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Isla Serrano

life gave me some lemons so I made some lemonade

0 · 365 views · located in Gravity Falls, Maine

a character in “Gravity Falls: Awakening”, originally authored by phosphene, as played by RolePlayGateway


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"She stops to reflect, and her thoughtful air, her air of pretending that she has forgotten, has the perfection of a work of art."
She stops to reflect, and her thoughtful air, her air of pretending that she has forgotten, has the perfection of a work of art.-Marguerite Duras


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xxxxx|| Name || Isla Gloria Serrano
xxxxx|| Nicknames || n/a
xxxxx|| Pronouns || she/her/hers
xxxxx|| Age || 27
xxxxx|| Sexuality || bisexualxx
xxxxx|| Role || the jock xx
xxxxx|| Hometown || gravity Falls, Mainexx
xxxxx|| Hex || #9E555Dxx


Imagexxa p p e a r a n c exxImage

xxxxx|| Height || 5'8"
xxxxx|| Build || Slender
xxxxx|| Description || Isla has a sort of exaggerated feminine style; she wears a lot of skirts and dresses, bright colors, florals, the most feminine of styles, all in an attempt to never ever look anything short of show-stoppingly gorgeous and feminine. She keeps her hair long, and thinks the natural waves compliment her well, though she does occasionally curl or straighten it. If she had a choice, she'd always wear it down, but she likes messy buns and braids when she has to tie it up. She doesn't tend to wear too much makeup, though she does certainly know how to do it well. Isla has a lot of insecurities, and she tries to highlight the things about herself that she likes to hide the things she doesn't, this often leads to her looking very put together, almost all the time. Isla is always well groomed, but thanks to her profession tends to have short, unpainted nails and rough hands from all the washing, which doesn't exactly match the rest of her appearance sometimes.

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Isla has always been the sort to strive for greatness- everything she does, she does to the fullest extent of her abilities. Success meant that her father would be proud of her, and if her father wasn't proud of her she wasn't sure what the point of doing anything was. She's not a strong internal motivator; she has trouble doing anything if it's not to earn some reward. Her father's pride, mother's love, an extra $50, Isla has spent her entire life chasing down rewards and motivations from everywhere but within herself. She's been working on that, though, and over the past several years the reward she's been chasing has been becoming the person she knew she was meant to be.

Ever since Sam died, Isla has been a bit of a secretive person. She tends to keep her thoughts, emotions, and ideas to herself. She was bubbly and vibrant as a young child, but a mixture of the trauma and the expectations thrust upon her turned her into someone that didn't ever seem to be able to speak the truth. Lying has become a bit of a habit now, and not even big lies. She lies about little things, things that don't matter, things that do. She's not sure when she started lying, but she does know why. It's a hard habit to break, and so far she's been entirely unsuccessful. Other than the lying, she tends to be a little on the serious side, but certainly kind enough. One kind word can make a world of different, and she's made a pact with herself to never bring someone down who doesn't deserve it.

Isla has learned that people will give her whatever measure of respect she allows, so she's learned not to allow disrespect. This doesn't mean she's loud- or even vocal- when she feels disrespected (that's not always the safest option), but she does tend to remove herself from situations where she's not receiving the respect she deserves. It's taken a lot of work to get to the point where she knows her worth, and she does sometimes still fold under pressure (or when her parents are concerned), but she's built up a lot of confidence in herself and her intrinsic worth, not just her abilities or what others tell her about herself.


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Isla was the middle child: she had two siblings, and all of them were given a role they were expected to fill by their father before they even made it to kindergarten. Isla was supposed to be his little sports star after she started walking early to keep up with her older sister. Her mother just wanted healthy, well-behaved children. It was a strict household, but one with plenty of love. Isla knew that her mother loved her endlessly, unconditionally, but she never felt like her father cared unless she was living up to his expectations of her.

Her friends never cared about how good she was at baseball, though. Sam was only a year older than her, and Isla just adored her. She loved being friends with the girl, felt more like herself every day with the little group of friends she was a part of. And then, all at once, it was over. Sam died, it was horrific. Isla has never been able to talk about it, can't even really remember it. Her mother smothered her with love, but she came out of that situation thinking that her father's plans for her were probably what was best. So she threw herself into baseball and gender roles, leaving all the silly ideas she'd had of being one of the girls behind. She became a little toxic for a while while she tried to cope, but did her best not to leave her childhood friends behind. Nobody knew how she felt about that night like they did, so every once and a while she'd find herself back with one of them, talking, just trying to connect with someone in a meaningful way.

