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Just One Yesterday

Burnt Sun Island


a part of Just One Yesterday, by partially-stars.


partially-stars holds sovereignty over Burnt Sun Island, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

666 readers have been here.


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Burnt Sun Island is a part of Just One Yesterday.

12 Characters Here

Grace Crystal Evans [11] "You guys need to be nice to one another..."
Max Chapman [11] "I think we've all got the dreamer's disease."
Maryam Reynolds [11] "Crying isn't going to help anybody."
Raven Mirril [11] "We're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again."
Lokys Zukas [9] "These bridges will be rebuilt, I'm certain of it."
Will Harrington [6] "I'm never going back to the loser I was before."
Arthur Kensington III [6] "How long does it take until someone eventually just, breaks?"
Bartholomew Morris [5] "Me saying that I'm happy would be me lying."
Amber Carrolton [4] "I sing because its all I have."
Eden Windsor [4] "Innocence and reality don't mix."

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12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Leo McAllister Character Portrait: Amber Carrolton Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Alice Kang Character Portrait: Bartholomew Morris Character Portrait: Eden Windsor Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Will Harrington Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Arthur Kensington III Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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max chapman
dialogue: #99bbbb; outfit: here

xxi stand for a while and waited for words,
xxseen but not heard and struggled to try.
xxmy tongue's turning black, but i'll take you back,
xxyou're still the best, more or less, I guess.

The party was only just starting to kick off, and yet Max was already perhaps a little too drunk. He'd promised himself he'd take it easy, but then he'd just been so anxious about seeing everyone again that he may have lost track of his drinking. He was still in control, mostly sober, but things were just a little blurred around the edges. In reality, it was probably the best state to be in. He felt like he could actually talk to people like this, and god knows he'd need courage to talk to some of these people.

Of course, the fact that not everybody was here yet and Max already had another drink in his hand was... an issue. He didn't want to be so drunk he'd do or say anything he'd regret, but also he didn't want to be too sober. His mind was finally clear, no rushing or racing or spiralling thoughts. Sure, he was nervous, but who wouldn't be in this situation? It was normal anxiety.

And then he spotted some food and found himself immediately drawn to it, the thoughts of his anxiety and his troubles gone. He made a beeline for it, his drink still in hand, and started piling some snacks onto his plate. Pizza was one of the foods he only really seemed to love when he had more than a little alcohol in his system. His prize achieved, he wandered around the party, desperate to find someone to talk to. He wouldn't have the guts to talk to most of them sober, so now seemed like the best time.

raven mirril
dialogue: #ffa789; outfit: here

xxi'll be right there,
xxbut you'll have to tie me down
xxand then break both my hands
xxif you need anyone,
xxi'll be right there.

Raven stepped out of the taxi, her bag hanging off her shoulder, and looked up at the building in front of her. It didn't look much from the outside, but presumably there was room enough for all of them. The door was already open, so she wandered in and headed straight upstairs. Having found a bedroom that appeared to be upstairs, she just threw her bags onto the bed, quickly touched up her lipstick, and adjusted her skirt. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't a little anxious over all of this. Seeing people she hadn't seen in such a long time... it was a weird thrill, one that was a mix of anxiety and excitement. She'd changed so much. Would the people she'd once loved have changed as drastically as she had?

She fixed a brilliant smile on her face and headed downstairs, her vibrant red heels tapping on the floor. The party seemed to be mainly in the sitting room, but she stopped into the kitchen first to get herself a drink. Her eyes glinted with delight as she took in the scene before her. So many different kinds of drinks, so many choices. She made herself a cocktail and snagged some snacks, before heading back into the sitting room to scan and see if she could spot anyone she recognised. Surely their host, Barty, had to be around somewhere, but it seemed that they'd just missed each other. She sipped her drink and danced a little to herself as she scanned the room, always watching.

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Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans
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Grace Evans


~ Outfit ~ ~ Dialogue ~

Grace was as nervous as a sinner in church. Her heart felt very heavy. Here she sat in the house she owned. Looking in the mirror. "I am as fat as a whale. I should not be going to this." She exclaimed to no one but herself and her small cat Princess Fluffy. The cat was like a princess who had dark gray fluffy fur.

As she tried to apply some makeup on her face she felt like she was trying too hard. So she wiped it away and started it all over again. Needless to say, now it was five minutes until the party started and she hadn't even driven there yet. As she drove it was beginning to get dark and instead of acting like the mature person she always was she dreamed of acting immature for one night. Being labelled as the mom of the group for so long. She was always the mature one. Always the one to talk to them when they needed it.

But sadly her hair could not be let loose. So like normal she placed it in a rather tight bun and looked gently at the building she was in front of. Here she would be reminded of her childhood the simpler and better times. She then walked in. As her feet touched the ground each time there was a clanking of her shoes. She could feel her heartbeat in her ear beating like a drum. The sound was a vibration and sounded like someone would rip it out of her chest.

What would people think if they saw her? She had no wonderful story to tell about getting married and having a family. And if she didn't tell them she was raped, they would think she was a slut or a whore. Her mental thoughts were tearing her down and she had no idea what she was going to do.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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Lokys had been one of the first few people to arrive at the party, likely because he was one of those few left of their friends who had no hesitations or worries about meeting everyone. He was excited to see all of the faces that had populated his school days, filling it with smiles and laughter and whatnot. However, even this cheerful guy can't be oblivious to the thick tension that hangs over the room. It would take something stronger than the plastic knives set out to cut through it.

