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Alex A.

"Love has the power to make or break a human but what if you control it?"

0 · 514 views · located in Slice O' Heaven

a character in “Love Cafe”, as played by ceh12


Name- Alex Agape

Age Appearance- 21

Role- Cupid

Second Animal- Dove



~Power to sense Love

~He has an amazing match maker quality making the strangest of couples a reality

Personality- Alex will hardly ever get angry. He is one of the calmest people ever and will hardley ever be rude to someone unless he is joking or legitimately angry. He only truley gets made on the subject of 'Fake Love' where love is thought to be real but it is only there for lust or money.

Bio- Alex is infact the angel of love, Cupid. He decided he wanted to take the humans into his own hands so he decided to take three angels with him and they went to Earth and conjured up the shop, hoping that he could get a few people able to love for real and spread the meaning of true love.

Alex was once the most beautiful being ever created at one point but as humans began to use fake love and true love being scarce his beauty faded and he turned into a punk type body style and has become meager looking at his worst day. He now dresses tidier but his hair and eyesight stays unchanged.

Cake~Black Forest Cake
Drink~Cariad Coffe his specially made coffee brew which inspires happiness inside people.


Other- His wings show the amount of love. Blacker=Less Love and if they turn pure black he will turn into a demon and side with Styx.

So begins...

Alex A.'s Story


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Character Portrait: Alex A.
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#, as written by ceh12
Alex woke up slowly his wings still out. He stretched then walked out of his small room in the back of the café. He went down the hall then knocked on his angel's door. "Wake up time to get too work." he said then went to the bathroom and commenced getting ready.

After about ten minutes he emerged from the back room and into the main room where he turned on the lights then a small switch which let music pour in through speakers in the walls. "Ah amazing." he said listening to James Blunt's 'Your Beautiful" an amazing song in his opinion and it was almost always the day's first song. He went to the door and flipped the closed sign to open then went back and started to sip on a cup of Cariad he had been brewing all night. It was hard to make since it was made of mostly heavenly plants and since they were on Earth they took longer to make into the blend he liked.

He started to wipe down the counter as he had always done hoping the people from yesterday came back again today. He went to a small oven and pulled out a small cake.Image It wasn't his favorite but it did taste very good in the morning. He sliced himself off a piece and began to eat slowly. Waiting for people to start inside the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Aria Christiansen Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne
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#, as written by ceh12
Alex was about halfway through his cake when he heard the door open up and a small bell go off. He smiled then stood up a bit straighter waited for her to sit."I'll have a slice of whatever was freshly made, it smells amazing" Alex nodded and cut a second piece then put it on a small plate with a fork. "One Cacen Brecwast freshly made." he nodded then sat it down infront of the girl. He looked over at the girl with the eye patch. It was sad really, humans focused on beauty and lust more than anything which was the cause of fake love. "A strawberry smoothie, please." Alex nodded and went into the back where he went to a small room which looked almost like a greenery. He walked over to a bed of small plants and located enough of the fruits to make a smoothie with. He picked them all quickly then took them back to the kitchen and put them in a large blender with some ice. He wasn't satisfied though. He quickly grabbed an apple and took one slice out of it then plopped it in happily. He smiled as the fruits were liquefied and make into a nice pink drink. He poured it into a tall glass then walked out putting a straw in it then putting it infront of the girl. "Stawberry smoothie gydag arlliw o afal." he said smiling.

He then turned his attention to the boy. He had been here the day before and Alex knew he would be a project. He seemed happy but he had closed his heart and wouldn't open it to anyone. He kept racking his brain for a possible math for him but it seemed almost fruitless for the time being. He continued on his cake but stood across from the boy. " Good to see you again." he said smiling then taking another bite of cake and a sip of his coffee.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Farrah Nicolai Character Portrait: Arrow Character Portrait: Aria Christiansen Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne
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Arrow had slept in his cat form again. It didn’t really bother him but sometimes the animal instinct to be lazy overwhelmed him. Still, he shook himself and streched out his muscles before jumping off his bed and landing on his feet as his normal self. Well, as normal as you can get with an angel. He blinked away the sleep from his eyes and dragged himself to the bathroom. After freshening up a bit he stepped out, freshly changed into his ever white Bakers outfit. His usual sunny smile adorned his face and his eyes sparkled in clarity that hadn’t been there just minutes ago.

