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Lion King: Legacy

Lion King: Legacy


The great king Simba has passed on and now a new generation must bring peace to the Pride Lands.

2,835 readers have visited Lion King: Legacy since wolfKaliegh created it.

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A fierce roar echoes across the plains, announcing the birth of a new heir.
The cub is the great granchild of the great king, Simba, and will one day stand on Pride Rock as ruler over the Pride Lands. The Pride Lands seems to be pieceful since the battle between the Outsiders and the Pridelanders, but underneath the bliss mischief is brewing. Another Pride decended from the traitor, Scar's, followers had formed on the outskirts of the Pridelanders and planned to challenge the king of Pride Rock for control of the Pridelands. Will the new generation be dragged into a war of nashing teeth and claws? Or can a peaceful solution be found?

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         Appearance: (try to use somethng with the same style as the movie/book)
         Pride: (Pridelanders?or Outsiders)
         History:(be creative!)

Characters Needed
Leader of Outsiders (Follower of Zira and Scar)
Leader of Pridelanders (Son of Kiara) Taken-Sora
Heir to outsiders-Taken-Ty (please try to finish profile :] )
Heir to pridelanders: Taken-Riani
Lionesses/ younger males for both prides.(About five each)

All other characters (non lion) will be NPC

in order to ensure that this doesn't just copy TLK2 these outsiders are mostly from a foreign pride that sympathized with a rogue with a jealous grudge against the Pridelanders pride. Some of the lionesses of this pride don't even realize why they have grown to hate the Pridelanders so much, but their leader has lead them to despise them and their royals.

(Do with this info what you will)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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The sun was setting but Riani planned to utilize every moment she could in preparing for her first hunt the next day. She raced around Pride Rock pretending she was chasing a large antelope buck. She practiced creeping through the grass while trying to be perfectly silent. She planned out how she would capture her prey in her head. As the other lionesses began to make their way inside she still kept on. The moon shone high above her before she even started to realize how tired she felt.


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[ Sora ]

Sora Looked down from pride rock as the lionesses made there way inside. Sorta keeping a role call. but then he noticed that his daughter Rinai
was not among the hunting party that went out earlier that day. he gave one last look see over the lionesses. then did a face palm.

" ugh Riani...'' he said to himself the he began to descend form the large mountain like structure. he sighed. " I give her an inch and she goes a mile with it. well not that I can be To hard on her.'' as he began to go out and search for her.


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Riani climbed up onto a small outcropping of rock that had formed over a small pond and sat down and looked into the water. The moon reflected on its smooth surface and she could see her own reflection in the pool as well. She pondered herself for a moment trying to see what so many of the older lions saw in her, the reflection of her great grandmother, Zira. The same markings, they said. A thin strip of darker fur that marked the top of her head. The greyish gold color of her fur.The same eyes, they said. Riani only saw her eyes. Riani sighed, she had only heard stories of her ancestor, and her devotion to the false king, Scar. Riani didn't understand why the other lionesses worried about it so much, but their doubt was the reason she had to do well on her first hunt. She had to prove herself, she stared back into the smooth pool and flattened herself out on the rocks so she could still see her own reflection. Who was Zira and why does everyone think I might be like her?


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Sora found Riani starring at a pond and herd what she just said about herself. He only knew Zira when she was a frail old Lioness.
and no longer a treat to the pride. He felt censer condolence for his daughter. He had always tried to defend her form the ridicule of all the
elders and always Hoped for her bright future and to one day find her companion and continue the rule in the pride.

he shook his head to shake off the feelings of remorse for her and put on his usual warm fatherly smile as he approached her.
" Riani.....Riani Its getting late the you should come home.'' he sat himself down next to her looking at her.

Sora was not a very Old king Riani was born shortly after he first became king. but even though she was a
fully matured lioness. sora still seemed to tower over her. he looked at his daughter as she stared at the pond.