She figured out that she was transgender in high school, tried to tell her parents in senior year. It didn't go so well, and it led to her moving as far away as she could for college. California would be better, she thought, and out there she slowly started to piece herself together out there. Her parents largely ignored her, and her transition, while still wanting to take credit for her achievements. She's the only one of her siblings who kept up the "family business" in some way, going through culinary school for pastry making and getting a job in a successful patisserie in LA. Her mother is proud of her achievements, but her father still wishes she'd gone down the path he'd planned for her. Neither of them want to talk about her being their daughter.

Despite the family restaurant being successful when Isla was younger, times have gotten tough. Isla is the only one of the Serrano children who was willing (with a little begging on her mother's part) to come and help run the restaurant. Her mother just knows things will get better again if they get things under control. Isla thinks that the town's population might not be able to support the place, but nobody listens to her.


cs: phosphene - fc: ZiĂłn Moreno - hex code: 9E555D


So begins...

Isla Serrano's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Miles Stevens Character Portrait: Eva Conrad
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0.25 INK

Welcome to, Gravity Falls...


Eden Ackerman
the stoner | outfit | #0e849e
Once in a dream I thought
I could keep you safe forever
You held on to me
A beautiful scene
I still remember

8:00am October 25th, 2021
Twenty years after 'The Accident.'

It had been twenty years to the date since that ever fateful day in the local woods that outlined the small town of Gravity Falls. Twenty years since a group of children had discovered the remains of, what could only be assumed to have been their friend, Sam Mathers. Twenty years since six children were left scarred for life by whatever they saw and experienced out in those woods, and one child who wasn't allowed to grow up. And twenty years since a heavy weight fell over the town. Almost as if a curse had befallen the people who lived there. But that's just stories, right?

The skies above this small forest town were just as grey as they had always been, sunshine being a rarity but never an unwanted sight to be had. The air was blanketed in what could only be described as a heavy fog as it drifted down the streets. Giving it a somewhat eery appearance. Due to it still being rather early in this small town, life hadn't exactly kick started itself for the day just yet. As stores were slowly beginning to open their doors for the day. Students and workers walking down the stretch of side-walk as they made their commute, whatever it may have been for. But the energy that this day seemed to always hold was equally as heavy as the fog that hang about the air. Seeing as it was the twentieth anniversary since 'The Accident'.

An accident, Eden mused to themself. A god damn accident doesn't eviscerate a child. Anyone and everyone who was in the woods that night knew it wasn't a god damn accident. Whether they wanted to admit it or not. An accident doesn't cause a child to be nearly torn to pieces, and be enough cause for a closed casket to be needed for a god damn eight-year old. It was some sort of fucked cover-up on the police's end, and everyone knew it. The cops in this damn town cared more about saving their own asses and sweeping it under the rug, than bringing the dark truth to light. The truth that what happened that night, wasn't normal nor natural. That something had caused a child to die a brutal death like Sam Mathers had. And something or at least someone had to have been responsible for what happened to the others. Kids don't just become unable to control themselves. Kids don't all just have a panic attack and all go unconcious all at once, like some kind of hive-mind mentality. There was no logical explanation.

Yet, the cops swept it under the rug and treated it like any other investigation. They were nothing more than children who needed real help. Psychological and mental help. Not just a pat on the back and an 'It's gonna be okay'. That doesn't help repair a broken mind of an impressionable child. And the fact that everyone in this town, had gone back to their old ways within a few months. None of it made sense, not even to the ones who were literal children at the time. The remaining kids knew it was wrong. That something was wrong, but they were more or less silenced. And for what? Cuz they knew the truth? None of it made sense...

Eden stood alone as their eyes looked almost glazed over. Tears having since long stained their cheeks. Eden rubbed their face once more, finally wiping away their nearly dried tears from their darkened, hazel green eyes. They were kneeling down in front of a small headstone that was under a medium sized pine tree, a bit off from the rest of the headstones that littered the cemetery. Their eyes scanned over the carved lettering into the old and gray stone:

In Loving Memory
Samantha Lily-Rose Mathers

Eden could feel that all too familiar burning sensation start up behind their eyes once more as their hands trembled as they were down by their sides. It wasn't right. Sam should have been here beside all of them. She should have been allowed to grown up. She should have graduated like the rest of them. Should have been able to have been to fall in love and experienced life. Even for all of the shitty aspects of life, they were all worth it. It wasn't fair that one of them wasn't here, while everyone else was still alive, wherever they may have been. Eden felt their chest tighten as tears streamed down their eyes once more, tightening their fists once more. Taking a deep breath as they slowly tilted their head upwards, the sun shining down on their pale skin as the sun peaked out from behind graying clouds. "You de-deserve to be here, Sammy..." Eden mumbled softly, keeping their eyes closed as they felt a soft gust of wind scrape across their skin. With a heavy intake of breath, Eden retrieved their black sunglasses from their jacket's pockets and put them on, slowly looking around as they could once more sense as if someone was watching them.