Bounding out to the front of the café Arrow noticed Alex and three customers already sitting and in the “Singles” section no less. “Good day and welcome!” he said sunnily to all of them, throwing them a toothy grin in greeting. He turned then, specifically, to talk to Alex. “Will the regular batch do for today or do you want anything special done on the side?” he asked.

He made a mental list of every regular pastry they sold then another list of the ones he’d made last night and put to cool. He’d have to take those out in a few minutes, lest they get too cold and hard. They would be ready to put out in display and customers could pick from those while he baked the afternoon batch and then another night batch. He wondered momentarily if the chocolate was still rich and decided he’d check on that. Otherwise it would spoil and taste bitter and give awful stomachaches. His focus returned to Alex and he waited for his orders.

Farrah Nicolai

You have been cordially invited to the wedding of:
Violet Hilliard & Jean Nicolai
We hope to see you there in our most joyous celebration of love!

Farrah had read this for perhaps the hundredth time and it still didn’t quite feel real. Her brother, her geeky, lovable, dorky brother, was getting married. Finally after reading it one more time she let her eyes lower to the small message below written in her brother’s chicken scratch scrawl:

Can you believe it!?! :)

No. No, Farrah couldn’t believe it. She knew her brother had no idea about Gage, her mother’s ex-husband, but she couldn’t help feeling slightly betrayed. Her mother had given the invitation to her this morning and had been excited that her eldest son was finally settling down. She, on the other hand, wanted to give her brother a good shake and yell at him, Are you insane!?! What in the world are you thinking!? What drug are you on!?! She threw the card under the bed and quickly got dressed. For today she chooses her black antique dress. She puts on the matching old style lace up heeled boots and then gives herself a good look in the mirror. Her lips quirk and she ties the ribbon at her neck perfectly (from long hours of practice) to make the look more natural. Now she fully smiles, knowing she looks like a girl from a far off past when ladies weren’t supposed to show ankles. This will be her look today.

She hurries out with a “See you later!” to her mom and makes her way down her street. People are staring at her and giggling behind her back but Farrah doesn’t care. She loves to dress up and she isn’t ashamed to show it. Rounding the corner she stops in front of a small café. She’d been there yesterday, oddest thing happened… her wallet had disappeared. Next thing she knows it was still in her pocket. She gives the door a look, shrugs and bounds in walking straight for the “Singles” section. She hops onto the chair and gives a hello to every before turning to the owner of the place. “One coffee, black, really strong please.” She says, then mutters to herself, “I’m going to need it.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Farrah Nicolai Character Portrait: Arrow
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Zachary Conway
The Troubled

~I feel insane every single time I'm asked to compromise. Because I'm afraid and stuck in my ways and that's the way it staaaaaays! So how long did I expect love to outweigh ignorance? By that look on your face, I may have forced the scale to tiiiiip!!! I'm not insane, I'm not insane! I'm not insane, I'm not- not insane!~

"Huh?" Zachary looked up to see that someone had spoken to him, snapping him out of the 'zone' he had been in. He offered his signature warm smile followed by the pausing of his MP3 so that he could actually completely focus on the man. "Oh, hello....Alex?" he said the name with a question-like tone, as he wasn't sure if that was someone else's name or not. He didn't want to seem disrespectful by not being completely sure of the names and accidently calling someone by someone else's name. He ended up scratching the back of his neck before speaking any further. "It's good to see you too, and...." he frowned. "I'm sorry about yesterday. However, I have come to the conclusion that my wallet might double as a ninja. In any case, I made sure my wallet was with me today, so I will pay for yesterday's previous order,"

Zach wasn't one to leave debts unpaid or kind acts to go unrewarded. He wasn't really sure how to pay them back for being so kind. It actually made him feel even more welcome than he already felt here. In addition to that kindness, there was always--

"Good day and welcome!.....Will a regular batch do or for today or do you want anything special done on the side?"

If he remembered correctly, that was the baker. He had briefly come out yesterday, but Zach never caught his name. The employees seemed a bit too gay for their jobs, and Zach briefly rolled the thought of asking their pay for this job to see if that was the cause. This thought was then replaced by another. "Something special done to the side?" Zach repeated in his head. Were they making weed brownies? He had to admit, these people were a bit too kind for the possibility of drugs to be completely proposterous. However, he could tell this was genuine happiness, and nothing drug-induced, so the thought was merely his bored mind entertaining itself.

