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Leo McAllister

"I'm not like before, trust me, I'm a better person now."

0 · 706 views · located in Burnt Sun Island

a character in “Just One Yesterday”, as played by sapphire.


leonardo mcallister


full name: leonardo james dean mcallister
nicknames: leo, leon, mr. mcallister
age: twenty-two
sexuality: bisexual / biromantic (male preference
occupation: middle school english / creative writing teacher
hex: #254654
i've been hella stressed i would rather chill
talk is overrated - jeremy zucker


leo was rather attractive as an early teen and still is. inheriting most of his father's looks, he has shortcut chocolate brown hair, that he often keeps gelled back to avoid it being in his face. his eyes are a deep blue coloring, often changing to light grays or darker blues-based upon his mood. he has a stronger jawline, like his father, and his ears a tad bit smaller than most peoples. on occassion he'll have stubble tracing along his chin, because of sheer laziness. often confused for being younger, due to his height being 5'8" he's rather short much like his own father.

in terms of style, leo has never been the most blessed. often just throwing on items he finds, which results in a lot of his adidas sweatpants or sometimes it's his sweater and a collared shirt. he doesn't necessarily care about style unless he's teaching. he makes an effort to dress up because he wants to provide a good impression. he wears a button-up shirt, underneath a sweater (a normal for him) with his glasses. he tends to avoid wearing them, however, because he doesn't necessarily like them on him, but he wears them regardless because he needs to see, and he doesn't really like contact.

these walls are super high so don't even try
don't get any closer - bebe rexha


leo isn't the same person he was when he was in high school, he's matured. he's grown from the overly impulsive, flirtatious, asshole to a person ready to accept life's challenges and take it head-on. while he retains some of his bluntness, leo has really become a person who doesn't like to go out. preferring to stay with his son and at his home. he just hasn't really been interested in forming a social life, he can't trust people enough. after delilah left him with samuel, he seems to have an increased guard when it comes to his son. preferring to miss work, rather than let someone untrustworthy take care of his child. he has developed an attachment to his child because he knows how it is to not have parents active in your life, and he doesn't want to be like that for sam. he wants to be a role model, a man his son will be proud of. which also means, leo has sworn off dating until he can find someone he gets comfortable with. preferably a guy. with delilah having up and left him, claiming to be in love, he lost faith in the whole love ideal. he's fine with his son and can raise him just as well as he could with a mother. because of the hurt, leo has a more distrustful nature towards women when it comes with his son. he can only really trust his elder sister, and that's about it. even though he may show a harder shell towards women, it's because he's hurt. and a man has never hurt him in the way a woman did.

leo is an empathetic person, often feeling others emotions just as his own, being this way since a child. even though he'd sleep around with people, he'd fall in love with them just as fast as they'd leave. his friends often having to take him out of his funks when his relationships never worked out. the most important trait of all, is leo loves helping others. he loves helping his students with their work, and making sure they understand the point of the assignment, helping them with personal issues. he loves it.


✓stargazing✓black coffee✓hearing sam's giggle✓shades of blue✓writing✓playing piano✓dancing✓conspiracy theories✓romance


✘his ex-girlfriend✘too much sugar✘his son being uncomfortable✘loud environments✘clowns✘the color yellow✘hot weather

i used to be love drunk, but now i'm hung over. i'll love you forever, forever is over
love drunk - boys like girls


leo was the youngest child of barry and jade mcallister. his sister, angelina, however took care of him. barry and jade weren't necessarily parental material, often leaving the two for days at a time to go on partying benders. jade being ten years older than her brother, took care of herself and him. she had already accepted her fate, this lead leo to grow up with a devotion and respect to his sister. the two were extremely close, but to get his parents attention leo began to act out in school. backtalking to teachers, vandalizing the school's lockers. he wasn't the best kid, in middle school he began to get into fights with others. his sister often had to come home earlier from work, to get him or to talk to his teachers. it soon got to the point where she wasn't viewed as fit to take care of him, nor were his parents, and he was placed in a foster home. eventually he got back in with his sister after countless court arguments. he improved his behavior, but didn't stop his ways.

as soon as high school hit, leo was often bullied due to his height. shorter than most of the other guys, he quickly put out this with his charming personality, to get women to sleep with him. it started with his next-door neighbor, and he eventually made his way towards guys discovering his bisexuality at a party. he would come to find there were people who would accept him for who he was, despite the school spitting out him being a "man-whore". he didn't care for relationships, he didn't want to be like his parents. children were not his thing.

