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Ginryu: School of the Fist


Twenty years ago a man by the name of Yang Jian was one of the greatest martial artists the world had ever seen. In every competition he ever entered he took first place, he was highly ranked in what seemed like every martial art style there was, including those with weapons, and it seemed there was nothing he could not accomplish. Through a combination of his tournament winnings and a family fortune he was rich beyond imagining, and many people asked him to open a dojo and teach his way, but he never would. Never did he even take on a student to pass on his abilities. all of the motions had been set in place for him to become the most famously known name in the world, but then one day he simply disappeared...

Everyone feared the worst, but no one knew anything about the incident. It was as if he simply vanished. When the police went to search his home they found it empty, all of his possessions were gone, and all the servants and such could not be found for questioning. His personal guards didn't even know a thing. Days, weeks, months passed by and they kept searching, but to no avail. After a year a funeral was held for Jian, and a monument erected. Every year on that same day his friends, family, fans, the media, would all gather and say a prayer and such, hoping that if he were alive still he was well, and if not that his soul was resting peacefully. This went on for a few years, but eventually the name Yang Jian faded from the pages of newspapers, flickered off the TV, and was more or less forgotten by all but his biggest fans.

Now, twenty years have passed. A new generation of young fighters has been born, most of which have only heard of the old masters name, but never actually learned anything about him. They are competing in tournaments, for money, for glory, some for their lives, which for the most part are normal. That is, until one day, one the first day of spring, a certain number of young fighters receive a rather plain letter in the mail. The letters are actually small scrolls, with hand brushed words from Yang Jian himself, which read;

"Dear (your name here).

It is most likely that you have never heard the name Yang Jian, and even less likely you know how much meaning it once carried. And that is exactly why you must continue reading this letter.

I am Yang Jian, and many years ago I was the best martial artist around. I am still a master, however, I am now nearing the end of my journey through life, and so I am looking for a pupil to whom I can pass on the ancient arts I have learned over the course of my life. Please, do not think for a second that this will be like any training you've gone through in your life, for it is not. Death is always an option with this sort of style. Now, enclosed you will find, on the back of this letter, a map leading to my home on an island called Kohaku, as well as a simple talisman. If you are willing to give your life to become the next master, then please, come to my island school, and present this talisman, and your destiny will change forever..."

While the letter explained very little, most anyone who revived such a letter could look the information up online and would find archives of information on Master Jian, but very little on Kohaku Island. And as far as the talisman, it was very simple; a leather string with a simple yin yang medallion, and on the back was a small dragon etched into the metal.

For some of the fighters who revived this letter, the information above and the mentioned items were all they received, but for others, such as those who would never be able to afford such a journey on their own, a large sum of money was inclosed, so secure safe passage if they should attempt the journey, or whatever they liked if they simply kept it. And while several of these letters were delivered, only a small percentage of those who made the journey would even be allowed to enter the school to begin learning from the master and his people.

20 years ago Yang Jian was one of the most well known named. He was a rich, famous martial artist, and yet no one could explain it when he disappeared suddenly. He was in good health, a master of self defense techniques, so no one knows what happened. Now it has been learned, by a select few, that he is not actually dead, and is in fact alive and well, if not late in his life. He owns a private island, Kohaku Island, located somewhere south-east of China.

What's your role here? Well, you can play 1 of 3 parts-
1) A new, younger fighter who received the letter and come to Kohaku to learn
2) An instructor on the island, who has been there anywhere from just a couple months to a few years
3) A member of the Island Guard, the security force on the island

Now, here are some RP rules to remember...
1)This is not just about the fighting, this is also about character development, and the way our characters change their perspectives after coming to this island. After all, they will be faced with the challenges set forth by Master Jian, as well as have to live with complete strangers on an island where there are no ways of outside communication

2)Weapons...big issue can use weapons, but this rp will have very little, if any, killing, and once you are actually in the school you'll rarely use weapons anyway, unless it's an outside of class kind of thing. This is called School of the Fist for a reason after all

3)You are not a badass here, not really. Most everyone on the island who isn't a student has been chosen by Master Jian, who is a martial arts expert, so he wouldn't fill his spots with wimps, but with other masters. So, no, they are not invincible, but neither are you, you just can't go around beating people easily here

4)We only need people who will be dedicated to this rp and will try to help uphold the feel of the rp, meaning if you just wanna fight, we don't want you here, but if all you wanna do is talk, this is not the place for you either. The people who join this rp need to understand that it isn't just about development, or just about fighting, it's a culmination of the two experiences in one storyline

Now, character sheets-

Name: (dose not have to be Asian...)
Age: (16 at the youngest)
Style: (can be real, made up, or you don't even have to have a 'style')
Appearance: (what do you look like? Pics are okay, but you'll have to add a little to them, such as height and clothing and things of the sort, as you won't be wearing the same thing all the time...will you?)
Equipment: (anything you brought with you to the island)
Back Story: (why do you fight? How did you get to the island? How did you take receiving the letter? Etc. doesn't have to be long)
Other: (anything else you wanna add about your character)

As far as personality goes, you can just leave that up to the story if you want. And remember, you can use and bring weapons, but you will not be killing, nor always using them, so maybe not be a sword master with no skills with your hands, k?

Any questions? PM me, or ask them in the OOC thread. The co-GM for this is Kurokiku. Have fun all!

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No god-moding
Good grammer
Decent post length
Post often
Check OOC often
Actually read this through...

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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"So, this is Hokaku Island...thank you sir." Romeo says, turnignback to the ferryman and nodding. the man returns the nod and waves as he turns his small boat back the way they'd come. This day actually started three days ago, with a series of plane trips from America, to one part of China after another, until finally he'd found the ferryman who had brought him to the island. The man was obviously one of Jian's men, but said nothing on the subject, and so Romeo hadn't asked him. He was a foriegner in this land, and did not want to offend anyone.