"I hope everything 'special' you plan on adding is legal," he said jokingly, a light laugh occuring just after. "I would also like to tell you that I am a fan of your work, sir. I might've teared up when my piece of cake from yesterday was gone," that actually might not have been a joke, as he took carrot cake seriously. His head instinctively turned towards the door as the little bell chimed, betraying someone's entrance into the establishment. She when she ordered a coffee, she seemed a bit too enthusiastic when she ordered. Tense, maybe? Something wrong? Well, he couldn't really know, but he could offer a smile, which was probably the best thing a stranger could do for someone else they didn't know.

"Hmm, if coffee is needed, then someone's not a morning person," he offered the same warm smile from before to her. Then, he paused, remembering something. "Oh yeah.... I would like the same as her, as well as a Dr.Pepper," he said, not breaking his streak. His streak happened to be how many times he could go to and order a Dr.Pepper, even if he had already ordered another drink and finish both. After the work out earlier, he was thirsty as a dog, even after drinking water.

So far, his streak was at 51


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Farrah Nicolai Character Portrait: Arrow Character Portrait: Aria Christiansen Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure
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Honestesly, Sebastian hated waking up. Not because he was groggy, or didn't want to do anything with his day, but simply because his dreams where a place where he could control what he saw and heard, make it so it was only the good ones. Well, he would like to think he controlled them, though in reality, his mind probably made the choices itself.
His is awkward for him to think of his Mind and Personality as two separate parts of himself? Even though they were so closely linked? Maybe. Oh well.

Sebastian sat up on his bare mattress- his sheets were across the room again. He was often told by female friends that he slept adorably, though Sebastian didn't see how when he seemed to kick so much.
He got up and scratched his bare chest, wishing his light abs were a bit more defined, then shrugged it off. He was a photographer not an athlete. Sebastian yawned and kicked open his bedroom door, meandering through the living/kitchen/dining area. Already he was beginning to hear music from the familiar sights of his two room one bath apartment. He was able to push them to the back of his mind, being so familiar, but it was still annoying. Unless he closed his eyes, silence didn't exist to Sebastian. And even then there was the dull thrum that nothing ness brought on. He really hated his 'neurological condition' sometimes, though he was glad he could see some beauty no one else could.
Casting aside his morning life thoughts, Sebastian jumped into the shower, quickly scrubbing down before stepping out again in less than five minutes. He really didn't understand why it took girls so long.
He didn't bother drying his hair, just pulled on clothes, grabbed his messenger bag, slung his camera around his neck and set out.
The tall figure, nearly 6', paused, leaning against a post as he winced. He hated walking through town, especially when it was busier like this. It was such a mental strain. Every sight sent a mash of badly matched music in his ears, every honk and yell a splosh of ugly color to frame his vision. Synesthesia was so annoying sometimes.
He moved his shoulder bag and unzipped a compartment, pulling out soundproof headphones. They were meant for music, but Sebastian usually just tucked the plug into his pocket, preferring the silence so his vision was clear. The music from his sight still played, but at least now he could concentrate where he was going.
Not that he really had a plan today. He was on more of a wonder and take pictures mission. Though, he had skipped his morning Latte, so stopping at that little cafe would be a fun excursion. The french boy pushed off the post, tugged his headphones cord into his pocket and set of again with a new purpose for his morning.

A few minutes later, after stopping to take some pictures, Sebastian entered Slice 'o Heaven with a good nature smile. He pulled his head phones around his neck and glanced at all the people in the singles area. They all seemed nice enough, judging by their music, and soft voices from the building spurred pleasant colors on the edges of his vision.
His black hair stuck up everywhere, except some of his bangs that fell over his forehead. He was wearing his usual black v-neck, blue hoody,and skinny jeans. He took up his camera from where it hung around his neck and took a picture of the forms backs sitting at the counter. It'd be a quaint picture if he could edit it.

A girl suddenly slammed her phone on the counter in the 'Singles Area' causing a few people to jump, and she apologized. Better than sitting alone! Sebastian thought cheerfully, moving to the stool next to her.

"Bonjour!" He said happily to the girl and the Waiter. He wouldn't order until he was asked what he wanted, but already did know. Brown sugar caramel latte. Always. Every morning since he was 12. With blueberry drizzle if available. Best drink ever.
He moved his casual lopsided grin to the girl, noticing off-handedly she had an eye patch that spurred a tinge of electric around a lazy harp melody.

