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Guardian Saga

Guardian Saga


In a world controlled by the Light, those of the Dark are hunted down and killed. A war is about to start that will change the face of the world forever.

1,811 readers have visited Guardian Saga since Azure Limit created it.


In the world of Elysia, there are those who are born with a special crest. These people are called Sigilborn, and it is their destiny to change the world, be it large or small. A child may be born of any of the six elements of the world: Light, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, or Darkness. When a child is born under a Sigil, a Guardian is born with them, whose soul purpose is to act as their master's sword and shield, to protect, and to destroy if need be.
In this world, those who are born under the Light have become the leaders of Elysia, guiding it forward to peace. However, they do not believe in peace for all. They have declared that darkness is a force that will bring disaster, and the people of Elysia are convinced that those born under the sigil of darkness must be exterminated. Thus, the Blade Lords were created, with the task of exterminating the darkness and bringing peace to the world.
Satosha Vayne was a member of the Blade Lords, and rose quickly through the ranks, becoming the youngest member to reach the rank of Sacred Knight. He was a beacon of light for the world, a shining example of heroism and youth. However, on his most recent mission, he went rouge and disappeared, and the Leaders of the Blade Lords have labeled him a traitor, and have come to the conclusion that he had sided with those of the dark.
That was two years ago, and now the Blade Lords have put in motion a plan that will once and for all eliminate those of the darkness from Elysia once and for all, a weapon of incredible power, capable of even eliminating the Dark City of Dusktide. Soon, war will be unavoidable, and the world will be changed forever.

In this RP you will chose one of the elements to be born under, and your role in the world. You may be a member of the Blade Lords, or some traveling warrior, just make sure your character will have relevance to the over all story. Also, you must choose what form your Guardian will take as your weapon. Be creative, I don't wanna see ten characters with swords or scythes as weapons. Also, I really don't want to see everyone choose light and darkness. No they are not the most powerful, and they will not have an edge over the other elements.
As for those who wish to be Blade Lords, the ranks are as follows (from lowest to highest.): Protector, Shining Hero, Almighty Guard, Sacred Knight, and the leader, Archlord. Those who serve directly under the Archlord are called Grand Lords, regardless of rank(though you won't see a Protector as a Grand Lord.)
To get this RP properly started, I will need a few special roles filled:

Satosha's Ex-partner: must be female, and of Light Element. PM me for this role cause this character has a few special details that need to be known.

Small girl: A child Satosha rescued two years ago. Must be of darkness element. Again, PM for details. (Also, this role will also have combat roles, so she's not just a support character.

Leader of The Path of Judgement: The leader of the resistance group in Dusktide. Must be dark element.

I will also need people who are in the Path of Judgement. They DO NOT need to be darkness element.
One final note, I will allow a few characters to be Duality Born, meaning they have two elements. Now then, to have this you must PM me first with a good reason why your character would have this. Also. This DOES NOT mean they are twice as strong! Each element is actually half as strong, and the two come together to make enough strength to match others.

Alright, here is a character skeleton for you to use if needed.
Appearance: A picture(anime only) or description(or both!) is fine.
Role: (Your role in the World)
Theme Song(Normal):(May not seem important, but I find it one of the best ways to understand a character's personality and battle style.)
Theme Song(Battle):
Guardian Name(s):(Duality Born have two Guardians.)
Guardian Appearance(s):
Weapon Form:
Personality(Not Required): If you want, you can give the description of your Guardian's personality, seeing as they are sentient.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Serra watched as a man came out of the forest with his hands up. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes, and he had a smile on his face. She shot a look to Satosha and then looked back at him when he introduced himself. When Satosha introduced her, she looked away as if uncaring. She turned at the horseman came down the road and Satosha quickly made up a false story about them. She looked at the man who had arrived from the forest and shook her head.

Kira looked at the man as well as the guardian that accompanied him. "He doesn't seem to be much of a thinker." Se said as the two newcomers argued.


"We haven't done anything to show we mean harm." Zane said to Ploxa, who was very agitated. "They seem like nice people and with these two forces coming together thy might need some help."

Ploxa rolled her eyes at Zane. "You should have thought more. What if these are wanted fugitives?"

"Then they are innocent until prove guilty and if they need help I'll grant it." Zane countered. "Now they are heading to Dusktide, so lets accompany them for now." He turned toward Serra. "Hey there little one," He said crouching. "Heading to Dusktide? So are we."


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"It looks like we are too late," Aria said carefully while crouched over one of the bodies at the edge of town. Sanzo was fast and it had only taken them a handful of minutes to make it there, even while taking cares not to be seen. Not that there was anyone there to see them: they hadn't come across a single living soul on the way, nor inside or about any of the buildings they had searched. Sanzo was watching the street carefully from the shadows of the alley they were hidden in, his fist clenching and shaking with rage but his expression neutral.

"No... I willnae accept tha'," he growled, his flicking from one building to another along the street as he searched for any kind of movement. Anything would be better than just a burning town full of corpses. "We havetae go now..." he warned. Sanzo had been circulating the air in the alley to keep the smoke out, but the flames had begun to encroach upon them.

