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Lilyanna Rose Diem

"But...I just want to taste it."

0 · 847 views · located in Hogwarts

a character in “Hogwarts School of Witchcrafts and Wizardry”, originally authored by Temperance, as played by RolePlayGateway




Age: Eighteen
Year: Seventh
House: Gryffindor
Specializes In: Dark Arts / Charms
Wand: Rowan / Phoenix Feather
Patronus: Unicorn
Pet: Owl [Remi]

Gender: Female
Nationality: Caucasian / Korean
Sexuality: Pansexual
Romantic Interest: TBD / Open

Height: 5'0"
Weight: 95 Pounds
Eye Color: Light Pink
Skin Type: Very Pale
Build / Appearance / Clothing: Lilyanna is very small and petite. She appears almost as if the find blew it would take her with it, she is a skinny little thing. She has long white hair that is slightly tinted with pink that hangs down to her ankles, the front of her hair layered and shorter hanging only to her waist. She is very fair skinned, with a perfect complexion. Her eyes are large and doll like, and pink in color, with long thick lashes. She seems to lack any kind of color in her cheeks, unlike most people, and doesn't use any kind of blushes to make up for it. Lily wears various types of dresses, all of which are usually tight fitting at the top and looser or flowy at the bottom. The colors are always white or pastel colored with various types of lace or semi transparent parts. Because she has no interest in heels she wears an assortment of flats which she usually decorates herself. In her hair you will usually find butterflies of some kind or various beads, barrettes, and decorations. She also has a tendency to wear a lot of bracelets and anklets. Half of the time they are too big for her wrist and dangle about. Lily has various piercings on her right ear, some of which are studs and some of which are rings. She changes the colors to fit what she is currently wearing. She additionally has her left eyebrow pierced.

Lily is someone people would refer to as strange or socially unacceptable at times. She is kind of awkward to most. She looks at the world as if she has never experienced it before, always seeming to find the beauty in things people seem to think aren't there. She is overwhelmingly curious and constantly is trying to think out of the box to the point people think her to be some kind of insane. She is very sporadic and can be impulsive in her actions, mostly when she wants to do something she thinks would be enjoyable. She is very timid, a generally mellow individual however, when she is excited about something it is all she can focus on and the rest of the world dissapears and she turns into another individual. The room could be on fire and she wouldn't have the slightest idea. While Lily is very knowledgeable intellectually, she is very naive and can seem quite childish. She is overly trusting and gets easily attached to people regardless of how recently she has met them. She is very sweet, and has this overwhelming need to save the world and everyone in it, often spreading herself too thin. Lily is very stubborn however, she has a hatred for authority or anyone who tells her what or how to do something. She is a repetitive and blatant rule breaker and always has been. Though her intentions are never really anything to fret about. Lily has a photographic memory with the inability to forget anything, thus she finds most classes boring unless she is engaging herself in it with hands on things. Lily doesn't seem to have any shame and isn't shy at all. She has a tendency to get into people's personal space and be touchy feely and is completely oblivious people don't like it. She also could care less about what people think about her, she believes other people's opinions about herself to be irrelevant (or this is at least what she's led people to think). Though she is fragile, she is quite strong. She can be a force to be reckoned with and nobody ever sees it coming.

Lilyanna is determined to the point of almost obsessive behavior. When she has an objective she is extremely driven and this is complimented by her strong work ethic. She has a strong sense of loyalty to those that she cares about that is unwavering and often cannot be understood by others. She has a mentality that will take her to the grave with someone she considers a loved one. She generally tries to devote herself in every way possible to people she considers important. Lilyanna though she may not project this to others, is very sensitive. She does a good job of hiding this which has caused her to develop a sense of anxiety and emotional instability. While she comes off as a very strong individual (though incredibly naive), she to an extent is someone who needs to always have someone to depend on, as she ends up getting into a lot of trouble whatever it may be, and tends to not understand why people do the things that they do. Should she have no one to be there for her to pick up the pieces of her realistically fragile self, she would have lost her mind a long time ago. Usually when she feels like she is hurt and doesn't know how to deal with herself, she ends up alone raging, crying, and breaking whatever is around her. She has yet to be caught doing this, however.


