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Kaoru Inoue

I just haven't hit my growth spurt. (Completely edited. Some RS added)

0 · 1,532 views · located in Airdalen Highschool

a character in “Love School Drama”, as played by Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fan


ā€œI believe in kindness, but I also believe in good mischief.ā€
Akira's voice


Theme: Invisible - Disciple

Kaoru Inoue







Intellect: 2

Physical/Sporting Ability: 8

Charm: 3

Popularity: 0

Your most important stat: ā€¢ Intellect... my Sporting ability would be a close second.
Which stat appeals to you most: ā€¢ Charm it's something everyone needs..


He is Bisexual

ā€¢ He likes both and doesn't want to be told he has to choose, but he never acts on this, he wants to keep it a secret from his classmates, afraid he would be further judged.

He's afraid of storms

ā€¢ Kaoru doesn't know why, but ever since he was a child, storms send him running and hiding in a closet or under a table. He has an irrational fear of the thunder.

He is subconscious about how short he is.

ā€¢ He has always been shorter than even most of the girls, standing no higher than 5'0'' without shoes on. He can manage 5'2'' - 5'3'' depending on the shoes he wears. He takes it personally when his height is attacked, but he tries to remain tough on the outside.

He lives with a roommate

ā€¢ His grandmother died, which was his last remaining relative, and he inherited her home, and the money. The money he inherited and the rent his roommate pays helps keep up the house payment.




ā€¢ His grandmother died, which was his last remaining relative, and he inherited her home, and the money. Kaoru is by no means loaded with cash, but he can afford the house without taking on a job until he graduates. The money he inherited and the rent his roommate pays helps keep up the house payment so he can focus on graduating high school and focus on his exams.

ā€¢ Kaoru lives with a non-relative friend and doesn't talk about his family much, he doesn't even tell anyone where he lives or with whom. His relationship with her is rather friendly and both are really similar in disposition, interests, and personality. She is a lot older than Kaoru and acts as a mother figure, although he is an emancipated teenager seeing as both his parents and all of his known blood relatives are dead.


ImageAkira Miyuu: (Acquaintance)
  • I don't like or dislike her, she's pretty boring.

ImageSilas Fuerst: (Enemy)
  • I feel like he's constantly trying to one-up me. It's getting on my nerves. I'm not a little kid.
  • He kissed me... he's going to ruin me.. I just got away from the teasing and bullying!

ImageKei Takeda: (Acquainted)
    He seems to be a pretty okay guy, but I'm judging him off that bizarre dream..

ImageDevone Kim: (Appointed Senior)
  • Ice Queen? I don't know her name, but she's fun! ^-^
  • You're more fun than I thought. Let's dance.

ImageAeon Shirokami: (Acquainted)

ImageCassiopeia Elegy Argyris: (Unacquainted)

ImageNatsu Tanaka: (Unacquainted)

ImageRaiden Kon: (Unacquainted)

ImageRyou Giou: (Unacquainted)


ImageMomo Yakamoto: (Acquainted)
  • She's really cute, and she's different from other girls I've met. She's really timid or something
  • I feel bad for putting her on the spotlight

ImageBishop Trander: (Acquaintance)
  • He's the one with the bad sentence structure..right? The one who likes video games?

ImageSera Katoshida: (Acquainted)
  • She's...pretty intimidating... but she's hot.

ImageYumi Lee: Acquaintance
  • She's different, kind of quirky. I like quirky--- I should find her sometime and get to know her.

ImageKeiko Misao: (Acquainted)

ImageDaniel Trist: (Unacquainted)

ImageJohnathan Fenix: Acquaintance

ImageArietta Hakushiro: (Unacquainted)

ImageMai Kon: (Unacquainted)

"Time for school."

So begins...

Kaoru Inoue's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru got off the bus, rubbing his dark eyes with an extended yawn. He didn't even get noticed on the bus, it kind of irritated him, but he assumed that the others probably mistook him for a teacher's child. He twitched at the thought. I am not that short! He was kidding himself although, he stood a mere 5'2'' with tennis shoes, he was at least 5'0 without them. For a sixteen year old boy he was implausibly short and child-like in appearance. It was hard for him to be taken seriously as a adolescent, or just as a person in general. He blinked when his gaze cleared, the ocean in front of him capturing his attention.

He was breathless. His eyes scanned the scene around them, he was totally amazed. So this is what the ocean looks like.. I'd never seen it before, wow. I kind of feel exhilarated.. I can't wait for the beach sports! He discovered his bag and with one quick heave, he wrangled it from the pile. He smirked and without second thought, he pitched it over his shoulder. The bag was almost as big as the short male, but he steadily carried it. Indeed he was small and he looked fragile, but he wasn't useless. He loved sports. Then he realized something, something that wreaked havoc on his mood. I don't know where the cabins are, I do not have a senior and everyone here but me seems to have at least a vague idea of where they are going. I don't know any of their names to even ask for directions.. not even the teachers. He gripped the strap to his bag, scowling a bit. He looked around to the people that surrounded him in a close range, which were seniors and which were juniors? He hoped, no, prayed his expression wasn't as pathetic and confused as he felt on the inside. He knew he needed to tell someone, but everyone towered over him, even the girls. It was intimidating even considering of approaching one of them.

Maybe I can just follow the guys? He tried to contemplate a game plan to help himself survive this normally simple task, but it wasn't quite that simple when you were panicked. He sighed to himself and decided on another tactic. Seniors knew who they'd been assigned, right? He nodded to himself with new found determination before trying to figure out who was supposed to be helping him. They'd be looking around as well, right? Today already has started off for the worst. Why the hell did I even come on this trip? I have the worst feeling in the pit of my stomach. He walked over to the first person he could ask, considering no one seemed to be looking for him. He found a girl with long black hair, who he had to admit seemed rather intimidating (Devone). He sighed and clenched his fists, trying to keep his nervousness to a bare minimum, "Excuse me? Hey, can you show me where the boys cabins are? least tell me please?" He asked with a kind smile, eyes closed so he wouldn't have to witness her expression. Gross, you're not even acting like a boy Kaoru.. good one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Devone watched as all the students got into their little pairings, most of which seemed to have changed over the duration since school began. Hm.. maybe I can trade Miami for a more interesting test subject? Then again.. She sighed inwardly, handbag clutched against her by her right arm. At least she hasnā€™t come whining to me about a cabin tour.. She was about to make her way for the cabins, not forgetting of the beach layout since she had been here a fair few times but a little junior (Kaoru) popped out of nowhere. "Excuse me? Hey, can you show me where the boys cabins are? least tell me please?" Heh.. I spoke too soon. She turned her body around to be presented with yet another junior. Devone lifted her sunglasses so it was acting as a hairband before she stared down at him intimidatingly, eyes a little bit glaring before she put on a friendly smile, tapping the boyā€™s head.

ā€œAwwā€¦ no.ā€ The latter came out more honestly, in its grumpy tone and all as she retracted her hand. Juniors seriously.. get a hold of yourselves. she was turning around about to ditch the kid but came face to face with Mr. Drone. ā€œWhat now?ā€ she demanded, eyes narrowed as the teacher and student entered into a stare down contest. ā€œYou blinked ha!ā€ Mr. Drone said, pointing at Devoneā€™s face immaturely and doing a little victory dance. This is why I rarely attend P.E class.. she thought irritatingly about to trudge off again until Mr. Drone raised his arm up to block her path, putting a piece of paper in her face with the new pairing listings. Devoneā€™s eyes scanned the list to find her worst nightmare.. assigned TWO juniors. I swear.. these teachers are screwing with me. She shot the brute teacher one last glare before making a sudden turn on her heel, grabbing the little boy (Kaoru) by his arm and dragging him along the ground in the direction of the male cabins like a piece of uncared for meat.

Heā€™s pretty lightweight..good. Makes this easier for the two of us. she thought with a tad bit of humour accompanied by an evident smirk. Devone also wasnā€™t really listening if the junior (Kaoru) was saying something, the sooner she dropped him off where he needed to be, the sooner she could be left alone which is where she wanted to be. She didnā€™t really have any plans for the beach stay; not like she had any friends to make plans with but it was a nice break from school and uniforms. School was the only place that could somewhat restrain her from doing whatever she wanted so naturally it wasnā€™t a place she liked being in. Devone would probably end up sunbathing somewhere; she had enough of messing with people for one day. Being manipulative wasnā€™t something just anyone could do, it really required skill, knowing your opponents weaknesses and flaws and harnessing it against themā€¦ making themselves their own enemy. Frankly, people just didnā€™t understand that. People like Akira would blame her for it when really; Devone didnā€™t see it as her fault. It was Akiraā€™s fault for presenting her with all the right tools. You shouldn't give a murderer a weapon, same as one should never leave certain pieces of information in Devoneā€™s hands. General Manipulative Biatch 101..

