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Jonathan Fenix

"I can't give you the world, but I can make your life a bit more interesting." (RS Updated FEB'14)

0 · 1,947 views · located in Airdalen Highschool

a character in “Love School Drama”, as played by R.T.M.X.


1 2 3 4 5
Jonathan Fenix




At first glance youā€™ll see a youthful teenager of brownish-red eyes and medium-length, naturally straightened hair of similar color (though his father doesn't have the recessive gene for red hair) though it does turn into a brighter or darker shade of red depending on how the light runs across it. A lean, lanky build of average height (roughly 5'6, give or take an inch or two) that is neither gaunt nor corpulent. Then at second glance youā€™ll see the same thing. Heā€™s a "normal" person.

Muscles are barely outlined and fat, if any, is generally layered thinly. Upon closer inspection, his eyes are heterochromatic, a bit of an uneven mix of red and brown, occasionally gaining a golden hue when emotionally excited, though he is required to wear contacts. Lightly toned skin, he is usually seen wearing the school uniform in a casual sense, often having the blazer unbuttoned. Has both ears pierced, though he removes the piercings for school. He has some personal quirks that make up part of his eccentric personality, and that usually has some people making assumptions that he might be... unique. He has a knack for all kinds of weird food and activities. When he's not in school, his hair is slightly unkempt as he doesn't have to straighten it for school, and and is usually wearing (very) casual clothing.

"I might not be book smart, but I can put two and two together."
Physical/Sporting Ability
"I'm down, though I'd rather not."
"I'm not actually supposed to make friends, but whatever."
"It shouldn't be difficult to spot me out of the crowd."

Your most important stat

Which stat appeals to you most

ā€¢ He is biologically immortal (unable to age, that is, still able to be hurt through injury and disease). His body doesn't "die" from old age. The proof of this is that his body's telomerase enzyme is naturally "switched on", rebuilding the telomere caps. He doesn't know this, mainly to the fact that his father never told him (as he's also a carrier of the genetic mutation), so Jonathan will naturally deny everything relating to it, saying that no such thing exists. If this were to get out, it could easily create quite a few problems.

ā€¢ Jonathan is quite literally the "New Kid", as he and his father had just recently moved into the area. He will be moving again, either after he graduates or when his father gets relocated, whichever comes first, though his father had given him the option to choose to stay or to go back.

ā€¢ While he knows multiple languages and is quite fluent in translating them to English, he's not so keen at speaking them.

ā€¢ His vision is quite poor and is unable to be corrected by surgery, which forces him to wear some form of corrective eyewear. He's embarrassed about this, so he constantly wears contacts, to hide this from others.

ā€¢ Jonathan never actually had a girlfriend, due to most (if not all) being scared away by his bodyguard and caretaker.

ā€¢ He can't cook to save his life, so he usually resorts to ordering take-out and going out to eat. But he does want to improve.

Family members and your relationship with them/Who you live with
ā€¢ Dr. Isaac Fenix, Age 45 (Father)
His father is the Operations Director for the entire Eastern Branch of the CyberTech Corporation, a "private" Research and Development company that holds contracts with the American Government, mostly relating to DARPA and the CDC, along with a dozen other governments, including Japan and Russia. Though Jonathan technically lives with him, he is mostly never home and his office is located at the company's northern facility. Having certain specific connections and the nice income that comes with his position in the company, he had literally bought out an entire apartment complex, which was both interiorly and exteriorly renovated (the costs were covered by the company) for the families of the employees who work under him. He is also considered a "womanizer."

ā€¢ SPC Jolisa Fenix (Mother, Deceased at age 30)
His mother was in the United States Army, stationed at Camp Zama in Japan as an IT specialist. A decade ago, she was sent overseas on tour into the Middle East, and was subsequently one of the first victims of a firefight that broke out. Jonathan never really knew her, because of the travelling, and while they didn't spend that much time together, Jonathan carries a few pictures to remember her by.

ā€¢ Miranda Black, Age 26 (Caretaker)
Not actually part of Jonathan's immediate family, Miranda is viewed as a caretaker of sorts for him when his father is out on business. Former military due to psychological conditions, Black also serves as a bodyguard for both Jonathan and the Fenix residence, and lives in the penthouse as well. She is also the main reason why Jonathan is (almost) unable to date, as she is often intimidating any females that he might "accidentally" bring over.

ā€¢ Tiny
Tiny is the family's pet... tiger? A 200lb Bengal White Tiger, to be exact. Tiny wasn't rescued but rather genetically bred, and was brought into the family as a way for Jonathan to replace the loss of his mother. But don't be afraid of this big cat at all - he is extremely well-tempered, often enjoying the company of family guests and especially when Jonathan spends time with him.

Extra Information
ā€¢"CyberTech Tower"
Originally a semi-modern apartment complex designed to hold 50 occupants, it was bought out and renovated by CyberTech Corp. to serve as a way to house the employees of the local branch, and was finished shortly before the Fenix family arrived in Japan. Thirty-two stories tall, and holding an occupancy ranging from 150 to 300 employees (including family), the "Tower" is actually pretty close in proximity of Airdalen High, and both locations can be seen from either direction.

Jonathan, due to his father's position, currently lives in the Tower's "penthouse", which claims the top four floors, and comes with quite a few supplementary features. Because his father is primarily "stationed" at the other of the company's two facilities, this particular arrangement allows Jonathan to do as he please.

ā€¢ One possible cause of why he's viewed as being eccentric is his unorthodox way of reasoning.

ā€¢ He's addicted to cheesecake, and is one of the easiest ways to "buy" his heart.

ā€¢ Not many people actually know first hand that Jonathan is a very good dancer.

ā€¢ While he doesn't look like he does, he enjoys pranks and "magic" tricks of all kinds. Also puzzles.

General Theme Song
Shaka Ponk - Te Gusta Me!

It's Time for school!

Student Relations
Momo Yakamoto
Planetary (Go) - My Chemical Romance
"It seems that she doesn't want to make bad impressions, this will be most interesting."
"She's also running for class president."
"I wonder how she's doing after that recent accident"
Bishop Trander
Sera Katoshida
"Don't know her by name, but I think I know enough to pick her out of a crowd."
Kaoru Inoue
Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) - The Offspring
"Believe in yourself."
"It seems that I may have a future partner in crime."
"And he also sits behind me in one of my courses."
"He doesn't seem to be that injured, so I'm guessing everything's good."
Yumi Lee
Shin Tsukino
Keiko Misao
Who Are You - The Who
"An odd one, she is. Kind of cute, but odd."
"I owe her."
"It's good to know that she's not injured. No need to worry."
Daniel Trist
Mai Kon
Arietta Hakushiro
"Blonde? Check. Cute? Check. Attitude? Definitely."

Varthur Laurence
Akira Miyuu
"Whoever they are is going to be like a puzzle. I like puzzles!"
"I know her secret after she pinned me against a wall e///e"
"She's obviously perverted, thinking about orgies. XD"
Acquainted? - (Appointed Senior)
Kei Takeda
"Apparently Akira knows who this person is."
Devone Kim
Silas Fuerst
Gentleman - Psy
"Hmm, he sure does like that blue haired kid - Kaoru - I think his name is."
"Most interesting fellow."
Natsu Tanaka
Aeon Shirokami
I'm an Asshole - Denis Leary
"The blue-haired rock has no F*cks to be given."
"Such a tryhard... e.e"
Cassiopeia Elegy Argyris
Raiden Kon
Aya Fukushima

So begins...

Jonathan Fenix's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Yumi Lee Character Portrait: Shin Tsukino
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Jonathan Fenix

With the bell going off, Jonathan ignored the goodbyes and grabbed his backpack as he stood up from his desk, and lost all vision as he bolted to the door, his body crumbling to the floor as he lost his balance. He attempted to reach out and grab something for support until he regained his senses, but to no avail, ending up cutting himself on the head as he brushed against a corner of a nearby desk while on the one-way trip to the ground.

