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Elysia Hanta

"Oh, darling. You already know who I am."

0 · 1,349 views · located in Miami, Florida

a character in “Fulton University: Rush Week Begins”, as played by Vix



|“I'm not a bitch – You're just a wuss.”|



Elysia Chunkash Anli Hanta

She is often called "Sia" as a shortening of her first name, though some who've seen her name only spelled out make the mistake of calling her "Eli" when it should be pronounced "Ee-Lee".


Biologically a female, she does not identify with genders and it is a topic she'd gladly enter into a debate upon.

|Birth Date|
March 20th


Demisexual -- Androromantic

⅓ Lakota; ⅓ Greek, & ⅓ Choctaw

Elysia is double majoring in Performance (Musical Theatre) and Women's Studies



|Childhood/Family Life|
Most children never really knew what they were going to be when they growing up, always changing their answer. Not Elysia. She came from a long, prestigious, and proud line of artistically inclined individuals. Her father was never part of the picture – Her mother left him shortly after Elysia's second birthday when she realized that the washed up athlete cared only for her fame and fortune. Deeming him a bad influence for their child, she divorced him and went on to raise the child with her mother. Mantema and Isi Hanta were very strict on Elysia and didn't allow her much time to explore the world outside of art, academics, and culture studies. She was trained in ballet, ballroom, and lyrical hip-hop dance styles. She had a natural aptitude for vocals and her mother hired an opera tutor to push it to its limits. She was home-schooled to prevent her from getting distracted with too much of a social life. Her only friends outside of her cousins were those that were among the elite, all training as hard as she was. She was taught how to move up on social ladders and take alpha position. The only release she had was drawing, filming, and reading. She was raised in a rather religious household, taught to pay homage to the gods of her ancestors every day. This did lead to her being shunned by some of her Christian peers, though she was mean and manipulative enough to get even and make sure that they kept her name out of their mouths unless their were singing praises. She was eight years old when she had her first major performance, singing Flowers On the Wall as she opened a concert for Toby Keith in front of a crowd of fifty-thousand. The rush was addicting and from that moment on she has craved fame. She competed in every competition she could, from pageants and vocal performances to dance and talent shows. Her room soon had more tiaras, crowns, ribbons, and trophies than clothes. Isi eventually turned what was once Mantema's room into what was essentially a shrine to Elysia's success. Elysia was thirteen when she lost her mother, the death coming inadvertently at her own hands. Elysia wanted to take time to focus on photography and filming but her mother wanted her to stay focused on dancing and singing. In an argument taking place at the top of the stairs, they had both latched onto Elysia's favorite camera and engaged in a tug-of-war over it. When her mother rose a hand to strike her, Elysia immediately released and cringed back in fear only for her mother to be sent tumbling back. Isi fell down thirty-four steps and was killed by a broken neck. Elysia mourned for her mother and took the blame upon herself. She was caught in a custody battle between her biological father and her uncle for three months before her uncle Nakni Hanta won the case and became her legal guardian. And from there, everything became an entirely new world for her – She attended a private school and got amazing marks in her class; she was thirteen when she skipped from 8th-grade to 10th-grade, though she almost didn't pass the mathematics portion. Encouraged by her uncle to explore herself and life, she let herself go wild and free, unleashing her inner self in ways that her mother and grandmother would never let her. She began to indulge in sex, manipulation, and parties like every night could be the last. She was the envy of all of her friends, intelligent and talented enough that her partying did nothing to majorly affect her grades. Well, she was also sleeping with some of her teachers to make sure her grades didn't slack. She eventually graduated at the age of sixteen as Valedictorian. She and her uncle spent a year and a half together simply having fun as they floated around the globe to crash a few parties. It was definitely a different scene from the high society life she had previously known and it only served to educate her further on the world. When she was seventeen, she began to attend Fulton University, her mother's Alma Mater. A legacy child, she went straight for her mother's former sorority: Alpha Theta Pi. Her time as a pledge was arduous and she hated every moment of it. However, it didn't take her long to make friends and allies, the difference between the two being trust. She never once hesitated to lie, cheat, and double cross any of the girls who got on her bad side or whom she thought simply wasn't good enough. By her Junior year, she had beat all others out for the spot as President, going by popular vote. Her reign had officially begun.


|Fun Facts|
➳ Bites the inside of her left cheek when she's trying to focus ➳ Cracks her neck nearly every twenty minutes or so, especially when stressed ➳ Constantly moving some part of her body ➳ Always humming or whistling ➳ Fiddles with her piercings when she's nervous ➳ Speaks with a heavy Lakota accent sometimes ➳ Will sometimes use Lakota rather than English ➳ Talks rapidly and loses her grasp on the English language when she gets nervous ➳ Is fluent in English, Lakota, Greek, and Latin while having some proficiency in other languages ➳

❀ Music ❀ Fashion ❀ Modeling ❀ Cinematography ❀ Photography ❀ Animals ❀ Exploring ❀ Fine Wine ❀ Freedom ❀ Being the Center of Attention ❀ Personal Fitness ❀ Beauty ❀ Uniqueness ❀ Cute Winter Scarves ❀ Athletes ❀ Guys Who Can Sing ❀ Guys Who Know Musical Theatre “I can be the Christine to your Phantom.” ❀ Being Complimented ❀ Yoga ❀ Meditating ❀ Dancing ❀ Rollerblading “I know it's so nineties, but it's great for my legs!” ❀ Babies ❀ Baby Animals ❀ Ribbons ❀ Curls ❀ Flower Hair Pins ❀ Chocolate Flavored Chapstick ❀ Organic Products ❀ DIY Videos ❀ Soccer ❀ Jogging ❀ Body Art ❀ Drawing ❀ Cooking ❀ Baked Goods ❀ Bake Sales ❀

✘ Meat “I only eat organic, free range meat that's been raised humanely. Fuck that factory farm bullshit.” ✘ Cliches ✘ Labels ✘ Fashion Disasters ✘ Being Belittled ✘ Hypocrites ✘ Racism ✘ Most Western Culture ✘ Being Manipulated ✘ Being Played ✘ Being Told What She Can and Can't Do ✘ Not Being Invited To Events ✘ Conspicuous Drama Queens “If you're going to command attention, do it properly.” ✘ Out Of Control Children ✘ Attention Being Taken From Her ✘ Horror Films ✘ Being Teased For Her Religion ✘ The Smell Of Pumpkins ✘ The Smelll Of Gasoline ✘ People Who Wear Clothes That Are Too Small ✘ Shopping At Wal*Mart ✘ Kool-Aid ✘ Banana Flavored Things ✘ Bubblegum Flavored Things ✘

|Good personality traits|
{Intelligent} {Aesthete} {Adventurous} {Charming} {Able to Balance Heavy Schedules} {Passionate} {Fluid}

|Bad personality traits|
{Vindictive} {Aggressive} {Control Freak} {Audacious} {Arrogant} {Vain} {Sanctimonious}

She is a stunning young woman possessing all the regal poise, grace, and sophistication that one would expect of someone of her lineage and talents. She carries herself with a particular air that makes her stand out in a crowd, her presence in a room always noticed by everyone as soon as she crosses a threshold. She takes great pride in herself and strives to keep up appearances, dressing fashionably and using new age techniques to help her age with ease and retain the beauty that she covets so much. She's been described by many to be very amoral due to her lifestyle of partying, her outspoken views, and simply because she challenges almost every social norm. She's not an unkind person, not by any means -- She simply speaks her mind when she doesn't agree with someone or if she doesn't like them. However, she knows how to be crafty and knows when to bite her tongue. She has a very angelic, innocent appearance which often puts people off. When she speaks, she speaks with grace and charm even if she's berating someone. She's not one to lose her cool in front of a crowd and is capable of telling someone that they're a pathetic waste of matter with a polite smile on her face and a gentle hand on their shoulder. She is in constant pursuit of new things -- Seeing new places, trying to learn new skills, meeting new people, eating new foods. New experiences are simply what she lives for, aside from art. She's a very fluid young woman and can manage to float her way through each typical clique and manage to fit in just fine if it suits her wants and needs. She can be a bit thoughtless sometimes, having her head in the clouds as she thinks about fantasy realms. She's a very intense person as well, though she prefers the word "passionate". When she does something, she gives it her all. She tends to throw herself into her work and allows her feelings to run deep and amplify beyond what is generally normal. She has a craving and an obsession for all things that are beautiful, surrounding herself with unique and beautiful things and people. However, she's not someone you want to get on the bad side of. She can be very manipulative and knows very well how to dig up dirt on just about anyone and she will not hesitate to hurt someone for any given reason that she deems worthy. Because of her shameless lifestyle, she often looks down on people who claim to have values and morals, convinced that they are stupid for holding back what she says is only natural. Because of this, people will often tell her that she is too "righteous". Despite what the surface would show, she's a lot more complex than she's often given credit for, not quite as shallow as she'd lead people to believe. She's a young woman of astounding intellect who finds joy and beauty in knowledge. Many people are surprised to learn that she's involved in a number of activist movements, just as surprised when she becomes a completely other person in debates and removes her shallowness for a moment to show that she can be a caring individual. She is very passionate about human and animal rights, a vegan for the most part. She's outspoken when it comes to social injustices and involved in a number of charities, though often called a hypocrite because of her ability and willfulness to betray a person at any given moment for the sake of drama or petty reasons. Her ego disallows her from believing that she is imperfect, viewing herself as the perfect example of what humanity can and should be. She finds herself to be the perfect balance between good and bad, light and dark.

|Greatest joys in life|
Money is something that she knows she cannot live without. Without money, she would not be able to purchase the clothes that she adores or attend the concerts she lives for. Being poor is a great fear to her, instilled in her from her charity work. Money is what makes her world function. Heritage also means everything to her. She takes pride in coming from the lines that she does and hates being called a minority. She's well educated on various cultures, her own in particular, and is quick to educate others. Art in all of its glorious forms simply call to her. She could not live without music and drawing, photography and cinema. She frequents art museums when time allows and constantly has some melody escaping her lips. Fame It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that celebrities across the world are worshiped like gods by their fans. And she wants that. She knows the risk that comes with fame, with being swept into such a fast paced life. She doesn't care. She plans to share her talents with the world and reap the reward while giving back. Being famous means being heard. She wants to set an example and encourage people to be more like her, to strive for perfection. Animals While she doesn't care much to study to become a veterinarian, she adores animals. She is fascinated by literally every little thing that they do and can sometimes be found staring at birds in their nests or squirrels passing by as she wonders what their lives are really like. She views animals as the purest living beings, creatures who have achieved true perfection.

|Greatest fears|
Being an outcast is something that she could not handle. From the moment that she was born she was in some spotlight somewhere. She could give a damn less whether or not people care about her, she just wants to be seen and heard. She wants people to care about what she says. She cares that people listen to her and that her points are made. She thrives on being the center of attention. Having pledges bend over backwards just for her approval whether they like it or not gives her a rush, a feeling of power. She has radical ideas, she's bold, and she's outspoken and many other things. She knows that it is thanks to her social status that this has not made her an outcast already. It's not something she Losing Control is something she fears. Not emotionally, but simply not being able to control every decision in her life. She doesn't like being told what she can and cannot do, she does not like being demanded. It was hell on her when she was a pledge and she vowed that she'd never again allow someone to so thoroughly control her life. Despite her rather bold and adventurous nature, everything in her life is pre-planned and she has plenty of backup plans. She does not do well to being unable to figure out what to do in a spontaneous situation.