Aria returned to his side, transforming back into her chain form and coiling about his right arm loosely. Sanzo darted out of the alley, whipping the air about him upwards and about to protect himself from the smoke. He made his way across the road with uncanny swiftness and slid through the entrance of a two story residential, landing in a crouch to be ready for anything. Nothing... just more smoke, flames, and death. He grit his teeth in frustration... only one group was capable of such careless destruction.

"God... DAMMIT!!" He sprang to his feet and let the wind explode outwards. With a dull *BOOM* that echoed across town it shattered every window all at once, forcing all the smoke and flames out in a single instant. He stalked outside with a purpose, his anger having whipped the wind into a frenzy all about him. Wild currents rushed between buildings, blowing smoke into fitful twisters all about town. Flames in his immediate presence guttered and went out as he passed, walking with a purpose down the main boulevard, no longer hiding or looking to ambush stray soldiers who'd been separated from their group. Sanzo uncoiled his chain and let it drag menacingly behind him as he walked, his hateful gaze focused ahead of him.

"I know yer out there!!" He shouted. "Come out an' answer fer ya crimes!!"


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They could see the house in the distance, larger than expected, but that would be no problem. It was tucked away right up to the base of a cliff, about 100 miles from Dusktide. Far out, for a safe house, but that only makes it easier. Raze gripped Flare on by the hilt, hand clenched around her, reassured by the warmth. The most comforting feeling. As the small team of Blade Lords approached the house, the windows were dark in the dead of night. Everyone was asleep.

"Stack up." Raze's word was law now. The team stacked up against the door, three on one side, four on the other. They all held their breath. Raids were always scary. There was no telling how powerful the rebels might be.
On the word, two light born shot pulses through the windows, creating bright flashes and loud noises inside. Raze drew her sword with her right hand, extending her left to the door. The moment she made contact, the wood exploded inward in a burst of flames. The entire house was awake now. The next bit could have been minutes or hours, but it was a blur to Raze. Her and her team spread out, tactically eliminating everyone in the house. Raze always felt a little heartache when doing this, and she made herself kill the children quickly. She could never get over the flinching. Flare's laughter echoed through the halls. Soon, rooms were ablaze, and there was only one room left, at the end of the hall. Before her, a lone darkborn stood defiant. He blocked the door, glaring at Raze with hatred in his eyes. He couldn't have been much older than 17. At his feet lay a dead Blade Lord, his sword stained black. Raze took steps towards the boy, who never relented with his gaze. In his eyes burned the fury that no one should ever have to extinguish. He couldn't muster his strength for last words. All he could manage was a blood filled "UGH" as he collapsed.

Withdrawing her blade from the man's corpse, she reached and opened the door, eager to see what he was protecting. That's when the fire died inside.
In front of her, stood her sister, Ashe, all grown up. They both looked defeated now. Raze looked back to the burning building. She knew what she had to do. Flare materialized beside her, silent. Raze moved to Ashe, who put up no fight as Raze embraced her in one last hug. Blood smeared off of Raze as she let go, whispering. "I'm sorry sister." In a swift motion, Raze tied Ashe down, who hadn't spoken a single word and refused to put up a fight. She secured her bonds tightly, before crouching over her sister, letting her tears fall, wetting Ashe's face. Raze couldn't say any more. Gathering her team, she left the building. Just before mounting their horses, Raze turned back to the burning house, and angrily shot a ball of fire into the front door, causing an explosion and further igniting the building. She didn't look back again.

Raze wished she could have fictional dreams.


"Never" Ashe muttered the word as she splattered the blood of the Blade Lords she'd killed on the wall. They were sent to kill her, the Red Ghost, killer of Blade Lords. Around her, eighteen men lay dead. Judging from their insignias, they were mostly Protectors. Ashe always had to go hunting for the Sacred Knights, they never came to her. She wiped the blood off of her halberd before it materialized as Ember beside her, with Kovac trailing from behind, apparently held up by something in Ashe's head.
"You know, the message in blood isn't necessary."
"I like what you've done with the place. Nice colours." Her guardians spoke in unison, contradicting each other.
Ashe didn't respond. She'd gotten the info she wanted earlier today. Raze was in Dusktide, so that's where she'd be going. She didn't care if she had to tear the city apart to get her, she would. She wondered if Raze was acting as a spy for the Blade Lords. She walked to the Blade Lords' horses, and freed all but one. The horse were trained to be compliant with anyone who mounted them, so Ashe had no problem getting it to obey. Kovac and Ember disappeared into Ashe's mind. Ashe figured she'd be at Dusktide in a day's ride. Ahead of her, she could see smoke rising. She'd find out what that was soon enough.


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Ceril, the scout, was alarmed as a man acknowledged him. "Hello. We are Darkborn, fleeing the village that was just attacked. All we seek is to get to Dusktide so that we may be safe from the Blade Lords," the man had said. Ceril slowed his mount to a trot and headed towards the small group cautiously. If these people were Blade could be a trap. They didn't look like Blade Lords though..especially not the small girl. The fact that all of these people had Guardians though was a bit unnerving. How often did one encounter this many Sigilborn? Adriac Veras was the only one in the entire unit, and here there were three!

"I am a scout for the powerful Adriac Veras, warlord of the Path of Judgement," Ceril answered to Satosha, "you are Sigilborn? Adriac will want to meet you..come with me."