What had seemed like a minute passed by, and Jonathan had slowly regained his consciousness, his vision coming back blurry for the time being. Thinking to himself that he had probably blacked out from standing up too quickly, he had a peculiar feeling that something wasn't quite right, and this had strengthened as his eyes refocused...

He realized that he was still at the school, but he couldn't recognize his surroundings, the classroom belonging to a literature class at the very least. Jonathan was propped with his back on the wall, and as he moved his eyes, trying to figure out how he traveled from a science-esque room to here, his eyes had fallen on a student who was having issues with the door.

"I'm going to assume that either we're locked in or the door's jammed if you're having trouble with that door."

As he opened his mouth, a headache smashed into him like a freight train, and the red-haired boy had felt something slightly damp on the side of his head. Pulling a hand to the side of his face, his fingers brushed up against whatever this damp substance was, and as he pulled his hand back, he automatically recognized it as blood, assuming it as his.

"...And I've managed to cut myself somehow. Do you know where we are, by the way?"

He directed the question at the student at the door, who had been wearing what seemed like a male uniform, but the student's actions had come to him as more feminine, which had only added to the headache, just slightly. Still sitting against the wall, Jonathan continued looking around, his eyes landing on two other unfamiliar students in the room, but failing to locate his bag.

The realization of his bag not in the same room as he had perked Jonathan's attention, and he quickly patted himself to see if his phone was still on his body. Finding it where he had placed it last, he turned it on just to have it die on him with no power remaining in its battery.

Just my luck...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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Akira let him speak, trying to calm her breathing. She had to think rationally, letting her anger overflow wouldn't get her out of this mess in time for work. After he'd finished speaking, Akira's brown eyes looked over to the red haired boy, frowning a bit. Has he ever had a job in his life? Definitely not at a school I see. "You can't lock someone in a classroom. The doors aren't designed for that. Something really sturdy is blocking this door. Heavy too." She replied matter-of-factly. Little did she know that it was a filing cabinet on the other side, neither of them could have possibly known that however. She didn't like playing the 'know-it-all' but she knew what she was talking about in this situation. She did plenty of part time work at the school over the summer.

"So we've got the windows, or we can try breaking it down by force." She heard something, it sounded like footsteps,"Someone is out there.. this is definitely some kind of prank. I thought Seniors were exceptions to this crap.." She was getting irritated. It was starting to show. She stood back up, kicking the door SWAT team style. She stumbled a bit, only to make the same attempt, "I hear you out there! Open this damn door before I punch all your faces in!" she snapped, her tone loud and hostile, going for a third kick, hissing afterward. Ow, ow, ow.. That hurt. Her leg felt like Jello, though her anger definitely died down some. It was a good stress reliever.

"I can't believe this.. I got work today. This isn't a game.. I could lose my job.." She was clenching her fist, still standing in front of the door.

Akira frowned, "This is one of my classrooms.. We're in building B." She told him, dropping down to the ground quickly, looking looking under the gap between the door and the floor, "That's just great. It's a cabinet." She hissed, "It would take an army to move this thing." She stood back up, dusting her pants off. She had to think of something.. She looked around for a moment, trying to come up with a plan. Chairs, Desk, Pencil, paper.. I'm done. "Okay that's it.. I am done being the victim. I am so getting back at them for this.." Akira grabbed a chair and headed for the window, "Screw it. I've got to shadow Mrs. Roselle anyway. Might as well earn the trouble I'm in.." and she slung it across the room!! The chair went flying, as did the glass once it made impact. She watched the chair roll across the grass outside and laughed a bit. Without paying much attention she grabbed a pair of scissors off of the teacher's desk and jammed them into her pocket. On a brighter note, she was a bit impressed with herself. She was a girl, but that glass sure shattered easily enough. It made her wonder if she was strong, or glass was just weaker than she realized.

Quickly moving her thoughts back to her revenge however, Akira began unbuttoning her jacket, removing it hastily before balling it up into a giant wad. She was using it to safely dust the broken glass out of the windowsill, had this kid done something like this before? Or was it just too many action and horror movies? "You coming?" The 'boy' or 'girl' or whatever Jonathan had come to the conclusion of Akira being asked him, and when her hand bumped the pocket of her slacks she reminded him of a bit of handy information, she just didn't realize just HOW handy it was going to be, "You'd better find something to swing. If they locked us in a classroom, who knows what else they'll do.." She didn't even turn around to face him as she spoke until she'd climbed up into the window, hand stretched out as she stood halfway out, "You hit your head, I'll help you." she replied with genuine kindness. The first sign since either one of them awoke.

She was done playing damsel in distress. She was busting out of this joint with our without this guy, "I'm Akira by the way." She smirked. The name and her new reaction to their current situation probably didn't help him figure out she was a girl, and taking off her jacket didn't either, seeing as her JOB was cosplay. She knew her stuff, "As for those two.." she ushered to Yumi and Shin, "They got a way out now when they wake up."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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Jonathan Fenix

Listening to the other person -who had identified themself as Akira- explain the situation, Jonathan groggily picked himself up from where he was, using the wall as support before leaning against it with his arm. "I'm alright," he claimed as the headache and dizziness in his eyes receded to a more bearable form, "I just need to lay out what's happening exactly."

He closed his eyes for a second or two, and quickly cleared his mind with a deep breath, attempting to figure out exactly how he got trapped in a room with three other students. Upon opening his eyes, he quickly glanced over the room, scanning for subtleties - hints that could help him. Once he heard the sound of shattering glass, he had a subtle feeling that time was of the essence, but he didn't know for what reason - until his eyes gazed upon a couple of older desks in the corner and then over to what he had assumed to be a supply cabinet.

"Something to swing, you say?" He quickly asked the other student, Akira, as he quickly stumbled his way to the cabinet and yanking one of the drawers open with a slight smirk on his face. "You have a pair of scissors by any chance," he asked the student again as he began rummaging through it for anything that he could use as a tool. "Those desks in the corner over there are of an older model, you can unscrew the legs. Used to have them at my old school. And in case you're wondering, name's Jonathan."

After finding nothing of possible use in the drawer, he frantically ripped open another one, again searching for whatever tools or items that he would have use for.

"Also, I'm going to assume that your handwriting is much better than mine because it wouldn't hurt to write out a note saying not to use the door." he said, glancing at the two still unconscious before returning to searching the cabinet.

"I'm just loving my first week of school. I haven't spend a single full day here, and I'm already going through some poor classroom's stuff. Just awesome."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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"It is a little confusing, but we should head for building A. It has the sickbay and library. We might find some teachers there." She told him, nodding her head. He was bleeding. They had to get his wound checked out as well. What if he had a concussion? She really didn't want to carry him around if he happened to pass out. It was the best course of action in her opinion, only she didn't even realize the whole apocalyptic situation yet.

Akira shrugged her shoulders. He seemed to be thinking on the situation way too much. It was just a dumb prank, why was he taking it so seriously? Did he not get this kind of treatment at his last school? Akira merely nodded her head when he asked her what she'd clearly stated earlier. Not the fastest on the track team, huh? She thought to herself, rolling her eyes when he wasn't looking. She made herself smile. She was being a little harsh, but honestly she didn't have time for these jokes. Financially she was barely scraping by. She had household work, two jobs, extracurricular, and school. The load on her plate was immense. She barely picked up anything the boy had done, until he directly asked for scissors. She jumped down, dug into her pocket and held them out, handle facing him, "Happy to be of service." She smiled. It was a bit forced, but given the situation, no one could be exactly thrilled. She grabbed a notebook after he mentioned leaving a note, "Mine's fair." She shrugged with little thought. Honestly it wasn't the best, a bit sloppy, but definitely readable. She jerked out a notebook from a random desk, with a moment's glance she found a stray pen on the floor, picked it up, pulled the cap off and began writing,

"Hey, the door is jammed. Go through the window. Be careful." - Sincerely Akira

She just stuck the paper under the brunette boy's arm, if they found the note, great. If they didn't find the note? Oh well.