|Life philosophy|
“I'm about being the best.” -- Frank Ocean


|Thoughts on Greek Life|
Sorority life is the life for her. Being in a sorority, a prestigious one at that, allows her to reign more fully as queen bee with little to no opposition in her way. Being an Alpha Theta Pi has afforded her connections that might have been more difficult to garner before. There are many on campus who see sororities and fraternities as superfluous but she's quick to correct them and inform them of the bond formed. Of course, being an Alpha means that a lot of backstabbing little bitches come with the territory. However, it's been proven time and again that whilst they might sometimes bicker behind closed doors and betray one another for a pretty face or a jump on the social ladder... If you mess with one Alpha, you mess with them all. She enjoys being able to carry on the legacy that her mother and others have set before them, leading the way as the best. Her sorority helps her manage her hectic schedule. When it comes to events, she's constantly pulling her girls together to organize fundraising events with the boys of Beta for charities and other such things. She enjoys being around the Betas because there seems to be no end in sight to the beautiful boys often laid out on their lawn and porch for her to observe and draw. As far as the other houses are concerned, she doesn't mind them but doesn't go out of her way to interact with them. She has no need for the girls of Theta, feeling that she has brains enough. Though, she does enjoy having some debates with some of their members sometimes or simply musing. Still, she finds them a bit too boring and restrained for her liking. Kappas, she finds, are utterly adorable. She adores a boy who's got charms, looks, and brains but she feels that some of them need to toughen up a bit and wake up to reality. Zetas and Sigmas are fun. She finds their parties quite fun and wishes that she had the time to plan an epic one of her own to trump theirs for the sake of being better. However, she doesn't have such time and settles for crashing theirs. She finds herself intrigued by the almost archaic lifestyle of the Zetas and wonders how different things would have been if she'd pledged Zeta instead... The Sigma boys draw her eye quite a bit and she can't admit that she wouldn't love to have a fling with one of them a few times. However, it wouldn't be good for her reputation or that of her sorority. She discourages Alpha girls from hooking up with Sigma boys, encouraging them to go with Betas or, at the very least, Kappas. Alpha girls who tango with Sigma boys or Zeta beyond just partying or academics tend to end up in trouble and she won't have shame brought to their sisterhood.

|Plans for after college|
Elysia aspires to have fame. She already has fortune, obviously. She already has fame, though she wants more. She wants to dominate in all aspects of life and make sure that her name is known across the world. She plans to break into the music industry first before heading into acting and hopes to soon pursue directing after that. She wants it all. Her mother was a supermodel and a dancer, her grandmother was a prima ballerina, her uncle is a model... Everyone in her family has worked in some aspect of "the industry" and she plans to top them all by breaking into every aspect. She doesn't want to be compared to their greatness, but to make her own name and show herself as better than her family in talent.

|Extracurricular & Miscellaneous Activities|
â™ȘShe is the leader of the current State, Regional, and National champion a capella team, Choral Pleasure, and Captain of the Fulton Lady Warhawks cheerleading squad. (They only cheer during football season, otherwise cheering only for competition)
â™ȘShe is the president of Alpha Theta Pi, two years in a row.
â™ȘShe organizes several events (car washes, concerts, bake sales, and bachelorette auctions) for Alpha house to help pay for luxuries that allowances can't afford as well as simple social events.
â™ȘShe is a member of the debate team and president of the drama club.


|Height & Weight|
5'3” & 126lbs

Elysia has struggled with her weight since she was a teenager. She eats quite a lot and does a lot of working out to combat it. She has a healthy feminine figure with no shortage of curves. She maintains a flat enough stomach and considers herself rather healthy.

|Skin Tone|
Depending on how much she's been outside, she's either a bit on the creamed coffee side or a bit fawnish shade.

|Hair Color|
Her hair is naturally brown but she is constantly dyeing it different colors and adding highlights.

|Eye Color|
Her eyes are naturally blue but she is constantly rotating contacts; More often you'll see her with brown eyes.

|Significant Markings|
[Left Foot] [Left and Right Wrists] [Right Forearm] [Base of Neck]
[x] [x]

|Fashion Sense|
Elysia has a rather broad sense of fashion and her closets are a smorgasbord of random outfits. She seems rather fond of colorful hair and contacts, always color coordinating her outfits by theme and color; her eyes and hair color always match the dominant color of her outfit. She's rather fond of being barefoot or wearing sandals that expose a lot of her foot, pairing the natural look with cotton sundresses. It's no secret that she's got a shoe fetish, boasting a large collection of heels and boots of all kinds. She loves to accessorize with a variety of piercings, bows, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. She's also a huge fan of crazy socks as well as scarves.

So begins...

Elysia Hanta's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Marcus Vanderbilt Character Portrait: Zoey Brady
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The campus was alive with excitement, anxiety, nerves, and anticipation. A new school year had begun the second students began moving back onto campus, but now, it finally seemed to hit them. For some, it was their final year at the beloved Fulton University, one of the top universities in the country. For others, it was their first year. Either way, there was a sort of buzz all around campus, a tingle each and every student felt as they greeted this year of opportunities and adventure. And what better way to start it all off than with the one thing on everybody's mind - Rush Week. Granted, these would only be the preliminary rounds, but who knows what could happen on the very first day...

As the track slowly moved to its conclusion and after receiving a nod from one of her favorite radio partners, Naomi officially turned the dial for the sound down, speaking into her microphone clearly with her ever present and rich British lilt. "That was 2 On by Tinashe, the best song of Summer 2014. You heard it here at Fulton U Hot 103.4." Ronnie, or Ronald when he was in their political science class with Dr. Skarsgaard who truly did not care for pleasantries or students, much less, grinned at her making a face at him for pressing one of the controls, which caused a squelching sound appear just after she finished her sentence. He played too much sometimes and she had half the mind to reach over the table of controls that separated them just to swat him on the head, but opted against it. She had to go soon anyway. She rolled her eyes at him before continuing, "This is your girl Nomi, NomiIzMe, and I'm about to turn everything over to my co-host, RonnieB. Don't get forget to holla at your girl at the beautiful Zeta Nu Delta House stand at the 2014 Fulton University Activities Fair. Hope to see you all there." With a mock salute and her favorite mix of India Arie and a beat from DJ Mustard, Naomi spelled her own exit and turned everything over to Ronnie, nodding to him as she set down her headset before exiting the large recording area.

Once outside in the busy hallway, she hoisted her bag over her shoulder and made her way through the crowd, the gold of her Zeta Nu Delta custom-made bracelet catching a glint from the sun, which peeked in through the barely closed blinds of one of the hallway windows. Smirking to herself as she saw a few noticeable freshmen males whispering to themselves and glancing over at her, she twirled a few strands of hair with her pointer finger, shooting them a sultry grin accompanied by a wink before turning the corner. The move was harmless and judging by an exclamation followed by a quiet roar of excitement from where they had, it had the desired effect. She didn't mess around with freshmen guys and never would, but it definitely was fun toying with them. Not that she would ever lead them on or anything of that nature, but flirting was harmless. Besides, she wouldn't be a true Zeta if she didn't have a bit of a flirt in her. A more genuine smile flitted across her face at the thought of her girls and without hesitation, Naomi whipped out her phone to text them just as she pulled into one of the many bathrooms on the first floor to simply check on her image.

To: Zoey, Amelia, Sierra
Omw 2 the booth. 1 of u better b there

Naomi wasn't particularly worried about any of the girls showing up late, she decided, as the text was sent. She had already specified that one of the other sophomores would set up with some of the baked goods Naomi had made the night before. She slid her phone into her back pocket before primping her hair. She had chosen one of her more fun outfits for the day. It was eye-catching enough to remind everyone that she was a fashionable woman, but simple enough to not do too much in. Naomi could be a lot of things, but she wasn't that much of a show-off. Besides, that tomboyish edge was her thing and she always had to make sure it was on point. After reapplying the natural-looking shade of pink lip gloss on her lips and that her hair was still on point, she gave herself one more appraisal before leaving the bathroom and heading out to one of the larger grassy areas of Fulton University, where the Activities Fair was to take place. Every year, the location changed and she actually preferred the area they chose for this year. It was spacious and open, and left room for some of the campus' more physically active organizations to show off. It was like a tame Zeta/Sigma party, except without the booze and heavy grinding. Just a paid DJ and everyone weaning out their favorites.

Once outside, it didn't take her long to get to her booth, which was closer to the Sigma table. She frowned a bit when she didn't see Miles yet and decided to find her favorite Sigma, setting her bag down beside her chosen chair and taking a seat. Folding one smooth leg over the other, she grinned at the Zeta who had watched the table in her absence before pulling out her phone to text Miles and her other best friend.

To: Miles
Slacking on your pres duties?

To: Sam
U better not b sleep


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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The Beta members were filing out of the fraternity house like a moving crew. Instead of carrying their luggage into the house, as they had done days earlier, today they were hauling out their Activities Fair equipment. Along with the expected items with information on the fraternity, the boys were carrying grills and coolers filled with steaks, burgers and hot dogs. The Beta Gamma Omega name spoke for itself, but the extra incentive of some good food couldn't hurt their prospective of nabbing the most promising freshman guys. Besides, anyone who knew Jack knew that he'd never pass up an opportunity for some good barbecuing.

Jack stood outside the front door of the Beta house, clipboard in hand, as he made sure everything was in order for the event. The clipboard was more for the show than it was for any real organizational reason, but he did check off every section of his "needed supplies" list as he watched them being carried out by Betas. "Phillips, there better not be any alcoholic shit in that cooler," he commented as one of the sophomores stepped past him. The slight frown and sudden about-face made Jack shake his head. "Let's keep it classy today, men. We're looking to attract Beta material - not the trash we leave for the Sigmas." He gave a mock salute to a few more passing guys who were lugging out tables and grills, and then glanced down at his list. Everything seemed to be taken care of. Today was guaranteed to be a success.

"Disney, make sure those get set up next to the Zetas. We don't want the smoke blowing on our Alpha ladies," he said with a smirk as Antonio and a couple of others began to carry out some of the grills. He hadn't seen Naomi yet this week and what better way to welcome her back than by reminding her that his fraternity topped her sorority any day? Of course, he also expected, and admittedly enjoyed getting a reaction from her. Their public relationship wasn't nearly as intimate as it was in the bedroom, but it was almost equally as passionate. Just in a different, less-than-friendly way.

Jack grabbed a water bottle from a passing box and emptied it in a matter of seconds. "Don't let any of these rookies burn that before I get down there, Atkins," Jack said light-heartedly as Bennett moved by with a cooler filled with meat. Just as he had with Antonio, Jack saw a lot of his own qualities in Bennett and had developed a stronger bond with him than some of the other younger Betas. As President, he knew that he had to essentially be a "Big Brother" to all of the younger guys, but some of them were easier to connect with than others. "And you make sure Elysia knows that's top-of-the-line organic steak too. Mom and Pop Reynolds don't skimp when it comes to funding Beta events."

When the last of the Betas had exited the house, Jack followed the group towards the center of campus where the event was being set up. He was pleased with how everything was looking. As he hoped and expected, the Betas were going to dominate the fraternity scene. It wasn't like there could be much competition anyway. The Kappas were just as exciting as watching paint dry and while Jack had respect for Miles, the Sigmas weren't even comparable to the Betas. Sorority wise, Jack planned on heading to the Alpha stand, but first, he needed to make sure that he could get a rise out of the Zetas.

"Looks good, guys," he commented as he toured the area that the Betas had set up their booth and grills in. As directed, it was stationed nearly on top of the Zetas. With a satisfied smile, he stepped towards the stand that Naomi, Zoey and one or two of the other Zetas sat behind. "For someone who's supposed to be a decent cook, I'm disappointed to see that this is all you could come up with, Malone," he said, shaking his head as he helped himself to a cookie from their table. There was no question that Naomi could cook, and Jack knew it first hand. Although their relationship was usually only sexual, they did occasionally hang out on the down low. Some time last year, there had been a larger-than-normal Sigma party that left the Beta house empty for a few hours. The two definitely spent some time in the bedroom but was probably even more memorable was the food she had whipped up after. He was still convinced that he was more savvy in the kitchen, but the night certainly solidified the attraction he sometimes hated having for her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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#, as written by Vix
{|| o u t f i t || h a i r s t y l e || }

“Ate Wankantanka, Mitawa ki, wazi ya tanhan, ka te na Wa ska ki u ya ye ki, Hena un taku ya kage ki, ya glu ska kta, he ca nu. He iye cel, Wakantanka, Anpetu ki le, Micante Ki Mi ci yu ska ye, He cel tohanl, nitokab woyasu ki el, wahinajin ki, ima ya cu kta.” Elysia's voice was filled with serenity as she held her tree pose, facing the slowly rising sun that was nearly at its peak in the blue sky above. Her eyes were closed and her head was canted to one side as she prayed, feeling the familiar presence of peace ebbing through her veins as she completed her morning ritual. She dropped her leg so that she stood firmly on both feet, bowing to the golden orb that peeked over the trees as if in worship.