He can't help but notice, either, that Max has had quite a few drinks considering the party only started officially like five minutes ago, and truth be told hasn't really started yet. You'd be stretching it to call this a party at the moment, given it has the vibe of an empty middle school dance with how people seem to be avoiding one another. Lokys takes a small drink of his rum and coke- he doesn't normally drink, far preferring to smoke, but figured this was an event with old friends and warranted a bit of social drinking. With this renewed warmth in his stomach, Lokys walks over to the anxious looking Max.

"Yo, Max! What's going on, what've you been up to recently?"
the question hangs for a moment, but without really giving Max time to fully respond, Lokys tacks on: "Pretty empty party at the moment, huh? I hope everyone shows up soon, I've missed you guys. A lot."

Lokys smiles warmly. Having moved away pretty soon after the group split, he never really felt the chill that had grown between some of the members. As far as he's concerned, everyone might have a little bit of frost between them, but that should be easily melted by smiling and trying to have a good time. Push comes to shove, he wouldn't be opposed to trying to get some mediation going at this party. That being said, mediation wouldn't exactly be a party-experience, and he doesn't want to put Bartyboy in a hard spot by making things difficult with that. Depending on how long everyone is going to be in town, there may be time later to try to help rebuild some bridges.

Outfit (minus purse)

Gin is sitting in her car, parked outside the building where the party is being held. She's watched a few people walk in, but remains glued to her seat at the moment, lost in thoughts triggered mostly by nostalgia. And anyway, only a few people have walked in- she doesn't want to get stuck in the corner because not a lot of people have showed up yet. Truth be told, while Gin had relied heavily on that group when she was younger, there are many of them whom she was only friends with because they were also in the group. Looking back on it, she wonders how loose her spot in the crew had been. Makes sense- no one likes a crybaby. Gin sighs and takes a swig from a flask she has kept tucked into her cropped leather jacket. She tends to bring her own drinks out of habit, after having gone to a party in college and felt that there had been something very wrong with the drinks they were suspiciously only giving out to girls.

Not that she thinks that anyone in this group would mess with the drinks here, it's just a comfort thing at this point. Gin waits for Grace to walk in, not wanting to enter at the same time and risk being immediately pulled into a conversation that might center on feelings or something squishy like that. She's definitely not in the mindset at the moment for something like that. So, she gives it a few more minutes before stepping out of her mustang (which she may or may not have bought because it made her feel more in control, somehow stronger), and walking in.

Clearly she had not waited long enough, because the crowd is still a bit sparse and peppered with people whom she either isn't in the mood to talk to or who have recently not been keen on talking to her. She used to get along quite well with Max, for example, but last time they met he seemed to walk away everytime she approached him. Unfortunately he and Lokys seem to be talking, or else Lokys would be her next choice. The two of them grew up next to each other until he had moved away, and he had been her closest friend in the group for a long time. Truth be told, talking to him after the group split up had done wonders for motivating her to be stronger and more selfish.

Finally, she sees Raven. Not someone she would have approached before, but recently they've had a lot more in common. If anything, Raven is the lighter one now, while Gin maintains an air of rigidness. She approaches her, heels of her black ankle boots helping to make her a bit taller, but not enough to reach Raven's height. "Nice moves," she comments with only a hint of awkwardness before revealing her flask and taking another drink from it.


Coming here was a mistake. Will is certain of that. Amber isn't even here yet, and she is one of the people that he had come specifically to see. It had been a while since they've seen each other in person, after all, since she's been in California pursuing her dreams and he's been in college pursuing what he decided his dreams must be. Of course, she's not the only person that Will has come here to see- but he hasn't caught Eden for a moment yet. Not that it really matters, anyway. For all of his recently inflated ego, his tongue still gets caught in his mouth when he sees her.

And anyway, she's a model now, so that's pretty much out of the question. She'll always be far beyond his reach, it seems. So Will hangs out by the food table, putting away pizza like there is no tomorrow because his nerves are starting to work up the longer he's here. He spots Max, of course. He clocked him the moment he walked in. Drinking, feeling nervous, and looking at Max are proving not the best of combos. Will takes an aggressive bite out of a slice of pepperoni and tries to pretend that Max isn't another person who makes him feel incredibly inferior. After all, he's just some skinny dude, right? Will frowns, making at least an effort to not walk over and try to pick a fight with the guy. It's only one party, after all, and Will hasn't had enough drinks for that. When is Amber getting here?

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Bartholomew Morris Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Will Harrington Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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amber carrolton


{ dialogue: #880505; outfit: party }

Amber wasn't sure this was a good idea. She was going to be reunited with people that she hasn't seen in years. On top of that, it was going to be a party and Amber hates parties. Being in a crowded room with a bunch of people and watching them get drunk just wasn't her idea of a fun time. She was wondering why they couldn't all just go get lunch or something awkward of that nature. But she had already agreed to go. Barty would be upset if she skipped out. A sigh escaped her as she stepped off the plane. Amber was running a bit late to the party. Her flight had been delayed and then it was slow to take off, but she was here now. There was a gentleman outside the gates with a sign that had her name one it. Her manager must have arranged for a private driver for the few days she had planned to stay. She followed him to the vehicle parked outside and told him where to drop her off.