"Are you always that cruel to technology, or did it say something mean?" He joked casually, a bit awkward with his English, French lilt all to obvious.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Farrah Nicolai Character Portrait: Arrow Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure
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#, as written by ceh12
Alex heard Arrow walk through happy as always. His name was fitting for the god of love hence his weapons being a bow which was kept in his room. “Will the regular batch do for today or do you want anything special done on the side?” Alex thought for a moment. "Regular for today but just incase make a few cakes with just a dash of Grá." he said then turned to Zachary. "Oh, hello....Alex? It's good to see you too, and... I'm sorry about yesterday. However, I have come to the conclusion that my wallet might double as a ninja. In any case, I made sure my wallet was with me today, so I will pay for yesterday's previous order." Alex smiled and shook his head. "No, no, no it's fine just pay for today's order and we'll be even." he then heard a girl walk in dressed in a nice dress. It was quite pretty in his opinion but she seemed stressed. “One coffee, black, really strong please.” Alex nodded then heard Zachary again. "Oh yeah.... I would like the same as her, as well as a Dr.Pepper." "Very well I'll be back with your drinks momentarily." he said then went in the back. He pulled out a glass and filled it with the strange drink. He didn't care for it but humans seemed to like it. He then poured black coffee into two mugs. He remebered the girl was feeling quite stressed so he decided to help. He opened up a vial from the cabinet and poured half in each. They still looked as black and would taste as so but they would feel elated beyond belief.

He emerged from the back and placed the drinks infront of the boy then put the other black coffee infront of the girl. "Drink up." he said then heard a crash which almost made him jump. The girl with the eyepatch slammed her phone onto the counter. "Sorry" came out of her mouth and Alex shook his head. "It is fine" he said then heard a boy enter. "Bonjour" he said then Alex nodded and began to speak. "Bonjour, mon ami ce que tu veux? " he said in fluent French. He spoke every language for his philosophy. "Love is an international language."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Farrah Nicolai Character Portrait: Arrow Character Portrait: Aria Christiansen Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne
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Aria Christiansen
~The Nerd~

Aria smiled as the owner set the cake before her "One Cacen Brecwast freshly made"
"Thank you" she said softly, and opened her book. It was only moments later that another man came through the doors and sat in the singles section. She could hear the music pounding in his ears and she identified the basic rhythm as Avenged Sevenfold though she didn't really know many of their songs. It was interesting to watch the man and the owner interact. 'So he's been here before' she thought, seemingly entranced by their conversation.

A petite girl came walking in a few minutes later and sat near Aria. "A strawberry smoothie please' she heard the girl say. Aria raised an eyebrow. "May I have what she's having as well? That looks delicious" she said very quietly, almost as though if she said it louder she'd break the beautiful ambiance. Her attention was pulled again by another, what she could only assume, staff member. "Good day and welcome!" Aria smirked at his obvious cheerfulness. 'What do they feed their employees...?' she thought.

Aria picked up her book again and started reading, getting lost in her book once more. She barely heard the next woman come in, something about a strong black coffee, but Aria wasn't paying attention. The only reason she looked up again was because the girl drinking the smoothie slammed her phone on the counter, but even that didn't distract her for long. She plunged back into the pages of her book. She didn't notice at all when the french man came least not until Alex spoke in french. It was beautifully said. ' Je parle français aussi!' she thought, but she didn't dare say anything.

She was staring at Alex as she put her book down and knocked her smoothie over onto her cake and her book. "Crap" she said under her breath. She pulled off her zip up sweater and started wiping her book off. The smoothie was seeping into its pages and she mentally cursed at herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry
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Zachary smiled, thanking Alex as he set the drinks before him. The only time he really raised his head from the drink after beginning on it was when some woman had slammed her phone on the table, probably frusterated with something or other. While he didn't really like the feeling of a person in anger, he couldn't personally do anything about it, and it seemed some foreign man had taken the opportunity to spark a conversation with her, so he went back down to his coffee, which tasted just as he expected it to.

Little did he know, a grin had slowly begun forming on his face, and his body felt light. He didn't remember coffee doing that to him, but now he was feeling really enthusiastic about life and stuff he wasn't even sure of. He felt... happy, and he knew not why in the least. The effect of the spiked coffee probably came full force much quicker than it shoud have, due to Zach nearly chugging the coffee, ignoring the heat of it and downing it in less than a minute.

