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Grant McGrath

0 · 981 views · located in Cruise Liner #658 "Dream Scape"

a character in “Life Raft”, originally authored by Mr. Fahrenheit, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Grant Henry McGrath
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Role: On-site paramedic hired by cruise line.
Personality: Rebellious, impulsive, free-thinking, and likes to help people. At first impression, he doesn't typically seem like a paramedic.
Items: Medical shears, flashlight pen, two pairs of medical gloves, wallet, phone, rag, first aid kit, pack of cigarettes, lighter, breath mints flask of whiskey.
Likes: Old music, muscle cars, motorcycles, basketball.
Dislikes: Storms, computers (not very good with them), stubbornness.
Fears: Failing to do his job, letting people down.
Flaws: Impulsive, can have a temper.
History: Grant grew up in Reno, Nevada (lived in the desert, one reason he doesn't like storms) with just his dad. His father restored old vehicles for a living, which led to Grant being kind of a gear-head. However, he became a paramedic because he wanted to help people, and was certain he could handle the pressure of the job. He used to have a fear of death, but several years ago, when responding to an emergency call in a bad neighborhood, he was shot twice in the chest, and died for 3 minutes before being resuscitated.

He got a job with the cruise line because the position needed to be filled, and he wanted to travel.

So begins...

Grant McGrath's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Keith M. Warbe Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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Rosemarie sung to herself as she carefully smoothed out her dresses and placed them on her bed. Thunder echoed outside her window. She smiled as she held up one of the dresses next to her and looked in the mirror. There was going to be a nice black tie event, and she had to pick out a dress. She looked at all the dresses again. She decided to go with a short red silk dress. She picked out a pair of black pumps and some jewelry. The ship started to rock even more than before. Rosemarie sighed and sat down.

She could hear loud yelling. She frowned and exited out of her room and out into the hallway. A loud sound echoed through the ship. Rosemarie was knocked off her feet and was slammed into a wall. "What the hell?" She picked herself up and rubbed her head. The ship was leaning, and she could feel it. She moved herself across the wall and ran back into her wall and started to gather up her things. She crawled across the wall and exited outside.

People were everywhere, pushing others just so they could get to one of the sides. She could see life rafts being lowered. She eventually got a life jacket, and went to the area where people were getting loaded into the life boats. She was about to step into an empty one, when the ship shook, and she fell off the deck into the ocean. She resurfaced a minute later. She looked around. A life raft was yards away from her, but she could still get there. She frantically swam towards it and pulled herself up onto it and coughed up more water. She looked up, seeing a whole group of people were already on it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Keith M. Warbe Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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Lago began searching for anyone that was near enough to his life raft, so he could lift them up onto it. "Oh gosh", Lago exclaimed to himself, "How did this end up happening to me?" He asked himself. He began to shift uncomfortably because there were other people on the raft. Lago thought to himself, *This was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. I was free from my parents, and my little sister Jade. How did I end up like this then?* Lago began, frustrated at the current predicament.

As he began to sulk to himself, he felt a slight tug on his side of the raft. He saw that a girl was trying to get onto the raft. He made room for her to sit next to him. As his eyes began to focus, he saw that she had long black hair and very nice eyes. "Hey, are you okay?", he asked this girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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Roxi was sleeping in her bed.
A voice shouted.
"Wake up! How long did you stay up?!"
It was her Mother.
Roxi groaned.
"I'll be there in a minute,"

She got up, and opened her eyes to see her Mom already walking out of the room. Suddenly, the ship started to rock.
"Mph, probably my imagination."
She adjusted her headphones, and started to open the door. There was a loud BANG!
Roxi slammed into the handle of the door.
She yelled.
"That is not imaginary,''
She whispered, already seeing the water start to leak into the room.

Roxi was jaw dropped. She was soon standing on what was supposed to the wall. The water had gotten knee-level.
She screeched. Suddenly, part of the roof fell, as did one of her younger brother, Pete.

Roxi immediately picked him up, and screamed.
She screeched. Now it was at her chin. She was holding her little brother up to keep him from drowning.
He whimpered.
She had pleaded. She was holding him up high enough to where he could get on top of the next floor, which he did. She swam up, and joined him. Right when she was about to stand, another rock greeted them. Pete slid back in.
She shrieked. Before she had time to dive in, someone grabbed her on the arm, and pulled forwards, soon bringing her towards a crowd full of screaming people.

Roxi knew he was done for by the time the hand let go. She barged into the crowd, and pushed herself to the front. A panicked woman pushed her off the ship.