And with that, Ceril turned back towards the unit and began leading the others..hoping they would follow.


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Satosha looked at the scout, trying to think of his next move. Damn...I was really hoping to slip through this without being caught up by the Path of Judgement. Why would their leader want to meet with us? I don't understand. Is he looking for something? Or could it be that he is wanting to interrogate us? I suppose this Adriac Veras is a cautious man... Satosha looked at his two Guardians, signalling for them to disappear. However, only Regalia returned to his mind. He muttered a message under his breath that only Regalia would hear.

"I need you to hide a distance away from us and observe the situation. If something were to happen, I am trusting on you to take appropriate actions." He gave a quick look to the woods that she appeared in, hiding in the thicket away from sight. Satosha was also a caution man, who did not like to enter a situation without an ace up his sleeve. He was hoping that this would end peacefully. Making enemies with the leader of the Path of Judgement was not a wise idea...All Satosha could hope for was that he would buy his story, and that they can quickly hurry on to Dusktide.

The anxious feeling he was feeling in his chest was growing. He knew the one after him was Willow. He wanted to avoid her at all costs, for multiple reasons, the most important being the fact that he didn't have the heart to fight his best friend. The other, Satosha didn't know if he even had to skill to win. She was always better than him, being his senior, but they were put into a team because their fighting style complimented each other, making their missions always successful. I wonder if Willow was with me that day, would things have turned out differently? He thought to himself. He shook his head. It was not the time to be asking these kind of questions. He had to focus on the problem at hand.

"I understand. We will talk with your commander. Please lead the way." Satosha looked at the man Zane. "It looks like you have been dragged into our problems. I am sorry." Satosha then turned and followed the scout, awaiting his meeting with the leader...


A lone woman walked the streets of the lower half of Solna, the city of Blade Lords, and the largest city of the Light Sigilborn. She stopped, took a swig of alcohol from a gourd, and sighed.

"Damn...I didn't think the lower half would fall into this much disrepair...That bastard Silvance." She observed the buildings around her, all rundown and boarded up. The lower half of the city was were the poor and degenerate lived, away from the nobles and those who had power. It hadn't always been this way Years ago everyone lived equally...That was before Silvance took over as Archlord. Now, the streets were filled with crime and death. Suddenly, she stopped as three men stepped in front of her.

"Hey pretty lady...You're lookin' nice. How 'bout you come with us, huh?" The one in front said. He snapped his fingers and a sword formed in his hands. The other two summoned weapons as well.

"Huh? Who the hell are you punks suppose to be? Get the hell outta my way before I get pissed!" She said as she walked forward past them. The leader turned, an angry glint in his eyes.

"Hey boys, it seems this lil' bitch needs to be taught a lesson...Come on let's have some fun!" He screamed as he swung his sword down, trying to slash the woman. She sighed and turned, grabbing the blade with one hand.

"That's it, I'm gonna smear you punks on the wall!" She reared back and punched with inhuman force, sending the man smashing through a wall. She then rushed forward, sweeping the second man's legs out from under him and slamming his head into the stone road. The last guard took a step back, petrified.

"W-who are you?" He asked. The woman smirked and pointed at herself.

"Who me? I'm the Demon Queen Rana! Now buzz off!" The last man turned and ran, as Rana sighed, taking another swig from her gourd. "These punks give me a headache...and they ruined my buzz..." She turned and continued walking , slowly making her way up to the Sky Tower, the Blade Lord HQ.


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#, as written by Gemini
Gabriella arrived at Dusktide, a nearby town, at around midnight. She shivered as the winds howled around her as if to whine their agony. No…It wasn’t the screams of pain that the wind blows, but moans, moans of lovers in their highest peak of intimacy and behind this seductive echo there was something else. Something that rings through the loudness. It sounds like the sharp ting of silver hitting silver, rhythmic as if the backbeat to the erotic song…water.

It had been so long since Gabby had a drink or had a descent night’s rest. An inn, with its warm welcoming lights, seemed so tempting. Thus obeying her inner wishes, Gabriella entered the Inn after she tucked the picture safely into her a pocket of her cloak.

As she opened the door, a whirl of delicious smells danced and teased her nose. “A glass of your finest ale and food plus lodging for the night please!” Gabby yelled and placed a couple of coins, enough she presumes, on a counter before sitting down. She did not lower her cloak, hoping no one would notice that she isn’t old enough to drink. She needs a good glass of alcohol to dull her worries tonight.


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#, as written by zolzol
Virgil yawned and shook whacked him on the head as Gabriella passed them to go in to the inn , to which Virgil gave a smile and wave to the girl. "Welcome valued customer!" with that he sighed and stared at Shook who shrugged. "It's the tenders job to throw out underaged kids , yours is to protect this establishment." Virgil laughed and nodded. "Still hope she gets a drink , she looks like she needs it more then -I- do."