“Ate Wakantanka, Wiyohiyanpatan, wi hin nape, ki, He ciya tanhan Wiconi oyasin, hin na pe ki, Wiconi mitawa ki el, anpetu wanji a ke mi qu, Heon wo pi la eci ci ye, micante ki eciya tanhan.” She finished her prayer and exhaled slowly before rolling up her yoga mat and dashing indoors, closing the balcony door behind her. Checking the clock, she saw that it was precisely eight-thirty, giving her enough time to grab breakfast while the sophomores set up Alpha Theta Pi's booth.

She was in and out of the shower in a flash, leaving her bathroom [and her body] smelling of pomegranate. She went through all necessary hygiene procedures that included moisturizing, brushing her hair, and assuring that her tattoos weren't fading. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at her shelf and noticed that a bottle of her hair conditioning was missing [again] and knew that it was probably Natalie... Again. Angry, the cogs within her mind were sent to work as she thought how to deal with the issue. Public humiliation was always a good way to send a message.

It wouldn't be the first time that Elysia had done so to one of the Alpha girls. However, she was far angrier than that. Had it been a first offense, she wouldn't really worry too much, but it wasn't the case. She'd received a number of complaints about the Junior last year for borrowing things from other girls and forgetting to return them. She would even sometimes just straight up take things without asking. Like now. With Elysia's conditioner. Elysia could obviously afford to simply order more of the expensive organic and natural product, but it was the waiting and the principal. She wasn't going to order another bottle and wait two weeks for it to be shipped from Athens and she would make it known that theft wasn't condoned in the sorority.

Sighing in an agitated way, she found that her day had been fouled before it had truly begun. She still had the chance to make the best of it, slipping into one of her many, many, many formal Alpha outfits before fixing her hair in a fashion that was both simple and elegant, soon after applying a light layer of makeup that didn't scream Look at me!, but rather...enticed, as she would say. The vain young woman was pleased with her appearance, admiring her reflection for a bit before deciding that she really needed to get a move on.

She grabbed her favorite green clutch and headed into the hallway. Unlike the other girls, she didn't have to share her room with anyone. It was one of her favorite perks of being President -- She hated sharing a room during her freshman and sophomore years simply because she never got to share a room with a girl that she liked. It wasn't a secret that their former president, Mariah Monroe, didn't get along. The racist little bimbo had been far more than pissed when Elysia was voted in as their President.

Smiling, she only wished that she had more time. While she didn't like everyone in the sorority, she always had their best interest at heart. She gave gentle smiles and paused every now and then to help one of her sisters zip up or apply eyeliner. It was mostly just juniors still hanging around and getting ready; She had the sophomores up and out the door at six o'clock to get everything ready. Of course, she had sent a few seniors and juniors with them to make sure that they didn't mess anything up. They had all been awake since five in the morning.

It wasn't that they had procrastinated; They had their boards and pamphlets ready to go last week. But they had spent most of the morning picking out outfits, giving each other manicures and pedicures, and rehearsing what to say to rushers as well as cooking. She knew that Beta Gamma Omega, their brother house, had meat on the menu. She also knew that Zeta Nu Delta, their "rival" house, had baked goodies on the menu. Elysia planned to one-up everyone and had brought her girls together to bake their famous three tier Alpha Theta Pi chocolate-red velvet-vanilla cake, embellished with stripes and polka dots and flowers. She saw that some of the girls were downstairs now, going the extra mile and making cake pops to take out to the booth along with something truly drool-worthy.

“Amodini! Are those your homemade pita chips and cranberry apple pecan feta dip?!” She gave an excited squeal and clapped rapidly as the Indian young woman turned and smiled with flour all over her face. “Yes, ma'am!” Elysia congratulated her on her exceptional work with their sweets, surprised and delighted to find out that Amodini had added vegetable and dip trays to the menu. Amodini was one of her favorites, though it might have something to do with the fact that she was two years older than her and more mature than most of the other girls. She flaunted it sometimes, teasing Naomi. Elysia could certainly put her foot into her food when she wanted to, having spent many a time having cook-offs with Jack when they were kids, but she enjoyed not having to cook. She admired everything and grabbed one of the breakfast burritos that had been served, quickly munching it down as fast as she could without messing up her lipstick or getting anything on her clothes.

She grabbed a bottle of soy milk on her way out with the other girls, heading to the designated for their booth. It wasn't that too far away and she was ecstatic to see everything put together. The Alphas always went over the top when setting up their booths because they aimed to attract a particular crowd. They all dressed formally, flaunting expensive mani-pedis, wrinkle free clothes, and matching colors. They all sported the signature colors of Alpha, emerald, pearl, and rose, so it was easy enough to tell them apart from the other sororities. It wasn't something that they had practiced before, but Elysia had assured them that it showed a sense of unity and precision. It also prevented some of the girls from showing up in less than impressive outfits. She had hired – okay, she didn't hire them so much as she simply told them – a few random guys from around the campus to help the girls carry everything to their table, which was set up right across from the Zetas.

“Lay he hun nee key lee la washtay!” She called out to her girls in her familiar Lakota greeting that most of them knew by now, her accent coming to the surface as she waved. She could see Betas on the horizon, heading for their booth set up on the other side of the Sigma booth. A smirk crossed her features for no particular reason but was quickly replaced by a soft and welcoming smile as she mentally prepared herself for meeting the new prospects. She gave Naomi a soft nod of acknowledgment as she passed before taking her own seat, sitting with her knees tilted to one side and her hands folded politely upon her lap.

“Put your best smiles on, ladies!” Her brown eyes -- for once, she wasn't wearing colored contacts -- scanned the area and she spotted Zoey Brady, lifting her chin in thought. She hadn't seen Grace all morning and she was sure that the alcoholic would know where she was. Not that Elysia was going to ask. She sighed and wondered if Emerson would be around soon, turning her head and smiling at the guys as they finished setting down the Alpha's massive cake, thanking them softly with a sultry smile and a gentle hand over theirs before she sent them off. She glanced at Naomi, a triumphant smirk on the competitive female's face. Her eyes moved to see Jack and his Betas nearby, a soft smile on her face. She didn't move to greet them just yet, pulling out her phone and texting with a wicked gleam in her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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It didn't take long for Zoey to show up and when she did, Naomi could definitely tell the girl was not ready for the day. Luckily, this was only for a few hours and there would be a jamboree later for Zoey to actually be prepared for. Naomi found herself laughing at the expression on Zoey's face as she explained why she was running late and nodded understandingly. "I don't know why you even asked Sam, he's just as bad as you are with time. You should have just called me," she told her best friend. It was always great knowing that her best friends were together and she could just hang out with them. However, a smirk flitted across her face and she said, in a lower register so that the other Zetas couldn't hear, "Besides, I'm pretty sure he'll be more than willing to make it up to you later." She winked for good measure, waving at a few Thetas she had remembered from her freshman year as they set up their stand. It took a moment for her attention to return to her best friend, Naomi's mind preoccupied with looking for someone she shouldn't even be worried about. However, a moment later, she glanced back at Zoey, "You'll see."

Naomi felt pretty satisfied with what the Zeta Nu Deltas had provided. In their signature royal blue and gold colors, their booth was big enough to bring attention to them, but not showy. They were a lot of things: wild, reckless, flirtatious, seductive, and impulsive. But on a real level, the Zetas weren't the show-offs of Fulton University. They didn't need to be, partly because showing off suggested an ego neither the Zetas or Sigmas would show off just to gain attraction. They did that any day of the week. It was also partly due to the fact that there were other organizations whose livelihood was showing off because that was all they were ever good for. Speaking of, she saw the Alpha and Beta booths being set up and to roll her eyes at the massive size, particularly eyeing the Betas since they were standing so close to the Zetas. Before she could even question where he was, Jack was there and in Zeta territory.

"Well, if it isn't the King of Douchebaggery," she said, loud enough so that he could hear but also mostly to her girls as if the Beta wasn't even standing before their table. Seconds later, he was making commentary on her food and Naomi smirked to herself before allowing her gaze to meet his eyes, unflinching and poignantly unaffected. "Well, your Royal Assholeness, if I knew I were baking to impress your very refined tastes, I would have simply put frosting on cardboard." After close to three years of going back and forth with Jack, Naomi's retorts bordered on nonchalant and unbothered sarcasm, only rising to aggravated rage once he pushed her. Which Jack seemed to love doing for reasons Naomi didn't want to even attempt to delve into. For now, however, she was more than willing to dish out sub-par ammo. After all, Jack seemed to always expect a fiery retort from her, which was hilarious because after all this time, he should know her better. She wasn't going to stoop to his level - not yet anyway.

Still with a smirk on her face, Naomi allowed herself to cast a weary glance over at the Betas before a flash of blonde caught her attention across the field. Elysia and some of the other Alphas had finally arrived and before their 'competition' could begin, Elysia had given Naomi a brief show of cordial acknowledgement. A small smile made the corners of her mouth twitch slightly, but she didn't allow her gaze to stay on the Alpha president for too long. Jack was still there and Naomi wanted him gone. There was only so long she could pretend like she wasn't affected by his closeness. Slowly, Naomi stood and walked around so that she was in front of the Zeta booth, standing directly in front of Jack to assure that he maintained a distance from the safe space of her girls. She almost had to give herself a minute since besides the various food odors outside, she could practically taste Jack's body wash with this proximity. Focus, her mind had to shout. One more glance at the massive display the Betas called a booth and she said, "I am actually impressed, Reynolds. A booth big enough to house your ego..." She gave him a slow once-over, eyes raking over the athletic form before meeting his gaze again. "Now, if you don't mind, we'd like you to move. Too much douchebag in one location might ward off potential members. We don't need that kind of stench in our territory." Once that was said, she glanced back over at the Alphas, the perfect picture of suburban housewives as they preened in their pink and green. Elysia seemed rather pleased with her display and while Naomi had to say that she was impressed, the Alpha president didn't really think all Naomi had done last night was bake, right? If you're going to send spies, the least you could do is be prepared for retaliation, she had said last night as she finished with her last pan of brownies and had begun to work on a completely different project.

Just as the thought struck her mind, her favorite people had decided to make their appearance. "Hello, my loves! Bring them over here!" Naomi had been correct earlier. Zetas and Sigmas didn't necessarily need to show off. It didn't mean that they didn't, per say. Besides, whenever Elysia or even Jack was involved, Naomi's competitive side like to rear its ugly head and well, the result was perfection. A few of her Sigma brothers came in with coolers for the sodas the brother/sister houses had already bought and then another set were carrying trays of mini sliders, which had just come out the oven. She had gotten a few of the Zetas to watch the food while she was at the station since she had promised she would be at work earlier. She ushered them over, eyes raking over the spinach artichoke dip with homemade chips, the loaded baked potato skins, the cheesecake Naomi had let set in the fridge last night which was decorated in the Zeta colors with their Greek letters on top. That would go in one of the emptier coolers with just ice until they felt it necessary for it to come out. After taking one of the pecan bites for herself, Naomi smiled wickedly at the minor-friendly Jell-O-shots whose contents were the Zeta colors and had to glance back over her shoulder at the Alphas, particularly at Elysia whom she flashed a very sweet smile. This is war. And she was more than pleased that her sponsor and big Zeta sister was willing to help out.

Once checking what they had so far and the guys going over to finish up setting up for the Sigmas, Naomi pranced back around the table to sit beside her bestie, grinning at Zoey. "I might have gone overboard this year." She said, her grin only widening.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins
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Jack smirked as Naomi fired back a few insults of her own. He tried to pinpoint what it was about her that turned him on. Could it have been the accent? The attitude, maybe? He did appreciate anyone with confidence. However, it wasn't like Elysia turned him on this way, or even Grace. Something had to be different about this girl to have such an impact on him and it was getting to a point where he needed to figure out what his feelings for her really were, and where they came from. "You're telling me that isn't what this is?" he questioned, returning to reality as he tossed the bitten cookie back onto the plate as she referenced icing covered cardboard.

He straightened up as she stepped around the table and in front of him, and he didn't do a good job at hiding his look-over of her as well. It was brazen, but as far as his Beta brothers knew, Jack was just over here to remind Naomi of her place and stir the pot a bit. That was all they needed to know, too. At her request for him to move, he put his hands up in a surrendering motion and took a few steps back towards the Betas. "Alright, alright. But hey, if you ladies want any Beta meat, just shout my name," he smirked. He was going to leave them with the innuendo, but couldn't help himself but to add in one more comment. "Or better yet, scream it. Zoey, you'll show 'em how to do it, right?" He hadn't acknowledged his fellow senior before, but gave her a cheeky grin and wink before making his exit.