Lily grew up in somewhat of an unorthodox family. She was a pureblood but her parents raised her not to take up the traditional pureblood beliefs and raised her not to think herself superior to others or chosen in any way. They didn't want her to grow up thinking down upon muggles and those not of pure blood, thus they alienated themselves from that society, and became outcasts to them. Though originally her mother and father were very powerful and prestigious wizards, they are both now completely shunned by their fellow purebloods. Lily was raised on a farm in the muggle world so that her parents could give her the proper morals but could educate her without being bothered by others. She grew up with information constantly being drilled into her head, and her parents dragging her about back and forth between the muggle and wizarding world. When her parents found out she had a photographic memory, they let her learn more freely as she took to information and knowledge quite naturally. Her mother was very generous and caring, very polite and well mannered, and her father was a kind man though very secretive. Her mother would say he had a death wish as he seemed to gravitate towards danger. When she got older she didn't see much of her father, and it was usually her mother and herself. She would soon learn her father was an auror and she became obsessed with learning about them, preaching she would be one someday.

In the muggle world, Lily spent a lot of her time outside 'exploring' or so she would call it. She was very at home around nature, and animals would take to her naturally. She didn't really have any friends and people tended to shy away from her, but she was usually oblivious to this. She would also spend a lot of time in Diagon Alley with her mother, where she would lose herself in Flourish and Blotts, Magical Managerie, and Eelops Owl emporium. When she finally started her years at Hogwarts she found herself engrossed in the whole environment. She absolutely loved learning, every class was interesting to her, the place was beautiful, and the creatures she came across would always amaze her. She however, began to get bored in her classes and generally breezed through every class like it was nothing. She has till this day, yet to get anything wrong on a paper or test, always having perfect marks in everything. What she excelled in was defense against the dark arts and charms. She was also very proficient in potions but her interests generally lied elsewhere.

Throughout the years Lily never made many friends though this didn't seem to bother her. She spent a lot of time trying to educate herself in various different ways. She always had an optimistic attitude towards everything in Hogwarts and thoroughly enjoyed every day there. From the start Lily found herself getting into lots of trouble, finding the need to go everywhere she was told not to, this has put her in several near-death experiences that she doesn't really talk about. The teachers find teaching her bittersweet as she is an excellent student and soaks up knowledge like a sponge but is hard to control. They say she is like her father and has some kind of obsession with danger. Some of the teachers say that they fear for her overwhelming curiosity. Though she doesn't have many friends she is often someone people go to when they want help with their work or if they need a partner for something. People otherwise have a tendency to treat her like the odd one out, but she has yet to notice this. It at some point spread around the purebloods of the school that her family had left the wizarding world to live among the muggles and wanted nothing to do with that society, and she started to get picked on often or even harassed. It would not be uncommon for an unruly pureblood to raise a wand to her. She however, has till this day gotten the best of those situations, this resulted in people ganging up on her in numbers, however.


Mi-Young Mihn / Mother / Pureblood / Mazoolagist / Former Ravenclaw
Alex Diem / Father / Pureblood / Auror / Former Slytherin

  • Food / Candies / Sweets / Snacks
  • Music
  • Singing
  • Nature / Butterflies
  • Nighttime
  • Books
  • Snow
  • Stories
  • Photography
  • Charms
  • Spells
  • Things competitive in nature
  • Quidditch
  • Flying

  • Brave
  • Determined
  • Loyal
  • Hard working
  • Open minded

  • Photographic Memory
  • Strategic / Intelligent
  • Quick witted
  • Excellent with charms
  • Best known for her extremely strong Defense Charms
  • Excels in things related to Defense Against Dark Arts
  • Is very fast / Agile
  • Musically & vocally talented