The building where the party was being held, wasn't far from the airport. Within moments, she had arrived and was headed inside. She could hear the music and light chatter, but she wasn't ready to see everyone quite yet. As quietly as she could, she headed all the way upstairs to where the bedrooms were. One of them already held someones bags so she moved onto the second one. She dropped off her items, making sure her guitar was safely set aside close to the bed. She dashed into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. "Just say hi to people. No one is going to force you to dance, drink, or excessively mingle. And if they do...just run." It wasn't much of a pep talk, but it was enough to get her to head back downstairs to the main room.

There were several people here already. Lokys was over with Max, whom seem to be a bit intoxicated. It didn't matter if he was or not. Amber wasn't going to go over there and find out. Raven was here, as lovely as ever, talking to Gin. Amber made a mental note to go and talk to her at a different time. Preferably after she had relaxed a bit more. The host wasn't anywhere to be seen, but she saw someone that quickly put her at ease: Will. He had told her that he was going to attend the party, but she was afraid that he would get cold feet. Amber quickly made her way over there with a bright smile. It has been a while since she has last seen him and he was definitely a bit taller and had more muscular than before, but it was still the same Will to her. "I can't believe you are actually here. In person." She couldn't help but attempt to hug him. "I missed you so much."

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#, as written by Avon
Eden Windsor - Bartholomew's Mansion - outfit
Stepping up to the large front doors of Barty's mansion, Eden couldn't believe that she had actually come to the reunion. Of course she had come out last year after the incident, but seeing her friends had reminded her what a shitshow her life had become. She couldn't seem to resist the temptation of coming back, though, and now that she stood in front of this large house in heels that pinched her toes and her hair pulling at her scalp from the updo she had pulled it into. She reflected on the past few hours and just how much she regretted the flight here.
Because Eden had bought her tickets so late, and of course Martino wasn't going to let her use the private jet, she was stuck with an economy ticket between a lady who couldn't stop speaking about her dear grandchildren and a man who looked like he was going to vomit before the plane even began moving. Then, there was the five year-old who thought that kicking the back of Eden's seat was the funniest thing he had ever done. What a kicker. Literally. Flights were probably one of her least favorite forms of transportation ever. They were a combination of some of her least favorite things, and yet they seemed to be the only way to get around anymore.
Eden was just thankful that her hotel room was clean and empty. She was done being touched by people. As she got ready for the party, she couldn't help the pit in her stomach that seemed to form. God, she thought as she looked in the mirror and noticed her tired eyes and a cut on her bottom lip, what the fuck are they going to think of me? She pulled out her makeup bag and got to work. She'd had practice at looking perfect, after all.
She and Martino had been fighting for the past few nights, keeping her up until the break of dawn. She would say something passive aggressive, he would take it too far. They would end up with Eden in the bathroom, cleaning up a cut or icing a fresh bruise, and Martino passed out in bed in their studio apartment. They could only fight at nights because the days were reserved for looking like a loving, happy, working couple.
Her days were full of press events, photo shoots, and paparazzi photo ops in little hipster cafes with her loving boyfriend sitting across from her. What the public didn't see was the silent grab of her wrist that left fingerprint-shaped bruises, or the whisper in her ear "Get your head up. They don't pay to see a fucking double chin," that sent a shiver down her spine in the worst of ways. She smiled and posed. Always.
Now, Eden had earned a bit of freedom as she stood on the front steps. Martino had agreed only the day before the party to allow her to fly to see her friends. She would have gone without his permission if she was able, but he had control over all of Eden's money. Any money she received went directly through him. He would claim it was because it was the best for her, and with him being her manager after all, it was much more efficient.
"Efficient my ass." she muttered under her breath, before entering the room and plastering a smile on her face. She walked into the room with a grace that could only be attained by your entire life and career being dictated by your looks. Eden surveyed the room, the familliar faces making her grin widen a tad, before she reminded herself that she could not get reattached. She toned it down to a mild smirk.
Liquid courage, thank god.. she thought to herself as she grabbed a flute of champagne and took a rather large sip.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Bartholomew Morris Character Portrait: Eden Windsor Character Portrait: Will Harrington Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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0.00 INK

xxB a r t y xM o r r i s

xxHex: #8aceccxxxxxxxOutfit: __


Barty had put on his simple, soft pullover and comfy socks. He was expecting guests today, but most importantly,
he was too excited to see Eden. They had kept in contact all the time and often shared pictures of their daily lives. She was the only one who knew why he was so rich, after all.
And of course, he loved her to death. It may be true that others had an eye on her, but Barty genuinely loved her. Their friendship went far back into the past and Eden reminded him of Angie. Too much.
He looked in the mirror in his bedroom. It was not the biggest bedroom, but it was bigger than most. His SpongeBob sheets and bright blue colored walls made his room look ridiculously like a children's one. He didn't sleep much here anymore. The off-shore 'Burnt Sun Island' was now his property, and his mansion there had enough bedrooms to house him.
He brushed his dark hair to the side and took a glimpse at the golden necklace underneath his pullover before he opened the door and walked down the spiral staircase to the main room. It looked like a cliche rich person's mansion, but Barty decorated it with paintings, plants and comfy furniture.
"Ladies and... Guys." He dramatically descended down the stairs, acknowledging the presence of most his former friends. "Thank you all for coming today. Wow, I really sound like a host."
Barty went over to a table next to a few speakers, turning on some chill-hop he had remixed with Isaac and another DJ. Of course, almost none of his friends knew that he was the world-famous anonymous DJ 'Anxsty'. He did have his mask hung up in his room on the island.