But like usual, Eden braced themself as they turned to face whatever was spying on them from afar, but there was nothing there. "It's fine, E-Eden...It's f-fine." they reassured themself, rubbing their hands together in the cold October air. Eden glanced down at the headstone once more, gently pressing their palm against the cold stone, closing their eyes once more as they said a few silent words to themself and got back up to their feet. Nearly towering over the small grave, shaking their head as they let out a sigh. "'Till ne-next year, Sam..." they said softly. Clicking their tongue, and there was a chirp as a small, brown form bounded towards them, rubbing against their leg. "Let's get some br-breakfast hm, S-Seb?", Eden questioned the small otter that was on a lead, and turned on their heels, heading back towards the entrance of the cemetery. But not before seeing a few familiar faces at the front gate of the cemetery.

Eden stopped and paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as they looked at the family, "I-I hope you've be-been well." they stuttered out. A nervous tick that they still hadn't ever been able to break. Even after all these years, Eden was never able to break their stutter when talking to other people.

The older man within the group gave them a kind smile as he stepped forward, gently enveloping Eden in a soft hug, "We have, Eden. Thank you. How have...How have you been?" Ezekiel asked with a kind smile, stepping back once the hug came to an end. Eden returned his smile with a small one of their own. "I'm alright. Th-thank you, Mr. Ma-Mathers." Eden sheepishly dug their shoe into the partially frozen dirt below. The younger male who was standing next to his father gave them a gentle smile, "It's good to see you always, 'Ed. You could come 'round the house sometime." Kyle commented, "-But, there's no pressure. Just letting you know you can always stop by, if you ever needed anything, of course." Alexandra smiled at her son's comment, "What he's trying to say is, there's no need to make a stranger of yourself, hun. You're always welcome to our home. Always have, always will." the woman reassured with a warm smile that met her eyes.

Eden smiled nervously as they dug their hands into their pockets, nodding slightly in response. "I app-ppreciate it. Th-thank you." Eden began to turn to leave, but stopped half way before turning back to face them, "I might t-take you up on th-that sometime. I'll l-let you get back to your v-visit." Eden nodded once more, the family simply nodded and gave the young blond a gentle smile and carried on about their day as they parted. As Eden walked away, they took a deep breath. That small voice whispering in their ear begining once more. Eden needed to get their mind off of things, but before they could do that they knew they'd need to get something to eat and headed off in the general direction to where the local diner was. They didn't have work as they always got this day off from it, for obvious reasons. Something they appreciated about the Mathers. They gave everyone that worked at the store the day off. They'd need time with things today, just like they always did every time this day came around for the past ten years. Today was like no other, or at least that's what Eden thought. But for now, Eden planned to get some food for them and their roommates, and head back home. Where they'd do nothing at all for the rest of the day, if they were lucky and didn't get roped into their roommates usual bullshit...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Wednesday Jones
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0.00 INK

xxxxxWednesday Jones
xxx The Theorist | Outfit | #D16120
xxxxxWell, I guess I made my bed
xxxxxNow I gotta lie in it
xxxxxLike a suicidal kiss
xxxxxI got a guilty conscience

Wednesday trudged through the muddy leaf-covered path that borders their backyard. Making their way to the town’s park, going this way would spit them out into a more secluded part of it. Once at their usual picnic table they quickly sent a text to Isla, something that has become a habit of checking in on her in the morning. As they hit send they got a message from Vi, as she had sent them a plethora of memes, videos, and texts to try and cheer them up. Wednesday chuckled a little and a small smile formed on their perpetual stone-like face, they texted Vi back "thank you" before sliding their phone back in their bag and pulling out a laptop strewn with various stickers. They rubbed their cold hands together before getting ready to write, in a futile effort to try to forget the incident.

Just as Wednesday was starting to lose themselves in the grove of their writing, a piercing voice broke their concentration. 'Wendy, you back here again?" asked Wednesday's sister, as she slithered out from the thick trees that usually block this part of the park from the townies. "What do you want, CeCe?" they asked without taking an eye off their writing. "Ugh no need to be so testy, Wendy." said CeCe with a smirk as she knew how much that annoyed her sibling. "All I wanted to know was how you were doing. Now I'm being punished for just being a good sister." she said with a dramatic flourish. Wednesday rolled their eyes "I'll tell you again like I always do, I just need to be alone on this day." CeCe slid down across from them and started drumming on the table. Wednesday tensed up trying to focus on their writing, but with a constant stream of distractions coming from across them, it was an impossible task. "Can you please leave me be? I'm just trying to get some writing done." Wednesday asked with a sigh. "It's a park hun, I can sit wherever I want, you don't own this area." CeCe replied as she propped her feet up on the picnic table slightly kicking the laptop. "God be careful!" Wednesday snapped back at them. CeCe rolled her eyes before closing Wednesday's laptop with her foot. "You do know you're never gonna find out what happened to that kid Sam right? I don't understand why you keep trying, it's been 20 years, and you're not any closer." CeCe stood up brushed her legs. "If I were you I would let this little obsession die off." CeCe chuckled before turning to leave. "Well, it's a damn good thing I'm not you." Wednesday said before they watched their sister leave.

