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Kei Takeda

"Life is full of surprises, not all of them good" [Picture Update]

0 · 2,019 views · located in Airdalen Highschool

a character in “Love School Drama”, as played by The Illusionist


ā€¢Name: Kei Takeda
ā€¢Grade: Senior
ā€¢Gender: Male
ā€¢Nationality: Japanese
ā€¢Appearance: Has a tribal tattoo on his right shoulder that is barely covered by regular sleeves.

"Get your own food..."

Angry Kei

Kei looking at something/someone he finds cute

-Intellect: 5
-Physical/Sporting Ability: 22
-Charm: 2
-Popularity: 20
ā€¢Your most important stat: Physical/Sporting Ability or Intellect
ā€¢Which stat appeals to you most: Physical/Sporting Ability

-Kei has a serious shoulder injury which still affects him every once in awhile. It is not sure whether it is going to completely heal and deep down he is terrified.
-He was abused by his father and while he does his best not to let it affect him it still does, even if only subtly.
-Is good at anything related to housework, learning how to do just about anything household related to help his mother out. Cooking is his specialty and because he is use to doing it he often finds himself cleaning up behind people.

ā€¢Family members and your relationship with them/Who you live with:
-Yuki Takeda: Kei's loving mother. She is a single, working mother who works to the point of exhaustion for her son, making sure he has everything he needs. While she has little time to do anything besides work she does not mind, choosing to do so as long as it means Kei can live happily. Kei would do anything for his mother and tries his best to make sure all the little things are taken care of. He is careful not to make any trouble, knowing it would only make her life more difficult.

Time for school!

Relationship Statuses

Aeon Shirokami:

Akira Miyuu: Acquaintance
"Haven't talked to her much but she is fun when she is around. I think she is cute as well..."
"Well now she hates me... I really did it this time..."
My feelings haven't changed but I'm not going to bother her, she doesn't seem to need me causing trouble, even if I don't mean to."

Bishop Trander: Acquaintance
"Seems like a nice guy, I think I should make an effort to get to know him."
"I still don't know him, could be my fault for not making much of an effort. Regardless he seems like a good guy."

Kaoru Inoue: Acquaintance, Kinda
"Let's just go with interesting to start."

Keiko Misao:

Devone Kim: Acquaintance? Friend? Not too sure.
"Seems kind of confrontational, not really sure what to think about her at this point though."
"Still not exactly sure what to think about her but she doesn't seem so bad."
"There is something more beneath her exterior, I'm just not sure what it is and where I will end up if I go looking."

Jonathan Fenix:

Miyuki Yoshide: Acquaintance
"Saw her at the party, looks a lot like Akira but I didn't get much more than that, wasn't paying too much attention to be honest..."

Momo Yakamoto: Friend
"Like how she handles herself, will try my best to help her as a Senior. Glad I got her as my Junior. A Friend..."
"She is a really sweet girl, I am glad I am getting to know her."
"I don't know what more to say, she is a sweet girl and fun to be around, especially when she gets competitive."

Sera Katoshida: Friend
"Haven't said anything to her, she is tall and looks sort of athletic though."
"She is a surprisingly nice girl, good friend to Momo and seems to like Silas. We don't talk much but I like her."
"Definitely as adventurous as she looks, but she is easy to get along with and I can see how much she adores Momo as a friend."

Silas Fuerst: Friend
"It is kind of a surprise but I think he is kind of cool. Think we could become good friends."
"We're friends now, he is a good guy in most senses of the word. Kind of the opposite from me but we get along pretty well."
"Could become complicated since Akira is so anti-me right now but who knows what will happen."

Varthur Laurence: Acquaintance
"Didn't peg him for a bully..."
"Not a bully but the situation between him and Momo has me concerned. At least he isn't as bad as I originally believed."
"Not a bad guy but definitely a bad drunk, I really expected more from him..."

Yumi Lee:

So begins...

Kei Takeda's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Kei Takeda
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Kei Takeda

Momo did follow him but she seemed a bit distracted which became obvious when she dismissed herself ā€œIā€™ll be right backā€. He hoped it wasn't because of him but he just sat back in his seat, not worrying about it and taking the opportunity to really see what everyone else was doing. He couldn't help but think everyone else seemed so much more energetic than him, some of them running around and introducing themselves to everyone. He looked over at Silas for a moment, only really knowing him by those little rumors that floated around school, the 'flirt' and he was living up to that reputation right now as far as Kei was concerned. Akira, another fellow senior seemed to be jumping in head first as well, excitedly speaking to the assigned Junior. Then there was Varthur who had been shooting looks over towards Kei and Momo a moment ago and he wondered if Momo and him had a history since he had never really talked to Varthur. He didn't know any of the Juniors besides Momo as this point but he noticed a few of them as well, a few cute girls (Kumi and Kairen) and he saw the guy he had introduced himself to earlier but whose name he had missed (Akihisa). Nobody really caught his attention as a bad person though, they all seemed fine, both the new Juniors and his fellow Seniors, all of which he would get the chance to talk to a bit this year or at least he planned on doing so. It kind of sucked that he didn't even know the people in his class but that was his fault, he would just have to try harder. With that he looked back to the little packet he had received and put it on top of his bag on the floor, deciding if they needed it he could get it, he was kind of tired of holding it.

It was about that time when Momo came back, her bag in hand which made sense, though she could have just said let me grab my back. Oh well, it didn't matter, she could be nervous and he wouldn't blame her. ā€œDo you enjoy your studies here?ā€ When the question was asked he couldn't help but think maybe he was the worst Senior partner she could have received, he really had no idea about the studies here, he always just barely passed his classes because he never studied. "Honestly, I was so wrapped up in boxing during my Junior time that I didn't pay much attention to my studies. This school has a lot of great teachers though." Kei felt like an idiot, she asked about studies and all he could give her was a vague 'I don't know' essentially. He scratched his head as she fiddled through her bag waiting for her response to his bad answer. ā€œIn general though, Iā€™m a curious person and I donā€™t want to ask you something thatā€™ll make you uncomfortable so if I do so, I apologise in advance and you of course have the right not to answer..ā€ When she said that he felt a bit more laid back again though, he didn't mind telling her anything he knew but when it came to actually academics he would be lost, as far as himself or very general stuff he could answer. "I am fine with answering any question about myself or this school that I can. Besides, we are going to be paired up for some time, we should get to know one another." He was going to let her get her questions in first but he was also curious about her, she was going to be his Junior for awhile.

The same thing kept repeating in his mind though, even as he talked to Momo, this was a new year and he had to treat it as such. Kei needed to make friends, maybe even a girlfriend and see what it was like to get involved in school activities for once. At least he had to do all of that until he got the information about his shoulder from the doctor. That included getting to know his Junior, joining new clubs, and most importantly talking to people instead of just sitting in a corner and being content with staying by himself until school was over. "So I have a question so I can answer your questions a bit better and learn a bit about you. Are you here on a scholarship and if not why did you decide on this school?" he asked knowing that a lot of the students here were either wealthy or on scholarships, not that it mattered how she got here but why she was here did matter. He needed to know what to tell her and that depended entirely on her interests.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Kei Takeda
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Kei Takeda

ā€œSure!ā€ It was a relief, Momo may have just been nervous but when he told her it wouldn't be a bother she seemed as relieved as he was. When Kei felt the ground shake a bit he automatically knew who it was and he knew they weren't about to draw pictures. The man was always clumsy though, it being a byproduct of his rather monstrous size and that meant they all had a moment until he got to the stage. For the Juniors this would probably be a bit of a moment, they would gawk or something of the sort, not use to the mans size but for the Seniors, at least Kei, he was just another teacher, someone he actually talked to in length before. So Kei simply looked around, hoping to find some amusing looks among the Juniors and as he often did simply take everything in. Akira was where his eyes first wandered, he had noticed her wave earlier but he had been completely centered on trying to convince Momo that her presence as his Junior was anything but inconvenient. He did think of it as rude to ignore a wave from a fellow Senior though, thinking she had always seemed nice and he had thought before that he wouldn't mind getting to know her. He shrugged, there would be time for that because he would be making an effort to speak to more people, especially those he found interesting such as Akira and Varthur being another. Granted he wasn't quite sure how he would do it yet but maybe just going up and saying hello or sometime during the events that would follow. For that to happen they had to listen to what Mr. Drone had to say. He turned his attention back to the brute, not wanting to be caught staring in Akira's direction and also because Mr. Drone was kind of fun to watch. By the time Kei turned back Mr. Drone had began speaking, his attitude as always being a bit off, excitement and an intimidating feel to it. "Welcome to the mighty fine AIRDALEN HIGH! I'm the Gym teacher and co-ordinator for sports around here Mr. Drone.. you may have heard about me."

That was when he realized that Momo wasn't in her seat and he looked around, seeing her on the floor as the speech continued, "Need some help?" His voice was dwarfed by Mr. Drone's though, "After the long time i've been lateeee! You must have talked to your senior or junior surely and have a few things to write about them! Compliment their hair or their strength or anything else you've come to admire from your first meeting!" He took a deep breath and tried to speak again but once more Mr. Drone's voice towered above "After you've done that, we're having a contest." Before he could actually speak and ask if she wanted help finding her glasses she seemed to be crawling around. Kei stood up, getting ready to walk over to her when she seemed to bump into somebody who knew her, though it didn't seem like a friendly meeting. ā€œWell Well.. if it isnā€™t blind as a bat Momo..ā€ Kei was there, standing just behind her, ready to step in if things went bad but also believing that thinking she needed help right off the bat was a mistake, he would see how things went but he was watching and if things got ugly then he would step in, because he despised bullies... He knew how horrible it felt to be mistreated. When Momo took him down to the floor he didn't do anything but smile, it was a nice hit. He stepped forward after that, ā€œAnother plan.. perfectly executed.ā€ "Nice one..." He looked down at the senior, once again a face but this time he didn't even know the mans name. He simply crouched down and looked the man in the eyes, "It was fun watching her deck you but if you try anything again... Well just know I don't make idle threats..." He stood back up with that and turned to Momo, "Come on, let's leave him here and go compliment each other" With that he left the bully on the floor glad he didn't have to make a scene for if he had of lost his cool, something while hard to do was much easier when something like bullying was involved, then it would have ended much worse.