Barty looked around. People were chatting and eating, but he noticed the entrance of Eden. She took a large sip of champagne, but Barty didn't care. He was overjoyed.
"Don't eat all of that, Max. Custom-made from Giovanni's."
He walked over to the front lounge, approaching Eden and hugging her once he was close.
"So happy you're here."

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Amber Carrolton Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Alice Kang Character Portrait: Bartholomew Morris Character Portrait: Eden Windsor Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Will Harrington Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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Alice Kang
Outfit (minus purse) | hex; #569FBA
Alice wasn't sure if she overdressing or not. Alice wanted to impress everyone and show them how she evolved but she wasn't sure how to go about doing that without looking like an attention hog. The invitation hadn't really established a dress code so if she was overdressing only the host can be blamed. Yea, Alice could assume that everyone was dressing fairly casually for a reunion but there always has to be the show off that dresses expensively, right? Alice sighed and began to play with her hair as the taxi sped down the road. The years had been very good to Alice and she hoped everyone else had the same fortune. Of course, a lot of things can happen in such a long span of time but a lot of those things could be positive. Amber was a fairly successful singer now and Eden had become a model so everyone else could've done just as good. Alice touched up her makeup as the mansion came into view. Alice hadn't seen many mansions anymore since she took up residence the inner city area. The exterior was amazing and she was sure the interior would be just as grandiose. Paying her fare, Alice walked up to the door with confidence.

The door was open, which Alice thought was a pretty bad decision, but Alice decided to ignore the minor detail. Just like she predicted, the mansion was just as beautiful on the inside. Walking in caused a wave of nostalgia to crash over her. The warm light of the mansion made it feel like some kind of flashback as she took in all the familiar faces. Alice didn't know what she expected, but everyone looked so different. Features had become defined and people grew. Some people were bigger some people were smaller. It was weird to see people she knew in her youth to look so adult. Alice guesses they'll have the same feeling as her when they greet each other. Looking at everyone and how their features matured and became more defined made Alice feel like a kid again. It felt like when she was an underclassmen in high school and the seniors all looked more adult than she thought she ever would. It wasn't a bad feeling though. It was nice to feel a little younger again. Everyone was already in conversation and Alice felt awkward trying to but in to any conversations. The girl opted to start getting drunk since tonight was supposed to be something fun. Alice had a high alcohol tolerance so she hoped that she wouldn't have to consume too much to get a nice buzz.

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Character Portrait: Max Chapman
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arthur kensington
attire | #AD806E


Athur Kensington the III was nervous. Scratch that. Anxious. He spent nearly half an hour in his car in front of Barty's house trying not to vomit. The anticipation of seeing his old friends again, almost made him turn around and drive home. What would they think of him? Did they know? His face turned a deep red as he imagined each one of them giving him, 'the look'. The, "I'm so sorry for what you went through" look, pity. He gripped the wheel tightly, trying to steady his breathing (something he had learned from rehab) and tried to think positive thoughts. Nobody could know, no one. They hand't spoken to each other in years, and none of their parents had ever really spoken. It wasn't possible. With that somewhat hopeful thought he marched out of his car and into the house.

So many faces, some familiar and some he didn't even recognize. He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, and grabbed a chute of some type of champagne from a table, downing it in a matter of seconds. There was no way he was surviving this night without a little buzz. The first face he noticed was none other than Max talking with Lokys. The corner of Artie's mouth tugged up in a small smirk, he would have to talk to the boy, they went as far back as Artie could think. Not to mention, Arthur couldn't help but notice how his best friend, Max was still just as handsome as he had been when they were teenagers.

He got another drink, again drinking it instantly, he was on edge. He sighed slightly and ran a careful hand through his tousled blonde locks, before meandering over to where there was a section of chairs, plopping down into the plush leather. He needed to let the alcohol set in before he went head on into the party. He could do this.

11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Amber Carrolton Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Alice Kang Character Portrait: Bartholomew Morris Character Portrait: Eden Windsor Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Will Harrington Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Arthur Kensington III Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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xxxx{ dialogue: #254654 ; outfit}


This was a bad idea. Leaving Samuel alone with his sister, while he trusted the woman, he didn't want to leave his son. He liked spending time with him, not having to deal with other adults. Able to care for his kid, wow. He had gone soft, but a kid did that to ya. He reminisced of a time where he wouldn't have ever thought of falling in love, having a family. He didn't want to be his family, he was shocked. Looking back now, Leo just knew he was a kid. Every kid thinks that, and maybe he hoped for something else. He wasn't a drinker by any means, a glass of wine here and there, maybe a beer or two. But he hadn't been fond of the substance, but tonight, he was glad there was. Because he was going to have to face his demons, or, demon.