The smile he had stayed on, unrelenting in its assualt on the world with its warmth and on top of that, he was confused. Was he high? No... he didn't eat a brownie, if he recalled accurately. In any case, he had no clue why he felt like he was in love with life. Being in love in anything was an impossibility since his parents passed not too long after he broke up with his girlfriend.

His gaze was directed towards the entrance as a stunningly beautiful (and probably wealthy) girl entered the place, the bell once again betraying someone's arrival. He instantly locked on her, whether it was because she just hit that 'mark' in her looks that attracted him, or because he was more or less bored and extremely happy for whatever reason. Zach was no fashionista, nor did he follow trends, but the clothes she wore stuck out like a sore thumb, and he could tell they weren't any five-dollar Wal-Mart clothes.... he hesitantly looked down at himself and away from her with disappointed eyes and sighed. Well, they were on sale.....

Of course, his eyes went right back up, still trying to gauge this person. If the clothes didn't announce her wealth, the way she held herself did. It didn't take a genius to see she put a bit more care and grace into each step and each body movement that normal people just didn't do. He wondered if that took more energy to walk and do stuff or not and then threw that pointless thought away as he followed her with his eyes until she sat down, where he slowly started pulling them off of her, regretfully.

Damn it!

He caught himself checking her out. Only guys who were interested in a relationship should do such a thing, and he was not one of those guys. Besides, she was out of his league, even if he was in the game. He did this quite often really. For someone who has a fear of relationships, he might seem to be quite interested from a bit aways, but that was just... the man in him. He'd one day probably end up blaming it on a girl as a joke and saying it was her fault for being beautiful. However, he failed to realize that was a compliment that made it look like he was interested and it might make things worse than better.

In truth, he had actually done this with each and every girl that got here, just the smaller, petite girl caught his eye moreso than the rest. He sighed, looking down at his full cup of DP with an uneasy expression. He 'felt' happy, but he wasn't and no drug could fully change that for too long, especially when he's always busy scolding himself for looking at girls. For one so troubled with trust as he, he sure put on a show, didn't he? Pulling out chairs for girls, opening the doors for them, complimenting them naturally.... it might shock people to find out he doesn't date... at least not yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Drake Moulderan
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#, as written by ceh12

Alex laughed slightly as Zachary watched the girl. "Cariad never fails" he said in his head. He waited until the boy was done staring and he smiled at him. "That's Amore. Feels nice doesn't it? Your heart really does want love even though she broke your heart that doesn't mean every girl is like that. Besides that was almost two years ago you need to forget her and focus on the present. " he said then winked and picked up the coffee cup and pulled out a rag and started to wipe it off a bit.

He finished then put it back in the sink behind the door then went over to the girl. "Hello miss what can I get ya today." he said happily thinking that she and Zachary could possibly make a nice little 'Lady and the Tramp' couple. She was the rich girl and he was the troubled teen, it would work out swimmingly as long as She didn't get involved in his first making.


Drake walked around town quietly checking the address of the new café he had picked out for him and his girlfriend to meet. He didn't want to make her mad and he sighed as he made it too the door and smiled as he entered the building. It was refreshing and he didn't make light work of scanning the people sitting already. He saw there were tons of people sitting at the singles counter and he thought since he was meeting his girl friend anyways he would go ahead and sit down in a couples booth. He then took his seat away from the other people and the entrance trying to make himself unseen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry
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((So I guess Alex will know all the back stories of the people who come into the cafe right? He's going to have a fun time getting Gwen out of the arranged marriage bit she's in. lol.))

Gwen could feel stares before seeing them. This wasn't a big surprise for it happened everywhere she went. It was unsettling though because she never sought the spotlight, nor did she want it. It really frustrated her. She knew that some would say she had a model's body, but in truth she saw herself too skinny and too pale to be considered a beauty. She secretly envied women who had curses and didn't look like a waif like she did. It didn't matter that her mother was always telling her to be proud of who she was and where she came from. The thing was, how could Gwen be proud of herself when she was someone whom others wanted her to be? She didn't know herself at all and it was pathetic that she didn't have the courage to speak up for what she wanted.

At the moment she was looking at the menu and didn't look to be self-absorb at all. She did feel eyes of the guy nearby looking at her. She was tempted to look back but the waiter came up to her in time to distract her. Smiling cordially, Gwen started to order.