  • Is usually found snacking on something
  • Always has food with her
  • Singing softly when doing work
  • Humming to herself when walking around
  • Will try to rescue anything and everything
  • Will not drink anything that isn't cold
  • Will not eat food items that have touched each other
  • Doodles randomness on anything when bored
  • Will eat anything
  • Has a habit of taking bites out of food people are holding
  • Will help herself to food on people's plates
  • Dances to songs in her head
  • Deathly afraid of bright happy face stickers
  • Has to arrange things properly in regards to size/color/shape

  • Summer
  • Authority
  • Limitations
  • The closed minded
  • Animal cruelty
  • Being wrong
  • Bullies

  • Naive
  • Very trusting
  • Dangerously curious
  • Physically fragile
  • Extreme emotional attachment clouds her judgement

  • Losing a loved one
  • Being powerless
  • Yellow smiley faces
  • Pictures with eyes that 'follow' her.


So begins...

Lilyanna Rose Diem's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Tired... Work... Work... Oh what fun." Petra murmured as she sat herself outside in the school's courtyard, placing herself on one of the benches. Lucky for her school hadn't just started yet, so she had no need to rush to her classroom. And that meant one thing; she could drink.

The woman would take any opportunity given to her where she could sneak in a drink of wine, beer, anything that had to do with alcohol. Yeah, perhaps she wasn't the best role model, but she never encouraged others to drink and was a very trusty person when she would be needed in any serious situation. But in the mean time, she's really just any childish woman who has a drinking problem.

With a great sigh, Petra placed the small and thin textbook for Defense Against the Dark Arts on top of her face, murmuring various complaints about her job. Well, of course Petra loved her job and students, but perhaps sometimes she got a little too stressed out at times, "Oh, perhaps I should just quit one day. I'm too old to do things like this." She whined as she leaned her head backwards.

Petra was still young actually, but laziness was one of her greatest flaws. She didn't want to do certain things, and when she had to do something she didn't want to do, of course she'd get a little out of hand.

While she had the textbook in her left hand which was keeping the textbook over her face, covering up the sun that was already so bright, despite it being early morning, in her right hand was a can of beer that she had intended to drink that morning if it weren't for her having to grade a bundle of tests that she forgot to take care of the day before. It wasn't even open, surprisingly, and honestly, in the condition she was in, it really did look like she needed a drink.

The setting changes from The Quad to Grand Staircase


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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"Hey, new kid, you shouldn't be sleeping here." Ayumu heard a voice say as he slowly awoke from his deep sleep, which was literally around a few hours. He forgot one of his textbooks in his Potion's class and was going to get it the evening before, but since Ayu was still new to Hogwarts and only had a month of two of experience with everything, he still couldn't get a grip onto the whole place; especially the Grand Staircase.

It kept on moving and Ayu had trouble getting places, even back to his own Common Room, so when he tried to go back to the Potion's class to get his book, he got incredibly lost on the staircase. He didn't even remember where the classroom was in the first place. Then when he tried to get back to his Common Room, he couldn't. He was completely lost, and since Ayu wanted to be polite, he didn't wake any of the moving paintings and instead just fell asleep on one of the staircases.

"Ah, sorry." Ayu yawned tiredly as he simply opened one eye to see one of the older students sigh and walk past him along with a few others. What time did he fall asleep? How many hours was he asleep? Actually, what was the time, actually? After gathering up enough energy to do such, Ayu raised himself from his sluggish and laid down position until he was sitting upright. He then turned to one of the paintings and asked, "Um... excuse me, sir, do you know the time?"

The painting looked at him oddly but only shook his head and answered, "Afraid not, my boy! But I'm certain that its time for you to get going to your classes! School may start sooner than you think!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Ayu managed a tired and weary smile as he got up, a pinkish white cat, his own, jumping off his chest as he did so since it seemed to have slept there the whole night with him. When he got to a standing position, after a few minutes of adjusting to waking up on a cold and hard staircase, he stretched and turned to look down at the cat, "Is it really time to head to class, Emi?"