Looking ahead, rather than back, he sees an expanse of jungle, and the begining of a path. Beyond this he spies the top of a mountain, but from his viewpoint little else, save for a few birds who've suddenly decided to take flight. "Better get moving I suppose. The ferryman said to make it to the school by dark..." Romeo says, readjusting his old red bookbag into a more comfortable position, his father's black boxing gloves hanging from a loop near the top an lying against the front of the bag. Taking in a deep breath, as well as the scents of the island he sets off down the new path before him, the only one he sees anyway.

Soon the path begin to twist and turn, like a serpent making its way through a stand of trees searching for prey. Every now and then he feels as if someone were watching him, but everytime he glances around he sees nothing, so he tries, and fails, to ignore such feelings. At one point the path curves around a large boulder jutting out of the mountain, narrowing, creating a path around the stone just wide enough to make it past, but beyond this, after a few steps more, it widens, and turns into a more will trodded path. Looking ever ahead he notices that from where he stands now he can see a very fancy bridge which crosses a wide gorge, and on the other side is a magnificently crafted...palace is the only word Romeo can think to call it. Hurrying onward he reaches the bridge, and notices that on either side of the bridge, on posts, there are golden statues of what look like a cross between a lion and a dog. (Shisa). One seems to be growling, the other has it's mouth open.

"Cool..." Romeo barely breathe as he steps onto the bridge. It's even more sturdy that it looked, which is good, as he has a deathly fear of falling from a high place. "This palce is amazing. Whoever thought I'd ever get to set foot on an island like this?" Absent;y he reaches back and touches his father's boxing gloves and sighs. "I hope I make you proud dad..."

Soon he is across the bridge, and after another while of walking he finds himself standing before a huge wooden gate. On one side there was a beautifuly carved dragon, and on the other a tiger, which seemed to be watching him, and as he approached the gates, he could swear he heard them growling at him. but, just before he touches them, he heard someone nearby let out a cry, and before he knew it he was raising his right arm up and blocking a punch from a rather large, well built man in tattered looking clothes, who stood at least a head taller than him.

The man said nothing, and only gave Romeo a look, glaring at him. A moment later however, he smiled, and attempted to punch Romeo in the ribs with his free hand. Romeo moves back out of the way and brings his knee up, causing the larger man to punch that instead. Both are hurt, but the larger man more so, as he pulls his fist back and cries out. Romeo then takes the oppertunity to, while his le is still up, deliver a kick to the man's chin, which knocks him back.

"I never thought a little shit like you could even touch me..." Go, the larger man says, rubbing his chin as he looks down at the boy. "You really are your father's son though, you got his same reflexes. Good to have you here, come on in."

"You've got to be kidding me..." Romeo says, grabbing Go's arm before he opens the gates. "What wa that? I know my own strengths, and there's no way any of that actually hurt a guy like you." he says, annoyed. "Was this a joke?"

"Nope, no joke. It was a test." Go says, easily breaking Romeo's grasp and opening the gates. "All you had to do was touch me with a strike of your own, though you're right, I went way too easy on you. You suprised me with that kick though, I figured you for a boxer, like your old man, not that fancy crap. Now, go on inside."

Romeo wanted to ask how this man knew about his father, as it had been nearly 20 years since his name had ever been spoken. but before he could he was pushed inside the gates, and once clear they closed behind him.


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Jumping off the boat and into the water, Kaichou swam to shore and wandered to the path. Sneaking a ride on a ship was low, even for him, But he had no choice considering his position. Waiting behind a tree, Kaichou waited until a kid with brown hair passed quite a ways before him before he decided it was safe to venture on the path. Thinking on all that transpired in the past week he again wondered why he was here.

Recalling the events he tried to make sense of it one last time. His best friend taught him all he knew about life, Including how to protect himself with a few simple moves. He always said, "Even though your Irish, if you live here in china you're going to have to defend yourself. So, lets get you started Drunkie!" before teaching him something new. However, He was heavily influenced by the local mafia. When the invitation letter came he pleaded with Kaichou to take his name and enter in his place, for he knew if he even dared the mafia would kill him. Every time he was asked, he refused. All until one day, he went to visit this friend to find that he had been shot to death in his own home. Remembering his friend's dieing wish, he took the name Kaichou Hogaraka and the invitation and headed toward the nearest town to get on a ferry to the island. Knowing full well that the ferryman wouldn't accept him with the circumstances, he snuck onto the ferry after it left.

Now finally here and more determined then ever, Kaichou proceeded along the path, taking extra caution to make sure he would remain unseen. All seemed perfect until he arrived at the bridge and saw two men on the other side. Seeing one was the boy he avoided earlier, he decided it wouldn't be too suspicious if he walked over and chatted with them. As a precaution he studied the situation, seeing that they weren't going to get in any fighting he took a flask out from his pack. Drinking always refreshed Kaichou, although he was reluctant to admit it. His Irish blood was dominant, especially with his drinking. Feeling more confident he put away his flask and walked toward the two standing at the other end of the bridge, calling to them "Oi! Am here fer tha school! Can one of ye help me?"


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Mizuki stood at the prow of the boat, posture perfectly aligned, gazing out upon the water as though transfixed by the shimmering blue waves, flawless until the shape of the boat's front sliced through them. The small island was rapidly coming into view, and the slight young woman could make out the lines of jungle-like trees on the horizon.

She gripped the handle of her parasol a little too tightly as the boat docked onshore, hefting her small bundle of supplies onto her back. The step was a bit steep considering she was wearing a kimono, but she managed it with a modicum of grace, turning to bow politely to the boatman even as she did. "I thank you, sir, for your assistance." The man gave her a smile and touched the brim of his hat in return before turning back to his duties.

After a moment's hesitation, Mizuki started up the most obvious path to the top of the hill overlooking the island. The area was a feast for the senses; small birds could be seen and heard amidst the lush, near-tropical foliage of a small forest. It smelled like rain and flowers, the sort of place she could easily lose herself in.