He quickly made his way back to the chairs and put Momo's back in the upright position for her before sitting in his own. He waited for her, looking around as others seemed to not have started or just starting the compliments, luckily the little incident didn't get himself and Momo behind as far as the 'event' went. He decided to get them rolling though, thinking that writing down true compliments was kind of weird when they had known each other for such a short amount of time but he had one that he could write easily enough. So he reached down, taking the paper and pens, taking a piece of paper and immediately writing down his compliment for her. 'An extremely well-prepared person who seems to want the most out of her school experience.' he put a little personal note below 'Wish I had come with the same disposition when I started here' Of course he could actually think of other things to say, how it was cool that she took on that bully or compliment a feature of some sort but thinking about how nervous she seemed to be when they spoke earlier, especially about how she had already researched all about the school he felt it appropriate to comment on that because he for one found it rather cool that she was so well-prepared, it really spoke to how much work she put in to learning about her new environment and whatever the reason he was envious. If he had even put an ounce of the work into learning about the school and those people in it maybe he would be talking to Akira, Varthur and all the other Seniors instead of already being a Senior and still barely having a clue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Kei Takeda
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Kei Takeda

By the time Kei was finished writing he noticed that Momo was writing on paper of her own which meant he had once again been rather oblivious. He should have given her a pen and a piece of paper as well but she didn't seem angry which he was happy about. He had time once again to look around, it was like that was all he had been doing today and it was a bit weird, he wished he had time to actually go and talk to people but as of now that was not something he could do. He tried to keep his thoughts to himself, though he did notice that Akira was looking over at him and he couldn't help but think they were being a bit ridiculous. So he waved, a quick wave with a small smile trying to not simply look and look away as they both apparently had been, it felt rude. She turned away though and although he wasn't mad or even sure she missed his wave it was a bit comical and he couldn't help but laugh slightly to himself. He quickly looked back to Momo, figuring that once again he would just have to make an effort to actually get to know Akira and talk to her later and focus on the activity and his own partner for now. Focused on the activity at hand, he was eager to get on to finish this activity and get to the next activity which sounded like it would be fun, though he wasn't sure what it would entail yet. He thought him and Momo would do well though, they had a small basis of trust already and since he was athletic and she was academic they would do just fine no matter what the challenge. He watched

Momo as she seemed to be putting a lot of thought into her compliment and he wondered if his had been enough, sure he thought his letter was a good one, it gave a compliment and he didn't think she would dislike it but still, it wasn't everyday he complimented a girl that wasn't his mother. ā€œAre you done yet?ā€ Kei looked at Momo and nodded, he had been done for awhile, another thing that made him a bit nervous, though he tried not to show it as he handed over the little piece of paper to her:

'An extremely well-prepared person who seems to want the most out of her school experience.'
'Wish I had come with the same disposition when I started here'
Your Senior Kei

He handed her his letter as he took the one she had written for him, eager to see how he came across, something he had actually never asked anyone before, maybe it would help him. So he looked at her for a brief moment, a bit nervous as he wondered what would happen and then nodded, "Okay let's do this" With that he looked down at the letter:

For Kei :3
A person who Iā€™m sure everyone would love to get to know.
Your honesty, confidence, passion to follow your dream (boxing), kindness and other qualities I am yet to learn about you will take you places.
Never be afraid to show others who you are, okay? :D
Oh and since youā€™re a senior getting ready for college entrance exams and about what you said regarding studies.. I can study with you sometimes if you want. ><ā€ Just tossing the offer out there if you need any helpā€¦

From, Momo~

When he finished reading the letter he just stared at it for a moment, he was actually quite surprised. It was supposed to be a compliment letter but this told him a lot that he actually needed to hear. It was nice to think that he came across as a nice guy despite how most people first thought of him. Maybe making new friends wasn't such a long shot, not only that but his new partner had offered to help him study, that alone was uplifting. So he wouldn't be afraid to show other people who he was, his confidence and determination peaked from the letter. Of course he felt a bit depressed that he had to think about boxing, it cut deep thinking that he could possibly never go further than doing it for fun, it seriously had been his dream. That was alright though, he would work hard to find something that gave him that same feeling of satisfaction and make friends along the way. By the look of things this was going to be a great year. Kei looked back up to Momo with a smile, not sure if she had read his but knowing that hers was so much better, or at least in his eyes it was. He just hoped that everyone thought as much of him as Momo did. "Thank you for this, it is a great letter..." Another smile and he leaned back, nervous about what she thought about his.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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Kei Takeda

Kei couldn't help but start to wonder if Mr. Drone was every going to speak again, though his conversation with Momo was keeping him tided over for now. ā€œYes definitely, Iā€™m really enthused to join the Music club..ā€ For some reason he could have guessed she would be interested in the Music club so it didn't surprise him much. ā€œMaybe something else that is more challenging in terms of physical.. donā€™t want to get out of shape you know?ā€ "Haha, I know what you mean, I have to make sure and keep myself on a strict regime with the amount I eat" He would have said more but he noticed that Momo seemed to be trying to get into the zone, breathing and stretching a tad. He was thinking that having her as his Junior was nice, she was serious and seemed very nice, it made him feel a bit more relaxed. He took a moment to get himself prepared though, just being quiet and staring off into the distance a bit at nothing and taking a single deep breath. He didn't really get nervous before competitions, at least not physical competitions so he was more just taking a breather and trying to relax a bit. It didn't last long though, Mr. Drone soon informed them of the competition. ā€œTIME FOR THE THREE LEGGED POTATO SACK RACE! OH YEAH! BOO YAH!ā€ Kei just looked over at him with a little bit of disbelief, This has to be a joke... A three-legged sack race... I was expecting maybe a relay or some two person sport, but a sack race? Oh well, if that is the competition I guess it's time to sack race. He looked over to Momo who had a raised eyebrow which made him laugh gently, she had about the same reaction that he did. He had honestly been expecting a real sports competition but oh well, maybe this would be fun.

ā€œSo you know the other senior in our team? ā€¦ I guess we should go find them?ā€ Kei looked over, nodding, "Yeah... Well, I know of him..." Kei did know Silas but only by reputation and it didn't speak well of him, well okay that depended on who was talking about him. Some girls liked to say that he was a charming guy but the truth of the matter was he did nothing but flirt and play around with girls and plenty of them would tell it that way as well. Not that Kei could be sure on any of this not having seen much of it himself, save the occasional flirtatious act when they had classes together, but he just felt a bit reluctant to be in the same group, but he wanted to get to know everyone and this was a start. Kei would be just as nice as ever, rumors aside, Silas could be a nice guy for all he knew. Hell Kei was aware people thought he was some sort of felon with all the wounds he came with, his apparently intimidating appearance, and his rather quiet nature which didn't combine well. He looked back to Momo, "Alright, let's go find Silas and his partner..." With that he began to scan the crowd, to his surprise seeing Silas being pushed towards him by Akira. He laughed to himself looking back to Momo again, "The one being pushed this way is Silas..." He turned back around and waited for Akira to push Silas right next to him. Seeing her panting from the effort he had to hold back another small laugh, finding it rather funny, or cute rather, he liked the way she acted. "U-uhm my friend here seems forgetful. Hi, he's your partner today, him and his Junior." "Thank you for bringing him over Akira" He gave her a bit of a smile, trying not to make it awkward after the silly game they had both played, he wanted to get to know her as well as other people and if it was awkward from the start that would be no good, he was already bad enough at socializing. His eyes moved to Silas, wondering where his partner was and thinking they would have to wait for her to start discussing game plans. He did think that maybe Silas didn't know who he was though, which was why Akira had to show him to Silas, though she went the extra mile and brought him over, once again Kei thought it was cute how hard she tried. Then again that was besides the point, "Well I am Kei and this is Momo." He introduced himself and Momo to Silas, he wasn't quite sure what to say without his partner being here so he simply ended it at the introduction, not being so great at starting small talk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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Well.. you know of him..? Why does your pause make it sound like a bad thing.. hmm.
Momo pondered over it for a while but came to the realisation sheā€™d find out sooner or later being teamed with whoever this ā€˜Silasā€™ was. She was more than definite that Kei had some kind of knowledge on the senior or at least an impression that had lead him to speak in such a way. "Alright, let's go find Silas and his partner..." ā€œRoger that.ā€ Momo replied in good spirits, picking up her bag and about to stand up to start walking until he began laughing much to her confusion. "The one being pushed this way is Silas..." Momo nodded, sitting back down in her seat and turning her head to where Keiā€™s gaze was focused. She watched as a definitely girl (Akira) from this distance was shoving a male blonde their way who she assumed to be Silas. "U-uhm my friend here seems forgetful. Hi, he's your partner today, him and his Junior." The female (Akira) greeted pointing to the junior (Maya) a bit further away before panting from the amount of effort she put into getting their team member there. Uh..okay.. Momo thought, still confusedly. Surely Silas had his legs fully functional to walk himself over right? The approach made her think a few things; that maybe Silas was lazy, shy or just liked to make things difficult for others like his friend (Akira) with him. They must have been friends if she tried so hard to get him into the activity. "Thank you for bringing him over Akira" Momo adjusted her glasses to look at the girl again now knowing she was a senior too since Kei was familiar with her. From close up she was most definitely female that Momo felt a bit guilty mistaking her for a male. She was happy though that she didnā€™t make the mistake verbally. "Well I am Kei and this is Momo." Her senior introduced them making her snap out of her thoughts, ā€œAh right! Pleasure to meet you two Akira and Silas..ā€ Momo said feeling slightly delayed. It did hit her like a sudden wave how good looking most students at Airdalen High were including those before her. ..