'' do you wanna talk about it....huh'' Sora consoled


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Zahra's mother was busy trying to get the young cub to calm down and ready herself for, bed. "Zahra it's time to sleep calm down now and lay down", said the young lioness, Zahra was her first cub. "Aww.. momma I'm thirsty can I go to the pond and get a drink please", said Zahra. Her mother sighed, she didn't think it was a good idea for her to go this late at night, but it was just to the water hole and back so it wasn't to bad was it. "All right go but get your drink and come right back, do doddle it's dark", she said, and Zahra went on her way.

When Zahra came up through the grass she noticed King Sora and his daughter sitting there talking, she tired not to interrupt and get her drink. But just before she was about to do that she heard something, "Psss.. Zahra it's me Phil", said a voice. Zahra turned and searched, what she found was her friend Phil who was a hyena pup. His mother had abandoned him at a very young age so he had been hanging out very discreetly in the pridelands just trying to survive. Zahra had bumped into him once and they became friends, but they had to keep it secret cause he was a hyena. "Phil, here I brought you a piece of meat that I got from dinner today", said Zahra as she dropped the piece of antelope in front of the young pup and he gladly ate it up. "Gee thanks Zahra", he said and let out little hyena laugh, "Shhh!!, the king is right over there we cant let him find you or you might get hurt", said Zahra. Phil clamped his paws over his mouth, "Oops sorry", he whispered, "I got to go Phil my momma's waiting on me I'll see you tomorrow okay", she said with a big smile on her face. Phil grinned to and waived goodbye as she made her way back. "What took so long I was beginning to get worried", said Zahra's mother. "Well I'm back now goodnight momma", said Zahra as she laid down. "What is she up to?", thought her mother as she laid down as well.


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Jack watched from the shadows of a rock as the small hunting party of the Outlands went into the cave to rest. She looked into the sky and then hopped onto the rock as the last lioness walked into the cave. She shook her head to get a few pieces of her long fur out of her face. She smirked as she started to hear the soft snoring of lions and lionesses, knowing she was now free to do what she liked. She did this every night so she could adventure into the Pridelands and see all she could.

She then hopped off of the rock silently and padded through the grass as silent as a mouse. She then started at a run, her black fur blending into the night. If someone saw her, they might think she was a young lost zebra because of the white fur on her tail, under her eyes, on her paws, and on her chest. She always loved her fur, happy that it allowed her sneak away from her mother and everyone else. She hopped across a river, the tip of her tail hitting the water gently. She paused and lifted her ears, making sure there was no one who heard the small ripple. She could never be too cautious.

She stopped at a tree, looking ahead and backing up a bit. There were two Pridelanders. From what she could tell, there was an older lion and a probably teenagage lioness. She narrowed her eyes and laid down in the tall grass, figuring that they wouldn't notice the white around her eyes. She knew she wouldn't be able to get away if they noticed her since she was just barely into her teenage years. She was already in the hunting party, but that wouldn't contend with those two. She then started stalking in a wide circle around them, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Pride Rock. It was always her inspiration for coming here and all of her adventures in the Pridelands. She kept her eyes on the lions, hoping to catch it if they noticed her.


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Ty walked into his den carrying the remains of an antelope. " dinner tme he caled as hebegan ripping nto the jucy flesh thatwas the antelope bld squirting everywhere. Ty smiled then frownd as his mother scolded him for eating sloppily. Aftr he finished eating he walked utside and laid in the hot sun and went over his plans to take ocer pride rock


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Riani looked up, "Father...I..." She sat up and yawned without meaning to. "I guess I should go to bed, big day tomorrow..." She said qiuetly her head still filled with turmoil. She started to stand and head home. "Father, I know everyone doubts I'll make a good queen one day, but I promise I'll make you proud. I'll prove I'm nothing like-" She stopped before finishing her sentence. Zira she thought, All I know about her is that she died fighting the Great King, Simba, and she tried to kill the king and his heirs in revenge for her mate, Scar. But, I'm nothing like I She smiled half-heartedly at her father before taking another step towards Pride Rock, but again she stopped in her tracks. She lifted her nose to the air and sniffed, "Do you smell that?"