It took her a minute to realize that she was not alone. Mizuki thought she heard something unnatural and looked up sharply, starting when she noticed a blond man crouching down not three feet from her. When she noticed him, he waved cheerily, a strange grin on his face. "Hey there," he said casually, "Name's Shin. Wondered how long it might take for ya to notice me."

Mizuki was saved from having to respond when the man named Shin stood and rushed her. Blue eyes widening, she shifted to the side, movement hampered by the kimono she was wearing. He did not strike her, however, merely touched her side lightly where he might have. This happened a few more times, though Mizuki was able to dodge, before Shin ceased his assault and stood, blinking, looking at her with an inscrutable expression on his face. "Ya know," he offered, "it might help me test ya if ya actually try and hit me."

He rushed again. A test? Hit him? But why? The man was clearly holding back, and there was no way she could match his speed as she was presently attired anyhow. Still, there might be a way... Mizuki's mind had not been idle the last few times he had passed her, and she knew the pattern he was using. Allowing herself to focus on the flow of his chi, she anticipated where the best place might be to strike at him and aimed for the pressure point at the juncture of his neck and shoulder.

The attack connected, and Shin stopped abruptly. "Wait... that's gonna knock me out, isn't it?"

Mizuki blinked. "Erm... yes, that was the intention. But... I didn't actually hit you." The Gentle Fist specialized in strikes like that, and it had simply been the first thing she thought of. Luckily, Mizuki had pulled the hit in the same way Shin had, assuming that was the point of the exercise.

The strange man grinned and patted her on the back, a tad harder than was perhaps necessary. "Excellent. You pass, for now. Nice job, Missy! Now, if you'd like to follow me..." He set off further up the hill, leaving her to trail after him, wondering just what, exactly, she'd gotten herself into. It wasn't too long before they reached the gates, which swung open to admit the two of them.

"Well," Shin said, "I gotta go report, but feel free to just wander around until they call ya." With that, he was off, before she could even ask where she was supposed to put her things. Sighing to herself, she took a few steps in, until she spotted a tall boy with brown hair. Perhaps he knows what I'm supposed to do?

"Um... excuse me," she began hesitantly, bowing formally, "might you be able to tell me where the new students are supposed to be living?"


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Romeo had been looking the place over. So, this is Ginryu... He was thinking, when suddenly his thoughts were interupted by a female voice, causing him to actually jump a little. "Holy! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you there..." He says, turning to look at the girl, laughing a little and smiling, his left hand going up to rub the back of his head. "Um, living...right...actually, no, sorry, I just got here myself, sorry..." He says, frowning a little, lowering his arm. "Well, if you like, I can help you find it. After all-"

Just then he was interupted by a voice with a distinct accent, which seemed to him to be Irish, but he couldn't be certain. Turning to look at the new face he shakes his head a little and smiles. "Wow, I must look important or something," he says with a laugh, looking from the man to the girl, then back. "I'm guessing we're all here for the same reason, and it looks like we're the first, so maybe we should stick together?" Alcahol, that's what he smells of, Romeo thinks, looking the man over, unsure if this is apart of the test, or if he really is a student there.

"Hurry on inside or I'll lock you all outside and tell Master Jian you are not students, but intruders..." A dark voice says from beyond the gates. Standing there is a man, looking a bit older than Romeo, if he had to guess, but shorter as well. However, he had a sword at his side, and looked a bit, no, very angry with the group standing there at the open gate. "Will you enter, or must I kill you?"


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"My you have a safe trip..I'll remember what you did for me." Xai's grandpas held her hand. It's was shaking. Not that she was afraid of leaving but she cared for her grandpa to much and after the recent events it made it even harder to leave. "Don't talk like you'll never see me again..cause you will." Xai hugged him before she grabbed her bags and left. A single stray tear slid down her face.

Xai was replaying her last moments in her mind. "What if I never really do get to see him again." She was pulled out of her own thoughts as the ferry pulled up. Grabbing her luggage and giving one last look back her her hometown she stepped onto the boat. Almost loosing her balance as she stepped on she looked around at the boat. It's wasn't much, not to fancy, but you could tell that it had been used multiple times.

Slowly she fell asleep to the rocking motion of the boat. " have arrived." A withered old hand gently shook her. "Ah! what?! where?!". She looked up to see the slightly startled old man. "Oh,sorry." Getting up she grabbed her things dragging the m off the boat and even kicking the last piece off the the boat. "There..thank you." She turned and bowed to the old man and he returned her gesture. Turning back she sighed. " least it's not super scary." She shook her head as she grabbed her luggage.

Looking around at the winding path she wondered who wouldn't notice such an island. This brought her thoughts back to the master. "Well I guess he plays hide and seek very well." She laughed slightly at the thought. Even so she seriously wondered why such a great person would go into hiding. She made a mental note to ask him when she saw him. Rounding a bend she saw a gate. "Weeee I'm finally here!" She skipped slightly in her glory until she saw a man guarding the entrance.

Xai walked up to him after setting down her luggage. "Hello I'm here as a student." As soon as she said that his face curled into an almost cynical smile has he went to kick her. Only thing is, she was faster. "Hai!" She duck down into her basic form hr front leg extent out and her back leg bent, her upper body was bent towards the ground and and her hands out stretched to each side almost making a 'v'. "Haiya!". Coming up from beneath him she spun in a complete circle hitting him with both hands in succession ending by standing on her back leg only preparing for another attack.

"For such a small stature you have great power." Smiling through the busted lip he opened the gates. Xai was really confused now. 'Was that a test?' she thought as she grabbed her bags. "Nana can't get me." She stuck her tongue out and walked through. "Hello...I'm Xai Lao..another student...are you guys here for the master as well?"


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Mizuki smiled when the young man offered to help her find the living quarters. That's certainly nice of him. Before anything else could happen or she could respond, though, a rough voice could be heard from behind them.

Wait... this man is here for the school, too? How many of us are there? He smelled distinctly of liquor, and she tried not to let the fact that she knew this show. Part of being raised as she had been was learning to hide one's emotions behind a passive facade, and one's observations were little different in this regard. Whatever she may have thought of the strange man was going to remain unknown to all but herself, though it was not as though she were so quick to judge harshly anyway.