The Activities Fair welcomed organizations from all across campus but judging by the stands set up, it might as well have just been a Greek fair. None of the other booths were comparable to the over-done displays that the fraternities and sororities sat behind. Not like Jack was complaining though, because between the Betas superb grilling skills and the picture-perfect look the Alphas had going on, the brother-sister houses were destined to dominate again this year. Any rusher that they wanted would be theirs by the end of the week. That was something that he was sure of, and something he knew Elysia was sure of too. He spotted the blonde seated in front of the Alpha table looking nothing short as perfect as she instructed her girls to complete the finishing touches to their area.

What surprised him wasn't the massive cake set beside her, or the matching outfits the girls wore. He was more shocked to see that neither Grace nor Emerson were seated at the table yet too. Emerson's absensce was peculiar for the obvious reason of her being a senior Alpha and more so, Elysia's current girlfriend. Grace could very well have been still at the house finishing some task Elysia had set for her. It wouldn't have been too surprising, considering that the president tended to be harsh on the junior, but he would have expected Elysia to want the whole gang to be there by the time the fair started. If nothing else, Grace was unarguably a good representation of the Alphas aesthetically speaking.

He knew that he should properly greet Elysia but decided to wait a while. Even if she looked calm and collected, the perfectionist inside of her was probably stressing about making sure that everything was on-point, and he didn't want to get in the way. Plus, he kind of wanted to wait for Grace to show up. Maybe he'd get lucky and would start the year off with her with the same connection he felt for Naomi. That would make things a lot easier, to say the least.

"Dan, how's the food looking?" he called out to the junior Beta who he hoped was monitoring the younger guys manning the grills. As he waited for a response, he took a seat in front of the Beta table and examined a stack of pamphlets that one of the guys had set down on the end of it. He had to admit, they looked pretty good. It outlined all of the recognition that the Betas had received for their service work, the many notable Beta alumni who had gone on to become majorly successful, and many of the other boast-worthy points of being a Beta.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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#, as written by Vix
{|| o u t f i t || h a i r s t y l e || }

Antonio was not an early riser. In fact, he preferred to sleep in, basking in the comfort of his blanket. However, it wasn't even ten before the sound of fists beating on doors, feet running up and down stairs, and a flurry of swears filled the halls of the Beta Gamma Omega fraternity house. Antonio sighed and dragged himself out of bed before his roommate had, reaching the shower first. Always the polite one, he didn't spend any more than twenty minutes with his bathing. He didn't even bother styling his hair that much, just running his fingers through it and using some gel to keep the spikes in place. He had shaved the night before so he wouldn't have to worry about it today, exiting the shared bathroom quickly for his roommate.

“S'all you, man!” He gave the other sophomore a pat on the back and waited until the door had been closed before he dropped his towel and began to work his way into his clothes. He was normally seen around campus looking dressy, a fan of button downs, vests, and a good pair of non pleated dress pants. However, he stuck with a pair of straight fit jeans, a blank tank top, and a black and red plaid button down over that. Just because he was looking to recruit dudes today didn't mean that he couldn't talk to some ladies. He slipped his beanie onto his head, letting some of his spikes peek out from under the front, and sprayed some of his favorite Antonio Banderas brand of cologne on before heading out.

He was downstairs and in the kitchen in an instant, needing only his phone, snatching a muffin out of Jason Phillips' hand and quickly dodged a punch aimed for his ribs. “Oh! Gotta be faster than that!” His Hispanic accent was thick as he laughed his way to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of coconut milk, gulping it down as though it were the elixir of everlasting life. Everyone in his fraternity knew that he had a serious problem, never going any longer than an hour without having at least a sip of the stuff. He couldn't help it though; His mother was always introducing him to new foods and coconut milk had been his favorite drink since he was five years old.

He finished his drink quickly before putting himself to work helping the others get ready to put together their booth. He was excited for his first Rush Week as an actual member rather than a pledge.

He was tasked by Jack to help carry out the grills and make sure that they were set up near the Zetas. He smirked and gave a light nod. “You got it, jefe!” He turned towards the others and motioned for them to follow him as they began filing out. “You heard the man! Let's go see how long it takes Naomi to pop a vein.” He laughed with his fellow brothers as they continued on, spotting their site eventually. Just as Jack had asked, he guided the grill-bearers right next to the Zeta booth. He glanced over to see a number of Alpha girls fixing their hair and setting up their goods. As he was not one of the guys tasked to barbecuing, he gave Jack a wave while his President bickered with Naomi, taking himself over to the Alpha booth. He basked in the immediate smiles and waves but took to standing in front of Elysia. “You said you had something for me...?”

He had gotten a text on the way there, Elysia telling him to come and see her. He watched curiously as she reached under the Alpha's table and pulled out a gift box wrapped in their colors. His brow shot up as he took it, quite gingerly, and inspected it. “Calm down, Disney. It's not a prank. Just open it,” she huffed. Antonio gave her a long stare before opening it, balking at what was within. “Is this the new Canon?!” It was a rhetorical question, as he knew that it was. “These aren't supposed to hit the shelves until next year! How did you...?” He gave her an incredulous look as he dropped the box but held onto the camera. Elysia was clearly irritated by him simply dropping the box, shown in her eyes rolling as she picked it back up and put it back under the table. “My uncle got it from his photographer who has it because... He's Marc Jasal. ”

Okay. That sort of explained things. “Okay... So, why give it to me?”

Elysia gave a light smirk and nodded towards Naomi, her voice lifting in an obvious move so that the Zeta President would hear her. “Because I want the pictures to look absolutely perfect while you document Naomi's disappointment as we – again – rock the Rush Week.” Antonio gave a laugh at this, with Elysia not at her, and gave a nod. “Alright, I can do that.” He checked to make sure that an SD card was already in place and Elysia tapped his shoulder as he stood.

“Also, don't forget to get shots of us,” she said as she motioned to her and the other lovely ladies behind her. Antonio gave a nod of affirmation before taking a few steps back. “Alright, let's break it in! Get together, ladies! Big smiles!” He waited until the had all gathered, forming two lines on either side of their booth, all of them striking comically outrageous poses. Once he'd taken the picture, they all dissolved into laughter. “We'll catch a serious photo later, when every Alpha is here. But... For now.”

Antonio watched as Elysia motioned for two more tables to be brought in and he couldn't help but to balk some. When Elysia and Naomi competed, they really competed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus Vanderbilt Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emery Ravens Character Portrait: Andrew Drexler
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0.00 INK


Emery loves mornings. Always has, even when he was a little kid. There's just something about being able to watch the sun rise, all orange and bright up there. And going back to college didn't change this addiction whatsoever. He was up at five thirty this morning, ready to start an exciting rush week - and his first week as president of Kappa Alpha. Right after he woke up, he made himself a heaping plate of chocolate protein pancakes, watched the sun come up on his balcony, and hopped in the shower. He didn't want to take too long, because there were still preparations that needed to happen for the fair today. He got dressed, did his hair, and was completely ready by six thirty. No one else seemed to be awake yet, but that wouldn't last much longer on his watch.

"Rise and shine, boys!" Emery yelled into the telephone that controlled the loud speaker in the frat house. It was installed by last year's president, Ravi Cheever. It projected whatever was said into the telephone (located in the president's bedroom) to all the boys' rooms, the kitchen, and the living room. It was super helpful when everyone was asleep, because it always sounded louder than the person talking actual was. "Everyone's gotta be at the stand in one hour. No slackers today, fellas. And I need five guys to help carry tables and food."

The Kappa boys were usually very helpful when it came to this kind of thing. There was quite a lot to be carried to the fair. Luckily, the Kappa house is closest to that area of campus, only about a five minute walk. Emery and his brothers carried two tables, a grill, and five coolers of food and beverages. On the menu today was seafood: shrimp, lobster, crab, etc. Lee, a junior Kappa, had an uncle who was a fisherman off the coast of Connecticut. So, all the meat was free. They also had close to three hundred cans of pop, five dozen red velvet brownies made by Emery himself, and a cooler of virgin Bloody Marys for all the incoming freshmen, and whoever else stopped by the table.

When everything was situated, a bit of stress was taken off of Emery's shoulders. Posters were hung, the grills were lit, and music was playing in the background. The Kappa table was set up right next to the Alphas. Not exactly Emery's first choice spot, but it was better than being by the Betas. He would rather be stationed next to the Thetas, that's for sure. He put Lee on grilling duty, and decided to wander around the tables to check out all the other houses' progress.

He stopped at the Alpha stand first, since it was the closest. Elysia and some of the other girls were sitting around their booth, looking dapper as ever in their usual green and pink get-ups. He didn't want to admit it, but the display, and the girls themselves, looked good. He knew talking to Elysia would be weird, considering their rocky past, but he hadn't seen her at all in the past couple of months since school got out. So he decided to strike up a conversation, not knowing where it would go. "Your booth looks nice. Got any food I can try while my boys are grilling up ours? I don't usually settle for second best, but I guess I'll have to this time," he teased. He knew that they weren't close anymore, but Elysia could take a joke better than some people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim Character Portrait: Emery Ravens
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#, as written by Vix
{|| o u t f i t || h a i r s t y l e || }

Elysia showed no signs of being impressed as Naomi's table filled with more food than just baked goods, her brow lifting as if to say Is that all you've got? She had a brief interaction with Antonio, posing in a silly manner before turning to see that more tables had arrived. The Alpha girls moved quick, showing that one could be graceful and swift in heels of all kinds, and began to set them up as well. Plates of silver were set down with glass covers, an array of food underneath. Elysia grabbed her clipboard and pen, walking slowly as she began to check everything off.

After she checked everything from the list and thanked the boys she had enlisted for help before signing for the sushi she ordered. Her gaze fell to Naomi again and she gave a polite smile. ”Yaye tanka nains yaye tiyatakiya, Naomi.” Again, she spoke in one of her Native tongues, shrugging a bit. “Go big or go home. You didn't really think this was all we brought, did you?” She motioned to the first table that had been placed with the large cake, cake pop assortment, and the vegetable tray. This was her last year at Fulton and she was definitely going to go out with a bang in true-blue Elysia Hanta style.

She observed the tables around her and gave an appreciative nod at the variety that was sure to fill up anyone who stopped by. The Betas had their barbecues going, though she wasn't going to eat anything that Jack didn't cook. She knew already that the meat was organic because she told Jack last week that she was going to stop by their booth for some food since Alphas weren't bringing meat that wasn't on a small sandwich. The Zetas, in true Zeta fashion, had food that was showed that they were the house of parties, having things that looked like appetizers from TGI Fridays along with some baked goods and a really delicious looking cheesecake.

Alphas, however, had set up their tables so that it looked more like they were hosting one of their soirees and were expecting to feed a mob all on their own, boasting a huge natural and organic selection. Elysia planned on divvying up the leftovers to take back to the Alpha house and using the other half to take down to the Curly's House of Style -- She had called the soup kitchen yesterday and promised to bring them a decent amount of leftovers, planning to take some from the Betas as well. She wasn't a total selfish bitch. She had some compassion buried beneath her shallow surface and she enjoyed her community service.

She looked over her own table again before biting the inside of her cheeks and setting down her clipboard. Everything looked really delicious and she was dying to have a bite. She did her best to limit her sweets, having struggled with her eating habits as a child; Her mother often pushed her too hard and drove young Elysia into chowing down on comfort foods. Isi once pulled a "Miss Trunchbull" and forced Elysia to eat an entire chocolate cake that made her so sick that she couldn't even look at sweets for two years without thinking about it and vomiting. Those were secrets that she had only ever told Jack, Karma, and Emery. She had found it strange that she'd told Emery more than a few secrets about her childhood. It wasn't that she didn't think of him as close, because she did consider him a close friend, though she'd been distant the past few months. But she just thought it was weird to think back to how she'd lay back and talk about her life with him after sex.

Discarding such terribly distracting thoughts, she reached out and plucked up one of the tiny brownies, all but losing herself in the taste of the cream cheese icing that was swirled on top. She closed her eyes and sighed happily before turning around and coming face to face with Emery. The shock caused her to gasp, inhaling not fully chewed bits of brownie. She choked a bit before grabbing a lemonade, downing it in a single gulp. She gasped for air, flushing with embarrassment. Her face was now pink enough to nearly match her jacket. “Don't sneak up on me like that!” She didn't mean to yell at him and shame immediately took the place of embarrassment. “Sorry, Em.” She gave an apologetic smile before motioning to the three tables.

