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Guardian Saga

Guardian Saga


In a world controlled by the Light, those of the Dark are hunted down and killed. A war is about to start that will change the face of the world forever.

1,810 readers have visited Guardian Saga since Azure Limit created it.


In the world of Elysia, there are those who are born with a special crest. These people are called Sigilborn, and it is their destiny to change the world, be it large or small. A child may be born of any of the six elements of the world: Light, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, or Darkness. When a child is born under a Sigil, a Guardian is born with them, whose soul purpose is to act as their master's sword and shield, to protect, and to destroy if need be.
In this world, those who are born under the Light have become the leaders of Elysia, guiding it forward to peace. However, they do not believe in peace for all. They have declared that darkness is a force that will bring disaster, and the people of Elysia are convinced that those born under the sigil of darkness must be exterminated. Thus, the Blade Lords were created, with the task of exterminating the darkness and bringing peace to the world.
Satosha Vayne was a member of the Blade Lords, and rose quickly through the ranks, becoming the youngest member to reach the rank of Sacred Knight. He was a beacon of light for the world, a shining example of heroism and youth. However, on his most recent mission, he went rouge and disappeared, and the Leaders of the Blade Lords have labeled him a traitor, and have come to the conclusion that he had sided with those of the dark.
That was two years ago, and now the Blade Lords have put in motion a plan that will once and for all eliminate those of the darkness from Elysia once and for all, a weapon of incredible power, capable of even eliminating the Dark City of Dusktide. Soon, war will be unavoidable, and the world will be changed forever.

In this RP you will chose one of the elements to be born under, and your role in the world. You may be a member of the Blade Lords, or some traveling warrior, just make sure your character will have relevance to the over all story. Also, you must choose what form your Guardian will take as your weapon. Be creative, I don't wanna see ten characters with swords or scythes as weapons. Also, I really don't want to see everyone choose light and darkness. No they are not the most powerful, and they will not have an edge over the other elements.
As for those who wish to be Blade Lords, the ranks are as follows (from lowest to highest.): Protector, Shining Hero, Almighty Guard, Sacred Knight, and the leader, Archlord. Those who serve directly under the Archlord are called Grand Lords, regardless of rank(though you won't see a Protector as a Grand Lord.)
To get this RP properly started, I will need a few special roles filled:

Satosha's Ex-partner: must be female, and of Light Element. PM me for this role cause this character has a few special details that need to be known.

Small girl: A child Satosha rescued two years ago. Must be of darkness element. Again, PM for details. (Also, this role will also have combat roles, so she's not just a support character.

Leader of The Path of Judgement: The leader of the resistance group in Dusktide. Must be dark element.

I will also need people who are in the Path of Judgement. They DO NOT need to be darkness element.
One final note, I will allow a few characters to be Duality Born, meaning they have two elements. Now then, to have this you must PM me first with a good reason why your character would have this. Also. This DOES NOT mean they are twice as strong! Each element is actually half as strong, and the two come together to make enough strength to match others.

Alright, here is a character skeleton for you to use if needed.
Appearance: A picture(anime only) or description(or both!) is fine.
Role: (Your role in the World)
Theme Song(Normal):(May not seem important, but I find it one of the best ways to understand a character's personality and battle style.)
Theme Song(Battle):
Guardian Name(s):(Duality Born have two Guardians.)
Guardian Appearance(s):
Weapon Form:
Personality(Not Required): If you want, you can give the description of your Guardian's personality, seeing as they are sentient.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Satosha sat next to the campfire, starring into the starry sky quietly as Serra slept. It was a peaceful night, one of the few that they had in a while. Ever since the incident two years ago, he had to keep a constant look out for attacks from the Blade Lords. He still couldn't believe it sometimes, how his life had drastically changed, yet, he accepted his fate, and felt no remorse over what he had done. He had learned a valuable thing, that those of the Dark are just like everyone else, and they deserve to live a happy life as well. That was the path he had chosen. However, for the time being his number one priority was making it to Dusktide, so that Serra would finally be safe. He promised himself he would protect her no matter what. Sometimes, he wondered if he was only doing it out of atonement, to make up for his sins, but he quickly shook the idea out of his mind. He would keep her safe, that's all that matters. He sighed as he watched a shooting star shoot above.

"Shouldn't you be getting to sleep? Its unwise to not be well rested in your current situation." Lucrectia formed next to him, a stern look on her face. Satosha smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. I will go to bed in a bit." He said looking at her, then back to the sky. She sighed as she sat next to him.

"Seriously, you're hopeless." She said looking into the sky as well.

"Hey Lucrectia, can I ask you something?" Satosha asked, turning to her. Her gave fell on him as an acknowledgement. "Were you ever, mad at me? You know, because you were sealed up for so long?" She scoffed.

"Quit being an idiot. The only thing I was mad about was being unable to protect you all those years. It was the one purpose I had to serve, and I couldn't do that. But now, I have both you and my idiot sister to look after. Sometimes I think its more work than its worth, but its my job nonetheless. Now then, go to sleep. We are three days from Dusktide. We need to get a move on before we are attacked again." She said as she faded away. Satosha smiled and lied on the ground, quickly falling asleep.

When morning came, he was quick to wake up. The two of them still had a small ways to go, and the quicker they left the better. He turned and gave a warm smile to Serra, than began to walk down the road before them.


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Serra gave a small smile back to Satosha as they walked. They were so close to Dusktide, yet so far at the same time. She walked with a steady pace, keeping up with Satosha with ease. She had grown fond of Satosha over the past two years. She thought over the first year she traveled with Satosha. Every night she would stay awake as long as she could, fearing that he would kill her in her sleep. Then when she was sure he was asleep, she would stand over him and hold a small knife used for when they ate to cut his throat. She gave a small smile at the thought. That had been two years ago. She glanced at Satosha, picturing the time when they used to argue in the early year. She hadn't really trusted him at all, even though he had saved her life. But all that had changed. Now she looked at Satosha as an older brother. One that looked out for her and protected her in times of danger. She felt comfortable with him. But there were still times she felt scared when near him.

"Satosha, how long do you think it will be till we reach Dusktide?" She asked fiddling with her fingers. She had asked this every day just as a way to start conversation.


Zane opened his eyes as he heard Ploxa's strict voice.

"Wake up Zane! Really we gotta get moving to Dusktide and we will never make it if you keep lazing around!" Her eyes bore into his.

Zane scratched the back of his head and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm getting up Ploxa, sheesh." He sat up and stretched his arms. "No need to burst my ear drums."

Ploxa glared at Zane. "We have been traveling to Dusktide for weeks. I'm getting tired of your continuous laziness."

"Yeah and I'm getting tired of being woke up to someone yelling into my ears. Ever think I might wake up better to a calm and soothing voice?" He said jokingly. He knew Ploxa would never do that, and he knew saying it would agitate her.

Ploxa hit Zane in the shoulder. "Like I would ever awake you with a stupid quiet voice when you would wake up quicker to a blow to the head.

Zane rubbed his shoulder and rolled his eyes. "Alright, I'm up so lets get moving." He said standing. He started to walk down the trail toward Dusktide. "Maybe you will loosen up a bit if we get there quicker."

Ploxa gave an agitated sigh and nodded and dematerialized. "Lets just go."