Instead, she ducked her head at the new person as well and turned at the sound of a fourth person, this voice also masculine, but also quite a bit... colder than the others. "K-kill us?" she repeated, blinking widened eyes rapidly. "O-of course not." She took the necessary steps to put herself inside the area he seemed to be referring to, giving him yet another deferential bow and skirting him at a fair distance. Why would a person just threaten them like that? It wasn't as though they'd been disturbing anything, had they? She didn't understand it. Master Ling had been a gruff sort, certainly, and she'd been yelled at her fair share of times, but never threatened like that,

Her first instinct was not to fight, but to drop her eyes to the ground and stay away. She wondered for a moment if this would be considered a weakness here, and decided that it might. Mizuki also knew that she was willing to allow people to assume that about her to avoid needless confrontation. Besides, this man seemed quite strong, like Shin had been, and she knew there was likely no way a mere student would stand a chance against him.


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Romeo growls a little when the new guy says this. He looks the man over, eyeing the sword again, and realizes that he must be something like whatever that guy who attacked him earlier was. "So, if I just stand here you'll-" Suddenly the man was gone, and Romeo felt something sharp and cold against his throat. There was a slight burning sensation, then something warm began to run down his neck. "Bastard..." Romeo says, going limp, causing the blade of Ken's sword to move back from his throat.

"Do not tempt me..." Ken says darkly. "You should follow your lady friend. All students will reside within the main structure of the Ginryu School building, understood?" And the, the blade is gone, and so is Ken, as if he hadn't been there at all. Romeo puts a hand to his throat, stopping the bleedin quickly, and sighs. he then looks behind him at the other two, shakes his head, then follows after the girl he'd spoken to earlier.

he grumbles darkly for a moment as he catches up to her. "main building, he said...guess this is it..." Romeo says, looking at the huge palace like structure before them. he steps up onto the porch which seems to wrap around the entire structore and slides back the front door to reveal a small room with several pairs of slippers on the floor, then a raised area with another doorway.


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#, as written by Jaybt9
On the east of the island was a platform made in an old gray stone texture with matching statues on each corner. The statues resembled dragons told in ancient tales. Based on its appearance, it must have been made no more than a decade ago, as they were in good condition. However, few twigs and weeds emerged from the cracks of the pavement. The setting was calm, yet barely windy. The sun was out, so the weather was comfortable. Birds could obviously be heard in the background.

Another sound could also be made; small footsteps at a slow pace onto the stone ground. Who was making these footsteps? Standing dead in the center was a woman, of Oriental appearance; face and clothing. She wore a red tanktop, gray sweatpants, and black Chinese slippers. A bright red stick controlled her brown hair, creating a simple hairstyle. Her face was still, and somewhat serious about something. It could be a warm up or such. In her hand was a dark red sword case. It's interior contained a smooth metallic sword with a yellow ornament attached to its handle.

The woman then placed a knee down onto the floor. Her weapon still at hand, placed vertically. She closed her eyes to put herself into her mode; the mode of a fighter, with skill in weaponry. As she opened her eyes, her hand had pulled out a jian sword from its case, making a noticeable high-pitched sound as it exposed itself out to the air. As she raised onto her feet, she threw her case to the side, to make sure it wouldn't distract her.

She started off at her initial position; standing straight up with her weapon hidden behind her right arm; the arm that she was able to coordinate with. After, she performed her own sword dance, being as silent, yet graceful as the wind.


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#, as written by Phyliss
Among the many fish, a lone man swam awkwardly through the water. Waves surged from the swimmer due to his great size and awkward manner of swimming. This very man was Brent Parson, making his way towards his goal. Kicking hard, he surfaced to take another deep breath and submerged once again, moving forward steadily. After a long time, he finally reached land, crawled ashore, and slumped to the ground to recover. Gentle breezes caressed him and after some time, Brent rose, using his single arm to push himself up. Taking in a loud, appreciative breath, he strode forward towards the forest, intent on finding Master Jian's school.

Brent was following the nearest path when a strong looking man stepped out gracefully onto the trail. The man approached with firm steps and confidence. Suddenly, Brent stepped back just in time to barely dodge a critical blow to the temple. The attacker kicked off from Brent's chest to retreat back for the next onslaught. A bit shocked, Brent quickly braced himself for the next attack. It didn't come.

"Hm... a very sturdy foundation... your constitution is something to be proud of, but unfortunately that is all you seem to have..."

Immediately following the stranger's words, he dashed forward diagonally to Brent's right side and proceeded to roundhouse kick his temple. Brent was ready this time and twisted to pummel the attacker, only to miss by a mile. Quickly turning towards the stranger, Brent bound forward to grab him, only to end up grasping the tree behind, leaving grip indentations.

"Your power is impressive too, your aim seems solid but unfortunately, your speed is pathetic..."

Feeling a bit angry with being attacked without warning, Brent decided he had to go all out on this one. With explosive strength, Brent sprung forward with his left arm to the side, in hopes of catching the stranger with a wide but devastating swing. Once again, he missed and hit the poor tree, which bent over, having its trunk fatally injured. With a cry of rage, Brent continued in a frenzy, using the rest of his energy in futility.

Much, much later, Brent sank to the ground utterly exhausted, ashamed. The stranger was breathing a bit harder but still seemed composed. Without another word, he turned and left, muttering something about a "dumb beast". After some time, Brent staggered up and continued down the path, finally reaching a grand building. The stranger who toyed with him earlier was standing there, and beckoned Brent in. He entered, tired and humiliated, but he had made it.


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Walking into the main building area, Kai decided to stake out the area to get a feel of the place. Walking away from the others near him, he slipped away casually undetected. Something didn't seem right about this school, a feeling that he couldn't shake. Putting his pack on the ground he placed a shot glass full of whiskey upon the ground, standing with it next to his right foot he spread his legs to give himself good balance. Grabbing the shot glass he kept it close to his body as he brought it up to his mouth to drink, bending over backwards in the process. As soon as he finished he spun around and dropped the glass next to his pack, staggering back and forth with his hands making motions of holding cups he saw the guard that had been sent to test him before he could strike.