After a short while (and throwing out one drunk man from the inns bar.) Virgil was releaved from his post , being replaced by a ex-gaurd who needed the work. WIth a grin Virgil whent up to his new room , the first real place he could call his home since he arrived in dusktide. With a groan he put his sword in a corner and quickly detached the armor from his body , feeling a hundred pounds lighter now that only his pants and shirt were on. "By the blade-lords grave it feels good to finnaly get that stuff off." Shook laughed before quickly changing color again , back to the randomly dancing green flames. "Yeah! and thats not the best part!" Al flew off quickly opening a door to a prepared bath that attached to Virgils room. "Guess your boss thought you STINKED , she even got this ready for you!" Virgil laughed and smirked at Al. "Maby it's for -you- smart ass. YOu are nothing but dust , stone and mud after all." Al shook his head and dematerialized while Virgil stripped , closed the door to the bath room and slipped in to the tub letting out a sound that crossed somewhere between pleasure and the first bit of relaxation Virgil had had in a very long time. "I could get used to this."


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Willow barely had time to react. Within seconds of finishing her reply, she was met with an arrow, sharp as ever. She managed to avoid it just in time, and made her way to the nearest tree. She could hear a second arrow strike the tree on the other side. Rain had already transformed into Willow's blade, a beautiful, double sided sword. Willow ran through the options in her head. She realized that whomever this was, they were too hostile to deal with. Eliminating all peaceful routes, Willow devised her plan on the spot, seconds before initiating it. With her left hand, she let loose a burst of light with her eyes closed. Anyone in the vicinity would be blinded. Opening them, she acted immediately, coming out from behind cover to see her assailant, blinded by the light. Using it to her advantage, she bum-rushed the girl and slammed into her with a full on tackle. On the ground, the two struggled for a moment, ending with Willow on top delivering most of the punches. She started to block out the sounds, but the girl's face became bloody from Willow's metal gauntlets. Letting up for a moment, she saw the girl struggling to breath, and took the opportunity to take a breath herself. She didn't even finish the breath. Rain reached down, now in human form, and slit the girl's neck with a small knife, ending the fight abruptly. Willow forced herself to stare at the corpse for a few minutes, taking in the gravity of it.

At last: "Alright Rain, it's over." Rain nodded to her.
"We've wasted enough time, we're running now." And with that, the pair took off into the woods, leaving the fresh corpse behind. No one would ever know her name. Despite her heavy breathing, Willow managed to run quite the distance before she slowed to a walk. Satisfied with the distance she made up, she reached into her pack and withdrew a flask filled with cool water, and drank it down, splashing the last bit on her face and hair to cool down. She figured if Satosha had only been walking, or had stopped to take a break, that they would be able to catch them within a few hours. The two smiled as they enjoyed their rest; a brisk walk.


Raze awoke from her dreams, steadily turning to nightmares. She figured it must be very early in the morning now, and decided to go spend the rest of the dark hours in the bar. She was just about ready to force herself out of the bed, when she noticed she was being held down by Flare's arm, which was wrapped around her lovingly. She smiled. She gently moved it aside and stood, looking back to Flare who looked beyond cute lying there in the bed. She pulled the blanket up to cover her, when Flare's eyes shot open.

"Morning!" He greeting was well prepared, but when she realized it was still really dark, she felt off. "Er...what? Why so early?"

"Couldn't sleep. Kept thinking about her. About them."
"Want a hug?" Flare questioned. "A kiss?"
Raze shook her head, oblivious to Flare. "I'm going to get a drink."
"I'm coming!"
"Then be quiet, you'll wake the other guests."
The two got dressed casually, and made there way into the tavern, which was unsurprisingly still quite crowded. She pushed through the crowd to the bar and found an empty seat, next to someone who had just sat down.

“A glass of your finest ale and food plus lodging for the night please!” Raze looked at the patron, but could only make out her jaw and mouth. Raze nodded to the bartender, who knew what she wanted. Flare had had trouble getting to the bar, being shorter, and had just arrived, with her hair tussled. "Fuckin' assholes." She muttered as she tried haphazardly to fix her hair, then dusted off her knuckles. Upon seeing the unknown patron in the stool next to Raze, she found a new target. Immediately moving to the hooded girl's side and putting both her hands on, she shoved the girl violently, attempting to get her off the stool. "Move it creep! I'm sittin' next'a Raze!"


Bringing her horse to a slow outside the town, Ashe and the horse were startled by a dull boom from inside the town. The windows they could see shattered. In the distance, she could hear shouting, but couldn't make out the words. She raised her horse to a gallop and charged into the center of the abandoned town. Rounding a building, she saw a young man down the road with a chain in his hand, walking proudly and strongly. Her first thought was that he was a Blade Lord who had done this.

"You bastard!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as she forced herself of the horse, landing to the side with a roll. Kovac appeared as a scythe in her hand as she stood up, and she ran at him, trying to cover the distance as fast as possible. "How could you do this?" She shouted again, coming to a stop a few yards from the man.


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Serra looked at Zane but didn't respond. To her, this was just another wanderer or perhaps even an idiot. He really didn't seem to take things seriously, as his guardian had pointed out. But he was smiling and trying to make friends. Until he was accepted as friendly to Satosha though, his efforts of friendship to her would be fruitless. So instead she turned over to Satosha and approached. Kira was walking next to her. "He seemed nice. Why didn't you speak to the young man?"