"Cool. Let's go. Take this..? We really shouldn't stick around. I smell smoke." And she threw a yard stick to him, "Not sure where this comes into play in an English room.. but whatever."

Akira jumped out the window, looking around. She saw several students in the distance.. but something was off. They were biting, fighting, and stabbing each other?! She turned to look at Jonathan, "Does something seem off to you?? Why are they attacking each other??" Her brown eyes were wide, but it only made the tomboy clench her fist tighter, "Still got my scissors? We should definitely get moving if there is a riot going on.. This could get really dangerous.."

She didn't even realize the students were dead. None of the zombies got close enough, yet. Though she just wanted to find a teacher and be done with this chaos.. The blood, carnage, the anarchy was starting to get to her. She wasn't exactly scared for herself per se, but she wanted to make sure her friends were alright. Silas, Varthur, hell, even Kei and Devone. She didn't want any of them hurt. None of them. They were all important in her life, even if it was negatively.. she didn't hate her enemies enough to want them dead.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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Jonathan Fenix

Surprised that the student that he had just met -Akira- actually had a pair of scissors with him (or was Akira a she, Jonathan didn't know the answer) when he had asked, Jonathan retrieved the pair and made his way towards the corner of desks. Despite having an injury or two, he was able to grab a hold of one and set it on its side without making much noise, quickly going to work disassembling the desk.

It had taken him a few seconds to locate the screws that connected the metal legs to the desk, and just as Jonathan kneeled down to use the pair of scissors as an improvised screwdriver, he heard the other student's suggestion of leaving and observed a yard stick landing noisily a few feet from him. "Just give me a minute," he called out in reply, only to have his words land on deaf ears. Looking back, he didn't see Akira anywhere in the room.

They had already jumped out through the window.

Shit... He murmured to himself, trying to quicken his pace at removing the legs. He realized that most of the screws were luckily already loose, which had shortened his time to a couple of seconds for each leg, damaging the scissors on the last screw, to the point of where they could no longer be used effectively.

One by one, he had removed them, and made his way to the window. Before going through the shattered window, he looked back at the other two students, still unconscious. Can't leave them defenseless, though. As the thought ran through his mind, he sighed softly, leaving two of the four legs to defend themselves if anything bad might come through.

Looking out to the yard, he noticed that Akira was looking up at him, most likely waiting for him to get down. The student had said something to him, but Jonathan wasn't able to make out the words over the noise of... chaos? Looking further out into the distance, he had noticed that other students were attacking each other.

Looking down, it had seemed that they had been on the second floor, but the drop didn't appear to be that much of a problem for him. He hopped through the window, and landed with minimal discomfort, tucking himself into a landing roll as much as possible, still tightly holding onto the two remaining desk legs. Recovering from his landing, Jonathan had brushed himself off and handed the student one of the two metal leg-poles. "Are you glad that I brought these? You can lead the way to wherever we're needing to go."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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Akira waited outside the building, keeping her mind alert. She didn't want to get caught off guard in the current state of madness. She looked around, taking a deep breath. All she could think about was her friends, but she knew if she ever wanted to see them again, she'd have to take a good look at all the violence taking place. I'll probably have to do a few things I'm not comfortable with, I'll have to.. She felt her breathing hitch. What if I have to..? Her hands were shaking and her mouth became dry. She appeared confident before, but after taking in the situation, reality hit. She might have to kill someone.. Flashes of memories hit her like a metal pipe. Blood, Water, a body. She clenched her eyes closed, her hands reaching up to her head and clasping around large portions of hair, gripping on her brunette locks. She fell to her knees, holding her hair desparately. The pain of her nearly ripping her hair out felt like her only lifeline to the present. You can't do this right now.. Akira.. you can't.. She dug into her pocket, only to remember her prescription hadn't come in yet. Dammit.. breathe.. breathe.. he's dead.. It's not real.. It.. It wasn't your fault..

Akira heard a growling noise, snapping back into reality when she noticed directly above her was another student. He didn't sound very healthy, and as she looked up, she understood why. His eyes were gouged out, The sockets completely empty. Part of his face was hanging off, bits and pieces of flesh dangling freely. He reach towards her and instinctively, Akira kicked him, scrambling backwards across the ground and pushing up on her feet "S-stay away!" She stammered, swallowing hard. He smelled...rotten. What'd happened to him?

"Y-your wounds.. they're infected.." She tried to reason with him, but he merely lunged for her again, an angry raspy sound coming from him. She punched him once he got too close. She felt horrible, but she'd watched students rip eachother apart with just their hands and teeth.. Hurry up Jonathan.. She thought to herself. It's worse than I thought.. this isn't a prank..someone barracaded us in to protect us.. She was thrilled when she saw him jump down. She took the leg of the chair, and slammed it across the attacking student's head, just as he lunged for her a third time. The hit had impact, his neck breaking from the force of the blow. Blood splattered onto her clothes and face, but she merely closed her eyes. Breathe.. he was attacking you...

"If anyone gets too close.. don't hesitate to act. They've.. been killing each other.. They're sick or something.." She swallowed, "Hopefully we can barracade up in the infirmary. It's got medicine, and the non-perishable food should be in that building.. we can wait out rescue forces there or something.."

She took Jonathan by his free arm, her hand holding his wrist as she led him along, running across the grass towards building A. They made it along with little interuption, but she merely tugged her companion through the horde. She was a strong runner, plus the students seemed rather slow and mindless in their new sickened state. She tugged him along through the double doors leading into the building. Her pace was quick until she abruptly stopped moving, turning to face Jonathan as she placed her index finger to her lips then pointed ahead. About a dozen of their previous classmates crawling, stumbling and swaying through the hall ahead. She took him by the hand this time, not really thinking about his reaction or the reprocussions, but brought themselves close to the wall, waiting. She really didn't notice how bad it looked, her pressing him to the wall and all... Her eyes and thoughts weren't even on Jonathan currently. For all she knew Jonathan had her pegged as a guy still, but she wasn't thinking about looking homosexual. Akira had her mind wrapped around only one thought. Their survival. The halls, quieter now after a few of the sick students shuffled along their way, seemed safe enough to pass through. Being attacked inside the building wasn't favorable, not enough room. An attack could prove deadly.

She unknowingly squeezed his hand in her nervousness before leading him through towards the sickbay. She crept towards the door, seeing the nurse laying on the ground. She gripped her weapon, ready to strike if needed. Then she realized she was really dead, like for real this time though. I never thought I'd be happy someone is dead.. but it's better than a pair of hungry snapping jaws trying to tear into you.. She tapped the door with her finger, looking around, praying it wasn't loud enough to alert any of the infected possibly nearby. She gave a moment, so anyone inside could have a second to react to the sound before she reach for the knob. She didn't want a baseball bat to the head being mistook for one of those things. She proceeded in opening the door to the infirmary. Taking the quiet as a good sign, she slid in, bringing Jonathan behind her. She was startled once she saw someone else, bringing her weapon about to strike, freezing in place when she noticed who it was. She knew that face anywhere... it was Kei. There was another girl she wasn't so familiar with, but they'd been bus-mates.. (Keiko) sleeping in the room, giving her hope. She looked relatively healthy, Kei looked relatively healthy.. She dropped the chair leg Jonathan had given her, mouth agape, "K-Kei..?" She asked questioningly, her voice weak, like she'd suddenly developed a huge knot in her throat. She waited for a response, something to prove he was still the person she knew..not one of those sick things.