"Ah guess this has ta be tha test ah was expectin eh?" He joked while staggering drunk. He was so overconfident he almost didn't have enough time to notice the opponent's first strike coming toward his face. Making a quick and very drunk spin to his left Kaichou took a knee and slammed the back of his right fist into the man's ribs, causing both Kai and the guard to fall over from the force of the impact. Quickly realizing he had been countered the guard got up and smiled, "You passed your test, nicely done."


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#, as written by chinaji
Pai-an watched as the lady performed her dance, only arriving a moment ago. It was a shame, Pai though, to have not been here just a few moments earlier to see the beginning of the dance. Quite a shame, but it was nothing to cry over. Pai-an has seen the lady practice several times before, and every time she watched, it was if she was watching the light breeze whispering through the leaves of a peach tree. It cannot be said why Pai-an was watching. Perhaps only for the pleasure of watching; the reason from the time before and time before that.

Not a single movement was given away as she silently stood watching. The cheep silken cloth was much to lose about her body to give away breath but it was not loose enough to fall from her shoulders. Whether anything was wore beneath the gown was only known to Pai-an.

Several moments were spent without a word or action. It was nearly time, she thought. The students would be here soon; where within the complex, she had not the clue. Greeting the students was also one of her duties but the one she had encountered had whimpered away with his tail tucked between his legs. Quite the disappointment.

As she came, Pai-an left without a word or a sound.


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Mizuki noticed when the other man left, but did not say anything. If he wished to explore the grounds, that was certainly his prerogative, and had nothing to do with her. She hoped he'd be okay, though; that man with the sword had disappeared as easily as he had shown up, and she wasn't certain they should be walking about aimlessly.

Instead, she followed the tall one with the brown hair to the building the threatening man had spoken of, and around to what appeared to be a rear entrance. Removing her shoes in the appropriate spot, she set her parasol in a conveniently-placed umbrella stand, keeping the rest of her things with her. "It would appear to be so," she replied to the comment her companion had made. Belatedly realizing she had failed to introduce herself, she internally reprimanded herself for being rude and bowed apologetically. "I neglect my manners. My name is Mizuki Aoyama."

She was sure there was something westerners did here, something to introduce themselves. Her mother, being English, had taught her this once, but it ahd been so lost in the reminders of how and when to bow to certain people that she had almost forgotten it. It was therefore a few seconds before she awkwardly extended her right hand. Was it supposed to be the left? I can't remember...


Shin exited the building, having reported to Pops that the kid he'd been sent after had passed the test. The old man had seemed pleased; apparently at least Go's and a few others had made it as well. In truth, Shin himself had been a little skeptical that inviting largely-untested kids would be such a great way to recruit an apprentice, but then again, that's why Pops was in charge and he was not.

Shin folded both hands together behind his blond head and meandered about the grounds for a while. Missy had been one of the earlier arrivals, so he had some free time before he had to be anywhere. He spotted Pai-an a small distance away and grinned to himself. Extracting conversation out of that one was a bit like pulling teeth sometimes, but she was actually one of the few people around here that would deign to speak with him at all. Most of the guards were busy all the time, and Ken was just... Ken.

"Hey Pai-an," he said casually as he passed. "Fight anyone interesting today?" He was genuinely curious if anyone felt the same way about these new recruits as he did, and he also honestly respected her opinion. Not to mention he was bored and loved the sound of his own voice a bit too much sometimes, but that was all secondary, right?


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"Mizuki, that's a nice name..." Romeo says, placing a hand on the wall as he gets his sneakers off and puts them aside. Once he regains hsi balance he turns to face her and smiles a little, "Oh, right, sorry," he says, taking her hand and shaking it gently. "Romeo, Romeo Margrave. Um...I don't mean to be rude, or insulting...or, anything like that, but, you're from around here, right? the general Asia area, what do we do here? I mean, from watching you I see we take our shoes off and such, but, do we then put these slipper things on, or..." he trailed off. All he knew of Asia he learned from movies, and they never had many helpful details.

Go had just finished reporting to Mast Jian when shin had arrived and given his report as. After Shin left Go stayed for a moment to speak with his boss. "Sir, if I may ask, what exactly is the point of all this? I understand you're getting on in years, and need to pass on your secrets, but, you have a grandaughter, would she not do as an heir?"

"Go, it is not that simple...the techniques I must pass on cannot be taught to just anyone." Jian says, walking over to a small electric stove eye on a table in the corner of his office, where he has a teapot on, now whistling as the water boils. "The one who will inherete my technique must be pure of heart, with a strong spirit and an open mind. Too many people today lose themselves in the fast pace of the world, and instead of being themselves, attempt to conform to what is around them...I do not need a bestselling novel, I need a blank notebook..."

Go nods, not understanding this at all, but going with it. he bows to his boss then turns and heads out the door, his left hand resting easilt on his upper sword, Hack.


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Mizuki hid a smile behind her hand. This Romeo person was rather genuine, something she was not well-used to. "Well," she explained, "that really depends on the household you are in, and what country. If you are wearing tabi or socks, you do not necessarily need house slippers, but if they are provided for you, it might be a good idea," she replied gently, slipping a pair on her own feet.

"So where are you from then, Romeo-kun?" she asked, affixing a slightly-less-formal suffix onto his name simply because being called "san" might have made him uncomfortable, she thought. He didn't seem like the type to be hung up on formality anyway, and she realized somewhat belatedly that she need not be so, either, at least not anymore.

Taking a few steps inside, they were greeted by a long hallway with what appeared to be a shared living space on one end and several individual doors lining the rest. All of it was made with an appreciation for luxury, and she wondered for a moment how much Master Jian must be worth, to own such things as even her parents would be envious of. No, I must not think in those terms. My parents do not control me any longer. I will simply appreciate them for being nice things, and leave it at that.