"Tea please, chai if you have it. Oh, and make it hot too. Also I'd love to have your pastry of the day please and a small bowl of fruit. Thank you sir."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Aria Christiansen Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure
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"Bonjour, mon ami ce que tu veux?"
Sebastian immediatly broke into a broad grin, delighted the man spoke French.
"De sucre brun caramel café au lait avec bruine bleuets," He ordered cheerfully, always happy to converse in his native tongue. "If you have the blueberry that is, sans que ce serait bien trop."

He settled his elbows on the counter to wait, cocking his head sideways at the girl beside him as she answered, "Mean to technology...I think this is my seventh phone in six months. And nothing my phone says is ever good."

He tutted playfully still smiling a bit. "Why, how unnaturally cruel." He said, making sure his teasing was obvious. "It's not the phones fault..." He trailed off when he noticed the girl seemed to be gradually dozing off. He poked her lightly in the hand, carefully not to cause her to spill her smoothie.
"Hey jolie, ne vont pas à dormir maintenant. It's only morning, dreams can come in the day too," He coaxed pleasantly.

Sebastian wasn't one to feel awkward when, well, he was being awkward, so it never occurred to him maybe she wanted to sleep. He just figured sleeping in a cafe in the early morning was a strange thing to do, especially when they're was a half full smoothie in front of her.

He noticed as he leaned that further down the counter a girl had spilled her smoothie all over her cake and her book. Sebastian felt bad for her, and wanted to get up and maybe offer her a hand to get cleaned up, or his own sweatshirt since she had discard hers to wipe at her book, but he didn't want to leave this poor sleepy girl. When he thought about it, Sebastian supposed he had a bit of a thing for helping people when he could. He waved at the man who had spoken French to him to take his order.
"Pardonnez-moi, mais pourriez-vous peut-être apporter cette fille-là des serviettes ou quelque chose? If thats not to much to ask, thank you!" He grinned awkwardly and refocused on the girl in front of him, prodding her gently in the shoulder when it looked like she was still nodding off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry
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"That's Amore. Feels nice doesn't it? Your heart really does want love even though she broke your heart, but that doesn't mean every girl is like that. Besides that was almost two years ago. You need to forget her and focus on the present. "


Zach's eyes widened to the point where one would think he was trying to look through his glass and beyond. Obviously, his main thought was: How did that man know about his past? Zach, besides yesterday, had never seen this guy before, he was sure of it. Definetly. There wasn't any way this man should've known that, and there was absolutely no way he should've known something that had never been said aloud. That was so personal.... was this guy real?

Zach's head moved up to look at the girl again and not Alex. What was it about her that attracted him? Her beauty? Well... yeah, but that wasn't quite it... there was more meaning behind it. Was the saying "opposites attract" in the works here? Possibly, I mean look at her: Wealthy, serious, mature.... all those things Zach never was...

He shook his head. This was stupid. He's seen the girl for a total of two minutes, hadn't spoken and she's probably only interested in someone who is worth her time, unlike him. And even after those words from Alex... he still wasn't going to just trust people. Negative factors were all apparent here. For one, the obvious difference in social standing was terribly there, seperating them like a physical wall. Two, who said Zach even had feelings for someone he hadn't spoke to? He just... she was interesting! It wasn't anything like that at all, he just was bored or something, yeah!

Not to mention that even if he had, wealthy women had never been too kind to him. "Worthless", "Lower Tier", "Filth"... All these words had been used against Zach multiple times, and all he did was try to help them in one way or another. He felt unhappy that not only was his efforts going unappreciated, but he was being insulted just because he was born with less money. What if this girl was like that?

