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Stevey Valamun

"P-please don't be so intimidating...."

0 · 294 views · located in Underworld

a character in “Living in the Shadows”, as played by Skwidge


Stevey Valamun


Height: 4ā€™ 9ā€™ā€™
He dislikes other people touching him unless itā€™s someone he trusts. This goes double for vampires other than his master.

He wears two coils of soft, dark brown leather around his neck. He almost never takes it off, and will usually shift his fingers over it when heā€™s nervous.

He does his best not to allow other vampires to touch him first, and will use the body of his master as a barricade when approached; unless, of course, the master has left and instructed him to stay.

Stevey usually wears a dark olive green long-sleeved shirt with leather lacing below his collarbone. He also owns an light brown hoodie which he dislikes being parted from.

He has dirty blonde hair with tinges of orange-red in it. He has mismatched eyes, one blue-grey and the other hazel green. He has slightly tanned skin and an agile build. Heā€™s quick on his feet and being small allows him to flee easier when threatened.

He likes to sit on tables, and he has a rather pleasant scent to him.

Mate: None
Ownership Category

Master: Emmaline Cho


Personality: Stevey is somewhat withdrawn, isnā€™t very socialized, rarely smiles, and is mindful of his surroundings. Heā€™s a thoughtful person, and is very intelligent. However, he rarely speaks in the presence of strangers and can be rather unwilling to go near them or interact with them.

Stevey prefers to stay by his masterā€™s side and will usually hide behind their sleeves or sides when uneasy or shy. Heā€™s a diligent worker, and he can also be rather cute without realizing it. Heā€™s much more open around his master or people heā€™s determined have good intentions.

He can be quite naĆÆve but is always apprehensive of every situation until his master has reassured him otherwise. Heā€™s a docile individual, but he has always held a certain dislike for vampires despite having been raised since the beginning among them- an instinct, if you will.

Stevey knows the difference between human and vampire and also what he is and where he stands. However, he is indifferent towards this and is fine with where he is. He doesnā€™t really have anywhere else to go anyway, and he knows heā€™s loads safer from other vampires when owned by a master.

Stevey is keen and good-hearted, and he can easily entertain himself.

History: Stevey was taken as an infant from his dying motherā€™s arms and raised in the vampire society. His mother was never married and had grown up in the rough parts of her town. She had always been addicted to drugs and alcohol, and made money any way she could, and thatā€™s how Stevey came into being.

Vampires had been tracking her ever since they found out about the pregnancy, seeing it as a perfect opportunity to steal the child away and mould it into a pet. His mother did manage to give birth to a healthy child, which was pretty much the only good thing she managed to do.

She died soon after giving birth right after her child was taken from her.

However, Stevey never knew her, so therefore he has zero feelings about her. Growing up in the vampire society, he was allowed tutoring on both humans and a little bit about vampires- what he should expect- and was a quick learner. He has always had good manners, is quick to obey, and just simply lives.

He has made it clear with himself that he never wants to become a vampire, and the only area he has ever received a bite is on his left hand between his index and middle finger more towards the latterā€™s knuckle. Otherwise, the only other time his blood has been cleansed would be whenever he fell and scraped himself up.



So begins...

Stevey Valamun's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stevey Valamun Character Portrait: Emmaline Cho
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Emmaline Cho

For some reason, Emmaline never felt right dragging Stevey off to this party or that. Perhaps it was because of his age, and it just didn't feel...right. But at the same time, despite how young Stevey was, she'd felt as if he'd lived far past what any human his age had. It was almost funny, in a crude ironic way. Most twelve year olds were worried about normal things...

She wasn't even sure what that was anymore, really. Living in the night, she didn't actually have to know either for that matter.

She was dressed in a form fitting, long sleeved, black shirt that was looser around her arms than anything else. It dropped down a bit around her neck, showing off a tad of cleavage but not quite enough to be considered...inappropriate.

In contrast, her pants were white. Her favorite thing about living in the current decade was the clothes. She enjoyed them quite a lot...they all fit her rather nicely.

As usual, Stevey was at her side, but there was always something...different about their relationship. Unlike the other humans around, he didn't follow her like a lost puppy dog. Instead, she held onto him. Keeping him close. Her eyes were always on him.

As of now, they were seated in one of the more secluded areas of the club, on a plush red couch. She was on the edge of it though, rotating a glass of alcohol between her palms. She wasn't quite in the mood tonight, and she knew it but...

But she was hungry.

Starved, actually.

And there was no better place to find a meal.

She'd been lost in her thoughts for quite awhile, so she looked to her right...just to make sure he was still safe. Through her curtain of curls, she offered Stevey a soft smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Genesis Character Portrait: Zane Theodor Kostantine Character Portrait: Chech Yeuk Character Portrait: Stevey Valamun Character Portrait: Emmaline Cho
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#, as written by Skwidge
Stevey Valamun

The young boy walked close by his mistressā€™s side, his eyes somewhat wide by being introduced to so many unknowns in one sitting. But if the mistress should like going to clubs, he could definitely do his best to enjoy it too- or at least not make a scene.