His sister, who was transfigured into a cat for the rest of her life, meowed at him back, being unable to speak with that odd expression on her face. Ayu sighed as he brought his hand to rub the back of his neck as he said anxiously, "Where's Alex and Vincent? I think I may need their help now." He even sighed again once the staircase began to move, as it always did. He was most definitely lost in the staircase maze.

The setting changes from Grand Staircase to Quidditch


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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The blonde haired boy, who was lying out on the Quidditch field, was still trying to figure out how his new broom worked. Jared just got a new one because he had accidentally tripped and fallen on his first broom. He went through the worst state of depression possible, kind of, but he got over it, strangely, and recovered quickly as he had gotten a new one this year.

He wasn't too fond of the new broom he bought. It costed him quite a bit, is one thing, and then it looked far to modern, having golden lining and beautiful set twigs at the end of the broom. But Jared was a fan of the older brooms, just as he was a fan of the older items and things of the sort, "Oh well." He gave a shrug and decided to look at its better qualities in the mean time, since Jared was, after all, a very optimistic young man and had to look at the better side of things before the worse.

"Ack, but... but..." He started, speaking to himself as he usually, as it was a hobby of his ever since a child, "But what if I mess up? I could seriously hurt somebody!" Jared let his head rest on the palm of his head as he tapped his finger on his cheek, trying to think. In the end though, Jared chose the stupid decision, as he always would, "Well... I guess a little ride on it wouldn't hurt..." He grinned before taking the broom into his hand and mounting it carefully. His robe was stuck to the end, which he quickly moved since he didn't want his new robe to get ruined also.

A moment later, one of the janitors saw him about to ride his broom into the air and called him out on it, spitting all over the ground as he hobbled over to him, "Oy! Kid! you aren't suppose' to beh doin' that right now! Geh off! Shoo!" He shouted as Jared backed up a bit.

Jared was a bit terrified of adults, and the janitor was one of the older men who should have been retired at his age. He felt goosebumps as he got off his broom, raising his hands into the air as if a police were arresting him and shouting, "I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't mean to! I swear! I-I didn't know!"

"Yeh sure abou' that?" The janitor walked even close to the blonde haired boy until there was hardly any space between the two. Jared even held his breath, "How do I know you ain't about to go flyin' around tryin' to make trouble for Hogwarts, eh? I should report you, shouldn't I? Yeh, I should." He agreed with himself as Jared tried to defend his intentions.

"Wait! I just wanted to try out my new broom! Sir! Please!" Jared began to beg. It was only his second year in Hogwarts school, and yet he was already getting into so much trouble.

The setting changes from Quidditch to Hogwarts


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Lilyanna Rose Diem
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Lilyanna sang to herself as she danced clumsily through the halls. She had already been up a while now, and was full of energy. Her sleeping schedule was very random compared to most people. She would usually only sleep several hours or would go a day without having slept at all, burying herself in a book or sneaking out. The night before she had managed to wander about the castles, both exploring and treating it like her own personal play, in which she could not be caught. The ghosts and paintings of the castle thought her to be very strange, always looking at everything as if it was something she had never seen before. She had been told she had a child's curiosity. As she made her way through the people in the halls she looked like she was nothing more than a first year, she was very tiny for her age. Some people called her pixie stick due to both her size and 'colorfulness'. She continued to dance and sing, choosing to ignore the people telling her to shut up or get out of their way. She instead, danced around them and flashed them a smile. "If everything is left behind and forgotten, will I be forgotten as well?" she sang as she reached her hand out ever so dramatically to the person in front of her. "That radiating light and - " And then she saw it. Food. Her eyes zeroed in on a student at the other side of the hall, holding in their hand an item of food she had never seen before. Clearly something they had smuggled in here.