As she continued walking on, she spotted a helicopter above them landing nearby that was easily identified as belonging to the U.S Navy instigating a few interesting thoughts. Maybe if I.. Nah, couldnā€™t be bothered. Enough mayhem for today.. I should grant myself a well-earned rest.. It was fortunate timing as they neared the cabins, she had managed to walk past Varthurā€™s group and avoid getting sprayed by Miamiā€™s water gun. She wasnā€™t too sure about the poor junior (Kaoru) but she wasnā€™t against sterilisation so if he got soaked, good for him. She released the junior right at the doorstep of a random male cabin, assuming she had taken him far enough. ā€œYouā€™re welcome.ā€ She droned, putting a hand on her hips and boringly staring off into space waiting for the squirt to head on in or give her a few words. It was just such an uninteresting chore for her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Bishop Trander Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue Character Portrait: Miami Takizawa
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Kaoru blinked up at (Devone), his eyes determined, yet the fear was definitely present inside his blue eyes, but they closed when he felt a pressure against his head. I am not a dog!! He twitched at the thought, but he needed her help, so he could deal with this for a few moments at the very least. After all, when in rome. He tilted his head away from her, a pout upon the tiny boy's features. This girl is something else.. He mumbled it to himself mentally, but he kind of liked her, she wasn't hugged up on him because he was 'shota' or 'kawaii' the mere thought made him shiver, "Alright I suppose.. I can't make you." He forced a kind smile. Why are all the Seniors so rude to us Juniors anyway? Weren't they a Junior once too? He ran a hand through his blue hair, trying to make up another game plan. Girls are so difficult, they're either treating my like a kid, or not paying attention to me at all like this one, thats why I perfer gu-.. He instantly tensed. No. Don't even think of that!

He frowned a bit at the tone she'd voiced her opinion in, then he couldn't help but smirk. Ha, teacher intervention. Serves you right Ice Queen. He made a snickering sound aloud, but only enough for (Devone) to hear. This side of her is kind of cute in a deadly way~ He snickered again and blinked when the teacher began dancing, taking his phone out and recording it, "Who is he? Does he do this often?" The boy asked curiously, unsure if he would actually get an answer. Kaoru gasped out when he was suddenly tugged alone, jamming his phone into his pocket. He blinked to see it was that girl, and he once again smirked. Looks like I win, Ice Queen. His mood returned to chipper and bubbly so he looked around as he kept up, almost making it pointless for her to drag him in the first place. You almost ripped my arm off. I need to play beach volleyball, careful.. he thought with a whine. He had to prove himself somehow even if he only helped his team score one point, for a short kid like him, that was pretty awesome.

Kaoru knew she wasn't listening to him, so he kept his words scarace, maybe she would reply if he only said a few short sentences. What is with this girl? This is the beach after all, does she not have friends? He tilted his head to gaze up at her, Why do I feel she's lonely? He ended up staring, trying to read the older girl as they walked. I can't tell much else about her, other than the fact she keeps everyone at an arms distance, but why? People are great, shoulders to cry on, someone to hug when you're happy or having a bad day..why wouldn't she want that? This girl is different from the rest, I may enjoy aggervating her.. he snickered at the thought. She seems cutest when she is angry. What is the worst she could do to me anyway? It's not like I'm that weak. Yep, she's my new toy, if she acknowledges it or not. Ice Queen~ you're up for the game of your life. I am not afraid of girls like you. I won't steer clear from you so easily.. what will you do~?

Kaoru laughed when water hit his face as they passed the line of fire, tilting his head a bit, "Wow, she's cute." he grinned when he saw Miami, not even bothering to keep his voice down. He was a male after all, he was just decently open about his findings. She can have a water fight with me any day of the week.. he was slightly flushed, trying not to think of how many attractive girls he would encounter on this trip. Sure he could flirt and play off his boyish looks, but he wasn't immune to getting flustered either. He was actually easily embarrassed when he lost control of a situation, "Thank you sweetheart~ I can't wait to see you in a swimsuit~" he winked at her teasingly, clearing out of her arms distance just in case she tried to retaliate to his flirty reply. Heh, she's going to be fun to play with! He thought excited. I wonder if there is already boys in this cabin? He put his stuff down infront of the cabin, opening the door and just sliding it in for safety. He'd move elsewhere if the boys who potentially owned the room didn't want him. He stripping his shirt, shoes, and pants, placing them on his bag and running back to where he'd saw a group formed. His blue and white trunks he previously wore under his clothes suited him rather well and was now on display as he stopped when he finally found them again. He looked to (Varthur, Miami, Bishop etc) before smiling politely, "T-the last person I met wasn't too friendly.. mind if I join you guys?" His blue eyes were pleading as he looked up to all of them, the only ones he was close to in height were the girls, but he was even shorter than some of didn't help he posessed a feminine quality to him as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bishop Trander Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue Character Portrait: Miami Takizawa
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Kaoru blinked at the dark haired male (Varthur) completely perplexed. This senior was, in his opinion, behaving rather foreignly for a guy at the beach. He didn't understand why the taller boy was shielding his eyes no matter how hard he tried to relate, but he decided to observe for now and ask questions later. He felt himself sweatdrop when he realized the tall black haired boy was practically on the ground, now lower than even himself. He knelt down and poked the stranger (Varthur) a few times, tilting his navy haired head to the right, "Are you alright?" the blue eyed boy asked inquisitively to him, "Uhm she had lengthy black hair, and she was kind of unsympathetic and unpleasant, but she was amusing to aggravate." Kaoru answered as he struggled to describe her (Devone) to (Varthur), "I just call her Ice Queen to myself, though I doubt she would appreciate it if she knew though." He then grabbed Varthur by the hands, "What're you so scared of senpai?" he asked curiously. He didn't understand (Varthur's) jumpiness around girls, he liked being around girls and he liked seeing them in swimsuits. Is this guy gay or just shy? I actually cannot tell for once. Ugh, you better answer me quickly..and please don't take this as a homosexual pass at you.. you're not exactly my type so far.. Kaoru tried to keep his thoughts to himself, but it was hard to not judge the senior when he seemed to be absolutely opposed to girls in bikinis.

Then the boyā€™s observation transferred to a really tall blonde, he looked pretty built (Bishop), especially compared to the darker haired boy. Hmm, now this I like, intriguing. I'd love to get my hands on that, but this is not the time or place. It was a disaster the last time I expressed that side.. He caught himself raising an eyebrow when Bishop reacted like a clown towards the really cute pink haired girl (Miami). What the hell is wrong with these guys? Itā€™s just a girl in a bikini with a water gun. Even if she is cute, what is the big deal? He sighed to himself, shaking his head when the blonde (Bishop) walked off, ā€œReally? Like it wasnā€™t obvious he was staring at her chest even before he spilled out the word breasts. ā€ he laughed to himself, ā€œNot that I can say I blame him. Cherry Blossom is a sight for sore eyes.ā€ He then turned his attention to the dark haired male who seemed to be having an anxiety attack (Varthur). I am going to make you enjoy yourself if it kills me.. Then he got an interesting thought, a light bulb practically appearing above his head, ā€œIsnā€™t there a girl you want to see in a bikini senpai? Or are you a player for the other team?ā€ he asked blatantly, blue eyes staring at him, waiting for an answer. The small statured boy seemed to be bothered by very little in the verbal department. This was because Kaoru played for both teams, regardless of how much he denied it. He wasnā€™t embarrassed to ask such questions, he didnā€™t see the harm in it. A question is a question, it can't hurt anyone. He was used to ā€˜girl talkā€™. He lived with a girl after all. He was a great listener, could stand the boy band music, but he also could be a total guy and talk about boobs, and sports and donā€™t get even him started on videogames. Though, Alcohol, partying, and intimate relationships were out of his league. Heā€™d had girlfriends, heā€™d kissed girls, but he wasnā€™t very insistent, he was still fairly innocent. Kaoru rolled his eyes after growing impatient, he wanted to get active, ā€œI promise you wonā€™t get bitten by the average girl on this trip for accidentally staring at her chest, hell most of them would probably be flattered. Now, on to more pressing matters! I heard one of the guys mention chicken, but I doubt youā€™re up for a girl on your shoulders.." The boy trailed off, tapping his forehead trying to think, then his face brightened up, "Do you know how to play Beach Frisbee?ā€ he inquired, trying to find something easy, yet appealing, for the rather lanky boy to do. Beach frisbee would be easy.. and I could compensate for my height in that game..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Varthur's shoulder got poked a few times but he hardly noticed, too troubled as he kept his hands firmly in front of his eyes. Crap, I just know I'm going to offend someone if I let myself look on.. "Are you alright?" Varthur turned his head so his eyes crept up above his hands at the unknown junior (Kaoru) "Uhm she had lengthy black hair, and she was kind of unsympathetic and unpleasant, but she was amusing to aggravate." Ah... he's talking about his senior.. "I just call her Ice Queen to myself, though I doubt she would appreciate it if she knew though." There's only one Ice Queen in the whole senior body. Varthur thought as Devone's face popped up in his head. Varthur was startled as he felt his hands grabbed, for a moment thinking his shield to remain innocent was about to be pulled away from him. "What're you so scared of senpai?" The junior (Kaoru) asked making him narrow his head a bit shameful of telling another male, a junior of all folks what he was scared of. It probably sounded ridiculous spoken aloud. "Scared of looking at a girl and offending her without meaning to..." he confessed in a mutter before facepalming. ā€œReally? Like it wasnā€™t obvious he was staring at her chest even before he spilled out the word breasts.ā€ Breasts?!?! The word on it's own made Varthur freeze up and blush insanely, his hands burning touching the blushing action as they remained glued to his face from the facepalm. ā€œNot that I can say I blame him. Cherry Blossom is a sight for sore eyes.ā€