Roxi was engulfed by the water. Quickly, she resurfaced, with a small pain. She quickly felt her head for her headphones,
"Thank God.."
She spotted a life raft not to far. She swam to it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Keith M. Warbe Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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#, as written by Symmes
He felt lost, nothing but water had surrounded his body for the last minute as he tried to find the surface. Where was his wife? Keith panicked and managed to surface, breathing heavily and rapidly. He looked around hoping to find her, any sign she was alive, but none was to be seen. The huge looming ship seemed to be moving away, or was he moving? The thoughts! His mind hurt as he looked for anyone, anyone at all, but it was no use, he could see no one.

His body ached from the swimming, Keith felt like letting himself go under, giving up, but he knew he couldn't. Suddenly, a small glint of yellow appears in the distance out the corner of his eye. He swims towards it but the pain is too much. He stops and waves his arms desperately over his head, using the most of his energy to keep himself afloat.

Please help me.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Keith M. Warbe Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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Rosemarie nodded.
"Considering the circumstances, I'm wonderful," Rosemarie replied, shivering from the cold water. She noticed another girl swimming towards the raft. She leaned over the side and grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her up. She was soaked, just like herself. She figured that she had been pushed off. Rosemarie suddenly noticed a person waving his arms frantically. Rosemarie thought for a second. She sighed and handed her bag to the person beside her.
"Hold this," She dove into the water. She wondered why the person wasn't screaming. She paddled towards him. Once she reached him, he was almost out of energy. She grabbed him and slowly pulled him towards the raft, making sure he wasn't swallowing the water. She helped him get up on the raft and then climbed up on the raft herself. She pointed to a girl already on he raft, passed out.
"Is she alright?" Rosemarie asked, taking her bag back. She opened it and looked at what she had gathered. She pulled her sweatshirt of it.
"Does any one want this?"

The setting changes from Cruise Liner #658 "Dream Scape" to Life Raft


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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Roxi looked in the distance. She saw a man waving his arms in the air. Before she could act, another girl had gone out and retrieved him. She then pointed to a girl who was passed out, and asked if she was okay. The girl then pulled a sweatshirt out of her backpack.
"Does any one want this?"
The girl had asked. Roxi was about to ask for it, but she figured she would let someone else get it...if no one else wanted it, she figured she would take it.

"And she said it would be fun,"

Roxi said under her breath, shivering from the oceans bitter water. She pulled herself into a ball, and her teeth started to chatter. Her eyes wandered over to the man who had just been pulled to the piece of rubber.
"You o-okay?"
She asked him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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#, as written by Symmes
Keith is completely drenched, he stumbles a bit on the raft as his saviour climbs aboard and pulls out a sweatshirt. He here's part of the question before the man takes it and gives it to him. He shakes his head frantically at the man as he pulls the sweatshirt off him, almost throwing it away. He glances around the rubber hope, and points to unconscious girl, holding the sweatshirt in the other hand.

To her. Give it to her.

He points harder at the girl, hoping someone would understand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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The man pointed at the unconscious girl.
"Give it to her?"
She asked in a questioning tone.
Why didn't he just speak? Could he speak?
Roxi thought.
"Can you talk?"
She tilted her head, her teeth still chattering quite a bit. Roxanna held on to her headphones, as the raft rocked a little because of the waves.

The setting changes from Life Raft to Cruise Liner #658 "Dream Scape"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Keith M. Warbe Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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Grant sat in the medical office, passing the time with his coworkers, James and Rob. Being an EMT on the ship was a lot different than being one in the city; for the entire trip so far, there hadn't been any emergencies, so most of the time the trio of on-site paramedics were just passing time.

"Yeah, but I think next season the Lakers could really pull through and--" Rob was cut off when the boat shook violently. The three of them stood up, anticipating another shake. "Medical personnel on deck, medical personnel on deck~" said a staticky voice over the radio. They each grabbed a stretcher in case people were hurt, then headed out.

"Did we hit something?" Asked James.
"No friggin' clue." Grant responded. Out on deck, they were greeted with another sudden shake as the boat began to turn. Each of them grabbed for something to hold on to so they didn't fall, but Grant was unable to get a hold of something before he started to fall.

He wasn't sure how far he fell, mostly because he was headed down back first. The water greeted him suddenly and he sank down deep, barely managing to surface he had to let his breath loose. He took another deep breath as he was hit by a wave. He saw a life raft in the distance and started swimming towards it.

Eventually he made his way to the raft, and grabbed on to the edge.
"Gryah!" He grunted as his tired arms pulled him up. He surveyed the people already on and saw a girl that looked to be unconscious, and knew he had to do his job.

He rushed over to the girl and took off the windbreaker that was a part of his uniform, shaking as much water off of it as he could before laying it on the girl. He didn't notice that a sweatshirt was already being offered. He pulled her forward, and rested her feet on the edge of the boat with her head on the bottom.

