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Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Youth

Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Youth


What you've seen is a figment of you're imagination....or is it?

1,093 readers have visited Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Youth since MaliceInWonderland created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


"Poor little child. You've been through such a traumatic experience, but I assure you. What you're saying about flying ageless boys, wolves, fairies are not real. They are figments of you're imagination."

They've been saying this for years. You know what you saw was real. What happened to you was real. But Science Protocol has made such claims purely fairytales and fairytales are banned. That's why you're here. They say you're mad and sent you to the Institute. It's a nice way to say an Insane Asylum for Teens.

You are an fairytale character. Someone who has witness magic first hand and foolishly told someone about it.

Character Template
Headline Name: (What you're story is called for example: Little Red Riding Hood)
Hair Color:
Eyes Color:
Diorder: (Paranoid Schizophrenia, Multiply Personality Disorder etc etc)
Fairytale/Claim: ( This is where you tell you're side of the story)

You can choose you're own Fairytale if it isn't listed already

Peter Pan: MaliceInWonderland as Wendy/ FruityLoops as Peter
Little Red Riding Hood: airedieagrace as Red
Snow White: reserved for Grrbot
Cinderella: reserved for desiree99600
Hansel and Gretel: reserved
Princess and The Frog:
Peter and the Wolf:
Rumpelstiltskin: reserved for whscorbin

Typical RP Rules apply
No Godmodding
No controlling other player chara (unless giving permisson from said player)
It doesn't have to be a Grimm Fairytale Character so long as it's a fairytale character.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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"N-no! N-no! He's real! He's real! I swear! I swear it!" Wendy Darling screamed and fought as they dragged her down toward the Room. They'd strapped her body in a straightjacket after one of her 'fits'. She'd swore she saw Peter. He was here. In the Institute. They had him.
"Peter!" She'd called from her cell as they saw them drag him in. She began throwing a fit. " Peter! Fly Peter! FLY!" She screamed. Why wouldn't he just fly away? She'd thought. Then she'd thought. He'd aged also. He looked about 7 years older. It was 7 years since she'd last saw him. He'd been looking for her and he must have remembered because he was here, in London. Not in Neverland where he didn't age. [i]"Peter! Fly Peter! She called but he didn't seem to remember. It was then the orderlies rushed in and tried to calm her down. It was also when she punched out one of them and got a one way ticket to the Room. She'd been there so many times, it was a daily routine. Again, They dragged her down the many iron rod stairs and pass the steam room and toward the large dark, dank hallway in the basement. She screamed the whole way there. She'd choked a few times on the recycled air in the basement. The brass and copper pipes knocking and hissing as they always did. The walls were once covered in wallpaper but now,- it was dirty and peeling away revealing the brick underneath. They made it to the Room and they tossed her binded body into the padded room and locked the door behind them. She rolled on to her knees catching her breath. Her throat was sore from screaming so she stopped. She dropped her head and whispered Peter's name. "Don't forget me, Peter..." Was that last thing she said to him. But it seemed that's precisely what he did. With the help of the Institute...

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Character Portrait: Hans and Gretchen Eberstark
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Hans Eberstark

The doctors knew that Hans was out the second that they saw the bruise. A large, purple bruise that spread from Gretchen's toe to the middle of her foot. One of the more squeamish women (and why was she working here if she was squeamish?) actually had the nerve to call it gross. Not that he, or she for that matter, blamed her. From how heavily medicated they (Gretchen, Hans, the kid the next door down) where, it was a shock anyone ever got hurt from anything like this. What was this, you may ask. Well... when Hans came out and noticed the locked door, he got frustrated. he had done nothing wrong, so why was the damn thing locked? It made no sense and showed a lack of trust that he was far too used to. So he, in his anger, he had tried to kick down the door. Of course, since he was still technically a little girl, all he had succeeded in doing was hurting himself. A loud cry erupted from his body which should have told them it was Hans right off the bat, but no, they just has to send in one of the elderly nurses.

