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Kyle Jagger

0 · 1,838 views · located in Miami, Florida

a character in “Fulton University: Rush Week Begins”, as played by By Starlight



“A ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for.”
― Albert Einstein



Name: Kyle Elton Jagger

Nicknames: Jag (occasionally)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Birth Date: May 18th

Sign: Taurus

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: 50% German 25% Irish 25% British (100% American)

Major: Architecture

Minor: Business



Childhood/Family Life: It was the summer when Kyle's parents met, when his father a senior in college, his mother a junior. He was studying to be an architect, her to be a journalist. His mother was an intelligent, beautiful shy girl who spent a lot of her time in the library or coffee shops, reading and researching. His father was a gentleman, somewhat mysterious but interesting nonetheless. They dated for awhile, and made things work for each other, and once they'd both finished up college they bought an apartment together. They both were hard workers, both just starting at the bottom of the ladder with their jobs. Two years later they had their first child, Samuel. They lived in the apartment another two years before having their second child, Kyle, and buying a house in the suburbs. A year later they had their third child, Kendra. Somewhere along the way Kyle was a bit robbed of any attention. Lost in the middle, he'd only been the baby of the family for a year, and even then his mother had been pregnant with his sister. As the three grew up, the family was average middle class. They didn't get the latest and greatest things that constantly came out and updated, but they survived and were very lucky. Their clothes were always in style and all three had friends. Their father was a hard worker, and spent most of his time at the office. Out of the three, Kyle was the most dependant on his father. His mother spent most of her time with Kendra, always wanting a daughter, and Sam was playing sports from the moment his friends had a pick up game until his mother called him in because it was too dark. Sam was a natural at making friends, and Kendra's adorableness got her wherever she wanted. Even as they grew older, Kendra had fell in as Sam had, gaining some popularity, if you call it that at that age. While Kyle always seemed a little more independent. Kyle enjoyed sports too, but didn't have as many friends as Sam. Sometimes he'd try to join Sam and his friends, but in Sam's eyes he was the annoying little brother. Mostly Kyle waited for his father to have time for him... Which he rarely did.
By middle school, the three never seemed to get along, Sam hanging out with his friends constantly and Kendra being a bratty little girl. Kyle preferred to sit outside and watch the world around him. He did have friends, but sometimes preferred just to be alone.
All throughout middle school Kyle got in trouble. Mostly for talking, joking, and goofing off, but occasionally from breaking rules. His parents always brushed it off, and it wasn't until the summer before high school he really started to act out. His rebellion phase began and from there on his parents found him frustrating. For a long time they tried to push it away or ignore it, mostly because punishment seemed to do nothing.
At the same time, Sam strode in athletics though his academics struggled a bit. He enjoyed partying with his friends, and getting drunk. His parents helplessly tried to help him stay away from alcohol and pushed him to make good choices, in hopes he'd get a scholarship. This again put Kyle's issue on hold. With Kendra, who constantly seemed to have a new love interest every week, and a "life crisis" Kyle seemed to fade into the shadows.
This never bothered him though.
By high school, Kyle was leaving the house to go on "adventures" and meeting new people and going new places, and getting himself lost. He usually wound up sleeping in fields, but he always made it back home. Usually his parents would greet him, "Oh how was your sleepover?". Which he'd come up with a sarcastic remark for. When Sam had left for college, it gave Kyle and his sister a little more room around the house, and a little more focus. But not much. Kendra rebelled as normal teenage girls often too, fighting with her mother about clothing, piercings, friends, and boys. Their mother had been promoted to a higher paying, but much more work with her writing and she often staying on her lap top at all times even when she was home. Their father began laying out a few skyrise buildings needing to be built, so work was a first priority.
Kyle's high school friend group was interesting considering his acts, none of his friends were quite like him. Kyle met his best guy friend as a Sophomore in high school. He and Marcus were odd friends, because Marcus was very serious and Kyle constantly goofed off. It was a balance though, because Kyle could always bring a smile to his friends face, and Marcus seemed to keep Kyle in check. Also Kyle's random adventures always interested Marcus because he seemed constantly bored with life.
He met many girls and often found himself flirting and play the dating game. However he hasn't been one for relationships.
Throughout high school Kyle had kept up his rebellious act, and constantly did things to bother his parents. Torn between work and their kids, they did what they thought was good enough. Mainly they were a little crazy and not very good parents to begin with. Which is why when he turned 18 and began skydiving, base jumping, ect they despised his hobbies, and constantly tried to talk him out of them. Basically after a long argument, Kyle would point out that they were absent from most of his life, and they didn't get to just step in now. It ended up worse, and he bought his own apartment and moved out. They told him they weren't going to pay for college. He told them he didn't care. Eventually one day, he was very sick/injured from a recent "adventure" and his parents insisted to take him to the doctor. His parents called him later in the week, saying he had a fatal wound, where he is internally bleeding, and he probably wouldn't live past another two years. Shocked and unable to comprehend what to do, he decided that he needed to live his life to the even more fullest. He planned more extravagent advenutres and risks, which was the opposite of his parents "plan." See, there was no fatal damage, they lied in hopes he'd come home and grow close to the family. They'd mentioned him cutting back and moving back in, which led to another large arguement. He cut off all contact with anyone from his family, and they haven't spoken since. He is not aware that he's actually completely healthy. He is currently a bartender and paying college with his earnings along with inherited money from his late uncle who was more of father to him.



Quirks//Habits//Oddities: He has a hard time discerning their dreams from their real memories.
Being late
Pacing or switching positions often (he dislikes sitting still)
He draws random doodles on any piece of paper in front of her and always carries a pen or pencil to facilitate this habit.
He always has change in her pocket to give to beggars or homeless.
Enjoys peach snapple.
Also allergic to cats (the root of his dislike).
Loves grape popsicles.
Randomly wanders or paces when bored, even at odd times.
Sees a dirty or sexual reference in practically everything.
Is extremely ticklish on his lower back, only on the left side.
Can quote almost any movie or TV show.

Good personality traits:
Adventurous / Ambitious
Kind-hearted / Considerate

Bad personality traits:

Easily Kyle could be described as a bit wild. He's very fun loving and always looking for a good time. His childlike playfulness makes him a bit adorable, and his boyish smile helps him get away with a lot more than he should. Often he's found laughing, smiling, or just being his crazy self. Weird and random seem to fall hand in hand with outgoing and funny. He enjoys joking around with anyone and everyone he meets, being very friendly and talkative he's rarely shy or nervous. Basically anyone that came up to him he'd greet with open arms, feeling that there's always room for someone else in his life. He's all about living life to the fullest, and in the moment. Regret nothing, and don't spend all your time thinking about the future. Many people like his attitude, because he seems to give anyone he's around a break from reality because he's very impulsive and goes and does things on a whim. Parasailing? Today? Yeah, hop in the car we'll go now.
He's extremely adventurous, and daring, hating to back down from a challenge. Exploring and finding more is what he lives for, and you'd probably never see him with a book in hand. Traveling is a passion of his, and roughing it is never a problem. He has so many stories about everywhere he's been, and rarely he's found complaining. His quirky smile and bright eyes give away his eagerness for more than what he has. He's never really satisfied unless he feels like he's living to his potential. He can't stand relaxing for more than a day or two, because he finds himself useless and quite bored. Moving around is essential to him, finding that sitting still is slightly uncomfortable after awhile.
At first meeting, he may come off as a bit of a handful, and maybe even mysterious. You could ask him anything you wanted to know about him, and he probably couldn't give you a fully straight answer. Anything regarding his opinion is usually flimsy and he's easily swayed on this he doesn't care about too much like his favorite movie, song, season, or anything along those lines. When it comes to things like religion and politics he could careless about what's happening, knowing it probably won't end up individually affecting him. He easily gets along with almost anyone he meets, even if they have nothing in common his attitude usually attracts friendship. Though, sometimes his humor or lifestyle doesn't agree with people, and thats when thing can get awkward. As for males, he gets along very well, being the young boy at heart makes it easy to relate to other guys, loving things like sports, cars, and other stereotypical things boys like. For females, his playful flirtiness makes him easy to get along with as long as he knows what kind of girl he's talking to, and he's not stepping on anyone's toes, (a boyfriend or such.)
Going off on the female related aspects of his life, he enjoys the idea of being in love, but lacks any commitment value. He has countless one night stands, and occasional friends-with-benefits, but even then it doesn't last long. He finds long term commitment dangerous, knowing himself well he knows he doesn't like to stay anywhere for too long, and fears he'd hurt someone. He's a real sweetheart, and would probably make a lovely boyfriend if he tried to put effort into keeping a steady relationship. His loyalty stands out to many, because he'd easily do anything for those he cares about. He just lacks the want to do anything close to the idea of "settling down." He hates the idea of "growing up" and refuses to talk about the matter.
Being careless and reckless has a price, and sometimes it costs him the people he cares about. To some others, his daily lifestyle and habits are dangerous and eventually it gets old. He doesn't agree with that at all, and is easily offended when other criticize him. If anyone were to bring up the fact that he should probably change his ways, he'd quickly try to avoid the conversation, or flat out say he wasn't interested in doing things differently. When persisted with the idea, he becomes frustrated, and will probably leave. He never really has any outbursts of anger, and one would only occur if he wasn't able to get some air or space.
Some may wonder, what's so bad about not wanting to fully grow up? But it's a little more complicated. You could say Kyle is an adrenaline junkie, he loves a rush, and swears it's the only thing that makes him feel alive. Without that, he might as well be dead. He's a daredevil at heart, and would never feel in place anywhere but taking risks. Life threatening experiences send a jolt through his body like nothing else, and he feels like the very situation makes him feel good. It makes him realize that he could've died, and he's so happy just to be living. What's wrong with that? Those who love him sometimes worry that he'll be injured or worse, die. He tells them you can't spend your life worrying because you'll miss out, and that's his idea of living. He accepts other's lifestyles, and they should try to be understanding of his. So maybe sometimes he gets a little out of hand, like when he takes many bus, train, and taxi rides until he ends up lost and sleeping in a field, but along the way he meets interesting people and learns new things.
Maybe he's crazy, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