Another senior (Devone) seemed to approach making Momo feel more like shrinking in her seat being the only junior thus far in the group. The other junior (Maya) was yet to join. "Hey.. anyone in this group named Kairen or Akihisa.. and looking for a Devone? Can't seem to see Moki in this godforsaken hall.." "Hi, yeah, we have Akihisa, that kid over there is Akihisa..." She let the female seniors talk amongst themselves, turning to look at both Kei and Silas at an attempt to regain her composure. ā€œSo for the potato sack section of the race, I propose that the two selected individuals of the team that compete in their sacks help hold each other up.. I mean..ā€ Momo was nervous as she thought she was rambling again and these were seniors she was talking to. Maybe they would think she was a junior who was full of herself to suggest a strategy and not let them take lead.. then again she didnā€™t like losing at anything. Concluding that, she continued speaking with enhanced confidence- her overachiever side taking the reins. ā€œHopping alone in a sack is hard enough but what more with two people? They need to balance each otherā€™s weight and therefore I think it would be best if the two held hands in the middle. I know it sounds lame or gay if you two decide to do it together but I think itā€™s a good way to approach the task at hand. We could resort to arms over shoulders but if one lost balance, then both would be brought down to the ground. Holding hands youā€™d have a higher chance of correcting one another and this could actually even be applicable to the three legged section as well if followed through correctlyā€¦ does anyone disagree or have a contagious fear of cooties?ā€ she put forth her idea with a slight joke at the end though her expression was very much serious, looking at them both for any input. Momo dropped her bag on her seat as she stood up, jerking a thumb over her shoulder in the direction of the stage. "Great, now that we have an understanding I guess I'll get the ribbon and sack." she said being a bit assertive about it but she did remain standing by them in case they had anything to add.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst Character Portrait: Maya Kenkon Character Portrait: Kumi Midori
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Maya Kenkon

"N-No, we'd kill eachother...e-end of storyā€

ā€œAwwā€¦ā€¦.ā€, the brunette pouted slightly, ā€œWell then maybe he could be the psychotic guy who kills everybody and is one of the last to get killed himself.ā€ Her burgundy eyes were suddenly alight with joy.ā€Thatā€™s would be awesome! He could definitely pull off the role of Kiriyama, though definitely not better then Masanobu-donoā€œDuring the throes of fan girl bliss she noticed that Akira introduced herself, ā€œItā€™s nice to meet you too Akira, besides, you I think you look pretty in the uniform!ā€ Glancing over at Kumi and Silas she couldnā€™t help frowning at the attention she was receiving. She wasnā€™t jealous, hell, she was the one who shot his flirtatious advantages down. But part of her wished that she could wear tight clothes like that, Kumi did look very cute in them. But her father and brothers had insisted on her wearing such an ensemble, custom made long skirt that went a little above her ankles along with a sweater and top that were a made for a girl much taller than her. ā€œ Donā€™t trust him!ā€,she said energetically to Kumi, ā€Heā€™s going to give you Chlamydia just by talking to you.ā€ Her explanation of how Silas was going to eat her up like a demon was cut short as Akira pulled him away. ā€œI think she likes youā€ A grin plastered itself across her features at the possibility of a shoujo-ai romance situation before she rushed off to join her senior ,who was probably glad to be away from her for a few brief moments.

ā€œYouā€™re not getting away from me that easilyā€, she chirped as she rushed to stand beside him, her face glowing with optimism. She gently patted his head like a dog before turning her attentions to the pair in front of her. "I'm his junior " She glanced over at Akira and chuckled at her flushed face, partially glad that she wasn't the only one having difficulties with him. Even though Silas probably wanted her to stay behind she was going to press on no matter what.ā€œYou must be the people who are paired with us. Iā€™m going to save you the surprise and tell you that you may be screwed because Iā€™m a mess in the physical department.ā€ Her smile never faded as she gave them this information, almost as if the fact that they may lose amused her. ā€œBut donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll try my hardest no matter what!ā€,she raised her fist in the air and let out a bright chuckle. Calming down slightly, she studied them a bit before saying, ā€œYou must be Keiā€¦.and you must be Momo!ā€ She immediately latched herself to the female before saying, ā€œWeā€™re gonna be great friends!ā€ She then repeated the action with Kei before introducing herself. ā€œIā€™m Maya Kenkon! And this is Silasā€ She pointed to the pissed blonde, ā€œBe careful, heā€™s going to probably hit on youā€ She shook her head at Momo, mouthing ā€˜Heā€™s bad newsā€™ It was her personal revenge for when Silas had insulted her behind her back, she wasnā€™t dumb even though she acted too happy sometimes for people to consider her smart.

Holding hands youā€™d have a higher chance of correcting one another and this could actually even be applicable to the three legged section as well if followed through correctlyā€¦ does anyone disagree or have a contagious fear of cooties?ā€

Maya raised her hand slightly before saying "No but I'm sure he has more than cooties." She pointed to Silas with a good natured smile adorning her features.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst Character Portrait: Maya Kenkon
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#, as written by Stilts
Silas Fuerst

"N-No, we'd kill eachother...e-end of story. And Kumi, it's my job to protect her from lecherous seniors like our friend Silas here.." "Lecherous? Never." He smirked at Akira; "They always ask me for it." She scolded him, then leaned in, tugging his shoulder down. He bent his head to listen. "One minute you looked miserable, then partially content, I was going to save you, but your mixed signals were confusing. okay, or are you oddly enjoying her company? Nod once for yes, blink twice for no.." Silas chuckled as she pulled away, and gave her a wink. Her concern was sweet, but her faith in him was a little lacking. I have never needed saving. This is all a game. And I play it well. It was a game; this school, the fights... the sighs of lust. Trifles. In the end, what did they garner him? Nothing worth more than a fleeting glance. So what if he messed with their heads? Their hearts? The alternative- the dull, boring, life that his father had fated for his future could wait. For now he was going to live; fast, hard and reckless. He was going to keep running, and not look back. She was joking if she thought a little Junior would be able to get in his way.

Haven't I showed you? Time and time again. ...No one controls me. No one can catch me.

Fate; he'd always been able to dictate it here. Here he was still free. ... For one more year. "Silas, you know for a fact I'm not a guy, they've already figured me out..!" He flashed her a cheeky smile. It was nice. Here with her. She didn't know him, and he didn't know her... but times like these were healing. She was strong of spirit, nippy; a little like that small cat who Brummer, his German Shepherd, had tried to eat yesterday.... Quick and lithe- taunting him from a higher ledge. Ah, KƤtzchen. I am glad I met you. She was one of the few who could walk through his wildfire without getting burnt...

"Kumi Midori. Nice to meet you Silas." "Kumi..." He let the word roll of his tongue slowly. "What a cute name.." Silas felt a hand grab his before he could reach out and take the green haired girl's; "I will GLADLY escort you to Kei..." Akira pulled him away, rather suddenly. "What's this? Running interference?" Look who's jealous~. For you, I won't touch her... Hmh. That's a lie. He laughed, "Well alright Ref." Does she know how hard she is gripping my fingers?... "Too bad, I guess you've got no heroine. The lone hero, all by himself, his handsome figure fading as the wind slowly ages him.." There was a pause, and Akira's strides quickened. "Handsome." Silas repeated under his breath. His eyes did not miss the way she ducked her head slightly, before recovering. ... This has either made things clear... or muddled them. He broke his eyes away from the back of her head, deciding not to dwell on it. A simple comment after all... Words are fickle things. What was that noise? Was she panting...? He looked down at her arm, straining as she pulled him forward. Oops. "You need to lose some weight there mate.." "What are you talking about? I'm not fat." Silas put his hand in his pocket, watching her make a big deal out of being exhausted, lifting up the bottom of his shirt lazily; "What? ...These not hard enough for you?" Cocking his head to the side, he smirked.

"U-uhm my friend here seems forgetful. Hi, he's your partner today, him and his Junior." I'm not forgetful... I just didn't know who he was. Silas' eyes examined Kei. Well built. Strong shoulders, good stance... He glanced down at the boy's hands. .. Calloused knuckles. A fighter. Perhaps a boxer? "Well I am Kei and this is Momo." "Erfreut. Silas." He smiled at Kei, offering his hand, then did the same to Momo. "Hold on..." He turned away, yelling loudly over his shoulder; "MAYA!", Then turned back, an easy smile returning. "My junior." He said simply, gesturing to the approaching girl. "She's clumsy, so she'll need to be... helped." ā€œYouā€™re not getting away from me that easily.ā€ Wouldn't dream of it... Maya patted his hair... On the nape of his neck; Not really being able to reach the top of his head. "I'm his junior. You must be the people who are paired with us. Iā€™m going to save you the surprise and tell you that you may be screwed because Iā€™m a mess in the physical department. But donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll try my hardest no matter what!ā€ She almost hit him in the jaw as she raised her hand enthusiastically.