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"oooh yes I smell it. That's why if they even think about coming another inch toward this Pond. I may have to take action. So whoever out lander out there.
Should Ether Leave. or show themselves right now. That Is If they have the Honor to approach Me.''

Sora was known for his sort fuse when it came to a fight. He may be a loving,and Kind parent. But when It came to protecting the pride lands.
he strength and courage could only be compared to the great King Mufasa. Sora Stood as still as a statue and waited for the outsiders chance to ether run or come out and give him the chance to dismiss them quietly without any confrontation. which was the out come he most hoped for. he had picked up on the sent of the outsider. she got close to the pond. but aloud her the benefit of the dought.

" make it easier on your self. Come out and maybe we can talk about this.''


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Jack paused in her steps as she was called out to by the older lion. She gulped and turned, looking more carefully through the dark. She took a few steps towards the pond, but stopped at the edge of the tall grass. She clawed herself mentally for forgetting about covering up her scent. She poked her head through the tall grass for a second, but quickly backed back into the grass. She looked around and, luckily, spotted a tree near the pond. She trotted over to it and climbed up it, going to an empty branch so that she could be seen. She didn't want to risk getting chase for hiding. She crouched on the branch and looked at the two lions.

She gulped again and stared at the two, not knowing what to do in that situation. Should she talk, wait, or run? They all had their ups and downs, but she decided to pick the third. She jumped down from the branch, landing in the mud, and quickly ran off towards the spot she usually hung out at near Pride Rock until she had to leave. She would still do what she usually did if she could, which was hang out and watch Pride Rock and the stars until the Prideland hunters woke up. She hoped the mud would cover her scent and white marking so she would be totally camouflaged into the night. She ran as fast as she could, though she knew it would not match either of the two lions' speeds.


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Ty saw his friend jack in trouble from a distance and snuck ovr "hey jack need a hand" ty said with a smirk " or should we confront tthis tyrant" ty asked


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Jack looked to her side and smiled when she saw Ty. "Well, if you're by my side, I'd be glad to stop and battle this guy. You and I are an unbeatable team." She smirked. "So, which shall it be? Run to my favorite place or turn now and fight?" She kept running as she spoke, hoping to gain some distance. It would work for her either way. She could go to her place or circle around and attack. The plan was almost flawless. Beside, Ty was a guy and Jack was almost always mistaken for a guy. That would at least make them seem tougher.


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Alrighty then lets go on the attack i owe this guy a scar at least for my dad" tyler said turning to facethe king of the pridelands his sworn enemy.


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Jack smirked and pushed her foot into the ground, swiveling around and going into a crouch. She gave a low growl and let her claws seep from her white paws. She dug her claws into the ground a bit. "You mean your old man? Ha! I don't even have an old man. That's the bad thing about parents. You always wanna get revenge for them. It's all a big hassle. Anyway, what's our strategy? One at the back and one at the front or a brute force attack from the front?"


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Surround him and use speed not strenght" ty said


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Riani looked at her father uncertainly as she smelled not one but two unfamiliar lions near the pond. She bared her teeth in an attempt to scare the outsiders and growled nerviously,"Come out! Show yourselves..."


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Jack nodded. "Speed it is." She smirked and looked at Ty from the corner of her eye. "That's my specialty. Now, we'll wait for him to make the first attack. Give him a false sense of victory." She whispered so only he could hear. "Then go for the thighs. That's any prey's weakness." She smiled and nodded. "Plan hatched."


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Ty leaped up and pounced on tue lioness claws and teeth bared


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Jack sighed and shook her head. "Idiot. Never listening to what I have to say. I seriously don't see how he's the heir to the Outlands." She then crouched and growled. "Well, since the plan is blown anyway." She pounced at the lioness and landed right in front of her, speaking in her practiced guy voice. "Revealing enough, girly?" She then pounced again and landed behind her, turning and slashing out at the lioness's back legs.