Greatest joys in life:
Driving to random places
Partaking in mischief
Meeting / Getting to know someone

Greatest fears:
Being an average business-like man.
Never being in "true love".
Not doing everything he wants to before he dies
Walking on icy ponds

Life philosophy:
“Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you're not taking advantage of it? Do you realize you've lived nearly half the time you have to live already?”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises


❤ Cars
❤ Fast-paced things
❤ Rollercoasters
❤ Base jumping
❤ Sky diving
❤ Flying planes
❤ Motorcycles
❤ Horror Movies
❤ Parties
❤ Alcohol
❤ Girls
❤ Pancakes
❤ The ocean
❤ The city
❤ Travelling
❤ Learning (from experience)
❤ Exploring
❤ Art (although he isn't creative or talented)
❤ Fruit
❤ Funny people
✘ Being told to grow up
✘ Jobs in cubicals
✘ Offices
✘ Elevators
✘ Suits and ties (although he doesn't mind dressing up for a special occasion)
✘ Sitting still
✘ "Rules"
✘ Rude people
✘ Snobby people
✘ Most vegetables
✘ Cats


Thoughts on Greek Life: Kyle finds it very wonderful to have a house full of friends willing to get wild. Partying, rule breaking, and general mayhem are enjoyable to Kyle and he likes being apart of the Greek system. Making friends and living casually and freely along with throwing the biggest parties on campus as he does is preferable compared to normal dorms.

Plans for after college: Build a few houses and a bunch of skyscrapers. But really this is just a distant idea, he doesn't believe he'll be living past 23.


Build: 6'3", 180lbs, Athletic / Slim toned muscle

Hair Colour: Dirty blonde, lighter in the summer darker in the winter.

Eye Colour: Dark blue

Distinguishing Marks: A few tattoos and scars littering his body randomly.

Style: WIP

So begins...

Kyle Jagger's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Marcus Vanderbilt Character Portrait: Zoey Brady
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The campus was alive with excitement, anxiety, nerves, and anticipation. A new school year had begun the second students began moving back onto campus, but now, it finally seemed to hit them. For some, it was their final year at the beloved Fulton University, one of the top universities in the country. For others, it was their first year. Either way, there was a sort of buzz all around campus, a tingle each and every student felt as they greeted this year of opportunities and adventure. And what better way to start it all off than with the one thing on everybody's mind - Rush Week. Granted, these would only be the preliminary rounds, but who knows what could happen on the very first day...

As the track slowly moved to its conclusion and after receiving a nod from one of her favorite radio partners, Naomi officially turned the dial for the sound down, speaking into her microphone clearly with her ever present and rich British lilt. "That was 2 On by Tinashe, the best song of Summer 2014. You heard it here at Fulton U Hot 103.4." Ronnie, or Ronald when he was in their political science class with Dr. Skarsgaard who truly did not care for pleasantries or students, much less, grinned at her making a face at him for pressing one of the controls, which caused a squelching sound appear just after she finished her sentence. He played too much sometimes and she had half the mind to reach over the table of controls that separated them just to swat him on the head, but opted against it. She had to go soon anyway. She rolled her eyes at him before continuing, "This is your girl Nomi, NomiIzMe, and I'm about to turn everything over to my co-host, RonnieB. Don't get forget to holla at your girl at the beautiful Zeta Nu Delta House stand at the 2014 Fulton University Activities Fair. Hope to see you all there." With a mock salute and her favorite mix of India Arie and a beat from DJ Mustard, Naomi spelled her own exit and turned everything over to Ronnie, nodding to him as she set down her headset before exiting the large recording area.

Once outside in the busy hallway, she hoisted her bag over her shoulder and made her way through the crowd, the gold of her Zeta Nu Delta custom-made bracelet catching a glint from the sun, which peeked in through the barely closed blinds of one of the hallway windows. Smirking to herself as she saw a few noticeable freshmen males whispering to themselves and glancing over at her, she twirled a few strands of hair with her pointer finger, shooting them a sultry grin accompanied by a wink before turning the corner. The move was harmless and judging by an exclamation followed by a quiet roar of excitement from where they had, it had the desired effect. She didn't mess around with freshmen guys and never would, but it definitely was fun toying with them. Not that she would ever lead them on or anything of that nature, but flirting was harmless. Besides, she wouldn't be a true Zeta if she didn't have a bit of a flirt in her. A more genuine smile flitted across her face at the thought of her girls and without hesitation, Naomi whipped out her phone to text them just as she pulled into one of the many bathrooms on the first floor to simply check on her image.

To: Zoey, Amelia, Sierra
Omw 2 the booth. 1 of u better b there

Naomi wasn't particularly worried about any of the girls showing up late, she decided, as the text was sent. She had already specified that one of the other sophomores would set up with some of the baked goods Naomi had made the night before. She slid her phone into her back pocket before primping her hair. She had chosen one of her more fun outfits for the day. It was eye-catching enough to remind everyone that she was a fashionable woman, but simple enough to not do too much in. Naomi could be a lot of things, but she wasn't that much of a show-off. Besides, that tomboyish edge was her thing and she always had to make sure it was on point. After reapplying the natural-looking shade of pink lip gloss on her lips and that her hair was still on point, she gave herself one more appraisal before leaving the bathroom and heading out to one of the larger grassy areas of Fulton University, where the Activities Fair was to take place. Every year, the location changed and she actually preferred the area they chose for this year. It was spacious and open, and left room for some of the campus' more physically active organizations to show off. It was like a tame Zeta/Sigma party, except without the booze and heavy grinding. Just a paid DJ and everyone weaning out their favorites.

Once outside, it didn't take her long to get to her booth, which was closer to the Sigma table. She frowned a bit when she didn't see Miles yet and decided to find her favorite Sigma, setting her bag down beside her chosen chair and taking a seat. Folding one smooth leg over the other, she grinned at the Zeta who had watched the table in her absence before pulling out her phone to text Miles and her other best friend.

To: Miles
Slacking on your pres duties?

To: Sam
U better not b sleep


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger
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Karma stood in front of the mirror and examined her outfit. Her hair curled lightly around her breast which were peaking out of her crop top, she wore boyfriend cut jeans that, though carefully baggy, hugged her large round butt perfectly. On he feet she wore her favorite Valentino heels. She did one more turn and ginned before turning to her temporary roommate in the freshman dorms.

Her roommate Jessica had long brown hair that hung past her butt and the brightest green eyes she had ever seen. She was a total knockout but so painfully shy that nobody ever seemed to notice. Her big glasses didn't help either. " Alright Jess, whad'ya think?" She asked spinning around. Jessica smiled at her encouragingly, "You look really pretty Karma" but Karma could see the uncertainty and worry in her eyes. She plopped on Jess's bed and frowned. "C'mon don't do that what's up? ".

"It's just there are a lot of rumors about him..." Karma shook her head. Jess and a few other freshman had been "cluing" Karma in on Kyle Jagger. Karma had met him the day before during her morning jog. She had seen him around during freshman orientation so she, of course, was surprised when he started jogging up beside her. At first she thought he was just trying to get in her pants and she expected that. She had a habit of being a bit unaware of her effect on men but she wasn't blind. If you run around half naked you should expect a dog to chase you. Though surprisingly he was a really sweet guy. They ended up having a good conversation while she walked him to his Frat house. When she went to leave he stopped her and asked her to meet him again at his frat house in the morning and she agreed.

Which is why she was standing in front of her mirror in the third outfit she tried on. Partially for him but also because she really wanted to make a good impression today. She sighed and clutched Jess's hand "Listen love I know he's a player. I'm not falling in love with him we're just hanging out today and when I get back we'll talk ok. "

With that she headed out the door to the Sigma house. When she got there a cute guy with boyish charm walked up to her. "Well He-llo there, you must be new because they're no way I wouldn't have noticed you. I'm Sean Thomas . Karma giggled lightly but stuck her hand out to shake it. "Karma Cohen. " She said through a laugh. His eyes got big and he rushed over to a coffee table that had a stack of magazines on it. She knew where this was going but she decided to let him have his moment. Immediately he pulled out a sports illustrated with her on the ground holding her sand covered breast and a tan bikini bottom with netting on the hip to give her a mermaid effect. It came with a full out poster of her with extensions so her hair covered her breast and doing her signature smoldering eye look. She nodded lightly "Yeah that's me ". To her surprise he yelled out, "Yo we got a sports illustrated model in the house."