It came as a relief when she decided to head back to an area less populated by bodies, and he reflected on how kind she was compared to so many others he had seen. As she reclined into the couch, he settled down next to her, sitting cross legged- almost close enough to touch her, but still a few inches respectively away.

Stevey gaze at Mistress Emma, and a soft smile tweaked the corners of his lips up a small bit. ā€œIf youā€™d like to go do something, feel free to do so. I think Iā€™ll be fine right here.ā€ He nodded slightly to himself, almost as if he were reassuring his own mind than hers. Yes, heā€™d be fine. He knew what to do if threatened as well.

She seemed to turn her head to look at him, once more making sure his person was unharmed and still nearby. He truly felt safe near this vampire, despite his usual unease towards many. She then smiled at him, to which he once more returned the content gesture.

ā€œI really do think Iā€™ll be fine. Donā€™t worry too much about me, I want you to have fun and do what you need to do.ā€ He tentatively poked her very gently on the arm before withdrawing his hand to sit clasped in his lap, a reassuring look to his eyes. He didn't want his mistress to forever be worried about him and keep her from doing what she wanted to do.

Chech Yeuk

Gleaming eyes peered through the darkness of the night, a slender form twitching against the ground. Chich blinked a few times, a cattish grin on her feline face. She trotted over to the door of the nightclub, and slipped in when another body opened it.

Tall ear flicking, the long-haired dark smoky grey feline sat back near the door, tail once more twitching against the ground as she gazed around the floors. The lights were bright and the music loud. There was a ridiculous amount of scents- both human and vampire.

Of course.

An internal smirk pressed just behind her lips as her gaze fixed on a serving boy holding a platter of food. Chicha rose from her seated position and immediately stalked her way towards him. Threading between his legs when he didnā€™t expect it, he obviously tripped over her, sending the platter flying quite a few feet ahead while he smacked against the floor.

A snicker pressed past Chechā€™s lips, and she darted to the fallen dishes. She picked out a rather slimy anchovy and carried it within her mouth cheerfully. Her eyes soon found two familiar faces, and her paws began to work upon the surface of the floors as she trotted over to them, rather unseen.

She paused at the legs of the stool Genesis was sitting on, and in one smooth motion leapt up to his lap. She immediately opened her mouth, releasing the slimy fish onto his pretty pants. She smiled ever so innocently up at him. ā€œI brought you a present, Gen-kun!ā€ Her voice was peppy and upbeat, marred only by her form. After she spoke, she immediately hopped into Zaneā€™s lap, a small purr rumbling through her form to travel to his legs for a moment before it was cut off. She lounged across his legs, opening her mouth in a large yawn.

Rather large fangs presented themselves with the open mouth. They could be compared to a saber tooth, though they somehow managed not to show outside of her mouth unless she specifically wanted them to. On such a cat as she was, it would be rather unsettling to most humans.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Genesis Character Portrait: Zane Theodor Kostantine Character Portrait: Chech Yeuk Character Portrait: Stevey Valamun Character Portrait: Rosetta Nicole Savage Character Portrait: Emmaline Cho
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#, as written by Skwidge
Chech Yeuk

The felineā€™s ears flicked boredly towards Genesisā€™ glare, another yawn blatantly being made to show she had no care towards any threatening stance made by him. However, what she didnā€™t fully expect was for him to hit her. Her form suddenly tensed, and her eyes obtained a harsh ebb to them, almost glowing from rage.

Chechā€™s head tilted fractionally, her right eye shifting back to stare at his form with a death glare. She was about to get up and go all smack down with him when she felt Zaneā€™s hand lightly on her head where she had been hit, and her form relaxed once more. Her nostrils flared for a moment before she blinked again.

ā€œItā€™s quite rude to not accept a gift. I went out of my way to get you that, you know.ā€ She tucked a paw lazily under her chest, her tail flicking against Zaneā€™s knee, a pouty tone to her voice. But she shrugged, showing that she would not call him Gen anymore. She looked up with a slightly irritated blank expression as he moved close to Zane. But when he made a goodbye to her, she definitely knew sheā€™d need to do the same. He was fun after all.

ā€œBye Ginny!ā€ She called cheerfully, her eyes lighting up with laughter.

ā€œYou still like me, right Zane?ā€ Her pupils dilated till only a thin ring of her amber eye color showed. She pulled in her lower lip just a bit and stuck out her tongue fractionally, her ears tilting back a few centimeters- an adorable face, to be sure.

Stevey Valamun

His head shifted down a bit, a look of comical distaste showing on his face as his hair was ruffled up. However, he still grinned, showing that he truly didnā€™t mind her doing it. She of course knew this already, considering she did it so often. At least she didnā€™t kiss him this time.