Max Chapman

The name rang in his ear like a bell, the boy who Leo had believed he could've loved if given the chance. The boy who ditched his 'friends' and linked up with the people who tormented them. His clenched his fist, in the backseat of the Uber he rode in. He didn't want to see him, he didn't want to face him. He would rather go through Delilah all over again, than talk to Max. He didn't know what he'd say, he had so much pent up anger towards the male. A frustrated sigh left his place, as the driver called out that they had arrived. He thanked the man, and left a tip on his phone, and walked out. He'd ready himself for a barrage of questions about his life, how he was going to respond. Before he knew it, he was in front of the door and walked in. The music sort of reminded him of a high school party, except this time he wasn't going to show up drunk as all hell at 3 am to his hotel room.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amber Carrolton Character Portrait: Will Harrington
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{ Will & Amber }


Will's eyes have been trained on the door for the past several minutes, anxiously willing Amber to arrive faster than she has. It's a nostalgic feeling for him, this active nervousness. Nowadays, it is normally a more subtle anxiety that even he will not fully recognize. Around strangers, or even around his more recent circle of friends, he is the picture of relaxed confidence. Will is a lion lazing in the sun, in control and seemingly without a care. Surrounded by the people who remind him of the loser he once was, he feels more like an awkward baby giraffe.

Given his fixation the entrance, it is not unexpected that he catches sight of Amber the moment she enters, and his entire body seems to relax a bit at her presence. Despite their occasional fights, Amber remains his closest friend. Her presence alone is soothing to Will, as she is the only person he still easily opens up to these days. He mirrors her smile when she notices him and walks over. His instinct is to reciprocate her hug, but at that moment Eden walks in the door and he clams up a bit, sort of dodging the full embrace and turning it into a clearly awkward half hug interaction. Will attempts to smooth over that by immediately launching into words, "In the flesh! I'm not sure how long I'll stay though, this whole thing just feels pretty awkward, y'know? Want to dip out and go to dinner or something?"

He's already eaten three slices of pizza, so the invitation to dinner doesn't make practical sense. But Will is already beginning to feel skittish.

Amber wasn't expecting the half-hug. She hasn't seen her best friend in years, so she wanted the big hug with a dramatic spin. But she just settled for the awkward embrace and crossed her arms once he pulled away from her. She made a mental note to scold him about denying her a hug later. He immediately invited her to dinner in order to avoid this entire ordeal. If it wasn't for the fact that Amber had already picked a room to sleep in and had been seen by others in the mansion, she would have agreed to ditch. In fact, she would have even suggesting they fly back to California and just hang out at her apartment. But Amber had committed to being at this party, despite how much she hated parties, the moment she walked into the house. If she just left, then the others would think that she wasn't trying to mend their broken bonds. Amber doesn't want that idea of failing lingering around.

"I just got here, can't leave just yet. I still want to talk to Barty and Raven." Those were the only other two people that she actually wanted to see. She quickly glanced behind her to see if Raven was still here and if Barty had shown his face, but instead she caught a glimpse of Eden heading off towards where the food and drinks were.

"And don't you want to talk to Eden?" Amber was getting a feeling that Will was extremely uncomfortable, but she wasn't going to just come out and ask him. At least not yet.

A smile pulled its way out of his mouth when Amber mentioned Raven- a knowing smile. Despite his desire to leave, Will knows that his best friend is going to want to see the girl she's been pining after since they were kids. Unlike him, she doesn't want to shrivel up at the sight of her crush. Of course, as far as Will is concerned Amber is cooler than Raven, so to him it makes sense that Amber would want to talk to Raven. He's been rooting for her since middle school, and believes that Amber could sweep Raven off of her feet easily, if only Raven would open her eyes and see how amazing Amber is. On his end, however, he's been infatuated with a girl who always manages to be miles from his reach every time he meets her. "Alright, fair, but only if you'll finally profess your undying love for Raven," he smirks, keeping his voice low enough that no one else at the party would be able to pick up on it. Upon Amber's mention of Eden, his smile vanishes.

"Why would I want to talk to Eden? I'm way beyond over that. Totally moved on. Not my type anymore- Recently I'm into red-heads with nice asses, y'know?" He manages to put up a grin with his words, but it is insincere. Easier to try and brush something away than confront his own inadequacy in the face of his long-lasting feelings.

Amber eyes widened a bit. There was no way she was just going to walk up to Raven and confess her love. Just the idea of it, put knots in her stomach. Raven had never expressed any kind of interested in Amber when they were in high school. Raven just seemed cooler and much stronger emotionally than Amber could ever be. She was just lucky that Raven even wanted to be around her.

"I will do no such thing." She said with some embarrassment. The anxious feeling was starting to sink in as she thought about approaching Raven tonight. What would she even say? She is probably better off without her. Will's words had brought Amber out of her thoughts. He claimed that he was completely over the blonde and was into other women. The happiness he tried to put back on his face was fake. Amber didn't even bother trying to entertain his comment by going along with it.

The smile that was on Amber's face had disappeared. "You're lying. And you are lying to my face." Will was her best friend. She knew everything about him and knew exactly how to read him. "I'm not suggesting you tell her you love her. But you should talk to her. Don't you want to know how she's been doing?"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Geez Amber, did all the saltwater get to your head?" Will shoots back, his smile well-meaning but the comment a bit rudely dismissive. His smile vanishes when Amber's does, as he can see immediately that's she's seen right through his bullshit. Amber always does, and yet he will still make an attempt to sneak one past her.