No... something about her seemed... 'off'. Whatever it was beyond him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Aria Christiansen Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Alex nodded at the girl then shouted at the boy "Bien sûr, un moment" he said then went in the back into kitchen. He started up a kettle of the tea then started the latte to brew. He dashed to the garden to get some kiwi, apples, strawberries, and guava then cut them quickly and put them into the bowl. He pulled out a warm pastry. It smelled divine. He heard the tea squeal then took it off the heat and put it in a small cup and put it all on the tray. He dashed out and put it infront of Gwen. Without a word he went back in and started back on the latte. He pulled out some brown sugar then mixed it into the drink. He then poured in a tablespoon of melted caramel and blue berry syrup into it the lavished the top with whipped cream and topped it with blue berries. He then took it out the the boy and pulled a few towels out from under the counter and put them infront of Aria. He then looked at the girl with the eyepatch and shook his head. "No you're fine and if you have another attack tell me I'll get you something to lay your head on." he said smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry
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0.00 INK

((Lol, don't mean extend hand? lol))

Gwen almost giggled when she saw the raven haired young man flitch. It was a good thing she didn't for she was raised never to laugh at someone when it wasn't appropriate, like now. After all, she was the one who probably interrupted him. He must of had a lot on his mind. He recovered quickly though and introduced himself. Nodding in compliance, Gwen placed her hand in his and felt something warm go up her arm. She was a bit caught off guard and her usual calm veneer faltered a bit when her eyes widen slightly. The feeling only lasted an instant and the pale young lady dismissed it as a figment of her imagination.

"It's nice to meet you Zachary. My name is Gwendolyn, but you can call me Gwen." she replied.

Since he didn't say his last name, she decided not to say hers as well. It was a bit of a relief that she didn't have to because she figured once he knew her last name, he might treat her differently. The Mayberry name was famous in this city just like the Hiltons were in Hollywood. The first Mayberry hotel was built her over a century ago and became a chain of hotels before her grandfather had made them resort hotels. It was said he made a gamble in doing this, but it elevated their family status and Gwen was now considered a trust-fund baby for her grandfather made trust funds for all his grandchildren. She wished she could have known him, but he had died shortly after she was born and her father took over as CEO.

When her food and drink arrived, Gwen the nodded to the waiter, but kept her attention back on Zachary.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Arrow Character Portrait: Aria Christiansen
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0.00 INK

Aria Christiansen
~The Nerd~

Aria smiled and blushed when the french man asked the owner to get her towels and quietly thanked him when he placed a few towels in front of her. She finished wiping down her book and the counter and handed them back to the man. "I'm sorry" she said softly. But the other employee caught her attention again, she couldn't stop herself from looking up at him. His golden hair intrigued her and she wanted to know how someone could be so happy all the time. Something about the cafe made her feel warm in general.

She decided that reading her book wasn't worth it, so she stuck it inside her backpack and looked around again. The owner seemed to be playing match maker with the beautiful woman who had entered and the man down the bar. Aria heard the bell on the door jingle again and she saw a man come in and sit in the couples section. He didn't look like he was all too thrilled about being there...or maybe it was whom he was meeting he wasn't too thrilled about.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught the worker's blonde hair again. 'What is it about him that i'm so drawn to?' she wondered. She knew she couldn't keep staring at him, if he turned to look at her the situation would become awkward and Aria certainly didn't want the attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Alex was finally about to sit down. He sighed a relief then decided to get himself another cup of coffee. He started to pour when he heard a chirp. He looked at the counter to see a small cake hoping on the counter. It was BonBon his pet. He had changed from his usual look to the current form of a small vanilla cherry soufflé. The pastry hopped onto Alex's shoulder and licked him as if he was a small dog. "Good to see you too " he said then rubbed the cherry on his head.

Alex finished pouring the cup then went back out after putting his pet on a small dish. He took him out and sat him on the counter his face around. The cake then kept chirping wanting to talk to his master. Alex smiled at him then looked over at the couple. The first of many to be made here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure
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0.00 INK


The French boy gaped in shock as the girl with the eye patch completely nodded off, head landing on the counter with a thunk. Her smoothie toppled over and Sebastian hurriedly put it back up before it could spill any more.
He blinked as he looked at the girl, seriously concerned for a moment she had died. Then he saw she was breathing, and her head didn't seem to be bleeding from the contact, so Sebastian let out a revealed breath of air. He supposed he would just let her sleep. None of his buissness anyway, though he was quite curious why the girl had collapsed so suddenly.

He took a long sip of his latte which had just arrived, thanking the employee. It was quite the best of the drink he'd ever had, and having been drinking the same mix for years and years, that was saying something.

He let out an an appreciative hum and muttered, "Si bon." He would have to make this cafe a regular stop in his morning, if only for they're wonderful drinks. Not to mention the place was actually quite quaint. The type of place Sebastian liked. He had grown up in a rich family, in a huge house in France, but if anything, that seemed to spur on the love of cozy, homely places.
Especially now that he refused to accept money from any of his family, except to pay for his schooling when necessary. He preferred it that way, even if he didn't particularly like his part time job at Macy's Photo Portrait Store. He was just glad they were closed for a few weeks to remodel.