Cherry blossom.. reminds me of Momo. Varthur thought, removing his hands from his face and looking away deep in thought. I hate cherry blossoms.. they make me sneeze too. Troll trees. ā€œIsnā€™t there a girl you want to see in a bikini senpai? Or are you a player for the other team?ā€ Varthur looked at the junior, hopping backwards in the sand with a hand up like a stop sign. "Whaaaat?!" he let the shock and confusion appear on his face and gesture. "I don't... I don't know!" he said quickly, not wanting to appear as a guilty party. He actually didn't think about it till Kaoru asked. "I don't have anyone.." he said sadly, head drooping between his knees sadly as dark vibes started oozing out of him. "But I'm not homosexual. Just unbearably 'forever alone'." he said as more of a joke as he chuckled a bit before lifting his head up with a usual smile. ā€œI promise you wonā€™t get bitten by the average girl on this trip for accidentally staring at her chest, hell most of them would probably be flattered. Now, on to more pressing matters! I heard one of the guys mention chicken, but I doubt youā€™re up for a girl on your shoulders.." Varthur's dark oozy vibes returned though his face remained intact with the smile, trying to keep up a good mood. I know.. I suck at physical activity but can you really tell that just by looking at me? "Do you know how to play Beach Frisbee?ā€ he inquired. "Oh uh yeah.. played as a child I guess.." Varthur scratched his head, standing up again so he towered over the junior (Kaoru). "Hey by the way.. what is your name again?" Varthur asked, scratching his head a bit more. He wasn't sure if he already heard it, cause if he did he forgot after accidentally looking in wrong directions on the beach.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru laughed to himself as the senior (Varthur) mentioned his fear of being disrespectful to the girls, ā€œI think theyā€™ll feel worse if you donā€™t look at them. You might make them feel ugly. Just look at their face longer than you look anywhere else.ā€ His grin was self-assured, trying to reassure the other male, ā€œThis is the beach, have fun. Why do you think they wear those impractical little strings? They want you to look.ā€ He rubbed the back of his head. He couldnā€™t think of any other purpose girls would tromp around on sandy beaches in such little clothing. He hoped he was right, but he kept his facial expression unwavering and unruffled. He had to help the Senior feel more confident about his current situation, ā€œYou wonā€™t have any fun if you keep your eyes plastered to your hands the whole trip.ā€

Kaoru blinked at Varthurā€™s response, tipping his head and gazing up at the sky ā€œItā€™s not like youā€™re a horrendous ogre if you want to see one of them in a swimsuit. I found the girl with the squirt guns to be quite darling. I need to catch up with her sometime.ā€ He grins goofily, his cheeks a little flushed. She was tremendously cute.. ā€œWell, weā€™ll just have to figure out which girl you like.ā€ Kaoru shrugs as if it was a simple, mundane task, ā€œUhm, I didnā€™t catch your name, so unless you want to be called Eiffel Tower.. may I know it?ā€ he inquires with a laugh. He had a knack for giving everyone a nickname; it was kind of his quirk. Ice Queen (Devone), Cherry Blossom (Miami), Effiel Tower (Varthur).

ā€œI wasnā€™t asking if you have a girlfriend, I donā€™t either.ā€ He snickers a bit, wondering if the other male misinterpreted his question. Does he seriously not have a crush on anyone? Wow. Iā€™ve only been on the beach like, maybe twenty minutes and Iā€™ve found two super cute girls. One was a bit feisty albeit, but she was still cute. ā€œI was just asking if you like anyone on this trip. I was going to let you impress her if you do.ā€ He winks a bit, ā€œGirlā€™s love a shota.ā€ He states confidently. He seemed to abuse the fact he was ā€˜boyishly cuteā€™ when it came to girls. Though if he were with all the guys, heā€™d definitely view his short stature as a detestable feature. What guy wishes to be seen as the small fry? He didnā€™t know a single dude who would ask to be short, so he simply abused the fact when it could be of use, but he didnā€™t enjoy it. Heā€™d give anything to be taller. What girl falls in love with the shorty? Girls donā€™t date shorter guys.. ā€œI see, well, lets go make ourselves known. Who knows, girls might ask to join, or we can just look cool with minimal chance of falling and looking pitiful. If you fall in beach Frisbee you just look determined, ne sempai?ā€ he asks with a immature grin, not wanting to ruin the happy mood of the beach. Kaoru didnā€™t know if Varthur was especially good or bad at sports, but he presumed the other boy would do better at Frisbee seeing as his coordination might be diminished considering all the bikinis tromping around the beach. He wanted to help the other boy look cool, not make himself a bigger laughingstock. You need to chill, though itā€™s kind of cute seeing you all nervous like that Eiffel tower. Kaoruā€™s shrugged off his thoughts, he knew he couldn't keep thinking like that. His eyes widened when he took note of how much taller Varthur actually was, standing up to feel a little better about himself, ā€œKaoru Inoue.ā€ He murmurs back softly, positioning one hand on his hip, ā€œGood. Weā€™ll play that then. It will be good for you, keep your mind off the bikiniā€™s and whatnot.ā€

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Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru smiled cheerfully when he realized that his pep-talk was having a least a slight effect on the senior, ā€œ Trust me. Girls want to be reassured they are cute.. even the intimidating ones. ā€ He chuckled at this, thinking back to Ice Queen ( Devone ). Though I wonder about that one, does she really keep everyone at that distance or did I come across as someone she wouldnā€™t like from the get-go? He shrugged the thought off easily. He wasnā€™t one to linger, especially when he had cuter girls on his mind.

ā€œ Girls. Wear. Bikinis. Because. They. Want. Men. To. Look. ā€œ Kaoru sounds each word out slowly, making sure to pause between them in order to get his concept across to the senior. Kaoru grinned at Varthur, ā€œ I am glad that we both see it my way. ā€ Kaoru chimed out in a happy-go-lucky tone. He was short, possibly shorter than some of the girls; Although Akira was an inch or two shorter than him definitely if one wanted to quickly measure him approximately. She was the shortest girl in the senior class, so he was doing better than her in the height department. ā€œ Nice to meet you Varthur. ā€ Kaoru grins to him now that he had his name, ā€œ Donā€™t put yourself down like that! If I looked at myself and made insults like that to my pride I donā€™t think Iā€™d make it through the day. ā€ Kaoru grabbed Varthur by the arm, dragging him off further onto the beach if the other boy allowed him, doing his best to force him to move forward otherwise. You're skinny, I think I could budge you by force towards the girls if I have to.. but I'm going to give you an option before I try.. god knows you could probably pick me up. I'd hate that. ā€œ I got one of those Nerf Frisbeeā€™s.. letā€™s go before itā€™s too late. ā€ He mumbles in a slight boyish pout. Kaoru was good at displaying his boyish charm with pride when it would work to his favour. He was really a manipulative little Junior if it came down to it. His eyes looked up to Varthur, ā€œ Youā€™re so tall. I won't lie and say I'm not jealous. ā€ He frowns, his pout growing. The blue haired boy looks up at the sky with a frown. It was getting dark soon, dark meant partying, partying meant flirting. However, he only knew Varthur and Ice Queen ( Devone ) and that was only a short aquaintence.

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Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru blinked at Varthur confused, then looked at the three theyā€™d passed. Wow.. those guys were really tall too.. but the girl seemed about the same height as me. He let go of Varthur, blinking and hissing a bit when he realized the crash was his fault, ā€œIā€™m sorry Var, I didnā€™t mean to.ā€ He rubbed the back of his head, sweatdropping nervously. He blinked at Varthur and jumped back for a moment as his upperclassmen began screaming he was hot.. he grabbed the black haired boy's hand quickly, rushing Varthur to one of the boyā€™s public bathrooms, ā€œYou need some coldā€¦ non-saltwater to wash off under. The rooms are too far away, thisā€™ll be closer. Just hop under one of the showers.ā€ He informed the senior as he did his best to drag him along again, but this time to actually help with something that was his fault, and much more careful and considerate to Varthurā€™s balance and pace. Glad I noticed a map on the wall of the cabin and made sure to note where the bathrooms were.