The second she came in, he tried to hurt her. He jumped up, despite the pain in his foot, and lunged at her. It was almost like a wounded animal protecting his young. He hated this witch and wasn't going to let her hurt Gretchen again. To him, she was the embodiment of the witch that had tried to kill the two of them. He had already killed her once, but she wouldn't stay dead! Luckily for the grandmotherly lady, she was able to sedate him and bring him off to the medical unit; his outfit complete with a comfy straight jacket and everything.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rose Character Portrait: Wendy Darling
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Red was sitting in one of the group rooms in a corner huddled as she started hearing Wendy start screaming for Peter. She started looking around her anxiety started going higher "its coming...its coming...the wolf" she whispered softly to herself eyeing everyone.

One of the staff members came up to her, it was a new staff member that she hasn't seen before "Scarlet time to take your meds" she looked up to the person "Red.....MY NAME IS RED" she screamed and started shaking.

The staff member looked to her "it says here your name is Scarlet Rose. Now please tell me your name so I can give me your medication" Red glared at the man and got up "I TOLD YOU MY NAME IS RED!" she screamed "YOUR THE WOLF! HELP! HE IS TRYING TO POISON ME! HE IS THE WOLF".

Everyone was now looking at her and she saw many other staff members come running, she quickly grabbed the chair near her and threw it at them "LEAVE ME BE! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" she then felt herself being grabbed by many people and she screamed crying really feeling like she was going to be fed to the wolf now.

"Scarlet you need to calm down" one of the staff member said as they started pulling her down to the basement into one of the Rooms "MY NAMES RED MY NAMES RED! PLEASE DON'T FEED TO IT. DONT LET THE WOLF TAKE ME!" she screamed the whole way as they walked downstairs.

She was put into one of the padded rooms and a nurse came in, she was still being held and she saw the straight jacket "NO HE WILL GET ME EASIER DON'T PUT ME IN THAT DON'T" the nurse also had a shot and soon enough she felt a prick in her arm and felt them put the jacket on her. They laid her down on the floor and soon enough Red was singing a small song as she felt herself start to dose off.

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Wendy looked up when heard Red. She scooted over to the wall and waited until they left. "Red!" She called. Knowing that this particular Room had thinner walls. "Red, It's Wendy." She called. She sighed. They must have drugged her again. Wendy knew she was terrified of the Wolf. He very well could be there she just didn't see him. If Peter was real then so was the Wolf. "Red!" She said turning her head into the padded walls. "I saw Peter...He's here." She said to her former room mate. They'd separated the more dangerous of the patients. Wendy and Scarlet had arrived around the same time. For simply telling the truth of their horrible ordeals. They'd thought they were particularly dangerous. They'd paried them in the same room but when they were the younger. They were old enough for their own rooms now. "Red?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Cortet Character Portrait: Scarlet Rose Character Portrait: Wendy Darling
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Cinder was sitting quietly in her cell, her head down, hands on her lap. Her long blonde ringlets spiraled down about her, hiding her face from view. Upon just glancing in, one would think she was resting, but in reality, she was wide awake. Just not mentally present. In truth, her mind was far away, in a land of magic pumpkins and talking mice. Reliving the events that were the cause of her capture. Watching as her friends, the mice, sewed her a beautiful dress for the party, and the family's old dog became a magnificent white steed, capable of pulling the glittering carriage that had just been a pumpkin not a moment before.

The sounds of screaming shook her from her dreams and she stood, moving cautiously to the little bars set in her door. Silently, she watched as Wendy was dragged out, shrieking about Peter, with Red following not too far behind, wailing about the wolf. Cinder let out a deep sigh and went to sit on her cold little bench again, glancing about her cell. It was perfectly pristine. Her OCD took care of that. It was also a prison. She hated the Institue, and she had a feeling that they hated her.

The workers would make bets and gamble, the loser being the one who had to give Cinder her meds. Take Cinder on a walk around the grounds. Bring Cinder her meals. Though she was small, she was a pain in the ass. First of all, she hated any and all physical contact. Even hovering too close would cause her to twitch nervously. Second of all, even holding a tone she thought was aggressive, could send her into shock or a panic attack. Her daily walks her a pain because, as soon as she saw the sunlight, no matter how many times she was shocked by the electric fence, Cinder always bolted. And finally, they hated giving her her medication because she always fought it tooth and nail. Cinder was irritable, and aggressive, especially when they tried to dumb her down with pointless medication. She knew what she'd seen. She didn't need a bunch of nurses with needles telling her she was crazy. So, regardless of their approach, the workers knew that anyone who brought her her medicine, was leaving with bruises and scrapes.