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Riani spun around trying to defend herself from both lions at the same time. She wasn't a very experienced fighter, so she mostly just swiped awkwardly at them. She bucked the male on her back off and started to back away down the side of the outcropping never turning her back. She showed her teeth and flexed her claws, but she knew her eyes were full of uncertainty as she hissed at the lions, "Who are you? What do you want?"


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Your grandmother killed my father so going to kill you and your father he saidbaring his teeth


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Sora remained calm and collected. he Looked at Riani as she growled. " Riani....!'' he Looked about him Thinking to himself. They where Young Ones.
and Engagement would certainly give the out lander's a excuse to go to war with the pride lands.

" Calm yourself Rinai.....focus.'' he then turned attention to the two young lions ready to attack. " Hear me now. We can discuss this. Is attacking me now. really worth tossing you entire clan into senseless bloodshed. If you do attack It will only be in defense.


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Your mother killed my father" tyler snaped again


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Jack shrugged. "Kill them for all I care. More food for the survivors. It's survival of the fittest out there." She then smirked and sat on her haunches. "Plus, maybe then we could take over Pride Rock. I could get my dream view. Now, here's the thing old man, Ty here is right. Revenge has to come at some point, right? Why not take it now?" She laughed. "So, there's our reasons." She then went into a crouch. "Good enough for you, old man? Please tell me your down flapping your lips.""


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Sora shook his head. ''Then It was her Fault not mine. long ago A wise baboon told my grandfather to leave the past behind. I am willing to help the out landers If You would leave your petty squabbles behind. You may take that message back to your leaders Young ones. As for me and My daughter, It is very late and we must be off. Rinai come.''

he was Tired of dealing with these two if they where not even willing to show there face to him and represent their own clan with dignity. He turned his back and began to walk home. If they attacked. He would defend himself. He would not stupe so Low as at attack and kill one of his own species. That was not the way he ran things

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"Fight first, Talk later."

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Character Portrait: Riani
Character Portrait: Zahra
Character Portrait: Sora
Character Portrait: TyName:


Character Portrait: Sora

" the future, It lies with cubs that play with as if not a care in the world. They our Legasy.''

Character Portrait: Zahra

"Weee!! Fun"

Character Portrait: Riani

She's going to be the queen one day, she's ready, but are the Pride Lands?


Character Portrait: Zahra

"Weee!! Fun"

Character Portrait: Riani

She's going to be the queen one day, she's ready, but are the Pride Lands?

Character Portrait: Sora

" the future, It lies with cubs that play with as if not a care in the world. They our Legasy.''

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sora

" the future, It lies with cubs that play with as if not a care in the world. They our Legasy.''

Character Portrait: Zahra

"Weee!! Fun"

Character Portrait: Riani

She's going to be the queen one day, she's ready, but are the Pride Lands?

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Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

maybe i should make a outlander that way I have something to do when i'm not sora

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

Hey on another note I am about to be in a car for 24 hours on my way home from visiting family so I may not be able to get on due to lack of internet. I may be able to post a little from my iPhone though so don't completely stop all posting or anything just be aware I may be kinda slow in replying

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

Everyone please check the note I put on the intro for the outsiders. and as for Riani's mother I can play her until someone else takes her if you want or if someone else here wants to they can.

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

Gotta log off. Don't post too much! :)

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

uhhh can I ask that some one play Riani's mother so I have some sort of companion.

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

So... Did you get my character?

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

I just read Sora's profile. Nice Kingdom Hearts reference! I thought it was just a name you picked. :)

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

Yes to all the reserves and as to the question of starting off as cubs, it's really up to you.

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

Do we star out as cubs? That kindof awesome and cute.

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

I'll make an outsider that sneaks around! :D

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

Can i reserve heir to the outsiders

Re: [OOC] Lion King: Legacy

i would like to reserve son of Kirara his name will be. is It okay if i name him Sora.

[OOC] Lion King: Legacy

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