She waited, but at the first sign of health and sanity he gave her, she readily threw herself on him, arms around his neck taking him in a firm hug. It was a little awkward, seeing as how short she was.. but she'd accomplished it. Also there was the minor detail that until now, she'd hated his guts... "Thank god.. are you okay?" she whispered in relief. The first sign of...sober... positive recognition she'd given him since their tense situation they'd had on the bus. She was just so happy to see a familiar face that wasn't growling or attacking her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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Kei had never imagined being in a situation such as the one he found himself in, it was insane and nothing made sense. Everything in the world that had been so peaceful was now in shambles, flesh eating fiends roaming around the halls of the school, no help seeming to come despite the horrors being so widespread and obvious around the school grounds. With Kei finally being in a place where he could think, in a safe place, it began to make less and less sense. It didn't make it less scary, the realness of it all, the feeling of solid ground and the genuine feelings and pain, that was too much to deny even this most ridiculous of scenarios. So while there was no proof to anything other than the complete truth of the world around him he had to act like it was all happening, that he wasn't laying on his bed having the most real and horrifying dream of his life, that he hadn't been drugged or fallen unconscious, that it was all one hundred percent real. That was not easy, he didn't want to believe what he had seen, that those people were all dead and that the world for whatever reason had abandoned them, especially since the most likely reason would be the incident being widespread. Yet as much as he wanted to believe it was fake, that there was something more innocent occurring, that just wasn't an option. No, he had to protect those who were still alive, protect Keiko, Kaoru, anybody that was still okay, not turned or eaten by one of those abominations roaming the halls. It was all he could do, all he could do to stay sane and keep his head in an impossible situation.

There was nothing easy about it, especially when he couldn't do it all himself, he could be there for everyone at once. Kaoru leaving to go find supplies was the first part of that difficult realization. It proved that while he could protect whoever he found, or at least attempt to, that he couldn't do it all, he couldn't go help Kaoru and stay with Keiko. It made him wish he had woken up with more of the people he had come to know, been with them, had more people so he didn't have to leave anyone alone. Yet that was not how things were, in order to ensure the safety of anyone there was work to be done and as hard as doing it was he had to ignore his worries over the younger Kaoru and focus on the 'base of operations' as he had taken to thinking about the Infirmary. If he did that right he could rest assured the people inside would be safe, he could protect them while still going out and helping others, or at the very least he could make sure whoever did come back would have some degree of comfort from the shit raging right outside.

Kei's thoughts didn't get far however, while he had missed the sound of someone entering a weak voice soon caught his attention, a familiar sound to it. "K-Kei..?" His head turned slowly, hope that it was who he believed it to be, his heart beating faster, louder, until he saw her, Akira. It was incredible, the knowledge that Akira was alive, that yet another person he knew and cared for was alive. It floored him, he didn't know what to say and for a brief moment just stood there. Her arms around his neck snapped Kei out of his thoughts entirely though, emotion coursing through him and even in such a situation embarrassment was part of what he was feeling. He was so happy she was okay, a smile spread across his face as his arms wrapped around her, returning the hug with relief and hope coursing through him. To make things even better she wasn't mad, in fact she was hugging him and speaking with a hint of relief that he was okay, a sentiment he wouldn't have thought she would give him in the mood she had been in. Apparently the situation had removed that particular emotion from mind and while it wasn't important as long as she was okay, it was nice. "I'm... I'm fine... Are you okay?" Kei released Akira from his grasp, though he would have much rather kept her close, and looked down at her, a sincerity washing over his face that made it obvious how welcomed a sight she was. Not that the person with her wasn't a welcomed sight as well, Kei was happy for anyone to be alive, but for the time being Kei was focused on the sight for sore eyes right in front of him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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#, as written by Tinkers

Keiko rubbed her eyes and when opened, the first thing she spotted was the ceiling. It briefly reminded her of the time she spent at the hospital, waiting for someone to pick her up but nobody came and she was left with all the mysteries that came with amnesia. She rubbed her cheek with her shoulder to deal with an itch before sitting up, and dusting off. At least it wasn't a cupboard this time..? she thought to herself. Her eyes were still sleepy but she managed to notice fuzzy human-like shapes nearby. "Good.. good morning." Keiko murmured, rubbing her eyes again one by one to fully wake up. I know these faces.. Keiko now fully awake looked around to find herself somewhere surrounded by medical supplies. "Did.. did Keiko have an accident...?" She said aloud, but mostly asking herself. Keiko turned her head again towards the faces to recall Kei, Akira and Jonathan. She had met them all on the bus.. but where were they now?

Keiko wanted to ask but Kei and Akira were hugging which Keiko interpreted as a personal moment and poked her two index fingers together before sneaking over to Jonathan's side for the scoop on the situation. "So those two are dating...?" she whispered the question in his ear, not wanting to embarrass the two but also very curious on what she had missed. She then realised a more important question and nudged the red-haired boy for more answers. "And where are we? Keiko doesn't recall experiencing an accident in need of so many medical supplies.." When she was done, she moved away to stop bombarding him and passed the time by tapping her shoes together. Keiko just wants to go home...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru hastily stuffed several water bottles and boxes of crackers into the two duffle bags he'd found in the nurse's office. He knew he didn't have much time, soon Kei and Keiko would start worrying about him. He had to act fast. He'd grabbed enough for at least 24 people to have a bottle and a box of crackers to themselves. He knew he could always make another run to get more if they needed. After zipping up both of the bags Karou wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at his weakened hand. Shit.. I just had to get hurt. Good going Kaoru.. I wonder if they can smell this.. He looked to the door, fear instantly filling up his stomach. He couldn't fight this time around.. He bit his bottom lip, reaching for the door and taking a deep breath before getting an idea. You're a genius! Kaoru smirked to himself and took his shoes off, tying them together and wearing them over his shoulder as well, sprinting down the hallway. They won't hear me this way.. I hope.

He knew the smell of blood would eventually attract them, so he made his pace as fast as he could now that he didn't have the sound of his shoes stopping him from moving as quickly. He avoided piles of filth and glass as best he could. Once the nurse's office was in sight Kaoru almost cried tears of joy, but he didn't want Kei or Keiko to see him like that so he withheld it. Maybe another time.. He ran to it, shakily knocking twice, counting to five inside his head. One.. Two.. Three.. Four.. Five! As soon as he reach five, he slid the door open and shot inside quickly. He dropped the bags to the floor, sliding down the door once he'd closed it, panting and examining his hand in the light, "I ran into the janitor." He laughed, a huge grin on his face despite his injury. He no longer had his weapon, but there was enough food and water to go around.

Then he looked up, noticing an odd turn of events. Kei and that girl from the camp fire, was it... Akira? Yeah. He looked over his blue eyes widening once he saw familiar red hair. His grin growing even bigger, if possible, "Hey man." He looked like a human incarnation of a fox with his eyes squinted like that and his big huge grin, "Nice to see you made it." He then noticed Keiko was whispering in Jonathan's ear, blinking curiously. What did I miss? He noticed they all moved away, laughing really hard, "So did everyone decide to start an apocalyptic hookup or something while I was gone?" He wiped his eyes with his free hand, "I understand, but I didn't expect that coming from you lot..!" He was almost breathless.

When his laughter calmed down, he looked to his hand again, "Any clue on how to get this glass out?" He asked the group, childlike and innocent again after he'd just insinuated that everyone was trying to have an orgy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Jonathan Fenix

It had only been mere seconds after recovering from his jump did Jonathan see some sick student, if sick was the correct term, lunge at Akira, only to have their neck and head smashed in with one of the metal legs that he had jumped down with. Directly following the strike, Akira was telling him firsthand that these other students had been attacking each other as if they lost their minds.

Now why does this seem familia-- Jonathan's thought was interrupted as Akira had grabbed him by the arm, taking literally minutes dodging any incoming strikes from these... infected as the duo had made their way through the horde of students. While [the infected] were shambling around and striking at pretty much anything that moves, Jonathan and Akira were quick enough not to be grabbed, or worse bitten, and he had held up decently, despite having a "slight" head injury. They had made it through the horde, and Akira had successfully led him to their location and through a set of double doors...

Until all of a sudden, Jonathan felt himself being pinned with his back towards the wall by the other student. He realized that while Akira had secured him to the wall momentarily, their eyes weren't fixed on him, but rather towards those infected that had been shuffling their way through the halls before them. However, he had also noticed something peculiar about Akira's neck while he took a quick glance at them. There was something peculiar about the shape (or rather, the lack of) of a particular structure. - that Akira wasn't a male student, for she is a she indeed.