Now too upset to continue Wednesday packed up their belongings and started making their way to La Cocina de Serrano, to get some food.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Eva Conrad Character Portrait: Wednesday Jones
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0.00 INK

they say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite
Venus Matthews never seemed to be a morning person, but anyone who had that initial thought would know that it was false. Venus Mathews wakes up at approximately 7:30 am every morning. Now one thing to note is that she will usually crawl back into bed at 10:00 am unless she has errands to run. Vi has always been diligent on waking up early to get any necessary things out of the way such as working out, having a shower and then making breakfast. This makes it so she’s going into the front of the Mystery Shack by 9:15 -9:20 in the morning and she’s usually feeding the staff breakfast and hanging out.

Today was not like other days though, she did not go through with her morning routine, instead she decided to sleep in after she had played a drinking game for her YouTube channel. Every now and then she liked to post content on there aside from recordings of her streams that she did.

The nearly empty bottle of gin sat on her desk with the cutting board of lemons and limes, the room was filled with her light snores until she was abruptly taken out of it with a text message. Vi could feel the sticky warmth of the alcohol trying to leave her body and groaned as she moved her hands along the bed linen and then under her pillows with no luck of finding this phone of hers. Rolling onto her side her hand slapped down on the night table until her finger tips felt the object and pulled it closer to herself to check it.

It was her friend Eva from college. Eva had just moved to town not too long ago, so Vi was happy to help. Sending Eva a message back she got up and swore she could hear thudding, what was Ashir doing up in the attic? She wondered as she made her way to the bathroom, so she could shower. Turns out the thudding was her own head.


Venus had made it out of the house, she was wearing a pair of black leggings, black tank top, with a blue flannel button up that was a little oversized and left unbuttoned. Her hair was done up in two half space buns with the rest of her hair flowing down past her shoulder blades. On her face she had a pair of black sunglasses on to shield her poor eyes and head from the light. To finish off the look she normally wore she had her black converse on with her light mint sushi socks poking out.

She walked up to the familiar brick building that held one of her favourite restaurants. It was by no means a breakfast place, but Eva had to try it. That and Vi liked to give business to Isla’s family, she knew at times they struggled, and Vi was good at supporting locally owned businesses, especially ones closer to her heart.

“Hey Ev.” Vi said sporting a good ol’ peace sign for good measure. She honestly couldn’t explain why she did half the things that she did. “Ready to go inside? I know I could use food and quick”

Eva grinned as Vi approached and threw her a peace sign. It was good to spend time with Vi again, they hadn’t properly spent any time together since they both graduated, even if Eva was a frequent viewer of Vi’s streams and they frequently promoted each other’s various projects on social media. “Absolutely, I’m starving. So, what’s the deal with this place? Anything in particular you’d recommend?”

“Friend’s family owns it.” Vi said simply stating with a shrug, “but it's one of my favourites regardless. Customer service is top notch.” The blue haired girl said as her hands made the ‘okay’ sign that for one reason or another seemed to be popular with the kids.

With that Vi knocked on the glass doors, not wanting to just waltz in there and expect service. If they weren’t up for breakfast today, then they’d go somewhere else. “Anything they make is good, I usually just ask them to surprise me.” The girl said as she waited for someone to come to the door, unsure of who was in the restaurant this morning prepping.

Wednesday was making their way to get some food, in a futile way to keep their mind off of their sister and Sam. They were too immersed in their music to see what was in front of them and ended up crashing into Vi. “Shit! I'm Sorry, You good?” They asked while turning off their music. “Good to see you're not dead.” Wednesday squinted at the person waiting outside with Vi. “Hey, I'm Wednesday.” They said with a quick nod and smile.

Just as Vi was peering into the restaurant to find some semblance of life she felt her body jolt. Instantly the thudding headache was hitting her harder than usual again and her body almost wanted to throw up almost as if she were seasick on a boat. Taking a deep breath in, she laughed a bit hearing Wednesday’s voice. “I think I’m a walking corpse some days.” She said with a shrug.

Eva was peering into the restaurant to see if there was any motion when somebody collided with Vi and apologised. Eva nodded as they introduced themselves. “I’m Eva, it’s lovely to meet you.”

This had always been a difficult day for Isla; ever since she was a kid, the anniversary of Sam’s death left her with a lot of complicated feelings, so despite her parents both offering to take over the morning prep for the restaurant, she insisted on doing it, and doing it by herself. There was something therapeutic in throwing herself into work, no matter how much she may not have wanted to do it.