Lucky for her most guys were already gone, she assumed they were setting up their booths. Soon she was taking pictures and signing posters. She bit her lip and looked out the door hoping that Kyle would arrive soon. "Yo quit crowding her" She heard behind her. She turned to see a hispanic guy with dark eyes and spiked hair. He was all muscle and when she looked up at him a dimple popped out in his left cheek. Turns out her saviors name is Javi and he was a photography major. He was really sweet and ridiculously hot and they easily started up a conversation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Paige Jones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz


“Shit. Fuck!” Usually the first words that come out of Miles’ mouth on a daily basis soon after waking up, but in this case it was because the day had barely started and already Miles was already behind. The activities fair is going on today and Miles was falling behind schedule. It didn’t help that he slept in until 11 this morning and the fair was around noon. Miles ran around his room frantically pulling at drawers and going through his desk trying to find flyers that he needed to the events of the weekend and the details of what it means to be a Sigma. His mind was running but nothing he actually needed to be thinking about was rushing through. Miles took a second to stop and take a deep breath. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and pulled it out to see a text from Naomi.

From: Naomi
Slacking on your press duties?
Miles smiled at the text from his best friend and quickly started typing back.

To: Naomi
You know me. Always ahead of the game.

The mornings were always rough on Miles. He always had difficulties getting to sleep and once he was asleep, he always had trouble staying asleep. His mind wasn’t entirely with him at the moment and it probably wasn’t helping that he had about 3 hours of sleep and no food in his system. Miles looked around his room for his backpack, seeing it in the corner by his bed; he walked over to grab it. Unzipping the zipper, Miles discovered the flyers inside. ”You’ve got to be fucking kidding. Ugh.” Miles groaned as he grabbed his keys and started heading out the door for the courtyard.

To: Kyle
Are you at the booth?

Although sometimes, Miles’ head would get away from him, he always seemed to have his right hand man by him who seemed to be on top of his game more often than not. Miles admired the fact that he had a friend like Kyle around because if it weren’t for him, Miles probably wouldn’t be able to get done half of the things he does. Even though Miles would hate to admit that, it’s the honest truth.

With a hop in his step, Miles headed for the courtyard so he could attend to his own booth. He hated running late and that’s partially why Miles would only take afternoon classes or night classes. He figured it was much easier for him to get to class on time he was already awake for the day. Shortly after, Miles could see the line of booths out in the courtyard, and from there he could see Naomi at her booth, which was stationed right next to Sigma’s booth. He smiled as he got closer to her and could make out facial expressions. ”Want to kill me now or would you like to wait for after the fair?” Miles joked as he walked up to Naomi’s booth – at this point completely disregarding his own.


There was always some sort of rivalry going on between the houses and while some of it was harmless and all in good fun, some of it was just always a little over the top. However, Bennett knew that regardless of whether the rivalry was just too much, he knew which house was the best house and he refused to believe that there was anything better than being a Beta. “Let’s keep it classy today, men. We’re looking to attract Beta material – not the trash we leave for the Sigmas.” He could hear Jack and his witty comments and Bennett smirked to himself. Bennett was leaned up against the counter in the kitchen while Jack pep talked the boys. He stood straight up against the counter as they all got ready to move from the Beta house to the courtyard.

Bennett often looked up to Jack – even though most people thought he was an asshole, Bennett saw Jack as the type of guy he wanted to be. The guy always knew how to talk to people and how to get what he wanted, what kind of person wouldn’t want to be like that? As Bennett walked by the coolers, he could hear Jack talking to him. “Sure thing, Jack. I’ll keep an eye out.” Bennett propped the doors open for the boys and waited to move past them after they all walked out.

This was only Bennett’s second year as a Beta but he couldn’t have been more proud to be one. He fought hard through his own rush week to get to where he is now and he was excited to be part of the experience of being on the team when it came to the new members.
Having to stand out in the courtyard for a few hours today was going to be a pain in the ass and though Bennett was looking forward to the experience, he wasn’t very excited about having to be on his feet all day. He figured maybe he’d be able to slip away at some point to rest. With that thought, Bennett slipped his phone out of his pocket and went through his contacts. He went straight for the P’s and picked one.

To: Paige
Hey you. You gonna be in the courtyard at any point today? I figured we could chill

With the hit of the send button, Bennett slipped his phone back in his pocket to await a reply. If he was going to have to be on duty all day, he figured it’d be a good idea to try to have a little fun with it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Miles Ganas
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Kyle groaned into his pillow as he felt the sheets of his bed being pulled off of him. He was awake now, the light brightly shining in through the window blinds. His head felt heavy as he lifted it; the hangover was minimal compared to other ones he'd suffered. Turning to the beautiful brunette beside him, hogging all the blankets, nudged her slightly.

"Grace," he cooed. She stirred slightly. Shrugging to himself, he laid back and stared at the fan on his ceiling slightly whirring as it blew over them. This was a common occurrence, Grace in his bed, and he of course did not mind it. He couldn't remember when it had began but it hadn't ended yet. Although the two seem unlikely of a pair, he's found a way to get along with the princess. Maybe it's the sex. Probably. Still, there was some sort of a friendship that had grown between the two that he couldn't begin to explain.

Besides the fact that Kyle wasn't typically one for relationships, the two have never considered dating. In fact, they specifically find themselves in Kyle's bed because Grace has a status to upkeep. Party boys like himself don't fit nicely into a classy girl's world, even if the two end up drunk at the same parties and walking home together often. Grace's job as an Alpha is to mainly date Betas, and Kyle has no problem with this. In fact, he enjoys their weird times together, how could he not?

He glanced over at the clock, 11:19. FUCK. He probably should've been setting up the activities booth about 20 minutes ago. The other guys had probably started without him but he'd get shit from Miles about it later. Speaking of which, Grace probably had some plans to be ordered around by Queen Elysia. On top of that he'd made some plans with the cute freshman girl he'd met the day before.

Quickly getting up he stumbled around the room grabbing clothes to throw on. "Grace!" he said, sort of a loud whisper. She mumbled a bit, so he threw a pillow at her head. "Hey!.." she snapped, "what do you want? it's so early.." and burried herself deeper.

"It's 11:23." he answered, slipping on his shoes and ruffling his hair in the mirror. It was messy but not very dirty. Kind of a sexy bed-head type, luckily for him. "You should probably hurry if you don't want to be late," he suggested, "the guys will probably all be heading over soon but if you wanna make it on time I'd take the window." He laughed a little, trying to imagine her scaling down the side of the house in heels. "Just use the ledges as steps ok? be careful." If she was being sassy, he ignored it and walked over to kiss her goodbye. He kissed her quickly and gave her a sly smile, "Good luck," he chuckled as he left the room, "I'll text you later."

He ran into the bathroom to quickly brush his teeth, and check himself in the mirror one more time. He knew he looked fine, but it was a nice reassurance. Pulling his phone out of his pocket he checked the time again. 11:30. Just in time to meet Karma downstairs.

He noticed a text from miles;
Are you at the booth?

He responded;
Omw now

Coming down the stairs he found that she'd made her way to the house easily enough, and had already caught the attention of his brothers. She was talking with Javi, a sophomore photography major. Kyle didn't know too much about him but he seemed like a pretty good guy. On the other hand, Sean, who was drooling over her from the living room, was a bit of a sleaze sometimes. Kyle wouldn't really be one to judge though.

He sauntered over to the two, Karma's backside to him, which in its respect looked very nice. She'd told him when they met that she was a model, and he could see why. He found her cluelessness a little funny though, she had to know tons of boys fawned over her constantly. It'd be ridiculous to not notice after two approached her in the first minute she stepped into the house. He smirked when he saw her, he'd always had a thing for blondes. And brunettes. And definitely red heads. Girls with hair really.

He slid in beside her, placing his hand gently on the back of her shirt, careful not to touch skin. He liked to be a little gentlemanly. "Morning Javi," he greeted, his voice smooth and deep. He then turned to Karma, "and morning to you as well, gorgeous," he slid her a sly smile. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're a little late." Javi nodded curtly and moved aside for them to go. He heard Sean mutter, "Figures she came for Kyle.."
He smiled at that, and raised an eyebrow at Karma, "Ready, darling?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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Outfit& Hair

Karma jumped a bit when she heard Kyle's deep voice behind her. It seemed all Kyle had to do was nod in Javi's direction and he left. Her brows furrowed a bit because she was going to offer to model for him if he needed it and she had great connections she could set him up with.She kissed a miffed Sean on the cheek before tucking herself under Kyle's arm. It wasn't overly intimate or anything but that's just how Karma was. She was a touchy feely person. She grinned at Kyle, "Well looks who's big man on campus. " She teased. With a nod in the direction of the door she added, "Lead the way. "

As they walked she nudged him with her shoulder, "You could have warned me that your whole frat house are sports illustrated fans. " She wasn't actually annoyed about it though. Most of them seemed nice. "I've never seen guys get that excited about a girl they've already seen half naked. " She added with a giggle. When her giggle became gasps signaling the beginning of her O-laugh (a.k.a orgasm laugh because it sounds like she's having an orgasm) she got it in check. She glanced at him and asked curiously, "From what I can tell you can have any girl here and if I had to guess I'd say you've had your fair share so why are you parading a freshman, though a super hot freshman if I do say so myself, around? " She asked curiously. She truly was curious. Kyle was a hot junior who could get laid whenever he wanted so she was curious why he was giving her the time of day. "Sorry if that's a bit blunt. " She added biting her lip a little. As they talked she pulled out her phone and opened a few new texts.

To: Elysia
Ly-Ly I'm officially on my way. A guy I met yesterday asked to "escort" me there I guess lol. His name's Kyle don't know if you know him. Anywhoo can't wait to see you I wore the Valentino's that we love!