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Romeo stood there for a moment and listend as Mizuki explains things. "Huh," he says, lightly as he slips a pair of them on his own feet, then watches her make her way down the hall before them. "I'm from North Am-" as he begins to answer her question, he trips, falling on his face, having forgotten about the little step up before the actual hall way. Groaning a little he rolls onto his back and raises up his right hand, thumb up, and says, "I'm okay!" Before he sits up, rubbing his nose, and then stands, turns around, and hops up the stair with a little 'Nuuh' noise as he looks back and sticks his tongue out. but, then he remembers the girl and turns, blushing slightly. "Uh, sorry...North America, I was saying. From the southern part of it. And, sorry about all the questions, but this is my first time out of country, and although I've watched plenty of kung-fu movies...well, this is all, real..."

He catches up to her in a few quick steps and pauses and looks at all the doors. It seems they should be expecting at least four more to show up, not including them, or the two they met earlier. He moves over to one of the doors then and knocks. When there is no reply he opens it and gazes upon the huge room behind it, filled with everyone one could want, or need. But then, he frowns a little. "'s so...nice..." he says quietly, taking a step back. "Never before have I been in such a nice place. My dad was, well, sort of rich I guess, but we never spent the money on anything we didn't need..." Romeo then shakes his head, a question coming to mind, again. "Say,, what was that kun thing you added onto the end of my name? I've heard it before, and others...san, chan, sama...but, I have no idea what it means. should I add something on the end of your name?"


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Mizuki was initially a little apprehensive when Romeo fell, but breathed a small sigh of relief when he got back up again with little trouble. "I am not bothered by your questions, Romeo-kun, you need not worry." What she did not say was that questions were far preferred to orders, which she was decidedly more used to receiving. In all her sixteen years, nobody had ever thought she could teach them anything, but that it was their job to inform her of every little thing she had done wrong.

Suppressing the uselessly bitter thoughts, she glanced up at him when he asked the question about suffixes. "Ah... well, it's kind of a formality. Calling someone san is like addressing them as Mr. or Ms. in English," she explained, glad of the time she had spent learning her mother's native tongue now more than ever. It certainly made explaining this easier. "Sama is used for extra respect, and kun or chan... well, those are how one might refer to people that are one's peers, or children, or... friends." She sounded slightly sheepish at this last, as though she was questioning her decision to use it after all. "They're diminutive, but the reasons for using them can vary from disrespect to age difference to, well, friendliness." She trailed off, looking at the floor. I should have used san...

"Well, you aren't Japanese, so you wouldn't necessarily be expected to use them, but, if you wished to, mine would probably be chan, since I'm female, and I expect younger than you..." What she didn't say was that most people actually referred to her as Mizuki-oujou, due to her family's status. She certainly wasn't going to lord that over anyone.


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"Alright then, so Mizuki-chan." Romeo says with a smile, supressing a little laugh as she seems to become a bit shy. "That's the one friend's use, right?" This is really more of a statement than anything, as, even though he has only known this girl for a short time, he feels they can be friends rather easily. Shifting his pack again he growns a bit, tired. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'd like to relax...and clean up this cut..." Romeo says then, gently touching the wound on his neck. "You can have this room, if you want. I'll take this one."

He opens the door opposite the one he had opens and steps inside, after making sure no one had already claimed it. Setting his things down, not bothering to close the door in case Mizuki wished to follow him in so they could continue talking, he makes his way across the vast room to a smaller door. Opening it he finds what he was looking for, a bathroom, and steps inside and flips the light on, again leaving the door open, mostly from not thinking this time. Looking in the mirror above the sink he sighs and turns the cold water on, then takes his gloves off, revealing several bad looking scars. Laying them aside he then dips one hand in the water and genrly washes the blood away, revealing a dark line across his throat. Once the blood is gone he brings up more water and splashes it on his face to wake himself up.


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#, as written by chinaji
Pai-an was not surprised by Shin's sudden question. It seemed that he rather liked to talk; a habit that was first annoying but it seemed that Shin had grown on her. His discussions and conversations were rather enjoyable, but only because he filed the normally empty silences with chatter.

"No, no one interesting. The boy fled." She shrugged, folding her arms around her midsection. Master Jian has yet to know of news as she was just on her way to report; she would not rush, taking every word into consideration.

"What of you Shin? Was the one you encountered worth of entrance?" said with genuine interest. Whatever students had made it would be under her instruction, it would be beneficial to learn a bit about them before a physical meeting.


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Mizuki nodded, secretly pleased that someone had called her Mizuki-chan, which had never happened before. She set her small parcel of things inside the large room, and then rummaged through them for a second, coming away with a look of satisfaction on her face and a large adhesive bandage in one hand.

She approached the open door to Romeo's room with some hesitation, knocking on the doorframe just to be certain he knew she was approaching. This room looked almost identical to the one she now occupied, with a Japanese-style futon rolled up in one corner, and a low table with mats on which people could be seated. The whole thing was richly decorated with wall scrolls and even an indoor water feature, and she wondered for a moment if this was a martial arts school or a dream.

"Umm... Romeo-kun? I have this bandage, and-" she stopped short when she caught sight of him, and then his scars. "Your hands..." she trailed off with concern. How many injuries would he have needed to sustain for them to be all marked like that? She shuddered to think of it.


Pai-an, Shin had decided long ago, was one of those people who was so patient that they bordered on infuriating to impatient, reckless people. Luckily for himself, he had flushed most of the impatient and reckless out of his system a while ago. So what if she usually left other people to do the talking? That suited him just fine.

Rubbing the back of his neck thoughtfully, he glanced skyward as he considered his answer. "She's... interesting. I never thought we'd get the type that prefers notto fight around here, but it looks like Pops has managed it." He grinned a bit, returning his gaze to the woman in front of him. "She's got the skills though, a fair number of 'em do. Anyway, you're probably off to report, shouldn't keep ya from doing yer job, now, should I?" with a wave and an exaggerated, comical bow, he was off again, to do whatever it was that Shin does in his down time (nobody really knows).