So when she heard knocking on the doors, she was immediately in a bit of a sour mood. Of course, everyone in Gravity Falls knew the hours of the restaurant, but she was still used to dealing with difficult customers in LA. “We open at eleven!” She shouted, but when she actually looked up to see Venus and Wednesday there, she very visibly changed her mind, rushing up to the doors and opening them, “Never mind.” She shot her childhood friends, and the other woman she wasn’t sure she’d met, a dazzling grin, “For you guys, we’re always open. The owners insist.” She winked and ushered the group, locking the doors behind them so no stragglers got the wrong idea and came wandering in. “I think I needed some friendly faces this morning. Sit wherever you’d like.” She gestured vaguely to the restaurant, “The chairs closer to the kitchen are more comfortable, Mom and Dad just replaced the cushions.” She eyes the mystery woman there with Vi, “We don’t have a breakfast menu, but I can make you just about anything. You like coffee?” She raised an eyebrow at Venus; they hadn’t seen much of each other since they both left town, but they were here now, and Isla hoped Vi would catch the hint and introduce them.

Vi didn’t give up hope when she heard that the restaurant didn’t open until 11:00 am. She knew that someone would have to see who she was first before deciding not to let her in or maybe that was just her confidence and nauseated stomach speaking.

When Isla came to the door, a sense of excitement and happiness overwhelmed her a bit. “I believe I come with the friendliest of faces.” Vi said tuting her own horn just a little bit and then after Isla had spoken Vi turned to her, “Isla, this is Eva. Eva this is Isla. Isla is one of my main friends from childhood and Eva is one of my college friends who has just recently moved to town.” The blue haired girl felt a sense of accomplishment in terms of introductions. It went smoother than she imagined it would have. “I will let you pick where we sit, Eva.”

Eva nodded as Vi explained what the situation was with the restaurant. She loved finding small, locally owned spots like this, and when she was with a local who knew all of their insider tips, it was even better. She grinned as they were ushered into the cafe by Vi’s friend. The girl was pretty and seemed friendly, giving them tips about where to sit.

Eva waved a little as Vi introduced her. “Nice to meet you, Isla. This place looks great. I’m dying for some good local food instead of whatever cereal the bed and breakfast has today,” she said with a grin. She glanced around as Vi said she could pick where they sat. “Cool, I guess we should test if those new seats are as comfy as suggested,” she said, nodding roughly towards a table.

When Eva commented on how great the place looked, and how it was nice to meet her, Isla just smiled and nodded, “Well, you clearly have good taste.” She shot Eva a wink, “You guys get settled, I’ll go start some coffee.” And with that, she hurried on back to the kitchen. She’d only be gone a minute- their coffee maker worked fast. Isla had never understood the appeal of having coffee available for every meal, but she’d learned that no matter where you are, people asked for it whether it was on the menu or not.

She returned soon after with three cups of coffee and a plate with a sampling of conchas, both vanilla and chocolate. “I’ve been experimenting a bit with the idea of selling more sweets. Trying to win Dad over on it. How he expected to get a baker to move back into town to help him run his restaurant and not try to add more sweets to the menu, I’ll never know.” She flashed a smile as she distributed the cups to the group and set the plate down between them, “The cost of these is convincing my dad it’s a good idea when you see him next.” She put a hand on her hip and looked between the three of them, “Do we have anything specific in mind, or are you going to give me some artistic liberties?”

Venus just wanted to get some food in her belly, and she really had no specific craving. She began to sip on her cup of coffee and grabbed one of the conchas. “I’m always up for a surprise and giving you artistic liberties.” Then she looked to Eva and Wednesday to see what they were interested in.

Eva gratefully took one of the cups of coffee, added some sugar and some cream, and took a sip. At the question of if they knew what they wanted, Eva instinctively glanced at Vi, deciding to take her lead on things. So when she said that she’d let Isla decide, Eva nodded. “I’m with Vi, surprise us!” She said.

Isla smiled as the consensus to let her work her magic was reached, ”Alrighty then,” She said, shooting a grin and a quick wink across the table, ”Give me a couple’a minutes.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Ashir Rahman
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0.00 INK

Isla Serrano
the jock
outfit - #9E555D
thousands of lightyears away
lives a butterfly
constructed of stars

Isla loved seeing her old friends, and one new one, over the course of the morning, but as fate would have it, things like that never lasted. Before long they’d left, she had to clean up, and finish preparations for the rest of the day. Working in her parent’s kitchen didn’t mean less work for her (in fact, most days she felt like it was more work), and she spent the rest of her shift that day up to her elbows in grease and dish soap, thinking all the while what she could do to improve the place. It could do with some sprucing up, really. Honestly, though, she didn’t know how any business could hope to stay afloat in a dying town.