[color=3925E5E]My first rush week function I'm so excited and nervous. Can't wait to see your booth! Thanks again for giving me your number.[/color]

Once they arrived at the Activities fair she turned to him and smiled " I have to find Elysia's booth. I don't know if you know her? She's the president of the Alpha's? I've known her since we were three so she's like the big sister I always wanted. I have to see Naomi's too. I met her during orientation and she's kinda trying to get me to be a Zeta."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz

{Outfit || Hair}

Behind him the courtyard started to fill up with more former students and even more new students. The alumni have all started taking their places at their proper booths. The Alphas were setting up their booth, as well as the Betas and the Kappas. The houses were one by one lining their tables up and decorating their station to capture the attention of those they hoped seemed fit enough to be introduced to the world of Greek life. Miles one second had a girl around his neck and then the second after she was gone. That was Naomi for you though – thought Miles – the girl was a difficult one to hold onto and not many people did. It’s amazing that Miles and Naomi are such good friends in the first place. The two, at first glance, wouldn’t seem like the type of people to be friends, but in reality Naomi and Miles were the closest of friends one could imagine. As Naomi excused herself, Miles leaned over on the Zeta booth and dropped his face into his hands and groaned loudly, brushing his hands into his air and then looking back up and the girls at the booth. The girl that had been wrapped around his neck was saying hi to some sophomore who waved and smiled at her, as she continued to the Alphas table. Miles smiled at Zoey, who seconds after asked for anything to spike her virgin Jello-O shot. Miles chuckled to himself and stood straight up. “To be entirely honest, I might.” Miles pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a missed text from Kyle, who was now on his way to the booth. Miles rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back in his pocket. “I swear one of these days, I’m going to strangle him,” he said, more to himself rather than to anyone in particular, in reference to Kyle and his tardiness.

The Sigma booth was already set up and that’s probably because of the sophomores that always tried so hard to kiss ass to the seniors in the house. Miles nodded over to Zoey to follow him over to his booth. The Sigma President pulled his flyers out of his bag and set them down on the table in front of him. He had blue flyers with information about the Sigmas and what the fraternity was all about, the yellow flyers were advertisements in hopes to get some new freshman to sign up. He lined them up at the corners of the table to also hold down the tablecloth just in case a beach breeze blew by. In the middle of the table were a few clipboards with signup sheets. The booth was set up as a table, with a wooden stand above the table. Painted in blue and yellow across the painted white wooden plaque were the Greek letters for Sigma Chi Delta, ΣΧΔ, with the words Sigma Chi Delta underneath each letter, painted in blue, outlined in yellow. Against the two poles that held up the wooden slate above the table, was a black poster with pictures of events from the past and accomplishments of the house.

The table was nicely presented, it wasn’t anything exaggerated or over the top but it was nicely set up enough to grab someone’s attention. Along the side of the table were coolers with drinks in it, whether or not the drinks were alcoholic was nothing something that Miles would readily admit to but they didn’t hold the appearance of alcoholic drinks, and that’s all he would say on the matter. Miles also had a few of the bottles and cans spread across the table. One would be very well aware of which house this was when they walked by.

Miles propped his bag on his leg and pulled out a small bottle, he dropped his bag to the floor and tossed the bottle into Zoey’s hands. “Go wild girl.” Miles let his eyes wander around and he could see Kyle jogging in his direction. Miles was just about ready to rip him a new one but figured it’d be best for publicity if he did that else where, but he’d make sure that Kyle heard what Miles had to say. “Nice of you to join us, pal.” Miles sarcastically spit towards Kyle as he approached the table. “I’m going to go ahead and take it that you didn’t put any of this together? Looks fine but we could’ve done better, don’t you think?” Miles stepped around to the front of the table and looked at the table that was supposed to represent his fraternity. He had two hands on his hips and he simply sighed when looking at the booth. He shook his head, as if to say whatever and turned around to look back out at the courtyard. With his hands crossed now in front of his chest, he saw his ex girlfriend making her entrance to the courtyard and he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He rolled his eyes and she made her way to her new girlfriend, Elysia. Miles was visibly upset about the two being together, and would rarely crack a smile when the girls were together.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Miles Ganas Character Portrait: Sam Shepherd
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0.00 INK


Naomi's text message woke him up but it took another ten minutes for him to actually pull himself out of his bed. Sam knew that he was running late but wasn't too worried about it. He assumed that Miles and at least the sophomore Sigmas would already be down at the fair, working on their booth. As he grabbed a change of clothes and headed towards one of the bathrooms, he realized that a lot of other guys seemed to have slept in too. He caught a glimpse of Miles jogging downstairs and he passed Kyle on his way down the hall. There were probably a couple of sophomores at the booth so he still took his time as he showered and got dressed, but it was fitting that the Sigmas were a bit off schedule. As avid partiers, they always lived up to their reputation of sleeping in the next morning.

He was positive that he and Zoey had agreed that instead of him waking her up and getting breakfast together, that they would just meet at the fair. According to the sarcastic text message he just received from her though, she clearly had thought otherwise. He shook his head but instinctively smiled just at the sight of her name showing up on his phone. The pair bickered relentlessly but at the end of the day, loved each other unconditionally.

To: Zoey
Don't pin this one on me! U said u were gonna set ur alarm

He was already approaching the Activities Fair when he sent the text but wanted to get his side out before he found Zoey. God only knew he wouldn't be able to get a word of defense in when he was actually with her. Plus, he figured that he needed to check out the Sigma booth before wandering off to find Zoey. However, upon approaching the Sigma booth, he realized that he had killed two birds with one stone. Along with his brothers, he found Zoey stepping away from the booth, after accepting a bottle of something from Miles.

"Come on, really? It's noon and you've got freshman to make a good impression on," he said, plucking the bottle from her hands. He was grinning, but it was sourced more from just seeing her and not from her antics. She hated him for it, but he felt it necessary to police her drinking. It was one thing to do it at parties but even as a Zeta, she didn't need to be doing it now at the first event of the week. Naomi was the Zeta president, but as her right hand girl, he felt like Zoey needed to be mentally-present to help out today. After a swift kiss, he smiled at her and took a few steps closer to the Sigma booth. "I'll bring some food over to you in a minute." He doubted that his brothers had organized anything special, and especially not compared to whatever the Betas and Alphas would have put together. He was right. Miles was grilling Kyle for their display which Sam thought to be decent, but was definitely weak compared to its surroundings.

"I don't think we did too bad," he said as he approached the pair. "The douches will gravitate to Jack, the geeks to Emery, and we'll be left with the good ones," he shrugged. "I will say, though, that those burgers the Betas are cooking smell pretty good. You wanna grab some for me and Zoe?" he said. Sam didn't get along with Jack and wasn't close with any of the other Betas, but he knew that Miles was at least civil with Jack. Worst comes to worst, he figured that he could head over to Emery's booth and take some of whatever they were cooking for he and Zoey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Miles Ganas Character Portrait: Sam Shepherd
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0.00 INK


."Well looks who's big man on campus. Lead the way. "
He smirked, generally amused at being called a big man on campus. In a sense, he was, given his status at the Sigma house along with all the parties they threw. Growing up he was never one to be very popular, but college had changed that a bit. He had always liked parties and having fun in the most exciting forms he could imagine, but college gave him a place to find people to do it with him, and he found that important. Being at the Sigma house built a family for him that he knows he didn't have before. Even after graduating, some of the brothers he'd probably keep in touch with for as long as he was able.

Karma nudged him, "You could have warned me that your whole frat house are sports illustrated fans. I've never seen guys get that excited about a girl they've already seen half naked. " he laughed, figuring it was a joke because probably every boy on campus had seen half naked at least once. On the contrary, he hadn't even recognised her until she brought it up. Then it clicked of course. She laughed at that, possibly a little too hard, but it was cute and he couldn't help but chuckle as well. In general so far he found her to be quite charming in an adorable way. She was girlish in the way she walked and stood beside him. Innocent in some way, maybe childish but she was obviously mature. Playful would be the right word maybe. Or just flirty. Even when she asked him curiously about all the girls he was probably fucking he smiled.

"From what I can tell you can have any girl here and if I had to guess I'd say you've had your fair share so why are you parading a freshman, though a super hot freshman if I do say so myself, around? " He raised an eyebrow at her, amused. "Sorry if that's a bit blunt. " She bit her lip. See, adorable, he thought.

"Well," he began, "if you must know, It is true, you are super hot," he quoted, "and yeah maybe that's why I noticed you jogging by, but I don't know. You seem fun. In a person way. Someone who's up for an adventure. You're easy to talk to, from what I've experienced, and it seems like people are generally drawn to you. I see that as a good sign." He smiled, being sincere with his words. He did believe all the things he said, but considered he could be completely wrong. He hardly knew her. "Does that sound accurate?"

He slipped his hand onto her back again, directing her towards the fair while she looked down at her phone. Her blond hair brushed his fingers lightly, and he couldn't help but watch her as she texted her friends and put her phone away again. She was quite beautiful, no one could deny that. Even now as they stood on the outside of the event he could feel people glancing over and giving their stares for a moment.

She smiled turning to him, "I have to find Elysia's booth. I don't know if you know her? She's the president of the Alpha's? I've known her since we were three so she's like the big sister I always wanted. I have to see Naomi's too. I met her during orientation and she's kinda trying to get me to be a Zeta."

He raised his eyebrow, "A Zeta?" he nodded, "I think you'd fit in pretty well.. Alpha? You're too nice to be an Alpha. But I can show you both of the booths. If you don't mind I'll be taking you to the only actually important booth first." He laughed. "Which I probably should've been at already, but I couldn't pass up getting to show you around. Wasn't sure if I'd ever get the opportunity again."