"Okay, okay, you got me, I'm sorry. I just really don't want to start a conversation and hear about her rich manager boyfriend pimp, or whatever he is," Will admits grudgingly. He wants to know how Eden is doing, of course, but at the same time hearing about her success will only make him feel smaller. Will has a bad habit of viewing his own happiness and success as relative to that of other people's. His envy has always been a serious problem.

Amber felt better when Will admitted his true feelings regarding Eden and why he didn't want to talk to her. The explanation even came with an apology. She decided to not to bring up how it was rude to refer to Eden's manager/boyfriend in that way. It wasn't worth dealing with whatever jealous feelings would follow up. She wasn't going to force her friend to talk to anyone at the party either, just like he wasn't going to force her to talk to anyone.

"Okay. How about neither of us talk to our crushes tonight and let's just play catch-up," She figured that would be better than either of them awkwardly trying to talk to anyone else. Also she genuinely wanted to know what Will was up too. They spoke often when they were away, but it isn't the same as a face to face conversation.

"What's life like for Mr. Harrington without me in it?" Amber questioned with some humor in her voice.

Will once more visibly loosens up a bit at Amber's suggestion that they not confront their crushes for the time being. He smiles at the inquiry, "Not as good as it would be if you were in it, that's for sure. But otherwise more of the same, I guess. I start grad school this coming fall- but you already know that. It's pretty much a rotation of parties, the gym, and -believe it or not- school. Trying to get my GPA up a bit more if I want to find a half-decent internship, y'know? Any company would be lucky to have me, of course, but they'll never learn that if my grades don't meet their minimum. But that's boring stuff, isn't it? I want to hear about your adventures in California, they've got to be more excited than my smalltime university. What's up in the West?"

Will imagines that the parties and the girls and just about everything must be better in California, but knowing that Amber isn't much of a partier doesn't press specifically into those things. It all seems very cool though- the sort of place he likes to picture himself being one day. Maybe he'll find some tech genius and be the business end of things, leading him straight to silicon valley. That's the dream, anyway.

Amber already knew much about Will's life, but watching him talk about it was different. He was genuinely interested in going to grad school and getting a high quality internship. Amber knew how smart and how hard-working her best friend was. Anyone would be lucky to have him and he knew it too. She didn't really get to respond or give him any words of encouragement before he wanted to move on from his life to hers. Amber didn't really see her life as exciting or adventurous, but she could see why people would want to know about it.

"You know I don't do anything fun." She said jokingly. "Outside of recording and performing at some of the venues, I try to avoid social gatherings. Even though now, it seems like I am being traveling more and meeting more people. It is starting to become overwhelming." She admitted honestly. Amber understood that with fame came the social aspect of emulating some kind of happiness with her life. Unfortunately, Amber physically cannot display happiness. At least not all of the time. Her smiles aren't as bright as the other artists and her voice isn't as enthusiastic. Her manager reassures her that her image is in pristine condition, but she isn't sure how long that will last.

"I have been going to the beach more often than usual. Though, it's always private and quiet," Amber added with a laugh, not wanting to think more about her singer career.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Arthur Kensington III Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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0.00 INK

max chapman
dialogue: #99bbbb; outfit: here

xxi stand for a while and waited for words,
xxseen but not heard and struggled to try.
xxmy tongue's turning black, but i'll take you back,
xxyou're still the best, more or less, I guess.

The appearance of Lokys brought a genuine smile to Max's face. Lokys was perhaps the one person in the room that Max had zero bad blood with. He'd just moved away after the argument, so he'd never really known what Max had become. And Lokys was so chill that Max wasn't even sure he'd care. "Yeah. It's good to see you again. What have you been up to? You went to some fancy school, right?" He asked with a grin as he took a bite of his pizza. The instruction from Barty not to eat all of it just made Max's stomach twist and sent his brain into a spiral of negative thoughts. Barty was going to hate him for eating this much pizza, he was having more than his fair share, everyone was going to hate him for it-

He took a long drink, wishing the alcohol would kick in faster. Had this all been a mistake? Was the alcohol even going to be enough? Would people start to notice if he didn't relax soon? Was it even worth him being here, did everyone hate him anyway? He wasn't even listening to Lokys, Lokys was going to start hating him too. He could feel another spiral coming on- and then he spotted somebody entering the party. Somebody that made it feel like his heart had momentarily stopped, like the swirling thoughts in his head went quiet. Artie. Max found himself smiling, despite the previously rushing thoughts. He definitely needed to talk to Artie at some point, it had been far too long.

raven mirril
dialogue: #ffa789; outfit: here

xxi'll be right there,
xxbut you'll have to tie me down
xxand then break both my hands
xxif you need anyone,
xxi'll be right there.

The appearance of Gin made Raven burst into a huge smile and wrapped her arms around the shorter girl. "Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you! You look fab!" She gushed. Since deciding to give up on her negativity, she'd learned that opening with a compliment tended to make just about everyone feel better. Especially if it was genuine. "The flask makes you look totally badass by the way, and here's me with my stereotypical red solo cup. But look, it matches my shoes!" Perhaps the alcohol was a little stronger than she'd intended. She caught a glimpse of Amber, who then ended up in a conversation with Will. Will wasn't exactly her favourite person, so she decided against joining that conversation.