He checked how fast she was breathing and quickly took her pulse. As he was doing so, he turned around to the people on the boat. "How long has she been out?" When he spoke, hints of an east coast accent could be heard.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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0.00 INK


Perla had her hair done up in beautiful curls and had the most gorgeous black, strapless, silk dress on with a slit that went up to her lower thigh. She was wearing black stilettos and had just come back from a very expensive manicure. She inhaled and calmly exhaled as she admired her attire in the mirror, before taking her glasses off and applying makeup.

Perla smiled as she walked out of her room. She decided not to put on her contacts today, since she hated them so much. That was a big mistake. The weather was pretty crappy outside, and it seemed like a pretty bad storm. Perla began walking when suddenly the boat swerved and swung around very harshly and quickly. Perla lost her balance and fell into the railing. Being the paranoid person she was, she immediately assumed something was going on, but kept a calm face. She took her stilettos off and decided to walk barefoot the the dining room then put them back on when she got there. But yet another swerve took her off her feet and she flew forwards, 'causing her stilettos to go flying off the edge of the deck. Perla jumped up as quickly as she could and heard a loud bang and screaming. Her eyes went wide and she looked over the edge, eying one of her worse fears.

Perla ran down the deck as fast as she could, swerving past the screaming men and women. Perla looked at the railing and seen and hand holding on... a rather small hand. She pushed her way past the large man that just stumbled by and looked over the railing, seeing a little boy holding on for his dear life, tears rolling down his delicate little face. Perla reached down and held her hand out to him.
Reach up and grab my hand!
She shouted. Her eyes focused on what was behind him and she gulped, trying to hold back her fear of the water. The little boy reached his other hand up to Perla and she reached her arm out as far as she could stretch it. The boat swerved once again and her body swung forward, but she quickly caught herself. The little boy let go but she quickly caught his arm. Perla used all the force she had in her arm and pulled him up. She held the shaking boy in her arms and ran down the deck, trying to find his parents.

The boat finally let another ginormous wave take control, and Perla tripped with the boy in her arms, as she knocked up against the railing. Perla looked to her side, and only seen the blue, storming sea. Perla got up but the little boy was soon taken from her grasp and swept away into the crowd. He screamed and cried for her, and she could hear him loud and clear. Perla made an attempt at making her way through the crowd to find him, but some big arms accidentally shoved her off the railing. Perla grabbed on at the last second and was now hanging on for her dear life. A very handsome man reached his arms out to grab onto Perla, but her hands finally slipped and she screamed as she fell into the deep blue sea.

Perla was terrified. She was now surrounded in the thing she feared the most. Her hair came undone and her healthy long hair was surrounding her face. Perla thankfully spotted a rock and wildly kicked her arms and legs towards it, but soon realized that she injured her ankle terribly. Perla's lips escaped a loud 'ouch', when she soon realized she was underwater. Perla was running out of breath, and fast. She swam towards the rock with her arms as fast as she possibly could and began climbing it. She ran out of breath and exhaled as soon as she got to the surface of the blue sea. Perla was breathing heavily and coughing. She was getting light headed, and began panicking. Tears escaped her eyes and she screamed for help, not bothering to open her eyes, afraid of the watery hell she'd have to see. Perla could slowly feel her consciousness slipping away as everything became suddenly a lot less loud...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Keith M. Warbe Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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Grant looked up from the unconscious girl as he heard what he swore were cries for help. He scanned the area, even if he couldn't see very far due to the bad weather. He was able to pinpoint where it was coming from just as he saw the source become limp and fall into the water from where she was holding on.

He acted on his first thought and leaped into the water, swimming as fast as he could towards her. He dove underwater looking for her, quickly finding her and taking a hold of her. The pair surfaced, Grant holding her up with one arm around her body. He used his free arm to paddle back towards the raft.

"Hey! Up!" He yelled, asking for assistance on getting her in. He didn't see who helped her into the raft before he climbed in himself.

He layed the girl from the water on her back, turning her head to the side and letting some water spill out before facing it back up and pushing it back and pinching her noise. He gave four strong breaths into her mouth, then stopped to take her pulse, checking for signs of life, which there were.

Grant tilted her head back again, breathing into her four more times, as was procedure, internally praying she would wake.

The setting changes from Cruise Liner #658 "Dream Scape" to Life Raft


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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#, as written by Symmes
Keith looks at the headphone wearing girl and nods, ignoring the second question, he felt it didn't matter at the moment, quickly giving her the jacket and moving aside to let the new arrival in. He sits in the furthest point from everyone and watches the scene unfold. He would help if requested, but for now it seemed it was best to sit away. The new arrival, a man, he remembered seeing when Willow began to get seasick.

A medic. Thank god!