The French Native looked around at the other forms in the cafe, feeling slightly more elated than usual. He was usually a very upbeat happy (and incredibly awkward...) person, so this feeling shouldn't have been unnatural, except, well, it was. What on earth could have caused the flowering warmth to explode inside of him?
Either way, Sebastian threw it to the side, deciding not to dwell on it and simply enjoy the feeling.

Sebastian glanced up out of his thoughts as the girl next to him slowly raised her head rubbing her head from where it had hit the counter and starring at the small spill of her smoothie suspiciously.
"Di' I drop tha'?" She questioned drowsily.

"Oui, but don' worry about it. Are you alright? I seriously though you had died." He voiced with a dead serious voice, a small frown over taking his face. Then it split into a slight lopsided grin.
"I'm glad your alright though, jolie fleur."

Sebastian looked up as the waiter told her "...if you have another attack tell me I'll get you something to lay your head on." before meandering away.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her. "You can have my jacket if you're going to pass out again, " He said, taking another sip of his latte. Whoops, there he'd gone again and made an offer that would probably seem awkward to the girl. Oh well.

"Mon nom est Sebastian, et le vôtre?"

(jolie fleur- Pretty flower;)
(My name is Sebastian, and yours?)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Theodora Levinne Character Portrait: Sebastian Feoure
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Alyx
Theo made a grotesque face. "Died from what? Drinking a smoothie?" She was always cranky after waking up. Probably because she never meant to fall asleep in the first place. "And I don't like being related to flowers...I've not got petals, have I?"
She shook her head quickly, trying to get rid of the sleepiness. "That was uncalled for. Sorry." She was always apologizing for something or the other. Usually falling asleep, but still...
She almost fell off the chair when the waiter mentioned her attack. How did the waiter...? Her face turned extremely pale. "How does he know that? He shouldn't know that."
She barely heard the boy next to her as she stared at the waiter's back. She quickly snapped herself out of it by paying attention to what the boy next to her, Sebastian, was saying. "Theo."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Mei Valesta Character Portrait: Nathan Gurrath Character Portrait: Kalina Rosen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Alex was busy sitting at the end of the counter sipping his coffee and keeping BonBon calm. He looked crazy, Hell he was talking to a chirping soufflé. He heard two more people come in and immediantly sat his coffee down and went over starting with the girl. He knew that Mei was awake but she was being shy as always so he decided not to bother her yet. He went to the girl and immedantly knew she wasn't a girly, girly he then kept moving then to the boy. He looked depressed well both kinda did actually so he decided to use his powers a bit. He read both minds then went into the kitchen. He started to make the drinks while his pet had another idea. BonBon was bored without his master so he decided to mess with one of Alex's angels. He saw Mei and smiled then bounced over and jumped in her shoulder and chirped wanting to play.

Alex came out with a glass of Ginger Ale and a cup of Flat White both with a dash of Cariad mixed in. He placed them respectively then went back to find his pet missing. He looked around a bit but not too much as to arouse suspicion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary McCollough Character Portrait: Alex A. Character Portrait: Gwendolyn Mayberry Character Portrait: Nicky Liss Character Portrait: Nathan Gurrath Character Portrait: Kalina Rosen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fencer
Nathan didn't know if it was the owner or an employee, what he could say with certainty was that the service is excellent, without any questions or anything the young man brought him a cup of his favorite beverage, Flat White, the microfoam poured on the espresso gave it a smooth texture that the boy loved.

Decided to look around, there was a girl with a hat that apparently entered the cafe shortly before him since the young owner served her something about the same time, Nathan realized that her drink was different, but chose to ignore the doubts and continued enjoy his drink, even though it was the singles section for some reason some people were in pairs, from a nearby table a strange-looking girl, Nathan had no other way to describe her, called him.

"Hey big guy come over here and join us!" She sat back down and looked at the other two. "Well three is a crowed lets make it a party with four."

His expression hardened, the boy had trouble dealing with only a person and the girl that calling him was with two others a boy and a girl, no, that was much more than he could handle, Nathan looked her for a moment and turned back to his drink, he wasn't ready for something more than one to one interaction.