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#, as written by zolzol
Virgil streched and sat up to the sounds of a loud buzzing in his eye , swatting in the general direction of the noise he hurt Al-Shook who quickly laughed , his body imiting a green flame. "Ha! I knew I could pass off for a fly. Oh and HOWS THE HANGOVER?" Virgil winced , he had passed out in a ally in dusktide. Normaly he would sleep in cheap inn beds or in the houses of some of his ex-customers he had brought to dusktide before , but the last night he had spent like many in a bar and on this occasion he had taken one to many hits from the bottle. Enough so that the bar tender simply threw him out back. "Uhhhhhhg , feels like a blade-lord crawled in my head and is trying to 'purify' my brain."

With a groan and a few cricks from his bones Virgil got up , Al-Shook helping him and then patting off the dust on the back of his clothes before handing him his sheath and sword. "So whats on the menu today boss? Package deliverys? Brawling for cash? Training some sucker in the ways of sigil use? Oh! I know , lets go hit on that fine looking girl who runs the fruit stand!" Virgil laughed dryly , stumbling out of the alley and shielding his eyes from the sun. "Naaaaahhhh , what kind of message would I send showing up like this? Sides , Shook would get angry if we didint do -some- work today." Al-Shook nodded and dematerialized. "Yeah he probly would! Package day then?" Virgil nodded , standing up straight and going to the front gate to see who needed what delivered from a job board. "Package day."


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"Good morning Raze!" Good was usually synonymous with decent these days, and today it was a bit less so, but Flare tried. Raze opened her eyes, only to find herself staring at Flare's bright yellow eyes. It seems Flare had been watching her sleep again. It would be somewhat creepy if they weren't linked so. "Ugh." was all Raze could manage.

"Did you know, that you drank four fifths last night? Of Dusktide docks ale no less. That's a record I think." Flare leapt off of the bed and Raze, and landed by the window; opening the wooden shutters and letting the morning light, along with some unpleasant smells(and tastes), into the room. The sunshine hurt Raze's eyes, though she quickly adjusted. Raze's body burned through alcohol like a furnace, and absorbed nutrients rather quickly. Her hangover wouldn't last longer than a few hours, thankfully. She sat up abruptly in bed, letting the warm rays outside hit her body, which she realized was lacking clothing. She quickly pulled her blanket up.

"Ah c'mon Raze! I'm your guardian for cryin' out loud! You think you'd be more comfortable around me!" Flare tossed Raze her clothes which were in the trunk at the foot of her bed, who quickly got dressed. "You gunna say anything today sweetheart? It's so nice out, why do you have to be so down all the time?"Flare talked up a storm to Raze as they walked downstairs through the tavern portion of the in and out into the main square, taking in the entirety of the Dusktide morning all at once, smells included. Raze could never quite pinpoint what the smell was, or where it came from, but she had a feeling it'd be stuck with her long after she left Dusktide. Flare formed into her weapon and rested on Raze's hilt as Raze casually walked to the job board for any odd jobs.


Willow removed her blade, Rain, from the last Darkborn, that rinsed itself of the blood before materializing beside her. Rain nudged one of the corpses with her foot.
"Will you look at that...clean through the bone on this one Willow..." Willow opened the shutters letting in some light. Outside, all she could see were trees with a single path cutting through them. "Satosha's gone," she spoke so Rain had to strain her ears to hear, "that path leads on to Dusktide. Four days from here. Lets go."

The pair lit a fire in the center of the house with books and papers, then doused the bodies and the floor with all the alcohol they could find, and left the building. It was in flames by the time they hit the tree line. As they walked along the shady path, the two said nothing to each other. There was nothing to say. Their destination was understood, their goal was understood. At last Rain spoke up. "Should we not wait for the others? We must be at least a day ahead of them." Willow stopped in her tracks.

"And risk letting Satosha reach Dusktide? He'll be untouchable there. No, we press on. We must be gaining on him." She began to walk again while Rain stood back for a moment, then jogged to catch up. "And what will you do when you catch him? Fight him without backup? What if he has new friends?" Willow glanced over to Rain as they continued to walk, answering coldly. "I'll kill them too."


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Sanzo stared with intense concentration at the job board, rubbing the rough stubble on his chin in contemplation. The competition would be fierce, but with his dedication, there was no way the best jobs wouldn't come to him. Why was that? Because Sanzo was the best goddamn bounty hunter in the area! There was NO job he would turn down!

"Come OOOOOON, Sanzo!" Aria whined behind him, throwing herself around his neck from behind and flopping her chin down on his shoulder. "There's only one job on the board. It's the same job that was posted yesterday... and every other day of the week that we've been here so far. He's going to keep posting it as long as you stay here... staring at the board isn't going to make something more interesting magically appear on it."

"Fine," grunted Sanzo as he snatched the paper off the board. "Arm wrestle fer- ACKTHHHHHH!!" Aria's emerald gaze was suddenly a glint of steel, and she had Sanzo lifted in a sleeper hold several inches off the ground. Being a fair bit taller than him made the feat quite easy.

"I know you aren't going to suggest we arm wrestle for who gets to clean the horse stalls," she whispered in his ear, waiting until he was turning blue to throw him roughly to the floor, where he coughed and spluttered and attempted to catch his breath. She crouched down in front of him, and when he had propped himself up on his elbows she took his hand in his.

"Wh-" A devilish smile spread across her face, and then she demurely pressed his fist into the dirt.

"I win, it's your turn," she chirped merrily, and skipped away humming.

"Wh-WHAT?! Ya dirty cheat!!"

"Your fault for getting us loooost," she sang back towards him with a smile.

"We... we're nae lost! Jest donnae where we are," he grumbled. "Or which way t'go from here..."

"Lost: adjective, having gone astray or missed the way; bewildered as to place, direction, etc.," she stated, as-a-matter-of-factly, and then giggled as she vanished through the door to the inn.

Without a doubt, Sanzo was the best bounty hunter in the area... that was also because he was the only bounty hunter for miles in every direction. They had arrived in the small village consisting of an inn, an assortment of small cottages, a barn, and some farm land nearly a week prior. With nothing on the horizon in any direction, and everyone in the village having more or less lived there their entire lives, they had opted to stay until the next shipment of supplies came for the inn, and then hitch a ride back to civilization. Since the village had a well, plenty of cultivated farmland, and the inn was content to serve moonshine which was brewed in the barn, it was also more or less self sufficient. Sanzo contemplated this fact for the third time this week as he brushed himself off and headed towards the barn. He flipped his worn coat onto one of the rocking chairs parked on the inn's porch as he strolled past and set off to work bare chested so all of the village girls could gape at his manly physique. Sanzo took a deep breath as he reached the barn, and then let it out in a deep sigh.

"Yep... anotha' day in paradise."


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The white wolf Lunia licked at the sleeping girl's face 'wake up my Raven' it sang into her mind.
The girl stirred with a yawn and a sigh opening her eyes and slowly looking around her cave home. The cave had many odd and ends that look to belong in a city and not a cave in the wilds..all the little things she had traded for in duskhaven. Raven rubbed her eyes as she stood slowly sliping into her clothes as it was her custom to sleep in the nude.
'I feel things in our woods my Raven...things that do not belong' chirpped in the wolf's voice.
"We will find them..and deal with them" said Raven
The wolf just nodded and jumped into Raven's arms turning into her bow and arrows. "It is time to hunt my dear Lunia strike true my arrow" Raven said as she slipped from her cave and into the woods...


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As the two walked Satosha's eyes trailed to the sky. He could see a smoke cloud in the distance. He turned around to see a pillar of smoke rising into the sky. His eyes widened in horror. He and Serra had stopped there not a day ago for some supplies. This means that the Blade Lords were getting close. Too close, and they were still a few days out from Dusktide.