Serra shook her head. "We know nothing about him. Until Satosha believes he is trustworthy, I won't." She said plainly as she followed Satosha who was now following the scout. She was worried about what would be found out about Satosha. If his identity would be found.


Zane continued to smile as Serra walked away from him. He shrugged and stood back up, stretching his arm. "Guess she's the stubborn type." He smiled at Ploxa. "Like you."

Ploxa glared at him. "Oh grow up." When Satosha called them and said they would be going with them, she sighed. "Once again w are in someone else's problems."

Zane chuckled. "Don't you enjoy adventure and helping others." He waved to Satosha. "No worries, we will hang with you for a while." He said stretching and following them. He sighed as he followed, knowing that they would be lead to the Dark Rebellion everyone had been talking about. It must have been quite an army.


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#, as written by Gemini
Upon being pushed, Gabriella’s hood fell down, revealing her pink hair. Anger flared in her as the person that pushed her not only did not apologize but had instead proceeded on to call her names. G. closed her eyes for her two guardians’ inside her head to stop fighting. Lola cheer her anger on telling her she should just kill the woman for her rudeness while Kiki was pushed to the side, making excuses for the woman and pleading her to let it slide.

After the headache from the two arguing guardians had passed, Gabby decided to take a middle approach. She turned to the woman that had pushed her and in a calm voice said. “I don’t know what you see here, but you should really look in the mirror. The only thing here that could be labeled as “Creep” is you and that do of yours.”


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It did not take too long for the scout to lead Satosha and the others back to the camp of the Path of Judgement. He escorted them to the tent of his commander and was dismissed, his work mostly finished for the day. Camp had been set up lightly, ready to move at a moment's notice but good enough for the men to rest and wait for orders. Adriac's tent had been very close to the edge of camp where the scout and his following had entered.

The warlord, Adriac, was a bit surprised to see the scout return..with company, Sigilborn no less. Merran looked up at the other Guardians, wondering if they knew who he really was under the wolfen appearance. Adriac was much more concerned with Satosha, Serra, and Zane. "Hello," he began..not sure what to say, "I did not expect to have three Sigilborn in my tent when I set out today. My scout tells me that you are fleeing the village that my men and I were on our way to investigate, is this true?"

The implications of these three were simply sensational. Adriac hadn't encountered more than a handful of other Sigilborn in his entire life, and now it seemed that a simple scout had managed to find three travelling together? How many more of them were there? Satosha appeared to be a who seemed familiar, but Adriac couldn't quite put his finger on it..


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Satosha surveyed the camp of the Path of Judgement. It was neat, well organized, and left no blind spots. This confirmed the amount of military training this group had. For sure, they were no mere band of rebels, what many people believed they were. Satosha would have to be careful. If he made one wrong move the entire armed forces would be on him, and he knew he didn't have the power to fight off an entire army. All he could do was hope that their leader would believe his story without incident. Otherwise, he would have to hold them off while Serra escaped.

Satosha was led to a large tent near the edge of the encampment. Inside he could see a man with a wolf next to him. Judging by the wolf's mannerisms, he could tell it to be a Guardian. That would mean the man next to the wolf was his master. Satosha could tell who he was right away. Few Blade Lords did not know the name of the man who raised an army to strike back at them, Adriac Veras. So this is the leader of the Path of Judgement, the powerful warrior Adriac Veras. Satosha thought to himself. He really didn't feel like finding out whether or not the rumors were true.

"Hello, I did not expect to have three Sigilborn in my tent when I set out today. My scout tells me that you are fleeing the village that my men and I were on our way to investigate, is this true?" Adriac asked of him. Satosha thought for a moment. His choice of words would be crucial.

"Ah, yes...I was a warrior that protected the village, however, the Blade Lords that arrived proved to be too much for me to handle. I was forced to flee, this girl being the only one I could save. I-if only I was a bit stronger, I could have done more...Now our only hope is to make to Dusktide. It is the only place where we can be truly safe." Satosha put on a hurt expression, to help sell his story. He didn't like to use deception, but it was the only option he had for the moment. If he said he was an ex Blade Lord, he and Serra would be captured immediately and interrogated. He would not put the little one in danger like that.


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Dark clouds were brewing over the town: Sanzo's manipulation of the wind currents was upsetting the weather and generating a localized storm. Thunder grumbled overhead, but nobody came to answer Sanzo's challenge. He was about to give up when someone slid through the edge of his senses on a horse... a girl. He paused in his step, clutching the chain a little tighter in preparation for a battle... was it a Blade Lord? He relaxed his grip when Ashe rode around the corner.

"Pheh..." he grunted, and was about to release Aria and leave when she shouted at him.

"You bastard!" The girl jumped from her horse and started barreling towards him. There was a fire in her eyes: the fire of pain and loss that tugged on his heart strings. Judging by her reaction to him standing in the middle of a burning town filled to the brim with corpses, he guessed it was the kind of loss that could only be inflicted by a Blade Lord. Sanzo tossed the chain to the side and it coiled about his feet, hovering around him with one of the barbed points peering over his shoulder like some giant serpent brimming with energy. He pulled his coat off and tossed it away, then caught by one of the violent eddies still circulating around him it fluttered dramatically onto a porch.