“Well, we've got our signature Alpha cake, cake pops, Amodini's pita chips, cranberry apple pecan feta dip, seasonal fruit tray, shrimp tray, cocktail sauce, garlic knots, marinara sauce, cheese platter, chocolatines, dipped strawberries, mini eclairs, sushi assortment, tea cookies, sweet tea, lemonade, sandwich samplers, assorted cookies – some of them are dipped in white and dark chocolate and drizzled, and cream cheese icing topped brownies. Pick your poison.” She did her best to remain nonchalant in his presence, but she couldn't stop herself from speaking rapidly and fiddling with her earrings, a clear sign of Elysia anxiety. She was never this nervous around Emery, or anyone. Since freshman year and up until the past few months, the only tension there was between them was of the sexual sort. There were times when she didn't know what to say to him or how to act, but it had never been this bad. She felt like she didn't know how to interact with him now. How did one casually hang out with someone they used to sleep with on a near daily basis? Especially when that someone was friends with your girlfriend who didn't know about the aforementioned activities.

She must look strange, behaving so. As far as the other Alphas knew, she was just pissed off because Natalie's fingers had gotten sticky again. She was sure Emery knew differently. She moved a bit closer, angling her body towards him and away from others as she lowered her voice and made eye contact. She tried not to get lost in his scent, grinding her teeth for a moment as she composed herself, her knuckles now cracking. “I'm sorry about... Being distant. This isn't really a situation I know how to handle. It's not like there's a handbook...” For once in her life, there was a pleading for forgiveness, genuine pleading, in her tone and her eyes. She'd known Emery longer than she'd known Emerson, even if only by a week or two, and she didn't want him to be mad at her. Even if she knew he had every right to be. Nor did she fancy having him think that she was just using him for sex. Because it was about as far from the truth as it got.

“We could hang out later... If you want.” She knew now might not be the best time or place for begging for forgiveness, though she'd never admit that she was begging. She wasn't that humble. However, she really did want to hang out with him later and make an attempt at acting normal around him. And not normal as in... Well, not their normal, post Elyson ship normal. But normal... Normal, as in "just friends" normal. No matter how much she was thinking about dragging him to a car right now. She chastised herself for the thoughts and scrunched up her nose in frustration. Avoiding him had been a bit easier, but she didn't plan on taking the easy way and losing him as a friend. She didn't know why it meant so much to her. Or maybe she did and she wouldn't admit it. Either way, she had to clear things up now so she'd know whether or not it was safe to hang around him at the jamboree.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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0.00 INK

Outfit& Hair

Karma jumped a bit when she heard Kyle's deep voice behind her. It seemed all Kyle had to do was nod in Javi's direction and he left. Her brows furrowed a bit because she was going to offer to model for him if he needed it and she had great connections she could set him up with.She kissed a miffed Sean on the cheek before tucking herself under Kyle's arm. It wasn't overly intimate or anything but that's just how Karma was. She was a touchy feely person. She grinned at Kyle, "Well looks who's big man on campus. " She teased. With a nod in the direction of the door she added, "Lead the way. "

As they walked she nudged him with her shoulder, "You could have warned me that your whole frat house are sports illustrated fans. " She wasn't actually annoyed about it though. Most of them seemed nice. "I've never seen guys get that excited about a girl they've already seen half naked. " She added with a giggle. When her giggle became gasps signaling the beginning of her O-laugh (a.k.a orgasm laugh because it sounds like she's having an orgasm) she got it in check. She glanced at him and asked curiously, "From what I can tell you can have any girl here and if I had to guess I'd say you've had your fair share so why are you parading a freshman, though a super hot freshman if I do say so myself, around? " She asked curiously. She truly was curious. Kyle was a hot junior who could get laid whenever he wanted so she was curious why he was giving her the time of day. "Sorry if that's a bit blunt. " She added biting her lip a little. As they talked she pulled out her phone and opened a few new texts.

To: Elysia
Ly-Ly I'm officially on my way. A guy I met yesterday asked to "escort" me there I guess lol. His name's Kyle don't know if you know him. Anywhoo can't wait to see you I wore the Valentino's that we love!

[color=3925E5E]My first rush week function I'm so excited and nervous. Can't wait to see your booth! Thanks again for giving me your number.[/color]

Once they arrived at the Activities fair she turned to him and smiled " I have to find Elysia's booth. I don't know if you know her? She's the president of the Alpha's? I've known her since we were three so she's like the big sister I always wanted. I have to see Naomi's too. I met her during orientation and she's kinda trying to get me to be a Zeta."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Poppy Montgomery Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins
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0.00 INK


Naomi had to roll her eyes as Jack left because, as usual, he just had to have the last word. "Prick," she found herself grumbling as she found herself much too focused on the back of his head, but it was loud enough for Zoey to hear. A few of the other Zetas told her they were going back to the house to get other things and Naomi smiled them off, twirling a few curls in her fingers. She had just reached over to snatch up the half-eaten cookie Jack had placed back down on their table when her phone pinged at receiving a text. Tossing the soiled food away, she pulled her phone out and smirked at the text from Miles, rolling her eyes. "I'm beginning to think it's a Sigma thing, being late and all," she told Zoey just as two girls who were obviously freshmen came over.

"Hi, I'm Danielle. And that's Katy. You're from the radio, right?" The redhead said and her blonde friend waved, taking in the assortment of foods, which had actually warranted them getting an extra table. "Yep, NomiIzMe, but you can call me Naomi. I'm the president of the beautiful Zetas of Zeta Nu Delta." The girls beamed down at Naomi's warm smile, which was definitely brighter than the earlier reserved smirk of contempt she had reserved for Jack when they were in public. It was brighter and friendly, a mix of sweetness concealing devilish intent and a bit of the Zeta signature. 'Cool, my sister was a Zeta. Class of 2008." Danielle exclaimed and Naomi nodded with a brighter smile. "Then that already makes you an honorary little sister. Before you eat anything, you both have to do one Jell-O-shot and post a pic of yourselves with at least one Zeta on all of your social media sites." Naomi had purposefully chosen their entrees as items to party in. This wasn't a tea party, this was an Activities Fair. There would be something from every sorority and there was also a big party afterwards. She wasn't trying to be unfair and disallow the freshmen from experiencing the wholeness of their Rush Week. The two girls gave each other an excited look before each taking a shot, which Naomi was quick to replace, and downing it at the same time. The Zeta booth roared with excitement and to her surprise, Danielle had been the first to whip out her phone and posed somewhat over the booth with Naomi and her friend. Grinning, Naomi smooched the redhead's cheek, already liking her. "Don't forget to check out all the other booths. And don't forget about us for Saturday night." While there was a rivalry between all of the Greek organizations, Naomi made it a point for every freshman to check out all of the booths. Not because she was trying to win brownie points or a good Samaritan award, but because it was fair. A guy might find he likes partying just as much as every other Sigma, but felt more at home with people who were as studious him, like with the Kappas. Why should anyone force their sorority on someone without giving them a chance to look at all their options?

She still needed to work out the logistics with Miles, but she had plans for Saturday for both the Sigmas and the Zetas and it was to be off campus. No huge dinner party or spa date like the Alphas typically threw, or some guys' night like the Betas, but definitely something fun. She was in the middle of texting one of her girls when she heard a familiar voice. ”Want to kill me now or would you like to wait for after the fair?” Her smile was wide and toothy and Naomi rushed from her side of the booth to throw herself at the Sigma president, arms wrapped tightly around him despite seeing him just a few days ago and her feet leaving the ground for only a few seconds. She giggled a bit before pulling away, grinning up at Miles as she replied, "If I kill you, who else is gonna give me piggy back rides, love?" She added a wink for good measure before seeing her second favorite sorority booth being set up, and glanced back at Zoey and Miles. "Be right back."

On her way, she had glanced back over at Elysia to see the Alphas adding more tables to their side and had to smile, a giggle bursting past her lips. Elysia didn't really think this was a banquet, right? It was nearly 94 degrees outside, she had her girls out in blazers and ridiculously high heels, and they were set up like they were having a luncheon with the first lady of Fulton U? Who the hell did the Alpha president think she needed to impress? Obama? She shook her head and when she met Elysia's gaze, she offered the Alpha president a mock salute. For a second, she paused by the Betas tent before reaching over the booth and pulling a water bottle out of one of the coolers. A sophomore Beta was quick to complain, but she shot him a look before glancing at Phillips and Jack and said sweetly, "Thanks, boys. Hi, Benny," with the last part being directed at Bennett. Not sparing Jack another glance, Naomi waltzed over to the Theta booth, hips swaying in their naturally entrancing way as if on a rhythm that only she could feel. She glanced at her phone again when it alerted her to another text and hurried to send a quick response just as she reached the Thetas.

To: Karma
Np :D Ur perfect n ur gonna do fine. Just check out evry 1. They're gonna luv u

"Well, if it isn't my second favorite group of ladies," she exclaimed upon her arrival, making sure to smile especially brightly for Poppy. A fellow Junior, Lianne, gave her a mock look of contempt. Lianne and Naomi had connected freshman year and while they weren't besties, like with Poppy, the two were still extremely close and seemed to always joke with each other. Lianne had been perfect from day one; she was the current student body president, captain of the volleyball team Naomi played on, and a political science major with dreams of someday joining the UN. And with the same amount of sass that defined Naomi. "You're still a traitor." Naomi only preened. "And you still love me, traitor and all," she replied smartly and though the brunette rolled her eyes, she hugged the Zeta anyway and the others, particularly Giselle who also offered a wink, waved and greeted her. Finally, Naomi's gaze specifically on Poppy, whom she was quick to hug. "I couldn't go the day without hugging my favorite Theta, now could I?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim Character Portrait: Emery Ravens
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0.00 INK


Emerson Kim is typically the reliable, hardworking one who pushes others to remember deadlines, event times, etc. If a tournament is at 8am she's there by 6:30am. This is why it makes it so strange that the young woman is asleep in her bed, her alarm clock rattling on unnoticed, while most of the other Alphas are at the fair already recruiting future pledges. It can be attributed to the fact that the young woman returned from a Lincoln Douglass-Only tournament late last night, thanks to the poorly thought out decision to get late night dinner with people afterwards. She had, certainly uncharacteristically, fallen asleep in her debate attire which consists of a now wrinkled blouse, a black blazer and black dress pants. Only her heels and socks had been taken off, and now rest in the opened drawer of her bedside table. At least no one had been woken up by her late night entrance, or so the young woman hopes. If they had, the sophomores might assume she was returning from a party, and the others would know Emerson had been away on business. Her business, anyway. Proof of that business, a silver medal hanging off of her lamp, dims the light coming off of the lamp that was never turned off.

Eventually, however, one day must turn to another, and Emerson finally opens her eyes. Not expecting to have slept in, she at first rolls over to shut off the alarm slowly, but upon seeing the time everything suddenly kicks into a higher speed. She slams the button and jumps out of bed, muttering more than a few profanities underneath her breath as she quickly jumps into the shower. On a time crunch, the already brief period of time she spends is shortened with the speed of urgency, and soon she is out and brushing her teeth. Every now and then she glances over towards the clock and berates herself for such carelessness. Just as Emerson is not one to take it easy on others, she is hard pressed to give herself a break. I was supposed to be there half an hour ago, she presses the issue. Realizing she doesn't really have time to dry her hair, Emerson twist's it into a bun that is messy, but somehow suits her" perhaps because she so often wears that messy bun. It typically is trademark of her while working on a case, and gives the impression of a businesswoman halfway through the workday: someone with more important things to worry about than immaculate hair.

She dresses, vaguely remembering the color scheme and directions Elysia had begun planning for the house, and walking down begins to wonder how everyone could have left without her realizing it. Maybe Elysia knew she had stayed out late working and told people to let the girl sleep in, god knows Em rarely does, or perhaps they had all thought she left early for a morning jog, as is her normal routine. Either way, the house is rather silent. Emerson pulls out her phone and sends Elysia a text, swearing again under her breath for her own foolishness as she grabs a ginger ale out of the house fridge and leaves the house.