ā€œGuess we wonā€™t get to play Frisbee.. oh well.. that girl (Akira) mentioned a party right?ā€ he asked tilting his head, opening the door to the public bathroom and letting go of Varthur. Walking in like that together would just be creepy..Though, I hope that itā€™s just because the sand was hot and itā€™s not something more serious.. He perched himself on a sink, ā€œIā€™m not sure where the showers are, but they always have them.ā€ The boy ran a hand sheepishly through his blue hair, closing his eyes that matched almost creepily well. Iā€™ve screwed up a lot already, and I didnā€™t really get to do anything except cause Varthur a lot of trouble. He shook it off, forcing a smile to his face. Donā€™t dwell on it, youā€™re doing your best to make it up to him after all.

He tilted his head, ā€œSorry about that.ā€ He apologized for the second time, unsure if the senior was angry. Normally he wouldnā€™t care what a male thought, but he didnā€™t have any other friends, he didnā€™t want to piss off his first one. That would just be stupid. I guess I can go as I am right? Just grab a shirt and just go in my trunks? Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be fine. I donā€™t feel like changing.. too much effort goes into it. Iā€™m just itching to meet people!

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Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru blinked when Varthur confessed to not really paying attention, shaking his head. You really are rotten luck with girls arenā€™t you Tower? He laughed to himself, but shrugged, ā€œWell, yeah, she mentioned a party. Sounds interesting in my opinion.ā€ Kaoru swung his legs back and forth youthfully while sitting on one of the bathroom sinks. He wasnā€™t that concerned with germs. He was the sporty type all of his life, he was used to all sorts of disgusting. He raised an eyebrow at the other male who seemed to be a bit disturbed by it. Is he more of a pixie than me or what? The menā€™s room isnā€™t going to have scented pink towelettes, I can promise you that. He closed his eyes, entertained a bit. Although Towerā€™s a bit older than me, he acts really young as well. I guess thatā€™s why I kind of like him. Heā€™s not a self-centred senior. This is somebody Iā€™d like to be friends with. I wonder if he feels the same way? Guyā€™s donā€™t usually question those sorts of problems though. He might think Iā€™m creepy, being bisexual and all doesnā€™t make this any easier on my case. Not to mention this situation.. He was slightly flushed, not because he felt attracted to Varthur, but the thought of there being a misunderstanding, it made him shudder. I donā€™t want to lose my only friend because of something as senseless as that.

He turned his attention back to Varthur, ā€œI see, well, Iā€™ll try to keep that in mind and pull you more gently. I just get really excited, thatā€™s all.ā€ He grinned sheepishly, though he knew Varthur couldnā€™t see him by this point. He jumped when Varthur mentioned finding it, ā€œI told you. Now hurry up!ā€ he laughed, hopping from the sink and adjusting his hair in the mirror, ā€œYeah, Iā€™d like to. Why? Are the parties usually lame or something?ā€ He asked, not too concerned. He just wanted to meet more people. Possibly flirt with that pink haired girl some (Miami). He tensed, jumping out of his skin and almost poking his own eye out when he heard Varthur scream, ā€œDonā€™t do that! I thought something was terribly wrong..!ā€ he snapped breathlessly. He was on edge. Guys were always first to judge a bisexual guy. He couldnā€™t help but be nervous about Varthur finding out. I wonā€™t let anyone know..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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ā€œWell, yeah, she mentioned a party. Sounds interesting in my opinion.ā€ Varthur felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead nervously at the thought of attending a party. The last party he attended was one of his father's with business associates and other family friends gathered that was hosted at their mansion's ballroom. Unfortunately for Varthur, a girl had asked him for a dance and he had screwed up somewhere halfway through the song and received a slap for his clumsy ways. His father already didn't seem to have any fondness towards his sons, but that situation had only made things worse and given him more reason to be displeased. Varthur had almost come around to despise himself, just as his father despised him had it not been for school; a place he could be himself and be surrounded with people who actually did give a damn. His brother was also a source of strength, the kid was never complaining about their father's distant attitude towards them and Varthur wanted to be the best big brother he could be, to make up for their mother's passing.. and their father's coldness. He remained silent as he washed the sweat drops away while his worries were casted aside as well for the moment. He was at the beach with cool friends, the rest could concern him later as soon as he arrived back home.

He stared downwards to check his stomach to find the pained red fading to his relief. I hope this clumsiness is just a phase I will grow out of.. he thought hopefully as he flicked the hair of his head back and forth under the running water in case some sand had been caught after the drag. Varthur didn't blame Kaoru in the least bit, those things just always happened to him. He always seemed to stuff up in one way or another.. maybe that's why Momo hated him so much. ā€œI see, well, Iā€™ll try to keep that in mind and pull you more gently. I just get really excited, thatā€™s all.ā€ The corners of Varthur's lips slowly ascended as he returned to more positive carefree thoughts. "Haha it's fine. Since you were so excited, maybe we'll play Frisbee tomorrow morning?" he suggested as he patted his stomach, not because of earlier's soreness but this time, remembering how Kei had punched him. He was glad they had talked things out. Varthur didn't really know the guy, but he didn't think he was bad at all. Realistically, Varthur was naive. He thought bad of no one for the most part, excluding his father... and Devone after what Akira had told him. With Momo? He wasn't so sure if he thought of her to the same length as a 'bad person'. He had tried hard to understand what was going on, why she had spat on his scarf and run away at the mere sight of him and why she refused to talk to him on every possible occasion. It was confusing but he had originally hated her for it, he had cared so much and even fallen for her at some point; graceful steps, words of kindness, a smile that could light up a room and the way she tried so hard to achieve her best in everything. It was frankly adorable.. or at least it was until she had shunned him. Now he found it all kind of annoying.

After that mess, he had almost isolated himself from girls. He never spoke to any unless spoken to and he made sure to keep his distance reasoning and humbling himself as; someone no one want to be with anyway. He had started to believe it and it showed in the way he acted. Of course being isolated, had also made him more bashful when something out of the blue happened. Even a small tap on the shoulder or a pat on the head could turn his skin red but he tried hard to brush it aside and not get his hopes up to think for a moment that he had a chance to be loved that way. If his own dad couldn't appreciate him, what more a woman? Surely, they wanted guys like Silas who could sweep them off their feet.. Varthur was more the type to accidentally step on feet during a dance. Akira was a different story. He had somehow managed to pull his act together, even if just a little to make sure she was alright. Heck, he had even done brave stupid things he never thought he would do, like the time he let her lean her head on his shoulder. Recalling that moment made Varthur blush to himself and face palm. He didn't even understand why he did that. He could have tried to cheer her up another way but it happened out of impulse. He was hardly thinking over it when he had done it. Just happened, automatically. Another reason for his 'shyness' was also what he told Akira.. he didn't want to hurt anybody knowing he'd probably be unable to live up to romantic expectations. He could easily see himself as the worst choice of companion in general.. hell, he couldn't even give a girl he fancied flowers.

ā€œYeah, Iā€™d like to. Why? Are the parties usually lame or something?ā€ Varthur chuckled nervously as he was about to finish up. "Well no, I don't think this one will be lame. We have a good bunch of seniors and juniors so it sounds promising. Let's just go and have fun!" he encouraged, remembering Kaoru hadn't met everyone yet and he was looking forward to helping his new friend fit right in. Some water had shockingly got into his left eye just as he was finishing up resulting in a bit of a shocked yell that shocked Kaoru too. ā€œDonā€™t do that! I thought something was terribly wrong..!ā€ Kaoru scolded making Varthur laugh a little. "Sorry dude." he apologised, rotating the shower knobs till the water stopped completely not wanting to waste water. He quickly changed into his clothes again, failing at finding an expected towel and walked back to where he last saw Kaoru in the men's room. "So should we go straight to the party or..?" he started questioning, messing up his hair as it was still wet. Not that he thought anyone would mind him being a little damp, they were at the beach after all.

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Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru shuffled around kind of uneasily. She nods quickly when the other boy mentioned letting him play frisbee with him in the morning. Somethig he probably shouldn't have offered. "Sure! That would be awesome!" he replied quickly, fist pumping the air. His words came out almost incoherently as the older boy brightened the hyperactive younger one's spirits. He was far more bubbly than Akira when it came to his good mood, and so far, he never seemed to have a negative opinion on much of anything, even his time with Devone he held positively, as a joke. He wasn't mad at his mistreatment from his senior. Though, that was only because his secret was safe at this school. He was ecstatic to have a fresh start where no one knew him, or about his sexuality. Where no one knew he had a thing for both females and males. Last time didn't go so well, so he couldn't help but be more than cheerful that he already had a friend this quickly. It was overall in Kaoru's nature to smile, even shortly after something bad happened so it wasn't in him to really be able to relate to how Varthur was feeling. Kaoru very rarely was a sad person. He noticed that Varthur got a little quiet so he couldn't help but feel a bit concerned so he scratched his head. He was honestly trying to grasp why the other boy wasn't as psyched as he was about being at the beach, but he just couldn't understand it. Is he still in pain? Is he mad but just trying to be cool about it? I just don't get it.. "Is something bothering you? You're switching faster than a mood ring." Kaoru called to Varthur, then chewed on his bottom lip, "I mean, you don't have to tell me, I was just curious.. you seem a bit.. inconsistant."