Who could it be following us? Who did they send? Satosha felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach as he though about it. Is it...her? Willow... Satosha thought about his old friend and comrade, whom he had left behind to start his journey. He had to make it to Dusktide before they caught up. The last thing he wanted to do was fight his old friend. Suddenly, Regalia appeared next to him.

"Those bastards don't give up! We should stop here and wait for them. We can take them on easy!" She said punching her fist into her palm. Lucrectia also appeared.

"Don't be foolish. We don't know how many there are. For all you know it could be an entire battalion." She said to her. Satosha nodded.

"I agree. We need to avoid all unnecessary fighting. We should be safe as soon as we reach Dusktide." He looked down at Serra. "We need to move a bit faster. Can you run for a bit?" He asked her, grabbing her hand and leading the way.


The Archlord, Silvance, walked calmly as he entered the small town. This community was a safe haven for those born of Darkness, and he himself had come to take care of it. Immediately he was recognized by the guards.

"I-it's the Archlord! He's found us!" One guard cried. Another summoned his weapon and aimed it at Silvance. "It's okay, he's by himself. Even he can't fight all of us by himself, and if we kill him, it'll mean an end to this damn Dark persecution!" Other guards appeared, cheering on the idea. They all had smug looks of confidence. Silvance eyed the group of soldiers , each of them Darkness born, weapons drawn.

"How pathetic. Those who cling to darkness are truly weak." He held his hand out, and a shining blue sword appeared. The guards laughed at his weapon.

"That's it? It's so plain! What were we afraid of? Let's kill this monster!" A few of the guards rushed at Silvance, who pointed his sword at them. Suddenly, they were all impaled by spears formed of shining light. The other guards stopped, stunned. "W-what was that? He didn't even move!?" Silvance then pointed his sword at two other guards, who were also impaled. A few tried to run, but to no avail. One guard remained, fallen on the ground in fear. "What are you? Some kind of demon, a monster?" He asked in a terrified voice. Silvance pointed his blade at him.

"I am the pillar of Light that will shine down on this world, purifying it. Begone, enemy of the Light!" With those words, the man was ripped apart by the blades of light. After they were taken care of, Silvance turned to the village. When he was done, all that remained were a pile of bodies, and the eery sound of silence.


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#, as written by zolzol
Virgil was groaning as he slumped against the job board , resting his head against it and weakly eyeing each cry for help. "Uhg....maby I -should- just call it a day , I can make some money tomarrow." Al-Shook quickly formed again , the flames on his body turning purple quickly before he outright punched Virgil on the top of the head , sending him to the ground. "No you will -not-! YOu have already missed the last THREE days of work and you have not had anything to EAT in that time! I dont even understand how you are ALIVE right now when you have eaten nothing but booze!"

Virgil coughed , shaking his head and standing up again. "Oh come -on- Shook! It's not like -you- ever help me work! Whens the last time -you- delivered a package or , or." Virgil looked at the board , grabbing the first flyer he saw and reading it. "Or acted as one of the three bodygaurds needed for that luxury inn!?" Virgil glared at Shook , who in turned smacked him and pointed to the flier in his hand. "You truly are the luckiest moron I have ever worked with." Virgil blinked and held the flyer with both hands , reading it over carefully. "After rash of thefts in area the upper town inn is looking to hire one or more gaurds to protect it's buissness and guests inside! Those hired will iether be given a tidey sum or a room of their own and a small sum." Virgil grinned at Shook who in turn nodded and pointed towards the inn. "It's that way. Dont screw this up." With that Virgil took off running towards the Inn , on the way Shook doused him in soapy water , used his powers to throw the dust and mud off his clothes and even threw a sweet piece of fruit in to his mouth to get rid of the scent of booze , with that Virgil arrived cleaned , shaved and not smelling like a hang over at the inn while Shook dematerialized again.


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Serra's eyes landed on the pillar of smoke and her eyes widened in horror. "Thats...." She couldn't believe the village they had just come from had been attacked. Those poor people. They had all seemed so nice and now......" I can't believe it. Those nice people......"

"Bastards!" Kira shouted grinding her teeth.

Serra couldn't take her eyes off of the pillar of smoke. "Satosha..." She said quietly.

"We need to move a bit faster. Can you run for a bit?" He asked her, grabbing her hand and leading the way.

Serra quickly matched his pace and nodded. "I can run as long as you need me too." She answered as they ran. As they ran she kept glancing at the pillar of smoke, hoping at least someone made it out alive. But she already knew that would not be.


Zane walked across the small game trail that wound through the forest. He made it to the tree line after much hardship traversing the confusing trail and let out a sigh. "Finally, some open ground." He looked at the sky and narrowed his eyes. There was smoke visible, and not grey enough to be from too far. "Ploxa..."

Ploxa nodded and looked at the location of the smoke. "That small village we maneuvered by." She then tilted her head. "Two others are on this trail."

Zane looked down the trail and squinted. "I can't make them out." He said retreating back into the treeline. "We'll wait and see...


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"The scouts say that the village was razed, and it looks like nobody made it out after the Blade Lords attacked," a messenger spoke mere seconds after entering the tent of Adriac Veras. "They're growing bold," the warlord noted, "Blade Lords have always been aggressive..but this close to Dusktide?" Adriac looked at the wolf to his side, Merran sat there watching with dark..but saddened eyes. Merran not only felt a strong connection for Adriac, but also the people whom Adriac cared about. These villagers were innocents, murdered..but why?

"Do you have anything else to report?" Adriac asked the messenger, and when he said no..he was dismissed. Adriac turned to Merran, "What do you think about this?" Merran opened his mouth, showing sharpened fangs and speaking with a voice that seemed to sound out with a growl, "The Blade Lords hate us, but this attack truly is a bold one. Perhaps they are after something." Adriac pondered this before replying, then said, "If they're looking for something, it may be best to find whatever it is before they do." Merran's only answer was a nod.

Adriac emerged from the tent. All around him was the encampment of his battalion. 2,000 soldiers led by this man to actively defend the lands surrounding Dusktide. The village was outside of their mandate..but such trivialties would never hold Adriac back from something he believed needed to be done. Within minutes, the camp was being broken down and mobilized. Whispering to himself, "If the Blade Lords have come this far, they had best be prepared to turn back or die far from home."


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#, as written by Gemini
Gabrielle rushed towards the village while swearing under her breath. She hadn’t thought that the Archlord would act by himself. Before she had found out the truth about them, she had turned herself into an emotionless killing machine, killing all that the Lords had ordered. There were a couple of times when she felt emotions coming back to her, but her dehumanized state allows her to cope with all the blood that had washed her hands. Maybe the Lords had felt that she’s becoming too emotional, too human, and that’s why they sent her to the red lights district as a dance and music girl to gather information about underground gatherings. It’s amazing what men say during sex. Gabby had listened from the next door and was careful to not let any crucial information reach the ears of the Lords. Then how did this happen? Is it one of the other 9 Codes?

Her fist clenched when she saw the destruction and death around her. She held back a cry by biting down on her lips. Gabrielle can’t let him, the Archlord see her distress, so she calmed herself before kneeling in front of Slivance. “My dutiful Archlord and Master, you shouldn’t bother yourself with simple tasks such as this. The codes are here to do any of your bidding.” Gabby had placed one hand over her heart to show her sincerity.

The other jobs she had done after she decided to go rogue, had always went smoothly. She had smuggled the people out to the Underground Societies and reported back as they had all died. How many more people she could have save if she could have gone on this mission too?