Annoying little.. ā€œBe careful, heā€™s going to probably hit on you.ā€ Silas sighed. Just what he needed. Though, I suppose my reputation precedes me already...

The pink haired girl, Momo, spoke. Smart. But textbook smart. Everything is different in practice, love. "Holding hands is a good idea." He glanced down at Momo. She's too small... "It would be better one per." He said, addressing Kei. There's no way the girls would survive paired together... especially with Maya. "Who's a faster runner? Me or you?" "No but I'm sure he has more than cooties." Silas smiled tightly, irked, turning his back on Maya purposefully and bent down to Momo to explain; "I'm trying to save you from that, dear. There's no way you'd keep her upright. She's got to be in the sack, as she has no coordination even when walking normally." He smirked. "The question now is, with whom?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst Character Portrait: Kumi Midori
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(OOC: Sorry if it's short and choppy, I'm taking 8 classes now...xD and I slept in tonight/went back to school today)

"I do not!" Akira snapped at Maya's statement about her, "I don't like anyone like that..I have to get my grades up, I don't want to live minimum wage for the rest of my life. I don't have the time for highschool romance. It never ends well anyway.. someone always gets hurt.." she added with a frown at Maya's comment, her face still a dark red. This girl was too observative. Maya, this junior was surely going to be the end of her! Akira turned her attention back to Silas, "You're always so difficult." and she rolled her eyes, "I'm not letting you near Kumi, I thought you could behave, but it seems I never cease to overestimate you Silas." Akira had stopped when he repeated what she'd accidentally slipped out about finding him handsome, "Yeah, so? I was just picking on you. I tend to keep myself at a friendly distance from the wild fire if you haven't noticed.. it was just a harmless compliment." And with that, she rolled her eyes, "You are definitely getting fat." she stuck her tongue out at him, pushing his shirt back down. Akira knew that Silas wasn't fat, but any more embarrassment and she'd end up fleeing to her favorite spot on the roof and Varthur, Kumi and Jack would be partnerless, "Silas, did you ever think some of us could live without being flashed?" she crinkled her nose as if she found it disgusting, slapping his shoulder. What was she doing? She could NOT do this her senior year, it was unacceptable. Silas was her friend, nothing more. Why was she getting so upset when he was flirting with Kumi? It never bothered her when he flirted with other girls. She could not start liking Silas now. She knew what he did with girls, she didn't feel like being the next chew toy, fun for a while then tossed aside like an old shoe. Akira knew that she had to focus on her grades this year if she wanted to get in a good college, so she didn't have time to worry about a boy.

She'd gotten trapped in her thoughts, and she jumped as Kei spoke, Akira nodding at him, "No problem Kei." She smiled sweetly, trying to recover from her previous encounter with Silas. This was going to be a very long year, Maya got her to say something she didn't mean to say at all.. then she noticed the pink haired girl that had caught her attention like a zillion times before today and she smiled at Momo, "Sorry.. nice to meet you as well." she smiled to the pink haired girl, "Seems you got a cute junior too Kei." she added with a grin, "This is a good year."

Akira smiled a bit when she heard Varthur, spinning on her heel, executing it perfectly and swiftly, "Oh, hey, sorry, had to show Silas to Kei, he doesn't seem to remember male faces as much as females." She rolled her eyes, " It's perfectly fine.. I'm sure we'll figure out a way for you to do perfectly fine.." Akira watched Varthur dumbfounded for a moment before reaching out and putting his arms at his sides manually without thinking about it, "Hey, we need to work on a game plan, calm down first, freak out later.. I really understand how you feel right now, but I don't want to lose to HIM." She pointed at Silas and stretched her arms to not be as obvious. When Varthur asked who her junior was, she froze mid stretch and blinked for a moment then pointed at Kumi, "Thats my junior right there, but we're already kind of friends instead of 'junior and senior'." She added with a grin, "Adorable isn't she? Though she might get mad at me for saying that.." then she tapped her chin, "The one running with the ribbon runs by themself right? I didn't understand Mr. Drone that well...he's...eccentric to say the least. " She could run pretty fast by herself, but being tied to someone else is what would drag her down if she did the three-legged-race part.. then she noticed how worried Varthur seemed to be, and she gave him an encouraging smile, "I'll help you with sports if you help me study?" She offered him as well, holding out her hand, "Deal?" she wanted to get to know more people, and seeing as Varthur was smart, he could help her study as she got to know him. It was a win, win situation right?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Varthur Laurence
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"That's it.. I'll be wearing 3 pairs of trunks!" he said outloud to himself, getting paranoid that something was bound to go wrong and embarrassing on a beach full of girls. His frame shivered from head to toe similar to receiving an electric shock or jolt the more he thought about it. He shook his head, shaking the thought bubbles away of endless possibilities. "It'll be fine! It'll be cool!" he reassured himself, stuffing everything in his backpack though it stayed so organised, neat and tidy he could be mistaken for having OCD. He counted his fingers to make sure that he had everything packed before slinging the bag over one shoulder and stepping out of his room bumping into his father. He looked up at the tall man living in his household like a stranger, taking a step back and bowing his head solemnly. "Sorry Mr Laurence." he mumbled under his breath formally, not quite ready to use the term 'dad or 'father' as his hair covered his eyes and the sadness held in them. It was very rare for the two to cross paths in the large estate and when they did, Varthur always felt the most insecure. He looked more like his mother, the black hair and the red-brownish eyes but she had been dead a while already that he was starting to forget her face, if not for a photo frame by his bedside on the table. His father murmured something about running late for work before brushing past the timid boy. Varthur could only wait for the footsteps to be no longer heard as if he were paralyzed on the spot from the very sight of him. He grasped the strap of his bag over his shoulder tightly before turning for the exit quietly not wanting to wake his brother. He had already informed him last night he would be walking to school alone to not miss the bus for the beach outing. His hand gripped the door tightly once more, still feeling unease about seeing his dad before he relaxed and left home to walk to school. His father if he could even really call the man that.. had probably left to work via limousine so he doubted they would cross paths again, at least not today.

He walked slowly with his hands in his pockets, not as lively as he usually was wondering if it would be okay to leave his brother home alone. His dad not really counting as supervision. There's not much I can do anyway.. he thought, gripping the strap of his bag again before moving his head up to look straight ahead. "I'm being stupid.. this is supposed to be a fun day. Don't want to be a party pooper." he said, forcing a smile on his face as he rubbed the back of his head convincingly. He walked a few more streets nearing the direction of the school as he caught sight of someone familiar. At first he had no idea who it was seeing only the back of the head and just had a gut instinct that it was someone he knew. As he neared the person, placing a causal friendly hand on the guy's shoulder, he froze with a sweatdrop immediately removing his hand upon recognition. "Oi Kei.." he said putting a hand up as a wave gesture, acting as if he meant to greet but.. it was just unplanned. He didn't know what to say so he fumbled a little at the attempt at starting a normal conversation like he didn't just randomly touch a dude who punched him the day before... "Packed and ready to.. go go go for the beach?" he said, putting his thumbs up and acting as if they were buddies. He kept up to pace with Kei but was walking backwards with his hands behind his head. A careless move. "So, I hope we're cool now? I've been staying away from.." His bag being carried on just one shoulder was inconveniently moved to the side as his lower body smacked against the school gate. He slimed down against the gate weakly. "Momo... oww..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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Sera was going to enjoy the day no matter what and that wouldn't be too hard as long as nobody really pushed her over the edge and with Momo and Silas around that would be pretty hard because having friends, one of them being an extremely attractive guy, made her less likely to snap. Besides, she hadn't ignored Akira because of Silas, she had ignored the girl because she didn't think they had anything to talk about that would do anybody any good but apparently Akira didn't get the hint. "You don't seem to want to hear it, but for the sake of closure, I'm going to say it anyway, because I want to and won't get over it until I do." Sera turned around as if interested, keeping the look on her face open and friendly but she couldn't help but think that Akira was always doing things because 'she wanted to' and although she hadn't known the girl long it was already a trend. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't make assumptions, because I don't know you, and from the very beginning you didn't seem to want me to either. Accept it if you want. Tsk, Tsk, someone isn't wet enough.." Not that I really wanted an apology but what in the fuck was that? She thinks that is an apology, you have to be joking... And you wonder why I don't really want to get to know you, because you're a self-serving little bitch. 'Oh sorry I make assumptions but you don't seem to want to know me so there' That was how Sera heard it and she couldn't help but wonder if Akira knew that she was so infuriating. Did the girl even realize that she was less than apologetic or that she was extremely jealous?

Sera just sighed to herself, giving a small smile and refusing to speak since she didn't really have anything nice to say to that. Akira just had to push it though and suddenly hit her right in the face with the sea water getting it into her eyes and soaking her. Sera snarled but it was covered because her hands had went up to try and wipe the water away. Luckily she had her hair up so it wasn't plastered to her face but it was unpleasant being hit with a torrent of water randomly. "So no hard feelings~" No hard feelings? Not that I ever had any but saying it like it is a damn order kind of makes me wish I did you harpy... She straightened herself up once she had made sure no more water would be going into her eyes, turning and looking at Akira trying to stay friendly, "Never really had any hard feelings..." She stopped herself before getting to the rest, it wouldn't help anything if she began questioning Akira on the reason behind her actions, it would most likely simply be Silas so she kept quiet, preferring to talk in private if they ever talked about it at all. "No more tension, it's effing suffocating and totally putting a rain cloud over the mood. This is the beach, we can go back to our drama later! It's waiting for us back home. Right now, we all need to just have fun." She couldn't help herself from making snide comments in her head though, because hell, who did the girl think caused all of the drama. She was the reason Kei was angry, she pissed off Momo, Miami, and seemingly half the other people on the bus. God... Don't let this girl ruin your trip as well... Now time to have fun and flirt with Silas some more.