"I see, I've only met Ice Queen (Devone) So I can't really say I know much about the crowd that's going to be there.." Kaoru rubbed the back of his head, "I was asleep on the bus. I didn't get to do any socializing at all.." Kaoru laughed nervously, feeling a bead of sweat slip down his forehead. He never really understood why he slept like a rock. He missed out on the chances of meeting people. So he really hadn't made friends at all before today. He was kind of just getting used to the school the first few days. He couldn't even remember who his senior was at the beginning. He had passed through the school days in a dazed state, barely functioning. New school, new people.. it was a lot to grasp. Especially with all the buildings! He wasn't used to a school of this calibur. Kaoru nodded absentmindedly, to be honest he wasn't even hearing Varthur. He wasn't trying to be rude, but he felt pretty overwhelmed with how well things were already progressing. His blue eyes fell onto the taller male as he returned in sight, ripping himself from his thoughts, messing up his own hair as if to collect the pieces of his thoughts together, "I don't mind going shirtless, we can go as we are if that's fine with you." Kaoru really didn't put much mind in his appearance, he wasn't very insecure about it, other than his short stature. He knew he wasn't unattractive. He was just.. fun sized.. "I think we're already late anyhow, we don't want to miss more than we have to." Kaoru tapped his chin, stretching and moving over to where Varthur was standing, "Though it's your call this time, you're the senior."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Bishop Trander Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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Kei Takeda

ā€œIā€™m glad you came, itā€™s not very often I am granted the opportunity to socialise with a classmate for this long..ā€ Devone was kind, at least at that moment in time she seemed very misunderstood and kind. She was a hard one to read though, he still didn't know her but once again that was what Silas planned, or so he assumed, whatever the game was being a group activity. ā€œSure, why not?ā€ Luckily enough Devone seemed to want to stick around, answering quickly when he asked if she wanted to stay. It was good, he would get to know her better, and if she was truly wanting to let people see another side of her, assuming she had one which he believed she did, it would be the perfect place for her to do so. ā€œOh hi there Kei!ā€ Kei was happily surprised to see Sera arrive back with Momo, turning and waving to his Junior after she spoke. "Hey Momo." He said cheerfully, glad that she had made it and also glad she was going to be joining them, although he was a bit skeptical she would approve of what they were doing. Sure he didn't know her too well yet but he knew her better than he did the other people at the party and she just didn't seem the type to enjoy a drinking game, if drinking at all. Momo was present which was all that mattered for the time being and so he turned to Bishop, he wanted to get to know the younger blonde better but he had just never really taken a chance to talk to him. The man had given him a nod so he nodded back, adding a "Hey Bishop" And a friendly look, glad that the man had joined them, they could all use to get to know him a bit better.

Bishop looked rather down when Kei looked closely though, Kei was hoping that it didn't stay that way, the night was meant for fun and Bishop needed to have as much fun as the rest of them. Thankfully Silas was back and the party was sure to kick up again with his influence. He began to get spirits back up, trying to cheer the sulking kid up and handing out beer as well. Kei took his with a nod and took a sip from it, it would be his third of the night and it was most likely only beginning, he just hoped he could keep himself from becoming too loopy so early into the festivities. "Right Everyone!" "Let's start then. Sit! Sit down-!" It would be easier to keep himself going when the game was about to start, Silas was getting them all to form a circle on the sand. Kei went ahead and sat down, not much minding who was next to him, just ready to get things started and get the games going. "For those of you who are as of now being initiated, we're playing Never Have I Ever." Kei had never played the game, he had never interacted with people much before, but he could guess the end purpose of the game, drinking. "Say a statement you have never done, and those in the circle who have done said deed must drinkā€¦" Yep, figured as much, a drinking game on the beach. That makes sense I suppose, besides, the game will definitely reveal a lot about each of us, I just hope there isn't anything to embarrassing I have to drink for. "Think of it as a team bonding exercise. A... "Get to know you."" That is exactly how I am going to think about this, team building, getting to know friends. It will be worthwhile to give away some facts about myself as long as I learn about the others as well. "Oh- and anyone caught cheating must chug a whole bottle..." Kei wasn't quite sure how one would cheat at such a game but he didn't bother asking, it would only serve to help some people be aware of how to cheat and that never helped.

"And since Bishop has a head start-.... He'll be starting!" Kei looked over to Silas and smiled, that was good thinking, help Bishop integrate himself in by going first, he just hoped it would work out alright. That was up to Bishop of course, whether or not he was going to really get into the game or just say something passive. Kei personally hoped he would start it off with a bang, he wanted Bishop to enjoy himself as well as everyone to become interested from the get go, a very interesting 'Never have I ever'. Well here goes, I really do hope nothing too embarrassing comes up. He thought one last time, waiting for the Junior (Bishop) to proceed and start the game, to begin the no doubt long and interesting night. Before that happened though they were joined by two more, Varthur being one of them "Hey guys!". "Well anyway, this is my new friend Kaoru!" Then he introduced a new guy, short but that meant nothing, Kei simply looked at them and wondered if they would join the game, not sure whether or not Varthur would drink and knowing nothing of the new guy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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"I see. I guess I should be worried as well, my roommate is kind of scatterbrained. She possibly burnt down the house while I was gone.." The blue haired boy rubbed his temples, a expression of worry and doubt for the girl's safety crossing his face for a few moments before he looked back up to Varthur, "But we'll be with our families again soon, so for now, let's have fun." His grin once again returned to him. I just don't like those kinds of thoughts. I am going to make this guy laugh. He needs it. He blinked at the senior and nodded, shrugging his shoulders, "You're not unattractive. I shouldn't have to 'give' you girls if you keep that shirt off." He grinned at Varthur, " Girls really don't pay too much attention, and you're really skinny.." he poked at Varthur's sides for a moment, "You're going to attract at least one girl's eyes tonight." Kaoru nodded, his eyes determined at the senior. He wasn't really sure, but in his opinion Varthur wasn't unattractive, he was awkward in a kind of cute way. There had to be a girl at this school who liked that about him. It was impossible. There is just too many people for a girl to not see what a good guy he is.. I mean, he's been a good sport with me. Kaoru laughed a bit, following him out, "Heck yeah, let's do this." Kaoru chimed in an excited tone, "No worries. Everyone drinks at these kind of parties right. No one will be looking too cool." Kaoru crossed his arms behind his head as they made their way along, trying his best to pay attention and reply to Varthur, but had they not been walking, he'd of been bouncing with excitement. Girls,Girls,Drinking,Girls. I love highschool!

Kaoru blinked at all the people, biting his bottom lip as he felt a nervousness in his stomach. All of the guys were taller than him, a few girls here and there were shorter, for example, the pixie cut brunette who confused the hell out of him. Is she trying to be a guy? why would she want to? Girls have it so much easier. It kind of irritated him that a girl wouldn't appreciate being a girl. As much as he wanted to, he didn't really say anything about it. I don't know her.. Kaoru reach to steady Varthur, but he played it off as if he was merely patting the tall Senior's back, "Nice to meet you everyone.." He waved with his other hand, sweating a bit, but overall playing off his nervousness. I don't know any of these people.. then his eyes laid on her. He smirked a bit when he saw the girl. Ice Queen! (Devone) This'll be good, "I'm so glad you're here Ice Queen, now I know more than one person. How're you holding that bottle without freezing the beer inside it solid?" He teased lightly, though it was obvious he was merely taunting her, even if his statements were true. He sat down near Varthur, but not awkwardly close, "Kaoru Inoue, Junior.." he smiled sheepishly, a light blush across his cheeks as he properly introduced himself to the group. He blinked when he noticed two tall blonde males. Blondes in Japan? One looked rather naive and oblivious (Bishop), while the other looked...rather intimidating and overly-confident (Silas). Somehow this seems like it's going to end badly..

He noticed a tall brunette gazing over at him, raising a hand to wave at him (Kei), "Uhm. Hi." He laughed a bit awkwardly. What is he staring for? Is it because I'm so short? He shook it off, trying to not think on it, "Can we play too? We met a few obstacles so we were a bit late.."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Bishop Trander Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru snickered genuinely, ā€œThat was a good one, Ice Queen. I guess you have a point.ā€ He winked back. He found it fascinating that she could shoot comebacks at him so swiftly. Sheā€™s.. enjoyable. Kaoru thought to himself, chuckling a bit. Sheā€™s going to be one of the numerous entertaining things about this new school. He grinned innocently to the lengthy black haired girl (Devone), his eyes lighting up as he remembered something, possibly a challenge. ā€œI never caught your name.ā€ he reminded her, ā€œCan I know now?ā€ He tilted his head lop-sided abruptly, big sapphire eyes gazing over at her, anticipating her reaction. He was really good at exploiting his boyish appearance. He was used to using his young exterior on girls to break the ice. She seems to have her mind on something, does our little frozen rose (Devone) have some troubles as well? ā€œWhatā€™s so interesting about the moon? The party is down here.ā€ He chimed in a taunting voice.