"Donnae worry, I'm nae gonna kill 'er," he assured. "Tha' is close enough, lass," he ordered firmly.

A hundred bolts of lightning spider webbed through the clouds above them, spiraling down into a large pillar and striking the earth between them. The flash was blinding and the deafening crash of thunder burst windows on both sides of the street. Sanzo popped his ringing ears, throwing protective currents around both of them to catch the flying glass and direct it harmlessly away. He wrinkled his nose at the acrid smell of ozone and ionized air, making sure they had eye contact before he spoke again.

"Blade Lords wear shoes," he said slowly, then wiggled his bare toes for emphasis with a bit of a grin. "I didnae do this... however, iffn ye don' believe me an' still wanna scrap, I'll be judged innocent or guilty by rite o' tha duel."


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Raze watched, dumbstruck from her fatigue, as Flare shoved the girl next to them, revealing her pink hair. Raze saw anger in her face, and moved to pull Flare back. The patron responded.

"I don’t know what you see here, but you should really look in the mirror. The only thing here that could be labeled as “Creep” is you and that do of yours"
Flare's eyes caught fire. "What did-" Raze cut her off, putting her hand over her mouth. She shoved her behind, holding her back with one hand.

"I'm sorry..." She said to the woman sympathetically. She noticed that she looked familiar, but couldn't place it. "Flare's been acting up a lot today." Behind her, Flare had her fists clenched, flaming, as she tried to free herself from Raze's iron grip. "Let me at the bitch! I'll teach her who's hair to make fun of!"
"Flare!" Raze shouted at her, prompting Flare to quiet down. "If that's what you want..." She looked like a sad puppy.

Raze offered her hand to the woman, speaking up to her again. "Raze" She said with a friendly tone. "You look...young..." Realizing the girl's endgame, she smiled, remembering when she was so young. "I mean new. You must be new around here." She smiled softly, her eyes meeting the young girl's.


Ashe was breathing heavily. The man she faced looked fierce, but Ashe was confident in her own abilities. The wind increased as the man tossed his coat aside, caught by the wind. He shouted at her over the wind. "Tha' is close enough, lass," His accent was very apparent. She had difficulty processing his words at first. She looked up, just as lighting was etching along the sky above them, and Ashe barely stepped back as a huge bolt crushed down between them. The flash was blinding and the sound of the crash was intense. Ashe's ears rung loudly.

She got to her feet again, still determined. The scythe, Kovac sparked black and purple along the blade, and the handle grew warm in her hands. She watched as light bolts of lightning buzzed around them, protecting them from shards of glass flying about.
"Blade Lords wear shoes," The man spoke slowly, grinning.

"I didnae do this... however, iffn ye don' believe me an' still wanna scrap, I'll be judged innocent or guilty by rite o' tha duel."
Ashe looked at him quizzically. She still had trouble understanding him through his heavy accent. "What?" She questioned him angrily? "Whatever. You didn't do this? Then I'm wasting my time. Where?" She paused, waiting for his answer, but then spoke again, to clarify. "And speak clearer, you dope! I don't speak south!"

She loosened her grip on Kovacs, and he stopped sparking, though his gruff voice echoed in her head. "Don't let your guard down. Not yet."


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#, as written by zolzol
Virgil gave a long drawn out sigh of relief as he got dressed again , he was properly clean for the first time in a month. The smell of earth replaced with a nice scent of soap and his hair finnaly being trimmed and cleaned enough that one could properly tell he was blonde. Leaving his armor out of his outfit he smirked at Al. "So , first day of works done! What now-" Al-Shook quickly floated up and pointed at the rooms door , his green flames dancing across the cracks in his dark coal like body. "TO THE BABES! I MEAN BAR! WHATEVER!" Al threw up his hands and virgil laughed before he headed downstairs with Al-Shook riding on his shoulders.

When Virgil got to the bar he blinked as he saw the girl with pink hair trading words with flare. "Ohhh goody." Virgil said sarcasticly with a sigh , he was about to say something to the two when Al clapped his hands with the sound of rock hitting rock. "Oh goody!" Al-Shook got off Virgils shoulders and hovered over to flare , waving at her. "Hello again beautifull goddess!" Virgil laughed and took a seat at the bar , giving a quick wave to Raze and Gabriella. "Hello valued customers." With that he turned his attention to the bartender and ordered himself a drink. He knew iether Al would turn to Shppl who would calmly fix the two fighting with the authority he thought he had or Al would defuse the situation enough by drawing Flares anger towards him and away from the girl. Iether way , Virgil was done work for the night and would just happily enjoy his drink.


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Serra followed Satosha obediantly. She didn't show the fear that was hidden inside of her. She was a dark sigilborn, so she was safe no matter what. But if Satosha was found out, that would be disastrous. When she was brought into the large tent the appearance of the leader of these men was enough to make her even more uneasy. When he asked about them she remained silent, letting Satosha do the talking. She determined if Satosha was found out, she would fight to protect him with her life as she had for him.


Zane followed the group with a relaxed expression and an uncaring face. To him, this was a little bump in the road for his life, but those were very common. When he entered the large tent he studied the leader of the Path of Judgement. He seemed like the kind of man to be expected to lead men. There was even an aura around him which shouted his personality. He was a deadly serious man. He noticed how uneasy Serra wS and crouched down next to her. "Everything will be fine. You can stop worrying. " Although he didn't know why she was worried, he just wanted to help her.