Silas took it much better than she did, he, instead of getting angry or annoyed, got even and Sera caught some of the crossfire as he bellyflopped right into the water, sending water at everyone. Ack, bastard, I know I said we should get wet but this is all so quick, have to have a bit of foreplay first and test the water. Thankfully she was prepared this time, guarding her eyes and managing to shake it off rather quickly before tilting her head to the side inquisitively wondering why he chose a bellyflop to get them all wet. Not that it mattered, he was up and off before she got a word in, searching for someone. Probably looking to see what other girls he can find at the beach. She was surprised when he yelled out Kei's name, not upset, she would be glad to see another good looking guy and especially one Momo got along with so well, she was just worried about the drama that would no doubt be brought to the surface when he came around, unless Akira could actually hold her emotions in check around him and not begin freaking out because of what happened on the bus. She left Silas be as she saw Kei coming their way, trusting he would do what he wanted and most likely try and recruit Kei for their beach group and instead turned to Momo who was using the water to hide, "Hey there, why are you hiding? There is no need, you really do look cute." She said with a smile, wading over to her and offering a hand to help her up, not sure why she was submerging most of her body in the water when they weren't even that deep in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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Akira wiped the water her face after Silas's attack on the three of them, one eye closed, "Man? Yeah, whatever." she rolled her eyes, You sure looked at me like I was a man earlier.. a smirk plastered on her face once the closed one stopped stinging from the saltwater that managed to get in it. She began to chipper up knowing everyone should get their swimming in now, because if Silas kept up with his end of the bargain, they were all going to have a splendid time drinking tonight. Then she decided to have a bit more fun pissing off Sera, "Oh, the real challenge is later tonight, Silas. That is, if you still are up to it." she winked at him, secretly making sure that Sera could hear her. She was avoiding being blatantly obvious, but it was a surprisingly sly move from the shyer girl. She knew Sera didn't forgive her earlier, therefore she was going to subtly taunt her. I gave her a chance for a truce, if she doesn't want it, fine by me. Two can play this game.. "Or are you chicken?" she asked Silas with a devilish smirk and a smooth, teasing tone. When drinking was the topic, Akira was uncharacteristically confident. She knew for her height and weight she was very good at holding her alcohol, taking enormous pride in the fact. She never once had turned down a drinking contest, she wasn't going to chicken out now. actually. Hell, she started tons of them at the after parties the sports teams held. Heh, I can be overly confident right now, by tonight, alcohol will be doing all of my thinking. I won't be embarrassed until tomorrow.

"Why would a girl want to do that, major pain in all the wrong places.." she laughed at him, then tapped her chin, "Unless she's into that kind of thing.." she'd heard something about people who liked pain and those who liked recieving it, but she wasn't too familiar with the technical terms. See, this is fun at the beach.. even if I ended up falling into a jealousy game with Sera, it's so far still all in good fun. She opened her mouth to tease him about offering to rub his stomach for him, mostly to get another ruse out of Sera, but she instantly closed it back, her jaw tensing when he yelled for Kei. Idiot! I should fucking drown you right on the spot! She resisted the urge to let her eye twitch, the battle was agonizing, but eventually Akira managed to pull her expression under control. She did however swim closer to Silas and lightly shove him before Kei got anywhere near them. She allowed her hand to rest on his arm weightlessly as she leaned towards the tall blonde's ear, lips nearly brushing it as she whispered so no one else could hear, " I'm not going to tell you when, and I haven't decided how just yet.." She began in a kittenish tone, she wanted his mind to toy with her words, so she left room for his imagination, not caring for once in her life about her own personal space as she continued, " but I do know that I'm going to make sure you pay for bringing him over here.." Her cheeks were flushed with a faint pink shade, fortunately it was barely noticable considering their location and the heat of the sun beading down on them. She grinned at Silas and swam a safe distance away, not giving him a chance to retaliate. Heh, eat that tough guy, you're not the only one who can be brave now and again. Maybe Mizuki was right, this is a lot more fun, though my heart is about to explode out of my chest.. did I sound nervous? I hope that looked and sounded cooler than I felt!! She decided to cool off her nerves, even though her poker face was legit. She was itching to begin what she set out to do in the first place! Akira let herself fall backwards on the water, as if it were a bed behind her. Within a few seconds she was peacefully floating on her back. This is relaxation..

When she noticed Momo's look of anticipation at her, she just shrugged to the other girl, smiling reassuringly, mouthing 'I'm going to behave' to her. She decided she just wouldn't talk to Kei, she didn't want to start more drama, and she wanted to calm down from her out of character flirting. It was nerve wracking, but she had to make him see her as a girl, not as one of the guys anymore. If she waited too long, Sera would definitely win with minimal effort. She is gorgeous.. as much as I hate to admit it. If I do have to talk to Kei I best keep it short, sweet, and to the point. I don't want anything to do with him. She was not used to getting yelled at by a guy, maybe her coach, but that was constructive criticism, Kei was the first guy to really shake her off balance, and she wasn't feeling forgiving. I'll collect sea shells all night if I have to. She laughed at the thought of pulling an all nighter, but she was seriously considering it, "I tap out on Chicken. Not my kind of sport.. besides, I am looking forward to renting a jet ski.. Does anyone remember where that shop is? Do they still have it?" Akira winked to the group in a friendly tone. She was decent with them last time they came to the beach and she was itching to do it again. "I'm sure Sera would oblige to be on your team though Silas." She couldn't believe it, but she actually gave Sera a few Silas points. Though, that was only because she didn't want near Kei, it was a good chance for Kei and Momo to bond, and if Silas caught on to her previous flirty attitude, hopefully it would confuse him that she was blowing off a chance to be near him. She continued floating on her back. This was perfectly executed in her opinion. Just pretend to play match maker. It's fool proof Akira, confuse the hell out of Silas, and if this approach fails in the end, you can move on with no regrets! Kei and Momo like I guess I am doing them a favor. Everyone wins I suppose.. except for Sera if all goes well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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Although Sera wasn't quite sure, when Akira started talking she was being even louder than usual and there were only two reasons people increased the volume of their voice, one was if it was loud and they needed to be heard and the other was when they wanted to be heard by someone else and since it wasn't really loud Sera could guess her motives. "Oh, the real challenge is later tonight, Silas. That is, if you still are up to it." She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the most likely purposefully vague comment and refusing to allow the girl to get to her since it was obvious she was trying to do just that, or Sera was paranoid and it had nothing to do with her. She couldn't say it wasn't a bit annoying though, jealousy wasn't really her thing and if Silas flirted and such she would be bothered even if they were together because hell she knew as well as anyone that it was just kind of instinct, but having some two-faced girl try to get a rise out of her did piss her off a bit. I honestly don't think I did anything to that damn girl except be around Silas, apparently that was enough. "Or are you chicken?" The second line reassured her a bit, nobody would call a man like Silas chicken for anything of a physical nature, especially not someone like Akira who knew him so well. With that Sera turned away, not going to allow Akira to influence her attitude on this trip, even if the girl wanted to be manipulative and nasty, she wouldn't play that game, she knew that game never ended well from experience and to be honest she had never been a fan of pointless fights.

As she ignored whatever else Akira had planned to draw her attention, Sera realized her offered hand to Momo was getting a reluctant look from the girls and she wondered if maybe Momo's bathing suit had snapped or something similar, so she looked down but couldn't see anything wrong if there was something. ā€œIā€™m really embarrassed about something and donā€™t want you guys to see. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t trust you Sera, itā€™s just really embarrassing and I know itā€™ll make me blush.ā€ You just make me more curious when you say it like that. I feel like I should search until I find it just to make you blush. Of course she reprimanded herself in her head, she didn't want to be flirting with everyone, besides Momo still wasn't very good with her joking and teasing, she didn't want to make her uncomfortable. Momo waved to Kei and Sera decided to try and reassure her, lowering herself into the water next to Momo. "You know, the best thing about friends is even if they tease you about it they do it in good fun and once it is over, it's over. I am sure whatever you are embarrassed about won't be as big a deal as you think. Besides, if there were ever a time to allow people to laugh something off it would be when the knight in shining armor was here because I doubt Kei would let people make fun of you..." She paused for a second, glancing over at Silas and then to her friend, "But if you want to stay in the ocean all day, I will stay with you." She said, turning with a small smile and enjoying the water against her skin. Sure she wanted to spend as much time as possible with Silas but there was always time for that, hell she could make time later.

"I tap out on Chicken. Not my kind of sport.. besides, I am looking forward to renting a jet ski.. Does anyone remember where that shop is? Do they still have it?" Chicken hmm... Haven't played that in awhile. Would have been so much more fun to go against Akira in something resembling a sport, I could have taken out my frustration in a constructive manner and still get all the satisfaction of beating her. "I'm sure Sera would oblige to be on your team though Silas." Sera looked over at Akira and shrugged, she would play but she really didn't care whose team she was on, flirting and playing a game were two different things, not that she couldn't do both. She knew if they played she would be with Silas no matter what, because honestly she couldn't see Momo getting on top of him in any fashion, they would kill each other. She looked over to Momo from the water right next to her, "What do you think. Does whatever you're embarrassed about allow for fun and games?" Her tone was genuine, she had been serious when she said she would stay in the water with Momo so she would only play if Momo did and well if she didn't they would figure something out even if they had to invent a new game or simply float around all day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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(I will go back and do my editing, gotta go pick up my new pair of if it's sloppy, I'm sorry! I will fix it when I get home!)