But she could only stay occupied with business thoughts for so long. Isla hadn’t been in town on the anniversary of Sam’s death in so long. The last memorial she’d been to had been before she transitioned, and now she felt a little stuck. What was appropriate to wear to something like this?

She showered- always fighting against the impermeable smell of a restaurant kitchen, touched up her nail polish, and went about picking an outfit. She didn’t want to stand out, not at this event, so something understated was definitely the right choice.

Walking everywhere in town like she’d done the past two weeks she’d been in town reminded her so much of her childhood. This entire day reminded her of her childhood. None of them had ever been able to escape the looming shadow of Sam’s death since that fateful day. It felt like the memory of what happened haunted the entire town, weighing everyone down. Isla was reminded of why she left in the first place.

Damn familiar guilt, bringing her back here to such a sad place.

Thankfully there was already a small crowd assembled by the time she arrived. Most of the town would attend, probably. That’s how it always was in the past, and if Isla knew one thing, it was that things didn’t change in Gravity Falls unless someone came in from the outside and forced that change. She looked around, spotting some familiar faces. There was Eden. Should she talk to Eden? A part of her said yes, but Elliot was there, and all the guilt and regret and sadness from what had happened between them in high school overrode her desire to catch back up with old friends. Still, she tossed a soft smile and an awkward wave their way, though she was fairly sure they wouldn’t really recognize her. Maybe she should have tried harder to stay in touch.

Ashir Rahman
the artist
outfit - #3C5148
it is home to souls
who were too bright
for our world

Ashir rarely ever made it to bed before three am, so he rarely ever made it out of bed before noon. But when he did finally get up, he spent some time sketching, checking in on the wax ball that his roommates tolerated because it was less weird than his last project. He mostly kept to himself during the day, unless one of his roommates sought him out for one reason or another. He didn’t mind them, in fact he felt like they were all friends, but alone is how he’d always done things.

He’d arrived in town a few weeks after the anniversary of Sam’s death the year before, so he wasn’t sure what to expect from this event, but he did know that both of his roommates had been friends with Sam when they were children, and attending with them would probably be a nice thing to do. Show some support. There was also the fact that the people who owned both the place he lived and worked were the long-dead child’s parents. It felt like it would be weird if he didn’t go. He didn’t know anything about the formality of the event, but it hardly mattered. He didn’t have any nice clothes with him here- those were all packed up neatly back in his parent’s attic- just clothes with tons of paint stains, clothes with a few paint stains, and clothes with little to no paint stains. He opted to go with as few paint stains as he could manage and hope that he wouldn’t be dressed wildly inappropriately.

He’d established a calm familiarity with most of the folks in town by now, and recognized most of the faces in the slowly growing crowd. He mostly found himself sticking close to Venus, though, as if being there with her increased his legitimacy for being there. He absently picked at the blue nail polish that Vi had applied just a few days prior, already it was chipped nearly to oblivion by Ashir’s nervous nature. “Oh, there’s Eden,” He announced, pointing them out in case Venus hadn’t seen, “You know that guy with them?”[/b] He looked really familiar, but there was no way he was who Ashir was thinking he was.

He shoved his hands in his pockets, mostly to force himself to stop picking at the nail polish. He wanted to be there for his friends, really, but he also wanted to give them some space, and goodness this town was ridiculously inspiring. “Hey, I’m just gonna,”[/b] He said, pointing back out of the way. He didn’t wait long before he made his way out away from most of the people, pulling a small notepad and a pencil on it’s last leg of life out of his pocket to sketch out some things that were coming to mind, take some notes on lighting, add too many little notes about the mood and the way all the colors even feel muted somehow.. He’d revisit some of it later, toss some of it out. Well, most of it wouldn’t make it past the drawing board, but he was always working on something.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Miles Stevens Character Portrait: Ashir Rahman
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#, as written by Caille
Venus Matthews
the nerd | #519cc2

Venus had enjoyed her time catching up with Eva as well as spending time with her friends. It had been too long since she had a proper visit with a lot of them as she usually stuck to herself inside her room doing god knows what. Vi was used to just streaming on her channel and talking with people over the streams in the chats, but lately, she’s had to come out more and socialize with people who weren’t her roommates especially around this time of year.

The blue-haired girl had no idea what really happened that night. Her mind won't let her remember for the rest of her life, it's like she stored it in the depths of her brain and chained it up. It still made her uneasy to come to these things though, so it was nice that Vi ended up heading there with Ashir. He was not a part of their original friend group, but she felt comfortable enough around him to be able to have some solace in his presence.

It wasn’t long before he spotted Eden though and began to point her out. Vi’s eyes looked up from her phone and scanned the general direction Ashir was pointing in. He had asked about the boy who was with her, and Venus gave a soft smile not realizing Elliot was in town.