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It was later in the afternoon when Sanzo emerged from the barn smiling, covered in sweat and filth, balancing the shovel he'd been using to clean the stalls with on one shoulder. He took a deep breath of the fresh country air, almost feeling like he could settle here and forget his quest for revenge. The people were nice, the work was boring but honest and it was far, far away from the horrors of the war between light and darkness. It was then a particular scent tickled his sensitive nose and made his smile fade. Sanzo hung the shovel on a rack alongside a variety of other tools and sniffed the air again... then his hands.... no that wasn't it. Sanzo checked his pits and recoiled: WOW was he ripe, but that still wasn't it.

He jogged out to the well and dragged up a bucket of water and took a few minutes to wash himself, and then pour the remainder over his head before tossing the bucket back into the well. Something wasn't right with the air, and now that the clinging smell of filth and musk weren't masking the scent anymore, he could taste it: the smell of death on the wind. It was faint, in fact a normal human wouldn't have even noticed, but that was the nature of the wind. His element made his senses sharp, and not just his five physical ones. Because all things displace, disturb, or otherwise alter the flow of air currents, it was easy to sense people and objects. He didn't even have to open his eyes to do it. Sanzo never lost at hide-and-seek as a child, and if he concentrated he could sense things from great distances. Sanzo paused for a long time outside the inn with his eyes closed, just letting the air wash over him and letting his consciousness become one with the wind.

"What's off tha' way?" Sanzo barged into the Inn pointing over his shoulder.

"A small darkborn town I believe, but it's a ways off. Sometimes they come this way for trade. Nice folk, they don't bother nobody. We're a long ways out of the way, so we don't see them but once or twice a year."

"Aria..." Sanzo didn't have to finish, the look in his eyes as he turned and walked urgently back outside to collect his coat was enough.

"Ah, I think that's my queue to collect our payment," she said apologetically and darted upstairs. She grabbed a few odds and ends out of their room and came back down, collecting a small pouch of coins from innkeeper and meeting Sanzo outside.

"Wait... where in bloody hell are me boots?"

"You traded them for booze three weeks ago," Aria informed with a sigh of annoyance.

"Oh... fair enough then. Guess me feet're gonna be tore up nicely afta' this," he grinned, grabbing Aria's hand without explanation and pulling her along in a run. With a dull flash of magic, the brunette girl that was trailing behind him vanished, and instead Sanzo gripped a long chain in his left hand that was coiling itself up his arm. "It's bad, Aria. I think th' darkborn town is unda' attack. Can't tell fer sure by who until we get closer, n'if we're gonna get there b'fore e'ryone's dead then we're gonna haf'ta use 'th' step.'"

I guess that means stealth is out of the question. Aria whispered in his mind doubtfully.

"I know... I don' like it either, but it's th' only way."

The "Seven League Step," a technique that earned its name because using it allowed a windborn to travel enormous distances in a single stride. The advantages were obvious: using it allowed Sanzo to travel to and from places swiftly, and to arrive before anyone else. While significantly more difficult to control in short distances, it could also be useful in combat. There was a vicious downside to the technique, however: it put enormous strain on his body and he was limited in the number of times he could use it per day before the sheer amount of force he subjected his body to began to tear him apart. The second disadvantage was that the amount of energy required to use the technique made it very easy to detect from far off even by those without the attuned senses of a windborn.

"Whaddya think, Aria... two steps aughta cover it, ya ken?"

Be careful, Sanzo... you remember what happened last time you tried to double-step don't you?

"Aye... nearly lost me arm. Can't be helped. An attack on th' darkborn most likely means it's th' Blade Lords. I need t'try... no... I must save as many lives as I can from those monsters."

Sanzo didn't hesitate any further, summoning the winds and letting them flow through him to build up the power he needed. He exhaled sharply as his foot hit the ground, and at once he felt he was moving in slow motion. A crack like thunder shuddered through him as the built up power was released, and he braced himself for the sudden forces pulling him in every direction all at once, shielding his face with the arm Aria was coiled about, and tucking his other firmly behind his back to avoid having it torn away from him. His surroundings became a blur as he pushed off with his earthbound foot, as though to make a running leap. It felt as though he were suspended in a gale for an age-long moment before he finally touched back down in a thicket of trees. Everything snapped back into focus as he paused for what felt like hours, though it was really only a handful of seconds. Sanzo took one single gulp of air as the power built up again and blew it out as he pushed off a second time. The thicket melted away with a second thunderous crack and he felt the furious currents tearing at every inch of exposed flesh. His second step felt so much longer, and he strained to keep his form. Sanzo's muscles burned as much as his skin, but just when he thought he could take not one second more and the forces of the gale would flay the flesh from his bones, his foot touched solid earth and he landed in a crumpled heap a mile or so outside of the town gasping for air.

"Close enough, eh?" he panted while trying to struggle to his feet.

Well, they more than likely know you're here so let's get out of sight so you can recover. Aria chided, though she couldn't hide the concern in her thoughts.

"Right," he grunted, and shambled off towards the bushes.


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Dusktide was a big exciting city. You'd think that meant it had many big and exciting jobs, alas, this was not the case, at least not today. Raze had grabbed herself a few decent jobs from the board, the most exhilarating of which involved standing guard over a shipment of fruit for four hours. Fun. At least she managed to eat a few to clear her head. It was late in the afternoon when she had finished the last of the jobs, and Raze and Flare decided to take a stroll along the battlements of the city.

Often times, the two would take walks together, during which they wouldn't speak a single word to each other. Flare abandoned her usually immature self during these rare moments, taking the time to reflect upon the world with Raze. Flare never felt closer to her. They walked in silence along the city walls, alone.
The sun was setting, the two of them walked alone still, not a single soul stood atop the battlements and they came to a corner, where the walkway extended to an octagon and a staircase led down to the ground. They stood and looked over the woods below. Raze, growing wearing from the day's work, leaned her hands on the low stone crenulations, which were used more for decoration than actual defense, a feature that should soon be changed. She let out a sigh of relief, but her face showed distress. Flare stood next to her, watching as she shed a single tear over what remained of their lives. She did this every day, rationing her tears as if they were a precious resource. Flare put her hand on top of Raze's, gently, and looked into her eyes. "Raze...look at me" She did. "Look out there. What do you see? A girl. A world. Nothing has changed over the past two years. The world's moved on, why can't you?" Raze looked back at Flare. "Move on? To what? To more of the same? What good will that do? The world hates me, Flare. I've betrayed it and now it's betraying me. Killing the love that people once had for me. There's no going back. There's no moving on." Flare adopted a deeper frown. She moved her other hand to hold Raze's. "Raze.." Raze drew her hand back as if she'd been stung. "No! Don't try and fight it! I have no place here. I hate everything, and everything hates me! I want to burn it all down, and be-" Raze couldn't finish her sentence, her lips were closed by an opposing pair, Flare's. Gentle yet warm, Flare gave the kiss everything she had. She couldn't explain to Raze how she loved her. She had to show it.
Flare awoke from her daydream at the sound of Raze's voice, breaking the silence. Flare nearly choked on her breath.
"Look, the army is mobilizing." Flare looked where Raze was pointing, and sure enough the group calling itself the Path of Judgement; an affiliation of sigilborn who worked to defend Dusktide and the surrounding countryside from the Blade Lords and other threats; had begun to mobilize, breaking down their encampment and moving to the southeast. Something was up.
"An attack? Are they meeting the blade lords in the field?" Flare asked rhetorically. Raze only watched. "We'll see." She responded ominously, an undertone of anticipation in her voice. "We'll see." Flares voice echoed in the silence as she formed into the blade at Raze's hilt. For now, it was time to head back to the inn.