Lily walked slowly almost eerily towards the food, almost completely unaware of the person that was holding it. I just want to taste it. Lily then took a bite out of this alien object, bouncing her finger on her lips as she guessed its ingredients and origin. When she was satisfied with her findings, she looked up at the person who stood there rather stone faced and smiled. "It tastes good!" She turned around and continued to head towards her first class, picking up her song again and dancing about. This year had started off particularly slowly, perhaps because she felt there wasn't much left for her to learn. In her prior years she had always studied ahead and tried to find every book possible to cram its knowledge into her head. While she did listen in her classes, and do her work, and get perfect marks she always was a bit absentminded. She majority of the time found herself tuning songs in her head, or thinking of things she could do later that day. Whenever she was engaged in something however, is when she enjoyed herself most. It was at these times she thoroughly engrossed herself in her subjects. She always wanted to do better than her best, she was her toughest critic and her biggest rival.

One exciting thing about this year was her being on the quidditch team, while however she had been on the team every year now, this was her second year as a chaser. They called her their biggest asset but their biggest liability. While she was naturally agile, and had always been good with a broom, her size gave her even more edge. Her size also, was a concern for others, as she often got seriously injured should someone lay their hands on her. Prior years she had been a seeker, but she had wanted to try something different. There was something exhilarating about her position. Perhaps it was the dangers of it, or perhaps she would just like anything in which involved competing with others. Anything that was competitive she had to be a part of, and that was really anything. Lilyanna brushed her hair out of her eyes as she turned the halls, in her hair the butterflies seemed to dance as she moved. She was never seen without an assortment of butterflies, beads, or flowers in her hair. Today it was various butterflies and beads. She had an obsession with them ever since she was a child, she used to collect them in jars and watched them go through their metamorphosis, then set them free. They were beautiful delicate creatures, she wished they were touchable.

When she finally reached the great hall she smiled, she continued upon her tune as she looked for a seat. Tables were usually split among houses, however there were some that would sit off on their own. Lily always found it upsetting that some people didn't think they belonged with the others. Off in the distance was a young girl that she knew to be Dioda, by her lonesome. If she remembered correctly she was usually alone. Lily stopped her singing and walked towards the girl deciding she would sit at her table for a second. "Hi Dioda, how are you today?" she asked as she sat awkwardly beside her, pulling her knees to her chin and hugging them. The young girl was very pretty, she had white snowy hair that looked to be made of silk. Lily grabbed a strand of her hair and ran it through her fingers as to confirm this beautiful creature's hair actually was made of silk. It certainly seemed like it. Gently putting down her hair she looked around the room. It was quickly starting fill up, and she saw many familiar though still, many new faces. It was still so very early on in the year.

It was somewhat saddening that this would be her last year at Hogwarts, however, she had wishes to become an auror and she was sure that would be very fulfilling and exciting. She could follow in her father's footsteps. Her father. Every time she thought about him she got a bit glossy eyed. She had stopped seeing much of him when she got older, and while she understood it was still hard for her since he had been around so much when she was younger. A part of her felt slightly abandoned. But she knew it was nothing done intentional and there was still a healthy amount of communication between to the two. While she looked up to both of her parents, she idolized her father. Originally many people thought she would be sorted into one of the same houses her parents were. Slytherin like her father, or Ravenclaw like her mother. It was a shock to many people that her father did become an auror especially having been a Slytherin. From what she heard his personality pointed him elsewhere until he met her mother.

Lily grabbed a pen and started doodling on her hand, this was a habit she had that would upset some people. At times she would whip out a pen or whatever writing object she could get ahold of and start drawing on whatever was in front of her, bit a wall, another person, paper, a table. She hummed softly as she drew a picture of a butterfly, surrounded by many other little butterflies. When she finished with one hand she switched to the other, drawing with her left hand. Oddly enough because of this habit, she became proficient in writing and drawing with her left hand as well. She held her arms out in front of her and placed her thumbs together, with her fingers angled outwards forming a butterfly with her hand. The picture looked like a field of butterflies with one large butterfly in the middle. She tilted her head sideways a bit then put her hands down, resting her feet on the ground now. "Well Di, I am going to join the rest of my table." She stood up and waved to her, but stopped for a moment. "You're so gorgeous." she said. I wish I could see you three years from now! She added to herself, trying to envision how beautiful she would be.