Interesting, but this is just not the time, he thought to himself as he forced his attention back onto the looming threat of nearby infected, as she squeezed his hand right before continuing on through the sickbay. They had discovered a faculty member that Jonathan would assume as the nurse, and had tapped on a nearby door with her hand before opening it... revealing another duo of students (one boy and one girl) - whether they were infected or not, Jonathan couldn't exactly tell, though they didn't seem like it to him.

He had recognized the female student of the two as Keiko, and she appeared to be in a mostly healthy state, but he didn't know the male (Kei) until Akira had released her grip on the metal leg-pole and questioningly called his name out. Jonathan still had a quick reflex by catching the pole with his foot to reduce the crashing sound of it landing onto the floor, and after a few seconds he had watched her flung her arms around him.

As the two talked to each other, he hadn't noticed that Keiko had sneaked to his side, until she began whispering into his ear. The whisper somewhat startled him, but settled back down as the last few minutes of running around - especially through a horde of zombies - were frantic enough. "I don't have the slightest idea. Don't know either one of them."

As he replied to what Keiko had asked him, he moved slightly towards a wall post, and tried to lean on it to support him. "It seems that we're in the infirmary, I believe," he answered back when keiko further asked him where they were, before another door had opened from across the room.

Luckily, what had emerged from the door was the little blue tuftball that went by the name of Kaoru, And it had appeared that he had brought food with him. By judging the size of the grin on the kid's face, Jonathan knew that he was probably happy to see him, and the blue-haired kid began asking various questions. Jonathan simply shrugged as he didn't know the answers, and his headache was fading, except that he had no longer felt the weight of his phone in his shirt pocket...

His eyes widened slightly, realizing that he must have dropped his phone either during his jump or when Akira have pulled him through the horde outside. However, while his phone was dead, it had reminded him of something... "So, before I start interrupting things between you all, who here has a phone that works and has service? I seem to have dropped mine when we moved across the yard."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Akira blinked a bit in her own embarrassment. She hadn't really thought about her actions all that much until she felt a pair of arms return her embrace. She had just been enormously happy to see a familiar face and acted without thinking during her wave of excitement and relief. S-shit I'm hugging Kei.. She bit her bottom lip. She pulled away slowly at the question, nodding her head, "Just a few minor scratches from breaking out a window.. Nothing treatment worthy. Not even any blood." The girl grinned, looking over to Jonathan though, "But.. my friend.." She pointed to him, then looked to him apologetically. I didn't mean to get caught up with Kei, it was an accident..

"He got hurt." She bit her lip even harder. She felt guilty for not getting Jonathan immediate treatment upon arrival. Returning to the situation at hand wasn't exactly Akira's favorite idea, but she knew how necessary it was to get him treated, "His head was bleeding when we woke up.. someone locked us in a classroom, to protect us I guess. We didn't discover the madness outside until roughly.. I'd say, ten minutes ago.. What happened? How..?" She retold the situation, starting to get scared again. She didn't have to protect anyone at the moment, the emotions had no excuse to bottle up anymore. Akira nearly jumped out of her skin as images mentally reminded her how she was forced into attacking the student outside. Just like that boy..

Then she saw Keiko whispering something to Jonathan in her peripheral vision, her attention moving over to Keiko. What are they..? They can't be thinking.. She instantly blushed putting her hands up in her defense, "I-It's not like that!" She squeaked out, waving them back and forth, "F-friends, just friends!" She slammed the words down quickly, but then the boy she met at the camp fire, Kaoru, decided to add his two cents in, "ORGY!? You are sick!" She was utterly embarrassed by now, her fists clenched and her body shaking as her face finally exploded through several shades of red, "You can't be that injured if you're talking about orgies, Baaaaaaaaaka!" She snapped out irritatedly. She asked in disbelief, covering her face with one hand, twitching in her frustrations. I can't believe how he's managed to turn something as serious as this into complete retarded chaos.. It was taking every bit of self control to keep from grabbing the blue haired boy by the collar of his shirt and pumble him! He's already hurt though.. She felt her anger subsiding, looking to the floor. Her eyes softening in regret for going off on the kid. He had to be a junior, he looked so young. He doesn't know any better.. Akira reasoned with herself. "We have more important things to worry about, q-quit being so.." She crossed her arms, "Quit being so childish.." She almost whispered the last part. Is this how everyone feels when they're around me..? She started to question herself, looking the the small boy. He annoyed her beyond belief.

"I like someone else.." She trailed off, not looking up from the ground, "I have since last year.." She hadn't gotten a single clue of Silas being okay. I hope he's alright.. Please don't be dead.. She bit her quivering bottom lip, continuing her explanation, "Not that it matters now.. He could be.." Tears almost filled her eyes as she felt a knot in her throat. She wasn't aware of Kei's feelings toward her, or she probably would have withheld that information for another time. Not in the beginning and she made it pretty clear she was still unaware. Akira was quite the dense one when it came to these things.

She stood there for a few moments, fighting off tears, "I can't do anything about it though.." She whispered, messing up her hair in attempt to shake the thoughts. She had no way to find out if her crush was alive. It was out of her hands so Akira decided to do something productive instead. Silas would laugh at me right now if he could see this.. She didn't want to be seen as the basket case for the rest of her life. She wanted to prove she could change, more than anything in her life. When did it get so hot in here? She thought to herself, ripping off the overcoat to her uniform, in slacks, tie, and her white button down, "Sorry I'm still trying to take all of this in.. but enough moping.. What can I do to help..? I'm not really skilled anywhere in first aid.. but I want to help." Akira asked Kei, smiling a little, regaining a bit of determination.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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There were certain things Kei had always been bad at, but one thing more than any other was communication. Kei had never really been able to communicate well, he was often serious and literal and his lack of practice talking with people had him behind the usual social curve. In fact he could be considered socially inept in some ways. It all stemmed from his childhood, the abuse he suffered had caused him to withdraw into himself and while he did grow up and get past the traumas inflicted on him he never quite outgrew his habit of hiding from conversation. It wasn't as bad as it had once been, Kei had been working on it and this year more than ever he was dedicated to coming out of his shell and attempting to find a way to fit in, as hard as that would be for a guy like him. Yet even with his lack of communication skills or social understanding he go the awkwardness of the situation, him and Akira hugging in the middle of the room. It was innocent, both were simply glad to see the other alive, but that didn't mean it wasn't a slight bit embarrassing after the initial moment ended and they were still embracing.

"Just a few minor scratches from breaking out a window.. Nothing treatment worthy. Not even any blood." Kei smiled, glad that Akira had escaped everything unharmed and as he settled back into a more natural position, getting over the previous embarrassment he looked over to the friend Akira had referred to. "He got hurt." Kei hadn't talked to the other guy (Jonathan) but he looked a tad familiar, enough so that Kei recognized him by appearance from the bus back to school. "His head was bleeding when we woke up.. someone locked us in a classroom, to protect us I guess. We didn't discover the madness outside until roughly.. I'd say, ten minutes ago.. What happened? How..?" "I woke up in a classroom as well and Keiko was in there with me. Luckily neither of us were hurt but the chaos outside... I have no clue what's going on." He motioned over to Keiko and only then noticed their whispering and what happened after that was a rather confusing segment of exaggerated guesses and the running wild of imaginations, enough so that the word orgy somehow got thrown into the mix and Kei could only reach up and pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration. He wasn't mad but it was curious to him how in this situation people could still have such thoughts, though it was better than panic or depression.