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"Ah, yes...I was a warrior that protected the village, however, the Blade Lords that arrived proved to be too much for me to handle. I was forced to flee, this girl being the only one I could save. I-if only I was a bit stronger, I could have done more...Now our only hope is to make to Dusktide. It is the only place where we can be truly safe."

Adriac listened closely, as did Merran. "Something isn't right," Merran spoke to her master telepathically. He didn't answer..but the unchanged tone on Adriac's face showed Merran not to worry, because he had thought the same. It was an art suspecting somebody without showing the first signs of said suspicion. Adriac wasn't sure about these three Sigilborn..he wasn't so sure about the story either. Surely he would have heard of a Sigilborn hiding out in a village only a few leagues away from Dusktide. His spies were not so careless as to let something like this slip.

That meant that this man had arrived there a short time ago. There was also the burning question of why he seemed so familiar. After a moment of silence, Adriac spoke, "So the Blade Lords attacked our village, but why?" He wasn't quite trying to test Satosha, but was merely trying to get the facts in order. If asking questions happened to make things more clear about the identities of these Sigilborn..then so be it, but as of right now Adriac had a job to do, and any information about the attackers would be useful.


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On the outside, Satosha looked worried, desperate, and nervous. However, this was all an act. On the inside he remained calm, reading every aspect of the situation. He wasn't sure whether or not Adriac was buying his story. For now, all he could do was play along, hoping he could sell the performance.

"So the Blade Lords attacked our village, but why?" Adriac asked him. Now, how to answer this question. He would have to be smart. Too weak an answer would bring even more doubt to his story.

"Well sir, I over heard the attackers saying something about a great purge, or something like that. It seems that they are trying to push themselves to Dusktide. It seems they underestimate your forces, sir." He was partially telling the truth. The Blade Lords were somewhat underestimating the exact numbers the Path of Judgement had. Satosha hoped that these questions would end soon. Being in this man's presence was...uncomfortable. Any mistake would cost him and the others their lives.


Rana finally made he way to the upper half of Solna. The buildings here looked beautiful, and all the shops sold fancy, luxurious items, far too expensive for the people living in the lower half to even dream of owning. Rana spit on the ground. This kind of place disgusted her, a place where the rich flaunt their wealth over the poor below. She turned her head to the tower ahead of her.

"So Silvance...You're hiding there...huh? How nostalgic." She continued to walk forward until she reached the entrance, which was blocked off by a large steel gate. She smirk as she looked at it, then reared back and punched it full force, causing it to fly off its hinges and smash into the entrance of Sky Tower, breaking down the door. "Just you wait boy...I'm comin' for you." She said as she entered the premises, heading for the entrance of the tower.


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Sanzo opened his mouth to speak, but Aria transformed with a short flash of magic and stood between them. She curtsied politely, which drew an odd look from Sanzo, who'd never seen her curtsy to anyone before.

"What he's trying to explain is that it wasn't us, and we want to find the people that did this just as badly and make them pay for their crimes," she explained. Sanzo held up a finger, but Aria kept talking. "He also said that were you not to believe him, he'd be willing to be judged innocent or guilty by rite of a duel, but he's just being dramatic," she explained with a straight face, but couldn't help the slow grin that spread across her face at the sound of Sanzo blustering behind her.

"Nae justa bloody minute!"

"We got here as fast as we could when we sensed the battle, but it wasn't fast enough. It was over before we even got here," she continued, ignoring Sanzo. He huffed and wandered off to fetch his coat while the ladies talked. A sweep of his hand put out the flames on the porch with a violent blast of air, and then all of the unusual currents suddenly stopped. He dug around in his (now slightly singed) coat for his flask and was content to flop down on a bench that was smoldering but still mostly intact to have a much needed drink.

"I have a bad feeling they may be headed towards Dusktide... the Blade Lords don't usually venture this deep into darkborn territory. Either way, it seems like our best bet to head in that direction; it's what I was going to suggest to Sanzo anyway. If you like you can travel with us!"


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"Well sir, I over heard the attackers saying something about a great purge, or something like that. It seems that they are trying to push themselves to Dusktide. It seems they underestimate your forces, sir."

"Do they now?" Adriac said with a laugh. "I suppose this is a good thing for me, but I feel insulted. Surely the spies of Silvance are as good at reporting as my own." Adriac paused, and stood up. He began pacing a bit as he continued to speak, "You say they want to purge us, that much any darkborn would know. Any man, woman, or child in Elysia knows that the Blade Lords want to 'purge' us. Question is, what are we going to do about this?"

Adriac continued a slow pacing, but paused for a moment longer. "In the entire Path of Judgement we have one Sigilborn, me. There are no others. How many do the Blade Lords have? You don't know, of course you don't know. You're not one of them, you're a darkborn that is clear as day. You're not one of them, but you're not one of us either," Adriac paused for another moment, "Why do you run to Dusktide?"