Koaru blinked at the look (Silas) was giving him, fighting off the urge to scowl and ask him what his problem I know exactly what youā€™re thinking.. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the fire. Just because youā€™re enormous doesnā€™t mean you're making me nervous. He let out an extended sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them he was back to fun-loving, hyper Kaoru. He had a problem with guys like (Silas). He already came across to him as confident, attractive, tall, and popular. He didnā€™t play well with guys like him. It felt like a competition already and to beat it all? He didnā€™t even catch the other guyā€™s name yet! Blondie, Iā€™m not sure if I like you. He seemed to have a connection with Varthur, because he sent him a smile that somewhat resembled friendliness. I guess you could call it that.. I'm not so good at reading other guys. Kaoru moved his thoughts around to the rest of the group. His eyes halted for a moment when he caught a glimpse of pink. He looked over her, but tried to hide his disappointment. He didn't want to offend her after all. She was a cute pink haired girl (Momo) that resembled the one he met earlier, but it definitely wasnā€™t the same girl.(Miami) This one seemed much more shy and sweet. It kind of depressed him in a way, but he turned his attention to the cocky guy (Silas) again. (Bishop) Ah.. so itā€™s started already. He knew that the overconfident blonde was still giving him the stare down, but he overall ignored him. Youā€™re not going to intimidate me, I know you're trying to express some sort of silly Alpha male dominance because you're a senior.. He smirked a bit to acknowledge that he could see him looking through his peripheral vision. He rolled his eyes as the blonde (Silas) ignored his question. Like that is going to hurt my feelings or gain an amusing reaction for you. Kaoru felt his lips twitch into a smile as he shook his head. Gotta do better than that. Are you the one feeling intimidated, or do I just interest you because Iā€™m practically the shiny new toy in the third grade classroom? He wasn't exactly sure. This guy is like an enigma, or a rubix cube. His eyebrows raised at something the blonde (Silas) said, something he also agreed with. Hell yeah the girls can take off their shirts. His eyes shifted to the slightly shorter blonde (Bishop) Hmm.. he doesnā€™t look as sure of himself. Interesting. Total opposite ends of the spectrum these two are.

Kaoru blinked when the boy said his Never have I ever. What the hell does that mean? Is this some sort of code? He took a beer and cracked the lid off. He had never drunk a drop before now so he was kind of tentative about playing this game, but he took a swig hastily. He didnā€™t want anyone to realize his uncertainty. Immediately he felt the urge to wrinkle his nose. This is awful! Why are they drinking this crap!? He kept his facial expression as blank and calm as he could manage, but it was certainly clear on his face he was a first time drinker the instant he got a good taste of the beer. What is with this guy.. was it a joke Iā€™ve not been clued in on? He looked around, face still confused. Did everyone else understand? He could help but find his mind wondering what the next question would be. Crap. I don't want to embarrass myself!! Am I going to turn out to be a lightweight drinker? His attention snapped to the slightly shorter blonde when the taller one (Silas) associated a name with the face unknowingly for Kaoru. So.. the shorter blonde's name is Bishop..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Bishop Trander Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Bishop Trander

ā€Well I am probably in need of an easy ride, it has been awhile and I am surely out of practice. If there is time before we leave tomorrow you must let me take you up on the offer.ā€ He nodded, glad to find her so sincere, and the English was refreshing. What surprised him was that English accent of her's, which made Sera more interesting to say in the least. He had no idea she was from England, and was a cool piece of information to have. Maybe she did realize, and this was her approach at it. No sense in bringing up sore feelings, just moving on with life and making up. "Yeah... Momo said the same thing. Maybe tomorrow if we have time early enough." He turned his attention to the new kid Kaoru who tossed his shirt off, followed by Kei. His expression was that of confusion, wondering what spontaneous happening forced them to do that. Of course Silas had to challenge everybody's ego. "I didn't get the memo tonight was "No shirts allowed." Common' boys, don't be shy -Off with 'em." His brow furrowed, and he watched Silas join in, and turned blinking as Sera took her's off too. Thankfully she had underwear on, but still!! He had to refrain from starring, and realized he was the only guy with a short on, and slowly took his off too without saying a word. He didn't want to be a stickler in the group.

Bishop shut his eyes closed thinking over what he said when he realized he actually made a mistake after hearing Silas comment. His cheeks turned further red, as he thought it over. <Wait did I just say fish?> He chewed the words over, and bowed his head realizing it. <Oh no!! I added those extra syllables, and it turned into the word fish.... That totally messed up the meaning!!!> He kicked himself for actually messing up a joke of miscommunication, by miscommunicating. He knew he looked stupid now. <Lesson of the day.... If you're going to tell a joke, learn how to speak properly.> He just took a sip to punish himself, for messing that up. The junior opened his eyes, and looked down then over to Momo who was whispering to Sera the two very confused. He owed them an explanation.

[color=#0080F]"I... Actually, messed that up."[/color] He spoke more carefully this time in a whisper, feeling that buzz feeling from the alcohol to which he blamed on for his totally screwed up Japanese. "I added extra syllables, and didn't mean to say fish... I meant to say, that I've never been able to speak perfect Japanese. As you can obviously tell...... Sorry." He glanced back at the two (Sera and Momo) then looked down again, working over the embarrassment. He needed to read that translator book of his. Looking around, no one seemed to be confrontational about so that was a good thing. But he would work on just playing the game instead of being smart, that wasn't his specialty really. But he hoped that some people would cut him some slack because he had already downed two bottles of beer. He was sure that everyone here was smarter than him, his parents stressed the fact that as soon as he was having difficulty in class he was to let them know so they could get a tutor. The classes in Japan were much more advanced than the schools he went to on the American bases, and it was only a matter of time... Rather short time, that he would get overwhelmed. He had the language barrier to break through, plus all the class material to digest as well.

"So you "do" fish Bruder? Wundervollā€¦" He couldn't help but laugh, Silas getting the wrong idea but that guy always got him smiling again. "Right- Now we all know what Bishop actually does in the water... Who's next?" Already on the move Silas was either covering for him (which would be greatly appreciated) or he as just that amped up. He looked around to see, if anyone could pick the tempo back up. ā€œI will go next.ā€ He looked to Kei getting curious to see what he would say. He didn't really know the guy, so this would be interesting. ā€œNever have I everā€¦ā€ He waited patiently. ā€œBeen so drunk that I forgot what I did the night before.ā€ He smiled, that one being unique and clever. Of course he saw Sera drink, and looked around to see who else in there group would drink to that. He's forgotten certain details about the night before, but never the whole night so he didn't drink. He looked to Momo and noticed her awkwardly holding her drink, and leaned over again. "Umm... I can, get you a different drink if you want?" He smiled a bit sheepishly, just being kind. He didn't want her to fall to peer pressure.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Kaoru blinked when he realized the tall brunette (Kei) seemed to notice his reaction to the beer and he turned his attention back to the fire. He knew he made a face, but he had hoped no one really got a good look at it. Great, now how many people actually seen that? He asked himself mentally, his blue eyes watching the flames dance against the wind. I wonder if that guy is going to make fun of me. He had a rather confused look on his face as well.. He shook his head, trying to ignore the thought. Just have fun. He told himself, forcing a grin back onto his face. He wasnā€™t the only one who felt a little out of place at a party like this, and he got an instant look of surprise on his face. He looked back over to the tall brunette (Kei), a thankful look upon his face. He didnā€™t have to drink to this one! Heā€™d definitely have to thank the guy later, even though he doubted it was meant to help him out. He sat his beer down, grinning to himself. Iā€™m safe this round.. then he focused his attention on those around him, blinking at the topless girl (Sera). I guess sheā€™s a natural firecracker. I donā€™t know if I want to bother with that one, she may be a bit too dangerous for my health.. besides.. way too tall, but she is attractive. He was sort of checking her out, but he was a sixteen year old boy. What could be done? Nothing. He didnā€™t stare though, he turned his attention back to the group as a whole before he did something too embarrassing. Heh, I wonder if Ice Queen will drink to this one. Then he thought about it, a pout forming on his face, Doubt it..

He blinked when he noticed Varthur had laughed at him a little and he crinkled his nose, ā€œIā€™m not used to it.. but I think Iā€™ll manage.ā€ He laughed back, running a hand through his hair nervously, ā€œThanks though. I appreciate it.ā€ He replied back to Varthur. He was glad that he had someone looking out for him. He grinned a bit when Varthur tried to comfort him, nodding a bit, ā€œMaybe.. but man, I need to get boobs out of my head. That tan girl over there.. she didnā€™t help my mind-set at all.ā€ He sighed, dropping his head. He was used to seeing a lot of things, but he thanked his lucky stars heā€™d never seen his roommate naked, ā€œIā€™m not that cool, she made me nervous a bit.ā€ He confessed to his new friend, patting Varthur on the back. He knew it had to make the senior feel a little uncomfortable, and he might as well return the favour of helping him calm down as well, ā€œBut hey, maybe the other girls will follow in suit!ā€ he grinned devilishly.