fast forward, with leo having attended college in a different state altogether his sister with him, he met a woman. the male swore he'd never fall in love, but one look at delilah cloude and he was heads over heels. he had to have her, he started to flirt with her. the two ended up having sex, several times over their relationship. before delilah came to leo, and told him she was pregnant. he was ecstatic, while he never dreamed to be a father, he had loved the idea of it. he was going to propose to her, much to his own surprise and his sister's he had been rather ahead in his wanting to become a teacher. he was going perfect, he had her move in during the pregnancy, and seven months in her stuff vanished from the apartment they shared. delilah leaving a note saying, it was merely a physical attraction and she had taken it too far. she didn't want to get rid of the baby and crush leo, so she was going to leave the baby and give it up for adoption. a month later his doorbell rang and the sound of a car's tires would be heard as a newborn infant laid on his doorstep. his son, unnamed. he named him samuel angel mcallister, honoring his sister. he had a whole mental change, delilah leaving him made him focus solely on his son. he wanted to give him a life, he began to teach at the local middle school, and began to bartend at night to afford. his sister often helped him, but with conflicting work schedules he sometimes had to either bring his child with or skip out on work. he's determined to be a better parent than his own were, and keep his son safe from the world. but sometimes he yearns for a relationship, but mistrust is something he carries.

So begins...

Leo McAllister's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Leo McAllister Character Portrait: Amber Carrolton Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Alice Kang Character Portrait: Bartholomew Morris
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max chapman
dialogue: #99bbbb; outfit: here

xxi stand for a while and waited for words,
xxseen but not heard and struggled to try.
xxmy tongue's turning black, but i'll take you back,
xxyou're still the best, more or less, I guess.

The party was only just starting to kick off, and yet Max was already perhaps a little too drunk. He'd promised himself he'd take it easy, but then he'd just been so anxious about seeing everyone again that he may have lost track of his drinking. He was still in control, mostly sober, but things were just a little blurred around the edges. In reality, it was probably the best state to be in. He felt like he could actually talk to people like this, and god knows he'd need courage to talk to some of these people.

Of course, the fact that not everybody was here yet and Max already had another drink in his hand was... an issue. He didn't want to be so drunk he'd do or say anything he'd regret, but also he didn't want to be too sober. His mind was finally clear, no rushing or racing or spiralling thoughts. Sure, he was nervous, but who wouldn't be in this situation? It was normal anxiety.

And then he spotted some food and found himself immediately drawn to it, the thoughts of his anxiety and his troubles gone. He made a beeline for it, his drink still in hand, and started piling some snacks onto his plate. Pizza was one of the foods he only really seemed to love when he had more than a little alcohol in his system. His prize achieved, he wandered around the party, desperate to find someone to talk to. He wouldn't have the guts to talk to most of them sober, so now seemed like the best time.

raven mirril
dialogue: #ffa789; outfit: here

xxi'll be right there,
xxbut you'll have to tie me down
xxand then break both my hands
xxif you need anyone,
xxi'll be right there.

Raven stepped out of the taxi, her bag hanging off her shoulder, and looked up at the building in front of her. It didn't look much from the outside, but presumably there was room enough for all of them. The door was already open, so she wandered in and headed straight upstairs. Having found a bedroom that appeared to be upstairs, she just threw her bags onto the bed, quickly touched up her lipstick, and adjusted her skirt. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't a little anxious over all of this. Seeing people she hadn't seen in such a long time... it was a weird thrill, one that was a mix of anxiety and excitement. She'd changed so much. Would the people she'd once loved have changed as drastically as she had?

She fixed a brilliant smile on her face and headed downstairs, her vibrant red heels tapping on the floor. The party seemed to be mainly in the sitting room, but she stopped into the kitchen first to get herself a drink. Her eyes glinted with delight as she took in the scene before her. So many different kinds of drinks, so many choices. She made herself a cocktail and snagged some snacks, before heading back into the sitting room to scan and see if she could spot anyone she recognised. Surely their host, Barty, had to be around somewhere, but it seemed that they'd just missed each other. She sipped her drink and danced a little to herself as she scanned the room, always watching.