The warlord had his own secrets to betray. Truthfully, the Path of Judgement was an excellent fighting force. They would stand strongly against any attack, but their lack of Sigilborn would hurt them. No other had stepped forward. They were cowards. Adriac was not about to let this opportunity be wasted. Still, how to recruit these warriors without betraying his lack of confidence in these fine soldiers who served him? Even if he was willing to hint at the truth of the situation, Adriac Veras refused to say out loud that the Path of Judgement was ill-equipped to handle the might of the Blade Lords.

Dusktide's brave defenders needed help.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Satosha Vayne
Character Portrait: Serra Masana
Character Portrait: Silvance Craine
Character Portrait: Zane Alsana
Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Character Portrait: Gabriella (G) Solstice
Character Portrait: Rana Seris


Character Portrait: Rana Seris
Rana Seris

"Annoying punk, stay outta my way!"

Character Portrait: Gabriella (G) Solstice
Gabriella (G) Solstice

Some say the world would end in fire, others say Ice~

Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Adriac Veras

"We are not evil."

Character Portrait: Zane Alsana
Zane Alsana

"I will live to protect those who need my help, in strength, and in spirit."

Character Portrait: Silvance Craine
Silvance Craine

"This world will be purged of its Darkness."

Character Portrait: Serra Masana
Serra Masana

"This world is a troubled one."

Character Portrait: Satosha Vayne
Satosha Vayne

"I, will protect those who are abandoned by this world."


Character Portrait: Serra Masana
Serra Masana

"This world is a troubled one."

Character Portrait: Silvance Craine
Silvance Craine

"This world will be purged of its Darkness."

Character Portrait: Satosha Vayne
Satosha Vayne

"I, will protect those who are abandoned by this world."

Character Portrait: Gabriella (G) Solstice
Gabriella (G) Solstice

Some say the world would end in fire, others say Ice~

Character Portrait: Rana Seris
Rana Seris

"Annoying punk, stay outta my way!"

Character Portrait: Zane Alsana
Zane Alsana

"I will live to protect those who need my help, in strength, and in spirit."

Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Adriac Veras

"We are not evil."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rana Seris
Rana Seris

"Annoying punk, stay outta my way!"

Character Portrait: Silvance Craine
Silvance Craine

"This world will be purged of its Darkness."

Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Adriac Veras

"We are not evil."

Character Portrait: Satosha Vayne
Satosha Vayne

"I, will protect those who are abandoned by this world."

Character Portrait: Gabriella (G) Solstice
Gabriella (G) Solstice

Some say the world would end in fire, others say Ice~

Character Portrait: Serra Masana
Serra Masana

"This world is a troubled one."

Character Portrait: Zane Alsana
Zane Alsana

"I will live to protect those who need my help, in strength, and in spirit."

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Most recent OOC posts in Guardian Saga

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Will reply :3 like now...
...oh and im looking for someone to play this guy char...with an interesting background... for a different RP :3 don't want to be doing too many chars myself ><

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Whoops, didn't realize anyone was waiting on a reply from me. I totally got distracted by Infamous 2. >.> It's pretty late today, but I'll try and get something up sunday evening, or monday afternoon.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

I know I'm waiting on Gemini and Xian, and that Gemini has been having a hard week. Hopefully this continues to work, I really like it.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Meh, we're just moving through a slow part...things should pick up soon I believe...

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Sorry, I've been very busy and my mind hasn't been registering everything. I'll fix it.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Erm, why did Serra and Zane ignore the part about the scout lol? I've been waiting for you to post and now the post doesn't even acknowledge the story moving forward xD.

Where did everyone go? Activity dropped heavily.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Giving (kotaro I think) a chance to move Serra and Zane forward before I post again

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Alright, I'll write it up later today, as I have some college to do in about 10 minutes. Then we can move on. Huge post comin' up.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Well, that's a bit harsh but Icedfire hasn't been on for a week without any word if it comes down to it do what you need to to continue the RP...

Edit: But now that you say would go well with the story and drive home Willow's determination to hunt down yeah if you want you have my permission to go with that route, for the sake of keeping the RP alive.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

I think S is off to S land and G is going to be at dreamland soon in a little Inn in dusktide :o

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

so are silvance and G still at the burning darkborn town or is Sanzo shouting at empty houses?

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

If she doesn't come back by, say, this evening, can I just kill Raven? Need to move on.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

You're right....I will shoot IcedFire a PM as a reminder...

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

*Sigh* If IcedFire doesn't post soon, Willow will be far behind!!

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Thanks, best of luck to you too!

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

That's understandable...Thing's should be picking up soon thought, so be on the look out.

@Jimmeh, no problem. Just glad you're back. Good luck with your Navy career. I'm Air Force myself...

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

I dont have anything to post...Virgils sitting otusdie a hotel for the night. Not exacly postable material.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Sorry everyone, I've had a few busy days. Tuesday I was at a Navy recruiting station filling out paperwork so I could leave Wednesday to stay in a hotel cause I had to be up super early Thursday for MEPS to see if I qualified lol. I'm gonna be a Navy Nuclear Engineer =D and I now have time to post, so I'll have one up very soon.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Well, for my character to post I need Jimmeh's character to do so as well...other than that the only ones who haven't posted yet are Zolzol's and Icedfire's...

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Are we waiting for anyone else?