"You can't be that injured if you're talking about orgies, Baaaaaaaaaka!"Of course while it was ridiculous and Akira was right Kei couldn't help but start to become amused, perhaps the stress of the situation getting to him as he started to laugh a bit, not loud but just a small little chuckle. "Good to see your still as spirited as ever Akira." He stopped his laughing and took a deep breath, childish wasn't so bad for the moment, but they did have to focus on the more pressing issues than the imagined scenario people seemed to have because of the reunion hug. Besides, as Akira soon mentioned Kei knew she had feelings for another person, and anyone who knew her or Silas knew exactly who is was, so when she started to get a bit upset he reached over and touched her shoulder. "Don't worry Akira it's going to be fine, just keep strong and let's get the injured cleaned up so we can be ready to help when we do figure out what we can do." More than ever Kei had that determination to remain strong and help those around him even if he had some inner turmoil and wasn't handling the situation better than any of the others. Of course that was a way of coping in and of itself but that didn't matter, he just had to keep moving on and try and keep everything up and everyone together.

Luckily Kei had some knowledge that would help in their current situation and with what they needed, he could perform first aid. Being a fighter Kei was use to getting hurt and helping other fighters when they got hurt. That didn't mean he knew much or could call himself a medic or anything of the sort but he had enough knowledge to help with most minor injuries. "Akira if you could go find some alcohol and bandages and I will help get these two cleaned up, injuries are definitely not good, especially with what appear to be zombies outside." He gave a lightening smile and moved over to Kaoru first seeing as his injuries were fresh, and he would get to Jonathan as soon as he was done. "Both of you go sit down on one of the beds, being off your feet for a bit is recommended." He took them over to the beds and went over and grabbed a pair or tweezers to help with Kaoru, moving back over and getting to work. It wasn't going to be gentle exactly, he wasn't graceful enough or practiced enough for that, but at least they would have their injuries fixed up by the end.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Akira's eyes widened when she felt Kei's hand on her shoulder, chocolate eyes looking up at him. She was envious.. How is he so calm in the midst of all this? Just who are you Kei? What have you been through? She thought to herself in amazement. However she didn't allow her gaze to linger.. That little blue haired punk might get the wrong impression again. Her blush had faded a little before her worries about Silas, but it was back again to taunt her. Kei is too close to Devone.. Even if I didn't like Silas.. I can't look at this person romantically when he could be just another plot Devone has schemed up to hurt me with..

She nodded her head before her silence became awkward, "You're right." she agreed with him, forcing a smile on her face, "I'll do my best." she rolled up her sleeves, still looking boyish as ever., "At least I'm not Ms. Roselle's slave.. That was punishment for wearing the boy uniform.. I was supposed to switch tomorrow." she laughed. Maybe me being found out brought on an apocalypse."

Akira nodded her head, bolting over to the other side of the room with almost lightning speed. She flung open the first set of cabinets, removing alcohol, Q-tips, and gauze. She went over to Kei, placing them on a side table before continuing her search. She began opening every compartment, slinging doors and drawers open and closed in a rushed manner, "Its here somewhere..." she bit her lip Where does the nurse keep the bloody shit!?

Akira was tempted to send everything on the desk flying in her irritation before a thought came to her. Smirking, the brunette made her way toward the Nurse's desk. Now if I was her...where would I put it? She thought for a moment, scatching her head. She checked the interior of the desk, but her efforts were in vain. Bollocks... Then she remembered her favorite quote. "The closer you are, the less you actually see.." It's obvious.. She'd put it out in the open because we'd least expect it! Akira knekt down into the floor, grinning when she found the purse under the desk. She stood up walking over to Kei as she opened the purse she'd discovered, digging through until she found it. She shook the bottle before tossing it on the bed, "Ibuprofen 800 mg it'll help a little bit, without doping him out."

With that, she walked over to Jonathan, placing her hand on his forehead, "You alright? Doctor Takeda will be with you in a minute.." she snickered. It was lame, but she had to make a few cheap shots to get him back for laughing at the orgy ordeal.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru listened to everyone relive their first encounter to their current situation. Kaoru looking down at his injured hand as they spoke. At least you had someone.. I woke up by myself.. His blue eyes softened as he came to the realization. He hadn't made any real friends other than Varthur, and he hadn't seen him since they got off of the bus. He wasn't even sure if his friend was alive anymore. He felt so alone. He woke up alone, maybe it was just a sign he was meant to be by himself. The pool building, struggling to survive, having no one to rely on but himself, it all frightened him. He tried to flex his hand, wincing in regret. It felt like the rage of a thousand angry bees attacked the palm of his hand all at once.

He was called an idiot by the brunette girl Akira, but he only gave a small chuckle, faking a big grin, laughing it off before anyone noticed his mood. He didn't want to burden them, but it was starting to really suck that he didn't know how to make genuine bonds with people. Kei's speech gave him a much better sense of purpose, even if it wasn't directed at him Per Se. He's right, we should worry about the things that we can change. This is something that we have the ability to change.

Kaoru nodded, as he was asked to sit on one of the beds, hoisting himself up, keeping his incapacitated hand protected from unneeded stress, "Thanks.." He muttered embarrassed, a little bothered that his attempt to take care of everyone resulted in Kei having to in turn, take care of him. Flopping on the hospital-like bed, Kaoru's confident and sad expression totally changed. His expression was worried, and frightful. He'd never spent a single day in a hospital aside from his physicals and mandatory shots. He had a pretty strong immune system, so doctors offices made him nervous.. and since Kei was playing 'Doctor', so did he at the current moment. How bad is this going to hurt? He thought to himself, swallowing hard. He let out a groan of pain when the first one came out, closing his eyes tightly. He wasn't exactly being a 'man' about it, but after the first few, Kaoru silenced himself. He bit into his lip and clenched the bed with his other hand, only an occasional hiss when the pain became far too much. He wasn't a tough guy, but he didn't want to look like a sissy in front of two girls.

The brunette threw him some Ibuprofen, one blue eye opening to eye the bottle, "T-thanks.." He couldn't help but smile, even if removing the glass was far more painful than the initial accident. He closed his eyes tight again, remaining silent as much as he wanted to complain. I'm such a burden to them.. They probably are all thinking about how I'm an annoying little kid.. They all seem to have to babysit me.. Jonathan could have a concussion but poor little Kaoru cut himself on some broken glass.. Let's get him a band-aid first..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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Devone watched and ever so closely observed her surely short-lived companion Sera for a reaction but was almost surprised to have the moment butted in. "I have no interest in you girls' preferences. Yet, it would be preferable to stop with the mind games." ā€œOh goodness, what a.. kill-joy~ā€ Devone expressed the final word in a sing song manner as she felt scolded by their temporary male leader (Aeon). Sera had simply said nothing and turned her attention away from Devone, neither confirming nor denying a sense of fear. No matter.. Iā€™m not sticking around for them anyway. "Stay close to me." The male (Aeon) seemed to order them again, much to Devoneā€™s dislike. ā€œStay close to who? I donā€™t even know your name.. stranger~ā€ Devone repeated her sing song tone again, as if she was enjoying herself when really she was far from amused right now. It wasnā€™t fun thinking about being filmed by an unknown person for a reason she was yet to uncover. She still didnā€™t possess the means or the information to deduct who was responsible for thisā€¦ ā€˜experimentā€™. It was perhaps unwise to keep mocking their so-called saviour but it was really grinding against her nerves to have to bare following orders and following behind others. It had of course occurred to her that splitting up was a more preferable choice she could make but then again, she couldnā€™t see what that would achieve except lessening the headache. She still didnā€™t have Atsushi to attend to her and the mysterious male (Aeon) was as close to services as she could get as he dealt with the proposed ā€˜zombiesā€™ invading their school and threatening their way of life.