He blinked when he realized it was his turn and he sighed a bit rubbing the back of his neck, clearing his throat before standing up, holding his bottle up, ā€œNever have I ever..ā€ he closed his eyes as he tried to wrack his brain, ā€œHooked up with an older girl.. or guy in the ladiesā€™ case.. ā€ and he smirked a bit seeing as he was definitely directing this at someone in the circle. He was indirectly playing with fire (Silas). He wasnā€™t about to make himself drink the terrible tasting liquid in the bottle if he didnā€™t have to.. Chug up my friend, I know guys like you. You've definitely done it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Akira frowned at Silas saying shirts werenā€™t allowed, but she wasnā€™t going to complain. Akira wasn't the type of girl that would compliment the guys, but she was a straight girl. She did like looking and she did enjoy most of what she was seeing. She was a little more reserved, but she definitely was going to enjoy the eye candy tonight. She raised her eyebrows as she looked between the shirtless guys and laughed when he told the girls they were welcome to remove theirs as well. Errā€¦ no. I'm not that far gone.. yet. She smirked at the thought, knowing she was prone to taking off her shirt as well, but only when she had a bit more alcohol in her system. Two bottles wasn't going to do it.. well, she was on her third at the moment. She tilted her head, laughing a bit, ā€œMaybe later. Iā€™ve not drank enough yet.ā€ She retorted playfully at her blonde friend, "I'll get back to you on that in a bit." Good thing this bra looks cute. She shivered to herself at the thought of getting too drunk and flashing a god awful bra. Her attitude was a bit different, but that was to be expected after adding alcohol to the equation. Though, no one in the circle knew she was self medicating, but it could be safely assumed because her mood changed for the better, even before she began drinking.

She tilted her head when it was Keiā€™s turn, eyes going wide when she realized what heā€™d brought to the table. Shit. Does he honestly have it out for me? He's definitely got a grudge against me or is unknowingly out to get me. She closed her eyes before taking another drink from her bottle. She didnā€™t make a face like she saw the new Junior (Kaoru) make, she was much too accustomed to alcohol. She had gotten that drunk, she was filled in by a friend on what sheā€™d done, but the stories didn't match up very decently. Honestly, quite a few different details got spun around a bit. She didnā€™t getā€¦too wild though. She looked around the group, trying to see who else had made the mistake.. or choice to drink until they couldnā€™t remember the night before. She was curious. She laughed a bit and smiled when Varthur didnā€™t take a drink, and the expression on the new kidā€™s (Kaoru) face was priceless. She also doubted Devone would drink to this. Hmm.. I bet Silas and Sera.. maybe Bishop if his dad ever let him drink.. No, I take it back. I highly doubt heā€™s ever been allowed to drink, especially by the way heā€™s been acting during the game. She closed her eyes, feeling calm, confident andā€¦ well rather splendid.

A pale hand ran through her brunette hair as she blinked when she noticed the vague term. Ha, everyone has a different definition for hooking up. Kissing to sex.. it could mean anything! Smart choice kid. She just ran her finger along the rim of the bottle, laughing a bit. She took a drink after a minute of thinking, but only because she wasn't sure what she'd done while drinking, "I don't remember the night myself, but they say I did.. I guess it counts.." she laughed to herself before sighing, "Alcohol wasn't my friend back then." There was a rumor, and she couldn't prove it false so she'd rather lie and say she did, than possibly lie by say she didn't. She didnā€™t remember hooking up with anyone, so she really didn't count herself as having her first kiss, but she knew everyone else would see it differently. She wasn't exactly sure if anyone from that party was present in the circle so she wasn't going to risk having to chug a whole bottle! She looked over to (Kaoru), shaking her head. She wished heā€™d used a different line. Now people knew she possibly hooked up with someone older than her at least. Another knock helping her new goal. She had to change, but she wished she didn't have to fess up to the possibility. She wasn't allowed to explain herself. I hope no one thinks I actually had sex and didn't remember it! She was going to make people look at her differently, but this wasn't how she had planned to start it off. She rubbed her temples a bit distressed and nervous about how it would effect the group's views on her, but she pushed it aside. No more innocent and violent Akira. She had to show them she was not afraid to jump out of her comfort zone.. but that was a big leap... at least it was a little too big for her liking. Is Varthur going to judge me on it? I know Silas won't judge me negatively. He's the king of all manwhores. She glanced at Varthur out of the corner of her eye. She felt like their blooming friendship was fragile as glass. She wasn't making any really good impressions..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Bishop Trander Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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As the games began Bishop gave them an explanation of what happened, an innocent mistake and funny because it meant nobody had to drink. It was still an easy way to transition everyone into the game, a harmless first round. "I added extra syllables, and didn't mean to say fish... I meant to say, that I've never been able to speak perfect Japanese. As you can obviously tell...... Sorry." Bishop quickly explained the mistake as well, his embarrassment kind of cute and much better than sulking. Sera just nudged laughed, "Come on now, no need to be sorry about a simple mistake." She could understand mistakes, she had been studying Japanese for awhile but she still made some mistakes, Japanese being her secondary language just like it was for Bishop. Of course he had drank a bit more than her at this point as well but regardless of why the mistake was nothing major. She quickly moved past it and on to other things, although it seemed she had stirred it up a bit by actually taking her top off as the guys were. Not that she really cared, she didn't mind the staring so much and it wasn't like it was that much different than a bathing suit, although her underwear was a bit sexier than a mere bikini top. As she looked around the circle there was only one person who seemed to be really uncomfortable with the whole situation and that was the clumsy cute one, Varthur if she remembered correctly. He was bright red and Sera just smirked as she gave him a small little wave before looking to the next person to speak.

ā€œNever have I ever..ā€ It was the new guy speaking, Kaoru, the small Junior. He was adorable, like a kid or younger brother but when he continued she realized his size didn't necessarily reflect his innocence. ā€œHooked up with an older girl.. or guy in the ladiesā€™ case.. ā€ It even came with a smirk and Sera just looked at him kind of curiously. Just who are you little one... I think I need to get to know you. Sera smirked, she wanted to get to know him and she would, but for now she had to drink, his never have I ever not a never for her. So Sera once again raised the bottle and took a swig, taking a second swig as she thought about how she wanted to commit that particular sin again. Of course hooking up meant different things but she had to drink regardless. Unfortunately with her rather large drinks she was running low, maybe one more and she would finish off the bottle in her hand so she needed to make it count. Then again she had to drink every time so far, the three that had already gone all saying something she had done, except for Bishop whom nobody had to drink. Perhaps it was the punishment for being so experienced, her tolerance may be high but she had to drink every time. Drinking was a part of partying, at least the usual type of party, this one included, and it usually led people to do things they wouldn't normally do. For her there wasn't much it would push her to do but it did allow Sera the opportunity to really have some fun and get to know people she wouldn't normally get to know well in a quick manner. As for the others changes would soon be seen, heck they already had Kei coming out of his shell a bit more and Devone actually joining in with the group.

With all of the different people attending and with the night only just beginning, the game had to continue and it seemed it was her turn up to bat. So she gave it a good bit of thinking, trying to decide if she should just throw something out there or try and target a specific person or people. She could of course target the more innocent of the bunch, perhaps get those with a low tolerance drunk, but that would include Momo and she didn't want to get her friend too bad, even if it was tempting to get Varthur and perhaps the new guy Kaoru a bit drunk. There was another way though, she could target males specifically, try and figure something out. Of course she kind of wanted to get Devone to drink as well but she could only pick one and she would go with the larger group. So she searched her brain for some sort of never have I ever that would get the guys in. It was hard to do with her experience. Eventually she came to a conclusion on what to say and sat forward looking around the circle. "Alright looks like I'm up, so here we go." She took a deep breath and then finally "Never have I ever..." A little bit of silence and then with a smirk, "Used the bathroom from a standing position." She grinned, shaking her bottle up in the air, "Come on people, drink up if you've done it!" She knew she had all the men, she wasn't sure if any woman had ever attempted or succeeded at such a feat but personally she never had and it was a home run as far as the guys go, all guys used the bathroom standing up and they did it every day, or at least most of them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Devone Kim Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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0.00 INK

Kei Takeda

Kei was in a good spot now, his turn was over and all he had to do was ride the rest of the game out and try and enjoy it as much as he possibly could. Not having to worry about saying anything else let him see what everyone else was doing and it started out kind of crazy. Sera was really going far, removing her shirt at Silas' little taunt, her body nice but he couldn't help but think that maybe she was trying a bit too hard, or perhaps she was just that open about it all. It wasn't his business though, he just averted his eyes as not to stare, she was obviously gunning for Silas and he wished her a bit of luck, even if those two together would be as insane as he thought it would be. Kei looked down at the drink in his hand, wondering if he would be drinking much tonight, not that he really wanted to but with the game and rest of the night he didn't know exactly how much he would end up consuming. He could be guaranteed it wouldn't be as much as some of the others. The two people beside him were pretty tame as well so he wasn't worried, on one side he had Varthur and on the other Devone, neither of them seemed like the heavy drinking type. He looked over to Devone, they had been talking earlier and it wasn't unpleasant as he had thought it would be when it started, she was nice and he wouldn't mind talking to her a bit more. She did seem a bit busy with the newest addition, Kaoru, so he didn't say anything but he did observe for a moment and Devone certainly handled herself well even as Kaoru seemed to be trying to mess with her.