To Elysia
Sorry, Slept in. Be there in a few.

Her message is brief and to the point, but such is Emerson. She prefers talking to people rather than texting, though in this situation knows Elysia is probably making conversation with someone else. Her text does not question why no one woke her up because they shouldn't have had to: and Em takes responsibility for her own mistakes, if nothing else. As she walks Em rolls up the sleeves of her lightweight blazer, which even in its thinness is warm for the summer heat. She considers taking it off, but resolves to consult Elysia when she arrives. An alpha in all other respects, Emerson is certainly one of the less well versed of the Alphas regarding fashion. She can pull of any sort of business wear perfectly, but beyond that the girl tends to need pointers in order to be more Alpha. Three years in the house have given her better intuition for it, at least.

Luckily Emerson is known for her brisk pace, and the gathering was not far away. She spots Elysia talking to Emery and walks up to them, making it a trio of E names. "Didn't hear my alarm-- imagine the rest of the house did though, sorry about that." She acknowledges Emery with a smile and a nod, as she leans slightly against Elysia for a moment before straightening. "Good morning, also. Any good prospects for Alphas and Kappas?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim Character Portrait: Emery Ravens Character Portrait: Delilah Young
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0.00 INK


It took a split second for Grace to go from being comfortably lost in dreamland to being thrust into a panic-struck reality. Not only was she severely late, but she was severely late on the first day of rush week, which meant that she was seriously screwed. Elysia had a strict schedule for the girls on days like today, where they were supposed to wake up before the sun rose to start prepping. Even being a mere five minutes late would piss Elysia off, so five hours late was simply unspeakable.

"She's going to kill me," Grace muttered a couple of times as she frantically searched his bedroom for the clothes she had worn the previous night. She was sure that the Alpha house would be empty by the time she got there, which meant that luckily, no one would catch her making her walk of shame. Still, she probably would have preferred some of them still being there. At least that would mean that she wasn't running this behind schedule, but as she caught sight of a clock again, she knew she wasn't going to be that lucky. She quickly located the shorts she had came over in last night, but whatever shirt she was wearing must have been tossed somewhere unknown as they undressed each other. There was no time to search for it and after only a few seconds worth of an attempt to locate it, she gave up and grabbed a Fulton University t-shirt from his closet. It was large enough on her frame to show that it probably belonged to a guy, but common enough on campus that there was no way it could be traced back to Kyle.

His suggestion that she leave through the window to avoid bumping into any guys quickly brought a scowl to her face. Still, she knew that it was the best - no, the only - option that she had, and she had done it enough times last semester to do it stealthily. "You're lucky that you're good in bed," she warned him, as if to suggest that it was the only reason she would put up with such treatment. In a way, it was. She wasn't going to climb out of a Sigma window for just anyone and if it wasn't for their sexual connection, they probably never would have formed any sort of friendship.

She remained in his bedroom for only a few moments after he left. She did what she could to manage to make herself look decent for the short walk to the Alpha house, and then did as directed, and slid out of his bedroom window. Almost ten minutes later, she was stepping into the Alpha house and just as she expected, it was silent. There was no time to waste, and Grace knew that. She ran upstairs and into a bathroom where she took one of the quickest showers to date. It was disrespectful to show up to the event late, but she figured that it would be even worse to show up late and disgusting looking. So, after stepping out of the shower, she blow-dried her hair, did her makeup and quickly put together an outfit to fit the Alpha colors. She was definitely late, but she tried to reassure herself that at least she looked good.

Instead of bringing a large bag, she decided on a small rose clutch that she had bought over the summer in Paris. All that she planned on keeping in it was her phone, but as she hurried out of the house, she kept it in her hand rather than in the bag. As she should have expected, she had a ton of texts from Delilah and some of the other younger Alphas asking where she was throughout the morning hours. There was also a recent one from Zoey, that Grace didn't have time to answer in the moment. She had left her phone at the house on purpose last night, but she had expected to be back by one or two in the morning, not eleven-thirty. Unfortunately for her, she had been a few minutes behind Emerson and didn't know that the senior was running late too. It would've worked to her advantage to know that she wasn't the only one showing up significantly later than expected, but even if she had that on her side, of course Elysia would favor Emerson. Not only were they best friends, but girlfriends.

It wasn't difficult to find the Alpha booth. It was the nicest and most orderly one on the lawn. Everything looked perfect and Grace expected no less from Elysia. However, she was much less focused on the decorum than she was on Elysia, who was talking with Emerson and Emery. Grace did a good job at acting calm as she approached the table, but she definitely knew that even if Elysia didn't make a big deal about it here in public, that she would pay for her absence later on. However, she saw the three being engrossed in conversation as a perfect opportunity to avoid the situation for now.

Instead of interrupting them, she slipped past the trip and found Delilah a few feet away, handing out pamphlets to passing girls. "You look cute. I told you those heels would fit you," she commented with a soft smile. Grace definitely wasn't a fabulous role model in many ways, but she really did care for Delilah. She still struggled to put the big sister role ahead of her own needs - like sneaking off to be with Kyle - but she did genuinely want Delilah to feel like she could come to her for anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim Character Portrait: Emery Ravens Character Portrait: Delilah Young
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thunder

Delilah couldn't have been any more excited for today. A year ago, she was embarking on the best journey of her life and now she got to be on the other side of that. Not only would she spending the day with her favorite people who she was just getting reacquainted with after a few months separation, but she would also be meeting new girls who would soon become her sisters. She couldn't hide her enthusiasm for the events of the week and it was obvious today, as she had been one of the first ones awake.

Like every morning, she started her day with a short jog around campus. This was followed by a quick shower, which emphasized how lucky she was to be an early riser, since the early morning hours were one of the few times when the bathrooms were actually unoccupied. She brushed her hair out but decided to let it air dry into its natural soft waves, and put on an outfit that Grace had pre-approved the night before. Although Delilah didn't expect Grace to be as anxious for the day's events as she was, she was surprised when she knocked on the girl's bedroom door and didn't get an answer. When she finally, and somewhat reluctantly opened the door and peered into the room, she was puzzled to find the bed made and seemingly untouched from the day before. If Grace had somehow woken up and gotten ready while Delilah was out on her jog or in the shower, it was certainly out of character for her, but the idea of her just never coming home last night didn't even cross her might. Maybe it was the naivety of her mindset that made it seem like an impossible scenario, or more likely, the fact that she couldn't imagine anyone having the guts to do that on a day like today. Besides, most of the time when Grace was doing something she knew was wrong, she would at least give Delilah a head's up and ask her to cover for her if Elysia or someone questioned her whereabouts.

A bout of text messages went unanswered, which worried Delilah, but she hoped that maybe Elysia had sent Grace to pick something up off campus and that everything was fine. She tried not to worry and focused on her role in the events. By six o'clock, she and many of the other sophomores were already making their way to the campus green where the Activities Fair was being held. Their hard work paid off, because hours later as the other organizations started to set up, it seemed obvious to her that the Alpha section was the most well-presented. No matter how much blood, sweat and tears went into it, she was proud to be an Alpha.

When she spotted Elysia for the first time all morning, her excitement only heightened. She simply adored the president and that was no secret to anyone else in the fraternity. Delilah was something of a teacher's pet when it came to Elysia, but she worked hard to keep it toned down to a point where she wouldn't be annoying. She wanted it to be known that she would be willing to help out in any way that she could without being overbearing. Especially when Grace was missing, Elysia was the first person she turned to for advice or even just company. This morning, she knew that Sia had more important things to do than to chat with her though, so she continued to help with the finishing touches on their tables.

She had almost lost hope for Grace showing up entirely, when the brunette seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Delilah discreetly watched as she glided past Elysia, Emerson and Emery without a word of acknowledgment to Elysia. Even from feet away, she sensed a bit of tension there, but she tried to hope that her Big was just keeping to herself because Elysia knew where she was, and she had no need to explain herself. Although she was nervous, the smile that appeared on her face when Grace approached her was genuine, as was the blush that followed the compliment of her outfit. "Thanks!" she beamed. "My heels are probably going to kill me for it tonight, but I think it's worth it for now," she giggled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. She wasn't sure if she should comment on Grace's absences and went back and forth on it for a moment before deciding to hint at it. "I was texting you all morning! Did your phone die or something? The girls and I were getting worried."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz

{Outfit || Hair}

Behind him the courtyard started to fill up with more former students and even more new students. The alumni have all started taking their places at their proper booths. The Alphas were setting up their booth, as well as the Betas and the Kappas. The houses were one by one lining their tables up and decorating their station to capture the attention of those they hoped seemed fit enough to be introduced to the world of Greek life. Miles one second had a girl around his neck and then the second after she was gone. That was Naomi for you though – thought Miles – the girl was a difficult one to hold onto and not many people did. It’s amazing that Miles and Naomi are such good friends in the first place. The two, at first glance, wouldn’t seem like the type of people to be friends, but in reality Naomi and Miles were the closest of friends one could imagine. As Naomi excused herself, Miles leaned over on the Zeta booth and dropped his face into his hands and groaned loudly, brushing his hands into his air and then looking back up and the girls at the booth. The girl that had been wrapped around his neck was saying hi to some sophomore who waved and smiled at her, as she continued to the Alphas table. Miles smiled at Zoey, who seconds after asked for anything to spike her virgin Jello-O shot. Miles chuckled to himself and stood straight up. “To be entirely honest, I might.” Miles pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a missed text from Kyle, who was now on his way to the booth. Miles rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back in his pocket. “I swear one of these days, I’m going to strangle him,” he said, more to himself rather than to anyone in particular, in reference to Kyle and his tardiness.

The Sigma booth was already set up and that’s probably because of the sophomores that always tried so hard to kiss ass to the seniors in the house. Miles nodded over to Zoey to follow him over to his booth. The Sigma President pulled his flyers out of his bag and set them down on the table in front of him. He had blue flyers with information about the Sigmas and what the fraternity was all about, the yellow flyers were advertisements in hopes to get some new freshman to sign up. He lined them up at the corners of the table to also hold down the tablecloth just in case a beach breeze blew by. In the middle of the table were a few clipboards with signup sheets. The booth was set up as a table, with a wooden stand above the table. Painted in blue and yellow across the painted white wooden plaque were the Greek letters for Sigma Chi Delta, ΣΧΔ, with the words Sigma Chi Delta underneath each letter, painted in blue, outlined in yellow. Against the two poles that held up the wooden slate above the table, was a black poster with pictures of events from the past and accomplishments of the house.

The table was nicely presented, it wasn’t anything exaggerated or over the top but it was nicely set up enough to grab someone’s attention. Along the side of the table were coolers with drinks in it, whether or not the drinks were alcoholic was nothing something that Miles would readily admit to but they didn’t hold the appearance of alcoholic drinks, and that’s all he would say on the matter. Miles also had a few of the bottles and cans spread across the table. One would be very well aware of which house this was when they walked by.

Miles propped his bag on his leg and pulled out a small bottle, he dropped his bag to the floor and tossed the bottle into Zoey’s hands. “Go wild girl.” Miles let his eyes wander around and he could see Kyle jogging in his direction. Miles was just about ready to rip him a new one but figured it’d be best for publicity if he did that else where, but he’d make sure that Kyle heard what Miles had to say. “Nice of you to join us, pal.” Miles sarcastically spit towards Kyle as he approached the table. “I’m going to go ahead and take it that you didn’t put any of this together? Looks fine but we could’ve done better, don’t you think?” Miles stepped around to the front of the table and looked at the table that was supposed to represent his fraternity. He had two hands on his hips and he simply sighed when looking at the booth. He shook his head, as if to say whatever and turned around to look back out at the courtyard. With his hands crossed now in front of his chest, he saw his ex girlfriend making her entrance to the courtyard and he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He rolled his eyes and she made her way to her new girlfriend, Elysia. Miles was visibly upset about the two being together, and would rarely crack a smile when the girls were together.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Miles Ganas Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim Character Portrait: Emery Ravens
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0.00 INK


Morning Dance Outfit ; Rest of the day Outfit

Dialogue Color || Thought Color


Grunting because the light from the window successfully made it passed her dark magenta curtains, Amelia awoke to the familiar sound of her phone vibrating on a hard surface. Tossing herself over Amelia slowly ran her fingers through her velvet red hair, her eyes closed still basking in the comfort of her bed. "Mmm." after a few minutes of enjoying the plushness of her bed the dancer stretched out and yawned. The covers were halfway falling off the bed exposing her barely clothed body. All she wore to bed, all she ever wore to bed was either a tank top or T-shirt accompanied by underwear and last night was no exception, her sleeping attire consisted of a grey Harry Potter tank top that had the deathly hallows on it along with a pair of rather sexy looking panties.