ā€œOh bother..ā€ Devone mumbled to herself as the blood she had been playing with started to dry and stick to her skin. It was a generally unpleasant feeling and she was very urged to find a nearby bubbler or tap to wash it off. Well weā€™re in building A.. the sickbay should be somewhere around here and have a tap, shouldnā€™t it? Devone wasnā€™t sure because she had never been in the schoolā€™s sick bay. She would rather be attended to by a personal private doctor than risk settling somewhere where many other students had been sick prior and probably coughing, sneezing, generally spreading unwanted disease. It only made common sense that the sickbay would have taps though so she began to look around for the sign.
Mildly distracted, she hadnā€™t noticed the manā€™s (Aeon) next order being "Go over there." and left him to the attention of the incoming zombies as she started to wander in another direction to where she believed the sick bay was held at. Looking above doors, she managed to find the correct sign and placed her hand on the door handle to the sick bay. Devone hesitated, unsure if the door was the type that moved inwards or outwards and that was when she felt something, some liquid drip upon her neck. ā€œPardon me but thatā€™s disguā€”ā€œ Devone had looked over her shoulder to find herself face to face with a wretched-looking thing that resembled a classmate she had bullied in another year. Her heart missed a beat as she started to shake, starting to believe that maybe this wasnā€™t simply a prank. Thatā€™s.. thatā€™s awfully good for make upā€¦ The sight of the rotting female student whose stomach appeared ripped open combined with the strong stench left Devone feeling sick to the point she was about to faint. This canā€™t.. The liquid had turned out to be the monsterā€™s drool as it enclosed in on her, moving to grab and take a bite as Devoneā€™s vision started to blur to black. beā€¦. The weight of her hand on the doorā€™s handle had been enough to open it in that split second before she collapsed, not quite bitten yet. happeningā€¦

[ooc: Rushed sorry u_u I know it's going to make one heck of a big group but special zombies incoming soon XP]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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If Kei was an expert on anything in his life it had to be on pain, he had grown up experiencing pain, gotten into fights, and then when he became a boxer there was no change in his relationship with pain. It all hurt and no matter how tough someone may be there were really only two ways to stop showing a reaction to pain. One way was to have been in pain so often that it no longer brought a reaction, that it was no longer a foreign or strange sensation to experience, in short to just not give a damn about pain any longer. The other way was to steel yourself so much, to block out emotions to the point of just not displaying them, even if you still experienced everything normally, Kei couldn't remember which one he had developed first. Of course he wasn't immune to pain, there were people who could ignore severe injuries like a broken limb or crushed bone, Kei wasn't one of those people, he could simply hide his reaction for most things, make it seem like he wasn't bothered. It was like with his shoulder, it could cause him pain but more than pain he showed emotion due to his fear, the fear of what could happen because of that pain, the consequences of pushing himself without taking proper care of himself, a foolish thing he had done in ignorance. So when Kaoru showed pained expressions, when it was so obvious he was in pain, Kei didn't find that weak or shameful, it was just how things went. He knew well enough not to say anything and point it out however and just did his best to finish as quickly and painlessly as he could, removing each shard of glass before wrapping up the hand and giving a small shoulder pat to symbolize it was over. Then without anything else he had moved on to Jonathan.

Now Jonathan's injury was a little less in Kei's realm of understanding, he had seen boxer's get tested for it often enough, the ringside doctor would always check to see if their eyes followed his finger and then do a few other tests to decide whether the fight should go on. Yet it wasn't so simple and he didn't know exactly what to do. So instead of trying to feign understanding he went over to Jonathan and looked him over, used his finger to see how his eyes went, and sighed in relief when they seemed to follow just fine, hoping that was enough to signify that there was nothing else that needed to be done and that he didn't have a concussion, even if he was injured. A concussion being ruled out, or at least Kei having ruled it out with his basic knowledge of the subject matter, he just went about cleaning and bandaging the wound, making sure it wouldn't be a bother in whatever happened next, that was what was important. He had to make sure everyone was okay going forward, that small injuries didn't lead to bigger ones, and hopefully they could all get out of it, even if they were a ragtag little group. That of course brought his attention back to Akira, and as he looked over at her, wondering if the strong woman he knew had any hidden wounds she had help back for the sake of others, something unexpected happened. The door to the sickbay slid open and a familiar Devone fell on the ground, seemingly collapsing with a zombie bearing down on her.

Kei reacted quickly, the creature following Devone to the floor and looking rather hungry, jaws looming over Devone's exposed flesh. Kei would be damned if anyone was going to be chewed on by one of those things if he could help it. So he moved towards the door, removing anything in his way out of the way, reaching down and grabbing the disgusting monster, using his full strength to fling it off Devone, "Get her up!" His voice was raised as he hoped someone would help her inside and to her feet or one of the beds as he stepped through the door and looked around, it seemed the attention of surrounding zombies had yet to be caught but his raised voice would no doubt be heard by whatever was in the surrounding area. Any sound other than the occasional moan of sorts and eerie chomping of teeth into flesh was nowhere to be found so surely it would attract unwanted attention. So Kei retreated into the sickbay, not having the means to easily finish the zombie off without a weapon of some sorts, and he shut the door. Once inside Kei immediately looked to Devone, once again astounded by who was still okay and walking the halls. In fact as he leaned back against the door, feeling more secure with his weight up against it for the time being, he began to wonder just who else was still out there and whether luck would continue to bring them together or if it was about time they started searching for others actively and left whoever was injured around to keep the sickbay doors locked and the supplies safe. He was just beginning to believe that sitting around wasn't going to do much good, the zombies would still be outside and no amount of clearing them out would work, and he couldn't do much without a weapon or sitting inside the sickbay. He also began to think about Momo and the others, friends he had just made like Silas and Sera, and he knelt down, still leaning up against the wall, a hand running back through his hair. "Are you alright Devone?" A question that didn't have a simple answer in such a situation but was the only one he could think to ask. Though after a moment of getting his head on straight he began to wonder just what was about to happen now that Devone and Akira were in the same room, even if there was something horrible happening outside they were not exactly civil together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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"No problem." She winked to Kaoru, before noticing Kei's eyes on her, "S-something wrong..?" she asked, unsure of the look he was giving her. Why is he looking at me for? The look was making her nervous so she took the first distraction she could think of. Akira found herself looking over at the sight that fell into the room. Akira's eyes widened at the zombie attacking Devone. She thought she'd rejoice seeing Devone so helpless, but she was scared for her. Akira thought about leaving her that way, but she was torn from her cruelty when she heard Kei's order for someone to help her.

The girl sighed to herself before speedily making her way to Devone, hooking her arms under her's before dragging her to a safe distance. Then Akira got to do something she'd always wanted to, "Snap out of it Devone!" and before anyone could argue with her method, Akira's hand collided with Devone's cheek. It was a reality slap, and it definitely wasn't as hard as she could possibly manage. She'd used just enough force to jolt the girl into reality. That felt surprisingly good.. Akira indulged in the moment for a second. I'm terrible.. There isn't time for me to hold a grudge like this.

"As much as you might think I'm lying.. I only did it cause they do it on TV.." She told Kei, once he'd calmed the madness down. She began tapping Devone's cheek softer this time, but repeatedly, "Oooooi Devoneeee.." She rang out, looking to Kei wearily, "Mind getting her some water?" She asked her fellow brunette, laughing a bit, "She's a tad spoiled, so she's probably not used to this much physical activity.. plus the scare.." Akira was full of pride that she'd dealt with the epedemic better than her enemy, but she had to let go of her hatred, "It was so hard to rescue her.. I wanted to just stand there.. I had to though." She closed her eyes, "Even after everything she's done to me, put me through.. I don't hate her. Not really. If she'd stop manipulating and tormenting me, if she'd just leave me alone. I'd be okay." She finally confessed. She only disliked Devone because Devone didn't like her. It was a confusing, childish game that she just hoped would end soon.

"I don't want her to hate me. I don't want to have to keep hating her." She frowned, "I just want to know what I did. She's hated me since day one."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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"Finally done..."

These rotting annoying critters are truly getting on his nerves. They continued to come his way like a swarm of locusts. It would be wonderful if he would have some kind of pesticide sprayer to eliminate these maggots. Nevertheless, Aeon did not show any signs of fatigue nor did he show any other emotions than indifference. He was given a reprieve when the crowd of zombies became a meager amount of 3. It was possible for him to divert some of his attention. That is when he managed to glance at his two companions. It seemed that one of the girls went to the direction where he came before hand, the sickbay. Unfortunately for her (Devone), there was a zombie after her. He would not be able to reach her in time. Furthermore, there was also the other one (Sera).