“That’s Elliot. Those two have always been inseparable. I’m fairly certain they’ve been together in all their past lives.” Venus said with an upbeat tone. It wasn’t long before Ashir had left and part of her was sad, but she knew she should try and be closer with her friends.

Venus slowly made her way over to the other two, but on her way, she noticed Isla and walked up to her instead. “I swear these things throw me back in time.” She said in a more somber tone and offered a small smile to her friend as she took a stand next to her.

Miles Stevens
the de-facto leader | #6C021B

Miles Stevens was the kind of guy who could put up with a lot of crap. You could literally deliver dog shit to his door and he would shrug his shoulders, but today was the day that Miles had little to no patience with anyone, not even his students.

He had been relieved to see his friends at the restaurant during his morning routine, it helped stabilize his mood throughout the day. He didn’t make any snide comments to his students like he did last year when he called Tommy Miller a bastard child. Yeah, that did not help his reputation and his job stability when he was already on thin ice some days.

As he was leaving through the school field, as his house was near the backside of it, some kids were playing football toss with each other. Then he heard a voice coming from the biggest douche in school, Ronnie Savage.

“Hey, Mr.Stevens!” He called and as Miles turned around there was a football spiraling for his face. “Think fast.” He said chuckling with his friends, as the football hit him square in the face.

Miles was stunned and didn’t know what to say or do for a minute, but his blood was beginning to simmer and only continued to rise as the laughter from the teenage shits engulfed his brain. Without thinking about it he picked up the football and walked a little closer to Ronnie and deliberately spiked it in his face.

“Think fast,” Miles said in a mocking tone and the corners of his lips turned down, nose scrunched. Fuck this douche canoe. “Pull that shit again Ronnie, and I’ll bang your mom.” He said and did a motion like he was gonna go after Ronnie, before turning and heading home.

Miles was stressed to shit and didn’t want to go to this funeral service but he could feel his heart swell at the idea of missing it. He was in town, and he owed it to Sam. He had to go. Hopefully, Ronnie wouldn’t be there, or if he was his mom better be there. Miles would make good on his promise.

Somewhere Miles had ended up at the service, the crowds were forming but he stayed on the outskirts. He could see Vi and Isla over to one side and Eden and Elliot to another. He was closer to Eden and Elliot and he just offered a wave, not being as chatty as he was before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Ackerman Character Portrait: Elliot Fox Character Portrait: Isla Serrano Character Portrait: Venus Matthews Character Portrait: Miles Stevens Character Portrait: Eva Conrad
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Eden Ackerman
the stoner | outfit | #0e849e
Once in a dream I thought
I could keep you safe forever
You held on to me
A beautiful scene
I still remember

Having decided to go back with Elliot to his parent's house, was somehow a breath of fresh air for Eden. They always spent so much time at home, especially since they also worked there. As much of a gift as it was, being able to have a roof over their head and no commute to work, it also meant Eden didn't really have to go anywhere, unless they really wanted to. And considering this was the first time they had really been away from The Mystery Shack in weeks, it was nice. Even if it was stressfull.

But, once Eden got to the house with Elliot, it was like everything from their teenage years came back to them all at once. Everything was practically the same. And it was all too easy to fall into routine again, like no time had passed. And since it was only them, Eden didn't have to stress too much. Except for the obvious reasons. Figures occasionally tarting around corners, or those whispers in their ear. But thankfully, with Elliott being around, Eden had a means of distraction. At least it was until he inevitably fell asleep. They were both laying on the bed, just there and talked, for a few hours. And nearly mid-conversation, Elliott passed out. Just like old times indeed.

Eden let Elliot sleep, and took the time to go out on the back patio, and decided it was a better time than any to take a smoke break. Retrieving the blunt they had tucked away. Eden had been outside for roughly thirty minutes before they went back inside. The voices and shadows were gone as always, whenever their mind was clouded by the affects of cannabis. It just made things easier, and Eden didn't know why. Maybe they really were crazy?

Eventually though, Elliot woke up, and in the meantime Eden had even cooked up some food, and the two shared a small lunch, just catching up for a bit again. Eden's mind clearer now than it was a bit before. That was until the conversation veered to what they'd be doing this evening. It was the annual anniversary for the night Sam died. Only difference, it was now twenty years later, and still no answers. Elliot had asked for help from Eden with what to wear, Eden didn't give too much help seeing as they wouldn't be changing, it'd be fine. And with what Elliott decided on, it was good enough. No one would care.

As the hour began to close in, the two decided it was best to start heading over to the city square, where the ceremony would be held. Eden went every year, and it never stopped making them feel the same way. Like they failed her. They should have been able to have found answers to this by now, but here they were. All grown up, and nothing had been pieced together, and that was the worst of it. As Eden and Elliott made it over, there were already a few groups had already gathered.