How can I be expected to show mercy? To a traitor? I think not. To a friend, to the one I secretly admire? If only. I should have seen the foolishness of it from the start. He leaves, and I force myself to hunt him down. Yeah, I could try to say it's just orders, but it's not. Archlord Silvance didn't order me to do this. He has a hundred other Sacred Knights and Grand Lords available. No. I volunteered for this. Why? Do I enjoy torturing myself? Do I enjoy feeling the pain and the guilt? Maybe.

"Willow" Rain's voice, almost a whisper, penetrated Willow's thoughts. She didn't want to disturb the unnatural silence of the woods around them. Silent, maybe because it was a forest, or perhaps due to a more sinister reason. Willow looked at Rain. "How is that...problem...of yours?" Willow knew exactly what Rain meant by "problem".

"Not good. All the best healers could nothing for me. Not even Silvance. Said it was 'out of his control', that I'd have to wait to see what happens." Willow rubbed the right side of her ribs. She could feel the disturbance in her flesh. It wasn't painful, but every day it grew slightly in size, so that it nearly covered the right side of her torso. New signs of it showed up elsewhere, on her right knee, and her right eye. The white of the eye had turned partly a sickly white, and the pupil had been diluted from gold to a bruise-like greenish purple. On her body, the flesh was becoming increasingly pale, and bruised easier. She also found herself getting winded more easily. Something had to be done, otherwise she would be killed.

"Do you think it's some sort or profane magic?" Rain questioned.

"I thought so at first, but the healers said the magic detection revealed nothing." She thought for a moment, reconsidering. "Well, actually they didn't say anything. They wouldn't tell me what the results were. That seems kind of ominous to me." Rain didn't want to respond. Willow turned her head back to the path in front of them. They had been walking for quite some time now, at a decent pace. They had covered some good ground. The shadows of the trees were getting taller as darkness began to descend on the forest, premature to the rest of the world, another unnatural occurrence here. Neither could be sure, but they both felt as if they were being watched by unseen eyes, talked about by unheard lips. Willow drew her hand up to her chest, resting her middle and index fingers on her left breast, her skin touching the cold, white metal of her armor. Instantly, an aura of white-gold light emanated from her armor. It wasn't blinded, but it would serve well to illuminate the surrounding area. They would be travelling all night, through darkborn owned woods. It would be best not to be ambushed in the darkness.


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They were closer now, he could feel it. Soon they would be close to Dusktide, away from the Blade Lords, in a place where Serra would be safe. He decided that they no longer needed to run, so he slowed his pace. He was quite impressed that this little girl was able to keep up for such a long distance. He gave a sigh of relief as he stopped to catch his breath.

"Whew...well we should have given ourselves enough distance for now...They must have had to stop to rest...I hope." Satosha shuddered at the thought of someone pursuing them nonstop. "Let's take a break. We should be arriving at Dusktide soon, so let's relax." Satosha sat under a tree, enjoying the shade. His two guardians formed next to him.

"Shouldn't we be moving, Satosha? We can rest when we reach Dusktide." Lucrectia said in a stern tone. Regalia sat next to Satosha, leaning on the tree.

"Relax, Sis...We've been running for hours, so just sit down a take a break. Jeez, your so uptight." She mocked. Lucrectia sighed.

"You two are hopeless...Why couldn't you have been the one sealed. At least that way he would have been raised a bit more sensibly..."She said, folding her arms. Regalia stuck her tongue out at her.

"Stop arguing you two. Just like children, I swear." Satosha said in a humorous tone. They both looked at him angrily.

"Me, childish? I'm the voice of reason here...You would be so lost without me!" Lucrectia said turning her head in annoyance. Satosha chuckled.

"Calm down...I was only joking. You need to relax a bit more. You know I am grateful for all of your help these past years." Lucrectia looked at him and nodded. Satosha smiled, and Regalia grabbed both of them in a hug.

"See? We're all one happy family! Come here Serra, you're part of the family too!" She said joyfully. They all began to laugh, enjoying this simpler times. However, Satosha and Lucrectia stopped when they noticed something up ahead.

"Satosha, do you see it? Up ahead?" Lucrectia asked. Satosha nodded.

"It' army. Judging by the looks of the flag, it's the Path of Judgement, Dusktide's forces, but why are they here? Are they investigating the village that was attacked? I wonder..." Satosha stood up and starting walking in the direction of the advancing forces. "This could be a blessing...This makes our trip easier, if we have an army between us and our pursuers..." He looked over at Serra. "I think it's in our best interest to hide who we are. If they ask, we are just a couple of fleeing darkborn. Alright, lets go." He turned, leading the way to the army.


When he was finished he turned to leave the village he noticed one of his personal soldiers, Gabriella, approach him. After he heard what she had to say, he looked at her, his face unreadable.

"You say I should leave this up to you? Why is that? Do you think I am incapable of handling fools such as these?" He paused, his sword vanishing into light. "However, I do have a question to ask. Why have I not received any new information regarding Darkborn from you? Your recent lack of information, even from such a wealthy reservoir of knowledge, is suspicious. I suppose I am just being paranoid. I can't be too careful, as it seems we have a plethora of traitors in our midst." He began to take a few steps forward, then turned, looking directly into the girl's eyes with a cold, piercing stare, the kind that strikes fear into one's heart. "Please remember, those who I deem are traitors will be met with a suitable death, but I am sure you already know this. After all, you are one of my finest agents. Farewell...I expect to hear good things from you." With those words, Silvance took his lead. This little outing was good for some exercise, but it was time to get back to work. Soon, with the completion of his weapon, he would be able to wipe Dusktide off the face of the earth, and with that, his war against the dark would be over.

"Just a little more than a month away...Until the end of the Darkborn. After that, all that will remain will be to bring the other elements under my control. It shouldn't be hard, after we make an example of Dusktide. It will be beautiful...a world unified in the light. Ah, I cannot wait." Silvance gave a small smile, his plans soon coming to fruition.


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#, as written by Gemini
“He knows you’re a traitor!” Lola teased as a mimi-her pops up in a little cloud of smoke on Gabriella’s Shoulder. Gabby was stunned by the icy stare of the Archlord. The stare seemed bottomless, and omnipotent as if with that one look he knew everything Gabby had tried to hide. The freezing feeling stopped her blood from running through her veins.

“I’m sure its fine…” Kiki comforted her as she too appeared in her miniature form on the other side of the young girl’s shoulder. She patted Gabby’s hair affectionately and sat neatly down.

When Gabby felt feeling return to her once again, she stood up from her kneeling position and watched as the broad figure of the Archlord move further away. I can’t let him just leave…I have to get closer to him, working in that place would get me no where…

She quickened her steps and chased after the leaving figure as her two guardians poofed into thin air once again. When she reached the man she grabbed hold of his hand and knelt once again in the dirt. Cold…his hands are as cold as touching ice, sending shivers up to Gabriella’s spine. “My Lord you have misjudged me. I would never think of betraying you. After all, you were the one that raised me. But please, I cannot return to that place, you know it’s not a place for a girl and it’s not like there is much to hear there anyways. Please allow me to be by your side and do your bidding. There’s nothing more I would wish for” She gently ran the other hand on his arm before settling her palm on him allowing her heat to transfer, a trick she had learned during the days she spent at the whore house. Even strong men are sometimes weak to a female touch and tears. She closed her eyes letting small droplets of salted wetness slide down her cheeks before opening them again to look up at him. She knew that he is a tough nut to crack, but hopefully he would be at least annoyed enough to let her come along. But hopefully, not too annoyed that her head would leave her body in a brief flash of his sword.