He lead her to the Sigma's booth, pacing himself a bit faster than average. "Nice of you to join us, pal." Miles sarcastically spit towards Kyle as he approached the table. "I’m going to go ahead and take it that you didn’t put any of this together? Looks fine but we could’ve done better, don’t you think?"

"What?" he exclaimed, "Miles it looks great. If it were done any better then I couldn't take credit for any of it." He joked, slapping Miles on his back in a friendly manor. He knew Miles was probably annoyed at him, but Kyle had planned out a good part of it and organized the Sophomores to set it up. The booth was fine and no one would remember what it looked like tomorrow anyway. He followed Miles' gaze to Emerson, who was currently making her appearance into the fair. It was kind of like watching a movie, slow motion, her short hair being tossed over her shoulder. All the Alphas kind of seemed to walk in slow motion. At least Kyle imagined it that way for his own amusement. He knew Miles still had some baggage from he and Em's relationship, but in Kyle's opinion it was maybe for the best. Lucky, Sam came to divert the attention.

Along with a bottle of alcohol and Zoey, Sam approached the two.
"I don't think we did too bad, The douches will gravitate to Jack, the geeks to Emery, and we'll be left with the good ones.
Kyle smiled in agreement.
"I will say, though, that those burgers the Betas are cooking smell pretty good. You wanna grab some for me and Zoe?" Sam asked Miles.

Kyle cut in then,"By the way," he said, "I want you all to meet my lovely new friend, Karma." He took her hand and pulled her closer to the two of them since she'd been standing a bit away. He smiled his classic smirky grin. He leaned closer to Miles, speaking a little quieter, "and if you don't mind she'll be the reason I'm not managing the booth.." He knew he was pulling some strings, but it's not like it was hard to manage and he figured as punishment Miles would put him in charge of cleaning things up. Which, in turn, he would actually do.

He hadn't really looked at Zoey yet since she'd arrived, but he took a moment to look at her now. Her caught her eyes, only for a moment, but maybe held them too long. He smiled slowly at her, then widely as he looked back to Miles and Sam. Whatever happened between Zoey and him was the past, and he was happy to see Sam and her together. Besides, Karma could be promising, he thought as he gave her hand a small squeeze.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins
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0.00 INK

Karma was pleased with Kyle's response. "Spot on gorgeous. ". It was pretty damn accurate if she was honest with herself. She usually liked having a little mystery. She didn't do it to be coy or anything like that. More like she always felt that you should leave them wanting more. Especially guys like Kyle. Even though she didn't have much practice with guys, she leaned from some of the hottest women in the world how to intrigue a man without tricking him. However for some strange reason she felt no need to be wary of him.

She bit her lip when he mentioned he didn't want to risk missing an opportunity to show her around. " You wouldn't have. I go for runs every morning at six am and at eight pm. Your house is on my route too so I'd estimate that if your a early riser you'd see me twice a day if not you'd see me once and it you hadn't made a move I would have sweetheart. " She said with a cheeky grin.

She laughed lightly at his assessment that she would fit in with the Zetas better. " Oh please you have to say that, they're your sister house." She grinned up at him and winked. As soon as they arrived at his booth, Miles, who she had already met was on him. She couldn't help the little shot of pleasure she got when Kyle took her hand. When Kyle introduced her to Miles she sent Miles a wink, " We've actually already met" She said lightly kissing miles on his cheek European style, "Freshman orientation. Tiny dress, big blonde curls. " she added helpfully. She loved that dress, it was a baby doll dress that rested way high up on her thigh. She paired it with over the knee socks, a pair of light blue doc martens and a tiny backpack. Super adorable, it made her feel like a baby doll. She nodded at Sam and sent him a small smile before smiling at Zoey.

When she felt Kyle squeeze her hand she gently squeezed his back and snuggled deeper into his side. She didn't miss Kyle saying that he was going to miss managing the booth to stay with her. Lightly, she bit her lip to hold back a grin. She turned to look for Naomi or Elysia and spotted a familiar pair of hooded sharp green eyes. Bennett, one of the freshmen said his name was Bennett. When his eyes met hers and she realized she had gotten caught looking she simply smiled widely and grinned. She spotted Jack too and smiled. She met Jack when he and Elysia had gone to school together but she doubted he remembered her much.

Finally she found Naomi and grinned when she saw them dancing. " Well want to brave the Alpha's or risk getting dragged into dancing?" She said quirking an eyebrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Miles Ganas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz




Miles stood close by to his booth, with his back turned to it as he noticed Emerson inching her way closer to her new girlfriend, Elysia. There was a bittersweet sense in seeing Emerson but Miles knew that it was perhaps best he didn’t talk to her. Although, there was a riveting pain in his throat that urged him on to say the crudest things that formulated in his mind. You have to be fucking kidding me? You left me for that bitch?! What the hell can she give you that I never did? It’s bullshit and you fucking know it. There were multitudes of names that rattled his skull as he contemplated actually walking over to them and spitting out his hate. He decided against it though. He turned his attention back to Kyle who had a girl glued to his hip. “What? Miles, it looks great. If it were done any better than I couldn’t take credit for any of it.” Kyle jokingly patted Miles on the back but Miles certainly wasn’t amused. Miles noted the girl hanging just behind Kyle and smiled softly at her. “By the way, I want you to meet my lovely new friend, Karma. “ Miles looked the girl from head to toe. She was really cute, Miles couldn’t deny that. They had actually already met that previous week. He hadn’t caught her name but he definitely remembered her. “Freshman orientation. Tiny dress, big blond curls.” Kyle leaned in closer to Miles and softly spoke into his ear to keep the girl from hearing, “and if you don’t mind, she’ll be the reason I’m not managing the booth.” Kyle continued. Immediately, almost as if it was an instinct when it came to Kyle, Miles rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. He leaned away from Kyle and looked around the courtyard. The crowd wasn’t ridiculous, it was definitely something Miles could handle on his own but that wasn’t the point. The point was that this was a group effort to gain new freshman pledge potentials and he needed his right hand man there to help out with the decision making. “Yeah, fine Kyle. But you owe me.” Miles knew that if Kyle and this girl were to end up together, he’d get side tracked with house work. He looked the girl up and down again and smiled. “You like older guys huh? Well careful with this one.” Miles joked – partially. Miles excused himself from the two and nodded back to Sam to sign that he was going over to the Beta table to grab food.

“Jack, my dear boy, don’t think you guys look pretentious enough with this booth. Why don’t you try a little harder next time?” Miles smirked toward Jack and his boys as he moved closer to them. “Hey princess, make me a few burgers there, will ya?” He called out to the kid at the grill whose name he never cared to learn. Why learn names of the ones that are irrelevant? Miles never wasted his time with the people he met; he was resourceful like that. Miles never believed in a wasted friendship. Everyone walked into someone else’s life for a reason and if Miles can’t find that reason to begin with, he either gives them reason or opens the door on their way out. That could be said of his friendship with Jack. The two weren’t the best of friends but it’d be a lie to call them enemies – more like a friendly rivalry. The two helped each other when they needed it but had the courtesy to stay out of each other’s way otherwise. Before the two Presidents could delve deeper into any actual conversation, music was loudly surrounding the courtyard.

With the drop of the beat, Miles attention moved from his ex-girlfriend to his best friend and some of her girls. An iPod had been plugged in and now he was being summed to dance with Naomi. She was pointing out random people with the hopes to grab someone, as if it were some type of show. Miles laughed and hopped over to Naomi and started dancing alongside her. A crowd formed around everyone dancing. Miles had no shame in breaking out into dance or song for that matter. He didn’t care if he looked awful or if anyone loved him – it was all about the fun in that moment. When the dancing had all stopped, Miles took a deep breath and smiled as he jokingly bowed to his audience. As the crowd dispersed, several of the students made their ways to the booths. A couple had stopped at the Sigma booth and Miles sparked up a conversation with a few them. He gave flyers out with details of the events of the rest of the week. “Make sure you look into Sigmas. We’ll make it worth your time.” He said as they started to look around at the other booths. “Let’s pick up the fucking slack here boys, I’ll be damned if these Beta shits take my men away!” Miles called out to the boys at his booth.




There was always something happening around Bennett and rarely anything happening to Bennett, unless of course he placed himself in the situation. He learned from a young age never to meddle in someone’s business that wasn’t relevant to oneself. Therefore, he usually stayed to his own unless he felt the need to meddle. Although that wasn’t often. The boy was leaned up against his booth now, watching as different houses mingled while others ignored everyone else. Bennett was big on observing people. He noticed the look of disgust in Miles’ eyes when his vision was directed in Emerson’s direction, he noticed the look of pure hatred in Naomi’s eyes as she was forced through sit through some bullshit spewing out of Alexandri’s mouth.

The only thing that snapped Bennett out of his observational trance was the sound of his name being called by Jack, “Hunter, Bas, Dan, Charlie, any of you want to go hang out at the Alpha booth?” Of course Bennett was going to say yes to that. Why anyone would want to stir away from girls that beautiful and poise was beyond him. Perhaps it was because of their stature though – Bennett felt comfortable being with other people who came from similar backgrounds and therefore was always more comfortable with the Betas than he was with anyone else, despite his friendship with Naomi. That was a little different. They often butt heads but somehow they still managed to work well together. Bennett was just about to head over to the Alpha booth when Miles came over to their booth and started, what seemed to be, joking with Jack. Bennett could pick up on Miles calling the Beta boys pretentious and Bennett wanted to laugh at the thought. Miles wouldn’t know high class if it bite him in the goddamn ass. Bennett let his mind wander with thoughts, often receding to the thought of how simply better he was than most of the other chumps in the other houses – failures, is what Bennett often referred them to.