Lily's stomach growled, the tasty snack she had earlier just simply wasn't enough to hold her over. But that was okay, she kneeled over in front of her table and took something out of her sock. Lily always had food stashed away on her somewhere. She always got into trouble for it, but that was never a good enough reason to stop her. Wrapped up, were three jelly slugs. She sat down at the middle of her table and proceeded to eat them. They were one of her favorite snacks, she loved anything that was really sweet or sour. Though Lily mostly just loved food.

The setting changes from Hogwarts to Great Hall


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Lilyanna Rose Diem
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Dioda was simply staring at the food in front of her. She sighed reluctantly as she took a bite. She stomach protested against it, but she had to eat if she wanted to go through the day. She just wanted to go back to sleep, and maybe she would. She was too tired to handle the teachers and she hated it if they'd brag about her not talking. She just didn't want to talk, it was that simple. She didn't want to answer any questions that teachers asked and she wouldn't. 'I just need some sleep right now... I'm too tired to handle anything else...' Sadly, skipping lessons was not a thing she did a lot because she was scared to miss a lot of important stuff. Stuff she needed to go to the next year and she would need to know. Dioda wasn't sure what to do, get some sleep or just drag herself through the day.

Someone came to sit beside her, ''Hi Dioda, how are you today?'' was her response. Dioda turned to face the girl she had no idea of who she was. She frowned slightly at her, gave a forced small smile and looked back at the table, at her plate that was now empty. ''I'm fine, I guess,'' she answered softly. She rarely talked, but it would be so polite to talk back. She didn't want to be mean towards other students if they weren't towards her. Dioda froze as Lilyanna took a strand of her hair. She wasn't sure why, and she wasn't bothered to ask. She was too scared the girl might hurt her.

Lilyanna took a pen and started drawing on her own hand. Dioda looked away from the girl and up to the ceiling, thinking silently. 'Why does she interact with me? I am not bothered to interact with anyone... She's from a different house too...' She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Well Di, I am going to join the rest of my table." Dioda narrowed her eyes as she watched Lilyanna. She didn't like the nickname Di, and she wouldn't let anyone call her that. Yet before she could tell the girl not too, the girl stood up, said "You're so gorgeous." and left. 'Gorgeous? Really? I'm not interested... Gross.' Dioda rested her head on the table, almost saddened by the words. She sighed and tried to decide whether to go to her lesson, or catch some sleep. Deciding it was better for her, Dioda got up and left the Great Hall to catch some sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Lilyanna Rose Diem Character Portrait: Xing Hei Character Portrait: Yean Hei
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↷ Xing Hei

It was early in the morning, but Xing was already up to his feet, refreshing himself on one side with the cold water and on the other side his memories, while standing in front of the mirror without even glancing up to it, so engrossed was he into the book he currently read. It was about potions - obviously - his passion. Well, his passion that he showed everyone, a fake impression of his also acted character in front of the crowd. He might smile so charmantly, but if you look closely, those smiles never reached his eyes. His eyes which turn anyone deeply to the cruelty of cold winter days, where only fear followed the lonely man. He had been up for about two hours now but until now, he did not bother to step outside. He was sure that it would be meaningless because the breakfast is probably not going to be ready yet. Truly, he hated mornings, he hated himself due to his restless sleep, where nightmares seem to seek him everytime. Despite that experience though, he would have never seen to be in any way disturbed by that. The fake smile always rested on his face, letting everyone now he was okay. He was alright. And there is nothing for anyone to worry about.