Lazily stretching out her arm Amy managed to snatch her phone up without knocking it down since she was to lazy to turn her whole body leading to her not looking where her hand was searching. Upon unlocking it she was greeted with a rather cute picture of her brother holding his new King Corso pup. At the bottom of the picture text was a message.

From: Hyung
얞니 ì•Œ ! 나는 마ìčšë‚Ž 귞에êȌ 읎늄을 핚께했닀 . ê·žêČƒì€ 마끌 의 .
(Hey unnie! I finally came up with a name for him. It's Makki.)

Amelia smiled at the text from her brother, Makii was a cute name it meant the youngest one and Makii was the youngest pup out of his litter.

To: Hyung
읎 형은 ê·ž ê·€ì—ŹìšŽ 읎늄입니닀! 난 ë‹č신읎 ìŁŒì–Žì§„ ë‹č신의 애완 ë™ëŹŒ 같은 ê·€ì—ŹìšŽ 읎늄있는 쀄 ëȘ°ëžì–Ž! 륀
(Hyung, that's a cute name! I didn't know you were capable of given your pet such a cute name! Lol)

With that sent the dancer sat up in bed and yawned once more before getting her pretty butt out of bed. She shuffled her feet to the bathroom and went through her daily morning routine. Once finished she looked at the time as it read 9:00am. With a big smile on her face and the towel still wrapped around her from her shower, Amelia all but jumped into her outfit, grabbed her long board and was out of her room. She greeted her other sorority sister with her little regular spin and a snap of the fingers, they giggled though as they always do when she did that and the bright smile on Amy's face was all the same, bright and energetic. Amelia thought that she'd go down to the schools dance studio and get a warm up this morning before the events started and when she was this hyped up there was no stopping her. Even her sorority sister knew when she was in good mood and that little spin was what proved them right.

Placing her board on the ground, the dancer flipped through her phones playlist for a second before selecting a song, her favorite song she'd play when she was really excited or just feeling really good. She couldn't wait for the events to start and to recruit new people, plus she was all about making new friends. Getting onto her board, Amy kicked off and smoothly skated down the cement path. She had to restrain herself from dancing to the song, her legs anyway because from the torso up she was going at it.

"I don't wanna be without you girl! Got me slowly dying. Where did we go wrong my girl? Why can't we keep on trying? I don't wanna be without you girl! I gave my heart to you. Going outta my mind, cause I love you, I need you girl!" she sung the lines and backups, she sang absolutely everything.

The dancer skated, no cruised smoothly to the dance studio just singing and dancing with such passion yet fun. Once there she picked up her board and entered the building, finding it busy she frowned a bit but it faded fast. She wanted to share her excitement with someone so secretly she was hoping someone was here so she could dance with. Amelia spent no time plugging in her ipod and setting her things down but as soon as she did the dancer heard people outside the studio. The door opened and three of her dance partners walked through. This is a fracking miracle! she thought as she ran over to them practically tackling the first girl that walked in, Jessica. The names of the others were Minah and Alex but everyone called her Mini. These three were Amelia's best girls she has ever worked with and good friends.

"Hey guys I missed you, wanna dance!?" Amy was speaking fast like she did when she got too excited and her Korean accent was present, it always was when she talked really fast like that. They all agreed and laughed, Jessica patting Amy playfully on the head telling her how cute she got when she got all excited like that. Amy smiled much like a child would, with a bright smile and pecked the girls cheek. " Now let's get to work then!" shouted out Minah who looked just as energetic as Amy now. With a nod Amy got into position with the other girls, the music began to play and they began to dance.

The dancing just stopped after practicing it more than 10 times. They finally got it down and Amy laid on the floor a bit exhausted but still ready to do more. She had all but lost track of time and when the clock read 10:30 Amy decided to wrap up the practice there. The dancer had gotten good exorcise out of that was ready to take a quick shower and head down to the booth with her other sorority sisters. After bidding her girls goodbye she cruised back to the sorority house, took a shower and ate something. Sometimes Amelia had this habit where she wouldn't eat in the morning, it's not that she was starving herself it was more like she would forget because she would't feel really hungry. While getting dressed she ate a granola bar at the same time and when she needed both hands she would bite the granola bar and hold it there.

After she successfully got dressed and devoured that granola bar Amy packed her backpack with a variety of snacks. Opening her dresser she pulled out her feather bracelet and slipped it on then grabbed her beach ankle bracelet and put that on too. As she was checking herself out in the mirror her phone vibrated in her pocket and she took it out unlocking it and checking the message.

From: Naomi
Omw 2 the booth. 1 of u better b there

With a smile Amelia began to write back. Her fingers moved swiftly over the letters and in 10 seconds her message was done and sent.

To: Naomi
Aye, aye captain! On my way!

Grabbing her board, Amy was out the door again but this time she wasn't wearing any shoes, instead her shoes were in her backpack along with her socks. She thought that she'd go with no shoes on something she loved to do. Instantly when she got outside the campus was crawling with students, it was funny how a measly two hours can change everything. Amelia thought it wise to play her song before she began to ride because she wasn't about to flip through her phone and navigate through all these people, she was sure to fall. Once her song was played on loop the girl began her little trip down to the booth. Her feet were steady on the board but above her hips were a whole different story. She was working her body to the song and that half tank top and short shorts made it hard for boys to pay attention to where they were walking. Upon passing a group of boys she winked at them then sent one of her charming but sexy smiles towards them. Even though she was gay that didn't stop her from flirting with both genders especially the boys. The two girls that were staring at her though rather intensely from a booth, the Alpha Theta Pi's booth to be exact were greeted with a kiss blown to them.

They were dressed to impress of course, like always a rather good quality of theirs. In fact Amelia stopped in front of the two, they were girls she hung out at parties before maybe made out with once or twice. She wrapped her arm around the shorter one.

"Why hello there."

Her conversation with the girls was short, sweet and flirty. They told her to try one of their brownies and she humbly took it whispering a thanks to the girls ear that made her shiver. Satisfied with her teasing the asian took a bite out of the brownie and smiled that oh so vibrant childish smile of hers. "Damn, these are pretty good. Thanks for the sweets hun." and with that she crossed the concrete path to the Zeta's booth on her board but not without tipping her hat to Elysia with her friends right beside her. " Damn good job on the brownies, beautiful." her praise was joined by a smirk, a rather seductive one even though she didn't mean for it to come out like that. Maybe it was directed to Emerson? Whatever it didn't matter now, what is done is done and now she has a brownie so she was happy but when she saw the Zeta's booth her heart skipped a beat. Look at all this food and sweets.

Setting her board behind the booth, on the grassy part Amy walked up to Zoey and smiled. "Morning!" she said with a smile as she reached passed Zoey to grab a cupcake and began licking some of the frosting off of it. "Mmm, so whats up Zoe?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Antonio Juarez Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta
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The amount of guys that stopped at the Beta table stressed Jack's belief that their house had no competition when it came to rushing interest. Every guy wanted to be a Beta, but since only some could actually make the cut, the rest were left to choose between the second-choice options of Sigma and Kappa. The thing about the Beta Gamma Omega house, as Jack believed, was that you could get the best of both worlds in it. Most of the guys were smart enough to pass their classes, and could definitely have a good time at parties. Maybe they weren't all valedictorians like the Kappas or drink until you pass out party animals like the Sigmas, but they could enter both realms when they wanted to. Jack was convinced, at least from his own experience, that Beta was the house that every guy wanted to join.

He spoke to as many of the rushers as he could, although only a few of them struck his attention as being potential Betas. He liked to think that he wasn't nearly as judgmental or critical as Elysia could be, but as he conversed with the freshman, he had his own list of criticism piling up.

You think we want someone like you representing our house? Buy some Proactiv and then come talk to me.

Lose the Bieber haircut, dude. This isn't 2009.

Weak handshake.

Too timid.

What the fuck kind of name is Ulysses?

The first definite no came after Naomi stole a water bottle out of one of their coolers and strutted past them. "Hey, someone should let her know that it's water and not vodka in there!" Jack called out after her. She didn't turn around or offer a response, but his eyes lingered on her moving form until she disappeared into the crowd. His attention was only directed back at three of the boys standing in front of him when the tallest of the three spoke to the other two.

"You hear that accent? Banging a foreign girl is on my college bucket list." Had it been said about anyone other than Naomi, Jack probably would have chuckled and thought well of the boy. He made an effort to act unaffected by the remark, but he had already decided this kid had zero chance of becoming a Beta.

Pretending not to have heard the comment, he continued his conversation with the three about the Beta house and charity work they did, before offering each of them a handshake again. Before they departed, he addressed the tall one. "What was your name again?"

He seemed to interpret the question in a positive way, as if he had maybe stuck out as being a likely candidate for the house and beamed with pride. "Kevin Sawyer."

"Alright, cool. Thanks for stopping by, guys. Make sure you grab some food, too."

After making a mental note to personally reject Kevin Sawyer later that week, he switched places with one of the other senior Betas who had been working a grill. Jack enjoyed cooking a lot, and grilling was his specialty. No matter how small the occasion was, he would fire up the grill outside the Beta house and cook steaks. It was a ritual for him to do it every night before a big exam and although he sometimes got slack for some of the fancier things he would cook inside, no one seemed to complain about his borderline obsession with barbecuing.

He was in his zone as he examined each piece of meat on his grill, occasionally calling over a sophomore to take the plates of finished foods over to the table they had set up. When he spotted Antonio returning to their booth, he waved him over. "Disney, would you do me a favor? We need some Alpha girls over here to, you know, brighten things up," he grinned. "Tell Elysia we want Grace, Natalie, that blonde sophomore chick... I think her name is Julie... and you take your pick on one more." He had seen Grace passing by moments before and was glad that she had finally arrived. He wasn't really partial to the Alpha girls that Elysia sent over since they were all attractive, but he wanted to actually talk to Grace. In return, he would have to send some Beta boys her way. It was something that the brother-sister houses did every year to make a point that as a member of either house, you were guaranteed to associate with the most attractive members of the opposite sex. An extra incentive, as if all of the perks of being an Alpha or Beta weren't already enough.

"Hunter, Bas, Dan, Charlie, any of you want to go hang out at the Alpha booth?" he asked. He was sure that the answer for most of them would be yes. It seemed hard for anyone to pass up an opportunity to socialize with those girls, especially with the feast-worthy amount of food he knew Elysia had brought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Zoey Brady Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Kellin D'amato Character Portrait: Emerson Kim Character Portrait: Amelia Park
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color || Thought Color

"Hey! Nothing really. Naomi just ran off somewhere and I'm ready to go back to bed, what about you? Where have you been hiding all morning?"

Childishly smiling Amelia held the lollipop to one side of her mouth as she ate the rest of the of the cupcake. " Aww and here I wanted to hug her good morning!" the dancer pouted slightly but it quickly turned back into that cute smile of hers.

" Well milady, I have been dancing all morning. I felt the groove and needed to let it out, I finally got that choreograph I was working on down!" she almost beamed with pride as she struck a comical superhero stance with her hands on her hips, valiantly looking towards the sky. The young woman laughed a bit at her own silly action after realizing it was a silly thing to do and dropped her hands.

Suddenly Amy felt arms around her and tilted her head back slightly enough to see who it was. She smiled again when she saw it was Naomi and turned in her arms to hug back. " Naomi!" she smiled and spoke a bit muffled because of the tight hug, not like she minded at all actually, she loved affection.

"Please tell me you've got some dance for us to perform because I've got music and a lot of excess energy to burn off right now."

Smiling to herself, Amy already knew what song she felt like dancing to. It was a routine the whole group new and had fun doing. Pulling her phone from her pocket she plugged it up to the small but loud portable speaking that amazing bass then went over to her backpack and slipped on her socks and shoes. The choreograph was a collaboration of both Amy and Naomi but there was also another song the dancer wanted to dance too but she thought she would leave that one for last, as a surprise because it was a fun little dance they haven't done in a while. "Request is mine, captain."