Gabby knows that she’s just a pawn, something the Archlord wouldn’t think for more than a second to throw away. Maybe…just Maybe someone like him also need a companion to share his burdens or at least to do dirty work. She licked her lips and pouted a bit, hoping the things she learned in the last month would help somewhat. "I would give up my life for you."


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#, as written by zolzol
Virgil sighed as he leaned against the side of the inn , looking up at the night sky and smiling lightly. He had gotten the job easily enough , but it was rather akward when the inn owner recognized him not for his military skills or past work as a dark sigil smuggler but as a delivery boy for the path of judgement. Virgils quiet thoughts were interrupted when Al-Shook materialized , his green flames dancing and lighting up before he waved at Virgil and pointed in the direction of Raze who was coming back to her inn. "Hey boss! Someones coming!" Virgil blinked and drew his sword , resting the blade against his shoulder and his pinky against the bottom of the hilt. It was a dead give away that his battle training came from the southern armys who trained their warriors in a fighting style that lulled the enamy in to a false sence of security. "HALT! Who goes their!?" Al laughed and patted Virgils shoulder "Boss , it's just a girl. Shes probly one of the -customers-. You know? The ones you were hired to protect." Virgil blushed , turning to Al. "I-I know that! I can see who it is!" Al laughed again "So you MENT to threaten one of our customers and a -girl- no less?" Virgil swung his sword at Al , who in turn caught it with his hands , virgil growling at him. "Who asked you too help anyways!?"

The spat was quickly broken up when the inns owner came out and told Virgil and Al-Shook to keep it down , both of them bowed and Virgil coughed akwardly as he sheathed his sword before he turned to Raze and gave a almost apolagetic grin. "Sorry about that valued customer!"


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Flare and Raze never spoke of those tears. The ones Raze tried so hard to hide from Flare, who tried so hard to ignore them. Still, at Raze's hilt, Flare could still look up and see the tear that Raze would shed. It glinted in the moonlight, and inside it, Flare could see entire worlds. The darkness couldn't hide anything on these nights.

"HALT! Who goes their!?" A voice called out from the inn only yards away. Instinctively, Raze drew Flare and took a combat stance. The soft red glow of the sword lit up the darkness around them; flames licked off of the tip, dancing and teasing like the women of heat from the red light district. She stood prepared to kill. A second voice, whom she identified as the man's guardian, spoke up. "Boss , it's just a girl. Shes probably one of the customers. You know? The ones you were hired to protect."
"I-I know that! I can see who it is!"
"So you MEANT to threaten one of our customers and a girl no less?"

The man swung his sword at his guardian.
"Who asked you too help anyways!?"
Raze watched this, unsure if it was some odd attempt at getting her to lower her guard. She really did expect the strangest. Her suspicions were silenced as the innkeeper broke the two up.

"Sorry about that valued customer!"
Raze sheathed Flare as she walked closer, the fire in her eyes dying down; Flare appeared beside her, brushing ashes off of her shoulders.
"It's alri-" Raze was interrupted. Flare, of course had to pick a fight.
"You're damn right you're sorry!" She took steps towards the man and his guardian, he short stature looking almost comical as she looked up defiantly to them. "Look at poor Raze here!" she pointed to Raze with her off hand. "You've gone and scared her!" She sighed loudly, turning and taking a few steps away with her hands over her eyes, but returned as angry as ever. "What were you thinkin' huh? I oughta tear you limb from limb you fu-" she was cut off.
"Enough, Flare. They didn't mean it, and I'm ok. Lets just, go have a drink and go to bed." she turned to the man and his guardian, smiling apologetically. "I'm name is Raze. I apologize for Flare here." She motioned to Flare, who was pouting to herself a few feet away."She can be a little temperamental sometimes." Flare called back from a distance. "Little temperamental my ass!"

Raze looked to the man and rolled her eyes.


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It took less than an hour for the camp to be taken down and the soldiers ready to march. Adriac mounted his warhorse and soon the Path of Judgement was being led towards the village, and towards the attackers. They moved at a quick pace, hoping to strike at the Blade Lords quickly and drive them away from any survivors left. The scouts had said nobody made it out after the attack..but that didn't mean all hope was lost. All 2,000 of the soldiers marched in perfect arrangement and rhythm. The Path of Judgement were well-trained, and Adriac's current group were the best of the best. Altogether, about 10,000 soldiers made up the forces under Adriac's command..but these were the ones chosen to defend the region alongside their glorious warlord.

Adriac Veras rode at the head of his troops, with Merran on his right side, and for a short time, his scout rode to his left..pointing him in the direction of the village. Soon enough, however, the smoke rising in the sky made its location very obvious..Adriac sent the scout ahead to search for anyone who may have escaped. The warlord fully anticipated a battle with Blade Lord forces..but he was not sure how many there were, or if they were still around.

The scout obeyed the order, galloping ahead of the rest of the company. (I will play the scout for a couple posts). It wasn't long before he was out of sight of the he was on a swift-moving horse and they were marching on foot. His name was Ceril, and he was terrified of what he may find ahead of him. However, his terror turned to surprise as he noticed a man and a small child walking not too far off...he quickly rode towards them.


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Serra was still breathing heavily as Satosha rested along with his guardians. Kira gave her a reassuring smile. "You did well for a little girl." She said kindly.

Serra smiled and nodded looking tired and worn out. She sat down and took in a deep breath. "At least...we got...away." she said looking at Satosha. She frowned as she heard him mention an army. This could be either good or bad for them. When the three companions pulled into a group hug she smiled. "No thank you, I'm not in a hugging mood."

Kira then heard something in the tree line next to them, has well as a man on horseback approaching. "We have company. In the woods and the road.


Zane cursed as he realized they had been noticed. He saw a man on horseback approaching as well. "This is coming out nicely." He told Ploxa as he walked out with a smile, revealing himself too the group with his hands up. "Howdy, names Zane, care to introduce yourselves?"

PLO a shook her head, walking out with him and hitting him in the shoulder. "Are you always so careless?"


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#, as written by zolzol
Virgil blinked as flare chewed him out , blushing again and rubbing the back of his head as he stared down at Raze. "Errrr , again me and Al-Shook are -really- sorry about that. Isint that right Al?" Virgil turned to see Al-Shook no where in sight , blinking and looking around "AL!?" Virgil put his hand over his face as Al burst out of the ground infront of Flare like it was water , holding flowers and what looked like a fist sized chunk of ruby in the other as the little rock gaurdians almost spirit like voice came out. "Well -hello- there pretty one! My DEEPEST apolagies for my boss inconveniencing you and your boss in -any- way. Is there ANYthing I can do to make it up to you?" If Al-Shook had eyebrows they would have been wiggling as he spoke.

Virgil laughed , his hand still over his face as he shook his head. "Al I dont think thats gonna work. Like , at all." Virgil rolled his eyes , smiling at Raze and holding out his hand. "I'm Virgil , guess i'm your inns new gaurd." Al turned around , lowering the flower and ruby and drooping forward. "Why wont it work!? Why doesint it EVER work!? I'm pretty! Right boss!?" Virgil bit his lip , finding it near impossible not to laugh. "Yeah Al , prettiest rock golem I know."


