull their things together, Bennett stood nearby having a conversation with Karma. She introduced herself, “Karma, Karma Cohen.” Her name for some reason brought a smile to Bennett’s face, he thought it was a pretty name, but then she continued, “I’m a freshman.” Bennett gently chuckled at the fact. He shook hands with the girl as she introduced herself – her hands were soft, Bennett thought. He shook back, “Bennett, Bennett Atkins. I’m a sophomore.” He said smiling back at her. Soon after the girl ran off, promising she’d be back quickly. Bas watched her hop off, shrieking, as she met with a friend. He smiled as she hopped up and down, shrieking god knows what into the other girls face. There was an instant attraction to the girl – so much so that Bennett completely forgot that she was seconds earlier attached to Kyle’s hip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger
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0.00 INK

3:20// Tuesday Afternoon

By three in the afternoon, a few of the non-Greek organizations had begun cleaning up their areas and dispersing and when twenty minutes passed, so had some of the Zetas. They were still in the process of moving things since the fair had drawn to a close and the setting up for the jamboree would be commencing soon. Naomi had sent off Kyle, Bennett, and Karma after a few more minutes, not really thinking about inviting Kyle to their beach excursion - not out of not wanting him there, but because it had slipped her mind until he had already disappeared into the crowd. Besides, Miles would tell him, right? Before they began cleaning up their own section, Naomi had run across a new girl near the Zeta booth who had been talking to Zoey. Once Karma had confirmed that she needed a ride and Naomi had agreed to be such, she had returned to her girls and seen the rusher checking out snacks and talking to other members. When one of the Zetas saw Naomi, they pointed her out to the new girl, whose name she had been told was Dori. "Hey, well, I'm Naomi. We'll probably start heading out soon, but you should come to the beach. A few friends and such are gonna be there, and who knows? You might just fall in love with us." She had said, ending on a wink before waving the girl off and making plans.

While Naomi had gotten Ever, Rebecca, and Angel and a few other notable Zetas who weren't going to the beach to assist more with the cleaning up, she still found herself helping out - not because no one was following her orders, but because she didn't want to put everything on them. She had just returned a few of the tables given by the Student Government Association when she decided to send out another mass text, including Thatcher who she hadn't seen at the fair at the time.

To: Daniel, Zoey, Karma, Bennet, Miles, Zoey, Amelia, Sierra, Sam, Poppy, Giselle, Thatcher
Headed back 2 my house 2 get changed. Any1 who needs a ride, c u in 30 mins. Otherwise, c evry1 at the beach :D

Sliding her phone away and waving off Lianne, Naomi headed in the direction of the Zeta house. She was immediately swamped with girls running in and out of their living space; some because they were going to be late for classes or work, and others simply because they had plans for the rest of the afternoon. Laughing at one of the girls who practically squealed upon seeing her boyfriend and practically pouncing on him, Naomi closed the door behind herself and jogged upstairs to get to her room. Luckily for her, being a senior and a president had its perks, which included a slightly larger room, which was a single. She definitely appreciated that, she realized, as the silence there was enough to remind her that she did, in fact, have plans. Running her hands over her face lightly, she decided to take a quick shower. It was a thing of hers; she could never change in to one outfit without at least taking a quick dip in the shower unless she was getting ready for bed. Once out, she applied a sunblock on her smooth skin with the same warm, sweet and nutty fragrance she was known for. Afterwards, Naomi rifled through her selection of swimwear before deciding upon one of the newer ones. She hadn't actually meant it when she told Jack that she had been planning on wearing a new bikini; she just needed something to say to get back at him. However, she liked the strappy zebra-print bikini her mom had picked out in her attempts at winning the "Mother of the Year" award. "Yeah, right," she muttered to no one in particular at the thought before finishing up.

Once she was officially ready dressed and her bag was full with her towel, wallet, and a few books and magazines to read, Naomi slid on some sunglasses and was applying some rose oil lip balm as she descended back down the stairs. The house was only a bit quieter with the sound of pitter-pattering from various rooms and the hallways. With about ten minutes to spare, Naomi traipsed into the kitchen to make herself a smoothie, which consisted of strawberries, bananas, vanilla yogurt, and blueberries. Once it had gotten to a smooth consistency (she hated ice in smoothies), she poured the thick liquid into a travel cup with an attachable lid and straw. She took a sip just to taste it and while sucking that down leisurely, walked out of the house, ready to hang out at the beach. Naomi walked across the street to her 2014 Tahoe, climbing in and cranking on the radio while she waited for people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Miles Ganas Character Portrait: Thatcher Nieuwveld
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz

As the activities fair winded down to an end, Miles and Thatcher worked to put away the items of the booth. Miles wanted to get out of the clothes he was wearing, into some board shorts and onto the beach. For some reason he suddenly felt stressed out simply being at school. He needed a moment to de-stress and he knew the best way to do that would be to chill on the beach with a beer in hand. It was the best way Miles knew how to relax at this point in his college career and he was moving as fast as he could to get his hands on a cool beer can. He lugged several items over to his Jeep, putting the items in the back seat. He filled the car up as much as he could so that he wouldn't have to make several trips. He hopped in the front seat and made his way to the Sigma house. He pulled into the drive way and started unloading the car of his items. He didn't bother to open up the garage that was at the end of the driveway, to put the items in. Instead he just set everything in front of the garage door and ran inside to get changed.

The perks of having become the house president meant that Miles gets the bedroom upgrade as well as the duty upgrade. Miles hated having one of the smaller bedrooms when he was a younger member of the house but upon becoming president and getting the larger bedroom, Miles knew exactly what he wanted to do with it. He styled his room with a very classic look. His bed was nice and big but left plenty of room in the rest of his room for the rest of his furniture. Miles' bedroom was always well kempt and clean. One of the biggest pet peeves Miles had was a messy room. As he walked into his room to get changed, he noticed his bed was undone and he groaned. He almost wanted to stop to clean it but he wanted to be away from where he was more than anywhere else. Miles turned to the hallway before closing his bedroom door, "My car leaves in 15 minutes. If you need a ride, have your ass ready and downstairs before I come down. Otherwise you're on your own." Miles shut the door behind him and started to rifle through his clothes.

Bennett was in his room changing when he received a text from Naomi. He was definitely going to need a ride so he knew he needed to pick up the pace and decide what he was going to wear already. Bennett hated not looking presentable, even when he wore sweatpants or dressed down, he made it a point to look at least half way decent. He through together an outfit and texted Naomi back.

To: Naomi
Headed out to your car now. Better have a seat open!

Bennett quickly made his way through his bedroom door and down the stairs to the foyer. Bennett called out that he was going to the beach and hitch a ride with Naomi. He walked out of the house and headed straight for Naomi's car.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Miles Ganas
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0.00 INK


While the top portion of Naomi's body was kept in the vehicle, the rest of her leggy form was on full display, her long legs hanging out the driver's side door comfortably. It was when her phone buzzed that she pulled herself completely in the vehicle. crawling to an upright position to fully type out a response to Amelia.

To: Amy
Idk about both, we'll see

It wasn't that she was trying to exclude either Kellin or Kyle. Once Amelia, Bennet, and Karma arrived, she would have only one seat left unless someone wanted to sit in her trunk. Granted, it was spacious enough, at least for a female body and Naomi herself used to love sitting back there when she was in someone else's car because she could take a nap. However, unless someone wanted that or opted to lap up, there was no way all of them were fitting in the car unless everyone wanted to be squeezed in. She didn't have to wait long for her fellow Zeta because Amy was soon walking over and in retaliation to the girl's stuck out tongue, Naomi made a goofy face, which consisted of her tongue sticking out on the side and her eyes going to the sides. "Hello, my love." She said and smiled at Amy's sign of affection. At the compliment, Naomi swiped at the curly strands she left from the updo dramatically while exclaiming, "I try!"

Naomi giggled a beat afterwards as Amelia climbed into the passenger seat and pulled her own legs upwards, her lithe form allowing for her feet to rest on the seat and tucked firmly towards her plopped bum. Considering the fact that she wasn't known for sitting in certain positions for too long, her actions and show of her flexibility weren't uncommon. She peered down at her phone and answered Amelia distractedly, "Um, go ahead. These people need to hurry up. There's a wave calling my name." The last part was directed more to herself, or to the folks she was waiting for and as she swiped over the screen of her phone with her thumb, Naomi also reached over to the cup holder for her smoothie to sip on it. Luckily, it didn't take long for Bennet to text her just a few seconds before Kellin appeared. Smiling back at the blue-haired beauty, Naomi sent out several messages.

To: Karma
Hurry! Ur seat might get taken ;p

To: Bennet
Then u better hurry up

To: Zoey
Got a full car. Ride with Tori and the others, or Miles and Sam. Srry, love.

To: Daniele, Giselle, Poppy, Miles, Sam, Thatcher
Heading out soon. If I don't c u at the beach, c u later. Too hot 2 b waiting around