Akira's grin returned at the stereotypical remark about british, shrugging a bit, she did like tea. Maybe I will have some today, go back to drinking your deer blood. Ha, that is actually the silliest rumor I've heard about alcohol actually.. do people actually think putting blood in a beverage is legal? "You're not the only one who has been to their fair share of parties Silas." She warned him with an innocent smile. She wasn't the wild type like he was, but she was the drinking type. She kept her confident front about her although she knew she'd lose, at least to Silas, but why else would a girl challenge a guy to something? It was a form of masochism, they want to lose. She replayed the previous encounter of whispering in his ear inside her head over and over again, trying to be certain it was properly executed.. she wasn't accustomed to this, so she had to be sure she didn't fumble somewhere. It went rather well, for her first time taking Mizuki's advice at least. She'd never really been that close to him since she'd finally came to the conclusion that she liked him. Well, she never initiated the close contact until now. She found it amusing that he at first didn't catch on. Do you really consider me that unlike a girl? She closed her eyes as she pretty much ignored the entire conversation between Kei, Momo, Sera and Silas. She'd accomplished what she'd wanted, out of the corner of her eye, she coyly watched Silas's confusion unravel before her eyes. Good, finally someone got dethroned for a moment. She smirked a bit as his expressions were like a slideshow on repeat inside her head. This reaction was priceless..

Hmm, how should I punish someone like Silas? Tsk, tsk. I'll have to go ask Mizuki for advice.. Devone would be an excellent help at the moment, but she'd never do something to help me, so that's out of the question. I wonder..would it make Mizuki feel awkward if I asked her for that kind of advice? She looked up at the blue sky, trying to search through her brain for good ideas, but none came. She knew she'd eventually come up with something so she merely shrugged it off. She would think further on it at a later date. She smirked at him, rolling he eyes. For someone so flirty and promiscuous you can be fairly dense Silas. She normally would have gotten irritated with him, but this approach seemed much more effective. The thought brought a smug grin to her features as he lingered on what happened earlier, trying to untangle her mixed signals. Silas, you actually surprised me, you're stuck on this a lot longer than I expected.. Hah, if I knew that would be so effective I'd of tried it much sooner, though I guess a bathing suit added onto the effect. Akira didn't give Silas direct eye contact until after she pushed herself upright, wading in the water when she began to get replies about the Jet ski's. She shrugged a bit, "I guess I'll have to go look for them.." she mused out with a sigh, it gave her an excuse to leave. An excuse to plot her next steps, to possibly get a bit of advice from Mizuki and it was a chance to escape being around Kei.

She tensed when Kei replied to her, looking over to him for the first time since the arguement on the bus. Why does he have to know? I hope he doesn't think this makes everything better. A mental whine slipped through her thoughts as she kept her expression under control, only the initial shock that he was helping her slipping through. She was simply enduring him, having to look at him just made it that much harder. After the helpful cues, she nodded at Kei, breaking eye contact and rubbing the back of her neck, "Thanks." She replied back awkwardly, the best she could manage at being civil. She wasn't embarrassed, nor did she even check him out. Unlike her blonde friend, Kei's physical appearance didn't even catch her attention. She waved to Momo, a kind smile upon her features before she turned her attention to Silas, looking the blonde over one last time, "I wasn't joking by the way. It's best for your sake you remember that." She smirks, her tone wasn't chipper or bubbly. You're going to take me seriouisly, one way or another. Even if I lose to Sera, you're going to acknowledge me before I give up.. "I meant what I told you..and now I think I have a few ideas." after reassuring him that she intended to carry out with the threat she'd whispered to him previously, even after pushing Sera figuratively at him. How does cosplay sound Silas? I'm sure you'd look a lot better in a cosplay collar and cat ears rather than a real collar.. but how to make it really embarrassing is the question.. A photoshoot of the process? Maybe just the process of struggling to get him in it would be enough.. I'd have to do it myself after all.. she thought to herself as she parted ways with Silas, Momo, Kei, and Sera, heading back towards the sand, beginning her quest to find the Jet Ski's if they were still being rented out to students this year. Before long, she disappeared in the distance towards the way Kei pointed. She really was fast, especially when excited to find something.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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ā€œStay in the ocean all day? Of course not.ā€ Thank goodness, I would do it but it wouldn't be fun and it would be hard to act sexy with pruned skin. ā€œWeā€™re going to have fun today. Thanks for that Sera.ā€ Sera turned and looked at Momo with a soft smile, "Of course, I will make sure of that." She just watched as her friend seemed to light up at the mention of a game, she seemed that way with basketball, she was much more athletic than she looked, most likely more athletic than Sera, she just had height. She wanted to have fun with her friend so none of that really mattered, not that she would let anybody beat her but no hard feelings, it wasn't her style. She smirked as she watched Silas and Kei talk, they both seemed like they were itching for a game of some sort and Chicken seemed to be the one Silas most wanted to play. She could kind of guess why but it was a fun game, she had played a few times before and she found it to be a blast, especially if you played a bit dirty and ripped the bra off of the opposing girl. Of course that was only at the bigger parties where she and usually everyone else was a bit drunk or when the girl was a complete bitch and deserved it, not that she would do that if she were against Momo, she was too sweet to do something so awful to. It would be funny to see the innocent girl flopping into the water, not in mean spirit but she could just imagine the look on her face if Sera won the game of chicken. The addition of a punishment was interesting as well, it added another aspect to the whole game. When Kei agreed she began to think about the things to get Kei and Momo to do when they lost, assuming her and Silas could win. She looked over to Momo and back to Kei, it couldn't be anything weird, they were both too innocent to make kiss or anything of the sort, it wouldn't be funny, of course if she maneuvered herself onto Kei's team and they won she could make Silas kiss Momo which would be hilarious but once again cruel and unusual punishment since Momo really didn't like Silas. I won't subjugate her to that, I can think of some sort of dare and I am sure Silas has some ideas since it was his clever idea.

"Up to you," Sera looked over to Momo wondering if she was game to play some chicken, she could see it not being her favorite game, she was already nervous being so minimally clothed in front of guys, having to sit up upon a guys shoulders, even someone who seemed as respectful as Kei would most likely be hard for her. Sera wouldn't force it upon her but she wouldn't mind playing as long as Momo would do it with her, Akira already said she didn't want to do it and Sera was not about to ask her to, she didn't want to play a game with Akira, especially not chicken... She was one of those girls whom Sera may 'accidentally' rip off some clothing when facing. ā€œLetā€™s do this!ā€ Sera smirked, "Well there we have it, looks like it's game time boys." She said with a smirk, standing up from her position in the water. ".. I wonder who would win. Momo or Sera?" I don't really care who wins, it will be fun. "I bet Momo will win, Sera is too tall, will be hard for her to keep balance on your shoulders." Oh, my height a disadvantage in a game where pushing your opponent downwards towards the water is the goal? We'll see about that. ā€œI will win!ā€ Sera turned with a smile, good to see her friend excited. ā€œI have to go against Sera?ā€ ā€œAre you okay with that?ā€ Sera leaned in close, "I wouldn't have it any other way, now try your best and may the best one win." She walked past Momo towards the guys, grabbing her hand as she did and dragging her along. "Alright boys, let's get this show on the road."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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"Sera and I against Kei and you." Sera looked at Silas with a smirk, it would be fun to be partners with him and it seemed only right to be paired up with him, although she wouldn't have minded getting a ride on Kei's shoulders, that would mean Momo and Silas would have been together though and that would have been wise. There was always the option of putting little Momo on her shoulders as well, that would have been fun simply because seeing either Kei or Silas on the others shoulders would be hilarious and definitely a disaster. Thus this was the best pairing, Momo with her kind Senior Kei and Sera with her sexy replacement Senior Silas. "I like your tat. It's cute." Silas' next words grabbed her attention, making her look over to Momo in search of whatever he called a tat, sure it would be super cute on Momo and not wanting to miss such a thing. Silas didn't give her time to search for it, grabbing her hand away from Momo's and practically dragging her into deeper water. Not that she minded being dragged away by Silas she would have just preferred to see the rumored tattoo first. She pouted a bit as she turned back trying to get a last minute glimpse but not exactly sure what she was looking for, unable to find a tattoo but chances were she was looking at the wrong spot. When she was too far away to search for the tattoo she turned to Silas pouting a bit, "I wanted to see the tattoo..." She muttered, not terribly upset when she thought about what they were about to do but still slightly disappointed that Silas got to see it when she didn't. "Ready?" With a wink he brought her good mood back and she reluctantly smiled, "Of course I am ready, I just hope you are." She went up behind him, one leg going over his shoulder and helping her to get the rest of her up and it wasn't too hard, she was quite flexible and he was pretty low making it easy.