A small huff of air escaped his lips, and he looked up at his mistress. ā€œI will.ā€ He said simply, looking around again. He was momentarily caught off guard when pressure to his right appeared, and he tilted slightly towards the stranger.

He looked to his right, and immediately categorized the female as a vampire. His form tensed with apprehension and expectant fear, until he realized he actually didnā€™t feel as uneasy or fearful as he thought he had. His left eyebrow shot up in wonder of the strange woman. Nonetheless, he still shifted closer to his mistress, subtly showing that he belonged to someone- someone who could easily protect him. It was just something he did every single time when he was approached by someone new.

He did not speak out, rather, he let his mistress decide if this person was friend or foe. However, he felt that she wasnā€™t a threat, and he couldnā€™t tell if that frightened him more than if she were. He still didnā€™t know a lot about vampires.

However, his attention was suddenly drawn away by a loud crashing noise towards the front of the club. It appeared that a serving man had tripped over. His eyes caught a small shifting on the floor from where the man had fallen. It looked likeā€¦ a cat?

He bit his lower lip softly before returning his focus back to the two next to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Genesis Character Portrait: Zane Theodor Kostantine Character Portrait: Chech Yeuk Character Portrait: Rosaline Darling Character Portrait: Stevey Valamun Character Portrait: Rosetta Nicole Savage
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Zane did have a small attention span, and he was well aware of that, but he was a fun as long as he was having fun, he wasn't bored. It all seemed to work fairly well when it came down to it. He smiled slightly when his cheek was patted. Genesis always showing affection...

It was funny really how much it didn't bother him at all, even when his hand was suddenly on his thigh, and he just chuckled at the offer he was given. The ironic thing was that he would probably end up at Genesis' anyway, especially after the fight that he was going to have with his father when he got home...

He sighed though at the actions that transpired. He knew Chech was going to piss him off with her actions, he just hadn't quite seen how badly. Granted, his friend was already hungry, had a dislike of fish, and had been called 'Gen'. This was all a very bad mixture of things to happen in one sitting.

He winced slightly at Genesis' anger. It was a rare thing, and he much rather preferred the calm version of his friend. He was actually almost depressed when he got kissed on the cheek, and pouted to prove that fact. He hated being left alone after having company...especially company as entertaining as Genesis' presence. He shivered ever so slightly though as Genesis' fingers dragged over his body. He had always been a sucker for those feather light touches. Which was ironic because he had a body that could endure almost anything and it was the insanely simple stuff that got to him...

He sighed softly as he ran his fingers through his hair and checked the time. He'd probably depart before too long as well. It was an early night for him, but that meant he could still get his ass torn into by his father for missing that meeting and make it back to Genesis' before the sun rose...

His attention was then again stolen by the cat on his lap, and he sighed dramatically. "I tolerate you, Chech." That wasn't particularly true. Of all the vampires in his rank she was the only one he actually liked. She had an interesting sense of humor he enjoyed...on most nights.

He smelt Rose before he ever saw her, taking a seat next to him as elegantly as ever. He really actually wasn't thirsty, but Zane was one to indulge, and it wasn't like he couldn't afford her. He felt a smile quirk up as the girl murmured in his ear, and slid his eyes over to her.

He was about to agree to a drink when suddenly she was telling him to wait, and for the second time in the last handful of minutes he was kissed on the cheek. He sighed and sat back, thinking that perhaps he should be making his exit, when Rose began to sing.

Well...she did have quite a sexy little voice so...he supposed staying to listen wouldn't hurt.

Emmaline Cho

Emmaline just smiled as she saw that look of distaste on Stevey's face. It wasn't the first time, and she knew it wouldn't be his last. But that grin on his face told her that he really didn't mind. He was just so cute sometimes...she was really having a hard time not covering his cheeks in kisses.

Her attention had been turned towards the human girl singing then, and while Emmaline herself didn't prefer female donors, she was too hungry to be particularly picky that night. But she still smiled slightly when Stevey spoke again. Yeah, he knew how that worked. She could hear him miles away...he wouldn't even have to call her loudly if he needed her.

She immediately noticed when he tensed though, and looked over again to see the reason why. A woman had joined their area, vampire...most likely a changling because she didn't seem to hold herself as the pure-bloods did.

Emmaline didn't know the girl, but she seemed pretty young, and soft around the edges. Though looks could be wildly deceiving, she didn't particularly feel threatened herself. Still, when Stevey shifted closer to her she absentmindedly rested her hand on his knee. It was almost ironic how simple the two little movements were, and yet they spoke volumes.

She nodded slightly towards Stevey, signaling that she herself didn't feel as if the new presence was threatening, but still she felt even less inclined to leave his side now than she did earlier. She didn't like vampires around all. Vampires with pets understood that feeling...even those that weren't kind.

Her attention was grabbed the same as his was towards the crashing, but then she settled back in her seat and turned her eyes towards the singer.