He usually kept everything for himself, and would never trust anyone to an extent of close to irritation of anyone should bother in asking about his life which he thought of his own business, where no one had the right to interfere. Even his little half brother, who did not like him anyway. An unusual pain is piercing through his heart; always is it likewise, he hated how he felt. That strong urge to be by his brothers side, having a usual relationship with it. But of course, that woman had to destroy everything, had to destroy his own dear life. It was truthfully annoying. If Xing wouldn't have been so reserved like he was, he would probably sigh right now, complaining in silence. However, he was the type of person who holds everything in, did not dare to leek any of his sentiments out, in the fear of being heard. Of being looked through like a plain book.

Slowly stepping to his bed, he noticed that all surround him are still in middle of their dreams, far from awake. It was nothing to wonder about though, having the morning to be still early. Even so, Xing knew just too well that he already could grab something to eat below and started off the day. He was positive that he was not the only one either. With that thought, he placed back his books in their places where he put them, all in a nice order. Generally, he always was a person who disliked mess and appear to often manage his belongings well, only not to bother having an headache finding things which needs to be find. And nothing was more easy than putting them nicely right from the start - a mature thought which was another radical difference between himself and his brother.

After awhile, he'd quitted the dorms and finally after awhile walking through the hallways and greeting politely some teachers with his good student manners, he reached the great hall. A nice smell approached him at the time he opened the doors - and the familiar sight appeared in front of him, letting him having that strange feeling of coming back home. A silly feeling; with that, he dropped the subject, left it ignored and walked to the table of which he was assigned to from when he started to go to Hogwarts - a time which seem to be so long ago now, almost unreachable. The 11 years old him already figured that he would end up in Slytherin; not because of an unreasonable instinct, but the very deep insight and understanding his nature, which truthfully not anyone could do.

"Good morning, Dioda," A gentle and still foreign voice escaped his lips as he passed the white haired woman, though she seem to not noticing him. It would be too much if one say that Xing liked the girl - he probably loved her company which always brought silence and almost none disturbance, something rare he could find where everyone have the urge to talk needless things; conversations, which never contain any meaningful informations. Small talk which could just disappear. That's why he was quite disappointed not having her as a company when he took his breakfast. Despite Xing's deep indifference about his surroundings, he had felt the desire to keep a nice image of himself; and someone like that would never eat alone like a loner. Sighing in his thoughts, he went to the other Slytherin students, preparing to hear useless talk.

↷ Yean Hei

Yean was, like always, outside. It'd developed into his hobby to sneak out of the windown and climb up to the academytop, only going for the chance to be alone and stare up to the skies. Strong wind forced his natural maroon hair to dance wildly, made a mess out of them as they began to rest again, alongside the wind which slowly began to calm himself. Now, only a nice morning breeze felt curling through every part of his body, letting him slowly become in touch with the shy but gentle warmth of the morning sun. While thoroughly savouring the morning while having his eyes closed, he slowly noticed his little problem. Hunger overcame him and forced him to open his eyes, dissatisfied. Although a part of him still want to stay on his spot, he was afraid that his stomach wouldn't want to argue any further.

A bit cursing himself for not smuggling any food into the dorms, he carelessly jumped then skillfully grabbed the window frames in his fall, then with one try pulled himself back into the dorms, uncaring about the noise he'd made. Honestly, he couldn't care less - all of them had to come back to reality soon enough, so why not waking all them up now? While played with the thought of doing a little prank, he changed his clothes into the hateful robes and obediently closed the door with little noise as possible. There is, surprisingly, still manners in his rough and grumpy skin.

Yean felt nothing but tiredness going to this academy - why was he here again? He remembered that his dad told him to, saying that he was also here although Yean was sure that he made it clear that he wanted to do something else. Something, which had nothing to do with the world of magicians. But that did not mean he was not interested in that, although he had to admit he was a bit too naive as he was still in his first years. Still having the thought that it would be something exciting; and nothing as bothersome and sometimes difficult to understand as now. He was told to read books with such details and so many complicated formular that his head might just explode on the spot. Well, he was never the type of person who would be fitting in learning things which he is not interested in - truthfully he was not dumb. He was only too lazy for some things which did not even picked his attention. That's why up until now he still preferred the world without magic, the world where his physical abilities had a better use than here.