The song began to play and Amy flawlessly went with the grove, letting Naomi join in when ever she wanted. She knew that her sister knew the choreograph so she could jump in whenever she wanted with the correct moves. During the part of the choreograph where they had to do the patty cake Amy couldn't help but to laugh for that couple of seconds before returning to the foot movements. By the time the song finished, Amy wasn't at all tired she smiled and looked over to Naomi. "I've got a surprise for you." she cooed as she spun her hat back around and lowered it a bit so it looked like it covered her eyes.

Once more another song began to play and Amy couldn't help but to joke around a bit in the beginning and point towards Zoe signaling her to come over with a finger. This song was a three person dance and Amy had actually taught Zoe the whole choreograph for this song because of that reason. When that bass hit though so did Amy and hard, she caught Kellin from the corner of her eye as she danced and winked at her with a smirk. She did the same with random people watching her to grab their attention more making a few people blush. Amy also did winked at both Emerson and Elysia earning a rather interesting response from them.

After that good five minutes of dancing the dancer exhaled loudly. " That. Was. Awesome!" the girl didn't even notice the small crowd they had attracted around their booth. At least her dancing brought them some freshmen and she felt a bit accomplished about it. Without a second though the asian bowed with a bright smile then collapsed on the grass panting a bit then loudly exclaimed. " I wanna go to bed now!" which earned some laughs and giggles from the crowd.

For a second it looked as if she was going to fall asleep in the cool shade but instead Amy shot straight up walking over to Kellin. She crouched down next to her chair and greeted her with a kiss on the lips that took her a good second to pull away from. "Mmm, Morning beautiful." she smiled before holding her hand out to her. " Wanna dance? I think I got a nice smooth song we can dance too."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim Character Portrait: Emery Ravens Character Portrait: Amelia Park Character Portrait: Delilah Young
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Grace knew that she was going to have to explain herself at some point, and doing so to Delilah was definitely going to be easier than to Elysia. "Oh, don't worry about it. I was up late talking to my parents on the phone and I didn't want to keep anyone up, so I just stayed with Zoey." It seemed like a decent excuse. Only a few people knew of the Drexler family tension involving Andrew, but Delilah was one of them. Although Grace knew that Elysia was close enough with Andrew to actually have the guts to ask him herself if Grace was lying, Delilah wasn't, and the excuse would at least suffice for now.

She looked back towards Elysia, still contemplating whether it would be less painful to just confront the situation now, or let Elysia do it when she wanted to. She decided to put it off for at least a little while longer. Even though she hadn't been acknowledged scooting past the three, she was sure that Elysia had seen her and it seemed better to at least wait until she finished speaking with Emerson and Emery to explain herself. "Why? Is she pissed?" she asked in a purposely calm and careless tone, but obviously referring to Elysia. Grace was good at acting like she didn't care because when it came to confrontations with most people, she really didn't care. She was used to being catty and viscous and rarely feared having to explain herself to anyone but Elysia was certainly one of the people who didn't fall into that category. She was quite possibly the only person that Grace knew her place around, actually.

Her eyes wandered to the booth on the opposite side of the way from them, where she heard loud music playing. She grimaced at the sight of Amelia Park, one of the Zeta sophomores, attempting to coax Zoey into dancing with her. That girl is beyond tacky, she thought, shaking her head in disgust as the girl basically begged for attention by making such a scene. When Naomi joined in and pulled others in with her, it only became more of an eyesore. Typical Zetas. I don't know how the hell Zoey deals with being around that trash all day. Had she caught some of the other Alphas allowing her to hang all over them moments earlier, she certainly would have shut that down. It had nothing to do with homophobia (although some might argue that Grace's relationship with Andrew at least borderlined it) as much as it did with the PDA being a poor representation of the Alpha house.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Bell Character Portrait: Karma Cohen Character Portrait: Jack Reynolds Character Portrait: Kyle Jagger Character Portrait: Bennett Atkins Character Portrait: Miles Ganas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz




Miles stood close by to his booth, with his back turned to it as he noticed Emerson inching her way closer to her new girlfriend, Elysia. There was a bittersweet sense in seeing Emerson but Miles knew that it was perhaps best he didn’t talk to her. Although, there was a riveting pain in his throat that urged him on to say the crudest things that formulated in his mind. You have to be fucking kidding me? You left me for that bitch?! What the hell can she give you that I never did? It’s bullshit and you fucking know it. There were multitudes of names that rattled his skull as he contemplated actually walking over to them and spitting out his hate. He decided against it though. He turned his attention back to Kyle who had a girl glued to his hip. “What? Miles, it looks great. If it were done any better than I couldn’t take credit for any of it.” Kyle jokingly patted Miles on the back but Miles certainly wasn’t amused. Miles noted the girl hanging just behind Kyle and smiled softly at her. “By the way, I want you to meet my lovely new friend, Karma. “ Miles looked the girl from head to toe. She was really cute, Miles couldn’t deny that. They had actually already met that previous week. He hadn’t caught her name but he definitely remembered her. “Freshman orientation. Tiny dress, big blond curls.” Kyle leaned in closer to Miles and softly spoke into his ear to keep the girl from hearing, “and if you don’t mind, she’ll be the reason I’m not managing the booth.” Kyle continued. Immediately, almost as if it was an instinct when it came to Kyle, Miles rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. He leaned away from Kyle and looked around the courtyard. The crowd wasn’t ridiculous, it was definitely something Miles could handle on his own but that wasn’t the point. The point was that this was a group effort to gain new freshman pledge potentials and he needed his right hand man there to help out with the decision making. “Yeah, fine Kyle. But you owe me.” Miles knew that if Kyle and this girl were to end up together, he’d get side tracked with house work. He looked the girl up and down again and smiled. “You like older guys huh? Well careful with this one.” Miles joked – partially. Miles excused himself from the two and nodded back to Sam to sign that he was going over to the Beta table to grab food.

“Jack, my dear boy, don’t think you guys look pretentious enough with this booth. Why don’t you try a little harder next time?” Miles smirked toward Jack and his boys as he moved closer to them. “Hey princess, make me a few burgers there, will ya?” He called out to the kid at the grill whose name he never cared to learn. Why learn names of the ones that are irrelevant? Miles never wasted his time with the people he met; he was resourceful like that. Miles never believed in a wasted friendship. Everyone walked into someone else’s life for a reason and if Miles can’t find that reason to begin with, he either gives them reason or opens the door on their way out. That could be said of his friendship with Jack. The two weren’t the best of friends but it’d be a lie to call them enemies – more like a friendly rivalry. The two helped each other when they needed it but had the courtesy to stay out of each other’s way otherwise. Before the two Presidents could delve deeper into any actual conversation, music was loudly surrounding the courtyard.

With the drop of the beat, Miles attention moved from his ex-girlfriend to his best friend and some of her girls. An iPod had been plugged in and now he was being summed to dance with Naomi. She was pointing out random people with the hopes to grab someone, as if it were some type of show. Miles laughed and hopped over to Naomi and started dancing alongside her. A crowd formed around everyone dancing. Miles had no shame in breaking out into dance or song for that matter. He didn’t care if he looked awful or if anyone loved him – it was all about the fun in that moment. When the dancing had all stopped, Miles took a deep breath and smiled as he jokingly bowed to his audience. As the crowd dispersed, several of the students made their ways to the booths. A couple had stopped at the Sigma booth and Miles sparked up a conversation with a few them. He gave flyers out with details of the events of the rest of the week. “Make sure you look into Sigmas. We’ll make it worth your time.” He said as they started to look around at the other booths. “Let’s pick up the fucking slack here boys, I’ll be damned if these Beta shits take my men away!” Miles called out to the boys at his booth.




There was always something happening around Bennett and rarely anything happening to Bennett, unless of course he placed himself in the situation. He learned from a young age never to meddle in someone’s business that wasn’t relevant to oneself. Therefore, he usually stayed to his own unless he felt the need to meddle. Although that wasn’t often. The boy was leaned up against his booth now, watching as different houses mingled while others ignored everyone else. Bennett was big on observing people. He noticed the look of disgust in Miles’ eyes when his vision was directed in Emerson’s direction, he noticed the look of pure hatred in Naomi’s eyes as she was forced through sit through some bullshit spewing out of Alexandri’s mouth.

The only thing that snapped Bennett out of his observational trance was the sound of his name being called by Jack, “Hunter, Bas, Dan, Charlie, any of you want to go hang out at the Alpha booth?” Of course Bennett was going to say yes to that. Why anyone would want to stir away from girls that beautiful and poise was beyond him. Perhaps it was because of their stature though – Bennett felt comfortable being with other people who came from similar backgrounds and therefore was always more comfortable with the Betas than he was with anyone else, despite his friendship with Naomi. That was a little different. They often butt heads but somehow they still managed to work well together. Bennett was just about to head over to the Alpha booth when Miles came over to their booth and started, what seemed to be, joking with Jack. Bennett could pick up on Miles calling the Beta boys pretentious and Bennett wanted to laugh at the thought. Miles wouldn’t know high class if it bite him in the goddamn ass. Bennett let his mind wander with thoughts, often receding to the thought of how simply better he was than most of the other chumps in the other houses – failures, is what Bennett often referred them to.

Suddenly, within a quick second, music resonated in his own head as much as it did the large courtyard. He peeked over to where the music was coming from and saw Naomi calling to him, pointing to him, trying to get him to join in the dancing. Bennett was all for dancing in the club but he’d rather not make a fool of himself out in a crowd of people. He smiled at Naomi while playfully rejecting the invite to dance. But while he looked in her direction, Bennett’s eyes fell upon what he could have sworn was a goddess. She clung to the arms of a blond boy, Kyle. Their eyes connected and something in Bennett jumped, he smiled at her and nervously put his hand in his pocket. When the girl smiled back, Bennett fluttered a little. He suddenly wanted to rush over to the dancing – really he just wanted a reason to talk to her. Bennett straightened out his shirt and started heading over to Naomi’s booth. As he walked by, he brushed shoulders with Karma just slightly, “Hey,” he gently smirked and raised an eye brow as he made his way past her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Drexler Character Portrait: Elysia Hanta Character Portrait: Emerson Kim Character Portrait: Delilah Young
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#, as written by Thunder

Delilah quickly nodded when Grace explained that she hadn't returned home last night because she didn't want to wake anyone up. That didn't explain why she was so late to today's events or why she had never responded to the texts she and the other girls had sent her, but Delilah wasn't going to inquire any further. Grace's reasoning was probably a lame excuse at best, and a blatant lie at worst, but Delilah had no reason to believe that Grace wasn't being truthful. If she had to fear judgement from anyone, it was Elysia, and probably Emerson too. Honestly, Delilah had always been a bit intimidated by Emerson. She had shown that she had a sharp tongue and although Delilah would never dare to do something to be on the receiving end of it, the bluntness of her personality always kept Delilah at bay. It wasn't as if she was turned off by it or disliked Emerson in any way, she just never wanted to cross her.

"Um, I'm not sure," was Lila's initial response when Grace wondered aloud if Elysia was upset with her. She hadn't personally spoken to the president all morning and hadn't overheard any questions about Grace from Elysia herself, but the other girls had definitely been abuzz with questions about the girl's whereabouts. It had to be obvious, though, that Elysia wasn't going to appreciate Grace ignoring her schedule and apparently not letting anyone know about it ahead of time. And honestly, Delilah couldn't blame Elysia for that. As the President of the Alpha sorority, she had to be strict. She had to keep things in order and the girls in their place or else they'd end up like the Zetas... who Delilah, like everyone else in the area, glanced towards as music erupted from their booth. She sometimes felt like she was in a hard spot with Grace as her Big Sister. It, of course, meant that she trusted the girl with every secret she had, and that she would be loyal to her regardless of what the older girl did. However, when she vented about Elysia or did things like this, where she was knowingly causing problems, Delilah always struggled to know whether her alliance was supposed to belong to Grace or Elysia. As she glanced back towards Elysia, she hoped that for Grace's sake, whatever she had been talking about with her parents had been important enough to bring some pity.

In an attempt to change the subject, she stepped closer to one of the tables and offered a passing group of girls some cake pops. "If there are any of these left over, I'm desperate to try one," she said to Grace. "The kitchen smelled soooooo good this morning when we were making them. I'm sure they taste like heaven!"