Once she was up on his shoulders she felt hands clasp down on her calves and she looked down at him, watching as he rose out of the water. She looked up and towards their 'opponents', listening as Silas seemed to challenge Kei. "Hahah! Come on, Kei! Es kann losgehen!" Silas bounced her up and down causing her to squeeze her legs a bit in surprise, not wanting to fall off, of course it hadn't been needed, he had a hold of her but it gave her a fright. She re-situated herself as Kei and Momo got ready, she climbed up on his big shoulders and got fired up, ā€œBring it on.ā€ She was going to be tough competition, Momo was ready for battle. "Hear that, we're going to win, hope you're ready." Apparently Kei is ready for battle as well... Even then he is quite soft spoken. Sera figured it was time to fire up her competitive side, leaning down to speak to Silas, figuring her would be able to keep his balance. "Hey, we have to win, can't let those two have all the glory, besides I want to make them do something awesome." One of her hands went down and brushed Silas' cheek, "Besides, maybe I will let you give me an order if we win as well, as extra motivation." She said with a smirk, not joking at all, though she had a slight feeling he would ask her to do anything she really wanted to. She simply wanted to motivate her partner if he wasn't already motivated, if they won she could make sure Momo got to spend even more time around Kei and even if she was wrong about Momo's crush it would be good for her in terms of getting use to being around guys, she was always a bit more reserved and her true side if she let it out was so much brighter, Sera had seen it at school and it was coming out a bit now, it was cute. She straightened back up, her proposition to Silas being made and smiled, "I am not letting you win so easily Momo, you'll have to earn it!" She yelled playfully, continuing with a playful and very gentle grip on Silas' hair, "Getty up" She said in a soft teasing tone, her eyes going to Kei and Momo, flirting and planning her attack simultaneously. She was skilled at multitasking, ignoring everything else and focusing on her two tasks.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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Silas just couldn't let her win for once, Sera could flirt but he always had a retort, he never let her catch him off balance and she really wanted to. If anything she was the one being pushed back on the 'flirting front' as he squeezed her legs, though it didn't do more than bring a smirk to her face. "But sugar... I couldn't possibly ask for anything more than having my head between your thighs..." Well played Silas, well played. I won't give up, I will get to you eventually, I am not afraid to open pandora's box, I will make you take some interest in me. She was resolute, she would make him react in more than a teasing way if it was the last thing she did. "I'll stay upright, the rest is up to you." Back to serious matters, or at least as serious as she could get during a friendly competition, Sera looked straight ahead, choosing to keep herself focused now as the time to go forth in glorious combat approached and with a little ushering it was time, Silas replying to her jest with a few words, "Yes Ma'am.." and moving towards Kei soon after. She couldn't help but look at the other team as they approached, Kei was a big guy, not just tall but he had a build that made it all too obvious that he was an athlete and an exceptional one at that, then there was Momo who didn't look as big and strong as Kei but from what Sera saw not long ago with basketball, she was a decent athlete as well. Not that she felt disheartened, that was half the fun, the other half would be winning the match and the bet. "Ready?" Sera was not one to be terribly patient in times like these where she took most nothing seriously, bucking a few times as they waited to stop herself from voicing her wishes and telling him to just charge.

Then it happened, Silas charge in and made his move and while it didn't end up like she expected, and probably not how Silas expected either, the battle was joined. It quickly became obvious how this was going to go down though, Kei and Silas were both relatively big and there was no way Silas could throw weight around to take down Kei without some serious luck being involved, that meant it was up to her and she was going to have fun butting heads with her new friends, she wouldn't give up and she was knew Momo wouldn't, a good battle it would be, not matter how short or how long it would be brilliant. "Lose your top there, babe?" Sera was so concentrated on winning that even when she heard mention of a girl without a top she didn't turn her head, though she would have liked to get a view of something or at the very least see if Silas was for real but she had much more to worry about. She moved her hands out and leaned in a bit, moving to push Momo off of Kei's shoulders with all her might, not wanting to hold back at all not even from the start because if she wanted to win ending it quickly would be the best option. "You should wear it, Bishop..." Imagining the other cute blonde in a bikini does not help my concentration... But I refuse to lose, I want to win the bet... She wasn't the only one having a hard time, Silas was having his own struggle below her and that just made her push even harder, her long arms moving to try and knock Momo off balance with renewed vigor, her competitive side knowing it would only be an insult to go easy on her friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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Just as Akira approached eyesight of Silas, Sera, Momo and Kei.. she smirked. You gotta risk it to get the biscuit, right? She laughed at her favorite quote aloud before speeding up her jet ski above plane speed, grinning as the wake of the water became less tranquil. When the ski hit a wave it sent the ski airborne just enough for the trick. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.. She took a breath and thatā€™s when she took the chance. She pulled backwards on her ski, resulting in her ski preforming a single backflip in the air. She spent her whole beach time on the ski's last year trying to perfect this, so she was really risking it this year. She only landed it once the year before. Just as she was upsidedown she took a moment to glance at the others. It's going to be great to see the look on thir faces.. She thought, gaining a sense of amusement from the thought before sticking the landing, creating a huge splash. For a moment it was questionable if she'd crashed or not to the others from their distance. However, after a few moments, it was clear she survived the trick when she whipped her jet ski around once it submerged from the water. She shook her head, wiping water from her eye before moving her ski towards the group's direction. She had a terrible, wonderful idea. Just a few short feet before driving into the crowd with her ski, she whipped around to avoid collision, however she put one of her feet out of the jet ski bucket, gripping onto the ski firmly before letting her foot in the water. When this was acheieved, it was followed by the other at the same time she'd cut the corner, creating a huge spray of water onto them before quickly boarding her ski again properly, one foot at a time, cutting the engine and grinning at the group, ā€œYou gotta try this before we leave.ā€

If it wasn't for the bikini, and honestly the surprising figure which no one could've guessed she had, she would definitely classify as a male. Her whole personality clashed with most girls. She just couldn't relate. She wasn't one to sit and talk about her feelings. Most of her expressions were through actions if she wasn't pissed. She knew she probably pissed more than one person off with her stunt, but it was a gesture meant to be all in good fun.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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"Hear that, we're going to win, hope you're ready." Momoā€™s confident grin widened at Kei; her now partner in crime.. er chicken get enthused too, believing almost anything was possible with the right mindset. Kei seemed to move around a bit in order to achieve a good balance and Momo did her best to adapt to it. If they were going to beat Sera and Silas, they would have to triumph together in sync; as a team. "Let's do this." Kei smiled up at her with a raised fist and she copied with the same amount of determination. She was confident in her own abilities, being pretty stubborn. Whenever she found something difficult, she would wear herself out till she got it right hands down no sweat. Sometimes it was a worry how hard she could overwork herself but that was a part of who she was in nearly all activities be it studying and mind work or something more physical like sports or handy work. Sheā€™d achieve her personal best until there was not a breath left in her small body. Although she didnā€™t know her senior well enough, she was sure he was built for stuff like this, for physical activities. He did seem pretty tough looking at first impression, further supported by the way he punched Varthur with such ease and force. According to him, it wasnā€™t even his best shot! Yeah weā€™re going to win! she thought without a doubt, still grinning to herself with the same passion written in her eyes since the very mention of the game. Kei started to align himself causing her to refocus as he helped her stay steady. When ready and prepared both Keiā€™s and her own eyes locked on the opponents across from them in the water. She still hadnā€™t found anything embarrassingā€¦ yet. She just wanted to win and if being on someoneā€™s shoulders, in a swimsuit, being held onto was the requirement for the challenge? Then so be it, they had to play fair. No second thoughts as she wanted to win AND get revenge on Silas killing two birds with one stone so losing wasnā€™t an option.

"I am not letting you win so easily Momo, you'll have to earn it!" Sera yelled over at her making Momoā€™s face blank innocently for a moment, not expecting her friend to openly challenge her. Her face easily returned to its competitive, focused look though. ā€œSame goes for you Sera..ā€ she replied still ever so politely before her eyes were set ablaze as she mumbled with her head lowered: ā€œI hate losingā€¦ā€ in a very serious tone, her hands gripping onto the ends of Keiā€™s shoulders. It could be considered her ā€˜dark sideā€™ depending on one how looked at it. Sometimes her determined expressions may appear a bit threatening compared to her normal and usual expressions.. but she would never play dirty or cheat in a game as it was against her general principles and morals. She really hated losing though.. sheā€™d beat herself up over it and train until she mastered the sport just to never lose again. She snapped out of her daze as the opponents drew closer, her hands gripping on Keiā€™s shoulders right beside her thighs a bit more with sharpened eyes. I am not losing to you.. I am not! She seemingly glared onward as Silas crouched when the two teams were brought face to face. "In drei.... Zwei.... Ein!" Momo didnā€™t understand whatever language he was using but since it was a game, it was easy to identify as a countdown. Her hands all the way to her shoulders tensed. She had to be prepared for the inevitable pushes and shoves otherwise sheā€™d lose her balance all too easy. That much she knew.

Kei and Silas were locked in position as she felt her weight shift forward. This is it.. She lifted her head upwards, her pink pony tail whipped furiously behind her in the sudden movement just as Sera reached out to initiate the so-called battle. Her eyes widened as the arms outstretched towards her. Momo blocked her friendā€™s hands from getting too near her, raising her arm up diagonally in front of her chest. She waved her arm a bit to fully block to avoid getting gripped somewhere else that would cause more instability. Even then though, Momo could feel it.. Sera was applying all her strength into that first single push and the ones that followed after. Hold on Kei.. Momo thought, her eyes still ever so sharp as her arm strength versed Seraā€™s for a moment. She had been so concentrated; she hardly noticed the chatter going on around her between Bishop and Silas until the final line. "Good luck with your match... and whatever you guys do... Don't look up." Donā€™t look up? Huh? Think about it later! She easily concluded, going back to the fight at hand. Think about Aikido basics.. be alert to front, sides and back and leave no vulnerable opening. Check..