Then he remembered how they confiscated his skateboard, and his mood sinked again, made him even more looked like a delinquent. Unlike his brother, he couldn't care less about the impression he might have given other people - he was him and that simple reason was probably why he got himself end up in Gryffindor. Well, that did not mean he was unsocial in anyway though; in fact, he was known to talk many things which half of it was probably garbage. The complete opposite of his half brother after all - a fact he just wanted to forget. He was sick of always being compared to his half- brother. There is nothing about him that Yean did not hate - he would never forgive him and that will be it between them.

He entered the great hall, noticing quite many students present - a nice surprise. Yean always hated silence so he warmly greeted so many company. Ignoring the presence of Xing, he stepped with an unusual rushed pace to the Gryffindor table. To be honest, he was glad that he was not in the same house as his brother. It would just make his stay in Hogwards like hell, uncomfortable and even more unenjoyable than how things already are. Throwing that disturbing thought, he spotted Lilyanna, an odd girl in her seventh year, who still behaved like a curious child. Yean could never hate someone like that though; and in general, he could never hate a girl - or a somekind woman in her case. She attracted him somehow and made his curiosity also arise and her company was indeed pleasant in an amusing way. "Mornin' Rose, pretty early today. What do you recommend?," He asked, a question that he often posed. He'd liked the way she express herself for quite long so it started to become a somekind of habit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilyanna Rose Diem Character Portrait: Yean Hei
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Lilyanna Rose Diem

Lily had started devouring her food as if she would never eat again. She imagined all the dishes were various fictional food items that she saw in her mind. Doing so, she occasionally smiled to herself with her funky food names. She then heard a familiar voice behind her, one she knew to be Yean, as he was the only one to ever call her by her middle name. She found it endearing, but she also just thought it sounded very pretty, so she never asked him to call her otherwise. Spun around and put her feet up to her chest leaning towards him, "Everything." she whispered, about several inches from his face, glowing. She was of course referring to the magical foods in which she had just made up. Or maybe she wasn't. "Rainbow marshmallow upsidown pudding." she said, as she pointed to what was clearly nothing of the sort. "Actually..." She grabbed his rainbow marshmallow upsidown pudding and took a bite of it. "Try it!" she said excitedly, as if sharing her own food. She held out a spoon in front of his mouth. "Aaaaah.." For a split moment she took a look around, the room seemed to be dispersing. "Oh no we're going to be late!" she gasped as she grabbed bread and stuffed it in her mouth.

She got up and ran passed various students, stepping on a few toes along the way. She had never been late for anything before, and she didn't want to start now. She was to get to quidditch, which she was definitely excited about. She loved flying and her position was fun in itself. Surely this year they would triumph over the others, she had the utmost faith in everyone. Lily was scolded by a few teachers as she ran passed. She however, seemed to always have a hard time staying scolded as because she did so well in all aspects of classes the professors often let her off lightly. Quidditch practice was still never the same as the real thing, while people did take quidditch practice seriously, the real games were much more exciting. It was during those games that she usually came away with lots of bruises. When she got to the quidditch pitch she realized that everyone was already there and sighed to herself. She was usually the one to be there first.

The setting changes from Great Hall to Hogwarts


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cindy Owen Character Portrait: Samantha Damask Character Portrait: Ayuymu Mamura Character Portrait: Levi Delgado Character Portrait: Dioda Riddle Character Portrait: Theodore Lewis
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Hey guys, remember to post in the places inside of Hogwarts! Not in the Hogwarts placement itself! Thanks!

And important information! Class starts now! After I make my post with each of my characters, school will start and you may then post yours! All Gryffindors will go to Quidditch! All Ravenclaws will go to Potions! All Slytherins and Hufflepuffs will go to Transfiguration! This is all regardless of age or year in school!

Teachers! I put three classes for each of the three teachers! Please remember to get your teacher onto class in your next post so the day can finally start!

Thanks guys! My post will be up soon!