Suddenly, within a quick second, music resonated in his own head as much as it did the large courtyard. He peeked over to where the music was coming from and saw Naomi calling to him, pointing to him, trying to get him to join in the dancing. Bennett was all for dancing in the club but he’d rather not make a fool of himself out in a crowd of people. He smiled at Naomi while playfully rejecting the invite to dance. But while he looked in her direction, Bennett’s eyes fell upon what he could have sworn was a goddess. She clung to the arms of a blond boy, Kyle. Their eyes connected and something in Bennett jumped, he smiled at her and nervously put his hand in his pocket. When the girl smiled back, Bennett fluttered a little. He suddenly wanted to rush over to the dancing – really he just wanted a reason to talk to her. Bennett straightened out his shirt and started heading over to Naomi’s booth. As he walked by, he brushed shoulders with Karma just slightly, “Hey,” he gently smirked and raised an eye brow as he made his way past her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger
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0.00 INK


Naomi grinned back at Zoey, shaking her head with amusement. While anyone else would have been upset since the Jell-O-shots were supposed to be minor-friendly for the sake of the school, leave it to Zoey to just say, "fuck it." And Naomi, despite how moral or how much of a good girl she could be, just loved being bad and could only be grateful. "Have I told you much I love you lately?" She exclaimed, waving to a few freshmen from orientation week. Her eyes fell on Karma and Kyle, who weren't that far away and Naomi quirked an eyebrow. She glanced from Karma to Kyle, and then back to Karma again with a questioning smirk. She even almost missed Zoey's questions with her curiosity, but glanced back to her best friend once it clicked in her head.

"Actually, that sounds like a great idea. We have an hour before the jamboree and no one's doing anything. I'll put it in a mass text," she said and pulled out her phone before considering. As much as she knew that some of her friends hung out with people she didn't really talk to, why not invite everyone she liked? Everyone could chill out and if they didn't like each other, they could always just not show up. It wasn't going to kill her. Besides, it was hot and she wanted the col water of the ocean on her skin. Not to mention to wear the new bikini she had bought with her mother's new boytoy's money. "Emery? Hmm...I think he was at the Alpha table, not really sure." The placement this year definitely put certain houses by people they normally wouldn't be associated with. Maybe it was the school's new way of creating relationships, she surmised while typing out her message, hoping she didn't forget anyone.

To: Bennett, Sam, Miles, Sierra, Amy, Poppy, Giselle, Daniel, Emery
Idk what y'all plan 2 do, but Zetas r hittin up da beach b4 da jamboree. Any1's invited.

Biting her lower lip softly, Naomi glanced over at the Beta table before shaking her head. She really needed to stop doing this. She was making herself obvious the more she looked in his direction. However, she also couldn't help it and decided to interact with people as a distraction, but not before sending one more text.

To: Jack
Didn't think I'd invite ur guys 2 da beach w/out u. Didn't want u 2 be lonely, Reynolds. Don't ever say I didn't do anything 4 u

Her first target was Karma, who hadn't drifted off yet and who Naomi was more than happy to greet. Side-stepping a few people who were in line for either Beta or Zeta foods, Naomi made her way to the blonde, smiling widely. "Hey, gorgeous. You look great!" She exclaimed and nodded to Kyle with the smile still present. "Hey, Kyle." Naomi turned back to Karma then. "See any booths you liked yet? Ooh, and what are you both doing after this? The Zetas and a few other people are hitting up the beach before the jamboree." She stated, including Kyle in the end. After all, who the hell didn't like the beach?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Grace Drexler
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix

Antonio was busy inspecting his camera and taking a few random photographs when he heard Jack call for him. There was no hesitance, not even a tiny bit, as he snapped to attention. His head came up and he immediately jogged over, giving and up-nod in a silent What's up as he looked around, snapping a few more pictures. A smile came across his face at Jack's request and that smile soon became a smirk. “You got it, Señor Presidente,” he laughed. He wasn't really surprised that Jack had asked for Grace, but Antonio had noticed that she and Emerson were the only ones missing from the earlier photograph. Still, being sent to go talk to Elysia gave him a chance to flirt with her and the other girls from Alpha as well as gorge on the sweets that were brought. He turned away from Jack and was headed right back to the Alpha booth, overhearing the older guy call for a few of their brothers to enter the trade-off.

He saw that Emerson had joined Elysia and Emery was part of the group as well. He rolled his eyes at the sight of Emerson, knowing that a glare was on its way. No fucks were given as he interrupted, not bothering to apologize either. “Hey, Sia! Jack wants Grace, Natalie, and Julie over at the booth. He's sending Hunter, Bas, Dan, and Charlie.” He went silent a moment as Emery was the first to leave, looking between he and Elysia before shaking his head and smiling at Elysia. She snapped back to attention and smiled as she noticed Emerson and Antonio had joined after Emery had taken his strawberry and left, confirming that he'd enjoy hanging out later. This made her smile and nod before turning her attention back to Antonio and Emerson.

She took a few moments to register everything, noticing that Grace had arrived. Finally. Seeing Grace reminded her that Antonio had asked something, causing her to shake her head, a habit she hard formed while bringing herself down from her thoughts. “No. Grace and Natalie are... Grounded. Julie can go. Also, take Diana, and Jemma and Cassidy. She spoke loudly so that the other Alphas could hear her, motioning for the mentioned girls at the same time.

ImageThey all put on smiles and headed towards the Beta booth, immediately putting on their game faces by flirting with every male that came by, whether they were rushers or current members. Elysia immediately shooed Antonio away and pulled out her phone, texting back to Karma while she spoke to Emerson, ignoring her girlfriend's text since she was already right there. “Yeah, Karmilla has entranced a few for us,” she said as she nodded towards the junior who was speaking excitedly to four girls that crowded around her with bright eyes and big smiles. Elysia gave a soft smile, kissing Emerson on her cheek.

“You had a big debate last night – Don't worry about it.” She turned and spotted Alexandri speaking to Naomi, her brow lifting some. As he apologized to her, Elysia could only smirk before putting two fingers into her mouth, issuing a high pitched whistle and pointing at Jack, motioning for him to come over and then to Karma. She issued Amelia a wink and a smirk at the compliment of the food before continuing over to the front of the booth, scanning the crowd of girls that were coming over. The cake had already been cut into and the cake pops were nearly gone. Antonio had busied himself with taking photographs.

“Precioso! Now, big smiles... Say Alpha!,” he encouraged as the Alphas and rushers smushed together happily for a photograph, giggles bubbling up from them. Once the photo had been taken, he checked out the image before his vision went dark. His lips twitched into a smile as one voice rose above the others. Gripping the camera, he maneuvered himself so that he was behind Paige now, wrapping an arm around her waist with a laugh. “Buenas tardes, mi belleza,” he purred in her ear with a thick accent. He chuckled softly and kissed the side of her head firmly before releasing her. “You know, you could get in trouble talking to me in public like this,” he teased, his fingers digging gently into her ribs as he tickled her.

Elysia rolled her eyes softly at the encounter before her gaze fell upon Amelia and her dancing. She was more than familiar with the choreography, the sight of it causing her to smile some as she stood with arms crossed. The attention the young dancer gave her elicited a blown kiss before she turned to get down to business. “Natalie and Grace, you two are on refreshments duty – Offer something to everyone. If they have questions about the chapter, send them to Delilah, Emerson, or literally anyone else.”

Her words caused the other girls to stop a moment. There was no malice or even a hint of anger in her voice but most of them had been around long enough to tell when she was displeased with someone. She ignored them and made a shooing motion with her hands before addressing the others. “This is my last year and I intend to leave you guys with the very best. We've seen a lot of potentials so far but we can always do better. We've got some Betas coming over to draw some eyes, so you know what to do.” She ushered everyone back into action, putting on a smile as she waited for Jack, linking arms with Emerson. “It's our last year – Let's make it the best.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Paige Jones Character Portrait: Miles Ganas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz

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Crowds weren’t so much thinning as they were organizing. There were people everywhere essentially, but they were all where they felt they should be. Except for scattered members of each house mingling with each other. It slightly aggravated Miles – the fact that everyone could simply run off from their work and talk to others while meanwhile he felt as though he had to stay stuck to his position because of the fact that the sophomores still didn’t know exactly what to do to with the ropes handed to them and anyone who actually knew how to do anything was off running along with some blonde bimbo.