Footsteps caused her to look up. A short, jerky motion caused by her various disorders. Outside the little window on her door, stood one of the doctors, and behind him were eight nurses. Eight? Why eight? I'm not that dangerous. She thought as she looked them over without making eyecontact.

Instinctively, she shrunk back into the corner of her cell, tucking her knees up to her chest to hide her face. "Don't look at me." She whined, shivering slightly. She could hear their soft footsteps as they filed into the room.

"It's okay Cinder, honey. We're not here to judge you." The head doctor said in a carefully soothing voice. "We're merely here to give you something to drink to make you feel better. Does that sound okay? Just a nonthreatening glass of water."

Cinder looked up, again without making eye-contact. In his hand was a glass of water, outstretched to her. Why had they sent a doctor equipped with eight nurses to give her a glass of water? She glanced at the nurses behind him, practically breathing in the tension in the room as they all watched her nervously shifting. Cinder wasn't the brightest, but how dumb did they think she was? Obviously this was a new trick. That water had her medication dissolved in it.

In a sudden burst of anger, she stood and slapped the water out of the doctor's hand with an angry shriek. "Do you think I'm stupid?!" She shrilled as the glass shattered and pieces hit the nurses. "I'm not stupid, and I'm not crazy! I don't need your dumb medication! It happened! It really did!" She started beating the doctor viciously with her fists. When he caught her small wrists in his hands, she jerked and twisted, while kicking wildly with her feet, biting, scratching. Anything she could. Suddenly, the nurses were on her, and they were hauling her writhing, shrieking form from her cell.

"The basement!" She heard the doctor yell and out the corner of her eye, watched him sit and plop his face into his hands.

When they'd reached the basement, they threw her into one of the padded rooms and she struggled to stand, reaching to door just after they'd closed it and pounding on it unrelentingly with her fists, crying and shrieking. "Please! Please! Someone! Just listen!"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Cortet Character Portrait: Scarlet Rose Character Portrait: Wendy Darling
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Red was in and out of consciousness when she heard someone say "Red!" she was still humming a song as she came more to it "Red, its Wendy". Red opened her eyes as she heard her old roommate call out to her. "They didn't call me Red....they didn't calle me Red! Wendy....they didn't call me Red" she tried to sit up but it was hard with the straight jacket. She looked around the room and then heard Wendy again "I saw Peter....He's here"..."If Peter's here....the wolf...he is here Wendy...I saw him, he was here....he wants to kill me" she yelled tears flowing down her eyes. "Wendy th...they have me in the the jacket....I wont be able to get away....Wendy im going to die...why me" she started shaking then heard the doctors come down opening the other room next to her. "Please! Please! Someone! Just listen!" Red knew who the voice was, it was Cinder, one of the other girls she did like.

A nurse then opened her door and removed the straight jacket, she looked to the nurse and grabbed the nurses wrist "please don't leave me in here" the nurse pulled her arm away "Now Scarlet you know you..."Red's eyes went darker and she was struggling to get up "ITS RED!!" she then went to grab the nurse but the nurse quickly snuck out the door. Red grumbled and moved to a corner "I hear you Cinder....I will listen" she said out loud but as she turned her head she saw a hallucination of the wolf walking towards her. Red let out a piercing scream "HELLLP! HES GOING TO EAT ME" she screamed she started clawing at her wrists and trying to back as much as she could into the wall. The doctors mostly ignored her when she was like this until she calmed down then they would bandage her now bloody wrists. Red screamed out to wendy "wendy its going to get me!"

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Wendy struggled in her straightjacket. She needed to help her friends. "Red! They have me in one too! Fight him!" She called as she tried to get free. "Ugh!" She cried as she tugged on the straps. The old buckles began to bend but they didn't give. "Ugh, Fight him Red! Fight Him!" She called. Peter...where are you... she thought as she struggled.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alex "Peter" Daniels
Character Portrait: Naomi Snow
Character Portrait: Hans and Gretchen Eberstark
Character Portrait: Scarlet Rose
Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Cortet


Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Cortet
Cinder Rose Cortet

"A dream is a wish your heart makes."