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Raven and Lunia stood watching the cloud of smoke rise from what they knew was a darkborn town, a town they had traded with before...a good town. Lunia looks to raven with sad eyes and was silent for a moment before speaking into raven's mind "maybe we should go to Duskhaven..."
Raven shook her head and sighed "No we are safer in the woods we know"
"But what of the people..."
"I could care less it was probly one of them that left me to die here in the first place"
Lunia looked to the ground "Do you think the light followers are any better? Killing someone just because of what they are?"
"Do you forget I too am lightborn? Maybe that's why I was left to start with my darkborn mom didn't want and lightborn kid..."
Lunia looked at Raven "Not all the people in the world are like that...Light, Dark, or any other element..all have good and evil. You know as I do that village that burns had good people."
Raven sighs and looks down "Your right..." she admitted "We should..."
She was cut off though by Lunia's worried look "Someone's coming" Lunia said as she turned into Raven's bow.
Raven picked up the bow and looked out at a glow of light that moved though her woods a glow that came from an armored woman she raised her bow and fitted an arrow aim at the woman while staying out of the reach of her light.
"Stop where you are if you wish to live these are my woods!" she called out to the woman her arrow ready to fly if the woman did not


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The man blushed red, Raze's favorite color. He called to his guardian golem, who had disappeared. For a second, Raze looked around, but at the sound of Flare's muffled scream, she knew where the golem had gone. Turning around, she witnessed perhaps the strangest thing she'd seen all day; the man's guardian grasping a bouquet of flowers and a large uncut ruby, holding them out to Flare, who was still in shock.

"Well hello there pretty one! My deepest apologies for my boss inconveniencing you and your boss in any way. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Flare was taken aback for a moment.
"Al I dont think thats gonna work. Like , at all." Moira turned back to the man, who was holding his hand out as he spoke. Moira shook it firmly.

"I'm Virgil , guess i'm your inns new gaurd." His guardian set the items on the ground. "Why wont it work!? Why doesn't it ever work!? I'm pretty! Right boss!?" Virgil held in his laughter. "Yeah Al , prettiest rock golem I know."

Flare had recovered from her shock, and had though up the "proper" response.
"Pretty like a burned out Dusktide whore made out of goddamned rock!" Raze looked to Flare disapprovingly, who stooped down and picked the items from the ground jealously, despite what she had said. "And Raze is not my boss! What kind of loving, caring relationship is that?" Raze walked over to Flare and took her by the ear like a child. She called to Virgil as she dragged Flare into the inn. "It was nice meeting you. Perhaps i'll see you around." Flare wrapped her arms around Raze, who had begun to have trouble walking with the guardian clinging to her. "Don't tell me you're fallin' for that dirty guard?" She said once they made it to their room. Raze jumped on the bed and kicked off her boots. Undoing her cloak, she spoke. "Oh come now, I can't make friends?"

"Not when they're those kind of friends!"
"and he's not dirty! He's just...been working hard."
"Guarding the inn from redheads?"
"Go to bed."


Rain and Willow had been on this path for ages. It would likely be morning before they came upon their targets, so they figured to rest at next sundown, and finish the chase early morning. With luck though, they'd be able to catch Satosha unawares. Willow and Rain were leaving each other alone to their thoughts as they were interrupted by a girl's voice in the darkness.
"Stop where you are if you wish to live; these are my woods!"
Willow's and Rain's heads snapped to the direction of the voice. Seeing nothing, Willow raised her left hand and looked to the sky, emitting a bright flare, which exploded in a flash of light above them, making the surrounding acres as bright as day as it fell. She could see the source of the voice now, a girl just younger than herself with dark hair and bow, drawn and aimed at the two. She looked like a woodsman, and couldn't have been older than 20 or 21. Willow spoke calmly and softly.

"You're woods? I mean you no harm, but I have urgent business in Dusktide." Willow assessed her surroundings with her eyes. She figured she'd have enough time to duck out of the arrow's path if fired, and make her way to a tree for cover. Even if this girl was darkborn, she could afford to leave her. Satosha was the real goal, and every second she spent here was a second wasted. "I really must be on my way ma'am, if you'll let me."


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#, as written by zolzol
Al turned around again , floating over to Virgil as his flames changed color , dulling to a dark blue and their flicker seeming more controled. "That would not happen if you took this job seruisely." Virgil rolled his eyes. "I -am- taking this job seruisely , you think I want to go back to being homeless?" Shook scoffed , shaking his head. "The way you live sometimes I wonder. Now take stance , we have a long night ahead of us." With that Shook flattend his arms to his side , his body contorting tell it made the form of a brilliantly desighned sword of golds and onyx that Virgil picked up , hoisting it on to his shoulder and his feet sinking slightly in to the ground. "Damn Shook , you need to lose some -weight-." Shook sighed lightly. "I only seem heavier then That idiot Al because you have forgotten your ways as a soldier. If you were to remember you would find Al just as heavy and me much lighter." Virgil laughed , turning and starting to walk around the inn to make sure no one was around. "That so? Then why aint Al helpin' anymore? After all , he fits me better in a fight."

Shook groaned as virgil swang the sword , chunks of ground and dust getting ripped up as he did , the rocks flying at the side of some stalker that was looking through the inn windows. "Al is a idiot and useless where as -I- can remind you to CHASE DOWN THAT CRIMINAL!" Virgil grinned wickedly , the peeper was already bolting away , slamming the blade in to the ground caused the earth underneath Virgils feet to start to move under him , propelling him forward fast enough to tackle the peeper before he put his old military blade to the peepers throat , sitting cross legged on top of him "Shook , go find the guards if you would be so kind.". With that Shook materialized and flew off , bringing a guard back with him. After a small exchange of words with Virgil (And another akward moment where the guard mistook Virgil for the peeper.) the guard hauled the man off while Virgil leaned against the front of the inn again while grinning at Shook who rolled his flame filled eyes "Alright , you did a good job , now stay on guard. We still have time left in our shift."


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Satosha eyed the man who walked out of the woods. He didn't seem to be a Blade Lord, but it was hard to tell. As the man introduced himself, Satosha sighed. If he was a Blade Lord, it was a foolhardy attempt to come alone. No...Satosha didn't feel any killing intent coming from him.

"Zane, was it? I am Satosha, and this here is Serra..." Satosha waved a hand in Serra's direction. Suddenly, Lucrectia and Regalia stepped forward.

"What about us! Don't be a jerk and ignore us!" Regalia said putting a hand on Satosha's shoulder. Lucrectia nodded in agreement.

"Sorry. These are my Guardians, Lucrectia and Regalia. Anyways, we are Darkborn on the run from Blade Lords, and are currently in a hurry, so if you will excuse us..." As Satosha said that he noticed a man on horseback approach them. Even more company? This one seems to be of the Path of Judgement.

"What do you think, Satosha? The army seems to be curious about our presence..." Lucrectia said, resting her hand on her chin in thought. Satosha sighed.

"Yes, I've noticed. Well, it would be bad if we tried to run...It might give the wrong impression, and being this close to Dusktide, that is not something we can afford...We need to play all of our cards right, or things will turn sourly." Satosha said as he approached the soldier. "Hello. We are Darkborn, fleeing the village that was just attacked. All we seek is to get to Dusktide so that we may be safe from the Blade Lords." Satosha didn't know if his lie worked, but if he told the truth, he knew things would get...complicated. Being an ex-Sacred Knight of the Blade Lords would probably bring a lot of unwanted attention, something he didn't want at the time being.


Silvance looked down at the girl who grabbed his hands. What was she trying to accomplish with this display of emotion. Emotion? Hmm...I wonder where she learned things like that. It seems this one is defective. Yet, this could be...amusing. He gave a small smile to the girl.