As Miles’ eyes wandered from the corners of the courtyard down to the phone in his lap, a group of freshman walked up to the booth. Miles hadn’t noticed as the guys at first as he was very concentrated on doing absolutely nothing in the time they walked over. One of the guys cleared their throats and Miles’ eyes shot up. “Hey guys, how’s it going?” The boys stared without saying a word at first and then one of the standing in the middle nudged one of the others. Miles burrowed his eyebrows in slight confusion. He didn’t say anything though and just stood there waiting for someone to say something and when none of them, Miles opened his mouth to speak. “Well… are you guys interested in becoming a Sigma?” At that time one of the boys sputtered nervously, “Is it true that in your sophomore year you beat the hell out of one of your professors and almost got kicked out of school?” The kid’s words came out like word vomit, spitting up all of the things he was thinking and could no longer control it. Miles chuckled at the speedy speaker and the boy took a step back. “What your name kid? The boy spoke up immediately, “I’m Trevor. These are my friends, Luke, Quinn, Gage, and Wes.” Miles shook hands with each one. “We want to be Sigmas. How do we get in?” Miles made eye contact with Gage, the boy who spoke up. The corner of Miles’ mouth drew up into a smirk. He pulled a few flyers off the table and handed them to the guys. “Here, this should give you some details on how to go about that.” Miles’ phone pinged in his pocket, he pulled it out to see a text from Naomi about going to the beach. “We’ve got some shit going down at the beach in a little. Why don’t you guys swing by? We’ve got more going down later too. I’ll hit you guys up huh?” Miles passed around his phone and each of the guys put their number in his phone – smiles spread across their faces and Miles knew that this was only the beginning of the show.

While Miles talked to the guys at his booth and the others mingled, Bennett’s phone pinged in his pocket with a text from Naomi, it was an invite to hit the beach with the Zetas. He smiled at the text and looked up at his phone to see if he could find her in the crowd. Naomi was mingling with Karma and Bennett saw this as his chance to get closer. His phone pinged again and he pulled it back up to eye sight to see a text from Paige. He swiped his phone open and clicked on the text to open it but he didn’t respond. Bennett slid his phone back in his pocket and walked over to Naomi. “Naaaayyyyooommiii!”” Bennett clamored happily. He walked closer and put his arms up for a hug. He saw Kyle and Karma standing in front of Naomi but pretended as if he didn’t see them at first. “So the beach is happening huh? I’m down, may need a ride though.” He turned after his hug to look at the stunning girl that stood by him, and also Kyle. Bennett smiled gently at the girl, “Hey. I’m Bennett, I don’t think we’ve met.” The boy smiled at her as he looked in her eyes but refused to look away or to look at the boy next that stood next to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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" "

Karma's eyebrow shot up when Miles made the remark about older guys. She was well attend at dealing with assholes and even comments like that but that didn't stop them from disgusting her. She hated guys who assumed girls dated certain types of a guys for gain. She wasn't specifically hanging out with Kyle for his age or his status. That meant nothing to her.Miles left with a parting comment about being careful and Karma rolled her eyes, "Guess I should be careful with you grandpa ", She joked lightly.

Karma couldn't help but bite her lip and blush when smiled back at her. For a moment as he approached she began to worry about him approaching her while she was with Kyle. But he didn't. She knew she shouldn't have been disappointed when Bennett walked by but she was a bit. Though as he passed he brushed her shoulder and she faintly heard him say hi before smirking and walking away. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before refocusing on the small group before her. She shook her head lightly. Karma didn't want to be one of those girls who had love triangles or who messed with multiple guys at the same time. She always thought that was a bit trashy and insensitive. However, she was currently just a single rusher and it's not like she was on an actual date. At least she didn't think she was, was she?!

Karma was simply enjoying the festivities and, if she were being completely honest, occasionally glancing at Bennett, when Naomi suddenly appeared in front of her. "Hey gorgeous. You look great!. The curly haired girl had exclaimed before greeting Kyle. " Thanks you look amazing too, everything looks amazing. " She added supportively. When Naomi inquired about the other booths she shrugged, "I really haven't seen any. I just got here and he had to sort some things with his frat. I did see you dancing though. It looked wicked fun. "

When Naomi mentioned the beach a grin lit up the blonde's face. " I love the beach. Are we getting in the water though? I didn't bring a swimsuit and skinny dipping is for the dark..." She paused when Bennett walked over. He hugged Naomi and mentioned the beach as well before smiling at Karma. "Karma, Karma Cohen " She said stepping a way from Kyle, as was necessary to shake the boys hand. " I'm a freshman." She added. People always tended to assume Karma was older than she was and occasionally got upset when they realized her real age. She made it a point to avoid misconceptions. She noted that Bennett had beautiful eyes. Mainly because he was looking deeply in hers. Though when a shrill whistle filled the air she glanced away to find the source. She turned to see Elysia motioning towards her and bit her lip, "Be right back, swear " She said before heading in the direction of her oldest friend.

She paused in front of the charming enthusiastic and notably hot guy wielding a camera and sent him a grin before running into her friend literally. She hugged her fiercely before managing to gush. "I missed you so effin' much. " She turned back to the small group she ditched and frowned. " I wish I could stay but I kinda ditched Kyle and that's not cool because he was sweet enough to walk around with me today. Plus Naomi wants me to go to the beach soon. Are you coming I heard a whole bunch of people are going. We could def' get ready for the jamboree together though? I could come to the Alpha house if that's ok? " She glanced back at the group before clasping her friends hands and making a pretty pout, " Text me the details ok?" She said before heading back to the group.

She turned to Naomi and grinned, " I'm totally up for the beach, I need a ride though..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins
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0.00 INK


Naomi nodded at Karma as the blonde rusher spoke, taking in the closeness of the two blondes she stood before. Kyle was an associate of hers, maybe not a friend but someone she spoke to a lot. After all, they were brother and sister; they saw each other a lot. That also meant that she knew his reputation and while she wasn't going to hold that over his head, it didn't stop her from being just a bit wary of whatever was going on between him and Karma. Granted, she wasn't spouting some unnecessary threat or anything. Yet.

"Well, don't forget to check everything out, even the non-Greek ones," she told her newest friend. Just as Karma seemed to get excited at the idea of hitting up the beach, a very familiar voice dragged out her name and Naomi glanced over their shoulders with a knowing smile, shaking her head amusedly at Bennett who held out open arms for her. Giggling, she bound to the Beta and hugged him, turning to still include Karma and Kyle since Bennett mentioned coming to the beach with them. "No problem, love. My mum's boyfriend helped put in for my truck, so I'm more than willing to give a ride." Luckily, Bennett seemed to remember that he was not really familiar with Karma and introduced himself, which left Naomi the chance to pull out her phone to see the response from Jack. Typical asshole. Smirking, she turned her attention to her device, not even noticing that Karma had walked off.

To: Jack
Haha, funny. And here I was thinking that I could try this new bikini. But if your schedule is too busy, I guess I'll just have to trust the Sigmas' opinions. Have fun being a dick!

With a satisfied smirk, Naomi sent her text and chuckled to herself before remembering the company she was currently keeping. While Kyle wasn't the type to just randomly read her text messages since they weren't particularly close, Bennett was a Beta and much closer to Naomi. She and Jack had been good at not being obvious with their activities. However, it still benefited both presidents to not be obvious and instead of lingering on her phone, Naomi returned her attention to the males, specifically staring at Kyle with a light smirk. "Nice taste, Jagger," Naomi commented, nodding to the direction she thought Karma went in but wasn't too sure. Still, Karma was definitely gorgeous and Kyle had great taste from what Naomi saw from afar. She just felt that needed to be said because Karma was definitely a catch for a freshman. And if he was trying anything with her, he needed to make a claim now before anyone else did. She hadn't caught Bennett's lingering stare on her blonde friend yet, having been distracted with texting Jack.

Finally, Karma returned and Naomi's bigger smile returned and she waved off Karma's need for a ride. "No problem. I've got you. Um, anyone hungry? We still have some food left." She said, gesturing to the Zetas tables.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Miles Ganas Character Portrait: Sam Shepherd
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0.00 INK


Sam wasn't surprised when Kyle waltzed over with a stunning freshman glued to his side. He introduced her as a friend but Sam was sure that if there weren't already some "benefits" in that friendship, there would be by the end of the week. He assumed that there was already more going on between the pair though. She was only a freshman, so they must have met recently, but living in the room next to Kyle meant that Sam often heard more than he wanted to from Kyle's room. Luckily, the Sigma walls were pretty thick, but he could have sworn that he'd heard a higher pitched, muffled voice on the other side of the wall last night. He gave her a quick up and down look, trying to figure out where he recognized her from more than actually checking her out, before giving up and settling with a polite smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sam," he offered before Miles gave her a fair warning on Kyle. As Miles left to get food, Sam lagged behind a bit, only to offer Kyle a quick smirk and thumbs up as he nodded his head towards the young blonde. Miles had good reason to tell Karma to be careful with Kyle but simply judging by the girl's beauty and demeanor, he probably needed to watch his back too.

Sam thanked Miles for the burgers he returned with, but didn't have time to say much more to him, as the Sigma president reluctantly made his way to the Zeta booth. Music had started playing and as he glanced in that direction, he spotted a crowd forming around a few people dancing. He didn't see Zoey in the mix but wasn't going to interrupt the show, so before returning to his girlfriend, he made a pit stop at the Kappa booth. "Is Andy around?" he asked one of the sophomores who stood at the edge of their booth.

"He's at the Theta table with Poppy, I think," the guy responded simply.

Sam nodded but as he turned away, couldn't stop himself from smiling slightly. He should have known. Andrew was his closest friend in the Kappa house and one of the smartest guys he knew at Fulton. It shocked him how someone so intelligent, kind and insightful hadn't realized yet that Poppy wasn't the perfect girl for him yet. The two seemed to click just as well as he and Zoey, and maybe even better since both of them seemed too sweet for the the constant bickering he and Zoey engaged in.

When he returned to the Zeta table, he found the music lowered, Naomi and Amelia gone, and Zoey chatting with a freshman. "A burger for my lady," he said playfully as he slid the plate in front of her and took a seat on the empty chair next to her. He'd probably have to get up when Naomi or another real Sigma representative showed up, but everyone seemed preoccupied with other things at the moment. He had gotten to the booth after Dorothy had finished speaking, and with a hot burger in front of him, he wasn't paying attention enough to the girls' conversation enough to offer more than a friendly smile to her.