"So, how have you been? What are you up to these days?" She asked. She caught a glimpse of Grace, looking a little uncomfortable on the outskirts, and beckoned her over enthusiastically. "It's so weird having everyone back here, right? I thought when I'd graduated that, well, that was it, we're never gonna see each other again. I mean, I know things are a bit weird. But maybe things will improve a little, right?" She remarked, taking a sip from her own drink. Even Raven knew that was a little optimistic, and probably a little foolish. The tension was tangible, and Raven knew there'd have to be significantly more alcohol consumed before it even started to dissipate. More people were here now, and it hadn't even improved that much. She just prayed everyone would behave themselves and that it wouldn't turn messy. She'd been hoping for a chill few days, and didn't want it ruined on the first night because people couldn't hold their tongues.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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0.00 INK

Grace Evans


~ Outfit ~ ~ Dialogue ~

As she walked in she saw everyone. She went to a side corner and stayed out of the way. Taking a few deep breathes and catching her balance. It was surprising to see so many different people there. They had been a large group of children at play when they were younger. And now here they were coming to be adults and really seeing the world all so differently. She never thought she was better than any of them.

She bit her tongue and watched as Barty descended he always was good at being a host of something. She watched as Raven quickly motioned over towards her. She put her first foot forward and smiled. She was going to do this. As she walked over to Raven and Maryam she motioned her lips into a smile.

"Hello Raven, Maryam! How are you ladies doing tonight?" She knew the conversation of her ever extending belly would eventually make the topic but right now she was young and enjoying life. That was the best way to do it. She was not going to bring up the rape right away because it would just be too long, awful and awkward to talk about.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Arthur Kensington III Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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0.00 INK


"Only the fanciest of schools," Lokys responds, his smile still easy and relaxed. Compared to most other people in the room, he makes it seem like being here and talking to everyone is as natural as breathing. Lokys has always had that sort of air about him- relaxed, difficult to shake. Perhaps that's why he had managed to make friends with everyone without ending up part of any drama: he seemed to float above it. At the same time, he had occasionally wondered whether that made him less close with some of the group than other people were. He was neutral territory for the most part, which was convenient but could occasionally leave him left out when the group would splinter into smaller clusters. Had he not moved, that might have been a legitimate issue the young man would have had to dealt with. But he did, and is therefore still smiling, still optimistic about his group of childhood friends.

"But yeah, I went to some collegiate school program thing. Rough at the time, but I'm glad I did or else I wouldn't have been able to travel as much as I have. I remember being so jealous that you were from Europe when you first moved here! It's been cool finally leaving the sphere.," Lokys finds himself cut short when Barty descends the stairs in a way that makes him seem almost like the host to a murder mystery party. When Barty walks over and chides Max for eating so much, Lokys glances at the blonde to see his reaction. When they were younger, Max always seemed a little on edge, and he's not sure if this would come across to harsh. He notices Max's smile fade almost instantly, and tries to break through with a joke.

"Well, he didn't tell me not to eat all the pizza. Rookie mistake," Lokys comments, grabbing himself another slice. This doesn't quite to seem to crack through the rapidly growing ice. He follows Max's eyes to Arty across the room, and Lokys's eyes brighten when he sees Max smiling again. Easy fix.

"Yo! Arty, dude! Get over here, how have you been?" he calls over the curly-haired brainiac. Lokys realizes this holds the risk of him becoming an awkward third, as Arty and Max have always been close, but to be honest he's always been fairly comfortable being the odd man out.


Gin returns the hug without hesitation. The relationship between Gin and Raven is an odd one, in that they had been complete opposites as children. You would never catch the two hanging out one on one, despite being in the same friend group. When everyone had reunited last year, however, it was like two strangers meeting for the first time and clicking. It is for this reason that Raven is one of the people in the group that Gin feels the most comfortable with now. It's not like an awkward reunion with an old friend that she had split up with due to tension, but like meeting a new person where there was no past drama or concerns to worry about. In this group, Raven is a fresh start for Gin.

"Thanks! I saw you when I walked in and was worried I was under-dressed. To be honest, I'm just not big on shared sources of alcohol. Kinda matches the jacket though, huh?" Gin is smiling. It's not that wide, toothy smile she used to have as a kid, that came and went as easily as the rain and revealed every thought in her head. That being said, this smile is still genuine in its own right- it simply keeps a few cards close to her chest. Gin wonders exactly what is in Raven's solo cup- the girl certainly seems to be feeling the effects of it. Gin takes another swig of her own flask- it's spiced rum, not too strong and not too much of a pain to drink straight. It's not necessarily that she wants to play catch up (Gin has no intention of getting trashed, especially since her bags are still in her car and she hasn't gotten unpacked or anything), but she doesn't want to end up being the most sober one here. Remembering Lokys, she glances over at her childhood neighbor- his presence means there is no risk of her being the most sober one, actually.

Gin continues to smile as Raven chats on optimistically, but her own expectations for the next few days are much more reserved. Gin is quite certain that some fight will break out tonight or tomorrow, someone will cry, etc. Despite that, she is here. Better make the best of it. "I don't have much exciting going on. Got a new car," she adds, proud of the first major purchase she's made on her own.

Grace reaches them and asks what's up, but Gin is busy trying not to notice that her stomach is looking a bit rounder than average. It's most certainly not rounder in a 'gained weight eating too much ice cream or drinking your carbs' kind of way. She makes steady eye contact with Grace, as this is clearly a question the girl wants to avoid. "To be honest, I just got here. Yourself?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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0.00 INK

raven mirril
dialogue: #ffa789; outfit: here

xxi'll be right there,
xxbut you'll have to tie me down
xxand then break both my hands
xxif you need anyone,
xxi'll be right there.