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rose
Scarlet Rose

"Call me Red! and watch out for the wolf!! Hes there he really is!"

Character Portrait: Hans and Gretchen Eberstark
Hans and Gretchen Eberstark

Real fairy-tales end in blood and tears... even if they do begin in gumdrops and pixie dust.

Character Portrait: Naomi Snow
Naomi Snow

"Skin White as Snow, Lips Red as Blood, Hair Black as Ebony." WIP


Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Cortet
Cinder Rose Cortet

"A dream is a wish your heart makes."

Character Portrait: Naomi Snow
Naomi Snow

"Skin White as Snow, Lips Red as Blood, Hair Black as Ebony." WIP

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rose
Scarlet Rose

"Call me Red! and watch out for the wolf!! Hes there he really is!"

Character Portrait: Hans and Gretchen Eberstark
Hans and Gretchen Eberstark

Real fairy-tales end in blood and tears... even if they do begin in gumdrops and pixie dust.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Hans and Gretchen Eberstark
Hans and Gretchen Eberstark

Real fairy-tales end in blood and tears... even if they do begin in gumdrops and pixie dust.

Character Portrait: Naomi Snow
Naomi Snow

"Skin White as Snow, Lips Red as Blood, Hair Black as Ebony." WIP

Character Portrait: Cinder Rose Cortet
Cinder Rose Cortet

"A dream is a wish your heart makes."

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rose
Scarlet Rose

"Call me Red! and watch out for the wolf!! Hes there he really is!"

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Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Before you ask, yes, I was creeping on your profile when I saw this Malice :P

I hate I see Roleplays die off before they even get started so why don't we all pitch in to try and get this RP up and going?

I love to reserve Rapinzel :)

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Thanks and ok, I will keep that in mind. I should know something within a few days, if that helps.

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Aww how sweet. I hope everything goes well
Okay. I'm not sure how long thia will last cuz not many people are interested/gets it. Hopefully that'll be soon XD

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Thanks and I'm having a little girl. Right now I'm 7 months pregnant but they said I can have her at anytime because of complications I am having.
But like I said, if things free up a little, I will defiantly join. I really do love your idea you have here.

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Aww okay. Thanks anyway.

Congrats by the way! What are you having.

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Ok, actually I think I'm going to have to put this on hold. I have a lot of parenting classes coming up and as I get further in my pregnancy, I am having less time. If I can, I will try to come back and fit this in but as of right now there is no way I can add this onto the list of rps and life stuff I am doing. I am really sorry

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Ok well I will take Esmeralda and a male character (who I am still deciding on). I'm really sorry for the delay. I meant to have this all done yesterday, but a tree limb fell and knocked out our internet and phone.

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Hunchback of Notre-Dame is good. I don't mind. I am curious about how you'd incorporated that in and if you want Rupunzel as well you totally could. I'm thinking about adding another chara too I just haven't decided on who yet.

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Ok, well I haven't figured out my second character (who will be male), however I think (could change my mind since I am still doing research on Fairy-tale characters) I will take Repunzel(unless you would consider the The Hunchback of Notre-Dame as something you would allow, since it isn't completely based on real people and such).

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

mmk cool please could you tell your friends about this RP. I really don't want it to die ._.

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

I'll try to post soon. I have to somehow find a way to incorperate my character(s) into a situation that would have him/her eventually meet one of your characters...

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

I cant wait for this to start! and i cant wait for the second season of once upon a time

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Haha I just need a few more charas and then We'll start.

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

I love him too! And he's kind of like the "Clair's Dad" (Heroes reference) of the show. You can never really tell whether or not he's a good guy...

Beside that point ^_^ When are we starting this?

Also, I just saw Cinderella... I think I've been showed up!

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

I just love Ruplistilskin! He's so so creepyily funny. His laugh gets me everytime.

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

I liked that twist a lot, but I also sort of loved the magic mirror's story. That twist was just so creative!

Re: Jacob Wilhelm Institute for Wayward Girls

Ruby was my favorite. I loved the twist they did with the story.