To: Naomi
I'm in

He responded to Naomi's text quickly, knowing that if she was going, Zoey most likely was as well. He spent the past summer and many before as a lifeguard for the Disney World water parks and resorts, but even after a grueling routine, he could never get enough of the water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Miles Ganas Character Portrait: Sam Shepherd
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz


As the boys that were interested in the Sigma’s booth dispersed and took to look at the other houses booths, Miles’ eyes focused again on his ex-girlfriend, whose sight always either infuriated him or infatuated him. There was rarely ever n in between with Emerson and the way Miles felt for her. He was either head over heels for her or he was fed up with her entirely, and perhaps that’s why their relationship suffered every time that it did. Both were very head strong in everything that they did and both felt everything and did everything intensely. When Emerson and Miles fought, it was always a fight to bring down the walls of a house or bad enough to have the neighbors peek out their windows in the middle of the night. But when they loved, they loved enough to give color to a world in black and white. At the moment Miles resented Emerson and Elysia for their relationship; he didn’t know who he hated more though, Elysia for attempting to break them up or Emerson for allowing it to happen. He likes to think he hates them both equally but everyone knows that Miles can’t truly hate Emerson – no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t.

Miles was caught off guard when Thatcher approached him asking if there was something he could do to help. The boy still had sleep lines across face and his hair was very slightly disheveled. Miles looked around the booth and scratched his head in thought. “Uhmm, yeah Thatcher…” Miles looked back at Naomi and remember the invite to the beach. “Help me clean this up,” Miles continued, “A few of us are hitting the beach. Help me put the cooler in my car and put the table and shit back.”
Miles tried to call out to Sam and Kyle to get help putting things away so they can get a head start to the beach to set up some coolers and speakers for music.

As Miles and Thatcher started to pull their things together, Bennett stood nearby having a conversation with Karma. She introduced herself, “Karma, Karma Cohen.” Her name for some reason brought a smile to Bennett’s face, he thought it was a pretty name, but then she continued, “I’m a freshman.” Bennett gently chuckled at the fact. He shook hands with the girl as she introduced herself – her hands were soft, Bennett thought. He shook back, “Bennett, Bennett Atkins. I’m a sophomore.” He said smiling back at her. Soon after the girl ran off, promising she’d be back quickly. Bas watched her hop off, shrieking, as she met with a friend. He smiled as she hopped up and down, shrieking god knows what into the other girls face. There was an instant attraction to the girl – so much so that Bennett completely forgot that she was seconds earlier attached to Kyle’s hip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger
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0.00 INK

3:20// Tuesday Afternoon

By three in the afternoon, a few of the non-Greek organizations had begun cleaning up their areas and dispersing and when twenty minutes passed, so had some of the Zetas. They were still in the process of moving things since the fair had drawn to a close and the setting up for the jamboree would be commencing soon. Naomi had sent off Kyle, Bennett, and Karma after a few more minutes, not really thinking about inviting Kyle to their beach excursion - not out of not wanting him there, but because it had slipped her mind until he had already disappeared into the crowd. Besides, Miles would tell him, right? Before they began cleaning up their own section, Naomi had run across a new girl near the Zeta booth who had been talking to Zoey. Once Karma had confirmed that she needed a ride and Naomi had agreed to be such, she had returned to her girls and seen the rusher checking out snacks and talking to other members. When one of the Zetas saw Naomi, they pointed her out to the new girl, whose name she had been told was Dori. "Hey, well, I'm Naomi. We'll probably start heading out soon, but you should come to the beach. A few friends and such are gonna be there, and who knows? You might just fall in love with us." She had said, ending on a wink before waving the girl off and making plans.

While Naomi had gotten Ever, Rebecca, and Angel and a few other notable Zetas who weren't going to the beach to assist more with the cleaning up, she still found herself helping out - not because no one was following her orders, but because she didn't want to put everything on them. She had just returned a few of the tables given by the Student Government Association when she decided to send out another mass text, including Thatcher who she hadn't seen at the fair at the time.

To: Daniel, Zoey, Karma, Bennet, Miles, Zoey, Amelia, Sierra, Sam, Poppy, Giselle, Thatcher
Headed back 2 my house 2 get changed. Any1 who needs a ride, c u in 30 mins. Otherwise, c evry1 at the beach :D

Sliding her phone away and waving off Lianne, Naomi headed in the direction of the Zeta house. She was immediately swamped with girls running in and out of their living space; some because they were going to be late for classes or work, and others simply because they had plans for the rest of the afternoon. Laughing at one of the girls who practically squealed upon seeing her boyfriend and practically pouncing on him, Naomi closed the door behind herself and jogged upstairs to get to her room. Luckily for her, being a senior and a president had its perks, which included a slightly larger room, which was a single. She definitely appreciated that, she realized, as the silence there was enough to remind her that she did, in fact, have plans. Running her hands over her face lightly, she decided to take a quick shower. It was a thing of hers; she could never change in to one outfit without at least taking a quick dip in the shower unless she was getting ready for bed. Once out, she applied a sunblock on her smooth skin with the same warm, sweet and nutty fragrance she was known for. Afterwards, Naomi rifled through her selection of swimwear before deciding upon one of the newer ones. She hadn't actually meant it when she told Jack that she had been planning on wearing a new bikini; she just needed something to say to get back at him. However, she liked the strappy zebra-print bikini her mom had picked out in her attempts at winning the "Mother of the Year" award. "Yeah, right," she muttered to no one in particular at the thought before finishing up.

Once she was officially ready dressed and her bag was full with her towel, wallet, and a few books and magazines to read, Naomi slid on some sunglasses and was applying some rose oil lip balm as she descended back down the stairs. The house was only a bit quieter with the sound of pitter-pattering from various rooms and the hallways. With about ten minutes to spare, Naomi traipsed into the kitchen to make herself a smoothie, which consisted of strawberries, bananas, vanilla yogurt, and blueberries. Once it had gotten to a smooth consistency (she hated ice in smoothies), she poured the thick liquid into a travel cup with an attachable lid and straw. She took a sip just to taste it and while sucking that down leisurely, walked out of the house, ready to hang out at the beach. Naomi walked across the street to her 2014 Tahoe, climbing in and cranking on the radio while she waited for people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Kellin D'amato Character Portrait: Amelia Park
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0.00 INK


{Outfit & Swimwear || Hair}

Amelia had stayed behind to help with the cleaning up and all, well more like she played patty cake with one of her fellow Zeta's, Jenna for about ten minutes or so before she actually began cleaning. She helped move some things back to were they belonged with a few people from different houses and joked around on the way back. Amelia had received the text earlier from Naomi about the beach and she was all for it but was a bit too busy to text Kyle or Kellin to see if they were going. Now she had the time too though and as Naomi began waving people off, Amy decided to leave a few minutes before she did getting to the house first. Upon entering, all the chaos and girls running around in a hurry made Amelia smirk. They were scrambling around getting ready for work or evening plans but it made Amy laugh because some absolutely looked like mad women. Carefully dodging the girls and successfully getting to the steps, she climbed them all the way up with her board in hand before speed walking down the hall and entering her room closing the door behind her.

"Hello?" she called out wondering if her roommate was here but she wasn't and with a shrug Amy tossed her board next to her bed along with her backpack and began to strip. She was in her underwear when her phone vibrated on it's night stand. she grabbed it, unlocked it and read that it was a text from Naomi.

From; Naomi
Headed back 2 my house 2 get changed. Any1 who needs a ride, c u in 30 mins. Otherwise, c evry1 at the beach :D

Smiling, Amy began to write out a text to Kyle and Kellin.

To; Kyle, Kellin
Hey you guys going to the beach? I'm going and want you guys to go too! Pleaseeee~? If you do decied to come meet me at Naomi's car in a half hour!

With that Amy tapped the send button and began to wrtie yet another text but this time it was a response to Naomi.

To; Naomi
I'm going! I call shotgun haha. Hey do you mind if Kyle and Kellin come? I mean if they agree to come anyway? Or is it too much?

Pressing the send button once more, Amelia went off into the bathroom for a quick shower, yes she already took one but she was outside for a good while and a bit sweaty so regardless if she was going to the beach she was still gonna take a shower. Amy wanted Naomi to say yes because she wanted her two best friends to come but she didn't wanna be rude or anything. After she was done she got dressed and flipped her hair all to one side. She put on some sunscreen she had brought recently that smelled like roses and honey along with a pink tinted lip gloss. Smiling at herself in the mirror, Amy adjusted some things before re-filling her backpack with her sunscreen, a bottle of Dr.Pepper, her lip gloss, some change of clothes just in case, a towel and her novel that she wanted to finish. The asian slipped on her flip flops, slipped on her backpack, sunglasses and hat then was out the door feeling all refreshed. Putting on her earphones, Amelia picked out a song that had a more softer tone to it and began her trip out the house and to Naomi's car.

Upon arrival she playfully stuck out her tongue to the woman who sat in the driver seat then quickly ran around the front to the passenger seat seeing it empty. "Hello darling~" she leaned in pecking Naomi on the cheek setting her backpack on the floor in front of her. " Looking on point as always." Amy giggled softly bumping Naomi with her shoulder. "Oh hey, I downloaded a couple of new songs I think you might like. Wanna hear them?"