There was something about Grace that Raven knew was a little off, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. And then her eyes landed on Grace's stomach, and she resisted the temptation to raise her eyebrows or ask any questions. "Yeah, I'm not long here myself. I think we're still at that point in the night where everyone's a little awkward and tense, but once the alcohol kicks in I think it should be a little better. How are you doing?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink. "Can I get you a drink or anything? I think Barty's got some non-alcoholic stuff around her somewhere if you just want a soda," she added, then wished she'd said nothing, wondering if she was just making assumptions. But then again, maybe Grace wouldn't be drinking anyway. She'd always been the mom of the group so it made sense that she'd still be looking out for them all.

"It's kinda weird seeing everyone again, right? As in, not just walking past each other and saying hi in the street. Actually partying with them and having conversations with them and like... seeing where everyone is in their lives. Some of us have changed quite a lot, and then it feels like others haven't changed at all. It's like meeting completely new people. Kinda anxious, kinda exciting, right?" She remarked. Mostly, she just wanted to stop the conversation being awkward and having to turn to Grace's stomach. Raven had an inkling, but... given that Grace had always said she'd wanted to wait until marriage, it seemed unlikely. She didn't want to make any assumptions or make Grace feel uncomfortable either.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Arthur Kensington III
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0.00 INK


arthur kensington
attire | #AD806E


Arthur had consumed a fair amount of alcohol. At least enough to ease his anxious nerves, sinking into the couch. His right hand had been fidgeting with a loose string that had come off of the couch to keep his mind going, as a distraction. His eyes scanned the party, everyone had seemed to fall into conversations so easily, yet here he was by himself.

He jerked his head back out to the party however when he heard his name called. "Yo! Arty, dude! Get over here, how have you been?"
It was Lokys. If it hadn't been for the alcohol he wouldn't have made his way over there so easily, over to Max, with a goofy smile plastered on his face. "Hey! I've been - good, to say the least. What about yourself? Scale Mt. Everest yet?" He faltered slightly with the question, but picked it up rather quickly to cover it.

He then turned his gaze to Max, his ears faintly turning a shade of pink. "Hey Maxi- Max." He had to stop himself from using Max's old nickname, just out of fear that when he thought about it he had no idea where the two of them stood when it came to their friendship. He rubbed the back of his neck, clearing his throat, "Its been a while, huh?" He wanted nothing more than to just hug his best friend, but could Arthur even truly call him that anymore? What the hell were they? Was Max even the same as they had been when they were kids? Was he even the same himself?

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maryam Reynolds Character Portrait: Grace Crystal Evans Character Portrait: Raven Mirril
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0.00 INK

Grace Evans


~ Outfit ~ ~ Dialogue ~

She looked at Maryam and Raven. If only she could drink. She was still in a mode of needing to try to watch out for their safety with drinking. She cared about people and she wanted to make sure they would stay safe. She knew some of them looked like shit and looked like they could use someone to talk too. But she was not that great herself.

"That's a relief. He is always thinking of everything. I have never been a drinker." She took a deep breath. Not one that people could hear but just a silent one. "Especially now. Its quite obvious isn't it?" She said giving them a small glance. She looked over at the group of people around her.

"Is everyone here from when we were younger? We always had so many people in the group! It was awesome that we were always so welcoming to everyone. And yes I agree. It is still a bit difficult we haven't seen each other in quite a few years. I am still alive thank you Maryam." She looked at the drinks and wondered if it did really have non-alcohol ones maybe she would look better with a cup in her hand.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lokys Zukas Character Portrait: Max Chapman Character Portrait: Arthur Kensington III
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0.00 INK

max chapman
dialogue: #99bbbb; outfit: here

xxi stand for a while and waited for words,
xxseen but not heard and struggled to try.
xxmy tongue's turning black, but i'll take you back,
xxyou're still the best, more or less, I guess.

Lokys' joke about Barty not warning him about eating all the pizza relaxed Max slightly, but not quite enough. Him calling over Arty was enough to drive Max to down his drink in one, feeling the burn and relishing it. The anxiety seemed to quiet a little, and Max's smile was entirely genuine by the time that Arty reached them.

"Hey, Artie." There was a little bit of sadness at hearing Arty stop himself from using his nickname. And suddenly, Max could almost feel the distance between them, feel how separate their lives their lives had become. His sober self would have suppressed it. But right now, he just found himself wanting to close it. He pulled Artie into a hug, finding himself smiling.

"Yeah. Too long, really. Oh, hey, I heard you got into Yale, congrats man!" he said. Artie had always been smart, so much smarter than Max. Yale was never even on his radar. He couldn't have handled the pressure, it would have driven his mad. If he thought he was a mess now, he could have only been worse. But it always just seemed so effortless to Artie.

"Let me guess, something science-y?" He asked with a grin. "Oh, can I get you guys some drinks? I'm planning on drinking as much of Barty's alcohol as I can, purely because it's free and because I can." He said with a shrug and a laugh. He'd learned how to cover up the anxiety, the racing thoughts, to appear the chill and laid-back guy everyone loved. Nobody pays attention to the chill drunk. Everyone pays attention to the sad and anxious drunks.