"Move." Aeon stated as he ran towards Sera. He hacked the incoming monster which was about to bite a piece of meat from her (Sera). He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. As such, Sera's head would be placed on his chest. The bulk of the blood was on him as he shielded her (Sera) from it. When the threat was disposed, he pulled her away from the scene towards where he had last seen the other girl (Devone). "Let's go." He was not sure what happened however, he needed to be certain if she (Devone) was fine, injured, or dead. Of course, he would prefer that the girl (Devone) was alive and unharmed physically. Whether he liked it or not, the girl (Devone) was his responsibility until he founds a safe haven for these two (Devone and Sera).

Fortunately, this area had fewer undeads than what he had faced earlier. Aeon glanced at the girl (Sera) still left by his side. "We need to breakthrough." That was all he said as he began to hack away as he created a clear pathway to the sickbay where he had come from. He even dealt with the zombie which attacked Devone along the way. As far as he knew, that place was empty except for the first encounter he had upon waking up to this low-budgeted horror film he was currently in. It should be tentatively safe as far as his observations go. Soon enough, he was able to reach the sickbay door with Sera in tow. "Be ready." After saying that, he reached for the door handle while he made sure that he was ready to swing his fire ax just in case. For precaution, he was the one who opened the door. There was something heavy against it. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly to indicate he was thinking. "Open up." That's all he said and when the door did open, the sickbay was rather different from what he remembered prior.

His eyes of mauve traveled to the various individuals he could assume as one of those rotting props of meat. Aeon signaled Sera to enter as he closed the door behind even making sure to lock it. It would seemed that those writhing corpses were not the smartest, but there was no reason to believe in the possibility that one of those things will be able to open the door. "It seemed you two will be safe here." He said with his ever monotone voice as he looked at Sera and then Devone who seemed to be shocked about the circumstances. It was then he noticed the presence of the girl (Akira) which Cassiopeia was talking to during the elections along with another senior male (Kei). As for the others, he recognizes his assigned Junior (Keiko) and the one (Jonathan) who sat beside him at the bus on the way home from the beach. There was another boy (Kaoru), however he does not know him.

Releasing the hand of Sera which he had held to keep her safe, Aeon then approached Devone. Without even announcing anything, he picked her up and placed her on one of the beds, gently. It was unsightly to see any girl laying still on the floor and all. He also did notice that her (Devone) cheeks are slightly red. He touched one of her cheeks to inspect and then looked at Devone's eyes. "You'll be fine." After saying that, he glanced towards his Junior. This girl (Keiko) was also his responsibility in a sense. "Misao, are you hurt." His tone may not be questioning, but he was indeed asking for her well being. As for him, one would say that he was truly fighting his way outside the sickbay. His uniform which he really liked to keep clean was now tarnished with dirt, grime, and blood of those who he had hacked away recently. Actually, he hated feeling a bit sticky and dirty. However at the moment, this would be an exception.

Once, Aeon heard her answer. He approached the girl (Keiko) and patted her head. It was something he would do with his little brother (Brinx). The gesture seemed to bring comfort in a sense. He stepped back and prepared himself to leave. He took of his jacket which took a lot of blood stains and threw it on the bin. Afterwards, he looked at the other occupants and then to the Senior Male (Kei) he recognized from before. "I'm leaving. Take care of them." That is all he said as he approached the door. He still needed to find Cassiopeia. There were still other fine and well like here in the sickbay. So, he was clinging to a hope, that she (Cassiopeia) too will be safe. As such, he needed to find her (Cassiopeia).

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Keiko Misao Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Jonathan Fenix
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Sera could not claim to be accustomed to anything like what was going on and she found herself distracted in a way. It wasn't that her eyes were stuck in one place, they were actively watching for immediate danger, though danger of some sort was a given in the current situation, but she was missing things at the same time. Her mind was having difficulty not letting it all get to her while also paying complete attention to her surroundings, she was having to block some of it out to truly keep herself calm, or as calm as she could be. It was one of those situations where emotions just seemed to change rapidly, she was not in control as she usually would be, and not with Aeon leading the way as it was hard to relate or feel completely comfortable with someone so detached. In the moment Sera was becoming a bit oblivious and she was missing things, perhaps on purpose to some degree as Aeon dispatched of further undead. She had completely missed the departure of Devone, that was until she was pulled from her state of absence by Aeon grabbing her, apparently saving her from an unfortunate fate, and pulling her to his chest. She was more impressed by him shielding her from the blood more than anything else, his chest brought not incredible feeling and while his saving of her was appreciated the most impressive thing was the act of chivalry. "T-Thanks..." She said in an almost meek voice, still not quite herself even if she was doing her best to appear so on the surface. "Let's go." Even as she was pulled along moments later Sera simply went along with it, letting herself be guided as she disappeared into her head yet again, a solemn look on her face as she caught a glance of yet another zombie, though this time one that she recognized, if only vaguely. She hadn't known her, not even a passing greeting but it was a face she had seen and one that had her grimace and turn her head as Aeon dragged her along.

"We need to breakthrough." Sera wasn't sure how Aeon could keep himself so calm and also cut through the creatures with such ease, as if they hadn't been human or caused him no fear at all. She simply knew that she wasn't able to do so, though she had yet to try and that was as disheartening as anything else, that she was being protected and allowing others to do such things where she simply stated she could not without giving it the slightest attempt. Regardless she would not be changing in that moment and she only continued to follow Aeon's lead. "Be ready." Sera swallowed hard as she looked to the sickbay door, wondering if what was inside could possibly be as bad as what was roaming the halls, and also wondering if that had been where Devone had run off to. She hoped Devone was alright because as much as the woman knew how to poke a nerve she was not someone Sera would wish dead. In fact she wasn't sure who Devone really was, she probably wouldn't have been so hopeful that Devone was still alright but she had seen, or more precisely heard, hints of a person underneath the venom when in the elevator. She wondered just who Devone was and at the same time had her doubts that Devone was as evil as she tried to come across, or perhaps simply still capable of being redeemed.

"Open up." Sera swallowed again as she waited what would come next, what would be behind that door and whether Devone would still be alright, as she hoped many others were as well. It was only when the door opened that everything changed. Instead of more undead and horror she was instead greeted with a group of familiar faces, a few very familiar faces. "It seemed you two will be safe here." Sera nodded just slightly as she looked over the people in front of her and took special note of Kei. The senior was definitely a sight for sore eyes, she had already figured out he was a reliable guy and knowing how he was with Momo as her senior it definitely made her feel more at ease instantly, even if Aeon had proven himself capable by protecting her numerous times already. She looked to Devone, a sigh of relief at seeing she was unharmed, though she did look to be finally accepting their situation as truth and not some sick prank, further proof that she wasn't completely indifferent to everything. Then there was Akira, a sight for sore eyes even if they had a little rivalry going, and several other people she recognized from the bus, even the cute shorty Kaoru.

She didn't run in the room however, once Aeon released her hand she still just stood there, her face showing very little of anything despite the relief she was feeling. She looked at Aeon as he went around the room, speaking to carrying Devone to a bed, speaking to Keiko, even saying something to Kei and then heading back towards the door. She almost wanted to stop him, tell him to stay with the others to ensure safety but from what she had seen Aeon didn't fear what was outside and didn't feel attached to others, or seem to need them. So she said nothing and as he declared his departure she just moved from her place near the door over to a chair in one of the corners, sitting down and being much unlike her usual self, though not quite as absent as she had been previously. In fact she was looking around the room, everyone seemed to be handling things well enough and she was curious how long they had been enduring all of this, how long they had known what the hell was going on outside the sickbay doors, or at least had figured out the dangers. She herself was still acclimating, Devone seemed to be as well. Sera took in a deep breath, a hand moving up as she brushed some hair out of her face, eyes looking down as she began to twiddle her thumbs, curious where others may be, Momo, Silas, Bishop. There were still many unaccounted for.