He sat in the space, ready to help if needed, looking from face to face, each tinged with panic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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0.00 INK


Roxi looked up. About two more people had joined them, a girl, and a man, who seemed to be a medic. She looked over at the person who hadn't spoken yet, he gave her a nod about the sweatshirt, but didn't answer her second question. Roxi figured that it was a yes...
She shivered a bit more. She never really recalled being this cold in her life...Where were they again?

Roxi curled up tighter.

"W-Where are we again?"

She stuttered. Roxi starred at the piece of rubber, and tried to look at her situation in brighter eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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"I believe we're in a life raft," Rosemarie muttered.
"I never even knew our location, to be honest. I just knew that we we're going to reach somewhere in 5 days, but I forget where," Rosemarie racked her brain. She sighed and curled up in a ball.
"Looks like we're going to be here awhile," Rosemarie commented. The other life rafts floated in all directions, so they would be all on their own. Rosemarie sighed and laid down, still curled up, trying to save space. She saw the girl that the medic was trying to wake up slowly open her eyes. The blonde haired girl was still asleep. Rosemarie hugged her bag and buried her head in it. She didn't want to be here.

The setting changes from Life Raft to Cruise Liner #658 "Dream Scape"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Perla Maddalena
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#, as written by KyGurly
-Alexa Swanson-

Sounds slowly came back to her is a muffled wave. Screams, loud bangs, rushing water, people pleading her to wake up and be okay. Wait, she wasn't dead? She could still make it if she could just open her eyes. She felt something soft being laid on top of her. What was it? She had to know what was wrong. She had to...

Her eyes slowly opened. "Wha..." She mumbled. She wanted to know what was going on, where she was, is she was okay, if her baby... "Is he...Is she..." She still didn't even know the gender. A miscarriage this early would barely be detected. She looked up into the face of a man. Was he here to help?

(Thanks for waiting on me :))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Aristela Nickels Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Keith M. Warbe
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Rosemarie breathed a sigh of relief.
"You okay?" She asked. She noticed the other girl, (Pearla) was slowly waking up. "It looks like everyone's awake and alive," Rosemarie said, letting out a long sigh.

She took off her own jacket and placed it beneath her to make her pants less wet from the bottom of the raft. She watched more people fall off the deck.
"THank god we're alive," She muttered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Aristela Nickels Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Keith M. Warbe
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As the girl he was resuscitating began waking up, Grant snatched up the sweatshirt that was being offered up earlier and laid it over her, trying to warm her up. His head turned as the (formerly) unconscious girl began waking up, and he moved over to that side of the raft.

"Hi, I'm just going to need to ask you some questions." The questions were just preliminary, to make sure she didn't have any severe head trauma.

"What is your name? How old are you? Who was the first president of the United States?" He paused after each question to let her answer, then poured a couple breath mints in his hand.

"Take these, I'm worried you might have low blood sugar." Grant said, extending his hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Aristela Nickels Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Symmes
Keith watches as the two girls open their eyes, he smiles widely.

We're alive.

He was so happy, but the thought of his wife was lingering in his mind, where was she? Did she make it to a raft? Was she alive? He couldn't think about that now, he needed to think about the now, this situation. Drifting on a raft, going where the current takes us. Keith looks from face to face again, their faces calmer than before. They had a chance now. This felt like it is the happiest day of his life.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Aristela Nickels Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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#, as written by KyGurly
-Alexa Swanson-

She heard the questions and answered them involuntarily.
Then he gave her pills. Told her to take them. He was obviously a medic, but she didn't trust the meds.
"I can't take them. I don't need them. I'm ok." She sat up and put her hands on her stomach. 'Please be okay baby. Mommy's got you.' She looked up to the medic. "I think Something hit me on the head during the whole crashing part. I remember sitting in my room, then a bang, I felt dizzy and walked into the hall towards the deck, then I don't remember anything else." She rubbed her stomach, trying to feel for the baby she just discovered a few days ago. It was only about a month old, but she knew it wouldn't be long until the little munchkin would be noticeable, if the baby had survived the wreck. A tear fell at the thought.

The setting changes from Cruise Liner #658 "Dream Scape" to Life Raft


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemarie Williams Character Portrait: Aristela Nickels Character Portrait: Lago Moreo Character Portrait: Alexa Swanson Character Portrait: Roxi Vines Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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0.00 INK


Roxi looked at the others, they seemed more content than she would ever be in this situation. She wasn't a happy type. She had so many worries piling up in her mind.

What about Food? Shelter? Water(purified)? What if a storm hit?

Her mind could go on. Roxi was about to share her thoughts, but she figured she would when everyone else was a tad more...calm. She curled up tighter.

I'm so cold I might as well have Hypothermia!

Roxi thought, but she knew it was very unlikely.