A small smirk creased on Eden's lips when Elliott asked where they wanted to go, "L-like you e-even need t-to ask-" they joked, taking him by the arm as they both stood off to the side, but up close enough to be able to see the Mathers when they arrived. They did come here for their daughter and best friend after all. As they waited for it to officially begin, a few things caught their eye. Well, more so people did, than anything else. Oddly during these services, Eden never experienced seeing things. And it never made sense, but they weren't going to question it, less things to stress about the better. But, this time, there were some faces in the crowd Eden didn't either recognize at all, or a few they did.

The first one was that pod-caster who recently came into town, Eva. She was cool in Eden's opinion. They weren't friends by any means, but Eden did recognize her from their past, scattered conversations around town. Mainly when she'd ask about some of the local rumors around town, and Eden would as always awkwardly do their best to explain, but it would always be passed off to someone else who didn't stammer throughout the whole ordeal. But, even through the awkwardness, there was something comforting about her presence to Eden, but they weren't going to think about it too much. All Eden did was give her a small nod of their head, and slight wave of their hand before looking around more.

Next Eden managed to see Ashir, one of their roommates. They gave him a small nod, but watched as he went off to the side, taking out a small notepad. Couldn't blame him, even the town square managed to be a pretty sight, all things considered. After looking around a bit more, Eden scouted out Venus, and gave her a small smile and wave, but paused as they saw her talking to someone Eden didn't recognize. Leaning over to Elliot, "Y-you know wh-who Vi is t-talking t-to? I-I d-don't." Eden asked with a shrug. Not putting too much thought into it, Eden looked around once more, managing to see Miles standing off alone. They gave him an awkward smile and turned back to the main part of the square. Seeing as the Memorial Service was beginning now.

The Memorial Services were always hard for everyone in Gravity Falls. Not because they had personally known Sam, or knew the story about her anyway, but because of the overall tone and atmosphere. It was nearly palpable. It was just as depressive and heavy as the gray skies that were a constant in this town, and just as thick as the fog that often filled this town in the mornings and evenings. When people weren't giving their speeches, there was a heavy weighted silence that filled the air. Not even the chirp of a bird or the wind could be heard. It was the small things like that, that made this whole ordeal feel weird. But that's not saying much in a town like Gravity Falls.

Sam's parents and her older brother gave their usual speech about Sam, and how much she was loved and missed. The usual things parents would say after losing a child this early, even if it happened so long ago. Whether people believed it was something that was simply a tragedy, or knew there was something more to it, they listened. After a few more speeches were given, the town's own Mayor, Quinnlan Simms came up to the podium to give the closing speech. It was drawn out just as ever, some people even beginning to yawn. Which, was a total shift in attitude than it had been earlier to the family of Sam herself. Finally though, the old man finished his speech, with hopeful parting words to the crowds. How this is what Sam would have wanted, and it was for the best they always came to pay their respects.

Finally, the Memorial Service came to an end, and people began to part ways and disperse. Eden simply looked at Elliott, giving him a an awkward smile. It was only then, in the dispersing crowds, that Eden spotted something that stood out from the rest. It was a man in a pure black suit, with dark hair, which was jelled back tightly to his head, he had dark eyes, that seemed transfixed on Eden, and Eden alone. After a moment, Eden leaned over to Elliot as they glanced at him, "E-Elliott, did y-you see th-that-" they started, but by the time they looked back, the man was gone. Eden took a deep breath, shaking their head. "N-nevermind.." there was a tone of defeat in their voice as they spoke. Not wanting to give it more attention than it deserved.

Giving a small shrug, Eden didn't know what to do now. They could go get some dinner with Elliot and the others if they wanted, even if Eden wasn't in the biggest mood of social interaction. Looking around a bit more, Eden froze. The feeling of anger and annoyance building up, "W-why's he h-here?" Eden muttered aloud. Looking off to the side, there was a man that they did recognize. It was that new officer in town, Mason Cartwright. He was poking around in Sam's case, and Eden didn't like it much. So, the fact he was here now, watching the whole Memorial Service, and clearly having been taking notes as he was busy writing things down in a damned notepad.

Eden looked back at Elliot, with a look he'd know all too well, and they began walking over to the officer in question. A clear annoyed and upset look on their face all the while. "Wh-what are y-you d-doing here?" Eden started as they approached the man. Their eyes surprisingly locked onto him, finding a bit of courage in the moment, or just anger, really. "Y-you're n-not supposed t-to be here." Eden said with a cleat tone of anger. They would have continued questioning him, until they felt someone grab Eden by the end, pulling them back before they could make things worse. Eden was nearly seeing red, all they wanted was answers as to why he was here out of all places, and taking notes during a Memorial Service? He couldn't have waited until he got back? It just felt like a slap in the face to Eden, and they weren't having any of it.