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"Come on in Mizuki-chan," Romeo says with a smile, liking the little addons to names. Most of the add ons to his name he'd had before coming to this place he could never repeat in front of her. Grabbing a towel he dried his face and hands, then looks over and notices the look on Mizuki's face. At firs he isn't sure why she has such a look, then he notices that the girl is looking at his scars. "Oh...sorry..." he says, quickly turning his back on her and slipping the gloves back on, covering them back up, and then, for extra measure, as he leaves the bathroom and closes the door, he sticks them in his pocket. "Did you say you needed something?"

As he walked over to Mizuki Romeo shoved his hands as deep into his pockets as he could fit them. It wasn't that he was ashamed of his scars, quite the opposite, he was actually proud of them, however it seemed that most everyone else didn't see it that way. Some people who saw them called him a freak, or worse, pittied him. If there was one thing he hated it was when people took pity on him. Sure, he was nearly poor and lived on the bad side of town, and sure he got into fights everyday and never finished collage, but he was still a man, and the son of a very proud father.

Once out of Master Jian's office Go looked up at the sky. It seemed that dusk was rapidly approaching, meanign that within a few hours Jian would be 'calling' the students, as well as everyone else, to the courtyard behind the school, where there would be a large bonfire built up and he would introduce himself, the school, and so on. Go really didn't care about any of that stuff. What he really wanted was a serious match with that Margrave boy. Years ago he had seen the boys father in the ring, and he was good, so now he wanted to see how good his son was.


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"N-no," Mizuki fumbled, afraid that he had taken her half-asked question the wrong way. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just... you must have been training for a very long time. I can't imagine enduring that much pain." She shook her head. It had not been her intention to offend him, but the young woman feared she might have anyway. She was increasingly beginning to feel like she didn't really belong here at all. Her training had been conducted in secret, away from the view of her parents, and while she had been bruised frequently and cut on occasion, none of her wounds had left visible scars. Master Ling had been careful of that. Whomever, or whatever had trained Romeo had clearly not been so kind.

Realizing that he had asked a second question, she held up the bandage. "I did not need anything. But, this might do your other injury some good," she replied, examining the recently-cleaned cut, which appeared to be of the right size for this sort of dressing. Peeling off the cover on the adhesive edges, she held it out to him. "See? It will stick without having to wrap anything. My master swears by them." She offered a small smile at the thought of Master Ling. She'd needed one of these a few times; it was easier to hide a light bandage under one's clothes than the bulkier wrap-around kind.


Shin sat by himself in the large zen garden at one edge of the complex, atop a rock formation. If anyone knew he spent a good deal of his free time combing the sand here into complex patterns, he'd never hear the end of it. Yet, there was something about it that he found quite relaxing. Meditation cleared his head, allowed him to escape the pressure of his constantly-racing thoughts. Nobody would probably have picked him out as the intellectual of the group, but he was surprisingly inclined toward these pursuits, and was actually secretly working on a book about the practical applications of martial arts to daily life. Not too bad for a guy who'd never finished high school, really.

Being well-read made everything better, he thought. You started to see connections in the world. But as Pops was constantly reminding him, sometimes, balance necessitated a separation of oneself from one's own mind, and meditation was key. Passive reflectiveness rather than active thinking.

He'd spend another hour here, and perhaps be able to squeeze in another training session before the old man called them for the assembly-thing.


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Stretching tired legs out, Sumi laid on his back in a tree which overlooked the beautiful waves lapping in and out on the shoreline. The sound made him sleepy but he did he best not to drift off. He held a romance novel clutched in his hand, lazy eyes slowly reading each line. A black dog was sprawled out on it's belly at the tree's base, giving him a disapproving look as his master stayed slumped in his reading area. This had always been the place he went to whenever something was on his mind, away from the others and close to the water. Besides, the large zen garden in the complex was always occupied by the younger instructor, Shin. The young man didn't know that he'd often seen him combing patterns in the sand, and even though it was in his nature to jibe others, he kept his comments to himself and disappeared into his own sanction. He enjoyed picking on the instructors, but he thought Shin would die of embarrassment. Not to mention he'd never hear the end of it.

Glancing down to Nobu, whom was still glaring at him as if to say you're-supposed-to-be-meeting-the-students, he sighed loudly and tucked his novel back into it's pouch. “Alright, alright, stop glaring at me like that,” Sumi breathed, nimbly jumping from his comfortable seat and landing on his feet, “It doesn't suit you, y'know?” Stooping down, Sumi scratched the dog behind the ears and looked around. He hadn't seen Pan-an, Shin nor Go today—and he guessed they'd already “tested” the new students who arrived onto the island. Maybe that meant he didn't need to meet up with anyone? It was a hopeful thought, he didn't like hitting students but it was necessary for them to test them, to see if they had the fire in their bellies. Smiling to himself, he took a seat next to Nobu and leaned against the tree. The black dog in response whined. Sumi had already spoken to Jian today, and he'd been filled in with the details of the new students who would come. He thought it'd be strange to teach on the island, and even stranger to see new faces. Though, Sumi would never question Jian, the man was wise beyond his years and his smile would warm any worries. In more ways then he could explain, Jian was like a father to all residents on the island.

“No rush, patience is a virtue,” Sumi justified, patting his friend on the head, “As Jian-ue would say, patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience...” The man scratched his head and laughed heartily. Whenever Jian spoke to him, he took everything he said seriously, because he thought of the old man as a lantern in the dark. Jian brought him hope when he had none. “I guess that was aimed towards me, huh?” Sumi stretched the kinks in his back, he'd just finished training and he felt old. He pushed himself to his feet and gazed down the beach, until he was staring back towards the complex. It would be a good idea to meet up with the other residents. For once, he hadn't drunk a drop of sake today, and he felt strange. He took a deep breath and wondered who he'd try to find first—he knew where Shin would be, Go would be wandering and Pan-an was nearly like a ghost.