Splash! Momo was drenched but she remained immovable, having remembered to be alert and overhearing a sound similar to that of a motor... engine? She hadnā€™t come around to studying mechanics. She refused to turn her head, her eyes set on Seraā€™s and leaving Silas to Kei. She would not allow herself to be easily distracted in case that was a tactic. ā€œYou gotta try this before we leave.ā€ she recognised Akiraā€™s voice and it left her puzzled. She knew we were here playing chicken so that mustā€™ve been on purpose. I donā€™t get it though, left then came back.. then splashed us all again when weā€™re in the middle of something? she continued thinking a bit annoyed at the unnecessary distraction but with less than half of her focus, the game being her top priority as she kept her arm up to block attempted shoves. She must really be competing with Sera for Silasā€™ attention.. canā€™t even give us a moment here! Momo thought with a bit more irritation as she finally stopped blocking, allowing Sera to grab her arm and using her other arm to attack from under to whack both of Seraā€™s arms upwards at the elbows, hopefully catching her off guard. Momo was a very tolerant person with few exceptions like womanizing and other deeds that could harm others and Akira hadnā€™t done anything harmful.. but it still annoyed her nonetheless trying to focus on winning and being disrupted like that. It was just essentially bad timing. You should have just joined in on the game instead of showing up like that if you really wanted to spend time with us. Momo thought, still not moving her eyes away from the competition as to not give them a chance at any opening.

If this was a real fight, Iā€™d be using my opponentā€™s strength against them.. Iā€™d have Sera apply all her strength and weight on me then jump back allowing her to lose balance on her own. But this is a teamed kind of battle.. just going to have to wait for an opening or make a move.. but Iā€™m so impatient! she figured, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before slinging that arm out again to grab Sera.. anywhere she could manage to grab and doing something a bit unexpected. Instead of pushing her friend backwards like Sera had been doing and what sheā€™d seen the other group before them do, she was pulling Sera towards herself. I hope Kei can understand what Iā€™m trying to do.. if this works out as planned, Either a) Sera falls forward as I pull her along with Silas hopefully or b) she fights back by pushing herself backwards desperately enough to fall as well.. again with Silas hopefully or c) None of the above work as planned.. sigh Momo thought trying to be strategic. They are tightly together, Silas has a good hold on her.. so I really hope he falls too when we succeed!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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ā€œSame goes for you Sera..ā€ Before the battle had begun Momo had been as polite as ever, just being herself, but when it started she turned into a very competitive girl, a girl that Sera knew she was going to have a tough time defeating. Sera had reach, sure because she was tall, but Momo was doing a rather good job of blocking her and making sure she didn't get a good grip and all she could do was keep trying because she really didn't want to lose. It was odd as they faced down, the few times they met she realized Momo was actually pretty strong for such a small girl and if they went head to head it would be interesting to see who would win. That wasn't what Sera planned to do even if it would be interesting, it was too risky, instead she would rather wait for an opportunity to strike, try and end it with a strategy over brute strength. As the battle raged on there was a slight interruption, water hit all of them, a large splash and from the noise it was obvious what it was. It wasn't obvious who until she heard the voice that was frankly starting to make her irritated, ā€œYou gotta try this before we leave.ā€ And you have to try not pissing me off at least once before we leave... She didn't turn to face Akira, mostly because even with the interruption Momo was still coming strong but also because she didn't feel like starting anything. Besides, she had done well so far and she wanted to try and get through this entire trip without losing her cool. It did seem rather inevitable if she thought about it due to the fact that it was obvious Akira liked Silas and pairing that with the fact that Akira seemed to really dislike her made her feel like eventually Sera would have to have a few words with her in private, lay it all out because she didn't like the way it was going down. Even then I refuse to have a shouting match. I just hope she can keep control as well.

Sera took a deep breath, taking a small moment to gather herself and make sure that she didn't miss a chance at victory because she was irritated, that wouldn't be fun at all and it was no way to go down. Even as she continued to push it was beginning to seem like they weren't getting anywhere, she was pushing and shoving at Momo who seemed to be blocking but not being able to launch a successful counter. That was until she got a hold of Momo, a smirk spreading across her face at the idea of victory. She almost immediately felt Momo's arm come up and hit her under the elbows, an interesting move and it did catch her off-guard but because of her arm length her elbows were still bent making it easy enough not to let go even when they were hit, her fighting spirit skyrocketing as she thought that maybe Momo's plan had just failed. It didn't stop Momo from getting a grip on her as well, turning the match into a true battle as both of them tried to knock the other off balance. Sera decided to use her full height and limb length to her advantage figuring it could make a difference since it was coming to a straight up head to head match since it seemed down below Silas and Kei were just having a bit of fun and letting her and Momo fight it out which they were. Momo was pulling her forward, causing a bit of confusion but really just making her come up with a plan, sure being pulled forward was not great but it wasn't as effective if you thought about it. Unlike going backwards or to a side if you go forward it is easy to keep balance because of your partners head and the fact that the body is easy to bend forward. Not to mention I am extremely flexible... Let's see if you can handle my counter.

As Momo pulled her she retaliated, straightening her arms a bit, but still keeping a slight bend in case she tried the same move twice, to make it so Momo had to pull her the farthest distance and would have to lean really far back and as she did. Sera just leaned in with her as she did that, hoping to cause as much difficulty as she could for her friend. She hoped that Silas could keep a hold on her as she initiated another part of her plan because her next action could be a bit hard to keep balance with. She took a deep breath and then pushed at Momo some more, trying to get her to lean as far back as possible, hoping she would continue to pull, and then without warning just let her go and ripped away, trying to get free from Momo's hands and if possible leave her in a very unbalanced position. Sure this could not work but as long as Silas could keep his balance Sera had some degree of confidence in her abilities, she was flexible and had a great sense of balance, she just hoped Momo would go down and she would win but she knew unless she completely went down that her new friend wouldn't give up and would just keep coming at her and who knew who would come out the winner at the end of it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Momo Yakamoto Character Portrait: Sera Katoshida Character Portrait: Kei Takeda Character Portrait: Silas Fuerst
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0.00 INK


Not that chicken wasn't fun but it was turning in to a very hardcore battle and more competition than game and she blamed it on not playing dirty since that was pretty much the way this game was meant to be played, ripping off other girls clothing or getting in and really just ripping them off their partner. She didn't want to do that to Momo though, especially not the clothing but honestly she didn't feel like getting nasty at all so it was turning into something odd, just them pushing each other and countering, not enough to end it quickly. Momo especially didn't seem like she wanted to lose though and there was only one real purpose she could think, she didn't really want to lose the bet portion to her and Silas, definitely a good reason not to give up before Momo was getting to know her and the kinds of things she would do with such a power. She smirked, oh well she would just have to have with it, some do or die type thing the next time Momo attacked, she would rely on Silas to keep her up and play to win. Momo gave her just the opportunity to go ahead and give it her all, apparently her friend had stopped caring for strategy or caution as well and was throwing blow after blow against her and looking at it was quite humorous, maybe cute in the way an overly serious little kid was cute because of the way she was putting her all into it without any of her usual reservation. Sera simply let a few of the blows hit her, moving her body with them just a bit to reduce the force and make sure none of them really hit her hard enough to knock her off of Silas and hoped it would slow for even a moment to give her an opening. Of course Momo showed no signs of stopping or slowing her flurry of blows as she continued and that meant Sera had to act regardless. So without further hesitation she leaned in and took one of the blows, grabbing Momo securely with both hands and with all she had she flung her body to the right, trying to throw Momo off of Kei's shoulders as she did. It kind of backfired, she felt herself slipping off of Silas and his grip seemed lax, not to mention she had thrown herself off balance which was not a good combination and she was headed towards the water. She tried to keep her grip on Momo as she went down though, hoping to at least bring the girl with her but not knowing if she had as she splashed into the water.

Well I can't entirely blame Silas if we lost, I was kind of reckless... Hope I at least pulled her down with me. Sera stayed under the water a minute, not thrilled to go above water in case she hadn't managed to drag the pink haired Momo off of Kei's sturdy shoulders and instead chose to enjoy the water for a moment and just let herself relax. It had already been a fun day, minus the bus ride, and all they had done was chicken fight on the beach. Back in England she had fun, hanging out with friends and her sister but she had a different kind of fun, less chicken fighting and hanging out and more trouble, one of the reasons she got away, a 'new start' and she knew it was going to be a good one, these people didn't seem to care if she was wealthy, nobody had asked which was nice. Yep, she could just be herself and so far everyone save Akira seemed to be fine with it. Tch, I don't even want to think about her right now, only happy thoughts... Sera couldn't hold her breath like a fish and not wanting to scare anyone by staying down too long and she would need air eventually anyways so she rose up from the water and stood up to her full height. Water was dripping from her hair, apparently the band she used to tie it back had come undone leaving it matter her skin and she immediately pushed it out of her face and got it re-situated. The water didn't just get her hair of course, it also glimmered on her skin and she stretched her body out a bit, a habit to show it off, a smirk on her face, she might have lost but she looked good doing it. Yea it's a bit narcissistic but it makes losing not be as bad. She rationalized. It was only when she was up and ready that she looked over to Kei, wondering whether or not Momo had come off with her, at one point hoping to see nobody on Kei's shoulders and celebrate her mix victory and loss, but also not really caring if she was up there victorious, Momo deserved it. Besides she couldn't help but think that at least they were both rather innocent, the bet wouldn't be bad at all if she had lost, of that she was sure.