"I apologize. It seems I have been wasting your talents. Alright then. I have a job that would be well suited for you, and if you were to complete it, I would be sure to reward you most generously. Think about this as well. If you complete this job, I will have a lot more faith in you to complete much more important tasks. Do you under stand?" He reached into his pocket and handed her a photograph of a woman with long black hair. "I have heard rumors that this woman is still alive, even though I have killed her impure soul personally. I would like you to investigate our great city and find proof to these claims. If you do find her, defeat her and bring her back to me. If you cannot win, just return with the information of her whereabouts. I have faith in you. Please do not disappoint me." He then waved his hand, dismissing Gabriella. In his mind, his thoughts gathered.

You damn woman...why won't you die! You still remain to be a threat to my goals? I will not allow it...I will hunt you down and slay you once and for all!


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#, as written by Gemini
Gabriella took the picture with disappointment. On the bright side, she was grateful that her head is yet to be severed from her body. However, she did not accomplish her goals. She needs to be close to the man to get more information. She bowed her head as the Archlord took his leave and looked at the the picture. She was a gorgeous woman. Gabby contemplated what she can do. She doesn’t want to kill again, but from the looks of things she’s going to have to do what the Archlord said to get closer to him. She bit down on her bottom lip in frustration. Maybe…maybe I could warn her. She can’t have her hands stained again. Not after that night, three years ago.

Three Years Ago~

Screams could be heard as bodies fell one by one behind G. She like to wear black on missions, not only it helps with stealth, it also cannot be stained darker by blood. Though she abhorred the stench of blood, she cannot abandon her mission. She wants to be the top code, her dream to rise in the ranks and one day work beside her idol.

This time the mission is to clear an underground meeting place for Darkborns. There was just one more room to clear. G swung opened the door as her two guardian followed behind her. Thankfully there weren’t any children in this room. She hates killing the children. Their screams always linger in her ears and return to her in forms of nightmares at nights. Their screams and fears are so familiar to something she once knew.

She walked into the room as the people in it shuffled to the back out of fear. One man, a wind born, stood in front as if to protect the terrified crowd behind him. He readied himself for the fight.

G sighed. Why can’t they just go quietly? This was so much of a hassle. She stepped closer as her hood fell, revealing her ostentatious pink hair.
The man gasped as his eyes recognized her. “Mistress Elena is that you?” he asked as he took a step closer. “No you’re not…you’re…the little princess. You have your father’s eyes.”

And that’s when it all started. G found her real name: Gabriella the baby girl of house of Solstice. Her mother is Mistress Elena, the one who started orphanages for the darkborns. Her father is Master Zane, the one who was the head of the underground movement to over throw the current Lords, for the equality of all. Their death-massacre at the first branch orphanage, they died protecting their baby girl.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Satosha Vayne
Character Portrait: Serra Masana
Character Portrait: Silvance Craine
Character Portrait: Zane Alsana
Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Character Portrait: Gabriella (G) Solstice
Character Portrait: Rana Seris


Character Portrait: Rana Seris
Rana Seris

"Annoying punk, stay outta my way!"

Character Portrait: Gabriella (G) Solstice
Gabriella (G) Solstice

Some say the world would end in fire, others say Ice~

Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Adriac Veras

"We are not evil."

Character Portrait: Zane Alsana
Zane Alsana

"I will live to protect those who need my help, in strength, and in spirit."

Character Portrait: Silvance Craine
Silvance Craine

"This world will be purged of its Darkness."

Character Portrait: Serra Masana
Serra Masana

"This world is a troubled one."

Character Portrait: Satosha Vayne
Satosha Vayne

"I, will protect those who are abandoned by this world."


Character Portrait: Silvance Craine
Silvance Craine

"This world will be purged of its Darkness."

Character Portrait: Gabriella (G) Solstice
Gabriella (G) Solstice

Some say the world would end in fire, others say Ice~

Character Portrait: Rana Seris
Rana Seris

"Annoying punk, stay outta my way!"

Character Portrait: Satosha Vayne
Satosha Vayne

"I, will protect those who are abandoned by this world."

Character Portrait: Serra Masana
Serra Masana

"This world is a troubled one."

Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Adriac Veras

"We are not evil."

Character Portrait: Zane Alsana
Zane Alsana

"I will live to protect those who need my help, in strength, and in spirit."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gabriella (G) Solstice
Gabriella (G) Solstice

Some say the world would end in fire, others say Ice~

Character Portrait: Adriac Veras
Adriac Veras

"We are not evil."

Character Portrait: Satosha Vayne
Satosha Vayne

"I, will protect those who are abandoned by this world."

Character Portrait: Zane Alsana
Zane Alsana

"I will live to protect those who need my help, in strength, and in spirit."

Character Portrait: Rana Seris
Rana Seris

"Annoying punk, stay outta my way!"

Character Portrait: Serra Masana
Serra Masana

"This world is a troubled one."

Character Portrait: Silvance Craine
Silvance Craine

"This world will be purged of its Darkness."

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Most recent OOC posts in Guardian Saga

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Will reply :3 like now...
...oh and im looking for someone to play this guy char...with an interesting background... for a different RP :3 don't want to be doing too many chars myself ><

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Whoops, didn't realize anyone was waiting on a reply from me. I totally got distracted by Infamous 2. >.> It's pretty late today, but I'll try and get something up sunday evening, or monday afternoon.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

I know I'm waiting on Gemini and Xian, and that Gemini has been having a hard week. Hopefully this continues to work, I really like it.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Meh, we're just moving through a slow part...things should pick up soon I believe...

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Sorry, I've been very busy and my mind hasn't been registering everything. I'll fix it.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Erm, why did Serra and Zane ignore the part about the scout lol? I've been waiting for you to post and now the post doesn't even acknowledge the story moving forward xD.

Where did everyone go? Activity dropped heavily.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Giving (kotaro I think) a chance to move Serra and Zane forward before I post again

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Alright, I'll write it up later today, as I have some college to do in about 10 minutes. Then we can move on. Huge post comin' up.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Well, that's a bit harsh but Icedfire hasn't been on for a week without any word if it comes down to it do what you need to to continue the RP...

Edit: But now that you say would go well with the story and drive home Willow's determination to hunt down yeah if you want you have my permission to go with that route, for the sake of keeping the RP alive.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

I think S is off to S land and G is going to be at dreamland soon in a little Inn in dusktide :o

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

so are silvance and G still at the burning darkborn town or is Sanzo shouting at empty houses?

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

If she doesn't come back by, say, this evening, can I just kill Raven? Need to move on.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

You're right....I will shoot IcedFire a PM as a reminder...

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

*Sigh* If IcedFire doesn't post soon, Willow will be far behind!!

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Thanks, best of luck to you too!

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

That's understandable...Thing's should be picking up soon thought, so be on the look out.

@Jimmeh, no problem. Just glad you're back. Good luck with your Navy career. I'm Air Force myself...

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

I dont have anything to post...Virgils sitting otusdie a hotel for the night. Not exacly postable material.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Sorry everyone, I've had a few busy days. Tuesday I was at a Navy recruiting station filling out paperwork so I could leave Wednesday to stay in a hotel cause I had to be up super early Thursday for MEPS to see if I qualified lol. I'm gonna be a Navy Nuclear Engineer =D and I now have time to post, so I'll have one up very soon.

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Well, for my character to post I need Jimmeh's character to do so as well...other than that the only ones who haven't posted yet are Zolzol's and Icedfire's...

Re: [OOC] Guardian Saga

Are we waiting for anyone else?