It was Kaoru's turn next so his little back and forth with Devone ended and he proceeded to do his never have I ever announcement. ā€œNever have I ever..ā€ Kei wasn't sure what to expect with the new kid, he looked really young but the way he had been talking betrayed his rather innocent child like look. So he just waited, ā€œHooked up with an older girl.. or guy in the ladiesā€™ case..ā€ Kei just looked at the kid and tried to figure out just what in the hell he meant by hooked up. Kei refused to think about the true meaning behind it all, instead he just lifted the beer up and took a very quick very small sip. Sure he wasn't use to it and by no means did he want people to read too far into his taking a drink but older women seemed to like him, something about the quiet strong type, and whether the stuff that had happened over the years counted as hooking up by Kaoru's definition or not, he would rather not take too much time to think it through. Instead he just took a sip, figuring it was harmless and put it behind him. Akira spoke up, ā€œI donā€™t remember the night myself, but they say I didā€¦I guess it countsā€¦ā€ Kei was kind of confused, something had happened with Akira, sure he didn't know her so well to begin with but she was being weird. First the bus thing and her attitude all day, and now saying something that while vague was very shocking. He just turned his head and ignored it, he didn't have the mental power to make any sense of her actions and he didn't care to at the time. Instead he looked at Devone as she made eye contact with him, wondering if she had caught him take a drink.

Kei had been too busy being confused over Akira's statement and trying not to be too obvious with his drink so he hadn't seen if Devone had taken a drink or not. It didn't really matter, he just continued to look in her direction and after an moment he figured he might as well strike up a conversation, it would be boring to just sit, even if it was relaxing. Of course what he really wanted to ask her was who she really was, which of the images was true, the one she seemed to be showing right now or the image Kaoru and especially Akira painted of her. That was not the type of question you just asked someone though, at least it wasn't a question Kei could ask, instead he stuck to rather meaningless chat, at least for now, although for a conversation genius such as himself even that was difficult. "So Devone, any special reason you attend Airdalen?" He knew not everyone had a special reason but maybe she did, he certainly had a reason, amazing sports programs and the opportunity to go farther with a really good school on his rather unappealing resume. Of course with the game continuing he split his attention, waiting for an answer from Devone if she had heard him and paying attention to Sera as she took her turn. ā€Never have I everā€¦ā€ ā€Used the bathroom from a standing position.ā€ Kei sighed as he tipped the bottle back and took yet another swig of the drink, a bigger one this time because he was sure he had done that. He was a bit confused why someone like Sera, who could no doubt come up with something more clever, would go with such a never have I ever. His mind went to where his was when he made his statement, perhaps she had been trying to make sure Momo didn't have to drink too much, or perhaps it was simply a coincidence in her mission to get Silas to drink a little more. Whatever it was the game would go on and he was another drink in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Bishop Trander Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Kaoru Inoue
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Ettoā€¦ I almost donā€™t believe it.
Sera had done it, sheā€™d tossed off her shirt and her bra was in full view, and not just any bra.. ā€œHave to be fair donā€™t we.ā€Sera giggled and Momo joined in, only nervously. She really didnā€™t want to take off her shirt. It was cold tonight for her at least, feeling goose bumps creep up her skin. Momo was already not fully comfortable with the social setup and taking her shirt off would just beway beyond her comfort zone. ā€œDonā€™t worry, you donā€™t have to, I just like to show off.ā€ Sera reassured, poking her nose. ā€œAh..okay..thanks.ā€ Momo muttered, eyes staring downwards at the tip of her nose that had been poked. Some more time passed and Momo was slowly settling in; time just had that effect and freaking out about the people with shirts off just became tiresome. Besides, the strange first never have I ever had occupied the most of her mind that she had almost forgotten, had she not needed to look Seraā€™s way again to hear the explanation for it. ā€œIt was a joke of sorts, not exactly funny in itself but he was just trying to keep things light hearted I suppose. If you want to know precisely what he meant I suggest you ask Bishop. I would start thinking about what youā€™re going to say on your turn though, see how many people you can get.ā€ Momo nodded, her attention still more focused on the actual game than anything else. It was a challenge of sorts, and that was good enough to keep her state of mind peaceful despite the other circumstances like the partying, drinking and bare chests. "I... Actually, messed that up." Bishop intervened the conversation to Momoā€™s delight, wanting to hear it straight from the ā€˜horseā€™s mouthā€™ as the old saying goes. "I added extra syllables, and didn't mean to say fish... I meant to say, that I've never been able to speak perfect Japanese. As you can obviously tell...... Sorry."

Momo felt her brainā€™s worth of material shatter. How could she have missed something so simple like that? It had her gobsmacked! ā€œOh..right..thank you very much Bishop.ā€ she managed to whisper back before leaning away, blinking a few times trying to register that she had failed to comprehend an error so simple in nature. ā€œI will go next.ā€ The never have I ever gone felt as if it was moving too quickly, Momo was kind of nervous about her own turn. She didnā€™t want to sound dumb when it came time to come up with something but right now she was all out of ideas. She figured if she kept listening to her peersā€™ examples, she could find a common pattern and continue it. It wasnā€™t that Momo didnā€™t want to be unique or was scared or intimidated of being different, but she did want to play the game correctly and not ask a question so randomly based. The goal was to get as many people to take a sip.. sounded easy enough, she had barely done anything besides play music and study for the most part of her life. Everyone else seemed so interesting and daring compared to her.. ā€œNever have I everā€¦ā€ Kei paused and she wondered what he would say, being more curious as he was her senior and had known him longer compared to anyone else in the group. ā€œBeen so drunk that I forgot what I did the night before.ā€ Well thatā€™s a relief.. she thought, heaving an inhale and staring at the bottle in her hand feeling quite lucky she hadnā€™t had to open it yet. Maybe sheā€™d survive the entire game without a single sip. She looked over at Kei for a moment, contemplating why he had chosen that statement over all things. Was there a reason behind it? Sera laughed, lifting her bottle and for sure Silas would be doing the same thing although Momo hadnā€™t caught sight of it, again distracted in her thoughts of what to say when her turn came around.

"Umm... I can, get you a different drink if you want?" Momo turned as Bishop addressed her, it was a really kind offer and hard to turn down. That was what she really wanted to do, but it didnā€™t feel right to send him away from the fun to fetch her an appropriate drink and before she could really answer, the newcomer Kaoru had gone ahead with his turn. ā€œNever have I ever..ā€ ā€œHooked up with an older girl.. or guy in the ladiesā€™ case.. ā€ Momo sighed with relief, once more she was off the hook. She turned to Bishop when there was an opening to talk again with a smile, feeling more relaxed. ā€œThatā€™s really kind of you.. but I donā€™t want to be unfair to the others.ā€ She shared her opinion, staring at the bottle again as she continued. ā€œI guess Iā€™m rather curious too.. in some sense but thanks again!ā€ And you would miss out.. I guess I could go grab one myself but it would be.. unequal of me to. That other junior (Kaoru) didnā€™t seem to like the beer either.. it would be unfair if I got away while he drank, right? She thought over, placing the beer beside her for the moment. Momo was glad to have attended the party even with those few anxieties popping out with many things she wasnā€™t used to being around, but nonetheless she was glad. There was a genuine happy feeling that started to overwhelm her minor insecurities. Bishop had been looking out for her, though they hardly knew each other; that was very comforting and she was thankful. Sera and Kei were also there, further supporting her by just being around. It would be a night to remember; her first party and she was glad it had been spent with such kind-hearted friends. "Alright looks like I'm up, so here we go." Sera said, taking a deep breath before starting. "Never have I ever..." "Used the bathroom from a standing position." Momo couldnā€™t help but laugh. That was a funny one, definitely pinning down all the males in the group. "Come on people, drink up if you've done it!" she said encouragingly, raising her beer to the air. Momo poked her chin, trying to think of something to say. Her friends had their turns already, so it only felt right to have hers now. ā€œUhmm if I may?ā€ she asked with a head tilt, politely looking around at every person to make sure no one else wanted to take their turn before continuing. ā€œEtto..uh..ā€ she poked her index fingers together shly, staring down at the two fingers with concentration as if they had all the answers. ā€œNever ever have I..ā€ she hesitated, before nodding more surely. It didn't fit the pattern but it fitted the goal. ā€œYes.. never have I ever drank alcohol.ā€ She giggled, ā€œGot you all!ā€ she exclaimed with a cheerful fist pump. ā€But it may not be true for me for long..ā€ she muttered the latter thoughtfully. staring down at her lap.