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Romeo smiles, relaxing a ltitle more. He takes his hands out of his pockets, lifting the right one up to look at it. "When you live on your own, and you have to fend for yourself...pain is nothing. Honestly, most of these aren't from training, but from other people who wanted to try and stop me...perminately. They figured, if I could no longer use my fists, I'd be easy prey. But, let's just say I proved them wrong." He says, looking from his fist to the girl. "Don't worry, you didn't say anything wrong, it's just that most people don't like to see them, and I just didn't really intend for you, or anyone, to see them..."

Flexing his hand he looks at the bandage, then touches his neck and sighs. "Great, thanks. I forgot to pack any first-aid stuff. But, um...would you mind putting it on for me? Kinda hard to see, ya know?" Romeo says, lowering his hand again. If she didn't want to he understood, and would simply walk back into the bathroom and apply the bandage. One way was just as good as the other, but he had the feeling that her helping him might somehow make her feel better, though he didn't understand how or why that might be. It was just a hunch.

Go had been wandering a bit after leaving Master Jian. He'd made his way around most of the grounds, saw to the fire pit, and was on his way towards the zen garden when he noticed, of all people, Shin, sitting atop the rock formation at the center. As quietly as he could he walks over, noticing that the sand has a new patteren in it, and smiles. Wait till Pia-an hears about this... he thinks to himself with a smirk before picking up and small rock and tossing it at the man's head.


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The black dog made a disgruntled sound, and Sumi raised his hands defensively before sighing heavily. “Fine, I'll get going then, I'll be back to finish my book though,” Sumi told him, narrowing his eyes before turning on his heel and walking towards the complex. He decided he'd have more chances catching up with Shin, who'd be sitting on his rock meditating, then he would trying to find Pai-an or Goh. They were always on the move these days, and being incredibly lazy, he wasn't one to go running around searching for them. Pushing open one of the doors leading to the large zen garden, he stepped inside in time to see Go's growing smirk, and the grown man throw a pebble at Shin. He was about to call out to the Shin but instead broke into a fit of laughter, holding his cramped stomach.


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#, as written by chinaji
Pai-an nodded and giggled, waving a little wave in Shin's direction not sure if he would see it or not. The student he had mentioned sounded quite interesting; a pacifist fighter was almost like an oxymoron. Nevertheless, whoever she was, sounded like one she could get along with. Not to waste another single second, Pai-an fluttered around a gave three curt, sharp knocks on Master Jian's door, patiently waiting for permission to enter.

Contrary to others many beliefs, Pai-an was a very fast and quick thinker. To be able to consider the actions of her opponent and the many actions that she could take was only possible with the sharpest of minds. Quick and thoughtful consideration also carried over to every normal (and some rather abnormal) aspects of Pai-an's life. This instance, for example, Pai-an had gone over Lady Yang's movements from practice and the rather short exchange she had just shared with Shin. Depending on how long Master Jian will take to respond, she might have her evening meal all planed out.

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Vincent Romeo Margrave
Character Portrait: Kaichou Hogaraka
Character Portrait: Kumataro Go
Character Portrait: Pai-an
Character Portrait: Brent Parson
Character Portrait: Angel Vladimir
Character Portrait: Hayden Ren
Character Portrait: Xiaobai
Character Portrait: Richard 'Ricky' Ballard


Character Portrait: Richard 'Ricky' Ballard
Richard 'Ricky' Ballard

The evil rich kid

Character Portrait: Xiaobai

A student of spear form taijiquan.

Character Portrait: Hayden Ren
Hayden Ren

Disciple of the Eastern Illusion Strike, Hayden seeks to restore the lost martial art.

Character Portrait: Angel Vladimir
Angel Vladimir

Sweet and Innocent outside Fierce and Dangerous inside.

Character Portrait: Brent Parson
Brent Parson

One-armed fighter

Character Portrait: Pai-an

Instructor of the Island

Character Portrait: Kumataro Go
Kumataro Go

Head of the Island Guard

Character Portrait: Kaichou Hogaraka
Kaichou Hogaraka

Drunken fist user, Learning at the request of a friend.

Character Portrait: Vincent Romeo Margrave
Vincent Romeo Margrave

"Just call me Romeo please."


Character Portrait: Angel Vladimir
Angel Vladimir

Sweet and Innocent outside Fierce and Dangerous inside.

Character Portrait: Brent Parson
Brent Parson

One-armed fighter

Character Portrait: Vincent Romeo Margrave
Vincent Romeo Margrave

"Just call me Romeo please."

Character Portrait: Pai-an

Instructor of the Island

Character Portrait: Richard 'Ricky' Ballard
Richard 'Ricky' Ballard

The evil rich kid

Character Portrait: Kumataro Go
Kumataro Go

Head of the Island Guard

Character Portrait: Hayden Ren
Hayden Ren

Disciple of the Eastern Illusion Strike, Hayden seeks to restore the lost martial art.

Character Portrait: Xiaobai

A student of spear form taijiquan.

Character Portrait: Kaichou Hogaraka
Kaichou Hogaraka

Drunken fist user, Learning at the request of a friend.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Pai-an

Instructor of the Island

Character Portrait: Hayden Ren
Hayden Ren

Disciple of the Eastern Illusion Strike, Hayden seeks to restore the lost martial art.

Character Portrait: Richard 'Ricky' Ballard
Richard 'Ricky' Ballard

The evil rich kid

Character Portrait: Kaichou Hogaraka
Kaichou Hogaraka

Drunken fist user, Learning at the request of a friend.

Character Portrait: Brent Parson
Brent Parson

One-armed fighter

Character Portrait: Angel Vladimir
Angel Vladimir

Sweet and Innocent outside Fierce and Dangerous inside.

Character Portrait: Kumataro Go
Kumataro Go

Head of the Island Guard

Character Portrait: Vincent Romeo Margrave
Vincent Romeo Margrave

"Just call me Romeo please."

Character Portrait: Xiaobai

A student of spear form taijiquan.

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